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T he Role Playing Game


andrei subbotin (Order #20353992)
Version 0.8

Designed By
Andreas Walters
Edited By
Scott Vandervalk
Carol Darnell
Nina Sulcova
Art by ROLE PLAYING GAME and it's content are
©2019 Metal Weave Games.
Eka Pramudita Muharram Artwork in this project is copyright by Metal
Weave Games INC & Heart Machine LLC.
Publish by ©2013 Heart Machine LLC.,
HYPER LIGHT DRIFTER and it's logo are
Metal Weave Games trademarks of Heart Machine LLC.
All This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of
Contributions the material or artwork contained herein
is prohibited without the express written
Ben McFarland, Kyle Carty, permission of Metal Weave Games. This
product is a work of fiction.
Megan Tolentino, For more information visit us at,
Mysty Vander,

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Echoes of a dark and violent past resonate across a torn and sundered landscape. Venturing
outside of your sanctuary lies a savage land, steeped in ancient lore, treasures of old and the
blood of the unlucky. Around every corner lurks danger, from the vicious and warped creatures
that will feast on your flesh, to the hidden hazards that will crush the frail bodies of the unwary.
You are a Drifter, one who ventures into the ancient ruins collecting forgotten knowledge, lost
technologies, and broken histories.
Hyper Light Drifter: The Roleplaying Game (referred to in this document as Drifter) is both
based on and inspired by the popular award-winning video game, Hyper Light Drifter created by
Heart Machine.
Known for its beautiful 16-bit visuals, its open-ended storytelling and rewarding-to-master
combat, we are happy to bring the evocative world of Hyper Light Drifter to your table..


This is a playtest document only, not a complete game, and the elements of the game are still in
development and open to change. This document outlines the various aspects of the Hyper Light
Drifter video game that we plan on focusing on when creating Drifter.
Once the playtest concludes we will replace the playtest with the Drifter: Basic Rules for anyone
who would like to access or play.

You can also access the basic rules on our website

Thank you for checking out the Hyper Light Drifter: The Roleplaying Game Playtest Document.
Please feel free to leave us feedback about the game and its development on our community
forum or in our Discord at the #Feedback channel.

~ Andreas
andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 3.

GETTING STARTED fighting. In most tabletop RPGs, this role is

also known as the gamemaster.
We really appreciate that you’re looking
Everyone else in the group takes on the role of
to take Drifter for a spin and have a good
a character. Like in a video game, you create
time with your friends. Many of you may
and control a unique individual in the world
be unfamiliar with tabletop role-playing
of “Hyper Light Drifter.” This character is
games (also referred to as tabletop RPGS
yours to control and customize as you see fit,
or TTRPGs) or perhaps even with “Hyper
from how you appear, identify, talk, act and
Light Drifter” and we want to make sure we
react to things in the world. You get to interact
prepare everyone for their journey outside the
with the world, characters and creatures the
narrator puts before you. In other tabletop
RPGs, this is known as a Player Character, or
RPG? Be sure to not always leave the role of narrator
Tabletop role-playing games (also shortened to a single person, it’s important to switch
to TTRPG or TRPG) are cooperative story- things up every once in a while. Take the
telling games where you and your friends get initiative and become a narrator yourself! It
together to tell an interesting story. Unlike helps improve you as a player and makes y
video games, you are free to interact and
explore the world as you see fit, no invisible THE WORLD OF HYPER
walls will hold you back. In many tabletop
RPGs including Drifter, dice are commonly
used to determine the outcome of an action The world of Drifter is a broken one, from its
which would yield an unknown or interesting past, its environment all the way through to
result. This could be trying to sneak past some its people, scattered across a landscape filled
bladebots, convincing a sanctuary guard to let with ruins. Only now has the land begun to
you by, or attacking your enemies. Otherwise, heal, but the scars of the past remain.
you have the creative freedom to tell any kind What is known is that there was once a past
of story, fight any adversary, or explore in any civilization who was technologically advanced,
direction you see fit. You are constrained only experimenting in artificial intelligence, space
by your imagination. travel, robotics, and biological science. Today,
Game Roles they’re known as the Librarians. At some
point lost to history, a struggle took place and
There are two types of roles for those they all mysteriously disappeared; leaving
playing tabletop RPGs: the narrator and the behind them vast networks of facilities,
characters. Both work together to create a ruined buildings, and derelict ships drifting
dynamic and interesting story together. through the skies and seas, filled with various
One member of the group is the narrator. If machines, creatures, and horrors to wander
you are the narrator, you are responsible for the overgrown remains.
describing the environment and deciding
the consequences to the players’ actions. You
provide the framework of the story, creating a
canvas that unfolds for you and your friends.
You roleplay the unique and diverse cast
of characters and locations, whilst making
decisions for the actions of various adversaries
against whom your friend’s characters will be

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
such as dice rollers, maps, and character sheet
Touchstones information (some of these also have video/
Here are some inspirations for use when audio conference features).
researching other kinds of settings with If your group can’t find a time to meet,
similar elements to the Hyper Light Drifter have no matching schedules or are in wildly
universe different time zones, a great option to play
Media: Nausicaä Valley of the Wind, Castle in would be play-by-post: a fully text-based
the Sky, Evangelion solution. There are several programs such as
Video Games: Torment: Tides of Numenera, RPGCrossing, MythWeavers, GamersPlane
Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War, Bastion, and RPOL (we’ve even heard groups use
Diablo 2, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Discord as a central text-based system). How
Secret of Mana, it works is much like a forum; the players
make rolls and declarations, then after a set
Tabletop Games: Numenera, Symbaroum, period, the narrator makes a post, reacting
Trudvang, Dragon Age, to the events and continuing the story. It’s
important to maintain a consistent schedule
WHAT YOU NEED in checking and updating, otherwise it’s easy
A Group of Friends to forget and have the group fall apart.

To get started, you’ll need at least one Dice to Roll With

other person to play; this is a cooperative Dice come in various shapes and sizes and
storytelling game and thus you’ll need it’s easy to get confused telling them apart,
someone else to bounce ideas off and interact or extremely excited to collect them all. In
with. We recommend trying to get a group of Drifter, we use a 20-sided die, sometimes,
three to five to form your gaming group. this is referred to as a “d20” with the number
Time and Place distinguishing how many faces the die have.
We recommend that everyone have their own
Every time your gaming group gathers to play,
dice, however it’s not necessary. When your
we call that a session (but you can call them
character needs to perform a skill or action
whatever you’d like). Typically sessions last
where the outcome can have an impact on
anywhere between 3 to 5 hours, this may vary
the narrative direction, you will be asked to
depending on the availability and playing
roll a d20. Typically, the higher the result, the
preferences of your group.
better. Once you’ve rolled, you’ll have ways to
If your group lives near each other, it’s modify the result of the roll.
common to meet up at one of the group
members' residences. However, if where you Character Sheets
live isn’t a good or safe place to play, you can Each player will have their own character
always meet up at other locations. We’ve seen sheet and use it to record all the essential
groups be highly creative regarding where they information about your character, including
play, from coffee shops, local game stores, the their character name, background, traits, gear,
park, to private rooms in the library. If your abilities, ingredients, and other things that
group is separated or meeting locally isn’t may be tracked over the course of a campaign.
possible, online play is totally an option as
well. Character sheets are available on our website
(, but sometimes
With online play, you utilize your webcams a sheet of paper and pencil is all you’ve got.
and microphones and an interface of sorts to Some people prefer using a computer (be
facilitate your game. Many will use Google it an app or spreadsheet) to track all the
Hangouts, Discord and/or Skype to set up a information. We don’t have a bias one way or
conference call, so that you can see everyone another as both are perfectly good options.
at the virtual table. Then you can utilize
virtual tabletop setups like Roll20, Fantasy
Grounds, or Astral to provide visual tools

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 5.

Tokens Game Style & Setting
There are a few things that you need to GAMEPLAY BALANCE
keep track of in Drifter, including Health, Does the game involve social problem-solving,
Intervention Points, and your Energy political maneuvering, curious exploration,
Pool. Although you don’t need a token for hack-and-slash action, high intrigue, or a
everything, we highly recommend having resource-intensive survival in a harsh land?
something physical to track Energy and Will the game be fast and furious action, bleak
Intervention Points as these see frequent horror, or interpersonal drama? This isn’t a
adjustments as you play. This makes complete list, and there are so many ways to
bookkeeping easier and helps to improve the play, but it's important to know what your
flow as you play. friends want to play.
For tracking your Energy Pool, we like to use One way to do this is to have players mark
glass or plastic beads and for Intervention a triangle, which balance between the three
Points, we prefer to use coins. If you don’t corners of Social, Combat, and Exploration;
have these specific objects, you can substitute this way you can see to what degree people are
and use nearly anything, from pieces of paper, looking to interact with these core aspects.
keys, pins, and even small treats ( just be sure This helps the narrator figure out what style
you don’t eat them all). of game and overall storyline will best fit what
Scratch Paper or everyone else wants to play.
Sometimes you need to draw a map, take Sometimes you want to experiment with the
notes, sketch a creature, illustrate a puzzle, mechanics, play a new class you made, limit or
or catalog the adventures of the party. It’s add character options, or even utilize third-
always helpful to have some paper handy. As party content. These changes or limits are
presentation tools, some narrators prefer to considered house rules, and every group will
use graph paper, or whiteboards. These are likely have their own implementation and
great tool for drawing up the combat board or version of their own house rules.
showing relative environmental distances (and Perhaps as the narrator you want to change
whiteboards being easy to erase is also handy). how death works, or perhaps remove the
energy cost from actions? Perhaps you’re a
SESSION ZERO player, looking to use a new class you saw on
Before everyone jumps in to embark on a popular blog or from a separate sourcebook.
an adventure, it’s important to make sure Sometimes blanket rules are okay, but
everybody is on the same page. This is done ultimately make sure everyone at the table is
to make sure that everyone can collaborate in okay with the rule before making characters.
the same space, with the same expectations This way, the players won’t be surprised when
of what the campaign will and won’t explore. the narrator tells them they can’t use that
This is known as “Session Zero,” providing awesome class they found online.
the group with the opportunity to create their Here are some general house rules that we’ve
characters and agree on the shape, style, and seen used in other tabletop RPGs that you
tone that everyone wants to play. Some groups may be able to utilize, but do what works for
may have figured out many of these sorts of you and your group.
details from previous games they’ve played,
but when starting out with new players or EXAMPLE HOUSE RULES FOR
starting a new campaign, it never hurts to CHARACTER CREATION:
reestablish these things with the group. Below
The rules listed below are commonly used
are a few discussion points that a group can
during character creation, as it’s what the
bring up during a Session Zero.
players need to know since it can directly
affect how they build their characters. New
mechanics and alternative rules would not be

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
included in this example list, but nevertheless, index card with “X” written on one side and
it’s good to get everyone’s mutual agreement placed in the middle of the table. If a person
when deciding on house rules. feels uncomfortable at a given point, they can
• Core Book +1: This means you can only tap or pick up the card to indicate that they
use content from the Core Rulebook are uncomfortable with the current situation.
and one other official supplement. When this happens, the group skips the
section and moves on, be it a player talking or
• Only Official Content: This means the narrator describing. If you’re confused as
you can only use content created by the to why someone used the X-card, its best to
publisher. ask them after or outside of the group but be
• Approved List: This is a list of sure to respect their space and privacy.
products, publishers, or creators on
which everyone agrees can be used for Table Manners
their characters. Now we know what kind of game we’re
playing, let’s look at the rules of the table. We
ARE THERE ANY CONTENT have no say in how you play your games, but
SENSITIVITIES IN THE GROUP? these are a few things that are worth keeping
When the world is in ruins, it’s easy for in mind when setting up and running your
oppression to take form in its various shapes. sessions.
Although it might make for an interesting
story, many people have experienced SESSION ATTENDANCE
oppression and abuse first-hand and have When and where will sessions start? How
no interest in reliving it at the table. This will the time and location be decided? What
might not be an issue for you, but it may happens when people are late or no-shows?
bring unpleasant memories or experiences And what if people need to leave early? What
for someone else. Similar sensitive topics to happens to their characters, and does the
consider would also include sex, intimacy narrator continue with the story?
and sexuality, physical and mental disability, ELECTRONICS
harassment, and even abuse in its various Are cellphones, tablets, and/or laptops okay
forms, just to name a few. to be used at the table? What happens if they
One way to go about checking what content become a distraction for members? A bit of
is okay or not with your group is to have each thoughtful etiquette can go a long way.
player define their Lines and Veils. A line is
a literal "hard line," meaning that it is not FOOD & BEVERAGES
okay for a particular topic or action to emerge Can food and beverages be on the gaming
during gameplay. One of your friends may not table? If the group orders food, how will
wish to engage with any content revolving payment/repayment work? What happens if a
around claustrophobia; this means, as a fellow book is damaged? What about washing hands
player or narrator, its best to not include before handling books? (Especially after eating
such descriptions or depictions during the – don’t want pizza hands on a nice book!)
session. Full stop. A veil is something that can ALCOHOL
be mentioned or glossed over, but the player Is it okay to drink alcohol at the session?
prefers that the group does not go into detail Much like food, who’s paying, or is it bring
on such topics. One common veil, for example, your own? What about excessive drinking?
is sex and sexual encounters. Between What can the group do if a member gets out of
characters is okay, but the scene might “fade hand?
to black” after indicating that such a thing is
taking place. OTHER SUBSTANCES
Is smoking or other methods or substances
THE X-CARD allowed at the table? What about smoking
At any point that you, as either a player or outside?
narrator feel uncomfortable, we recommend
using the X-card. The X-card is simply an

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 7.

to the fun of the group. If you want conflict
Creating the Party between characters, we recommend frenemies
CREATE CHARACTERS or some level of mistrust between the
When going through the character creation characters (but only to the extent where
process for your game, chat amongst the group cooperation and being on the same side is still
to see what ideas you have and how they may a worthy endeavor). 
fit in the “Hyper Light Drifter” universe. It's CHARACTER ASPIRATIONS
important to know that group composition Think about what motivates your character.
does not matter. If more than one person What goals are they trying to achieve? This
wants to be a Wielder, that’s totally fine! could be a communal goal for the party, or
There’s plenty of creative room to allow more personal objectives for your character. 
than one of each class in a group. 
It’s particularly worth discussing character
personalities or establishing a niche for your
character in the group. The group might
not quite work if there are two hardened
axe-wielding Warriors who survived the
destruction of their sanctuaries – your friends
may inadvertently steal the spotlight from one
another. Instead, if there are two Warriors
in the group, consider how each may be
distinguished from one another. Maybe one
Warrior is a staff-wielding pacifist who only
tries to avoid fighting, whilst the other stylizes
themselves as a veteran hunter of beasts
wielding a savage blade.
In Drifter, your character joins with others
(your friends) to form a party and embark on
the same storyline and quests together. There
are different ways to go about bringing all
the party members together. Sometimes this
can be done before the game starts, in which
during character creation you can establish
why you are traveling with your friends
before you begin. Or, perhaps the narrator
intends for the party to meet as a part of the
first session, then it would be good to figure
out how your character, and everyone else’s,
ended up in the same location?
If you’d like, your character can have some
backstory with another party member’s
character, making them more than just mere
strangers. Perhaps the two characters are
related to one another, perhaps one character
worked with another player’s character in the
past, or maybe two of the characters once had
a run-in with each other? Make sure any sort
of conflicts between player characters are not
too aggressive, since that could be detrimental

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
This Page




andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 9.

Before you can embark on your journey, addition, you will have a few resources at your
you first need to create your character. You disposal, including Boosting, Dashes, shared
are a drifter, one who goes out beyond the Intervention Points, as well as your allies who
safety of the sanctuary and seeks out history, may be able to help you out.
technology, challenges, or something else. If The three thresholds are as follows:
you’re not the narrator, you create your own
drifter and customize and represent them as FULL SUCCESS
you see fit. If the result is equal to or above the relevant
Discipline. This means you were able to
BASIC MECHANICS perform the desired task with no negative
The rules of Drifter are quite simple, but consequence to your action.
before we dive into the character creation SUCCESS AT CONSEQUENCE
rules, let’s go over the basic mechanics and If result is 9 or above, but less than the
get a sense of how Drifter is played. This way, relevant Discipline. This means you were able
as you proceed into creating your drifter, you to make your intended result, but something
will have a better idea on how the game can happens that complicates the scene or events.
emulate your ideas. Some adversaries may have coded effects for
OVERVIEW this threshold, also known as a Retaliation.
• All actions cost energy, and your ability FULL CONSEQUENCE
scores reduce their energy cost. If the result is 8 or less, you fail at performing
• If you don’t like your roll result, you can the task. Though you may have failed at the
boost your roll, spending energy. task the story continues to move forward,
• Once you roll, there are three this is known as failing forward, allowing
thresholds: Full Success, Success at you to complicate, or increases the drama
Consequence, and Full Consequence. and tension of the unfolding event. Some
adversaries may have a Retaliation for this
Actions threshold. A great way

The rules are mechanically simple, as it allows Energy Pool

for a theatre-of-the-mind style of play. If there Energy is a valuable, self-replenishing
is something you want your character to do resource. You will need to use it well in order
that requires a bit of skill to succeed, or its survive as you explore the dangerous ruins.
outcome can lead to an interesting result, the Every action has an energy cost which is
narrator will ask you to make a skill check. mitigated by your ability score, and to a lesser
A skill check involves spending energy and degree, skill specializations, or knacks.
rolling a d20. Once you’ve rolled, you’ll need
to interpret the results. There are three WHEN TO SPEND ENERGY
thresholds that will decide the outcome of Remember: Checks require energy, saves do
your action. To achieve a Full Success, you not.
need to meet or beat your relevant Discipline. Checks are actions which you want your
There are four main Disciplines that cover character to take, while saves are a reaction to
all the skills that you use in Drifter. During situations, attacks, etc.
character creation will have a number of
points to distribute across your Disciplines to
represent your capabilities in those skills.
It’s important to note, that not achieving a
Full Success, is not the end of the world, and
you haven’t technically failed the task. In

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Example of a check: When you RUNNING OUT OF ENERGY
choose to explore an area with your If you take an action that drops your Energy
[Awareness] skill, the action would Pool below 0, you must make a [Resolve] or
cost you 2 energy. But, depending [Fortitude] skill save to remain conscious after
on your relevant ability score–
in this case, Insight–the energy the action concludes. Full Consequence leads
needed to afford the action may be to falling unconscious, while a Full Success
reduced. will keep you on your feet. If you roll a Success
at Consequence, you won’t be knocked out.
However, with each subsequent attempt
to remain conscious, the difficulty for all
Example of a save: You're tapping thresholds increases by 2. That means, instead
your way through an ancient of rolling an 8, you must roll a 10 or above to
underground structure. It's dark, avoid a Full Consequence.
uncomfortably quiet, with only the
footsteps of your party to break If you run out of energy, you may go into
the silence. Suddenly, a thundering energy debt. In this case, you will spend points
noise rattles the earth! Before you from your Negative Energy Pool. The amount
know it, the ground you stand on of points you have consists of the sum of
parts into a gaping abyss. your Nerve and Grit score. Spending negative
In this case, you will be asked to
make a [Reflex] save, which won't energy only increases the difficulty to stay
cost you any energy. However, you conscious for all thresholds by the amount of
may still use your energy to boost points you choose to spend.
an unsatisfactory roll.
Once you fall unconscious, you are unable to
take actions until you are above 0 energy.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 11.

RECOVERING ENERGY info), your respective Grit and Nerve boost
Outside of combat, 3 points of energy are scores dictate how much each point of energy
recovered after every major scene and adds to your roll result.
encounter, while a full rest nets you 6 energy. GRIT
During combat, you may use Buy Time and • Vigor: Represents a character’s raw
Heal actions to recover some energy in a strength, from lifting and moving
pinch. Utilizing the [Forage}, [Cook], or [Heal] objects, to the ability to arm wrestle an
skill allows you to find or prepare consumables opponent, or resisting poison as well as
to replenish your energy. physical damage.
Attributes • Swiftness: Represents a character’s
Characters in Drifter have four ability scores, hand-eye coordination, their speed,
broken down into two Boost categories: Grit reflexes, and ability to evade an
and Nerve. Each represents a different facet adversary’s attack.
of a character’s capabilities in that given area.
Grit covers physical actions, including Vigor NERVE
and Swiftness, and Nerve covers cognitive • Insight: Represents a character’s
actions, including Insight and Presence. reasoning, their ability to analyze and
solve problems, and their capacity to
Performing an action requires a certain recall and retain information.
amount of energy, an amount that is
potentially reduced by your ability score. If • Presence: Represents a character’s
your ability score reduces the cost of an action strength of personality, charm,
below 0, you do not gain energy. Instead, the empathy, social skill, and their ability to
remaining points get added as a bonus to your influence others.
roll at a rate of 2 to +1. However, if your ability
score is negative, it will instead increase the Boosting a Roll
amount of energy needed for that action. If you’re not happy with the outcome of a roll,
you can choose to spend energy to improve
For example: Your character lifts your result. This is known as boosting a roll.
a blast door. This requires you to Each skill is associated with an ability score,
use the [Lift] skill and your Vigor which is broken down into two categories:
ability score (which is 4). The
action itself costs 2 energy, but Grit and Nerve. Both have a boost score that
your Vigor score reduces that cost determines how much each point of energy
to -2 energy. As the bonus works on improves the result of your roll.
a -2:+1 ratio, you gain a +1 on your
die roll. In case your Vigor would For example: You have a Nerve
be 3, it would reduce the energy of 2, and make a [Reflex] skill
cost, but not add a bonus to the check, rolling a 6 with your die.
roll. Normally, this would mean you
receive a Full Consequence. You
Most people dwelling in sanctuaries typically decide to boost your roll to get
have an ability score ranging from -1 to 2. a Success at Consequence, but
Individuals with higher ability scores are to do so, you need to improve
your total result above 8. With a
exceptionally rare and represent the best of Nerve of 2, two points of energy
their communities. Drifters, however, tend are needed to boost your roll to a
to develop higher ability scores due to their total of 10, giving you a Success at
various expeditions, while interacting with Consequence.
various cultures and people provides them
with knowledge that cannot be attained by
those confined to a single sanctuary.
Intervention Points
Intervention Points are a communal resource
Your two ability scores, Grit and Nerve, are that can be gained and spent in a few different
your Boost scores. When boosting your roll ways, from activating your class features to
with the use of energy (see Boosting for more rerolling a bad check.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Starting Intervention Points: We
recommend starting the pool with a number Dashes
of points equal to the number of people at the As drifters, you have scavenged and
table. repurposed scraps of old hyper light
Points at the Table: We advise using a technology for your own uses, including your
physical object (token, coin, pins, buttons, etc) Dash Module, a gadget that allows you to zip
that can be placed in the middle of the table across battlefields within the blink of an eye.
(or on screen) so that everyone knows they’re Each class has a different use for their Dash
available. Module, allowing for both defensive and
offensive maneuvers. Dashes may be used
USE - REROLL twice per encounter, and are replenished once
Likely the most common use of the the encounter or scene ends.
Intervention Points. If you’re not happy Dashes may be executed either as actions or
with your roll result, you could spend an reactions during your turn, and cost no energy
Intervention Point to make a reroll. In to activate.
addition to this reroll, you are also guaranteed
that the worst outcome you can get is a Succeed Each class may choose between two class-
at Consequence. specific types of dashes in addition to the
classless "Last Second" dash ability.
USE – CLASS ABILITY Last Second (Dash | Reaction): Use to dodge
Each class has their own unique way to spend an incoming attack. The damage is nullified,
Intervention Points. and you may move one tile.
Warriors: Allow some characters to gain the
first strike in combat. Experience Points
Wielders: Can find a useful piece of Librarian Also known as Bits, you will find them
technology. throughout the world, discovering treasures,
accomplishing tasks or defeating adversaries
Versifiers: Can recall a legend or useful and challenges; bits are a currency that serves
information about an area or person. as both money and experience points. When
Explorers: Can create a safe space to rest, you rest at a sanctuary, you’re able to spend
recovering extra energy and Health. your bits for character advancements and
Players may choose to downgrade their roll
outcome (such as Full Success to Succeed at
Consequence, or Succeed at Consequence to Full CHARACTER CREATION
Consequence) to add an Intervention Point to
the pool.
The Narrator can add an Intervention Point to SELECT TRAITS
the pool by invoking an Intervention. This is a CHOOSE A KNACK
complication that the narrator is adding to the
scene to increase the tension or action.
If the Narrator feels it's appropriate, they SELECT TALENTS
can add an Intervention Point to the pool PICK EQUIPMENT SET
to reward someone for an important or
memorable decision or action they made in
the game. This should be used sparingly and DISTRIBUTE ABILITY SCORES
only rewards what you believe is worthy of
recognition.   RATE DISCIPLINES

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 13.

The world of Hyper Light Drifter is a diverse shapes, details which are often overlooked
one, full of sentient anthropomorphic by outsiders. To them, all Birdfolk seem
creatures with diverse identities, cultures, interchangeable.
and traditions. In the lore book, we’ll mention
a few specific cultures, however each one is Blues
unique to their own locale. Benefits: +1 Resolve or Fortitude
At the end of the day, each species is made Much like the Automata, you stand out
of flesh and blood, except the Automata, and against the anthropomorphic denizens of the
are capable of the same acts of kindness, continent. Your humanoid shape generates
compassion, and evil as anyone else. Your mistrust among many sanctuaries, and as
species choice is more of a narrative and far as you’re aware, none of them consist
cosmetic decision, allowing you to play and predominantly of Blues. It’s up to you to find
portray yourself as you see fit. If there is a your niche in this world.
species not listed that you’d like to play, check
with the group and see if everyone is okay Canifolk
with your idea and choice. We intentionally Benefits: +1 Foraging or Awareness
designed species to be simple, so that you are
Canifolk like you value community and loyalty
free to create your own without making any
above all else. You surround yourself with
mechanical risks to the game.
many people, though your trust is reserved
As you pick your species, something to think for the selected few you deem worthy of it.
about as you build your character is what Betrayal is not something you are capable of
caused you to become a drifter and what is when it comes to your allies. You have some
your relationship with your sanctuary? We kind of age-old feud with the Felifolk, though
added some connections that you can use to if asked, you could not explain why.
help build relationships between your party
members, they’re not required, and you Felifolk
don’t need to do all of them, but thinking Benefits: +1 Climb or Reflex
about these can definitely add some better
Feeling safest in claustrophobic, maze-
connections between your party members.
like environments, the sanctuaries of your
Automata kind can be difficult to find, though they
always get the afternoon sun. Shaped by the
Benefits: +1 Aim or Intimidate
environments you inhabit, you are nimble and
Your shape is familiar, though unlike any cunning, with excellent reflexes to boot.
other species, you are a machine that has been
awakened or created after the destruction. As Frogfolk
a walking artifact, you are a frightful sight to Benefits: +1 Jump or Heal
organic eyes, a grim reminder of the horrors
Independent and preferring not to rely on
that continue to dwell beneath the earth.
communities, you tend to fend for yourself
Birdfolk unless survival or a common enemy demands
otherwise. Frogfolk covet riparian sanctuaries,
Benefits: +1 Jump or Influence
which puts your species in direct competition
As a member of the Birdfolk, you choose your over territory with the Otterfolk.
home in lofty heights, usually inaccessible
to people of other species. Having settled in
many different climates and locales upon the
continent, your kind boasts an impressive
diversity in both appearance and culture.
Regional differences between Birdfolk
are marked by assorted colors and beak

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Benefits: +1 Forage or Climb
As a Lizardfolk, you count among one of the
most resilient people inhabiting the continent.
You are capable of living in almost any kind
of environment, from the most arid deserts to
the wettest jungles. Your kind is practical and
efficient, usually repurposing Librarian ruins
into sanctuaries.
Benefits: +1 Swim or Cook
Like all Otterfolk, you have a natural affinity
for water. Your species excels at irrigation,
usually building sanctuaries upon ruins
located near rivers and other bodies of water.
Benefits: +1 Balance or Handle Animal
Preferring to travel among the safety of tall
canopies, you tend to travel lightly, sacrificing
carrying capacity to retain your mobility.
Squirrefolk are friendly and welcoming
towards visitors, finding joy in showing off
their network of tree houses and hanging

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 15.

Traits are a way to customize your character style. They could have particular adornments,
and bring them to life, this could add to an colors, or even looking polished and clean, or
interesting backstory, add a unique piece to torn and worn.
your character, or add depth in a way you
never expected. These traits do not impact Eyes
your character mechanically in any way, so Your eyes are quite the spectacle. Either with
feel free to represent yourself as you see fit. the stark colors they provide or the unique
headwear that you wear atop your head.
No matter what, there is a companion at your Generational
side, be it a small pet, your trusty steed, or Age is relative depending on the species and
a mentor (that you either love or have yet to the type of community you are a member of.
love). This is a non-combat companion and You could be uniquely young, or you could
can provide interactions with the narrator. be a veteran in their old age. We all have our
reasons to venture into the beyond, and this
Appearance may tie into your reasons, no matter the age of
You have found a way to make yourself stand your character.
out from your other sanctuary members, this
could be a unique hairstyle or color, perhaps Marks
you have scars, piercings, or tattoos, or it You enjoy tracking something, it could be the
could be your accent, a mark of your education number of creature you’ve killed, the number
or your origin. of targets you’ve tracked, or something else.
You likely bear these marks with pride,
Artificial/Missing Limb keeping them in a place where others may
There are many ways to end up without a notice it.
limb, nevertheless, you’ve learned to thrive
normally without it. Or perhaps, you’ve found Scented
cybernetics that have created an adequate Perhaps it’s a particular odor that follows
replacement to your missing limb. Maybe you, be it metallic, organic, or something
you have a mobility aid, which lifts you completely different. Maybe, you wear a
or supports you as you move through the noticeable perfume which wafts as you walk
environment. by.
Bears Heraldry Stature
Somewhere this crest means something, and Your height is unusual for your kind, you could
you carry it with pride. Whether you are be exceptionally tall or uniquely short for your
publicly sharing the emblem or crest that is up species, but this does not affect your stature
to you. nor social standing in your community.
Demeanor Wearing
Your cheer is always ever-present, no matter There is an object that you’re never seen
how dark things get. Perhaps something without, a unique pendant, a colorful bandana,
about the brighter side of life. Regardless, or a unique shield. This object is usually
some people appreciate it and others find it connected to a memory or moment in your
annoying. character’s life. The object could be a piece of
jewelry, armor, weapon, cloak, headpiece, or
Equipment Quality anything else you could think of.
You’re very particular about the type of
clothes or gear that you equip, even when you
shop or loot, they need to be of a consistent

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Perhaps this was the life you lived prior to through using [Heal].
becoming a drifter? Or perhaps it’s a hobby or Many things threaten the sanctuaries, and
passion of yours. Regardless of your history, when unexpected things happen, people need
you’ve learned a few things that could be to be brought back from the brink.
useful on your adventures.
Academics Hunting
Benefits: You can set traps by with
Benefits: you can read and write. When you’re [Awareness or Influence], costing 3
in a settlement, you can create or recreate a components, and a little bit of time, you
number of written works equal to your Nerve can set up a trap for your adversaries. A
score. Full Success means your trap succeeded as
This could be specific to your upbringing or intended. A Success at Consequence means
training, but this is a rare gift indeed. Though your trap resulted in a complication of your
it’s not the language of the Librarians, the intended outcome, and a Full Consequence
tools for writing can provide many benefits for would result in further complications. These
society. traps cannot be used in combat.
Benefits: When using the [Cook] skill to You’re skilled at waiting for your prey and
make restoratives, increase the total energy setting up traps and ambushes. When setting
recovered by your Grit score. up a trap, at least one of your targets will fall
for it.
You enjoy a good drink and tinkering with
various recipes to make them. You always have Trading
some brew on hand to share and can tell when Benefits: When using [Negotiation] to
liquids might be dangerous. exchange goods, gain extra value from your
Cooking traded goods equal to your Nerve.
Benefits: When using the [Cook] skill to You have a way with words that can get you
harvest ingredients, increase the number of the best of deals, perhaps it’s your ability to
ingredients you recover by your Nerve. portray an items value, or maybe even making
the case to those who may need it.
As someone who loves food, you have
knowledge of some edible plants as well Thieving
as getting good cuts of meat out of strange Benefits: When stealing, increase the total
creatures. value of objects stolen by your Nerve.
Crafting You’ve gotten good at palming goods and
Benefits: When using [Craft] to make making a sale on the street. It’s fine, they
a specific object, reduce the number of didn’t need those items anyways.
components you need by your Grit (to a
minimum component cost of 1).
Living in the remnants, survival depends on
your ability to utilize, repurpose, and fix the
ancient technology left behind.
Benefits: Gain a small pool of points equal
to your Grit, that you can use to bolster the
amount of energy or health you recover

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 17.


andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 19.
You’re a good ally to have in a fight. You know • Success at Consequence: Deal 1[w] +
how to use weapons and defend yourself. [Vigor or Swiftness].
Warriors are physical, action-oriented people. • Full Consequence: Deal [Vigor or
They’re more likely to overcome a challenge Swiftness] damage.
using force than by any other means, and
they often take the most straightforward path Take a Hit
toward their goals. (Dash | Reaction | Defend)
If an ally is about to take damage, you can
CREATING A WARRIOR dash to take the hit for them.
Health & Energy Effect: You may move one tile then, make
As a warrior you start with 12 Health, and an a [Defend] save to reduce the incoming
Energy Pool of 10. attack.
• Full success: Block all damage.
Boost • Success at Consequence: Block 1[Shield
Your Grit is 2 and your Nerve is 1. Defense+2] + [Vigor or Swiftness]
Class Features damage.
• Full Consequence: Block 1[Shield
TACTICIAN Defense+2].
The battlefield is all about picking the right
moment. Spend an Intervention Point to
create the opportune moment to strike. Before
the start of combat or the start of a round, Select a kit from the following options, or
you can pick two characters, and temporarily select your own equipment with 5 bits, your
move their initiative order to the top of starting gear must include a weapon.
the list for the round. During this action, Bulwark
characters won’t suffer any retaliations from • 1x Light melee or ranged weapon
their actions.
• 1x Light shield
STRONGER TOGETHER • 1x Light armor
You can lend your strength to help your allies
overcome a task. If an ally is using a skill from Brute
the C ombat D iscipline , you can spend your • 2x Light melee or ranged weapons
energy to boost your ally’s roll.
• 1x Heavy melee or ranged weapon
Dash Abilities
You have two dash points you can use per Talents
scene or encounter. You can use them on the Pick 2 talents, these can be from your class list
following abilities. or from the general list.
Dash | Action | Fight)
An empowered attack utilizing your greater
speed to move full force into your target,
weapon first.
Effect: You may move one tile then, make a
[Fight] attack.
• Full success: Deal 2[w] + [Vigor or

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest


Grit [ 2 ]

Nerve [ 1 ]


Grant yourself or allies the ability to make
the first move in combat.

Stronger Together
You can lend your strength to help your

Warrior’s Training
Pick two talents.

Select a Kit from the options below:

Bulwark Brute
1x Light weapon 2x Light weapons
1x Light shield 1x Heavy weapon
1x Light armor

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 21.

WARRIOR TALENTS Strategic Positioning
(3 Energy | Action | Fight | Range 0)
(4 energy | Action | Fight | Range 0) You put yourself in a position to strike, either
by helping an ally to safety or putting yourself
Through sheer power or through agility, you into the path of danger.
maneuver through your enemies weaving
and striking each of them in a prominent • Full Success: Deal 1[w] damage and you
show of force. and one ally can move a tile at no cost.

• Full Success: Deal 1[w] damage to all • Succeed at Consequence: 1[w] damage
enemies in your tile. and either you or an ally can move a
tile; Retaliation.
• Succeed at Consequence: Deal 1[w]
damage to two enemies in your tile; • Full Consequence: You or your ally can
Retaliation. move one tile; Retaliation.

• Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage to two

enemies in your tile; Retaliation. Warrior’s Aura

Multi-Shot As a seasoned warrior, you present an aura

(4 Energy | Action | Aim | Range +1) about you. You’ve learned to amplify this
feeling to help convey a feeling to your
You’re quick with your blaster, and can fire onlooker. When using the skill associated to
multiple blasts in quick succession. Dealing your aura, you can use your Grit instead of
extra damage to the same target, or hitting a your Nerve.
different one.
Note: If any of your targets has an adversity Declare your aura at the beginning of each
modifier that increases the difficulty of scene or after a long rest.
your attack roll, you roll against the highest • Authority (Influence): One who shows
modifier of your targets. confidence in their actions and takes
• Full Success: Distribute 2[w] + 2 damage the lead.
between two targets, damage can all go • Capability (Lead): One who can
to the same target if you so choose. work well with others and coordinate
• Succeed at Consequence: Distribute effectively.
2[w] damage between two targets; • Cultured (Perform): One who
Retaliation. appreciates the nuances of tradition.
• Full Consequence: Distribute 2 damage • Honor (Empathy): One who
as you see fit; Retaliation. trustworthy and can keep their
• Ruthlessness (Intimidate): One who
Fighting Style is willing to use their power to get what
(Passive) they want.
With your skill in weapons and fighting you
can take on a cohesive fighting style. You
can declare which style you have active for
a scene, as well as change your style at the
beginning of your turn.
• Power: Increase base weapon damage
by 2.
• Resilience: +2 to [Defense] rolls.
• Focus: + 2 to [Fight] and [Aim] rolls.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
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andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 23.



Grit [ 1 ]

Nerve [ 2 ]


Awaken the Ancients

Bring to life an ancient machine to assist
you with a brief but great task.

Tech Savant
Gain access to the Manipulate discipline
allowing you to interact with Librarian

Wielders Experiments
Pick two talents.

Select a kit from the options below:

Caution Havoc
1x Wield machines 1x Wield machines
1x Light shield 1x Light weapon
2x Light weapons 1x Explosive

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
The past is a mystery and you are determined TECH SAVANT:
to uncover the secrets of the past. Through You are experienced in finding and
experimentation, you have gained knowledge manipulating Librarian technology to serve
and adapted tools to serve your needs. your purposes. You gain a 5th discipline called
Manipulate. Its starts at 16 and you can reduce
CREATING A WIELDER it along with your other disciplines when you
rate them. The Manipulate discipline has four
Health & Energy skills associate with it: [Access], [Repurpose],
As a wielder you start with 8 Health, and an [Salvage], and [Wield].
energy pool of 12. Much like the other disciplines in Drifter,
the narrator doesn’t need to explicitly state
Boost that there is Librarian technology for you to
Your Grit Boost is 1 and your Nerve Boost is 2. interact with. Rather, it is all around you and
your declaration of an action is your choice to
Class Features interact with the remaining technology in a
specific manner.
Utilizing your knowledge of Librarian • Access (Insight): Your ability to pull
technology, you bring to life an ancient information, activate or deactivate
machine. Spend an Intervention Point and facility functions. This includes to pull
awaken a dormant machine that will provide schematics, turning on lights, opening
one service for you and your party. Upon or closing blast doors, disarming alarms,
completion of the service, it will either run or redirecting flammable gas.
out of energy, deactivate or continuing to • Repurpose (Insight): Your ability
move about the world on its own, impartial to to use Librarian technology in an
you and your mission. Services could include, unintended way, using an unstable
awakening giant machine to move and reveal portal to destroy a wall, using an engine
an underground entrance, blast a great hole to create a shield generator, or using
into the mountain, form a bridge over a great a siege weapon to create a propulsion
ravine, or transport your party to a nearby device. These effects are always
location. Your narrator can help shape your temporary.
idea to best fit the context and scenario. • Salvage (Swiftness or Insight):
If the service is used for combat, the machine From the remnant technology, you
will deal 10 + [Nerve] damage to your enemies. can harvest components which can be
If you’re on the combat board, this damage useful for crafting or building.
can be distributed across three tiles. If the • Wield (Vigor or Intellect): Your ability
machine takes 15 damage before it completes to utilize your Wield Machines and
its service, it will either deactivate, fall apart, shape hard light, using it to devastate
or simply move on. your enemies.

Dash Abilities
You have two dash points you can use per
scene or encounter. You can use them on the
following abilities.
Barrier Projection
(Dash | Reaction | Range 0)
As a reaction, you can extend a barrier that
covers an entire tile, blocking projectiles in

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 25.

both directions. Characters and creatures
can pass through the barrier but it stops Talents
ranged attacks. But allowing creatures and Pick 3 talents, these can be from your class list
characters to pass through. The barrier or from the general list.
absorbs [Insight score]*[Nerve Boost]
damage before dissipating, or until dismissed WIELDER TALENTS
by the wielder. Hex Burst
Kinetic Shockwave (4 energy | Action | Wield | Range +1)
(Dash | Action | Maneuver | Range +1) Utilizing your hyper light machines, you
Using your dash module, you accelerate create a devastating explosion dealing
yourself, before reaching top speed you damage to everyone in the tile.
abruptly stop, creating a devastating sonic • Full Success: Deal 2[w] damage to all
boom, to the target in front of you. enemies in the tile.
Effect: Move one tile then, roll a maneuver • Succeed at Consequence: Deal 1[w]
check against a target within range (range +1) damage to all enemies in tile;
• Full Success: Deal 2[Insight] + [Nerve] Retaliation.
damage. • Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage to all
• Success at Consequence: Deal 1[Insight] + enemies in tile; Retaliation.
[Nerve] damage.
Retaliation recommendation: One or more
• Full Consequence: Deal [Nerve] damage. allies in the tile must make a [Reflex] save
to evade damage, (Full Success: no damage,
Success at Consequence: 1 damage; Full
Last Second Consequence: 2 damage)
(Dash | Reaction)
Just when you’re about to take damage, you
can use a dash to get out of the way, taking Push
no damage. (3 energy | Action | Wield | Range 0)
Effect: Before taking damage, you can dash You create a small blast which pushes your
out of the way, moving up to one tile and enemies back.
taking no damage. • Full Success: Push a number of creatures
Equipment equal to 2 + [Insight] into a neighboring
tile, you decide which.
Select a kit from the following options, or
select your own equipment with 5 bits, your • Succeed at Consequence: Push 2 creatures
starting gear must include a weapon. into a neighboring tile; Retaliation
Caution • Full Consequence: Push 1 creature into a
neighboring tile; Retaliation
• 1x Wield machines
• 1x Light shield
• 2x Light melee or ranged weapon Lance
(4 energy | Action | Wield | Range +1)
Havoc Create a lance of Hard Light which you blast
• 1x Wield machines into your enemies. This attack can hit two
• 1x Light melee or ranged weapon targets in two touching tiles.
• 1x Explosive • Full Success: Deal 2[w] damage to the
first target and [1]w damage to the
• Succeed at Consequence: Deal 1 damage to
all enemies in tile; Retaliation
• Full Consequence: Retaliation

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Unstable Blade Deflective Shield
(4 Energy | Action | Fight | Range 0) (4 Energy | Action | Wield)
You overcharge your weapon, increasing its Create a temporary barrier that absorbs
power and potency. attacks and injures your attackers. Gain a
• Full Success: Deal 2[w] + [Intuition] pool of points that you can use to reduce
damage. incoming Energy or Health damage. When
damage is reduced you deal that much
• Success at Consequence: Deal 1[w] + damage back to your attacker. Note: in the
[Intuition] damage; Retaliation. case reducing Retaliation damage, you
• Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage; can choose the enemy which would be
Retaliation reasonably targeting you.
• Full Success: Gain a pool equal to
[2+Shield Defense] + [Intuition] points
Central Console that you can use to reduce and deflect
(Passive) damage targeted at you.
After studying a Librarian device you can • Success at Consequence: Gain a pool
discern the general direction of the control equal to your [Intuition] that you
mechanism. It may be out of the way, can use to reduce and deflect damage
inaccessible, unpowered, or any other set targeted at you; Retaliation.
of complications, but at least knowing its
general direction is a start. • Full Consequence: Gain a pool of
points equal to [Shield Defense] or 1,
whichever is higher to use on yourself
Intimidating Power or allies in your tile; Retaliation.
There are many who do not fully understand
the power that the Librarian’s have left
behind, in so, you can maximize their
fears by making a display of power. Move
the Intimidate skill to your Manipulate

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 27.

You have a way around words and a keen Gale Dash
interest in the stories and legends of the past (Dash | Move)
Maximizing the power of your dash module,
CREATING A you create a full force dash, stopping
VERSIFIER yourself early to create a forceful sonic
boom. You can shift up to one tile for
When creating a versifier, you gain the
this ability and force all enemies into the
following benefits:
next tile of your choosing. This also deals
Health & Energy [Swiftness] damage to all enemies who are
moved or are in the arriving tile.
As a versifier, you start with 9 Health, and an
energy pool of 12.
Mirror Image
Boost (Dash | Move)
Your Grit Boost is 1 and your Nerve Boost is 2. Using your dash module, you dash around
Class Features leaving numerous projections of yourself in
your wake, confusing your enemies. Move
STORYTELLER up to two tiles and ignore the next two
As someone who is good with people and has Retaliations your character may suffer.
a knack for collecting various bits of lore,
legends, and gossip, you can always recall a Equipment
useful piece of information about a specific Select a kit from the following options, or
person, place, or thing. Spend an Intervention select your own equipment with 5 bits, your
Point and ask the narrator one question and starting gear must include a weapon.
they will answer truthfully. Keep in mind Caretaker
that you should be asking things that could
be relevant for the people of the sanctuary to • 1x Light melee or ranged weapon
know. Some examples include: • 2x Stimpack
• Are there any threats that lurk in the
Flooded Valley?
• 1x Light melee or ranged weapon
• What has been said about this tribe of
Racoonfolk? • 1x Light shield
• There was a survivor of the Red Demon • 1x Stimpack
attack back at the sanctuary, did he say
anything else about it? Talents
Pick 3 talents, these can be from your class
SOCIALITE list, or from the general list.
You can lend your strength to help your allies
overcome a task. If an ally is using a skill check
from the S ocial D iscipline , you can spend
your energy to boost your ally’s roll.
Dash Abilities
You have two dash points you can use per
scene or encounter. You can use them on the
following abilities.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest


Grit [ 1 ]

Nerve [ 2 ]


Ask collect information by asking the
narrator a question.

You can lend your charisma to help
your allies.

Well Traveled
Pick three talents.

Select a kit from the options below:

Caretaker Guardian
1x Light weapon 1x Light weapons
2x Stimpacks 1x Light shield
1x Stimpack

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 29.

(4 energy | Action | Lead | Range 0)
You rally your allies and direct the attack,
Behind You! leading the charge!
(4 energy | Reaction| Awareness | Range +1)
• Full Success: Deal 1[w] damage, two
You make a callout to your allies, giving allies gain +2 to damage for their next
them time to make a move before it’s too action.
• Succeed at Consequence: Deal 1[w]
No roll required. Reduce health or energy damage, one ally gains +2 to damage for
taken from an ally by 2. their next action Retaliation.
• Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage, one
Blunder ally gains +1 to damage for their next
(4 energy | Action | Influence | Range +1) action; Retaliation.
You make a distraction or become a
nuisance to an enemy, causing them to mess
up during their attack. Pidgin
• Full Success: Deal 1[w] damage, for the
next two rolls against this enemy reduce When visiting other communities that
all thresholds by your [Nerve] score. happen to not share a common tongue with
you, you can spend a few minutes with a
• Succeed at Consequence: Deal 1[w] native speaker to learn a few words you
damage, for the next roll against this share. This allows you to exchange basic
enemy reduce the threshold for a Full ideas with this culture.
Success by 2; Retaliation.
• Full Consequence: For the next roll
against this enemy reduce the threshold Words of Encouragement
for a Full Success by 1; Retaliation. (4 | Action | Leadership | Range +1)
Friends always perform better with a little
encouragement, and you know just what to
Connection say!
(Passive | Influence) • Full Success: All allies can reroll a single
When entering a new town you either know check and keep the better result.
someone or can find someone that can help • Succeed at Consequence: Two allies can
you. Make an [Influence] check, the results reroll a single check and keep the better
• Full Success: You find or know someone result; Retaliation.
that can provide the information or • Full Consequence: One ally can reroll a
services you are looking for. single check and keep the better result;
• Succeed at Consequence: You find Retaliation.
someone, but there are some strings
attached or complications.
• Full Consequence: You are unable to find
someone, or if the narrator is up for it,
you find something you weren’t looking

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Distracting Performance
(4 | Action | Perform | Range +1)
You make a uniquely distracting
performance against a target in range.
• Full Success: Deal 1[w] damage, two
allies gain +2 to their attack roll for
their next action.
• Succeed at Consequence: Deal 1[w]
damage, one ally gains +2 to their attack
roll for their next action; Retaliation.
• Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage, one
ally gains +1 to their attack roll for their
next action; Retaliation.

(4 | Action | Influence | Range 0)
Trick your target into leaving themselves
open for an attack
• Full Success: Deal [1]w + [Presence]
• Succeed at Consequence: Deal [1]w
damage. Retaliation.
• Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 31.



Grit [ 1 ]

Nerve [ 1 ]


Safe Respite
Find a safe place to rest and heal

Experienced Survivor
Lend your survival expertise to your
allies, keeping them from harm.

Survival Instincts
Pick two talents.

Select a kit from the options below:

Survivor Skirmisher
2x Light weapons 2x Light weapons
1x Stimpack 1x Light Shield
or light armor 1x Explosive

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
One accustomed to exploring and surviving your attack.
out in the wilds and in the deep ruins. • Full Success: Move up to two tiles,
dealing 1[w] + [Swiftness] damage to a
CREATING A DELVER number of enemies equal to your [Grit].
When creating a delver, you get the following • Succeed at Consequence: Move up to one
benefits: tile, dealing 1[w] damage to a number of
Health & Energy enemies equal to your [Grit].
• Full Consequence: Move up to one tile
As a delver you start with 10 Health, and an
and deal 1 damage to a number of
energy pool of 12.
enemies equal to your [Grit].
Your Grit Boost is 1 and your Nerve Boost
Temporal Tear
is 1. You have an additional point you can
(Dash | Move)
distribute as you see fit.
Using your dash module, you can create a
Class Features temporary temporal rift, giving you precious
seconds to turn the tide. Spending this dash
grants you an extra skill action to act.
When making camp or taking a long rest, you
can you spend an Intervention Point to find a
safe place. During this rest, you are safe from
unexpected encounters and everyone recovers
3 Health and recovers 4 energy points (any Select a kit from the following options, or
energy that you recover above your maximum, select your own equipment with 5 bits, your
you get to keep as temporary energy points, starting gear must include a weapon.
which are used first in any subsequent Survivor
• 2x Light melee or ranged weapon
EXPERIENCED SURVIVOR • 1x Stimpack or Light Armor
You are versed in keeping yourself and
your allies alive. If anyone in the group Skirmisher
is performing a task from the S urvival • 2x Light melee or ranged weapon
D iscipline , you can lend your expertise to
help your ally overcome the task. When • 1x Light Shield
assisting the ally, you can spend your energy • 1x Explosive
to boost your ally’s roll.
Dash Abilities Talents
You have two dash points you can use per
scene or encounter. You can use them on the Pick 2 talents, these can be from your class
following abilities. list, or from the general list.
Dash Attack
(Dash | Action | Fight)
You’ve mastered the art of short dashes,
linking them in quick secession allowing you
to dart across the battlefield dealing damage
to everyone you pass. Make a [Fight] attack,
and see below for the rest of the effects of

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 33.

(4 energy | Action | Sneak | Range 0)
(3 Components | Action | Influence) The best fights are won when you already
have the upper-hand. Slipping into the
Given enough time you can create dastardly shadows, you emerge behind your target
trap that can be used to entangle or injure dealing a powerful blow.
your enemies.
• Full Success: Deal 1[w] + 2[Grit] damage
• Full Success: Your trap deals 1[w] + to your target.
[Nerve] damage, in addition pick an effect
from the following options, they will last • Succeed at Consequence: Deal 2[Grit]
for 2 rounds: damage to your target; Retaliation.

• Target is restrained unable to move. • Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage to your

target; Retaliation.
• Target is knocked unconscious
unless attacked.
• Target is poisoned; target takes Careful Aim
additional [Nerve] damage. (4 energy | Action | Aim | Range x)
• Target is blinded; attacks against the Take an extra moment to line up your shot.
target do not suffer Retaliations. Gain +2 to your attack roll.
• Succeed at Consequence: Your trap deals • Full Success: Deal 1[w] + 2 damage to
1[w] damage, in addition pick an effect your target.
from above options, they will last for 1 • Succeed at Consequence: Deal 1[w]
round or deal half damage; Retaliation. damage; Retaliation.
• Full Consequence: Nothing goes to plan, • Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage;
or worse, they were expecting or Retaliation.
found it.

(4 energy | Action | Fight | Range 0)
You find a sensitive spot where you can bleed
the target,
• Full Success: Deal 1[w] and cause your
target to bleed [Insight] damage every
round until they take an action to stop
• Succeed at Consequence: Cause your
target to bleed [Insight] damage for two
rounds; Retaliation.
• Full Consequence: Cause your target
to bleed 2 damage for two rounds;

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andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 35.

Skills represent a competence or knowledge in AIM
something and how well you might perform in C ombat | S wiftness
a given area. There are thirty different skills Using ranged and projectile weapons and
in Drifter that are separated into 4 Disciplines objects against a target.
(5 if you’re a Wielder). When there is an action
you want to do, you spend the requisite energy
cost, then roll, comparing against your against AWARENESS
your Disciplines rating. Depending on level of E xploration | I nsight
success, that determines the outcome of that Noticing unusual things and details around
action. you, searching for clues and odd behaviour.

Rate Disciplines BALANCE

When you are creating your character all
E xploration | S wiftness
your Disciplines start at 18. You have 6 Remaining upright and steady so that you
points that you can distribute as you see fit, don’t fall.
reducing the Discipline rating, representing
your character’s skill in that area. Your final
Discipline rating for each category represents
the final number you need to reach to achieve
S urvival | I nsight
a Full Success for skills under that category. Drawing and reading maps.

Skill Specialization
There are some skills that you are practiced
at performing, almost second nature. When
E xploration | V igor
creating your character you get to pick Scaling various surfaces.
three different skills (they can be from any
category). When you are doing an action with
these skills, reduce their energy cost by 2. S urvival | I nsight
SKILL DESCRIPTIONS Preparing various ingredients to make a
Listed below are all the skills and how they’re meal.
intended to be used. Each skill is also listed
with their Discipline and primary ability CRAFT
score (which reduces the cost of performing of S urvival | I nsight
that action). There may be times where in the
specific context of its use, a different ability Creating objects in a given art or trade.
score would make more sense, for instance,
using Swiftness over Intuition to search a DEFEND
room, sifting through documents and crates, C ombat | V igor
or perhaps using a light and fast weapon style,
in which the character would use Swiftness Defending yourself from attacks.
over Vigor.
There may be some skills that you want to EMPATHY
perform where nothing listed fits quite right. S ocial | P resence
Ask the narrator what you want to do, and Determining the emotional state of the target
they will assign as skill category and ability character or creature.
score to that action.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Discipline List
Skills used to explore or traverse the environment.
Awareness – Noticing unusual things and details around you.
Balance – Remaining upright and steady so that you don’t fall.
Climb – Scaling various surfaces.
Jump – Propelling yourself over obstacles and chasms.
Lift – Pushing and lifting heavy objects.
Reflex – Getting out of the way of attacks and hazards.
Sneak – Moving silently and unnoticed.
Swim – Maneuver through water and other liquid bodies.

Skills used for camping, navigating and surviving outside the sanctuary.
Cartography – Drawing and reading maps.
Cook – Preparing various ingredients to make a meal.
Craft – Creating objects in a given art or trade (such as wood-working).
Forage – Finding food, water, and shelter.
Fortitude – The capacity to resist physical punishment from the likes of poisons or pain.
Heal – Treating injuries, poison and disease.
Nature – Understanding the natural world and predicting the weather.
Track – Following and identifying a trail left by someone or something.
Skills that are likely to be used by fighters in combat.
Aim – Using ranged and projectile weapons and objects against a target.
Defend – Defending yourself from attacks.
Fight – Fighting in close quarters combat, utilizing anything from weapons, fists and claws
Maneuver – Moving effetely across the battlefield

Skills that will be used for most social interactions
Empathy – Determining the emotional state of the target character or creature.
Handle Animal – Familiarity with taming, rearing and riding various creatures.
Influence – Changing someone’s behavior to do what you want them to.
Intimidate – Getting others to do what you want them to through use fear and threats.
Lead – Rallying or encouraging a group of individuals to take certain actions.
Negotiate – Getting the best agreement, price or terms.
Perform – Carrying out a memorable or distracting performance.
Resolve – The willpower or ability to push through exhaustion or pain and resisting fear and

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 37.

C ombat | V igor E xploration | V igor
Fighting in close quarters combat, utilizing Pushing and lifting heavy objects.
anything from weapons, fists, and claws.
FORAGE C ombat | S wiftness
S urvival | I nsight Moving effectively across the battlefield,
Finding food, water, and shelter. engaging and disengaging.

S urvival | I nsight S ocial | P resence
Reading the celestial bodies and predicting the Getting the best agreement, price, or terms.

FORTITUDE S ocial | P resence
S urvival | V igor
Carrying out a memorable or distracting
The capacity to resist physical punishment, performance.
from the likes of poisons or pain.


S ocial | P resence E xploration | S wiftness
Getting out of the way of attacks and hazards.
Familiarity with taming, rearing, and riding
various creatures.
HEAL S ocial | I nsight
S urvival | I nsight The willpower or ability to push through
Treating injuries, poison, and disease. exhaustion or pain and resisting fear and

S ocial | P resence SNEAK
Changing someone’s behavior to do what you
E xploration | S wiftness
want them to. Moving silently and unnoticed.

S ocial | P resence S urvival | V igor
Getting others to do what you want them to Maneuver through water and other liquid
through use fear and threats. bodies.

E xploration | V igor S urvival | I nsight
Propelling yourself over obstacles and chasms. Following and identifying a trail left by
an animal or person to follow where it has
traveled to.
S ocial | P resence
Rallying or encouraging a group of individuals
to take certain actions.

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andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 39.

In a ruined world, survival is the highest priority on anyone’s mind. The value of precious metals
or coins has been wiped out long ago by the great calamity that ruined the land, giving rise to
a completely new form of currency. “Bits”, as they are called by drifters, are small power cells
able to power most basic devices and hyper light machines. Bits may either be invested into
advancements by combining 4 into a Core, or exchanged for various goods and weapons.

Item Cost Effect

Light Armor 3 bits Armor 1, Swiftness +1 energy.
Medium Armor 5 bits Damage -2, Swiftness +2 energy, thresholds +2.
Heavy Armor 6 bits Damage -3, Swiftness +3 energy, thresholds +4.

Light Shield 1 bit +1 Shield Defense, one-handed

Heavy Shield 2 bits +2 Shield Defense, one-handed, +1 energy to attack

Light Melee Weapon 1 bit 3 damage, one-handed

Heavy Melee Weapon 3 bits 4 damage, two-handed, +1 energy to use

Light Ranged Weapon 1 bits 2 damage, range +1, one-handed

Heavy Ranged Weapon 3 bits 3 damage, range +2, two-handed, +1 energy to use
Wield Machines 2 bits 2 damage, range +1, special

Explosive 2 bits 1/scene; 3 damage, range +1

Stimpack 3 bits 1/scene; restore 2 health or 2 energy
Module Expansion 6 bits +1 dash per encounter

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Armor Cost: 1 bit
You will encounter three types of armor in this Type: One-Handed
world: Light, Medium, and Heavy. By far the Ability Scores: Swiftness or Vigor
most common among drifters, Light armor
can be cobbled together from many kinds Shield Defense: +1
of scavenged materials and does not require
advanced skills to craft. Medium and Heavy
Cost: 2 bits
armor is much more scarce, it can only be
found in long-forgotten corners of the world, Type: One-Handed
or constructed by an expert craftsmen. Ability Scores: Vigor
• Armor: Reduces incoming damage. Shield Defense: +2
• Swiftness: Actions that use Swiftness Energy Cost of Attacks: +1
cost extra energy.
• Thresholds: Increase Full Success
threshold for Exploration skills. Weapons
When exploring the far-flung corners of the
LIGHT ARMOR continent, you must trust your weapon to
Cost: 3 bits protect you against the creatures that lurk
Armor: 1 outside the relative safety of a sanctuary.
You will find three categories of weapons:
Swiftness: +1
Unarmed, One-Handed, and Two-Handed.
MEDIUM ARMOR • Cost: If you were to purchase a new
Cost: 5 bits weapon of equal power, how many bits
Armor: 1 would it cost to acquire?
Swiftness: +2 • Range: What is the range of your attack?
Range 0 means that you can only attack
Thresholds: +2 enemies        in your tile. Range +1 means
HEAVY ARMOR you can attack enemies one tile away.
Cost: 6 bits • Damage: The amount of damage dealt
Armor: 1 per attack, this is typically recognized as
[w] damage in abilities.
Swiftness: +3
• Additional Energy Cost: Does
Thresholds: +4 attacking with this weapon cost
additional energy?
Built from scraps of ancient materials—or Note (Dual Wielding): You may choose to wield
perhaps an emitter repurposed to provide a weapon in both hands, doing so increases the
protection—shields are useful tools when you energy cost and weapon damage by 1.
choose to fight defensively. There are two
types of shields, each adhering to a different UNARMED & IMPROVISED WEAPONS
ability score when using with it. Shields also Cost: 0 bits
provide a bonus to the defend skill, whilst Range: 0
simultaneously adding value to some of your Damage: Light (1), Heavy (2).
There are times where you will need to resort
to fighting with your claws, teeth and fists or
Shield Defense: Grants a bonus to [Reflex] anything you can get your hands on.
and [Defense] rolls.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 41.

MELEE WEAPONS Wield Machines
Light Melee Weapons Cost: 2 bits
Cost: 3 bits Range: +1
Range: 0 Damage: 2 damage
Damage: 2 damage Special: Overcharge
All weapons that you can wield in one hand,
such as power gauntlets, axes, whips and
swords. Small devices that allow you to create
and manipulate Hyper Light into great
destruction. Wielders are most proficient
Heavy Melee Weapons with these, though other drifters have been
Cost: 4 bits known to fall back on Wield Machines in a
pinch as well.
Range: 0
Overcharge: Before you roll an attack, you
Damage: 4 damage can increase the damage output of your
Additional Energy Cost: +1 Wield Machines. For each extra point you
Weapons that require two hands to wield. want to increase your damage, you must pay
These can be giant hammers, polearms, war an additional 2 energy. This cost is added
axes, and big swords. to your base ability cost, though you may
reduce the cost depending on your relevant
RANGED WEAPONS ability score.
Light Ranged Weapons
Cost: 1 bits
Range: +1
Damage: 2 damage
Slings, blasters and pistols that are light in
weight and power. They are relatively easy
to conceal, allowing you to pull them out at a
moment’s notice.

Heavy Ranged Weapons

Cost: 3 bits
Range: +2
Damage: 3 damage
Additional Energy Cost: +1
Larger blasters that require two hands and
boast some impressive firepower. They pack
quite a punch, so be careful where you point

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
When you return to the relative safety of a
Cost: 2 bits
sanctuary, you are able to spend your bits on
Use: 1/scene upgrades and advancements. Spending 4 bits
Effect: 3 damage allows you to pick an advancement from the
list provided below. Once you settle on one of
A small, durable device that can release a them, look to the XP section of your character
powerful explosion, though it needs time to sheet and fill out one diamond on the left,
become charged up. With this equipment, continuing towards the right with each new
you gain the following ability that can be advancement. Bits may also be spent on
used once per scene. special equipment, though this doesn’t count
Explosive (2 energy | Move | Aim | Range towards your XP progression.
+1): Throw your explosive into the fray,
damaging enemies. Advancements
• Full Success: Deal 3 damage to all • Increase your Health by 1.
enemies in the tile • Increase your Energy Pool by 1.
• Success at Consequence: Deal 2 damage • Add a new Talent to your ability list.
to all enemies in the tile
• Increase an ability score by 1.
• Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage;
• Increase either Nerve or Grit by 1.
• Reduce one of your Disciplines by 1.
• Purchase your path Advancement
Stimpack (only available on your 5th and 10th
Cost: 3 bits advancement purchase).
Use: 1/scene
Effect: Restore 2 health or 2 energy.
After you fill in your first full diamond in the
A vital device that injects a fast-healing XP section (consisting of 4 advancements),
agent into your body, providing a brief boost your 5th purchase will be your so-called
of life that can make all the difference in a Heroic Path advancement. Paths are
bad situation. specializations which grant access to an array
Stimpack of new abilities and talents for you to choose
(1 energy | Move | Heal | Range 0) from.
Apply a stimpack to yourself or an ally in ◆ (4 Advancements)
your tile, recovering 2 health or 2 energy. ◆ (1 advancement - Heroic Path)

Module Expansion
Cost: 6 bits
Effect: Increase the number of dashes you
have by 1.
Dash modules are tricky devices to work
with and improve. This enhancement
provides enough regulated energy for you to
safely perform an additional dash.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 43.

There are many moments in which you must
take up arms to defeat adversaries or defend
Combat Board
The more tactile approach, this method allows
yourself. In a combat scenario, the narrator
you to track the relative positioning of allies
describes the opponents who are taking part
and enemies and putting it in the center of the
in the encounter and their relative position
table so everyone can see it.
to you. As characters, you are free to use the
environment, and your skills and abilities to The board is shaped like a diamond, which is
engage with your adversaries. It’s important broken into 9 smaller diamonds. The center is
to note that not all battles can be won and known as the “heat” which is where most of
sometimes it’s better to retreat and live the melee fighters will be maneuvering within.
another day. In the section below, we’ll go over That said, there are plenty of other tiles
how combat works in Drifter and the various surrounding it which can be used to get to the
rules you need to be mindful of. backline or split the party’s attention.
Each tile represents a short distance, this
STYLES OF PLAY means that multiple allies and enemies can
When starting a combat encounter there are occupy the same tile, which can provide both
two ways to engage with your enemies. Theatre advantages and disadvantages depending on
of the Mind and the Combat Board. Which you your abilities and how you use them.
use more will depend on you and your group’s When going into an encounter, assuming it’s
preferences. You will likely be engaging with not a surprise or ambush, the players set up on
both, using each to provide different moments the Western side of the board, choosing their
for the characters. starting positions. Melee combatants tend to

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
start in the ‘heat’ tile, while ranged allies tend
to pick the Western Flanks or Edge. Once the
allies set up, the narrator can fill in the Eastern
side with the adversaries.
Theatre of the Mind
Instead of tactile play, this method offers the
ability to go through an encounter only relying
on description and narration. This method
typically works best against a few enemies,
where all the action takes place in the same
relative area (twoish tiles).
The best way to engage with this style of play is
to tell the narrator what you intend to do, they
then confirm that you can perform that action
or make a modification to make that action

When an engagement or encounter begins, it’s
good to have an idea of what the turn order is
going to be. The narrator, who knows where
they set the difficulty of the encounter, decides
which type of turn order they’re going to use
for this encounter.
• Roll for Initiative – To establish turn
order, all the players make a [reflex]
or [awareness] roll (at no cost or
consequence), record the final result and
record the characters to a list ordered by
highest first, the narrator also adds the
adversaries to the list.
• Order by Combat Discipline –
Record each of the character’s C ombat
D iscipline , and list them in order of
lowest to highest, the narrator will also
add the adversaries to the list, using
their Adversity level to rank them in the
• Around the table – The narrator goes
around the table (or by volunteer) after
every two to three players go (depending
on how many players you have and the
power level of your adversaries) you can
throw in an enemy action.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 45.

Combat Actions
When taking a turn, you are able to choose Apply Stimpack
between three types of actions: Free Actions, (1 Energy | Move | Heal)
Movement Actions, and Skill Actions. These Utilize a consumable to restore your energy/
can occur in any order you see fit, and it is not health either by eating restorative foods or
necessary to use them all in order to end your by applying stimpacks.
Free Actions Throw Explosive
(0 energy) (1 Energy | Move | Aim | Range +1)
These actions cost no energy to perform, Throw your explosive (see special
and require little effort for your character to equipment) into the fray, damaging enemies
complete. within its area of effect.
• Full Success: Deal 3 damage to all
• Switching weapons • Success at Consequence: Deal 2 damage
• Talking to allies or enemies (without to all enemies in a tile
rolling a skill check) • Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage;
• Throwing an object to a nearby ally Retaliation
• Observing the environment
Skill Actions
• Pulling an object out of storage
(2+ energy)
Move Actions Strike
(1+ energy) (2 Energy | Action | Fight | Range 0)
These are actions which allow you to Melee attack with a weapon of your choice.
reposition yourself or gain the upper hand. • Full Success: Deal 1[w] + 2 damage
You may perform one maneuver per round. • Success at Consequence: Deal 1[w]
Reposition damage; Retaliation
(2 Energy | Move | Maneuver) • Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage;
Change your positioning upon the Retaliation
battlefield. No roll is required unless you
are prevented from moving freely (e.g.
immobilized by an enemy). Blast
(2 energy | Action | Aim | Range x)
Get Up Attack enemies far away from you. Range
(2 Energy | Move | Maneuver) depends on the utilized weapon.
Get back on your feet after being knocked • Full Success: Deal 1[w] + 2 damage.
down or otherwise staggered. No roll is • Success at Consequence: Deal 1[w]
required unless you are prevented from damage; Retaliation.
moving freely (e.g. immobilized by an • Full Consequence: Deal 1 damage;
enemy). Retaliation

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Full Defense Buy Time
(2 energy | Action | Defend | Range 0) (3 Energy | Defend/Intimidate | One Target
Assume a defensive stance to block or parry | Range 0)
incoming attacks, shielding you and your You level your weapon with your enemy,
allies from harm. staring your enemy down with an
Gain a pool of points used to reduce Health unfaltering gaze. They pause, wary of your
and Energy damage based on your roll. intent, giving you a few valuable seconds to
Note: You can use these points to reduce recover. Pick a skill to utilize.
retaliation damage. • Full Success: Recover 4 energy
• Full Success: Gain a pool of 2 [Shield • Succeed at Consequence: Recover 3
Defense + 1] points you can use for energy; Retaliation
yourself or all allies regardless of tile
location • Full Consequence: No damage, no bonus;
• Success at Consequence: Gain a pool of 1
[Shield Defense + 2] points you can use
on yourself or allies in your tile Other Skill
• Full Consequence: Gain a pool of (2 energy | Relevant Skill)
points equal to [Shield Defense] or 1, Utilize a skill in a reasonable, yet creative
whichever is higher to use on yourself way to produce an interesting outcome.
or allies in your tile
• Full Success: Desired outcome is
Heal • Success at Consequence: Partial success
(2 energy | Heal | Range 0) at execution, however something goes
Pause to heal yourself or your allies. wrong or something unexpected occurs.
• Full Success: Pick one of the options • Full Consequence: The plan either starts
below: you may distribute the Energy to work or goes horribly wrong.
and/or Health between yourself and
one other ally in your tile.
- Heal 3 Health
- Heal 5 Energy
- Heal 2 Health and 3 Energy
• Success at Consequence: Pick one of the
options below: you may distribute the
Energy and/or Health between either
yourself or one other ally in your tile.
- Heal 2 Health
- Heal 3 Energy
- Heal 2 Health and 2 Energy
• Full Consequence: Either you or an ally
in your tile, heal 1 energy; Retaliation

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 47.

When you roll a Success at Consequence • A combination of damage (ex. 4 health &
or a Full Consequence, you are likely going 6 energy)
to experience a retaliation. Instead of the • Summon an ally
narrator acting and rolling for every single
character, the retaliation represents the
conflict that happens as part of the action you
attempted to perform.
There are four levels of retaliations, each with
significantly increasing devastation. With
every encounter, or special attack the narrator
will tell you the retaliation level. If not, before
you choose to boost your roll or spend an
intervention point, be sure to ask the narrator
what the Retaliation level is.
It’s important to note that a retaliation does
not necessarily have to deal direct damage
to the characters, rather it can apply various
effects, change the state of the battlefield,
summon allies, or even force movement.
Level 1. Scratch
• Up to 2 health damage
• Up to 2 energy damage
• A combination of damage (ex. 1 health &
2 energy)
• Knock-down effect

Level 2. Scar
• Up to 3 health damage
• Up to 4 energy damage
• A combination of damage (ex. 2 health &
3 energy)
• Force move one tile

Level 3. Shatter
• Up to 5 health damage
• Up to 6 energy damage
• A combination of damage (ex. 3 health &
3 energy)
• Summon an ally

Level 4. Mortal
• Up to 7 health damage
• Up to 8 energy damage

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
Whenever you want to describe a series of Then, each player will go around the table,
events to cover greater narrative ground, you declaring a skill and how it will apply or be
can invoke a Montage. used in the scene, they pay the energy cost
Montages, which can be recognized as a type of (if any) and roll. The narrator and the player
skill challenge, can be used to represent nearly can collaborate on what happens as a result
any kind event without getting bogged down of that action, the narrator then applying
in action or turn specifics. We typically see any Retaliations as necessary. Then, the next
montages used for simulating months of travel, player will go. It is up to everyone if they want
high-action chases, to escape scenes as the to link their actions together narratively. 
facility collapses beneath them. 
To start, the narrator will tell the group that
they are going to begin a montage. They will
then describe the goal and destination of the
montage, and provide the energy cost and
retaliation level that will result of their action
(which can be peronal or effect the entire

For example: The party needs to travel to the mountains to investigate why the water
has stopped flowing. The narrator decides to start a montage to get the players to
the base of the mountain, stating that each action will cost 2 energy and that a Full
Consequence will result in everyone losing 1 Health and 1 Energy, with a success at
consequence of the player losing 2 energy and everyone else losing 1 energy. 
Player 1 starts. To start off the journey right, they use Forecast to predict favorable
weather and to avoid any unexpected weather events. Player 1 has two Intuition and
thus does not need to spend any energy. They roll and get a Full Consequence, not
feeling its worth spending energy to get a Success at Consequence. All players take the
1 Health and 1 Energy damage.  
The narrator starts, that Player 1's character attempts to read the weather and makes
a prediction, one that will likely cause issues later in their journey.
Player 2 starts, and picks Fight, perhaps from the unpredicted weather event, the
group sought shelter in a ruined facility that happened to be occupied and we need to
fight for our lives. Player 2 has a Vigor of 1 and spends the requisite point of energy.
Player 2 rolls a Full Success.
The narrator chimes in, recapping the events that have happened thus far. "You all
start off on your journey, and Player 1 predicts that taking a particular path along the
river should avoid a coming storm. Lo and behold, the storm came literally on top
of you and you sought shelter to wait the storm out. You find what appears is a safe
place, a dam facility along the riverside.  You make camp and as you keep watch you
find that this is the home of Ogres who was drawn up to your cooking. You fight them
off successfully, do you want to kill them all? or do you just want to kill enough to
scare them back into the depths?
Player 2, lets to the latter, perhaps we can come back later. 
Narrator: Alright! You guys fell a few of the mutated ogres, and they recede back into
the darkness. Alright what happens next Player 3?
This event goes on until every player goes twice, then they arrive at their destination.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest 49.

andrei subbotin (Order #20353992) Drifter Playtest
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