Unit 4 - Lesson D: On Average: Touchstone 2nd Edition - Language Summary - Level 1

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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Unit 4 • Lesson D: On average

Free time
music (n)

Routine activities
receive text messages (v)
send text messages (v)
spend time (on the phone) (v)
spend time online (v)

Frequency expressions
five hours a month
one night a week
three times a day / week

Other words
restaurant (n)
teenager (n)
(spend time) with (prep)
drink (v)
on average

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 4, Lesson D, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Capitals and periods

This is a period .

Use a period at the end of your sentences:

Marisa is a new student in the class. She's from Rio originally.


These are CAPITAL letters: A B C D E . . . . Use a CAPITAL letter for:

• the pronoun I

I watch TV 10 hours a week.

• a new sentence

She has a busy week. She has English classes over 18 hours a week.

• people's names

Marisa is a new student in the class.

• the names of places

She's from Rio originally.

• names of languages

She takes a Chinese class.

• days of the week

She takes a Chinese class on Saturdays.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 4, Lesson D, Page 2

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