Understanding The Self Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines


Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
College of Industrial Technology
1st Semester S.Y. 2019-2020


A trailblazer in arts, science and technology in the region. a. Enhance competency development, commitment, professionalism, unity
and true spirit of service for public accountability, transparency and
delivery of quality services;
UNIVERSITY MISSION b. Provide relevant programs and professional trainings that will respond
to the development needs of the region;
c. Strengthen local and international collaborations and partnerships for
The University shall primarily provide advance instruction and professional borderless programs;
training in science and technology, agriculture, fisheries, education and other d. Develop a research culture among faculty and students;
related field of study. It shall undertake research and extension services, and e. Develop and promote environmentally-sound and market-driven
provide progressive leadership in its area of specialization. knowledge and technologies at par with international standards;
f. Promote research-based information and technologies for sustainable
UNIVERSITY GOAL g. Enhance resource generation and mobilization to sustain financial
To produce graduates with excellence and dignity in arts, science and viability of the university.
Program Objectives and its relationship to University Goal and Objective:


A graduate of Industrial Technology can: a b c d e f g
a. Assume professional, technical, managerial and leadership roles in industrial organization with / /
the desired competence in the fields of practice such as Automotive, Architectural Drafting,
Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Food and its allied discipline.
b. Innovate explicit and modern technologies in the advancement of economy, society, technology / / / / / /
and environmental sustainability.
c. Generate research – base information and technologies at par from international standards; / / / / / / /
d. Promote and transfer knowledge and technologies for effective and efficient school – industry / / / / /

1. Course Code : GE 708

2. Course Title : Understanding the Self
3. Prerequisite : None
4. Credits : 3 units
5. Course Description :

The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of personal identity.
The directive to Know Oneself has inspired countless and varied ways to comply. Among the questions that everyone has had to grapple with at one time or
other is “Who am I”. At no other period is this question asked more urgently than in adolescence – traditionally believed to be a time of vulnerability and great
possibilities. Issues of self and identity are among the most critical for young.
This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identity to arrive at a better understanding of one’s self. It
strives to meet this goal by stressing the integration of the personal with the academic – contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the everyday
experiences of student – making for better learning, generating a new appreciation for the learning process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude
while enabling them to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life.
The course is divided into three major parts: The first part seeks to understand the construct of the self from various disciplinal perspective: philosophy,
sociology, anthropology and psychology – as well s the more traditional division between the East and West – each seeking to provide answers to the difficult but
essential question of “What is the Self” and raising, among others, the question: “Is there even such a construct as the self”.
The second part explores some of the various aspects that make up the self, such as the biological and material up to and including the more recent Digital
Self. The third and final part identifies three areas of concern for young students: learning, goal setting, and managing stress. It is also plans for self-regulated
learning, goal setting, and self-care.
This course includes the mandatory topics on Family Panning and Population Education.
6. Course Learning Outcomes and its Relationship to Program Objectives

Course Learning Outcomes Program Objectives

At the end of the semester, the students can: a b c d e
The Self from Various Perspective
a. Discuss the different representations and conceptualization of the self from various / /
disciplinal perspective.
b. Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across different discipline and / / /
c. Examine the different influences, factors, and forces that shape the self. / / /
d. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analyzing the development of one’s self and / / /
identity by developing a theory of the self.
Unpacking the Self
a. Demonstrate critical, reflective thought in integrating the various aspects of self-identity / /
b. Identify the different forces and institutions that impact the development of various / /
aspects of self and identity
c. Examine one’s self against the different aspects of self-discussed in class / / /
Managing and Caring for the Self
a. Understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for different / / /
aspects of the self
b. Acquire and hone new skills and learning for better managing of one’s self and behaviors / /
c. Apply these new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of life. / /
Outcomes-Based Evidence of
Course Objectives, Topics, Desired Student Course Learning Program Values
Assessment (OBA) Outcomes
Time Allotment Learning Outcomes Outcomes Objectives Integration
Topic : SKSU VMGO, Classroom Policies, Course Overview, Course Requirements, Grading System (3 hours)
a, b, d, e b, c, e
1.1 Introduce self to 1.Course overview Class Discussion, Student’s Value of
classmates and teacher 2. School policies and Student’s Feed responses in appreciation and
1.2 Discuss the VMGO of the classroom policies. Backing Question and participation
university, school policies, 3. Student can Answer
classroom policies, scope of internalize the
the course, course university’s VMGO,
requirements and grading classroom policies,
system. course overview,
1.3 List expectations for the requirements and
course grading system.
1.4 Recall course rules
Topic : Defining the Self: Personal and Developmental Perspective on Self and Identity (16 hours)
2.1 The Self from Various 2.1 The students 2.1 Lecture, Class Student’s c, d, e b Individual
Philosophical Perspective should be able to: discussion and answer to the Intelligence, and
a. Explain why is writing activity that written activity. group
essential to states what is “self” appreciation
understand the according to the
self; following
b. Describe and philosophers:
discuss the a. Socrates;
different notions b. Plato;
of the self from c. Augustine;
the points-of- d. Descartes;
view of the e. Hume;
various f. Kant;
philosophers g. Ryle; and
across time and h. Merlaeu-Ponty
c. Compare and
contrast how the
self has been
represented in
schools; and
d. Examine one’s
self against the
different views
of self that were
discussed in
2.2 The Self, Society and 2.2 The students will: 2.2 Lecture and class Score of
Culture a. understand the participation in the students in
relationship discussion. quiz.
between and
among self,
society and
b. describe and
discuss the
different ways
by which society
and culture
shape the self;
c. compare and
contrast how the
self can be
influenced by
the different
institutions in
the society; and
d. examine one’s
self against the
different views
of self that were
discussed in the

2.3 The Self as Cognitive 2.3 The students 2.3 Research Work: Presentation of
Construct should be able to: List ten (10) things to the research
boost the self-esteem output and
a. identify the or improve the self- student’s score
different ideas in concept. Cite the on quiz.
psychology sources and quiz.
about the self;
b. create their own
definition of the
self-based on
the definitions
psychology; and
c. analyze the
effects of
various factors
identified in
psychology in
the formation of
the self.

2.4 The Self in Western and 2.4 The students 2.4 Lecture and Presentation or
Eastern Thoughts should be able to: Activity: Two sides of brief
a. differentiate the the Same Planet. explanation of
concept of self- Write top five the output.
according to differences between
b. Western thought Western and Eastern
against Society, culture and
Easter/Oriental individuals.
c. explain the
concept of self
as found in
Asian thoughts;
d. create a
of the Filipino
Topic: Unpacking the Self ( 19 hours)
3.1 The Physical and Sexual 3.1 The students Film Viewing and Written a, b,c, e b,e Appreciation and
Self should be able to: Lecture summary of the Individual
a. discuss the film viewed and Intelligence
developmental student’s score
aspect of the on quizzes.
b. describe the
c. explain he
human sexual
d. characterize the
diversity of
sexual behavior;
e. describe
diseases; and
f. differentiate
natural and
methods and

3.2 To buy or Not to Buy? That 3.2 The students Activity on Debit Card Presentation of
is the Question! should be able to: Challenge: A very the output and
a. explain the wealthy person gave analyzation of
association of you a debit card and the activity on
self and told you to use it as Debit Card
possessions; much as you want. Challenge.
b. identify the role Make a list of what
of consumer you want to have and
culture to self lecture.
and identity;
c. appraise one’s
self based on
the description
of material self.

3.3: Supernatural: Believe It or 3.3: The students Art Recall: Presentation

Not! should be able to: Recall: When was the and
a. identify various first time you realized explanation of
religious that there is a higher the drawing.
practices and being than yourself?
beliefs; How old are you
b. understand the then?
self in relation
with religious Draw: Make a poster
beliefs; and about the instance or
c. explain ways of situation that made
finding the you believe in the
meaning of life. existence of higher

3.4 The Political Self and Being 3.4: The students Collage: Cut out Presentation of
Filipino should be able to; pictures or illustration the Collage and
a. develop a from magazines and student’s score
Filipino identity; newspaper that on quiz.
b. identify different shows what being
Filipino values Filipino is about and
and traits; and Lecture.
c. reflect on your
selfhood in
relation to your
national identity.

3.5: Who am I in the Cyber 3.5 The students

world? (Digital Self) should be able to: Three Facts, One Presentation of
a. define online Fiction: Construct the activity and
identity; four sentences that student’s score
b. compare real should start with “I on quiz.
identity versus am_____________”
online identity; and Lecture.
c. describe the
influence of
internet on
sexuality and
gender; and
d. discuss the
proper way of
values and
attitudes online.
Topic: Managing and Caring for the Self (13 hours)
4.1 Learning to be better 4.1 The students Answer the Presentation of b, c, e a, b Individual
learner should be able to: Metacognitive the answer and Intelligence and
a. explain how Awareness Inventory student’s score Group
learning occurs; (MAI) and evaluate on quiz. Appreciation
b. enumerate the self as learner
various and Lecture.
and studying
techniques; and
c. identify the
techniques that
you find most
appropriate for

4.2 Do not just dream, make it 4.2 The students Activity: 5-10-20 Envisioned Self
happen should be able to: Selfie Plan; Present
a. use Bandura’s Draw you envisioned what you want
self-efficacy “Future Self” five to be 5 years,
theory of self- years from now, 10 10 years and 20
assessment; years from now and years from now.
b. differentiate 20 years from now.
growth and fixed
mindset by
Dweck; and
c. design personal
goals adapting
Locke’s goal
setting theory
4.3 Less Stress, More Care
4.3 The students Self Stress Presentation of
should be able to: Assessment: List 5 to the output and
a. explain the 10 thing and analyzing the
effects of stress instances that make factors to
to one’s health; you stress overcome
b. examine cultural those stresses.
dimension of
stress and
coping; and
c. design a self-
care plan.
Number of Hours 51 hours (Lecture)
3 hours (Exam)
Total Number of Hours 54 hours
8. Course Evaluation

Course Requirements: The following are the course requirements:

Reflection Papers
Community Immersion (If possible)
Grading System:
Exam 50% Exam 50%
Quizzes 30% Quizzes 30%
Attitude 5% Attitude 5%
Assignment 10% Assignment 10%
Participation 5% Participation 5%
100% 100%

Schedule of Examination: Midterm - October 11-12, 2019

Final Term - December 11-13, 2019
Classes End -
References: (10 references)
1. Eden Joy Pastor Alata, Bernardo Nicolas Caslib Jr,. Janice Patria Javier Serafica, R. A. Pawilen(2018). Understanding the Self. 1st Edition
2. Dalisay G. Brawner, analisa F. arcega (2018). Understanding the Self. 1st Edition
3. Chafee, J. (2013) who are you? Consciousness, Identity and the Self in the Philosopher’s way: thinking Critically about Profound Ideas. Pearson, 106-169
4. Demello, M. (2014). Beautiful Bodies.Pp 173-188. And Fat and Thin Bodies. 189-205. In body studies. An Introduction. Routedge
5. Gonzales & Hancock (2010). Mirror, Mirror on my FB Wall: Effects of Exposure to FB on self-esteem> Cyberpsychology, Bahaviour and Social Networking.
Doi 10.1089/cyber.2009.0411
6. Sosi, R. (2010). The adaptive value of religious ritual. In Angeloni(ed). Annual Editions: Anthropology 10/11.33 rd ed. McGraw Hill.133-137
7. Stein & stein (2011). Ritual in the anthropology of religion, magic and witchcraft. Prentice Hall. 77-102
8. Wolfson (2010).The Chen=mistry and Chimera od Desire. http.//www.healthline.com/health/what-is-desire
9. J. Dunlosky, K.A. Rawson, E.J. Marsh, M.J. M.J. Nathan, & D.T. Willingham (2013). Improving Students Learning with effective learning Techniques:
Promising Directions from Cognitive and Educational Pschology. Psychology Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4-58. Doi 10.1177/1529100612453266
10. Neff, K. (2012).The Science of Self Compassion. In Germer &Siegel (eds). Compassion and Wellness in Pschotherapy. N.Y. Guilford Press. 79-92.

Prepared by:

CHARITY L. ORIA, MEng - CpE Reviewed by:

Faculty, BSInduT
Program Head, BSInduT
Approved by:


Dean, College of Industrial Technology

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