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Weekly Learning Objective: Illustrate internal influences/determinants of consumer behavior with a

specific focus on attitude and personality.

Using the Discussion Board Rubric for the specific grading criteria, develop a well thought-out initial
response addressing the following:

Part I:
Access the Strategic Business Insights website. Read through the page and complete the US
VALS Survey to determine your consumer behavior
• Which primary category do you fall into? How about secondary?
• Read through the VALS category descriptions on the website. Do you think your
categories accurately describe you? Why or why not?

Part II:
Access the ESRI "Explore My Neighborhood" website. In the middle of the screen, under
"Explore Your Community's Characteristics", click on
"Start Exploring". From there, enter your zip code and click "See Results". Now,
investigate the various information.
• What are the top three segment descriptions listed in your zip code (state them by name and provide
one or two words to describe them)?
• Under each of the top three segments, after reading the short descriptions, click on "Click for more
details" for the segment of your choice.
Skim through the listed information.
• Do any of the top three segments describe you?
• Do you think the top three segments are generally accurate? Why or why not?

Part III: Analyzing Your Findings

• How might marketing managers use the findings from your VALS survey results to market products
to you? Feel free to use specific
product examples in your answer.
• How might a marketing manager use the findings from your zip code's ESRI date to market products
to you?
Again, feel free to to use specific product examples in your answer.
• Do you think either of these two resources are better or more relevant than the other for a marketing
manager? Why or why not?

Research and respond to the discussion question(s) by the end of Day 3. Your answer should be
a minimum of 400-500 words, 2-3 sources,
in APA format, and should meet professional standards in content and writing style. You are
expected to interact and engage with your peers
with two substantial response postings 200-300 words, due by Day 7.

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