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Sta. Lucia Calumpit, Bulacan



Perez, Michaela Angel R.

Resare, Dios Anne A.

Mungcal, Irish A.

Lazatin, Coco M.

This study aims to explore some problem in school and that is the lack of school facilities that

can affect academic performance of a student, and also in this study we the researchers wants

to prove that lack of school facilities is one of the biggest problem that the students may face.

The researchers conducted a survey from the students of Sta. Lucia High School. Each students

were surveyed and given the chance to widely explain their aspirations in terms of having lack

of school facilities.


“Education is having a significant role in the lives of children as they grow and develop”

Lacking of facilities is one of the problem that can affect student. Poor facility in school proved

that students are not receiving their rights having sufficiently available and well-maintained

school facilities. Indications of having these poor facilities are non-working or poor maintained

public comfort rooms, lack of classrooms, overcrowding in classrooms, poor ventilation,

unsanitary and crowded canteens and more improving the quality of school facilities in

unexpensive undertaking. However when the positive impacts of facilities improvement on

teachers and students are translated into dollar figures, the rewards of such investment far

outstrip the cost of the investment.

According to GNA cited that moved also formed part of government’s commitment to bring

educational infrastructures in the deprived communities to an appreciable level, to create a

sound environment for efficient teaching and learning. Quality education is the key to the

national development and government will spare no efforts to ensure provision of

infrastructures to schools, training and motivation of teachers in the deprived communities.

This study aims to determine how the facilities can affect students academic performance

towards having a successful relationship with their studies. The respondents of this study are

the random students of Sta. Lucia High School at Calumpit, Bulacan where it is one of the school

having problem about facilities


This research is all about the effects of having lack of school facilities affect academic

performance of every students in Sta. Lucia High School. It is known as a secondary school

specifically located in Calumpit province of Bulacan and region III Central Luzon. This school

offers secondary curriculum and senior high.

Lack of school facilities affect student academic performance “Education is having a significant

role in the lives of children as they grow and develop”. This research is all about the importance
of school facilities and how it affects to student academic performance according to Dr. Linda

Lemasters that school facilities is important to a students for them to learn properly.


The aim of the study is to find out that does lack of school facilities affect student’s academic

performance? And what are possible ways that are needed to improve this kind of problem that

the students may face.

Based on the study we conducted, here are the questions that aimed to be answer:

1. As a student how important to have enough school facilities?

2. As a student what ways that the school and the government can do to improve the

facilities in school?

3. As a student what is your opinion of having lack of school facilities?

4. Does lack of school facilities affect your academic performance?


The purpose of our study is to demonstrate that lack school facilities has an big effect to the

students especially to their academic performance. And the second purpose of our study is to

show that there are ways to do to solve this kind of problem that the students facing.


Lack- the state of being with or without or not having enough of something.

School Facilities- are buildings and grounds, parking lots, playing fields, and fixed equipment.

Academic Performance- is the extent to which a student, student or institution has achieved

their short or long term educational goals.


The participants of this study were the 30 random students of SLHS, disregarding their

personality, gender, age, and educational background. The students were randomly picked and

chosen. Whatever they said is respected and served as this research source.
The researchers conducted a questionnaires to all the respondents. The aim is for the

participants to be given exactly the same context of questioning. This means that each

respondents receives exactly the same review stimulus as any others. The goal of this style of

survey that interviewers’ replies can be aggregated

This data that researchers conducted in this research find out that most of the 30 random

students that has been surveyed agree that having of lack of school facilities affect their

academic performance. And also we found out that some of students disagree that lack of

school facilities affect their academic performance.


It was revealed by the results that out of 30 students of Sta. Lucia High School 21 students

agree that lack of school facilities affect their academic performance while 9 students disagree

that it can affect their academic performance.


This study has shown that lack of school facilities can affect academic performance of a student,

the researchers suggest ways to improve student performance and improve the education


1) Educators must have adequate facilities that provide an atmosphere and amenities for

student success, educators must strive to improve student performance as well as to

improve the education process 2) should provide for possible improvements to help

school leaders to make the best decisions concerning facilities improvements: school

leaders must ensure that buildings are kept clean and neat, which will help in overall,

maintenance and aesthetics of buildings: school leaders should work together with

school board members, and the president to fund all necessary improvements to

facilities to ensure the high levels academic gain that is mandated by state officials: and

officials, school leaders, and industry executives should develop a system for properly

assessing buildings, and repairing those in the worst conditions: 3) the Government

must continue to provide needed funding that supports school and local educational

efforts and to help build modernize school facilities. School facilities guidelines should

developed through collaborative process with educators and interested persons dealing

with designs, construction and maintenance of school facilities.






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