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2. What is the etymology of the word “cancer”? Define cancer.

Cancer comes from the Greek word “karnikos” which means crab. It is a family of complex
diseases with manifestations that vary according to body system and type of tumor cells
involved; marked by uncontrolled growth and the spread of abnormal cells.
3. Define oncology.
Oncology is derived from the Greek word oncoma (“bulk”) it is the study of cancer
4. Describe the components of the cell.
Cells of the body have organelles and carries specific functions.
Organelles Location Function
Nucleus Often near center of Contains genetic material of the cell(DNA) and
the cell nucleoli, site of RNA synthesis and ribosomal
subunit assembly
Ribosomes In cytoplasm Site of protein synthesis

Rough Endoplastic In cytoplasm Has many ribosomes attached, site of protein

Reticulum synthesis
Smooth Endoplastic In cytoplasm Site of lipid synthesis , participates in detoxification
Golgi Apparatus In cytoplasm Modifies protein structure and packages proteins in
secretory vesicles
Secretory Vesicle In cytoplasm Contains material produce in the cell, formed by
the Golgi Apparatus, secreted by exocytosis
Lysosome In cytoplasm Contains enzymes that digest material taken into
the cell
Mitochondrion In cytoplasm Site of aerobic respiration and the major site of
ATP synthesis
Microtubule In cytoplasm Supports cytoplasm, assists in cell division and
forms components of cilia and flagella
Centrioles In cytoplasm Facilitate the movement of chromosomes during
cell division
Cilia On cell surface with Moves substances over surfaces of certain cell
many on each cell
Flagella On sperm cell surface Propel sperm cells
with one per cell
Microvilli Extensions of cell Increase surface area of certain cells
surface with many on
each cell

5. Discuss and make a diagram of the cell life cycle (interphase, stages of mitosis:prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase)

6. Describe the normal cellular differentiation.

The normal cell differentiation is a normal process occurring over many cell cycles that
allows the cells to specialize in certain tasks or carries its function. When adverse conditions
occur in the body tissues during differentiation, protective adaptations can produce
alterations in cells. Some alterations are useful but other cases the cells mutate beyond
usefulness and become liabilities.
7. What are the functions of the DNA?
 Orders production of enzymes
 Instructs cells to produce specific structures
 Instructs cells to develop specific structures
 Determines individual traits and characteristics
 Controls other DNA by telling a cell to “switch on”.

8. Explain the following patterns of cell growth and provide examples:

a. Hyperplasia – is an increase in number or density of normal cells. Occurs in response to
stress, increased metabolic demands or elevated levels of hormones.
Example: Hyperplasia of uterine cells in response to rising levels of estrogen during
b. Metaplasia- is a change in the normal pattern of differentiated into cell types not
normally found in that location in the body.
c. Dysplasia – a loss of DNA control over differentiation occurring in response to adverse
Example: Leukoplakia on oral mucous membranes in response to chronic irritation from
d. Anaplasia- A pattern of growth in which cells lack normal characteristics and differ in
shape and organization with respect to their cells origin.
Example: It response to overwhelming destructive conditions inside the cell or in
surrounding tissue.
e. Neoplasia – uncontrolled cell growth that follows no physiologic demand
Example: Benign tumor
9. Study the Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Tumor.
10. M
11. Explain the following theories of carcinogens.
a. Define the following terms:
 Carcinogenesis – process of transforming normal cells into malignant cells
 Carcinogen – chemicals, physical factors and other agents that initiate or promote
malignant transformation.
 Apoptosis or program cell death is a normal process by which cell numbers
within various tissues are adjusted and controlled. It removes extra tissue or
eliminates excess cells to maintain a constant number of the cells within the
 Angiogenesis – growth of new blood vessels that allow cancer cells to growth
b. Cellular transformation and Dearangement theory including the stages of initiation,
promotion, and progression and two types of genes( oncogenes and Tumor-suppressor
genes) affecting mutation
c. Failure of the immune response therapy.


13. List the warning signals of cancer according to American Cancer Society

 A

14. Discuss the following preventive measures for cancer with examples

a. Primary Prevention involves reducing the risks of disease through health promotion
and risk reduction strategies.
Examples: Immunization, BSE, Vaccinations
b. Secondary Prevention involves screening and early detection activities that seek to
identify precancerous lesions and early-stage cancer in individuals who lack signs and
symptoms of cancer
Examples: Mammography, Colonoscopy, Pap Tests
c. Tertiary Prevention focuses on monitoring for and preventing recurrence of the
primary cancer as well as screening for the development of second malignancies in
cancer survivor.
Examples: Radiation therapy, Chemothe rapy, Hemodialysis, Reconstructive surgery.

15. List the 4 purposes for undergoing extensive testing.

 Determine the presence and extent of cancer

 Identify possible disease metastasis
 Evaluate the function of involved and uninvolved body systems ad organs
 Obtain tissue and cells for analysis, including evaluation of tumor stage and grade.

16. Study

17. Study

18. Differentiate grading from staging of cancer cells

 Grading is define the type of tissue from which the tumor originated and the degree to
which the tumor cells retain he functional and histologic characteristics of the tissue of
origin. On the other hand, Staging of cancer cells it only determines the size of the
tumor, existence of local invasion, lymph node involvement and distant metastasis.

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