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ed Title:

ed Research Objectives: 1
Journal Methodology
Title Author/s Year Research Objectives Key Findings Recommendation Identified Gaps References
Name Design Respondents Sampling Technique Instruments Analysis Method
Adolescents Smoking in the Crosslight Hervé Kuendig and Marina 2014 ISRN To study the connectedness of adolescents’ Quantitave Adolescents from Stratified Sampling Surveys and Diagnostic Analysis Compared to adolescents who had never drank alcohol in their life, light drinkers were more recommends pedagogical practices that can best foster M. Delgrande Jordan and E.
of Other Substance Use and Parental Delgrande Jordan Addiction smoking status, history of alcohol and Research the age group 14-15 Questionnaires likely to have ever tried smoking and to currently smoke. This likelihood was even higher for leadership development with adult Kuntsche, Eds., Comportements
and Peers’ Smoking Behaviors cannabis use, and the influence of parental youth drinking usually one or more drinks per drinking occasion. Regarding parental smoking, learners. de santé des jeunes adolescents
and peer use.To study the connectedness of about two out of five adolescents reported that at least one of their parents smoked. These en Suisse. Les résultats d'une
adolescents’ smoking status, history of youths had higher likelyhoods to smoke and to smoke on a daily basis compared to those enquête nationale, Editions
alcohol and cannabis use, and the influence whose parent did not smoke. This likelihood was higher for youths with both parents smoking Médecine & Hygiène, Chêne-
of parental and peer use. than for those with only one smoking parent. Bourg, Switzerland, 2012.
T. Radtke, R. Keller, H. Krebs,
and R. Hornung, “Der
Tabakkonsum Jugendlicher und
junger Erwachsener in den
Jahren 2001 bis 2009/10,”
Psychologisches Institut, Sozial-
und Gesundheitspsychologie,
Zürich, Switzerland, 2011.
G. Gmel, E. Kuntsche, M. Wicki,
and F. Labhart

A Macrolevel Examination of County- Karen E. O'Quin,1 Sheryl 2011 Management Journal of Child Development Research Quantitave State and federally N/A Checklist for Descriptive statistics Underage drinking is a complex issue that spans demographic categories and has many Accept effective leadership principles and styles in R. Hingson, T. Heeren, and M.
Level Risk Factors for Underage M. Strasser,2 and Monica method collected data from arrests including interrelated, contributing factors. If there is to truly be an understanding of the scope and school management, including a number of key Winter, “Age at drinking onset
Drinking Prevention: Intervention H. Swahn the SIS, 10 Georgia drinking consequence of underage drinking in the US, a more accurate, efficient underage drinking characteristics: (1) Effective educational leadership (EEL) and alcohol dependence,”
Opportunities to Protect Youth in the counties, and surveillance system is needed with information available at the county level. Underage drinking provides a holistic approach for a better school Archives of Pediatrics and
State of Georgia underage drinkers. research that integrates assessment of urbanicity, poverty, and alcohol outlet density risk is an management; (2) EEL must be based on objective Adolescent Medicine, vol. 160,
important priority for future research. Research in these areas can inform targeted intervention criteria; (3) EEL styles should be able to provide a no. 7, pp. 739–746, 2006. View
and prevention efforts including enactment of new policies. framework that identifies essential part of the school at Publisher · View at Google
management and improves on a frequent basis; (4) EEL Scholar · View at PubMed · View
should offer benchmarking opportunities with others at Scopus R. Hingson and Z.
both within and outside of a school system.; (5) EEL and Wenxing, “Age of drinking
management of schools must create structures and onset, alcohol use disorders,
processes and establish relationships which enable frequent heavy drinking, and
teachers to engage fully in teaching. unintentionally injuring oneself
and others after drinking,”
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Alcohol Use Among Senior High Joyce Annor 2016 University of The second cycle institution corresponds with Quantitative Adolecence N/A N/A N/A there are five important traits or attributes which a school leader or principal should possess for  Similar studies should include SHS 3 students and also Adu-Mireku, S. (2003). The Prevalence of Alcohol, Cigarette, and Marijuana Use Among Ghanaian Senior Secondary Students in an Urban Setting. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 2(1), 53–65., N. T. (2014). Finding religion in everyday
School Students In The GA Central Ghana late adolescents. Adolescence is a period a school to achieve excellence and for sustainable leadership be created. These five attributes out of school adolescents in the community.
Municipality marked by increasing participation in health are: (i) integrity, which has the sub-attributes of being principled and humble; (ii) forward
risky behaviors such as alcohol use. The use looking, which has the sub-attributes of strategic catalyst and mind motivator, (iii) inspirational,
of alcohol at this critical age can lead to which has the sub-attributes of supportive and influential; (iv) competent, which has the sub-
serious health outcomes such as causing attributes of task competency (there are two components, namely, action-oriented and
harm to body organs such as the liver and sociability as well as emotional and spiritual competency) and (vi) self-efficacy.
sometimes injuries. It is also associated with
negative social and behavioral consequences
such as unsafe sexual behavior. This study
therefore aims to determine the prevalence
of alcohol use and the factors that influence
alcohol use among Senior High School
students in the Ga Central Municipality

Building The Basis For Primary Álfgeir Logi Kristjansson 2010 The The aim of this project is to investigate Quantitative Adolescents N/A N/A N/A N/A Agnew, R. (1992). Foundation
Preverntion: Factors Related To Deparment several important factors in the social for a general strain theory of
Cigarette Smoking And Alcohol Use of Public environment of Icelandic adolescents that crime and delinquency.
Among Adolescence Health contribute to the likelihood of cigarette Criminology 30: 47-87. Ajzen, I.
Sciences smoking and alcohol use initiation and (1985). From decisions to
progression. Senior public health scholars actions: A theory of planned
have highlighted the need for an increase in behavior. In Kuhl, J. and
inter-disciplinary approaches for public Beckman, J. (eds.). Action-
health research and practice. Consequently, Control: From cognition to
the coverage builds on a literature from both behavior, pp: 11-39. New York:
the social- and public health sciences. Springer.

Peer and Parent Influences on Bruce Simons-Morton, 2001 N/A The purpose of this article is to examine the N/A N/A N/A Questionnaire N/A In the final models, several demographic, peer, and parent variables were significant. Among N/A Johnston LD, O’Malley PM,
Smoking and Drinking among Early Denise L Haynie, Aria Davis extent to which peer and parent influences demographic variables, eighth graders were more likely to smoke or drink than sixth graders Bachman JG: National Survey
Adolescents Crump, Keith E Saylor, are associated with smoking and drinking in and girls were more likely to drink than boys. African Americans were less likely to smoke and Results on Drug Use From
Patricia Eitel a population of middle-school students. This drink than whites. Also, those with a parent at home who smokes were more likely to smoke. theMonitoring the Future
research adds to the literature on adolescent Peer pressure was positively associated with smoking and drinking. Students who had been Study, 1975-1994: Vol. 1.
smoking and drinking by assessing both offered a cigarette (peer pressure) were 1.78 times as likely to smoke, and those who had been Secondary School Students
direct and indirect peer influences and offered alcohol were 1.48 times as likely to drink, as students who had not been offered these (NIH Pub. No. 95-4206).
several dimensions of peer and parent substances. Those with one friend who smoked were 2.73 times as likely to smoke and those Rockville, MD, Department of
influences in multivariate analyses. Design: with two or more friends who smoked were 9.46 times as likely to smoke as those with no Health and Human Services,
Cross-Sectional Respondents: The sixth-, friends who smoked. However, those with one friend who drank were not significantly more National Institute on Drug
seventh-, and eighth-grade students in all likely to drink, but those with two or more friends who drank were 4.52 times as likely to drink Abuse, 1995.
seven middle schools in a Mary-land school as those with no drinking friends. Several parent variables were negatively associated with
district were recruited for the study. The smoking and drinking in the final analytic models. Compared with low parent involvement, those
schools are located in a suburb of whose parents were highly involved were 0.4 times as likely to smoke (OR = 2.5 times less likely
Washington, D.C., that includes two small to smoke) and 0.6 times as likely to drink (OR = 1.67 times less likely to drink). Compared with
cities, with a large and rapidly growing those whose parents had low expectations, study participants with parents with high
population located nearer to Washington expectations were 0.39 times as likely to smoke (OR = 2.56 times less likely to smoke) and 0.32
and a sparse, rural population farther away times as likely to drink (OR = 3.13 times less likely to drink). Compared with those whose
from the city. parents provided low regard, those whose parents provided high regard were 0.63 times as
likely to smoke (OR = 1.59 less likely to smoke) and 0.75 as likely to drink (OR = 1.33 times less
Cigarette Smoking Among Mark G. Myers, Ph.D. 2006 N/A To examine the prevalence of cigarette Qualitative Adolecence N/A N/A The
to drink).ofExcept
smoking treatment
for regard andfor adolescents
drinking, with AOD-related
the magnitude problems
of the ORs is in its
was greater forearly
the N/A Brown RA, Lewinsohn PM,
Adolescents With Alcohol and Other and John F. Kelly, Ph.D. smoking among adolescents with AOD use stages. The few relevant
high-versus-low treatment
comparison studies
than for indicate that tobacco
the medium-versus-low use interventions for this
comparisons. Seeley JR, et al. Cigarette
Drug Use Problems problems, smoking cessation efforts in this population are feasible and potentially effective. Findings to date suggest that adolescents with smoking, major depression,
population, and special considerations for AOD use disorders may benefit more from relatively intensive multicomponent programs rather and other psychiatric
adolescent smoking cessation treatment, than brief treatment for smoking cessation. It is noteworthy that all of the treatments reviewed disorders among
including peer influences, motivation, and focused on clientcentered approaches to motivating changes in smoking behavior and, in adolescents. Journal of the
nicotine dependence. This article concludes contrast with standard adult treatment, did not require cessation. Motivational approaches thus American Academy of Child
with a brief review of studies evaluating could be especially important for engaging adolescents in treatment. The studies showing and Adolescent
smoking cessation treatment for adolescents significant effects included interventions delivered in group rather than individual sessions. This Psychiatry. 1996;35:1602–
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Youth smoking risk and community Elissa R Weitzman1,  2005 N/A To know whether the drinking environments Quantitative Youth Random Sampling Mailed survey Spearman’s correlation Drinking environments in US college communities are strongly and independently N/A Istvan J, Matarazzo JD.
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associated with risks for smoking, over and above beyond their effects on drinking. Thus Tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine
patterns of alcohol availability and in US college communities are strongly and Technique
effective regarding tobacco use.programmes for college youth might include elements of
smoking prevention use: a review of their
control: a national multilevel study independently associated with risks for relationships. Psychol
smoking, over and above beyond their environmental drinking prevention models. Optimal prevention strategies for college
youth may be ones that explicitly target co-occurring smoking/drinking, considering Bull1984;95:301–26.
effects on drinking.
influences across social levels. Strategies may need to consider the heterogeneity in
substance related experiences, perceptions, and beliefs among college youth so that
prevention messages, controls, and programmes are appropriately tailored.

Prevalence and Correlates of Binge f bartoli 2014 N/A N/A Quantitative 14-18 years old N/A Questionnaire Statistical Analysis According to the research that was coducted among a subpopulation of young adults, binge drinking N/A
Drinking among Young Adults Using prevalence was higher among females than males. Several conditions that may have affected the result
Alcohol: A Cross-Sectional Survey are settings, recruitment sources, sociodemographic characteristics and recent changes in drinking habits
among young people. The research conducted also confirmed results from other studies that living M. Tomsovic, “'Binge' and
outside parental home and far from parental control is associated with a higher risk of binge drinking
continuous drinkers.
and smoking electronic cigarettes. The findings also show that binge drinking is related to financial
Characteristics and treatment
availability, high expectancies from alcohol, use of cannabis, peer influence on drinking patterns, and
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