Marjorie Rl.

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The absenteeism is the one of affecting the low capacity of repairs, Care if your employee is a care
such as for an elderly relative, they may take time out of work if the dependent is ill, has appointments,
or if their care arrangements fall through. An employee may have low morale and lack motivation if they
feel undervalued and underappreciated at work. If they feel that their work isn’t appreciated, they may
feel like nobody would notice if they were absent. Absenteeism is the one of problem the computer
service because give affect the production repair Reduced productivity levels increased labor costs if you
hire replacement temporary workers.

2. There are five main differences between service and manufacturing organizations: the tangibility of
their output; production on demand or for inventory; customer-specific production; labor-intensive or
automated operations; and the need for a physical production location. However, in practice, service
and manufacturing organizations share many characteristics. Many manufacturers offer their own
service operations and both require skilled people to create a profitable business.

Service firms generally produce a service tailored to customers’ needs, such as 12 hours of consultancy,
plus 14 hours of design and 10 hours of installation. Manufacturers can produce goods without a
customer order or forecast of customer demand. However, producing goods that do not meet market
needs is a poor strategy.

Location dependent:Twitter is headquartered in San Francisco andis renting their facility within the city
limits of San Francisco.They are havingdifficulties in finding the appropriate size at a lower rental cost
and the ability to lowerpayroll taxes in San Francisco. According to Adam Lashinsky, senior editor at
large ofFortune Magazine, “about 350 workers, 65 percent of them apparently are residents ofSan
Francisco: they bike to work and love working there” (Lashinsky)

Volatile:Twitteris looking for other locations, in the South San Francisco area.South San
Franciscoaccording to Lashinsky is out of the city and the county lines (Lashinsky). With thedecisions
that Twitter will me making, it becomes volatile. The volatility would bedetrimental to the not only to
the city and county but also to the employees.

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