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Republic of the Philippines


Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
College of Industrial Technology
1st Semester S.Y. 2019-2020


A trailblazer in arts, science and technology in the region. a. Enhance competency development, commitment, professionalism, unity
and true spirit of service for public accountability, transparency and
delivery of quality services;
UNIVERSITY MISSION b. Provide relevant programs and professional trainings that will respond
to the development needs of the region;
c. Strengthen local and international collaborations and partnerships for
The University shall primarily provide advance instruction and professional borderless programs;
training in science and technology, agriculture, fisheries, education and other d. Develop a research culture among faculty and students;
related field of study. It shall undertake research and extension services, and e. Develop and promote environmentally-sound and market-driven
provide progressive leadership in its area of specialization. knowledge and technologies at par with international standards;
f. Promote research-based information and technologies for sustainable
UNIVERSITY GOAL g. Enhance resource generation and mobilization to sustain financial
To produce graduates with excellence and dignity in arts, science and viability of the university.
Program Objectives and its relationship to University Goal and Objective:


A graduate of Industrial Technology can: a b c d e f g
a. Assume professional, technical, managerial and leadership roles in industrial organization with / /
the desired competence in the fields of practice such as Automotive, Architectural Drafting,
Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Food and its allied discipline.
b. Innovate explicit and modern technologies in the advancement of economy, society, technology / / / / / /
and environmental sustainability.
c. Generate research – base information and technologies at par from international standards; / / / / / / /
d. Promote and transfer knowledge and technologies for effective and efficient school – industry / / / / /

1. Course Code : GE 711

2. Course Title : Cultures of Mindanao
3. Prerequisite : None
4. Credits : 3 units
5. Course Description :

This course Cultures in Mindanao discuss the people’s cultural diversities of living people in Mindanao. It is expose students outside of their own cultures,
beliefs and traditions to make them more understand that people are different from them in various forms but, not to stop them from getting to know them better.
Students are given opportunities to analyze and compare different aspects of life, identity the other’s culture and examine and analyze the discussions and other
related activities presented in the class. The discussions will tackle traditional topics in cultures and ethnicities that will deepen and broaden their understanding of
one’s uniqueness and differences in lifestyle such as religious beliefs, tradition, culture and the like. Thus, the end goal is to awaken the critical consciousness and
awareness of the students towards cultural diversities in Mindanao, to build rapport among them to respect one another. So that, everybody can live peacefully and
happily ever.

6. Course Learning Outcomes and its Relationship to Program Objectives

Course Learning Outcomes Program Objectives

At the end of the semester, the students can: a b c d e f g
a. include the SKSU VMGO, classroom policies, course overview, course requirements, grading system. / / /
b. define what are Culture, Mindanao and Cultures in Mindanao / / / /
c. identify Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism as major religions in Mindanao as long as their / / / /
different religious sects/groups, beliefs, customs and traditions etc..
d. enumerate the different ethno-linguistic groups of Bangsamoro, Indigenous Peoples (IP’s), Christians /
and Judaism with respect to their religious beliefs, customs and traditions of family houses, lifestyle,
ethnics/tribes, dialect(s) used, places of origin, population, occupation/livelihood, fashion/wearing,
dress/clothing, special cuisine/delicacies/favorite foods they eat, epic songs, dances and instruments,
rituals, superstitious beliefs celebrated special days: holidays, birth baptismal/birthday, fiestas/festivals,
courting, marriage(s) and their death/burial belief and traditions.
e. establish rapport to anyone regardless of people’s cultural diversities locally found not only in Mindanao / / / /
but also found nationally and globally as a whole
f. respect one another, live in the absent of fear, chaos, conflict and even war; and / / / /
g. observe mutual understanding among other, live peacefully and happily ever in the community / / / /
Outcomes-Based Evidence of Course
Course Objectives, Topics, Desired Student Program
Assessment Outcomes Learning Values Integration
Time Allotment Learning Outcomes Objectives
(OBA) Activities Outcomes
Topic : SKSU VMGO, Classroom Policies, Course Overview, Course Requirements, Grading System (1 hours)
1.1 Discuss the VMGO of 1.1 Students can be Individual Rubric score cards of b, d, e, f & g a, c, e, & f Awareness,
the University, aware of and appreciate participation in class class participation appreciation and
classroom policies, the University’s VMGO, discussion accomplished by the acceptance
scope of the course, Classroom Policies, instructor
course requirements Course Overview,
and Grading system requirements and
grading system.
Topic : Introduction to Cultures in Mindanao (6 hours)

2.1. Subject Background: The 2.2. The students will be 2.1 2.1 Discuss the origin d, e, f & g a Remembering and
origin of Tribes/Ethnic given a background Lecture/Discussion of tribe/ethnic groups learning the past.
Groups in the Philippines ideas about the origin of in the Philippines
ethnic groups in the
Being resourceful,
2.2. Explain the meaning and 2.1. The students can 2.2 Research in the 2.2 Write the final attentive using their
relevance of Culture, identify primary the library, definition(s) derived critical thinking.
Mindanao and Cultures in different definition of internet/google; from the students and
Mindanao and its history; such terms given reading references: from other sources
Distinguish their major according to their own books, journals, such as books,
religions found in level of understanding articles, websites internet/google.
Mindanao such as: Islam, given according to etc..
Christianity, Judaism, and book(s). Understanding and
Buddhism relatedness

2.3.Evaluate the student’s 2.3. The students can 2.3 Comparative 2.3 Explain the
individual and author’s evaluate their own analysis of different different definition in
different definitions on the definitions as well as the definitions from the the level of their own
terms given author’s different student and from understanding.
definition(s). other sources.
Topic: Discuss different tribes/ethnic groups with their religious beliefs, customs, traditions or their related lifestyle (12 hours)
3.1. Recount and define the 3.1. The students can 3.1 Reporting or 3.1 Graded a, b, c, d, e, f a, c, e, & f Love, respect,
story their identify the historical presentation, reporting/presentation, &g understating,
tribes/ethnicity/identity important of the Sharing/questions class participation, interconnectedness,
belongingness etc. tribes/ethnicity/identity and answer class quizzes, critical teamwork, and
belongings etc. of the participation and ice essays appreciation.
people around them breaker(s)
particularly in Mindanao
and bring the knowledge
learned wherever they
are in both nationally and
globally as a whole (if
Topic: Topics with respect to their religious beliefs, customs and traditions or family houses, lifestyle, ethnics/tribes, dialect(s) used, places of
origin, population, occupation/livelihood, fashion/wearing dress/clothing, special cuisine/delicacies/favorite foods they eat, epic songs, dances and
instruments, rituals, superstitious beliefs celebrated special days: holidays, birth baptismal/birthday, fiestas/festivals, courting, marriage(s) and their
death/burial beliefs and traditions. (6 hours)
4.1 Different religious beliefs 4.1 The students can 4.1 reporting / 4.1 graded a, b, c, e, & g a, c, e, & f Awareness, love,
customs and traditions or familiarize the different presentation, reporting/presentation, respect,
family houses, religious beliefs, customs sharing/questions class participation, understanding,
ethnics/tribes, dialect(s) and traditions or family and answers/class quizzes, critical relatedness,
used, places/areas they houses ethnics/tribes, participation, ice essays, oral rapport, care,
found, population, dialect(s)used, breaker(s) and role recitations, friendship, peace,
occupation/livelihood, places/areas they found, play/drama, circle assignments, quizzes, happy and harmony
fashion/wearing population, sharing critical essays, major
dress/clothing, special occupation/livelihood, ideas/questions and exams (midterm and
cuisine /dialects/favorite fashion/wearing answers. final).
foods they eat, epic songs, dress/clothing, special
dances and instruments, cuisine/delicacies/favorite
rituals, superstitious foods they eat, epic
beliefs, lifestyle: bad and songs, dances and
good practices in life, instruments, rituals,
celebrated special days: superstitious beliefs,
holidays, birth lifestyle: bad and good
/baptismal/birthday, practices in life,
fiestas/festivals, courting, celebrated special days:
marriage(s) and their holidays,
death/burial beliefs and fiestas/festivals, courting,
traditions. marriage(s) and their
death/burial beliefs and
A) The fourteen (14) traditions.
different Ethno-linguistic
groups of Bangsamoro
1. Maguindanaon
2. Banguingui
3. Iranun
4. Jama-Mapun
5. Kalagan
6. Kalibugan/Kolibugon
7. Badjao
8. Maranao
9. Palawan/Palawano
10. Sama
11. Sangil
12. Subanon
13. Tausug
14. Yakan

B) The Christian Ethnic

groups are composed of
both Indigenous Ethnic
Groups and the Immigrant
ethnic groups.
a. Indigenous Ethnic
Groups are:
1. Tagalog-Official
Language in the country
in the 1930’s 23.8 Million
2. Bicolano
3. Kapampangan
4. Pangasinense
5. Ilocano
6. Igorot
7. Mangyan
8. Negrito
9. Antiqueno
10. Cuyunon
11. Ilongots
12. Gaddang
13. Zamboanga
14. Ibanag
15. Kamayo
Visayan language widely
spoken such as:
1. Cebuano,
2. Hiligaynon and
3. Waray-waray
Other groups speak smaller
language such as:
1. Capiznon
2. Kinaray-a
3. Aklanon
4. Mabateno
5. Romblomanon
6. Surigaonon and
7. Butuanon
Comprises the largest group in
the country. Around 33 million
as of 2010.
b. Indigenous Ethnic
Groups are:
1. Lumad has eighteen
(18) Ethno-linguistics
group such as:
1. Atta/agta/aeta/ayta
2. Bagobo
3. Banwaon
4. Blaan
5. Bukidnon
6. Dabawanon
7. Higaonon
8. Mamanwa
9. Mandaya
10. Manguwangan
11. Manobo
12. Mansaka
13. Tagakaolo
14. Tasaday
15. T’boli
16. Teduray
17. Ubo
c. Judaism
1. Chinese
2. Hinduism/Indians
Number of Hours 51 hours (Lecture)
3 hours (Exam)
Total Number of Hours 54 hours

8. Course Evaluation

Course Requirements: The following are the course requirements:

Reflection Papers
Community Immersion (If possible)
Grading System:
Exam 50% Exam 50%
Quizzes 30% Quizzes 30%
Attitude 5% Attitude 5%
Assignment 10% Assignment 10%
Participation 5% Participation 5%
100% 100%

Schedule of Examination: Midterm - October 11-12, 2019

Final Term - December 11-13, 2019
Classes End -
References: (10 or more references)

1. Baliao, Ma.E.D. & Pargon, C.R.F. (2011). Society and Culturein a Changing World, 1st Edition. Florentino St., Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City.
2. Uychoco, M.T. A. & Santos M. L. (2018). Communication for Society, 1st Edition Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila Philippines.
3. Serafica, J.P.J., Pawilen, G.T. et. al. (2018). Science, Technology and Society, 1st Edition Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila
4. Oscar, G.B.J., Calano, al. (2018) Ethics Foundation of Moral Valuables. Edition. Florentino St., Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City.
5. Joaquin, Nick: Taguiawalo, Beaulah Pedregosa (2004). Culture and History. Anvil Publishing. ISBN 978-971-27-1300-2.
6. Agoncillo, Teodoro(1990) History of the Filipino People. Garptech Publishing. ISBN 978-971-06-4.
7. Joaquin, Nick; (1990). Manila, my Manila Bookmark. ISBN 978-971-5690-31304
8. “World Factbook: Philippines”. CIA. Acchived from the original on January 11, 2010.

9. Agoncillo, Teodoro.(2012). History of the Filipino People. 8th Edition. Quezon City: University of the Philippines.
10. Alponta, V.C. & Candelaria, Jl.P. (2018). Readings in the Philippines History. Rex Bookstore. Manila Philippines.
11. Constantino, Renato. (1975). The Philippines: A Past Revisited. Quezon City: Renato Constantino. Supplementals:
12. Querol, Mariano.(1974). A Nation in the Making: The Philippines and the United States.

Prepared by:

CHARITY L. ORIA, MEng - CpE Reviewed by:

Faculty, BSInduT
Program Head, BSInduT
Approved by:


Dean, College of Industrial Technology

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