Lyrics Are: Words Song Verses Choruses Lyricist Opera Libretto Librettist

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LYRICS are words that make up a song usually consisting

of verses and choruses. The writer of lyrics is a lyricist. The

words to an extended musical composition such as
an opera are, however, usually known as a "libretto" and
their writer, as a "librettist". The meaning of lyrics can either
be explicit or implicit. Some lyrics are abstract, almost
unintelligible, and, in such cases, their explication
emphasizes form, articulation, meter, and symmetry of
expression. Rappers can also create lyrics (often with a
variation of rhyming words) that are meant to be spoken
rhythmically rather than sung
POETRY has a very long history, dating back to prehistorical
times with the creation of hunting poetry in Africa, and
panegyric and elegiac court poetry was developed
extensively throughout the history of the empires of the Nile,
Niger and Volta river valleys.[4]Some of the earliest written
poetry in Africa can be found among the Pyramid
Texts written during the 25th century BCE, while the Epic of
Sundiata is one of the most well-known examples
of griot court poetry. The earliest Western Asian epic poetry,
the Epic of Gilgamesh, was written in Sumerian. Early
poems in the Eurasian continent evolved from folk songs
such as the Chinese Shijing, or from a need to retell oral
epics, as with the Sanskrit Vedas, Zoroastrian Gathas, and
the Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Ancient Greek
attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle's Poetics,
focused on the uses
of speech in rhetoric, drama, song and comedy. Later
attempts concentrated on features such as repetition, verse
form and rhyme, and emphasized the aesthetics which
distinguish poetry from more objectively
informative, prosaic forms of writing.

SEQUENCEsignals or Sequence connectors are group of

letters or words used to link sentences and be able to
discuss the order of events within a paragraph written. It's
very useful especially for readers to determine which event
happens first and last. Example: She runs in the yard and
play the ball.

JOURNALISTIC TEXTis written originally by a writer or

journalist with a unique style and construction level. It's main
goal is to give informative articles to the readers. News and
information are examples of journalistic text.

INFORMATIONAL TEXT is a subset of the larger category of

nonfiction (Duke & Bennett-Armistead, 2003). Its primary
purpose is to inform the reader about the natural or social
world. Different from fiction, and other forms of nonfiction,
informational text does not utilize characters. Further, it has
specialized language characteristics such as general nouns
and timeless verbs that are not common in other genres.
Some examples of this structure would be: “Dogs bark;”
“Some sea snakes are quite deadly;” or “Apples can be red,
yellow, or even green!”

LITERARY TEXT is a piece of written material, such as a

book or poem, that has the. purpose of telling a story or
entertaining, as in a fictional novel. Its primary function as a.
text is usually aesthetic, but it may also contain political
messages or beliefs.

NORMAL word order occurs when the subject of the

sentence comes before the verb. Inverted word order occurs
when the subject comes after the verb (inverted sentences),
in between verb parts (questions), or is missing altogether
(commands). Inverted word order can add more specific
intention to sentences.

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