Greetings and Introduction Timing: 1-2 Mins

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TARGET STRUCTURE: “like + ing and would like + infinitive with (to)”
TARGET VOCABULARY: farmer, barman, chef, mechanic, nurse, airline pilot, police, and teacher

1. Greetings and Introduction Set classroom mood

Timing: 1-2mins. Introduce Teachers name and Class Rules Set
student/teacher expectations

2. Pre-Grammar Task WARM-UP ACTIVITY : Photo Preview

Timing: 7 mins T will show photo of different jobs around the world on the board
and SS will match a phrase and adverts that suits the job.
a. Farmer
b. Chef
c. Mechanic etc.
a. Work inside
b. Work outside
c. Work with people etc.
3. Grammar Task TASK: Choosing a career
Timing: 20 mins. - SS will write down three jobs they would like to do and three
jobs they wouldn’t like to do. Ss prepare a summary of their
PLANNING: Think, Pair & Share
1. In pairs of two, Ss will read the adverts again and
 A job they’d like to do
 A job they wouldn’t like to

Ask partner questions using vocabulary from Warm-up

stage. (Do you like....? / Would you like to…?)

2. In pairs, discuss why you chose or didn’t choose each

- SS will present the summary of their output in front of the
3. Language Focus List down sentences about things SS present likes and
Timing: 15 mins. dislikes as well as imagining a future possibility
introducing “like+ing”.“would like + to infinitive”
Explain how to form and use grammar focus.
Prepare students for the Writing Activity
**This is a writing task (individual)
Write similar adverts for a job of your choice.
(Check the examples in the warm-up stage)
Timing:3mins. T will show a dialogue script on the board and Ss will identify
if the script uses the correct grammar pattern.
Teacher: George Class: HS (1:4) Lesson #: 3 No. students: 6 Date: 9/28/2019 Time: 45 mins.

Class profile: Group class with 13-16 years old high school students from Capitol Site in Pre- Lesson Type: Task-Based Lesson for High school in Pre-
Intermediate Level. Can speak and understand English, Can write simple and complex sentences. Has Intermediate Level
limited vocabulary, strong regional accent and weak grammar structure.

Lesson Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about their preferred jobs, used expressions “like + ing” and “would like + to infinitive” ;
Read texts with the target language ; Create their written version of sentences about their preferred jobs and apply the target language in their written work.
Target Structure/Language:
- Whiteboard
- Board marker
Like + -ing form Would like to + infinitive - PowerPoint slide
- Flashcards
(?) Do you like working with people. (Yes, (?) Would you like to work from home?
I do. / No, I don’t) (Yes, I would. / (No, I wouldn’t) - Audio/speaker (for Listening)

(+) I like learning new skills. (+) I’d like to be a chef.

(-) I don’t like working outside. (-) I wouldn’t like to be a farmer.

Target Vocabulary:

farmer, barman, chef, mechanic, nurse, airline pilot, police, and teacher

Teacher Introduce name and class rules and Introduce names in class Problem: Students does not
2 mins GREETINGS Introduces expectations feel comfortable with teacher
AND Name and Class S: My name is …… and unresponsive
INTRODUCTION Rules T: Hello Student. I’m Teacher Jackie. Listen to teacher and follow
I’m glad to meet you. classroom rules Solution: Be engaging and
animated in class.
Class rules:
Listen to teacher. / Take Turns. /
Speak English AT ALL TIMES.
Prepare WARM UP: PHOTO PREVIEW -Listen to teacher’s instruction Problem: Picture quality and
7 mins PRE-TASK PHASE students to the -They will see a photo of instruction is unclear
task. SS will T will show photo of different jobs different jobs.
identify around the world on the board and At least 3-4 students will be called Solution: Demonstrate how
distinguishing SS will match a phrase and randomly to describe what they see the task will be done and
changes on the adverts that suits the job. in the photo what is expected of the
given photo. Photos will be distributed in class so students. Make sure photos
that students get a closer look on to be displayed are clear and
a. Farmer
b. Chef the photo. the details in the photo are
c. Mechanic Pictures will be posted back on the good quality.
Phrases: board for further questions
a. Work inside “What else is different about T’s life
b. Work outside then and now?”
c. Work with people Students will be encouraged to give
Adverts more assumptions or guesses

GRAMMAR For the students TASK : LIFE IN 10 YEARS Students will be put in groups of Problems: Students might not
TASK PHASE to discuss how Gather students to work in groups of three. get the idea and the task.
20 mins their life was three. Tell them to talk about their They will ask each other the They end up asking the wrong
different ten life ten years ago. Put the following following questions: questions.
years ago question on the board:
 What did you look like? Solution: Explain the objective
 What did you look like?  What was different about of the task. Provide an
 What was different about your life? example response to question
your life? 1 and encourage students to
 Did you have different like  Did you have different like ask teacher if they still get
and dislikes? Different and dislikes? Different confused in the task. To check
hobbies? hobbies? understanding, do ICQ.
 Are you very different now?  Are you very different
Explain that the questions are to help
them start talking. Give them a time Must be able to answer the
limit of 3-5 minutes to discuss this. questions and ask each person in
Circulate and listen to the students the group to share something
doing the task but will not correct about their life and their interests
any language at this stage.


00--00 After 5 minutes, tell students they After sharing and discussion of task, 00--00
For students to must work together to gather all SS must brainstorm and make a Problem: Does not know what
prepare an oral information they learned from each summary of their responses on a to write on the worksheet.
report of their other. Write their answers on a chart written note. Solution: Provide an example
task prepared by teacher. (Worksheet 2) Students get a Worksheet Paper for student reference. Either
Set time limit to 5-minutes for this and write their summary of on the board or on their
task. information. They will also agree on worksheet. Encourage
who will be reading their work in students to ask questions
REPORTING: front of class for oral reporting. when they get confused.
Require students to write notes for
this summary to prepare them for Writing a Summary
the oral report. Ask for a Names of Students:
spokesperson from each group to (1)
report the summary. Tell the class (2)
that they must listen to each group’s (3)
report and decide at the end of all
the reports which students have Question 1: What did you look like?
changed the most in the past ten S1:
years. After all the reports, ask S2:
students who they think has changed S3:
the most. Ask the students who have
changed the most Questions 2: What was different
about your life?
**For next meeting, ask students S2:
who have changed the most to bring S3:
in/share a photo of themselves at
that time Question 3: Did you have different
like and dislikes? Different hobbies?

Question 4: Are you very different

00--00 now? 00--00
For student to S1: Problems: Students feel shy
present their S2: sharing some information
reports and find S3: about themselves.
out who was Solution: Persuade students
most different 00--00
ten years ago. Students will be asked to pay
attention to the presenters
Choose a spokesperson for their
group and share a report of their
discussion so that the class can find
out who had the most changed
life/lifestyle in the past ten years.
They will identify the person who
has changed a lot and request a
photo on their next meeting to
share in class.

**Optional: Complete a chart and

write their information on the
board – so that other can see the
changes. There will be another
team member who will volunteer
to write on the board.

**Another option: Provide a
“cartolina paper/white paper”
where students can write or draw
the changes that happened in their
life ten years ago.
15 mins LANGUAGE FOCUS For student to CLASSIFYING SENTENCE - Draw the Listen to an audio recording which Problems: Audio used has
hear a fluent Student’s attention back to the talks about someone’s past poor quality.
English speaker photo of you on the board. experience but they are no longer
doing the same doing at present time. Solution: Check speaker and
task GRAMMAR EXPLAINED - Choose two test it properly. Can read
or three sentences from your text Prepare self for individual oral aloud if there is no other
which include the grammar used recitation and answer some follow option. May use best speakers
to and write them on the board. For up questions: in class for assistance.
example: e.g. What did the speaker say about
her hair? / What did she say about
a) I used to go to heavy metal her job?
b) I used to have long black hair.
To raise c) I used to wear tight leather Read sample texts with the Problems: Focused only on
student’s trousers. grammar focus. They must identify the form but not the meaning
awareness d) I didn’t use to do my homework. the commonly used word(s) among and usage of grammar
about the target Check that students understand the the sentences. introduced
language meaning of the sentences. This is
best done by concept check Listen and learn to teacher as she Solution: Give examples,
questions. For example, for a) above, discuss when to use “used to” define the meaning, usage
the concept check questions would and form. Support with
be: SS accuracy will be corrected on multiple examples as much as
this part. possible
Did I go to heavy metal concerts in
the past? (Yes) Will read a story – script from the
audio and identify the sentences
Was it a regular occurrence? (Yes)
with “used to”
Do I go to heavy metal concerts now?

Explain the rules of form for used

to: used to + infinitive and didn’t use

to + infinitive At this point you could
distribute the script of your story and
ask students to find other examples
of how you used used to. Point out
that in English we use used to to talk
about states and habits that
continued for a period of time in the


you feel that your class needs some
restricted practice in the grammar,
ask them to write down three things
that they used to do and three things
that they didn’t use to do when they
were children. Circulate and monitor.
Ask students to check their sentences
with each other and elicit some
examples to put on the board.
To give the Work on a written activity Problems: Might miss this
student some Optional follow-up They have to write three things important part due to time
restricted about themselves that they used to constraint.
written practice Aim: To give the students a chance to do and now they didn’t use to do Solution: Prepare the task
in the target repeat (and hopefully improve) the which should be connected to
language task. Students work will be monitored by the previous activity so that
teacher. The optional activity will there is smooth transition and
Ask students to work with a partner be used when there is still time. task can be carried out within
that they haven’t worked with yet the time limit.
during this class. Tell them to repeat
the same task as they did at the
beginning of the class, but that they
should try to include the target
structure used to into their speaking.

Once students have practiced

together, ask a couple to report back

to the class what they talked about
with their partner. Use this time to
focus on accuracy, i.e. correct what
they say if they make mistakes using
the target language.
3 mins WRAP UP ACTIVITY Help students ODD MAN OUT Divide students into small groups Problems: Questions are
aurally Teacher make several list composed Tell them they will read words and confusing and does not
recognize the of words related to “used to” and have to find the word that does not review students mastery of
previous “didn’t use to” and one word serves belong in the sentence. the topic
information as a distracter. These words can be They should choose the incorrect
made up from the words students word which must be eliminated in Solution: Prepare appropriate
are currently studying. the sentence to make is questions related to what
grammatically correct. They should students learned
be able to show comprehension by
explaining what the statement
The first team to identify the “odd”
word wins a point

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