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T: Penny? What? Is that you? Is that a new shopping cart?

UNIT P: Yes. It’s OK on the street, but it’s not good for the stairs.

4 T: Um, are those groceries?

P: Yes! Are those groceries in your bags, too?
T: There was no food in the fridge! Here, let me. I can help.
P: Thanks.
4.14 CD 2 Track 31 T: Oh, no! That’s a lot of food. I also bought meat, bread, milk, and
vegetables from the supermarket. And coffee.
Page 38, exercise 3 P: Oh, coffee! Good. I don’t have coffee. Well, it’s a good thing our
refrigerator is empty!
P = Penny
T: OK. I can cook dinner after my shower.
P: My day is usually long. But, I have a great job at Learning Curve. I like my P: Well, what’s on the telly? Mmm. Crisps!
job a lot. But I don’t really like food shopping. This is my routine. I always
get up at seven. Then I have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast and
a coffee, and I start work at 9:00 a.m. I don’t like the Underground in
London or the subway in New York, but sometimes I take it. I usually
walk to work. Anyway, I have a flatmate, um, a roommate. This is our
apartment. Her name is Taylor. She’s from the Midwest and she works at
a gym. Taylor has a car. It’s great! She drives everywhere. On Thursdays,
we usually go shopping after work together. Today is Wednesday, and
Taylor usually works until 7:00 p.m. When she comes home, she’s tired,
so she has a shower and then we cook dinner. She’s in the bathroom
now. But this morning? There’s no food in the fridge and nothing to
eat! And Thursday is tomorrow! Look. Coffee! This coffee is $7.99. That’s
about six pounds sterling. That isn’t expensive. Food shopping in New
York isn’t easy when I go on foot. I shop at three or four stores because
we don’t have a supermarket in our neighbourhood. Then, I carry the
food up 39 steps to our flat. This is why I’m tired today. At 6:00 p.m., I
said good bye to Ethan, my co-host, and then …

4.15 CD 2 Track 32

Page 38, exercises 4 and 5

S1 = salesclerk 1, P = Penny, S2 = salesclerk 2,

S3 = salesclerk 3, T = Taylor
S1: Good evening!
P: Hello. Uh, how much is the chicken?
S1: A whole chicken is $8.79. But a half chicken is $4.79.
P: OK. I’d like a whole chicken, please.
S1: Alright. Here you go.
P: Thank you!
S1: Ah, change! You’re welcome.
P: Bye!
S1: Bye bye!
S2: Hello.
P: Hello. Can I have two pounds of this white cheese and a half pound of
cheddar, um, the orange cheese, please? And a box of that salad? How
much is that?
S2: $17.15.
P: OK.
S2: Here you are.
P: Wow! That’s thirteen pounds sterling. That’s expensive. Thank you.
S2: Thank you!
S3: Hello.
P: Hi. How much is it for that small shopping, er, trolley, er, I mean, cart?
S3: $20.
P: OK. Um, do you have it in black?
S3: Here’s one in black. $21.77 with tax.
P: OK. Thank you! Here’s $22.02.
S3: Here’s your change. 25 cents – a quarter!
P: Thanks! Bye. OK. Just one more shop and that’s all the groceries. $44.07
for all these groceries. That’s good! OK. I have everything now. Time to
go home. Wow, this is, urgh! Urgh! This is so heavy!

A1 Beginner 1 Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018

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