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Solution to the True Problem of the Caravan

Martha Garcia

South Texas College


Solution to the True Problem of the Caravan

On October 2018 a large Caravan (made up Hondurans, Salvadorians, Guatemalans) set

out towards the United States, seeking asylum from their violent and poverty-stricken countries.

The problem stems back to their governments because they are unable to provide their citizens

with the necessities and security they require. This issue can be analyzed through different

philosophical perspectives, like those of Plato, Thomas Hobbs, John Stuart Mill, and Immanuel

Kant. This problem would be solved by having a very structured government where everyone

within the country would be doing their part for the greater good of the entire country, from its

citizens to those in government positions. Some could criticize this solution from a certain

perspective which could then be refuted with a counterargument. The only way to understand

why this solution is the only one possible, even after criticism is refutted, is to further analyze the

problem at hand.

Plato, one of the first philosophers, would approach this issue with everyone having a

specific job skill that would keep the country (organization) functioning properly. He

maintained that the greatest good is getting to the truth. Thus, when it came to how an

organization should be operated, he had a perspective on it too. According to Plato (2009), every

individual should have a job that fits them best and with every individual focused on their job the

country would be a healthy functioning organization. Once every individual found these specific

roles or best fit jobs each country would have functioning individuals who would be working

towards sustaining the country as they sustained themselves. Thus, creating healthy-functioning

countries that are humble yet, content and safe. Another view that works toward solving the

problem would be that of Hobbs.


Thomas Hobbs would approach this topic by instilling a much more structured

government that would rule over all its citizens. Those who did not obey the laws would then

come to know the iron fist of the government. Hobbs (2002), did not believe a greatest good

existed because of man’s competitiveness and restlessness desire for power. Therefore, he

believed that the only way man could be happy and maintain security for those around him,

would be to have a very structured government. This government would place strict laws into

effect to keep man in check, and thus would eliminate the violence in these countries. By

submitting to the authority of government, citizens would be provided with safety from other

countries and from those found within their own countries. This would allow citizens within

these countries to live peacefully and securely. Mill’s perspective can provide another approach

towards a solution to this situation.

John Stuart Mill would say that the solution to this problem would be to pursue the

happiness of all citizens. Citizens would strive not only for their own individual happiness but,

for that of the whole country as well. Mill (2011), presumed that the greatest good was the

pursuit of happiness; not only for the individual but the pursuit of happiness for all. In this case,

he would say that these countries should look towards the happiness of all its citizens so that

each country would be able to function properly. According to Mill (2011), “The only freedom

which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not

attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it” (p. 23). The people

committing violent crimes in these countries are depriving the rest of the nation from pursing

their own happiness. Where instead, all people should be focused on their personal happiness as

well as on the happiness of all. Another philosopher who can offer a solution to the problem

from their standpoint is Kant, which involves duty.


Immanuel Kant would say that the solution to the problem would be for all citizens to do

their duty for the sake of their country. He believed that the greatest good was good will with

good intentions, and the duty of citizens should be what is best for all people (Kant, 2004). All

citizens need to do their duty in making their country the best; citizens from all classes including

those holding government positions. According to Kant (2004), “duty, does not rest at all on

feelings, impulses, or inclinations, but solely on the relation of rational beings to one another, a

relation in which the will of a rational being must always be regarded as legislative”. Duty

should be practiced not because one should feel the sense of duty, but rather because it is the

right thing to do. In this case government officials and all citizens must serve their country by

performing their civil duty, which is doing the right things for the right reasons. This will allow

the country to become a well-functioning organization. Once the problem has been analyzed

through the views of various philosophers, the best solution can be identified.

The best solution for this issue after analyzing the different philosophical perspectives

would be to use a combination of all the philosopher’s approaches. A solution that encompasses

a very structured government where all citizens within the country do their part (duty or role) for

the greater good of the country. Adopting Hobbs’ approach of a very structured government

where all citizens abide by the given laws, and those refusing to follow them would be punished.

Followed by, citizens playing their roles or best fit jobs out a sense of duty for their country,

methods of Plato and Kant. While incorporating Mill’s strategy of pursing the greatest happiness

for each country (as a whole). This combination would be the best solution for these countries to

rid themselves of the violence and poverty, making them healthy functioning nations. All

individuals would be working together, for themselves and one another, striving for the greater

good of their country and their families. Providing security and enough provisions to have a

humble and peaceful way a of living.

Others such as Nietzsche would criticize that this solution would not be the best one

because some citizens might not agree with laws depending who is in authority. Therefore,

individuals should decide what is best (or right and wrong) for themselves. Yet, this criticism

lacks depth, because such an approach would cause chaos far worse than the current conditions

these countries are in. Different scenarios could come about if this approach were to be taken,

but all would ultimately lead to the same position. One where everyone would be doing as they

please and only taking themselves into consideration. There would be a clash of difference of

opinions between the people and the government, and these differences would lead to dangerous


The poverty, violence, and lack of government structure in the countries of Honduras, El

Salvador, and Guatemala have made the living conditions for their citizens not only hard but

dangerous. Consequently, thousands of their citizens joined the Caravan which pushed its way

through Mexico in hopes of seeking asylum in the United States only to be rejected. Some may

say that the problem is the lack of aid from other countries. But the reality of the situation shows

that the true problem originates in countries from which the Caravan’s body is made up of. The

governments from these countries have failed their citizens, but action can be taken to solve this

pressing issue. After analyzing the different philosophical perspectives, one can see that the best

solution for this problem is by approaching it with a combination of these philosophers’

analytical approaches.


Hobbes, T. (2002, May 01). Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes. Retrieved November 28, 2018, from

Kant, I. (2004, May 01). Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals by Immanuel Kant

(Abbott, Trans.). Retrieved December 2, 2018, from

Mill, J. S. (2011, January 10). On Liberty by John Stuart Mill. Retrieved December 2, 2018,


Plato (2009). The Republic (B. Jowett, Trans.). Retrieved November 29, 2018, from

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