Short Story Analysis (The Power of Destiny! by Sudha Chandrasekaran)

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Theme: Love

1. Mr: Anoop : Protagonist (the main character)

- He is a kind and honest man. He’s also such a right hearted man, it could be proved by the
way he never gave up in attempt to return someone’s wallet even though he has no idea about
who exactly the owner of the wallet is. He even did not take any cents from the wallet. Besides
that, there is no exact address inside the wallet but he keeps trying to find some clues that
would lead him to the owner of the wallet.

2. Preeti: Love Interest

- She is the owner of the wallet. Her personalities could be described as an obedient and loyal
woman. She obeyed her mother to stop having relationship with Anurag when she was 16
years old. Even though she had to take a break with Anurag for many years, she still loved him
so much. We could see that how much she loved Anurag from the way she doesn’t wants to
married till now, just for Anurag.

3. Anurag: Love Interest

- he is a kind, loyal with a big heart man. From the story, Preeti said that he’s also handsome,
dashing and such a wonderful person. Just like Preeti who madly in love with him, He also
loves Preeti really much. Even though he had separated with Preeti for many years. His love
never faded away and still as strong as the first time he felt in loves with Preeti.

Plot :
The plot is simply moving forward. It’s started on hot scorching day in Delhi a man named Anoop found
a wallet that someone had dropped accidentally in the street. He wants to return the wallet so he
looked inside to find some sort of identification which would help him trace its owner. But is has no
specific address. The wallet contained only 3-one rupee notes and a crumpled letter that appeared to
have been there for several years. The lovely letter that written with a beautiful hand writing
appeared. On a pink stationary paper with a small flower on the right-hand corner is the only clue
that leads him to finally find the owner of the wallet 78-year-old woman named Preeti. Struggles was
passed by Anoop to return the wallet, but it’s makes something magical and unpredictable happens.
Who knows that Anoop could help Preeti to meet Anurag? Preeti’s true love that had been separated
for many years? Finally, Preeti and her true love Anurag, getting married. wedding ceremony was
nothing short of unison of two humans still very young at heart and very much in love with each other.
A wedding by 78-year-old bride and the protective 79-year-old groom was perfect and magnificent.
That’s what you called as the True love!

1. Setting of places:
- on the roadside, in Delhi - Mr. Anurag’s room
- Senior citizen home -
- Poorna Senior Living
- In the huge hall (Poorna)
2. Setting of time:
- hot scorching day (afternoon)
- Evening
- Night
- Wedding day
3. Setting of feeling:
- Touching
- Love
- happy

point of view:
- first person (Anoop)

Moral Value:
- we should be honest in every action we take
- honesty brings good luck
- no matter how long true love would be separated, if its true love, we’ll met him/her
in unexpected way.
- Obey your parents brought good things in the end

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