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Call to Enjoin
NOTE: Test microphone before speaking.
Good noon Ladies and Gentlemen, please be at ease and be comfortable as we are about to start
now our lunch reception.
Let us begin this celebration with a prayer. Let us all stand and put ourselves in the presence of

Opening Prayer
Almighty Father, Today we are witnesses to the Love shared by ZOREEN and CHRISTINE we
thank you Lord for giving us the opportunity to spend the abundance of love manifested in the
maturity of marriage.
Lord, we seek your guidance and protection, comfort us and free us from any harm. At the same
Lord we invite your presence to light the path of ZOREEN and CHRISTINE as they journey
together in their new lives. Prepare them Lord in your blessed altar the matrimony of living
together no matter what will happen in the near future. Give them the wisdom and the serenity of
their hearts as we partake with them today our prayers for a wonderful life. This we ask you
through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Welcome Address
A wonderful noon to everyone and welcome to ZOREEN and CHRISTINE Lunch Reception.
We had just concluded the solemn part of the newly-wed couple’s nuptial. And for those who just
join in, Welcome! And so, here we are at the Feguro’s Residence for the lunch reception for our
newlyweds in celebration of the beginning of their new life together. So sit down, relax and
enjoy the rest of the hours as we make ourselves present today together with them.
I am JROSE FAY M. AMAT, I had been given the task by the newly-weds to be your emcee for
today. We thank you all for giving your precious time in this blissful occasion especially to those
of you who have made yourselves present today with us. in behalf of ZOREEN and
CHRISTINE, I would like to express their unfathomable gratitude for your availability in giving
yourselves to them. Indeed! it is a wonderful pleasure to have you all today, sharing with the
newly-weds this very special moment of their lives.

MARRIAGE is the ultimate union of husband and wife. And the center of it is LOVE. It is love
that serves as a creative driving force in order to attract two persons of different personalities to
stick together, to understand each other, and to live with each no matter what, no matter how.
This is the magic of love.

As i call your names, please stand for a few seconds so all our guests can recognize you. Ladies and
gentlemen, it is with great honor and gratitude that we now introduce to you the young at heart and spirit, the
gracious and generous, the principal sponsors:

Mr ______ & ms ________

Mr ______ & ms ________
Mr ______ & ms ________
Mr ______ & ms ________

Ladies and gentlemen, our most distinguished set of principal sponsors. A round of applause! Thank you sirs
and ma’ams, for taking time out to be with us.

Parents of the Newlyweds

At this point in time allow me to acknowledge the important persons in the lives of the newly-
weds who have been the strong pedestal to hold them together.
Let me start with the parents of the bride Mr. Carmelito F. Feguro and Mrs. Evelyn L. Feguro
A round of applause please.
And of course, we are truly happy to have here with us the Parents of the Groom, represented by
His brother, the ever- supportive__________________, a big hand please.

And now, may i request everyone to turn your attention to the parade of the wedding entourage.
(candle sponsors)
Mr. Edgardo Patron and Mrs. Mary Grace L. Patron
The pair that lit the paths of groom and bride

(veil sponsors)
Mr. Joemark P. Pareja & Ms. Analene A. Pareja
The pair that clothed groom and bride

(chord sponsors)
Mr. Marjhon R. Antatico & Mrs. Jenelyn T. Antatico
The pair that bound groom and bride

The groomsmen and bridesmaids: refer to the invitation

Mr. ________ & ms.________
Mr. ________ & ms.________
Mr. ________ & ms.________

The handsome best man and the beautiful maid of honor who assisted the couple in their needs: refer to
The best man: ________ the maid of honor: ________
Today calls for a grand celebration and it is my distinct pleasure to introduce them to you for the
very first time tonight as husband and wife. So without further ado, let us all rise and give our
warmest welcome to mr and mrs Antatico
Game: different form of affection para sa imung asawa so before mo maka anhe dria sa
atubangan inyuha sang pagabuhaton ang ginapabuhat sa brides maid ug groomsmen dili mo
kalampas unless dili ninyo buhaton ang ilang gusto.
(couple enters)
First pair: HUG (10 seconds)
Second Pair: Kiss sa noo
Third Pair: Kiss sa nose
Fourth pair: kiss sa lips (20 seconds)
Fifth Pair : Bitbita ang bride padulong sa atubangan

Thank you very much…let’s all be seated now. Truly, this momentous event marks a milestone
of two hearts beginning a beautiful lifelong commitment.


And now we would like to clear the dance floor for everyone except our bride to have this special time with the
first man in her life. May we request for Mr.Carmelito , the father of the bride, to approach his daughter for the
father and daughter dance.”
(dance for 15 seconds)
Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for the father and daughter dance.
(bride’s name).


Dili ni basta basta nga sayaw kay pangwarta jud ni please groom /chuchu please palayo sa kay tintin ..
bulag sa mo kadali para makakwarta ta ani bahini rku unya ..

ladies and gentlemen…. find your purses and wallets … it’s now time for our money dance where you will get
your chance to financially bless our couple.
our maid of honor, best man and coordinators … will be standing here to you may approach them and they will
hand you envelopes and safety pins where you can put 500 bills and 1000 peso bills… and you can attach the
envelops to the sash they are wearing.”

Prayer Before Meals:

Well I guess the food is now ready and lunch will commence shortly. Let us Pray :
Dear Lord, we gather in this place in a spirit of celebration and gratitude. Thank you for
the blessing of bringing ZOREEN and CHRISTINE together in marriage today. We ask
you to bless their marriage, their family, and all of their relationships. Help them stay
strong in any adversity, and to treasure and protect the joy of marriage. May we, as their
family and friends, commit to uphold and encourage them to the best of our ability.
Please bless this food we are about to receive, and let this reception be an honor to You.
In Jesus' name. Amen.

So there you have it ladies and gentleman. Lunch is serve. Please enjoy it.

May we request the couple to proceed to the cake’s table… ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention
to the cake cutting tradition…
The husband and wife will put their hands together to slice the cake.
The two hands moving as one with one purpose, symbolizes that the two will work in unity to reach common
goals for their shared future and their life together as one.
The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple’s willingness to fulfill each other’s needs, creating a bond so
simple and yet so strong…


To symbolize and celebrate the blending of your two lives into one, i invite you to perform the wine ceremony.
The arms of the couple will intertwine as they drink wine.
This ceremony represents your two individual lives, now intertwined; combined like the two glasses wine into
one single life. The drinking of the combined wine signifies the commitment you now make to live your lives
as one family. May you remember this day of commitment you have sealed with drinking of the new wine
joining your lives as one.
Dove Release
May I request the newlyweds to please come forward for the dove release.
The dove symbolizes purity in faith and in spirit. A Dove is always seeking comfort to his/her
mate, that’s why it entails the efficacy of love beyond the aging of time. It epitomizes the
freedom of reciprocity and patience in seeking their hearts desires.
Let us now observe the couple as they set free the dove, cushioned on it their dreams and
aspirations as they journey life together beginning today and the years to come.
I think, ZORREN AND CHRISTINE are now ready. At the count of three release the dove.
Ready when you are. One... Two... Three... and... off they go!!! Wow! That was awesome

Table Hopping for Souvenir Pictures

At this juncture the newlyweds would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone
personally for your presence. They will be going to each table to personally thank you and to
have a pose for the picture taking. At the same time, some members of the bridal entourage may
now do the chance to distribute the give-aways and I would like to request also the Maid of
Honour to distribute the tokens to both our Principal and Secondary Sponsors. So stay put where
you are while waiting for them.
After the table hopping for Souvenir pictures the Newlyweds are requested to also have
their picture taking with their Parents, Relatives of both sides, Principal and Secondary Sponsors
and with their friends out there.

Well Wishes from Family and Friends

At this point let us hear some words of wisdom truly experienced by the well wishers to be
instilled in the minds of the couple. What their parents and godparents would say about the newlyweds,
well let us hear it personally from them. Let us first call on the Mother of the bride

Thank you very much ma’am I am pretty sure that the couple will have something to reap
in your brewing ground of experiences. And now we would like to call on the Brother of the
Groom, Mr. _______________- to say a few words of wisdom to our newlyweds.
Thank you very much Sir. We have just heard the messages of the parents of the Groom
and Bride. This time let us take the opportunity to hear some words of wisdom also from our
Principal Sponsors.
1 Male Principal Sponsor and 1 Female Principal Sponsor
Thank you very much Sir and Ma’am for your inspiring insights. For sure ZORREN AND
CHRISTINE will have something to reckon as they journey life together and beyond.


A bouquet of flowers will be presented to the single ladies. Each will get a flower from the bouquet. The lady
with the special stem wins. It depends on the coordinator — the special stem could be the longest stem, the
shortest stem, a stem where the bottom part is colored using pentel pen.

Retrieval of the Garter

Before we go on with the Garter Toss, the groom is requested to retrieve the garter from his
bride. So may we request ZORREN AND CHRISTINE to please come at the center stage and
do the garter retrieval ritual. Groom goes under the bride and take the garter off of her leg using his teeth.
The bachelor gets the garter and puts it on the bachelorette’s leg.

(A chair is brought onstage for the bride to sit. while groom kneels down at the bride's feet ready
to retrieve the garter)
Ladies and gentleman the groom will now retrieve the garter from the bride.
(Groom retrieves the garter from the bride.)
There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the groom was finally able to retrieve the garter. Let us
give him a big hand.
Garter Toss
Ok it is now the gentlemen's turn and we will now do the garter toss. May I now request all the
single men to please come forward for the Garter Toss.
Gentlemen please take your place behind the groom and be ready to catch the garter. So is
everyone ready? At the count of three the groom will throw the garter and again we request the
audience to participate in the countdown.
Ok ready when you are guys. One….. Two……Three…… and it goes !!!!

Matchmaking Ritual
Congratulations Sir. May I have your name please.
Thank you Mr. ___________, Friends lets give this gentleman a big hand.
There we have it ladies and gentlemen. Finally we have found a perfect match. Soon to be the
next bride and groom (tickle with a crack of joke)
So this time we will request Mr. ________________ to put on the garter to Ms. ____________.
(Lady takes a seat while gentleman puts the garter on her.)
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Our new lovely pair, Mr. __________ and Ms. _______.
Thank you Mr. _______ and Ms ________, Let us give them both a round of applause.
The newlyweds will now pose with our lovely new pair.

Opening of the gifts

*smallest to biggest
Message of Thanks from the Newlyweds

This momentous celebration has almost come to an end but to the newlyweds it signals a new
life for them, a new beginning and a new hope. May this moment be a moment of wonderment
and happiness as the two, PIPS and CINDY LOU will start living together as what was ascribed
in what a Christian family expects to manifest. It will not be complete without listening words of
gratitude coming from them. So at this juncture let us have the newlyweds to say some words of

Closing Remarks
Ladies and gentlemen we have just concluded our program but let us first take this opportunity to
thank the _________________________________- for the sumptuous food and the wonderful
accommodation and services that they offered us here. And of course a word of thanks also to
our photographer who gets the perfect snapshots for our couple and our poses as well and to our
cameraman, for the footage. And again thank you everybody it has been a great day with you
all. God bless.

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