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VOL. 194, FEBRUARY 18, 1991 169 CRUZ, J.

Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Court of Appeals
G.R. No. 88866. February 18, 1991.* This case, for all its seeming complexity, turns on a simple question of
METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY, petitioner, vs. COURT OF negligence. The facts, pruned of all non-essentials, are easily told.
APPEALS, GOLDEN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, INC., LUCIA The Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. is a commercial bank with
CASTILLO, MAGNO CASTILLO and GLORIA CASTILLO, respondents. branches throughout the Philippines and even abroad. Golden Savings
and Loan Association was, at the time these events happened, operating
Civil Law; Obligations and Contracts; Agency; The agent is in Calapan, Mindoro, with the other private respondents as its principal
responsible not only for fraud, but also for negligence, which shall be officers.
judged with more or less rigor by the courts, according to whether the In January 1979, a certain Eduardo Gomez opened an account with
agency was or was not for a compensation.—The negligence of Metro- Golden Savings and deposited over a period of two months 38 treasury
bank has been sufficiently established. To repeat for emphasis, it was the warrants with a total value of P1,755,228.37. They were all drawn by the
clearance given by it that assured Golden Savings it was already safe to Philippine Fish Marketing Authority and purportedly signed by its General
allow Gomez to withdraw the proceeds of the treasury warrants he had Manager and countersigned by its Auditor. Six of these were directly
deposited. Metrobank misled Golden Savings. There may have been no payable to Gomez while the others appeared to have been indorsed by
express clearance, as Metrobank insists (although this is refuted by their respective payees, followed by Gomez as second indorser.1
Golden Savings) but in any case that clearance could be implied from its On various dates between June 25 and July 16, 1979, all these
allowing Golden Savings to withdraw from its account not only once or warrants were subsequently indorsed by Gloria Castillo as Cashier of
even twice but three times. The total withdrawal was in excess of its Golden Savings and deposited to its Savings Account No. 2498 in the
original balance before the treasury warrants were deposited, which only Metrobank branch in Calapan, Mindoro. They were then sent for clearing
added to its belief that the treasury warrants had indeed been cleared. by the branch office to the principal office of Metrobank, which forwarded
them to the Bureau of Treasury for special clearing.2
Mercantile Law; Negotiable Instruments; Requisites of Negotiabil- More than two weeks after the deposits, Gloria Castillo went to the
ity; An instrument to be negotiable must contain an unconditional promise Calapan branch several times to ask whether the warrants had been
or order to pay a sum certain in money.—SEC. 3. When promise is cleared. She was told to wait. Accordingly, Gomez was meanwhile not
unconditional.—An unqualified order or promise to pay is unconditional allowed to withdraw from his account. Later, however, “exasperated” over
within the meaning of this Act though coupled with—(a) An indication of a Gloria’s repeated inquiries and also as an accommodation for a “valued
particular fund out of which reimbursement is to be made or a particular client,” the petitioner says it finally decided to allow Golden Savings to
account to be debited with the amount; or (b) A statement of the trasaction withdraw from the proceeds of the warrants.3 The first withdrawal was
which gives rise to the instrument. But an order or promise to pay out of a made on July 9, 1979, in the amount of P508,000.00, the second on July
particular fund is not unconditional. The indication of Fund 501 as the 13, 1979, in the amount of P310,000.00, and the third on July 16, 1979, in
source of the payment to be made on the treasury warrants makes the the amount of P150,000.00. The total withdrawal was P968,000.00.4 In
order or promise to pay “not uncon-ditional” and the warrants themselves turn, Golden Savings subsequently allowed Gomez to make withdrawals
non-negotiable. There should be no question that the exception on Section from his own account, eventually collecting the total amount of
3 of the Negotiable Instruments Law is applicable in the case at bar. P1,167,500.00 from the proceeds of the apparently cleared warrants. The
last withdrawal was made on July 16, 1979.
PETITION to review the decision of the Court of Appeals. On July 21, 1979, Metrobank informed Golden Savings that 32 of the
warrants had been dishonored by the Bureau of Treasury on July 19, 1979,
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. and demanded the refund by Golden Savings of the amount it had
Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala & Cruz for petitioner. previously withdrawn, to make up the deficit in its account.
Bengzon, Zarraga, Narciso, Cudala, Pecson & Bengson for Magno The demand was rejected. Metrobank then sued Golden Savings in the
and Lucia Castillo. Regional Trial Court of Mindoro.5 After trial, judgment was rendered in
Agapito S. Fajardo and Jaime M. Cabiles for respondent Golden favor of Golden Savings, which, however, filed a motion for reconsideration
Savings & Loan Association, Inc.
even as Metrobank filed its notice of appeal. On November 4, 1986, the 1. (a)Metrobank’s right to charge back is not limited to instances
lower court modified its decision thus: where the checks or treasury warrants are forged or
ACCORDINGLY, judgment is hereby rendered: unauthorized.
2. (b)Until such time as Metrobank is actually paid, its obligation is
1. 1.Dismissing the complaint with costs against the plaintiff; that of a mere collecting agent which cannot be held liable for its
2. 2.Dissolving and lifting the writ of attachment of the properties of failure to collect on the warrants.
defendant Golden Savings and Loan Association, Inc. and
defendant Spouses Magno Castillo and Lucia Castillo; 1. 2.Under the lower court’s decision, affirmed by respondent Court
3. 3.Directing the plaintiff to reverse its action of debiting Savings of Appeals, Metrobank is made to pay for warrants already
Account No. 2498 of the sum of P1,754,089.00 and to reinstate dishonored, thereby perpetuating the fraud committed by
and credit to such account such amount existing before the debit Eduardo Gomez.
was made including the amount of P812,033.37 in favor of 2. 3.Respondent Court of Appeals erred in not finding that as between
defendant Golden Savings and Loan Association, Inc. and Metrobank and Golden Savings, the latter should bear the loss.
thereafter, to allow defendant Golden Savings and Loan 3. 4.Respondent Court of Appeals erred in holding that the treasury
Association, Inc. to withdraw the amount outstanding thereon warrants involved in this case are not negotiable instruments.
before the debit;
4. 4.Ordering the plaintiff to pay the defendant Golden Savings and The petition has no merit.
Loan Association, Inc. attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation From the above undisputed facts, it would appear to the Court that
in the amount of P200,000.00. Metrobank was indeed negligent in giving Golden Savings the impression
5. 5.Ordering the plaintiff to pay the defendant Spouses Magno that the treasury warrants had been cleared and that, consequently, it was
Castillo and Lucia Castillo attorney’s fees and expenses of safe to allow Gomez to withdraw the proceeds thereof from his account
litigation in the amount of P100,000.00. with it. Without such assurance, Golden Savings would not have allowed
the withdrawals; with such assurance, there was no reason not to allow the
SO ORDERED. withdrawal. Indeed, Golden Savings might even have incurred liability for
its refusal to return the money that to all appearances belonged to the
On appeal to the respondent court,6 the decision was affirmed, prompting depositor, who could therefore withdraw it any time and for any reason he
Metrobank to file this petition for review on the following grounds: saw fit.
It was, in fact, to secure the clearance of the treasury warrants that
1. 1.Respondent Court of Appeals erred in disregarding and fail-ing Golden Savings deposited them to its account with Metrobank. Golden
to apply the clear contractual terms and conditions on the deposit Savings had no clearing facilities of its own. It relied on Metrobank to
slips allowing Metrobank to charge back any amount erroneously determine the validity of the warrants through its own services. The
credited. proceeds of the warrants were withheld from Gomez until Metrobank
allowed Golden Savings itself to withdraw them from its own deposit.7 It
________________ was only when Metrobank gave the go-signal that Gomez was finally
allowed by Golden Savings to withdraw them from his own account.
5 Through Judge Marciano T. Virola. The argument of Metrobank that Golden Savings should have
6 Penned by Ejercito, J., with Pe and Victor, JJ., concurring. exercised more care in checking the personal circumstances of Gomez
before accepting his deposit does not hold water. It was Gomez who was
173 entrusting the warrants, not Golden Savings
VOL. 194, FEBRUARY 18, 1991 173 _______________
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Court of Appeals
7 Rollo, p. 84.
174 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED contractual stipulations and became binding on Golden Savings when
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Court of Appeals Gloria Castillo, as its Cashier, signed the deposit slips.
that was extending him a loan; and moreover, the treasury warrants were Doubt may be expressed about the binding force of the conditions,
subject to clearing, pending which the depositor could not withdraw its considering that they have apparently been imposed by the bank
proceeds. There was no question of Gomez’s identity or of the unilaterally, without the consent of the depositor. Indeed, it could be argued
genuineness of his signature as checked by Golden Savings. In fact, the that the depositor, in signing the deposit slip, does so only to identify
treasury warrants were dishonored allegedly because of the forgery of the himself and not to agree to the conditions set forth in the given permit at
signatures of the drawers, not of Gomez as payee or indorser. Under the the back of the deposit slip. We do not have to rule on this matter at this
circumstances, it is clear that Golden Savings acted with due care and time. At any rate, the Court feels that even if the deposit slip were
diligence and cannot be faulted for the withdrawals it allowed Gomez to considered a contract, the petitioner could still not validly disclaim
make. responsibility thereunder in the light of the circumstances of this case.
By contrast, Metrobank exhibited extraordinary carelessness. The In stressing that it was acting only as a collecting agent for Golden
amount involved was not trifling—more than one and a half million pesos Savings, Metrobank seems to be suggesting that as a mere agent it cannot
(and this was 1979). There was no reason why it should not have waited be liable to the principal. This is not exactly true. On the contrary, Article
until the treasury warrants had been cleared; it would not have lost a single 1909 of the Civil Code clearly provides that—
centavo by waiting. Yet, despite the lack of such clearance—and Art. 1909.—The agent is responsible not only for fraud, but also for
notwithstanding that it had not received a single centavo from the proceeds negligence, which shall be judged with more or less rigor by the courts,
of the treasury warrants, as it now repeatedly stresses—it allowed Golden according to whether the agency was or was not for a compensation.
Savings to withdraw—not once, not twice, but thrice—from
The negligence of Metrobank has been sufficiently established. To repeat
the uncleared treasury warrants in the total amount of P968,000.00
for emphasis, it was the clearance given by it that assured Golden Savings
Its reason? It was “exasperated” over the persistent inquiries of Gloria
it was already safe to allow Gomez to withdraw the proceeds of the
Castillo about the clearance and it also wanted to “accommodate” a valued
treasury warrants he had deposited. Metrobank misled Golden Savings.
client. It “presumed” that the warrants had been cleared simply because of
There may have been no express clearance, as Metrobank insists
“the lapse of one week.”8 For a bank with its long experience, this
(although this is refuted by Golden Savings) but in any case that clearance
explanation is unbelievably naive.
could be implied from its allowing Golden Savings to withdraw from its
And now, to gloss over its carelessness, Metrobank would invoke the
account not only once or even twice but three times. The total withdrawal
conditions printed on the dorsal side of the deposit slips through which the
was in excess of its original balance before the treasury warrants were
treasury warrants were deposited by Golden Savings with its Calapan
deposited, which only added to its belief that the treasury warrants had
branch. The conditions read as follows:
indeed been cleared.
Kindly note that in receiving items on deposit, the bank obligates itself only
Metrobank’s argument that it may recover the disputed amount if the
as the depositor’s collecting agent, assuming no responsibility beyond care
warrants are not paid for any reason is not acceptable. Any reason does
in selecting correspondents, and until such time as actual payment shall
not mean no reason at all. Otherwise, there would have been no need at
have come into possession of this bank, the right is reserved to charge
all for Golden Savings to deposit the treasury warrants with it for clearance.
back to the depositor’s account any amount previously credited, whether
There would have been no need for it to wait until the warrants had been
or not such item is returned. This also applies to checks drawn on local
cleared before paying the proceeds thereof to Gomez. Such a condition, if
banks and bankers and their branches as well as on this bank, which are
interpreted in the way the petitioner suggests, is not binding for being
unpaid due toinsufficiency of funds, forgery, unauthorized overdraft or any
arbitrary and unconscionable. And it becomes more so in the case at bar
other reason. (Italics supplied.)
when it is considered that the supposed dishonor of the warrants was not
According to Metrobank, the said conditions clearly show that it was acting
communicated to Golden Savings before it made its own payment to
only as a collecting agent for Golden Savings and give it the right to “charge
back to the depositor’s account any amount previously credited, whether
The belated notification aggravated the petitioner’s earlier negligence
or not such item is returned. This also applies to checks “. . . which are
in giving express or at least implied clearance to the treasury warrants and
unpaid due to insufficiency of funds, forgery, unauthorized overdraft of any
allowing payments therefrom to Golden Savings. But that is not all. On top
other reason.” It is claimed that the said conditions are in the nature of
of this, the supposed reason for the dishonor, to wit, the forgery of the
signatures of the general manager and the auditor of the drawer Instruments Law is applicable in the case at bar. This conclusion conforms
corporation, has not been established.9 This was the finding of the lower to Abubakar vs. Auditor General11where the Court held:
courts which we see no reason to disturb. And as we said in MWSS v. The petitioner argues that he is a holder in good faith and for value of a
Court of Appeals:10 negotiable instrument and is entitled to the rights and privileges of a holder
Forgery cannot be presumed (Siasat, et al. v. IAC, et al., 139 SCRA 238). in due course, free from defenses. But this treasury warrant is not within
It must be established by clear, positive and convincing evidence. This was the scope of the negotiable instrument law. For one thing, the document
not done in the present case. bearing on its face the words “pay-able from the appropriation for food
administration, is actually an Order for payment out of “a particular fund,”
A no less important consideration is the circumstance that the treasury and is not unconditional and does not fulfill one of the essential
warrants in question are not negotiable instruments. Clearly stamped on requirements of a negotiable instrument (Sec. 3 last sentence and section
their face is the word “non-negotiable.” Moreover, and this is of equal [1(b)] of the Negotiable Instruments Law).
significance, it is indicated that they are payable from a particular fund, to
wit, Fund 501. Metrobank cannot contend that by indorsing the warrants in general,
The following sections of the Negotiable Instruments Law, especially Golden Savings assumed that they were “genuine and in all respects what
the underscored parts, are pertinent: they purport to be,” in accordance with Section 66 of the Negotiable
SECTION 1.—Form of negotiable instruments.—An instrument to be Instruments Law. The simple reason is that this law is not applicable to the
negotiable must conform to the following requirements: non-negotiable treasury warrants. The indorsement was made by Gloria
Cas-tillo not for the purpose of guaranteeing the genuineness of the
1. (a)It must be in writing and signed by the maker or drawer; warrants but merely to deposit them with Metrobank for clearing. It was in
2. (b)Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum fact Metrobank that made the guarantee when it stamped on the back of
certain in money; the warrants: “All prior indorsement and/or lack of endorsements
3. (c)Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future guaranteed, Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., Calapan Branch.”
time; The petitioner lays heavy stress on Jai Alai Corporation v. Bank of the
4. (d)Must be payable to order or to bearer; and Philippine Islands,12 but we feel this case is inapplicable to the present
5. (e)Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be controversy. That case involved checks whereas this case involves
named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty. treasury warrants. Golden Savings never represented that the warrants
were negotiable but signed them only for the purpose of depositing them
xxx for clearance. Also, the fact of forgery was proved in that case but not in
SEC. 3. When promise is unconditional.—An unqualified order or the case before us. Finally, the Court found the Jai Alai Corporation
promise to pay is unconditional within the meaning of this Act though negligent in accepting the checks without question from one Antonio
coupled with— Ramirez notwithstanding that the payee was the Inter-Island Gas Services,
Inc. and it did not appear that he was authorized to indorse it. No similar
negligence can be imputed to Golden Savings.
1. (a)An indication of a particular fund out of which reimbursement is
We find the challenged decision to be basically correct. However, we
to be made or a particular account to be debited with the amount;
will have to amend it insofar as it directs the petitioner to credit Golden
Savings with the full amount of the treasury checks deposited to its
2. (b)A statement of the transaction which gives rise to the instrument.
The total value of the 32 treasury warrants dishonored was
But an order or promise to pay out of a particular fund is not _______________
The indication of Fund 501 as the source of the payment to be made on 66 SCRA 29.
the treasury warrants makes the order or promise to pay “not 179
unconditional” and the warrants themselves non-negotiable. There should VOL. 194, FEBRUARY 18, 1991 179
be no question that the exception on Section 3 of the Negotiable Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Court of Appeals
P1,754,089.00, from which Gomez was allowed to withdraw
P1,167,500.00 before Golden Savings was notified of the dishonor. The
amount he has withdrawn must be charged not to Golden Savings but to
Metrobank, which must bear the consequences of its own negligence. But
the balance of P586,589.00 should be debited to Golden Savings, as
obviously Gomez can no longer be permitted to withdraw this amount from
his deposit because of the dishonor of the warrants. Gomez has in fact
disappeared. To also credit the balance to Golden Savings would unduly
enrich it at the expense of Metrobank, let alone the fact that it has already
been informed of the dishonor of the treasury warrants.
WHEREFORE, the challenged decision is AFFIRMED, with the
modification that Paragraph 3 of the dispositive portion of the judgment of
the lower court shall be reworded as follows: 3. Debiting Savings Account
No. 2498 in the sum of P586,589.00 only and thereafter allowing defendant
Golden Savings & Loan Association, Inc. to withdraw the amount
outstanding thereon, if any, after the debit.
Narvasa (Chairman), Gancayco, Griño-Aquino and Medialdea,
JJ., concur.
Decision affirmed with modification.
Note.—It is the duty of the payee to ascertain the holder’s title to the
check or the nature of his possession. (State Investment House vs.
IAC, 175 SCRA 310.)

448 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the terms thereof and the subsequent disposition of such security, in the
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals event of non-payment of the principal obligation, must be contractually
G.R. No. 97753. August 10, 1992.* provided for.
CALTEX (PHILIPPINES), INC., petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and Same; Same; Same; Where the holder has a lien on the instrument
SECURITY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, respondents. arising from contract, he is deemed a holder for value to the extent of his
Commercial Law; Negotiable Instruments Law; Requisites for an lien.—The pertinent law on this point is that where the holder has a lien on
instrument to become negotiable.—Section 1 of Act No. 2031, otherwise the instrument arising from contract, he is deemed a holder for value to the
known as the Negotiable Instruments Law, enumerates the requisites for extent of his lien. As such holder of collateral security, he would be a
an instrument to become negotiable, viz: “(a) It must be in writing and pledgee but the requirements there-for and the effects thereof, not being
signed by the maker or drawer; (b) Must contain an unconditional promise provided for by the Negotiable Instruments Law, shall be governed by the
or order to pay a sum certain in money; (c) Must be payable on demand, Civil Code provisions on pledge of incorporeal rights.
or at a fixed or determinable future time; (d) Must be payable to order or to Civil Law; Estoppel; Under the doctrine of estoppel, an admission or
bearer; and (e) Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must representation is rendered conclusive upon the person making it and
be named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.” cannot be denied or disproved as against the person relying thereon.—In
Same; Same; Same; The negotiability or non-negotiability of an a letter dated November 26, 1982 addressed to respondent Security Bank,
instrument is determined from the writing that is from the face of the J.Q. Aranas, Jr., Caltex Credit Manager, wrote: “x x x These certificates of
instrument itself.—On this score, the accepted rule is that the negotiability deposit were negotiated to us by Mr. Angel dela Cruz to guarantee his
or non-negotiability of an instrument is determined from the writing, that is, purchases of fuel products” (Italics ours.) This admission is conclusive
from the face of the instrument itself. In the construction of a bill or note, upon petitioner, its protestations notwithstanding. Under the doctrine of
the intention of the parties is to control, if it can be legally ascertained. estoppel, an admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the
While the writing may be read in the light of surrounding circumstances in person making it, and cannot be denied or disproved as against the person
order to more perfectly understand the intent and meaning of the parties, relying thereon. A party may not go back on his own acts and
yet as they have constituted the writing to be the only outward and visible representations to the prejudice of the other party who relied upon them.
expression of their meaning, no other words are to be added to it or In the law of evidence, whenever a party has, by his own declaration, act,
substituted in its stead. The duty of the court in such case is to ascertain, or omission, intentionally and deliberately led another to believe a
not what the parties may have secretly intended as contradistinguished particular thing true, and to act upon such belief, he cannot, in any litigation
from what their words express, but what is the meaning of the words they arising out of such declaration, act, or omission, be permitted to falsify it.
have used. What the parties meant must be determined by what they said. Same; Same; An issue raised for the first time on appeal and not
Same; Same; Same; An instrument is negotiated when it is raised timely in the proceedings in the lower court is barred by estoppel.—
transferred from one person to another in such a manner as to constitute As respondent court correctly observed, with appropriate citation of some
the transferee the holder thereof and a holder may be the payee or doctrinal authorities, the foregoing enumeration does not include the issue
indorsee of a bill or note who is in possession of it or the bearer thereof.— of negligence on the part of respondent bank. An issue raised for the first
Under the Negotiable Instruments Law, an instrument is negotiated when time on appeal and not raised timely in the proceedings in the lower court
it is transferred from one person to another in such a manner as to is barred by estoppel. Questions raised on appeal must be within the
constitute the transferee the holder thereof, and a holder may be the payee issues framed by the parties and, consequently, issues not raised in the
or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof. trial court cannot be raised for the first time on appeal.
In the present case, however, there was no negotiation in the sense of a Remedial Law; Pre-trial; The determination of issues at a pretrial
transfer of the legal title to the CTDs in favor of petitioner in which situation, conference bars the consideration of other questions on appeal.—Pre-trial
for obvious reasons, mere delivery of the bearer CTDs would have is primarily intended to make certain that all issues necessary to the
sufficed. Here, the delivery thereof only as security for the purchases of disposition of a case are properly raised. Thus, to obviate the element of
Angel de la Cruz (and we even disregard the fact that the amount involved surprise, parties are expected to disclose at a pre-trial conference all
was not disclosed) could at the most constitute petitioner only as a holder issues of law and fact which they intend to raise at the trial, except such as
for value by reason of his lien. Accordingly, a negotiation for such purpose may involve privileged or impeaching matters. The determination of issues
cannot be effected by mere delivery of the instrument since, necessarily,
at a pre-trial conference bars the consideration of other questions on C T D Dates C T D Serial Nos. Quantity Amount
appeal. 5 Mar. 82 70147 to 90150 4 16,000
8 Mar. 82 90001 to 90020 20 80,000
PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals. 9 Mar. 82 90023 to 90050 28 112,000
Chua, J. 9 Mar. 82 89991 to 90000 10 40,000
9 Mar. 82 90251 to 90272 22 88,000
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. Total 280 P1,120,000
Bito, Lozada, Ortega & Castillo for petitioners.
Nepomuceno, Hofileña & Guingona for private. 1. “2.Angel dela Cruz delivered the said certificates of time deposit
(CTDs) to herein plaintiff in connection with his purchase of fuel
REGALADO, J.: products from the latter (Original Record, p. 208).
2. “3.Sometime in March 1982, Angel dela Cruz informed Mr. Timoteo
This petition for review on certiorari impugns and seeks the reversal of the Tiangco, the Sucat Branch Manager, that he lost all the
decision promulgated by respondent court on March 8, 1991 in CA-G.R. certificates of time deposit in dispute. Mr. Tiangco advised said
CV No. 236151affirming, with modifications, the earlier decision of the depositor to execute and submit a notarized Affidavit of Loss, as
Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch XLII,2 which dismissed the required by defendant bank’s procedure, if he desired
complaint filed therein by herein petitioner against private respondent replacement of said lost CTDs (TSN, February 9, 1987, pp. 48-
bank. 50).
The undisputed background of this case, as found by the 3. “4.On March 18, 1982, Angel dela Cruz executed and delivered to
defendant bank the required Affidavit of Loss (Defendant’s Exhibit
_________________ 281). On the basis of said affidavit of loss, 280 replacement CTDs
were issued in favor of said depositor (Defendant’s Exhibits 282-
1 Per Justice Segundino G. Chua, with the concurrence of Justices 561).
Santiago M. Kapunan and Luis L. Victor.
2 Judge Ramon Mabutas, Jr., presiding; Rollo, 64-88.
1. “5.On March 25, 1982, Angel dela Cruz negotiated and obtained a
451 loan from defendant bank in the amount of Eight Hundred
VOL. 212, AUGUST 10, 1992 451 Seventy Five Thousand Pesos (P875,000.00). On the same date,
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals said depositor executed a notarized Deed of Assignment of Time
court a quo and adopted by respondent court, appears of record: Deposit (Exhibit 562) which stated, among others, that he (dela
Cruz) surrenders to defendant bank ‘full control of the indicated
1. “1.On various dates, defendant, a commercial banking institution, time deposits from and after date’ of the assignment and further
through its Sucat Branch issued 280 certificates of time deposit authorizes said bank to pre-terminate, set-off and ‘apply the said
(CTDs) in favor of one Angel dela Cruz who deposited with herein time deposits to the payment of whatever amount or amounts may
defendant the aggregate amount of P1,120,000.00, as follows: be due’ on the loan upon its maturity (TSN, February 9, 1987, pp.
(Joint Partial Stipulation of Facts and Statement of Issues, 60-62).
Original Records, p. 207; Defendant’s Exhibits 1 to 280); 2. “6.Sometime in November, 1982, Mr. Aranas, Credit Manager of
plaintiff Caltex (Phils.) Inc., went to the defendant bank’s Sucat
C T D Dates C T D Serial Nos. Quantity Amount branch and presented for verification the CTDs declared lost by
22 Feb. 82 90101 to 90120 20 P80,000 Angel dela Cruz alleging that the same were delivered to herein
26 Feb. 82 74602 to 74691 90 360,000 plaintiff ‘as security for purchases made with Caltex Philippines,
2 Mar. 82 74701 to 74740 40 160,000 Inc.’ by said depositor (TSN, February 9, 1987, pp. 54-68).
4 Mar. 829 0127 to 90146 20 80,000 3. “7.On November 26, 1982, defendant received a letter
5 Mar. 82 74797 to 94800 4 16,000 (Defendant’s Exhibit 563) from herein plaintiff formally informing
5 Mar. 82 89965 to 89986 22 88,000
it of its possession of the CTDs in question and of its decision to AND TRUST COMPANY No. 90101
pre-terminate the same. 6778 Ayala Ave., Makati
4. “8.On December 8, 1982, plaintiff was requested by herein Metro Manila, Philippines
defendant to furnish the former ‘a copy of the document SUCAT OFFICE P4,000.00
evidencing the guarantee agreement with Mr. Angel dela Cruz’ as CERTIFICATE OF
well as ‘the details of Mr. Angel dela Cruz’ obligations against DEPOSIT
which’ plaintiff proposed to apply the time deposits (Defendant’s Rate 16%
Exhibit 564). Date of Maturity FEB. 23, 1984 FEB 22 1982,
5. “9.No copy of the requested documents was furnished herein 19____
defendant. This is to Certify that B E A R E R has deposited in this Bank the sum
6. “10.Accordingly, defendant bank rejected the plaintiff’s demand of PESOS: FOUR THOUSAND ONLY, SUCAT SECURITY BANK OFFICE
and claim for payment of the value of the CTDs in a letter dated P4,000 & 00 CTS Pesos, Philippine Currency, repayable to said
February 7, 1983 (Defendant’s Exhibit 566). depositor 731 das. after date, upon presentation and surrender of this
7. “11.In April 1983, the loan of Angel dela Cruz with the defendant certificate, with interest at the rate of 16% per cent per annum.
bank matured and fell due and on August 5, 1983, the latter set- (Sgd. Illegible) (Sgd. Illegible)
off and applied the time deposits in question to the payment of the AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES”5
matured loan (TSN, February 9, 1987, pp. 130-131).
8. “12.In view of the foregoing, plaintiff filed the instant complaint, __________________
praying that defendant bank be ordered to pay it the aggregate
4 Ibid., 12.
value of the certificates of time deposit of P1,120,000.00 plus
accrued interest and compounded interest therein at 16% per Exhibit A, Documentary Evidence for the Plaintiff, 8.
annum, moral and exemplary damages as well as attorney’s fees. 454
“After trial, the court a quo rendered its decision dismissing the instant Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
complaint.”3 Respondent court ruled that the CTDs in question are non-negotiable
On appeal, as earlier stated, respondent court affirmed the lower court’s instruments, rationalizing as follows:
dismissal of the complaint, hence this petition “x x x While it may be true that the word ‘bearer’ appears rather boldly in
the CTDs issued, it is important to note that after the word ‘BEARER’
_______________ stamped on the space provided supposedly for the name of the depositor,
the words ‘has deposited’ a certain amount follows. The document further
Rollo, 24-26. provides that the amount deposited shall be ‘repayable to said depositor’
453 on the period indicated. Therefore, the text of the instrument(s) themselves
VOL. 212, AUGUST 10, 1992 453 manifest with clarity that they are payable, not to whoever purports to be
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals the ‘bearer’ but only to the specified person indicated therein, the depositor.
wherein petitioner faults respondent court in ruling (1) that the subject In effect, the appellee bank acknowledges its depositor Angel dela Cruz as
certificates of deposit are non-negotiable despite being clearly negotiable the person who made the deposit and further engages itself to pay said
instruments; (2) that petitioner did not become a holder in due course of depositor the amount indicated thereon at the stipulated date.”6
the said certificates of deposit; and (3) in disregarding the pertinent We disagree with these findings and conclusions, and hereby hold that the
provisions of the Code of Commerce relating to lost instruments payable CTDs in question are negotiable instruments. Section 1 of Act No. 2031,
to bearer.4 otherwise known as the Negotiable Instruments Law, enumerates the
The instant petition is bereft of merit. requisites for an instrument to become negotiable, viz:
A sample text of the certificates of time deposit is reproduced below to
provide a better understanding of the issues involved in this recourse. 1. “(a)It must be in writing and signed by the maker or drawer;
2. (b)Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum understand the intent and meaning of the parties, yet as they have
certain in money; constituted the writing to be the only outward and visible expression of their
3. (c)Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future meaning, no other words are to be added to it or substituted in its stead.
time; The duty of the court in such case is to ascertain, not what the parties may
4. (d)Must be payable to order or to bearer; and have secretly intended as contradistinguished from what their words
5. (e)Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be express, but what is the meaning of the words they have used. What the
named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.” parties meant must be determined by what they said.11

The CTDs in question undoubtedly meet the requirements of the law for _________________
negotiability. The parties’ bone of contention is with regard to requisite (d)
set forth above. It is noted that Mr. Timoteo P. Tiangco, Security Bank’s TSN, February 9, 1987, 46-47.
Branch Manager way back in 1982, testified in open court that the Ibid., id., 152-153.
depositor referred to in the CTDs is no other than Mr. Angel dela Cruz. 11 Am. Jur. 2d, Bills and Notes, 79.
10 Ibid., 86.
11 Ibid., 87-88.
455 Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 212, AUGUST 10, 1992 455 Contrary to what respondent court held, the CTDs are negotiable
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals instruments. The documents provide that the amounts deposited shall be
xxx repayable to the depositor. And who, according to the document, is the
“Atty. Calida: depositor? It is the “bearer.” The documents do not say that the depositor
q In other words Mr. Witness, you are saying that per books of is Angel de la Cruz and that the amounts deposited are repayable
the bank, the depositor referred (sic) in these certificates specifically to him. Rather, the amounts are to be repayable to the bearer
states that it was Angel dela Cruz? of the documents or, for that matter, whosoever may be the bearer at the
witness: time of presentment.
a Yes, your Honor, and we have the record to show that Angel If it was really the intention of respondent bank to pay the amount to
dela Cruz was the one who cause (sic) the amount. Angel de la Cruz only, it could have with facility so expressed that fact in
Atty. Calida: clear and categorical terms in the documents, instead of having the word
q And no other person or entity or company, Mr. Witness? “BEARER” stamped on the space provided for the name of the depositor
witness: in each CTD. On the wordings of the documents, therefore, the amounts
a None, your Honor.”7 deposited are repayable to whoever may be the bearer thereof. Thus,
xxx petitioner’s aforesaid witness merely declared that Angel de la Cruz is the
“Atty. Calida: depositor “insofar as the bank is concerned,” but obviously other parties
q Mr. Witness, who is the depositor identified in all of these not privy to the transaction between them would not be in a position to
certificates of time deposit insofar as the bank is concerned? know that the depositor is not the bearer stated in the CTDs. Hence, the
witness: situation would require any party dealing with the CTDs to go behind the
a Angel dela Cruz is the depositor.”8 plain import of what is written thereon to unravel the agreement of the
xxx parties thereto through facts aliunde.This need for resort to extrinsic
On this score, the accepted rule is that the negotiability or non-negotiability evidence is what is sought to be avoided by the Negotiable Instruments
of an instrument is determined from the writing, that is, from the face of the Law and calls for the application of the elementary rule that the
instrument itself.9 In the construction of a bill or note, the intention of the interpretation of obscure words or stipulations in a contract shall not favor
parties is to control, if it can be legally ascertained.10 While the writing may the party who caused the obscurity.12
be read in the light of surrounding circumstances in order to more perfectly
The next query is whether petitioner can rightfully recover on the CTDs. Exhibit 563, Documentary Evidence for the Defendant, 442; Original
This time, the answer is in the negative. The records reveal that Angel de Record, 211.
la Cruz, whom petitioner chose not to implead in this suit for reasons of its Panay Electric Co., Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 174 SCRA
own, delivered the CTDs amounting to P1,120,000.00 to petitioner without 500(1989).
informing respondent bank thereof at any time. Unfortunately for petitioner, Philippine National Bank vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, et al., 189
although the CTDs are bearer instruments, a valid negotiation thereof for SCRA 680 (1990).
the true purpose and agreement be- Section 2(a), Rule 131, Rules of Court.
Original Record, 152.
______________ 458
Art. 1377, Civil Code. Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
457 to aver with sufficient definiteness or particularity (a) the due date or dates
VOL. 212, AUGUST 10, 1992 457 of payment of the alleged indebtedness of Angel de la Cruz to plaintiff and
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals (b) whether or not it issued a receipt showing that the CTDs were delivered
tween it and De la Cruz, as ultimately ascertained, requires both delivery to it by De la Cruz as payment of the latter’s alleged indebtedness to it,
and indorsement. For, although petitioner seeks to deflect this fact, the plaintiff corporation opposed the motion.18 Had it produced the receipt
CTDs were in reality delivered to it as a security for De la Cruz’ purchases prayed for, it could have proved, if such truly was the fact, that the CTDs
of its fuel products. Any doubt as to whether the CTDs were delivered as were delivered as payment and not as security. Having opposed the
payment for the fuel products or as a security has been dissipated and motion, petitioner now labors under the presumption that evidence willfully
resolved in favor of the latter by petitioner’s own authorized and suppressed would be adverse if produced.19
responsible representative himself. Under the foregoing circumstances, this disquisition in Integrated
In a letter dated November 26, 1982 addressed to respondent Security Realty Corporation, et al. vs. Philippine National Bank, et al.20 is apropos:
Bank, J.Q. Aranas, Jr., Caltex Credit Manager, wrote: “x x x These “x x x Adverting again to the Court’s pronouncements in Lopez, supra, we
certificates of deposit were negotiated to us by Mr. Angel dela Cruz to quote therefrom:
guarantee his purchases of fuel products” (Italics ours.)13 This admission ‘The character of the transaction between the parties is to be determined
is conclusive upon petitioner, its protestations notwithstanding. Under the by their intention, regardless of what language was used or what the form
doctrine of estoppel, an admission or representation is rendered of the transfer was. If it was intended to secure the payment of money, it
conclusive upon the person making it, and cannot be denied or disproved must be construed as a pledge; but if there was some other intention, it is
as against the person relying thereon.14 A party may not go back on his not a pledge. However, even though a transfer, if regarded by itself,
own acts and representations to the prejudice of the other party who relied appears to have been absolute, its object and character might still be
upon them.15 In the law of evidence, whenever a party has, by his own qualified and explained by contemporaneous writing declaring it to have
declaration, act, or omission, intentionally and deliberately led another to been a deposit of the property as collateral security. It has been said that
believe a particular thing true, and to act upon such belief, he cannot, in a transfer of property by the debtor to a creditor, even if sufficient on its
any litigation arising out of such declaration, act, or omission, be permitted face to make an absolute conveyance, should be treated as a pledge if the
to falsify it.16 debt continues in existence and is not discharged by the transfer, and that
If it were true that the CTDs were delivered as payment and not as accordingly the use of the terms ordinarily importing conveyance of
security, petitioner’s credit manager could have easily said so, instead of absolute ownership will not be given that effect in such a transaction if they
using the words “to guarantee” in the letter aforequoted. Besides, when are also commonly used in pledges and mortgages and therefore do not
respondent bank, as defendant in the court below, moved for a bill of unqualifiedly indicate a transfer of absolute ownership, in the absence of
particularity therein17 praying, among others, that petitioner, as plaintiff, be clear and unambiguous language or other circumstances excluding an
required intent to pledge.’ ”

_______________ ______________
Ibid., 154. 460
19 Section 3(e), Rule 131, Rules of Court. 460 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
174 SCRA 295 (1989), jointly decided with Overseas Bank of Manila Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 60907. Aside from the fact that the CTDs were only delivered but not indorsed, the
459 factual findings of respondent court quoted at the start of this opinion show
VOL. 212, AUGUST 10, 1992 459 that petitioner failed to produce any document evidencing any contract of
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals pledge or guarantee agreement between it and Angel de la
Petitioner’s insistence that the CTDs were negotiated to it begs the Cruz.25 Consequently, the mere delivery of the CTDs did not legally vest in
question. Under the Negotiable Instruments Law, an instrument is petitioner any right effective against and binding upon respondent bank.
negotiated when it is transferred from one person to another in such a The requirement under Article 2096 aforementioned is not a mere rule of
manner as to constitute the transferee the holder thereof,21 and a holder adjective law prescribing the mode whereby proof may be made of the date
may be the payee or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in possession of it, of a pledge contract, but a rule of substantive law prescribing a condition
or the bearer thereof.22 In the present case, however, there was no without which the execution of a pledge contract cannot affect third persons
negotiation in the sense of a transfer of the legal title to the CTDs in favor adversely.26
of petitioner in which situation, for obvious reasons, mere delivery of the On the other hand, the assignment of the CTDs made by Angel de la
bearer CTDs would have sufficed. Here, the delivery thereof only as Cruz in favor of respondent bank was embodied in a public
security for the purchases of Angel de la Cruz (and we even disregard the instrument.27 With regard to this other mode of transfer, the Civil Code
fact that the amount involved was not disclosed) could at the most specifically declares:
constitute petitioner only as a holder for value by reason of his lien. “Art. 1625. An assignment of credit, right or action shall produce no effect
Accordingly, a negotiation for such purpose cannot be effected by mere as against third persons, unless it appears in a public instrument, or the
delivery of the instrument since, necessarily, the terms thereof and the instrument is recorded in the Registry of Property in case the assignment
subsequent disposition of such security, in the event of non-payment of the involves real property.”
principal obligation, must be contractually provided for. Respondent bank duly complied with this statutory requirement. Contrarily,
The pertinent law on this point is that where the holder has a lien on the petitioner, whether as purchaser, assignee or lienholder of the CTDs,
instrument arising from contract, he is deemed a holder for value to the neither proved the amount of its credit or the extent of its lien nor the
extent of his lien.23 As such holder of collateral security, he would be a execution of any public instrument which could affect or bind private
pledgee but the requirements therefor and the effects thereof, not being respondent. Necessarily, therefore, as between petitioner and respondent
provided for by the Negotiable Instruments Law, shall be governed by the bank, the latter has definitely the better right over the CTDs in question.
Civil Code provisions on pledge of incorporeal rights,24 which inceptively Finally, petitioner faults respondent court for refusing to delve into the
provide: question of whether or not private respondent observed the requirements
“Art. 2095. Incorporeal rights, evidenced by negotiable instruments, x x x of the law in the case of lost nego-
may also be pledged. The instrument proving the right pledged shall be
delivered to the creditor, and if negotiable, must be indorsed.” _________________
“Art. 2096. A pledge shall not take effect against third persons if a
description of the thing pledged and the date of the pledge do not appear Sec. 196, Act No. 2031.
in a public instrument.” 25 Rollo, 25.
26 Tec Bi & Co. vs. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, 41

________________ Phil. 596 (1916); Ocejo, Perez & Co. vs. The International Banking
Corporation, 37 Phil. 631 (1918); Te Pate vs. Ingersoll, 43 Phil.
Sec. 30, Act No. 2031. 394 (1922).
22 27 Rollo, 25.
Sec. 191, id.
23 Sec. 27, id.; see also Art. 2118, Civil Code.
24 Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the Philippine Commercial
VOL. 212, AUGUST 10, 1992 461
Laws, T.C. Martin, 1985 Rev. Ed., Vol. I, 134; Art. 18, Civil Code; Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
tiable instruments and the issuance of replacement certificates therefor, on at a pre-trial conference bars the consideration of other questions on
the ground that petitioner failed to raise that issue in the lower court.28 appeal.32
On this matter, we uphold respondent court’s finding that the aspect of To accept petitioner’s suggestion that respondent bank’s supposed
alleged negligence of private respondent was not included in the stipulation negligence may be considered encompassed by the issues on its right to
of the parties and in the statement of issues submitted by them to the trial preterminate and receive the proceeds of the CTDs would be tantamount
court.29The issues agreed upon by them for resolution in this case are: to saying that petitioner could raise on appeal any issue. We agree with
private respondent that the broad ultimate issue of petitioner’s entitlement
1. “1.Whether or not the CTDs as worded are negotiable instruments. to the proceeds of the questioned certificates can be premised on a
2. 2.Whether or not defendant could legally apply the amount covered multitude of other legal reasons and causes of action, of which respondent
by the CTDs against the depositor’s loan by virtue of the bank’s supposed negligence is only one. Hence, petitioner’s submission, if
assignment (Annex ‘C’). accepted, would render a pre-trial delimitation of issues a useless
3. 3.Whether or not there was legal compensation or set off involving exercise.33
the amount covered by the CTDs and the depositor’s outstanding Still, even assuming arguendo that said issue of negligence was raised
account with defendant, if any. in the court below, petitioner still cannot have the odds in its favor. A close
4. 4.Whether or not plaintiff could compel defendant to preterminate scrutiny of the provisions of the Code of Commerce laying down the rules
the CTDs before the maturity date provided therein. to be followed in case of lost instruments payable to bearer, which it
5. 5.Whether or not plaintiff is entitled to the proceeds of the CTDs. invokes, will reveal that said provisions, even assuming their applicability
6. 6.Whether or not the parties can recover damages, attorney’s fees to the CTDs in the case at bar, are merely permissive and not mandatory.
and litigation expenses from each other.” The very first article cited by petitioner speaks for itself.
“Art. 548. The dispossessed owner, no matter for what cause it may
As respondent court correctly observed, with appropriate citation of some be, may apply to the judge or court of competent jurisdiction, asking that
doctrinal authorities, the foregoing enumeration does not include the issue the principal, interest or dividends due or about to become due, be not paid
of negligence on the part of respondent bank. An issue raised for the first a third person, as well as in order to prevent the ownership of the
time on appeal and not raised timely in the proceedings in the lower court instrument that a duplicate be issued him.” (Empha-
is barred by estoppel.30 Questions raised on appeal must be within the
issues framed by the parties and, consequently, issues not raised in the _______________
trial court cannot be raised for the first time on appeal.31
SCRA 276 (1981); Aguinaldo Industries Corporation, etc. vs.
_______________ Commissioner of Internal Revenue, et al., 112 SCRA 136 (1982); Dulos
Realty & Development Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 157 SCRA
28 Ibid., 15. 425 (1988).
32 Bergado vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 173 SCRA 497 (1989).
29 Joint Partial Stipulation of Facts and Statement of Issues, dated 33 Rollo, 58.
November 27, 1984; Original Record, 209.
30 Mejorada vs. Municipal Council of Dipolog, 52 SCRA 451 (1973). 463
31 Sec. 18, Rule 46, Rules of Court; Garcia, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, VOL. 212, AUGUST 10, 1992 463
et al., 102 SCRA 597 (1981); Matienzo vs. Servidad, 107 Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
462 ses ours.)
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals The use of the word “may” in said provision shows that it is not mandatory
Pre-trial is primarily intended to make certain that all issues necessary to but discretionary on the part of the “dispossessed owner” to apply to the
the disposition of a case are properly raised. Thus, to obviate the element judge or court of competent jurisdiction for the issuance of a duplicate of
of surprise, parties are expected to disclose at a pre-trial conference all the lost instrument. Where the provision reads “may,” this word shows that
issues of law and fact which they intend to raise at the trial, except such as it is not mandatory but discretional.34 The word “may” is usually permissive,
may involve privileged or impeaching matters. The determination of issues
not mandatory.35 It is an auxiliary verb indicating liberty, opportunity,
permission and possibility.36
Moreover, as correctly analyzed by private respondent,37Articles 548 to
558 of the Code of Commerce, on which petitioner seeks to anchor
respondent bank’s supposed negligence, merely established, on the one
hand, a right of recourse in favor of a dispossessed owner or holder of a
bearer instrument so that he may obtain a duplicate of the same, and, on
the other, an option in favor of the party liable thereon who, for some valid
ground, may elect to refuse to issue a replacement of the instrument.
Significantly, none of the provisions cited by petitioner categorically
restricts or prohibits the issuance a duplicate or replacement
instrument sans compliance with the procedure outlined therein, and none
establishes a mandatory precedent requirement therefor.
WHEREFORE, on the modified premises above set forth, the petition
is DENIED and the appealed decision is hereby AFFIRMED.
Narvasa (C.J., Chairman), Padilla and Nocon, JJ.,concur.
Petition denied, decision affirmed with modification.

U.S. vs. Sanchez, 13 Phil. 336 (1909); Capati vs. Ocampo, 113
SCRA 794 (1982).
Luna vs. Abaya, 86 Phil. 472 (1950).
36 Philippine Law Dictionary, F.B. Moreno, Third Edition, 590.
37 Rollo, 59.

Macasiano vs. Diokno
Note.—The instrument in order to be considered negotiable must
contain the so-called “words of negotiability___i.e. Must be payable to
“order” or “bearer” (Salas vs. Court of Appeals, 181 SCRA 296).

[No. L-2516. September 25, 1950] withdraw it from the bank, it being then already closed; that in view of this
ANG TEK LIAN, petitioner, vs. THE COURT OF APPEALS, respondent. request and relying upon appellant's assurance that he had sufficient funds
in the bank to meet Exhibit A, and because they used to borrow money
1. 1.CRIMINAL LAW; "ESTAFA"; ISSUING CHECK WITH from each other, even before the war, and appellant owns a hotel and
INSUFFICIENT BANK DEPOSIT TO COVER THE SAME.—One restaurant known as the North Bay Hotel, said complainant delivered to
who issues a check payable to cash to accomplish deceit and him, on the same date, the sum of P4,000 in cash; that despite repeated
knows that at the time had no sufficient deposit with the bank to efforts to notify him that the check had been dishonored by the bank,
cover the amount of the check and without informing the payee of appellant could not be located any-where, until he was summoned in the
such circumstances, is guilty of estafa as provided by article 315, City Fiscal's Office in view of the complaint for estafa filed in connection
paragraph (d), subsection 2 of the Revised Penal Code. therewith; and that appellant has not paid as yet the amount of the check,
or any part thereof."
THE ORDER OF "CASH"; INDORSEMENT.—A check payable to VOL. 87, SEPTEMBER 25, 1950 385
the order of "cash" is a check payable to bearer, and the bank Ang Tek Lian vs. Court of Appeals
may pay it to the person presenting it for payment without the Inasmuch as the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are final, the only
drawer's indorsement. question of law for decision is whether under the facts found, estafa had
been accomplished.
PETITION to review on certiorari a decision of the Court of Appeals. Article 315, paragraph (d), subsection 2 of the Revised Penal Code,
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. punishes swindling committed "By postdating a check, or issuing such
Laurel, Sabido, Almario & Laurel for petitioner. check in payment of an obligation the offender knowing that at the time he
384 had no funds in the bank, or the funds deposited by him in the bank were
384 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED not sufficient to cover the amount of the check, and without informing the
Ang Tek Lian vs. Court of Appeals payee of such circumstances".
We believe that under this provision of law Ang Tek Lian was properly
Solicitor General Felix Bautista Angelo and Solicitor Manuel Tomacruz for
held liable. In this connection, it must be stated that, as explained
in People vs. Fernandez (59 Phil., 615), estafa is committed by issuing
either a postdated check or an ordinary check to accomplish the deceit, It
is argued, however, that as the check had been made payable to "cash"
and had not been endorsed by Ang Tek Lian, the defendant is not guilty of
For having issued a rubber check, Ang Tek Lian was convicted of estafa, in
the offense charged. Based on the proposition that "by uniform practice of
the Court of First Instance of Manila. The Court of Appeals affirmed the
all banks in the Philippines a check so drawn is invariably dishonored," the
following line of reasoning is advanced in support of the argument:
It appears that, knowing he had no funds therefor, Ang Tek Lian drew
"* * * When, therefore, he (the offended party) accepted the check (Exhibit
on Saturday, November 16, 1946, the check Exhibit A upon the China
A) from the appellant, he did so with full knowledge that it would be
Banking Corporation f or the sum of P4,000, payable to the order of "cash".
dishonored upon presentment. In that sense, the appellant could not be
He delivered it to Lee Hua Hong in exchange for money which the latter
said to have acted fraudulently because the complainant, in so accepting
handed in the act. On November 18, 1946, the next business day, the
the check as it was drawn, must be considered, by every rational
check was presented by Lee Hua Hong to the drawee bank for payment,
consideration, to have done so fully aware of the risk he was running
but it was dishonored for insufficiency of funds, the balance of the deposit
thereby." (Brief for the appellant, p. 11.)
of Ang Tek Lian on both dates being P335 only.
We are not aware of the uniformity of such practice. Instances have
The Court of Appeals believed the version of Lee Huan Hong who
undoubtedly occurred wherein the Bank required the indorsement of the
testified that "on November 16, 1946, appellant went to his (complainant's)
drawer before honoring a check payable to "cash." But cases there are too,
office, at 1217 Herran, Paco, Manila, and asked him to exchange Exhibit
where no such requirement had been made. It depends upon the
A—which he (appellant) then brought with him—with cash alleging that he
circumstances of each transaction.
needed badly the sum of P4,000 represented by the check, but could not
Under the Negotiable Instruments Law (sec. 9 [d], a check drawn have occurred prior to the presentment.' 1 Morse, Banks and Banking, sec.
payable to the order of "cash" is a check pay- 393.
386 "Although a bank is entitled to pay the amount of a bearer check without
386 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED further inquiry, it is entirely reasonable for the bank to insist that the holder
Ang Tek Lian vs. Court of Appeals give satisfactory proof of his identity. * * *." (Paton's Digest, Vol. I, p. 1089.)
able to bearer, and the bank may pay it to the person presenting it for Anyway, it is significant, and conclusive, that the form of the check Exhibit
payment without the drawer's indorsement. A was totally unconnected with its dishonor. The Court of Appeals declared
"A check payable to the order of cash is a bearer that it was returned unsatisfied because the drawer had insufficient
instrument. Bacal vs. National City Bank of New York (1933), 146 Misc., funds—not because the drawer's indorsement was lacking.
732; 262 N. Y. S., 839; Cleary vs. De Beck Plate Glass Co. (1907), 54 Wherefore, there being no question as to the correctness of the penalty
Misc., 537; 104 N. Y. S., 831; Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance imposed on the appellant, the writ of certiorari is denied and the decision
Co. vs. Pittsburgh Pipe & Supply Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 1939), 135 S. W. of the Court of Appeals is hereby affirmed, with costs.
(2d), 818. See also H. Cook & Son vs. Moody (1916), 17 Ga. App., 465; Moran, C. J., Ozaeta, Parás, Pablo, Tuason, and Reyes, JJ., concur.
87 S. E., 713." Writ denied, decision affirmed.
"Where a check is made payable to the order of 'cash', the word cash
'does not purport to be the name of any person', and hence the instrument _______________
is payable to bearer. The drawee bank need not obtain any indorsement
of the check, but may pay it to the person presenting it without any
indorsement. * * *" (Zollmann, Banks and Banking, Permanent Edition, Vol.
6, p. 494.)
Of course, if the bank is not sure of the bearer's identity or financial
solvency, it has the right to demand identification and/or assurance against
possible complications,—for instance, (a) forgery of drawer's signature, (b)
loss of the check by the rightful owner, (c) raising of the amount payable,
etc. The bank may therefore require, for its protection, that the indorsement
of the drawer—or of some other person known to it—be obtained. But
where the Bank is satisfied of the identity and/or the economic standing of
the bearer who tenders the check for collection, it will pay the instrument
without further question; and it would incur no liability to the drawer in thus
"A check payable to bearer is authority for payment to the holder. Where a
check is in the ordinary form, and is payable to bearer, so that no
indorsement is required, a bank, to which it is presented for payment, need
not have the holder identified, and is not negligent in failing to do so. * * *"
(Michie on Banks and Banking, Permanent Edition, Vol. 5, p. 343.)
"* * * Consequently, a drawee bank to which a bearer check is
presented for payment need not necessarily have the holder identified and
ordinarily may not be charged with negligence in failing to do so. See
Opinions 6C:2 and 6C:3. If the bank has no reasonable cause for
suspecting any irregularity, it will be protected in paying a bearer check,
'no matter what facts unknown to it may
VOL. 87, SEPTEMBER 25, 1950 387
Phil. Assn. of Mech. and Electrical Eng. vs. Sanidad
SP No. 83556 are set aside. This case is remanded to the Office of the controversy submitted for decision by litigants. Every issue and factual
President for further proceedings and determination thereof on the merits. detail must be closely scrutinized and analyzed, and all the applicable laws
No costs. judiciously studied, before the promulgation of every judgment by the court.
SO ORDERED. Only in this manner will errors in judgments be avoided.
Ynares-Santiago (Chairperson), Austria-Martinez, Negotiable Instruments Law; Checks; Fictitious Payee Rule; As a
Reyes and Leonardo-De Castro,** JJ., concur. rule, when the payee is fictitious or not intended to be the true recipient of
Petition granted, judgment and resolution set aside. the proceeds, the check is considered as a bearer instrument.—As a rule,
Notes.—Taking into account the condition of our postal service, it is when the payee is fictitious or not intended to be the true recipient of the
unreasonable to expect receipt within two (2) days of a letter sent from proceeds, the check is considered as a bearer instrument. A check is “a
Manila to Bacolod City. (Jones vs. National Labor Relations Commission, bill of exchange drawn on a bank payable on demand.” It is either an order
250 SCRA 668 [1995]) or a bearer instrument.
A Postmaster is charged with the duty of preserving the privacy of Same; Same; Same; “Bearer” and “Order” Instruments; Words and
communication and correspondence, particularly the integrity of the postal Phrases; An order instrument requires an indorsement from the payee or
system. (Faeldonea vs. Civil Service Commission, 386 SCRA 384 [2002]) holder before it may be validly negotiated while a bearer instrument is
——o0o—— negotiable by mere delivery.—The distinction between bearer and order
instruments lies in their manner of negotiation. Under Section 30 of the
NIL, an order instrument requires an indorsement from the payee or holder
before it may be validly negotiated. A bearer instrument, on the other hand,
G.R. No. 170325. September 26, 2008.* does not require an indorsement to be validly negotiated. It is negotiable
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, vs. ERLANDO T. RODRIGUEZ by mere delivery. The provision reads: SEC. 30. What constitutes
and NORMA RODRIGUEZ, respondents. negotiation.—An instrument is negotiated when it is transferred from one
Courts; Judgments; Amendment of decisions is more acceptable than person to another in such manner as to constitute the transferee the holder
an erroneous judgment attaining finality to the prejudice of innocent thereof. If payable to bearer, it is negotiated by delivery; if payable to order,
parties; The Court does not sanction careless disposition of cases by it is negotiated by the indorsement of the holder completed by delivery.
courts of justice—the highest degree of diligence must go into the study of Same; Same; Same; Same; Under Section 9(c) of the Negotiable
every controversy submitted for decision by litigants.— Instruments Law (NIL), a check payable to a specified payee may
nevertheless be considered as a bearer instrument if it is payable to515
_______________ VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 515
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
** Justice Teresita J. Leonardo de Castro was designated to sit as the order of a fictitious or non-existing person, and such fact is known
additional member, replacing Justice Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura per to the person making it so payable.—A check that is payable to a specified
Raffle dated 23 May 2008. payee is an order instrument. However, under Section 9(c) of the NIL, a
* THIRD DIVISION. check payable to a specified payee may nevertheless be considered as a
514 bearer instrument if it is payable to the order of a fictitious or non-existing
514 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED person, and such fact is known to the person making it so payable. Thus,
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez checks issued to “Prinsipe Abante” or “Si Malakas at si Maganda,” who are
Prefatorily, amendment of decisions is more acceptable than an well-known characters in Philippine mythology, are bearer instruments
erroneous judgment attaining finality to the prejudice of innocent parties. A because the named payees are fictitious and non-existent.
court discovering an erroneous judgment before it becomes final Same; Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; Legal Research; In
may, motu proprio or upon motion of the parties, correct its judgment with discussing the broader meaning of the term “fictitious” as used in the
the singular objective of achieving justice for the litigants. However, a word Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL), court rulings in the United States are a
of caution to lower courts, the CA in Cebu in this particular case, is in order. logical starting point since our law on negotiable instruments was directly
The Court does not sanction careless disposition of cases by courts of lifted from the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law of the United States; A
justice. The highest degree of diligence must go into the study of every review of US jurisprudence yields that an actual, existing, and living payee
may also be “fictitious” if the maker of the check did not intend for the payee Court in Getty: Consequently, a transferee’s lapse of wary vigilance,
to in fact receive the proceeds of the check—if the payee is not the disregard of suspicious circumstances which might have well induced a
intended recipient of the proceeds of the check, the payee is considered a prudent banker to investigate and other permutations of negligence are not
“fictitious” payee and the check is a bearer instrument; In a fictitious-payee relevant considerations under Section 3-405 x x x. Rather, there is a
situation, the drawee bank is absolved from liability and the drawer bears “commercial bad faith” exception to UCC 3-405, applicable when the
the loss, the underlying theory being that one cannot expect a fictitious transferee “acts dishonestly—where it has actual knowledge of facts and
payee to negotiate the check by placing his indorsement thereon.—We circumstances that amount to bad faith, thus itself becoming a participant
have yet to discuss a broader meaning of the term “fictitious” as used in in a fraudulent scheme. x x x Such a test finds support in the text of the
the NIL. It is for this reason that We look elsewhere for guidance. Court Code, which omits a standard of care requirement from UCC 3-405 but
rulings in the United States are a logical starting point since our law on imposes on all parties an obligation to act with “honesty in fact.” x x x
negotiable instruments was directly lifted from the Uniform Negotiable Same; Same; Same; For the fictitious-payee rule to be available as a
Instruments Law of the United States. A review of US jurisprudence yields defense, the bank must show that the maker did not intend for the named
that an actual, existing, and living payee may also be “fictitious” if the maker payees to be part of the transaction involving the checks—mere lack of
of the check did not intend for the payee to in fact receive the proceeds of knowledge on the part of the payees of the existence of the checks is not
the check. This usually occurs when the maker places a name of an tantamount to a lack of intention on the part of maker that the payees would
existing payee on the check for convenience or to cover up an illegal not receive the checks’ proceeds; It is a requisite condition of a fictitious-
activity. Thus, a check made expressly payable to a non-fictitious and payee situation that the maker of the check intended for the payee to have
existing person is not necessarily an order instrument. If the payee is not no interest in the transaction.—For the517
the intended recipient of the proceeds of the check, the payee is VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 517
considered a “fictitious” payee and the check is a bearer instrument. In a Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
fictitious-payee situation, the drawee bank is absolved from liability and the fictitious-payee rule to be available as a defense, PNB must show that
drawer bears the loss. When faced with a516 the makers did not intend for the named payees to be part of the
516 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED transaction involving the checks. At most, the bank’s thesis shows that the
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez payees did not have knowledge of the existence of the checks. This lack
check payable to a fictitious payee, it is treated as a bearer instrument of knowledge on the part of the payees, however, was not tantamount to a
that can be negotiated by delivery. The underlying theory is that one cannot lack of intention on the part of respondents-spouses that the payees would
expect a fictitious payee to negotiate the check by placing his indorsement not receive the checks’ proceeds. Considering that respondents-spouses
thereon. And since the maker knew this limitation, he must have intended were transacting with PEMSLA and not the individual payees, it is
for the instrument to be negotiated by mere delivery. Thus, in case of understandable that they relied on the information given by the officers of
controversy, the drawer of the check will bear the loss. This rule is justified PEMSLA that the payees would be receiving the checks. Verily, the subject
for otherwise, it will be most convenient for the maker who desires to checks are presumed order instruments. This is because, as found by both
escape payment of the check to always deny the validity of the lower courts, PNB failed to present sufficient evidence to defeat the claim
indorsement. This despite the fact that the fictitious payee was purposely of respondents-spouses that the named payees were the intended
named without any intention that the payee should receive the proceeds of recipients of the checks’ proceeds. The bank failed to satisfy a requisite
the check. condition of a fictitious-payee situation—that the maker of the check
Same; Same; Same; Under the commercial bad faith exception to the intended for the payee to have no interest in the transaction. Because of
fictitious-payee rule, a showing of commercial bad faith on the part of the a failure to show that the payees were “fictitious” in its broader sense, the
drawee bank, or any transferee of the check for that matter, will work to fictitious-payee rule does not apply. Thus, the checks are to be deemed
strip it of this defense.—There is a commercial bad faith exception to the payable to order. Consequently, the drawee bank bears the loss.
fictitious-payee rule. A showing of commercial bad faith on the part of Same; Same; Same; Banks and Banking; A bank that regularly
the drawee bank, or any transferee of the check for that matter, will work processes checks that are neither payable to the customer nor duly
to strip it of this defense. The exception will cause it to bear the loss. indorsed by the payee is apparently grossly negligent in its operations.—
Commercial bad faith is present if the transferee of the check acts PNB was remiss in its duty as the drawee bank. It does not dispute the fact
dishonestly, and is a party to the fraudulent scheme. Said the US Supreme that its teller or tellers accepted the 69 checks for deposit to the PEMSLA
account even without any indorsement from the named payees. It bears RTC dismissal of PNB’s cross-claim has no basis. Thus, this judgment
stressing that order instruments can only be negotiated with a valid shall be without prejudice to whatever action the bank might take against
indorsement. A bank that regularly processes checks that are neither its co-defendants in the trial court.
payable to the customer nor duly indorsed by the payee is apparently PETITION for review on certiorari of an amended decision of the Court of
grossly negligent in its operations. This Court has recognized the unique Appeals.
public interest possessed by the banking industry and the need for the The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.519
people to have full trust and confidence in their banks. For this reason, VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 519
banks are minded to treat their customer’s accounts with utmost care, Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
confidence, and honesty. Kenneth A. Alovera for petitioner.
Same; Same; Same; Same; In a checking transaction, the drawee Joel G. Dojillo for respondents.
bank has the duty to verify the genuineness of the signature of the drawer REYES, R.T., J.:
and to pay the check strictly in accordance with the518 WHEN the payee of the check is not intended to be the true recipient
518 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED of its proceeds, is it payable to order or bearer? What is the fictitious-payee
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez rule and who is liable under it? Is there any exception?
drawer’s instructions, i.e., to the named payee in the check.—In a These questions seek answers in this petition for review on certiorari of
checking transaction, the drawee bank has the duty to verify the the Amended Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) which affirmed with
genuineness of the signature of the drawer and to pay the check strictly in modification that of the Regional Trial Court (RTC).2
accordance with the drawer’s instructions, i.e., to the named payee in the The Facts
check. It should charge to the drawer’s accounts only the payables The facts as borne by the records are as follows:
authorized by the latter. Otherwise, the drawee will be violating the Respondents-Spouses Erlando and Norma Rodriguez were clients of
instructions of the drawer and it shall be liable for the amount charged to petitioner Philippine National Bank (PNB), Amelia Avenue Branch, Cebu
the drawer’s account. City. They maintained savings and demand/checking accounts, namely,
Banks and Banking; The trustworthiness of bank employees is PNBig Demand Deposits (Checking/Current Account No. 810624-6 under
indispensable to maintain the stability of the banking industry—banks are the account name Erlando and/or Norma Rodriguez), and PNBig Demand
enjoined to be extra vigilant in the management and supervision of their Deposit (Checking/Current Account No. 810480-4 under the account name
employees.—PNB was negligent in the selection and supervision of its Erlando T. Rodriguez).
employees. The trustworthiness of bank employees is indispensable to The spouses were engaged in the informal lending business. In line
maintain the stability of the banking industry. Thus, banks are enjoined to with their business, they had a discounting3
be extra vigilant in the management and supervision of their employees.
In Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Court of Appeals, 216 SCRA 51 (1992), _______________
this Court cautioned thus: Banks handle daily transactions involving
millions of pesos. By the very nature of their work the degree of 1 CA-G.R. CV No. 76645 dated October 11, 2005. Penned by
responsibility, care and trustworthiness expected of their employees and Associate Justice Isaias P. Dicdican, with Associate Justices Pampio A.
officials is far greater than those of ordinary clerks and employees. For Abarintos and Ramon M. Bato, Jr., concurring; Rollo, pp. 29-42.
obvious reasons, the banks are expected to exercise the highest degree 2 Civil Case No. 99-10892, Regional Trial Court in Negros Occidental,
of diligence in the selection and supervision of their employees. Branch 51, Bacolod City, dated May 10, 2002; CA Rollo, pp. 63-72.
Actions; Default; Failure to file an answer is a ground for a declaration 3 A financing scheme where a postdated check is exchanged for a
that defendant is in default.—We note that the RTC failed to thresh out the current check with a discounted face value.
merits of PNB’s cross-claim against its co-defendants PEMSLA and MPC. 520
The records are bereft of any pleading filed by these two defendants in 520 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
answer to the complaint of respondents-spouses and cross-claim of PNB. Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
The Rules expressly provide that failure to file an answer is a ground for a arrangement with the Philnabank Employees Savings and Loan
declaration that defendant is in default. Yet, the RTC failed to sanction the Association (PEMSLA), an association of PNB employees. Naturally,
failure of both PEMSLA and MPC to file responsive pleadings. Verily, the
PEMSLA was likewise a client of PNB Amelia Avenue Branch. The Name of Payees Check No. Date Amount
association maintained current and savings accounts with petitioner bank. Issued
PEMSLA regularly granted loans to its members. Spouses Rodriguez
would rediscount the postdated checks issued to members whenever the 04. Pacifico Castillo 0000011565 01.22.99 39,995.00
association was short of funds. As was customary, the spouses would 05. Jose Bago-od 0000011587 02.01.99 38,000.00
replace the postdated checks with their own checks issued in the name of
the members. 06. Dioleto Delcano 0000011594 02.02.99 28,500.00
It was PEMSLA’s policy not to approve applications for loans of
members with outstanding debts. To subvert this policy, some PEMSLA 07. Antonio Maravilla 0000011593 02.02.99 37,715.00
officers devised a scheme to obtain additional loans despite their 08. Josel Juguan 0000011595 02.02.99 45,002.00
outstanding loan accounts. They took out loans in the names of unknowing
members, without the knowledge or consent of the latter. The PEMSLA 09. Domingo Roa, Jr. 0000011591 02.01.99 35,373.00
checks issued for these loans were then given to the spouses for
rediscounting. The officers carried this out by forging the indorsement of 10. Antonio Maravilla 0001657 02.05.99 39,900.00
the named payees in the checks. 11. Christy Mae Berden 0001655 02.05.99 28,595.00
In return, the spouses issued their personal checks (Rodriguez checks)
in the name of the members and delivered the checks to an officer of 12. Nelson Guadalupe 0000011588 02.01.99 34,819.00
PEMSLA. The PEMSLA checks, on the other hand, were deposited by the
spouses to their account. 13. Antonio Londres 0000011596 02.05.99 32,851.00
Meanwhile, the Rodriguez checks were deposited directly by PEMSLA 14. Arnel Navarosa 0000011597 02.05.99 28,785.00
to its savings account without any indorsement from the named payees.
This was an irregular procedure made possible through the facilitation of 15. Estrella Alunan 0000011600 02.05.99 32,509.00
Edmundo Palermo, Jr., treasurer of PEMSLA and bank teller in the PNB
Branch. It appears that this became the usual practice for the parties. 16. Dennis Montemayor 0000011598 02.05.99 43,691.00
For the period November 1998 to February 1999, the spouses issued sixty- 17. Mickle Argusar 0000011599 02.05.99 31,498.00
nine (69) checks, in the total amount of521
VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 521 18. Perlita Gallego 0000011564 01.21.99 38,000.00
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
19. Sheila Arcobillas 0000011563 01.19.99 38,000.00
P2,345,804.00. These were payable to forty-seven (47) individual payees
who were all members of PEMSLA.4 20. Danilo Villarosa 0001656 02.05.99 32,006.00

_______________ 21. Almie Borce 0000011583 02.01.99 20,093.00

22. Ronie Aragon 0000011566 01.20.99 28,844.00
4 Current Account No. 810480-4 in the name of Erlando T. Rodriguez
Name of Payees Check No. Date Amount Total: 775,337.00
01. Simon Carmelo B. 0001110 11.27.98 40,934.00 522
02. Simon Carmelo Libo- 0000011589 02.01.99 29,877.00 Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
on Petitioner PNB eventually found out about these fraudulent acts. To put
a stop to this scheme, PNB closed the current
03. Simon Libo-on 0000011567 01.25.99 50,350.00
Current Account No. 810624-6 in the name of Erlando and/or Norma Name of Payees Check No. Date Issued Amount
Name of Payees Check No. Date Issued Amount 25. Yvonne Ano-os 0001967 01/22/99 36,566.00

01. Elma Bacarro 0001944 01.15.99 37,449.00 26. Joel Abibuag 0002022 02/01/99 37,981.00

02. Delfin Recarder 0001927 01.14.99 30,020.00 523

VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 523
03. Elma Bacarro 0001926 01.14.99 34,884.00 Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
account of PEMSLA. As a result, the PEMSLA checks deposited by the
04. Perlita Gallego 0001924 01.14.99 35,502.00
spouses were returned or dishonored for the reason “Account Closed.” The
05. Jose Weber 0001932 01.14.99 38,323.00 corresponding Rodriguez checks, however, were deposited as usual to the
PEMSLA savings account. The amounts were duly debited from the
06. Rogelio Alfonso 0001922 01.14.99 43,852.00 Rodriguez account. Thus, because the PEMSLA checks given as payment
were returned, spouses Rodriguez incurred losses from the rediscounting
07. Gianni Amantillo 0001928 01.14.99 32,414.00
08. Eddie Bago-od 0001929 01.14.99 38,361.00
09. Manuel Longero 0001933 01.14.99 38,285.00 _______________
10. Anavic Lorenzo 0001923 01.14.99 29,982.00
27. Ma. Corazon Salva 0002029 02/02/99 25,270.00
11. Corazon Salva 0001945 01.15.99 37,449.00
28. Jose Bago-od 0001957 01/18/99 34,656.00
12. Arlene Diamante 0001951 01.18.99 39,995.00
29. Avelino Brion 0001965 01/22/99 31,882.00
13. Joselin Laurilla 0001955 01.18.99 37,221.00
30. Mickle Algusar 0001962 01/22/99 25,004.00
14. Andy Javellana 0001960 01.22.99 30,923.00
31. Jose Weber 0001959 01/22/99 37,001.00
15. Erdelinda Porras 0001958 01.22.99 40,679.00
32. Joel Velasco 0002028 02/02/99 9,500.00
16. Nelson Guadalupe 0001956 01.18.99 24,700.00
33. Elma Bacarro 0002031 02/02/99 23,750.00
17. Barnard Escano 0001969 01/22/99 38,304.00
34. Grace Tambis 0001952 01/18/99 39,995.00
18. Buena Coscolluela 0001968 01/22/99 37,706.00
35. Proceso Mailim 0001980 01/21/99 37,193.00
19. Erdelinda Porras 0002021 02/01/99 36,727.00
36. Ronnie Aragon 0001983 01/22/99 30,324.00
20. Neda Algara 0002023 02/01/99 38,000.00
37. Danilo Villarosa 0001931 01/14/99 31,008.00
21. Eddie Bago-od 0002030 02/02/99 26,600.00
38. Joel Abibuag 0001954 01/18/99 26,600.00
22. Gianni Amantillo 0002032 02/02/99 19,000.00
39. Danilo Villarosa 0001984 01/22/99 26,790.00
23. Alfredo Llena 0002020 02/01/99 32,282.00
40. Reynard Guia 0001985 01/22/99 42,959.00
24. Emmanuel Fermo 0001972 01/22/99 36,376.00
41. Estrella Alunan 0001925 01/14/99 39,596.00
27. Ma. Corazon Salva 0002029 02/02/99 25,270.00 _______________
42. Eddie Bago-od 0001982 01/22/99 31,018.00 5 Rollo, pp. 64-69.
43. Jose Bago-od 0001982 01/22/99 37,240.00 525
VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 525
44. Nicandro Aguilar 0001964 01/22/99 52,250.00 Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
After trial, the RTC rendered judgment in favor of spouses Rodriguez
45. Guandencia Banaston 0001963 01/22/99 38,000.00 (plaintiffs). It ruled that PNB (defendant) is liable to return the value of the
46. Dennis Montemayor 0001961 01/22/99 26,600.00 checks. All counterclaims and cross-claims were dismissed. The
dispositive portion of the RTC decision reads:
47. Eduardo Buglosa 0002027 01/02/99 14,250.00 “WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court hereby renders
judgment, as follows:
Total ................. 1,570,467.00 1. Defendant is hereby ordered to pay the plaintiffs the total amount
Grand Total ........ 2,345,804.00 of P2,345,804.00 or reinstate or restore the amount of P775,337.00 in the
524 PNBig Demand Deposit Checking/Current Account No. 810480-4 of
524 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Erlando T. Rodriguez, and the amount of P1,570,467.00 in the PNBig
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez Demand Deposit, Checking/Current Account No. 810624-6 of Erlando T.
RTC Disposition Rodriguez and/or Norma Rodriguez, plus legal rate of interest thereon to
Alarmed over the unexpected turn of events, the spouses Rodriguez be computed from the filing of this complaint until fully paid;
filed a civil complaint for damages against PEMSLA, the Multi-Purpose 2. The defendant PNB is hereby ordered to pay the plaintiffs the
Cooperative of Philnabankers (MCP), and petitioner PNB. They sought to following reasonable amount of damages suffered by them taking into
recover the value of their checks that were deposited to the PEMSLA consideration the standing of the plaintiffs being sugarcane planters,
savings account amounting to P2,345,804.00. The spouses contended realtors, residential subdivision owners, and other businesses:
that because PNB credited the checks to the PEMSLA account even (a) Consequential damages, unearned income in the amount
without indorsements, PNB violated its contractual obligation to them as of P4,000,000.00, as a result of their having incurred great dificulty
depositors. PNB paid the wrong payees, hence, it should bear the loss. (sic) especially in the residential subdivision business, which was
PNB moved to dismiss the complaint on the ground of lack of cause of not pushed through and the contractor even threatened to file a case
action. PNB argued that the claim for damages should come from the against the plaintiffs;
payees of the checks, and not from spouses Rodriguez. Since there was (b) Moral damages in the amount of P1,000,000.00;
no demand from the said payees, the obligation should be considered as (c) Exemplary damages in the amount of P500,000.00;
discharged. (d) Attorney’s fees in the amount of P150,000.00 considering
In an Order dated January 12, 2000, the RTC denied PNB’s motion to that this case does not involve very complicated issues; and for the
dismiss. (e) Costs of suit.526
In its Answer,5 PNB claimed it is not liable for the checks which it paid 526 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
to the PEMSLA account without any indorsement from the payees. The Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
bank contended that spouses Rodriguez, the makers, actually did not 3. Other claims and counterclaims are hereby dismissed.”6
intend for the named payees to receive the proceeds of the
checks. Consequently, the payees were considered as “fictitious payees” CA Disposition
as defined under the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL). Being checks
made to fictitious payees which are bearer instruments, the checks were PNB appealed the decision of the trial court to the CA on the principal
negotiable by mere delivery. PNB’s Answer included its cross-claim ground that the disputed checks should be considered as payable to bearer
against its co-defendants PEMSLA and the MCP, praying that in the event and not to order.
that judgment is rendered against the bank, the cross-defendants should
be ordered to reimburse PNB the amount it shall pay.
In a Decision7 dated July 22, 2004, the CA reversed and set aside the The CA found that the checks were bearer instruments, thus they do
RTC disposition. The CA concluded that the checks were obviously meant not require indorsement for negotiation; and that spouses Rodriguez and
by the spouses to be really paid to PEMSLA. The court a quo declared: PEMSLA conspired with each other to accomplish this money-making
“We are not swayed by the contention of the plaintiffs-appellees scheme. The payees in the checks were “fictitious payees” because they
(Spouses Rodriguez) that their cause of action arose from the alleged were not the intended payees at all.
breach of contract by the defendant-appellant (PNB) when it paid the value The spouses Rodriguez moved for reconsideration. They argued, inter
of the checks to PEMSLA despite the checks being payable to alia, that the checks on their faces were unquestionably payable to order;
order. Rather, we are more convinced by the strong and credible evidence and that PNB committed a breach of contract when it paid the value of the
for the defendant-appellant with regard to the plaintiffs-appellees’ and checks to PEMSLA without indorsement from the payees. They also
PEMSLA’s business arrangement—that the value of the rediscounted argued that their cause of action is not only against PEMSLA but also
checks of the plaintiffs-appellees would be deposited in PEMSLA’s against PNB to recover the value of the checks.
account for payment of the loans it has approved in exchange for On October 11, 2005, the CA reversed itself via an Amended Decision,
PEMSLA’s checks with the full value of the said loans. This is the only the last paragraph and fallo of which read:
obvious explanation as to why all the disputed sixty-nine (69) checks were “In sum, we rule that the defendant-appellant PNB is liable to the
in the possession of PEMSLA’s errand boy for presentment to the plaintiffs-appellees Sps. Rodriguez for the following:
defendant-appellant that led to this present controversy. It also appears 1. Actual damages in the amount of P2,345,804 with interest at
that the teller who accepted the said checks was PEMSLA’s officer, and 6% per annum from 14 May 1999 until fully paid;
that such was a regular practice by the parties until the defendant-appellant 2. Moral damages in the amount of P200,000;
discovered the scam. The logical conclusion, therefore, is that the checks 3. Attorney’s fees in the amount of P100,000; and
were never meant to be paid to order, but instead, to PEMSLA. We thus 4. Costs of suit.
find no breach of contract on the part of the defendant-appellant.
According to plaintiff-appellee Erlando Rodriguez’ testimony, PEMSLA _______________
allegedly issued post-dated checks to its qualified members who had
applied for loans. However, because of PEMSLA’s insuffi- 8 Id., at p. 47.
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
6 CA Rollo, pp. 71-72. WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, judgment is hereby
7 Rollo, pp. 44-49. Penned by Associate Justice Isaias P. Dicdican, with rendered by Us AFFIRMING WITH MODIFICATION the assailed decision
Associate Justices Elvi John S. Asuncion and Ramon M. Bato, Jr., rendered in Civil Case No. 99-10892, as set forth in the immediately next
concurring. preceding paragraph hereof, and SETTING ASIDE Our original decision
527 promulgated in this case on 22 July 2004.
VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 527 SO ORDERED.”9
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez The CA ruled that the checks were payable to order. According to the
ciency of funds, PEMSLA approached the plaintiffs-appellees for the latter appellate court, PNB failed to present sufficient proof to defeat the claim of
to issue rediscounted checks in favor of said applicant members. Based the spouses Rodriguez that they really intended the checks to be received
on the investigation of the defendant-appellant, meanwhile, this by the specified payees. Thus, PNB is liable for the value of the checks
arrangement allowed the plaintiffs-appellees to make a profit by issuing which it paid to PEMSLA without indorsements from the named payees.
rediscounted checks, while the officers of PEMSLA and other members The award for damages was deemed appropriate in view of the failure of
would be able to claim their loans, despite the fact that they were PNB to treat the Rodriguez account with the highest degree of care
disqualified for one reason or another. They were able to achieve this considering the fiduciary nature of their relationship, which constrained
conspiracy by using other members who had loaned lesser amounts of respondents to seek legal action.
money or had not applied at all. x x x.”8 (Emphasis added) Hence, the present recourse under Rule 45.
Issues otherwise provided, the provisions of this Act applicable to a bill of
exchange payable on demand apply to a check.
The issues may be compressed to whether the subject checks are Section 126. Bill of exchange defined.—A bill of exchange is
payable to order or to bearer and who bears the loss? an unconditional order in writing addressed by one person to
PNB argues anew that when the spouses Rodriguez issued the another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom
disputed checks, they did not intend for the named payees to receive the it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future
proceeds. Thus, they are bearer instruments that could be time a sum certain in money to order or to bearer.
validly negotiated by mere delivery. Further, testimonial and documentary 530
evidence presented during trial amply proved that spouses Rodriguez and 530 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
the officers of PEMSLA conspired with each other to defraud the bank. Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
“SEC. 8. When payable to order.—The instrument is payable to order
_______________ where it is drawn payable to the order of a specified person or to him or his
order. It may be drawn payable to the order of—
9 Id., at p. 41. (a) A payee who is not maker, drawer, or drawee; or
529 (b) The drawer or maker; or
VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 529 (c) The drawee; or
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez (d) Two or more payees jointly; or
Our Ruling (e) One or some of several payees; or
Prefatorily, amendment of decisions is more acceptable than an (f) The holder of an office for the time being.
erroneous judgment attaining finality to the prejudice of innocent parties. A Where the instrument is payable to order, the payee must be named or
court discovering an erroneous judgment before it becomes final otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.
may, motu proprio or upon motion of the parties, correct its judgment with SEC. 9. When payable to bearer.—The instrument is payable to
the singular objective of achieving justice for the litigants.10 bearer—
However, a word of caution to lower courts, the CA in Cebu in this (a) When it is expressed to be so payable; or
particular case, is in order. The Court does not sanction careless (b) When it is payable to a person named therein or bearer; or
disposition of cases by courts of justice. The highest degree of diligence (c) When it is payable to the order of a fictitious or non-existing
must go into the study of every controversy submitted for decision by person, and such fact is known to the person making it so payable; or
litigants. Every issue and factual detail must be closely scrutinized and (d) When the name of the payee does not purport to be the name of
analyzed, and all the applicable laws judiciously studied, before the any person; or
promulgation of every judgment by the court. Only in this manner will errors (e) Where the only or last indorsement is an indorsement in
in judgments be avoided. blank.”12 (Italics supplied)
Now to the core of the petition. The distinction between bearer and order instruments lies in their
As a rule, when the payee is fictitious or not intended to be the true manner of negotiation. Under Section 30 of the NIL, an order instrument
recipient of the proceeds, the check is considered as a bearer requires an indorsement from the payee or holder before it may be validly
instrument. A check is “a bill of exchange drawn on a bank payable on negotiated. A bearer instrument, on the other hand, does not require an
demand.”11It is either an order or a bearer instrument. Sections 8 and 9 of indorsement to be validly negotiated. It is negotiable by mere delivery. The
the NIL states: provision reads:
“SEC. 30. What constitutes negotiation.—An instrument is
_______________ negotiated when it is transferred from one person to another in such

10 Veluz v. Justice of the Peace of Sariaga, 42 Phil. 557 (1921). _______________

11 Negotiable Instruments Law, Sec. 185. Check defined.—A check is
a bill of exchange drawn on a bank payable on demand. Except as herein 12 Id.
VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 531 instrument to be negotiated by mere delivery. Thus, in case of controversy,
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez the drawer of the check will bear the loss. This rule is justified for otherwise,
manner as to constitute the transferee the holder thereof. If payable to it will be most convenient for the maker who desires to escape payment of
bearer, it is negotiated by delivery; if payable to order, it is negotiated by the check to always deny the validity of the indorsement. This despite the
the indorsement of the holder completed by delivery.” fact that the fictitious payee was purposely named without any intention
A check that is payable to a specified payee is an order instrument. that the payee should receive the proceeds of the check.15
However, under Section 9(c) of the NIL, a check payable to a specified The fictitious-payee rule is best illustrated in Mueller & Martin v. Liberty
payee may nevertheless be considered as a bearer instrument if it is Insurance Bank.16 In the said case, the corporation Mueller & Martin was
payable to the order of a fictitious or non-existing person, and such fact is defrauded by George L. Martin, one of its authorized signatories. Martin
known to the person making it so payable. Thus, checks issued to “Prinsipe drew seven checks payable to the German Savings Fund Company
Abante” or “Si Malakas at si Maganda,” who are well-known characters in Building Association (GSFCBA) amounting to $2,972.50 against the
Philippine mythology, are bearer instruments because the named payees account of the corporation without authority from the latter. Martin was also
are fictitious and non-existent. an officer of the GSFCBA but did not have signing authority. At the back of
We have yet to discuss a broader meaning of the term “fictitious” as the checks, Martin placed the rubber stamp of the GSFCBA and signed his
used in the NIL. It is for this reason that We look elsewhere for guidance. own name as indorsement. He then successfully drew the funds from
Court rulings in the United States are a logical starting point since our law Liberty Insurance Bank for his own personal profit. When the corporation
on negotiable instruments was directly lifted from the Uniform Negotiable filed an action against the bank to recover the amount of the checks, the
Instruments Law of the United States.13 claim was denied.
A review of US jurisprudence yields that an actual, existing, and living The US Supreme Court held in Mueller that when the person making
payee may also be “fictitious” if the maker of the check did not intend for the check so payable did not intend for the specified payee to have any
the payee to in fact receive the proceeds of the check. This usually occurs part in the transactions, the payee is
when the maker places a name of an existing payee on the check for
convenience or to cover up an illegal activity.14 Thus, a check made _______________
expressly payable to a non-fictitious and existing person is not necessarily
an order instrument. If the payee is not the intended recipient of the 15 Mueller & Martin v. Liberty Insurance Bank, 187 Ky. 44, 218 SW 465
proceeds of the check, the payee is considered a “fictitious” payee and the (1920).
check is a bearer instrument. 16 Id.
_______________ VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 533
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
13 Campos, J.C., Jr. and Lopez-Campos, M.C., Notes and Selected considered as a fictitious payee. The check is then considered as a bearer
Cases on Negotiable Instruments Law (1994), 5th ed., pp. 8-9. instrument to be validly negotiated by mere delivery. Thus, the US
14 Bourne v. Maryland Casualty, 192 SE 605 (1937); Norton v. City Supreme Court held that Liberty Insurance Bank, as drawee, was
Bank & Trust Co., 294 F. 839 (1923); United States v. Chase Nat. Bank, authorized to make payment to the bearer of the check, regardless of
250 F. 105 (1918). whether prior indorsements were genuine or not.17
532 The more recent Getty Petroleum Corp. v. American Express Travel
532 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Related Services Company, Inc.18 upheld the fictitious-payee rule. The rule
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez protects the depositary bank and assigns the loss to the drawer of the
In a fictitious-payee situation, the drawee bank is absolved from liability check who was in a better position to prevent the loss in the first place.
and the drawer bears the loss. When faced with a check payable to a Due care is not even required from the drawee or depositary bank in
fictitious payee, it is treated as a bearer instrument that can be negotiated accepting and paying the checks. The effect is that a showing of
by delivery. The underlying theory is that one cannot expect a fictitious negligence on the part of the depositary bank will not defeat the protection
payee to negotiate the check by placing his indorsement thereon. And that is derived from this rule.
since the maker knew this limitation, he must have intended for the
However, there is a commercial bad faith exception to the fictitious- understandable that they relied on the information given by the officers of
payee rule. A showing of commercial bad faith on the part of the drawee PEMSLA that the payees would be receiving the checks.
bank, or any transferee of the check for that matter, will work to strip it of Verily, the subject checks are presumed order instruments. This is
this defense. The exception will cause it to bear the loss. Commercial bad because, as found by both lower courts, PNB failed to present sufficient
faith is present if the transferee of the check acts dishonestly, and is a party evidence to defeat the claim of respondents-
to the fraudulent scheme. Said the US Supreme Court in Getty:
“Consequently, a transferee’s lapse of wary vigilance, disregard of _______________
suspicious circumstances which might have well induced a prudent banker
to investigate and other permutations of negligence are not relevant 19 Getty Petroleum Corp. v. American Express Travel Related
considerations under Section 3-405 x x x. Rather, there is a “commercial Services Company, Inc., id., citing Peck v. Chase Manhattan Bank, 190
bad faith” exception to UCC 3-405, applicable when the transferee “acts AD 2d 547, 548-549 (1993); Touro Coll. v. Bank Leumi Trust Co., 186 AD
dishonestly—where it has actual knowledge of facts and circumstances 2d 425, 427 (1992); Prudential-Bache Sec. v. Citibank, N.A., 73 NY 2d 276
that amount to bad faith, thus itself becoming a participant in a fraudulent (1989); Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith v. Chemical Bank, 57 NY 2d
scheme. x x x Such a test finds support in the text of the Code, which omits 447 (1982).
a standard of care re- 535
VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 535
_______________ Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
spouses that the named payees were the intended recipients of the checks’
17 Mueller & Martin v. Liberty Insurance Bank, id. proceeds. The bank failed to satisfy a requisite condition of a fictitious-
18 90 NY 2d 322 (1997), citing the Uniform Commercial Code, Sec. 3- payee situation—that the maker of the check intended for the payee to
405. have no interest in the transaction.
534 Because of a failure to show that the payees were “fictitious” in its
534 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED broader sense, the fictitious-payee rule does not apply. Thus, the checks
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez are to be deemed payable to order. Consequently, the drawee bank bears
quirement from UCC 3-405 but imposes on all parties an obligation to act the loss.20
with “honesty in fact.” x x x”19 (Emphasis added) PNB was remiss in its duty as the drawee bank. It does not dispute the
Getty also laid the principle that the fictitious-payee rule extends fact that its teller or tellers accepted the 69 checks for deposit to the
protection even to non-bank transferees of the checks. PEMSLA account even without any indorsement from the named payees.
In the case under review, the Rodriguez checks were payable to It bears stressing that order instruments can only be negotiated with a valid
specified payees. It is unrefuted that the 69 checks were payable to specific indorsement.
persons. Likewise, it is uncontroverted that the payees were actual, A bank that regularly processes checks that are neither payable to the
existing, and living persons who were members of PEMSLA that had a customer nor duly indorsed by the payee is apparently grossly negligent in
rediscounting arrangement with spouses Rodriguez. its operations.21 This Court has recognized the unique public interest
What remains to be determined is if the payees, though existing possessed by the banking industry and the need for the people to have full
persons, were “fictitious” in its broader context. trust and confidence in their banks.22 For this reason, banks are minded to
For the fictitious-payee rule to be available as a defense, PNB must treat their customer’s accounts with utmost care, confidence, and
show that the makers did not intend for the named payees to be part of the honesty.23
transaction involving the checks. At most, the bank’s thesis shows that the In a checking transaction, the drawee bank has the duty to verify the
payees did not have knowledge of the existence of the checks. This lack genuineness of the signature of the drawer and to pay the check strictly in
of knowledge on the part of the payees, however, was not tantamount to a accordance with the drawer’s instructions, i.e., to the named payee in the
lack of intention on the part of respondents-spouses that the payees would check. It should charge
not receive the checks’ proceeds. Considering that respondents-spouses
were transacting with PEMSLA and not the individual payees, it is _______________
20 See Traders Royal Bank v. Radio Philippines Network, Inc., G.R. 25 G.R. No. 102383, November 26, 1992, 216 SCRA 51.
No. 138510, October 10, 2002, 390 SCRA 608. 537
21 Id. VOL. 566, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 537
22 Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company v. Cabilzo, G.R. No. 154469, Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
December 6, 2006, 510 SCRA 259. reasons, the banks are expected to exercise the highest degree of
23 Citytrust Banking Corporation v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. diligence in the selection and supervision of their employees.”26
No. 84281, May 27, 1994, 232 SCRA 559; Bank of the Philippine Islands PNB’s tellers and officers, in violation of banking rules of procedure,
v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 69162, February 21, 1992, 206 permitted the invalid deposits of checks to the PEMSLA account. Indeed,
SCRA 408. when it is the gross negligence of the bank employees that caused the
536 loss, the bank should be held liable.27
536 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED PNB’s argument that there is no loss to compensate since no demand
Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez for payment has been made by the payees must also fail. Damage was
to the drawer’s accounts only the payables authorized by the latter. caused to respondents-spouses when the PEMSLA checks they deposited
Otherwise, the drawee will be violating the instructions of the drawer and it were returned for the reason “Account Closed.” These PEMSLA checks
shall be liable for the amount charged to the drawer’s account.24 were the corresponding payments to the Rodriguez checks. Since they
In the case at bar, respondents-spouses were the bank’s depositors. could not encash the PEMSLA checks, respondents-spouses were unable
The checks were drawn against respondents-spouses’ accounts. PNB, as to collect payments for the amounts they had advanced.
the drawee bank, had the responsibility to ascertain the regularity of the A bank that has been remiss in its duty must suffer the consequences
indorsements, and the genuineness of the signatures on the checks before of its negligence. Being issued to named payees, PNB was duty-bound by
accepting them for deposit. Lastly, PNB was obligated to pay the checks law and by banking rules and procedure to require that the checks be
in strict accordance with the instructions of the drawers. Petitioner properly indorsed before accepting them for deposit and payment. In fine,
miserably failed to discharge this burden. PNB should be held liable for the amounts of the checks.
The checks were presented to PNB for deposit by a representative of
PEMSLA absent any type of indorsement, forged or otherwise. The facts One Last Note
clearly show that the bank did not pay the checks in strict accordance with
the instructions of the drawers, respondents-spouses. Instead, it paid the We note that the RTC failed to thresh out the merits of PNB’s cross-
values of the checks not to the named payees or their order, but to claim against its co-defendants PEMSLA and MPC. The records are bereft
PEMSLA, a third party to the transaction between the drawers and the of any pleading filed by these two defendants in answer to the complaint
payees. of respondents-spouses and cross-claim of PNB. The Rules expressly
Moreover, PNB was negligent in the selection and supervision of its provide that failure to file an answer is a ground for a declaration
employees. The trustworthiness of bank employees is indispensable to
maintain the stability of the banking industry. Thus, banks are enjoined to _______________
be extra vigilant in the management and supervision of their employees.
In Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Court of Appeals,25 this Court cautioned 26 Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Court of Appeals, id., at p. 71.
thus: 27 Id., at p. 77.
“Banks handle daily transactions involving millions of pesos. By the very 538
nature of their work the degree of responsibility, care and trustworthiness 538 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
expected of their employees and officials is far greater than those of Philippine National Bank vs. Rodriguez
ordinary clerks and employees. For obvious that defendant is in default.28 Yet, the RTC failed to sanction the failure of
both PEMSLA and MPC to file responsive pleadings. Verily, the RTC
_______________ dismissal of PNB’s cross-claim has no basis. Thus, this judgment shall be
without prejudice to whatever action the bank might take against its co-
24 Associated Bank v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. 107382 & 107612, defendants in the trial court.
January 31, 1996, 252 SCRA 620, 631.
To PNB’s credit, it became involved in the controversial transaction not
of its own volition but due to the actions of some of its employees.
Considering that moral damages must be understood to be in concept of
grants, not punitive or corrective in nature, We resolve to reduce the award
of moral damages to P50,000.00.29
WHEREFORE, the appealed Amended Decision is AFFIRMED with the
MODIFICATION that the award for moral damages is reduced to
P50,000.00, and that this is without prejudice to whatever civil, criminal, or
administrative action PNB might take against PEMSLA, MPC, and the
employees involved.
Ynares-Santiago (Chairperson), Austria-Martinez, Chico-
Nazario and Nachura, JJ., concur.
Amended decision affirmed with modification.


28 Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 9, Sec. 3. Default: declaration of.—If

the defending party fails to answer within the time allowed therefor, the
court shall, upon motion of the claiming party with notice to the defending
party, and proof of such failure, declare the defending party in default.
Thereupon, the court shall proceed to render judgment granting the
claimant such relief as his pleading may warrant, unless the court in its
discretion requires the claimant to submit evidence. Such reception of
evidence may be delegated to the clerk of court.
29 Morales v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 117228, June 19, 1997, 274
SCRA 282.
[No. 18103. June 8, 1922] 1. 8.ID.; ID.; ID.; IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS; STATUTORY
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, plaintiff and PROVISIONS.—Neither the Code of Civil Procedure nor any
appellee, vs. MANILA OIL REFINING & BY-PRODUCTS COMPANY, other remedial statute expressly or tacitly recognizes a
INC., defendant and appellant. confession of judgment commonly called a judgment note.

The practice of entering judgments in debt on warrants of attorney provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, in relation to
is of ancient origin. constitutional safeguards relating to the right to take a man's
property only after a day in court and after due process of law,
1. 2.ID. ; ID. ; COMMON LAW PRACTICE.—In the course of time a contemplate that all defendants shall have opportunity to be
warrant of attorney to confess judgment became a familiar heard.
commonlaw security.
1. 10.ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; COUNTERCLAIMS.—The provisions of
1. 3.lD.; ID. ; ID.; KINDS.—At common law, there were two kinds of the Code of Civil Procedure pertaining to counterclaims argue
judgments by confession; the one a judgment by cognovit against judgment notes, especially as the Code provides that in
actionem, and the other by confession relicta verificatione. case the defendant or his assignee omits to set up a counterclaim,
he cannot afterwards maintain an action against the plaintiff
445 therefor.
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 445
National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & Ey-Products Co. 1. 11.ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ARTICLE 1256, CIVIL CODE.—At least
one provision of the substantive law, namely, that the validity and
fulfillment of contracts cannot be left to the will of one of the
1. 4.ID.; ID.; ADVANTAGBS.—Judgments by confession as
contracting parties (Civil Code, art. 1256), constitutes another
appeared at common law were considered an amicable, easy,
indication of fundamental legal purpose.
and cheap way to settle and secure debts.

1. 5.ID.; ID.; DISADVANTAGES.—The recognition of such a form of 1. 12.ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW (AcT
No. 2031), SECTION 5 (&).—Section 5 (b) of the Negotiable
obligation would bring about a complete reorganization of
commercial customs and practices, with reference to short-term Instruments Law providing that the negotiable character of an
instrument otherwise negotiable is not affected by a provision
obligations. Instead of resulting to the advantage of commercial
which authorizes a confession of judgment if the instru
life in the Philippines, judgment notes might be the source of
abuse and oppression, and make the courts involuntary parties
thereto. 446
1. 6.ID.; ID.; VALIDITY OF; IN THE UNITED STATES.—A number of National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
jurisdictions in the United States have accepted the common law
view of judgments by confession, while still other jurisdictions 1. ment be not paid at maturity, cannot be taken to sanction
have refused to sanction them. judgments by confession.

1. 7.ID. ; ID. ; ID. ; ID.—In the absence of statute, there is a conflict of 1. 13.ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.—Warrants of attorney to confess judgment are
authority as to the validity of a warrant of attorney for the void as against public policy, because they enlarge the field for
confession of judgment. The weight of opinion is that unless fraud, because under these instruments the promissor bargains
authorized by statute, warrants of attorney to confess judgment away his right to a day in court, and because the effect of the
are void, as against public policy.
instrument is to strike down the right of appeal accorded by "RENEWAL.
statute. "P61,000.00

1. 14.ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.—Warrants of attorney to confess judgment are "MANILA, P. I., May 8,1920.
not authorized, nor contemplated by our law. "On demand after date we promise to pay to the order of
the Philippine National Bank sixty-one thousand only pesos
1. 15.BILLS AND NOTES: JUDGMENT NOTES, VALIDITY OF.—In at Philippine National Bank, Manila, P. I.
the absence of express legislative sanction, provisions in notes "Without defalcation, value received; and do hereby authorize any
authorizing attorneys to appear and confess judgments against attorney in the Philippine Islands, in case this note be not paid at maturity,
makers should not be recognized in this jurisdiction by to appear in my name and confess judgment for the above sum with
implication. interest, cost of suit and attorney's fees of ten (10) per cent for collection,
a release of all errors and waiver of all rights to inquisition and appeal, and
to the benefit of all laws exempting property, real or personal, from levy or
1. 16.ID. ; ID.—A provision in a promissory note whereby in case the
sale. Value received. No. Due
same is not paid at maturity, the maker authorizes any attorney
to appear and confess judgment thereon for the principal amount,
with interest, costs, and attorney's fees, and waives all errors,
rights to inquisition, and appeal, and all property exemptions, is
not valid in this jurisdiction.
APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila. Diaz, J. The Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Company, Inc. failed to pay the
The facts are stated in the opinion of the court. promissory note on demand. The Philippine National Bank brought action
Antonio Gonzalez for appellant. in the Court of First Instance of Manila, to recover P61,000, the amount of
Roman J. Lacson for appellee. the note, together with interest and costs. Mr. Elias N. Recto, an attorney
Hartigan & Welch; Fisher & DeWitt; Perkins & associated with the PhilippineNational Bank, entered his appearance in
Kincaid; Gibbs, McDonough & Johnson; Julian Wolfson; Ross & representation of the defendant, and filed a motion confessing judgment.
Lawrence; Francis B. Mahoney, and Jose A. Espiritu, amici curise. The defendant, however, in a sworn declaration, objected strongly to the
unsolicited representation of attorney Recto. Later, attorney Antonio
MALCOLM, J.: Gonzalez appeared for the defendant and
The question of first impression raised in this case concerns the validity in 448 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
this jurisdiction of a provision in a promissory note whereby in case the National Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
same is not paid at maturity, the maker authorizes any attorney to appear
filed a demurrer, and when this was overruled, presented an answer. The
and confess judgment thereon for the principal amount, with interest, costs,
trial judge rendered judgment on the motion of attorney Recto in the terms
and attorney's fees, and waives all errors, rights to inquisition, and appeal,
of the complaint.
and all property exemptions.
The foregoing facts, and appellant's three assignments of error, raise
squarely the question which was suggested in the beginning of this opinion.
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 447
In view of the importance of the subject to the business community, the
National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co. advice of prominent attorneys-at-law with banking connections, was
On May 8, 1920, the manager and the treasurer of solicited. These members of the bar responded promptly to the request of
the Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Company, Inc., executed and the court, and their memoranda have proved highly useful in the solution
delivered to the Philippine National Bank, a written instrument reading as of the question. It is to the credit of the bar that although the sanction of
follows: judgment notes in the Philippines might prove of immediate value to clients,
every one of the attorneys has looked upon the matter in a big way, with
the result that out of their independent investigations has come a practically namely, that the validity and fulfillment of contracts cannot be left to the will
unanimous protest against the recognition in this jurisdiction of judgment of one of the contracting parties (Civil Code, art. 1256), constitutes another
notes.1 indication of fundamental legal purpose.

_______________ _______________
1 merely provides that such clauses will not affect the negotiable
character of the instrument, and (2) it concludes with language showing
MEMORANDA OF "AMICI CURIÆ" that the Legislature did not intend thereby to validate any provision
otherwise unlawful. The language is: 'But nothing in this section shall
Attorney Thos. L. Hartigan, of Hartigan & Welch, states: validate any provision or stipulation otherwise illegal.'
"Though we are attorneys for two of the large banks here and keenly "The question then is whether or not, in the absence of express
interested in the introduction of any improvements that would make for legislative sanction, such warrants of attorney are valid. There are not
simplification of procedure and rapidity of practice, we cannot favor the many American cases in which this precise question has been considered,
introduction of confessions of judgment in the Philippine Islands. In our and in those cases in which the question has been raised, the reasoning
opinion, it would open the doors to fraud to an extent that would more than of the courts has been colored by the fact that the commercial use of these
counterbalance any advantages of its use. warrants of attorney as security for debt was sanctioned at common law,
"With our lack of system in recording judgments and with the practice and the procedural statutes are held to be merely cumulative and not in
of keeping merchants' books in various foreign languages, there would be derogation of the commonlaw remedies. We, of course, have no such
ample opportunity for a debtor to make preferences by confessions of situation here.
judgment which could not be discovered by the creditors until too late and "The cases are collected in a note to First National Bank vs. White (220
which would be nearly impossible to set aside even when discovered in Mo., 717), found in 16 Ann. Cas., 893, and it is there shown that in Missouri
time. and Kansas such provisions are held to be void as against the public policy
"Although, as representatives of the banks, we are representing the of the State as expressed in its laws and the decisions of its courts, while
creditor class, we believe the introduction of confessions of judgment in Colorado and Illinois their validity was upheld as a familiar common-law
would ultimately cause much more loss than benefit to that class." security not affected by the procedural statutes. Yet it is there pointed out
Attorney Clyde A. DeWitt, of Fisher & DeWitt, states: that in Kahn vs. Lesser (97 Wis., 217, 72 N. W., 739), the court, in
"There is no statutory sanction in this jurisdiction for such provisions in 450
negotiable instruments. Section 5 (6) of the Negotiable Instruments Law 450 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
does not constitute such sanction because (1) it NatioTial Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
449 The attorney f or the appellee contends that the Negotiable Instruments
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 449 Law (Act No. 2031) expressly recognizes judg-
Natiowl Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
Neither the Code of Civil Procedure nor any other remedial statute _______________
expressly or tacitly recognizes a confession of judgment commonly called
a judgment note. On the contrary, the provisions of the Code of Civil referring to a judgment by confession under warrant of attorney in a
Procedure, in relation to constitutional safeguards relating to the right to promissory note, said:
take a man's property only after a day in court and after due process of " The judgment in this case must stand, if at all, by the authority of the
law, contemplate that all defendants shall have an opportunity to be heard. statute. The proceeding by which it was entered was outside and in
Further, the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure pertaining to derogation of the common-law practice of courts; and the statute, as well
counterclaims argue against judgment notes, especially as the Code as the proceedings under it, must be strictly construed.'
provides that in case the defendant or his assignee omits to set up a "In lowa, in an early case, McClish vs. Manning (3 Green, 223), the
counterclaim, he cannot afterwards maintain an action against the plaintiff validity of these warrants of attorney was upheld, referring to a statute
therefor. (Secs. 95, 96, 97.) At least one provision of the substantive law, authorizing any person to confess a judgment, by himself or his attorney.
In a later decision, Hamilton vs. Schoenberger (47 lowa, 385), it was instances, the execution of notes of a similar tenor, with the consequence
expressly held that such a provision in a note could not be enforced in the that the debtor would thereby be deprived, to all intents and purposes, of
courts of that State, and was not authorized or contemplated by its laws. his day in court. It will pave the way for the practice of fraud upon ignorant
And in Tolman vs. Jansen (106 lowa, 455), it was held that such a debtors. It will prove a serious drawback to the campaign being now waged
provision, being void, would not affect the negotiability of a note, even against usury.
though its effect would be to make uncertain the time of payment. "There is the further fear that the banks and money lenders having
"The reasoning in First National Bank vs. White, supra, is persuasive. accounts now outstanding will immediately require every debtor to execute
The court there held that these warrants of attorney are void as against the that form of note and to refuse further extensions of credit unless it is done,
public policy of the state on the ground, first, that their effect is to enlarge which the debtor under the stress of circumstances will be compelled to
the field for fraud; second, that under such an instrument the promissor accept, amounting in effect to duress.
bargains away his right to his day in court; third, that the effect of the "The recognition of such a form of obligation would be so revolutionary
instrument is to strike down the right to appeal accorded by statute, and, in character as to bring about a complete reorganization of commercial
fourth, that there was no provision for the public recording of. such an customs and practices with reference to short-term obligations.
instrument if regarded as a security for a debt. "Having in mind that the Philippine National Bank is practically the only
"It seems to me that on the precise grounds stated in the White case, institution which can assist the farmers and agriculturists, the practice of
these warrants of attorney &hould be held void as against public policy in requiring a judgment note would place the latter wholly at the mercy of the
this jurisdiction. If given effect, they bargain away the jurisdiction of the bank, and this is stated without any reflection on the bank, but merely to
courts to try and determine the liability of the maker of the note on its merits. point out one of the consequent evils which will necessarily follow if the
To uphold them would be to facilitate the operations of usurers, the practice should receive the high judicial sanction which a judgment of the
collection of gambling debts, and would make difficult, if not impossible Supreme Court would necessarily give to it.
under our procedure, the setting aside of judgments entered in virtue "Another feature which occurs to me is that where any new enterprise
thereof where the execution of the instrument was obtained by fraud, is being launched, it is universally the custom for. such company to arrange
duress, or where there had been an entire failure of consideration. I can with some banking institution for credit facilities, over and above the capital
think of no advantage which would result to the commercial world from with which it brings business. Shotild it become the custom here to require
upholding these warrants of attorney which would outweigh the foregoing the execution of so-called judgment notes, organizers of corporations,
considerations." partnerships and the like, who have in mind to secure additional working
Attorney E. Arthur Perkins, 'of Perkins & Kincaid, states: capital or credit facilities from banks, will be very reluctant to put their funds
"Leaving aside entirely the legal considerations involved, I feel that into any enterprises which could be destroyed without warning by the
there is only one answer to your inquiry, and that is, that the creditor exercising the rights which that form of transaction would give him.
451 This would act therefore as a deterrent to new enter
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 451 452
Natioml Bank vs. Manila Oil Refimng & By-Products Co. 452 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
ment notes, and that they are enforcible under the regular procedure. The National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
Negotiable Instruments Law, in section 5, provides that "The negotiable character of an instrument otherwise
negotiable is not affected by a provision
best interests of the commercial life of the Philippines require the non-
recognition of such a form of judgment note. Feeling that you would want prises and the development of industry through individual initiative and
to know the reasons which impell me to adopt such a conclusion, I will say with private funds.
briefly that if the Supreme Court should, by a decision, recognize such a "Let us take a very simple illustration of this. Suppose that you and I
judgment note and thereby place the stamp of approval upon transactions should form. a partnership, wi+h a capital of P50,000 to buy hemp and, in
of such a nature, the entire business population of the Philippine Islands connection with our business, we went to some banking institution for the
would be justified in their future transactions with debtors in requiring, in all purpose of securing credit facilities, as is customary, in the conduct of our
business. Let us then suppose that the bank, taking into consideration the "There are some favorable features of a judgment note or warrant for
capital which we ourselves had furnished and our standing in the confession of judgment, but we believe that there are many objections
community, was willing to allow us a credit in the further sum of ?50,000 which outweigh any of the advantages. Forgery and usury are more
upon our signing a so-called judgment note. Would not you and I consider prevalent in these Islands than in the, United States. The sanctioning of
a long time before we would so far obligate ourselves as to place it in the this procedure would add an additional weapon to the money lender who
power of the bank to send their attorney over to court, upon the least desires to overreach his debtor.
provocation or at the first unfavorable rumor, and to confess judgment in "We have delayed answering your letter in order that we might consult
our names, which would permit the sheriff to close us out without even an our Mr. Gibbs, who returned from Baguio yesterday.
opportunity to be heard? "The foregoing is the consensus of opinion of the members of this firm."
"The sum and substance of the whole proposition is that such a practice Attorney Julian Wolfson states:
is contrary to good morals." "It is assumed that the only question propounded is:
Attorney David C. Johnson, of Gibbs, McDonough & Johnson, states: " 'Admitting that there may be some doubt, as to a correct solution,
"It seems that under the common law a confession of judgment was which solution, the recognition of a confession of judgment, or a non-
only allowable by the defendant himself, either before or after appearance recognition of a confession of judgment, would be for the best interests of
and answer. The confession of judgment by warrant of attorney is a the commercial life of the Philippines?' and that no opinion is required upon
statutory development (15 R. C. L.,, 656, 657; 17 Am. and Eng. Encyc. of the incidental questions previously asked, as same have already been
Law [2d ed.], 765; 11 Enc. Pl. and Pr., 973-975; Mason vs. Ward, 80 Vt., determined by an examination of such authorities as: 23 Cyc., pp. 699,
290; 130 A. S. R., 987, 988). 701-2-3-5-6-7, 723-5; 6 C. J., pp. 645-6 (Notes 35 & 42); 8 C. J., p. 128
"The procedure contemplated in the note quoted in your letter is (Notes 43-47); 12 C. J., p. 418 (Note 37); and such leading textbooks as
contrary to that contemplated in our code of procedure, which gives to all 'Brannan's Negotiable Instruments Law' and 'Selover on Negotiable
defendants an opportunity at least to be heard. An action on the note in Instruments.'
question could be so presented that the def endant would never be "Everyone is entitled to 'his day in court.' This right may be
summoned or notified, since an appearance and confession of judgment waived after an opportunity has been given to exercise the right, but
might be filed simultaneously. We believe that this procedure should not must not and cannot be taken away before an opportunity has been given
be recognized in this jurisdiction by implication, but should have legislative to exercise the right.
sanction with the rights of the defendant amply safeguarded. We believe "The ordinary ship's bill of lading and the ordinary fire and marine
that section 5 of Act No. 2031 does not of itself sanction any of the acts insurance policy are generally printed on forms prepared by the carrier and
mentioned in that section, but is only a statement regarding the negotiable the insurer respectively, and generally contain a clause making it a
character of the instrument. Subsection A of section 5 states that the condition precedent to the institution of an action to first submit the matter
authority to sell collateral security does not affect negotiability. As we to a board of arbitration. The Supreme Court has never recognized this
understand the decision of the Supreme Court in the case clause. The reasons are stated in the opinions. Once submitted to
of Mahoney vs. Tuason (39 Phil., 952), the creditor in this, jurisdiction is arbitration, then another question is raised.
n0t authorized by law to sell collateral security except in the manner "Special defenses to written instruments are common. Need we do
453 more than cite the following cases: Maulini vs. Serrano (28 Phil.,
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 453 640); Henry W. Peabody & Co. vs. Bromfield and Ross (38 Phil.,
National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co. 841); Cuyugan vs. Santos(34 Phil., 100; 39 Phil., 970).
which "* * * (b) Authorizes a confession of judgment if the instrument be "If the 'judgment note' (this term is used throughout for brevity and as it
not paid at maturity." We do not is the recognized term) is to' be recognized, what chance
National Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
provided in section 14 of Act No. 1508. This would seem to reinforce believe, however, that this provision of law can be taken to sanction
our opinion. judgments by confession, because it is a portion of a uniform law which
merely provides that, in jurisdic-
_______________ tions where judgment notes are recognized, such clauses shall not affect
the negotiable character of the instrument. Moreover, the same section of
has defendant of defending as did the defendants in the above cited the Negotiable Instruments
cases? None!
"Often a promissory note is a mere formality taken by a bank as _______________
evidence of indebtedness, while the real indebtedness may be for a
superior or inferior amount incurred by way of overdraft, letters of credit goods and in consideration thereof promises to pay A and 'a confession
outstanding, acceptances to mature, or a thousand other forms of banking of judgment' clause is inserted. The goods turn out entirely different from
credit. Such 'judgment notes' are generally made payable on demand- In those ordered and invoiced. B refuses to pay. A sues on his 'judgment
the case at bar, the note is made payable on demand. The real note.' What chance has B? None!
indebtedness may be partially paid, or the liquidation may be going along "Very often a promissory note is only one of a series of documents
too slow to suit the bank and/ then use is made of the judgment note. The given as security for the debt. What about considering the other documents
defendant might have a perfect defense except for the judgment note. which bear on the transaction?
Would not article 1269 of the Civil Code here apply? "A bank may have made certain advances and may have undertaken
"The 'judgment note' is not once in a thousand times signed at the time to make more, but fails to do so, to the damage and prejudice of debtor.
of receiving money from the bank. The indebtedness represented thereby Let us assume that the bank agreed to advance several hundred thousand
is incurred in prior transactions, the obligation became past due and the pesos in instalments of P60,000 each, and had advanced only the first
bank, as a forcible measure, produces one of these 'judgment notes,' when instalment, taking a 'judgment note' for said first instalment, and had failed
the debtor is absolutely helpless, and says 'Sign on the dotted line' and the to advance further, to the damage of the debtor. What would become of
debtor has no option, he signs. The minds of the parties never met. The section 97 of the Code of Civil Procedure? How would debtor be able to
debtor owes the money, knows that the bank must have evidence of the exercise his right of counterclaim? Was it ever contemplated at the time of
indebtedness to pass the auditors and the debtor further realizes he must signing the judgment note that the debtor would not only waive defense,
accept the bank's dictation, because if he declines, he is liable to but absolutely shut himself out of court, as he would, according to section
immediate ruin, or if not that, he will never get further accommodation from 97 above cited, on his counterclaim? Yet again, would not article 1269 of
the bank. He does not realize, even if he knows, what is meant by a the Civil Code here apply?
'judgment note.' Again, would not article 1269 of the Civil Code here apply? "We dare not attempt to elaborate on what would happen in the
"Just a few months ago there was a suit instituted by a local bank for a provinces of the Philippines should a 'judgment note' be held valid.
large sum of money, based on a written instrument which, on its face, "What about the Usury Law? How could a defense be offered there?
seemed absolute. Special defenses were pleaded, setting up that the The usurious rate might not appear on the face of the 'judgment note,' but
instrument did not express the real understanding of the parties and the it may be there all the same.
real understanding was set up. The special defenses were fully proved and "Examples could be multiplied until the very absurdity of the proposition
the lower court dismissed the bank's suit. The bank did not even attempt would be clearly seen, even by a blind man.
to appeal to the Supreme Court (See Cause No.' 18239 of the Docket of "Of what possible benefit would the recognition of a 'judgment note'
the Court of Pirst Instance of Manila). Suppose the instrument sued on had serve 'the best interests of the commercial life of the Philippines?' None!
contained a clause of confession of judgment, what chance would An honest creditor is willing to let his debtor have his day in court and is
defendant have had to prove his defense? None! willing to prove to the court his case. It might take slightly longer to go
"Let us go a step further and see where this leads us. A is a dealer in through with a trial, but that cannot be considered a set-back. But, on the
hardware and sells B a bill of goods, A prints a form, which he has B to other hand, a dishonest creditor would take unfair advantage of a
sign, in which B acknowledges receipt of the 'judgment note' and would use it to the utmost to harass and take
455 advantage of the poor and helpless debtor. The real consequences likely,
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 455 in fact sure, to arise from such recognition are horrible beyond words to
National Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co. contemplate.
"There can be but one answer to the proposition and that is: The non- the matter of expediency—stronger and more vital principles oppose such
recognition of a confession of judgment would be for the best interests of recognition.
the commercial life of the Philippines" "By refusing to recognize confession of judgment under existing
456 statutes or under general legal principles, at the worst phase from the point
456 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED of view of the plaintiff bank, there would result only possible delay, costs
National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co. and attorney's fees, which, after all, are only passed on to the clients of the
Law concludes with these words: "But nothing in this section shall validate bank in the shape of interests, charges.
any provision or stipulation otherwise illegal." 457
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 457
_______________ National Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refimng & By-Products Co.
The court is thus put in the position of having to determine the validity in
Attorney J. G. Lawrence, of Ross & Lawrence, states: the absence of statute of a provision in a note authorizing an attorney to
"We are aware of no expression of our Legislature or courts which appear and confess
would indicate that confessions of judgment under powers given in a
promissory note are contrary to public policy. This action was regularly _______________
brought in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure
and the defendant served with process. The answer, confessing judgment, etc. If the bank has a meritorious case, the judgment is ultimately
was filed in strict accordance with the powers contained in the note—a certain as courts.
power coupled with an interest which defendant would be estopped of "If the defendant debtor has any defense of merit, he is given an
denying. We think that no express legal sanction is necessary to legalize opportunity to present it, as, for example, in the matter of usury so
such a proceeding. common, so difficult to uncover and such an unscrupulous rival of
"0n the question of what ought to be the public policy of the Philippines, legitimate banking, the courts may keep their doors open to the equities of
we hold quite a different opinion. While the use of judgment notes might in each individual case. Whereas, if defendant, who theoretically may allege
some cases expedite the collection of just debts, we believe that under fraud and who practically has great difficulty in proving it, must rely upon a
conditions as exist here, their use should be discouraged. They lend defense of fraud, he has little chance and the doors of the court are closed
themselves easily to fraud in the hands of friends of a dishonest debtor, to any other defense. "In the final analysis, the matter simmers down to: 1.
and to extortion in the hands of usurers who .are already too well equipped Possible delay in judgment with costs, etc. 2. Certain justice in the end. 3.
with the pacto de retro. The eyes and doors of courts open to the equities of each individual case.
"While we believe that the position of the bank is sound legally, we 4. Equality before the law,
should be very glad to be proven mistaken."
Attorney Francis B. Mahoney, of the Philippine Trust Company, states: or
"I have not gone into the law and cases, except to take a glance at the
subject of judgments in Volume 15 of Ruling Case Law. However, the (a) Expediting judgment. (b) Defendant debtor practically kept out of
reasons indicated on page 651 thereof are significant. court by additional expense and difficulty in securing a hearing. (c) Putting
"Unquestionably, if our Legislature provided in unmistakable terms for a strong weapon in the hands of unscrupulous persons and taking the
confession of judgment as herein indicated, the validity and strength necessary to wield this weapon from the courts.
constitutionality of the enactment might be questioned as failing to provide "At first glance, if a debtor signs a document throwing away his right to
those constitutional safeguards of taking a man's property onlyafter a day be heard, the average man has a feeling such debtor deserves to suffer
in court and after due process of law. the consequences. If that were the entire story, probably he should. But
"This conclusion is stronger—a fortiori—where the enacting what man, needing money badly enough—facing strenuous necessity—
provision—if such section 5 of Act No. 2031 may be called—is of a will not in the circumstances be inclined to look on the cheerful side—to
lefthanded nature, apparently relating only to negotiability—incidentally sign and get the money, letting the future take care of itself ? Such is the
thus answering here your first inquiry. Whatever legal principles there frailty of human nature. Then, as the usual thing, the rich and powerful can
might be in favor of recognizing a confession of judgment—for example,
take care of themselves, and it is usually others who have need of courts, the institution of a suit, upon a confession by defendant in person
just laws and liberal interpretation of them. or by his attorney in fact. It implies something more than a mere
"No doubt, banks would favor expediting judgments against their admission of a debt to plaintiff; in addition, it is defendant's
debtors, other things being equal. And no doubt, additional delay in courts consent that a judgment shall be entered against him. * * *.' (23
and the incidental costs thereof will be borne by the clients of the bank. But Cyc., 699.)
sound banking is not established and enhanced by harsh laws which put 4. "4.Statutory Provisions. 'Statutes regulating the confession of
strong weapons in powerful hands. Contented peoples, safe laws and judgments without action, or otherwise than according to the
sound banking usually go hand in hand." course of the common law, are strictly construed, and a strict
Professor Jose A. Espiritu, of the University of the Phihppmes, states: compliance with their provisions must be shown in order to
"Permit me to cite first of all the authorities that I have gathered sustain the validity of the judgment.' (Chapin vs. Thompson, 20
concerning the principal question, at issue in the case mentioned in Cal, 681.) 'And this applies also to statutory restrictions upon the
458 right to confess judgment, as that authority to confess judgment
458 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED shall not be given in the same instrument which contains the
National Bank vs, Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co. promise or obligation to pay the debt, or that such confession shall
judgment against the maker. This situation, in reality, has its advantages not be authorized by any instrument executed prior to suit
for it permits us to reach that solution brought.' (23 Cyc., 699, 700.)
5. "5.Warrant or Power of Attorney—Validity and Necessity. 'A
_______________ judgment by confession may be entered upon a written authority,
called a warrant or letter of attorney, by which the debtor
your letter, namely, 'The Effect and Validity of Confession of Judgment empowers an attorney to enter an appearance for him, waive
in the Philippines.' process, and

1. "1.Confession of judgment has been defined as 'a voluntary 459

submission to the jurisdiction of the court, giving by consent and VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 459
without the service of process, what could otherwise be obtained National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
by summons and complaint, and other f ormal proceedings, an which is best grounded in the solid principles of the law, and which will best
acknowledgment of indebtedness, upon which it is contemplated advance the public interest.
that a judgment may and will be rendered.' (8 Cyc., pp. 563, 564.)
2. "2.As to the general effects of confession of judgment, the following _______________
statements may be mentioned: 'A warrant to confess judgment
does not destroy the negotiability of the note. Such a note is 1. confess judgment against him for a designated sum, except where
commonly called a "judgment note." Decisions to the contrary in this method of proceeding is prohibited by statute. The warrant as
the States where the Negotiable Instruments Law is now in force the basis of the judgment is generally required to be placed on file
are abrogated thereby, since it expressly provides that the in the clerk's office, and no judgment can be so entered until it is
negotiable character of an instrument otherwise negotiable is not so filed.' (23 Cyc., 703.)
affected by a provision which authorizes a confession of 2. "6.Requisites and Sufficiency. 'A warrant or power of attorney to
judgment, if the instrument is not paid at maturity. However, this confess judgment should be in writing and should conform to the
statutory provision does not apply to stipulations for the requirements of the statute in force at the time of its execution,
confession of judgment "prior" to maturity.' (8 C. J., p. 128, sec. 'although in the absence of specific statutory directions it is
222.) sufficient, without much regard to its form, if it contains the
3. "3.Nature and Requisites. 'A judgment may be rendered upon the essentials of a good power and clearly states its purpose. It must
confession of defendant, either in an action regularly commenced be signed by the person against whom the judgment is to be
against him by the issuance and service of process, in which case entered * * *.' (23 Cyc., 704.)
the confession may be made by his attorney of record, or, without
"The above quoted authorities are among the various authorities I found _______________
bearing on the question at issue. As it can be readily seen none of them
decides squarely and definitely the questions propounded in your letter. mitting or allowing a judgment be taken against him, presents his
One thing, however, seems to be clear, from the very provision of section appearance and answers the complaint filed against him, it seems that the
5 (b) of the Negotiable Instruments Law and from the quotation No. 2 of trial court should not render a judgment without first hearing the evidence
this letter, that a provision in a note or bill of exchange authorizing a that the parties may wish to submit before him, for it may happen that the
confession of judgment in default of payment at its maturity has particular defendant-debtor may have some valid or good defences against the
reference, in so far as Act No. 2031 is concerned, only to the negotiable plaintiff-creditor. This is especially true in the case of a counterclaim that
character of an instrument. I do not believe that the Legislature had the the defendant may have against the plaintiff as provided in sections 95 and
intention in passing the said Act No. 2031 to introduce in the Philippines a 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The same Code provides that in case of
new practice in our Remedial Law, namely, that of confession of judgment, an omission to set up his counterclaim, the defendant or his assignee loses
which is purely procedural in nature. all his right to bring further suit on such claim. (Sec. 97, Act No. 190.)
"Now as to the second question, to wit: 'Does the silence of the Code "In answer to the last question, namely: 'Admitting that there may be
of Civil Procedure on the subject mean that a confession of judgment some doubt, as to the correct solution, which solution, the recognition of a
cannot be recognized in this jurisdiction, or can a judgment by confession confession of judgment, or the non-recognition of a confession of
be imported into the Philippines under general legal principles?' Before judgment, would be for the best interests of the commercial life of the
answering this question attention is respectfully called to the quotation No. Philippines?', I wish first of all to state what I believe to be the advantages
4 of this letter, which expressly provides that statutes regulating confession and disadvantages of this particular remedy. As to advantages, it can, of
of judgments must be strictly construed and their provisions strictly course, be readily seen that a confession of judgment is a quick remedy. It
complied with to sustain the validity of judgments rendered under such saves time and money as far as the parties to the suit are concerned if the
statutes. Now it being admitted that there is no express provision in our same is properly and legally brought. It saves the court's time and the
Code of Civil Procedure authorizing or sanctioning this mode of practice in government the expense that a long litigation entails. As to its
this jurisdiction, and consequently there are no regulations provided to be disadvantages we may say among other things the following: 1. It
followed in this particular remedy, I am therefore of the opinion that 461
confession of judgment should not be deemed as imported in the VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 461
Philippines under the general legal principles. The remedy itself is a most National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
summary one, and when the defendant-debtor, instead of ad Possibly the leading case on the subject is First NationalBank of Kansas
460 City vs. White ([19Q9], 220 Mo., 717; 16 Ann. Cas., 889; 120 S. W., 36;
460 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED 132 Am. St. Rep., 612). The record in this case discloses that on October
National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co. 4, 1900, the defendant executed and delivered to the plaintiff an obligation
The practice of entering judgments in debt on warrants of attorney is of in which the defendant authorized any attorney-at-law to appear for him in
ancient origin. In the course of time a warrant of attorney to confess an action on the note at any time after the note became due in any court
judgment became a familiar common law security. At common law, there of record in the State of Missouri, or elsewhere, to waive the issuing and
were two kinds of judgments by confession; the one a judgment service of process, and to confess judgment in favor of the
by cognovit actionem, and the other by confession relicta verificatione. A First National Bank of Kansas City for the amount that might then be due
number of jurisdictions in the United States have accepted the common thereon, with interest at the rate therein mentioned and the costs of suit,
law view of judgments by confession, while still other jurisdictions have together with an attorney's fee of 10 per cent and also to waive and release
refused to sanction them. In some States, statutes have been passed all errors in said proceedings and judgment, and all proceedings, appeals,
which have either expressly authorized confession of judgment on warrant or writs of error thereon. Plaintiff filed a petition in the Circuit Court to which
of attorney, without antecedent process, or have forbidden judgments of was attached the
this character. In the absence of statute, there is a conflict of authority as
to the validity of a warrant of attorney for the confession of judgment. The _______________
weight of opinion is that, unless authorized by statute, warrants of attorney
to confess judgment are void, as against public policy.
may be abused in the same way as the usurious rates of interest on shoUld find a place in the public records, and if not, they have often been
loans are now in the Philippines, because a borrower who is in great need viewed with suspicion, and their bona fides often questioned.
of money might be induced, if not actually compelled, to sign such a "Nor do we think that the policy of our law is such as to thus place a
burdensome obligation; 2. It deprives the defendant of his day in court, and debtor in the absolute power of his creditor. The field for fraud is too far
as a consequence it will prevent him to set up and prove before the court enlarged by such an instrument. Oppression and tyranny would follow the
his just claims and other lawful defences against the plaintiff; 3. It will create footsteps of such a diversion in the way of security for debt. Such
multiplicity of actions in this jurisdiction, for if the confession of judgment instruments procured by duress could shortly be placed in .-judgment in a
has been wrongfully or unjustly entered, the judgment debtor may start foreign court and much distress result therefrom.
another litigation on the same subject-matter that might have been brought "Again, under the law the right to appeal to this court or some other
before the court in case a proper trial was formally held before the rendition appellate court is granted to all persons against whom an adverse
of such a judgment; and 4. It does not really hold the plaintiff who has a judgment is rendered, and this statutory right is by the instrument stricken
good cause of action against the defendant as his proofs will surely down. True it is that such right is not claimed in this case, but it is a
establish his claims and consequently a judgment must necessarily be 463
rendered in his favor. VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 463
"From the above statements, I am of the opinion that unless proper National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
regulations are first duly introduced and incorporated in our remedial law, part of the bond and we hardly know why this pound of flesh has not been
confession of judgments, instead of resulting advantageous to our demanded. Courts guard with jealous eye any contract innovations upon
commercial life in the Philippines, might be the sources of abuse and their jurisdiction. The instrument before us, considered in the light of a
oppression. The very fact that confession of judgment is a most summary contract, actually reduces the courts to mere clerks to enter and record the
and in fact a violent remedy,4t should first of all be properly regulated by judgment called for therein. By our statute (Rev. St. 1899, sec. 645) a party
statute, and those regulations must be strictly complied with, before the to a written instrument of this character has the right to show a failure of
court should concede to such a remedy." consideration, but this right is brushed to the wind by this instrument and
462 the jurisdiction of the court to hear that controversy is by the contract
462 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED divested. In 9 Cyc., 510, it is said: 'Agreements whose object is to oust the
National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co. jurisdiction of the courts are contrary to public policy and will not be enf
above-mentioned instrument. An attorney named Denham appeared orced. Thus it is held that any stipulation between parties to a contract
pursuant to the authority given by the note sued on, entered the distinguishing between the different courts of the country is contrary to
appearance of the defendant, and consented that judgment be rendered in public policy. The principle has also been applied to a stipulation in a
favor of the plaintiff as prayed in the petition. After the Circuit Court had contract that a party who breaks it may not be sued, to an agreement
entered a judgment, the defendant, through counsel, appeared specially designating a person to be sued for its breach who is nowise liable and
and filed a motion to set it aside. The Supreme Court of Missouri, speaking prohibiting action against any but him, to a provision in a lease that the
through Mr. Justice Graves, in part said: landlord shall have the right to take immediate judgment against the tenant
"But going beyond the mere technical question in our preceding paragraph in case of a default on his part, without giving the notice and demand for
discussed, we come to a question urged which goes to the very root of this possession and filing the complaint required by statute, to a by-law of a
case, and whilst new and novel in this state, we do not feel that the cause benefit association that the decisions of its officers on a claim shall be final
should be disposed of without discussing and passing upon that question. and conclusive, and to many other agreements of a similar tendency. In
some courts, any agreement as to the time for suing different from the time
* * * * * * * allowed by the statute of limitations within which suit shall be brought or
the right to sue be barred is held -void.'
"And if this instrument be considered as a security for a debt, as it was
by the common law, it has never so f ound recognition in this state. The * * * * * * *
policy of our law has been against such hidden securities for debt. Our
Recorder's Act is such that instruments intended as security for debt "We shall not pursue this question further. This contract, in so far as it
goes-beyond the usual provisions of a note, is void as against the public
policy of the state, as such public policy is found expressed in our laws and "It is contended, however, that the old legal maxim, qui facit per alium,
decisions. Such agreements are iniquitous to the uttermost and should facit per se, is as applicable here as in other cases. We do not think so.
464 Strong reasons exist, as we have shown, for denying its application, when
464 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED holders of contracts of this character seek the aid of the courts and of their
National Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co. execution process to enforce them, defendant having had no day in court
be promptly condemned by the courts, until such time as they may receive or opportunity to be heard. We need not say in this case that a debtor may
express statutory recognition, as they have in some states. not, by proper power of attorney duly executed, authorize another to
appear in court, and by proper endorsement upon the writ waive service of
* * * * * * * process, and confess judgment. But we do not wish to be understood as
approving or intending to countenance the practice of employing in this
"From what has been said, it follows that the Circuit Court never had state commercial paper of the character here involved. Such paper has
jurisdiction of the defendant, and the judgment is reversed." heretofore had little if any currency here. If the practice is adopted into this
The case of Parquhar & Co. vs. Dehaven ([1912], 70 W. Va., 738; 40 L. R. state it ought to be, we think, by act of the Legislature, with all proper
A. [N. S.], 956; 75 S. E., 65; Ann. Cas. [1914-A], 640), is another well- safeguards thrown around it, to prevent fraud and imposition. The policy of
considered authority. The notes referred to in the record contained waiver our law is, that no man shall suffer judgment at the hands of our courts
of presentment and protest, homestead and exemption rights real and without proper process and a day to be heard. To give currency to such
personal, and other rights, and also the following material provision: " 'And paper by judicial pronouncement would be to open the door to fraud and
we do hereby empower and authorize the said A. B. Farquhar Co. Limited, imposition, and to subject the people to wrongs and injuries not heretofore
or agent, or any prothonotary or attorney of any Court of Record to appear contemplated. This we are unwilling to do."
for us and in our name to confess judgment against us and in favor of said A case typical of those authorities which lend support to judgment notes
A. B. Farquhar Co., Limited, for the above named sum with costs of suit is First National Bank of Las Cruces vs.Baker ([1919], 180 Pac., 291). The
and release of all errors and without stay of execution after the maturity of Supreme Court of New Mexico, in a per curiam decision, in part, said:
this note." ' The Supreme Court of West Virginia, on consideration of the "In some of the states the judgments upon warrants of attorney are
validity of the judgment note above described, speaking through Mr. condemned as being against public policy. (Farquhar & Co. vs.Dehaven,
Justice Miller, in part said: 70 W. Va., 738; 75 S. E.,
"As both sides agree the question presented is one of first impression in 466
this State. We have -no statute, as has Pennsylvania and many other 466 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
states, regulating the subject. In the decision we are called upon to render, National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
we must have recourse to the rules and principles of the common law, in G5; 40 L. R. A. [N. S.], 956; Ann. Cas. [1914 A], 640,
force here, and to our statute law, applicable, and to such judicial decisions and First National Bank of Kansas City vs. White, 220 Mo., 717; 120 S. W.,
and practices in Virginia, in force at the time of the separation, as are 36; 132 Am. St. Rep., 612; 16 Ann. Cas., 889, are examples of such
properly binding on us. It is pertinent to remark in this connection, that after holding.) By just what course of reasoning it can be said by the courts that
nearly fifty years of judicial history in this State no case has been brought such judgments are against public policy we are unable to understand. It
here involving this question, strong evidence, we think, that such notes, if was a practice from time immemorial at common law, and the common law
at all, have never been in very general use in this commonwealth. comes down to us sanctioned as justified by the reason and experience of
465 English-speaking peoples. If conditions have arisen in this country which
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 465 make the application of the common law undesirable, it is for the
Ndtional Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co. Legislature to so announce, and to prohibit the taking of judgments of this
And in most states where they are current the use of them has grown up kind. Until the Legislature has spoken along that line, we know of no theory
under statutes authorizing them, and regulating the practice of employing upon which such judgments can be declared as against the public policy
them in commercial transactions. of the state. We are aware that the argument against them is that they
enable the unconscionable creditor to take advantage of the necessities of
* * * * * * * the poor debtor and cut him off from his ordinary day in court. On the other
hand, it may be said in their favor that it frequently enables a debtor to
obtain money which he could by no possibility otherwise obtain. It judgments against makers should not be recognized in this jurisdiction by
strengthens his credit, and may be most highly beneficial to him at times. implication and should only be considered as valid when given express
In some of the states these judgments have been condemned' by statute legislative sanction.
and of course in that case are not allowed. 468
"Our conclusion in this case is that a warrant of attorney given as 468 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
security to a creditor accompanying a promissory note confers a valid Gonzalez vs. Davis
power, and authorizes a confession of judgment in any court of competent The judgment appealed from is set aside, and the case is remanded to the
jurisdiction in an action to be brought upon said note; that our cognovit lower court for further proceedings in accordance with this decision.
statute does not cover the same field as that occupied by the common-law Without special finding as to costs in this instance, it is so ordered.
practice of taking judgments upon warrant of attorney, and does not Araullo, C.
impliedly or otherwise abrogate such practice; and that the practice of J., Avanceña, Villamor, Ostrand, Johns,and Romualdez, JJ., concur.
taking judgments upon warrants of attorney as it was pursued in this case Judgment set aside.
is not against any public policy of the state, as declared by its laws."
467 ____________
VOL. 43, JUNE 8, 1922 467
National Bank vs. Manila, Oil Refining & By-Products Co.
With reference to the conclusiveness of the decisions here mentioned, it
may be said that they are based on the practice of the English-American
common law, and that the doctrines of the common law are binding
upon Philippinecourts only in so f ar as they are f ounded on sound
principles applicable to local conditions.
Judgments by confession as appeared at common law were
considered an amicable, easy, and cheap way to settle and secure debts.
They are a quick remedy and serve to save the court's time. They also
save the time and money of the litigants and the government the expenses
that a long litigation entails. In one sense, instruments of this character may
be considered as special agreements, with power to enter up judgments
on them, binding the parties to the result as they themselves viewed it.
On the other hand, are disadvantages to the commercial world which
outweigh the considerations just mentioned. Such warrants of attorney are
void as against public policy, because they enlarge the field for fraud,
because under these instruments the promissor bargains away his right to
a day in court, and because the effect of the instrument is to strike down
the right of appeal accorded by statute. The recognition of such a form of
obligation would bring about a complete reorganization of commercial
customs and practices, with reference to short-term obligations. It can
readily be seen that judgment notes, instead of resulting to the advantage
of commercial life in the Philippines might be the source of abuse and
oppression, and make the courts involuntary parties thereto. If
the bank has a meritorious case, the judgment is ultimately certain in the
We are of the opinion that warrants of attorney to confess judgment are
not authorized nor contemplated by our law. We are further of the opinion
that provisions in notes authorizing attorneys to appear and confess
738 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED is liable for the entire amount, and not merely for his proportionate
Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals share.
G.R. No. 93073. December 21, 1992.* Corporation Law; The corporation, upon such change in its name, is
REPUBLIC PLANTERS BANK, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and in no sense a new corporation, nor the successor of the original
FERMIN CANLAS, respondents. corporation.—The corporation, upon such change in its name, is in no
Commercial Law; Negotiable Instruments Law; Under the Negotiable sense a new corporation, nor the successor of the original corporation. It
Instruments Law, persons who write their names on the face of promissory is the same corporation with a different name, and its character is in no
notes are makers and are liable as such.—Under the Negotiable respect changed.
Instruments Law, persons who write their names on the face of promissory Same; Same; A change in the corporate name does not make a new
notes are makers and are liable as such. By signing the notes, the maker corporation and whether affected by special act or under a general law has
promises to pay to the order of the payee or any holder according to the no effect on the identity of the corporation or on its property, rights or
tenor thereof. Based on the above provisions of law, there is no denying liabilities.—A change in the corporate name does not make a new
that private respondent Fermin Canlas is one of the co-makers of the corporation, and whether effected by special act or under a general law,
promissory notes. As such, he cannot escape liability arising therefrom. has no effect on the identity of the corporation, or on its property, rights,
Same; Same; Same; An instrument which begins with “I” ,”WE” or or liabilities.
“Either of us” promise to pay, when signed by two or more persons, makes Same; Same; Same; The corporation continues as before
them solidarily liable.—Where an instrument containing the words “I responsible in its new name for all debts or other liabilities which it had
promise to pay” is signed by two or more persons, they are deemed to be previously contracted or incurred.—The corporation continues, as before,
jointly and severally liable thereon. An instrument which begins with “I”, responsible in its new name for all debts or other liabilities which it had
“We”, or “Either of us” promise to pay, when signed by two or more previously contracted or incurred.
persons, makes them solidarily liable. The fact that the singular pronoun is Same; Same; Same; Same; Generally, officers or directors under the
used indicates that the promise is individual as to each other; meaning that old corporate name bear no personal liability for acts done or contracts
each of the co-signers is deemed to have made an independent singular entered into by officers of the corporation if duly authorized.—As a general
promise to pay the notes in full. rule, officers or directors under the old corporate name bear no personal
Same; Same; Same; Same; A joint and several note is one in which liability for acts done or contracts entered into by officers of the corporation,
the makers bind themselves both jointly and individually to the payee so if duly authorized. Inasmuch as such officers acted in their capacity as
that all may be sued together for its enforcement or the creditor may select agent of the old corporation and the change of name meant only the
one or more as the object of the suit.—In the case at bar, the solidary continuation of the old juridical entity, the corporation bearing the same
liability of private respondent Fermin Canlas is made clearer and certain, name is still bound by the acts of its agents if authorized by the Board.
without reason for ambiguity, by the presence of the phrase “joint and Usury Law; Interest; The rates under the Usury Law, as amended by
several” as describing the unconditional promise to pay to the order of Presidential Decree No. 116, are applicable only to interests by way of
Republic Planters Bank. A joint and several note is one in which the makers compensation for the use or forbearance of money.—This Courthas held
bind themselves both jointly and individually to the payee so that all may that the rates under the Usury Law, as amended by Presidential Decree
be sued together for its enforcement, or the creditor may select one or No. 116, are applicable only to interests by way of compensation for the
more as the object of the suit. A joint and several obligation in common law use or forbearance of money. Article 2209 of the Civil Code, on the other
corresponds to a civil law solidary obligation; that is, one of several debtors hand, governs interests by way of damages. This fine distinction was not
bound in such wise that each taken into consideration by the appellate court,
Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals
SECOND DIVISION. which instead made a general statement that the interest rate be at
739 12% per annum.
VOL. 216, DECEMBER 21, 1992 739 Same; Same; Same; Central Bank Circular No. 905, Series of 1982
Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals removed the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates.—Inasmuch as this Court
had declared that increases in interest rates are not subject to any ceiling promissory note (Exhibit “I”), the sum of P200,000.00 with interest from
prescribed by the Usury Law, the appellate court erred in limiting the January 29, 1981.
interest rate at 12% per annum. Central Bank Circular No. 905, Series of Under the promissory note (Exhibit “D”) defendants Pinch
1982 removed the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates. Manufacturing Corporation (formerly named Worldwide Garment
Manufacturing, Inc.) and Shozo Yamaguchi are ordered to pay, jointly and
PETITION for review on certiorari from the decision of the Court of severally, the plaintiff bank the sum of P367,000.00 with interest of 16%
Appeals. Fule, J. per annum from January 29, 1981 until fully paid.
Under the promissory note (Exhibit “F”), defendant corporation Pinch
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. (formerly Worldwide) is ordered to pay the plaintiff bank the sum of
P140,000.00 with interest at 16% per annum from November 27, 1980 until
CAMPOS, JR., J.: fully paid.
Defendant Pinch (formerly Worldwide) is hereby ordered to pay the
This is an appeal by way of a Petition for Review on Certiorari from the plaintiff the sum of P231,120.81 with interest at 12% per annum from July
decision** of the Court of Appeals in CA G.R. CV No. 07302, entitled 1, 1981, until fully paid and the sum of P331,870.97 with interest from
“Republic Planters Bank, Plaintiff-Appellee vs. Pinch Manufacturing March 28, 1981, until fully paid.
Corporation, et al., Defendants, and Fermin Canlas, Defendant-Appellant”, All the defendants are also ordered to pay, jointly and severally, the
which affirmed the decision*** in Civil Case No. 82-5448except that it plaintiff the sum of P100,000.00 as and for reasonable attorney’s fee and
completely absolved Fermin Canlas from liability under the promissory the further sum equivalent to 3%per annum of the respective principal
notes and reduced the award for damages and attorney’s fees. The RTC sums from the dates above stated as penalty charge until fully paid, plus
decision, rendered on June 20, 1985, is quoted hereun-der: one percent (1%) of the principal sums as service charge.
“WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in With costs against the defendants.
favor of the plaintiff Republic Planters Bank, ordering defendant Pinch SO ORDERED.”1
Manufacturing Corporation (formerly Worldwide Garment Manufacturing, From the above decision only defendant Fermin Canlas appealed to the
Inc.) and defendants Shozo Yamaguchi and Fermin Canlas to pay, jointly then Intermediate Appellate Court (now the Court of Appeals). His
and severally, the plaintiff bank the following sums with interest thereon at contention was that inasmuch as he signed the promissory notes in his
16% per annum from the dates indicated, to wit: capacity as officer of the defunct Worldwide Garment Manufacturing, Inc.,
he should not be held personally liable for such authorized corporate acts
________________ that he performed. It is now the contention of the petitioner
Associate Justice Hector C. Fule, ponente, Associate Justices Lorna ________________
S. Lombos-de la Fuente and Luis L. Victor, concurring.
*** Penned by Judge Daniel C. Macaraeg, RTC Manila, Branch LX. 1
Rollo, pp. 49-50.
741 742
Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Under the promissory note (Exhibit “A”), the sum of P300,000.00 with Republic Planters Bank that having unconditionally signed the nine (9)
interest from January 29, 1981 until fully paid; under promissory note promissory notes with Shozo Yamaguchi, jointly and severally, defendant
(Exhibit “B”), the sum of P40,000.00 with interest from November 27, 1980; Fermin Canlas is solidarity liable with Shozo Yamaguchi on each of the
under the promissory note (Exhibit “C”), the sum of P166,466.00 with nine notes.
interest from January 29, 1981; under the promissory note (Exhibit “E”), We find merit in this appeal.
the sum of P86,130.31 with interest from January 29, 1981; under the From the records, these facts are established: Defendant Shozo
promissory note (Exhibit “G”), the sum of P12,703.70 with interest from Yamaguchi and private respondent Fermin Canlas were President/Chief
November 27, 1980; under the promissory note (Exhibit “H”), the sum of Operating Officer and Treasurer respectively, of Worldwide Garment
P281,875.91 with interest from January 29, 1981; and under the Manufacturing, Inc.. By virtue of Board Resolution No. 1 dated August 1,
1979, defendant Shozo Yamaguchi and private respondent Fermin Canlas In the mind of this Court, the only issue material to the resolution of this
were authorized to apply for credit facilities with the petitioner Republic appeal is whether private respondent Fermin Canlas is solidarily liable with
Planters Bank in the forms of export advances and letters of credit/ trust the other defendants, namely Pinch Manufacturing Corporation and Shozo
receipts accommodations. Petitioner bank issued nine promissory notes, Yamaguchi, on the nine promissory notes.
marked as Exhibits A to I inclusive, each of which were uniformly worded We hold that private respondent Fermin Canlas is solidarily liable on
in the following manner: each of the promissory notes bearing his signature for the following
“_______________, after date, for value received, I/we, jointly and reasons:
severally promise to pay to the ORDER of the REPUBLIC PLANTERS The promissory notes are negotiable instruments and must be
BANK, at its office in Manila, Philippines, the sum governed by the Negotiable Instruments Law.2
of___________________ PESOS ( ), Philippine Currency x x x.” Under the Negotiable Instruments Law, persons who write their names
On the right bottom margin of the promissory notes appeared the on the face of promissory notes are makers and are liable as such.3 By
signatures of Shozo Yamaguchi and Fermin Canlas above their printed signing the notes, the maker promises to pay to the order of the payee or
names with the phrase “and (in) his personal capacity” typewritten below. any holder4 according to the tenor thereof.5 Based on the above provisions
At the bottom of the promissory notes appeared: “Please credit proceeds of law, there is no
of this note to:
________ Savings Account ________ XX Current Account ________________
No. 1372-00257-6
of WORLDWIDE GARMENT MFG. CORP. Act 2031, enacted on February 3, 1991.
3 Negotiable Instruments Law, Section 184; H.D. Lee Merchantile Co.
These entries were separated from the text of the notes with a bold line
which ran horizontally across the pages. vs. Merchantile Co., 276 P. 807 (1929).
4 Ibid.,Section 1.
In the promissory notes marked asExhibits C,D and F, the name
5 Ibid.,Section 60.
Worldwide Garment Manufacturing, Inc. was apparently rubber stamped
above the signatures of defendant and private respondent. 744
On December 20, 1982, Worldwide Garment Manufacturing, Inc. voted 744 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
to change its corporate name to Pinch Manufacturing Corporation. Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals
743 denying that private respondent Fermin Canlas is one of the co-makers of
VOL. 216, DECEMBER 21, 1992 743 the promissory notes. As such, he cannot escape liability arising therefrom.
Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals .
On February 5, 1982, petitioner bank filed a complaint for the recovery of Where an instrument containing the words “I promise to pay” is signed
sums of money covered among others, by the nine promissory notes with by two or more persons, they are deemed to be jointly and severally liable
interest thereon, plus attorney’s fees and penalty charges. The complaint thereon.6 An instrument which begins with “I”, “We”, or “Either of us”
was originally brought against Worldwide Garment Manufacturing, promise to pay, when signed by two or more persons, makes them
Inc. inter alia, but it was later amended to drop Worldwide Manufacturing, solidarily liable.7 The fact that the singular pronoun is used indicates that
Inc. as defendant and substitute Pinch Manufacturing Corporation in its the promise is individual as to each other; meaning that each of the co-
place. Defendants Pinch Manufacturing Corporation and Shozo signers is deemed to have made an independent singular promise to pay
Yamaguchi did not file an Amended Answer and failed to appear at the the notes in full.
scheduled pre-trial conference despite due notice. Only private respondent In the case at bar, the solidary liability of private respondent Fermin
Fermin Canlas filed an Amended Answer wherein he denied having issued Canlas is made clearer and certain, without reason for ambiguity, by the
the promissory notes in question since according to him, he was not an presence of the phrase “joint and several” as describing the unconditional
officer of Pinch Manufacturing Corporation, but instead of Worldwide promise to pay to the order of Republic Planters Bank. A joint and several
Garment Manufacturing, Inc., and that when he issued said promissory note is one in which the makers bind themselves both jointly and
notes in behalf of Worldwide Garment Manufacturing, Inc., the same were individually to the payee so that all may be sued together for its
in blank, the typewritten entries not appearing therein prior to the time he enforcement, or the creditor may select one or more as the object of the
affixed his signature. suit.8 A joint and several obligation in common law corresponds to a civil
law solidary obligation; that is, one of several debtors bound in such wise meant only the continuation of the old juridical entity, the corporation
that each is liable for the entire amount, and not merely for his bearing the same is still bound by the acts of its agents if authorized by the
proportionate share.9. By making a joint and several promise to pay to the Board. Under the Negotiable Instruments Law, the liability of a person
order of Republic Planters Bank, private respondent Fermin Canlas signing as an agent is specifically provided for as follows:
assumed the solidary liability of a debtor and the payee may choose to
enforce the notes against him alone or jointly with Yamaguchi and Pinch ________________
Manufacturing Corporation as solidary debtors.
As to whether the interpolation of the phrase “and (in) his personal 10
6 Fletcher, Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations, pp. 224-
capacity” below the signatures of the makers in the notes will affect the 225 (Rev. ed., 1968).
liability of the makers, We do not find it necessary to resolve and decide, Mutual Building & Loan Association vs. Corum, 220 Cal. 282, citing
because it is immaterial and Corpus Juris; 30 P. 2d 509, 514 (1934); Pilsen Brewing Co. vs. Wallace,
291 ILL. 59, 125 N.E. 714, 8 A.L.R. 579 (1919).
________________ Ozan Lumber Co. vs. Davis Sewing Machine Co., 284 F. 161 (1922);
18 C.J.S. 572.
6 Ibid.,Section 17 (g). 746
Powell vs. Mobley, 142 S.E. 678 (1928); Keenig vs. Curran’s 746 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Restaurant, 159 Atl. 553 (1932). Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Rice vs. Gove, 22 Pick Mass 158; 33 AM Dec. 724. Sec. 20. Liability of a person signing as agent and so forth. Where the
9 Black’s Law Dictionary, p. 1249 (5th ed., 1979).
instrument contains or a person adds to his signature words indicating that
745 he signs for or on behalf of a principal, or in a representative capacity, he
VOL. 216, DECEMBER 21, 1992 745 is not liable on the instrument if he was duly authorized; but the mere
Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals addition of words describing him as an agent, or as filling a representative
will not affect the liability of private respondent Fermin Canlas as a joint character, without disclosing his principal, does not exempt him from
and several debtor of the notes. With or without the presence of said personal liability.
phrase, private respondent Fermin Canlas is primarily liable as a co-maker Where the agent signs his name but nowhere in the instrument has he
of each of the notes and his liability is that of a solidary debtor. disclosed the fact that he is acting in a representative capacity or the name
Finally, the respondent Court made a grave error in holding that an of the third party for whom he might have acted as agent, the agent is
amendment in a corporation’s Articles of Incorporation effecting a change personally liable to the holder of the instrument and cannot be permitted to
of corporate name, in this case from Worldwide Garment Manufacturing, prove that he was merely acting as agent of another and parol or extrinsic
Inc. to Pinch Manufacturing Corporation, extinguished the personality of evidence is not admissible to avoid the agent’s personal liability.13
the original corporation. On the private respondent’s contention that the promissory notes were
The corporation, upon such change in its name, is in no sense a new delivered to him in blank for his signature, we rule otherwise. A careful
corporation, nor the successor of the original corporation. It is the same examination of the notes in question shows that they are the stereotype
corporation with a different name, and its character is in no respect printed form of promissory notes generally used by commercial banking
changed.10 institutions to be signed by their clients in obtaining loans. Such printed
A change in the corporate name does not make a new corporation, and notes are incomplete because there are blank spaces to be filled up on
whether effected by special act or under a general law, has no effect on material particulars such as payee’s name, amount of the loan, rate of
the identity of the corporation, or on its property, rights, or liabilities.11 interest, date of issue and the maturity date. The terms and conditions of
The corporation continues, as before, responsible in its new name for the loan are printed on the note for the borrower-debtor’s perusal. An
all debts or other liabilities which it had previously contracted or incurred.12 incomplete instrument which has been delivered to the borrower for his
As a general rule, officers or directors under the old corporate name signature is governed by Section 14 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
bear no personal liability for acts done or contracts entered into by officers which provides, in so far as relevant to this case, thus:
of the corporation, if duly authorized. Inasmuch as such officers acted in Sec. 14. Blanks; when may be filled.—Where the instrument is wanting in
their capacity as agent of the old corporation and the change of name any material particular, the person in possession thereof has a prima
facie authority to complete it by filling up the blanks therein, x x x x In order, In the case at bar however, it was found by the trial court that the rate
however, that any such instrument when completed may be enforced of interest is 9% per annum, which interest rate the plaintiff may at any time
against any person who became a party thereto prior to its completion, it without notice, raise within the
must be filled up strictly in accor-
14 139 SCRA 260 (1985).
Crocker National Bank vs. Say, 209 Cal. 436; 288 P. 69 748
(1930); Dayries vs. Lindsly, 54 So. 791 (1911); Granada vs. PNB, 18 748 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
SCRA 1 (1966). Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals
747 limits allowed by law. And so, as of February 16, 1984, the plaintiff had
VOL. 216, DECEMBER 21, 1992 747 fixed the interest at 16% per annum.
Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals This Court has held that the rates under the Usury Law, as amended
dance with the authority given and within a reasonable time. x x x x. by Presidential Decree No. 116, are applicable only to interests by way of
Proof that the notes were signed in blank was only the self-serving compensation for the use or forebearance of money. Article 2209 of the
testimony of private respondent Fermin Canlas, as determined by the trial Civil Code, on the other hand, governs interests by way of damages.15 This
court, so that the trial court “doubts that the defendant (Canlas) signed in fine distinction was not taken, into consideration by the appellate court,
blank the promissory notes”. We chose to believe the bank’s testimony that which instead made a general statement that the interest rate be at 12%
the notes were filled up before they were given to private respondent per annum.
Fermin Canlas and defendant Shozo Yamaguchi for their signatures as Inasmuch as this Court had declared that increases in interest rates are
joint and several promissors. For signing the notes above their typewritten not subject to any ceiling prescribed by the Usury Law, the appellate court
names, they bound themselves as unconditional makers. We take judicial erred in limiting the interest rate at 12% per annum. Central Bank Circular
notice of the customary procedure of commercial banks of requiring their No. 905, Series of 1982 removed the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates.16
clientele to sign promissory notes prepared by the banks in printed form In the light of the foregoing analysis and under the plain language of
with blank spaces already filled up as per agreed terms of the loan, leaving the statute and jurisprudence on the matter, the decision of the respondent
the borrowers-debtors to do nothing but read the terms and conditions Court of Appeals absolving private respondent Fermin Canlas is
therein printed and to sign as makers or co-makers. When the notes were REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Judgment is hereby rendered declaring
given to private respondent Fermin Canlas for his signature, the notes were private respondent Fermin Canlas jointly and severally liable on all the nine
complete in the sense that the spaces for the material particular had been promissory notes with the following sums and at 16% interest per annum
filled up by the bank as per agreement. The notes were not incomplete from the dates indicated, to wit:
instruments; neither were they given to private respondent Fermin Canlas Under the promissory note marked as Exhibit A, the sum of
in blank as he claims. Thus, Section 14 of the Negotiable Instruments Law P300,000.00 with interest from January 29, 1981 until fully paid; under
is not applicable. promissory note marked as Exhibit B, the sum of P40,000.00 with interest
This Court takes note that the respondent Court, relying on Reformina from November 27, 1980; under the promissory note denominated as
vs. Tomol,14 lowered the interest rate on the promissory notes from 16% to Exhibit C, the amount of P166,466.00 with interest from January 29, 1981;
12%. under the promissory note denominated as Exhibit D, the amount of
The ruling in the case of Reformina vs. Tomol relied upon by the P367,000.00 with interest from January 29, 1981 until fully paid; under the
appellate court in reducing the interest rate on the promissory notes from promissory note marked as Exhibit E, the amount of P86,130.31 with
16% to 12% per annum does not squarely apply to the instant petition. In interest from January 29, 1981; under the promissory note marked as
the abovecited case, the rate of 12% was applied to forebearances of Exhibit F, the sum of P140,000.00 with interest from November 27, 1980
money, goods or credit and court judgments thereon, only in the absence until fully
of any stipulation between the parties.
GSIS vs. Court of Appeals, 145 SCRA 311 (1986).
16 Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals, 196 SCRA 536(1991).
VOL. 216, DECEMBER 21, 1992 749
Tiatco vs. Civil Service Commission
paid; under the promissory note marked as Exhibit G, the amount of
P12,703.70 with interest from November 27, 1980; the promissory note
marked as Exhibit H, the sum of P281,875.91 with interest from January
29, 1981; and the promissory note marked as Exhibit I, the sum of
P200,000.00 with interest from January 29, 1981.
The liabilities of defendants Pinch Manufacturing Corporation (formerly
Worldwide Garment Manufacturing, Inc.) and Shozo Yamaguchi, for not
having appealed from the decision of the trial court, shall be adjudged in
accordance with the judgment rendered by the Court a quo.
With respect to attorney’s fees, and penalty and service charges, the
private respondent Fermin Canlas is hereby held jointly and solidarily liable
with defendants for the amounts found by the Court a quo. With costs
against private respondent.
Narvasa (C.J.), Feliciano, Regalado and Nocon, JJ.,concur.
Note.—The Usury Law is now legally inexistent pursuant to Central
Bank Circular No. 905 and the interest now legally chargeable depends
upon the agreement of the lender and borrower (Javier vs. De
Guzman, 192 SCRA 434).

410 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED surety is bound by the same consideration that makes the contract
Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp. effective between the principal parties thereto.
G.R. No. 148864. August 21, 2003.*
SPOUSES EDUARDO B. EVANGELISTA and EPIFANIA PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
LYDIA P. SALAZAR, LAMEC’S** REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT CORP. The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
and the REGISTER OF DEEDS OF BULACAN, respondents. Wilfredo O. Arceo for petitioners.
Civil Procedure; Motions; Summary Judgment; The crucial question Cases, Corpus and Associates Law Offices for private
in a motion for summary judgment is where the issues raised in the respondent Mercator Finance Corp.
pleadings are genuine or fictitious.—Summary judgment “is a procedural Evelyn B. Esparrago Piollo for respondents L.P. Salazar and
technique aimed at weeding out sham claims or defenses at an early stage Lamec’s Realty & Development Corp.
of the litigation.” The crucial question in a motion for summary judgment is
whether the issues raised in the pleadings are genuine or fictitious, as PUNO, J.:
shown by affidavits, depositions or admissions accompanying the motion.
Same; Same; Same; “Genuine Issue”; The proper inquiry would Petitioners, Spouses Evangelista (“Petitioners”), are before this Court on a
therefore be whether the affirmative defenses offered by petitioners Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of
constitute genuine issue of fact requiring a full-blown trial.—A genuine Court, assailing the decision of the Court of Appeals dismissing their
issue means “an issue of fact which calls for the presentation of evidence, petition.
as distinguished from an issue which is fictitious or contrived so as not to Petitioners filed a complaint1 for annulment of titles against
constitute a genuine issue for trial.” To forestall summary judgment, it is respondents, Mercator Finance Corporation, Lydia P. Salazar, Lamecs
essential for the non-moving party to confirm the existence of genuine Realty and Development Corporation, and the Register of Deeds of
issues where he has substantial, plausible and fairly arguable defense, i.e., Bulacan. Petitioners claimed being the registered owners of five (5) parcels
issues of fact calling for the presentation of evidence upon which a of land2 contained in the Real Estate Mortgage3executed by them and
reasonable finding of fact could return a verdict for the non-moving party. Embassy Farms, Inc. (“Embassy Farms”). They alleged that they executed
The proper inquiry would therefore be whether the affirmative defenses the Real Estate Mortgage in favor of Mercator Financing Corporation
offered by petitioners constitute genuine issue of fact requiring a full-blown (“Mercator”) only as officers of Embassy Farms. They did not receive the
trial. proceeds of the loan evidenced by a promissory note, as all of it went to
Civil Law; Contracts; Suretyship; Liability; A surety is bound by the Embassy Farms. Thus, they contended that the mortgage was without any
same consideration that makes the contract effective between the parties consideration as to them since they did not personally obtain any loan or
thereto.—A surety is one who is solidarily liable with the principal. credit accommodations. There being no principal obligation
Petitioners cannot claim that they did not personally receive any
consideration _______________
_______________ RTC of Malolos, Bulacan, Br. 85, Rollo, pp. 23-29.
With Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. T-193458, T-193136, T-
THIRD DIVISION. 193137 and T-193138; Id., at pp. 30-39.
** 3 Id., at p. 40.
Sometimes spelled as Lamees.
411 412
Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp. Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp.
for the contract for well-entrenched is the rule that the consideration on which the mortgage rests, the real estate mortgage is void.4 With the
necessary to support a surety obligation need not pass directly to the void mortgage, they assailed the validity of the foreclosure proceedings
surety, a consideration moving to the principal alone being sufficient. A conducted by Mercator, the sale to it as the highest bidder in the public
auction, the issuance of the transfer certificates of title to it, the subsequent
sale of the same parcels of land to respondent Lydia P. Salazar (“Salazar”), 1. a.Whether or not the Real Estate Mortgage executed by the
and the transfer of the titles to her name, and lastly, the sale and transfer plaintiffs in favor of defendant MercatorFinance Corp. is null and
of the properties to respondent Lamecs Realty & Development Corporation void;
(“Lamecs”). 2. b.Whether or not the extra-judicial foreclosure proceedings
Mercator admitted that petitioners were the owners of the subject undertaken on subject parcels of land to satisfy the indebtedness
parcels of land. It, however, contended that “on February 16, 1982, of Embassy Farms, Inc. is (sic) null and void;
plaintiffs, executed a Mortgage in favor of 3. c.Whether or not the sale made by
defendant Mercator Finance Corporation ‘for and in consideration of defendant Mercator Finance Corp. in favor of Lydia Salazar and
certain loans, and/or other forms of credit accommodations obtained from that executed by the latter in favor of defendant Lamecs Realty
the Mortgagee (defendant Mercator Finance Corporation) amounting to and Development Corp. are null and void;
EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED 4. d.Whether or not the parties are entitled to damages.10
TWENTY-FIVE & 78/100 (P844,625.78) PESOS, Philippine Currency and
to secure the payment of the same and those others that the After pre-trial, Mercator moved for summary judgment on the ground that
MORTGAGEE may extend to the MORTGAGOR (plaintiffs) x x x.’ ”5 It except as to the amount of damages, there is no factual issue to be
contended that since petitioners and Embassy Farms signed the litigated. Mercator argued that petitioners had admitted in their pre-trial
promissory note6 as co-makers, aside from the Continuing Suretyship brief the existence of the promissory note, the continuing suretyship
Agreement7 subsequently executed to guarantee the indebtedness of agreement and the subsequent promissory notes restructuring the loan,
Embassy Farms, and the succeeding promissory notes8 restructuring the hence, there is no genuine issue regarding their liability. The mortgage,
loan, then petitioners are jointly and severally liable with Embassy Farms. foreclosure proceedings and the subsequent sales are valid and the
Due to their failure to pay the obligation, the foreclosure and subsequent complaint must be dismissed.11
sale of the mortgaged properties are valid. Petitioners opposed the motion for summary judgment claiming that
Respondents Salazar and Lamecs asserted that they are innocent because their personal liability to Mercatoris at issue, there is a need for a
purchasers for value and in good faith, relying on the validity of the title full-blown trial.12
of Mercator. Lamecs admitted the prior ownership of petitioners of the The RTC granted the motion for summary judgment and dismissed the
subject parcels of land, but alleged that they are the present registered complaint. It held:
owner. The respondents likewise assailed the long silence and inaction by A reading of the promissory notes show (sic) that the liability of the
petitioners as it was only after a lapse of almost ten (10) years from the signatories thereto arc solidary in view of the phrase “jointly and severally.”
foreclosure of the property and the subsequent sales that they made their On the promissory note appears (sic) the signatures of Eduardo
claim. Thus, Sala- B. Evangelista, Epifania C. Evangelistaand another signature of Eduardo
B. Evangelista below the words Embassy Farms, Inc. It is crystal clear then
_______________ that the plaintiffs-spouses signed the promissory note not only as officers
of Embassy Farms, Inc. but in their personal capacity as well(.) Plaintiffs(,)
Id., at p. 26. by affixing their signatures thereon in a dual capacity have bound
5 Id., at p. 63.
6 Id., at p. 71.
7 Id., at pp. 72-73.
8 Id., at pp. 80-83. 9
Id., at pp. 85-97.
413 10
Id., at p. 118.
VOL. 409, AUGUST 21, 2003 413 11 Id., at pp. 119-123.

Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp. 12 Id., at pp. 128-131.

zar and Lamecs averred that petitioners are in estoppel and guilty of 414
During pre-trial, the parties agreed on the following issues: Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp.
themselves as solidary debtor(s) with Embassy Farms, Inc. to pay VOL. 409, AUGUST 21, 2003 415
defendant Mercator Finance Corporation the amount of indebtedness. Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp.
That the principal contract of loan is void for lack of consideration, in the THE COURT A QUO ERRED AND ACTED WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF
Petitioners’ motion for reconsideration was denied for lack of merit.14 Thus, IN AFFIRMING IN TOTO THE MAY 4, 1998 ORDER OF THE TRIAL
petitioners went up to the Court of Appeals, but again were unsuccessful. COURT GRANTING RESPONDENT’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY
The appellants’ insistence that the loans secured by the mortgage they MATERIAL FACTS AND ITS NON-ENTITLEMENT TO A JUDGMENT AS
executed were not personally theirs but those of Embassy Farms, Inc. is A MATTER OF LAW, THEREBY DECIDING THE CASE IN A WAY
clearly self-serving and misplaced. The fact that they signed the subject PROBABLY NOT IN ACCORD WITH APPLICABLE DECISIONS OF THIS
promissory notes in the(ir) personal capacities and as officers of the said HONORABLE COURT.18
debtor corporation is manifest on the very face of the said documents of We affirm.
indebtedness (pp. 118, 128-131, Orig. Rec.). Even Summary judgment “is a procedural technique aimed at weeding out
assuming arguendo that they did not, the appellants lose sight of the fact sham claims or defenses at an early stage of the litigation.”19 The crucial
that third persons who are not parties to a loan may secure the latter by question in a motion for summary judgment is whether the issues raised in
pledging or mortgaging their own property (Lustan vs. Court of the pleadings are genuine or fictitious, as shown by affidavits, depositions
Appeals, 266 SCRA 663, 675). X x x. In constituting a mortgage over their or admissions accompanying the motion. A genuine issue means “an issue
own property in order to secure the purported corporate debt of Embassy of fact which calls for the presentation of evidence, as distinguished from
Farms, Inc., the appellants undeniably assumed the personality of persons an issue which is fictitious or contrived so as not to constitute a genuine
interested in the fulfillment of the principal obligation who, to save the issue for trial.”20 To forestall summary judgment, it is essential for the non-
subject realities from foreclosure and with a view towards being moving party to confirm the existence of genuine issues where he has
subrogated to the rights of the creditor, were free to discharge the same substantial, plausible and fairly arguable defense, i.e., issues of fact calling
by payment (Articles 1302 [3] and 1303, Civil Code of the for the presentation of evidence upon which a reasonable finding of fact
Philippines).15 (emphases in the original) could return a verdict for the non-moving party. The proper inquiry would
The appellate court also observed that “if the appellants really felt therefore be whether the affirmative defenses offered by petitioners
aggrieved by the foreclosure of the subject mortgage and the subsequent constitute genuine issue of fact requiring a full-blown trial.21
sales of the realties to other parties, why then did they commence the suit In the case at bar, there are no genuine issues raised by petitioners.
only on August 12, 1997 (when the certificate of sale was issued on Petitioners do not deny that they obtained a loan from Mercator. They
January 12, 1987, and the certificates of title in the name of Mercator on merely claim that they got the loan as officers of Embassy Farms without
September 27, 1988)?” Petitioners’ “procrastination for about nine (9) intending to personally bind themselves or their property. However, a
years is difficult to understand. On so flimsy a ground as lack of simple perusal of the promissory note and the continuing suretyship
consideration, (w)e may even venture to say that the complaint was not agreement shows otherwise. These
worth the time of the courts.”16
A motion for reconsideration by petitioners was likewise denied for lack _______________
of merit.17 Thus, this petition where they allege that:
Id., at p. 12.
_______________ 19
Evadel Realty and Development Corporation v. Soriano, 357 SCRA
395 (2001).
Id., at p. 134, dated May 4, 1998. 20 Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. and/or Chemical Bank v. Rafael
Id., at p. 159, dated July 17, 1998. Ma. Guerrero, G.R. No. 136804, February 19, 2003, 397 SCRA 709.
15 Id., at p. 222-223, Decision dated May 12, 2000. 21 Spouses Guillermo Agbada & Maxima Agbada v. Inter-urban
16 Id., at p. 223.
Developers, G.R. No. 144029, September 19, 2002, 389 SCRA 430.
17 Id., at p. 234, dated May 14, 2001.
Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp. VOL. 409, AUGUST 21, 2003 417
documentary evidence prove that petitioners are solidary obligors with Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp.
Embassy Farms. (3) The obligations hereunder are joint and several and independent of the
The promissory note22 states: obligations of the Principal. A separate action or actions may be brought
For value received, I/We jointly and severally promise to pay to the order and prosecuted against the Surety whether or not the action is also brought
of MERCATOR FINANCE CORPORATION at its office, the principal sum and prosecuted against the Principal and whether or not the Principal be
of EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED joined in any such action or actions.
TWENTY-FIVE PESOS & 78/100 (P 844,625.78), Philippine currency, x x xxx xxx x x x.
x, in installments as follows: The agreement was signed by petitioners on February 16, 1982. The
September 16, 1982 – P154,267.87 promissory notes24 subsequently executed by petitioners and Embassy
October 16, 1982 – P154,267.87 Farms, restructuring their loan, likewise prove that petitioners are solidarily
November 16, 1982 – P154,267.87 liable with Embassy Farms.
December 16, 1982 – P154,267.87 Petitioners further allege that there is an ambiguity in the wording of the
January 16, 1983 – P154,267.87 promissory note and claim that since it was Mercator who provided the
February 16, 1983 – P154,267.87 form, then the ambiguity should be resolved against it.
xxx xxx x x x. Courts can interpret a contract only if there is doubt in its letter.25 But,
The note was signed at the bottom by petitioners Eduardo an examination of the promissory note shows no such ambiguity. Besides,
B. Evangelista and Epifania C. Evangelista and Embassy Farms, Inc. with assuming arguendo that there is an ambiguity, Section 17 of the
the signature of Eduardo B. Evangelista below it. Negotiable Instruments Law states, viz:
The Continuing Suretyship Agreement23 also proves the solidary SECTION 17. Construction where instrument is ambiguous.—Where the
obligation of petitioners, viz: language of the instrument is ambiguous or there are omissions therein,
(Embassy Farms, Inc.) the following rules of construction apply:
Principal xxx xxx xxx
(Eduardo B. Evangelista) (g) Where an instrument containing the word “I promise to pay” is
Surety signed by two or more persons, they are deemed to be jointly and severally
(Epifania C. Evangelista) liable thereon.
Surety Petitioners also insist that the promissory note does not convey their true
(Mercator Finance Corporation) intent in executing the document. The defense is unavailing. Even if
Creditor petitioners intended to sign the note merely as officers of Embassy Farms,
To: ERCATOR FINANCE COPORATION still this does not erase the fact that they subsequently executed a
(1) For valuable and/or other consideration, EDUARDO continuing suretyship agreement. A surety is one who is solidarily liable
B. EVANGELISTA and EPIFANIA C. EVANGELISTA(hereinafter called with the principal.26 Petition-
Surety), jointly and severally unconditionally guarantees (sic)
to MERCATOR FINANCE COPORATION (hereinafter called Creditor), _______________
the full, faithful and prompt payment and discharge of any and all
indebtedness of EMBASSY FARMS, INC. (hereinafter called Principal) to 24
Id., at pp. 80-83.
the Creditor. 25
Article 1370. If the terms of a contract are clear and leaves no doubt
xxx xxx xxx upon the intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning of its
stipulations shall control. (Civil Code of the Philippines); Ong Yong, et al.
_______________ v. David S. Tiu, et al., G.R. Nos. 144476 & 144629, February 1. 2002, 375
SCRA 614.
22 26 Goldenrod, Incorporated v. Court of Appeals, 366 SCRA 217 (2001).
Rollo, p. 71.
Id., at pp. 72-73. 418
Evangelista vs. Mercator Finance Corp. The term “agreement” includes wills.
29 241 SCRA 254 (1995).
ers cannot claim that they did not personally receive any consideration for
the contract for well-entrenched is the rule that the consideration 419
necessary to support a surety obligation need not pass directly to the VOL. 409, AUGUST 21, 2003 419
surety, a consideration moving to the principal alone being sufficient. A People vs. Sandiganbayan
surety is bound by the same consideration that makes the contract SO ORDERED.
effective between the principal parties thereto.27 Having executed the Panganiban and Sandoval-Gutierrez, JJ., concur.
suretyship agreement, there can be no dispute on the personal liability of Corona and Carpio-Morales, JJ., On Official Leave.
petitioners. Petition dismissed.
Lastly, the parol evidence rule does not apply in this case.28 We held Note.—Adherence to the rules is not a mere nicety. Due process
in Tarnate v. Court of Appeals,29 that where the parties admitted the demands proper obedience to procedural rules, especially when the
existence of the loans and the mortgage deeds and the fact of default on subject matter of the motion to quash is a search warrant (Ong vs. Court
the due repayments but raised the contention that they were misled by of Appeals, 370 SCRA 48 [2001])
respondent bank to believe that the loans were long-term
accommodations, then the parties could not be allowed to introduce ——o0o——
evidence of conditions allegedly agreed upon by them other than those
stipulated in the loan documents because when they reduced their
agreement in writing, it is presumed that they have made the writing the
only repository and memorial of truth, and whatever is not found in the
writing must be understood to have been waived and abandoned.
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is dismissed. Treble costs against the

Charles Lee v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. 117913-14, February 1,
2002, 375 SCRA 579.
28 SEC. 9. Evidence of written agreements.—When the terms of an

agreement have been reduced to writing, it is considered as containing all

the terms agreed upon and there can be, between the parties and their
successors in interest, no evidence of such terms other than the contents
of the written agreement.
However, a party may present evidence to modify, explain or add to the
terms of the written agreement if he puts in issue in his pleading:

1. (a)An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfection in the written

2. (b)The failure of the written agreement to express the true intent
and agreement of the parties thereto;
3. (c)The validity of the written agreement; or
4. (d)The existence of other terms agreed to by the parties of their
successors in interest after the execution of the written
VOL. 478, DECEMBER 16, 2005 365 PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
Ilano vs. Español
G.R. No. 161756. December 16, 2005.* The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
VICTORIA J. ILANO represented by her Attorney-in-fact, MILO ANTONIO Edgardo J. Naoe and Nora Alejo-Buenviaje for petitioner.
C. ILANO, petitioners, vs. HON. DOLORES L. ESPAÑOL, in her capacity Deogenes N. Agellon for respondents.
as Executive Judge, RTC of Imus, Cavite, Br. 90, and, AMELIA ALONZO,
CHERRY CAMACLANG, FLORA CABRERA, ESTELITA LEGASPI, The Court of Appeals having affirmed the dismissal by Branch 20 of the
CARMENCITA GONZALES, NEMIA CASTRO, GLORIA DOMINGUEZ, Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cavite at Imus, for lack of cause of action,
ANNILYN C. SABALE and several JOHN DOES, respondents. Civil Case No. 2079-00, the complaint filed by herein petitioner Victoria J.
Actions; Pleadings and Practice; Complaints; Causes of Action; A Ilano for Revocation/Cancellation of Promissory Notes and Bills of
cause of action has three elements—(1) the legal right of the plaintiff, (2) Exchange (Checks) with Damages and Prayer for Preliminary Injunction or
the correlative obligation of the defendant, and (3) the act or omission of Temporary Restraining Order (TRO),1 against herein respondents 15
the defendant in violation of said legal right.—A cause of action has three named defendants (and several John Does), a recital of the pertinent
elements: (1) the legal right of the plaintiff, (2) the correlative obligation of allegations in the complaint, quoted verbatim as follows, is in order:
the defendant, and (3) the act or omission of the defendant in violation of
said legal right. In determining the presence of these elements, inquiry is _______________
confined to the four corners of the complaint including its annexes, they
being parts thereof. If these elements are absent, the complaint becomes Records at pp. 2-10.
vulnerable to a motion to dismiss on the ground of failure to state a cause 367
of action. VOL. 478, DECEMBER 16, 2005 367
Ilano vs. Español
_______________ xxx
THIRD DIVISION. 1. 3.That defendant AMELIA O. ALONZO, is a trusted employee of
366 [petitioner]. She has been with them for several years already,
366 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED and through the years, defendant ALONZO was able to gain the
Ilano vs. Español trust and confidence of [petitioner] and her family;
Same; Same; Same; Bill of Particulars; Where the allegations of a 2. 4.That due to these trust and confidence reposed upon defendant
complaint are vague, indefinite, or in the form of conclusion, its dismissal ALONZO by [petitioner], there were occasions when defendant
is not proper for the defendant may ask for more particulars.—While some ALONZO was entrusted with [petitioner’s] METROBANK Check
of the allegations may lack particulars, and are in the form of conclusions Book containing either signed or unsigned blank checks,
of law, the elements of a cause of action are present. For even if some are especially in those times when [petitioner] left for the United
not stated with particularity, petitioner alleged 1) her legal right not to be States for medical check-up;
bound by the instruments which were bereft of consideration and to which 3. 5.Sometime during the second week of December 1999, or
her consent was vitiated; 2) the correlative obligation on the part of the thereabouts, defendant ALONZO by means of deceit and abuse
defendantsrespondents to respect said right; and 3) the act of the of confidence succeeded in procuring Promissory Notes
defendantsrespondents in procuring her signature on the instruments and signed blank checks from [petitioner] who was then
through “deceit,” “abuse of confidence” machination,” “fraud,” recuperating from illness;
“falsification,” “forgery,” “defraudation,” and “bad faith,” and “with malice, 4. 6.That as stated, aside from the said blank checks, defendant
malevolence and selfish intent.” Where the allegations of a complaint are ALONZO likewise succeeded in inducing[petitioner] to sign the
vague, indefinite, or in the form of conclusion, its dismissal is not proper for Promissory Notes antedated June 8, 1999 in the amount of
the defendant may ask for more particulars. PESOS: ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT
1,428,272.00) payable to defendants EDITH CALILAP and CALILAP, DANILO CALILAP, GLORIA DOMINGUEZ,
DANILO CALILAP, and another Promissory Noted dated March CARMENCITA GONZALES and ANNILYN C. SABALE and took
1999 in the amount of PESOS: ONE MILLION (Php advantage of the signature of [petitioner] in said blank
1,000,000.00) payable to the same defendants EDITH CALILAP checks which were later on completed by them indicated opposite
and DANILO CALILAP, copies of said Promissory Notes are their respective names and the respective amount thereof, as
hereto attached as Annexes “A” and “A-1” hereof; follows:
5. 7.That another Promissory Note antedated October 1,1999 thru
the machination of defendant ALONZO, was signed by NAME AMOUNT METROBANK
[petitioner] in the amount of PESOS: THREE MILLION FORTY Check No.
SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED ONE (Php 3,046,401.00) Flora Cabrera Php 337,584.58 0111460
excluding interest, in favor of her co-defendants ESTELA Flora Cabrera 98,000.00 0111514
REYES, JANE BACAREL and CHERRY CAMACLANG, a copy Nemia Castro 150,000.00 0084078
of said Promissory Note is hereto attached as Annex “B” hereof;
Edith Calilap/Danilo Calilap 490,000.00 0111513
6. 8.That the Promissory Notes and blank checks were procured thru
Edith Calilap/Danilo Calilap 790,272.00 0111512
fraud and deceit. The consent of the [petitioner] in the issuance
of the two (2) aforementioned Promissory Notes was Edith Calilap/Danilo Calilap 1,220,000.00 0111462
vitiated.Furthermore, the same were issued for Gloria Dominguez/ 1,046,040.00 0111543
Carmencita Gonzales
VOL. 478, DECEMBER 16, 2005 369
Ilano vs. Español
Ilano vs. Español
Annilyn C. Sable 150,000.00 0085134
want of consideration, hence, the same should be cancelled, revoked
or declared null and void; Annilyn C. Sable 250,000.00 0085149
Annilyn C. Sable 186,000.00 0085112
Copy attached as Annexes “D,” “D-1,” “D-2,” “D-3,” “D-4,” “D-5,” “D
1. 9.That as clearly shown heretofore, defendant ALONZO in
collusion with her co-defendants, ESTELA CAMACLANG, ALLAN
CAMACLANG and ESTELITA LEGASPI likewise was able to 1. 6,” “D-7,” “D-8,” “D-9” and “D-10,” respectively; Furthermore,
induce plaintiff to sign several undated blank checks, among defendant ALONZO colluded and conspired with defendant
which are: NEMIA CASTO in procuring the signature of [petitioner] in
documents denominated as “Malayang Salaysay” dated July 22,
1999 in the amount of PESOS: ONE HUNDRED FIFTY
 ● Metrobank Check No. 0111544
THOUSAND (Php 150,000.00) andanother “Malayang Salaysay”
 ● Metrobank Check No. 0111545 dated November 22, 1999 in the amount of PESOS: ONE
 ● Metrobank Check No. 0111546 HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php 100,000.00) Annexes “D-11” and
 ● Metrobank Check No. 0111547 “D-12” hereof;
 ● Metrobank Check No. 0111515 2. 11.That said defendants took undue advantage of thesignature of
[petitioner] in the said blank checks and furthermore forged and
all in the total amount of Php 3,031,600.00, copies of said checks are or falsified the signature of [petitioner] in other unsigned
hereto attached as Annexes “C,” “C-1,” “C-2,” “C-3” and “C-4,” respectively; checksand as it was made to appear that said [petitioner] is under
the obligation to pay them several amounts of money, when in
1. 10.That aside from the checks mentioned heretofore, defendant truth and in fact, said [petitioner] does not owe any of said
ALONZO, confederated and conspired with the following co- defendant any single amount;
3. 12.That the issuance of the aforementioned checks or Promissory 1. A.. . . FAILED TO STATE CLEARLY AND DISTINCTLY THE
Notes or the aforementioned “Malayang Salaysay” to herein FACTS AND LAW ON WHICH THE APPEALED ORDER WAS
defendants were tainted with fraud and deceit, and defendants BASED, THEREBY RENDERING SAID ORDER NULL AND
conspired with one another to defraud herein [petitioner] as the VOID.
aforementioned documents were issued for want of 2. B.. . . ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE COMPLAINT FAILED TO
4. 13.That the aforesaid defendants conspiring and confederating ON HER CLAIM THEREBY DISMISSING THE CASE FOR LACK
together and helping one another committed acts of falsification OF CAUSE OF ACTION.
and defraudation which they should be held accountable under 3. C.. . . ERRED IN GIVING DUE COURSE TO THE MOTION TO
5. 14.The foregoing acts, and transactions, perpetrated by herein
defendants in all bad faith and malice, with malevolence and _______________
selfish intent are causing anxiety, tension, sleepless nights,
wounded feelings, and embarrassment to [petitioner] entitling her 2
Records at pp. 185-186.
to moral damages of at least in the amount of PESOS: FIVE 371
HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php 500,000.00); VOL. 478, DECEMBER 16, 2005 371
Ilano vs. Español
Ilano vs. Español In its Decision4 of March 21, 2003 affirming the dismissal order of the trial
court, the appellate court held that the elements of a cause of action are
1. 15.That to avoid repetition of similar acts and as a correction for absent in the case:
the public good, the defendants should be held liable to xxx
[petitioner] for exemplary damages in the sum of not less than the Such allegations in the complaint are only general averments of fraud,
amount of PESOS: TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php deceit and bad faith. There were no allegations of factsshowing that the
200,000.00); acts complained of were done in the manner alleged. The complaint did
2. 16.That to protect the rights and interest of the [petitioner] in the not clearly ascribe the extent of the liability of each of [respondents].
illegal actuations of the defendants, she was forced to engage the Neither did it state any right or cause of action on the part of [petitioner] to
services of counsel for which she was obliged to pay the sum of show that she is indeed entitled to the relief prayed for. In the first place,
PESOS: ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php 100,000.00) by way the record shows that subject checks which she sought to cancel or revoke
of Attorney’s fees plus the amount of PESOS: THREE had already been dishonored and stamped “ACCOUNT CLOSED.” In fact,
THOUSAND (Php 3,000.00) per appearance in court; there were already criminal charges for violation of Batas Pambansa
x x x (Emphasis and italics supplied) Blg. 22 filed against [petitioner] previous to the filing of the civil case for
revocation/cancellation. Such being the case, there was actually nothing
The named defendants-herein respondents filed their respective Answers more to cancel or revoke. The subject checks could no longer be
invoking, among other grounds for dismissal, lack of cause of action, for negotiated. Thus, [petitioner’s] allegation that the [respondents] were
while the checks subject of the complaint had been issued on account and secretly negotiating with third persons for their delivery and/or assignment,
for value, some had been dishonored due to “ACCOUNT CLOSED”; is untenable.
and the allegations in the complaint are bare and general. In the second place, we find nothing on the face of the complaint to
By Order2 dated October 12, 2000, the trial court dismissed petitioner’s show that [petitioner] denied the genuineness or authenticity of her
complaint for failure “to allege the ultimate facts”—bases of petitioners signature on the subject promissory notes and the allegedly signed blank
claim that her right was violated and that she suffered damages thereby. checks. She merely alleged abuse of trust and confidence on the part of
On appeal to the Court of Appeals, petitioner contended that the trial [Alonzo]. Even assuming arguendo that such allegations were true, then
court: [petitioner] cannot be held totally blameless for her predicament as it was
by her own negligence that subject instruments/signed blank checks fell Id., at pp. 32-33.
into the hands of third persons. Contrary to [petitioner’s] allegations, the 6 Dabuco v. Court of Appeals, 322 SCRA 853, 863 (2000).
promissory notes show that some of the [respondents] were actually Sea-Land Service, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 327 SCRA 135, 139-140
creditors of [petitioner] and who were issued the subject checks as (2000); Fil-Estate Golf and Development, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 265
securities for the loan/obligation incurred. Having taken the instrument in SCRA 614, 637 (1996).
good faith and for Bank of America NT & SA v. Court of Appeals, 400 SCRA 156, 167
_______________ 373
VOL. 478, DECEMBER 16, 2005 373
Court of Appeals Rollo at p. 19. Ilano vs. Español
Rollo at pp. 52-59. As reflected in the above-quoted allegations in petitioner’s complaint,
372 petitioner is seeking twin reliefs, one for revocation/cancellation of
372 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED promissory notes and checks, and the other for damages.
Ilano vs. Español Thus, petitioner alleged, among other things, that respondents, through
value, the [respondents] are therefore considered holders thereof in due “deceit,” “abuse of confidence” “machination,” “fraud,” “falsification,”
course and entitled to payment. “forgery,” “defraudation,” and “bad faith,” and “with malice, malevolence
x x x (Italics supplied) and selfish intent,” succeeded in inducing her to sign antedated promissory
Hence, the present petition for review on certiorari, petitioner faulting the notes and some blank checks, and “[by taking] undue advantage” of her
appellate court: signature on some other blank checks, succeeded in procuring them, even
if there was no consideration for all of these instruments on account of
1. 1.. . . in sustaining the dismissal of the complaint upon the ground which she suffered “anxiety, tension, sleepless nights, wounded feelings
of failure to state a cause of action when there are other several and embarrassment.”
causes of action which ventilate such causes of action in the While some of the allegations may lack particulars, and are in the form
complaint; of conclusions of law, the elements of a cause of action are present. For
2. 2.. . . in finding that a requirement that a Decision which should even if some are not stated with particularity, petitioner alleged 1) her legal
express therein clearly and distinctly the facts and the law on right not to be bound by the instruments which were bereft of consideration
which it is based does not include cases which had not reached and to which her consent was vitiated; 2) the correlative obligation on the
pretrial or trial stage; part of the defendants-respondents to respect said right; and 3) the act of
3. 3.. . . in not finding that a notice of hearing which was addressed the defendants-respondents in procuring her signature on the instruments
to the Clerk of Court is totally defective and that subsequent through “deceit,” “abuse of confidence” machination,” “fraud,”
action of the court did not cure the flaw.5 “falsification,” “forgery,” “defraudation,” and “bad faith,” and “with malice,
malevolence and selfish intent.”
In issue then is whether petitioner’s complaint failed to state a cause of Where the allegations of a complaint are vague, indefinite, or in the form
action. of conclusions, its dismissal is not proper for the defendant may ask for
A cause of action has three elements: (1) the legal right of the plaintiff, more particulars.9
(2) the correlative obligation of the defendant, and (3) the act or omission With respect to the checks subject of the complaint, it is gathered that,
of the defendant in violation of said legal right. In determining the presence except for Check No. 0084078,10 they were
of these elements, inquiry is confined to the four corners of the
complaint6 including its annexes, they being parts thereof.7 If these _______________
elements are absent, the complaint becomes vulnerable to a motion to 9
dismiss on the ground of failure to state a cause of action.8 Tantuico, Jr. v. Republic, 204 SCRA 428, 437-438 (1991). Vide Virata
v. Sandiganbayan, 272 SCRA 661, 675-676 (1997).
10 Id., at p. 16.
374 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED The March 21, 2003 decision of the appellate court affirming the
Ilano vs. Español October 12, 2000 Order of the trial court, Branch 20 of the RTC of Imus,
drawn all against petitioner’s Metrobank Account No. 00703955536-7. Cavite, is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in light of the foregoing
Annex “D-8”11 of the complaint, a photocopy of Check No. 0085134, discussions.
shows that it was dishonored on January 12, 2000 due to “ACCOUNT The trial court is DIRECTED to REINSTATE Civil Case No. 2079-00 to
CLOSED.” When petitioner then filed her complaint on March 28, 2000, all its docket and take further proceedings thereon only insofar as the
the checks subject hereof which were drawn against the same closed complaint seeks the revocation/cancellation of the subject promissory
account were already rendered valueless or non-negotiable, hence, notes and damages.
petitioner had, with respect to them, no cause of action. Let the records of the case be then REMANDED to the trial court.
With respect to above-said Check No. 0084078, however, which was SO ORDERED.
drawn against another account of petitioner, albeit the date of issue bears Panganiban (Chairman), Sandoval-
only the year—1999, its validity and negotiable character at the time the Gutierrez, Corona and Garcia, JJ., concur.
complaint was filed on March 28, 2000 was not affected. For Section 6 of Petition partly granted, judgment affirmed with modification.
the Negotiable Instruments Law provides: Notes.—A motion for bill of particulars may not call for matters which
Section 6. Omission; seal; particular money.—The validity and negotiable should form part of the proof of the complaint upon trial. (Salita vs.
character of an instrument are not affected by the fact that— Magtolis, 233 SCRA 100[1994])
As long as the complaint contains these three elements—(1) a right in
1. (a)It is not dated; or favor of the plaintiff by whatever means and under whatever law it arises
2. (b)Does not specify the value given, or that any value had been or is created; (2) an obligation on the part of the named defendant to
given therefor; or respect or not to violate
3. (c)Does not specify the place where it is drawn or the place where
it is payable; or _______________
4. (d)Bears a seal; or 12
5. (e)Designates a particular kind of current money in which payment Wong v. Court of Appeals, 351 SCRA 100, 111 (2001); Pacheco v.
is to be made. Court of Appeals, 319 SCRA 595, 605 (1999).
x x x (Emphasis supplied) 376
However, even if the holder of Check No. 0084078 would have filled up Maxi Security and Detective Agency vs. National Labor Relations
the month and day of issue thereon to be “December” and “31,” Commission
respectively, it would have, as it did, be- such right; (3) an act or omission on the part of such defendant violative of
the right of the plaintiff or constituting a breach of the obligation of the
_______________ defendant to the plaintiff for which the latter may maintain an action for
recovery of damages—a cause of action exists even though the allegations
Records at p. 18. therein are vague. (Virata vs. Sandiganbayan, 272 SCRA 661 [1997])
375 The issue of a defective Information, on the ground that it does not
VOL. 478, DECEMBER 16, 2005 375 conform substantially to the prescribed form, should be raised in a motion
Ilano vs. Español to quash or a motion for a bill of particulars, and if an accused fails to take
this seasonable step he will be deemed to have waived the defect in the
come stale six (6) months or 180 days thereafter, following current banking
said information. (People vs. Razonable, 330 SCRA 562 [2000])
It is, however, with respect to the questioned promissory notes that the
present petition assumes merit. For, petitioner’s allegations in the
complaint relative thereto, even if lacking particularity, does not as priorly
stated call for the dismissal of the complaint.
466 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED petitioner was such an assignee or transferee.
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals Same; Corporations; Grounds for piercing the veil of corporate
G.R. No. 89252. May 24, 1993.* fiction.—Secondly, it is not disputed that Philfinance and private
RAUL SESBREÑO, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, DELTA respondents Delta and Pilipinas have been organized as separate
MOTORS CORPORATION and PILIPINAS BANK, respondents. corporate entities. Petitioner asks us to pierce their separate corporate
Commercial Law; Non-negotiable Promissory Notes; An instrument entities, but has been able only to cite the presence of a common
though marked non-negotiable, may nevertheless be assigned or Director—Mr. Ricardo Silverio, Sr., sitting on the Boards of Directors of all
transferred.—A non-negotiable instrument may, obviously, not be three (3) companies. Petitioner has neither alleged nor proved that one or
negotiated; but it may be assigned or transferred, absent an express another of the three (3) concededly related companies used the other two
prohibition against assignment or transfer written in the face of the (2) as mere alter egos or that the corporate affairs of the other two (2) were
instrument: “The words ‘not negotiable,’ stamped on the face of the bill of administered and managed for the benefit of one. There is simply not
lading, did not destroy its assignability, but the sole effect was to exempt enough evidence of record to justify disregarding the separate corporate
the bill from the statutory provisions relative thereto, and a bill, though not personalities of Delta and Pilipinas and to hold them liable for any assumed
negotiable, may be transferred by assignment; the assignee taking subject or undetermined liability of Philfinance to petitioner.
to the equities between the original parties.” DMC PN No. 2731, while Same; Civil Law; For the protection of investors, depositary or
marked “non-negotiable,” was not at the same time stamped “non- custodianship agreements made an integral part of money market
transferrable” or “non-assignable.” It contained no stipulation which transactions.—We believe and so hold that a contract of deposit was
prohibited Philfinance from assigning or transferring, in whole or in part, constituted by the act of Philfinance in designating Pilipinas as custodian
that Note. or depositary bank. The depositor was initially Philfinance; the obligation
Same; Assignment of Credit; Debtor’s consent not needed to of the depositary was owed, however, to petitioner Sesbreño as beneficiary
effectuate assignment.—Apropos Delta’s complaint that the partial of the custodianship or depositary agreement. We do not consider that this
assignment by Philfinance of DMC PN No. 2731 had been effected without is a simple case of a stipulation pour autri. The custodianship or depositary
the consent of Delta, we note that such consent was not necessary for the agreement was established as an integral part of the money market
validity and enforceability of the assignment in favor of petitioner. Delta’s transaction entered into by petitioner with Philfinance. Petitioner bought a
argument that Philfinance’s sale or assignment of part of its rights to DMC portion of DMC PN No. 2731; Philfinance as assignor-vendor deposited
PN No. 2731 constituted conventional subrogation, which required its that Note with Pilipinas in order that the thing sold would be placed outside
(Delta’s) consent, is quite mistaken. the control of the vendor.
Same; Same; Agreement prohibiting transfer cannot be invoked Same; Same; Extinguishment of Obligation; Compensation may
against assignee who, without notice parted with valuable consideration in defeat assignee’s rights before notice of the assignment is given to the
good faith.—We find nothing in his “Letter of Agreement” which can be debtor.—In other words, petitioner notified Delta of his rights as assignee
reasonably construed as a prohibition upon Philfinance assigning or after compensation had taken place by operation of law because the
transferring all or part of DMC PN No. 2731, before the maturity thereof. It offsetting instruments had both reached maturity. It is a firmly settled
is scarcely necessary to add that, even had this “Letter of Agreement” set doctrine that the rights of an assignee are not any greater than the rights
forth an explicit prohibition of transfer upon Philfinance, such a prohibition of the assignor, since the assignee is merely substituted in the place of the
cannot be invoked against an assignee or transferee of the Note who assignor and that the assignee acquires his rights subject to the equities—
parted with valuable consideration in good faith and without notice of such i.e., the defenses—which the debtor could have set up against the original
prohibition. It is not disputed that assignor before notice of the assignment was given to the debtor. At the
time that Delta was first put to notice of the assignment in petitioner’s favor
_______________ on 14 July 1981, DMC PN No. 2731 had already been discharged by
compensation. Since the assignor
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 467 Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
Philfinance could not have then compelled payment anew by Delta of 2. (c)post-dated checks payable on 13 March 1981 (i.e., the maturity
DMC PN No. 2731, petitioner, as assignee of Philfmance, is similarly date of petitioner’s investment), with petitioner as payee,
disabled from collecting from Delta the portion of the Note assigned to him. Philfinance as drawer, and Insular Bank of Asia and America as
Same; Same; Solidary Liability.—The solidary liability that petitioner drawee, in the total amount of P304,533.33.
seeks to impute to Pilipinas cannot, however, be lightly inferred. Under
Article 1207 of the Civil Code, “there is a solidary liability only when the On 13 March 1981, petitioner sought to encash the postdated checks
obligation expressly so states, or when the law or the nature of the issued by Philfinance. However, the checks were dishonored for having
obligation requires solidarity.” The record here exhibits no express been drawn against insufficient funds.
assumption of solidary liability vis-a-vis petitioner, on the part of Pilipinas. On 26 March 1981, Philfinance delivered to petitioner the DCR No.
Petitioner has not pointed us to any law which imposed such liability upon 10805 issued by private respondent Pilipinas Bank (“Pilipinas”). It read as
Pilipinas nor has petitioner argued that the very nature of the custodianship follows:
assumed by private respondent Pilipinas necessarily implies solidary
liability under the securities, custody of which was taken by Pilipinas. “PILIPINAS BANK
Accordingly, we are unable to hold Pilipinas solidarity liable with Makati Stock Exchange Bldg.,
Philfinance and private respondent Delta under DMC PN No. 2731. Ayala Avenue, Makati,
Metro Manila
PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals.
February 9, 1991
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. VALUE DATE
Salva, Villanueva & Associates for Delta Motors Corporation.
Reyes, Salazar & Associates for Pilipinas Bank. TO Raul Sesbreño

FELICIANO, J.: April 6, 1981

On 9 February 1981, petitioner Raul Sesbreño made a money market
placement in the amount of P300,000.00 with the Philippine Underwriters NO. 10805
Finance Corporation (“Philfinance”), Cebu Branch; the placement, with a
term of thirty-two (32) days, would mature on 13 March 1981. Philfinance, DENOMINATED CUSTODIAN RECEIPT
also on 9 February 1981, issued the following documents to petitioner:
‘This confirms that as a duly Custodian Bank, and upon instruction of
1. (a)the Certificate of Confirmation of Sale, “without recourse,” No. PHILIPPINE UNDERWRITERS FINANCE CORPORATION, we have in
20496 of one (1) Delta Motors Corporation Promissory Note our custody the following securities to you [sic] the extent herein indicated.
(“DMC PN”) No. 2731 for a term of 32 days at 17.0% per annum; SERIAL MAT. FACE ISSUED REGISTERED AMOUNT
2. (b)the Certificate of Securities Delivery Receipt No. 16587 NUMBER DATE VALUE BY HOLDER PAYEE
indicating the sale of DMC PN No. 2731 to petitioner, with the 2731 4-6-81 2,300,833.34 DMC PHIL. 307,933.33
notation that the said security was in custodianship of Pilipinas UNDERWRITERS
Bank, as per FINANCE CORP.
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 469 Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals We further certify that these securities may be inspected by you or your
duly authorized representative at any time during regular banking hours.
1. Denominated Custodian Receipt (“DCR”) No. 10805 dated 9 Upon your written instructions we shall undertake physical delivery of
February 1981; and the above securities fully assigned to you should this Denominated
Custodianship Receipt remain outstanding in your favor thirty (30) days and the Central Bank. Pilipinas delivered to the SEC DMC PN No. 2731,
after its maturity.’ which to date apparently remains in the custody of the SEC.4
PILIPINAS BANK As petitioner had failed to collect his investment and interest thereon,
(By Elizabeth De Villa he filed on 28 September 1982 an action for damages with the Regional
Illegible Signature)”1 Trial Court (“RTC”) of Cebu City, Branch 21, against private respondents
On 2 April 1981, petitioner approached Ms. Elizabeth de Villa of private Delta and Pilipinas.5 The trial court, in a decision dated 5 August 1987,
respondent Pilipinas, Makati Branch, and handed to her a demand letter dismissed the complaint and counterclaims for lack of merit and for lack of
informing the bank that his placement with Philfinance in the amount cause of action, with costs against petitioner.
reflected in the DCR No. 10805 had remained unpaid and outstanding, and Petitioner appealed to respondent Court of Appeals in C.A.-G.R. CV
that he in effect was asking for the physical delivery of the underlying No. 15195. In a decision dated 21 March 1989, the Court of Appeals denied
promissory note. Petitioner then examined the original of the DMC PN No. the appeal and held: 6
2731 and found: that the security had been issued on 10 April 1980; that it “Be that as it may, from the evidence on record, if there is anyone that
would mature on 6 April 1981; that it had a face value of P2,300,833.33, appears liable for the travails of plaintiff-appellant, it is Philfinance. As
with Philfinance as “payee” and private respondent Delta Motors correctly observed by the trial court:
Corporation (“Delta”) as “maker;” and that on face of the promissory note ‘This act of Philfinance in accepting the investment of plaintiff and charging
was stamped “NON-NEGOTIABLE.” Pilipinas did not deliver the Note, nor it against DMC P.N. No. 2731 when its entire face value was already
any certificate of participation in respect thereof, to petitioner. obligated or earmarked for set-off or compensation is difficult to
Petitioner later made similar demand letters, dated 3 July 1981 and 3 comprehend and may have been
August 1981,2 again asking private respondent Pilipinas for physical
delivery of the original of DMC PN No. 2731. Pilipinas allegedly referred all _______________
of petitioner’s demand letters to Philfinance for written instructions, as had
been supposedly agreed upon in a “Securities Custodianship Agreement” 3
Id., p. 451; Plaintiff’s Memorandum, p. 13.
between Pilipinas and Philfinance. Philfinance never did provide the TSN, 14 June 1983, p. 35.
appropriate instructions; Pilipinas never released DMC PN No. 2731, nor Petitioner explained that he did not implead Philfinance as party
any other instrument in respect thereof, to petitioner. defendant because the latter was under rehabilitation by the Securities and
Exchange Commission (TSN of the Pre-trial Conference, pp. 6 and 30,
______________ dated 04 March 1983).
6 Court of Appeals’ Decision, p. 8; Rollo, p. 90.
Exhibit “C”, Folder of Exhibits, p. 3; TSN, 14 June 1983, p. 41. 472
Records, p. 441; Plaintiff’s Memorandum, p. 3. 472 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
471 Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 471 motivated with bad faith. Philfinance, therefore, is solely and legally
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals obligated to return the investment of plaintiff, together with its earnings,
Petitioner also made a written demand on 14 July 19813upon private and to answer all the damages plaintiff has suffered incident thereto.
respondent Delta for the partial satisfaction of DMC PN No. 2731, Unfortunately for plaintiff, Philfinance was not impleaded as one of the
explaining that Philfinance, as payee thereof, had assigned to him said defendants in this case at bar; hence, this Court is without jurisdiction to
Note to the extent of P307,933.33. Delta, however, denied any liability to pronounce judgment against it. (p. 11, Decision).’
petitioner on the promissory note, and explained in turn that it had WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error in the decision appealed
previously agreed with Philfinance to offset its DMC PN No. 2731 (along from, the same is hereby affirmed in toto. Cost against plaintiff-appellant.”
with DMC PN No. 2730) against Philfinance PN No. 143-A issued in favor Petitioner moved for reconsideration of the above Decision, without
of Delta. success.
In the meantime, Philfinance, on 18 June 1981, was placed under the Hence, this Petition for Review on Certiorari.
joint management of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”)
After consideration of the allegations contained and issues raised in the on the instrument in his own name and cannot demand or receive payment
Pleadings, the Court resolved to give due course to the petition and (Section 51, id.).”9
required the parties to file their respective memoranda.7 Petitioner admits that DMC PN No. 2731 was non-negotiable but contends
Petitioner reiterates the assignment of errors he directed at the trial that that Note had been validly transferred, in part, to him by assignment
court decision, and contends that respondent Court of Appeals gravely and that as a result of such transfer, Delta as debtor-maker of the Note,
erred: (i) in concluding that he cannot recover from private respondent was obligated to pay petitioner the portion of that Note assigned to him by
Delta his assigned portion of DMC PN No. 2731; (ii) in failing to hold private the payee Philfinance.
respondent Pilipinas solidarity liable on the DMC PN No. 2731 in view of Delta, however, disputes petitioner’s contention and argues:
the provisions stipulated in DCR No. 10805 issued in favor of petitioner;
and (iii) in refusing to pierce the veil of corporate entity between 1. (1)that DMC PN No. 2731 was not intended to be negotiated or
Philfinance, and private respondents Delta and Pilipinas, considering that otherwise transferred by Philfinance as manifested by the word
the three (3) entities belong to the “Silverio Group of Companies” under the “non-negotiable” stamp across the face of the Note10 and
leadership of Mr. Ricardo Silverio, Sr.8 because maker Delta and payee Philfinance intended that this
There are at least two (2) sets of relationships which we need to Note would be offset against the outstanding obligation of
address: firstly, the relationship of petitioner vis-a-vis Delta; secondly, the Philfinance represented by Philfinance PN No. 143-A issued to
relationship of petitioner in respect of Pilipinas. Actually, of course, there is Delta as payee;
a third relationship that is of critical importance: the relationship of 2. (2)that the assignment of DMC PN No. 2731 by Philfinance was
petitioner and Philfinance. However, since Philfinance has not been without Delta’s consent, if not against its instructions; and
impleaded in this case, neither the trial court nor the Court of Appeals
acquired jurisdic- _______________
_______________ 9
Id., p. 88.
10TSN, 17 August 1983, p. 36.
Private respondent Delta adopted as its own the Memorandum filed 474
by private respondent Pilipinas (Rollo, pp. 269-73). 474 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
8 Rollo, p. 6.; Petition, p. 5.
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 473
1. (3)assuming (arguendo only) that the partial assignment in favor of
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
petitioner was valid, petitioner took that Note subject to the
tion over the person of Philfinance. It is, consequently, not necessary for
defenses available to Delta, in particular, the offsetting of DMC
present purposes to deal with this third relationship, except to the extent it
PN No. 2731 against Philfmance PN No. 143-A.11
necessarily impinges upon or intersects the first and second relationships.
We consider first the relationship between petitioner and Delta. We consider Delta’s arguments seriatim.
The Court of Appeals in effect held that petitioner acquired no rights Firstly, it is important to bear in mind that the negotiation of a negotiable
vis-a-vis Delta in respect of the Delta promissory note (DMC PN No. 2731) instrument must be distinguished from the assignment or transfer of an
which Philfinance sold “without recourse” to petitioner, to the extent of instrument whether that be negotiable or non-negotiable. Only an
P304,533.33. The Court of Appeals said on this point: instrument qualifying as a negotiable instrument under the relevant statute
“Nor could plaintiff-appellant have acquired any right over DMC P.N. No. may be negotiated either by indorsement thereof coupled with delivery, or
2731 as the same is ‘non-negotiable’ as stamped on its face (Exhibit ‘6’), by delivery alone where the negotiable instrument is in bearer form. A
negotiation being defined as the transfer of an instrument from one person negotiable instrument may, however, instead of being negotiated, also
to another so as to constitute the transferee the holder of the instrument be assigned or transferred. The legal consequences of negotiation as
(Sec. 30, Negotiable Instruments Law). A person not a holder cannot sue distinguished from assignment of a negotiable instrument are, of course,
different. A non-negotiable instrument may, obviously, not be negotiated;
but it may be assigned or transferred, absent an express prohibition part of DMC PN No. 2731, before the maturity thereof. It is scarcely
against assignment or transfer written in the face of the instrument: necessary to add that, even had this “Letter of Agreement” set forth an
“The words ‘not negotiable,’ stamped on the face of the bill of lading, did explicit prohibition of transfer upon Philfinance, such a prohibition cannot
not destroy its assignability, but the sole effect was to exempt the bill from be invoked against an assignee or transferee of the Note who parted with
the statutory provisions relative thereto, and a bill, though not negotiable, valuable consideration in good faith and without notice of such prohibition.
may be transferred by assignment;the assignee taking subject to the It is not disputed that petitioner was such an assignee or transferee. Our
equities between the original parties.”12 (Italics added) conclusion on this point is reinforced by the fact that what Philfinance and
DMC PN No. 2731, while marked “non-negotiable,” was notat the same Delta were doing by their exchange of promissory notes was this: Delta
time stamped “non-transferrable” or “non-assignable.” It contained no invested, by making a money market placement with Philfinance,
stipulation which prohibited Philfinance from assigning or transferring, in approximately P4,600,000.00 on 10 April 1980; but promptly, on the same
whole or in part, that Note. day,
Delta adduced the “Letter of Agreement” which it had entered into with
Philfinance and which should be quoted in full: ______________

_______________ 13 Exhibit “3,” Records, p. 240.

National Bank of Bristol v. Baltimore & O.R. Co., 59 A. 134, 138. See Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
also, in this connection, Consolidated Plywood v. IFC Leasing, 149 SCRA borrowed back the bulk of that placement, i.e., P4,000,000.00, by issuing
449 (1987). its two (2) promissory notes: DMC PN No. 2730 and DMC PN No. 2731,
475 both also dated 10 April 1980. Thus, Philfinance was left with not
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 475 P4,600,000.00 but only P600,000.00 in cash and the two (2) Delta
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals promissory notes.
“April 10, 1980 Apropos Delta’s complaint that the partial assignment by Philfinance of
Philippine Underwriters Finance Corp. DMC PN No. 2731 had been effected without the consent of Delta, we note
Benavidez St., Makati that such consent was not necessary for the validity and enforceability of
Metro Manila the assignment in favor of petitioner.14 Delta’s argument that Philfinance’s
Attention: Mr. Alfredo O. Banaria sale or assignment of part of its rights to DMC PN No. 2731 constituted
SVP-Treasurer conventional subrogation, which required its (Delta’s) consent, is quite
GENTLEMEN: mistaken. Conventional subrogation, which in the first place is never lightly
This refers to our outstanding placement of P4,601,666.67 as inferred,15 must be clearly established by the unequivocal terms of the
evidenced by your Promissory Note No. 143-A, dated April 10, 1980, to subtituting obligation or by the evident incompatibility of the new and old
mature on April 6, 1981. obligations on every point.16 Nothing of the sort is present in the instant
As agreed upon, we enclose our non-negotiable Promissory Note No. case.
2730 and 2731 for P2,000,000.00 each, dated April 10, 1980, to be It is in fact difficult to be impressed with Delta’s complaint, since it
offsetted [sic] against your PN No. 143-A upon co-terminal maturity. released its DMC PN No. 2731 to Philfinance, an entity engaged in the
Please deliver the proceeds of our PNs to our representative, Mr. Eric business of buying and selling debt instruments and other securities, and
Castillo. more generally, in money market transactions. In Perez v. Court of
Very Truly Yours, Appeals,17 the Court, speaking through Mme. Justice Herrera, made the
(Sgd.) following important statement:
Florencio B. Biagan “There is another aspect to this case. What is involved here is a money
Senior Vice President”13 market transaction. As defined by Lawrence Smith ‘the money market is a
We find nothing in his “Letter of Agreement” which can be reasonably market dealing in standardized short-term credit instruments (involving
construed as a prohibition upon Philfinance assigning or transferring all or large amounts) where lenders and borrowers do not deal directly with each
other but through a middle man or dealer in the open market.’ It involves 1. (1)That each one of the obligors be bound principally, and that he
‘commercial papers’ which are instruments ‘evidencing indebtedness of be at the same time a principal creditor of the other;
any person or entity . . . ., which are issued, endorsed, sold or transferred 2. (2)That both debts consist in a sum of money, or if the things due
or in any manner conveyed to another person or entity, with or without are consumable, they be of the same kind, and also of the same
recourse.’ The fundamental quality if the latter has been stated;
3. (3)That the two debts are due;
_______________ 4. (4)That they be liquidated and demandable;
5. (5)That over neither of them there be any retention or controversy,
National Investment and Development Corporation v. De los commenced by third persons and communicated in due time to
Angeles, 40 SCRA 487 (1971); Bastida v. Dy Buncio & Co., 93 Phil. the debtor.” (Italics supplied)
195 (1953). See also Articles 1285 and 1626, Civil Code.
Article 1300, Civil Code. _______________
Article 1292, id.
17 127 SCRA 636 (1984). 18
127 SCRA at 645-646.
f 478
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 477 Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals On 9 February 1981, neither DMC PN No. 2731 nor Philfinance PN No.
function of the money market device in its operation is to match and bring 143-A was due. This was explicitly recognized by Delta in its 10 April 1980
together in a most impersonal manner both the ‘fund users’ and the ‘fund “Letter of Agreement” with Philfinance, where Delta acknowledged that the
suppliers.’ The money market is an ‘impersonal market’, free from personal relevant promissory notes were “to be offsetted (sic) against [Philfinance]
considerations.’ The market mechanism is intended to provide quick PN No. 143-A upon coterminal maturity.”
mobility of money and securities.’ As noted, the assignment to petitioner was made on 9 February 1981
The impersonal character of the money market device overlooks the or from forty-nine (49) days before the “co-terminal maturity” date, that is
individuals or entities concerned. The issuer of a commercial paper in the to say, before any compensation had taken place. Further, the assignment
money market necessarily knows in advance that it would be expeditiously to petitioner would have prevented compensation from taking place
transacted and transferred to any investor/lender without need of notice to between Philfinance and Delta, to the extent of P304,533.33, because
said issuer. In practice, no notification is given to the borrower or issuer of upon execution of the assignment in favor of petitioner, Philfinance and
commercial paper of the sale or transfer to the investor. Delta would have ceased to be creditors and debtors of each other in their
xxx xxx xxx own right to the extent of the amount assigned by Philfinance to petitioner.
There is no need to individuate a money market transaction, a relatively Thus, we conclude that the assignment effected by Philfinance in favor of
novel institution in the Philippine commercial scene. It has been intended petitioner was a valid one and that petitioner accordingly became owner of
to facilitate the flow and acquisition of capital on an impersonal basis. And DMC PN No. 2731 to the extent of the portion thereof assigned to him.
as specifically required by Presidential Decree No. 678, the investing The record shows, however, that petitioner notified Delta of the fact of
public must be given adequate and effective protection in availing of the the assignment to him only on 14 July 1981,19 that is, after the maturity not
credit of a borrower in the commercial paper market.”18 (Citations omitted; only of the money market placement made by petitioner but also of both
italics supplied) DMC PN No. 2731 and Philfinance PN No. 143-A. In other
We turn to Delta’s arguments concerning alleged compensation or words, petitioner notified Delta of his rights as assignee after
offsetting between DMC PN No. 2731 and Philfinance PN No. 143-A. It is compensation had taken place by operation of law because the offsetting
important to note that at the time Philfinance sold part of its rights under instruments had both reached maturity. It is a firmly settled doctrine that
DMC PN No. 2731 to petitioner on 9 February 1981, no compensation had the rights of an assignee are not any greater than the rights of the assignor,
as yet taken place and indeed none could have taken place. The essential since the assignee is merely substituted in the place of the assignor20 and
requirements of compensation are listed in the Civil Code as follows: that the assignee acquires his rights subject to the equities—i.e., the
“Art. 1279. In order that compensation may be proper, it is necessary: defenses—which the debtor could have set up
_______________ 37 Phil. 584 (1918).
22 37 Phil. at 589. See also Rodriguez v. Court of Appeals, 207 SCRA
Records, p. 451; Plaintiff’s Memorandum, p. 13. 553, 559 (1992). See, generally, Philippine National Bank v. General
Gonzales v. Land Bank of the Philippines, 183 SCRA Acceptance and Finance Corp., 161 SCRA 449, 457 (1988).
520 (1990); Philippine National Bank v. General Acceptance and Finance 480
Corp., 161 SCRA 449 (1988); National Investment and Development 480 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Corporation v. De los Angeles, 40 SCRA 489 (1971); Montinola v. Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
Philippine National Bank, 88 Phil. 178 (1951); National Exchange or sale was effected on 9 February 1981. He could have also notified Delta
Company, Ltd. v. Ramos, 51 Phil. 310 (1927); Sison v. Yap-Tico, 37 Phil. as soon as his money market placement matured on 13 March 1981
584 (1918). without payment thereof being made by Philfinance; at that time,
479 compensation had yet to set in and discharge DMC PN No. 2731. Again,
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 479 petitioner could have notified Delta on 26 March 1981 when petitioner
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals received from Philfinance the Denominated Custodianship Receipt
against the original assignor before notice of the assignment was given to (“DCR”) No. 10805 issued by private respondent Pilipinas in favor of
the debtor. Article 1285 of the Civil Code provides that: petitioner. Petitioner could, in fine, have notified Delta at any time before
“ART. 1285. The debtor who has consented to the assignment of rights the maturity date of DMC PN No. 2731. Because petitioner failed to do so,
made by a creditor in favor of a third person, cannot set up against the and because the record is bare of any indication that Philfinance had itself
assignee the compensation which would pertain to him against the notified Delta of the assignment to petitioner, the Court is compelled to
assignor, unless the assignor was notified by the debtor at the time he gave uphold the defense of compensation raised by private respondent Delta.
his consent, that he reserved his right to the compensation. Of course, Philfinance remains liable to petitioner under the terms of the
If the creditor communicated the cession to him but the debtor did not assignment made by Philfinance to petitioner.
consent thereto, the latter may set up the compensation of debts previous II
to the cession, but not of subsequent ones. We turn now to the relationship between petitioner and private respondent
If the assignment is made without the knowledge of the debtor, he may Pilipinas. Petitioner contends that Pilipinas became solidarily liable with
set up the compensation of all credits prior to the same and also later ones Philfinance and Delta when Pilipinas issued DCR No. 10805 with the
until he had knowledge of the assignment.” (Italics supplied) following words:
Article 1626 of the same Code states that: “the debtor who, before having “Upon your written instructions, we [Pilipinas] shall undertakephysical
knowledge of the assignment, pays his creditor shall be released from the delivery of the above securities fully assigned to you—.”23
obligation.” In Sison v. Yap-Tico,21 the Court explained that: The Court is not persuaded. We find nothing in the DCR that establishes
“[n]o man is bound to remain a debtor: he may pay to him with whom he an obligation on the part of Pilipinas to pay petitioner the amount of
contracted to pay; and if he pay before notice that his debt has been P307,933.33 nor any assumption of liability in solidum with Philfinance and
assigned, the law holds him exonerated, for the reason that it is the duty of Delta under DMC PN No. 2731. We read the DCR as a confirmation on the
the person who has acquired a title by transfer to demand payment of the part of Pilipinas that:
debt, to give his debtor notice.”22
At the time that Delta was first put to notice of the assignment in petitioner’s 1. (1)it has in its custody, as duly constituted custodian bank, DMC
favor on 14 July 1981, DMC PN No. 2731 had already been discharged by PN No. 2731 of a certain face value, to mature on 6 April 1981
compensation. Since the assignor Philfinance could not have then and payable to the order of Philfinance;
compelled payment anew by Delta of DMC PN No. 2731, petitioner, as 2. (2)Pilipinas was, from and after said date of the assignment by
assignee of Philfinance, is similarly disabled from collecting from Delta the Philfinance to petitioner (9 February) 1981), holding that Note on
portion of the Note assigned to him.
It bears some emphasis that petitioner could have notified Delta of the _______________
assignment in his favor as soon as that assignment
Petitioner’s Memorandum, p. 12; Rollo, p. 221.
_______________ 481
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 481 482
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals 482 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
1. behalf and for the benefit of petitioner, at least to the extent it had under the securities, custody of which was taken by Pilipinas. Accordingly,
been assigned to petitioner by payee Philfinance;24 we are unable to hold Pilipinas solidarity liable with Philfinance and private
2. (3)petitioner may inspect the Note either “personally or by respondent Delta under DMC PN No. 2731.
authorized representative; at any time during regular bank hours; We do not, however, mean to suggest that Pilipinas has no
and responsibility and liability in respect of petitioner under the terms of the
3. (4)upon written instructions of petitioner, Pilipinas would physically DCR. To the contrary, we find, after prolonged analysis and deliberation,
deliver the DMC PN No. 2731 (or a participation therein to the that private respondent Pilipinas had breached its undertaking under the
extent of P307,933.33)“should this Denominated Custodianship DCR to petitioner Sesbreno.
Receipt remain outstanding in [petitioner’s] favor thirty (30) days We believe and so hold that a contract of deposit was constituted by
after its maturity.” the act of Philfinance in designating Pilipinas as custodian or depositary
bank. The depositor was initially Philfinance; the obligation of the
Thus, we find nothing written in printers ink on the DCR which could depositary was owed, however, to petitioner Sesbreno as beneficiary of
reasonably be read as converting Pilipinas into an obligor under the terms the custodianship or depositary agreement. We do not consider that this is
of DMC PN No. 2731 assigned to petitioner, either upon maturity thereof a simple case of a stipulation pour autri. The custodianship or depositary
or at any other time. We note that both in his complaint and in his testimony agreement was established as an integral part of the money market
before the trial court, petitioner referred merely to the obligation of private transaction entered into by petitioner with Philfinance. Petitioner bought a
respondent Pilipinas to effect physical delivery to him of DMC PN No. portion of DMC PN No. 2731; Philfinance as assignor-vendor deposited
2731.25Accordingly, petitioner’s theory that Pilipinas had assumed a that Note with Pilipinas in order that the thing sold would be placed outside
solidary obligation to pay the amount represented by the portion of the Note the control of the vendor. Indeed, the constituting of the depositary or
assigned to him by Philfinance, appears to be a new theory constructed custodianship agreement was equivalent to constructive delivery of the
only after the trial court had ruled against him. The solidary liability that Note (to the extent it had been sold or assigned to petitioner) to petitioner.
petitioner seeks to impute to Pilipinas cannot, however, be lightly inferred. It will be seen that custodianship agreements are designed to facilitate
Under Article 1207 of the Civil Code, “there is a solidary liability only when transactions in the money market by providing a basis for confidence on
the obligation expressly so states, or when the law or the nature of the the part of the investors or placers that the instruments bought by them are
obligation requires solidarity.” The record here exhibits no express effectively taken out of the pocket, as it were, of the vendors and placed
assumption of solidary liability vis-a-vis petitioner, on the part of Pilipinas. safely beyond their reach, that those instruments will be there available to
Petitioner has not pointed us to any law which imposed such liability upon the placers of funds should they have need of them. The depositary in a
Pilipinas nor has petitioner argued that the very nature of the custodianship contract of deposit is obliged to return the security or the thing deposited
assumed by private respondent Pilipinas necessarily implies solidary upon demand of the depositor (or, in the presented case, of the beneficiary)
liability of the contract, even though a term for such return may have been
established in the said contract.26 Accordingly, any stipulation in the
_______________ contract of deposit or custodianship that runs counter to the fundamental
purpose of that agreement or which
The DCR specified the amount of P307,933.33 as the extent to which
DMC PN No. 2731 pertained to petitioner Raul Sesbreño. This amount ______________
probably refers to the placement of P300,000.00 by petitioner plus interest 26
from 9 February 1981 until the maturity date of DMC PN No. 2731, i.e., 6 Article 1988, Civil Code.
April 1981. 483
25 Complaint, pp. 2-3; Rollo, pp. 23-24; TSN of 11 April 1983, p. 51; VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 483
TSN, 9 October 1986, pp. 15-16. See also Minutes of the Pre-trial Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
Conference, dated 04 March, 1983, p. 9.
was not brought to the notice of and accepted by the placer-beneficiary, petitioner’s money market placement matured on 13 March 1981 without
cannot be enforced as against such beneficiary-placer. payment from Philfinance.
We believe that the position taken above is supported by considerations We conclude, therefore, that private respondent Pilipinas must respond
of public policy. If there is any party that needs the equalizing protection of to petitioner for damages sustained by him arising out of its breach of duty.
the law in money market transactions, it is the members of the general By failing to deliver the Note to the petitioner as depositor-beneficiary of
public who place their savings in such market for the purpose of generating the thing deposited, Pilipinas effectively and unlawfully deprived petitioner
interest revenues.27 The custodian bank, if it is not related either in terms of the Note deposited with it. Whether or not Pilipinas itself benefited from
of equity ownership or management control to the borrower of the funds, such conversion or unlawful deprivation inflicted upon petitioner, is of no
or the commercial paper dealer, is normally a preferred or traditional moment for present purposes. Prima facie, the damages suffered by
banker of such borrower or dealer (here, Philfinance). The custodian bank petitioner consisted of P304,533.33, the portion of the DMC PN No. 2731
would have every incentive to protect the interest of its client the borrower assigned to petitioner but lost by him by reason of discharge of the Note
or dealer as against the placer of funds. The providers of such funds must by compensation, plus legal interest of six percent (6%) per annum
be safeguarded from the impact of stipulations privately made between the counting from 14 March 1981.
borrowers or dealers and the custodian banks, and disclosed to fund- The conclusion we have here reached is, of course, without prejudice
providers only after trouble has erupted. to such right of reimbursement as Pilipinas may have vis-a-vis Philfinance.
In the case at bar, the custodian-depositary bank Pilipinas refused to III
deliver the security deposited with it when petitioner first demanded The third principal contention of petitioner—that Philfinance and private
physical delivery thereof on 2 April 1981. We must again note, in this respondents Delta and Pilipinas should be treated as one corporate
connection, that on 2 April 1981, DMC PN No. 2731 had not yet matured entity—need not detain us for long.
and therefore, compensation or offsetting against Philfinance PN No. 143- In the first place, as already noted, jurisdiction over the person of
A had not yet taken place. Instead of complying with the demand of Philfinance was never acquired either by the trial court nor by the
petitioner, Pilipinas purported to require and await the instructions of respondent Court of Appeals. Petitioner similarly did not seek to implead
Philfinance, in obvious contravention of its undertaking under the DCR to Philfinance in the Petition before us.
effect physical delivery of the Note upon receipt of “written Secondly, it is not disputed that Philfinance and private respondents
instructions” from petitioner Sesbreño.The ostensible term written into the Delta and Pilipinas have been organized as separate corporate entities.
DCR (i.e., “should this [DCR] remain outstanding in your favor thirty [30] Petitioner asks us to pierce their separate corporate entities, but has been
days after its maturity”) was not a defense against petitioner’s demand for able only to cite the presence of a common Director—Mr. Ricardo Silverio,
physical surrender of the Note on at least three grounds: firstly, such term Sr., sitting on the Boards of Directors of all three (3) companies. Petitioner
was never brought to the attention of petitioner Sesbreño at the time the has neither alleged nor proved that one or another of the three (3)
money market placement with Philfinance was made; secondly, such term concededly
runs counter to the very purpose of the custodianship 485
VOL. 222, MAY 24, 1993 485
_______________ Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals
related companies used the other two (2) as mere alter egosor that the
See, in this connection, the second and third “whereas” clauses of corporate affairs of the other two (2) were administered and managed for
P.D. No. 678, dated 2 April 1975. the benefit of one. There is simply not enough evidence of record to justify
484 disregarding the separate corporate personalities of Delta and Pilipinas
484 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED and to hold them liable for any assumed or undetermined liability of
Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals Philfinance to petitioner.28
or depositary agreement as an integral part of a money market transaction; WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing, the Decision and Resolution of the
and thirdly, it is inconsistent with the provisions of Article 1988 of the Civil Court of Appeals in C.A.-G.R. CV No. 15195 dated 21 March 1989 and 17
Code noted above. Indeed, in principle, petitioner became entitled to July 1989, respectively, are hereby MODIFIED and SET ASIDE, to the
demand physical delivery of the Note held by Pilipinas as soon as extent that such Decision and Resolution had dismissed petitioner’s
complaint against Pilipinas Bank. Private respondent Pilipinas Bank is
hereby ORDERED to indemnify petitioner for damages in the amount of
P304,533.33, plus legal interest thereon at the rate of six percent (6%) per
annum counted from 2 April 1981. As so modified, the Decision and
Resolution of the Court of Appeals are hereby AFFIRMED.
No pronouncement as to costs.
Bidin, Davide, Jr., Romero and Melo, JJ., concur.
Decision and resolution affirmed with modification.
Notes.—An assignment of credit is the process of transferring the right
of the assignor to the assignee who would then have the right to proceed
against the debtor (Rodriguez vs. Court of Appeals, 207 SCRA 553).
Consent is not necessary in order that assignment may fully produce
legal effects (Rodriguez vs. Court of Appeals,207 SCRA 553).


Pabalan v. National Labor Relations Commission, 184 SCRA
495(1990); Del Rosario v. National Labor Relations Commission, 187
SCRA 777 (1990); Remo, Jr. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 172 SCRA
448 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Consolidated Plywood lndustries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and Carpio, Villaraza & Cruz Law Offices for petitioners.
Acceptance Corporation Europa, Dacanay & Tolentino for respondent.
No. L-72593. April 30, 1987.*
ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, respondent. This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court which
Negotiable Instruments Law; Promissory Note must he payable to assails on questions of law a decision of the Intermediate Appellate Court
order or bearer to be negotiable.—"The instrument in order to be in AC-G.R. CV No. 68609dated July 17, 1985, as well as its resolution
considered negotiable must contain the so called 'words of negotiability'- dated October 17, 1985, denying the motion f or reconsideration.
ie., must be payable to 'order' or 'bearer.' These words serve as an The antecedent facts culled from the petition are as follows:
expression of consent that the instrument may be transferred. This consent The petitioner is a corporation engaged in the logging business. It had
is indispensable since a maker assumes greater risks under a negotiable for its program of logging activities for the year 1978 the opening of
instrument than under a non-negotiable one. additional roads, and simultaneous logging operations along the route of
Same; Same; When instrument is payable to order.—The instrument said roads, in its logging concession area at Baganga, Manay, and Caraga,
is payable to order where it is drawn payable to the order of a specified Davao Oriental For this purpose, it needed two (2) additional units of
person or to him or his order . . . "These are the only two ways by which tractors.
an instrument may be made payable to order. There must be always be a Cognizant of petitioner-corporation's need and purpose, Atlantic Gulf &
specified person named in the instrument. It means that the bill or note is Pacific Company of Manila, through its sister company and marketing arm,
to be paid to the person designated in the instrument or to any person to Industrial Products Marketing (the "seller-assignor"), a corporation dealing
whom he has indorsed and delivered the same. Without the in tractors and other heavy equipment business, offered to sell to
words 'or order' or 'to the order of,' the instrument is payable only to the petitionercorporation two (2) "Used" Allis Crawler Tractors, one (1) an HD-
person designated therein and is therefore non-negotiable. Any 21-B and the other an HD-16-B.
subsequent purchaser thereof will not enjoy the advantages of being a In order to ascertain the extent of work to which the tractors were to be
holder of a negotiable instrument, but will merely 'step into the shoes' of exposed, (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, p. 44) and to determine the capability of
the person designated in the instrument and will thus be open to all the "Used" tractors being offered,
defenses available against the latter." 450
Same; Same; Effect if promissory note is non-negotiable.—There 450 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and
________________ Acceptance Corporation
petitioner-corporation requested the seller-assignor to inspect the jobsite.
*SECOND DIVISION. After conducting said inspection, the sellerassignor assured petitioner-
449 corporation that the "Used" Allis Crawler Tractors which were being offered
VOL. 149, APRIL 30, 1987 449 were fit for the job, and gave the corresponding warranty of ninety (90)
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc, vs. IFC Leasing and days performance of the machines and availability of parts. (t.s.n., May
Acceptance Corporation 28,1980, pp. 59-66).
fore, considering that the subject promissory note is not a negotiable With said assurance and warranty, and relying on the sellerassignor's
instrument, it follows that the respondent can never be a holder in due skill and judgment, petitioner-corporation through petitioners Wee and
course but remains a mere assignee of the note in question. Thus, the Vergara, president and vice-president, respectively, agreed to purchase on
petitioner may raise against the respondent all defenses available to it as installment said two (2) units of "Used" Allis Crawler Tractors. It also paid
against the seller-assignor, Industrial Products Marketing. the down payment of Two Hundred Ten Thousand Pesos (P210,000.00).
On April 5, 1978, the seller-assignor issued the sales invoice for the two
PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Intermediate (2) units of tractors (Exh. "3-A"). At the same time, the deed of sale with
Appellate Court. chattel mortgage with promissory note was executed (Exh. "2").
Simultaneously with the execution of the deed of sale with chattel interest of One Hundred Fifty One Thousand Six Hundred Eighteen
mortgage with promissory note, the seller-assignor, by means of a deed of Pesos & 86/100 (P151,618.86) as of August 15, 1979, accruing interest
assignment (Exh. "1"), assigned its rights and interest in the chattel thereafter at the rate of twelve (12%) percent per annum, attorney's fees
mortgage in favor of the respondent. of Two Hundred Forty Nine Thousand Eighty One Pesos & 71/100
Immediately thereafter, the seller-assignor delivered said two (2) units (P249,081.71) and costs of suit
of "Used" tractors to the petitioner-corporation's jobsite and as agreed, the The petitioners filed their amended answer praying for the dismissal of
seller-assignor stationed its own mechanics to supervise the operations of the complaint and asking the trial court to order the respondent to pay the
the machines. petitioners damages in an amount at the sound discretion of the court,
Barely fourteen (14) days had elapsed after their delivery when one of Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00) as and for attorney's fees, and Five
the tractors broke down and af ter another nine (9) days, the other tractor Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) for expenses of litigation. The petitioners
likewise broke down (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, pp. 68-69), 452
On April 25, 1978, petitioner Rodolfo T. Vergara formally advised the 452 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
seller-assignor of the fact that the tractors broke down and requested for Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and
the seller-assignor's usual prompt attention under the warranty (Exh, "5"). Acceptance Corporation
In response to the formal advice by petitioner Rodolfo T. Vergara, likewise prayed for such other and further relief as would be just under the
Exhibit "5," the seller-assignor sent to the jobsite its mechanics to conduct premises.
the necessary repairs (Exhs. "6," "6-A," "6-B," 6-C," "6-C-1," "6-D," and "6- In a decision dated April 20, 1981, the trial court rendered the f ollowing
E"), but the tractors did judgment:
451 "WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
VOL. 149, APRIL 30, 1987 451
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and 1. 1.ordering defendants to pay jointly and severally in their official
Acceptance Corporation and personal capacities the principal sum of ONE MILLION
not come out to be what they should be after the repairs were undertaken NINETY THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY
because the units were no longer serviceable (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, p.78). EIGHT PESOS & 71/100 (P1,093,798.71) with accrued interest
Because of the breaking down of the tractors, the road building and of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED
simultaneous logging operations of petitionercorporation were delayed and EIGHTEEN PESOS & 86/100 (P151,618.,86) as of August 15,
petitioner Vergara advised the seller-assignor that the payments of the 1979 and accruing interest thereafter at the rate of 12% per
installments as listed in the promissory note would likewise be delayed until annum;
the seller-assignor completely fulfills its obligation under its warranty (t.s.n, 2. "2)ordering defendants to pay jointly and severally attorney's fees
May 28,1980, p. 79). equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the principal and to pay the
Since the tractors were no longer serviceable, on April 7, 1979, costs of the suit.
petitioner Wee asked the seller-assignor to pull out the units and have them
reconditioned, and thereafter to offer them for sale. The proceeds were to "Defendants' counterclaim is disallowed." (pp. 45-46, Rollo)
be given to the respondent and the excess, if any, to be divided between On June 8, 1981, the trial court issued an order denying the motion f or
the seller-assignor and petitioner-corporation which offered to bear one- reconsideration f iled by the petitioners,
half (1/2) of the reconditioning cost (Exh. "7"). Thus, the petitioners appealed to the Intermediate Appellate Court and
No response to this letter, Exhibit "7," was received by the petitioner- assigned therein the following errors:
corporation and despite several follow-up calls, the seller-assignor did
nothing with regard to the request, until the complaint in this case was filed I
by the respondent against the petitioners, the corporation, Wee, and
The complaint was filed by the respondent against the petitioners for ATLANTIC GULF AND PACIFIC COMPANY OF MANILA DID NOT
the recovery of the principal sum of One Million Ninety Three Thousand APPROVE DEFENDANTS-APPELLANTS CLAIM OF WARRANTY.
Seven Hundred Eighty Nine Pesos & 71/100 (P1,093,789.71), accrued
II note was negotiated when it was transferred and delivered by IPM to the
appellee and duly endorsed to the latter (Sec. 30, NIL); it was taken in the
THAT THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN FINDING THAT PLAINTIFF- conditions that the note was complete and regular upon its face before the
On July 17, 1985, the Intermediate Appellate Court issued the challenged Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and
decision affirming in toto the decision of the Acceptance Corporation
453 notice, that it had been previously dishonored and that the note is in good
VOL. 149, APRIL 30, 1987 453 faith and for value without notice of any infirmity or defect in the title of IPM
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and (Sec. 52, NIL); that IFC Leasing and Acceptance Corporation held the
Acceptance Corporation instrument free from any defect of title of prior parties and free from
trial court. The pertinent portions of the decision are as follows: defenses available to prior parties among themselves and may enforce
xxx xxx xxx payment of the instrument for the full amount thereof against all parties
"From the evidence presented by the parties on the issue of warranty, liable thereon (Sec. 57, NIL); the appellants engaged that they would pay
We are of the considered opinion that aside from the fact that no provision the note according to its tenor, and admit the existence of the payee IPM
of warranty appears or is provided in the Deed of Sale of the tractors and and its capacity to endorse (Sec. 60, NIL).
even admitting that in a contract of sale unless a contrary intention "In view of the essential elements found in the questioned promissory
appears, there is an implied warranty, the defense of breach of warranty, note, We opine that the same is legally and conclusively enforceable
if there is any, as in this case, does not lie in favor of the appellants and against the defendants-appellants.
against the plaintiff-appellee who is the assignee of the promissory note "WHEREFORE, finding the decision appealed from according to law
and a holder of the same in due course. Warranty lies in this case only and evidence, We find the appeal without merit and thus affirm the
between Industrial Products Marketing and Consolidated Plywood decision in toto. With costs against the appellants." (pp. 5055, Rollo)
Industries, Inc. The plaintiffappellant herein upon application by appellant The petitioners' motion for reconsideration of the decision of July 17, 1985
corporation granted financing for the purchase of the questioned units of was denied by the Intermediate Appellate Court in its resolution dated
Fiat-Allis Crawler Tractors. October 17, 1985, a copy of which was received by the petitioners on
xxx xxx xxx October 21, 1985.
"Holding that breach of warranty if any, is not a defense available to Hence, this petition was filed on the following grounds:
appellants either to withdraw from the contract and/or demand a
proportionate reduction of the price with damages in either case (Art. 1567, I.
New Civil Code). We now come to the issue as to whether the plaintiff-
appellee is a holder in due course of the promissory note. ON ITS FACE, THE PROMISSORY NOTE IS CLEARLY NOT A
'To begin with, it is beyond arguments that the plaintiffappellee is a NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT AS DEFINED UNDER THE LAW SINCE IT
financing corporation engaged in financing and receivable discounting IS NEITHER PAYABLE TO ORDER NOR TO BEARER.
extending credit facilities to consumers and industrial, commercial or
agricultural enterprises by discounting or factoring commercial papers or II.
accounts receivable duly authorized pursuant to R.A. 5980 otherwise
"A study of the questioned promissory note reveals that it is a IT IS A MERE ASSIGNEE OF THE SUBJECT PROMISSORY NOTE.
negotiable instrument which was discounted or sold to the IFC Leasing and
Acceptance Corporation for P800,000.00 (Exh. "A") considering the III.
following: it is in writing and signed by the maker; it contains an
unconditional promise to pay a certain sum of money payable at a fixed or SINCE THE INSTANT CASE INVOLVES A NONNEGOTIABLE
determinable future time; it is payable to order (Sec. 1, NIL); the promissory INSTRUMENT AND THE TRANSFER OF
455 The core issue herein is whether or not the promissory note in question is
VOL. 149, APRIL 30, 1987 455 a negotiable instrument so as to bar completely all the available defenses
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and of the petitioner against the respondent-assignee.
Acceptance Corporation Preliminarily, it must be established at the outset that we consider the
RIGHTS WAS THROUGH A MERE ASSIGNMENT, THE PETITIONERS instant petition to have been filed on time because the petitioners' motion
MAY RAISE AGAINST THE RESPONDENT ALL DEFENSES THAT ARE for reconsideration actually raised new issues. It cannot, therefore, be
PRODUCTS MARKETING. The petition is impressed with merit.
First, there is no question that the seller-assignor breached its express
IV. 90-day warranty because the findings of the trial court, adopted by the
respondent appellate court, that "14 days after delivery, the first tractor
THE PETITIONERS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE broke down and 9 days, thereafter, the second tractor became inoperable"
PROMISSORY NOTE BECAUSE: are sustained by the records. The petitioner was clearly a victim of a
A) THE SELLER-ASSIGNOR IS GUILTY OF BREACH OF warranty not honored by the maker.
WARRANTY UNDER THE LAW; The Civil Code provides that:
B) IF AT ALL, THE RESPONDENT MAY RECOVER ONLY FROM THE "ART. 1561. The vendor shall be responsible for warranty against the
SELLER-ASSIGNOR OF THE PROMISSORY NOTE. hidden defects which the thing sold may have, should they render it unfit
for the use for which it is intended, or should they diminish its fitness for
V. such use to such an extent that, had the vendee been aware thereof, he
would not have acquired it or would have given a lower price for it; but said
THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE CHATTEL MORTGAGE BY THE vendor shall not be answerable for patent defects or those which may be
SELLER-ASSIGNOR IN FAVOR OF THE RESPONDENT DOES NOT visible, or for those which are not visible if the vendee is an expert who, by
CHANGE THE NATURE OF THE TRANSACTION FROM BEING A SALE reason of his trade or profession, should have known them.
ON INSTALLMENTS TO A PURE LOAN. "ART. 1562. In a sale of goods, there is an implied warranty or condition
as to the quality or fitness of the goods, as follows:
VI. "(1) Where the buyer, expressly or by implication, makes known to the
seller the particular purpose for which the goods areacquired, and it
THE PROMISSORY NOTE CANNOT BE ADMITTED OR USED IN appears that the buyer relies on the seller's skill or judg-ment (whether he
EVIDENCE IN ANY COURT BECAUSE THE REQUISITE be the grower or manufacturer or not), there is an implied warranty that the
DOCUMENTARY STAMPS HAVE NOT BEEN AFFIXED THEREON OR goods shall be reasonably fit for such purpose;
CANCELLED. xxx xxx xxx
The petitioners prayed that judgment be rendered setting aside the "ART. 1564. An implied warranty or condition as to the quality or fitness
decision dated July 17, 1985, as well as the resolution dated October 17, for a particular purpose may be annexed by the
1985 and dismissing the complaint but granting petitioners' counterclaims 457
before the court of origin. VOL. 149, APRIL 30, 1987 457
On the other hand, the respondent corporation in its comment to the Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and
petition filed on February 20,1986, contended that the petition was filed out Acceptance Corporation
of time; that the promissory note is a negotiable instrument and respondent usage of trade.
a holder in due course; that respondent is not liable for any breach of xxx xxx xxx
warranty; and finally, that the promissory note is admissible in evidence. "ART. 1566. The vendor is responsible to the vendee for any hidden
456 faults or defects in the thing sold, even though he was not aware thereof.
456 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED "This provision shall not apply if the contrary has been stipulated, and
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and the vendor was not aware of the hidden faults or defects in the thing sold."
Acceptance Corparation (Italics supplied).
It is patent then, that the seller-assignor is liable for its breach of warranty not require that the contracting party who believes itself injured must first
against the petitioner. This liability as a general rule, extends to the file suit and wait for a judgment before taking extrajudicial steps to protect
corporation to whom it assigned its rights and interests unless the assignee its interest. Otherwise, the party injured by the other's breach will have to
is a holder in due course of the promissory note in question, assuming the passively sit and watch its damages accumulate during the pendency of
note is negotiable, in which case the latter's rights are based on the the suit until the final judgment of rescission is rendered when the law itself
negotiable instrument and assuming further that the petitioner's defenses requires that he should exercise due diligence to minimize its own
may not prevail against it. damages (Civil Code, Article 2203)." (Italics supplied)
Secondly, it likewise cannot be denied that as soon as the tractors Going back to the core issue, we rule that the promissory note in question
broke down, the petitioner-corporation notified the seller-assignor's sister is not a negotiable instrument
company, AG & P, about the breakdown based on the seller-assignor's The pertinent portion of the note is as f ollows:
express 90-day warranty, with which the latter complied by sending its "FOR VALUE RECEIVED, I/we jointly and severally promise to pay to the
mechanics. However, due to the seller-assignor's delay and its failure to INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS MARKETING, the sum of ONE MILLION
comply with its warranty, the tractors became totally unserviceable and NINETY THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE PESOS
useless for the purpose f or which they were purchased & 71/100 only (P1,093,789.71), Philippine Currency, the said principal
Thirdly, the petitioner-corporation, thereafter, unilaterally rescinded its sum, to be payable in 24 monthly installments starting July 15, 1978 and
contract with the seller-assignor. every 15th of the month thereafter until fully paid. x x x."
Articles 1191 and 1567 of the Civil Code provide that: Considering that paragraph (d), Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments
"ART. 1191. The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal Law requires that a promissory note "must be
ones, in case one of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent 459
upon him. VOL. 149, APRIL 30, 1987 459
"The injured party may choose between the fulfillment and the Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and
rescission of the obligation, with the payment of damages in either Acceptance Corporation
case. He may also seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, if payable to order or bearer," it cannot be denied that the promissory note
the latter should become impossible. in question is not a negotiable instrument.
xxx xxx xxx "The instrument in order to be considered negotiable must contain the so-
458 called 'words of negotiability'—i.e., must be payable to 'order' or 'bearer'.
458 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED These words serve as an expression of consent that the instrument may
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and be transferred. This consent is indispensable since a maker assumes
Acceptance Corporation greater risk under a negotiable instrument than under a non-negotiable
"ART. 1567. In the cases of articles 1561, 1562, 1564, 1565 and 1566, the one. x x x.
vendee may elect between withdrawing from the contract and demanding xxx xxx xxx
a proportionate reduction of the price, with damages in either case." (Italics "When instrument is payable to order.—
supplied) "SEC. 8. WHEN PAYABLE TO ORDER.—The instrument is payable to
Petitioner, having unilaterally and extrajudicially rescinded its contract with order where it is drawn payable to the order of a specified person or to him
the seller-assignor, necessarily can no longer sue the seller-assignor or his order. . . .
except by way of counterclaim if the seller-assignor sues it because of the xxx xxx xxx
rescission. "These are the only two ways by which an instrument may be made
In the case of the University of the Philippines v De los Angeles (35 payable to order. There must always be a specified person named in the
SCRA 102) we held: instrument. It means that the bill or note is to be paid to the person
"In other words, the party who deems the contract violated may consider it designated in the instrument or to any person to whom he has indorsed
resolved or rescinded, and act accordingly, without previous and delivered the same. Without the words 'or order' or 'to the order of,' the
court action, but it proceeds at its own risk. For it is only the final judgment instrument is payable only to the person designated therein and is
of the corresponding court that will conclusively and finally settle whether therefore non-negotiable. Any subsequent purchaser thereof will not enjoy
the action taken was or was not correct in law. But the law definitely does the advantages of being a holder of a negotiable instrument, but will
merely 'step into the shoes' of the person designated in the instrument and "ATTY. ILAGAN:
will thus be open to all defenses available against the latter." (Campos and
Campos, Notes and Selected Cases on Negotiable Instruments Law, Third "We stipulate it is one single transaction." (pp. 27-29, TSN., February
Edition, page 38). (Italics supplied) 13, 1980).
Therefore, considering that the subject promissory note is not a negotiable Secondly, even conceding for purposes of discussion that the promissory
instrument, it follows that the respondent can never be a holder in due note in question is a negotiable instrument, the respondent cannot be a
course but remains a mere assignee of the note in question. Thus, the holder in due course for a more significant reason.
petitioner may raise against the respondent all defenses available to it as The evidence presented in the instant case shows that prior to the sale
against the sellerassignor, Industrial Products Marketing. on installment of the tractors, there was an arrangement between the
This being so, there was no need for the petitioner to implead the seller- seller-assignor, Industrial Products Market-
assignor when it was sued by the respondentassignee because the 461
petitioner's defenses apply to both or either of them. VOL. 149, APRIL 30, 1987 461
460 Consolidated Plywood lndustries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and ing, and the respondent whereby the latter would pay the seller-assignor
Acceptance Corporation the entire purchase price and the sellerassignor, in turn, would assign its
Actually, the records show that even the respondent itself admitted to being rights to the respondent which acquired the right to collect the price from
a mere assignee of the promissory note in question, to wit: the buyer, herein petitioner Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc.
A mere perusal of the Deed of Sale with Chattel Mortgage with
"ATTY. PALACA: Promissory Note, the Deed of Assignment and the Disclosure of
Loan/Credit Transaction shows that said documents evidencing the sale
"Did we get it right from the counsel that what is being assigned is the Deed on installment of the tractors were all executed on the same day by and
of Sale with Chattel Mortgage with the promissory note which is as testified among the buyer, which is herein petitioner Consolidated Plywood
to by the witness was indorsed? (Counsel for Plaintiff nodding his head.) Industries, Inc.; the sellerassignor which is the Industrial Products
Then we have no further questions on cross. Marketing; and the assignee-financing company, which is the respondent.
Therefore, the respondent had actual knowledge of the fact that the seller-
"COURT: assignor's right to collect the purchase price was not unconditional and that
it was subject to the condition that the tractors sold were not defective. The
"You confirm his manifestation? You are nodding your head? Do you respondent knew that when the tractors turned out to be defective, it would
confirm that? be subject to the defense of failure of consideration and cannot recover the
purchase price from the petitioners. Even assuming for the sake of
"ATTY. ILAGAN: argument that the promissory note is negotiable, the respondent, which
took the same with actual knowledge of the foregoing facts so that its action
"The Deed of Sale cannot be assigned. A deed of sale is a transaction in taking the instrument amounted to bad faith, is not a holder in due
between two persons; what is assigned are rights, the rights of the course. As such, the respondent is subject to all defenses which the
mortgagee were assigned to the IFC Leasing & Acceptance Corporation. petitioners may raise against the seller-assignor. Any other interpretation
would be most inequitous to the unfortunate buyer who is not only saddled
"COURT: with two useless tractors but must also face a lawsuit from the assignee
for the entire purchase price and all its incidents without being able to raise
"He puts it in a simple way,—as one—deed of sale and chattel valid defenses available as against the assignor.
mortgage were assigned;. . . you want to make a distinction, one is an Lastly, the respondent failed to present any evidence to prove that it
assignment of mortgage right and the other one is indorsement of the had no knowledge of any fact, which would justify its act of taking the
promissory note. What counsel for defendants wants is that you stipulate promissory note as not amounting to bad faith.
that it is contained in one single transaction? Sections 52 and 56 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provide that:
462 " 'lf this opinion imposes great burdens on finance companies it is a
462 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED potent argument in favor of a rule which will afford public protection to the
Consolidated Plywood lndustries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and general buying public against unscrupulous dealers in personal property. .
Acceptance Corporation . .' (Mutual Finance Co. v. Martin, 63 So. 2d 649, 44 ALR 2d 1 [1953])"
"SEC. 52. WHAT CONSTITUTES A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE.—A (Campos and Campos, Notes and Selected Cases on Negotiable
holder in due course is a holder who has taken the instrument under the Instruments Law, Third Edition, p. 128).' "
following conditions: In the case of Commercial Credit Corporation v. Orange Country Machine
xxx xxx xxx Works (34 Cal. 2d 766) involving similar facts, it was held that in a very real
xxx xxx xxx sense, the finance company was a moving force in the transaction from its
"(c) That he took it in good faith and for value; very inception and acted as a party to it. When a finance company actively
"(d) That at the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice of any participates in a transaction of this type from its inception, it cannot be
infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it regarded as a holder in due course of the note given in the transaction.
xxx xxx xxx In like manner, therefore, even assuming that the subject promissory
"SEC. 56. WHAT CONSTITUTES NOTICE OF DEFECT.—To note is negotiable, the respondent, a financing company which actively
constitute notice of an infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the participated in the sale on installment of the subject two Allis Crawler
person negotiating the same, the person to whom it is negotiated must tractors, cannot be regarded as a holder in due course of said note. It
have had actual knowledge of the infirmity or defect, or knowledge of such follows that the respondent's rights under the promissory note involved in
facts that his action in taking the instrument amounts to bad faith." (Italics this case are subject to all defenses that the petitioners have against the
supplied) seller-assignor, Industrial Products Marketing. For Section 58 of the
We subscribe to the view of Campos and Campos that a financing Negotiable Instruments Law provides that "in the hands of any holder other
company is not a holder in good faith as to the buyer, to wit: than a holder in due course, a negotiable instrument is subject to the same
"In installment sales, the buyer usually issues a note payable to the seller defenses as if it were non-negotiable. x x x."
to cover the purchase price. Many times, in pursuance of a previous Prescinding from the foregoing and setting aside other peripheral
arrangement with the seller, a finance company pays the full price and the issues, we find that both the trial and respondent appellate court erred in
note is indorsed to it, subrogating it to the right to collect the price from the holding the promissory note in question to be negotiable, Such a ruling
buyer, with interest. With the increasing frequency of installment buying in does not only violate the law and applicable jurisprudence, but would result
this country, it is most probable that the tendency of the courts in the United in unjust enrichment on the part of both the seller-assignor and respondent
States to protect the buyer against the finance company will find judicial assignee at the expense of the petitioner-corporation
approval here. Where the goods sold turn out to be defective, the finance 464
company will be subject to the defense of failure of consideration and 464 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
cannot recover the purchase price from the buyer. As against the argument People vs. Rosas
that such a rule would seriously affect 'a certain mode of transacting which rightfully rescinded an inequitable contract. We note, however, that
business adopted throughout the State,' a court in one case stated: since the seller-assignor has not been impleaded herein, there is no
" 'lt may be that our holding here will require some changes in business obstacle for the respondent to file a civil suit and litigate its claims against
methods and will impose a greater burden on the finance companies. We the seller-assignor in the rather unlikely possibility that it so desires.
think the buyer—Mr. & Mrs. General Public—should have some protection WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the decision of the respondent
somewhere along the line. We believe the finance company is better able appellate court dated July 17, 1985, as well as its resolution dated October
to bear 17, 1986, are hereby ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. The complaint against
463 the petitioner before the trial court is DISMISSED.
VOL. 149, APRIL 30, 1987 463 SO ORDERED.
Consolidated Plywood lndustries, Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and Fernan, Paras, Padilla, Bidin and Cortes, JJ.,concur.
Acceptance Corporation Decision annulled and set aside.
the risk of the dealer's insolvency than the buyer and in a far better position
to protect his interests against unscrupulous and insolvent dealers. . . . ——o0o——
374 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED funds and presumed delivered to the payee based on the last
De la Victoria vs. Burgos sentence of Sec. 16 of the Negotiable Instruments Law which states: “And
G.R. No. 111190. June 27, 1995.* where the instrument is no longer in the possession of a party whose
LORETO D. DE LA VICTORIA, as City Fiscal of Mandaue City and in his signature appears thereon, a valid and intentional delivery by him is
personal capacity as garnishee, petitioner, vs. HON. JOSE P. BURGOS, presumed.” Yet, the presumption is not conclusive because the last portion
Presiding Judge, RTC, Br. XVII, Cebu City, and RAUL H. SESBREÑO, of the provision says “until the contrary is proved.” However this phrase
respondents. was deleted by the trial court for no apparent reason. Proof to the contrary
Judgments; Garnishment; Words and Phrases; Garnishment is is its own finding that the checks were in the custody of petitioner.
considered as a species of attachment for reaching credits belonging to Inasmuch as said checks had not yet been delivered to Mabanto, Jr.,
the judgment debtor owing to him from a stranger to the litigation.— they did not belong to him and still had the character of public funds. In Tiro
Garnishment is considered as a species of attachment for reaching credits v. Hontanosas we ruled that—The salary check of a government officer or
belonging to the judgment debtor owing to him from a stranger to the employee such as a teacher does not belong to him before it is physically
litigation. Emphasis is laid on the phrase “belonging to the judgment delivered to him. Until that time the check belongs to the government.
debtor” since it is the focal point in resolving the issues raised. Accordingly, before there is actual delivery of the check, the payee has no
Same; Same; Same; Administrative Law; Public Officers; Negotiable power over it; he cannot assign it without the consent of the Government.
Instruments Law; As ordinarily understood, delivery means the transfer of Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Checks due a
the possession of the instrument by the maker or drawer with intent to government employee may not be garnished to satisfy a judgment.—As a
transfer title to the payee and recognize him as the holder thereof.—As necessary consequence of being public fund, the checks may not be
Assistant City Fiscal, the source of the salary of Mabanto, Jr., is public garnished to satisfy the judgment. The rationale behind this doctrine is
funds. He receives his compensation in the form of checks from the obvious consideration of public policy. The Court succinctly stated
Department of Justice through petitioner as City Fiscal of Mandaue City in Commissioner of Public Highways v. San Diego that—The functions and
and head of office. Under Sec. 16 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, every public services rendered by the State cannot be allowed to be paralyzed
contract on a negotiable instrument is incomplete and revocable or disrupted by the diversion of public funds from their legitimate and
until delivery of the instrument for the purpose of giving effect thereto. As specific objects, as appropriated by law.
ordinarily understood, delivery means the transfer of the possession of the Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; It is incumbent upon the
instrument by the maker or drawer with intent to transfer title to the payee garnishee to inquire into the validity of the notice of garnishment where he
and recognize him as the holder thereof. has actual knowledge of the non-entitlement of garnisher to the checks in
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Where checks due a his possession.—In the case at bench, it was incumbent upon petitioner to
government employee have not yet been delivered to him, they do not inquire into the validity of the notice of garnishment as he had actual
belong to him and still have the character of public funds.—According to knowledge of the non-entitlement of private respondent to the checks in
the trial court, the checks of Mabanto, Jr., were already released by the question. Consequently, we find no difficulty concluding that the trial court
Department of Justice duly signed by the officer concerned through exceeded its jurisdiction in issuing the notice of garnishment concerning
petitioner and upon service of the writ of garnishment by the sheriff the salary checks of Mabanto, Jr., in the possession of petitioner.
petitioner was under obligation to hold them for the judgment creditor. It
recognized the role of petitioner as custodian of the checks. At the same DAVIDE, JR., J., Separate opinion:
time however it considered the checks as no longer government
Judgments; Garnishment; Administrative Law; Public Officers; If the
_______________ salary and RATA checks correspond to a payroll period and to a month
which had already lapsed at the time the notice of garnishment is served,
FIRST DIVISION. the garnishment would be valid, as the checks would then cease
375 376
De la Victoria vs. Burgos De la Victoria vs. Burgos
to be property of the Government and would become the property of ees, directed petitioner on 4 November 1992 to submit his report showing
the employee.—I respectfully submit that if these salary and RATA checks the amount of the garnished salaries of Mabanto, Jr., within fifteen (15)
corresponded, respectively, to a payroll period and to a month which had days from receipt2 taking into consideration the provisions of Sec. 12, pars.
already lapsed at the time the notice of garnishment was served, the (f) and (i), Rule 39 of the Rules of Court.
garnishment would be valid, as the checks would then cease to be property On 24 November 1992 private respondent filed a motion to require
of the Government and would become property of Mabanto. Upon the petitioner to explain why he should not be cited in contempt of court for
expiration of such period and month, the sums indicated therein were failing to comply with the order of 4 November 1992.
deemed automatically segregated from the budgetary allocations for the On the other hand, on 19 January 1993 petitioner moved to quash the
Department of Justice under the General Appropriations Act. notice of garnishment claiming that he was not in possession of any
money, funds, credit, property or anything of value belonging to Mabanto,
PETITION for review of a decision of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu Jr., except his salary and RATA checks, but that said checks were not yet
City, Br. 18. properties of Mabanto, Jr., until delivered to him. He further claimed that,
as such, they were still public funds which could not be subject to
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. garnishment.
On 9 March 1993 the trial court denied both motions and ordered
BELLOSILLO, J.: petitioner to immediately comply with its order of 4 November 1992.3 It
opined that the checks of Mabanto, Jr., had already been released through
RAUL H. SESBREÑO filed a complaint for damages against Assistant City petitioner by the Department of Justice duly signed by the officer
Fiscals Bienvenido N. Mabanto, Jr., and Dario D. Rama, Jr., before the concerned. Upon service of the writ of garnishment, petitioner as custodian
Regional Trial Court of Cebu City. After trial judgment was rendered of the checks was under obligation to hold them for the judgment creditor.
ordering the defendants to pay P11,000.00 to the plaintiff, private Petitioner became a virtual party to, or a forced intervenor in, the case and
respondent herein. The decision having become final and executory, on the trial court thereby acquired jurisdiction to bind him to its orders and
motion of the latter, the trial court ordered its execution. This order was processes with a view to the complete satisfaction of the judgment.
questioned by the defendants before the Court of Appeals. However, on Additionally, there was no sufficient reason for petitioner to hold the checks
15 January 1992 a writ of execution was issued. because they were no longer government funds and presumably delivered
On 4 February 1992 a notice of garnishment was served on petitioner to the payee, conformably with the last sentence of Sec. 16 of the
Loreto D. de la Victoria as City Fiscal of Mandaue City where defendant Negotiable Instruments Law.
Mabanto, Jr., was then detailed. The notice directed petitioner not to With regard to the contempt charge, the trial court was not morally
disburse, transfer, release or convey to any other person except to the convinced of petitioner’s guilt. For, while his explanation suffered from
deputy sheriff concerned the salary checks or other checks, monies, or procedural infirmities nevertheless he took pains in enlightening the court
cash due or belonging to Mabanto, Jr., under penalty of law.1 On 10 March by sending a written explanation dated
1992 private respondent filed a motion before the trial court for examination
of the garnishees. _______________
On 25 May 1992 the petition pending before the Court of Appeals was
dismissed. Thus the trial court, finding no more legal obstacle to act on the 2
Id., p. 18.
motion for examination of the garnish- 3
Id., p. 115.
De la Victoria vs. Burgos
Rollo, p. 12. 22 July 1992 requesting for the lifting of the notice of garnishment on the
377 ground that the notice should have been sent to the Finance Officer of the
VOL. 245, JUNE 27, 1995 377 Department of Justice. Petitioner insists that he had no authority to
De la Victoria vs. Burgos segregate a portion of the salary of Mabanto, Jr.. The explanation however
was not submitted to the trial court for action since the stenographic According to the trial court, the checks of Mabanto, Jr., were already
reporter failed to attach it to the record.4 released by the Department of Justice duly signed by the officer concerned
On 20 April 1993 the motion for reconsideration was denied. The trial through petitioner and upon service of the writ of garnishment by the sheriff
court explained that it was not the duty of the garnishee to inquire or judge petitioner was under obligation to hold them for the judgment creditor. It
for himself whether the issuance of the order of execution, writ of execution recognized the role of petitioner as custodian of the checks. At the same
and notice of garnishment was justified. His only duty was to turn over the time however it considered the checks as no longer government funds and
garnished checks to the trial court which issued the order of execution.5 presumed delivered to the payee based on the last sentence of Sec. 16 of
Petitioner raises the following relevant issues: (1) whether a check still the Negotiable Instruments Law which states: “And where the instrument
in the hands of the maker or its duly authorized representative is owned by is no longer in the possession of a party whose signature appears thereon,
the payee before physical delivery to the latter; and, (2) whether the salary a valid and intentional delivery by him is presumed.” Yet, the presumption
check of a government official or employee funded with public funds can is not conclusive because the last portion of the provision says “until the
be subject to garnishment. contrary is proved.” However this phrase was deleted by the trial court for
Petitioner reiterates his position that the salary checks were not owned no apparent reason. Proof to the contrary is its own finding that the checks
by Mabanto, Jr., because they were not yet delivered to him, and that were in the custody of petitioner. Inasmuch as said checks had not yet
petitioner as garnishee has no legal obligation to hold and deliver them to been delivered to Mabanto, Jr., they did not belong to him and still had the
the trial court to be applied to Mabanto, Jr.’s judgment debt. The thesis of character of public funds. In Tiro v. Hontanosas 8 we ruled that—
petitioner is that the salary checks still formed part of public funds and The salary check of a government officer or employee such as a teacher
therefore beyond the reach of garnishment proceedings. does not belong to him before it is physically delivered to him. Until that
Petitioner has well argued his case. time the check belongs to the government. Accordingly, before there is
Garnishment is considered as a species of attachment for reaching actual delivery of the check, the payee has no power over it; he cannot
credits belonging to the judgment debtor owing to him from a stranger to assign it without the consent of the Government.
the litigation.6 Emphasis is laid on the phrase “belonging to the judgment
debtor” since it is the focal point in resolving the issues raised. _______________

_______________ 7 Hector S. de Leon, The Law on Negotiable Instruments, 1989 Ed., p.

48; People v. Yabut, Jr., No. L-42902, 29 April 1977, 76 SCRA 624.
4 8 No. L-32312, 25 November 1983, 125 SCRA 697.
Id., p. 114.
Id., p. 129. 380
6 Engineering Construction, Inc. v. National Power Corporation, No. L-
34589, 29 June 1988, 163 SCRA 9; Rizal Commercial Banking De la Victoria vs. Burgos
Corporation v. de Castro, No. L-34548, 29 November 1988, 168 SCRA 49; As a necessary consequence of being public fund, the checks may not be
Sec. 8, Rule 57 of the Rules of Court. garnished to satisfy the judgment.9 The rationale behind this doctrine is
379 obvious consideration of public policy. The Court succinctly stated
VOL. 245, JUNE 27, 1995 379 in Commissioner of Public Highways v. San Diego 10 that—
De la Victoria vs. Burgos The functions and public services rendered by the State cannot be allowed
As Assistant City Fiscal, the source of the salary of Mabanto, Jr., is public to be paralyzed or disrupted by the diversion of public funds from their
funds. He receives his compensation in the form of checks from the legitimate and specific objects, as appropriated by law.
Department of Justice through petitioner as City Fiscal of Mandaue City In denying petitioner’s motion for reconsideration, the trial court expressed
and head of office. Under Sec. 16 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, every the additional ratiocination that it was not the duty of the garnishee to
contract on a negotiable instrument is incomplete and revocable inquire or judge for himself whether the issuance of the order of execution,
until delivery of the instrument for the purpose of giving effect thereto. As the writ of execution, and the notice of garnishment was justified, citing our
ordinarily understood, delivery means the transfer of the possession of the ruling in Philippine Commercial Industrial Bank v. Court of Appeals.11 Our
instrument by the maker or drawer with intent to transfer title to the payee precise ruling in that case was that “[I]t is not incumbent upon the garnishee
and recognize him as the holder thereof.7 to inquire or to judge for itself whether or not the order for the advance
execution of a judgment is valid.” But that is invoking only the general rule. through the heads of the corresponding offices of the Departments. Thus,
We have also established therein the compelling reasons, as exceptions in the case of Prosecutors and Assistant Prosecutors of the Department of
thereto, which were not taken into account by the trial court, e.g., a defect Justice, the checks are sent through the Provincial Prosecutors or City
on the face of the writ or actual knowledge by the garnishee of lack of Prosecutors, as the case may be, who shall then deliver the checks to the
entitlement on the part of the garnisher. It is worth to note that the ruling payees.
referred to the validity of advance execution of judgments, but a careful Involved in the instant case are the salary and RATA checks of then
scrutiny of that case and similar cases reveals that it was applicable to a Assistant City Fiscal Bienvenido Mabanto, Jr., who was detailed in the
notice of garnishment as well. In the case at bench, it was incumbent upon Office of the City Fiscal (now Prosecutor) of Mandaue City. Conformably
petitioner to inquire into the validity of the notice of garnishment as he had with the aforesaid practice, these checks were sent to Mabanto thru the
actual knowledge of the non-entitlement of private respondent to the petitioner who was then the City Fiscal of Mandaue City.
checks in question. Consequently, we find no difficulty concluding that the The ponencia failed to indicate the payroll period covered by the salary
trial court exceeded its jurisdiction in issuing the notice of garnishment check and the month to which the RATA check corresponds.
concerning the salary checks of Mabanto, I respectfully submit that if these salary and RATA checks
corresponded, respectively, to a payroll period and to a month
_______________ 382
Republic v. Palacio, No. L-20322, 29 May 1968, 23 SCRA De la Victoria vs. Burgos
899; Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry v. Concepcion, 43 which had already lapsed at the time the notice of garnishment was served,
Phil. 384(1922); Traders Royal Bank v. IAC, G.R. No. 68514, 17 the garnishment would be valid, as the checks would then cease to be
December 1990, 192 SCRA 305. property of the Government and would become property of Mabanto. Upon
10 No. L-30098, 18 February 1970, 31 SCRA 616.
the expiration of such period and month, the sums indicated therein were
11 G.R. No. 84526, 28 January 1991, 193 SCRA 452.
deemed automatically segregated from the budgetary allocations for the
381 Department of Justice under the General Appropriations Act.
VOL. 245, JUNE 27, 1995 381 It must be recalled that the public policy against execution, attachment,
De la Victoria vs. Burgos or garnishment is directed to public funds.
Jr., in the possession of petitioner. Thus, in the case of Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The orders of 9 March 1993 vs. Concepcion,1 where the core issue was whether or not the salary due
and 20 April 1993 of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, Br. 17, subject from the Government to a public officer or employee can, by garnishment,
of the petition are SET ASIDE. The notice of garnishment served on be seized before being paid to him and appropriated to the payment of his
petitioner dated 3 February 1992 is ordered DISCHARGED. judgment debts, this Court held:
SO ORDERED. A rule, which has never been seriously questioned, is that money in the
Quiason and Kapunan, JJ., concur. hands of public officers, although it may be due government employees, is
Padilla, (J., Chairman), I join Mr. Justice Davide, Jr. in his separate not liable to the creditors of these employees in the process of
opinion. garnishment. One reason is, that the State, by virtue of its sovereignty, may
Davide, Jr., J., Please see separate opinion. not be sued in its own courts except by express authorization by the
SEPARATE OPINION Legislature, and to subject its officers to garnishment would be to permit
indirectly what is prohibited directly. Another reason is that moneys sought
DAVIDE, JR., J.: to be garnished, as long as they remain in the hands of the disbursing
officer of the Government, belong to the latter, although the defendant in
This Court may take judicial notice of the fact that checks for salaries of garnishment may be entitled to a specific portion thereof. And still another
employees of various Departments all over the country are prepared in reason which covers both of the foregoing is that every consideration of
Manila not at the end of the payroll period, but days before it to ensure that public policy forbids it.
they reach the employees concerned not later than the end of the payroll The United States Supreme Court, in the leading case of Buchanan vs.
period. As to the employees in the provinces or cities, the checks are sent Alexander ([1846], 4 How., 19), in speaking of the right of creditors of
seamen, by process of attachment, to divert the public money from its _______________
legitimate and appropriate object, said:
“To state such a principle is to refute it. No government can sanction it. At 2
23 SCRA 899 [1968].
all times it would be found embarrassing, and under some circumstances 192 SCRA 305 [1990].
it might be fatal to the public service. *** So long as money remains in the 31 SCRA 616 [1970].
5 125 SCRA 697 [1983].
hands of a disbursing officer, it is as much the money of the United States,
as if it had not been drawn from the treasury. Until paid over by the agent 384
of the government to the person entitled to it, the fund cannot, in any 384 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Greenhills Airconditioning and Services, Inc. vs. National Labor
_______________ Relations Commission
their future salaries which were still public funds. That assignment or
43 Phil. 384 [1922]. waiver was contrary to public policy.
383 I would therefore vote to grant the petition only if the salary and RATA
VOL. 245, JUNE 27, 1995 383 checks garnished corresponds to an unexpired payroll period and RATA
De la Victoria vs. Burgos month, respectively.
legal sense, be considered a part of his effects.” (See, further, 12 R.C.L., Petition granted.
p. 841; Keene vs. Smith [1904], 44 Ore., 525; Wild vs. Ferguson [1871], 23 Notes.—In legal contemplation, garnishment is a forced novation by the
La. Ann., 752; Bank of Tennessee vs. Dibrell [1855], 3 Sneed [Tenn.], substitution of creditors. The judgment debtor, who is the original creditor
379). (emphasis supplied) of the garnishee is, through service of the writ of garnishment, substituted
The authorities cited in the ponencia are inapplicable. Garnished or levied by the judgment creditor who thereby becomes creditor of the garnishee.
on therein were public funds, to wit: (a) the pump irrigation trust fund (Perla Compania de Seguros, Inc. vs. Ramolete, 203 SCRA 487 [1991])
deposited with the Philippine National Bank (PNB) in the account of the The delivery of checks in payment of an obligation does not constitute
Irrigation Service Unit in Republic vs. Palacio;2 (b) the deposits of the payment unless they are cashed or their value is impaired through the fault
National Media Production Center in Traders Royal Bank vs. Intermediate of the creditor.(Development Bank of Rizal vs. Sima Wei, 219 SCRA
Appellate Court;3 and (c) the deposits of the Bureau of Public Highways 736[1993])
with the PNB under a current account, which may be expended only for
their legitimate object as authorized by the corresponding legislative ———o0o———
appropriation in Commissioner of Public Highways vs. Diego.4
Neither is Tiro vs. Hontanosas 5 squarely in point. The said case
involved the validity of Circular No. 21, series of 1969, issued by the
Director of Public Schools which directed that “henceforth no cashier or
disbursing officer shall pay to attorneys-in-fact or other persons who may
be authorized under a power of attorney or other forms of authority to
collect the salary of an employee, except when the persons so designated
and authorized is an immediate member of the family of the employee
concerned, and in all other cases except upon proper authorization of the
Assistant Executive Secretary for Legal and Administrative Matters, with
the recommendation of the Financial Assistant.” Private respondent Zafra
Financing Enterprise, which had extended loans to public school teachers
in Cebu City and obtained from the latter promissory notes and special
powers of attorney authorizing it to take and collect their salary checks from
the Division Office in Cebu City of the Bureau of Public Schools,
sought, inter alia, to nullify the Circular. It is clear that the teachers had in
fact assigned to or waived in favor of Zafra
736 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED above, it does not necessarily follow that the drawer Sima Wei is freed from
Development Bank of Rizal vs. Sima Wei liability to petitioner Bank under the loan evidenced by the promissory note
G.R. No. 85419. March 9, 1993.* agreed to by her. Her allegation that she has paid the balance of her loan
DEVELOPMENT BANK OF RIZAL, plaintiff-petitioner, vs.SIMA WEI with the two checks payable to petitioner Bank has no merit for, as We
and/or LEE KIAN HUAT, MARY CHENG UY, SAMSON TUNG, ASIAN have earlier explained, these checks were never delivered to petitioner
INDUSTRIAL PLASTIC CORPORATION and PRODUCERS BANK OF Bank. And even granting, without admitting, that there was delivery to
THE PHILIPPINES, defendants-respondents. petitioner Bank, the delivery of checks in payment of an obligation does not
Remedial Law; Action; Definition and essential elements of a cause constitute payment unless they are cashed or their value is impaired
of action.—A cause of action is defined as an act or omission of one party through the fault of the creditor. None of these exceptions were alleged by
in violation of the legal right or rights of another. The essential elements respondent Sima Wei.
are: (1) legal right of the plaintiff; (2) correlative obligation of the defendant; PETITION for review by certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals.
and (3) an act or omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right. The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Commercial Law; Negotiable Instruments Law; A negotiable Yngson & Associates for petitioner.
instrument of which a check is, is not only a written evidence of a contract Henry A. Reyes & Associates for Samso Tung & Asian Industrial
right but is also a species of property.—Courts have long recognized the Plastic Corporation.
business custom of using printed checks where blanks are provided for the Eduardo G. Castelo for Sima Wei.
date of issuance, the name of the payee, the amount payable and the Monsod, Tamargo & Associates for Producers Bank.
drawer's signature. All the drawer has to do when he wishes to issue a Rafael S. Santayana for Mary Cheng Uy.
check is to properly fill up the blanks and sign it. However, the mere fact
that he has done these does not give rise to any liability on his part, until CAMPOS, JR., J.:
and unless the check is delivered to the payee or his representative. A
negotiable instrument, of which a check is, is not only a written evidence On July 6, 1986, the Development Bank of Rizal (petitioner Bank for
of a contract right but is also a species of property. Just as a deed to a brevity) filed a complaint for a sum of money against respondents Sima
piece of land must be delivered in order to convey title to the grantee, so Wei and/or Lee Kian Huat, Mary Cheng
must a negotiable instrument be delivered to the payee in order to evidence 738
its existence as a binding contract. 738 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Development Bank of Rizal vs. Sima Wei
__________________ Uy, Samson Tung, Asian Industrial Plastic Corporation (Plastic
Corporation for short) and the Producers Bank of the Philippines, on two
SECOND DIVISION. causes of action:
VOL. 219, MARCH 9, 1993 737 1. (1)To enforce payment of the balance of P1,032,450.02 on a
Development Bank of Rizal vs. Sima Wei promissory note executed by respondent Sima Wei on June 9,
Same; Same; Same; The payee of a negotiable instrument acquires 1983; and
no interest with respect thereto until its delivery to him.—Thus, the payee 2. (2)To enforce payment of two checks executed by Sima Wei,
of a negotiable instrument acquires no interest with respect thereto until its payable to petitioner, and drawn against the China Banking
delivery to him. Delivery of an instrument means transfer of possession, Corporation, to pay the balance due on the promissory note.
actual or constructive, from one person to another. Without the initial
delivery of the instrument from the drawer to the payee, there can be no Except for Lee Kian Huat, defendants filed their separate Motions to
liability on the instrument. Moreover, such delivery must be intended to Dismiss alleging a common ground that the complaint states no cause of
give effect to the instrument. action. The trial court granted the defendants' Motions to Dismiss. The
Same; Same; Same; Same; The delivery of checks in payment of an Court of Appeals affirmed this decision,** to which the petitioner Bank,
obligation does not constitute payment unless they are cashed or their represented by its Legal Liquidator, filed this Petition for Review by
value is impaired through the fault of the creditor.—Notwithstanding the
Certiorari, assigning the following as the alleged errors of the Court of checks were crossed and payable to petitioner Bank and bore no
Appeals:1 indorsement of the latter. Hence, petitioner filed the complaint as
1. (1)THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE The main issue before Us is whether petitioner Bank has a cause of
PLAINTIFF-PETITIONER HAS NO CAUSE OF ACTION action against any or all of the defendants, in the alternative or otherwise.
AGAINST DEFENDANTS-RESPONDENTS HEREIN. A cause of action is defined as an act or omission of one party in
2. (2)THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT violation of the legal right or rights of another. The essential elements are:
SECTION 13, RULE 3 OF THE REVISED RULES OF COURT (1) legal right of the plaintiff; (2) correlative obligation of the defendant; and
ON ALTERNATIVE DEFENDANTS IS NOT APPLICABLE TO (3) an act or omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right.2
HEREIN DEFENDANTS-RESPONDENTS. The normal parties to a check are the drawer, the payee and the
drawee bank. Courts have long recognized the business custom of using
The antecedents facts of this case are as follows: printed checks where blanks are provided for the date of issuance, the
In consideration for a loan extended by petitioner Bank to respondent name of the payee, the amount payable and the drawer's signature. All the
Sima Wei, the latter executed and delivered to the former a promissory drawer has to do when he wishes to issue a check is to properly fill up the
note, engaging to pay the petitioner Bank or order the amount of
P1,820,000.00 on or before June 24, 1983 with interest at 32% per annum. ________________
Sima Wei made partial payments on the note, leaving a balance of 2
P1,032,450.02. On Caseñas vs. Rosales, et al., 19 SCRA 462 (1967); Remitere, et al. vs.
Vda. de Yulo, et al., 16 SCRA 251 (1966).
_________________ 740
CA G.R. CV No. 11980 dated October 12, 1988. Penned by Development Bank of Rizal vs. Sima Wei
Associate Justice Venancio D. Aldecoa, Jr. with Associate Justices blanks and sign it. However, the mere fact that he has done these does
Ricardo P. Tensuan and Luis L. Victor, concurring. not give rise to any liability on his part, until and unless the check is
1 Petition, p. 7, Rollo, p. 20. delivered to the payee or his representative. A negotiable instrument, of
739 which a check is, is not only a written evidence of a contract right but is
VOL. 219, MARCH 9, 1993 739 also a species of property. Just as a deed to a piece of land must be
Development Bank of Rizal vs. Sima Wei delivered in order to convey title to the grantee, so must a negotiable
November 18, 1983, Sima Wei issued two crossed checks payable to instrument be delivered to the payee in order to evidence its existence as
petitioner Bank drawn against China Banking Corporation, bearing a binding contract. Section 16 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, which
respectively the serial numbers 384934, for the amount of P550,000.00 governs checks, provides in part:
and 384935, for the amount of P500,000.00. The said checks were "Every contract on a negotiable instrument is incomplete and revocable
allegedly issued in full settlement of the drawer's account evidenced by the until delivery of the instrument for the purpose of giving effect thereto. x x
promissory note. These two checks were not delivered to the petitioner- x."
payee or to any of its authorized representatives. For reasons not shown, Thus, the payee of a negotiable instrument acquires no interest with
these checks came into the possession of respondent Lee Kian Huat, who respect thereto until its delivery to him.3Delivery of an instrument means
deposited the checks without the petitioner-payee's indorsement (forged transfer of possession, actual or constructive, from one person to
or otherwise) to the account of respondent Plastic Corporation, at the another.4Without the initial delivery of the instrument from the drawer to the
Balintawak branch, Caloocan City, of the Producers Bank. Cheng Uy, payee, there can be no liability on the instrument. Moreover, such delivery
Branch Manager of the Balintawak branch of Producers Bank, relying on must be intended to give effect to the instrument.
the assurance of respondent Samson Tung, President of Plastic The allegations of the petitioner in the original complaint show that the
Corporation, that the transaction was legal and regular, instructed the two (2) China Bank checks, numbered 384934 and 384935, were not
cashier of Producers Bank to accept the checks for deposit and to credit delivered to the payee, the petitioner herein. Without the delivery of said
them to the account of said Plastic Corporation, inspite of the fact that the checks to petitionerpayee, the former did not acquire any right or interest
therein and cannot therefore assert any cause of action, founded on said Petitioner Bank has therefore no cause of action against said respondents,
checks, whether against the drawer Sima Wei or against the Producers in the alternative or otherwise. If at
Bank or any of the other respondents.
In the original complaint, petitioner Bank, as plaintiff, sued respondent __________________
Sima Wei on the promissory note, and the alternative defendants, including
5 Ganzon vs. Court of Appeals, 161 SCRA 646 (1988). See also 1 M
Sima Wei, on the two checks. On appeal from the orders of dismissal of
the Regional Trial Court, petitioner Bank alleged that its cause of action MORAN COMMENTS ON THE RULES OF COURT 715 (1957 ed )
was not based on collecting the sum of money evidenced by the nego- citing San Agustin vs. Barrios, 68 Phil. 475 (1939), Toribio vs. Decasa, 55
Phil. 461 (1930), American Express Co. vs. Natividad, 46 Phil.
_________________ 207 (1924), Agoncillo vs. Javier, 38 Phil. 424 (1918).
CIVIL CODE, Art. 1249, par. 2.
In re Martens' Estate, 226 lowa 162, 283 N.W. 885 (1939); Shriver vs. 742
Danby, 113 A. 612 (1921). 742 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
4 Negotiable Instruments Law, Sec. 191, par. 6.
Development Bank of Rizal vs. Sima Wei
741 all, it is Sima Wei, the drawer, who would have a cause of action against
VOL. 219, MARCH 9, 1993 741 her co-respondents, if the allegations in the complaint are found to be true.
Development Bank of Rizal vs. Sima Wei With respect to the second assignment of error raised by petitioner
tiable instruments stated but on quasi-delict—a claim for damages on the Bank regarding the applicability of Section 13, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court,
ground of fraudulent acts and evident bad faith of the alternative We find it unnecessary to discuss the same in view of Our finding that the
respondents. This was clearly an attempt by the petitioner Bank to change petitioner Bank did not acquire any right or interest in the checks due to
not only the theory of its case but the basis of his cause of action. It is well- lack of delivery. It therefore has no cause of action against the
settled that a party cannot change his theory on appeal, as this would in respondents, in the alternative or otherwise.
effect deprive the other party of his day in court.5 In the light of the foregoing, the judgment of the Court of Appeals
Notwithstanding the above, it does not necessarily follow that the dismissing the petitioner's complaint is AFFIRMED insofar as the second
drawer Sima Wei is freed from liability to petitioner Bank under the loan cause of action is concerned. On the first cause of action, the case is
evidenced by the promissory note agreed to by her. Her allegation that she REMANDED to the trial court for a trial on the merits, consistent with this
has paid the balance of her loan with the two checks payable to petitioner decision, in order to determine whether respondent Sima Wei is liable to
Bank has no merit for, as We have earlier explained, these checks were the Development Bank of Rizal for any amount under the promissory note
never delivered to petitioner Bank. And even granting, without admitting, allegedly signed by her.
that there was delivery to petitioner Bank, the delivery of checks in payment SO ORDERED.
of an obligation does not constitute payment unless they are cashed or Narvasa (C.J., Chairman), Padilla, Regalado and Nocon,
their value is impaired through the fault of the creditor.6 None of these JJ., concur.
exceptions were alleged by respondent Sima Wei. Judgment affirmed as to the second cause of action and remanded to
Therefore, unless respondent Sima Wei proves that she has been trial court as to the first cause of action for trial on the merits.
relieved from liability on the promissory note by some other cause, Note.—A check whether a manager's check or ordinary check is not a
petitioner Bank has a right of action against her for the balance due legal tender and an offer of a check in payment of a debt is not a valid
thereon. tender of payment and may be refused receipt by the obligee or
However, insofar as the other respondents are concerned, petitioner creditor (Roman Catholic Bishop of Malolos lnc. vs. Intermediate Appellate
Bank has no privity with them. Since petitioner Bank never received the Court, 191 SCRA 411).
checks on which it based its action against said respondents, it never
owned them (the checks) nor did it acquire any interest therein. Thus, ——o0o——
anything which the respondents may have done with respect to said
checks could not have prejudiced petitioner Bank. It had no right or interest 743
in the checks which could have been violated by said respondents.
864 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; After dishonor of the note, a
Metropol (Bacolod) Financing & Investment Corp. vs. Sambok Motors person secondarily liable becomes a principal debtor.—Lastly, the lower
Co. court did not err in not declaring appellants as only secondarily liable
No. L-39641. February 28, 1983.* because after an instrument is dishonored by non-payment, the person
METROPOL (BACOLOD) FINANCING & INVESTMENT CORPORATION, secondarily liable thereon ceases to be such and becomes a principal
plaintiff-appellee, vs. SAMBOK MOTORS COMPANY and NG SAMBOK debtor. His liability becomes the same as that of the original obligor.
SONS MOTORS CO., LTD., defendants-appellants. Consequently, the holder need not even proceed against the maker before
Mercantile Law; Negotiable Instruments; Indorsements;Qualified suing the indorser.
indorsement constitutes indorser a mere assignor of title to the instrument
and relieves indorser of general obligation to pay instrument if instrument APPEAL from the decision of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo, Br. I.
is dishonored.—A qualified indorsement constitutes the indorser a mere
assignor of the title to the instrument. It may be made by adding to the The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
indorser’s signature the words “without recourse” or any words of similar Rizal Quimpo & Cornelio P. Revena for plaintiff-appellee.
import. Such an indorsement relieves the indorser of the general obligation Diosdado Garingalao for defendants-appellants.
to pay if the instrument is dishonored but not of the liability arising from
warranties on the instrument as provided in Section 65 of the Negotiable DE CASTRO, J.:
Instruments Law already mentioned herein.
Same; Same; Same; Interpretation; “Recourse,” meaning of;Words The former Court of Appeals, by its resolution dated October 16, 1974
“with recourse” in indorsement of promissory note means a general certified this case to this Court the issue raised therein being one purely of
indorsement or an indorsement without a qualification as to liability of law.
indorser on the note; Words added in the note “notice of demand, dishonor, On April 15, 1969 Dr. Javier Villaruel executed a promissory note in
protest and presentment are hereby waived” confirm a party’s obligation favor of Ng Sambok Sons Motors Co., Ltd., in the amount of P15,939.00
as a general indorser.—“Recourse” means resort to a person who is payable in twelve (12) equal monthly installments, beginning May 18,
secondarily liable after the default of the person who is primarily liable. 1969, with interest at the rate of one percent per month. It is further
Appellant, by indorsing the note “with recourse” does not make itself a provided that in case on non-payment of any of the installments, the total
qualified indorser but a general indorser who is secondarily liable, because principal sum then remaining unpaid shall become due and payable with
by such indorsement, it agreed that if Dr. Villaruel fails to pay the note, an additional interest equal to twenty-five percent of the total amount due.
plaintiff-appellee can go after said appellant. The effect of such On the same date, Sambok Motors Company (hereinafter referred to
indorsement is that the note was indorsed without qualification. A person as Sambok), a sister company of Ng Sambok Sons Motors Co., Ltd., and
who indorses without qualification engages that on due presentment, the under the same management as the former, negotiated and indorsed the
note shall be accepted or paid, or both as the case may be, and that if it be note in favor of plaintiff Metropol Financing & Investment Corporation with
dishonored, he will pay the amount thereof to the holder. Appellant the following indorsement:
Sambok’s intention of indorsing the note without qualification is made even “Pay to the order of Metropol Bacolod Financing & Investment Corporation
more apparent by the fact that the notice of demand, dishonor, protest and with recourse. Notice of Demand; Dishonor; Protest; and Presentment are
presentment were all waived. The words added by said appellant do not hereby waived.
limit his liability, but rather confirm his obligation as a general indorser. 866
________________ Metropol (Bacolod) Financing & Investment Corp. vs. Sambok Motors
865 By:
Metropol (Bacolod) Financing & Investment Corp. vs. Sambok Asst. General Manager”
Motors Co.
The maker, Dr. Villaruel defaulted in the payment of his installments when of the subject promissory note and in not holding it as only secondarily
they became due, so on October 30, 1969 plaintiff formally presented the liable thereof.”
promissory note for payment to the maker. Dr. Villaruel failed to pay the Appellant Sambok argues that by adding the words “with recourse” in the
promissory note as demanded, hence plaintiff notified Sambok as indorsee indorsement of the note, it becomes a qualified indorser; that being a
of said note of the fact that the same has been dishonored and demanded qualified indorser, it does not warrant that if said note is dishonored by the
payment. maker on presentment, it will pay the amount to the holder; that it only
Sambok failed to pay, so on November 26, 1969 plaintiff filed a warrants the following pursuant to Section 65 of the Negotiable
complaint for collection of a sum of money before the Court of First Instruments Law: (a) that the instrument is genuine and in all respects what
Instance of Iloilo, Branch I. Sambok did not deny its liability but contended it purports to be; (b) that he has a good title to it; (c) that all prior parties
that it could not be obliged to pay until after its co-defendant Dr. Villaruel, had capacity to contract; (d) that he has no knowledge of any fact which
has been declared insolvent. would impair the validity of the instrument or render it valueless.
During the pendency of the case in the trial court, defendant Dr. The appeal is without merit.
Villaruel died, hence, on October 24, 1972 the lower court, on motion, A qualified indorsement constitutes the indorser a mere assignor of the
dismissed the case against Dr. Villaruel pursuant to Section 21, Rule 3 of title to the instrument. It may be made by adding to the indorser’s signature
the Rules of Court.1 the words “without recourse” or any words of similar import.2 Such an
On plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment, the trial court rendered its indorsement relieves the indorser of the general obligation to pay if the
decision dated September 12, 1973, the dispositive portion of which reads instrument is dishonored but not of the liability arising from warranties on
as follows: the instrument as provided in Section 65 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
“WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered: already mentioned herein. However, appellant Sambok indorsed the note
“with recourse” and even waived the notice of demand, dishonor, protest
1. “(a)Ordering Sambok Motors Company to pay to the plaintiff the and presentment.
sum of P15,939.00 plus the legal rate of interest from October 30, “Recourse” means resort to a person who is secondarily liable after the
1969; default of the person who is primarily liable.3 Appellant, by indorsing the
2. “(b)Ordering same defendant to pay to plaintiff the sum equivalent note “with recourse” does not
to 25% of P15,939.00 plus interest thereon until fully paid; and
_______________ 2
Section 38, The Negotiable Instruments Law.
1 Sec. 21. Where claim does not survive.—When the action is for Ogden, The Law of Negotiable Instruments, p. 200 citing Industrial
recovery of money, debt or interest thereon, and the defendant dies before Bank and Trust Company vs. Hesselberg, 195 S.W. (2d) 470.
final judgment in the Court of First Instance, it shall be dismissed to be 868
prosecuted in the manner especially provided in these rules. 868 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
867 Metropol (Bacolod) Financing & Investment Corp. vs. Sambok Motors
VOL. 120, FEBRUARY 28, 1983 867 Co.
Metropol (Bacolod) Financing & Investment Corp. vs. Sambok Motors make itself a qualified indorser but a general indorser who is secondarily
Co. liable, because by such indorsement, it agreed that if Dr. Villaruel fails to
pay the note, plaintiff-appellee can go after said appellant. The effect of
such indorsement is that the note was indorsed without qualification. A
1. “(c)To pay the cost of suit.”
person who indorses without qualification engages that on due
presentment, the note shall be accepted or paid, or both as the case may
Not satisfied with the decision, the present appeal was instituted, appellant be, and that if it be dishonored, he will pay the amount thereof to the
Sambok raising a lone assignment of error as follows: holder.4 Appellant Sambok’s intention of indorsing the note without
“The trial court erred in not dismissing the complaint by finding defendant- qualification is made even more apparent by the fact that the notice of
appellant Sambok Motors Company as assignor and a qualified indorsee demand, dishonor, protest and presentment were all waived. The words
added by said appellant do not limit his liability, but rather confirm his
obligation as a general indorser.
Lastly, the lower court did not err in not declaring appellant as only
secondarily liable because after an instrument is dishonored by non-
payment, the person secondarily liable thereon ceases to be such and
becomes a principal debtor.5 His liability becomes the same as that of the
original obligor.6 Consequently, the holder need not even proceed against
the maker before suing the indorser.
WHEREFORE, the decision of the lower court is hereby affirmed. No
Makasiar (Chairman), Concepcion, Jr., Guerreroand Escolin, JJ.,
Aquino, J., is on leave.
Abad Santos, J., I concur and wish to add the observation that the
appeal could have been treated as a petition for review under R. A. 5440
and dismissed by minute resolution.
Decision affirmed.

Ang Tiong vs. Ting, 22 SCRA 715.
Pittsburg Westmoreland Coal, Co. vs. Kerr, 115 N.E.
American Bank vs. Macondray & Co., 4 Phil. 695.
682 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED employee or a ent of the drawer, or done with the active participation
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals of the latter. Most of the cases involving forgery by an agent or employee
G.R. No. 92244. February 9, 1993.* deal with the payee's indorsement. The drawer and the payee oftentimes
NATIVIDAD GEMPESAW, petitioner, vs. THE have business relations of long standing. The continued occurrence of
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and PHILIPPINE business transactions of the same nature provides the opportunity for the
BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS, respondents. agent/employee to commit the fraud after having developed familiarity with
Negotiable Instruments Law; Checks; Forged Indorsements; Effect of the signatures of the parties. However, sooner or later, some leak will show
drawer's negligence.—As a matter of practical significance, problems on the drawer's books. It will then be just a question of time until the fraud
arising from forged indorsements of checks may generally be broken into is discovered. This is specially true when the agent perpetrates a series of
two types of cases: (1) where forgery was accomplished by a person not forgeries as in the case at bar. The negligence of a depositor which will
associated with the drawer—for example a mail robbery; and (2) where the prevent recovery of an unauthorized payment is based on failure of the
indorsement was forged by an agent of the drawer. This difference in depositor to act as a prudent businessman would under the circumstances.
situations would determine the effect of the drawer's negligence with Same; Same; No legal obligation on drawee not to honor crossed
respect to forged indorsements. While there is no duty resting on the checks.—Petitioner argues that respondent drawee Bank should not have
depositor to look for forged indorsements on his cancelled checks in honored the checks because they were crossed checks. Issuing a crossed
contrast to a duty imposed upon him to look for forgeries of his own name, check imposes no legal obligation on the drawee not to honor such a
a depositor is under a duty to set up an accounting system and a business check. It is more of a warning to the holder that the check cannot be
procedure as are reasonably calculated to prevent or render difficult the presented to the drawee bank for payment in cash. Instead, the check can
forgery of indorsements, particularly by the depositor's own employees. only be deposited with the payee's bank which in turn must present it for
And if the drawer (depositor) learns that a check drawn by him has been payment against the drawee bank in the course of normal banking
paid under a forged indorsement, the drawer is under duty promptly to transactions between banks. The crossed check cannot be presented for
report such fact to the drawee bank. For his negligence or failure either to payment but it can only be deposited and the drawee bank may only pay
discover or to report promptly the fact of such forgery to the drawee, the to another bank in the payee's or indorser's account.
drawer loses his right against the drawee who has debited his account Banks and Banking; Contractual relation between depositor as
under the forged indorsement. In other words, he is precluded from using obligee and drawee bank as obligor; Violation of rule on non-acceptance
forgery as a basis for his claim for recrediting of his account. of second indorsements without approval of branch manager.—There is
Same; Same; Same; Same.—As a rule, a drawee bank who has paid no question that there is a contractual relation between petitioner as
a check on which an indorsement has been forged cannot charge the depositor (obligee) and the respondents drawee bank as the obligor. In the
drawer's account for the amount of said check. An exception to this rule is performance of its obligation, the drawee bank is bound by its internal
where the drawer is guilty of such negligence which causes the bank to banking rules and regulations which form part of any contract it enters into
honor such a check or checks. If a check is stolen from the payee, it is with any of its depositors. When it violated its internal rules that second
quite obvious that the drawer cannot possibly discover the forged endorsements are not to be accepted without the approval of its branch
indorsement by mere examination of his cancelled check. This accounts managers and it did accept the same upon the mere approval of Boon, a
for the rule that although a depositor owes a duty to his drawee bank to chief accountant, it contravened the tenor of its obligation at the very least,
examine his cancelled checks for forgery of his own signature, he has no if it were not actually guilty of fraud or negligence. Furthermore, the fact
similar duty as to forged indorsements. A different situation arises where that the respondent drawee Bank did not discover the irregularity with
the indorsement was forged by an respect to the acceptance of checks with second indorsement for deposit
even without the approval of the branch manager despite
___________ 684
* Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
683 periodic inspection conducted by a team of auditors from the main
VOL. 218, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 683 office constitutes negligence on the part of the bank in carrying out its
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals obligations to its depositors. Article 1173 provides—"The fault or
negligence of the obligor consists in the omission of that diligence which is proximate cause of the loss and (2) assuming that the bank was also
required by the nature of the obligation and correspondents with the negligent, the loss must nevertheless be borne by the party whose
circumstance of the persons, of the time and of the place. x x x." We hold negligence was the proximate cause of the loss. On March 5, 1990, the
that banking business is so impressed with public interest where the trust petitioner filed this petition under Rule 45 of the Rules ofCourt setting forth
and confidence of the public in general is of paramount importance such the following as the alleged errors ofthe respondent Court.1:
that the appropriate standard of diligence must be a high degree of
diligence, if not the utmost diligence. Surely, respondent drawee Bank "I
cannot claim it exercised such a degree of diligence that is required of it.
There is no way We can allow it now to escape liability for such negligence. THE RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING THAT
Its liability as obligor is not merely vicarious but primary wherein the THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE DRAWER IS THE PROXIMATE
defense of exercise of due diligence in the selection and supervision of its CAUSE OF THE RESULTING INJURY TO THE DRAWEE BANK, AND
PETITION for review of the decision of the Court ofAppeals. WANT OF AUTHORITY.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
L.B. Camins for petitioner. II
Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala & Cruz for private respondent.
From the adverse decision** of the Court of Appeals (CA-G.R. CV No. EMPLOYEES OF THE RESPONDENT BANK IN FORGING THE
16447), petitioner, Natividad Gempesaw, appealed to this Court in a SIGNATURE OF THE PAYEES AND THE WRONG AND/ OR ILLEGAL
Petition for Review, on the issue of the right of the drawer to recover from PAYMENTS MADE TO PERSONS, OTHER THAN TO THE INTENDED
the drawee bank who pays a check with a forged indorsement of the PAYEES SPECIFIED IN THE CHECKS, IS THE DIRECT AND
payee, debiting the same against the drawer's account. PROXIMATE CAUSE OF THE DAMAGE TO PETITIONER WHOSE
The records show that on January 23, 1985, petitioner filed a Complaint SAVING (SIC) ACCOUNT WAS DEBITED.
against the private respondent Philippine Bank of Communications
(respondent drawee Bank) for recovery of the money value of eighty-two III
(82) checks charged against the petitioner's account with respondent
** Penned by Associate' Justice Celso L. Magsino, Associate Justices ___________
Nathanael P. De Pano, Jr. and Cezar D. Francisco, concurring.
685 Rollo, p. 11.
VOL. 218, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 685 686
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals 686 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
that the payees' indorsements were forgeries. The Regional Trial Court, Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
Branch CXXVIII of Caloocan City, which tried the case, rendered a CALOOCAN CITY BRANCH BY THE VALUE OF THE EIGHTY TWO (82)
decision on November 17, 1987 dismissing the complaint as well as the CHECKS WHICH IS IN THE AMOUNT OFP1,208,606.89 WITH LEGAL
respondent drawee Bank's counterclaim. On appeal, INTEREST."
the Court of Appeals in a decision rendered on February 22,1990, affirmed From the records, the relevant facts are as follows:
the decision of the RTC on two grounds, namely (1) that the plaintiffs Petitioner Natividad O. Gempesaw (petitioner) owns and operates four
(petitioner herein) gross negligence in issuing the checks was the grocery stores located at Rizal Avenue Extension and at Second Avenue,
both in Caloocan City. Among these groceries are D.G. Shopper's Mart No. 651862 dated August 9, 1984 in favor of Malinta Exchange Mart for
and D.G. Whole Sale Mart. Petitioner maintains a checking account P11,107,16 (Exh. A-62), her obligation was only P1,107.16 (Exh. D-2); (6)
numbered 13-00038-1 with the Caloocan City Branch ofthe respondent in Check No. 651863 dated August 11,1984 in favor of Grocer's
drawee Bank. To facilitate payment ofdebts to her suppliers, petitioner International Food Corp. in the amount of P1 1,335.60 (Exh. A-66), her
draws checks against her checking account with the respondent bank as obligation was only P1,335.60 (Exh. E and E-1); (7) in Check No. 589019
drawee. Her customary practice of issuing checks in payment of her dated March 17, 1984 in favor of Sophy Products in the
suppliers was as follows: The checks were prepared and filled up as to all amount of P11,648.00 (Exh. A-78), her obligation was only P648.00 (Exh.
material particulars by her trusted bookkeeper, Alicia Galang, an employee G); (8) in Check No. 589028 dated March 10, 1984 for the
for more than eight (8) years. After the bookkeeper prepared the checks, amount of P11,520.00 in favor of the Yakult Philippines (Exh. A-73), the
the completed checks were submitted to the petitioner for her signature, latter's invoice was only P520.00 (Exh. H-2); (9) in Check No. 62033 dated
together with the corresponding invoice receipts which indicate the correct May 24, 1984 in the amount ofP11,504.00 in favor of Monde Denmark
obligations due and payable to her suppliers. Petitioner signed each and Biscuit (Exh. A-34), her obligation was only P504.00 (Exhs. 1-1 and I-2)."2
every check without bothering to verify the accuracy of the checks against Practically, all the checks issued and honored by the respondent drawee
the corresponding invoices because she reposed full and implicit trust and Bank were crossed checks.3 Aside from the daily
confidence on her bookkeeper. The issuance and delivery of the checks to
the payees named therein were left to the bookkeeper. Petitioner admitted _____________
that she did not make any verification as to whether or not the checks were
actually delivered to their respective payees. Although the respondent Rollo, pp. 20-21; CA Decision, pp. 2-3. See Notes 2-6 thereof.
3 A crossed check is defined as a check crossed with two (2) lines,
drawee Bank notified her of all checks presented to and paid by the bank,
petitioner did not verify the correctness of the returned checks, much less between which are either the name of a bank or the words "and company,"
check if the payees actually received the checks in payment for the in full or abbreviated. In the former case, the banker on whom it is drawn
supplies she received. In the course of her business operations covering a must not pay the money for the check to any other than the banker named;
period of two years, petitioner issued, following her usual practice stated in the latter case, he must not pay it to any other than a banker. Black's
above, a total of eighty-two (82) checks in favor of several suppliers. Law Dictionary 301 (4th Ed.), citing 2 Steph. Comm. 118, note C; 7 Exch.
These checks were all presented by the indorsees as holders thereof to, 389; [1903] A.C. 240; Farmers' Bank v. Johnson, King & Co., 134 Ga. 486,
and honored by, the respondent drawee Bank. Respondent drawee Bank 68 S.E. 85, 30 L.R.A., N.S. 697.
correspondingly debited the amounts thereof against petitioner's checking 688
687 Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 218, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 687 notice given to the petitioner by the respondent drawee Bank, the latter
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals also furnished her with a monthly statement of her bank transactions,
bered 30-00038-1. Most of .the aforementioned checks were for amounts attaching thereto all the cancelled checks she had issued and which were
in excess of her actual obligations to the various payees as shown in their debited against her current account. It was only after the lapse of more
corresponding invoices. To mention a few: than two (2) years that petitioner found out about the fraudulent
"x x x (1) in Check No. 621127, dated June 27, 1984 in the manipulations of her bookkeeper.
amount of P11,895.23 in favor of Kawsek Inc. (Exh. A-60), appellant's All the eighty-two (82) checks with forged signatures ofthe payees were
actual obligation to said payee was only P895.33 (Exh. A-83); (2) in Check brought to Ernest L. Boon, Chief Accountant of respondent drawee Bank
No. 652282 issued on September 18, 1984 in favor ofSenson Enterprises at the Buendia branch, who, without authority therefor, accepted them all
in the amount of P1 1,041.20 (Exh. A-67) appellant's actual obligation to for deposit at the Buendia branch to the credit and/or in the
said payee was only P1,041.20 (Exh. 7); (3) in Check No. 589092 dated accounts of Alfredo Y. Romero and Benito Lam. Ernest L. Boon was a very
April 7, 1984 for the amount of P11,672.47 in favor of Marchem, (Exh. A- close friend of Alfredo Y. Romero, Sixty-three (63) out of the eighty-two
61) appellant's obligation was only P 1,672.47 (Exh. B); (4) in Check No. (82) checks were deposited in Savings Account No. 00844-5 of Alfredo Y.
620450 dated May 10, 1984 in favor of Knotberry for P11,677.10 (Exh. A- Romero at the respondent drawee Bank's Buendia branch, and four (4)
31) her actual obligation was only P677.10 (Exhs. C and C-1); (5) in Check checks in his Savings Account No. 32-81-9 at its Ongpin branch. The
rest of the checks were deposited in Account No. 0443-4, under the was forged was never a party and never gave his consent to the contract
name of Benito Lam at the Elcano branch of the respondent drawee Bank. which gave rise to the instrument. Since his signature does not appear in
About thirty (30) of the payees whose names were specifically written the instrument, he cannot be held liable thereon by anyone, not even by a
on the checks testified that they did not receive nor even see the subject holder in due course. Thus, if a person's signature is forged as a maker of a
checks and that the indorsements appearing at the back of the checks promissory note, he cannot be made to pay because he never made the
were not theirs. promise to pay. Or where a person's signature as a drawer of a check is
The team of auditors from the main office of the respondent drawee forged, the drawee bank cannot charge the amount thereof against the
Bank which conducted periodical inspection of the branches' operations drawer's account because he never gave the bank the order to pay. And
failed to discover, check or stop the unauthorized acts of Ernest L. Boon. said section does not refer only to the forged signature of the maker of a
Under the rules of the respondent drawee Bank, only a Branch Manager,
and no other official of the respondent drawee Bank, may accept a second ___________
indorsement on a check for deposit. In the case at bar, all the deposit
slips of the eighty-two (82) checks in question were initialed and/or Act No. 2031, enacted on February 3, 1911.
approved for deposit by Ernest L. Boon. The Branch Managers of the 690
Ongpin and Elcano branches accepted the deposits made in the Buendia 690 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
branch and credited the accounts of Alfredo Y. Romero and Benito Lam in Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
their respective branches. promissory note and of the drawer of a check. It covers also a forged
On November 7, 1984, petitioner made a written demand on indorsement, i.e., the forged signature of the payee or indorsee of a note
respondent drawee Bank to credit her account with the money value of the or check. Since under said provision a forged signature is "wholly
eighty-two (82) checks totalling P 1,208,606.89 for inoperative", no one can gain title to the instrument through such forged
689 indorsement. Such an indorsement prevents any subsequent party from
VOL. 218, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 689 acquiring any right as against any party whose name appears prior to the
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals forgery. Although rights may exist between and among parties subsequent
having been wrongfully charged against her account. Respondent drawee to the forged indorsement, not one of them can acquire rights against
Bank refused to grant petitioner's demand. On January 23, 1985, petitioner parties prior to the forgery. Such forged indorsement cuts off the
filed the complaint with the Regional Trial Court. rights of all subsequent parties as against parties prior to the forgery.
This is not a suit by the party whose signature was forged on a check However, the law makes an exception to these rules where a party is
drawn against the drawee bank. The payees are not parties to the case. precluded from setting up forgery as a defense.
Rather, it is the drawer, whose signature is genuine, who instituted this As a matter of practical significance, problems arising from forged
action to recover from the drawee bank the money value of eighty-two (82) indorsements of checks may generally be broken into two types of cases:
checks paid out by the drawee bank to holders ofthose checks where the (1) where forgery was accomplished by a person not associated with the
indorsements of the payees were forged. How and by whom the forgeries drawer—for example a mail robbery; and (2) where the indorsement was
were committed are not established on the record, but the respective forged by an agent of the drawer. This difference in situations would
payees admitted that they did not receive those checks and therefore never determine the effect of the drawer's negligence with respect to forged
indorsed the same. The applicable law is the Negotiable Instruments indorsements. While there is no duty resting on the depositor to look for
Law4 (heretofore referred to as the NIL). Section 23 of the NIL provides: forged indorsements on his cancelled checks in contrast to a duty imposed
"When a signature is forged or made without the authority of the person upon him to look for forgeries of his own name, a depositor is under a duty
whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to to set up an accounting system and a business procedure as are
retain the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment reasonably calculated to prevent or render difficult the
thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired through or under such forgery of indorsements, particularly by the depositor's own employees.
signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce such right And if the drawer (depositor) learns that a check drawn by him has been
is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority." paid under a forged indorsement, the drawer is under duty promptly to
Under the aforecited provision, forgery is a real or absolute defense by the report such fact to the drawer bank.5 For his negligence or failure either to
party whose signature is forged. A party whose signature to an instrument discover or to report promptly the fact of such forgery to the drawee, the
drawer loses his right against the drawee who has debited his account NIL, Sec, 16.
under the forged indorsement.6 In other words, he is precluded from 8 Ibid., Sec. 191, par. 10.
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
5 Britton, Bills and Notes, Sec. 143, pp. 663-664. P1,208,606.89, represented by eighty-two (82) checks, were credited and
6 City of New York vs. Bronx County Trust Co., 261 N.Y. 64,184 N.E. paid out by respondent drawee Bank to Alfredo Y. Romero and Benito
495 (1933); Detroit Piston Ring Co. vs. Wayne County & Home Lam, and debited against petitioner's checking account No. 13-00038-1,
691 Caloocan branch.
VOL. 218, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 691 As a rule, a drawee bank who has paid a check on which an
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals indorsement has been forged cannot charge the drawer's account for the
using forgery as a basis for his claim for recrediting of his account. amount of said check. An exception to this rule is where the drawer is
In the case at bar, petitioner admitted that the checks were filled up and guilty of such negligence which causes the bank to honor such a check or
completed by her trusted employee, Alicia Galang, and were later given to checks. If a check is stolen from the payee, it is quite obvious that the
her for her signature. Her signing the checks made the negotiable drawer cannot possibly discover the forged indorsement by mere
instrument complete. Prior to signing the checks, there was no valid examination of his cancelled check. This accounts for the rule that
contract yet. although a depositor owes a duty to his drawee bank to examine his
Every contract on a negotiable instrument is incomplete and revocable cancelled checks for forgery of his own signature, he has no similar duty
until delivery of the instrument to the payee for the purpose of giving effect as to forged indorsements. A different situation arises where the
thereto.7 The first delivery of the instrument, complete in form, to the payee indorsement was forged by an employee or agent of the drawer, or done
who takes it as a holder, is called issuance of the instrument.8Without the with the active participation of the latter. Most of the cases involving
initial delivery of the instrument from the drawer of the check to the payee, forgery by an agent or employee deal with the payee's indorsement. The
there can be no valid and binding contract and no liability on the instrument. drawer and the payee oftentimes have business relations of long standing.
Petitioner completed the checks by signing them as drawer and The continued occurrence of business transactions of the same nature
thereafter authorized her employee Alicia Galang to deliver the eighty-two provides the opportunity for the agent/employee to commit the fraud after
(82) checks to their respective payees. Instead of issuing the checks to the having developed familiarity with the signatures of the parties. However,
payees as named in the checks, Alicia Galang delivered them to the Chief sooner or later, some leak will show on the drawer's books. It will then be
Accountant of the Buendia branch of the respondent drawee Bank, a just a question of time until the fraud is discovered. This is specially true
certain Ernest L. Boon. It was established that the signatures of the payees when the agent perpetrates a series of forgeries as in the case at bar.
as first indorsers were forged. The record fails to show the identity of the The negligence of a depositor which will prevent recovery of an
party who made the forged signatures. The checks were then indorsed for unauthorized payment is based on failure ofthe depositor to act as a
the second time with the names ofAlfredo Y. Romero and Benito Lam, and prudent businessman would under the circumstances. In the case at bar,
were deposited in the latter's accounts as earlier noted. The second the petitioner relied implicitly upon the honesty and loyalty of her
indorsements were all genuine signatures of the alleged holders. All the bookkeeper, and did not even verify the accuracy of the amounts of the
eighty-two (82) checks bearing the forged indorsements of the payees and checks she signed against the invoices attached thereto. Furthermore,
the genuine second indorsements of Alfredo Y. Romero and Benito Lam although she regularly received her bank statements, she apparently did
were accepted for deposit at the Buendia branch of respondent drawee not carefully examine the same nor the check stubs and the returned
Bank to the credit of their respective savings accounts in the Buendia, checks, and did not compare them with the sales invoices. Otherwise, she
Ongpin and Elcano branches ofthe same bank. The total could have easily discovered the discrepancies between the checks and
amount of Savings Bank, 252 Mich. 163, 233 N.W. 185 (1930); C.E. the documents serving as bases for the checks. With such discovery, the
Erickson Co. vs. lowa Nat. Bank, 211 lowa 495, 230 N.W. 342 (1930). subsequent forgeries
___________ VOL. 218, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 693
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
would not have been accomplished. It was not until two years after the respondent drawee Bank on her issued checks, or at least made random
bookkeeper commenced her fraudulent scheme that petitioner discovered scrutiny ofher cancelled checks returned by respondent drawee Bank at
that eighty-two (82) checks were wrongfully charged to her account, at the close of each month, she could have easily discovered the fraud being
which time she notified the respondent drawee bank. perpetrated by Alicia Galang, and could have reported the matter to the
It is highly improbable that in a period of two years, not respondent drawee Bank. The respondent drawee Bank then could have
one of petitioner's suppliers complained of non-payment. Assuming that taken immediate steps to prevent further commission of such fraud. Thus,
even one single complaint had been made, petitioner would have been petitioner's negligence was the proximate cause of her loss. And since it
duty-bound, as far as the respondent drawee Bank was concerned, to was her negligence which caused the respondent drawee Bank to honor
make an adequate investigation on the matter. Had this been done, the the forged checks or prevented it from recovering the amount it had already
discrepancies would have been discovered, sooner or later. Petitioner's paid on the checks, petitioner cannot now complain should the bank refuse
failure to make such adequate inquiry constituted negligence which to recredit her account with the amount of such checks.10 Under Section
resulted in the bank's honoring of the subsequent checks with forged 23 of the NIL, she is now precluded from using the forgery to prevent the
indorsements. On the other hand, since the record mentions nothing about bank's debiting on her account.
such a complaint, the possibility exists that the checks in question covered The doctrine in the case of Great Eastern Life Insurance Co. us.
inexistent sales. But even in such a case, considering the length of a Hongkong & Shanghai Bank11 is not applicable to the case at bar because
period of two (2) years, it is hard to believe that petitioner did not know or in said case, the check was fraudulently taken and the signature of the
realize that she was paying much more than she should for the supplies payee was forged not by an agent or employee of the drawer. The drawer
she was actually getting. A depositor may not sit idly by, after knowledge was not found to be negligent in the handling of its business affairs and the
has come to her that her funds seem to be disappearing or that there may theft of the check by a total stranger was not attributable to
be a leak in her business, and refrain from taking the steps that a careful negligence of the drawer; neither was the forging of the payee's
and prudent businessman would take in such circumstances and if taken, indorsement due to the drawer's negligence. Since the drawer was not
would result in stopping the continuance of the fraudulent scheme. If she negligent, the drawee was duty-bound to restore to the drawer's account
fails to take such steps, the facts may establish her negligence and in that the amount theretofore paid under the check with
event, she would be estopped from recovering from the bank.9
One thing is clear from the records—that the petitioner failed to ____________
examine her records with reasonable diligence whether before she signed
the checks or after receiving her bank statements. Had the petitioner Defiance Lumber Co. vs. Bank of California, N.A., 180 Wash. 533,
examined her records more carefully, particularly the invoice receipts, 41 P. 2d 135 (1935); National Surety Co. vs. President and Directors of
cancelled checks, check book stubs, and had she compared the sums Manhattan Co., et al, 252 N.Y. 247, 169 N.E. 372 (1929); Erickson Co. vs.
written as amounts payable in the eighty-two (82) checks with the perti- lowa National Bank, supra, note 3
11 43 Phil. 678 (1922).

____________ 695
VOL. 218, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 695
9 Detroit Piston Ring Co. vs. Wayne County & Home Savings Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
Bank, supra, note 3. a forged payee's indorsement because the drawee did not pay as ordered
694 by the drawer.
694 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Petitioner argues that respondent drawee Bank should not have
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals honored the checks because they were crossed checks. Issuing a crossed
nent sales invoices, she would have easily discovered that in some checks, check imposes no legal obligation on the drawee not to honor such a
the amounts did not tally with those appearing in the sales invoices. Had check. It is more of a warning to the holder that the check cannot be
she noticed these discrepancies, she should not have signed those presented to the drawee bank for payment in cash. Instead, the check can
checks, and should have conducted an inquiry as to the reason for the only be deposited with the payee's bank which in turn must present it for
irregular entries. Likewise, had petitioner been more vigilant in going over payment against the drawee bank in the course of normal banking
her current account by taking careful note of the daily reports made by transactions between banks. The crossed check cannot be presented for
payment but it can only be deposited and the drawee bank may only pay However, under Article 1170 of the same Code the respondent drawee
to another bank in the payee's or indorser's account. Bank may be held liable for damages. The article provides—
Petitioner likewise contends that banking rules prohibit the drawee "Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty offraud,
bank from having checks with more than one indorsement. The banking negligence or delay, and those who in any manner contravene the tenor
rule banning acceptance ofchecks for deposit or cash payment with more thereof, are liable for damages."
than one indorsement unless cleared by some bank officials does not There is no question that there is a contractual relation between petitioner
invalidate the instrument; neither does it invalidate the negotiation or as depositor (obligee) and the respondent drawee bank as the obligor. In
transfer of the said check. In effect this rule destroys the the performance of its obligation, the drawee bank is bound by its internal
negotiability of bills/checks by limiting their negotiation by banking rules and regulations which form part of any contract it enters into
indorsement of only the payee. Under the NIL, the only with any of its depositors. When it violated its internal rules that second
kind of indorsement which stops the further negotiation of an instrument is endorsements are not to be accepted without the
a restrictive indorsement which prohibits the further negotiation thereof.
"Sec. 36. When indorsement restrictive.—An indorsement is restrictive ____________
which either
12 NIL, Sec. 37.
(a) Prohibits further negotiation of the instrument; or X X x."
In this kind of restrictive indorsement, the prohibition to transfer or 697
negotiate must be written in express words at the back of the instrument, VOL. 218, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 697
so that any subsequent party may be forewarned that it ceases to be Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
negotiable. However, the restrictive indorsee acquires the right to receive approval of its branch managers and it did accept the same upon the mere
payment and bring any action thereon as any indorser, but he can no approval of Boon, a chief accountant, it contravened the tenor of its
longer transfer his rights as such indorsee where the form of the obligation at the very least, if it were not actually guilty of fraud or
696 negligence.
696 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Furthermore, the fact that the respondent drawee Bank did not discover
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals the irregularity with respect to the acceptance of checks with second
indorsement does not authorize him to do so.12 indorsement for deposit even without the approval of the branch manager
Although the holder of a check cannot compel a drawee bank to honor despite periodic inspection conducted by a team of auditors from the main
it because there is no privity between them, as far as the drawer-depositor office constitutes negligence on the part of the bank in carrying out its
is concerned, such bank may not legally refuse to honor a negotiable obligations to its depositors. Article 1173 provides—
bill of exchange or a check drawn against it with more than one "The fault or negligence of the obligor consists in the omission ofthat
indorsement if there is nothing irregular with the bill or check and the diligence which is required by the nature of the obligation and corresponds
drawer has sufficient funds. The drawee cannot be compelled to accept or with the circumstance of the persons, of the time and of the place. x x x."
pay the check by the drawer or any holder because as a drawee, he incurs We hold that banking business is so impressed with public interest where
no liability on the check unless he accepts it. But the drawee will make itself the trust and confidence of the public in general is of paramount
liable to a suit for damages at the instance of the drawer for wrongful importance such that the appropriate standard of diligence must be a high
dishonor of the bill or check. degree ofdiligence, if not the utmost diligence. Surely, respondent drawee
Thus, it is clear that under the NIL, petitioner is precluded from raising Bank cannot claim it exercised such a degree ofdiligence that is
the defense of forgery by reason ofher gross negligence. But under required of it. There is no way We can allow it now to escape liability for
Section 196 of the NIL, any case not provided for in the Act shall be such negligence. Its liability as obligor is not merely vicarious but primary
governed by the provisions of existing legislation. Under the laws ofquasi- wherein the defense of exercise of due diligence in the selection and
delict, she cannot point to the negligence of the respondent drawee Bank supervision of its employees is of no moment.
in the selection and supervision of its employees as being the cause of the Premises considered, respondent drawee Bank is adjudged liable to
loss because her negligence is the proximate cause thereof and under share the loss with the petitioner on a fifty-fifty ratio in accordance with
Article 2179 of the Civil Code, she may not be awarded damages. Article 1172 which provides:
"Responsibility arising from negligence in the performance ofevery
kind of obligation is also demandable, but such liability may be regulated
by the courts, according to the circumstances."
With the foregoing provisions of the Civil Code being relied upon, it is being
made clear that the decision to hold the drawee bank liable is based on
law and substantial justice and not on mere equity. And although the case
was brought before the court not on breach of contractual obligations, the
courts are not precluded from applying to the circumstances of the case
Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals
the laws pertinent thereto. Thus, the fact that petitioner's negligence was
found to be the proximate cause of her loss does not preclude her from
recovering damages. The reason why the decision dealt on a discussion
on proximate cause is due to the error pointed out by petitioner as allegedly
committed by the respondent court. And in breaches ofcontract under
Article 1173, due diligence on the part ofthe defendant is not a defense.
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the case is hereby ordered REMANDED
to the trial court for the reception ofevidence to determine the exact
amount of loss suffered by the petitioner, considering that she partly
benefited from the issuance of the questioned checks since the obligation
for which she issued them were apparently extinguished, such that only
the excess amount over and above the total of these actual obligations
must be considered as loss ofwhich one half must be paid by respondent
drawee bank to herein petitioner.
Narvasa (C.J., Chairman), Feliciano, Regalado and Nocon,
JJ., concur.
Case remanded to trial court for reception of evidence.
Note.—Respondent bank is not guilty of negligence for it had no way of
ascertaining the authenticity of the endorsements in the checks, and
because it caused the checks to pass through the clearing house, before
allowing withdrawal of the proceeds thereof (Manila Lighter Transportation,
Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 182 SCRA 251).


596 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED indebtedness of one Matilde Gonzales; that upon receipt of said check,
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian plaintiff gave Matilde Gonzales P158.25, the difference between the face
No. L-15126. November 30, 1961. value of the check and Matilde Gonzales’ indebtedness. The defendants
VICENTE R. DE OCAMPO & Co., plaintiff-appellee, vs. ANITA admit the execution of the check but they allege in their answer, as
GATCHALIAN, ET AL., defendants-appellants. affirmative defense, that it was issued subject to a condition, which was not
Bills, notes and checks; Negotiable instruments; Holder in due fulfilled, and that plaintiff was guilty of gross negligence in not taking steps
course.—Section 52(c) provides that a holder in due course is one who to protect itself.
takes the instrument “in good faith and for value”; 598
VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 597 Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian At the time of the trial, the parties submitted a stipulation of facts, which
Section 59, “that every holder is deemed prima facie to be a holder in reads as follows:
due course”; and Section 52(d), that in order that one may be a holder in “Plaintiff and defendants through their respective undersigned attorney’s
due course it is necessary that “at the time the instrument was negotiated respectfully submit the following Agreed Stipulation of Facts;
to him he had no notice of any x x x defect in the title of the person First.—That on or about 8 September 1953, in the evening, defendant
negotiating it”; and lastly Section 59, that every holder is deemed prima Anita C. Gatchalian who was then interested in looking for a car for the use
facie to be a holder in due course. of her husband and the family, was shown and offered a car by Manuel
Same; Same; When a holder is not a holder in due course.—Where Gonzales who was accompanied by Emil Fajardo, the latter being
a holder’s title is defective or suspicious, it cannot be stated that the payee personally known to defendant Anita C. Gatchalian;
acquired the check without the knowledge, of said defect in holder’s title, Second.—That Manuel Gonzales represented to defendant Anita C.
and for this reason the presumption that it is a holder in due course or that Gatchalian that he was duly authorized by the owner of the car, Ocampo
it acquired the instrument in good faith does not exist. Clinic, to look for a buyer of said car and to negotiate for and accomplish
Same; Same; Holder in due course; When proof of good faith said sale, but which facts were not known to plaintiff;
required.—Where the payee required the check under circumstances Third.—that defendant Anita C. Gatchalian, finding the price of the car
which should have put it to inquiry, why the holder had the check and used quoted by Manuel Gonzales to her satisfaction, requested Manuel
it, to pay his own personal account, the duty developed upon it to prove Gonzales to bring the car the day following together with the certificate of
that it actually acquired said check in good faith. registration of the car, so that her husband would be able to see same; that
on this request of defendant Anita C. Gatchalian, Manuel Gonzales
APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila. advised her that the owner of the car will not be willing to give the certificate
Velasquez, J. of registration unless there is a showing that the party interested in the
purchase of said car is ready and willing to make such purchase and that
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. for this purpose Manuel Gonzales requested defendant Anita C.
Vicente Formoso, Jr. for plaintiff-appellee. Gatchalian to give him (Manuel Gonzales) a check which will be shown to
Reyes & Pangalañgan for defendants-appellants. the owner as evidence of buyer’s good faith in the intention to purchase
the said car, the said check to be for safekeeping only of Manuel Gonzales
LABRADOR, J.: and to be returned to defendant Anita C. Gatchalian the following day when
Manuel Gonzales brings the car and the certificate of registration, but
Appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Hon. which facts were not known to plaintiff;
Conrado M. Velasquez, presiding, sentencing the defendants to pay the Fourth.—That relying on these representations of Manuel Gonzales
plaintiff the sum of P600, with legal interest from September 10, 1953 until and with his assurance that said check will be only for safekeeping and
paid, and to pay the costs. which will be returned to said defendant the following day when the car and
The action is for the recovery of the value of a check for P600 payable its certificate of registration will be brought by Manuel Gonzales to
to the plaintiff and drawn by defendant Anita C. Gatchalian. The complaint defendants, but which facts were not known to plaintiff, defendant Anita C.
sets forth the check and alleges that plaintiff received it in payment of the
Gatchalian drew and issued a check, Exh. ‘B’; that Manuel Gon-zales obligations with plaintiff and receiving the cash balance of the check, Exh.
executed and issued a receipt for said check, Exh. ‘1’; ‘B’ and that said complaint was subsequently dropped;
Fifth.—That on the failure of Manuel Gonzales to appear the day Thirteenth.—That the exhibits mentioned in this stipulation and the
following and on his failure to bring the car and its certificate of registration other exhibits submitted previously, be considered as parts of this
and to return the check, Exh. ‘B’, on the following day as previously agreed stipulation, without necessity of formally offering them in evidence;
upon, defendant Anita C. Gatchalian issued a ‘Stop Payment Order’ on the WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed that this agreed stipulation of
check, Exh. ‘3’, with the drawee bank. Said ‘Stop Payment Order’ was facts be admitted and that the parties hereto be given fifteen days from
issued without previous notice on plaintiff not being known today within which to submit simultaneously their memorandum to discuss
599 the issues of law arising from the facts, reserving to either party the right
VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 599 to submit reply memorandum, if necessary, within ten days from
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian receipt of their main memoranda.” (pp. 21-25, Defendant’s Record on
to defendant, Anita C. Gatchalian and who furthermore had no reason to Appeal)
know check was given to plaintiff; 600
Sixth.—That defendants, both or either of them, did not know personally 600 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Manuel Gonzales or any member of his family at any time prior to Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
September 1953, but that defendant Hipolito Gatchalian is personally No other evidence was submitted and upon said stipulation the court
acquainted with V. R. de Ocampo; rendered the judgment already alluded to above.
Seventh.—That defendants, both or either of them, had no In their appeal defendants-appellants contend that the check is not a
arrangements or agreement with the Ocampo Clinic at any time prior to, negotiable instrument, under the facts and circumstances stated in the
on or after 9 September 1953 for the hospitalization of the wife of Manuel stipulation of facts, and that plaintiff is not a holder in due course. In support
Gonzales and neither or both of said defendants had assumed, expressly of the the first contention, it is argued that defendant Gatchalian had no
or impliedly, with the Ocampo Clinic, the obligation of Manuel Gonzales or intention to transfer her property in the instrument as it was for safekeeping
his wife for the hospitalization of the latter; merely and, therefore, there was no delivery required by law (Section 16,
Eight.—That defendants, both or either of them, had no obligation or Negotiable Instruments Law); that assuming for the sake of argument that
liability, directly or indirectly with the Ocampo Clinic before, or on 9 delivery was not for safekeeping merely, the delivery was conditional and
September 1953; the condition was not fulfilled.
Ninth.—That Manuel Gonzales having received the check Exh. ‘B’ from In support of the contention that plaintiff-appellee is not a holder in due
defendant Anita C. Gatchalian under the representations and conditions course, the appellant argues that plaintiff-appellee cannot be a holder in
herein above specified, delivered the same to the Ocampo Clinic, in due course because there was no negotiation prior to plaintiff-appellee’s
payment of the fees and expenses arising from the hospitalization of his acquiring the possession of the check; that a holder in due course
wife; presupposes a prior party from whose hands negotiation proceeded, and
Tenth.—That plaintiff for and in consideration of fees and expenses of in the case at bar, plaintiff-appellee is the payee, the maker and the payee
hospitalization and the release of the wife of Manuel Gonzales from its being original parties. It is also claimed that the plaintiff-appellee is not a
hospital, accepted said check, applying P441.75 (Exhibit ‘A’) thereof to holder in due course because it acquired the check with notice of defect in
payment of said fees and expenses and delivering to Manuel Gonzales the the title of the holder, Manuel Gonzales, and because under the
amount of P158.25 (as per receipt, Exhibit ‘D’) representing the balance circumstances stated in the stipulation of facts there were circumstances
on the amount of the said check, Exh. ‘B’; that brought suspicion about Gonzales’ possession and negotiation, which
Eleventh.—That the acts of acceptance of the check and application of circumstances should have placed the plaintiff-appellee under the duty, to
its proceeds in the manner specified above were made without previous inquire into the title of the holder. The circumstances are as follows:
inquiry by plaintiff from defendants: “The check is not a personal check of Manuel Gonzales. (Paragraph Ninth,
Twelfth.—That plaintiff filed or caused to be filed with the Office of the Stipulation of Facts). Plaintiff could have inquired why a person would use
City Fiscal of Manila, a complaint for estafa against Manuel Gonzales the check of another to pay his own debt. Furthermore, plaintiff had the
based on and arising from the acts of said Manuel Gonzales in paying his ‘means of knowledge’ inasmuch as defendant Hipolito Gatchalian is
personally acquainted with V. R. de Ocampo (Paragraph Sixth, Stipulation “Since ‘holder’, as defined in sec. 191, includes a payee who
of Facts.) 602
“The maker Anita C. Gatchalian is a complete stranger to Manuel 602 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Gonzales and Dr. V. R. de Ocampo (Paragraph Sixth, Stipulation of Facts). Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
601 is in possession the word holder in the first clause of sec. 52 and in the
VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 601 second subsection may be replaced by the definition in sec. 191 so as to
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian read ‘a holder in due course is a payee or indorsee who is in possession,’
“The maker is not in any manner obligated to Ocampo Clinic nor to etc.” (Brannan’s on Negotiable Instruments Law, 6th ed., p. 543).
Manuel Gonzales. (Par. 7, Stipulation of Facts.) The first argument of the defendants-appellants, therefore, depends upon
“The check could not have been intended to pay the hospital fees which whether or not the plaintiff-appellee is a holder in due course. If it is such
amounted only to P441.75. The check is in the amount of P600.00, which a holder in due course, it is immaterial that it was the payee and an
is in excess of the amount due plaintiff. (Par. 10, Stipulation of Facts). immediate party to the instrument.
“It was necessary for plaintiff to give Manuel Gonzales change in the The other contention of the plaintiff is that there has been no negotiation
sum of P158.25 (Par. 10, Stipulation of Facts). Since Manuel Gonzales is of the instrument, because the drawer did not deliver the instrument to
the party obliged to pay, plaintiff should have been more cautious and wary Manuel Gonzales with the intention of negotiating the same, or for the
in accepting a piece of paper and disbursing cold cash. purpose of giving effect thereto, for as the stipulation of facts declares the
“The check is payable to bearer. Hence, any person who holds it should check was to remain in the possession of Manuel Gonzales, and was not
have been subjected to inquiries. EVEN IN A BANK, CHECKS ARE NOT to be negotiated, but was to serve merely as evidence of good faith of
CASHED WITHOUT INQUIRY FROM THE BEARER. The same inquiries defendants in their desire to purchase the car being sold to them. Admitting
should have been made by plaintiff.” (Defendants-appellants’ brief, pp. 52- that such was the intention of the drawer of the check when she delivered
53). it to Manuel Gonzales, it was no fault of the plaintiff-appellee drawee if
Answering the first contention of appellant, counsel for plaintiff-appellee Manuel Gonzales delivered the check or negotiated it. As the check was
argues that in accordance with the best authority on the Negotiable payable to the plaintiff-appellee, and was entrusted to Manuel Gonzales
Instruments Law, plaintiff-appellee may be considered as a holder in due by Gatchalian, the delivery to Manuel Gonzales was a delivery by the
course, citing Brannan’s Negotiable Instruments Law, 6th edition, page drawer to his own agent; in other words, Manuel Gonzales was the agent
252. On this issue Brannan holds that a payee may be a holder in due of the drawer Anita Gatchalian insofar as the possession of the check is
course and says that to this effect is the greater weight of authority, thus: concerned. So, when the agent of drawer Manuel Gonzales negotiated the
“Whether the payee may be a holder in due course under the N. I. L., as check with the intention of getting its value from plaintiff-appellee,
he was at common law, is a question upon which the courts are in serious negotiation took place through no fault of the plaintiff-appellee, unless it
conflict. There can be no doubt that a proper interpretation of the act read can be shown that the plaintiff-appellee should be considered as having
as a whole leads to the conclusion that a payee may be a holder in due notice of the defect in the possession of the holder Manuel Gonzales. Our
course under any circumstance in which he meets the requirements of Sec. resolution of this issue leads us to a consideration of the last question
52. presented by the appellants, i.e., whether the plaintiff-appellee may be
“The argument of Professor Brannan in an earlier edition of this work considered as a holder in due course.
has never been successfully answered and is here repeated Section 52, Negotiable Instruments Law, defines holder in due course,
“Section 191 defines ‘holder’ as the payee or indorsee of a bill or note, thus:
who is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof. Sec. 52 defines a holder “A holder in due course is a holder who has taken the
in due course as ‘a holder who has taken the instrument under the following 603
conditions: 1. That it is complete and regular on its face. 2. That he became VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 603
the holder of it before it was overdue, and without notice that it had been Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
previously dishonored, if such was the fact. 3. That he took it in good faith instrument under the following conditions:
and for value. 4. That at the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice
of any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person 1. (a)That it is complete and regular upon its face;
negotiating it’
2. (b)That he became the holder of it before it was overdue, and “Liberty bonds stolen from the plaintiff were brought by the thief, a boy
without notice that it had been previously dishonored, if such was fifteen years old, less than five feet tall, immature in appearance and
the fact; bearing on his face the stamp of a degenerate, to the defendants’ clerk for
3. (c)That he took it in good faith and for value; sale. The boy stated that they belonged to his mother. The defendants paid
4. (d)That at the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice of any the boy for the bonds without any further inquiry. Held, the plaintiff could
infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person recover the value of the bonds. The term ‘bad faith’ does not necessarily
negotiating it.” involve furtive motives, but means bad faith in a commercial sense. The
manner in which the defendants conducted their Liberty Loan department
The stipulation of facts expressly states that plaintiff-appellee was not provided an easy way for thieves to dispose of their plunder. It was a case
aware of the circumstances under which the check was delivered to of ‘no questions asked.’ Although gross negligence does not of itself
Manuel Gonzales, but we agree with the defendants-appellants that the constitute bad faith, it is evidence from which bad faith may be inferred.
circumstances indicated by them in their briefs, such as the fact that The circumstances thrust the duty upon the defendants to make further
appellants had no obligation or liability to the Ocampo Clinic; that the inquiries and they had no right to shut their eyes deliberately to obvious
amount of the check did not correspond exactly with the obligation of facts. Morris v. Muir, 111 Misc. Rep. 739, 181 N.Y. Supp. 913, affd. in
Matilde Gonzales to Dr. V. R. de Ocampo; and that the check had two memo., 191 App. Div. 947, 181 N.Y. Supp. 945.” (pp. 640-642, Brannan’s
parallel lines in the upper left hand corner, which practice means that the Negotiable Instruments Law, 6th ed.).
check could only be deposited but may not be converted into cash—all The above considerations would seem sufficient to justify our ruling that
these circumstances should have put the plaintiff-appellee to inquiry as to plaintiff-appellee should not be allowed to recover the value of the check.
the why and wherefore of the possession of the check by Manuel Let us now examine the express provisions of the Negotiable Instruments
Gonzales, and why he used it to pay Matilde’s account. It was payee’s duty Law pertinent to the matter to find if our ruling conforms thereto. Section
to ascertain from the holder Manuel Gonzales what the nature of the latter’s 52 (c) provides that a holder in due course is one who takes the instrument
title to the check was or the nature of his possession. Having failed in this “in good faith and for value;” Section 59, “that every holder is
respect, we must declare that plaintiff-appellee was guilty of gross neglect deemed prima facieto be a holder in due course;” and Section 52 (d), that
in not finding out the nature of the title and possession of Manuel Gonzales, in order that one may be a holder in due course it is necessary that “at the
amounting to legal absence of good faith, and it may not be considered as time the instrument was negotiated to him “he had no notice of any x x x
a holder of the check in good faith. To such effect is the consensus of defect in the title of the person negotiating it;” and lastly Section 59, that
authority. every holder is deemed prima facie to be a holder in due course.
“In order to show that the defendant had ‘knowledge of such facts that his In the case at bar the rule that a possessor of the instrument is prima
action in taking the instrument amounted to bad faith,’ it is not necessary facie a holder in due course does not apply because there was a defect in
to prove that the defendant knew the exact fraud that was practiced upon the title of the holder (Manuel Gonzales), because the instrument is not
the plaintiff by the defendant’s assignor, it being sufficient to show that the payable
defendant had notice that there was something wrong about his assignor’s 605
acquisition of title, although he did not have notice of the particular wrong VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 605
that was committed. Paika v. Perry, 225 Mass. 563, 114 N.E. 830. Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
“It is sufficient that the buyer of a note had notice or to him or to bearer. On the other hand, the stipulation of facts indicated by
604 the appellants in their brief, like the fact that the drawer had no account
604 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED with the payee; that the holder did not show or tell the payee why he had
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian the check in his possession and why he was using it for the payment of his
knowledge that the note was in some way tainted with fraud. It is not own personal account—show that holder’s title was defective or
necessary that he should know the particulars or even the nature of the suspicious, to say the least. As holder’s title was defective or suspicious, it
fraud, since all that is required is knowledge of such facts that his action in cannot be stated that the payee acquired the check without knowledge of
taking the note amounted to bad faith. Ozark Motor Co. v. Horton (Mo. said defect in holder’s title, and for this reason the presumption that it is a
App.), 196 S.W. 395. Accord. Davis v. First Nat. Bank, 26 Ariz. 621, 229 holder in due course or that it acquired the instrument in good faith does
Pac. 391. not exist. And having presented no evidence that it acquired the check in
good faith, it (payee) cannot be considered as a holder in due course. In to hold (contrary to the rule adopted in our former decisions) that
other words, under the circumstances of the case, instead of the negligence on the part of the plaintiff, or suspicious circumstances
presumption that payee was a holder in good faith, the fact is that it sufficient to put a prudent man on inquiry, will not of themselves prevent a
acquired possession of the instrument under circumstances that should recovery, but are to be considered merely as evidence bearing on the
have put it to inquiry as to the title of the holder who negotiated the check question of bad faith. See G. L. 3113, 3172, where such a course is
to it. The burden was, therefore, placed upon it to show that required in construing other uniform acts.
notwithstanding the suspicious circumstances, it acquired the check in “It comes to this then: When the case has taken such shape that the
actual good faith. plaintiff is called upon to prove himself a holder in due course to be entitled
The rule applicable to the case at bar is that described in the case of to recover, he is required to establish the conditions entitling him to
Howard National Bank v. Wilson, et al., 96 Vt. 438, 120 At. 889, 894, where standing as such, including good faith in taking the instrument. It devolves
the Supreme Court of Vermont made the following disquisition: upon him to disclose the facts and circumstances attending the transfer,
“Prior to the Negotiable Instruments Act, two distinct lines of cases had from which good or bad faith in the transaction may be inferred.”
developed in this country. The first had its origin in Gill v. Cubitt, 3 B. & C. In the case at bar as the payee acquired the check under circumstances
466, 10 E. L. 215, where the rule was distinctly laid down by the court of which should have put it to inquiry, why the holder had the check and used
King’s Bench that the purchaser of negotiable paper must exercise it to pay his own personal account, the duty devolved upon it, plaintiff-
reasonable prudence and caution, and that, if the circumstances were such appellee, to prove that it actually acquired said check in good faith. The
as ought to have excited the suspicion of a prudent and careful man, and stipulation of facts contains no statement of such good faith, hence we are
he made no inquiry, he did not stand in the legal position of a bona fide forced to the conclusion that plaintiff payee has not proved that it acquired
holder. The rule was adopted by the courts of this country generally and the check in good faith and may not be deemed a holder in due course
seem to have become a fixed rule in the law of negotiable paper. Later in thereof.
Goodman v. Harvey, 4 A. & E. 870, 31 E. C. L. 381, the English court For the foregoing considerations, the decision appealed from should
abandoned its former position and adopted the rule that nothing short of be, as it is hereby, reversed, and the defen-
actual bad faith or fraud in the purchaser would deprive him of the 607
character of a bona fide purchaser and let in defenses existing between VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 607
prior parties, that no circumstances of suspicion merely, or want of proper Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
606 dants are absolved from the complaint. With costs against plaintiff-
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Reyes,
caution in the purchaser, would have this effect, and that even gross J.B.L., Barrera, Paredes, Dizon and De Leon, JJ., concur.
negligence would have no effect, except as evidence tending to establish Bengzon, C.J., concurs in the result.
bad faith or fraud. Some of the American courts adhered to the earlier rule, Decision reversed.
while others followed the change inaugurated in Goodman v. Harvey. The
question was before this court in Roth v. Colvin, 32 Vt. 125, and, on full ANNOTATION
consideration of the question, a rule was adopted in harmony with that
announced in Gill v. Cubitt, which has been adhered to in subsequent HOLDER IN DUE COURSE UNDER THE NEGOTIABLE
cases, including those cited above. Stated briefly, one line of cases INSTRUMENTS LAW
including our own had adopted the test of the reasonably prudent man and
the other that of actual good faith. It would seem that it was the intent of Every holder of a negotiable instrument is deemed prima facie a holder in
the Negotiable Instruments Act to harmonize this disagreement by due course. However, this presumption arises only in favor of a person
adopting the latter test. That such is the view generally accepted by the who is a holder of the negotiable instrument as defined in Section 191 of
courts appears from a recent review of the cases concerning what the Negotiable Instruments Law (Fossum vs. Fernandez, 44 Phil. 713).
constitutes notice of defect. Brannan on Neg. Ins. Law, 187-201. To Under Section 191 of the said law, a holder means a payee or indorsee of
effectuate the general purpose of the act to make uniform the Negotiable a bill or note who is in pos-session of it or the bearer thereof. Therefore,
Instruments Law of those states which should enact it, we are constrained one who is not a payee or indorsee of a check can not be considered a
holder and invoke the presumption. (Montinola vs. Philippine National responsibility, on the other side. (Walker Rubber Corporation vs.
Bank, 88 Phil. 178). The presumption does not arise in favor of a person Redulandsel Indische & Handels Bank, Nos. L-12502 and L-12513, May
who is no longer in possession of the instrument (Fossum v. 29, 1959). One who accepted checks that had passed the clearing office
Fernandez, supra). but were unpaid and returned because the drawee had no funds, some of
Since Section 191 of the Negotiable Instruments Law defines “holder” them stamped “account closed”, was not a holder in due course, since he
as the payee or indorsee of a bill or note, one who received a check by knew upon taking them up that the checks had already been dishonored
indorsement to him of only part of its face value, and who was not the (Chan Wan vs. Tan Kim, No. L-15380, September 30, 1960).
payee, could not be considered a holder of the instrument. An indorsement 609
which purports to transfer to the indorsee only a part of the amount payable VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 609
does not operate as a negotiation of the instrument. The transferee could Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
not be considered an indorsee and at most was a mere assignee subject It does not follow that simply because a holder of a bearer note is not a
to all the defenses available to the drawer. (Montinola vs. Philippine holder in due course, he can not recover on the checks. If B purchases an
National Bank, supra). Where, however, the transferee receives notice of overdue negotiable note signed by A, he is not a holder in due course; but
any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating he may recover from A if the latter has no valid excuse for refusing
the same before he has paid the full amount agreed to be paid therefor, payment. The only disadvantage of a holder who is not a holder in due
the transferee will be deemed a holder in due course is that the negotiable instrument is subject to defenses as if it was
608 non-negotiable. Therefore if the overdue checks were issued in payment
608 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED for shoes that were never delivered, A would have a good defense as
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian against a holder who is not so in due course (Chan Wan v. Tan Kim, L-
course to the extent of the amount therefor paid by him (Sec. 54, 15380, September 30, 1960).
Negotiable Instruments Law). A holder of a negotiable instrument not in due course, but who derives
Where an instrument payable on demand is negotiated an title through a holder in due course, may, therefore, recover against the
unreasonable length of time after its issue, the holder thereof is not person primarily liable, though consideration for the same instrument has
deemed a holder in due course (Section 53, Negotiable Instruments Law). failed; but the holder must have to prove as an independent matter of fact
Where a check was issued by the provincial treasurer on May 2, 1942 as that the previous holder was so in due course (Fossum vs.
drawer and the check was transferred to plaintiff about the last days of Fernandez, supra).
December 1944, or about two and one half years later, it was held that Any promissory note, check, or order for the payment of money given
since the check was already overdue when it fell into the hands of the for money with which to gamble or for money lost at gambling or as stake,
plaintiff, he could not be considered a holder in due course (Montinola vs. is void (Section 9. Act 1757). It was held that in the absence of the consent
Philippine National Bank, supra). Also, one who purchased two promissory of the payor, promissory notes representing gambling debts were
notes without the necessary indorsement on the part of the holder, after unenforceable in the hands of an assignee (Palma vs. Canizares, 1 Phil.
payment thereof had already been one year overdue, and without having 602). However, in the hands of one purchasing the same for a valuable
made inquiries about the solvency of their makers, was not been consideration in good faith before maturity and not knowing and having no
considered a holder in due course (Santos vs. Reyes and Reyes, 64 Phil. knowledge of facts sufficient to put them upon notice that such promissory
383). note, check or order for the payment of money was given in consideration
A person who had not paid the full amount of the check and who should of a gambling debt for money lost at gambling or as a stake, is the same is
have known that the check could not have been issued to the indorser in valid. (Section 9, Act 1757).
his private capacity but as a government official was not considered a All covenants and stipulations contained in bonds bills, notes, etc.
holder in good faith; hence, not a holder in due course (Montinola vs. Phil- whereupon or whereby there shall be stipulated, charged, demanded,
ippine National Bank, supra). reserved, secured, taken, or received directly or indirectly, a higher rate or
The relinquishment by a bank of its possession of and lien on several greater sum of value for the loan or renewal or forbearance of money
pounds of rubber in consideration for the sight draft delivered to it is a goods, credits than is allowed by the Usury Law shall be void, except as to
valuable consideration. Value may be some right, interest, profit or benefit an innocent purchaser for a valuable consider-
to the party who makes the contract or some forbearance, detriment, loss, 610
National Power Corporation vs. Valera
ation before maturity, when there has been no intention on the part of said
purchaser to evade the provisions of the Usury Law and said purchaser
was not a part of the original usurious transaction (Sec. 7, Act 2655).—
Notes.—The preponderant weight of authority, both by cases and by
jurisdiction, sustains the view that a “payee” may be a holder in due course
(Merchants’ Nat. Bank v. Smith, 59 Mont. 280, 196 Pa. 523, 15 A.L.R.
430). An illustration of this view may be found in Boston Steel & Iron
Co. v. Stener (183 Mass. 140, 66 N.E. 646, 97 Am. St. Rep. 426) where a
woman delivered to her husband a check made payable to a certain
creditor, with instructions to pay her debt with it. The husband gave the
check to the creditor in payment of his own debt to the same creditor who
accepted it as such in good faith. The creditor was held to be a holder in
due course. (Reyes, Notes on Negotiable Instruments Law, pp. 72-73).
If the holder had actual knowledge of suspicious circumstances,
coupled with the means of readily informing himself of the facts, and he
wilfully abstains from making inquiries, his intentional ignorance may
amount to bad faith (Hess v. Iowa Bankers’ Mortg. Co., 1924, 198 Ia. 1365,
201 N.W. 91; Marion Nat. Bank v. Harden, 1918, 83 W. Va. 119, 97 S.E.
600, 6 A.L.R. 240).

596 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED indebtedness of one Matilde Gonzales; that upon receipt of said check,
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian plaintiff gave Matilde Gonzales P158.25, the difference between the face
No. L-15126. November 30, 1961. value of the check and Matilde Gonzales’ indebtedness. The defendants
VICENTE R. DE OCAMPO & Co., plaintiff-appellee, vs. ANITA admit the execution of the check but they allege in their answer, as
GATCHALIAN, ET AL., defendants-appellants. affirmative defense, that it was issued subject to a condition, which was not
Bills, notes and checks; Negotiable instruments; Holder in due fulfilled, and that plaintiff was guilty of gross negligence in not taking steps
course.—Section 52(c) provides that a holder in due course is one who to protect itself.
takes the instrument “in good faith and for value”; 598
VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 597 Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian At the time of the trial, the parties submitted a stipulation of facts, which
Section 59, “that every holder is deemed prima facie to be a holder in reads as follows:
due course”; and Section 52(d), that in order that one may be a holder in “Plaintiff and defendants through their respective undersigned attorney’s
due course it is necessary that “at the time the instrument was negotiated respectfully submit the following Agreed Stipulation of Facts;
to him he had no notice of any x x x defect in the title of the person First.—That on or about 8 September 1953, in the evening, defendant
negotiating it”; and lastly Section 59, that every holder is deemed prima Anita C. Gatchalian who was then interested in looking for a car for the use
facie to be a holder in due course. of her husband and the family, was shown and offered a car by Manuel
Same; Same; When a holder is not a holder in due course.—Where Gonzales who was accompanied by Emil Fajardo, the latter being
a holder’s title is defective or suspicious, it cannot be stated that the payee personally known to defendant Anita C. Gatchalian;
acquired the check without the knowledge, of said defect in holder’s title, Second.—That Manuel Gonzales represented to defendant Anita C.
and for this reason the presumption that it is a holder in due course or that Gatchalian that he was duly authorized by the owner of the car, Ocampo
it acquired the instrument in good faith does not exist. Clinic, to look for a buyer of said car and to negotiate for and accomplish
Same; Same; Holder in due course; When proof of good faith said sale, but which facts were not known to plaintiff;
required.—Where the payee required the check under circumstances Third.—that defendant Anita C. Gatchalian, finding the price of the car
which should have put it to inquiry, why the holder had the check and used quoted by Manuel Gonzales to her satisfaction, requested Manuel
it, to pay his own personal account, the duty developed upon it to prove Gonzales to bring the car the day following together with the certificate of
that it actually acquired said check in good faith. registration of the car, so that her husband would be able to see same; that
on this request of defendant Anita C. Gatchalian, Manuel Gonzales
APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila. advised her that the owner of the car will not be willing to give the certificate
Velasquez, J. of registration unless there is a showing that the party interested in the
purchase of said car is ready and willing to make such purchase and that
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. for this purpose Manuel Gonzales requested defendant Anita C.
Vicente Formoso, Jr. for plaintiff-appellee. Gatchalian to give him (Manuel Gonzales) a check which will be shown to
Reyes & Pangalañgan for defendants-appellants. the owner as evidence of buyer’s good faith in the intention to purchase
the said car, the said check to be for safekeeping only of Manuel Gonzales
LABRADOR, J.: and to be returned to defendant Anita C. Gatchalian the following day when
Manuel Gonzales brings the car and the certificate of registration, but
Appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Hon. which facts were not known to plaintiff;
Conrado M. Velasquez, presiding, sentencing the defendants to pay the Fourth.—That relying on these representations of Manuel Gonzales
plaintiff the sum of P600, with legal interest from September 10, 1953 until and with his assurance that said check will be only for safekeeping and
paid, and to pay the costs. which will be returned to said defendant the following day when the car and
The action is for the recovery of the value of a check for P600 payable its certificate of registration will be brought by Manuel Gonzales to
to the plaintiff and drawn by defendant Anita C. Gatchalian. The complaint defendants, but which facts were not known to plaintiff, defendant Anita C.
sets forth the check and alleges that plaintiff received it in payment of the
Gatchalian drew and issued a check, Exh. ‘B’; that Manuel Gon-zales obligations with plaintiff and receiving the cash balance of the check, Exh.
executed and issued a receipt for said check, Exh. ‘1’; ‘B’ and that said complaint was subsequently dropped;
Fifth.—That on the failure of Manuel Gonzales to appear the day Thirteenth.—That the exhibits mentioned in this stipulation and the
following and on his failure to bring the car and its certificate of registration other exhibits submitted previously, be considered as parts of this
and to return the check, Exh. ‘B’, on the following day as previously agreed stipulation, without necessity of formally offering them in evidence;
upon, defendant Anita C. Gatchalian issued a ‘Stop Payment Order’ on the WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed that this agreed stipulation of
check, Exh. ‘3’, with the drawee bank. Said ‘Stop Payment Order’ was facts be admitted and that the parties hereto be given fifteen days from
issued without previous notice on plaintiff not being known today within which to submit simultaneously their memorandum to discuss
599 the issues of law arising from the facts, reserving to either party the right
VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 599 to submit reply memorandum, if necessary, within ten days from
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian receipt of their main memoranda.” (pp. 21-25, Defendant’s Record on
to defendant, Anita C. Gatchalian and who furthermore had no reason to Appeal)
know check was given to plaintiff; 600
Sixth.—That defendants, both or either of them, did not know personally 600 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Manuel Gonzales or any member of his family at any time prior to Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
September 1953, but that defendant Hipolito Gatchalian is personally No other evidence was submitted and upon said stipulation the court
acquainted with V. R. de Ocampo; rendered the judgment already alluded to above.
Seventh.—That defendants, both or either of them, had no In their appeal defendants-appellants contend that the check is not a
arrangements or agreement with the Ocampo Clinic at any time prior to, negotiable instrument, under the facts and circumstances stated in the
on or after 9 September 1953 for the hospitalization of the wife of Manuel stipulation of facts, and that plaintiff is not a holder in due course. In support
Gonzales and neither or both of said defendants had assumed, expressly of the the first contention, it is argued that defendant Gatchalian had no
or impliedly, with the Ocampo Clinic, the obligation of Manuel Gonzales or intention to transfer her property in the instrument as it was for safekeeping
his wife for the hospitalization of the latter; merely and, therefore, there was no delivery required by law (Section 16,
Eight.—That defendants, both or either of them, had no obligation or Negotiable Instruments Law); that assuming for the sake of argument that
liability, directly or indirectly with the Ocampo Clinic before, or on 9 delivery was not for safekeeping merely, the delivery was conditional and
September 1953; the condition was not fulfilled.
Ninth.—That Manuel Gonzales having received the check Exh. ‘B’ from In support of the contention that plaintiff-appellee is not a holder in due
defendant Anita C. Gatchalian under the representations and conditions course, the appellant argues that plaintiff-appellee cannot be a holder in
herein above specified, delivered the same to the Ocampo Clinic, in due course because there was no negotiation prior to plaintiff-appellee’s
payment of the fees and expenses arising from the hospitalization of his acquiring the possession of the check; that a holder in due course
wife; presupposes a prior party from whose hands negotiation proceeded, and
Tenth.—That plaintiff for and in consideration of fees and expenses of in the case at bar, plaintiff-appellee is the payee, the maker and the payee
hospitalization and the release of the wife of Manuel Gonzales from its being original parties. It is also claimed that the plaintiff-appellee is not a
hospital, accepted said check, applying P441.75 (Exhibit ‘A’) thereof to holder in due course because it acquired the check with notice of defect in
payment of said fees and expenses and delivering to Manuel Gonzales the the title of the holder, Manuel Gonzales, and because under the
amount of P158.25 (as per receipt, Exhibit ‘D’) representing the balance circumstances stated in the stipulation of facts there were circumstances
on the amount of the said check, Exh. ‘B’; that brought suspicion about Gonzales’ possession and negotiation, which
Eleventh.—That the acts of acceptance of the check and application of circumstances should have placed the plaintiff-appellee under the duty, to
its proceeds in the manner specified above were made without previous inquire into the title of the holder. The circumstances are as follows:
inquiry by plaintiff from defendants: “The check is not a personal check of Manuel Gonzales. (Paragraph Ninth,
Twelfth.—That plaintiff filed or caused to be filed with the Office of the Stipulation of Facts). Plaintiff could have inquired why a person would use
City Fiscal of Manila, a complaint for estafa against Manuel Gonzales the check of another to pay his own debt. Furthermore, plaintiff had the
based on and arising from the acts of said Manuel Gonzales in paying his ‘means of knowledge’ inasmuch as defendant Hipolito Gatchalian is
personally acquainted with V. R. de Ocampo (Paragraph Sixth, Stipulation “Since ‘holder’, as defined in sec. 191, includes a payee who
of Facts.) 602
“The maker Anita C. Gatchalian is a complete stranger to Manuel 602 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Gonzales and Dr. V. R. de Ocampo (Paragraph Sixth, Stipulation of Facts). Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
601 is in possession the word holder in the first clause of sec. 52 and in the
VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 601 second subsection may be replaced by the definition in sec. 191 so as to
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian read ‘a holder in due course is a payee or indorsee who is in possession,’
“The maker is not in any manner obligated to Ocampo Clinic nor to etc.” (Brannan’s on Negotiable Instruments Law, 6th ed., p. 543).
Manuel Gonzales. (Par. 7, Stipulation of Facts.) The first argument of the defendants-appellants, therefore, depends upon
“The check could not have been intended to pay the hospital fees which whether or not the plaintiff-appellee is a holder in due course. If it is such
amounted only to P441.75. The check is in the amount of P600.00, which a holder in due course, it is immaterial that it was the payee and an
is in excess of the amount due plaintiff. (Par. 10, Stipulation of Facts). immediate party to the instrument.
“It was necessary for plaintiff to give Manuel Gonzales change in the The other contention of the plaintiff is that there has been no negotiation
sum of P158.25 (Par. 10, Stipulation of Facts). Since Manuel Gonzales is of the instrument, because the drawer did not deliver the instrument to
the party obliged to pay, plaintiff should have been more cautious and wary Manuel Gonzales with the intention of negotiating the same, or for the
in accepting a piece of paper and disbursing cold cash. purpose of giving effect thereto, for as the stipulation of facts declares the
“The check is payable to bearer. Hence, any person who holds it should check was to remain in the possession of Manuel Gonzales, and was not
have been subjected to inquiries. EVEN IN A BANK, CHECKS ARE NOT to be negotiated, but was to serve merely as evidence of good faith of
CASHED WITHOUT INQUIRY FROM THE BEARER. The same inquiries defendants in their desire to purchase the car being sold to them. Admitting
should have been made by plaintiff.” (Defendants-appellants’ brief, pp. 52- that such was the intention of the drawer of the check when she delivered
53). it to Manuel Gonzales, it was no fault of the plaintiff-appellee drawee if
Answering the first contention of appellant, counsel for plaintiff-appellee Manuel Gonzales delivered the check or negotiated it. As the check was
argues that in accordance with the best authority on the Negotiable payable to the plaintiff-appellee, and was entrusted to Manuel Gonzales
Instruments Law, plaintiff-appellee may be considered as a holder in due by Gatchalian, the delivery to Manuel Gonzales was a delivery by the
course, citing Brannan’s Negotiable Instruments Law, 6th edition, page drawer to his own agent; in other words, Manuel Gonzales was the agent
252. On this issue Brannan holds that a payee may be a holder in due of the drawer Anita Gatchalian insofar as the possession of the check is
course and says that to this effect is the greater weight of authority, thus: concerned. So, when the agent of drawer Manuel Gonzales negotiated the
“Whether the payee may be a holder in due course under the N. I. L., as check with the intention of getting its value from plaintiff-appellee,
he was at common law, is a question upon which the courts are in serious negotiation took place through no fault of the plaintiff-appellee, unless it
conflict. There can be no doubt that a proper interpretation of the act read can be shown that the plaintiff-appellee should be considered as having
as a whole leads to the conclusion that a payee may be a holder in due notice of the defect in the possession of the holder Manuel Gonzales. Our
course under any circumstance in which he meets the requirements of Sec. resolution of this issue leads us to a consideration of the last question
52. presented by the appellants, i.e., whether the plaintiff-appellee may be
“The argument of Professor Brannan in an earlier edition of this work considered as a holder in due course.
has never been successfully answered and is here repeated Section 52, Negotiable Instruments Law, defines holder in due course,
“Section 191 defines ‘holder’ as the payee or indorsee of a bill or note, thus:
who is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof. Sec. 52 defines a holder “A holder in due course is a holder who has taken the
in due course as ‘a holder who has taken the instrument under the following 603
conditions: 1. That it is complete and regular on its face. 2. That he became VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 603
the holder of it before it was overdue, and without notice that it had been Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
previously dishonored, if such was the fact. 3. That he took it in good faith instrument under the following conditions:
and for value. 4. That at the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice
of any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person 1. (a)That it is complete and regular upon its face;
negotiating it’
2. (b)That he became the holder of it before it was overdue, and “Liberty bonds stolen from the plaintiff were brought by the thief, a boy
without notice that it had been previously dishonored, if such was fifteen years old, less than five feet tall, immature in appearance and
the fact; bearing on his face the stamp of a degenerate, to the defendants’ clerk for
3. (c)That he took it in good faith and for value; sale. The boy stated that they belonged to his mother. The defendants paid
4. (d)That at the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice of any the boy for the bonds without any further inquiry. Held, the plaintiff could
infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person recover the value of the bonds. The term ‘bad faith’ does not necessarily
negotiating it.” involve furtive motives, but means bad faith in a commercial sense. The
manner in which the defendants conducted their Liberty Loan department
The stipulation of facts expressly states that plaintiff-appellee was not provided an easy way for thieves to dispose of their plunder. It was a case
aware of the circumstances under which the check was delivered to of ‘no questions asked.’ Although gross negligence does not of itself
Manuel Gonzales, but we agree with the defendants-appellants that the constitute bad faith, it is evidence from which bad faith may be inferred.
circumstances indicated by them in their briefs, such as the fact that The circumstances thrust the duty upon the defendants to make further
appellants had no obligation or liability to the Ocampo Clinic; that the inquiries and they had no right to shut their eyes deliberately to obvious
amount of the check did not correspond exactly with the obligation of facts. Morris v. Muir, 111 Misc. Rep. 739, 181 N.Y. Supp. 913, affd. in
Matilde Gonzales to Dr. V. R. de Ocampo; and that the check had two memo., 191 App. Div. 947, 181 N.Y. Supp. 945.” (pp. 640-642, Brannan’s
parallel lines in the upper left hand corner, which practice means that the Negotiable Instruments Law, 6th ed.).
check could only be deposited but may not be converted into cash—all The above considerations would seem sufficient to justify our ruling that
these circumstances should have put the plaintiff-appellee to inquiry as to plaintiff-appellee should not be allowed to recover the value of the check.
the why and wherefore of the possession of the check by Manuel Let us now examine the express provisions of the Negotiable Instruments
Gonzales, and why he used it to pay Matilde’s account. It was payee’s duty Law pertinent to the matter to find if our ruling conforms thereto. Section
to ascertain from the holder Manuel Gonzales what the nature of the latter’s 52 (c) provides that a holder in due course is one who takes the instrument
title to the check was or the nature of his possession. Having failed in this “in good faith and for value;” Section 59, “that every holder is
respect, we must declare that plaintiff-appellee was guilty of gross neglect deemed prima facieto be a holder in due course;” and Section 52 (d), that
in not finding out the nature of the title and possession of Manuel Gonzales, in order that one may be a holder in due course it is necessary that “at the
amounting to legal absence of good faith, and it may not be considered as time the instrument was negotiated to him “he had no notice of any x x x
a holder of the check in good faith. To such effect is the consensus of defect in the title of the person negotiating it;” and lastly Section 59, that
authority. every holder is deemed prima facie to be a holder in due course.
“In order to show that the defendant had ‘knowledge of such facts that his In the case at bar the rule that a possessor of the instrument is prima
action in taking the instrument amounted to bad faith,’ it is not necessary facie a holder in due course does not apply because there was a defect in
to prove that the defendant knew the exact fraud that was practiced upon the title of the holder (Manuel Gonzales), because the instrument is not
the plaintiff by the defendant’s assignor, it being sufficient to show that the payable
defendant had notice that there was something wrong about his assignor’s 605
acquisition of title, although he did not have notice of the particular wrong VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 605
that was committed. Paika v. Perry, 225 Mass. 563, 114 N.E. 830. Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
“It is sufficient that the buyer of a note had notice or to him or to bearer. On the other hand, the stipulation of facts indicated by
604 the appellants in their brief, like the fact that the drawer had no account
604 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED with the payee; that the holder did not show or tell the payee why he had
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian the check in his possession and why he was using it for the payment of his
knowledge that the note was in some way tainted with fraud. It is not own personal account—show that holder’s title was defective or
necessary that he should know the particulars or even the nature of the suspicious, to say the least. As holder’s title was defective or suspicious, it
fraud, since all that is required is knowledge of such facts that his action in cannot be stated that the payee acquired the check without knowledge of
taking the note amounted to bad faith. Ozark Motor Co. v. Horton (Mo. said defect in holder’s title, and for this reason the presumption that it is a
App.), 196 S.W. 395. Accord. Davis v. First Nat. Bank, 26 Ariz. 621, 229 holder in due course or that it acquired the instrument in good faith does
Pac. 391. not exist. And having presented no evidence that it acquired the check in
good faith, it (payee) cannot be considered as a holder in due course. In to hold (contrary to the rule adopted in our former decisions) that
other words, under the circumstances of the case, instead of the negligence on the part of the plaintiff, or suspicious circumstances
presumption that payee was a holder in good faith, the fact is that it sufficient to put a prudent man on inquiry, will not of themselves prevent a
acquired possession of the instrument under circumstances that should recovery, but are to be considered merely as evidence bearing on the
have put it to inquiry as to the title of the holder who negotiated the check question of bad faith. See G. L. 3113, 3172, where such a course is
to it. The burden was, therefore, placed upon it to show that required in construing other uniform acts.
notwithstanding the suspicious circumstances, it acquired the check in “It comes to this then: When the case has taken such shape that the
actual good faith. plaintiff is called upon to prove himself a holder in due course to be entitled
The rule applicable to the case at bar is that described in the case of to recover, he is required to establish the conditions entitling him to
Howard National Bank v. Wilson, et al., 96 Vt. 438, 120 At. 889, 894, where standing as such, including good faith in taking the instrument. It devolves
the Supreme Court of Vermont made the following disquisition: upon him to disclose the facts and circumstances attending the transfer,
“Prior to the Negotiable Instruments Act, two distinct lines of cases had from which good or bad faith in the transaction may be inferred.”
developed in this country. The first had its origin in Gill v. Cubitt, 3 B. & C. In the case at bar as the payee acquired the check under circumstances
466, 10 E. L. 215, where the rule was distinctly laid down by the court of which should have put it to inquiry, why the holder had the check and used
King’s Bench that the purchaser of negotiable paper must exercise it to pay his own personal account, the duty devolved upon it, plaintiff-
reasonable prudence and caution, and that, if the circumstances were such appellee, to prove that it actually acquired said check in good faith. The
as ought to have excited the suspicion of a prudent and careful man, and stipulation of facts contains no statement of such good faith, hence we are
he made no inquiry, he did not stand in the legal position of a bona fide forced to the conclusion that plaintiff payee has not proved that it acquired
holder. The rule was adopted by the courts of this country generally and the check in good faith and may not be deemed a holder in due course
seem to have become a fixed rule in the law of negotiable paper. Later in thereof.
Goodman v. Harvey, 4 A. & E. 870, 31 E. C. L. 381, the English court For the foregoing considerations, the decision appealed from should
abandoned its former position and adopted the rule that nothing short of be, as it is hereby, reversed, and the defen-
actual bad faith or fraud in the purchaser would deprive him of the 607
character of a bona fide purchaser and let in defenses existing between VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 607
prior parties, that no circumstances of suspicion merely, or want of proper Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
606 dants are absolved from the complaint. With costs against plaintiff-
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Reyes,
caution in the purchaser, would have this effect, and that even gross J.B.L., Barrera, Paredes, Dizon and De Leon, JJ., concur.
negligence would have no effect, except as evidence tending to establish Bengzon, C.J., concurs in the result.
bad faith or fraud. Some of the American courts adhered to the earlier rule, Decision reversed.
while others followed the change inaugurated in Goodman v. Harvey. The
question was before this court in Roth v. Colvin, 32 Vt. 125, and, on full ANNOTATION
consideration of the question, a rule was adopted in harmony with that
announced in Gill v. Cubitt, which has been adhered to in subsequent HOLDER IN DUE COURSE UNDER THE NEGOTIABLE
cases, including those cited above. Stated briefly, one line of cases INSTRUMENTS LAW
including our own had adopted the test of the reasonably prudent man and
the other that of actual good faith. It would seem that it was the intent of Every holder of a negotiable instrument is deemed prima facie a holder in
the Negotiable Instruments Act to harmonize this disagreement by due course. However, this presumption arises only in favor of a person
adopting the latter test. That such is the view generally accepted by the who is a holder of the negotiable instrument as defined in Section 191 of
courts appears from a recent review of the cases concerning what the Negotiable Instruments Law (Fossum vs. Fernandez, 44 Phil. 713).
constitutes notice of defect. Brannan on Neg. Ins. Law, 187-201. To Under Section 191 of the said law, a holder means a payee or indorsee of
effectuate the general purpose of the act to make uniform the Negotiable a bill or note who is in pos-session of it or the bearer thereof. Therefore,
Instruments Law of those states which should enact it, we are constrained one who is not a payee or indorsee of a check can not be considered a
holder and invoke the presumption. (Montinola vs. Philippine National responsibility, on the other side. (Walker Rubber Corporation vs.
Bank, 88 Phil. 178). The presumption does not arise in favor of a person Redulandsel Indische & Handels Bank, Nos. L-12502 and L-12513, May
who is no longer in possession of the instrument (Fossum v. 29, 1959). One who accepted checks that had passed the clearing office
Fernandez, supra). but were unpaid and returned because the drawee had no funds, some of
Since Section 191 of the Negotiable Instruments Law defines “holder” them stamped “account closed”, was not a holder in due course, since he
as the payee or indorsee of a bill or note, one who received a check by knew upon taking them up that the checks had already been dishonored
indorsement to him of only part of its face value, and who was not the (Chan Wan vs. Tan Kim, No. L-15380, September 30, 1960).
payee, could not be considered a holder of the instrument. An indorsement 609
which purports to transfer to the indorsee only a part of the amount payable VOL. 3, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 609
does not operate as a negotiation of the instrument. The transferee could Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian
not be considered an indorsee and at most was a mere assignee subject It does not follow that simply because a holder of a bearer note is not a
to all the defenses available to the drawer. (Montinola vs. Philippine holder in due course, he can not recover on the checks. If B purchases an
National Bank, supra). Where, however, the transferee receives notice of overdue negotiable note signed by A, he is not a holder in due course; but
any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating he may recover from A if the latter has no valid excuse for refusing
the same before he has paid the full amount agreed to be paid therefor, payment. The only disadvantage of a holder who is not a holder in due
the transferee will be deemed a holder in due course is that the negotiable instrument is subject to defenses as if it was
608 non-negotiable. Therefore if the overdue checks were issued in payment
608 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED for shoes that were never delivered, A would have a good defense as
Vicente R. de Ocampo & Co. vs. Gatchalian against a holder who is not so in due course (Chan Wan v. Tan Kim, L-
course to the extent of the amount therefor paid by him (Sec. 54, 15380, September 30, 1960).
Negotiable Instruments Law). A holder of a negotiable instrument not in due course, but who derives
Where an instrument payable on demand is negotiated an title through a holder in due course, may, therefore, recover against the
unreasonable length of time after its issue, the holder thereof is not person primarily liable, though consideration for the same instrument has
deemed a holder in due course (Section 53, Negotiable Instruments Law). failed; but the holder must have to prove as an independent matter of fact
Where a check was issued by the provincial treasurer on May 2, 1942 as that the previous holder was so in due course (Fossum vs.
drawer and the check was transferred to plaintiff about the last days of Fernandez, supra).
December 1944, or about two and one half years later, it was held that Any promissory note, check, or order for the payment of money given
since the check was already overdue when it fell into the hands of the for money with which to gamble or for money lost at gambling or as stake,
plaintiff, he could not be considered a holder in due course (Montinola vs. is void (Section 9. Act 1757). It was held that in the absence of the consent
Philippine National Bank, supra). Also, one who purchased two promissory of the payor, promissory notes representing gambling debts were
notes without the necessary indorsement on the part of the holder, after unenforceable in the hands of an assignee (Palma vs. Canizares, 1 Phil.
payment thereof had already been one year overdue, and without having 602). However, in the hands of one purchasing the same for a valuable
made inquiries about the solvency of their makers, was not been consideration in good faith before maturity and not knowing and having no
considered a holder in due course (Santos vs. Reyes and Reyes, 64 Phil. knowledge of facts sufficient to put them upon notice that such promissory
383). note, check or order for the payment of money was given in consideration
A person who had not paid the full amount of the check and who should of a gambling debt for money lost at gambling or as a stake, is the same is
have known that the check could not have been issued to the indorser in valid. (Section 9, Act 1757).
his private capacity but as a government official was not considered a All covenants and stipulations contained in bonds bills, notes, etc.
holder in good faith; hence, not a holder in due course (Montinola vs. Phil- whereupon or whereby there shall be stipulated, charged, demanded,
ippine National Bank, supra). reserved, secured, taken, or received directly or indirectly, a higher rate or
The relinquishment by a bank of its possession of and lien on several greater sum of value for the loan or renewal or forbearance of money
pounds of rubber in consideration for the sight draft delivered to it is a goods, credits than is allowed by the Usury Law shall be void, except as to
valuable consideration. Value may be some right, interest, profit or benefit an innocent purchaser for a valuable consider-
to the party who makes the contract or some forbearance, detriment, loss, 610
National Power Corporation vs. Valera
ation before maturity, when there has been no intention on the part of said
purchaser to evade the provisions of the Usury Law and said purchaser
was not a part of the original usurious transaction (Sec. 7, Act 2655).—
Notes.—The preponderant weight of authority, both by cases and by
jurisdiction, sustains the view that a “payee” may be a holder in due course
(Merchants’ Nat. Bank v. Smith, 59 Mont. 280, 196 Pa. 523, 15 A.L.R.
430). An illustration of this view may be found in Boston Steel & Iron
Co. v. Stener (183 Mass. 140, 66 N.E. 646, 97 Am. St. Rep. 426) where a
woman delivered to her husband a check made payable to a certain
creditor, with instructions to pay her debt with it. The husband gave the
check to the creditor in payment of his own debt to the same creditor who
accepted it as such in good faith. The creditor was held to be a holder in
due course. (Reyes, Notes on Negotiable Instruments Law, pp. 72-73).
If the holder had actual knowledge of suspicious circumstances,
coupled with the means of readily informing himself of the facts, and he
wilfully abstains from making inquiries, his intentional ignorance may
amount to bad faith (Hess v. Iowa Bankers’ Mortg. Co., 1924, 198 Ia. 1365,
201 N.W. 91; Marion Nat. Bank v. Harden, 1918, 83 W. Va. 119, 97 S.E.
600, 6 A.L.R. 240).

VOL. 409, AUGUST 15, 2003 159 when he took possession of the checks is unsupported, devoid of any
Yang vs. Court of Appeals concrete proof to sustain it.
G.R. No. 138074. August 15, 2003.* Same; Court has taken judicial cognizance of the practice that a
CELY YANG, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, PHILIPPINE check with two parallel lines in the upper left hand corner means that it
COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK, FAR EAST BANK & TRUST could only be deposited and not converted into cash.—The Negotiable
CO., EQUITABLE BANKING CORPORATION, PREM CHANDIRAMANI Instruments Law is silent with respect to crossed checks, although the
and FERNANDO DAVID, respondents. Code of Commerce makes reference to such instruments. Nonetheless,
Negotiable Instrument Law; Every holder of a negotiable instrument this Court has taken judicial cognizance of the practice that a check with
is deemed prima facie a holder in due course; Definition of a holder in due two parallel lines in the upper left hand corner means that it could only be
course; Presumption rebuttable.—Every holder of a negotiable instrument deposited and not converted into cash. The effects of crossing a check,
is deemed prima facie a holder in due course. However, this presumption thus, relates to the mode of payment, meaning that the drawer had
arises only in favor of a person who is a holder as defined in Section 191 intended the check for deposit only by the rightful person, i.e., the payee
of the Negotiable Instruments Law, meaning a “payee or indorsee of a bill named therein.
or note, who is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof.” In the present
case, it is not disputed that David was the payee of the checks in question. PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
The weight of authority sustains the view that a payee may be a holder in
due course. Hence, the presumption that he is a prima facie holder in due The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
course applies in his favor. However, said presumption may be rebutted. Don P. Porciuncula for petitioner.
Hence, what is vital to the resolution of this issue is whether David took Victor N. Alimurong and Siguion Reyna, Monticillo &
possession of the checks under the conditions provided for in Section 52 Ongsiako and Curato, Divina & Associates for FEBTC Bank.
of the Negotiable Instruments Law. All the requisites provided for in Section Recto Law Offices for private respondent Chandiramani.
52 must concur in David’s case; otherwise he cannot be deemed a holder Fortun, Narvasa & Salazar for respondent David.
in due course. Pacis, Ramirez & Bacorro Law Offices for respondent PCI Bank.
Same; Section 24 of the Negotiable Instruments Law creates a
presumption that every party to an instrument acquired the same for a QUISUMBING, J.:
consideration or for value; Petitioner must present convincing evidence to
overthrow the presumption.—With respect to consideration, Section 24 of For review on certiorari is the decision1 of the Court of Appeals, dated
the Negotiable Instruments Law creates a presumption that every party to March 25, 1999, in CA-G.R. CV No. 52398, which affirmed with
an instrument acquired the same for a consideration or for value. Thus, the modification the joint decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasay
law itself creates a presumption in David’s favor that he gave valuable City, Branch 117, dated July 4, 1995, in Civil Cases

_______________ _______________

* 1 Penned by Associate Justice Bernardo P. Abesamis with Associate

160 Justices Jainal D. Rasul and Conchita Carpio Morales (now a member of
160 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED this Court) concurring. See Rollo, pp. 95-108.
Yang vs. Court of Appeals 161
consideration for the checks in question. In alleging otherwise, the VOL. 409, AUGUST 15, 2003 161
petitioner has the onus to prove that David got hold of the checks absent Yang vs. Court of Appeals
said consideration. In other words, the petitioner must present convincing Nos. 54792 and 5492.3 The trial court dismissed the complaint against
evidence to overthrow the presumption. Our scrutiny of the records, herein respondents Far East Bank & Trust Company (FEBTC), Equitable
however, shows that the petitioner failed to discharge her burden of proof. Banking Corporation (Equitable), and Philippine Commercial International
The petitioner’s averment that David did not give valuable consideration Bank (PCIB) and ruled in favor of respondent Fernando David as to the
proceeds of the two cashier’s checks, including the earnings
thereof pendente lite. Petitioner Cely Yang was ordered to pay David moral would turn over Yang’s cashier’s checks and dollar draft to Chandiramani
damages of P100,000.00 and attorney’s fees also in the amount of who, in turn, would deliver to Ranigo a PCIB manager’s check in the sum
P100,000.00. of P4.2 million and a Hang Seng Bank dollar draft for US$200,000.00 in
The facts of this case are not disputed, to wit: exchange.
On or before December 22, 1987, petitioner Cely Yang and private Chandiramani did not appear at the rendezvous and Ranigo allegedly
respondent Prem Chandiramani entered into an agreement whereby the lost the two cashier’s checks and the dollar draft bought by petitioner.
latter was to give Yang a PCIB manager’s check in the amount of P4.2 Ranigo reported the alleged loss of the checks and the dollar draft to Liong
million in exchange for two (2) of Yang’s manager’s checks, each in the at half past four in the afternoon of December 22, 1987. Liong, in turn,
amount of P2.087 million, both payable to the order of private respondent informed Yang, and the loss was then reported to the police.
Fernando David. Yang and Chandiramani agreed that the difference of It transpired, however, that the checks and the dollar draft were not lost,
P26,000.00 in the exchange would be their profit to be divided equally for Chandiramani was able to get hold of said instruments, without
between them. delivering the exchange consideration consisting of the PCIB manager’s
Yang and Chandiramani also further agreed that the former would check and the Hang Seng Bank dollar draft.
secure from FEBTC a dollar draft in the amount of US$200,000.00, At three o’clock in the afternoon or some two (2) hours after
payable to PCIB FCDU Account No. 4195-01165-2, which Chandiramani Chandiramani and Ranigo were to meet in Makati City, Chandiramani
would exchange for another dollar draft in the same amount to be issued delivered to respondent Fernando David at China Banking Corporation
by Hang Seng Bank Ltd. of Hong Kong. branch in San Fernando City, Pampanga, the following: (a) FEBTC
Accordingly, on December 22, 1987, Yang procured the following: Cashier’s Check No. 287078, dated December 22, 1987, in the sum of
P2.087 million; and (b) Equitable Cashier’s Check No. CCPS 14-009467,
1. a)Equitable Cashier’s Check No. CCPS 14-009467 in the sum of dated December 22, 1987, also in the amount of P2.087 million. In
P2,087,000.00, dated December 22, 1987, payable to the order exchange, Chandiramani got US$360,000.00 from David, which
of Fernando David; Chandiramani deposited in the savings account of his wife, Pushpa
2. b)FEBTC Cashier’s Check No. 287078, in the amount of Chandiramani; and his mother, Rani Reynandas, who held FCDU Account
P2,087,000.00, dated December 22, 1987, likewise payable to No. 124 with the United Coconut Planters Bank branch in Greenhills, San
the order of Fernando David; and Juan, Metro Manila. Chandiramani also deposited FEBTC Dollar Draft No.
3. c)FEBTC Dollar Draft No. 4771, drawn on Chemical Bank, New 4771, dated December 22, 1987, drawn upon the Chemical Bank, New
York, in the amount of US$200,000.00, dated December 22, York for US$200,000.00 in PCIB FCDU Account No. 4195-01165-2 on the
1987, payable to PCIB FCDU Account No. 4195-01165-2. same date.
Meanwhile, Yang requested FEBTC and Equitable to stop payment on
_______________ the instruments she believed to be lost. Both banks complied with her
request, but upon the representation of PCIB, FEBTC subsequently lifted
2 The case is entitled “Cely Yang v. Equitable Banking Corporation, the stop payment order on FEBTC
Prem Chandiramani and Fernando David.” See Rollo, pp. 38-41. 163
3 Entitled “Cely Yang v. Far East Bank & Trust Company, Philippine VOL. 409, AUGUST 15, 2003 163
Commercial and International Bank, Prem Chandiramani and Fernando Yang vs. Court of Appeals
David.” See Rollo, pp. 42-46. Dollar Draft No. 4771, thus enabling the holder of PCIB FCDU Account No.
162 4195-01165-2 to receive the amount of US$200,000.00.
162 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED On December 28, 1987, herein petitioner Yang lodged a Complaint4 for
Yang vs. Court of Appeals injunction and damages against Equitable, Chandiramani, and David, with
At about one o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, Yang gave the prayer for a temporary restraining order, with the Regional Trial Court of
aforementioned cashier’s checks and dollar drafts to her business Pasay City. The Complaint was docketed as Civil Case No. 5479. The
associate, Albert Liong, to be delivered to Chandiramani by Liong’s Complaint was subsequently amended to include a prayer for Equitable to
messenger, Danilo Ranigo. Ranigo was to meet Chandiramani at return to Yang the amount of P2.087 million, with interest thereon until fully
Philippine Trust Bank, Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Metro Manila where he paid.5
On January 12, 1988, Yang filed a separate case for injunction and in the sum of US$200,000.00 plus interest thereon despite the
damages, with prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction against FEBTC, stop payment order of Cely Yang?7
PC1B, Chandiramani and David, with the RTC of Pasay City, docketed
as Civil Case No. 5492. This complaint was later amended to include a On July 4, 1995, the trial court handed down its decision in Civil Cases
prayer that defendants therein return to Yang the amount of P2.087 million, Nos. 5479 and 5492, to wit:
the value of FEBTC Dollar Draft No. 4771, with interest at 18% annually “WHEREFORE, the Court renders judgment in favor of defendant
until fully paid.6 Fernando David against the plaintiff Cely Yang and declaring the former
On February 9, 1988, upon the filing of a bond by Yang, the trial court entitled to the proceeds of the two (2) cashier’s checks, together with the
issued a writ of preliminary injunction in Civil Case No. 5479. A writ of earnings derived therefrom pendente lite; ordering the plaintiff to pay the
preliminary injunction was subsequently issued in Civil Case No. defendant Fernando David moral damages in the amount of P100,000.00;
5492 also. attorney’s fees in the amount of P100,000.00 and to pay the costs. The
Meanwhile, herein respondent David moved for dismissal of the cases complaint against Far East Bank and Trust Company (FEBTC), Philippine
against him and for reconsideration of the Orders granting the writ of Commercial International Bank (PCIB) and Equitable Banking Corporation
preliminary injunction, but these motions were denied. David then elevated (EBC) is dismissed. The decision is without prejudice to whatever action
the matter to the Court of Appeals in a special civil action for certiorari plaintiff Cely Yang will file against defendant Prem Chandiramani for
docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 14843, which was dismissed by the appellate reimbursement of the amounts received by him from defendant Fernando
court. David.
As Civil Cases Nos. 5479 and 5492 arose from the same set of facts, SO ORDERED.”8
the two cases were consolidated. The trial court then conducted pre-trial In finding for David, the trial court ratiocinated:
and trial of the two cases, but the proceedings had to be suspended after The evidence shows that defendant David was a holder in due course for
a fire gutted the Pasay City Hall and destroyed the records of the courts. the reason that the cashier’s checks were complete on their face when they
After the records were reconstituted, the proceedings resumed and the were negotiated to him. They were not yet overdue when he became the
parties agreed that the money in dispute be invested in Treasury Bills to holder thereof and he had no notice that said checks were previously
be awarded in favor of the prevailing side. It was dishonored; he took the cashier’s checks in good faith and for value. He
parted some $200,000.00 for the two (2) cashier’s checks which were
_______________ given to defendant Chandiramani; he had also no notice of any infirmity in
the cashier’s checks or defect in the title of the drawer. As a matter of fact,
Records, Vol. I, pp. 1-4. he
Id., at p. 8.
6 Id., at p. 141.
Rollo, p. 84.
Yang vs. Court of Appeals 8
CA Rollo, p. 131.
also agreed by the parties to limit the issues at the trial to the following: 165
VOL. 409, AUGUST 15, 2003 165
1. 1.Who, between David and Yang, is legally entitled to the proceeds Yang vs. Court of Appeals
of Equitable Banking Corporation (EBC) Cashier’s Check No. asked the manager of the China Banking Corporation to inquire as to the
CCPS 14-009467 in the sum of P2,087,000.00 dated December genuineness of the cashier’s checks (tsn, February 5, 1988, p. 21,
22, 1987, and Far East Bank and Trust Company (FEBTC) September 20, 1991, pp. 13-14). Another proof that defendant David is a
Cashier’s Check No. 287078 in the sum of P2,087,000.00 dated holder in due course is the fact that the stop payment order on [the] FEBTC
December 22, 1987, together with the earnings derived cashier’s check was lifted upon his inquiry at the head office (tsn,
therefrom pendente lite? September 20, 1991, pp. 24-25). The apparent reason for lifting the stop
2. 2.Are the defendants FEBTC and PCIB solidarily liable to Yang for payment order was because of the fact that FEBTC realized that the
having allowed the encashment of FEBTC Dollar Draft No. 4771,
checks were not actually lost but indeed reached the payee defendant The appellate court awarded P25,000.00 in attorney’s fees to PCIB as it
David.9 found the action filed by Yang against said bank to be “clearly unfounded
Yang then moved for reconsideration of the RTC judgment, but the trial and baseless.” Since PCIB was compelled to litigate to protect itself, then
court denied her motion in its Order of September 20, 1995. it was entitled under Article 220812 of the Civil Code to attorney’s fees and
In the belief that the trial court misunderstood the concept of a holder litigation expenses.
in due course and misapprehended the factual milieu, Yang seasonably
filed an appeal with the Court of Appeals, docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. _______________
On March 25, 1999, the appellate court decided CA-G.R. CV No. Id., at p. 456.
52398 in this wise: 12
ART. 2208. In the absence of stipulation, attorney’s fees and
“WHEREFORE, this court AFFIRMS the judgment of the lower court with expenses of litigation, other than judicial costs, cannot be recovered,
modification and hereby orders the plaintiff-appellant to pay defendant- except:
appellant PCIB the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00).
SO ORDERED.”10 1. (1)When exemplary damages are awarded;
In affirming the trial court’s judgment with respect to herein respondent 2. (2)When the defendant’s act or omission has compelled the plaintiff
David, the appellate court found that: to litigate with third persons or to incur expenses to protect his
In this case, defendant-appellee had taken the necessary precautions to interest;
verify, through his bank, China Banking Corporation, the genuineness of 3. (3)In criminal cases of malicious prosecution against the plaintiff;
whether (sic) the cashier’s checks he received from Chandiramani. As no 4. (4)In case of a clearly unfounded civil action or proceeding against
stop payment order was made yet (at) the time of the inquiry, defendant- the plaintiff;
appellee had no notice of what had transpired earlier between the plaintiff- 5. (5)Where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad faith in
appellant and Chandiramani. All he knew was that the checks were issued refusing the plaintiffs plainly valid, just, and demandable claim;
to Chandiramani with whom he was he had (sic) a transaction. Further on, 6. (6)In actions for legal support;
David received the checks in question in due course because 7. (7)In actions for the recovery of wages of household helpers,
Chandiramani, who at the time the checks were delivered to David, was laborers, and skilled workers;
acting as Yang’s agent. 8. (8)In actions for indemnity under workmen’s compensation and
David had no notice, real or constructive, cogent for him to make further employer’s liability laws;
inquiry as to any infirmity in the instrument(s) and defect of title of 9. (9)In a separate civil action to recover civil liability arising from a
_______________ 10. (10)When at least double judicial costs are awarded;
11. (11)In any other case where the court deems it just and equitable
Id., at pp. 195-196. that attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation should be
Id., at p. 462. recovered.
166 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED In all cases, the attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation must be
Yang vs. Court of Appeals reasonable.
the holder. To mandate that each holder inquire about every aspect on how 167
the instrument came about will unduly impede commercial transactions, VOL. 409, AUGUST 15, 2003 167
Although negotiable instruments do not constitute legal tender, they often Yang vs. Court of Appeals
take the place of money as a means of payment. Hence, the instant recourse wherein petitioner submits the following issues
The mere fact that David and Chandiramani knew one another for a for resolution:
long time is not sufficient to establish that they connived with each other to
defraud Yang. There was no concrete proof presented by Yang to support
her theory.11
2. b.WHETHER THE ALLEGED TRANSACTION BETWEEN PREM been put on guard that the checks were issued for a definite purpose and
CHANDIRAMANI AND FERNANDO DAVID IS LEGITIMATE OR accordingly, made inquiries to determine if he received the checks
A SCHEME BY BOTH PRIVATE RESPONDENTS TO SWINDLE pursuant to that purpose. His failure to do so negates the finding in the
PETITIONER; proceedings below that he was a holder in due course.
3. c.WHETHER FERNANDO DAVID GAVE PREM CHANDIRAMANI Finally, the petitioner argues that there is no showing whatsoever that
US$360,000.00 OR JUST A FRACTION OF THE AMOUNT David gave Chandiramani any consideration of value in exchange for the
REPRESENTING HIS SHARE OF THE LOOT; aforementioned checks.
4. d.WHETHER PRIVATE RESPONDENTS FERNANDO DAVID Private respondent Fernando David counters that the evidence on
AND PCIB ARE ENTITLED TO DAMAGES AND ATTORNEY’S record shows that when he received the checks, he verified their
FEES.13 genuineness with his bank, and only after said verification did he deposit
them. David stresses that he had no notice of previous dishonor or any
At the outset, we must stress that this is a petition for review under Rule infirmity that would have aroused his suspicions, the instruments being
45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. It is basic that in petitions for complete and regular upon their face. David stresses that the checks in
review under Rule 45, the jurisdiction of this Court is limited to reviewing question were cashier’s checks. From the very nature of cashier’s checks,
questions of law, questions of fact are not entertained absent a showing it is highly unlikely that he would have suspected that something was
that the factual findings complained of are totally devoid of support in the amiss. David also stresses negotiable instruments are presumed to have
record or are glaringly erroneous.14Given the facts in the instant case, been issued for valuable consideration, and he who alleges otherwise must
despite petitioner’s formulation, we find that the following are the pertinent controvert the presumption with sufficient evidence. The petitioner failed to
issues to be resolved: discharge this burden, according to David. He points out that the checks
were delivered to him as the payee, and he took them as holder and payee
1. a)Whether the Court of Appeals erred in holding herein respondent thereof. Clearly, he concludes, he should be deemed to be their holder in
Fernando David to be a holder in due course; and due course.
2. b)Whether the appellate court committed a reversible error in We shall now resolve the first issue.
awarding damages and attorney’s fees to David and PCIB. Every holder of a negotiable instrument is deemed prima facie a holder
in due course. However, this presumption arises only in favor of a person
who is a holder as defined in Section 191 of the Negotiable Instruments
On the first issue, petitioner Yang contends that private respondent
Law,15 meaning a “payee or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in possession
Fernando David is not a holder in due course of the checks in question.
of it, or the bearer thereof.”
While it is true that he was named the payee thereof, David failed to inquire
In the present case, it is not disputed that David was the payee of the
from Chandiramani about how the latter acquired possession of said
checks in question. The weight of authority sustains the view that a payee
checks. Given his failure to do so, it cannot be said that David was unaware
may be a holder in due course.16 Hence, the presump-
of any defect or infirmity in the title of Chandiramani to the checks at the
time of their nego-
_______________ 15
Fossum v. Fernandez Hermanos, 44 Phil. 713, 716 (1923).
Merchants’ National Bank v. Smith, 59 Mont. 280, 196 p. 523, 15 ALR
Rollo, p. 230.
14 430; Boston Steel & Iron Co. v. Steur, 183 Mass. 140, 66 NE 646.
Producers Bank of the Phil. v. Court of Appeals, 417 Phil. 646,
656; 365 SCRA 326 (2001).
VOL. 409, AUGUST 15, 2003 169
Yang vs. Court of Appeals tion that he is a prima facie holder in due course applies in his favor.
However, said presumption may be rebutted. Hence, what is vital to the
tiation. Moreover, inasmuch as the checks were crossed, then David
resolution of this issue is whether David took possession of the checks
should have, pursuant to our ruling in Bataan Cigar & Cigarette Factory,
under the conditions provided for in Section 5217 of the Negotiable
Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 93048, March 3, 1994, 230 SCRA 643,
Instruments Law. All the requisites provided for in Section 52 must concur otherwise, the petitioner has the onus to prove that David got hold of the
in David’s case; otherwise he cannot be deemed a holder in due course. checks absent said consideration. In other words, the petitioner must
We find that the petitioner’s challenge to David’s status as a holder in present convincing evidence to overthrow the presumption. Our scrutiny of
due course hinges on two arguments: (1) the lack of proof to show that the records, however, shows that the petitioner failed to discharge her
David tendered any valuable consideration for the disputed checks; and burden of proof. The petitioner’s averment that David did not give valuable
(2) David’s failure to inquire from Chandiramani as to how the latter consideration when he took possession of the checks is unsupported,
acquired possession of the checks, thus resulting in David’s intentional devoid of any concrete proof to sustain it. Note that both the trial court and
ignorance tantamount to bad faith. In sum, petitioner posits that the last the appellate court found that David did not receive the checks gratis, but
two requisites of Section 52 are missing, thereby preventing David from instead gave Chandiramani US$360,000.00 as consideration for the said
being considered a holder in due course. Unfortunately for the petitioner, instruments. Factual findings of the Court of Appeals are conclusive on the
her arguments on this score are less than meritorious and far from parties and not reviewable by this Court; they carry great weight when the
persuasive. factual findings of the trial court are affirmed by the appellate court.21
First, with respect to consideration, Section 2418 of the Negotiable Second, petitioner fails to point any circumstance which should have
Instruments Law creates a presumption that every party to an instrument put David on inquiry as to the why and wherefore of the possession of the
acquired the same for a consideration19 or for checks by Chandiramani. David was not privy to the transaction between
petitioner and Chandiramani. Instead, Chandiramani and David had a
_______________ separate dealing in which it was precisely Chandiramani’s duty to deliver
the checks to David as payee. The evidence shows that Chandiramani
17SEC. 52. What constitutes a holder in due course.—A holder in due performed said task to the letter. Petitioner admits that David took the step
course is a holder who has taken the instrument under the following of asking the manager of his bank to verify from FEBTC and Equitable as
conditions: to the genuineness of the checks and only accepted the same after being
assured that there was nothing wrong with said checks. At that time, David
1. (a)That it is complete and regular upon its face; was not aware of any “stop payment” order. Under these circumstances,
2. (b)That he became the holder of it before it was overdue, and David thus had no obligation to ascertain from Chandiramani what the
without notice that it has been previously dishonored, if such was nature of the latter’s title to the checks was, if any, or the nature of his
the fact; possession. Thus, we cannot hold him guilty of gross neglect amounting to
3. (c)That he took it in good faith and for value; legal absence of good faith, absent any showing that there was something
4. (d)That at the time it was negotiated to him, he had no notice of amiss about Chandiramani’s acquisition or possession of the checks.
any infirmity in the instrument or defect of the title of the person David did
negotiating it.
18 SEC. 24. Presumption of consideration.—Every negotiable 20 SEC. 191. Definitions and meaning of terms.—In this Act, unless the
instrument is deemed prima facie to have been issued for valuable
consideration; and every person whose signature appears thereon to have context otherwise requires:
become a party thereto, for value. xxx
19 SEC. 25. Value; What constitutes.—Value is any consideration “Value” means valuable consideration.
21 See Fernandez v. Fernandez, 416 Phil. 322, 337; 363 SCRA
sufficient to support a simple contract. An antecedent or pre-existing debt
constitutes value, and is deemed such whether the instrument is payable 811(2001).
on demand or at a future date. 171
170 VOL. 409, AUGUST 15, 2003 171
Yang vs. Court of Appeals not close his eyes deliberately to the nature or the particulars of a fraud
value.20 Thus, the law itself creates a presumption in David’s favor that he allegedly committed by Chandiramani upon the petitioner, absent any
gave valuable consideration for the checks in question. In alleging
knowledge on his part that the action in taking the instruments amounted were delivered and duly deposited by David, the payee named therein, in
to bad faith.22 his bank account. In other words, the purpose behind the crossing of the
Belatedly, and we say belatedly since petitioner did not raise this matter checks was satisfied by the payee.
in the proceedings below, petitioner now claims that David should have Proceeding to the issue of damages, petitioner merely argues that
been put on alert as the instruments in question were crossed checks. respondents David and PCIB are not entitled to damages, attorney’s fees,
Pursuant to Bataan Cigar & Cigarette Factory, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, and costs of suit as both acted in bad faith towards her, as shown by her
David should at least have inquired as to whether he was acquiring said version of the facts which gave rise to the instant case.
checks for the purpose for which they were issued, according to petitioner’s Respondent David counters that he was maliciously and
submission. unceremoniously dragged into this suit for reasons which have nothing to
Petitioner’s reliance on the Bataan Cigar case, however, is misplaced. do with him at all, but which arose from petitioner’s failure to receive her
The facts in the present case are not on all fours with Bataan Cigar. In the share of the profit promised her by Chandiramani. Moreover, in filing this
latter case, the crossed checks were negotiated and sold at a discount by suit which has lasted for over a decade now, the petitioner deprived David
the payee, while in the instant case, the payee did not negotiate further the of the rightful enjoyment of the two checks, to which he is entitled, under
checks in question but promptly deposited them in his bank account. the law, compelled him to hire the services of counsel to vindicate his
The Negotiable Instruments Law is silent with respect to crossed rights, and subjected him to social humiliation and besmirched reputation,
checks, although the Code of Commerce23 makes reference to such thus harming his standing as a person of good repute in the business
instruments. Nonetheless, this Court has taken judicial cognizance of the community of Pampanga. David thus contends that it is but proper that
practice that a check with two parallel lines in the upper left hand corner moral damages, attorney’s fees, and costs of suit be awarded him.
means that it could only be deposited and not converted into cash.24 The For its part, respondent PCIB stresses that it was established by both
effects of crossing a check, thus, relates to the mode of payment, meaning the trial court and the appellate court that it was needlessly dragged into
that the drawer had intended the check for deposit only by the rightful this case. Hence, no error was committed by the appellate court in
person, i.e.,the payee named therein. In Bataan Cigar, the rediscounting declaring PCIB entitled to attorney’s fees as it was compelled to litigate to
of the check by the payee knowingly violated the avowed intention of protect itself.
crossing the check. Thus, in accepting the cross checks and paying cash
for them, despite the warning of the crossing, the subsequent holder could _______________
not be considered in good faith and thus, not a holder
113 Phil. 574 (1961). We held that under the following
_______________ circumstances: (1) the drawer had no account with the payee; (2) the check
was crossed; (3) the crossed check was used to pay an obligation which
22 See Ozark Motor Co. v. Horton, 196 SW 395. See also Davis v. First
did not correspond to the amount of the check; and (4) the holder did not
National Bank, 26 Ariz. 621, 229 p. 391. show or tell the payee why he had the check in his possession and why he
23 ART. 541. The maker or any legal holder of a check shall be entitled
was using to pay his personal account, then the payee had the duty to
to indicate therein that it be paid to a certain banker or institution, which he ascertain from the holder what the nature of the latter’s title to the check
shall do by writing across the face the name of said banker or institution, was or the nature of his possession.
or only the words “and company.” 173
24 State Investment House v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No.
VOL. 409, AUGUST 15, 2003 173
72764, 13 July 1989, 175 SCRA 310, 315. Yang vs. Court of Appeals
172 We have thoroughly perused the records of this case and find no reason
172 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED to disagree with the finding of the trial court, as affirmed by the appellate
Yang vs. Court of Appeals court, that:
in due course. Our ruling in Bataan Cigar reiterates that in De Ocampo & [D]efendant David is entitled to [the] award of moral damages as he has
Co. v. Gatchalian.25 been needlessly and unceremoniously dragged into this case which should
The factual circumstances in De Ocampo and in Bataan Cigar are not have been brought only between the plaintiff and defendant
present in this case. For here, there is no dispute that the crossed checks Chandiramani.26
A careful reading of the findings of facts made by both the trial court and ——o0o——
appellate court clearly shows that the petitioner, in including David as a
party in these proceedings, is barking up the wrong tree. It is apparent from
the factual findings that David had no dealings with the petitioner and was
not privy to the agreement of the latter with Chandiramani. Moreover, any
loss which the petitioner incurred was apparently due to the acts or
omissions of Chandiramani, and hence, her recourse should have been
against him and not against David. By needlessly dragging David into this
case all because he and Chandiramani knew each other, the petitioner not
only unduly delayed David from obtaining the value of the checks, but also
caused him anxiety and injured his business reputation while waiting for its
outcome. Recall that under Article 221727 of the Civil Code, moral
damages include mental anguish, serious anxiety, besmirched reputation,
wounded feelings, social humiliation, and similar injury. Hence, we find the
award of moral damages to be in order.
The appellate court likewise found that like David, PCIB was dragged
into this case on unfounded and baseless grounds. Both were thus
compelled to litigate to protect their interests, which makes an award of
attorney’s fees justified under Article 2208 (2)28 of the Civil Code. Hence,
we rule that the award of attorney’s fees to David and PCIB was proper.

CA Rollo, p. 130.
27 ART. 2217. Moral damages include physical suffering, mental
anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings,
moral shock, social humiliation and similar injury. Though incapable of
pecuniary computation, moral damages may be recovered if they are the
proximate result of the defendant’s wrongful act or omission.
28 See note 12.

Camacho vs. Gloria
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The assailed decision of the
Court of Appeals, dated March 25, 1999, in CA-G.R. CV No. 52398 is
AFFIRMED. Costs against the petitioner.
Bellosillo (Chairman), Austria-Martinez and Tinga, JJ., concur.
Callejo, Sr., J., On leave.
Petition denied, assailed judgment affirmed.
Note.—Where a signature is so placed upon the instrument that it is
not clear in what capacity the person making the same intended to sign,
he is deemed an indorser (Sapiera vs. Court of Appeals, 314 SCRA
VOL. 145, NOVEMBER 13, 1986 497 were in cash. The check was Jose Go’s property when it was misplaced or
Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court stolen, hence he stopped its paymerit. At the outset, respondent bank knew
No. L-70145. November 13,1986.* it was Jose Go’s check and no one else since Go had not paid or indorsed
MARCELO A. MESINA, petitioner, vs. THE HONORABLE it to anyone. The bank was therefore liable to nobody on the check but
INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, HON. ARSENIO M. GONONG, in Jose Go. The bank had no intention to issue it to petitiorier but only to buyer
his capacity as Judge of Regional Trial Court-Manila (Branch VIII), JOSE Jose Go. When payment on it was therefore stopped, respondent bank
GO, and ALBERT UY, respondents. was not the one who did it but Jose Go, the owner of the check.
Banks; Checks; Negotiable Instruments; A person who became the Respondent bank could not be drawer and drawee for clearly, Jose Go
holderofa cashier’s check as endorsed by the person who stole it and who owns the money it represents and he is therefore the drawer and the
refused to say how and why it was passed to him is not a holder in due drawee in the same manner as if he has a current account and he issued
course.—Petitioner’s allegations hold no water. Theories and examples a check against it; and from the moment said cashier’s check was lost
advanced by petitioner on causes and effects of a cashier’s check such as and/or stolen no one outside of Jose Go can be termed a holder in due
1) it cannot be countermanded in the hands of a holder in due course and course because Jose Go had not indorsed it in due course. The check in
2) a cashier’s check is a bill of exchange drawn by the bank against itself— question suffers from the infirmity of not having been properly negotiated
are general principles which cannot be aptiy appiied to the case at bar, and for value by respondent Jose Go who as already been said is the real
without considering other things. Petitioner failed to substantiate his claim owner of said instrument
that he is a holder in due course and for consideration or value as shown Same; Same; Same; Interpleader; Interpleader is an issuing bank’s
by the established facts of the case. Admittedly, petitioner became the proper remedy where purchaser of cashier’s check claims it was lost and
holder of the cashier’s check as endorsed by Alexander Lim who stole the another has presented it for payment—In his second assignment of error,
check. He refused to say how and why it was passed to him. He had petitioner stubbornly insists that there is no showing of conflicting claims
therefore notice of the defect of his title over the check from the start. The and interpleader is out of the question. There is enough evidence to
holder of a cashier’s check who is not a holder in due course cannot establish the contrary. Considering the aforementioned facts and
enforce such check against the issuing bank which dishonors the same. circumstances, respondent bank merely took the necessary precaution not
Same; Same; Same; The bank from whom a cashier’s check was to make a mistake as to whom to pay and therefore interpleader was its
bought and which is aivare of the facts surrounding its loss has the right to proper remedy. It has been shown that the interpieader suit was filed by
refuse to pay the same when presented by a holder who was not the one respondent bank because petitioner and Jose Go were both laying their
who bought the check from the bank.—If a payee of a cashier’s check claims on the check, petitioner asking payment thereon and Jose Go as
obtained it from the issuing bank by fraud, or if there is some other reason the purchaser or owner. The allegation of petitioner that respondent bank
why the payee is not entitled to collect the check, the respondent bank had effectively relieved itself of its primary liability under the check by
would, of course, have the right to refuse simply filing a complaint for interpleader is belied by the willingness of
respondent bank to issue a certificate of time deposit in the amount of
_______________ P800,000 representing the cashier’s check in question in the name of the
Clerk of Court of Manila to be awarded to whoever
498 VOL. 145, NOVEMBER 13, 1986 499
498 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court will be found by the court as validly entitled to it. Said validity will
payment of the check when presented by the payee. since depend on the strength of the parties’ respective rights and titles thereto.
respondent bank was aware of the facts surrounding the loss of the check Bank filed the interpleader suit not because petitioner sued it but because
in question. Moreover, there is no similarity in the cases cited by petitioner petitioner is laying claim to the same check that Go is claiming. On the very
since respondent bank did not issue the cashier’s check in payment of its day that the bank instituted the case in interpleader, it was not aware of
obligation. Jose Go bought it from respondent bank for purposes of any suit for damages filed by petitioner against it as supported by the fact
transfering his funds from respondent bank to another bank near his that the interpleader case was first entitled Associated Bank vs. Jose Go
establishment realizing that carrying money in this form is safer than if it
and John Doe, but later on changed to Marcelo A. Mesina for John Doe the facts submitted by petitioner and those given by respondents. IAC did
when his name became known to respondent bank. not act therefore beyond the scope of the remedy sought in the petition.
Interpleader; Pre-trial; Actions; Default; An order to the parties APPEAL by certiorari to review the decision of the Intermediate Appellate
named in a petition for interpleader to file answer is an order to interpiead. Court.
Non-answering party liable to be declared in default—In his third The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
assignment of error, petitioner assails the then respondent IAC in
upholding the trial court’s order declaring petitioner in default when there PARAS, J.:
was no proper order for him to plead in the interpleader case. Again, such
contention is untenable. The trial court issued an order, compelling This is an appeal by certiorari from the decision of the then Intermediate
petitioner and respondent Jose Go to file their Answers setting forth their Appellate Court (IAC for short), now the Court of Appeals (CA) in AC-G.R.
respective clahns. Subsequently, a PreTrial Conference was set with S.P. 04710, dated Jan. 22, 1985, which dismissed the petition for certiorari
notice to parties to submit position papers. Petitioner argues in his and prohibition filed by Marcelo A. Mesina against the trial court in Civil
memorandum that this order requiring petitioner to file his answer was Case No. 84–22515. Said case (an Interpleader) was filed by Associated
issued without jurisdiction alleging that since he is presumably a holder in Bank against Jose Go and Marcelo A. Mesina regarding their conflicting
due course and for value, how can he be compelled to litigate against Jose claims over Associated Bank Cashier’s Check No. 011302 for
Go who is not even a party to the check? Such argument is trite and P800,000.00, dated December 29,1983.
ridiculous if we have to consider that neither his name or Jose Go’s name Briefly, the facts and statement of the case are as follows:
appears on the check. Following such line of argument, petitioner is not a Respondent Jose Go, on December 29,1983, purchased from
party to the check either and therefore has no valid claim to the Check. Associated Bank Cashier’s Check No. 011302 for P800,000.00.
Furthermore, the Order of the trial court requiring the parties to file their Unfortunately, Jose Go left said check on the top of the desk of the bank
answers is to all intents and purposes an order to interplead, substantially manager when he left the bank. The bank manager entrusted the check
and essentially and therefore in compliance with the provisions of Rule 63 for safekeeping to a bank official, a certain Albert Uy, who had then a visitor
of the Rules of Court. What else is the purpose of a law suit but to litigate? in the person of Alexander Lim. Uy had to answer a phone call on a nearby
Certiorari; IAC can make findings of facts in a certiorari case to enable telephone af ter which he proceeded to the men’s room. When he returned
it to rule whether or not the trial court committed a grave abuse of to his desk, his visitor Lim was already gone. When Jose Go inquired for
diseretion.—The reeords of the case show that respondent bank had to his cashier’s check from Albert Uy, the check was not in his folder and
resort to details in support of its action for Interpleader. Before it resorted nowhere to be found. The latter advised Jose Go to
to Interpleader, respondent bank took all precautionary and necessary 501
measures to bring out the truth. On the other hand, petitioner concealed VOL. 145, NOVEMBER 13, 1986 501
the circumstances known to him and now that private respondent bank Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
brought these circumstances out in go to the bank to accomplish a “STOP PAYMENT" order, which suggestion
500 Jose Go immediately followed. He also executed an affidavit of loss. Albert
500 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Uy went to the police to report the loss of the check, pointing to the person
Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court of Alexander Lim as the one who could shed light on it.
court (which eventually rendered its decision in the light of these The records of the police show that Associated Bank received the lost
facts), petitioner charges it with “gratuitous excursions into these non- check for clearing on December 31> 1983, coming from Prudential Bank,
issues.” Respondent IAC cannot rule on whether respondent RTC Escolta Branch. The check was immediately dishonored by Associated
committed an abuse of discretion or not, without being apprised of the facts Bank by sending it back to Prudential Bank, with the words “Payment
and reasons why respondent Associated Bank instituted the Interpleader Stopped” stamped on it. However, the same was again returned to
case. Both parties were given an opportunity to present their sides. Associated Bank on January 4, 1984 and for the second time it was
Petitioner chose to withhold substantial facts. Respondents were not dishonored. Several days later, respondent Associated Bank received a
forbidden to present their side—this is the purpose of the Comment of letter, dated January 9, 1984, from a certain Atty. Lorenzo Navarro
respondent to the petition. IAC decided the question by considering both demanding payment on the cashier’s check in question, which was being
held by his client. He however refused to reveal the name of his client and
threatened to sue, if payment is not made. Respondent bank, in its letter, interpleader. Petitioner filed his motion for reconsideration which was
dated January 20, 1984, replied saying the check belonged to Jose Go denied by the trial court on September 26,1984. Upon motion for
who lost it in the bank and is laying claim to it. respondent Jose Go dated October 31, 1984, respondent judge issued an
On February 1, 1984, police sent a letter to the Manager of the order on November 6,1984 declaring petitioner in default since his period
Prudential Bank, Escolta Branch, requesting assistance in identifying the to answer has already expired and set the ex-partepresentation of
person who tried to encash the check but said bank refused saying that it respondent bank’s evidence on November 7 1984.
had to protect its client’s interest ahd the identity could only be revealed Petitioner Mesina filed a petition for certiorari with preliminary injunction
with the client’s conformity. Unsure of what to do on the matter, respondent with IAC to set aside 1) order of respondent court denying his omnibus
Associated Bank on February 2, 1984 filed an action for Interpleader Motion to Dismiss 2) order of respondent court denying his Motion for
naming as respondent, Jose Go and one John Doe, Atty. Navarro’s then Reconsideration and 3) the order of default against him.
unnamed elient. On even date, respondent bank received summons and On January 22, 1985, IAC rendered its decision dismissing the petition
copy of the complaint for damages of a certain Marcelo A. Mesina from the for certiorari. Petitioner Mesina filed his Motion
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Caloocan City filed on January 23, 1984 503
bearing the number C-l 1139. Respondent bank moved to amend its VOL. 145, NOVEMBER 13, 1986 503
complaint, having been notified for the first time of the name of Atty. Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
Navarro’s client and substituted Marcelo A. Mesina for John Doe. for Reconsideration which was also denied by the same court in its
Simultaneously, respondent bank, thru representative Albert Uy, informed resolution dated February 18,1985.
Cpl. Gimao of the Western Police District that the lost check of Jose Go is Meanwhile, on same date (February 18, 1985), the trial court in Civil
in the possession of Marcelo Mesina, herein petitioner. When Cpl. Gimao Case #84–22515 (Interpleader) rendered a decision, the dispositive
went to portion reading as follows:
502 “WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered
502 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED ordering plaintiff Associate Bank to replace Cashier’s Check No. 011302
Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court in favor of Jose Go or its cash equivalent with legal rate of interest from
Marcelo Mesina to ask how he came to possess the check, he said it was date of complaint, and with costs of suit against the latter.
paid to him by Alexander Lim in a “certain transaction” but refused to SO ORDERED."
elucidate further. An information for theft (Annex J) was instituted against On March 29, 1985, the trial court in Civil Case No. C-11139, for damages,
Alexander Lim and the corresponding warrant for his arrest was issued issued an order, the pertinent portion of which states:
(Annex 6-A) which up to the date of the filing of this instant petition remains “The records of this case show that on August 20, 1984 proceedings in this
unserved because of Alexander Lim’s successful evasion thereof. case was (were) ordered suspended because the main issue in Civil Case
Meanwhile, Jose Go filed his answer on February 24,1984 in the No- 84–22515 and in this instant case are the same which is: who between
Interpleader Case and moved to participate as intervenor in the cornplaint Marcelo Mesina and Jose Go is entitled to payment of Associated Bank’s
for damages. Albert Uy filed a motion for intervention and answer in the Cashier’s Check No, CC-011302? Said issue having been resolveu
complaint for Interpleader. On the scheduled date of pretrial conference in already in Civil Case No. 84–22515, reaiiy this instant case has become
the interpleader case, it was disclosed that the “John Doe” impleaded as moot and academic.
one of the defendants is actually petitioner Marcelo A. Mesina. Petitioner WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the motion should be as it is
instead of filing his answer to the complaint in the interpleader filed on May hereby granted and this case is ordered dismissed.
17, 1984 an Omnibus Motion to Dismiss Ex Abudante Cautela alleging In view of the foregoing ruling no more action should be taken on the
lack of jurisdiction in view of the absence of an order to litigate, failure to “Motion For Reconsideration (of the Order admitting the Intervention)"
state a cause of action and lack of personality to sue. Respondent bank in dated June 21,1984 as well as the Motion For Reconsideration dated
the other civil case (CC-11139) for damages moved to dismiss suit in view September 10,1984.
of the existence already of the Interpleader case. SO ORDERED."
The trial court in the interpleader case issued an order dated July 13, Petitioner now comes to Us, alleging that:
1984, denying the motion to dismiss of petitioner Mesina and ruling that
respondent bank’s complaint sufficiently pleaded a cause of action for
1. 1.IAC erred in ruling that a cashier’s check can be countermanded issue the cashier’s check in payment of its obligation, Jose Go bought it
even in the hands of a holder in due course. from respondent bank for purposes of transferring his funds from
2. 2.IAC erred in countenancing the filing and maintenance of an respondent bank to another bank near his establishment realizing that
interpleader suit by a party who had earlier been sued on the carrying money in this form is safer than if it wererin cash. The check was
same claim. Jose Go’s property
3. 3.IAC erred in upholding the trial court’s order declaring petitioner 505
as in default when there was no proper order for him VOL. 145, NOVEMBER 13, 1986 505
Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
504 when it was misplaced or stolen, hence he stopped its payment. At the
504 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED outset, respondent bank knew it was Jose Go’s check and no one else
Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court since Go had not paid or indorsed it to anyone. The bank was therefore
liable to nobody on the check but Jose Go. The bank had no intention to
1. to plead in the interpleader complaint. issue it to petitioner but only to buyer Jose Go/When payment on it was
2. 4.IAC went beyond the scope of its certiorari jurisdiction by making therefore stopped, respondent bank was not the one who did it but Jose
findings of facts in advance of trial. Go, the owner of the check. Respondent bank could not be drawer and
drawee for clearly, Jose Go owns the money it represents and he is
therefore the drawer and the drawee in the same manner as if he has a
Petitioner now interposes the following prayer:
current account and he issued a check against it; and from the moment
said cashier’s check was lost and/or stolen no one outside of Jose Go can
1. 1.Reverse the decision of the IAC, dated January 22,1985 and set be termed a holder in due course because Jose Go had not indorsed it in
aside the February 18,1985 resolution denying the Motion f or due course. The check in question suffers from the infirmity of not having
Reconsideration. been properly negotiated and for value by respondent Jose Go who as
2. 2.Annul the orders of respondent Judge of RTC Manila giving due already been said is the real owner of said instrument.
course to the interpleader suit and declaring petitioner in default. In his second assignment of error, petitioner stubbornly insists that
there is no showing of conflicting claims and interpleader is out of the
Petitioner’s allegations hold no water. Theories and examples advanced question. There is enough evidence to establish the contrary. Considering
by petitioner on causes and effects of a cashier’s check such as 1) it cannot the aforementioned facts and circumstances, respondent bank mereiy took
be countermanded in the hands of a holder in due course and 2) a cashier’s the necessary precaution not to make a mistake as to whom to pay and
check is a bill of exchange drawn by the bank against itself—are general therefore interpleader was its proper remedy. It has been shown that the
principles which cannot be aptly applied to the case at bar, without interpleader suit was filed by respondent bank because petitioner and Jose
considering other things. Petitioner failed to substantiate his claim that he Go were both laying their claims on the check, petitioner asking payment
is a holder in due course and for consideration or value as shown by the thereon and Jose Go as the purchaser or owner. The allegation of
established facts of the case. Admittedly, petitioner became the holder of petitioner that respondent bank had effectively relieved itself of its primary
the cashier’s check as endorsed by Alexander Lim who stole the check. liability under the check by simply filing a complaint for interpleader is
He refused to say how and why it was passed to him. He had therefore belied by the willingness of respondent bank to issue a certificate of time
notice of the defect of his title over the check from the start. The holder of deposit in the amount of P800,000 representing the cashier’s check in
a cashier’s check who is not a holder in due course cannot enforce such question in the name of the Clerk of Court of Manila to be awarded to
check against the issuing bank which dishonors the same. If a payee of a whoever will be found by the court as validly entitled to it. Said validity will
cashier’s check obtained it from the issuing bank by fraud, or if there is depend on the strength of the parties’ respective rights and titles thereto.
some other reason why the payee is not entitled to collect the check, the Bank filed the interpleader suit not because petitioner sued it but because
respondent bank would, of course, have the right to refuse payment of the petitioner is laying claim to the same check that Go is claiming. On the very
check when presented by the payee, since respondent bank was aware of day that the bank in-
the facts surrounding the loss of the check in question. Moreover, there is 506
no similarity in the cases cited by petitioner since respondent bank did not 506 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court WHEREFORE, finding that the instant petition is merely dilatory, the
stituted the case in interpleader, it was not aware of any suit for damages same is hereby denied and the assailed orders of the respondent court are
filed by petitioner against it as supported by the fact that the interpleader hereby AFFIRMED in toto.
case was first entitled Associated Bank vs. Jose Go and John Doe, but SO ORDERED.
later on changed to Marcelo A. Mesina for John Doe when his name Feria (Chairman), Fernan, Alampay and Gutierrez, Jr.,
became known to respondent bank. JJ., concur.
In his third assignment of error, petitioner assails the then respondent Petition denied, orders affirmed.
IAC in upholding the trial court’s order declaring petitioner in default when Notes.—Section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments Law ordains that
there was no proper order for him to plead in the interpleader case. Again, “every indorser who indorses without qualification, warrants to all
such contention is untenable. The trial court issued an order, compelling subsequent holders in due course” (a) that the instrument is genuine and
petitioner and respondent Jose Go to file their Answers setting forth their in all respects what it purports to be; (b) that he has a good title to it; (c)
respective claims. Subsequently, a Pre-Trial Conference was set with that all prior parties have capacity to contract; and (d) that the instrument
notice to parties to submit position papers. Petitioner argues in his is at the time of his indorsement valid and subsisting. (Ang Tiong vs.
memorandum that this order requiring petitioner to file his answer was Ting, 22 SCRA 713.)
issued without jurisdiction alleging that since he is presumably a holder in A bank check is indisputably a negotiable instrument and should be
due course and for value, how can he be compelled to litigate against Jose governed solely by the Negotiable Instruments Law. (Ang Tiong vs.
Go who is not even a party to the check? Such argument is trite and Ting, 22 SCRA 713.)
ridicuious if we have to consider that neither his name or Jose Go’s name
appears on the check. Following such line of argument, petitioner is not a ——o0o——
party to the check either and therefore has no valid claim to the Check.
Furthermore, the Order of the trial court requiring the parties to file their 508
answers is to all intents and purposes an order to interplead, substantially
and essentially and therefore in compliance with the provisions of Rule 63
of the Rules of Court. What else is the purpose of a law suit but to litigate?
The records of the case show that respondent bank had to resort to
details in support of its action for Interpleader. Before it resorted to
Interpleader, respondent bank took all precautionary and necessary
measures to bring out the truth. On the other hand, petitioner concealed
the circumstances known to him and now that private respondent bank
brought these circumstances out in court (which eventually rendered its
decision in the light of these facts), petitioner charges it with “gratuitous
excursions into these non-issues.” Respondent IAC cannot rule on whether
respondent RTC committed an abuse of discretion or not, without being
apprised of the
VOL. 145, NOVEMBER 13, 1986 507
Mesina vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
facts and reasons why respondent Associated Bank instituted the
Interpleader case. Both parties were given an opportunity to present their
sides. Petitioner chose to withhold substantial facts. Respondents were not
forbidden to present their side—this is the purpose of the Comment of
respondent to the petition. IAC decided the question by considering both
the facts submitted by petitioner and those given by respondents. IAC did
not act therefore beyond the scope of the remedy sought in the petition.
[No. 18751. September 26, 1922] affected by the fact that the merchandise shipped by him, which
THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, plaintiff and constituted the consideration for the drawing of the bill, was or
appellee, vs. BARTOLOME PICORNELL ET AL., defendants. was not of inferior quality.
[No. 18915. September 26, 1922] 1. 3.ID.; ID.; DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS UPON PAYMENT;
THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, plaintiff and PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK.—In a bill of exchange drawn in
appellee, vs. BARTOLOME PICORNELL ET AL., defendants. JOAQUIN favor of the Philippine National Bank, it was stated, by the well-
PARDO DE TAVERA, appellant. known formula "D/P," that the documents of the merchandise,
that constituted the consideration of the bill, should not be
1. 1.NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS; BILL OF delivered until the bill was paid. Held: That by virtue of such a
EXCHANGE; LIABILITY OF ACCEPTOR; WANT OF condition the merchandise stood as a security in favor of the bank,
CONSIDERATION BETWEEN DRAWER AND AC-CEPTOR.— and the latter had the right to sell it without the necessity of any
The drawee, by accepting unconditionally the bill, becomes liable notice for the purpose of obtaining payment of the value of the bill
to the holder, and cannot allege want of consideration between after the same had been dishonored by the drawee. (Sec. 33, Act
him and the drawer. The holder is a stranger as regards the No. 2938.)
transaction between the drawer and the drawee, and if he has
given value to the drawer and has no knowledge of any equity APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila.
between the drawer and the drawee, he is in the same situation Concepcion, J.
as an indorsee in good faith. Hence in an action brought by the The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.
holder against the acceptor it is no defense that the merchandise Recto, Casal & Ozaeta for appellant Picornell.
sent by the drawer,, and which constituted the consideration for Camus & Delgado for appellant Pardo de Tavera.
the drawing of the bill, is of inferior quality than was ordered by Roman J. Lacson for appellee.
the drawee to such a degree that it is not worth the value of the
bill. ROMUALDEZ, J.:

717 In a decision rendered January 9,1922, and amended by an order of

VOL. 46, SEPTEMBER 26, 1922 717 February 18th next, the Court of First In-
National Bank vs. Picornell 718
AND AGENT BETWEEN DRAWEE AND DRAWER; DEFECT stance of Manila sentenced the defendants to pay solidarily to the plaintiff
OF CONSIDERATION OF THE BILL.—The drawer of the bill by bank the sum of P28,790.72 with interest at the rate of 9 per centum per
drawing it warrants that it will be accepted on due presentment annum from May 3, 1921, and costs; and the defendant Bartolome
and paid in due course; hence if it is not paid, he becomes liable Picornell, to pay said plaintiff the sum of P10,739.11 with interest at 9 per
for the payment of its value to the holder. (Sec. 61, Negotiable centum per annum, all as aforesaid, deducting the sum of P6,708.82 from
Instruments Law.) The fact that the drawer was a commission such amounts to be paid by the defendants.
agent of the drawee in the purchase of the merchandise covered This total sum which the def endants are required to pay represents the
by the bill does not necessarily make him an agent of the drawee value of a bill of exchange drawn by Bartolome Picornell in favor of the
in his obligations emanating from the bill drawn by him. His acts National Bank, plaintiff, against the firm of Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura,
in negotiating the bill constitute a contract distinct from that made now dissolved, its only successor being the defendant Joaquin Pardo de
by his having purchased the merchandise on behalf of the Tavera. The sum of P6,708.82, which the trial court ordered deducted from
drawee, unless at the. time of signing the bill he should have the value of the bill of exchange, is the proceeds received by the bank from
added to his signature some expression to indicate it. (Sec. 20, the sale of a part of a certain quantity of tobacco shipped by Picornell at
Negotiable Instruments Law.) Nor is his liability as drawer Cebu to the Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura company at Manila, the price of
which, together with his commission, was received by him from the branch tobacco; that Picornell obtained f rom the branch of the National Bank in
of the plaintiff bank in Cebu, and in consideration whereof he drew the bill Cebu the
in favor of the central office of said bank in Manila and against the said 720
Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura company, the consignee of the tobacco. 720 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
The P28,790.72, which the defendants are sentenced to pay solidarily National Bank vs. Picornell
to the plaintiff bank, constitutes the value of the tobacco at the date when sum of P39,529.83, the value of the tobacco, together with his commission
the bill fell due, as appraised for the purpose. of 1 real per quintal (according to stipulation Exhibit 4), having, in turn,
The reasoning of the trial court for fixing the respective responsibilities drawn the following bill of exchange, Exhibit A:
of the defendants is given in its decision and is as follows:
"* * * The defendant Pardo de Tavera, successor to Hyndman, Tavera "No. 2-A. CEBU, 28 febrero, 1920. For P39,529.83
& Ventura, by his having accepted the bill and denied payment thereof,
notwithstanding the existence of a consideration which is the real value of "At treinta (30) days sight please pay this first of exchange (secondunpaid)
the to the order of Philippine National Bank treinta y nueve mil quinientos
719 veintinueve pesos con 83/100. Value received.
National Bank vs. Picornell "Calle Soler 26 y 28.
tobacco, and the defendant Picornell by his having drawn such bill and (Sgd.) "B. PICORNELL"
received its value from the branch of the plaintiff bank in Cebu, became This instrument was delivered to the branch of the National Bank in Cebu,
liable upon the same bill, the defendant Picornell to its full value, and the together with the invoice and bill of lading of the tobacco, which was
defendant Pardo de Tavera to the extent of the value of the tobacco." shipped in the boat Don Ildefonso, on February 27, 1920, consigned to
From this judgment the defendants appealed. Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura at Manila. The invoice and bill of lading were
Joaquin Pardo de Tavera alleged that the bill in question was without delivered to the National Bank with the understanding that the bank should
consideration and that judgment should not have been rendered against not deliver them to Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura except upon payment of
him. The appellant Picornell contended that it should have been taken into the bill; which condition was expressed by the well-known formula "D/P"
account that he merely acted as an agent of Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura (documents for [against] payment).
in all these transactions; that the tobacco was not of inferior quality, as The central office of the National Bank in Manila received the bill and
alleged by the said company; that the condition "D/P" attached to the the aforesaid documents annexed thereto; and on March 3, 1920,
transaction was not modified; that he had the right to complain because presented the bill to Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura, who accepted it, stating
the bank consented to the said company taking possession of the tobacco on the face thereof the following:
before the payment of the bill; that the bank held the tobacco as a deposit; "Accepted, 3d March, 1920. Due, 2d April, 1920. Hyndman, Tavera &
that the bank was not authorized to sell the tobacco, said sale not being Ventura, by (Sgd.) J. Pardo de Tavera, member of the firm."
allowed either by law or by the circumstances; that he should not have The tobacco having arrived at Manila, the firm of Tambunting, owner of
been ordered to pay the value of the bill without proof that he was notified the ship Don Ildefonso, that brought the shipment, requested Hyndman,
of its dishonor, as required by section 89 of the Negotiable Instruments Tavera & Ventura to send for the goods, which was done by the company
Law. without
The appellee bank maintains that the appellants have no right to 721
discuss issues of fact in this instance for not having complied with the VOL. 46, SEPTEMBER 26, 1922 721
requirements enumerated in paragraph (a) of Rule 16 of the Rules of the National Bank vs. Picornell
Courts of First Instance. The rule cited refers to special proceedings. the knowledge of the National Bank which retained and always had in its
Moreover, we believe that the necessary requirements in order that this possession the invoice and bill of lading of the tobacco, until it presented
court may pass upon questions of f act have been complied with by the them as evidence at the trial.
appellants. Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura proceeded to the examination of the
The following facts are proved: That Bartolome Picornell, following tobacco, which was deposited in their warehouses, and wrote and cabled
instruction of Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura, bought in Cebu 1,735 bales of to Bartolome Picornell, notifying him that of the tobacco received, there
was a certain portion which was of no use and was damaged. To these "Accepted for thirty days. Due May 2d, 1920. Hyndman, Tavera &
communications, Picornell answered, sending the following letter: Ventura, By (Sgd.) J. Pardo de Tavera, member of the firm."
"CEBU, March 13, 1920. May 2, 1920, arrived and the bill was not paid. On the 4th of the same
month, Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura sent a letter to the plaintiff bank as
"Messrs. HYNDMAN, TAVERA & VENTURA, follows:
"Manila. "DEAR SIRS: We very much regret to have to inform you that we
absolutely refuse to pay draft No. 2 for thirtynine thousand five hundred
"TABACO and twenty-nine pesos and eighty-three cents (P39,529.83), referring to
1,871,235 quintals of Leaf Tobacco Barili, owing to noncompliance of the
"DEAR SIRS: Your letters of the 3d and 9th, and your telegram of the 5th, contract by the drawer.
inst. received, and the sample of tobacco sent through the captain of the "We, therefore, beg to notify you that the said Leaf Tobacco is at the
boat Don Ildefonso. disposal of your goodselves at our go-down No. 26-36 Calle Soler."
"I wired to the seller asking him to come over and I hope he will do so The bank protested the bill, took possession of the tobacco, and had it
at the first opportunity. appraised on the 12th of the same month, its value having been fixed at
"It would be well that you should inform me of the exact number of bales P28,790.72. That this valuation was just, reasonable and exact is not
deteriorated and useless, and if possible that said information should be questioned by the parties.
furnished by the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Moreover, it would be well 723
also that you should not sell any bale of said shipment until the matter is VOL. 46, SEPTEMBER 26, 1922 723
settled. National Bank vs. Picornell
Yours very truly, The bank brought this action, and about September, 1921, sold the
(Sgd.) "B. PICORNELL" tobacco, obtaining from .the sale P6,708.82.
Through these communications, therefore, Picornell learned that This action is for the recovery of the value of the bill of exchange above-
Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura had in their possession the tobacco mentioned. The Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura company accepted it
aforementioned. unconditionally, but did not pay it at its maturity; wherefore its responsibility,
In view of the question raised by the said company as to the quality of or that of its successor, J. Pardo de Tavera, to pay the same, is clear. (Sec.
the aforesaid tobacco, more correspond- 62, Negotiable Instruments Law.)
722 The question whether or not the tobacco was worth the value of the bill,
722 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED does not concern the plaintiff bank. Such partial want of consideration, if it
National Bank vs. Picornell was, does not exist with respect to the bank which paid to Picornell the full
ence was exchanged between the company and Picornell, who, upon the value of said bill of exchange. The bank was a holder in due course, and
suggestion of the former, wrote on March 26, 1920, this letter: was such for value full and complete. The Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura
company cannot escape liability in view of section 28 of the Negotiable
"Messrs. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Instruments Law.
"Cebu. "* * * The drawee by acceptance becomes liable to the payee or his
indorsee, and also to the drawer himself. But the drawer and acceptor are
"DEAR SIRS : I would be obliged to you if you would wire your central office the immediate parties to the consideration, and if the acceptance be
at Manila to extend thirty days the time for payment of the bill for without consideration, the drawer cannot' recover of the acceptor. The
P39,529.83 against Messrs. Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura of Manila. payee holds a different relation; he is a stranger to the transaction between
"Awaiting your favor, I remain, the drawer and the acceptor, and is, therefore, in a legal sense a remote
"Yours very truly, party. In a suit by him against the acceptor, the question as to the
(Sgd.) "B. PICORNELL" consideration between the drawer and the acceptor cannot be inquired
The bank granted this request of the defendants; wherefore Hyndman, into. The payee or holder gives value to the drawer, and if he is ignorant of
Tavera & Ventura reaccepted the bill in the following terms: the equities between the drawer and the acceptor, he is in the position of
a bona fide indorsee. Hence, it is no defense to a suit against the acceptor
of a draft which has been discounted, and upon which money has been we hold that the bank did not violate the law in making such sale without
advanced by the plaintiff, that the draft was accepted for the notice. We hold that it is one of those cases provided for by law (sec. 33,
accommodation of the drawer. * * *" (3 R. C. L., pp. 1143, 1144, par. 358.) Act No. 2938), wherein a previous notice of the sale is not indispensable.
As to Bartolome Picornell, he warranted, as drawer of the bill, that it Besides, as to the price obtained in the sale, no question is made that it
would be accepted upon proper presentment was the best obtainable.
724 Concerning the notice to Picornell of the dishonor of the bill, it appears
724 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED from Exhibit C, which is the protest for the non-payment thereof, that a
National Bank vs. Picornell copy of such protest was sent by mail in good season addressed to
and paid in due course, and as it was not paid, he became liable to the Bartolome Picornell, the presumption, now conclusive, that the latter
payment of its value to the holder thereof, which is the plaintiff bank. (Sec. received it (secs. 105, 106, Negotiable Instruments Law), not having been
61, Negotiable Instruments Law.) rebutted, or at least, contradicted. Upon the non-payment of the bill by the
The fact that Picornell was a commission agent of Hyndman, Tavera & drawee-acceptor, the bank had the right of recourse, which it exercised,
Ventura, in the purchase of the tobacco, does not necessarily make him against the drawer. (Sec. 84, Negotiable Instruments Law.)
an agent of the company in its obligations arising from the drawing of the The drawee, the Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura company, or its
bill by him. His acts in negotiating the bill constitute a different contract from successors, J. Pardo de Tavera, accepted the bill and is primarily liable for
that made by his having purchased the tobacco on behalf of Hyndman, the value of the negotiable instrument, while the drawer, Bartolome
Tavera & Ventura. Furthermore, he cannot exempt himself from Picornell, is secondarily liable. (3 R. C. L., pp. 1144, 1145.) However, no
responsibility by the fact of his having been a mere agent of this company, question has been raised about this aspect of the responsibility of the
because nothing to this effect was indicated or added to his signature on defendants.
signing the bill. (Sec. 20, Negotiable Instruments Law.) We are of the opinion that the appellants are liable to the National Bank
The fact that the tobacco was or was not of inferior quality does not for the value of the bill of exchange Exhibit
affect the responsibility of Picornell, because while it may have an effect 726
upon the contract between him and the firm of Hyndman, Tavera & 726 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
Ventura, yet it cannot have upon the responsibility of both to the bank, upon Capistrano vs. Nadurata
the bill drawn and accepted as above stated. A, deducting therefrom P6,708.82 the proceeds of the sale of the tobacco.
As to the instruction "D/P" appearing on the instrument, it was not But the bank, not having appealed from the judgment of the lower court,
violated by the bank, which, as above stated, kept possession of the we cannot alter it in favor of said party, which, by its omission to appeal,
invoice and the bill of lading of the tobacco. By virtue of this circumstance, has shown full conformity with the judgment rendered.
the bank had the right to deal with that tobacco as a security in case of For the foregoing, the judgment appealed from is affirmed, with costs
non-payment of the bill, and this was admitted by Hyndman, Tavera & against the defendants. So ordered.
Ventura when, upon their refusal to pay the bill, they placed the tobacco at Araullo, C.
the disposal of the bank. J., Street, Malcolm, Avanceña, Villamor, Ostrand, and Johns, JJ., concur.
Neither does the fact of Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura having been given Judgment affirmed.
possession of the tobacco before the payment of the bill affect the liability
of the defendants to the bank thereon. _______________
VOL. 46, SEPTEMBER 26, 1922 725
National Bank vs. Picornell
The title of the bank to the tobacco in question by reason of the condition
"D/P" was that of a pledgee, and its possession after its delivery to it by
Hyndman, Tavera & Ventura was of the same nature—a discount security,
which it was authorized to accept and retain. (Act No. 2938.)
The appellants question the power of the bank to sell, as it did, the
tobacco in question. Taking into account the circumstances of the case,
462 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Astro Electronics Corp. vs. Philippine Export and Foreign Loan
Astro Electronics Corp. vs. Philippine Export and Foreign Loan Guarantee Corporation
Guarantee Corporation G.R. CV No. 41274,1 affirming the decision of the Regional TrialCourt
G.R. No. 136729. September 23, 2003.* (Branch 147) of Makati, then Metro Manila, whereby petitioners Peter
ASTRO ELECTRONICS CORP. and PETER ROXAS, Roxas and Astro Electronics Corp. (Astro for brevity)were ordered to pay
petitioners, vs. PHILIPPINE EXPORT AND FOREIGN LOAN respondent Philippine Export and ForeignLoan Guarantee Corporation
GUARANTEE CORPORATION, respondent. (Philguarantee), jointly and severally, the amount of P3,621,187.52 with
Negotiable Instruments Law; Promissory interests and costs.
Note; Parties; Maker; Persons writing their names on face of promissory
notes are makers.—Under the Negotiable Instruments Law, persons who The antecedent facts are undisputed.
write their names on the face of promissory notes are makers, promising Astro was granted several loans by the Philippine Trust Company
that they will pay to the order of the payee or any holder according to its (Philtrust) amounting to P3,000,000.00 with interest and secured by three
tenor. promissory notes: PN No. PFX-254 dated December 14, 1981 for
Civil Law; Obligations; Subrogation; Legal Subrogation; Legal P600,000.00, PN No. PFX-258 also dated Decem-ber 14, 1981 for
subrogation is that which takes place by operation of law.—Subrogation is P400,000.00 and PN No. 15477 dated August 27, 1981 for P2,000,000.00
the transfer of all the rights of the creditor to a third person, who substitutes In each of these promissory notes, it appears that petitioner Roxas signed
him in all his rights. It may either be legal or conventional. Legal twice, as President of Astro and in his personal capacity.2 Roxas also
subrogation is that which takes place without agreement but by operation signed a Continuing Suretyship Agreement in favor of Philtrust Bank, as
of law because of certain acts. Instances of legal subrogation are those President of Astro and as surety.3
provided in Article 1302 of the Civil Code. Conventional subrogation, on Thereafter, Philguarantee, with the consent of Astro, guaranteed in
the other hand, is that which takes place by agreement of the parties. favor of Philtrust the payment of 70% of Astro’s loan,4 subject to the
Same; Same; Same; Same; Knowledge of debtor not necessary.— condition that upon payment by Philguarantee of said amount, it shall be
Roxas’ acquiescence is not necessary for subrogation to take place proportionally subrogated to the rights of Philtrust against Astro.5
because the instant case is one of legal subrogation that occurs by As a result of Astro’s failure to pay its loan obligations, despite
operation of law, and without need of the debtor’s knowledge. demands, Philguarantee paid 70% of the guaranteed loan to Philtrust.
Subsequently, Philguarantee filed against Astro and Roxas a complaint for
PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals. sum of money with the RTC of Makati.
In his Answer, Roxas disclaims any liability on the instruments,
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. alleging, inter alia, that he merely signed the same in blank and the
Manuel Q. Molina for petitioners. phrases “in his personal capacity” and “in his official capacity” were
Office of the Government Corporate Counsel for respondent. fraudulently inserted without his knowledge.6
Isabelo G. Gumaru collaborating counsel for respondent TID- After trial, the RTC rendered its decision in favor of Philguarantee with
CORP. the following dispositve portion:

AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: _______________

Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules Justice Portia Aliño-Hormachuelos, ponente; JJ. Presbitero J.
of Court is the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA- Velasco, Jr. and Buenaventura J. Guerrero, concurring.
2 Original Records, pp. 6-8, Exhibits “3”, “4” and “5”.
3 Id., pp. 10-13, Exhibit “D”.
_______________ 4 Id., pp. 14-19, Exhibits “F” and “E”.
5 Id., p. 18.
*SECOND DIVISION. 6 Id., pp. 62-64.
VOL. 411, SEPTEMBER 23, 2003 463 464
Astro Electronics Corp. vs. Philippine Export and Foreign Loan VOL. 411, SEPTEMBER 23, 2003 465
Guarantee Corporation Astro Electronics Corp. vs. Philippine Export and Foreign Loan
“WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the Court hereby renders Guarantee Corporation
judgment in favor or (sic) the plaintiff and against the ture on each of the promissory notes twice which necessarily would imply
defendants Astro Electronics Corporation and Peter T. Roxas, ordering that he is undertaking the obligation in two different capacities, official and
the then (sic) to pay, jointly and severally, the plaintiff the sum of personal.
P3,621,187.52 representing the total obligation of defendants in favor of Unnoticed by both the trial court and the Court of Appeals, a closer
plaintiff Philgurantee as of December 31, 1984 with interest at the examination of the signatures affixed by Roxas on the promissory notes,
stipulated rate of 16% per annum and stipulated penalty charges of 16% Exhibits “A-4” and “3-A” and “B-4” and “4-A” readily reveals that portions of
per annum computed from January 1, 1985 until the amount is fully paid. his signatures covered portions of the typewritten words “personal
With costs. capacity” indicating with certainty that the typewritten words were already
SO ORDERED.”7 existing at the time Roxasaffixed his signatures thus demolishing his claim
The trial court observed that if Roxas really intended to sign the that the typewritten words were just inserted after he signed the promissory
instruments merely in his capacity as President of Astro, then he should notes. If what he claims is true, then portions of the typewritten words
have signed only once in the promissory note.8 would have covered portions of his signatures, and not vice versa.
On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the RTC decision agreeing As to the third promissory note, Exhibit “C-4” and “5-A”, the copy
with the trial court that Roxas failed to explain satisfactorily why he had to submitted is not clear so that this Court could not discern the same
sign twice in the contract and therefore the presumption that private observations on the notes, Exhibits “A-4” and “3-A” and “B-4” and “4-A”.
transactions have been fair and regular must be sustained.9 Nevertheless, the following discussions equally apply to all three
In the present petition, the principal issue to be resolved is whether or promissory notes.
not Roxas should be jointly and severally liable (solidary) with Astro for the The three promissory notes uniformly provide: “FOR VALUE
sum awarded by the RTC. RECEIVED, I/We jointly, severally and solidarily, promise to pay to
The answer is in the affirmative. PHILTRUST BANK or order . . .”12 An instrument which begins with “I”,
Astro’s loan with Philtrust Bank is secured by three promissory notes. “We”, or “Either of us” promise to pay, when signed by two or more
These promissory notes are valid and binding against Astro and Roxas. As persons, makes them solidarily liable.13 Also, the phrase “joint and several”
it appears on the notes, Roxas signed twice: first, as president of Astro and binds the makers jointly and individually to the payee so that all may be
second, in his personal capacity. In signing his name aside from being the sued together for its enforcement, or the creditor may select one or more
President of Astro, Roxas became a co-maker of the promissory notes and as the object of the suit.14 Having signed under such
cannot escape any liability arising from it. Under the Negotiable terms, Roxas assumed the solidary liability of a debtor and Philtrust Bank
Instruments Law, persons who write their names on the face of promissory may choose to enforce the notes against him alone or jointly with Astro.
notes are makers,10 promising that they will pay to the order of the payee Roxas’ claim that the phrases “in his personal capacity” and “in his
or any holder according to its tenor.11 Thus, even without the phrase official capacity” were inserted on the notes without his knowledge was
“personal capacity”, Roxas will still be primarily liable as a joint and several correctly disregarded by the RTC and the Court of Appeals. It is not
debtor under the notes considering that his intention to be liable as such is disputed that Roxas does not deny that he signed
manifested by the fact that he affixed his signa-
12 Supra, Note 2.
7 13
Id., p. 217; RTC Decision dated July 20, 1989, p. 4. Republic Planters Bank vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 93073,
8 Ibid.
December 21, 1992, 216 SCRA 738, 744.
9 Rollo, p. 25; CA Decision, p. 7. 14 Ibid.
10 Negotiable Instrument Law (Act No. 2031), Section 184.
11 Id., Section 60.
Astro Electronics Corp. vs. Philippine Export and Foreign Loan VOL. 411, SEPTEMBER 23, 2003 467
Guarantee Corporation Astro Electronics Corp. vs. Philippine Export and Foreign Loan
the notes twice. As aptly found by both the trial and appellate Guarantee Corporation
court, Roxas did not offer any explanation why he did so. It devolves upon Subrogation is the transfer of all the rights of the creditor to a third person,
him to overcome the presumptions that private transactions are presumed who substitutes him in all his rights.19 It may either be legal or conventional.
to be fair and regular15 and that a person takes ordinary care of his Legal subrogation is that which takes place without agreement but by
concerns.16 Aside from his self-serving allegations, Roxas failed to prove operation of law because of certain acts.20 Instances of legal subrogation
the truth of such allegations. Thus, said presumptions prevail over his are those provided in Article 1302 of the Civil Code. Conventional
claims. Bare allegations, when unsubstantiated by evidence, documentary subrogation, on the other hand, is that which takes place by agreement of
or otherwise, are not equivalent to proof under our Rules of Court.17 the parties.21
Roxas is the President of Astro and reasonably, a businessman who is Roxas’ acquiescence is not necessary for subrogation to take place
presumed to take ordinary care of his concerns. Absent any countervailing because the instant case is one of legal subrogation that occurs by
evidence, it cannot be gainsaid that he will not sign a document without operation of law, and without need of the debtor’s knowledge.22 Further,
first informing himself of its contents and consequences. Clearly, he knew Philguarantee, as guarantor, became the transferee of all the rights of
the nature of the transactions and documents involved as he not only Philtrust as against Roxas and Astro because the “guarantor who pays is
executed these notes on two different dates but he also executed, and subrogated by virtue thereof to all the rights which the creditor had against
again, signed twice, a “Continuing Suretyship Agreement” notarized on the debtor.”23
July 31, 1981, wherein he guaranteed, jointly and severally with Astro the WHEREFORE, finding no error with the decision of the Court of
repayment of P3,000,000.00 due to Philtrust. Such continuing suretyship Appeals dated December 10, 1998, the same is hereby AFFIRMED in toto.
agreement even re-enforced his solidary liability to Philtrust because as a SO ORDERED.
surety, he bound himself jointly and severally with Astro’s Bellosillo (Chairman), Callejo, Sr. and Tinga, JJ.,concur.
obligation.18 Roxas cannot now avoid liability by hiding under the Quisumbing, J., In the result.
convenient excuse that he merely signed the notes in blank and the Judgment affirmed in toto.
phrases “in his personal capacity” and “in his official capacity” were Note.—The right of subrogation has its roots in equity—it is designed
fraudulently inserted without his knowledge. to promote and to accomplish justice and is the mode which equity adopts
Lastly, Philguarantee has all the right to proceed against petitioner. It is to compel the ultimate payment of a debt by one who in justice and in good
subrogated to the rights of Philtrust to demand for and collect payment conscience ought to pay. (Delsan Transport Lines, Inc. vs. Court of
from both Roxas and Astro since it already paid the value of 70% Appeals, 369 SCRA 24)
of Roxas and Astro Electronics Corp.’s loan obligation, in compliance with
its contract of “Guarantee” in favor of Philtrust. ——o0o——

_______________ _______________
15 Section 3 (p), Rule 131, Rules of Court; Mendoza vs. Court of 19
Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 128661,
Appeals,G.R. No. 116710, June 25, 2001, 412 Phil. 14, 30; 359 SCRA August 8, 2000, 337 SCRA 381, 404.
438. 20 Chemphil Import & Export Corp. vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos.
16 Section 3 (d), Rule 131, Rules of Court.
112438-39, December 12, 1995, 251 SCRA 257, 279.
17 Coronel vs. Constantino, G.R. No. 121069, February 7, 2003, 397 21 Ibid.

SCRA 128; Manzano vs. Perez, Sr., G.R. No. 112485, August 9, 22 Article 1302, paragraph 3, Civil Code.

2001, 362 SCRA 430, 439; Cuizon vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 102096, 23 Article 2067, Civil Code.

August 22, 1996, 260 SCRA 645, 669. 468

18 E. Zobel, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113931, May 6,

1998, 290 SCRA 1, 8.

G.R. No. 154127. December 8, 2003.* extinguished. It is implied when the new obligation is incompatible
ROMEO C. GARCIA, petitioner, vs. DIONISIO V. LLAMAS, respondent. with the old one on every point. The test of incompatibility is whether the
Civil Law; Obligations; Extinguishment; Novation; Definition.— two obligations can stand together, each one with its own independent
Novation is a mode of extinguishing an obligation by changing its objects existence.
or principal obligations, by substituting a new debtor in place of the old one, Same; Same; Same; Same; Proof; Well-settled is the rule that nova-
or by subrogating a third person to the rights of the creditor. Article 1293 of tion is never presumed.—Well-settled is the rule that novation is never
the Civil Code defines novation. presumed. Consequently, that which arises from a purported change in the
Same; Same; Same; Same; Kinds; In general, there are two (2) person of the debtor must be clear and express.
modes of substituting the person of the debtor: (1) expromision and (2) Commercial Law; Negotiable Instruments Law; Promissory Notes; As
delegacion.—In general, there are two modes of substituting the person of the note was made payable to a specific person, it is covered by the
the debtor: (1) expromision and (2) delegacion. In expromision, the general provisions of the Civil Code, not the NIL.—By its terms, the note
initiative for the change does not come from—and may even be made was made payable to a specific person rather than to bearer or to order—
without the knowledge of—the debtor, since it consists of a third person’s a requisite for negotiability under Act 2031, the Negotiable Instruments
assumption of the obligation. As such, it logically requires the consent of Law (NIL). Hence, petitioner cannot avail himself of the NIL’s provisions on
the third person and the creditor. In delegacion, the debtor offers, and the the liabilities and defenses of an accommodation party. Besides, a non-
creditor accepts, a third person who consents to the substitution and negotiable note is merely a simple contract in writing and is evidence of
assumes the obligation; thus, the consent of these three persons are such intangible rights as may have been created by the assent of the
necessary. Both modes of substitution by the debtor require the consent of parties. The promissory note is thus covered by the general provisions of
the creditor. the Civil Code, not by the NIL.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Novation may also be extinctive Same; Same; Same; Accommodation Party; Under Article 29 of Act
and modificatory.—Novation may also be extinctive or modificatory. It is 2031, an accommodation party is liable for the instrument to a holder for
extinctive when an old obligation is terminated by the creation of a new one value.—Under Article 29 of Act 2031, an accommodation party is liable for
that takes the place of the former. It is merely modificatory when the old the instrument to a holder for value even if, at the time of its taking, the
obligation subsists to the extent that it remains compatible with the latter knew the former to be only an accommodation party. The relation
amendatory agreement. Whether extinctive or modificatory, novation is between an accommodation party and the party accommodated is, in
made either by changing the object or the principal conditions, referred to effect, one of principal and surety—the accommodation party being the
as objective or real novation; or by substituting the person of the debtor or surety. It is a settled rule that a surety is bound equally and absolutely with
subrogating a third person to the rights of the creditor, an act known as the principal and is deemed an original promissor and debtor from the
subjective or personal novation. beginning. The liability is immediate and direct.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Elements; For novation to take Actions; Pleadings and Practice; Summary Judgment; A summary
place, the following requisites must concur.—For novation to take place, judgment is a procedural device designed for the prompt disposition of
the following requisites must concur: 1) There must be a previous valid actions in which the pleadings raise only a legal, not a genuine, issue
obligation. 2) The parties concerned must agree to a new contract. 3) The regarding any material fact.—Under Section 3 of Rule 35 of the Rules of
old contract must be extinguished. 4) There must be a valid new contract. Court, a summary judgment may be rendered after a summary hearing if
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Novation may also be express or the pleadings, supporting affidavits, depositions and admissions on file
implied.—Novation may also be express or implied. It is express when the show that (1) except as to the amount of damages, there is no genuine
new obligation declares in unequivocal terms that the old obligation is issue regarding any material fact; and (2) the moving party is entitled to a
judgment as a matter of law. A summary judgment is a procedural device
_______________ designed for the prompt disposition of actions in which the pleadings raise
only a legal, not a genuine, issue regarding any material fact.
FIRST DIVISION. Consequently, facts are asserted in the complaint regarding which there is
293 yet no admission, disavowal or qualification; or specific denials or
VOL. 417, DECEMBER 8, 2003 293 affirmative
Garcia vs. Llamas 294
Garcia vs. Llamas Garcia vs. Llamas
defenses are set forth in the answer, but the issues are fictitious as “UPON THE VIEW WE TAKE OF THIS CASE, THUS, the judgment
shown by the pleadings, depositions or admissions. A summary judgment appealed from, insofar as it pertains to [Petitioner] Romeo Garcia, must be,
may be applied for by either a claimant or a defending party. as it hereby is, AFFIRMED, subject to the modification that the award for
Same; Same; Judgment on the Pleadings; A judgment on the attorney’s fees and cost of suit is DELETED. The portion of the judgment
pleadings is proper when an answer fails to render an issue or otherwise that pertains to x x x Eduardo de Jesus is SET ASIDE and VACATED.
admits the material allegations of the adverse party’s pleading.—On the Accordingly, the case against x x x Eduardo de Jesus is REMANDED to
other hand, under Section 1 of Rule 34 of the Rules of Court, a judgment the court of origin for purposes of receiving ex parte [Respondent] Dionisio
on the pleadings is proper when an answer fails to render an issue or Llamas’ evidence against x x x Eduardo de Jesus.”4
otherwise admits the material allegations of the adverse party’s pleading. The challenged Resolution, on the other hand, denied petitioner’s Motion
The essential question is whether there are issues generated by the for Reconsideration.
pleadings. A judgment on the pleadings may be sought only by a claimant, The Antecedents
who is the party seeking to recover upon a claim, counterclaim or cross- The antecedents of the case are narrated by the CA as follows:
claim; or to obtain a declaratory relief. “This case started out as a complaint for sum of money and damages by x
x x [Respondent] Dionisio Llamas against x x x [Petitioner] Romeo Garcia
PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of the and Eduardo de Jesus. Docketed as Civil Case No. Q97-32-873, the
Court of Appeals. complaint alleged that on 23 December 1996[,] [petitioner and de Jesus]
borrowed P400,000.00 from [respondent]; that, on the same day, [they]
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. executed a promissory note wherein they bound themselves jointly and
Carlos G. Nery, Jr. for petitioner. severally to pay the loan on or before 23 January 1997 with a 5% interest
Felipe N. Egargo, Jr. for respondent. per month; that the loan has long been overdue and, despite repeated
demands, [petitioner and de Jesus] have failed and refused to pay it; and
PANGANIBAN, J.: that, by reason of the[ir] unjustified refusal, [respondent] was compelled to
engage the services of counsel to whom he agreed to pay 25% of the sum
Novation cannot be presumed. It must be clearly shown either by the to be recovered from [petitioner and de Jesus], plus P2,000.00 for every
express assent of the parties or by the complete incompatibility between appearance in court. Annexed to the complaint were the promissory note
the old and the new agreements. Petitioner herein fails to show either above-mentioned and a demand letter, dated 02 May 1997, by
requirement convincingly; hence, the summary judgment holding him liable [respondent] addressed to [petitioner and de Jesus].
as a joint and solidary debtor stands. “Resisting the complaint, [Petitioner Garcia,] in his [Answer,] averred
The Case that he assumed no liability under the promissory note because he signed
Before us is a Petition for Review1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, it merely as an accommodation party for x x x de Jesus; and, alternatively,
seeking to nullify the November 26, 2001 Decision2 and the June 26, 2002 that he is relieved from any liability arising from the note inasmuch as the
Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 60521. The loan had been paid by x x x de Jesus by means of a check dated 17 April
appellate court disposed as follows: 1997; and that, in any event, the issuance of the check and [respondent’s]
acceptance thereof novated or superseded the note.
_______________ “[Respondent] tendered a reply to [Petitioner] Garcia’s answer,
thereunder asserting that the loan remained unpaid for the reason that the
1 Rollo, pp. 11-39. check issued by x x x de Jesus bounced, and that [Petitioner] Garcia’s
2 Id., pp. 41-46. Tenth Division. Penned by Justice Renato C. Dacudao, answer was not even accompanied by a certificate of non-forum shopping.
with the concurrence of Justices Ruben T. Reyes (Division chairman) and
Mariano C. del Castillo (member). _______________
3 Rollo, pp. 48-49.

295 4
CA Decision, p. 6; Rollo, p. 46.
296 _______________
Garcia vs. Llamas Id., pp. 2-3 & 42-43.
Annexed to the reply were the face of the check and the reverse side 297
thereof. VOL. 417, DECEMBER 8, 2003 297
“For his part, x x x de Jesus asserted in his [A]nswer with [C]ounterclaim Garcia vs. Llamas
that out of the supposed P400,000.00 loan, he received only P360,000.00, Jesus], who are hereby ordered to pay, jointly and severally, the
the P40,000.00 having been advance interest thereon for two months, that [respondent] the following sums, to wit:
is, for January and February 1997; that[,] in fact[,] he paid the sum of
P120,000.00 by way of interests; that this was made when [respondent’s] 1. ‘1)P400,000.00 representing the principal amount plus 5% interest
daughter, one Nits Llamas-Quijencio, received from the Central Police thereon per month from January 23, 1997 until the same shall
District Command at Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila (where x x x de Jesus have been fully paid, less the amount of P120,000.00
worked), the sum of P40,000.00, representing the peso equivalent of his representing interests already paid by x x x de Jesus;
accumulated leave credits, another P40,000.00 as advance interest, and 2. ‘2)P100,000.00 as attorney’s fees plus appearance fee of
still another P40,000.00 as interest for the months of March and April 1997; P2,000.00 for each day of [c]ourt appearance, and;
that he had difficulty in paying the loan and had asked [respondent] for an 3. ‘3)Cost of this suit.’ ”6
extension of time; that [respondent] acted in bad faith in instituting the case,
[respondent] having agreed to accept the benefits he (de Jesus) would Ruling of the Court of Appeals
receive for his retirement, but [respondent] nonetheless filed the instant The CA ruled that the trial court had erred when it rendered a judgment on
case while his retirement was being processed; and that, in defense of his the pleadings against De Jesus. According to the appellate court, his
rights, he agreed to pay his counsel P20,000.00 [as] attorney’s fees, plus Answer raised genuinely contentious issues. Moreover, he was still
P1,000.00 for every court appearance. required to present his evidence ex parte. Thus, respondent was not ipso
“During the pre-trial conference, x x x de Jesus and his lawyer did not facto entitled to the RTC judgment, even though De Jesus had been
appear, nor did they file any pre-trial brief. Neither did [Petitioner] Garcia declared in default. The case against the latter was therefore remanded by
file a pre-trial brief, and his counsel even manifested that he would no the CA to the trial court for the ex parte reception of the former’s evidence.
[longer] present evidence. Given this development, the trial court gave As to petitioner, the CA treated his case as a summary judgment,
[respondent] permission to present his evidence ex parte against x x x de because his Answer had failed to raise even a single genuine issue
Jesus; and, as regards [Petitioner] Garcia, the trial court directed regarding any material fact.
[respondent] to file a motion for judgment on the pleadings, and for The appellate court ruled that no novation—express or implied—had
[Petitioner] Garcia to file his comment or opposition thereto. taken place when respondent accepted the check from De Jesus.
“Instead, [respondent] filed a [M]otion to declare [Petitioner] Garcia in According to the CA, the check was issued precisely to pay for the loan
default and to allow him to present his evidence ex parte. Meanwhile, that was covered by the promissory note jointly and severally undertaken
[Petitioner] Garcia filed a [M]anifestation submitting his defense to a by petitioner and De Jesus. Respondent’s acceptance of the check did not
judgment on the pleadings. Subsequently, [respondent] filed a serve to make De Jesus the sole debtor because, first, the obligation
[M]anifestation/[M]otion to submit the case for judgement on the pleadings, incurred by him and petitioner was joint and several; and, second, the
withdrawing in the process his previous motion. Thereunder, he asserted check—which had been intended to extinguish the obligation—bounced
that [petitioner’s and de Jesus’] solidary liability under the promissory note upon its presentment.
cannot be any clearer, and that the check issued by de Jesus did not Hence, this Petition.7
discharge the loan since the check bounced.”5
On July 7, 1998, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City (Branch _______________
222) disposed of the case as follows:
“WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment on the pleadings is 6
RTC Decision, p. 4; Rollo, p. 63. Penned by Judge Eudarlio B.
hereby rendered in favor of [respondent] and against [petitioner and De Valencia.
Only Petitioner Garcia appealed the CA Decision. His Petition was Whether or not judgment on the pleadings or summary judgment was
deemed submitted for decision on January 30, 2003, upon the Court’s properly availed of by Respondent Llamas, despite the fact that there are
receipt of respondent’s Memorandum signed by Atty. Felipe N. Egargo Jr. genuine issues of fact, which the Honorable Court of Appeals itself admit-
Garcia vs. Llamas
Issues Petitioner’s Memorandum, which was signed by Atty. Carlos G. Nery,
Petitioner submits the following issues for our consideration: Jr., was received by the Court on January 16, 2003.
“I VOL. 417, DECEMBER 8, 2003 299
Garcia vs. Llamas
Whether or not the Honorable Court of Appeals gravely erred in not holding ted in its Decision, which call for the presentation of evidence in a fullblown
that novation applies in the instant case as x x x Eduardo de Jesus had trial.”8
expressly assumed sole and exclusive liability for the loan obligation he Simply put, the issues are the following: 1) whether there was novation of
obtained from x x x Respondent Dionisio Llamas, as clearly evidenced by: the obligation; 2) whether the defense that petitioner was only an
accommodation party had any basis; and 3) whether the judgment against
1. a)Issuance by x x x de Jesus of a check in payment of the full him—be it a judgment on the pleadings or a summary judgment—was
amount of the loan of P400,000.00 in favor of Respondent proper.
Llamas, although the check subsequently bounced[;] The Court’s Ruling
2. b)Acceptance of the check by the x x x respondent x x x which The Petition has no merit.
resulted in [the] substitution by x x x de Jesus or [the superseding First Issue:
of] the promissory note; Novation
3. c)x x x de Jesus having paid interests on the loan in the total Petitioner seeks to extricate himself from his obligation as joint and solidary
amount of P120,000.00; debtor by insisting that novation took place, either through the substitution
4. d)The fact that Respondent Llamas agreed to the proposal of x x x of De Jesus as sole debtor or the replacement of the promissory note by
de Jesus that due to financial difficulties, he be given an extension the check. Alternatively, the former argues that the original obligation was
of time to pay his loan obligation and that his retirement benefits extinguished when the latter, who was his co-obligor, “paid” the loan with
from the Philippine National Police will answer for said obligation. the check.
The fallacy of the second (alternative) argument is all too apparent. The
“II check could not have extinguished the obligation, because it bounced upon
presentment. By law,9the delivery of a check produces the effect of
Whether or not the Honorable Court of Appeals seriously erred in not payment only when it is encashed.
holding that the defense of petitioner that he was merely an We now come to the main issue of whether novation took place.
accommodation party, despite the fact that the promissory note provided Novation is a mode of extinguishing an obligation by changing its
for a joint and solidary liability, should have been given weight and objects or principal obligations, by substituting a new debtor in place of the
credence considering that subsequent events showed that the principal old one, or by subrogating a third person to the rights
obligor was in truth and in fact x x x de Jesus, as evidenced by the
foregoing circumstances showing his assumption of sole liability over the _______________
loan obligation. 8 Petitioner’s Memorandum, pp. 10-11; Rollo, pp. 97-98. Original in
III upper case.
9 Article 1249 of the Civil Code provides in part:

“The delivery of promissory notes payable to order, or bills of exchange or

other mercantile documents shall produce the effect of payment only when
they have been cashed, or when through the fault of the creditor they have VOL. 417, DECEMBER 8, 2003 301
been impaired. Garcia vs. Llamas
“x x x xxx x x x” novation.14 For novation to take place, the following requisites must
300 concur:
Garcia vs. Llamas 1. 1)There must be a previous valid obligation.
of the creditor.10 Article 1293 of the Civil Code defines novation as follows: 2. 2)The parties concerned must agree to a new contract.
“Art. 1293. Novation which consists in substituting a new debtor in the 3. 3)The old contract must be extinguished.
place of the original one, may be made even without the knowledge or 4. 4)There must be a valid new contract.15
against the will of the latter, but not without the consent of the creditor.
Payment by the new debtor gives him rights mentioned in articles 1236 Novation may also be express or implied. It is express when the new
and 1237.” obligation declares in unequivocal terms that the old obligation is
In general, there are two modes of substituting the person of the debtor: extinguished. It is implied when the new obligation is incompatible with the
(1) expromision and (2) delegacion. In expromision, the initiative for the old one on every point.16The test of incompatibility is whether the two
change does not come from—and may even be made without the obligations can stand together, each one with its own independent
knowledge of—the debtor, since it consists of a third person’s assumption existence.17
of the obligation. As such, it logically requires the consent of the third Applying the foregoing to the instant case, we hold that no novation
person and the creditor. In delegacion, the debtor offers, and the creditor took place.
accepts, a third person who consents to the substitution and assumes the The parties did not unequivocally declare that the old obligation had
obligation; thus, the consent of these three persons are necessary.11Both been extinguished by the issuance and the acceptance of the check, or
modes of substitution by the debtor require the consent of the creditor.12 that the check would take the place of the note. There is no incompatibility
Novation may also be extinctive or modificatory. It is extinctive when an between the promissory note and the check. As the CA correctly observed,
old obligation is terminated by the creation of a new one that takes the the check had been issued precisely to answer for the obligation. On the
place of the former. It is merely modificatory when the old obligation one hand, the note evidences the loan obligation; and on the other, the
subsists to the extent that it remains compatible with the amendatory check answers for it. Verily, the two can stand together.
agreement.13 Whether extinctive or modificatory, novation is made either Neither could the payment of interests—which, in petitioner’s view, also
by changing the object or the principal conditions, referred to as objective constitutes novation18—change the terms and conditions of the obligation.
or real novation; or by substituting the person of the debtor or subrogating Such payment was already provided for in the promissory note and, like
a third person to the rights of the creditor, an act known as subjective or the check, was totally in accord with the terms thereof.
Spouses Bautista v. Pilar Development Corporation, 371 Phil.
Idolor v. Court of Appeals, 351 SCRA 399, 407, February 7, 533; 312 SCRA 611, August 17, 1999.
2001; Agro Conglomerates, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 348 SCRA 450, 458, 15 Agro Conglomerates, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, supra, pp. 458-
December 12, 2000; De Cortes v. Venturanza, 79 SCRA 709, 722-723, 459; Security Bank and Trust Company, Inc. v. Cuenca, 341 SCRA 781,
October 28, 1977; PNB v. Mallari and The First Nat'l. Surety & Assurance 796, October 3, 2000; Reyes v. Court of Appeals, 332 Phil. 40, 50; 264
Co., Inc., 104 Phil. 437, 441, August 29, 1958. SCRA 35, November 4, 1996.
11 Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines, Vol. IV (1991 ed.), p. 390; De
16 Spouses Bautista v. Pilar Development Corporation, supra. See
Cortes v. Venturanza, supra, p. 723. alsoArticle 1292 of the Civil Code.
12 Garcia v. Khu Yek Chiong, 65 Phil. 466, 468, March 31, 1938; De
17 Molino v. Security Diners International Corporation, 415 Phil.
Cortes v. Venturanza, supra, p. 723. 587; 363 SCRA 358, August 16, 2001.
13 Babst v. Court of Appeals, 350 SCRA 341, January 26, 2001.
18 Petitioner’s Memorandum, p. 17; Rollo, p. 104.
301 302
Garcia vs. Llamas ent respondent has done away with his right to exact fulfillment from either
Also unmeritorious is petitioner’s argument that the obligation was novated of the solidary debtors.25
by the substitution of debtors. In order to change the person of the debtor, More important, De Jesus was not a third person to the obligation. From
the old one must be expressly released from the obligation, and the third the beginning, he was a joint and solidary obligor of the P400,000 loan;
person or new debtor must assume the former’s place in the thus, he can be released from it only upon its extinguishment.
relation.19 Well-settled is the rule that novation is never Respondent’s acceptance of his check did not change the person of the
presumed.20 Consequently, that which arises from a purported change in debtor, because a joint and solidary obligor is required to pay the entirety
the person of the debtor must be clear and express.21 It is thus incumbent of the obligation.
on petitioner to show clearly and unequivocally that novation has indeed It must be noted that in a solidary obligation, the creditor is entitled to
taken place. demand the satisfaction of the whole obligation from any or all of the
In the present case, petitioner has not shown that he was expressly debtors.26 It is up to the former to determine against whom to enforce
released from the obligation, that a third person was substituted in his collection.27Having made himself jointly and severally liable with De Jesus,
place, or that the joint and solidary obligation was cancelled and petitioner is therefore liable28 for the entire obligation.29
substituted by the solitary undertaking of De Jesus. The CA aptly held: Second Issue:
“x x x. Plaintiff ’s acceptance of the bum check did not result in substitution Accommodation Party
by de Jesus either, the nature of the obligation being solidary due to the Petitioner avers that he signed the promissory note merely as an
fact that the promissory note expressly declared that the liability of accommodation party; and that, as such, he was released as obligor when
appellants thereunder is joint and [solidary.] Reason: under the law, a respondent agreed to extend the term of the obligation.
creditor may demand payment or performance from one of the solidary This reasoning is misplaced, because the note herein is not a
debtors or some or all of them simultaneously, and payment made by one negotiable instrument. The note reads:
of them extinguishes the obligation. It therefore follows that in case the
creditor fails to collect from one of the solidary debtors, he may still proceed _______________
against the other or others. x x x”22
Moreover, it must be noted that for novation to be valid and legal, the law Article 1216 of the Civil Code provides:
requires that the creditor expressly consent to the substitution of a new “Art. 1216. The creditor may proceed against any one of the solidary
debtor.23 Since novation implies a waiver of the right the creditor had debtors or some or all of them simultaneously. The demand made against
before the novation, such waiver must be express.24 It cannot be one of them shall not be an obstacle to those which may subsequently be
supposed, without clear proof, that the pres- directed against the others, so long as the debt has not been fully
26 PH Credit Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 370 SCRA 155,
November 22, 2001; Industrial Management International Development
19 Corp. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 387 Phil. 659; 331 SCRA
Reyes v. Court of Appeals, supra; citing Ajax Marketing and
Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 248 SCRA 222, September 640, May 11, 2000; Inciong, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 327 Phil. 364; 257
14, 1995. SCRA 578, June 26, 1996. See also Article 1216 of the Civil Code.
20 Ibid.; Agro Conglomerates, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, supra; Security 27 Inciong, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 327 Phil. 364; 257 SCRA 578, June

Bank and Trust Company, Inc. v. Cuenca, supra. 26, 1996.

21 Ibid. 28 Ibid.; PH Credit Corporation v. Court of Appeals, supra; Industrial
22 CA Decision, p. 5; Rollo, p. 45. Management International Development Corp. v. National Labor Relations
23 Article 1293 of the Civil Code. Commission, supra.
24 Babst v. Court of Appeals, supra; citing Testate Estate of Mota v. 29 See Articles 1217 and 1218 of the Civil Code.

Serra, 47 Phil. 464, February 14, 1925. 304

VOL. 417, DECEMBER 8, 2003 303 Garcia vs. Llamas
VOL. 417, DECEMBER 8, 2003 305
“P400,000.00 Garcia vs. Llamas
the former to be only an accommodation party. The relation between an
“RECEIVED FROM ATTY. DIONISIO V. LLAMAS, the sum of FOUR accommodation party and the party accommodated is, in effect, one of
HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS, Philippine Currency payable on or principal and surety—the accommodation party being the surety.33 It is a
before January 23, 1997 at No. 144 K-10 St. Kamias, Quezon City, with settled rule that a surety is bound equally and absolutely with the principal
interest at the rate of 5% per month or fraction thereof. and is deemed an original promissor and debtor from the beginning. The
“It is understood that our liability under this loan is jointly and severally liability is immediate and direct.34
[sic]. Third Issue:
“Done at Quezon City, Metro Manila this 23rd day of December, Propriety of Summary Judgment
1996.”30 or Judgment on the Pleadings
By its terms, the note was made payable to a specific person rather than The next issue illustrates the usual confusion between a judgment on the
to bearer or to order31—a requisite for negotiability under Act 2031, the pleadings and a summary judgment. Under Section 3 of Rule 35 of the
Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL). Hence, petitioner cannot avail himself Rules of Court, a summary judgment may be rendered after a summary
of the NIL’s provisions on the liabilities and defenses of an accommodation hearing if the pleadings, supporting affidavits, depositions and admissions
party. Besides, a non-negotiable note is merely a simple contract in writing on file show that (1) except as to the amount of damages, there is no
and is evidence of such intangible rights as may have been created by the genuine issue regarding any material fact; and (2) the moving party is
assent of the parties.32 The promissory note is thus covered by the general entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.
provisions of the Civil Code, not by the NIL. A summary judgment is a procedural device designed for the prompt
Even granting arguendo that the NIL was applicable, still, petitioner disposition of actions in which the pleadings raise only a legal, not a
would be liable for the promissory note. Under Article 29 of Act 2031, an genuine, issue regarding any material fact.35 Consequently, facts are
accommodation party is liable for the instrument to a holder for value even asserted in the complaint regarding which there is yet no admission,
if, at the time of its taking, the latter knew disavowal or qualification; or specific denials or affirmative defenses are
set forth in the answer, but the issues are fictitious as shown by the
_______________ pleadings, depositions or admissions.36 A summary judgment may be
applied for by either a claimant or a defending party.37
Records, p. 7. On the other hand, under Section 1 of Rule 34 of the Rules of Court, a
Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides the requisites judgment on the pleadings is proper when an answer fails
for the negotiability of an instrument, as follows:
“Section 1. Form of negotiable instruments.—An instrument to be _______________
negotiable must conform to the following requirements:
Spouses Gardose v. Tarroza, 352 Phil. 797; 290 SCRA 186, May 19,
1. (a)It must be in writing and signed by the maker or drawer; 1998, citing Caneda Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 181 SCRA 762, February 5,
2. (b)Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum 1990; Prudencio v. Court of Appeals, 227 Phil. 7; 143 SCRA 7, July 14,
certain in money; 1986.
34 Palmares v. Court of Appeals, 351 Phil. 664; 288 SCRA 422, March
3. (c)Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future
time; 31, 1998.
35 Puyat v. Zabarte, 352 SCRA 738, February 26, 2001.
4. (d)Must be payable to order or to bearer; and
36 Narra Integrated Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 344 SCRA 781,
5. (e)Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be
named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.” November 15, 2000.
37 See §§1 and 2 of Rule 35 of the Rules of Court.

Agbayani, Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the Commercial 306
Laws of the Philippines, Vol. 1 (1992 ed.), p. 100. 306 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Garcia vs. Llamas WHEREFORE, this Petition is hereby DENIED and the assailed Decision
to render an issue or otherwise admits the material allegations of the AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
adverse party’s pleading. The essential question is whether there are SO ORDERED.
issues generated by the pleadings.38 A judgment on the pleadings may be Davide, Jr. (C.J., Chairman), Ynares-
sought only by a claimant, who is the party seeking to recover upon a claim, Santiago, Carpio and Azcuna, JJ., concur.
counterclaim or cross-claim; or to obtain a declaratory relief.39 Petition denied, assailed decision affirmed.
Apropos thereto, it must be stressed that the trial court’s judgment Note.—It is not proper to consider an obligation novated by unimportant
against petitioner was correctly treated by the appellate court as a modifications which do not alter its essence. (Idolor vs. Court of
summary judgment, rather than as a judgment on the pleadings. His Appeals, 351 SCRA 399 [2001])
Answer40 apparently raised several issues—that he signed the promissory
note allegedly as a mere accommodation party, and that the obligation was ——o0o——
extinguished by either payment or novation. However, these are not factual
issues requiring trial. We quote with approval the CA’s observations:
“Although Garcia’s [A]nswer tendered some issues, by way of affirmative
defenses, the documents submitted by [respondent] nevertheless clearly
showed that the issues so tendered were not valid issues. Firstly, Garcia’s
claim that he was merely an accommodation party is belied by the
promissory note that he signed. Nothing in the note indicates that he was
only an accommodation party as he claimed to be. Quite the contrary, the
promissory note bears the statement: ‘It is understood that our liability
under this loan is jointly and severally [sic].’ Secondly, his claim that his co-
defendant de Jesus already paid the loan by means of a check collapses
in view of the dishonor thereof as shown at the dorsal side of said check.”41
From the records, it also appears that petitioner himself moved to submit
the case for judgment on the basis of the pleadings and documents. In a
written Manifestation,42 he stated that “judgment on the pleadings may now
be rendered without further evidence, considering the allegations and
admissions of the parties.”43
In view of the foregoing, the CA correctly considered as a summary
judgment that which the trial court had issued against petitioner.

38 Diman v. Alumbres, 359 Phil. 796; 299 SCRA 459, November 27,
39 Ibid.
40 Dated February 2, 1998; Records, pp. 21-22.
41 CA Decision, p. 5; Rollo, p. 45.
42 Dated May 12, 1998; Records, pp. 44-45.
43 Petitioner’s Manifestation dated May 12, 1998, p. 1; id., p. 44.

VOL. 417, DECEMBER 8, 2003 307
Land Car, Inc. vs. Bachelor Express, Inc.
594 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED signatories thereof shall be personally liable therefor, as well as the
Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals consequences arising from their acts in connection therewith.
G.R. No. 80599.September 15, 1989.* Same; Same; Same; Same; Consignation; Payment; Remedy of
ERNESTINA CRISOLOGO-JOSE, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS consignation, proper; Case at bar; Effects of consignation.—We interpose
and RICARDO S. SANTOS, JR. in his own behalf and as Vice-President the caveat,however, that by holding that the remedy of consignation is
for Sales of Mover Enterprises, Inc., respondents. proper under the given circumstances, we do not thereby rule that all the
Negotiable Instruments Law; Corporations; Rule that an operative facts for consignation which would produce the effect of payment
accommodation party liable on the instrument to a holder for value does are present in this case. Those are factual issues that are not clear in the
not apply to corporations which are accommodation parties; Reasons.— records before us and which are for the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
The aforequoted provision of the Negotiable Instruments Law which holds City to ascertain in Civil Case No. Q-33160, for which reason it has
an accommodation party liable on the instrument to a holder for value, advisedly been directed by respondent court to give due course to the
although such holder at the time of taking the instrument knew him to be complaint for consignation, and which would be subject to such issues or
only an accommodation party, does not include nor apply to corporations claims as may be raised by defendant and the counterclaim filed therein
which are accommodation parties. This is because the issue or which is hereby ordered similarly revived.
indorsement of negotiable paper by a corporation without consideration Checks; B.P. 22; Presumptive rule to determine whether or not there
and for the accommodation of another is ultra vires. Hence, one who has was insufficiency of funds in or credit with the drawee bank.—These are
taken the instrument with knowledge of the accommodation nature thereof aside the considerations that the disputed period involved in the criminal
cannot recover against a corporation where it is only an accommodation case is only a presumptive rule, juris tantum at that, to determine whether
party. If the form of the instrument, or the nature of the transaction, is such or not there was knowledge of insufficiency of funds in or credit with the
as to charge the indorsee with knowledge that the issue or indorsement of drawee bank; that payment of civil liability is not a mode for extinguishment
the instrument by the corporation is for the accommodation of another, he of criminal liability; and that the requisite quantum of evidence in the two
cannot recover against the corporation thereon. types of cases are not the same.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Exception; An officer or agent of a
corporation shall have the power to execute or indorse a negotiable paper PETITION to review the decision of the Court of Appeals. Torres, Jr., J.
in the name of the corporation for accommodation only if specifically
authorized to do so; Personal liability of signatories in the instrument.—By The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
way of exception, an officer or agent of a corporation shall have the power Melquiades P. de Leon for petitioner.
to execute or indorse a negotiable paper in the name of the corporation for Rogelio A. Ajes for private respondent.
the accommodation of a third person only if specifically authorized to do 596
so. Corollarily, corporate officers, such as the president and vice-president, 596 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
have no power to execute for mere Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals

_______________ REGALADO, J.:

*SECOND DIVISION. Petitioner seeks the annulment of the decision1 of respondent Court of
595 Appeals, promulgated on September 8, 1987, which reversed the decision
VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15 ,1989 595 of the trial court2dismissing the complaint for consignation filed by therein
Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr.
accommodation a negotiable instrument of the corporation for their The parties are substantially agreed on the following facts as found by
individual debts or transactions arising from or in relation to matters in both lower courts:
which the corporation has no legitimate concern. Since such “In 1980, plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr. was the vice-president of Mover
accommodation paper cannot thus be enforced against the corporation, Enterprises, Inc. incharge of marketing and sales; and the president of the
especially since it is not involved in any aspect of the corporate business said corporation was Atty. Oscar Z. Benares. On April 30, 1980, Atty.
or operations, the inescapable conclusion in law and in logic is that the Benares, in accommodation of his clients, the spouses Jaime and Clarita
Ong, issued Check No. 093553 drawn against Traders Royal Bank, dated “Meanwhile, during the preliminary investigation of the criminal charge
June 14, 1980, in the amount of P45,000.00 (Exh. ‘1’) payable to defendant against Benares and the plaintiff herein, before Assistant City Fiscal
Ernestina Crisologo-Jose. Since the check was under the account of Alfonso T. Llamas, plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr. tendered cashier’s check
Mover Enterprises, Inc., the same was to be signed by its president, Atty. No. CC 160152 for P45,000.00 dated April 10, 1981 to the defendant
Oscar Z. Benares, and the treasurer of the said corporation. However, Ernestina Crisologo-Jose, the complainant in that criminal case. The
since at that time, the treasurer of Mover Enterprises was not available, defendant refused to receive the cashier’s check in payment of the
Atty. Benares prevailed upon the plaintiff, Ricardo S. Santos, Jr., to sign dishonored check in the amount of P45,000.00. Hence, plaintiff encashed
the aforesaid check as an alternate signatory. Plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, the aforesaid cashier’s check and subsequently deposited said amount of
Jr. did sign the check. P45,000.00 with the Clerk of Court on August 14, 1981 (Exhs. ‘D’ and ‘E’).
“It appears that the check (Exh. ‘1’) was issued to defendant Ernestina Incidentally, the cashier’s check adverted to above was purchased by Atty.
Crisologo-Jose in consideration of the waiver or quitclaim by said Oscar Z. Benares and given to the plaintiff herein to be applied in payment
defendant over a certain property which the Government Service of the dishonored check.”3
Insurance System (GSIS) agreed to sell to the clients of Atty. Oscar After trial, the court a quo, holding that it was “not persuaded to believe
Benares, the spouses Jaime and Clarita Ong, with the understanding that that consignation referred to in Article 1256 of the Civil Code is applicable
upon approval by the GSIS of the compromise agreement with the spouses to this case,” rendered judgment dismissing plaintiff’s complaint and
Ong, the check will be encashed accordingly. However, since the defendant’s counterclaim.4
compromise agreement was not approved within the expected period of As earlier stated, respondent court reversed and set aside said
time, the aforesaid check for P45,000.00 (Exh. ‘1’) was replaced by Atty. judgment of dismissal and revived the complaint for consignation, directing
Benares with another Traders Royal Bank check bearing No. 379299 the trial court to give due course thereto. Hence, the instant petition, the
dated August 10, 1980, in the same amount of P45,000.00 (Exhs. ‘A’ and assignment of errors wherein are prefatorily stated and discussed seriatim.
‘2’), also payable to the defendant Jose. This replacement check was also 1. Petitioner contends that respondent Court of Appeals erred in holding
signed by Atty. Oscar Z. Benares and that private respondent, one of the signatories of the check issued under
the account of Mover Enterprises, Inc., is an accommodation party under
_______________ the Negotiable Instru-
1 Penned by Justice Justo P. Torres, Jr. and concurred in by Associate _______________
Justices Leonor Ines Luciano and Oscar M. Herrera; Rollo, 18.
2 Civil Case No. Q-33160, Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 3
Rollo, 19-20.
XCVI. Rollo, 18.
597 598
Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals
by the plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr. When defendant deposited this amount of said check.
replacement check (Exhs. ‘A’ and ‘2’) with her account at Family Savings Petitioner avers that the accommodation party in this case is Mover
Bank, Mayon Branch, it was dishonored for insufficiency of funds. A Enterprises, Inc. and not private respondent who merely signed the check
subsequent redepositing of the said check was likewise dishonored by the in question in a representative capacity, that is, as vice-president of said
bank for the same reason. Hence, defendant through counsel was corporation, hence he is not liable thereon under the Negotiable
constrained to file a criminal complaint for violation of Batas Pambansa Instruments Law.
Blg. 22 with the Quezon City Fiscal’s Office against Atty. Oscar Z. Benares The pertinent provision of said law referred to provides:
and plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr. The investigating Assistant City Fiscal, “Sec. 29. Liability of accommodation party.—An accommodation party is
Alfonso Llamas, accordingly filed an amended information with the court one who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or
charging both Oscar Benares and Ricardo S. Santos, Jr., for violation of indorser, without receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending
Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 docketed as Criminal Case No. Q-14867 of then his name to some other person. Such a person is liable on the instrument
Court of First Instance of Rizal, Quezon City.
to a holder for value, notwithstanding such holder, at the time of taking the By way of exception, an officer or agent of a corporation shall have the
instrument, knew him to be only an accommodation party.” power to execute or indorse a negotiable paper in the name of the
Consequently, to be considered an accommodation party, a person must corporation for the accommodation of a third person only if specifically
(1) be a party to the instrument, signing as maker, drawer, acceptor, or authorized to do so.10 Corollarily, corporate officers, such as the president
indorser, (2) not receive value therefor, and (3) sign for the purpose of and vice-president, have no power to execute for mere accommodation a
lending his name for the credit of some other person. negotiable instrument of the corporation for their individual debts or
Based on the foregoing requisites, it is not a valid defense that the transactions arising from or in relation to matters in which the corporation
accommodation party did not receive any valuable consideration when he has no legitimate concern. Since such accommodation paper cannot thus
executed the instrument. From the standpoint of contract law, he differs be enforced against the corporation, especially since it is not involved in
from the ordinary concept of a debtor therein in the sense that he has not any aspect of the corporate business or operations, the inescapable
received any valuable consideration for the instrument he signs. conclusion in law and in logic is that the signatories thereof shall be
Nevertheless, he is liable to a holder for value as if the contract was not for personally liable therefor, as well as the consequences arising from their
accommodation,5 in whatever capacity such accommodation party signed acts in connection therewith.
the instrument, whether primarily or secondarily. Thus, it has been held
that in lending his name to the accommodated party, the accommodation _______________
party is in effect a surety for the latter.6
Assuming arguendo that Mover Enterprises, Inc. is the accommodation 11 C.J.S. 309.
party in this case, as petitioner suggests, the inevitable question is whether 14A C.J. 732.
9 Oppenheim vs. Simon Reigel Cigar Co., 90 N.Y.S. 355, cited in 11
or not it may be held liable on
C.J.S. 309.
10 In re Wrentham Mfg. Co., 2 Low. 119; Hall vs. Auburn Turnp. Co., 27
Cal. 255, cited in 14A C.J. 461.
Ang Tiong vs. Ting, et al., 22 SCRA 713 (1968). 600
Philipine Bank of Commerce vs. Aruego, 102 SCRA 530 (1981). 600 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
599 Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 599 The instant case falls squarely within the purview of the aforesaid
Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals decisional rules. If we indulge petitioner in her aforesaid postulation, then
the accommodation instrument, that is, the check issued in favor of herein she is effectively barred from recovering from Mover Enterprises, Inc. the
petitioner. value of the check. Be that as it may, petitioner is not without recourse.
We hold in the negative. The fact that for lack of capacity the corporation is not bound by an
The aforequoted provision of the Negotiable Instruments Law which accommodation paper does not thereby absolve, but should render
holds an accommodation party liable on the instrument to a holder for personally liable, the signatories of said instrument where the facts show
value, although such holder at the time of taking the instrument knew him that the accommodation involved was for their personal account,
to be only an accommodation party, does not include nor apply to undertaking or purpose and the creditor was aware thereof.
corporations which are accommodation parties.7 This is because the issue Petitioner, as hereinbefore explained, was evidently charged with the
or indorsement of negotiable paper by a corporation without consideration knowledge that the check was issued at the instance and for the personal
and for the accommodation of another is ultra vires.8 Hence, one who has account of Atty. Benares who merely prevailed upon respondent Santos to
taken the instrument with knowledge of the accommodation nature thereof act as co-signatory in accordance with the arrangement of the corporation
cannot recover against a corporation where it is only an accommodation with its depository bank. That it was a personal undertaking of said
party. If the form of the instrument, or the nature of the transaction, is such corporate officers was apparent to petitioner by reason of her personal
as to charge the indorsee with knowledge that the issue or indorsement of involvement in the financial arrangement and the fact that, while it was the
the instrument by the corporation is for the accommodation of another, he corporation’s check which was issued to her for the amount involved, she
cannot recover against the corporation thereon.9 actually had no transaction directly with said corporation.
There should be no legal obstacle, therefore, to petitioner’s claims 3. That respondent court virtually prejudged Criminal Case No. Q-
being directed personally against Atty. Oscar Z. Benares and respondent 14687 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City filed against private
Ricardo S. Santos, Jr., president and vice-president, respectively, of Mover respondent for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22, by holding that no
Enterprises, Inc. criminal liability had yet attached to private respondent when he deposited
with the court the amount of P45,000.00 is the final plaint of petitioner.
1. 2.On her second assignment of error, petitioner argues that the We sustain petitioner on this score.
Court of Appeals erred in holding that the consignation of the sum Indeed, respondent court went beyond the ratiocination called for in the
of P45,000.00, made by private respondent after his tender of appeal to it in CA-G.R. CV. No. 05464. In its own decision therein, it
payment was refused by petitioner, was proper under Article 1256 declared that “(t)he lone issue dwells in the question of whether an
of the Civil Code. accommodation party can validly consign the amount of the debt due with
the court after his tender of payment was refused by the creditor.” Yet, from
Petitioner’s submission is that no creditor-debtor relationship exists the commercial and civil law aspects determinative of said issue, it
between the parties, hence consignation is not proper. Concomitantly, this digressed into the merits of the aforesaid Criminal Case No. Q-14867, thus:
argument was premised on the assumption that private respondent Santos 602
is not an accommodation party. 602 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
As previously discussed, however, respondent Santos is an Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals
accommodation party and is, therefore, liable for the value of the check. “Section 2 of B.P. 22 establishes the prima facie evidence of knowledge of
The fact that he was only a co-signatory does not detract from his personal such insufficiency of funds or credit. Thus, the making, drawing and
liability. A co-maker or co-drawer under the circumstances in this case is issuance of a check, payment of which is refused by the drawee because
as much an accommoda- of insufficient funds in or credit with such bank is prima facie evidence of
601 knowledge of insufficiency of funds or credit, when the check is presented
VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 601 within 90 days from the date of the check.
Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals “It will be noted that the last part of Section 2 of B.P. 22 provides that
tion party as the other co-signatory or, for that matter, as a lone signatory the element of knowledge of insufficiency of funds or credit is not present
in an accommodation instrument. Under the doctrine in Philippine Bank of and, therefore, the crime does not exist, when the drawer pays the holder
Commerce vs. Aruego, supra, he is in effect a co-surety for the the amount due or makes arrangements for payment in full by the drawee
accommodated party with whom he and his co-signatory, as the other co- of such check within five (5) banking days after receiving notice that such
surety, assume solidary liabilityex lege for the debt involved. With the check has not been paid by the drawee.
dishonor of the check, there was created a debtor-creditor relationship, as “Based on the foregoing consideration, this Court finds that the plaintiff-
between Atty. Benares and respondent Santos, on the one hand, and appellant acted within his legal rights when he consigned the amount of
petitioner, on the other. This circumstance enables respondent Santos to P45,000.00 on August 14, 1981, between August 7, 1981, the date when
resort to an action of consignation where his tender of payment had been plaintiff-appellant receive (sic) the notice of non-payment, and August 14,
refused by petitioner. 1981, the date when the debt due was deposited with the Clerk of Court (a
We interpose the caveat,however, that by holding that the remedy of Saturday and a Sunday which are not banking days) intervened. The fifth
consignation is proper under the given circumstances, we do not thereby banking day fell on August 14, 1981. Hence, no criminal liability has yet
rule that all the operative facts for consignation which would produce the attached to plaintiff-appellant when he deposited the amount of
effect of payment are present in this case. Those are factual issues that P45,000.00 with the Court a quo on August 14, 1981.”11
are not clear in the records before us and which are for the Regional Trial That said observations made in the civil case at bar and the intrusion into
Court of Quezon City to ascertain in Civil Case No. Q-33160, for which the merits of the criminal case pending in another court are improper do
reason it has advisedly been directed by respondent court to give due not have to be belabored. In the latter case, the criminal trial court has to
course to the complaint for consignation, and which would be subject to grapple with such factual issues as, for instance, whether or not the period
such issues or claims as may be raised by defendant and the counterclaim of five banking days had expired, in the process determining whether
filed therein which is hereby ordered similarly revived. notice of dishonor should be reckoned from any prior notice if any has been
given or from receipt by private respondents of the subpoena therein with
supporting affidavits, if any, or from the first day of actual preliminary Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
investigation; and whether there was a justification for not making the G.R. No. 81949.September 15, 1989.*
requisite arrangements for payment in full of such check by the drawee SPOUSES EMETERIO and LOLITA GUZMAN,
bank within the said period. These are matters alien to the present petitioners, vs. HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and SPOUSES
controversy on tender and consignation of payment, where no such period GUILLERMO and GERARDA EVANGELISTA, respondents.
and its legal effects are involved. Agrarian Reform; Urban Land Reform Law; Right of First
These are aside from the considerations that the disputed Refusal; Only legitimate tenants who have resided for ten years or more
on specific parcels of land in declared urban land reform zones or urban
_______________ zones, and who have built their houses thereon, have the right of first
refusal.—It is clear from the language of the law that only legitimate tenants
Rollo, 21-22. who have resided for ten years or more on specific parcels of land situated
603 in declared Urban Land Reform Zones or Urban Zones, and who have built
VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 603 their homes thereon, have the right not to be dispossessed therefrom and
Crisologo-Jose vs. Court of Appeals the “right of first refusal” to purchase the property under reasonable terms
period involved in the criminal case is only a presumptive rule, juris tantum and conditions to be determined by the appropriate government agency.
at that, to determine whether or not there was knowledge of insufficiency At the time of the sale of the subject property to petitioners, Proclamation
of funds in or credit with the drawee bank; that payment of civil liability is No. 1967 [Amending Proclamation No. 1893 by specifying 244 sites in
not a mode for extinguishment of criminal liability; and that the requisite Metropolitan Manila as Areas for Priority Development (APDs) and Urban
quantum of evidence in the two types of cases are not the same. Land Reform Zones], promulgated on May 14, 1980, was the prevailing
To repeat, the foregoing matters are properly addressed to the trial law enumerating the parcels of land affected by Pres. Dec. Nos. 1517,
court in Criminal Case No. Q-14867, the resolution of which should not be 1640 and 1642, and LOI No. 935. A simple reading of the list of 244 sites
interfered with by respondent Court of Appeals at the present posture of described in the annex to Proclamation No. 1967 reveals that the subject
said case, much less preempted by the inappropriate and unnecessary property was not among the APDs or Urban Land Reform Zones in
holdings in the aforequoted portion of the decision of said respondent Navotas. Thus, when the subject property was sold to petitioners, it was
court. Consequently, we modify the decision of respondent court in CA- neither covered by, nor subject, to the conditions set forth in, the Urban
G.R. CV No. 05464by setting aside and declaring without force and effect Land Reform Law.
its pronouncements and findings insofar as the merits of Criminal Case No. Same; Same; Tenants, Defined; Tenants, as defined in Pres. Decree
Q-14867 and the liability of the accused therein are concerned. No. 1517 does not include those whose possession of the property is under
WHEREFORE, subject to the aforesaid modifications, the judgment of litigation.—Secondly, private respondents are not even “tenants” within the
respondent Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED. purview of Pres. Dec. No. 1517. Section 3 (f) of this decree, which defines
SO ORDERED. the term “tenant,” provides: Tenant refers to the rightful occupant of land
Paras, Padilla and Sarmiento, JJ., concur. and its structures, but does not include those whose presence on the land
Melencio-Herrera J., No part. Did not participate in deliberations. is merely tolerated and without the benefit of contract, those who enter the
Judgment affirmed with modifications. land by force or deceit, or those whose possession is under litigation [italics
Notes.—In order that consignation may be effective, the debtor must supplied.] It cannot be denied that at the time the subject property was
first comply with certain requirements prescribed by law. (Soco vs. declared an APD in December 1987, the right of private respondents to
Militante, 123 SCRA 160.) occupy and possess the subject property was then an issue under litigation
Without prior notice, consignation is void as payment. (Soco vs. in the action
Militante, 123 SCRA 160.)
604 605
Guzman vs. Court of Appeals the Court finds that sufficient cause for their ejectment under Section
for ejectment filed against them by petitioners. 5 (b) of Batas Pambansa Blg. 877 has been established. [SeeRoxas v.
Civil Law; Contracts; Lease; Suspension of Rental Payments; Private IAC, G.R. Nos. 74279 and 74801-03, January 20, 1988, 157 SCRA 166].
respondent’s belief that the subject property should have been sold to Civil Procedure; Prejudicial Question; Ejectment; Possession; Mere
them, does not justify the unilateral withholding of rental payments due the allegation of ownership by the defendant in an ejectment case or the
new owner.—Upon the purchase of the leased property and proper notice pendency of an action for reconveyance does not divest the inferior court
by the vendee to the lessee, the latter must pay the agreed monthly rentals of jurisdiction over the ejectment suit; Exceptions.—Finally, the Court is not
to the new owner since, by virtue of the sale, the vendee steps into the unaware of Civil Case No. 957-MN pending in the Regional Trial Court of
shoes of the original lessor to whom the lessee bound himself to pay Malabon. This action was instituted by private respondents on July 1, 1987
[Mirasol v. Magsuci, G.R. No. L-17125, November 28, 1966, 18 SCRA against petitioners and administratrix Rufina Samaniego for the annulment
801]. In the instant case, despite their receipt of the demand letter dated of the sale and the reconveyance of the subject property in favor of private
March 21, 1986 informing them of the change of property ownership, respondents. As correctly held by respondent appellate court, Civil Case
private respondents unjustifiably failed to pay the monthly rentals which No. 957-MN poses no prejudicial question to the resolution of the instant
accrued for the account of the new owner. Their belief that the subject petition. Well settled is the rule that the mere allegation of ownership of the
property should have been sold to them does not justify the unilateral property in dispute by the defendant in an ejectment suit or the pendency
withholding of rental payments due to Lolita Guzman as new owner of the of an action for reconveyance of title over the same property does not
property. Private respondents must be reminded that Article 1658 of the divest the inferior court of its jurisdiction over the ejectment suit [Alilaya v.
New Civil Code provides only two instances wherein the lessee may Espanola, G.R. No. L-36208, September 18, 1981, 107 SCRA 564; De la
suspend payment of rent, namely, in case the lessor fails to make the Cruz v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 57454, November 29, 1984, 133 SCRA
necessary repairs or to maintain the lessee in peaceful and adequate 520; Drilon v. Gaurana, G.R. No. L-35482, April 30, 1987, 149 SCRA 342].
enjoyment of the property leased [See Reyes v. Arca, G.R. No. L-21447, The only exception to this rule is where the question of de facto possession
November 29, 1965, 15 SCRA 442]. cannot be determined properly without settling that of de jure possession
Same; Same; Same; Ejectment; Private respondents’ continued stay and ownership because the latter is inseparably linked with the former
in the property without having paid a single monthly rental is a sufficient [Andres v. Soriano, 101 Phil. 848 (1957); Castro v. de los Reyes, 109 Phil.
cause for ejectment.—Private respondents should have at the very least 64 (1960); Alvir v. Vera, G.R. No. L-39338, July 16, 1984, 130 SCRA 357;
replied to Lolita Guzman’s letter and tendered payment of the monthly De la Santa v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. L-30560 and L-31078,
rentals which accrued in her favor beginning March 1986, and if such were November 18, 1985, 140 SCRA 44].
to be refused by her, then private respondents should have made a Contracts; Lease; Right of Removal; Useful Improvements; Private
consignation thereof or deposited the rentals due pending the resolution of respondents have the right to remove their house and other useful
their alleged claim against the administratrix of the estate of the late improvements should petitioner refuse to reimburse the amount thereof;
Mercedes Policarpio [SeeIpapo v. IAC, G.R. No. 72740, January 27, 1987, ornamental objects may be removed if no damage shall be caused to the
147 SCRA 342]. Instead, they opted to take a hard-line stance in refusing principal and that the owner of the principal do not choose to retain them
to acknowledge Lolita Guzman as owner and lessor, and, in so doing, gave by paying their value.—Moreover, since private respondents had built in
cause to be declared in default in their obligation to pay rentals due her. good faith their house on the leased subject property, it is appropriate to
[SeeLandicho v. Tensuan, G.R. No. 51216, June 30, 1987, 151 SCRA mention that Article 1678 of the New Civil Code governs the parties’ rights
410]. Thus, when petitioners filed their action for ejectment, the rentals thereto. As the new lessors, petitioners have the option to appropriate the
(which were payable in advance within the first five days of each month) house and other useful improvements made by private respondents by
corresponding to the months of March, April and May, 1986 had not been paying one-half of their value. But private respondents do not have the right
paid. And the glaring situation to date is that private respondents continue to compel petitioners to appropriate the improvements and make
to occupy the subject property without having paid a single monthly rental reimbursement, nor to retain possession
which accrued pending litigation. Under these circumstances, 607
606 VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 607
606 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
of the subject property until such reimbursement. Their right under the despite previous demands by the former owner and pay the rentals in
law is the removal of the house and other useful improvements in the event arrears.
that petitioners refuse to reimburse the above amount [Lapena v. Morfe, Due to the failure of private respondents to reply to, or comply with, the
101 Phil. 997 (1957); Balucanag v. Francisco, G.R. No. L-33422, May 30, above demand, peitioner spouses brought their complaint before the
1983, 122 SCRA 498]. Incidentally, as regards ornamental objects, private Barangay Chairman, but no amicable settlement was reached. Petitioners
respondents may remove the same provided that no damage is caused to then filed on May 7, 1986 a complaint for ejectment against private
the principal thing and petitioners do not choose to retain them by paying respondents in the Metropolitan Trial Court, invoking Section 5(b) of Batas
their value at the time the lease is extinguished. Pambansa Blg. 877. The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 2839.
Private respondents, in their verified answer, alleged that they had been
PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Court of Appeals. religiously paying their monthly rentals for the subject property upon which
they constructed their home until the middle part of 1984 when they were
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. advised by the administratrix Rufina Samaniego to cease making
Eleazar S. Calasan for petitioners. payments because the estate was then being partitioned and the
Bienvenido J. Medel for private respondents. subdivided units were to be offered for sale to the respective occupants at
twentyfive thousand pesos (P25,000.00). They had offered to pay the
CORTÉS, J.: amount in cash on the condition that a clear title would be given, but were
informed that it would be sometime before titles could be issued for the
This is a petition for review on certiorari which seeks the reversal of the individual units. But in violation of their “right of first refusal” under Pres.
decision of the Court of Appeals rendered in CA-G.R. SP No. Dec. No. 1517 [otherwise known as the Urban Land Reform Law], the
13475 setting aside the decisions of the Regional Trial Court and administratrix executed an absolute deed of sale over the property in favor
Metropolitan Trial Court, and dismissing the complaint for ejectment filed of petitioner Lolita Guzman. They finally concluded that petitioners had no
by petitioners against private respondents. cause of action against them in view of the nullity of this deed of sale.
The facts of the case are as follows: On May 5, 1987, the court rendered judgment against private
Since 1937, private respondents have been in possession of a 184 sq. respondents ordering them to vacate the subject property and to pay the
m. parcel of land situated at M. Policarpio Street, Bagong Barrio, Navotas, sum of one thousand one hundred seventy-eight pesos (P1,178.00)
Metro Manila by virtue of an oral lease agreement with the late Mercedes representing unpaid rentals from October 1983 until April 1986 and the
Policarpio whereby the former agreed to pay a monthly rental of thirty eight sum of thirty-eight pesos (P38.00) for every month thereafter until they
pesos (P38.00), payable in advance within the first five (5) days of each have completely surrendered possession of the property to the petitioners.
month. The court held that:
Petitioner Lolita Guzman, on the other hand, is presently the registered xxx
owner of the same property, having acquired the same from the Estate of The defendant admitted in his answer (par. 3) that he received
the late Mercedes Policarpio by virtue of a Deed of Absolute Sale dated 609
March 3, 1986 executed in her favor by the administratrix Rufina VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 609
Samaniego. This sale was judicially approved by the probate court in Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
Special Proceedings No. 2640 entitled “Testate Estate of Mercedes the letter of demand dated March 17, 1986 (sic) sent by the plaintiffs’
Policarpio.” Lolita Guzman’s ownership is evidenced by TCT No. T-134078 counsel, but there is (sic) no reply or answer was made by the defendant
issued by the Register of Deeds of Caloocan City on March 17, 1986. Soon to the aforesaid letter of demand, to explain why he should not pay the
after the sale, Lolita Guzman, through her counsel, sent rentals claimed by the plaintiffs. Thus, the plaintiffs were constrained to file
608 the present action under Section 5 (b) of BP 877.
608 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED The plaintiffs being the registered owner of the property in question, as
Guzman vs. Court of Appeals evidence (sic) by TCT No. T-134078, they have the better right of
private respondents a letter dated March 21, 1986 informing them that she possession as adverse to the defendant. Moreover, the defendant cannot
is the new owner of the subject property and demanding that they vacate be considered as a legitimate tenant as contemplated by the Urban Land
it in view of their failure to pay the monthly rentals since October 1983 Reform Act, he having failed to comply religiously with his obligation to pay
the agreed rentals on time, he became a possessor in bad faith and his respondents] not to pay their rents anymore because the area would be
ejectment from the premises is allowed by BP 877 and therefore not subdivided and sold to the actual occupants, including the [private
entitled to the protection of P.D. No. 1517 as amended and its implemented respondents] with respect to the lot in question which they have been
(sic) proclamations of the Rental Control Law. renting and occupying for around fifty (50) years already. With the
xxx foregoing explanation of [private respondents] for their failure to pay their
rental starting October 1984, an assertion inducing faith and reliance and
[MTC Decision, p. 3; Rollo, p. 52.] which has not been effectively controverted, [their] ejectment on the
ground of non-payment of rental is improper and cannot be sanctioned.
On Appeal, this decision was affirmed in toto by the Regional Trial Court xxx
on October 16, 1987 in Appealed Civil Case No. 262-MN.
Private respondents then filed on December 11, 1987 a petition for [CA Decision, pp. 5-6; Rollo, pp. 18-19.]
review with the Court of Appeals. In a decision promulgated on January
28, 1988, the Court of Appeals1 set aside the decisions of the lower courts Moreover, the Court of Appeals upheld private respondents’ contention
and dismissed for lack of merit petitioners complaint for ejectment. The that they have the “right of first refusal” to purchase the property pursuant
Court of Appeals held that the ejectment of private respondents from the to Section 6 of Pres. Dec. No. 1517.
subject property on the ground of non-payment of rentals was baseless Hence, petitioners filed the instant petition, assigning the following as
and improper, finding that: errors:
... [private respondents] have been leasing and actually occupying 1. I.THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
subject lot since 1937 at a meager rental of P38.00 a month, and did even APPLYING SECTION 6 OF PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1517,
offer to pay cash of P25,000.00 therefor, it is simply unbelievable that they OTHERWISE KNOWN AS URBAN LAND REFORM LAW IN
defaulted or failed to pay the measly rental of P38.00 a month as FAVOR OF PRIVATE RESPONDENTS IN UTTER DISREGARD
[petitioners] would like the court to understand. [Private respondents’] OF THE EXPRESS PROVISIONS OF PROCLAMATION NO.
theory that they were told to stop paying their rents sometime in October 1967 WHICH SPECIFIES THE AREAS OF APPLICABILITY OF
1984 is more in accord with reason and human experience. If they were THE “URBAN ZONES” MENTIONED IN SAID SECTION 6 OF
really told by the administratrix of the estate P.D. NO. 1517;
NON-PAYMENT OF RENTALS [Petition, p. 5; Rollo, p. 6.]
Penned by Fidel P. Purisima with Segundino G. Chua and Nicolas P.
Lapena, Jr. concurring. After a careful consideration of the issues raised in the pleadings and the
610 various laws applicable to the case at hand, this Court finds merit in the
Guzman vs. Court of Appeals 611
of the deceased owner-lessor to hold or defer their rental payments, it VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 611
stands to reason that [they] never defaulted in the payment of their rental Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
for the lot in question. Indeed, if they were not advised to pay their rents,
why should [they] falter in their rental payments when they have their house I.
thereon, are actually residing therein and have the financial capacity to buy
the lot in dispute on spot cash basis? The Court holds that there is no basis to the claim that the sale of the
... If they stopped paying the monthly rental therefor since October subject property between the estate of the late Mercedes Policarpio and
1984, it was not due to inability or refusal on their part to pay; but was upon petitioner Lolita Guzman is null and void for being violative of the “right of
the advice of the administratrix of the estate of the late owner-lessor first refusal” granted to tenants under Section 6 of Pres. Dec. No. 1517.
Mercedes Policarpio. The latter unequivocably [sic] told [private Section 6 of Pres. Dec. No. 1517 reads as follows:
SECTION 6. Land Tenancy in Urban Land Reform Areas.—Within the Furthermore, notwithstanding the fact that, as provided by the above
Urban Zones, legitimate tenants who have resided on the land for ten years resolution, the subject property is presently an APD or Urban Land Reform
or more, who have built their homes on the land, and residents who have Zone, private respondents still do not enjoy the protective mantle of Pres.
legally occupied the lands by contract continuously for the last ten years Dec. No. 1517.
shall not be dispossessed of the land and shall be allowed the right of first In the first place, petitioners’ cause of action to evict private
refusal to purchase the same within a reasonable time and at reasonable respondents accrued, and the complaint on the basis thereof was filed,
prices, under terms and conditions to be determined by the Urban Zone while the subject property had not yet been declared an APD and subject
Expropriation and Land Management Committee created by Section 8 of to Pres. Dec. No. 1517. In addition, prior to the issuance of Resolution No.
this Decree. 1369, the Metropolitan Trial Court in Civil Case No. 2839 had already
It is clear from the language of the law that only legitimate tenants who rendered a decision in favor of petitioners ordering private respondents to
have resided for ten years or more on specific parcels of land situated in vacate the property for non-payment of rentals pursuant to Section 5 (b) of
declared Urban Land Reform Zones or Urban Zones, and who have built Batas Pambansa Blg. 877.
their homes thereon, have the right not to be dispossessed therefrom and Secondly, private respondents are not even “tenants” within the
the “right of first refusal” to purchase the property under reasonable terms purview of Pres. Dec. No. 1517, Section 3 (f) of this decree, which defines
and conditions to be determined by the appropriate government agency. the term “tenant,” provides:
At the time of the sale of the subject property to petitioners, Tenant refers to the rightful occupant of land and its structures, but does
Proclamation No. 1967 [Amending Proclamation No. 1893 by specifying not include those whose presence on the land is merely tolerated and
244 sites in Metropolitan Manila as Areas for Priority Development (APDs) without the benefit of contract, those who enter the land by force or deceit,
and Urban Land Reform Zones], promulgated on May 14, 1980, was the or those whose possession is under litigation [Italics supplied.]
prevailing law enumerating the parcels of land affected by Pres. Dec. Nos. It cannot be denied that at the time the subject property was declared an
1517, 16402 and 1642,3 and LOI No. 935. A simple reading of the list of APD in December 1987, the right of private respondents to occupy and
244 sites described in the annex to Proclamation No. 1967 reveals that possess the subject property was then an issue under litigation in the
action for ejectment filed against them by petitioners.
_______________ 613
VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 613
2 Freezing the prices of land in Metropolitan Manila at current value. Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
(1979) Thirdly, private respondents are not the “legitimate tenants” envisaged in
3 Freezing the rates of rental, above three hundred pesos a month, of
Section 6 of Pres. Dec. No. 1517 considering that their possession of the
residential and commercial buildings, houses, apartments, and dwelling subject property has been rendered illegal by their stubborn and
units in Metropolitan Manila at current levels. (1979) unjustifiable refusal to comply with their obligation to pay their monthly
612 rentals to petitioners.4
612 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Consequently, the Court holds that respondent appellate court
Guzman vs. Court of Appeals committed a reversible error in applying the provisions of Pres. Dec. No.
Reform Zones in Navotas. Thus, when the subject property was sold to 1517 to sustain private respondents’ defense in the action for ejectment.
petitioners, it was neither covered by, nor subject, to the conditions set
forth in, the Urban Land Reform Law. II.
This is made all the more obvious by the fact that Resolution No. 1369
of the National Housing Authority Board of Directors which proclaimed the Anent the second error raised, the record of the case does not support
Estate of the late Mercedes Policarpio in Navotas an APD was passed only respondent appellate court’s conclusion that private respondents’ were not
on December 18, 1987 [Rollo, p. 81], long after the sale was executed in default in the payment of their monthly rentals due to petitioners.
between administratrix Rufina Samaniego and petitioners and judicially While discussion was made concerning private respondents’
approved by the probate court. Private respondents, therefore, have no explanation for non-payment of the rentals due to the estate of the late
basis in claiming that the sale violated the “right of first refusal” granted to Mercedes Policarpio, this is irrelevant to the issue at hand. What is
tenants by Pres. Dec. No. 1517. palpably clear from the record of the case is the fact that private
respondents had failed to pay the monthly rentals which accrued from the pending litigation. Under these circumstances, the Court finds that
time petitioner Lolita Guzman acquired ownership of the subject property sufficient cause for their ejectment under Section 5 (b) of Batas Pambansa
in March 1986. Blg. 8775
Upon the purchase of the leased property and proper notice by the
vendee to the lessee, the latter must pay the agreed monthly rentals to the _______________
new owner since, by virtue of the sale, the vendee steps into the shoes of
5 SEC. 5. Grounds For Judicial Ejectment.—Ejectment shall be allowed
the original lessor to whom the lessee bound himself to pay [Mirasol v.
Magsuci, G.R. No. L-17125, November 28, 1966, 18 SCRA 801]. In the on the following grounds:
instant case, despite their receipt of the demand letter dated March 21, xxx
1986 informing them of the change of property ownership, private (b) Arrears in payment of rent for a total of three (3) months: Provided,
respondents unjustifiably failed to pay the monthly rentals which accrued That in case of refusal by the lessor to accept payment of the rental agreed
for the account of the new owner. Their belief that the subject property upon, the lessee may either deposit, by way of consignation, the amount
should have been sold to them does not justify the unilateral withholding of in court, or with the city or municipal treasurer, as the case may be, or in a
rental payments due to Lolita Guzman as new owner of the property. bank in the name of and with notice to the lessor, within one month after
Private respondents the refusal of the lessor to accept payment.
The lessee shall thereafter deposit the rental within ten days of every
_______________ current month. Failure to deposit rentals for three months shall constitute
a ground for ejectment. x x x
4 This point will be discussed in length in the following section of this 615
decision. VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 615
614 Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
614 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED has been established. [See Roxas v. IAC, G.R. Nos. 74279 and 74801-03,
Guzman vs. Court of Appeals January 20, 1988, 157 SCRA 166].
provides only two instances wherein the lessee may suspend payment of It might be argued that petitioners’ action for ejectment was prematurely
rent, namely, in case the lessor fails to make the necessary repairs or to filed on May 7, 1986 because less than three (3) months had elapsed since
maintain the lessee in peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the property private respondents failed to tender payment of the March 1986 rental in
leased [See Reyes v. Arca, G.R. No. L-21447, November 29, 1965, 15 favor of the new lessor Lolita Guzman.
SCRA 442]. However, this point was never raised as an issue in the proceedings
Private respondents should have, at the very least, replied to Lolita below by private respondents, and, therefore, cannot be passed upon for
Guzman’s letter and tendered payment of the monthly rentals which the first time on appeal [Matienzo v. Servidad, G.R. No. L-28135,
accrued in her favor beginning March 1986, and if such were to be refused September 10, 1981, 107 SCRA 276; Dulos Realty & Development
by her, then private respondents should have made a consignation thereof Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 76668, January 28, 1988, 157
or deposited the rentals due pending the resolution of their alleged claim SCRA 425]. And, even assuming that the action for ejectment was indeed
against the administratrix of the estate of the late Mercedes Policarpio prematurely filed in the court a quo, such will not in anyway change the
[See Ipapo v. IAC, G.R. No. 72740, January 27, 1987, 147 SCRA 342]. conclusion reached by this Court that petitioners have established a right
Instead, they opted to take a hard-line stance in refusing to acknowledge to evict private respondents from the subject property for non-payment of
Lolita Guzman as owner and lessor, and, in so doing, gave cause to be rentals. For if the Court were to dismiss petitioners’ complaint based on
declared in default in their obligation to pay rentals due her. [See Landicho this point, there would be more than sufficient basis for petitioners to file
v. Tensuan, G.R. No. 51216, June 30, 1987, 151 SCRA 410]. Thus, when another complaint for ejectment against private respondents as delinquent
petitioners filed their action for ejectment, the rentals (which were payable lessees under Section 5(b) Batas Pambansa Blg. 877 in view of the latter’s
in advance within the first five days of each month) corresponding to the inexcusable failure to pay, deposit or consign for the account of petitioners
months of March, April and May, 1986 had not been paid. And the glaring monthly rentals since March 1986 up to the present. It must be borne in
situation to date is that private respondents continue to occupy the subject mind that ejectment cases must be expeditiously resolved and terminated.
property without having paid a single monthly rental which accrued Certainly, it will serve the ends of justice for the Court to promptly settle the
issue of non-payment of rentals in the case at bar, rather than to require Premises considered, the Court finds that petitioners have established
the parties to litigate anew. Otherwise, as the Court has had occasion to a cause of action for the ejectment of private respondents for non-payment
state, “further proceedings will undoubtedly be only a waste of effort and of rentals pursuant to Section 5(b) of Batas Pambansa Blg. 877.
time and to the continuing, prejudice of the petitioners. It will only prolong But inasmuch as no evidence has been presented by petitioners to the
the already unjustified stay of the private respondent[s] and provide [them] effect that the original owner or vendor of the subject
an unwarranted excuse to remain in the leased premises, notwithstanding 617
her non-payment of the corresponding rentals for the past several years” VOL. 177, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 617
[Ipapo v. IAC, supra]. Guzman vs. Court of Appeals
Finally, the Court is not unaware of Civil Case No. 957-MN pending in property had assigned to them her rights under the lease agreement with
the Regional Trial Court of Malabon. This action was instituted by private the lessees, i.e. the collection of rentals in arrears, there is no legal basis
respondents on July 1, 1987 against petitioners and administratrix Rufina for ordering private respondents to pay monthly rentals which accrued prior
Samaniego for the annul- to March 1986.
616 Moreover, since private respondents had built in good faith their house
616 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED on the leased subject property, it is appropriate to mention that Article 1678
Guzman vs. Court of Appeals of the New Civil Code6 governs the parties’ rights thereto. As the new
favor of private respondents. lessors, petitioners have the option to appropriate the house and other
As correctly held by respondent appellate court, Civil Case No. 957-MN useful improvements made by private respondents by paying one-half of
poses no prejudicial question to the resolution of the instant petition. Well their value. But private respondents do not have the right to compel
settled is the rule that the mere allegation of ownership of the property in petitioners to appropriate the improvements and make reimbursement, nor
dispute by the defendant in an ejectment suit or the pendency of an action to retain possession of the subject property until such reimbursement.
for reconveyance of title over the same property does not divest the inferior Their right under the law is the removal of the house and other useful
court of its jurisdiction over the ejectment suit [Alilaya v. Espanola, G.R. improvements in the event that petitioners refuse to reimburse the above
No. L-36208, September 18, 1981, 107 SCRA 564; De la Cruz v. Court of amount [Lapena v. Morfe, 101 Phil. 997 (1957); Balucanag v.
Appeals, G.R. No. 57454, November 29, 1984, 133 SCRA 520; Drilon v. Francisco, G.R. No. L-33422, May 30, 1983, 122 SCRA 498]. Incidentally,
Gaurana, G.R. No. L-35482, April 30, 1987, 149 SCRA 342]. The only as regards ornamental objects, private respondents may remove the same
exception to this rule is where the question of de facto possession cannot provided that no damage is caused to the principal thing and petitioners do
be determined properly without settling that of de jure possession and not choose to retain them by paying their value at the time the lease is
ownership because the latter is inseparably linked with the former [Andres extinguished.
v. Soriano, 101 Phil. 848(1957); Castro v. de los Reyes, 109 Phil. WHEREFORE, the judgment of respondent appellate court rendered in
64 (1960); Alvir v. Vera, G.R. No. L-39338, July 16, 1984, 130 SCRA CA-G.R. SP No. 13475 is REVERSED. Private respondents and all
357; De la Santa v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. L-30560 and L-31078, persons claiming rights under them are hereby ordered to immediately
November 18, 1985, 140 SCRA 44]. vacate the subject property and
Such exception is unavailing in the case at bar. Petitioner Lolita
Guzman was at the time of the institution of the ejectment suit the titled _______________
owner of the property, having acquired the same by absolute deed of sale
which was judicially approved by the probate court. Private respondents’ 6
ARTICLE 1678. If the lessee makes, in good faith, useful
claim of preference, on the other hand, rests on the mere allegation that improvements which are suitable to the use for which the lease is intended,
an agreement to purchase and sell existed between them and the without altering the form or substance of the property leased, the lessor
administratrix Rufina Samaniego. Yet, no written document evidencing this upon the termination of the lease shall pay the lessee onehalf of the value
agreement has been presented by them to enforce, much less support, of the improvements at that time. Should the lessor refuse to reimburse
their claim. From the facts thus presented, the claim of preference is said amount, the lessee may remove the improvements, even though the
without concrete basis in fact and in law and does not preclude the courts principal thing may suffer damage thereby. He shall not, however, cause
from assuming, and continuing to exercise, jurisdiction over the ejectment any more impairment upon the property leased than is necessary.
suit [De la Cruz v. Court of Appeals, supra].
With regard to ornamental expenses, the lessee shall not be entitled to
any reimbursement, but he may remove the ornamental objects, provided
no damage is caused to the principal thing, and the lessor does not choose
to retain them by paying their value at the time the lease is extinguished.
Andres vs. Manufacturers Hanover & Trust Corporation
surrender possession thereof to petitioners, and to pay petitioners rentals
in arrears in the monthly sum of thirty-eight pesos (P38.00) to be computed
only from March 1986 until they have completely vacated the subject
property, the further sum of two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) as attorney’s
fees, and costs of the suit. This case is REMANDED to the Regional Trial
Court for the determination of the value of the improvements made by
private respondents on the subject property, in accordance with Article
1678 of the New Civil Code.
Fernan, (C.J.), Gutierrez, Jr., and Bidin, JJ., concur. Feliciano, J.,
on leave.
Judgment reversed. Case remanded to trial court for determination of
the value of improvements made by private respondents on the subject
Note.—Persons who are not tenants on the property are not covered
by Pres. Decree No. 316 which prohibits the ejectment of tenant farmers
in agricultural lands primarily devoted to rice and corn. (Geronimo vs. Court
of Appeals, 121 SCRA 859.)

924 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED PETITION for review by certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
Sadaya vs. Sevilla
No. L-17845. April 27, 1967. The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
petitioner, vs. FRANCISCO SEVILLA, respondent. Poblador, Cruz & Nazareno for respondent.
Obligations; Solidary liability of accommodation makers.—Where the
principal debtor failed to pay the bank the balance due on a promissory SANCHEZ, J.:
note, either one of the solidary accommodation makers may be held liable
for the said balance. On March 28, 1949, Victor Sevilla, Oscar Varona and Simeon Sadaya
Same; Obligation of principal debtor to reimburse accommodation executed, jointly and severally, in favor of the Bank of the Philippine
maker who paid the debt.—The principal debtor, who received from the Islands, or its order, a promissory note for P15,000.00 with interest at 8%
bank the full value of the note. is obligated to make full reimbursement to per annum, payable on demand. The entire amount of P15,000.00,
an accommodation maker who paid the bank the balance due on said note. proceeds of the promissory note, was received f rom the bank by Oscar
Same; Negotiable Instruments Law; Right to seek contribution from Varona alone. Victor Sevilla and Simeon Sadaya signed the promissory
co-accommodation maker.—Where a solidary accommodation maker paid note as co-makers only as a favor to Oscar Varona. Payments were made
to the bank the balance due on a promissory note, he may seek on account. As of June 15, 1950, the outstanding balance stood at
contribution from the other solidary accommodation maker, in the absence P4,859.00. No payment was thereafter made.
of a contrary agreement between them. This right springs from an implied On October 6, 1952; the bank collected from Sadaya the foregoing
promise between the accommodation makers to share equally the burdens balance which, together with interest, totalled P5,746.12. Varona failed to
resulting from their execution of the note. They are joint guarantors of the reimburse Sadaya despite repeated demands.
principal debtors. Victor Sevilla died. Intestate estate proceedings were started in the
Same; New Civil Code supplements Negotiable Instruments Law— Court of First Instance of Rizal, Special Proceeding No. 1518. Francisco
Since the Negotiable Instruments Law does not define the right of an Sevilla was named administrator.
accommodation maker, to seek reimbursement from another In Special Proceeding No. 1518, Sadaya filed a creditor’s claim f or the
accommodation maker, this deficiency should be supplied by article 2073 above sum of P5,746.12, plus attorneys fees in the sum of P1,500.00. The
of the New Civil Code, which deals with a situation where one surety has administrator resisted the claim upon the averment that the deceased
paid the debt and is seeking contribution from his co-sureties. Victor Sevilla “did not receive any amount as consideration for the pro-
Same; Rules on reimbursement under article 2073.—A solidary 926
accommodation maker (1) may demand from the principal debtor 926 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
reimbursement of the amount which he paid on the promissory note and Sadaya vs. Sevilla
(2) he may demand contribution from his co-accommodation maker. missory note,” but signed it only “as surety for Oscar Varona”. On June 5,
without first directing his action 1957, the trial court issued an order admit
925 ting the claim of Simeon Sadaya in the amount of P5,746.-12, and
VOL. 19, APRIL 27, 1967 925 directing the administrator to pay the same from any available funds
Sadaya vs. Sevilla belonging to the estate of the deceased Victor Sevilla.
against the principal debtor, provided that (a) he made the payment The motion to reconsider having been overruled, the administrator
by virtue of a judicial demand, or (b) the principal debtor is insolvent. appealed.1 The Court of Appeals, in a decision promulgated on July 15,
Same; When paying solidary accommodation maker is not entitled to 1960, voted to set aside the order appealed from and to disapprove and
demand contribution.—A solidary accommodation maker, who paid the disallow “appellee’s claim of P5,746.12 against the intestate estate.”
balance due on a promissory note, is not entitled to demand contribution The case is now before this Court on certiorari to review the judgment
from his co-accommodation maker where he made the payment voluntarily of the Court of Appeals.
and without any judicial demand and there is no proof that the principal Sadaya’s brief here seeks reversal of the appellate court’s decision and
debtor is insolvent. prays that his claim “in the amount of 50% of P5,746.12, or P2,878.06,
against the intestate estate of the deceased Victor Sevilla,” be approved.
1. That Victor Sevilla and Simeon Sadaya were joint and several 4. On principle, a solidary accommodation maker—who made
accommodation makers of the 15,000.00-peso promissory note in favor of payment—has the right to contribution, from his co-accommodation maker,
the Bank of the Philippine Islands, need not be essayed. As such in the absence of agreement to the contrary between them, and subject to
accommodation makers, the individual obligation of each of them to the conditions imposed by law. This right springs from an implied promise
bank is no different from, and no greater and no less than, that contracted between the accommodation makers to share equally the burdens that
by Oscar Varona. For, while these two did not receive value on the may ensue from their having consented to stamp their signatures on the
promissory note, they executed the same with, and for the purpose of promissory note.5 For having lent their signatures to the principal debtor,
lending their names to, Oscar Varona, Their liability to the bank upon the they clearly placed themselves—in so far as payment made by one
explicit terms of the promissory note is joint and several.2 Better yet, the
bank could have pursued its right to collect the unpaid balance against ________________
either Sevilla or Sadaya. And the fact is that one of the last two, Simeon
Sadaya, paid that balance. Philippine National Bank vs. Masa, et al., 48 Phil. 207, 211; Acuña vs,
Veloso and Xavier, supra; Daniel on Negotiable Instruments, 1933 ed.,
________________ Vol. 3, p. 1598.
4 Tolentino, Commentaries and Jurisprudence on Commercial Laws of
CA-G.R. No. 22246-R, “Intestate Estate of the deceased Victor the Philippines, Vol. I, p. 255, citing Blanchard vs. Blanchard, 201 N.Y. 134,
Sevilla, Francisco Sevilla, administrator-appellant, vs. Simeon Sadaya, 94 NE 630.
claimant-appellee”. Daniel on Negotiable Instruments, id., p. 1597.
2 Section 29, Negotiable Instruments Law; Acuna vs. Veloso and 928
Xavier, 50 Phil. 241, 252; Philippine Trust Company vs. Antigua Botica 928 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Ramirez, et al., 56 Phil. 662, 565–566, 571. See also; Article 1216, Civil Sadaya vs. Sevilla
Code. may create liability on the other—in the category of mere joint
927 guarantors of the former.6 This is as it should be. Not one of them benefited
VOL. 19, APRIL 27, 1967 927 by the promissory note. They stand on the same f footing. In misfortune,
Sadaya vs. Sevilla their burdens should be equally spread.
2. It is beyond debate that Simeon Sadaya could have sought Manresa, commenting on Article 1844 of the Civil Code of
reimbursement of the total amount paid from Oscar Varona. This is but Spain,7 which is substantially reproduced in Article 20738of our Civil Code,
right and just. Varona received full value of the promissory note.3 Sadaya on this point stated:
received nothing therefrom. He paid the bank because he was a joint and “Otros, como Pothier, entienden que, si bien el principio es evidente en
several obligor. The least that can be said is that, as between Varona and estricto concepto juridico, se han extremado sus consecuencias hasta el
Sadaya, there is an implied contract of indemnity. And Varona is bound by punto de que estas son contrarias, no solo a la logica, sino tambien a
the obligation to reimburse Sadaya.4 la equidad, que debe ser el alma del Derecho, como ha dicho Laurent.
3. The common creditor, the Bank of the Philippine Islands, now out of Esa acción—sostienen—no nace de la fianza, pues, en efecto, el
the way, we first look into the relations inter se amongst the three hecho de afianzar una misma deuda no crea ningun vinculo juridico, ni
consigners of the promissory note, Their relations vis-a-vis the Bank, we ninguna razon de obligar entre los fiadores, sino que trae, por el contrario,
repeat, is that of joint and several obligors. But can the same thing be said su origen de una acto posterior, cual es el pago de toda lat deuda realizado
about the relations of the three consigners, in respect to each other? por uno de ellos, y la equidad no permite que los demas fiadores, que
Surely enough, as amongst the three, the obligation of Varona and igualmente estaban obligados a dicho pago, se aprovechen de ese acto
Sevilla to Sadaya who paid can not be joint and several. For, indeed, had en perjuicio del que lorealizo.”
payment been made by Oscar Varona, instead of Simeon Sadaya, Varona “Lo cierto es que esa accion concedida al f iador nace, si, del hecho
could not have had reason to seek reimbursement from either Sevilla or del pago, pero es consecuencia del beneficio o del derecho de
Sadaya, or both. After all, the proceeds of the loan went to Varona and the division, como tenemos ya dicho. En efecto, por virtud de esta division,
other two received nothing therefrom. todos los cofiadores vienen obligados a contribuir al pago de la parte que
a cada uno corresponde. De ese obligacion, contraida por todos ellos, se
libran los que no han pagado por consecuencia del acto realizado por el As Mr. Justice Street puts it: "[T]hat article deals with the situation which
que pago, y si bien este no hizo mas que cumplir el deber que el contracto arises when one surety has paid the debt to the creditor and is seeking
de fianza le imponia de responder de todo el debito cuando no limito su contribution from his cosureties."11
Not that the requirements in paragraph 3, Article 2073, just quoted, are
________________ devoid of cogent reason. Says Manresa:12
6 Daniel on Negotiable Instruments, id., p. 1595; and Footnote 65 x x x: _________________
“The liability of cosureties to each other for contribution is not joint [joint
and several] but several”, citing Vansant vs. Gardner, 240 Ky. 318, 42 S.W. 9
Manresa, Comentarios al Codigo Civil Español [1951 ed] Tomo XII,
(2nd) 300; Voss vs. Lewis, 126 Ind. 155, 25 N.E. 892. paginas 337, 38, 339; italics supplied.
”ARTICULO 1.844—Cuando son dos o mas los fiadores de un mismo 10
The word quiebra [bankrupt] in the Spanish text of Article 1844 of the
deudor y por una misma deuda, el que de ellos la haya pagado podra Civil Code of Spain is eliminated in Article 2073 of the present Civil Code;
reclamar de cada uno de los otros la parte que proporcionalmente le italics supplied.
corresponda satisfacer. 11 Cacho vs. Valles, 45 Phil. 107, 110–111, referring to Article 1844 of

Si algundo de ellos resultara insolvente, le parte de este recaera sobre the Spanish Civil Code, now Article 2073 of the Civil Code.
todos en la misma proporcion. Manresa, Codigo Civil Español, Tomo XII, paginas 342–343.
Para que pueda tener lugar la disposicion de este articulo, es preciso 930
que se haya hecho el pago en virtud de demanda judicial o hallandose el 930 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
deudor principal en estado de concurso o quiebra.” Sadaya vs. Sevilla
8 Article 2073 will hereafter be recited in full.
“c) Requisitos para el ejercicio del derecho de reintegro o de reembolso
929 derivado de la corresponsabilidad de los cofiadores.—La tercera de las
VOL. 19, APRIL 27, 1967 929 prescripciones que comprende el articulo se ref iere a los requisitos que
Sadaya vs. Sevilla deben concurrir para que pueda tener lugar lo dispuesto en el mismo. Ese
obligacion a parte alguna del mismo, dicho acto redunda en beneficio de derecho que concede al fiador para reintegrarse directamente de los
los otros cofiadores los cuales se aprovechan de el para quedar fiadores de lo que pago por ellos en vez de dirigir su reclamacion contra el
desligados de todo compromiso con el acreedor"9 deudor, es un beneficio otorgado por la ley solo en dos casos
5. And now, to the requisites bef ore one accommodation maker can seek determinados, cuya justificacion resulta evidenciada desde luego; y esa
reimbursement from a co-accommodation maker. limitacion este debidamente aconsejada por una razon de prudencia que
By Article 18 of the Civil Code in matters not covered by the special no puede desconocerse, cual es la de evitar que por la mera voluntad de
laws, “their deficiency shall be supplied by the provisions of this Code”. uno de los cofiadores pueda hacerse surgir la accion de reintegro contra
Nothing extant in the Negotiable Instruments Law would define the right of los demas en prejuicio de los mismos.
one accommodation maker to seek reimbursement from another. Perforce, El perjuicio que con tal motivo puede inferirse a los cofiadores es bien
we must go to the Civil Code. notorio, pues teniendo en primer termino el fiador que paga por
Because Sevilla and Sadaya, in themselves, are but coguarantors of el deudor el derecho de indemnizacion contra este,sancionado por el art.
Varona, their case comes within the ambit of Article 2073 of the Civil Code 1,838, es de todo punto indudable que ejercitando esta accion pueden
which reads: quedar libres de toda responsabilidad los demas cofiadores si, a
“ART. 2073. When there are two or more guarantors of the same debtor consecuencia de ella, indemniza el f iado a aquel en los terminos
and for the same debt, the one among them who has paid may demand of establecidos en el expresado articulo. Por el contrario de prescindir de
each of the others the share which is proportionally owing from him, dicho derecho el fiador, reclamando de los confiadores en primer lugar el
If any of the guarantors should be insolvent, his share shall be borne oportuno reintegro, estos en tendrian mas remedio que satisfacer sus
by the others, including the payer, in the same proportion. ductares respectivas, repitiendo despues por ellas contra el deudor con la
The provisions of this article shall not be applicable, unless the payment imposicion de las molestias y gastos consiguientes.
has been made in virtue of a judicial demand or unless the principal debtor No es aventurado asegurar que si el fiador que paga pudiera
is insolvent"10 libremente utilizar uno u otro de dichos derechos, el de indemnizacion por
el deudor y el del reintegro por los cofiadores, indudablemente optaria
siempre y en todo caso por el segundo, puesto que mucha mas garantias
de solvencia y mucha mas seguridad del cobro ha de encontrar en los
fiadores que en el deudor; y en la practica quedaria reducido el primero a
la indemnizacion por el deudor a los confiadores que hubieran hecho el
reintegro, obligando a estos, sin excepcion alguna, a soportar siempre los
gastos y las molestias que anteriormente hemos indicado. Y para evitar
estos perjuicios, la ley no ha podido menos de reducir el ejercicio de ese
derecho a los casos en que absolutamente sea indispensable.13
6. All of the foregoing postulate, the following rules: (1) A joint and several
accommodation maker of a negotiable promissory note may demand from
the principal debtor reimbursement for the amount that he paid to the
payee; and (2) a joint and several accommodation maker who pays on the
said promissory note may directly demand

Manresa, id., pp. 342–348,
VOL. 19, APRIL 27, 1967 931
Hilario vs. City of Manila
reimbursement from his co-accommodation maker without first directing
his action against the principal debtor provided that (a) he made the
payment by virtue of a judicial demand, or (b) a principal debtor is insolvent.
The Court of Appeals found that Sadaya’s payment to the bank “was
made voluntarily and without any judicial demand,” and that “there is an
absolute absence of evidence showing that Varona is insolvent”. This
combination of f act and lack of fact epitomizes the f atal distance between
payment by Sadaya and Sadaya’s right to demand of Sevilla “the share
which is proportionately owing from him.”
For the reasons given, the judgment of the Court of Appeals under
review is hereby affirmed. No costs. So ordered.
Concepcion, C.J., Reyes,
J.B.L., Dizon, Regala, Makalintal, Bengzon, J.P., Zaldivar and Castro,
Judgment affirmed.

VOL. 210, JUNE 26, 1992 351 himself thereon. Only evidence of the clearest and most convincing kind
Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals will suffice for that purpose; no such evidence was submitted by private
G.R. No. 56169. June 26, 1992.* respondent. The latter’s explanation was denied by Travel-On’s General
TRAVEL-ON, INC., petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and ARTURO S. Manager; that explanation, in any case, appears merely contrived and
MIRANDA, respondents. quite hollow to us. Upon the other hand, the “accommodation” or
Evidence; Accounting; Obligations; Courts below erred in assistance extended to Travel-On’s passengers abroad as testified by
considering only the variances in the statement of respondent’s account petitioner’s General Manager involved, not the accommodation
payables rather than latter’s checks which were unpaid.—The appellate transactions recognized by the NIL, but rather the circumvention of then
court erred in considering only the statements of account in determining existing foreign exchange regulations by passengers booked by Travel-
whether private respondent was indebted to petitioner under the checks. On, which incidentally involved receipt of full consideration by private
By doing so, it failed to give due importance to the most telling piece of respondent.
evidence of private respondent’s indebtedness—the checks themselves
which he had issued. Contrary to the view held by the Court of Appeals, PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals.
this Court finds that the checks are the all important evidence of petitioner’s
case; that these checks clearly established private respondent’s The facts are stated in the resolution of the Court.
indebtedness to petitioner; that private respondent was liable thereunder. Eladio B. Samson for petitioner.
Same; Same; Same; Drawer of check, not payee, has burden of Benjamin Bernardino & Associates Law Offices for private
proof to show that he no longer owes payee any amount.—In the case at respondent.
bar, the Court of Appeals, contrary to these established rules, placed the RESOLUTION
burden of proving the existence of valuable consideration upon petitioner.
This cannot be countenanced; it was up to private respondent to show that FELICIANO, J.:
he had indeed issued the checks without sufficient consideration. The
Court considers that private respondent was unable to rebut satisfactorily Petitioner Travel-On, Inc. (“Travel-On”) is a travel agency selling airline
this legal presumption. tickets on commission basis for and in behalf of different airline companies.
Private respondent Arturo S. Miranda had a revolving credit line with
________________ petitioner. He procured
THIRD DIVISION. VOL. 210, JUNE 26, 1992 353
352 Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
352 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED tickets from petitioner on behalf of airline passengers and derived
Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals commissions therefrom.
Same; Negotiable Instruments Law; Only clear and convincing On 14 June 1972, Travel-On filed suit before the Court of First Instance
evidence, not the mere self-serving testimony of drawer, can rebut (“CFI”) of Manila to collect on six (6) checks issued by private respondent
presumption of holder in due course.—Travel-On was entitled to the with a total face amount of P115,000.00. The complaint, with a prayer for
benefit of the statutory presumption that it was a holder in due course, that the issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment and attorney’s fees,
the checks were supported by valuable consideration. Private respondent averred that from 5 August 1969 to 16 January 1970, petitioner sold and
maker of the checks did not successfully rebut these presumptions. The delivered various airline tickets to respondent at a total price of
only evidence aliundethat private respondent offered was his own self- P278,201.57; that to settle said account, private respondent paid various
serving uncorroborated testimony. He claimed that he had issued the amounts in cash and in kind, and thereafter issued six (6) postdated checks
checks to Travel-On as payee to “accommodate” its General Manager who amounting to P115,000.00 which were all dishonored by the drawee
allegedly wished to show those checks to the Board of Directors of Travel- banks. Travel-On further alleged that in March 1972, private respondent
On to “prove” that Travel-On’s account receivables were somehow “still made another payment of P10,000.00 reducing his indebtedness to
good.” It will be seen that this claim was in fact a claim that the checks P105,000.00. The writ of attachment was granted by the court a quo.
were merely simulated, that private respondent did not intend to bind
In his answer, private respondent admitted having had transactions On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court,
with Travel-On during the period stipulated in the complaint. Private but reduced the award of moral damages to P20,000.00, with interest at
respondent, however, claimed that he had already fully paid and even the legal rate from the date of the filing of the Answer on 28 August 1972.
overpaid his obligations and that refunds were in fact due to him. He Petitioner moved for reconsideration of the Court of Appeals’ decision,
argued that he had issued the postdated checks for purposes of without success.
accommodation, as he had in the past accorded similar favors to petitioner. In the instant Petition for Review, it is urged that the postdated checks
During the proceedings, private respondent contested several tickets are per se evidence of liability on the part of private respondent. Petitioner
alleged to have been erroneously debited to his account. He claimed further argues that even assuming that the checks were for
reimbursement of his alleged overpayments, plus litigation expenses, and accommodation, private respondent is still liable thereunder considering
exemplary and moral damages by reason of the allegedly improper that petitioner is a holder for value.
attachment of his properties. Both the trial and appellate courts had rejected the checks as evidence
In support of his theory that the checks were issued for accommodation, of indebtedness on the ground that the various statements of account
private respondent testified that he had issued the checks in the name of prepared by petitioner did not show that private respondent had an
Travel-On in order that its General Manager, Elita Montilla, could show to outstanding balance of P115,000.00 which is the total amount of the
Travel-On’s Board of Directors that the accounts receivable of the checks he issued. It was pointed out that while the various exhibits of
company were still good. He further stated that Elita Montilla tried to petitioner showed various accountabilities of private respondent, they did
encash the same, but that these were dishonored and were subsequently not satisfacto-
returned to him after the accommodation purpose had been attained. 355
Travel-On’s witness, Elita Montilla, on the other hand explained that the VOL. 210, JUNE 26, 1992 355
“accommodation” extended to Travel-On by private respondent related to Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
situations where one or more of rily establish the amount of the outstanding indebtedness of private
354 respondent. The appellate court made much of the fact that the figures
354 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED representing private respondent’s unpaid accounts found in the “Schedule
Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals of Outstanding Account” dated 31 January 1970 did not tally with the
its passengers needed money in Hongkong, and upon request of Travel- figures found in the statement which showed private respondent’s
On respondent would contact his friends in Hongkong to advance transactions with petitioner for the years 1969 and 1970; that there was no
Hongkong money to the passenger. The passenger then paid Travel-On satisfactory explanation as to why the total outstanding amount
upon his return to Manila and which payment would be credited by Travel- of P278,432.74 was still used as basis in the accounting of 7 April 1972
On to respondent’s running account with it. considering that according to the table of transactions for the year 1969
In its decision dated 31 January 1975, the court a quoordered Travel- and 1970, the total unpaid account of private respondent amounted
On to pay private respondent the amount of P8,894.91 representing net to P239,794.57.
overpayments by private respondent, moral damages of P10,000.00 for We have, however, examined the record and it shows that the 7 April
the wrongful issuance of the writ of attachment and for the filing of this 1972 Statement of Account had simply not been updated; that if we use as
case, P5,000.00 for attorney’s fees and the costs of the suit. basis the figure as of 31 January 1970 which is P278,432.74 and from it
The trial court ruled that private respondent’s indebtedness to petitioner deduct P38,638.17 which represents some of the payments subsequently
was not satisfactorily established and that the postdated checks were made by private respondent, the figure—P239,794.57 will be obtained.
issued not for the purpose of encashment to pay his indebtedness but to Also, the fact alone that the various statements of account had
accommodate the General Manager of Travel-On to enable her to show to variances in figures, simply did not mean that private respondent had no
the Board of Directors that Travel-On was financially stable. more financial obligations to petitioner. It must be stressed that private
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration that was, however, denied respondent’s account with petitioner was a running or open one, which
by the trial court, which in fact then increased the award of moral damages explains the varying figures in each of the statements rendered as of a
to P50,000.00. given date.
The appellate court erred in considering only the statements of account
in determining whether private respondent was indebted to petitioner under
the checks. By doing so, it failed to give due importance to the most telling “Section 24. Presumption of consideration.—Every negotiable instrument
piece of evidence of private respondent’s indebtedness—the checks is deemed prima facie to have been issued for a valuable consideration;
themselves which he had issued. and every person whose signature appears thereon to have become a
Contrary to the view held by the Court of Appeals, this Court finds that party thereto for value.” Section 5 (s) of Rule 131 also establishes the
the checks are the all important evidence of petitioner’s case; that these presumption “[t]hat a negotiable instrument was given or indorsed for a
checks clearly established private respondent’s indebtedness to petitioner; sufficient consideration; x x x.”
that private respondent was liable thereunder. Pineda vs. dela Rama, 121 SCRA 671 (1983); Bank of Philippine
It is important to stress that a check which is regular on its face is Islands vs. Laguna Coconut Oil Co., 48 Phil. 5 (1925).
deemed prima facie to have been issued for a valuable consideration and 357
every person whose signature appears thereon VOL. 210, JUNE 26, 1992 357
356 Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
356 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED provides as follows:
Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals “Section 29. Liability of accommodation party.—1An accommodation party
is deemed to have become a party thereto for value.1 Thus, the mere is one who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or
introduction of the instrument sued on in evidence prima facie entitles the indorser, without receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending
plaintiff to recovery. Further, the rule is quite settled that a negotiable his name to some other person. Such a person is liable on the instrument
instrument is presumed to have been given or indorsed for a sufficient to a holder for value, notwithstanding such holder, at the time of taking the
consideration unless otherwise contradicted and overcome by other instrument, knew him to be only an accommodation party.
competent evidence.2 In accommodation transactions recognized by the Negotiable Instruments
In the case at bar, the Court of Appeals, contrary to these established Law, an accommodating party lends his credit to the accommodated party,
rules, placed the burden of proving the existence of valuable consideration by issuing or indorsing a check which is held by a payee or indorsee as a
upon petitioner. This cannot be countenanced; it was up to private holder in due course, who gave full value therefor to the accommodated
respondent to show that he had indeed issued the checks without sufficient party. The latter, in other words, receives or realizes full value which the
consideration. The Court considers that private respondent was unable to accommodated party then must repay to the accommodating party, unless
rebut satisfactorily this legal presumption. It must also be noted that those of course the accommodating party intended to make a donation to the
checks were issued immediately after a letter demanding payment had accommodated party. But the accommodating party is bound on the check
been sent to private respondent by petitioner Travel-On. to the holder in due course who is necessarily a third party and is not the
The fact that all the checks issued by private respondent to petitioner accommodated party. Having issued or indorsed the check, the
were presented for payment by the latter would lead to no other conclusion accommodating party has warranted to the holder in due course that he
than that these checks were intended for encashment. There is nothing in will pay the same according to its tenor.3
the checks themselves (or in any other document for that matter) that
states otherwise. ________________
We are unable to accept the Court of Appeals’ conclusion that the
checks here involved were issued for “accommodation” and that 3
Section 60 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides:
accordingly private respondent maker of those checks was not liable “Section 60. Liability of maker.—The maker of a negotiable instrument, by
thereon to petitioner payee of those checks. making it, engages that he will pay it according to its tenor, and admits the
In the first place, while the Negotiable Instruments Law does refer to existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse.” Further, Section
accommodation transactions, no such transaction was here shown. 61 provides:
Section 29 of the Negotiable Instruments Law “Section 61. Liability of drawer.—The drawer by drawing the instrument
admits the existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse; and
________________ engages that, on due presentment, the instrument will be accepted or paid,
or both, according to its tenor, and that if it be dishonored and the
Section 24 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides: necessary proceedings on dishonor be duly taken, he will pay the amount
thereof to the holder or to any subsequent indorser who may be compelled Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
to pay it. x x x” clearest and most convincing kind will suffice for that purpose,6 no such
358 evidence was submitted by private respondent. The latter’s explanation
358 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED was denied by Travel-On’s General Manager; that explanation, in any
Travel-On, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals case, appears merely contrived and quite hollow to us. Upon the other
In the case at bar, Travel-On was payee of all six (6) checks; it presented hand, the “accommodation” or assistance extended to Travel-On’s
these checks for payment at the drawee bank but the checks passengers abroad as testified by petitioner’s General Manager involved,
bounced. Travel-On obviously was not an accommodated party; it realized not the accommodation transactions recognized by the NIL, but rather the
no value on the checks which bounced. circumvention of then existing foreign exchange regulations by passengers
Travel-On was entitled to the benefit of the statutory presumption that booked by Travel-On, which incidentally involved receipt of full
it was a holder in due course,4 that the checks were supported by valuable consideration by private respondent.
consideration.5 Private respondent maker of the checks did not Thus, we believe and so hold that private respondent must be held
successfully rebut these presumptions. The only evidence aliunde that liable on the six (6) checks here involved. Those checks in themselves
private respondent offered was his own self-serving uncorroborated constituted evidence of indebtedness of private respondent, evidence not
testimony. He claimed that he had issued the checks to Travel-On as successfully overturned or rebutted by private respondent.
payee to “accommodate” its General Manager who allegedly wished to Since the checks constitute the best evidence of private respondent’s
show those checks to the Board of Directors of Travel-On to “prove” that liability to petitioner Travel-On, the amount of such liability is the face
Travel-On’s account receivables were somehow “still good.” It will be seen amount of the checks, reduced only by the P10,000.00 which Travel-On
that this claim was in fact a claim that the checks were merely simulated, admitted in its complaint to have been paid by private respondent
that private respondent did not intend to bind himself thereon. Only sometime in March 1992.
evidence of the The award of moral damages to private respondent must be set aside,
for the reason that petitioner’s application for the writ of attachment rested
________________ on sufficient basis and no bad faith was shown on the part of Travel-On. If
anyone was in bad faith, it was private respondent who issued bad checks
Finally, Section 66 provides: and then pretended to have “accommodated” petitioner’s General
“Section 66. Liability of general indorser.—Every indorser who indorses Manager by assisting her in a supposed scheme to deceive petitioner’s
without qualification, warrants to all subsequent holders in due course: Board of Directors and to misrepresent Travel-On’s financial condition.
xxx xxx xxx ACCORDINGLY, the Court Resolved to GRANT due course to the
And in addition, he engages that, on due presentment, it shall be Petition for Review on Certiorari and to REVERSE and SET ASIDE the
accepted or paid, or both, as the case may be, according to its tenor, and Decision dated 22 October 1980 and the Resolution of 23 January 1981 of
that if it be dishonored and the necessary proceedings on dishonor be duly the Court of Appeals, as well as the Decision dated 31 January 1975 of the
taken, he will pay the amount thereof to the holder, or to any subsequent trial court, and to enter a new decision requiring private respondent Arturo
indorser who may be compelled to pay it.” S. Miranda
4 Section 59 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides: “Section 59—

Who is deemed holder in due course.—Every holder is deemed prima facie ________________
to be a holder in due course; x x x.” See Also Fossum v. Fernandez
6 See generally Cuyugan v. Santos, 34 Phil. 100 (1916); Tolentino v.
Hermanos, 44 Phil. 713 (1923).
5 Section 24, Negotiable Instruments Law, supra; A similar provision is Gonzales, 50 Phil. 558 (1927).
found in Article 1354, Civil Code of the Philippines: 360
“Art. 1354. Although the cause is not stated in the contract, it is presumed 360 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
that it exists and is lawful, unless the debtor proves the contrary.” People vs. Galendez
Also Penaco v. Ruaya, 110 SCRA 46 (1981). to pay to petitioner Travel-On the amount of P105,000.00 with legal interest
359 thereon from 14 June 1972, plus ten percent (10%) of the total amount due
VOL. 210, JUNE 26, 1992 359 as attorney’s fees. Costs against private respondent.
Gutierrez, Jr. (Chairman), Bidin, Davide, Jr. and Romero,
JJ., concur.
Decision reversed and set aside; petition granted.
Note.—A holder for value under Section 29 of the Negotiable
Instruments Law is one who must meet all the requirements of a holder in
due course under Section 52 of the same law except notice of want of
consideration (Prudencio vs. Court of Appeals, 143 SCRA 7).
450 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED his name to some other person and is liable on the instrument to a holder
Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals for value, notwithstanding such holder at the time of taking the instrument
G.R. No. 117660. December 18, 2000.* knew (the signatory) to be an accommodation party. He has the right, after
AGRO CONGLOMERATES, INC. and MARIO SORIANO, paying the holder, to obtain reimbursement from the party accommodated,
petitioners, vs. THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS and REGENT SAVINGS since the relation between them has in effect become one of principal and
and LOAN BANK, INC, respondents. surety, the accommodation party being the surety. Suretyship is defined as
Contracts; Sales; A contract of sale is a reciprocal transaction, the the relation which exists where one person has undertaken an obligation
obligation or promise of each party being the cause or consideration for the and another person is also under the obligation or other duty to the obligee,
obligation or promise of the other.—A contract of sale is a reciprocal who is entitled to but one performance, and as between the two who are
transaction. The obligation or promise of each party is the cause or bound, one rather than the other should perform. The surety’s liability to
consideration for the obligation or promise by the other. The vendee is the creditor or promisee of the principal is said to be direct, primary and
obliged to pay the price, while the vendor must deliver actual possession absolute; in other words, he is directly and equally bound with the principal.
of the land. In the instant case the original plan was that the initial payments And the creditor may proceed against any one of the solidary debtors.
would be paid in cash. Subsequently, the parties (with the participation of Same; Novation; Requisites; Words and Phrases; Novation is the
respondent bank) executed an addendum providing instead, that the extinguishment of an obligation by the substitution or change of the
petitioners would secure a loan in the name of Agro Conglomerates Inc. obligation by a subsequent one which extinguishes or modifies the first,
for the total amount of the initial payments, while the settlement of said loan either by changing the object or principal conditions, or by substituting
would be assumed by Wonderland. Thereafter, petitioner Soriano signed another in place of the debtor, or by subrogating a third person in the rights
several promissory notes and received the proceeds in behalf of petitioner- of the creditor.—Novation is the extinguishment of an obligation by the
company. substitution or change of the obligation by a subsequent one which
Same; Same; Suretyships; Accommodation Parties; Words and extinguishes or modifies the first, either by changing the object or principal
Phrases; An accommodation party is a person who has signed the conditions, or by substituting another in place of the debtor, or by
instrument as maker, acceptor, or indorser, without receiving value subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor. In order that a
therefor, and for the purpose of lending his name to some other person novation can take place, the concurrence of the following requisites are
and is liable on indispensable: 1) There must be a previous valid obligation; 2) There must
be an agreement of the parties concerned to a new contract; 3) There must
_______________ be the extinguishment of the old contract; and 4) There must be the validity
of the new contract.
VOL. 348, DECEMBER 18, 2000 451 Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals Same; Same; There is no novation by “substitution” of debtor where
the instrument to a holder for value, notwithstanding such holder at there is no prior obligation which is substituted by a new contract.—In the
the time of taking the instrument knew (the signatory) to be an instant case, the first requisite for a valid novation is lacking. There was no
accommodation party; Suretyship is defined as the relation which exists novation by “substitution” of debtor because there was no prior obligation
where one person has undertaken an obligation and another person is also which was substituted by a new contract. It will be noted that the
under the obligation or other duty to the obligee, who is entitled to but one promissory notes, which bound the petitioners to pay were executed after
performance, and as between the two who are bound, one rather than the the addendum. The addendum modified the contract of sale, not the
other should perform.—By this time, we note a subsidiary contract of stipulations in the promissory notes which pertain to the surety contract. At
suretyship had taken effect since petitioners signed the promissory notes this instance, Wonderland apparently assured the payment of future debts
as maker and accommodation party for the benefit of Wonderland. to be incurred by the petitioners. Consequently, only a contract of surety
Petitioners became liable as accommodation party. An accommodation arose. It was wrong for petitioners to presume a novation had taken place.
party is a person who has signed the instrument as maker, acceptor, or The well-settled rule is that novation is never presumed, it must be clearly
indorser, without receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending and unequivocally shown.
Same; Interpretation of Contracts; In order to judge the intention of 1. 1)In Civil Case No. 86-37374, defendants [petitioners, herein] are
the parties, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts should be ordered jointly and severally, to pay to plaintiff the amount of
considered.—It is true that the basic and fundamental rule in the P78,212.29, together with interest and service charge thereon, at
interpretation of contract is that, if the terms thereof are clear and leave no the rates of 14% and 3% per annum, respectively, computed from
doubt as to the intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning shall November 10, 1982, until fully paid, plus stipulated penalty on
control. However, in order to judge the intention of the parties, their unpaid principal at the rate of 6% per annum, computed from
contemporaneous and subsequent acts should be considered. November 10, 1982, plus 15% as liquidated damage plus 10% of
Actions; Parties; Pleadings and Practice; The non-inclusion of a the total amount due, as attorney’s fees, plus costs;
necessary party does not prevent the court from proceeding in the action, 2. 2)In Civil Case No. 86-37388, defendant is ordered to pay plaintiff
and the judgment rendered therein shall be without prejudice to the rights the amount of P632,911.39, together with interest and service
of such necessary party.—Petitioners had no legal or just ground to retain charge thereon at the rate of 14% and 3% per
the proceeds of the loan at the expense of private respondent. Neither annum, respectively, computed from January 15, 1983, until fully
could petitioners excuse themselves and hold Wonderland still liable to pay paid, plus stipulated penalty on unpaid principal at the rate of
the loan upon the rescission of their sales contract. If petitioners sustained 6% per annum, computed from January 15, 1983, plus liquidated
damages as a result of the rescission, they should have impleaded damages equivalent to 15% of the total amount due, plus
Wonderland and asked damages. The non-inclusion of a necessary party attorney’s fees equivalent to 10% of the total amount due, plus
does not prevent the court from proceeding in the action, and the judgment costs; and
rendered therein shall be without prejudice to the rights of such necessary 3. 3)In Civil Case No. 86-37543, defendant is ordered to pay plaintiff,
party. But respondent appellate court did not err in holding that petitioners on the first cause of action, the amount of P510,000.00, together
are duty-bound under the law to pay the claims of respondent bank from with interest and service charge thereon, at the rates of 14% and
whom they had obtained the loan proceeds. 2% per annum,respectively, computed from March 13, 1983, until
fully paid, plus a penalty of 6% per annum, based on the
PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals. outstanding principal of the loan, computed from March 13, 1983,
until fully paid; and on the second cause of action, the amount of
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. P494,936.71, together with interest and service charge thereon
Quiason, Makalintal, Barot, Torres and Ibarra for petitioners. at the rates of 14% and 2%, per annum, respectively, com-
VOL. 348, DECEMBER 18, 2000 453 _______________
Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
Cesar M. Cariño for private respondent. 1
Rollo, pp. 49-55.
Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
This is a petition for review challenging the decision1 dated October 17,
1994 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 32933, which affirmed in 1. puted from March 30, 1983, until fully paid, plus penalty of charge
toto the judgment of the Manila Regional Trial Court, Branch 27, in 6% per annum, based on the unpaid principal, computed from
consolidated Cases Nos. 86-37374, 86-37388, 86-37543. March 30, 1983, until fully paid, plus (on both causes of action)
This petition springs from three complaints for sums of money filed by an amount equal to 15% of the total amounts due, as liquidated
respondent bank against herein petitioners. In the decision of the Court of damages, plus attorney’s fees equal to 10% of the total amounts
Appeals, petitioners were ordered to pay respondent bank, as follows: due, plus costs.2
Wherefore, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiff and against
defendants, as follows:
Based on the records, the following are the factual antecedents.
On July 17, 1982, petitioner Agro-Conglomerates, Inc. as vendor, sold
two parcels of land to Wonderland Food Industries, Inc. In their
Memorandum of Agreement,3 the parties covenanted that the purchase the balance of two million pesos stipulated upon in Item No. 1(c)
price of Five Million (P5,000,000.00) Pesos would be settled by the of the said agreement; provided however, that said loan shall be
vendee, under the following terms and conditions: (1) One Million made for and in the name of the VENDOR.
(P1,000,000.00) Pesos shall be paid in cash upon the signing of the 2. 2.The VENDEE also agrees that the full amount of ONE MILLION
agreement; (2) Two Million (P2,000,000.00) Pesos worth of common THREE HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND (P1,360,000.00) PESOS
shares of stock of the Wonderland Food Industries, Inc.; and (3) The be paid directly to the VENDOR; however, the VENDEE hereby
balance of P2,000,000.00 shall be paid in four equal installments, the first undertakes to pay the foil amount of the said loan to the Financier
installment falling due, 180 days after the signing of the agreement and on such terms and conditions agreed upon by the Financier and
every six months thereafter, with an interest rate of 18% per annum, to be the VENDOR, it being understood that while the loan will be
advanced by the vendee upon the signing of the agreement. secured from and in the name of the VENDOR, the VENDEE will
On July 19, 1982, the vendor, the vendee, and the respondent bank be the one liable to pay the entire proceeds thereof including
Regent Savings & Loan Bank (formerly Summa Savings & Loan interest and other charges.5
Association), executed an Addendum4 to the previous Memorandum of
Agreement. The new arrangement pertained to the revision of settlement This addendum was not notarized.
of the initial payments of P1,000,000.00 and prepaid interest of Consequently, petitioner Mario Soriano signed as maker several
P360,000.00 (18% of P2,000,000.00) as follows: promissory notes,6 payable to the respondent bank. Thereafter, the bank
Whereas, the parties have agreed to qualify the stipulated terms for the released the proceeds of the loan to petitioners. However, petitioners failed
payment of the said ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED SIXTY to meet their obligations as they fell due. During that time, the bank was
THOUSAND (P1,360,000.00) PESOS. experiencing financial turmoil and was under the supervision of the Central
WHEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant and agreement Bank. Central Bank examiner and liquidator Cordula de Jesus endorsed
of the parties, they do further covenant and agree as follows: the subject promissory notes to the bank’s counsel for collection. The bank
gave petitioners opportunity to settle their account by extending payment
1. 1.That the VENDEE instead of paying the amount of ONE MILLION due dates. Mario Soriano manifested his intention to re-structure the loan,
THREE HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND (P1,360,000.00) PESOS yet did not show up nor submit his formal written request.
in cash, hereby authorizes the VENDOR to obtain a loan Respondent bank filed three separate complaints before the Regional
Trial Court of Manila for Collection of Sums of money. The corresponding
_______________ case histories are illustrated in the table below:

2 Id. at 68-70. _______________

3 Id. at 71-73.
4 Id. at 74-75. Id. at 74 only.
455 Records, pp. 159, 162, 167, 171.
VOL. 348, DECEMBER 18, 2000 455 456
Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals 456 SUPREME COURT REPORTS
1. from Summa Savings and Loan Association with office address at Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
Valenzuela, Metro Manila, being represented herein by its Date of Loan Amount Payment Due Payment
President, Mr. Jaime Cariño and referred to hereafter as Date Extension
Financier; in the amount of ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED Dates
SIXTY THOUSAND (P1,360,000.00) PESOS, plus interest
thereon at such rate as the VENDEE and the Financier may Civil Case 86- P 78,212.29 Nov. 10, 1982 Feb. 8, 1983
agree, which amount shall cover the ONE MILLION 37374
(P1,000,000.00) PESOS cash which was agreed to be paid upon August 12, 1982 May 9, 1983
signing of the Memorandum of Agreement, plus 18% interest on Aug. 7, 1983
Civil Case 86- P Jan. 15, 1983 May 16, 1983 NOTES.
37388 632,911.39 Revealed by the facts on record, the conflict among the parties started from
July 19, 1982 Aug. 14, 1983 a contract of sale of a farmland between petitioners and Wonderland Food
Industries, Inc. As found by the trial court, no such sale materialized.
Civil Case 86- P March 13, 1983 June 11, 1983 A contract of sale is a reciprocal transaction. The obligation or promise
37543 510,000.00 of each party is the cause or consideration for the obligation or promise by
September 14, Sept. 9, 1983 the other. The vendee is obliged to pay the price, while the vendor must
1982 deliver actual possession of the land. In the instant case the original plan
was that the initial payments would be paid in cash. Subsequently, the
October 1, 1982 P March 30, 1983 June 28, 1983 parties (with the participation of respondent bank) executed an addendum
494,936.71 providing instead, that the petitioners would secure a loan in the name of
Sept. 26, 1983 Agro Conglomerates Inc. for the total amount of the initial payments, while
In their answer, petitioners interposed the defense of novation and insisted the settlement of said loan would be assumed by Wonderland. Thereafter,
there was a valid substitution of debtor. They alleged that the addendum petitioner Soriano signed several promissory notes and received the
specifically states that although the promissory notes were in their names, proceeds in behalf of petitioner-company.
Wonderland shall be responsible for the payment thereof. By this time, we note a subsidiary contract of suretyship had taken
The trial court held that petitioners are liable, to wit: effect since petitioners signed the promissory notes as maker and
The evidences, however, disclose that Wonderland did not comply with its accommodation party for the benefit of Wonderland. Petitioners became
obligation under said ‘Addendum’ (Exh. ‘S’) as the agreement to turn over liable as accommodation party. An accommodation party is a person who
the farmland to it, did not materialize (57 tsn, May 29, 1990), and there has signed the instrument as maker, acceptor, or indorser, without
was, actually no sale of the land (58 tsn, ibid.). Hence, Wonderland is not receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending his name to some
answerable. And since the loans obtained under the four promissory notes other person and is liable on the instrument to a holder for value,
(Exhs. ‘A’ ‘C,’ ‘G,’ and ‘E’) have not been paid, despite opportunities given notwithstanding such holder at the time of taking the instrument knew (the
by plaintiff to defendants to make payments, it stands to reason that signatory) to be an accommodation party.8 He has the right, after paying
defendants are liable to pay their obligations thereunder to plaintiff. In fact, the holder, to obtain reimbursement from the party accommodated, since
defendants failed to file a third-party complaint against Wonderland, which the
shows the weakness of its stand that Wonderland is answerable to make
said payments.7 _______________
Petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals. The trial court’s decision was
affirmed by the appellate court. The Negotiable Instruments Law, Section 29.
Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
Rollo, p. 68. relation between them has in effect become one of principal and
457 surety, the accommodation party being the surety.9Suretyship is defined
VOL. 348, DECEMBER 18, 2000 457 as the relation which exists where one person has undertaken an obligation
Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals and another person is also under the obligation or other duty to the obligee,
Hence, this recourse, wherein petitioners raise the sole issue of: who is entitled to but one performance, and as between the two who are
WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT FINDING THAT bound, one rather than the other should perform.10 The surety’s liability to
THE ADDENDUM, SIGNED BY THE PETITIONERS, RESPONDENT the creditor or promisee of the principal is said to be direct, primary and
BANK AND WONDERLAND INC., CONSTITUTES A NOVATION OF THE absolute; in other words, he is directly and equally bound with the
CONTRACT BY SUBSTITUTION OF DEBTOR, WHICH EXEMPTS THE principal.11 And the creditor may proceed against any one of the solidary
We do not give credence to petitioners’ assertion that, as provided by The well-settled rule is that novation is never presumed,15 it must be clearly
the addendum, their obligation to pay the promissory notes was novated and unequivocally shown.16
by “substitution” of a new debtor, Wonderland. Contrary to petitioners’ As it turned out, the contract of surety between Wonderland and the
contention, the attendant facts herein do not make a case of novation. petitioners was extinguished by the rescission of the contract of sale of the
Novation is the extinguishment of an obligation by the substitution or farmland. With the rescission, there was confusion or merger in the
change of the obligation by a subsequent one which extinguishes or persons of the principal obligor and the surety, namely the petitioners
modifies the first, either by changing the object or principal conditions, or by herein. The addendum which was dependent thereon likewise lost its
substituting another in place of the debtor, or by subrogating a third person efficacy.
in the rights of the creditor.13 In order that a novation can take place, the It is true that the basic and fundamental rule in the interpretation of
concurrence of the following requisites14 are indispensable: contract is that, if the terms thereof are clear and leave no doubt as to the
intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning shall control.
1. 1)There must be a previous valid obligation; However, in order to judge the intention of the parties, their
2. 2)There must be an agreement of the parties concerned to a new contemporaneous and subsequent acts should be considered.17
3. 3)There must be the extinguishment of the old contract; and _______________
_______________ Ajax Marketing and Development Corporation vs. Court of
Appeals, 248 SCRA 222, 227 (1995); Goñi vs. Court of Appeals, 144
People vs. Maniego, 148 SCRA 30, 35 (1987); Philippine National SCRA 222, (1986).
16 Mercantile Insurance Co., Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 196 SCRA 197,
Bank vs. Maza and Mecenas, 48 Phil. 207 (1925).
10 74 Am Jur 2d, Suretyship, Sec. 1. 204 (1991).
17 Manila Surety & Fidelity Co., Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 191 SCRA
11 Garcia, Jr. vs. Court of Appeals, 191 SCRA 493, 496 (1990).
12 Civil Code of the Philippines, Art. 1216. 805, 812 (1990); citing Mercantile Insurance Co., Inc. vs. Felipe Ysmael,
13 Ajax Marketing & Development Corporation vs. Court of Jr. & Co., Inc., 169 SCRA 66, 74 (1989); Sy vs. Court of Appeals, 131
Appeals, 248 SCRA 222, 226 (1995); citing FRANCISCO, V. J. Civil Code SCRA 116 (1984); GSIS vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 145 SCRA
of the Philippines Annotated and Commented, Bk IV Part 1, p. 676, citing 311 (1986).
8 Manresa 417; De Cortes vs. Venturanza, 79 SCRA 709, 722-723 (1977). 460
14 Reyes vs. Court of Appeals, 264 SCRA 35, 43 (1996). 460 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
459 Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 348, DECEMBER 18, 2000 459 The contract of sale between Wonderland and petitioners did not
Agro Conglomerates, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals materialize. But it was admitted that petitioners received the proceeds of
the promissory notes obtained from respondent bank.
Sec. 22 of the Civil Code provides:
1. 4)There must be the validity of the new contract.
Every person who through an act of performance by another, or any other
means, acquires or comes into possession of something at the expense of
In the instant case, the first requisite for a valid novation is lacking. There the latter without just or legal ground, shall return the same to him.
was no novation by “substitution” of debtor because there was no prior Petitioners had no legal or just ground to retain the proceeds of the loan at
obligation which was substituted by a new contract. It will be noted that the the expense of private respondent. Neither could petitioners excuse
promissory notes, which bound the petitioners to pay, were executed after themselves and hold Wonderland still liable to pay the loan upon the
the addendum. The addendum modified the contract of sale, not the rescission of their sales contract. If petitioners sustained damages as a
stipulations in the promissory notes which pertain to the surety contract. At result of the rescission, they should have impleaded Wonderland and
this instance, Wonderland apparently assured the payment of future debts asked damages. The non-inclusion of a necessary party does not prevent
to be incurred by the petitioners. Consequently, only a contract of surety the court from proceeding in the action, and the judgment rendered therein
arose. It was wrong for petitioners to presume a novation had taken place. shall be without prejudice to the rights of such necessary party.18But
respondent appellate court did not err in holding that petitioners are duty-
bound under the law to pay the claims of respondent bank from whom they
had obtained the loan proceeds.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The assailed
decision of the Court of Appeals dated October 17, 1994 is AFFIRMED.
Costs against petitioners.
Bellosillo (Chairman), Mendoza, Buena and De Leon, Jr., JJ.,
Petition denied, judgment affirmed.
Notes.—A party to a contract cannot just evade compliance with his
contractual obligations by the simple expedient of denying the execution of
such contract. (Hemedes vs. Court of Appeals, 316 SCRA 347 [1999])

Revised Rules of Court, Civil Procedure, Sec. 9, Rule 3, par. 3.
VOL. 348, DECEMBER 18, 2000 461
People vs. Dumanon
While it is true that contracts are respected as the law between the
contracting parties, this principle is tempered by the rule that the intention
of the parties is primordial. (Golden Diamond, Inc. vs. Court of
Appeals, 332 SCRA 605[2000])
countenance grossly unfair results without doing violence to their solemn
obligation to administer fair and equal justice for all.—Section 66 of the
VOL. 508, NOVEMBER 29, 2006 459 Negotiable Instruments Law which further states that the general endorser
Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation additionally engages that, on due presentment, the instrument shall be
G.R. No. 156294. November 29, 2006.* accepted or paid, or both, as the case may be, according to its tenor, and
MELVA THERESA ALVIAR GONZALES, petitioner, vs. RIZAL that if it be dishonored and the necessary proceedings on dishonor be duly
COMMERCIAL BANKING CORPORATION, respondent. taken, he will pay the amount thereof to the holder, or to any subsequent
endorser who may be compelled to pay it, must be read in the light of the
Negotiable Instruments; Checks; A subsequent party which caused
rule in equity requiring that those who come to court should come with
the defect in the instrument cannot have any recourse against any of the
clean hands. The holder or subsequent endorser who tries to claim under
prior endorsers in good faith.—The dollar-check in question in the amount
the instrument which had been dishonored for “irregular endorsement”
of $7,500.00 drawn by Don Zapanta of Ade Medical Group (U.S.A.) against
must not be the irregular endorser himself who gave cause for the
a Los Angeles, California bank, Wilshire Center Bank N.A., was dishonored
dishonor. Otherwise, a clear injustice results when any subsequent party
because of “End. Irregular,” i.e., an irregular endorsement. While the
to the instrument may simply make the instrument defective and later claim
foreign drawee bank did not specifically state which among the four
from prior endorsers who have no knowledge or participation in causing or
signatures found on the dorsal portion of the check made the check
introducing said defect to the instrument, which thereby caused its
irregularly endorsed, it is absolutely undeniable that only the signature of
dishonor. Courts in this jurisdiction are not only courts of law but also of
Olivia Gomez, an RCBC employee, was a qualified endorsement because
equity, and therefore cannot unqualifiedly apply a provision of law so as to
of the phrase “up to P17,500.00 only.” There can be no other acceptable
cause clear injustice which the framers of the law could not have intended
explanation for the dishonor of the foreign check than this signature of
to so deliberately cause. In Carceller v. Court of Appeals, 302 SCRA 718
Olivia Gomez with the phrase “up to P17,500.00 only” accompanying it.
(1999), this Court had occasion to stress: “Courts of law, being also courts
This Court definitely agrees with the petitioner that the foreign drawee bank
of equity, may not countenance such grossly unfair results without doing
would not have dishonored the check had it not been for this signature of
violence to its solemn obligation to administer fair and equal justice for all.”
Gomez with the same phrase written by her. The foreign drawee bank,
Wilshire Center Bank N.A., refused to pay 461
_______________ VOL. 508, NOVEMBER 29, 2006 461
Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
460 PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.

460 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation Jinky Rose L. Go for petitioner.
the bearer of this dollar-check drawn by Don Zapanta because of the Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Ongsiako for respondent.
defect introduced by RCBC, through its employee, Olivia Gomez. It is,
therefore, a useless piece of paper if returned in that state to its original GARCIA, J.:
payee, Eva Alviar. There is no doubt in the mind of the Court that a
subsequent party which caused the defect in the instrument cannot have An action for a sum of money originating from the Regional Trial Court
any recourse against any of the prior endorsers in good faith. Eva Alviar’s (RTC) of Makati City, Branch 61, thereat docketed as Civil Case No. 88–
and the petitioner’s liability to subsequent holders of the foreign check is 1502, was decided in favor of therein plaintiff, now respondent Rizal
governed by the Negotiable Instruments Law. Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC). On appeal to the Court of
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 48596, that court, in a decision1 dated
Same; Same; Equity; The holder or subsequent endorser who tries to August 30, 2002, affirmed the RTC minus the award of attorney’s fees.
claim under the instrument which had been dishonored for “irregular Upon the instance of herein petitioner Melva Theresa Alviar Gonzales, the
endorsement” must not be the irregular endorser himself who gave cause case is now before this Court via this petition for review on certiorari, based
for the dishonor; Courts of law, being also courts of equity, may not
on the following undisputed facts as unanimously found by the RTC and xxx xxx xxx
the CA, which the latter summarized as follows: The deductions was implemented starting October 1987. On March 7,
“Gonzales was an employee of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation 1988 RCBC sent a demand letter to Alviar for the payment of her obligation
(or RCBC) as New Accounts Clerk in the Retail Banking Department at its but this fell on deaf ears as RCBC did not receive any response from
Head Office. Alviar. Taking further action to collect, RCBC then conveyed the matter to
A foreign check in the amount of $7,500 was drawn by Dr. Don Zapanta its counsel and on June 16, 1988, a letter was sent to Gonzales reminding
of the Ade Medical Group with address at 569 Western Avenue, Los her of her liability as an indorser of the subject check and that for her to
Angeles, California, against the drawee bank Wilshire Center Bank, N.A., avoid litigation she has to fulfill her commitment to settle her obligation as
of Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., and payable to Gonzales’ mother, assured in her said letter. On July 1988 Gonzalesresigned from RCBC.
defendant Eva Alviar (or Alviar). Alviar then endorsed this check. What had been deducted from her salary was only P12,822.20 covering
Since RCBC gives special accommodations to its employees to receive ten months.”
the check’s value without awaiting the clearing
period, Gonzales presented the foreign check to Olivia Gomez, It was against the foregoing factual backdrop that RCBCfiled a complaint
the RCBC’s Head of Retail Banking. After examining this, Olivia Gomez for a sum of money against Eva Alviar, Melva Theresa Alviar-
Gonzales and the latter’s husband Gino Gonzales. The
_______________ spouses Gonzales filed an Answer with Counterclaim praying for the
dismissal of the complaint as well as
Penned by Associate Justice Roberto A. Barrios, with Associate 463
Justices Bienvenido L. Reyes and Edgardo F. Sundiam, concurring; Rollo, VOL. 508, NOVEMBER 29, 2006 463
pp. 29–38. Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
payment of P10,822.20 as actual damages, P20,000.00 as moral
damages, P20,000.00 as exemplary damages, and P20,000.00 as
attorney’s fees and litigation expenses. Defendant Eva Alviar, on the other
Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation hand, was declared in default for having filed her Answer out of time.
requested Gonzales to endorse it which she did. Olivia Gomez then After trial, the RTC, in its three-page decision,2 held two of the three
acquiesced to the early encashment of the check and signed the check but defendants liable as follows:
indicated thereon her authority of “up to P17,500.00 only.” Afterwards, “WHEREFORE, premises above considered and plaintiff having
Olivia Gomez directed Gonzales to present the check to RCBC employee established its case against the defendants as above stated, judgment is
Carlos Ramos and procure his signature. After inspecting the check, hereby rendered for plaintiff and as against defendant EVA. P. ALVIAR as
Carlos Ramos also signed it with an “ok” annotation. After getting the said principal debtor and defendants MELVA THERESA ALVIAR GONZLAES
signatures Gonzales presented the check to Rolando Zornosa, as guarantor as follows:
Supervisor of the Remittance section of the Foreign Department of
the RCBCHead Office, who after scrutinizing the entries and signatures
1. 1.To pay plaintiff the amount of P142,648.65 (P155,270.85 less the
therein authorized its encashment. Gonzales then received its peso
amount of P12,622.20, as salary deduction of [Gonzales]),
equivalent of P155,270.85.
representing the outstanding obligation of the defendants with
RCBC then tried to collect the amount of the check with the drawee
interest of 12% per annum starting February 1987 until fully paid;
bank by the latter through its correspondent bank, the First Interstate Bank
2. 2.To pay the amount of P40,000.00 as and for attorney’s fees; and
of California, on two occasions dishonored the check because of “END.
IRREG” or irregular indorsement. Insisting, RCBC again sent the check to
3. 3.Pay the costs of this suit.
the drawee bank, but this time the check was returned due to “account
closed.” Unable to collect, RCBC demanded from Gonzales the payment
of the peso equivalent of the check that she received. Gonzales settled SO ORDERED.”
the matter by agreeing that payment be made thru salary deduction. This On appeal, the CA, except for the award of attorney’s fees, affirmed the
temporary arrangement for salary deductions was communicated RTC judgment.
by Gonzales to RCBC through a letter dated November 27, 1987 x x x
Hence, this recourse by the petitioner on her submission that the CA _______________
Exhibits “J” and “J-1”; Id., at p. 48.
AN RCBC EMPLOYEE, DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AS AN Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
ENDORSEMENT BUT ONLY AN INTER-BANK APPROVAL OF “Sec. 66. Liability of general indorser.—Every indorser who indorses
SIGNATURE NECESSARY FOR THE ENCASHMENT OF THE CHECK; without qualification, warrants to all subsequent holders in due course;

_______________ 1. (a)The matters and things mentioned in subdivisions (a), (b), and
(c) of the next preceding section; and
Id., at pp. 130–132. 2. (b)That the instrument is, at the time of his indorsement, valid and
464 subsisting;
Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation And, in addition, he engages that, on due presentment, it shall be
X X X IN NOT FINDING RCBC LIABLE ON THE COUNTERCLAIMS OF accepted or paid, or both, as the case may be, according to its tenor, and
[THE PETITIONER]. that if it be dishonored and the necessary proceedings on dishonor be duly
taken, he will pay the amount thereof to the holder, or to any subsequent
The recourse is impressed with merit. indorser who may be compelled to pay it.”
The dollar-check3 in question in the amount of $7,500.00 drawn by Don
Zapanta of Ade Medical Group (U.S.A.) against a Los Angeles, California The matters and things mentioned in subdivisions (a), (b) and (c) of Section
bank, Wilshire Center Bank N.A., was dishonored because of “End. 65 are the following:
Irregular,” i.e., an irregular endorsement. While the foreign drawee bank
did not specifically state which among the four signatures found on the 1. (a)That the instrument is genuine and in all respects what it
dorsal portion of the check made the check irregularly endorsed, it is purports to be;
absolutely undeniable that only the signature of Olivia Gomez, 2. (b)That he has a good title to it;
an RCBC employee, was a qualified endorsement because of the phrase 3. (c)That all prior parties had capacity to contract;
“up to P17,500.00 only.” There can be no other acceptable explanation for
the dishonor of the foreign check than this signature of Olivia Gomez with Under Section 66, the warranties for which Alviar and Gonzales are liable
the phrase “up to P17,500.00 only” accompanying it. This Court definitely as general endorsers in favor of subsequent endorsers extend only to the
agrees with the petitioner that the foreign drawee bank would not have state of the instrument at the time of their endorsements, specifically, that
dishonored the check had it not been for this signature of Gomez with the the instrument is genuine and in all respects what it purports to be; that
same phrase written by her. they have good title thereto; that all prior parties had capacity to contract;
The foreign drawee bank, Wilshire Center Bank N.A., refused to pay and that the instrument, at the time of their endorsements, is valid and
the bearer of this dollar-check drawn by Don Zapanta because of the defect subsisting. This provision, however, cannot be used by the party which
introduced by RCBC, through its employee, Olivia Gomez. It is, therefore, introduced a defect on the instrument, such as respondent RCBC in this
a useless piece of paper if returned in that state to its original payee, Eva case, which qualifiedly endorsed the same, to hold prior endorsers liable
Alviar. on the instrument because it results in the absurd situation whereby a
There is no doubt in the mind of the Court that a subsequent party which subsequent party may render an instrument useless and inutile and let
caused the defect in the instrument cannot have any recourse against any innocent parties bear the loss while he himself gets away scot-free. It
of the prior endorsers in good faith. Eva Alviar’s and the petitioner’s liability cannot be over-stressed that had it not been for the qualified endorsement
to subsequent holders of the foreign check is governed by the Negotiable (“up to P17,500.00 only”) of Olivia Gomez, who is the
Instruments Law as follows: 466
466 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Court must order the return thereof to the petitioner, with legal interest of
Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation 12% per annum, notwithstanding the petitioner’s apparent acquiescence
employee of RCBC, there would have been no reason for the dishonor of to such an arrangement. It must be noted that petitioner is not any ordinary
the check, and full payment by drawee bank therefor would have taken client or depositor with whom RCBC had this isolated transaction.
place as a matter of course. Petitioner was a rank-and-file employee of RCBC, being a new accounts
Section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments Law which further states that clerk thereat. It is easy to understand how a vulnerable Gonzales, who is
the general endorser additionally engages that, on due presentment, the financially dependent upon RCBC, would rather bite the bullet, so to
instrument shall be accepted or paid, or both, as the case may be, speak, and expectedly opt for salary deduction rather than lose her job and
according to its tenor, and that if it be dishonored and the necessary her entire salary altogether. In this sense, we cannot take petitioner’s
proceedings on dishonor be duly taken, he will pay the amount thereof to apparent acquiescence to the salary deduction as being an entirely free
the holder, or to any subsequent endorser who may be compelled to pay and voluntary act on her part. Additionally, under the obtaining facts and
it, must be read in the light of the rule in equity requiring that those who circumstances surrounding the present complaint for collection of sum of
come to court should come with clean hands. The holder or subsequent money by RCBC against its employee, which may be deemed tantamount
endorser who tries to claim under the instrument which had been to harassment, and the fact that RCBC itself was the one, acting through
dishonored for “irregular endorsement” must not be the irregular endorser its employee, Olivia Gomez, which gave reason for the dishonor of the
himself who gave cause for the dishonor. Otherwise, a clear injustice dollar-check in question, RCBC may likewise be held liable for moral and
results when any subsequent party to the instrument may simply make the exemplary damages and attorney’s fees by way of damages, in the amount
instrument defective and later claim from prior endorsers who have no of P20,000.00 for each.
knowledge or participation in causing or introducing said defect to the WHEREFORE, the assailed CA Decision dated August 30, 2002 is
instrument, which thereby caused its dishonor. REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the Complaint in this case DISMISSED
Courts in this jurisdiction are not only courts of law but also of equity, for lack of merit. Petitioner’s counter-
and therefore cannot unqualifiedly apply a provision of law so as to cause _______________
clear injustice which the framers of the law could not have intended to so
Valderama v. Macalde, G.R. No. 165005, September 16, 2005, 470
deliberately cause. In Carceller v. Court of Appeals,4 this Court had
occasion to stress: SCRA 168.
“Courts of law, being also courts of equity, may not countenance such
grossly unfair results without doing violence to its solemn obligation to
administer fair and equal justice for all.”
Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
RCBC, which caused the dishonor of the check upon presentment to the claim is GRANTED, ordering the respondent RCBC to reimburse petitioner
drawee bank, through the qualified endorsement the amount P12,822.20, with legal interest computed from the time of
_______________ salary deduction up to actual payment, and to pay petitioner the total
amount of P60,000.00 as moral and exemplary damages, and attorney’s
362 Phil. 332; 302 SCRA 718 (1999). fees.
Costs against the respondent.
VOL. 508, NOVEMBER 29, 2006 467 Puno (Chairperson), Sandoval-Gutierrez, Coronaand Azcuna,
Gonzales vs. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation JJ., concur.
of its employee, Olivia Gomez, cannot hold prior endorsers, Alviar
and Gonzales in this case, liable on the instrument. Assailed decision reversed and set aside, complaint dismissed.
Moreover, it is a well-established principle in law that as between two Notes.—Where what was stamped on the check is “DAUD” meaning
parties, he who, by his acts, caused the loss shall bear the same.5 RCBC, drawn against uncollected deposits, the bank may still honor the check at
in this instance, should therefore bear the loss. its discretion in favor of favored clients, in which case there would be no
Relative to the petitioner’s counterclaim against RCBCfor the amount violation of B.P. 22. (Tan vs. People, 349 SCRA 777 [2001])
of P12,822.20 which it admittedly deducted from petitioner’s salary, the
The mere fact that the forgery was committed by a drawerpayor’s
confidential employee or agent, who by virtue of his position had unusual
facilities for perpetrating the fraud and imposing the forged paper upon the
bank, does not entitle the bank to shift the loss to the drawer-payor, in the
absence of some circumstances raising estoppel against the drawer.
(Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals, 350
SCRA 446[2001])
Ang vs. Associated Bank
decision and complete resolution of the case or to serve the interests
244 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED of justice or to avoid dispensing piecemeal justice; (d) matters not
Ang vs. Associated Bank specifically assigned as errors on appeal but raised in the trial court and
G.R. No. 146511. September 5, 2007.* are matters of record having some bearing on the issue submitted which
TOMAS ANG, petitioner, vs. ASSOCIATED BANK AND the parties failed to raise or which the lower court ignored; (e) matters not
ANTONIO ANG ENG LIONG, respondents. assigned as errors on appeal but closely related to an error assigned; and
Appeals; Assignment of Errors; Pleadings and Practice; It is well (f) matters not assigned as errors on appeal but upon which the
within the authority of the Court of Appeals to raise, if it deems proper under determination of a question properly assigned is dependent.
the circumstances obtaining, error/s not assigned on an appealed case— Asset Privatization Trust; History.—Taking into account the
an appellate court has the broad discretionary power to waive the lack of imperative need of formally launching a program for the rationalization of
proper assignment of errors and to consider errors not assigned.— the government corporate sector, then President Corazon C. Aquino
Procedurally, it is well within the authority of the Court of Appeals to raise, issued Proclamation No. 50 on December 8, 1986. As one of the twin
if it deems proper under the circumstances obtaining, error/s not assigned cornerstones of the program was to establish the privatization of a good
on an appealed case. In Mendoza v. Bautista, 453 SCRA 691 (2005), this number of government corporations, the proclamation created the Asset
Court recognized the broad discretionary power of an appellate court to Privatization Trust, which would, for the benefit of the National
waive the lack of proper assignment of errors and to consider errors not Government, take title to and possession of, conserve, provisionally
assigned, thus: As a rule, no issue may be raised on appeal unless it has manage and dispose of transferred assets that were identified for
been brought before the lower tribunal for its consideration. Higher courts privatization or disposition. In accordance with the provisions of Section 23
are precluded from entertaining matters neither alleged in the pleadings of the proclamation, then President Aquino subsequently issued
nor raised during the proceedings below, but ventilated for the first time Administrative Order No. 14 on February 3, 1987, which approved the
only in a motion for reconsideration or on appeal. However, as with most identification of and transfer to the National Government of certain assets
procedural rules, this maxim is subject to exceptions. Indeed, our rules (consisting of loans, equity investments, accrued interest receivables,
recognize the broad discretionary power of an appellate court to waive the acquired assets and other assets) and liabilities (consisting of deposits,
lack of proper assignment of errors and to consider errors not assigned. borrowings, other liabilities and contingent guarantees) of the
Section 8 of Rule 51 of the Rules of Court provides: SEC. 8. Questions that Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and the Philippine National
may be decided.—No error which does not affect the jurisdiction over the Bank (PNB). The transfer of assets was implemented through a Deed of
subject matter or the validity of the judgment appealed from or the Transfer executed on February 27, 1987 between the National
proceedings therein will be considered, unless stated in the assignment of Government, on one hand, and the DBP and PNB, on the other. In turn,
errors, or closely related to or dependent on an assigned error and properly the National Government designated the Asset Privatization Trust to act as
argued in the brief, save as the court may pass upon plain errors and its trustee through a Trust Agreement, whereby the non-performing
clerical errors. Thus, an appellate court is clothed with ample authority to accounts of DBP and PNB, including, among others, the DBP’s equity with
review rulings even if they are not assigned as errors in the appeal in these respondent Bank, were entrusted to the Asset Privatization Trust. As
instances: (a) grounds not assigned as errors but affecting jurisdiction over provided for in the Agreement, among the powers and duties of the Asset
the subject matter; (b) matters not assigned as errors on appeal but are Privatization Trust with respect to the trust properties consisting of
evidently plain or clerical errors within contemplation of law; (c) matters not receivables was to handle their administration and collection by bringing
assigned as errors on appeal but consideration of which is necessary in suit to enforce payment of the obligations or any installment thereof or
arriving at a just settling or compromising any of such obligations or any other claim or
demand which the Govern-
_______________ 246
FIRST DIVISION. Ang vs. Associated Bank
245 ment may have against any person or persons, and to do all acts,
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 245 institute all proceedings, and to exercise all other rights, powers, and
privileges of ownership that an absolute owner of the properties would the accommodated party to obtain credit or to raise money; he receives no
otherwise have the right to do. part of the consideration for the instrument but assumes liability to the other
Same; Actions; Parties; While a bank held by the Asset Privatization party/ies thereto. The accommodation party is liable on the instrument to a
Trust may not appear to be the real party in interest at the time the action holder for value even though the holder, at the time of taking the
for collection was instituted, the issue had been rendered moot with the instrument, knew him or her to be merely an accommodation party, as if
occurrence of a supervening event—the reacquisition of the bank by its the contract was not for accommodation.
former owner when the case was still pending in the lower court, thus Same; Same; Suretyship; The relation between an accommodation
reclaiming its real and actual interest over the unpaid promissory notes.— party and the accommodated party is one of principal and surety—the
Based on the above backdrop, respondent Bank does not appear to be the accommodation party being the surety; Although a contract of suretyship
real party in interest when it instituted the collection suit on August 28, 1990 is in essence accessory or collateral to a valid principal obligation, the
against Antonio Ang Eng Liong and petitioner Tomas Ang. At the time the surety’s liability to the creditor is immediate, primary and absolute—he is
complaint was filed in the trial court, it was the Asset Privatization Trust directly and equally bound with the principal.—As petitioner acknowledged
which had the authority to enforce its claims against both debtors. In fact, it to be, the relation between an accommodation party and the
during the pre-trial conference, Atty. Roderick Orallo, counsel for the bank, accommodated party is one of principal and surety—the accommodation
openly admitted that it was under the trusteeship of the Asset Privatization party being the surety. As such, he is deemed an original promisor and
Trust. The Asset Privatization Trust, which should have been represented debtor from the beginning; he is considered in law as the same party as
by the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel, had the authority to the debtor in relation to whatever is adjudged touching the obligation of the
file and prosecute the case. The foregoing notwithstanding, this Court can latter since their liabilities are interwoven as to be inseparable. Although a
not, at present, readily subscribe to petitioner’s insistence that the case contract of suretyship is in essence accessory or collateral to a valid
must be dismissed. Significantly, it stands without refute, both in the principal obligation, the surety’s liability to the creditor
pleadings as well as in the evidence presented during the trial and up to is immediate, primary and absolute; he is directly and equally bound with
the time this case reached the Court, that the issue had been rendered the principal. As an equivalent of a regular party to the undertaking, a
moot with the occurrence of a supervening event—the “buy-back” of the surety becomes liable to the debt and duty of the principal obligor even
bank by its former owner, Leonardo Ty, sometime in October 1993. By without possessing a direct or personal interest in the obligations nor does
such re-acquisition from the Asset Privatization Trust when the case was he receive any benefit therefrom.
still pending in the lower court, the bank reclaimed its real and actual Obligations and Contracts; Suretyship; Article 2080 of the Civil Code
interest over the unpaid promissory notes; hence, it could rightfully qualify does not apply in a contract of suretyship—Articles 1207 up to 1222 of the
as a “holder” thereof under the NIL. Code (on joint and solidary obligations) govern the relationship.—Contrary
Negotiable Instruments Law; Accommodation to petitioner’s adamant stand, however, Article 2080 of the Civil Code does
Party; Requisites; Words and Phrases; An accommodation party is a not apply in a contract of suretyship. Art. 2047 of the Civil Code states that
person “who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or if a person binds himself solidarily
indorser, without receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending 248
his name to some other person.”—Notably, Section 29 of the NIL defines 248 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
an accommodation party as a person “who has signed the instrument as Ang vs. Associated Bank
maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser, without receiving value there- with the principal debtor, the provisions of Section 4, Chapter 3, Title
247 I, Book IV of the Civil Code must be observed. Accordingly, Articles 1207
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 247 up to 1222 of the Code (on joint and solidary obligations) shall govern the
Ang vs. Associated Bank relationship of petitioner with the bank.
for, and for the purpose of lending his name to some other person.” Negotiable Instruments Law; Accommodation Party; Words and
As gleaned from the text, an accommodation party is one who meets all Phrases; The phrase “without receiving value therefor” used in Sec. 29 of
the three requisites, viz.: (1) he must be a party to the instrument, signing the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL) means “without receiving value by
as maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser; (2) he must not receive value virtue of the instrument” and not as it is apparently supposed to mean,
therefor; and (3) he must sign for the purpose of lending his name or credit “without receiving payment for lending his name”—when a third person
to some other person. An accommodation party lends his name to enable advances the face value of the note to the accommodated party at the time
of its creation, the consideration for the note as regards its maker is the surety, the creditor is under no obligation to display any diligence in the
money advanced to the accommodated party.—In issuing the two enforcement of his rights as a creditor.—Since the liability of an
promissory notes, petitioner as accommodating party warranted to the accommodation party remains not only primary but also unconditional to a
holder in due course that he would pay the same according to its tenor. It holder for value, even if the accommodated party receives an extension of
is no defense to state on his part that he did not receive any value therefor the period for payment without the consent of the accommodation party,
because the phrase “without receiving value therefore” used in Sec. 29 of the latter is still liable for the whole obligation and such extension does not
the NIL means “without receiving value by virtue of the instrument” and not release him because as far as a holder for value is concerned, he is a
as it is apparently supposed to mean, “without receiving payment for solidary co-debtor. In Clark v. Sellner, 42 Phil. 384 (1921), this Court held:
lending his name.” Stated differently, when a third person advances the x x x The mere delay of the creditor in enforcing the guaranty has not by
face value of the note to the accommodated party at the time of its creation, any means impaired his action against the defendant. It should not be lost
the consideration for the note as regards its maker is the money advanced sight of that the defendant’s signature on the note is an assurance to the
to the accommodated party. It is enough that value was given for the note creditor that the collateral guaranty will remain good, and that otherwise,
at the time of its creation. As in the instant case, a sum of money was he, the defendant, will be personally responsible for the payment. True,
received by virtue of the notes, hence, it is immaterial so far as the bank is that if the creditor had done any act whereby the guaranty was impaired in
concerned whether one of the signers, particularly petitioner, has or has its value, or discharged, such an act would have wholly or partially released
not received anything in payment of the use of his name. the surety; but it must be born in mind that it is a recognized doctrine in the
Same; Same; Upon the maturity of the note, a surety may pay the matter of suretyship that with respect to the surety, the creditor is under no
debt, demand the collateral security, if there be any, and dispose of it to obligation to display any diligence in the enforcement of his rights as a
his benefit, or, if applicable, subrogate himself in the place of the creditor creditor. His mere inaction indulgence, passiveness, or delay in proceeding
with the right to enforce the guaranty against the other signers of the note against the principal debtor, or the fact that he did not enforce the guaranty
for the reimbursement of what he is entitled to recover from them.—Under or apply on the payment of such funds as were available, constitute no
the law, upon the maturity of the note, a surety may pay the debt, demand defense at all for the surety, unless the contract expressly requires
the collateral security, if there be any, and dispose of it to his benefit, or, if diligence and promptness on the part of the creditor, which is not the case
applicable, subrogate himself in the place of the creditor with the right to in the present action.
enforce the guaranty against the other signers of the note for the 250
reimbursement of what he is entitled to recover from them. Regrettably, 250 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
none of these were Ang vs. Associated Bank
249 There is in some decisions a tendency toward holding that the
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 249 creditor’s laches may discharge the surety, meaning by laches a negligent
Ang vs. Associated Bank forbearance. This theory, however, is not generally accepted and the
prudently done by petitioner. When he was first notified by the bank courts almost universally consider it essentially inconsistent with the
sometime in 1982 regarding his accountabilities under the promissory relation of the parties to the note. (21 R.C.L., 1032-1034)
notes, he lackadaisically relied on Antonio Ang Eng Liong, who PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of the
represented that he would take care of the matter, instead of directly Court of Appeals.
communicating with the bank for its settlement. Thus, petitioner cannot The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
now claim that he was prejudiced by the supposed “extension of time” Breva and Breva Law Firm for petitioner.
given by the bank to his co-debtor. Hildegardo F. Iñigo for Associated Bank.
Same; Same; Since the liability of an accommodation party remains Bernardino Bolcan, Jr. for Ang Eng Liong.
not only primary but also unconditional to a holder for value, even if the
accommodated party receives an extension of the period for payment AZCUNA, J.:
without the consent of the accommodation party, the latter is still liable for
the whole obligation and such extension does not release him because as This petition for certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules on Civil Procedure
far as a holder for value is concerned, he is a solidary co-debtor; It is a seeks to review the October 9, 2000 Decision1 and December 26, 2000
recognized doctrine in the matter of suretyship that with respect to the Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 53413 which
reversed and set aside the January 5, 1996 Decision3 of the Regional Trial PN-No. DVO-78-382 PN-No. DVO-78-390
Court, Branch 16, Davao City, in Civil Case No. 20,299-90, dismissing the 12% Overdue P69,983.34 P42,530.00
complaint filed by respondents for collection of a sum of money. Charge
On August 28, 1990, Total P285,186.21 P174,952.75
respondent Associated Bank(formerly Associated Banking Corporation Less: Charges P500.00 None
and now known as United Overseas Bank Philippines) filed a collection paid
suit against Antonio Ang Eng Liong and petitioner Tomas Ang for the two Amount Due P334,686.21 P204,952.75
(2) promissory notes that they executed as principal debtor and co-maker,
respectively. _______________

_______________ 4
Records, pp. 1-5.
Id., at pp. 500, 563.
Penned by Associate Justice Martin S. Villarama, Jr., with Associate 6
Id., at pp. 501, 564.
Justices Romeo J. Callejo, Sr. (now retired Supreme Court Associate 252
Justice) and Juan Q. Enriquez, Jr. concurring. 252 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
CA Rollo, p. 137. Ang vs. Associated Bank
Penned by Judge Romeo D. Marasigan. In his Answer,7 Antonio Ang Eng Liong only admitted to have secured a
251 loan amounting to P80,000. He pleaded though that the bank “be ordered
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 251 to submit a more reasonable computation” considering that there had been
Ang vs. Associated Bank “no correct and reasonable statement of account” sent to him by the bank,
In the Complaint,4 respondent Bank alleged that on October 3 and 9, which was allegedly collecting excessive interest, penalty charges, and
1978, the defendants obtained a loan of P50,000, evidenced by a attorney’s fees despite knowledge that his business was destroyed by fire,
promissory note bearing PN-No. DVO-78-382, and P30,000, evidenced by hence, he had no source of income for several years.
a promissory note bearing PN-No. DVO-78-390. As agreed, the loan would For his part, petitioner Tomas Ang filed an Answer with Counterclaim
be payable, jointly and severally, on January 31, 1979 and December 8, and Cross-claim.8 He interposed the affirmative defenses that: the bank is
1978, respectively. In addition, subsequent amendments5 to the not the real party in interest as it is not the holder of the promissory notes,
promissory notes as well as the disclosure statements6 stipulated that the much less a holder for value or a holder in due course; the bank knew that
loan would earn 14% interest rate per annum, 2% service charge per he did not receive any valuable consideration for affixing his signatures on
annum, 1% penalty charge per month from due date until fully paid, and the notes but merely lent his name as an accommodation party; he
attorney’s fees equivalent to 20% of the outstanding obligation. accepted the promissory notes in blank, with only the printed provisions
Despite repeated demands for payment, the latest of which were on and the signature of Antonio Ang Eng Liong appearing therein; it was
September 13, 1988 and September 9, 1986, on Antonio Ang Eng Liong the bank which completed the notes upon the orders, instructions, or
and Tomas Ang, respectively, respondent Bank claimed that the representations of his co-defendant; PN-No. DVO-78-382 was completed
defendants failed and refused to settle their obligation, resulting in a total in excess of or contrary to the authority given by him to his co-defendant
indebtedness of P539,638.96 as of July 31, 1990, broken down as follows: who represented that he would only borrow P30,000 from the bank; his
PN-No. DVO-78-382 PN-No. DVO-78-390 signature in PN-No. DVO-78-390 was procured through fraudulent means
Outstanding P50,000.00 P30,000.00 when his co-defendant claimed that his first loan did not push through; the
Balance promissory notes did not indicate in what capacity he was intended to be
Add Past due charges for Past due charges for bound; the bank granted his co-defendant successive extensions of time
4,199 days (from 01-31- 4,253 days (from 12-8-78 within which to pay, without his (Tomas Ang) knowledge and consent;
79 to 07-31-90) to 07-31-90) the bank imposed new and additional stipulations on interest, penalties,
14% Interest P203,538.98 P125,334.41 services charges and attorney’s fees more onerous than the terms of the
2% Service P11,663.89 P7,088.34 notes, without his knowledge and consent, in the absence of legal and
Charge factual basis and in violation of the Usury Law; the bank caused the
_______________ has been engaged in the auto parts business for several years, hence,
certainly he is not so naïve as to sign the notes without knowing or
Id., at pp. 14-16. bothering to verify the amounts of the loans covered by them. Further, he
Id., at pp. 20-26. is already in estoppel since despite receipt of several demand letters there
253 was not a single protest raised by him that he signed for only one note in
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 253 the amount of P30,000.
Ang vs. Associated Bank It was denied by the bank that there were extensions of time for
inclusion in the promissory notes of stipulations such as waiver of payment accorded to Antonio Ang Eng Liong. Granting that such were the
presentment for payment and notice of dishonor which are against public case, it said that the same would not relieve Tomas Ang from liability as
policy; and the notes had been impaired since they were never presented he would still be liable for the whole obligation less the share of his co-
for payment and demands were made only several years after they fell due debtor who received the extended term.
when his co-defendant could no longer pay them. The bank also asserted that there were no additional or new
Regarding his counterclaim, Tomas Ang argued that by reason of stipulations imposed other than those agreed upon. The penalty charge,
the bank’s acts or omissions, it should be held liable for the amount of service charge, and attorney’s fees were reflected in the amendments to
P50,000 for attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation. Furthermore, on his the promissory notes and disclosure statements. Reference to the Usury
cross-claim against Antonio Ang Eng Liong, he averred that he should be Law was misplaced as usury is legally non-existent; at present, interest
reimbursed by his co-defendant any and all sums that he may be adjudged can be charged depending on the agreement of the lender and the
liable to pay, plus P30,000, P20,000 and P50,000 for moral and exemplary borrower.
damages, and attorney’s fees, respectively. Lastly, the bank contended that the provisions on presentment for
In its Reply,9 respondent Bank countered that it is the real party in payment and notice of dishonor were expressly waived by Tomas Ang and
interest and is the holder of the notes since the Associated Banking that such waiver is not against public policy pursuant to Sections 82 (c)
Corporation and AssociatedCitizens Bank are its predecessors-in- and 109 of the NIL. In fact, there is even no necessity therefor since being
interest. The fact that Tomas Ang never received any moneys in a solidary debtor he is absolutely required to pay and primarily liable on
consideration of the two (2) loans and that such was known to the bank are both promissory notes.
immaterial because, as an accommodation maker, he is considered as a On October 19, 1990, the trial court issued a preliminary pre-trial order
solidary debtor who is primarily liable for the payment of the promissory directing the parties to submit their respective pre-trial guide.10 When
notes. Citing Section 29 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL), Antonio Ang Eng Liong failed to submit his brief, the bank filed an ex
the bank posited that absence or failure of consideration is not a matter of parte motion to declare him in default.11 Per Order of November 23, 1990,
defense; neither is the fact that the holder knew him to be only an the court
accommodation party.
Respondent Bank likewise retorted that the promissory notes were _______________
completely filled up at the time of their delivery. Assuming that such was
not the case, Sec. 14 of the NIL provides that the bank has the prima Id., at pp. 27-28.
11 Id., at pp. 59-60.
facie authority to complete the blank form. Moreover, it is presumed that
one who has signed as a maker acted with care and had signed the 255
document with full knowledge of its content. The banknoted that VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 255
Tomas Ang is a prominent businessman in Davao City who Ang vs. Associated Bank
granted the motion and set the ex parte hearing for the presentation of
_______________ the bank’s evidence.12 Despite Tomas Ang’s motion13 to modify the Order
so as to exclude or cancel the ex parte hearing based on then Sec. 4, Rule
Id., at pp. 32-46. 18 of the old Rules of Court (now Sec. 3[c.], Rule 9 of the Revised Rules
254 on Civil Procedure), the hearing nonetheless proceeded.14
254 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Eventually, a decision15 was rendered by the trial court on February 21,
Ang vs. Associated Bank 1991. For his supposed bad faith and obstinate refusal despite several
demands from the bank, Antonio Ang Eng Liong was ordered to pay the alleged finality of the February 21, 1991 Decision. He contended that Sec.
principal amount of P80,000 plus 14% interest per annum and 2% service 4, Rule 18 of the old Rules sanctions only one judgment in case of several
charge per annum. The overdue penalty charge and attorney’s fees were, defendants, one of whom is declared in default. Moreover, in his
however, reduced for being excessive, thus: Supplemental Motion to Dismiss,20Tomas Ang maintained that he is
“WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered against defendant Antonio Ang Eng released from his obligation as a solidary guarantor and accommodation
Liong and in favor of plaintiff, ordering the former to pay the latter: party because, by the bank’s actions, he is now precluded from asserting
his cross-claim against Antonio Ang Eng Liong, upon whom a final and
On the first cause of action: executory judgment had already been issued.
The court denied the motion as well as the motion for reconsideration
1. 1)the amount of P50,000.00 representing the principal obligation thereon.21 Tomas Ang subsequently filed a petition for certiorari and
with 14% interest per annum from June 27, 1983 with 2% service prohibition before this Court, which, however, resolved to refer the same
charge and 6% overdue penalty charges per annum until fully to the Court of Appeals.22 In accordance with the prayer of Tomas Ang,
paid; the appellate court promulgated its Decision on January 29, 1992 in CA-
2. 2)P11,663.89 as accrued service charge; and G.R. SP No. 26332, which annulled and set aside the portion of the Order
3. 3)P34,991.67 as accrued overdue penalty charge. dated November 23, 1990 setting the ex parte presentation of the bank’s
evidence against Antonio Ang Eng
On the second cause of action:
1. 1)the amount of P50,000.00 (sic) representing the principal 16 Id., at p. 86.
account with 14% interest from June 27, 1983 with 2% service 17
Id., at pp. 88-90, 144.
charge and 6% overdue penalty charges per annumuntil fully 18 Id., at p. 91.
paid; 19 Id., at pp. 92-94.
2. 2)P7,088.34 representing accrued service charge; 20
Id., at pp. 95-96.
3. 3)P21,265.00 as accrued overdue penalty charge; 21 Id., at pp. 119-120, 123-127, 140.
4. 4)the amount of P10,000.00 as attorney’s fees; and 22 Id., at p. 152.

_______________ VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 257
Ang vs. Associated Bank
Id., at p. 62.
13 Liong, the Decision dated February 21, 1991 rendered against him based
Id., at pp. 64-66.
14 Id., at pp. 72-73. on such evidence, and the Writ of Execution issued on April 5, 1991.23
15 Id., at pp. 84-86. Trial then ensued between the bank and Tomas Ang. Upon the latter’s
motion during the pre-trial conference, Antonio Ang Eng Liong was again
declared in default for his failure to answer the cross-claim within the
reglementary period.24
Ang vs. Associated Bank When Tomas Ang was about to present evidence in his behalf, he filed
5) the amount of P620.00 as litigation expenses and to pay the costs. a Motion for Production of Documents,25reasoning:
SO ORDERED.”16 “x x x
The decision became final and executory as no appeal was taken 2. That corroborative to, and/or preparatory or incident to his
therefrom. Upon the bank’s ex parte motion, the court accordingly issued testimony[,] there is [a] need for him to examine original records in the
a writ of execution on April 5, 1991.17 custody and possession of plaintiff, viz.:
Thereafter, on June 3, 1991, the court set the pre-trial conference
between the bank and Tomas Ang,18 who, in turn, filed a Motion to
1. a.original Promissory Note (PN for brevity) # DVO-78-382 dated
Dismiss19 on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the case in view of the
October 3, 1978[;]
2. b.original of Disclosure Statement in reference to PN # DVO-78- In its Order dated May 16, 1994,27 the court denied the motion stating that
382; the promissory notes and the disclosure statements have already been
3. c.original of PN # DVO-78-390 dated October 9, 1978; shown to and inspected by Tomas Ang during the trial, as in fact he has
4. d.original of Disclosure Statement in reference to PN # DVO-78- already copies of the same; the Statements or Records of Account of
390; Antonio Ang Eng Liong in CA No. 470, relative to his overdraft, are
5. e.Statement or Record of Account with the AssociatedBanking immaterial since, pursuant to the previous ruling of the court, he is being
Corporation or its successor, of Antonio Ang in CA No. 470 (cf. sued for the notes and not for the overdraft which is personal to
Exh. “O”) including bank records, withdrawal slips, notices, other Antonio Ang Eng Liong; and besides its nonexistence in the bank’s
papers and relevant dates relative to the overdraft of Antonio Eng records, there would be legal obstacle for the production and inspection of
Liong in CA No. 470; the income tax return of Antonio Ang Eng Liong if done without his
6. f.Loan Applications of Antonio Ang Eng Liong or borrower relative consent.
to PN Nos. DVO-78-382 and DVO-78-390 (supra); When the motion for reconsideration of the aforesaid Order was denied,
7. g.Other supporting papers and documents submitted by Tomas Ang filed a petition for certiorariand prohibition with application for
Antonio Ang Eng Liong relative to his loan application vis-à- preliminary injunction and restraining order before the Court of Appeals
vis PN. Nos. DVO-78-382 and DVO-78-390 such as financial docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 34840.28 On August 17, 1994, however, the
23 Id., at pp. 164-170.
24 26 Id., at pp. 223-224.
TSN, January 18, 1993, p. 2.
25 Records, pp. 223-226. Id., at pp. 234-235.
28 Id., at pp. 236-240, 247, 250-275.
Ang vs. Associated Bank VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 259
Ang vs. Associated Bank
1. statements, income tax returns, etc. as required by the of Appeals denied the issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order.29
Central Bank or bank rules and regulations. Meanwhile, notwithstanding its initial rulings that Tomas Ang was
deemed to have waived his right to present evidence for failure to appear
during the pendency of his petition before the Court of Appeals, the trial
3. That the above matters are very material to the defenses of defendant
court decided to continue with the hearing of the case.30
Tomas Ang, viz.:
After the trial, Tomas Ang offered in evidence several documents,
– the bank is not a holder in due course when it
which included a copy of the Trust Agreement between the Republic of the
accepted the [PNs] in blank.
Philippines and the Asset Privatization Trust, as certified by the notary
– The real borrower is Antonio Ang Eng Liong which
public, and news clippings from the Manila Bulletin dated May 18, 1994
fact is known to the bank.
and May 30, 1994.31 All the documentary exhibits were admitted for failure
– That the PAYEE not being a holder in due course and
of the bank to submit its comment to the formal offer.32 Thereafter,
knowing that defendant Tomas Ang is merely an
Tomas Angelected to withdraw his petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 34840
accommodation party, the latter may raise against such
before the Court of Appeals, which was then granted.33
payee or holder or successor-in-interest (of the notes)
On January 5, 1996, the trial court rendered judgment against
the bank, dismissing the complaint for lack of cause of action.34 It held that:
“Exh. “9” and its [sub-markings], the Trust Agreement dated 27 February
Application of [Articles] 2079, 2080 and 1249 of the
1987 for the defense shows that: the Associated Bankas of June 30,
Civil Code, NEGLIGENCE in delaying collection
1986 is one of DBP’s or Development Bank of the [Philippines’] non-
despite Eng Liong’s OVERDRAFT in C.A. No.
performing accounts for transfer; on February 27, 1987 through Deeds of
470, etc.”26
Transfer executed by and between the Philippine National Bank and plaintiff at the time this suit was filed was not the holder of the notes to
Development Bank of the Philippines and the National Government, both warrant the dismissal of the complaint.”35
financial institutions assigned, transferred and conveyed their non- Respondent Bank then elevated the case to the Court of Appeals. In the
performing assets to the National Government; the National Government appellant’s brief captioned, “ASSOCIATED BANK, Plaintiff-Appellant
in turn and as TRUSTOR, versus ANTONIO ANG ENG LIONG and TOMAS ANG, Defendants,
TOMAS ANG, Defendant-Appellee,” the following errors were alleged:
Id., at p. 350.
30 35
Id., at pp. 358, 395, 401-402. Id., at pp. 492-493.
Id., at pp. 450, 529-542, 560-561; Exhibit “9” and its submarkings. 261
Id., at p. 487. VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 261
Rollo, p. 182. Ang vs. Associated Bank
34 Records, pp. 490-493.

260 I.
transferred, conveyed and assigned by way of trust unto the Asset ANTONIO ANG ENG LIONG AND DEFENDANT-APPELLEE
Privatization Trust said non-performing assets, [which] took title to and TOMAS ANG LIABLE TO PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT ON THEIR UNPAID
possession of, [to] conserve, provisionally manage and dispose[,] of said LOANS DESPITE THE LATTER’S DOCUMENTARY EXHIBITS
assets identified for privatization or disposition; one of the powers and PROVING THE SAID OBLIGATIONS.
duties of the APT with respect to trust properties consisting of receivables
is to handle the administration, collection and enforcement of the II.
receivables; to bring suit to enforce payment of the obligations or any
installment thereof or to settle or compromise any of such obligations, or THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN DISMISSING PLAINTIFF-
any other claim or demand which the government may have against any APPELLANT’S COMPLAINT ON THE BASIS OF NEWSPAPER
The Manila Bulletin news clippings dated May 18, 1994 and May 30, AND IMPROPER FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE.36
1994, Exh. “9-A,” “9-B, “9-C,” and “9-D,” show that the Monetary Board of The bank stressed that it has established the causes of action outlined in
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas approved the rehabilitation plan of its Complaint by a preponderance of evidence. As regards the Deed of
the Associated Bank. One main feature of the rehabilitation plan included Transfer and Trust Agreement, it contended that the same were never
the financial assistance for the bank by the Philippine Deposit Insurance authenticated by any witness in the course of the trial; the Agreement,
Corporation (PDIC) by way of the purchase of AB Assets worth P1.3945 which was not even legible, did not mention the promissory notes subject
billion subject to a buy-back arrangement over a 10 year period. The PDIC of the Complaint; the bank is not a party to the Agreement, which showed
had approved of the rehab scheme, which included the purchase of AB’s that it was between the Government of the Philippines, acting through the
bad loans worth P1.86 at 25% discount. This will then be paid by AB within Committee on Privatization represented by the Secretary of Finance as
a 10-year period plus a yield comparable to the prevailing market rates x x trustor and the Asset Privatization Trust, which was created by virtue of
x. Proclamation No. 50; and the Agreement did not reflect the signatures of
Based then on the evidence presented by the defendant Tomas Ang, the contracting parties. Lastly, the bank averred that the news items
it would readily appear that at the time this suit for Sum of Money was filed appearing in the Manila Bulletin could not be the subject of judicial notice
which was on August [28], 1990, the notes were held by the Asset since they were completely hearsay in character.37
Privatization Trust by virtue of the Deeds of Transfer and Trust Agreement, On October 9, 2000, the Court of Appeals reversed and set aside the
which was empowered to bring suit to enforce payment of the obligations. trial court’s ruling. The dispositive portion of the Decision38 reads:
Consequently, defendant Tomas Ang has sufficiently established that
_______________ Id., at p. 83.
CA Rollo, p. 23. VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 263
Id., at pp. 27-30. Ang vs. Associated Bank
Id., at pp. 79-84. the notes to the Asset Privatization Trust despite the execution of the
262 Deeds of Transfer and Trust Agreement and that the notes continued to
262 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED remain with the bankuntil the institution of the collection suit.
Ang vs. Associated Bank With the bank as the “holder” of the promissory notes, the Court of
“WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision of the Regional Trial Appeals held that Tomas Ang is accountable therefor in his capacity as an
Court of Davao City, Branch 16, in Civil Case No. 20,299-90 is hereby accommodation party. Citing Sec. 29 of the NIL, he is liable to the bank in
REVERSED AND SET ASIDE and another one entered ordering spite of the latter’s knowledge, at the time of taking the notes, that he is
defendant-appellee Tomas Ang to pay plaintiff- only an accommodation party. Moreover, as a co-maker who agreed to be
appellant Associated Bank the following: jointly and severally liable on the promissory notes, Tomas Ang cannot
validly set up the defense that he did not receive any consideration therefor
1. 1.P50,000.00 representing the principal amount of the loan under as the fact that the loan was granted to the principal debtor already
PN-No. DVO-78-382 plus 14% interest thereon per constitutes a sufficient consideration.
annum computed from January 31, 1979 until the full amount Further, the Court of Appeals agreed with the bankthat the experience
thereof is paid; of Tomas Ang in business rendered it implausible that he would just sign
2. 2.P30,000.00 representing the principal amount of the loan under the promissory notes as a comaker without even checking the real amount
PN-No. DVO-78-390 plus 14% interest thereon per of the debt to be incurred, or that he merely acted on the belief that the first
annum computed from December 8, 1978 until the full amount loan application was cancelled. According to the appellate court, it is
thereof is paid; apparent that he was negligent in falling for the alibi of Antonio Ang Eng
Liong and such fact would not serve to exonerate him from his
All other claims of the plaintiff-appellant are DISMISSED for lack of responsibility under the notes.
legal basis. Defendant-appellee’s counterclaim is likewise DISMISSED for Nonetheless, the Court of Appeals denied the claims of the bank for
lack of legal and factual bases. service, penalty and overdue charges as well as attorney’s fees on the
No pronouncement as to costs. ground that the promissory notes made no mention of such charges/fees.
SO ORDERED.”39 In his motion for reconsideration,40 Tomas Ang raised for the first time
The appellate court disregarded the bank’s first assigned error for being the assigned errors as follows:
“irrelevant in the final determination of the case” and found its second “x x x
assigned error as “not meritorious.” Instead, it posed for resolution the 2) Related to the above jurisdictional issues, defendant-appellee
issue of whether the trial court erred in dismissing the complaint for Tomas Ang has recently discovered that upon the filing of
collection of sum of money for lack of cause of action as the bank was said
to be not the “holder” of the notes at the time the collection case was filed. _______________
In answering the lone issue, the Court of Appeals held that the bank is 40
a “holder” under Sec. 191 of the NIL. It concluded that despite the Id., at pp. 89-133.
execution of the Deeds of Transfer and Trust Agreement, the Asset 264
Privatization Trust cannot be declared as the “holder” of the subject 264 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
promissory notes for the reason that it is neither the payee or indorsee of Ang vs. Associated Bank
the notes in possession thereof nor is it the bearer of said notes. The Court the complaint on August 28, 1990, under the jurisdictional rule laid down in
of Appeals observed that the bank, as the payee, did not indorse BP Blg. 129, appellant bank fraudulently failed to specify the amount
of compounded interest at 14% per annum, service charges at 2% per
_______________ annum and overdue penalty charges at 12% per annum in the prayer of
the complaint as of the time of its filing, paying a total of only P640.00(!!!)
as filing and court docket fees although the total sum involved as of that because of the failure of [private] respondent bank to serve its
time was P647,566.75 including 20% attorney’s fees. In fact, the stated notice of appeal upon the principal debtor, respondent Eng
interest in the body of the complaint alone amount to P328,373.39 (which Liong?
is actually compounded and capitalized) in both causes of action and the 2. 2.Did the trial court have jurisdiction over the case at all?
total service and overdue penalties and charges and attorney’s fees further 3. 3.Did the Court of Appeals [commit] error in assigning its own error
amount to P239,193.36 in both causes of action, as of July 31, 1990, the and raising its own issue?
time of filing of the complaint. Significantly, appellant fraudulently misled 4. 4.Are petitioner’s other real and personal defenses such as
the Court, describing the 14% imposition as interest, when in fact the successive extensions coupled with fraudulent collusion to hide
same was capitalized as principal by appellant bank every month to earn Eng Liong’s default, the payee’s grant of additional burdens,
more interest, as stated in the notes. In view thereof, the trial court never coupled with the insolvency of the principal debtor, and the
acquired jurisdiction over the case and the same may not be now corrected defense of incomplete but delivered instrument, meritorious?”43
by the filing of deficiency fees because the causes of action had already
prescribed and more importantly, the jurisdiction of the Municipal Trial Petitioner allegedly learned after the promulgation of the Court of Appeals’
Court had been increased to P100,000.00 in principal claims last March decision that, pursuant to the parties’ agreement on the compounding of
20, 1999, pursuant to SC Circular No. 21-99, section 5 of RA No. 7691, interest with the principal amount (per month in case of default), the interest
and section 31, Book I of the 1987 Administrative Code. In other words, as on the promissory notes as of July 31, 1990 should have been only
of today, jurisdiction over the subject falls within the exclusive jurisdiction P81,647.22 for PN No. DVO-78-382 (instead of P203,538.98) and
of the MTC, particularly if the bank foregoes capitalization of the stipulated P49,618.33 for PN No. DVO-78-390 (instead of P125,334.41) while the
interest. principal debt as of said date should increase to P647,566.75 (instead of
3) BY FAILING TO GIVE NOTICE OF ITS APPEAL AND APPEAL P539,638.96). He submits that the bank carefully and shrewdly hid the fact
BRIEF TO APPELLEE ANG ENG LIONG, THE APPEALED JUDGMENT by describing the amounts as interest instead of being part of either the
OF THE TRIAL COURT WHICH LEFT OUT TOMAS ANG’S CROSS- principal or penalty in order to pay a lesser amount of docket
ENG LIONG. Accordingly, Tomas Ang’s right of subrogation
against Ang Eng Liong, expressed in his cross-claim, is now SEVERAL 41
Id., at pp. 90-91.
TIMES foreclosed because of the fault or negligence of 42
Id., at p. 137.
appellant bank since 1979 up to its insistence of an ex parte trial, and now 43 Rollo, pp. 33-34.
when it failed to serve notice of appeal and appellant’s brief upon him. 266
Accordingly, appellee Tomas Ang should be released from his suretyship 266 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
obligation pursuant to Art. 2080 of the Civil Code. The above is related to Ang vs. Associated Bank
the issues abovestated. fees. According to him, the total fees that should have been paid at the
265 time of the filing of the complaint on August 28, 1990 was P2,216.30 and
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 265 not P614.00 or a shortage of 71%. Petitioner contends that the bank may
Ang vs. Associated Bank not now pay the deficiency because the last demand letter sent to him was
4) This Court may have erred in ADDING or ASSIGNING its own bill of dated September 9, 1986, or more than twenty years have elapsed such
error for the benefit of appellant bank which defrauded the judiciary by the that prescription had already set in. Consequently, the bank’s claim must
payment of deficient docket fees.”41 be dismissed as the trial court loses jurisdiction over the case.
Finding no cogent or compelling reason to disturb the Decision, the Court Petitioner also argues that the Court of Appeals should not have
of Appeals denied the motion in its Resolution dated December 26, 2000.42 assigned its own error and raised it as an issue of the case, contending
Petitioner now submits the following issues for resolution: that no question should be entertained on appeal unless it has been
advanced in the court below or is within the issues made by the parties in
1. “1.Is [A]rticle 2080 of the Civil Code applicable to discharge the pleadings. At any rate, he opines that the appellate court’s decision
petitioner Tomas Ang as accommodation maker or surety that the bank is the real party in interest because it is the payee named in
the note or the holder thereof is too simplistic since: (1) the power and SEC. 8. Questions that may be decided.—No error which does not
control of Asset Privatization Trust over the bank are clear from the explicit affect the jurisdiction over the subject matter or the validity of the judgment
terms of the duly certified trust documents and deeds of transfer and are appealed from or the proceedings therein will be considered, unless stated
confirmed by the newspaper clippings; (2) even under P.D. No. 902-A or in the assignment of errors, or closely related to or dependent on an
the General Banking Act, where a corporation or a bank is under assigned error and properly argued in the brief, save as the court may pass
receivership, conservation or rehabilitation, it is only the representative upon plain errors and clerical errors.
(liquidator, receiver, trustee or conservator) who may properly act for said Thus, an appellate court is clothed with ample authority to review
entity, and, in this case, the bank was held by Asset Privatization Trust as rulings even if they are not assigned as errors in the appeal in these
trustee; and (3) it is not entirely accurate to say that the payee who has not instances: (a) grounds not assigned as errors but affecting
indorsed the notes in all cases is the real party in interest because the
rights of the payee may be subject of an assignment of incorporeal rights _______________
under Articles 1624 and 1625 of the Civil Code.
Lastly, petitioner maintains that when respondent Bank served its G.R. No. 143666, March 18, 2005, 453 SCRA 691.
notice of appeal and appellant’s brief only on him, it rendered the judgment 268
of the trial court final and executory with respect to Antonio Ang Eng Liong, 268 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
which, in effect, released him (Antonio Ang Eng Liong) from any and all Ang vs. Associated Bank
liability under the promissory notes and, thereby, foreclosed peti- jurisdiction over the subject matter; (b) matters not assigned as errors on
267 appeal but are evidently plain or clerical errors within contemplation of law;
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 267 (c) matters not assigned as errors on appeal but consideration of which is
Ang vs. Associated Bank necessary in arriving at a just decision and complete resolution of the case
tioner’s cross-claims. By such act, the bank, even if it be the “holder” of the or to serve the interests of justice or to avoid dispensing piecemeal justice;
promissory notes, allegedly discharged a simple contract for the payment (d) matters not specifically assigned as errors on appeal but raised in the
of money (Sections 119 [d] and 122, NIL [Act No. 2031]), prevented a trial court and are matters of record having some bearing on the issue
surety like petitioner from being subrogated in the shoes of his principal submitted which the parties failed to raise or which the lower court ignored;
(Article 2080, Civil Code), and impaired the notes, producing the effect of (e) matters not assigned as errors on appeal but closely related to an error
payment (Article 1249, Civil Code). assigned; and (f) matters not assigned as errors on appeal but upon which
The petition is unmeritorious. the determination of a question properly assigned is dependent. (Citations
Procedurally, it is well within the authority of the Court of Appeals to omitted)”45
raise, if it deems proper under the circumstances obtaining, error/s not To the Court’s mind, even if the Court of Appeals regarded petitioner’s two
assigned on an appealed case. In Mendoza v. Bautista,44 this Court assigned errors as “irrelevant” and “not meritorious,” the issue of whether
recognized the broad discretionary power of an appellate court to waive the trial court erred in dismissing the complaint for collection of sum of
the lack of proper assignment of errors and to consider errors not assigned, money for lack of cause of action (on the ground that the bank was not the
thus: “holder” of the notes at the time of the filing of the action) is in reality closely
“As a rule, no issue may be raised on appeal unless it has been brought related to and determinant of the resolution of whether the lower court
before the lower tribunal for its consideration. Higher courts are precluded correctly ruled in not holding Antonio Ang Eng Liong and petitioner
from entertaining matters neither alleged in the pleadings nor raised during Tomas Angliable to the bank on their unpaid loans despite documentary
the proceedings below, but ventilated for the first time only in a motion for exhibits allegedly proving their obligations and in dismissing the complaint
reconsideration or on appeal. based on newspaper clippings. Hence, no error could be ascribed to the
However, as with most procedural rules, this maxim is subject to Court of Appeals on this point.
exceptions. Indeed, our rules recognize the broad discretionary power of Now, the more relevant question is: who is the real party in interest at
an appellate court to waive the lack of proper assignment of errors and to the time of the institution of the complaint, is it the bank or the Asset
consider errors not assigned. Section 8 of Rule 51 of the Rules of Court Privatization Trust?
provides: To answer the query, a brief history on the creation of the Asset
Privatization Trust is proper.
Taking into account the imperative need of formally launching a Sec. 23 of the Proclamation reads:
program for the rationalization of the government corporate sector, then SEC. 23. Mechanics of Transfer of Assets.—As soon as practicable, but
President Corazon C. Aquino not later than six months from the date of the issuance of this Proclamation,
the President, acting through
_______________ 270
45 Id., at pp. 702-703. Ang vs. Associated Bank
269 approved the identification of and transfer to the National Government of
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 269 certain assets (consisting of loans, equity investments, accrued interest
Ang vs. Associated Bank receivables, acquired assets and other assets) and liabilities (consisting of
issued Proclamation No. 5046 on December 8, 1986. As one of the twin deposits, borrowings, other liabilities and contingent guarantees) of the De-
cornerstones of the program was to establish the privatization of a good
number of government corporations, the proclamation created the Asset _______________
Privatization Trust, which would, for the benefit of the National
Government, take title to and possession of, conserve, provisionally the Committee on Privatization, shall identify such assets of government
manage and dispose of transferred assets that were identified for institutions as appropriate for privatization and divestment in an
privatization or disposition.47 appropriate instrument describing such assets or identifying the loan or
In accordance with the provisions of Section 2348 of the proclamation, other transactions giving rise to the receivables, obligations and other
then President Aquino subsequently issued Administrative Order No. 14 property constituting assets to be transferred.
on February 3, 1987, which The Committee shall, from the list of assets deemed appropriate for
divestment, identify assets to be transferred to the Trust or to be referred
_______________ to the government institutions in an appropriate instrument, which upon
execution by the Committee shall constitute as the operative act of transfer
46 PROCLAIMING AND LAUNCHING APROGRAM FOR THE or referral of the assets described therein, and the Trust or the government
EXPEDITIOUS DISPOSITION AND PRIVATIZATION OF CERTAIN institution may thereupon proceed with the divestment in accordance with
GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS AND/OR THE ASSETS THEREOF the provisions of this Proclamation and guidelines issued by the
ASSET PRIVATIZATION TRUST. Nothing in this Proclamation shall:
47 Sec. 3, Art. II and Sec. 9, Art. III of Proclamation No. 50. In addition,

the term “assets” is defined under Sec. 2 (1) of the Proclamation as: 1. (1)Affect the rights of the National Government to pursue the
1) Assets shall include (i) receivables and other obligations due to enforcement of any claim of a government institution in respect of
government institutions under credit, lease, indemnity and other or in relation to any asset transferred hereunder;
agreements together with all collateral security and other rights (including 2. (2)In relation to any debt hereby assigned and transferred to the
but not limited to rights in relation to shares of stock in corporations such National Government of which a government institution is the
as voting rights as well as rights to appoint directors of corporations or original creditor, give rise to any novation or requirement to obtain
otherwise engage in the management thereof) granted to such institutions the consent of the debtor; and
by contract or operation of law to secure or enforce the right of payment of 3. (3)In relation to any share of stock or any interest therein, give rise
such obligations; (ii) real and personal property of any kind owned or held to any claim by any other stockholder for enforcement of rights of
by the government institutions, including shares of stock in corporations, pre-emption or of first refusal or other similar rights, the provision
obtained by such government institutions, whether directly or indirectly, of any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
through foreclosure or other means, in settlement of such obligations; (iii)
shares of stock and other investments held by government institutions; and Where the contractual rights of creditors of any of the government
(iv) the government institutions themselves, whether as parent or institutions involved may be affected by the exercise of the Committee or
subsidiary corporations.
the Trust of the powers granted herein, the Committee or the Trust shall Based on the above backdrop, respondent Bank does not appear to be
see to it that such rights are not impaired. the real party in interest when it instituted the collection suit on August 28,
271 1990 against Antonio AngEng Liong and petitioner Tomas Ang. At the
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 271 time the complaint was filed in the trial court, it was the Asset Privatization
Ang vs. Associated Bank Trust which had the authority to enforce its claims against both debtors. In
velopment Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and the Philippine fact, during the pre-trial conference, Atty. Roderick Orallo, counsel for
National Bank (PNB). The transfer of assets was implemented through a the bank, openly admitted that it was under the trusteeship of the Asset
Deed of Transfer executed on February 27, 1987 between the National Privatization Trust.57 The Asset Privatization Trust, which should have
Government, on one hand, and the DBP and PNB, on the other. In turn, been represented by the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel, had
the National Government designated the Asset Privatization Trust to act as the authority to file and prosecute the case.
its trustee through a Trust Agreement, whereby the nonperforming The foregoing notwithstanding, this Court can not, at present, readily
accounts of DBP and PNB, including, among others, the DBP’s equity with subscribe to petitioner’s insistence that the case must be dismissed.
respondent Bank, were entrusted to the Asset Privatization Trust.49 As Significantly, it stands without refute, both in the pleadings as well as in the
provided for in the Agreement, among the powers and duties of the Asset evidence presented during the trial and up to the time this case reached
Privatization Trust with respect to the trust properties consisting of the Court, that the issue had been rendered moot with the occurrence of a
receivables was to handle their administration and collection by bringing supervening event—the “buy-back” of the bank by its former owner,
suit to enforce payment of the obligations or any installment thereof or Leonardo Ty, sometime in October 1993. By such re-acquisition from the
settling or compromising any of such obligations or any other claim or Asset Privatization Trust when the case was still pending in the lower court,
demand which the Government may have against any person or persons, the bank reclaimed its real and actual interest over the unpaid promissory
and to do all acts, institute all proceedings, and to exercise all other rights, notes; hence, it could rightfully qualify as a “holder”58 thereof under the NIL.
powers, and privileges of ownership that an absolute owner of the Notably, Section 29 of the NIL defines an accommodation party as a
properties would otherwise have the right to do.50Incidentally, the existence person “who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or
of the Asset Privatization Trust would have expired five (5) years from the indorser, without receiving value there-
date of issuance of Proclamation No. 50.51 However, its original term was
extended from December 8, 1991 up to August 31, 1992,52and again from _______________
December 31, 1993 until June 30, 1995,53and then from July 1, 1995 up to
December 31, 1999,54 and further from January 1, 2000 until December Sec. 2, Art. III of Executive Order No. 323, Series of 2000.
31, 2000.55Thenceforth, the Privatization and Management Office was TSN, January 18, 1993, p. 7.
58 A “Holder” is defined under Sec. 191 of the NIL, as:
established and
“Holder” means the payee or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in possession
_______________ of it, or the bearer thereof.
Records, pp. 529-533, 543. VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 273
50 Ang vs. Associated Bank
Id., at p. 530.
51 Sec. 9, Art. III of Proclamation No. 50. for, and for the purpose of lending his name to some other person.” As
52 Sec. 1 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7181.
gleaned from the text, an accommodation party is one who meets all the
53 Sec. 1 of R.A. No. 7661.
three requisites, viz.: (1) he must be a party to the instrument, signing as
54 Sec. 1 of R.A. No. 7886. maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser; (2) he must not receive value
55 Sec. 1 of R.A. No. 8758. therefor; and (3) he must sign for the purpose of lending his name or credit
272 to some other person.59 An accommodation party lends his name to enable
272 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the accommodated party to obtain credit or to raise money; he receives no
Ang vs. Associated Bank part of the consideration for the instrument but assumes liability to the other
took over, among others, the powers, duties and functions of the Asset party/ies thereto.60 The accommodation party is liable on the instrument to
Privatization Trust under the proclamation.56 a holder for value even though the holder, at the time of taking the
instrument, knew him or her to be merely an accommodation party, as if _______________
the contract was not for accommodation.61
As petitioner acknowledged it to be, the relation between an Garcia v. Llamas, supra at p. 305.
accommodation party and the accommodated party is one of principal and Trade & Investment Development Corp. v. Roblett Industrial
surety—the accommodation party being the surety.62 As such, he is Construction Corp., G.R. No. 139290, November 11, 2005, 474 SCRA
deemed an original promisor and 510, 531.
International Finance Corporation v. Imperial Textile Mills, Inc., G.R.
_______________ No. 160324, November 15, 2005, 475 SCRA 149, 160; Trade &
Investment Development Corp. v. Roblett Industrial Construction
Lim v. Saban, G.R. No. 163720, December 16, 2004, 447 SCRA Corp., Id., at p. 531; Garcia v. Llamas, supra at p. 305; Agro
232, 244 and Crisologo-Jose v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 80599, Conglomerates, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, supra at p. 655; p. 458;
September 15, 1989, 177 SCRA 594, 598. and Philippine Bank of Commerce v. Aruego, supra at p. 540.
60 66
Spouses Gardose v. Tarroza, 352 Phil. 797, 807; 290 SCRA 186, International Finance Corporation v. Imperial Textile Mills, Inc., Id., at
195-196 (1998) citing Philippine Bank of Commerce v. Aruego, G.R. Nos. pp. 160-161 and Trade & Investment Development Corp. v. Roblett
L-25836-37, January 31, 1981, 102 SCRA 530, 539-540. Industrial Construction Corp., Id., at p. 531.
61 67
Lim v. Saban, supra at p. 244; Garcia v. Llamas, G.R. No. 154127, Art. 2080 of the Civil Code provides:
December 8, 2003, 417 SCRA 292, 304-305; Spouses Gardose v. Art. 2080. The guarantors, even though they be solidary, are released from
Tarroza, supra at p. 807; p. 196; Travel-On, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. their obligation whenever by some act of the creditor they cannot be
No. 56169, June 26, 1992, 210 SCRA 351, 357; and Ang Tiong v. subrogated to the rights, mortgages, and preferences of the latter.
Ting, 130 Phil. 741, 744; 22 SCRA 713, 716 (1968). 68 E. Zobel, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 352 Phil. 608, 618; 290 SCRA 1,
62 Garcia v. Llamas, supra at p. 305; Agro Conglomerates, Inc. v. Court
10 (1998); Inciong, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 327 Phil. 364, 372-373; 257
of Appeals, 401 Phil. 644, 654-655; 348 SCRA 450, 457-458 SCRA 578, 586 (1996); and Bicol Savings & Loan Association v.
(2000); Spouses Gardose v. Tarroza, supra at p. 807; p. 196; Caneda, Jr. Guinhawa, G.R. No. 62415, August 20, 1990, 188 SCRA 642, 647.
v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 81322, February 5, 1990, 181 SCRA 762, 275
772; Crisologo-Jose v. Court of Appeals, supra at p. 598; Prudencio v. VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 275
Court of Appeals, 227 Phil. 7, 12; 143 SCRA 7, 14 (1986); and Philippine Ang vs. Associated Bank
Bank of Commerce v. Aruego, supra at p. 539. himself solidarily with the principal debtor, the provisions of Section 4,
274 Chapter 3, Title I, Book IV of the Civil Code must be observed. Accordingly,
274 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Articles 1207 up to 1222 of the Code (on joint and solidary obligations)
Ang vs. Associated Bank shall govern the relationship of petitioner with the bank.
debtor from the beginning;63 he is considered in law as the same party as The case of Inciong, Jr. v. CA69 is illuminating:
the debtor in relation to whatever is adjudged touching the obligation of the “Petitioner also argues that the dismissal of the complaint against Naybe,
latter since their liabilities are interwoven as to be inseparable.64 Although the principal debtor, and against Pantanosas, his comaker, constituted a
a contract of suretyship is in essence accessory or collateral to a valid release of his obligation, especially because the dismissal of the case
principal obligation, the surety’s liability to the creditor against Pantanosas was upon the motion of private respondent itself. He
is immediate, primary and absolute; he is directlyand equally bound with cites as basis for his argument, Article 2080 of the Civil Code which
the principal.65 As an equivalent of a regular party to the undertaking, a provides that:
surety becomes liable to the debt and duty of the principal obligor even “The guarantors, even though they be solidary, are released from their
without possessing a direct or personal interest in the obligations nor does obligation whenever by come act of the creditor, they cannot be subrogated
he receive any benefit therefrom.66 to the rights, mortgages, and preferences of the latter.”
Contrary to petitioner’s adamant stand, however, Article 208067 of the It is to be noted, however, that petitioner signed the promissory note as
Civil Code does not apply in a contract of suretyship.68 Art. 2047 of the Civil a solidary co-maker and not as a guarantor. This is patent even from the
Code states that if a person binds first sentence of the promissory note which states as follows:
“Ninety one (91) days after date, for value received, I/we, JOINTLY and or all of them may be proceeded against for the entire obligation. The
SEVERALLY promise to pay to the PHILIPPINE BANK OF choice is left to the solidary creditor to determine against whom he will
COMMUNICATIONS at its office in the City of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines enforce collection. (Citations omitted)”70
the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND ONLY (P50,000.00) Pesos, Philippine In the instant case, petitioner agreed to be “jointly and severally” liable
Currency, together with interest x x x at the rate of SIXTEEN (16) under the two promissory notes that he cosigned with Antonio Ang Eng
percent per annumuntil fully paid.” Liong as the principal debtor. This being so, it is completely immaterial if
A solidary or joint and several obligation is one in which each debtor is the bank would opt to proceed only against petitioner or Antonio Ang Eng
liable for the entire obligation, and each creditor is entitled to demand the Liong or both of them since the law confers upon the creditor the
whole obligation. On the other hand, Article 2047 of the Civil Code states: prerogative to choose whether to enforce the entire obligation against any
“By guaranty a person, called the guarantor, binds himself to the one, some or allof the debtors. Nonetheless, petitioner, as an
creditor to fulfill the obligation of the principal debtor in case the latter accommodation party, may seek reimburse-
should fail to do so.
If a person binds himself solidarily with the principal debtor, the _______________
provisions of Section 4, Chapter 3, Title I of this Book shall be
70 Id., at pp. 372-374; pp. 586-588.
_______________ 277
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 277
327 Phil. 364; 257 SCRA 578 (1996). Ang vs. Associated Bank
276 ment from Antonio Ang Eng Liong, being the party accommodated.71
276 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED It is plainly mistaken for petitioner to say that just because
Ang vs. Associated Bank the bank failed to serve the notice of appeal and appellant’s brief to
observed. In such a case the contract is called a suretyship.” (Italics Antonio Ang Eng Liong, the trial court’s judgment, in effect, became final
supplied.) and executory as against the latter and, thereby, bars his (petitioner’s)
While a guarantor may bind himself solidarily with the principal debtor, cross-claims against him: First, although no notice of appeal and
the liability of a guarantor is different from that of a solidary debtor. Thus, appellant’s brief were served to Antonio Ang Eng Liong, he was
Tolentino explains: nonetheless impleaded in the case since his name appeared in the caption
“A guarantor who binds himself in solidum with the principal debtor of both the notice and the brief as one of the defendants-
under the provisions of the second paragraph does not become a solidary appellees;72 Second, despite including in the caption of the appellee’s brief
co-debtor to all intents and purposes. There is a difference between a his co-debtor as one of the defendants-appellees, petitioner did not also
solidary co-debtor, and a fiador in solidum(surety). The later, outside of the serve him a copy thereof;73 Third, in the caption of the Court of Appeals’
liability he assumes to pay the debt before the property of the principal decision, Antonio Ang Eng Liong was expressly named as one of the
debtor has been exhausted, retains all the other rights, actions and benefits defendants-appellees;74 and Fourth, it was only in his motion for
which pertain to him by reason of rights of the fiansa; while a solidary co- reconsideration from the adverse judgment of the Court of Appeals that
debtor has no other rights than those bestowed upon him in Section 4, petitioner belatedly chose to serve notice to the counsel of his co-
Chapter 3, Title I, Book IV of the Civil Code.” defendant-appellee.75
Section 4, Chapter 3, Title I, Book IV of the Civil Code states the law on Likewise, this Court rejects the contention of Antonio Ang Eng Liong,
joint and several obligations. Under Art. 1207 thereof, when there are two in his “special appearance” through counsel, that the Court of Appeals,
or more debtors in one and the same obligation, the presumption is that much less this Court, already lacked jurisdiction over his person or over
obligation is joint so that each of the debtors is liable only for a the subject matter relating to him because he was not a party in CA-G.R.
proportionate part of the debt. There is a solidarily liability only when the CV No. 53413. Stress must be laid of the fact that he had twice put himself
obligation expressly so states, when the law so provides or when the in default—one, in not filing a pre-trial brief and another, in not filing his
nature of the obligation so requires. answer to petitioner’s cross-claims. As a matter of course,
Because the promissory note involved in this case expressly states that Antonio Ang Eng Liong, being a party declared in
the three signatories therein are jointly and severally liable, any one, some
_______________ 3. (c.)By the intentional cancellation thereof by the holder;
4. (d.)By any other act which will discharge a simple contract for
Lim v. Saban, supra at p. 244; Agro Conglomerates, Inc. v. Court of the payment of money;
Appeals, supra at p. 654; p. 457; and Caneda, Jr. v. Court of Appeals,
supra at p. 772. 279
72 CA Rollo, p. 21.
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 279
Id., at pp. 40, 75. Ang vs. Associated Bank
Id., at p. 79. and 12278 of the NIL as well as Art. 124979 of the Civil Code would
Id., at p. 133. necessarily find no application. Again, neither was petitioner’s right of
278 reimbursement barred nor was the bank’s right to proceed against
278 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Antonio Ang Eng Liong expressly renounced by the omission to serve
Ang vs. Associated Bank notice of appeal and appellant’s brief to a party already declared in default.
default, already waived his right to take part in the trial proceedings and Consequently, in issuing the two promissory notes, petitioner as
had to contend with the judgment rendered by the court based on the accommodating party warranted to the holder in due course that he would
evidence presented by the bank and petitioner. Moreover, even without pay the same according to its tenor.80 It is no defense to state on his part
considering these default judgments, Antonio Ang Eng Liong even that he did not receive any
categorically admitted having secured a loan totaling P80,000. In his
Answer to the complaint, he did not deny such liability but merely pleaded _______________
that the bank“be ordered to submit a more reasonable computation”
instead of collecting excessive interest, penalty charges, and attorney’s 1. (e.)When the principal debtor becomes the holder of the instrument
fees. For failing to tender an issue and in not denying the material at or after maturity in his own right. (Emphasis ours)
allegations stated in the complaint, a judgment on the pleadings76 would
have also been proper since not a single issue was generated by the 78
Sec. 122 of the NIL states:
Answer he filed.
SECTION 122. Renunciation by holder.—The holder may expressly
As the promissory notes were not discharged or impaired through any
renounce his rights against any party to the instrument before, at, or after
act or omission of the bank, Sections 119 (d)77
its maturity. An absolute and unconditional renunciation of his rights
against the principal debtor made at or after the maturity of the instrument
discharges the instrument. But a renunciation does not affect the rights of
76 a holder in due course without notice. A renunciation must be in writing
Sec. 1, Rule 34 of the 1997 Revised Rules on Civil Procedure states:
unless the instrument is delivered up to the person primarily liable thereon.
Section 1. Judgment on the pleadings.—Where an answer fails to tender 79 Art. 1249 of the Civil Code provides:
an issue, or otherwise admits the material allegations of the adverse party’s
Art. 1249. The payment of debts in money shall be made in the currency
pleading, the court may, on motion of that party, direct judgment on such
stipulated, and if it is not possible to deliver such currency, then in the
pleading. However, in actions for declaration of nullity or annulment of
currency which is legal tender in the Philippines.
marriage or for legal separation, the material facts alleged in the complaint
The delivery of promissory notes payable to order, or bills of exchange
shall always be proved.
77 Sec. 119 of the NIL provides: or other mercantile documents shall produce the effect of payment only
when they have been cashed, or when through the fault of the creditor
SECTION 119. Instrument; how discharged.—A negotiable instrument is
they have been impaired. (Emphasis ours)
discharged: 80 Travel-On, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, supra at p. 357.

1. (a.)By payment in due course by or on behalf of the principal 280 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
debtor; Ang vs. Associated Bank
2. (b.)By payment in due course by the party accommodated, where
value therefor81 because the phrase “without receiving value therefor” used
the instrument is made or accepted for his accommodation;
in Sec. 29 of the NIL means “without receiving value by virtue of the
instrument” and not as it is apparently supposed to mean, “without “x x x The mere delay of the creditor in enforcing the guaranty has not by
receiving payment for lending his name.”82 Stated differently, when a third any means impaired his action against the defendant. It should not be lost
person advances the face value of the note to the accommodated party at sight of that the defendant’s signature on the note is an assurance to the
the time of its creation, the consideration for the note as regards its maker creditor that the collateral guaranty will remain good, and that otherwise,
is the money advanced to the accommodated party. It is enough that value he, the defendant, will be personally responsible for the payment.
was given for the note at the time of its creation.83 As in the instant case, a True, that if the creditor had done any act whereby the guaranty was
sum of money was received by virtue of the notes, hence, it is immaterial impaired in its value, or discharged, such an act would have wholly or
so far as the bank is concerned whether one of the signers, particularly partially released the surety; but it must be born in mind that it is a
petitioner, has or has not received anything in payment of the use of his recognized doctrine in the matter of suretyship that with respect to the
name.84 surety, the creditor is under no obligation to display any diligence in the
Under the law, upon the maturity of the note, a surety may pay the debt, enforcement of his rights as a creditor. His mere inaction indulgence,
demand the collateral security, if there be any, and dispose of it to his passiveness, or delay in proceeding against the principal debtor, or the fact
benefit, or, if applicable, subrogate himself in the place of the creditor with that he did not enforce the guaranty or apply on the payment of such funds
the right to enforce the guaranty against the other signers of the note for as were available, constitute no defense at all for the surety, unless the
the reimbursement of what he is entitled to recover from contract expressly requires diligence and promptness on the part of the
them.85 Regrettably, none of these were prudently done by petitioner. creditor, which is not the case in the present action. There is in some
When he was first notified by the banksometime in 1982 regarding his decisions a tendency toward holding that the creditor’s laches may
accountabilities under the promissory notes, he lackadaisically relied on discharge the surety, meaning by laches a negligent forbearance. This
Antonio AngEng Liong, who represented that he would take care of the theory, however, is not generally accepted and the courts almost
matter, instead of directly communicating with the bankfor its universally consider it essentially inconsistent with the relation of the
settlement.86 Thus, petitioner cannot now claim that he was prejudiced by parties to the note. (21 R.C.L., 1032-1034)”89
87 Prudencio v. Court of Appeals, supra at pp. 12-13; p. 14.
81 Caneda, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, supra at p. 772; Crisologo-Jose v. 88 42 Phil. 384 (1921).
89 Id., at pp. 387-388.
Court of Appeals, supra at p. 598; and Ang Tiong v. Ting, supra at p. 744;
p. 716. 282
82 Clark v. Sellner, 42 Phil. 384, 386 (1921).
83 Caneda, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, supra at p. 772.
Ang vs. Associated Bank
84 Clark v. Sellner, supra at p. 386.
Neither can petitioner benefit from the alleged “insolvency” of
85 Id., at pp. 386-387.
Antonio Ang Eng Liong for want of clear and convincing evidence proving
86 TSN, February 21, 1995, p. 27 and TSN, April 4, 1995, p. 15.
the same. Assuming it to be true, he also did not exercise diligence in
281 demanding security to protect himself from the danger thereof in the event
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 281 that he (petitioner) would eventually be sued by the bank. Further, whether
Ang vs. Associated Bank petitioner may or may not obtain security from Antonio Ang Eng Liong
supposed “extension of time” given by the bank to his co-debtor. cannot in any manner affect his liability to the bank; the said remedy is a
Furthermore, since the liability of an accommodation party remains not matter of concern exclusively between themselves as accommodation
only primary but also unconditional to a holder for value, even if the party and accommodated party. The fact that petitioner stands only as a
accommodated party receives an extension of the period for payment surety in relation to Antonio Ang Eng Liong is immaterial to the claim of
without the consent of the accommodation party, the latter is still liable for the bank and does not a whit diminish nor defeat the rights of the latter as
the whole obligation and such extension does not release him because as a holder for value. To sanction his theory is to give unwarranted legal
far as a holder for value is concerned, he is a solidary co-debtor.87 In Clark recognition to the patent absurdity of a situation where a co-maker, when
v. Sellner,88 this Court held: sued on an instrument by a holder in due course and for value, can escape
liability by the convenient expedient of interposing the defense that he is a
merely an accommodation party.90
In sum, as regards the other issues and errors alleged in this petition,
the Court notes that these were the very same questions of fact raised on
appeal before the Court of Appeals, although at times couched in different
terms and explained more lengthily in the petition. Suffice it to say that the
same, being factual, have been satisfactorily passed upon and considered
both by the trial and appellate courts. It is doctrinal that only errors of law
and not of fact are reviewable by this Court in petitions for review
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. Save for the most cogent
and compelling reason, it is not our function under the rule to examine,
evaluate or weigh the probative value of the evidence presented by the
parties all over again.91

Ang Tiong v. Ting, supra at p. 744; p. 716.
Batangas State University v. Bonifacio, G.R. No. 167762, December
15, 2005, 478 SCRA 142, 147-148 and Local Superior of the Servants of
Charity (Guanellians), Inc. v. Jody King Construction &
VOL. 532, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 283
Ang vs. Associated Bank
WHEREFORE, the October 9, 2000 Decision and December 26, 2000
Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 53413 are
AFFIRMED. The petition is DENIED for lack of merit.
No costs.
Puno (C.J., Chairperson), Sandoval-
Gutierrez, Corona and Garcia, JJ., concur.
Judgment and resolution affirmed, petition denied.
Notes.—Payment is a mode of extinguishing an obligation—it should
be made to the person in whose favor the obligation has been constituted,
or his successor-in-interest, or any person authorized to receive it. (Culaba
vs. Court of Appeals, 427 SCRA 721 [2004])
Payment of the entire obligation by one or some of the solidary debtors
results in a corresponding obligation of the other debtors to reimburse the
paying debtor. (Republic Glass Corporation vs. Qua, 435 SCRA
480 [2004])
Republic of the Philippines When Far East, the collecting bank, presented the draft for clearing to LBP,
SUPREME COURT the drawee bank, the latter cleared the same9-UOB's account with LBP
Manila was debited,10 and Gold Palace's account with Far East was credited with
the amount stated in the draft.11
The foreigner eventually returned to respondent's store on June 6, 1998 to
G.R. No. 168274 August 20, 2008 claim the purchased goods. After ascertaining that the draft had been
cleared, respondent Yang released the pieces of jewelry to Samuel Tagoe;
and because the amount in the draft was more than the value of the goods
FAR EAST BANK & TRUST COMPANY, petitioner, purchased, she issued, as his change, Far East Check No.
vs. 173088112 for P122,000.00.13 This check was later presented for
GOLD PALACE JEWELLERY CO., as represented by Judy L. Yang, encashment and was, in fact, paid by the said bank.14
Julie Yang-Go and Kho Soon Huat, respondent.
On June 26, 1998, or after around three weeks, LBP informed Far East
DECISION that the amount in Foreign Draft No. M-069670 had been materially altered
from P300.00 to P380,000.00 and that it was returning the same. Attached
NACHURA, J.: to its official correspondence were Special Clearing Receipt No. 002593
For the review of the Court through a Rule 45 petition are the following and the duly notarized and consul-authenticated affidavit of a corporate
issuances of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 71858: (1) the officer of the drawer, UOB.15 It is noted at this point that the material
March 15, 2005 Decision1 which reversed the trial court's ruling, and (2) alteration was discovered by UOB after LBP had informed it that its funds
the May 26, 2005 Resolution2which denied the motion for reconsideration were being depleted following the encashment of the subject
of the said CA decision. draft.16 Intending to debit the amount from respondent's account, Far East
subsequently refunded the P380,000.00 earlier paid by LBP.
The instant controversy traces its roots to a transaction consummated
sometime in June 1998, when a foreigner, identified as Samuel Tagoe, Gold Palace, in the meantime, had already utilized portions of the amount.
purchased from the respondent Gold Palace Jewellery Co.'s (Gold Thus, on July 20, 1998, as the outstanding balance of its account was
Palace's) store at SM-North EDSA several pieces of jewelry valued already inadequate, Far East was able to debit only P168,053.36,17 but this
at P258,000.00.3 In payment of the same, he offered Foreign Draft No. M- was done without a prior written notice to the account holder.18 Far East
069670 issued by the United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) BHD Medan only notified by phone the representatives of the respondent company.19
Pasar, Kuala Lumpur Branch (UOB), addressed to the Land Bank of the On August 12, 1998, petitioner demanded from respondents the payment
Philippines, Manila (LBP), and payable to the respondent company of P211,946.64 or the difference between the amount in the materially
for P380,000.00.4 altered draft and the amount debited from the respondent company's
Before receiving the draft, respondent Judy Yang, the assistant general account.20 Because Gold Palace did not heed the demand, Far East
manager of Gold Palace, inquired from petitioner Far East Bank & Trust consequently instituted Civil Case No. 99-296 for sum of money and
Company's (Far East's) SM North EDSA Branch, its neighbor mall tenant, damages before the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 64 of Makati
the nature of the draft. The teller informed her that the same was similar to City.21
a manager's check, but advised her not to release the pieces of jewelry In their Answer, respondents specifically denied the material allegations in
until the draft had been cleared.5 Following the bank's advice, Yang issued the complaint and interposed as a defense that the complaint states no
Cash Invoice No. 16096 to the foreigner, asked him to come back, and cause of action-the subject foreign draft having been cleared and the
informed him that the pieces of jewelry would be released when the draft respondent not being the party who made the material alteration.
had already been cleared.7Respondent Julie Yang-Go, the manager of Respondents further counterclaimed for actual damages, moral and
Gold Palace, consequently deposited the draft in the company's account exemplary damages, and attorney's fees considering, among others, that
with the aforementioned Far East branch on June 2, 1998.8 the petitioner had confiscated without basis Gold Palace's balance in its
account resulting in operational loss, and had maliciously imputed to the acceptance, which is merely a promise in writing to pay. The payment of a
latter the act of alteration.22 check includes its acceptance.35
After trial on the merits, the RTC rendered its July 30, 2001 Decision 23 in Unmistakable herein is the fact that the drawee bank cleared and paid the
favor of Far East, ordering Gold Palace to pay the former P211,946.64 as subject foreign draft and forwarded the amount thereof to the collecting
actual damages and P50,000.00 as attorney's fees.24 The trial court ruled bank. The latter then credited to Gold Palace's account the payment it
that, on the basis of its warranties as a general indorser, Gold Palace was received. Following the plain language of the law, the drawee, by the said
liable to Far East.25 payment, recognized and complied with its obligation to pay in accordance
with the tenor of his acceptance. The tenor of the acceptance is
On appeal, the CA, in the assailed March 15, 2005 Decision,26 reversed determined by the terms of the bill as it is when the drawee
the ruling of the trial court and awarded respondents' counterclaim. It ruled accepts.36 Stated simply, LBP was liable on its payment of the check
in the main that Far East failed to undergo the proceedings on the protest according to the tenor of the check at the time of payment, which was the
of the foreign draft or to notify Gold Palace of the draft's dishonor; thus, Far raised amount.
East could not charge Gold Palace on its secondary liability as an
indorser.27 The appellate court further ruled that the drawee bank had Because of that engagement, LBP could no longer repudiate the payment
cleared the check, and its remedy should be against the party responsible it erroneously made to a due course holder. We note at this point that Gold
for the alteration. Considering that, in this case, Gold Palace neither altered Palace was not a participant in the alteration of the draft, was not negligent,
the draft nor knew of the alteration, it could not be held liable.28 The and was a holder in due course-it received the draft complete and regular
dispositive portion of the CA decision reads: on its face, before it became overdue and without notice of any dishonor,
in good faith and for value, and absent any knowledge of any infirmity in
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal is GRANTED; the the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it.37 Having
assailed Decision dated 30 July 2001 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati relied on the drawee bank's clearance and payment of the draft and not
City, Branch 64 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE; the Complaint being negligent (it delivered the purchased jewelry only when the draft was
dated January 1999 is DISMISSED; and appellee Far East Bank and Trust cleared and paid), respondent is amply protected by the said Section 62.
Company is hereby ordered to pay appellant Gold Palace Jewellery Commercial policy favors the protection of any one who, in due course,
Company the amount of Php168,053.36 for actual damages plus legal changes his position on the faith of the drawee bank's clearance and
interest of 12% per annum from 20 July 1998, Php50,000.00 for exemplary payment of a check or draft.38
damages, and Php50,000.00 for attorney's fees. Costs against appellee
Far East Bank and Trust Company.29 This construction and application of the law gives effect to the plain
language of the NIL39 and is in line with the sound principle that where one
The appellate court, in the further challenged May 26, 2005 of two innocent parties must suffer a loss, the law will leave the loss where
Resolution,30 denied petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration,31which it finds it.40 It further reasserts the usefulness, stability and currency of
prompted the petitioner to institute before the Court the instant Petition for negotiable paper without seriously endangering accepted banking
Review on Certiorari.32 practices. Indeed, banking institutions can readily protect themselves
We deny the petition. against liability on altered instruments either by qualifying their acceptance
or certification, or by relying on forgery insurance and special paper which
Act No. 2031, or the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL), explicitly provides will make alterations obvious.41 This is not to mention, but we state
that the acceptor, by accepting the instrument, engages that he will pay nevertheless for emphasis, that the drawee bank, in most cases, is in a
it according to the tenor of his acceptance.33 This provision applies with better position, compared to the holder, to verify with the drawer the
equal force in case the drawee pays a bill without having previously matters stated in the instrument. As we have observed in this case, were
accepted it. His actual payment of the amount in the check implies not only it not for LBP's communication with the drawer that its account in the
his assent to the order of the drawer and a recognition of his corresponding Philippines was being depleted after the subject foreign draft had been
obligation to pay the aforementioned sum, but also, his clear compliance encashed, then, the alteration would not have been discovered. What we
with that obligation.34 Actual payment by the drawee is greater than his cannot understand is why LBP, having the most convenient means to
correspond with UOB, did not first verify the amount of the draft before it
cleared and paid the same. Gold Palace, on the other hand, had no facility itself. This is precisely because the said indorsement is only for purposes
to ascertain with the drawer, UOB Malaysia, the true amount in the draft. It of collection which, under Section 36 of the NIL, is a restrictive
was left with no option but to rely on the representations of LBP that the indorsement.47 It did not in any way transfer the title of the instrument to
draft was good. the collecting bank. Far East did not own the draft, it merely presented it
for payment. Considering that the warranties of a general indorser as
In arriving at this conclusion, the Court is not closing its eyes to the other provided in Section 66 of the NIL are based upon a transfer of title and are
view espoused in common law jurisdictions that a drawee bank, having available only to holders in due course,48 these warranties did not attach
paid to an innocent holder the amount of an uncertified, altered check in to the indorsement for deposit and collection made by Gold Palace to Far
good faith and without negligence which contributed to the loss, could East. Without any legal right to do so, the collecting bank, therefore, could
recover from the person to whom payment was made as for money paid not debit respondent's account for the amount it refunded to the drawee
by mistake.42 However, given the foregoing discussion, we find no bank.
compelling reason to apply the principle to the instant case.
The foregoing considered, we affirm the ruling of the appellate court to the
The Court is also aware that under the Uniform Commercial Code in the extent that Far East could not debit the account of Gold Palace, and for
United States of America, if an unaccepted draft is presented to a drawee doing so, it must return what it had erroneously taken. Far East's remedy
for payment or acceptance and the drawee pays or accepts the draft, the under the law is not against Gold Palace but against the drawee-bank or
person obtaining payment or acceptance, at the time of presentment, and the person responsible for the alteration. That, however, is another issue
a previous transferor of the draft, at the time of transfer, warrant to the which we do not find necessary to discuss in this case.
drawee making payment or accepting the draft in good faith that the draft
has not been altered.43 Nonetheless, absent any similar provision in our However, we delete the exemplary damages awarded by the appellate
law, we cannot extend the same preferential treatment to the paying bank. court. Respondents have not shown that they are entitled to moral,
temperate or compensatory damages.49 Neither was petitioner impelled by
Thus, considering that, in this case, Gold Palace is protected by Section malice or bad faith in debiting the account of the respondent company and
62 of the NIL, its collecting agent, Far East, should not have debited the in pursuing its cause.50 On the contrary, petitioner was honestly convinced
money paid by the drawee bank from respondent company's account. of the propriety of the debit. We also delete the award of attorney's fees
When Gold Palace deposited the check with Far East, the latter, under the for, in a plethora of cases, we have ruled that it is not a sound public policy
terms of the deposit and the provisions of the NIL, became an agent of the to place a premium on the right to litigate. No damages can be charged to
former for the collection of the amount in the draft.44 The subsequent those who exercise such precious right in good faith, even if done
payment by the drawee bank and the collection of the amount by the erroneously.51
collecting bank closed the transaction insofar as the drawee and the holder
of the check or his agent are concerned, converted the check into a mere WHEREFORE, premises considered, the March 15, 2005 Decision and the
voucher,45 and, as already discussed, foreclosed the recovery by the May 26, 2005 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 71858
drawee of the amount paid. This closure of the transaction is a matter of are AFFIRMED WITH THE MODIFICATION that the award of exemplary
course; otherwise, uncertainty in commercial transactions, delay and damages and attorney's fees is DELETED.
annoyance will arise if a bank at some future time will call on the payee for
the return of the money paid to him on the check.46 SO ORDERED.

As the transaction in this case had been closed and the principal-agent
relationship between the payee and the collecting bank had already
ceased, the latter in returning the amount to the drawee bank was already
acting on its own and should now be responsible for its own actions.
Neither can petitioner be considered to have acted as the representative
of the drawee bank when it debited respondent's account, because, as
already explained, the drawee bank had no right to recover what it paid.
Likewise, Far East cannot invoke the warranty of the payee/depositor who
indorsed the instrument for collection to shift the burden it brought upon
VOL. 181, JANUARY 22, 1990 297
Salas vs. Court of Appeals
without notice that it had previously been dishonored; [c] it took the
Salas vs. Court of Appeals same in good faith and for value; and [d] when it is was negotiated to
G.R. No. 76788. January 22, 1990.* Filinvest, the latter had no notice of any infirmity in the instrument or defect
JUANITA SALAS, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS and in the title of VMS Corporation.
FILINVEST FINANCE & LEASING CORPORATION, respondents. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Respondent corporation holds
Commercial Law; Negotiable Instruments Law; The instrument in the instrument free from any defect of title of prior parties and free from
order to be considered negotiable must contain the so-called “words of defenses available to prior parties among themselves and may enforce
negotiability i.e., must be payable to ‘order’ or ‘bearer’ ”.—Among others, payment of the instrument for the full amount thereof.—Accordingly,
the instrument in order to be considered negotiable must contain the so- respondent corporation holds the instrument free from any defect of title of
called “words of negotiability___i.e., must be payable to ‘order’ or ‘bearer’. ” prior parties, and free from defenses available to prior parties among
Under Section 8 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, there are only two themselves, and may enforce payment of the instrument for the full amount
ways by which an instrument may be made payable to order. There must thereof. This being so, petitioner cannot set up against respondent the
always be a specified person named in the instrument and the bill or note defense of nullity of the contract of sale between her and VMS.
is to be paid to the person designated in the instrument or to any person to
whom he has indorsed and delivered the same. Without the words “or PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.
order” or “to the order of”, the instrument is payable only to the person
designated therein and is therefore non-negotiable. Any subsequent The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
purchaser thereof will not enjoy the advantages of being a holder of a Arsenio C. Villalon, Jr. for petitioner.
negotiable instrument, but will merely “step into the shoes” of the person Labaguis, Loyola, Angara & Associates for private respondent.
designated in the instrument and will thus be open to all defenses available
against the latter. FERNAN, C.J.:
Same; Same; Same; The requisites under the law having been
complied with, the questioned promissory note shows that it is a negotiable Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari is the decision of the Court
instrument.—A careful study of the questioned promissory note shows that of Appeals in C.A.-G.R. CV No. 00757 entitled “Filinvest Finance & Leasing
it is a negotiable instrument, having complied with the requisites under the Corporation v. Salas”, which modified the decision of the Regional Trial
law as follows: [a] it is in writing and signed by the maker Juanita Salas; [b] Court of San Fernando, Pampanga in Civil Case No. 5915, a collection suit
it contains an unconditional promise to pay the amount of P58,138.20; [c] between the same parties.
it is payable at a fixed or determinable future time which is “P1,614.95 Records disclose that on February 6, 1980, Juanita Salas (hereinafter
monthly for 36 months due and payable on the 21st day of each month referred to as petitioner) bought a motor vehicle from the Violago Motor
starting March 21, 1980 thru and inclusive of Feb. 21, 1983;” [d] it is Sales Corporation (VMS for brevity) for P58,138.20 as evidenced by a
payable to Violago Motor Sales Corporation, or order and as such, [e] the promissory note. This note was subsequently endorsed to Filinvest
drawee is named or indicated with certainty. Finance & Leasing Corporation (hereinafter referred to as private
Same; Same; Same; Same; Filinvest is a holder in due course.— respondent) which financed the purchase.
Under the circumstances, there appears to be no question that Filinvest is Petitioner defaulted in her installments beginning May 21, 1980
a holder in due course, having taken the instrument under the following allegedly due to a discrepancy in the engine and chassis numbers of the
conditions: [a] it is complete and regular upon its face; [b] it became the vehicle delivered to her and those indicated in
holder thereof before it was overdue, and 298
_______________ Salas vs. Court of Appeals
the sales invoice, certificate of registration and deed of chattel mortgage,
which fact she discovered when the vehicle figured in an accident on 9 May
This failure to pay prompted private respondent to initiate Civil Case Considering that the defendant was able to pay twice (as admitted by the
No. 5915 for a sum of money against petitioner before the Regional Trial plaintiff, defendant’s account became delinquent only beginning May,
Court of San Fernando, Pampanga. In its decision dated September 10, 1980) or in the total sum of P3,229.90, she is therefore liable to pay the
1982, the trial court held, thus: remaining balance of P54,908.30 at 14% per annumfrom October 2, 1980
“WHEREFORE, and in view of all the foregoing, judgment is hereby until full payment.
rendered ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum of P28,414.40 “WHEREFORE, considering the foregoing, the appealed decision is
with interest thereon at the rate of 14% from October 2, 1980 until the said hereby modified ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum of
sum is fully paid; and the further amount of P1,000.00 as attorney’s fees. P54,908.30 at 14% per annum from October 2, 1980 until full payment.
“The counterclaim of defendant is dismissed. “With costs against The decision is AFFIRMED in all other respects. With costs to defendant.”2
defendant.”1 Petitioner’s motion for reconsideration was denied; hence, the present
Both petitioner and private respondent appealed the aforesaid decision to recourse.
the Court of Appeals. In the petition before us, petitioner assigns twelve (12) errors which
Imputing fraud, bad faith and misrepresentation against VMS for having focus on the alleged fraud, bad faith and misrepresentation of Violago
delivered a different vehicle to petitioner, the latter prayed for a reversal of Motor Sales Corporation in the conduct of its business and which fraud,
the trial court’s decision so that she may be absolved from the obligation bad faith and misrepresentation supposedly released petitioner from any
under the contract. liability to private respondent who should instead proceed against VMS.3
On October 27, 1986, the Court of Appeals rendered its assailed Petitioner argues that in the light of the provision of the law on sales by
decision, the pertinent portion of which is quoted hereunder: description4 which she alleges is applicable here, no contract ever existed
“The allegations, statements, or admissions contained in a pleading are between her and VMS and therefore none had been assigned in favor of
conclusive as against the pleader. A party cannot subsequently take a private respondent.
position contradictory of, or inconsistent with his pleadings (Cunanan vs. She contends that it is not necessary, as opined by the appellate court,
Amparo, 80 Phil. 227). Admissions made by the parties in the pleadings, to implead VMS as a party to the case before it can be made to answer for
or in the course of the trial or other proceedings, do not require proof and damages because VMS was earlier sued by her for “breach of contract
cannot be contradicted unless previously shown to have been made with damages” before the Regional Trial Court of Olongapo City, Branch
through palpable mistake (Sec. 2, Rule 129, Revised Rules of Court; Sta. LXXII, docketed as Civil Case No. 2916-0. She cites as authority the
Ana vs. Maliwat, L-23023, Aug. 31, 1968, 24 SCRA 1018). decision therein where the court originally ordered petitioner to pay the
“When an action or defense is founded upon a written instrument, remaining balance of the motor vehicle installments in the amount of
copied in or attached to the corresponding pleading as provided in the
preceding section, the genuineness and due execution of the instrument _______________
shall be deemed admitted unless the adverse party, under oath,
Rollo, pp. 23-24.
_______________ Rollo, pp. 57-59.
4 Art. 1481, New Civil Code.
1 Rollo, p. 21. 300
VOL. 181, JANUARY 22, 1990 299 Salas vs. Court of Appeals
Salas vs. Court of Appeals P31,644.30 representing the difference between the agreed consideration
specifically denied them, and sets forth what he claims to be the facts (Sec. of P49,000.00 as shown in the sales invoice and petitioner’s initial
8, Rule 8, Revised Rules of Court; Hibbered vs. Rohde and Mc Millian, 32 downpayment of P17,855.70 allegedly evidenced by a receipt. Said
Phil. 476). decision was however reversed later on, with the same court ordering
“A perusal of the evidence shows that the amount of P58,138.20 stated defendant VMS instead to return to petitioner the sum of P17,855.70.
in the promissory note is the amount assumed by the plaintiff in financing Parenthetically, said decision is still pending consideration by the First Civil
the purchase of defendant’s motor vehicle from the Violago Motor Sales Case Division of the Court of Appeals, upon an appeal by VMS, docketed
Corp., the monthly amortization of which is P1,614.95 for 36 months. as AC-G.R. No. 02922.5
Private respondent in its comment, prays for the dismissal of the private respondent is not a holder in due course but a mere assignee
petition and counters that the issues raised and the allegations adduced against whom all defenses available to the assignor may be raised.7
therein are a mere rehash of those presented and already passed upon in In the case at bar, however, the situation is different. Indubitably, the
the court below, and that the judgment in the “breach of contract” suit basis of private respondent’s claim against petitioner is a promissory note
cannot be invoked as an authority as the same is still pending which bears all the earmarks of negotiability.
determination in the appellate court. The pertinent portion of the note reads:
We see no cogent reason to disturb the challenged decision. The
pivotal issue in this case is whether the promissory note in question is a “PROMISSORY NOTE
negotiable instrument which will bar completely all the available defenses (MONTHLY)
of the petitioner against private respondent.
Petitioner’s liability on the promissory note, the due execution and “P58,138.20
genuineness of which she never denied under oath is, under the foregoing San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines
factual milieu, as inevitable as it is clearly established. Feb. 11, 1980
The records reveal that involved herein is not a simple case of
assignment of credit as petitioner would have it appear, where the “For value received, I/We jointly and severally, promise to pay Violago
assignee merely steps into the shoes of, is open to all defenses available Motor Sales Corporation or order, at its office in San Fernando,
against and can enforce payment only to the same extent as, the assignor- Pampanga, the sum of FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED
vendor. THIRTY EIGHT & 20/100 ONLY (P58,138.20)Philippine currency, which
Recently, in the case of Consolidated Plywood Industries Inc. v. IFC amount includes interest at 14% per annum based on the diminishing
Leasing and Acceptance Corp.,6 this Court had the occasion to clearly balance, the said principal sum, to be payable, without need of notice or
distinguish between a negotiable and a nonnegotiable instrument. demand, in installments of the amounts following and at the dates
Among others, the instrument in order to be considered negotiable must hereinafter set forth, to wit: P1,614.95 monthly for “36” months due and
contain the so-called “words of negotiability—i.e., must be payable to payable on the 21st day of each month starting March 21, 1980 thru and
‘order’ or ‘bearer.’ ” Under Section 8 of the inclusive of February

_______________ __________
5 7
Rollo, p. 10. Ibid.
6 149 SCRA 459 (1987). 302
VOL. 181, JANUARY 22, 1990 301 Salas vs. Court of Appeals
Salas vs. Court of Appeals 21, 1983. P_________ monthly for _________ months due and payable
Negotiable Instruments Law, there are only two ways by which an on the _________day of each month starting ________________,
instrument may be made payable to order. There must always be a ______198_______ thru and inclusive of ______, 198___ provided that
specified person named in the instrument and the bill or note is to be paid interest at 14% per annum shall be added on each unpaid installment from
to the person designated in the instrument or to any person to whom he maturity hereof until fully paid.
has indorsed and delivered the same. Without the words “or order” or “to xxx xxx xxx
the order of”, the instrument is payable only to the person designated “Maker: Co-Maker:
therein and is therefore non-negotiable. Any subsequent purchaser thereof (SIGNED) JUANITA SALAS ________________________
will not enjoy the advantages of being a holder of a negotiable instrument, _
but wil merely “step into the shoes” of the person designated in the Address:
instrument and will thus be open to all defenses available against the latter. _______________________ ________________________
Such being the situation in the above-cited case, it was held that therein _
“W I T N E S S E S respondent the defense of nullity of the contract of sale between her and
SIGNED: ILLEGIBLE SIGNED: ILLEGIBLE Even assuming for the sake of argument that there is an iota of truth in
petitioner’s allegation that there was in fact deception made upon her in
TAN # TAN # that the vehicle she purchased was different from that actually delivered to
her, this matter cannot be passed upon in the case before us, where the
“PAY TO THE ORDER OF VMS was never impleaded as a party.
FILINVEST FINANCE AND LEASING CORPORATION Whatever issue is raised or claim presented against VMS must be
resolved in the “breach of contract” case.
“VIOLAGO MOTOR SALES CORPORATION Hence, we reach a similar opinion as did respondent court when it held:
By: (SIGNED) GENEVEVA V. BALTAZAR “We can only extend our sympathies to the defendant (herein petitioner) in
Cash Manager”8 this unfortunate incident. Indeed, there is nothing We can do as far as the
Violago Motor Sales Corporation is concerned since it is not a party in this
A careful study of the questioned promissory note shows that it is a case. To even discuss the issue as to whether or not the Violago Motor
negotiable instrument, having complied with the requisites under the law Sales Corporation is liable in the
as follows: [a] it is in writing and signed by the maker Juanita Salas; [b] it
contains an unconditional promise to pay the amount of P58,138.20; [c] it __________
is payable at a fixed or determinable future time which is “P1,614.95
monthly for 36 months due and payable on the 21st day of each month 10 Section 31, NIL.
starting March 21, 1980 thru and inclusive of Feb. 21, 1983;” [d] it is 11 Section 32, NIL.
payable to Violago Motor Sales Corporation, or order and as such, [e] the 12 Section 52, NIL.

drawee is named or indicated with certainty. 9 13 Section 57, Negotiable Instruments Law; Consolidated Plywood

It was negotiated by indorsement in writing on the instrument itself Industries, Inc. v. IFC Leasing and Acceptance Corporation, (supra).
payable to the Order of Filinvest Finance and Leas- 304
__________ Marina Port Services, Inc. vs. Iniego
transaction in question would amount, to denial of due process, hence,
Ex. “7”; Folder of Exhibits. improper and unconstitutional. She should have impleaded Violago Motor
Section 1, Negotiable Instruments Law, underscoring supplied. Sales.”14
303 IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the assailed decision is hereby
VOL. 181, JANUARY 22, 1990 303 AFFIRMED. With costs against petitioner. SO ORDERED.
Salas vs. Court of Appeals Gutierrez, Jr., Feliciano, Bidin and Cortés, JJ.,concur.
ing Corporation10 and it is an indorsement of the entire instrument.11 Decision affirmed.
Under the circumstances, there appears to be no question that Filinvest Note.—The instrument is payable to order where it is drawn payable to
is a holder in due course, having taken the instrument under the following the order of a specified person or to him or his order (Consolidated
conditions: [a] it is complete and regular upon its face; [b] it became the Plywood Industries Inc. vs. IFC Leasing and Acceptance Corporation, 149
holder thereof before it was overdue, and without notice that it had SCRA 448).
previously been dishonored; [c] it took the same in good faith and for value;
and [d] when it was negotiated to Filinvest, the latter had no notice of any
infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of VMS Corporation.12
Accordingly, respondent corporation holds the instrument free from any
defect of title of prior parties, and free from defenses available to prior
parties among themselves, and may enforce payment of the instrument for
the full amount thereof.13 This being so, petitioner cannot set up against
G.R. No. 107508. April 25, 1996.* question on the ground that the serial number was altered, the same being
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, an immaterial or innocent one.
CAPITOL CITY DEVELOPMENT BANK, PHILIPPINE BANK OF Damages; Attorney’s Fees; Where the lower courts fail to explicitly
COMMUNICATIONS, and F. ABANTE MARKETING, respondents. state the rationale for the award of attorney’s fees, the same shall be
Banks and Banking; Negotiable Instruments Law (Act No. 2031); disallowed.—The amount of P10,000.00 as attorney’s fees is hereby
Checks; Words and Phrases; An alteration is said to be material if it alters deleted. In their respective decisions, the trial court and the Court of
the effect of the instrument.—We shall first deal with the effect of the Appeals failed to explicitly state the rationale for the said award. The
alteration of the serial number on the negotiability of the check in question. foregoing is in conformity with the guiding principles laid down in a long line
Petitioner anchors its position on Section 125 of the Negotiable of cases and reiterated recently in Consolidated Bank & Trust Corporation
Instruments Law (ACT No. 2031). Petitioner alleges that there is no hard (Solidbank) v. Court of Appeals: The award of attorney’s fees lies within
and fast rule in the interpretation of the aforequoted provision of the the discretion of the court and depends upon the circumstances of each
Negotiable Instruments Law. It maintains that under Section 125(f), any case. However, the discretion of the court to award attorney’s fees under
change that alters the effect of the instrument is a material alteration. We Article 2208 of the Civil Code of the Philippines demands factual, legal and
do not agree. An alteration is said to be material if it alters the effect of the equitable justification, without which the award is a conclusion without a
instrument. It means an unauthorized change in an instrument that premise and improperly left to speculation and conjecture. It becomes a
purports to modify in any respect the obligation of a party or an violation of the proscription against the imposition of a penalty on the right
unauthorized addition of words or numbers or other change to an to litigate (Universal Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court,
incomplete instrument relating to the obligation of a party. In other 188 SCRA 170 [1990]). The reason for the award must be stated in the text
of the court’s decision. If it is
______________ 493
VOL. 256, APRIL 25, 1996 493
FIRST DIVISION. Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals
492 stated only in the dispositive portion of the decision, the same shall
492 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED be disallowed. As to the award of attorney’s fees being an exception rather
Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals than the rule, it is necessary for the court to make findings of fact and law
words, a material alteration is one which changes the items which are that would bring the case within the exception and justify the grant of the
required to be stated under Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law. award (Refractories Corporation of the Philippines v. Intermediate
Same; Same; Same; The drawee bank cannot refuse to accept a Appellate Court, 176 SCRA 539 [1989]).
check on the ground that the serial number of said check was altered, since
the serial number is an item which is not an essential requisite for PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
negotiability under Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law.—The
case at bench is unique in the sense that what was altered is the serial The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
number of the check in question, an item which, it can readily be observed, Monsod, Tamargo, Valencia & Associates for private respondent
is not an essential requisite for negotiability under Section 1 of the Capitol City Development Bank.
Negotiable Instruments Law. The aforementioned alteration did not change Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Ongsiako for private respondent
the relations between the parties. The name of the drawer and the drawee Philippine Bank of Communications.
were not altered. The intended payee was the same. The sum of money
due to the payee remained the same. The check’s serial number is not the KAPUNAN, J.:
sole indication of its origin. As succinctly found by the Court of Appeals,
the name of the government agency which issued the subject check was This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
prominently printed therein. The check’s issuer was therefore sufficiently assailing the decision dated April 29, 1992 of respondent Court of Appeals
identified, rendering the referral to the serial number redundant and in CA-G.R. CV No. 24776 and its resolution dated September 16, 1992,
inconsequential. Petitioner, thus cannot refuse to accept the check in denying petitioner Philippine National Bank’s motion for reconsideration of
said decision.
The facts of the case are as follows: Philippine Bank of Communications for whatever amount PBCom
A check with serial number 7-3666-223-3, dated August 7, 1981 in the pays to plaintiff;
amount of P97,650.00 was issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture 3. 3.)On Philippine National Bank’s fourth-party complaint, F. Abante
(now Department of Education, Culture and Sports [DECS]) payable to F. Marketing is ordered to reimburse and indemnify PNB for
Abante Marketing. This check was drawn against Philippine National Bank whatever amount PNB pays to PBCom;
(herein petitioner).
On August 11, 1981, F. Abante Marketing, a client of Capitol City 495
Development Bank (Capitol), deposited the questioned check in its savings VOL. 256, APRIL 25, 1996 495
account with said bank. In turn, Capitol deposited the same in its account Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals
with the Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCom) which, in turn, sent
the check to petitioner for clearing.
1. 4.)On attorney’s fees, Philippine Bank of Communications is
ordered to pay Capitol City Development Bank attorney’s fees in
the amount of Ten Thousand (P10,000.00) Pesos; but PBCom is
Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals entitled to reimbursement/indemnity from PNB; and Philippine
Petitioner cleared the check as good and, thereafter, PBCom credited National Bank to be, in turn, reimbursed or indemnified by F.
Capitol’s account for the amount stated in the check. However, on October Abante Marketing for the same amount;
19, 1981, petitioner returned the check to PBCom and debited PBCom’s 2. 5.)The Counterclaims of PBCom and PNB are hereby dismissed;
account for the amount covered by the check, the reason being that there 3. 6.)No pronouncement as to costs.
was a “material alteration” of the check number.
PBCom, as collecting agent of Capitol, then proceeded to debit the
latter’s account for the same amount, and subsequently, sent the check
An appeal was interposed before the respondent Court of Appeals which
back to petitioner. Petitioner, however, returned the check to PBCom.
rendered its decision on April 29, 1992, the decretal portion of which reads:
On the other hand, Capitol could not, in turn, debit F. Abante
WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is modified by exempting
Marketing’s account since the latter had already withdrawn the amount of
PBCom from liability to plaintiff-appellee for attorney’s fees and ordering
the check as of October 15, 1981. Capitol sought clarification from PBCom
PNB to honor the check for P97,650.00, with interest as declared by the
and demanded the recrediting of the amount. PBCom followed suit by
trial court, and pay plaintiff-appellee attorney’s fees of P10,000.00. After
requesting an explanation and re-crediting from petitioner.
the check shall have been honored by PNB, PBCom shall re-credit plaintiff-
Since the demands of Capitol were not heeded, it filed a civil suit with
appellee’s account with it with the amount. No pronouncement as to costs.
the Regional Trial Court of Manila against PBCom which, in turn, filed a
third-party complaint against petitioner for reimbursement/indemnity with
A motion for reconsideration of the decision was denied by the respondent
respect to the claims of Capitol. Petitioner, on its part, filed a fourth-party
Court in its resolution dated September 16, 1992 for lack of merit.3
complaint against F. Abante Marketing.
Hence, petitioner filed the instant petition which raises the following
On October 3, 1989, the Regional Trial Court rendered its decision the
dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
1. 1.)On plaintiff’s complaint, defendant Philippine Bank of WHETHER OR NOT AN ALTERATION OF THE SERIAL NUMBER OF A
Communications is ordered to re-credit or reimburse plaintiff CHECK IS A MATERIAL ALTERATION UNDER THE NEGOTIABLE
Capitol City Development Bank the amount of P97,650.00, plus INSTRUMENTS LAW.
interest of 12 percent thereto from October 19, 1981 until the
amount is fully paid; _____________
2. 2.)On Philippine Bank of Communications third-party complaint,
third-party defendant PNB is ordered to reimburse and indemnify 1 CA Rollo, p. 28.
2 Rollo, pp. 21-28.
Id., at 30-31. Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals
496 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED 1. (f)Or which adds a place of payment where no place of payment is
Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals specified, or any other change or addition which alters the effect
of the instrument in any respect, is a material alteration.
Petitioner alleges that there is no hard and fast rule in the interpretation of
WHETHER OR NOT A CERTIFICATION HEREIN ISSUED BY THE the aforequoted provision of the Negotiable Instruments Law. It maintains
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION CAN BE GIVEN WEIGHT IN EVIDENCE. that under Section 125(f), any change that alters the effect of the
instrument is a material alteration.6
III We do not agree.
An alteration is said to be material if it alters the effect of the
WHETHER OR NOT A DRAWEE BANK WHO FAILED TO RETURN A instrument.7 It means an unauthorized change in an instrument that
CHECK WITHIN THE TWENTY FOUR (24) HOUR CLEARING PERIOD purports to modify in any respect the obligation of a party or an
MAY RECOVER THE VALUE OF THE CHECK FROM THE COLLECTING unauthorized addition of words or numbers or other change to an
BANK. incomplete instrument relating to the obligation of a party.8 In other words,
a material alteration is one which changes the items which are required to
IV be stated under Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law.
Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides:
WHETHER OR NOT IN THE ABSENCE OF MALICE OR ILL WILL Section 1.—Form of negotiable instruments. An instrument to be
PETITIONER PNB MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ATTORNEY’S FEES.4 negotiable must conform to the following requirements:
We find no merit in the petition.
We shall first deal with the effect of the alteration of the serial number
1. (a)It must be in writing and signed by the maker or drawer;
on the negotiability of the check in question.
2. (b)Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum
Petitioner anchors its position on Section 125 of the Negotiable
certain in money;
Instruments Law (ACT No. 2031)5 which provides:
3. (c)Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future
Section 125. What constitutes a material alteration.—Any alteration which
4. (d)Must be payable to order or to bearer; and
5. (e)Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be
1. (a)The date; named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.
2. (b)The sum payable, either for principal or interest;
3. (c)The time or place of payment;
4. (d)The number or the relations of the parties;
5. (e)The medium or currency in which payment is to be made; 6
Rollo, p. 11.
Agbayani, Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the COMMERCIAL
______________ LAWS OF THE PHILIPPINES, Vol. 1, 1992 ed., p. 403.
8 Nickles, Negotiable Instruments and other related Commercial
Id., at 10-11. Paper,1993 2nd ed., p. 168.
The Negotiable Instruments Law of the Philippines was patterned 498
after the draft approved by the Commissioner on Uniform State Laws in the 498 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
United States. (Agbayani, Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals
COMMERCIAL LAWS OF THE PHILIPPINES, Vol. 1, pp. 99-100.) In his book entitled “Pandect of Commercial Law and Jurisprudence,”
497 Justice Jose C. Vitug opines that “an innocent alteration (generally,
VOL. 256, APRIL 25, 1996 497
changes on items other than those required to be stated under Sec. 1, 3. (3)Adding the date of maturity as a marginal notation.
N.I.L.) and spoliation (alterations done by a stranger) will not avoid the 4. (4)Filling in the date of actual delivery where the makers of a note
instrument, but the holder may enforce it only accordingly to its original gave it with the date in blank, “July . . . .”
tenor.”9 5. (5)An alteration of the marginal figures of a note where the sum
Reproduced hereunder are some examples of material and immaterial stated in words in the body remained unchanged.
alterations: 6. (6)The insertion of the legal rate of interest where the note had a
provision for “interest at . . . . . . . per cent.”
A. Material Alterations: 7. (7)A printed form of promissory note had on the margin the printed
words, “Extended to . . . .” The holder on or after maturity wrote in
1. (1)Substituting the words “or bearer” for “order.” the blank space the words “May 1, 1913,” as a reference
2. (2)Writing “protest waived” above blank indorsements. memorandum of a promise made by him to the principal maker at
3. (3)A change in the date from which interest is to run. the time the words were written to extend the time of payment.
4. (4)A check was originally drawn as follows: “Iron County Bank, 8. (8)Where there was a blank for the place of payment, filling in the
Crystal Falls, Mich. Aug. 5, 1901. Pay to G.L. or order $9 fifty blank with the place desired.
cents CTR.” The insertion of the figure 5 before the figure 9, the 9. (9)Adding to an indorsee’s name the abbreviation “Cash” when it
instrument being otherwise unchanged. had been agreed that the draft should be discounted by the trust
5. (5)Adding the words “with interest” with or without a fixed rate. company of which the indorsee was cashier.
6. (6)An alteration in the maturity of a note, whether the time for 10. (10)The indorsement of a note by a stranger after its delivery to
payment is thereby curtailed or extended. the payee at the time the note was negotiated to the plaintiff.
7. (7)An instrument was payable “First Nat’l. Bank,” the plaintiff added 11. (11)An extension of time given by the holder of a note to the
the word “Marion.” principal maker, without the consent of a surety co-maker.11
8. (8)Plaintiff, without consent of the defendant, struck out the name
of the defendant as payee and inserted the name of the maker of The case at bench is unique in the sense that what was altered is the serial
the original note. number of the check in question, an item which, it can readily be observed,
9. (9)Striking out the name of the payee and substituting that of the is not an essential requisite for negotiability under Section 1 of the
person who actually discounted the note. Negotiable Instruments Law. The aforementioned alteration did not change
10. (10)Substituting the address of the maker for the name of a co- the relations between the parties. The name of the drawer and the drawee
maker.10 were not altered. The intended payee was the same. The sum of money
due to the payee remained the same. Despite these findings, however,
______________ petitioner insists, that:

9 Vitug, Pandect of Commercial Law and Jurisprudence, 1990 ed., p. ______________

Agbayani, Commentaries & Jurisprudence on the COMMERCIAL Id., at 404-405.
LAWS OF THE PHILIPPINES, Vol. 1, 1992 ed., pp. 403-404. 500
VOL. 256, APRIL 25, 1996 499 Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals x x x.
It is an accepted concept, besides being a negotiable instrument itself,
B. Immaterial Alterations: that a TCAA check by its very nature is the medium of exchange of
governments (sic) instrumentalities or agencies. And as (a) safety
1. (1)Changing “I promise to pay” to “We promise to pay,” where there measure, every government office o(r) agency (is) assigned TCAA checks
are two makers. bearing different number series.
2. (2)Adding the word “annual” after the interest clause.
A concrete example is that of the disbursements of the Ministry of immaterial. The genuineness of the amount and the signatures therein of
Education and Culture. It is issued by the Bureau of Treasury sizeable then Deputy Minister of Education Hermenegildo C. Dumlao and of the
bundles of checks in booklet form with serial numbers different from other resident Auditor, Penomio C. Alvarez are not challenged. Neither is the
government office or agency. Now, for fictitious payee to succeed in its authenticity of the different codes appearing therein questioned x x
malicious intentions to defraud the government, all it need do is to get hold x.13 (Italics ours.)
of a TCAA Check and have the serial numbers of portion (sic) thereof Petitioner, thus cannot refuse to accept the check in question on the
changed or altered to make it appear that the same was issued by the ground that the serial number was altered, the same being an immaterial
MEC. or innocent one.
Otherwise, stated, it is through the serial numbers that (a) TCAA Check We now go to the second issue. It is petitioner’s submission that the
is determined to have been issued by a particular office or agency of the certification issued by Minrado C. Batonghinog, Cashier III of the MEC
government.12 clearly shows that the check was altered. Said certification reads:
xxx July 22, 1985
Petitioner’s arguments fail to convince. The check’s serial number is not TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
the sole indication of its origin. As succinctly found by the Court of Appeals, This is to certify that according to the records of this Office, TCAA PNB
the name of the government agency which issued the subject check was Check No. SN7-3666223-3 dated August 7, 1981 drawn in favor of F.
prominently printed therein. The check’s issuer was therefore sufficiently Abante Marketing in the amount of NINETY (S)EVEN THOUSAND SIX
identified, rendering the referral to the serial number redundant and HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS ONLY (P97,650.00) was not issued by this
inconsequential. Thus, we quote with favor the findings of the respondent Office nor released to the payee concerned. The series number of said
court: check was not included among those requisition by this Office from the
xxx Bureau of Treasury.
If the purpose of the serial number is merely to identify the issuing Very truly yours,
government office or agency, its alteration in this case had no material (SGD.) MINRADO C. BATONGHINOG
effect whatsoever on the integrity of the check. The identity of the issuing Cashier III.14
government office or agency was not changed thereby and the amount of
the check was not charged against the account of another government ______________
office or agency which had no liability under the check. The owner and
issuer of the check is boldly and clearly printed on its face, second line Rollo, pp. 21-28.
from the top: ”MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE,” and below 14
Rollo, p. 26.
the name of the payee 502
______________ Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Petitioner claims that even if the author of the certification issued by the
Rollo, p. 78. Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) was not presented, still the best
501 evidence of the material alteration would be the disputed check itself and
VOL. 256, APRIL 25, 1996 501 the serial number thereon. Petitioner thus assails the refusal of respondent
Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals court to give weight to the certification because the author thereof was not
are the rubber-stamped words: ”Ministry of Educ. & Culture.” These words presented to identify it and to be cross-examined thereon.15
are not alleged to have been falsely or fraudulently intercalated into the We agree with the respondent court.
check. The ownership of the check is established without the necessity of The one who signed the certification was not presented before the trial
recourse to the serial number. Neither is there any proof that the amount court to prove that the said document was really the document he prepared
of the check was erroneously charged against the account of a government and that the signature below the said document is his own signature.
office or agency other than the Ministry of Education and Culture. Hence, Neither did petitioner present an eyewitness to the execution of the
the alteration in the number of the check did not affect or change the liability questioned document who could possibly identify it.16Absent this proof, we
of the Ministry of Education and Culture under the check and, therefore, is cannot rule on the authenticity of the contents of the certification. Moreover,
as we previously emphasized, there was no material alteration on the The award of attorney’s fees lies within the discretion of the court and
check, the change of its serial number not being substantial to its depends upon the circumstances of each case. However, the discretion of
negotiability. the court to award attorney’s fees under Article 2208 of the Civil Code of
Anent the third issue—whether or not the drawee bank may still recover the Philippines demands factual, legal and equitable justification, without
the value of the check from the collecting bank even if it failed to return the which the award is a conclusion without a premise and improperly left to
check within the twenty-four (24) hour clearing period because the check speculation and conjecture. It becomes a violation of the proscription
was tampered—suffice it to state that since there is no material alteration against the imposition of a penalty on the right to litigate (Universal
in the check, petitioner has no right to dishonor it and return it to PBCom, Shipping Lines, Inc. v.
the same being in all respects negotiable.
CA Rollo, Decision of RTC, p. 5.
15 18
Ibid. CA Rollo, Brief of Appellant PNB, pp. 15-16.
16 R.J. Francisco, Evidence, 1993 ed., p. 505. 19 246 SCRA 193 (1995); See also, Toyota Shaw, Inc. v. CA, 244

The due execution of a document could be proved through the testimony SCRA 320(1995).
of (1) the person who executed it; (2) the person before whom its execution 504
was acknowledged; or (3) any person who was present and saw it 504 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
executed and delivered, or who, after its execution and delivery, saw it and Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals
recognized the signatures, or by a person to whom the parties to the Intermediate Appellate Court, 188 SCRA 170 [1990]). The reason for the
instrument had previously confessed the execution thereof . . . . award must be stated in the text of the court’s decision. If it is stated only
503 in the dispositive portion of the decision, the same shall be disallowed. As
VOL. 256, APRIL 25, 1996 503 to the award of attorney’s fees being an exception rather than the rule, it is
Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals necessary for the court to make findings of fact and law that would bring
However, the amount of P10,000.00 as attorney’s fees is hereby deleted. the case within the exception and justify the grant of the award
In their respective decisions, the trial court and the Court of Appeals failed (Refractories Corporation of the Philippines v. Intermediate Appellate
to explicitly state the rationale for the said award. The trial court merely Court, 176 SCRA 539 [1989]).
ruled as follows: WHEREFORE, premises considered, except for the deletion of the award
With respect to Capitol’s claim for damages consisting of alleged loss of of attorney’s fees, the decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby
opportunity, this Court finds that Capitol failed to adequately substantiate AFFIRMED.
its claim. What Capitol had presented was a self-serving, unsubstantiated SO ORDERED.
and speculative computation of what it allegedly could have earned or Padilla (Chairman), Bellosillo, Vitug and Hermosisima, Jr.,
realized were it not for the debit made by PBCom which was triggered by JJ., concur.
the return and debit made by PNB. However, this Court finds that it would Judgment affirmed.
be fair and reasonable to impose interest at 12% per annum on the Notes.—The award of attorney’s fees must be disallowed where the
principal amount of the check computed from October 19, 1981 (the date award of exemplary damages is eliminated. (Albenson Enterprises
PBCom debited Capitol’s account) until the amount is fully paid and Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 217 SCRA 16 [1993])
reasonable attorney’s fees.17 (Italics ours.) Where a party had been paying his indebtedness in checks even when
And contrary to the Court of Appeals’ resolution, petitioner unambiguously the amount was only P6,350.00, with more reason then should he be
questioned before it the award of attorney’s fees, assigning the latter as expected to pay in checks when the amount involved was P95,730.00.
one of the errors committed by the trial court.18 (Rubio vs. Court of Appeals, 246 SCRA 255 [1995])
The foregoing is in conformity with the guiding principles laid down in a
long line of cases and reiterated recently in Consolidated Bank & Trust
Corporation (Solidbank) v. Court of Appeals:19
20 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED unauthorized addition of words or numbers or other change to an
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals incomplete instrument relating to the obligation of a party. In other words,
G.R. No. 129910. September 5, 2006.* a material alteration is one which changes the items which are required to
THE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE BANK, INC., petitioner, vs. COURT be stated under Section 1 of the Negotiable Instrument[s] Law.
OF APPEALS and PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, respondents. Appeals; There are instances when rules of procedure are relaxed in
Appeals; Petitioners may not delegate upon the court the task of the interest of justice, however, in this case, respondent did not proffer any
determining under which rule the petition should fall; A petition cannot be explanation for the late filing of the motion of reconsideration.—There are
subsumed simultaneously under Rule 45 and Rule 65 of the Rules of instances when rules of procedure are relaxed in the interest of justice.
Court, and neither may petitioners delegate upon the court the task of However, in this case, respondent did not proffer any explanation for the
determining under which rule the petition should fall.—Respondent asserts late filing of the motion for reconsideration. Instead, there was a deliberate
that the petition should be dismissed outright since petitioner availed of a attempt to deceive the Court of Appeals by claiming that the copy of the 10
wrong mode of appeal. Respondent cites Ybañez v. Court of Appeals, 253 October 1991 Decision was received on 22 October 1991 instead of on 16
SCRA 540 (1996), where the Court ruled that “a petition cannot be October 1991. We find no justification for the posture taken by the Court of
subsumed simultaneously under Rule 45 and Rule 65 of the Rules of Appeals in admitting the motion for reconsideration. Thus, the late filing of
Court, and neither may petitioners delegate upon the court the task of the motion for reconsideration rendered the 10 October 1991 Decision final
determining under which rule the petition should fall.” and executory.
Same; Certiorari; The remedies of appeal and certiorari are mutually Banks and Banking; Material Alterations; Since there were no
exclusive and not alternative or successive; However, this Court may set material alterations on the checks, respondent as drawee bank has no right
aside technicality for justifiable reasons and in the interest of justice, we to dishonor them and return them to petitioner, the collecting bank.—The
will treat the petition as having been filed under Rule 45.—The remedies Court will not rule on the proper application of Central Bank Circular No.
of appeal and certiorari are mutually exclusive and not alternative or 580 in this case. Since there were no material alterations on the checks,
successive. However, this Court may set aside technicality for justifiable respondent as drawee bank has no right to dishonor them and return them
reasons. The petition before the Court is clearly meritorious. Further, the to petitioner, the collecting bank. Thus, respondent is liable to petitioner for
petition was filed on time both under Rules 45 and 65. Hence, in the value of the checks, with legal interest from the time of filing of the
accordance with the liberal spirit which pervades the Rules of Court and in complaint on 16 March 1982 until full payment. Further, considering that
the interest of justice, we will treat the petition as having been filed under respondent’s motion for reconsideration was filed late, the 10 October
Rule 45. 1991 Decision, which held respondent liable for the value of the checks
Negotiable Instruments Law; Material Alterations; The alteration on amounting to P1,447,920, had become final and executory.
the serial number of a check is not a material alteration.—The question on
whether an alteration of the serial number of a check is a material alteration PETITION for review on certiorari of the amended decision and resolution
under the Negotiable Instruments Law is already a settled matter. of the Court of Appeals.
In Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 256 SCRA 491 (1996), this
Court ruled that the alteration on the serial number of a check is not a The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
material alteration. Thus: 22
_______________ International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
Macalino & Associates for petitioner.
* THIRD DIVISION. Salvador A. Uy for respondent.
VOL. 501, SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 21 CARPIO, J.:
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
An alteration is said to be material if it alters the effect of the
instrument. It means an unauthorized change in an instrument that
purports to modify in any respect the obligation of a party or an
The Case 7-4697011-6 10-02-81 Wintrade Marketing 90,960.00
Before the Court is a petition for review1 assailing the 9 August 1994 7-4697909-4 10-02-81 ABC Trading, Inc. 99,300.00
Amended Decision2 and the 16 July 1997 Resolution3 of the Court of 7-4697922-3 10-05-81 Golden Enterprises 96,630.00
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 25209. The checks were deposited on the following dates for the following
The Antecedent Facts accounts:
The case originated from an action for collection of sum of money filed on Check Number Date Deposited Account Deposited
16 March 1982 by the International Corporate Bank, Inc.4 (“petitioner”) 7-3694621-4 7-23-81 CA 0060 02360 3
against the Philippine National Bank (“respondent”). The case was raffled 7-3694609-6 7-28-81 CA 0060 02360 3
to the then Court of First Instance (CFI) of Manila, Branch 6. The complaint 7-3666224-4 8-4-81 CA 0060 02360 3
was amended on 19 March 1982. The case was eventually reraffled to the 7-3528348-4 8-11-81 CA 0060 02360 3
Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 52 (“trial court”). 7-3666225-5 8-11-81 SA 0061 32331 7
The Ministry of Education and Culture issued 15 checks5drawn against 7-3688945-6 8-17-81 CA 0060 30982 5
respondent which petitioner accepted for deposit on various dates. The 7-4535674-1 8-26-81 CA 0060 02360 3
checks are as follows: 7-4535675-2 8-27-81 CA 0060 02360 3
7-4535699-5 8-31-81 CA 0060 30982 5
_______________ 7-4535700-6 8-24-81 SA 0061 32331 7
7-4697902-2 9-23-81 CA 0060 02360 3
Petitioner denominated the petition as filed under both Rule 45 and 7-4697925-6 9-23-81 CA 0060 30982 5
Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. 7-4697011-6 10-7-81 CA 0060 02360 3
2 Penned by Associate Justice Serafin V.C. Guingona with Associate
7-4697909-4 10-7-81 CA 0060 30982 56
Justices Jorge S. Imperial and Justo P. Torres, Jr., concurring. Rollo, pp.
25-34. _______________
3 Penned by Associate Justice Jorge S. Imperial with Associate
Justices Ramon U. Mabutas, Jr. and Hilarion L. Aquino, concurring. Rollo, The deposit slip of Check No. 7-4697922-3 was not presented before
p. 23. the trial court.
4 Now the Union Bank of the Philippines. 24
5 The first 14 checks were the subject of the complaint while the last
check was included in the amended complaint. International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
23 After 24 hours from submission of the checks to respondent for clearing,
VOL. 501, SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 23 petitioner paid the value of the checks and allowed the withdrawals of the
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals deposits. However, on 14 October 1981, respondent returned all the
Check Number Date Payee Amount checks to petitioner without clearing them on the ground that they were
7-3694621-4 7-20-81 Trade Factors, Inc. P 97,500.00 materially altered. Thus, petitioner instituted an action for collection of
7-3694609-6 7-27-81 Romero D. Palmares 98,500.50 sums of money against respondent to recover the value of the checks.
7-3666224-4 8-03-81 Trade Factors, Inc. 99,800.00 The Ruling of the Trial Court
7-3528348-4 8-07-81 Trade Factors, Inc. 98,600.00 The trial court ruled that respondent is expected to use reasonable
7-3666225-5 8-10-81 Antonio Lisan 98,900.00 business practices in accepting and paying the checks presented to it.
7-3688945-6 8-10-81 Antonio Lisan 97,700.00 Thus, respondent cannot be faulted for the delay in clearing the checks
7-4535674-1 8-21-81 Golden City Trading 95,300.00 considering the ingenuity in which the alterations were effected. The trial
7-4535675-2 8-21-81 Red Arrow Trading 96,400.00 court observed that there was no attempt from petitioner to verify the status
7-4535699-5 8-24-81 Antonio Lisan 94,200.00 of the checks before petitioner paid the value of the checks or allowed
7-4535700-6 8-24-81 Antonio Lisan 95,100.00 withdrawal of the deposits. According to the trial court, petitioner, as
7-4697902-2 9-18-81 Ace Enterprises, Inc. 96,000.00 collecting bank, could have inquired by telephone from respondent, as
7-4697925-6 9-18-81 Golden City Trading 93,030.00 drawee bank, about the status of the checks before paying their value.
Since the immediate cause of petitioner’s loss was the lack of caution of of the alteration or the forgery but in no event beyond the period fixed or
its personnel, the trial court held that petitioner is not entitled to recover the provided by law for filing of a legal action by the returning bank/branch,
value of the checks from respondent. institution or entity against the bank/branch, institution or entity sending the
The dispositive portion of the trial court’s Decision reads: same.
“WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered dismissing both the xxxx
complaint and the counterclaim. Costs shall, however be assessed against 26
SO ORDERED.”7 International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
Petitioner appealed the trial court’s Decision before the Court of Appeals. “Does this mean that, as long as the drawee bank returns a check with
material alteration within 24 hour[s] after discovery of such alteration, such
_______________ return would have the effect of relieving the bank of any liability whatsoever
despite its failure to return the check within the 24-hour clearing house
Rollo, p. 295. rule?
25 We do not think so.
VOL. 501, SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 25 Obviously, such bank cannot be held liable for its failure to return the
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals check in question not later than the next regular clearing. However, this
The Ruling of the Court of Appeals Court is of the opinion and so holds that it could still be held liable if it fails
In its 10 October 1991 Decision,8 the Court of Appeals reversed the trial to exercise due diligence in verifying the alterations made. In other words,
court’s Decision. Applying Section 4(c) of Central Bank Circular No. 580, such bank would still be expected, nay required, to make the proper
series of 1977,9 the Court of Ap-peals held that checks that have been verification before the 24-hour regular clearing period lapses, or in cases
materially altered shall be returned within 24 hours after discovery of the where such lapses may be deemed inevitable, that the required verification
alteration. However, the Court of Appeals ruled that even if the drawee should be made within a reasonable time.
bank returns a check with material alterations after discovery of the The implication of the rule that a check shall be returned within the 24-
alteration, the return would not relieve the drawee bank from any liability hour clearing period is that if the collecting bank paid the check before the
for its failure to return the checks within the 24-hour clearing period. The end of the aforesaid 24-hour clearing period, it would be responsible
Court of Appeals explained: therefor such that if the said check is dishonored and returned within the
24-hour clearing period, the drawee bank cannot be held liable. Would
_______________ such an implication apply in the case of materially altered checks returned
within 24 hours after discovery? This Court finds nothing in the letter of the
Penned by Associate Justice Serafin V.C. Guingona with Associate above-cited C.B. Circular that would justify a negative answer.
Justices Luis A. Javellana and Jorge S. Imperial, concurring. Rollo, pp. 47- Nonetheless, the drawee bank could still be held liable in certain instances.
58. Even if the return of the check/s in question is done within 24 hours after
9 Section 4(c) provides:
discovery, if it can be shown that the drawee bank had been patently
SECTION 4. Clearing Procedures.— negligent in the performance of its verification function, this Court finds no
xxxx reason why the said bank should be relieved of liability.
(c) Procedure for Returned Items Although banking practice has it that the presumption of clearance is
Items which should be returned for any reason whatsoever shall be conclusive when it comes to the application of the 24-hour clearing period,
presented not later than the next regular clearing for local exchanges. Out- the same principle may not be applied to the 24-hour period vis-à-
of-town exchanges shall be returned within the period specified in the vis material alterations in the sense that the drawee bank which returns
Memorandum to Authorized Agent Banks announcing the opening of materially altered checks within 24 hours after discovery would be
clearing facilities in each of the authorized regional clearing centers. x x x conclusively relieved of any liability thereon. This is because there could
Items which have been the subject of a material alteration or items well be various intervening events or factors that could affect the rights and
bearing a forged endorsement when such endorsement is necessary for obligations of the parties in cases such as the instant one including patent
negotiation shall be returned within twenty-four (24) hours after discovery
negligence on the part of the drawee bank resulting in an unreasonable Petitioner moved for the reconsideration of the Amended Decision. In its
delay in detecting the alterations. While it is true that the pertinent proviso 16 July 1997 Resolution, the Court of Appeals denied the motion for lack
27 of merit.
VOL. 501, SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 27 Hence, the recourse to this Court.
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals The Issues
in C.B. Circular No. 580 allows the drawee bank to return the altered check Petitioner raises the following issues in its Memorandum:
within the period “provided by law for filing a legal action,” this does not
mean that this would entitle or allow the drawee bank to be grossly 1. 1.Whether the checks were materially altered;
negligent and, in spite thereof, avail itself of the maximum period allowed 2. 2.Whether respondent was negligent in failing to recognize within
by the above-cited Circular. The discovery must be made within a a reasonable period the altered checks and in not returning the
reasonable time taking into consideration the facts and circumstances of checks within the period; and
the case. In other words, the aforementioned C.B. Circular does not 3. 3.Whether the motion for reconsideration filed by respondent was
provide the drawee bank the license to be grossly negligent on the one out of time thus making the 10 October 1991 Decision final and
hand nor does it preclude the collecting bank from raising available executory.12
defenses even if the check is properly returned within the 24-hour period
after discovery of the material alteration.”10 The Ruling of This CourtFiling of the Petition under both Rules 45 and 65
The Court of Appeals rejected the trial court’s opinion that petitioner could Respondent asserts that the petition should be dismissed outright since
have verified the status of the checks by telephone call since such petitioner availed of a wrong mode of appeal. Respondent cites Ybañez v.
imposition is not required under Central Bank rules. The dispositive portion Court of Appeals,13 where the Court ruled that “a petition cannot be
of the 10 October 1991 Decision reads: subsumed simultaneously under Rule 45 and Rule 65 of the Rules of
“PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision appealed from is hereby Court, and neither may petitioners delegate upon the court the task of
REVERSED and the defendant-appellee Philippine National Bank is determining under which rule the petition should fall.”
declared liable for the value of the fifteen checks specified and enumerated The remedies of appeal and certiorari are mutually exclusive and not
in the decision of the trial court (page 3) in the amount of P1,447,920.00. alternative or successive.14 However, this Court may set aside technicality
SO ORDERED.”11 for justifiable reasons. The petition before the Court is clearly meritorious.
Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration of the 10 October 1991 Further, the petition
Decision. In its 9 August 1994 Amended Decision, the Court of Appeals
reversed itself and affirmed the Decision of the trial court dismissing the _______________
In reversing itself, the Court of Appeals held that its 10 October 1991 12 Id., at pp. 251-252.
Decision failed to appreciate that the rule on the return of altered checks 13 323 Phil. 643; 253 SCRA 540 (1996).
within 24 hours from the discovery of the alteration had been duly passed 14 Ligon v. Court of Appeals, 355 Phil. 503; 294 SCRA 73 (1998).
by the Central Bank and accepted by the members of the banking system. 29
Until the rule is repealed or amended, the rule has to be applied. VOL. 501, SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 29
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
_______________ was filed on time both under Rules 45 and 65.15 Hence, in accordance with
the liberal spirit which pervades the Rules of Court and in the interest of
Rollo, pp. 53-54. justice,16 we will treat the petition as having been filed under Rule 45.
11Id., at p. 58. Alteration of Serial Number Not Material
28 The alterations in the checks were made on their serial numbers.
28 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Sections 124 and 125 of Act No. 2031, otherwise known as the
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals Negotiable Instruments Law, provide:
SEC. 124. Alteration of instrument; effect of.—Where a negotiable
instrument is materially altered without the assent of all parties liable
thereon, it is avoided, except as against a party who has himself made, 2. (b)Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum
authorized, or assented to the alteration and subsequent indorsers. certain in money;
But when an instrument has been materially altered and is in the hands 3. (c)Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future
of a holder in due course, not a party to the alteration, he may enforce time;
payment thereof according to its original tenor. 4. (d)Must be payable to order or to bearer; and
SEC. 125. What constitutes a material alteration.—Any alteration which 5. (e)Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be
changes: named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.

1. (a)The date; In his book entitled “Pandect of Commercial Law and Jurisprudence,”
2. (b)The sum payable, either for principal or interest; Justice Jose C. Vitug opines that “an innocent alteration (generally,
3. (c)The time or place of payment; changes on items other than those required to be stated under Sec. 1,
4. (d)The number or the relations of the parties; N.I.L.) and spoliation (alterations done by a stranger) will not avoid the
5. (e)The medium or currency in which payment is to be made; or instrument, but the holder may enforce it only according to its original tenor.
which adds a place of payment where no place of payment is xxxx
specified, or any other change or addition which alters the effect The case at the bench is unique in the sense that what was altered is
of the instrument in any respect, is a material alteration. the serial number of the check in question, an item which, it can readily be
observed, is not an essential requisite for negotiability under Section 1 of
The question on whether an alteration of the serial number of a check is a the Negotiable Instruments Law. The aforementioned alteration did not
material alteration under the Negotiable In- change the relations between the parties. The name of the drawer and the
drawee were not altered. The in-
_______________ 31
VOL. 501, SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 31
Nuñez v. GSIS Family Bank, G.R. No. 163988, 17 November International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
2005, 475 SCRA 305. tended payee was the same. The sum of money due to the payee
16 Id. remained the same. x x x
30 xxxx
30 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED The check’s serial number is not the sole indication of its origin. As
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals succinctly found by the Court of Appeals, the name of the government
struments Law is already a settled matter. In Philippine National Bank v. agency which issued the subject check was prominently printed therein.
Court of Appeals, this Court ruled that the alteration on the serial number The check’s issuer was therefore sufficiently identified, rendering the
of a check is not a material alteration. Thus: referral to the serial number redundant and inconsequential. x x x
“An alteration is said to be material if it alters the effect of the instrument. xxxx
It means an unauthorized change in an instrument that purports to modify Petitioner, thus cannot refuse to accept the check in question on the
in any respect the obligation of a party or an unauthorized addition of words ground that the serial number was altered, the same being an immaterial
or numbers or other change to an incomplete instrument relating to the or innocent one.”17
obligation of a party. In other words, a material alteration is one which Likewise, in the present case the alterations of the serial numbers do not
changes the items which are required to be stated under Section 1 of the constitute material alterations on the checks.
Negotiable Instrument[s] Law.” Incidentally, we agree with the petitioner’s observation that the check
Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides: in the PNB case appears to belong to the same batch of checks as in the
“Section 1. Form of negotiable instruments.—An instrument to be present case. The check in the PNB case was also issued by the Ministry
negotiable must conform to the following requirements: of Education and Culture. It was also drawn against PNB, respondent in
this case. The serial number of the check in the PNB case is 7-3666-223-
1. (a)It must be in writing and signed by the maker or drawer; 3 and it was issued on 7 August 1981.
Timeliness of Filing of Respondent’s Motion for Reconsideration 21
Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, supra note 17.
Respondent filed its motion for reconsideration of the 10 October 1991 22 Article 2209, Civil Code.
Decision on 6 November 1991. Respondent’s motion for reconsideration 33
states that it received a copy of the 10 October 1991 Decision on 22 VOL. 501, SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 33
October 1991.18 Thus, it appears that the motion for reconsideration was International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
filed on time. However, the Registry Return Receipt shows that counsel for WHEREFORE, we SET ASIDE the 9 August 1994 Amended Decision and
respondent or his agent received a copy of the 10 October the 16 July 1997 Resolution of the Court of Appeals. We rule that
respondent Philippine National Bank is liable to petitioner International
_______________ Corporate Bank, Inc. for the value of the checks amounting to P1,447,920,
with legal interest from 16 March 1982 until full payment. Costs against
326 Phil. 504; 256 SCRA 491 (1996), 511-516; pp. 497-501. respondent.
CA Rollo, p. 86. SO ORDERED.
32 Quisumbing (Chairperson), Carpio-Morales, Tingaand Velasco,
International Corporate Bank, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals Amended decision and resolution set aside.
1991 Decision on 16 October 1991,19 not on 22 October 1991 as Notes.—The petitioners are mandated to state categorically in their
respondent claimed. Hence, the Court of Appeals is correct when it noted petition the rule under which the same is filed, and not merely leave the
that the motion for reconsideration was filed late. Despite its late filing, the matter for the Court’s determination. (Morato vs. Court of Appeals, 436
Court of Appeals resolved to admit the motion for reconsideration “in the SCRA 438 [2004])
interest of substantial justice.”20 In determining whether the proper remedy is a special civil action for
There are instances when rules of procedure are relaxed in the interest certiorari or a petition for review, the nature of the questions intended to be
of justice. However, in this case, respondent did not proffer any explanation raised on appeal is of no consequence. (Heirs of Lourdes Potenciano
for the late filing of the motion for reconsideration. Instead, there was a Padilla vs. Court of Appeals, 425 SCRA 236 [2004])
deliberate attempt to deceive the Court of Appeals by claiming that the
copy of the 10 October 1991 Decision was received on 22 October 1991
instead of on 16 October 1991. We find no justification for the posture taken
by the Court of Appeals in admitting the motion for reconsideration. Thus,
the late filing of the motion for reconsideration rendered the 10 October
1991 Decision final and executory.
The 24-Hour Clearing Time
The Court will not rule on the proper application of Central Bank Circular
No. 580 in this case. Since there were no material alterations on the
checks, respondent as drawee bank has no right to dishonor them and
return them to petitioner, the collecting bank.21 Thus, respondent is liable
to petitioner for the value of the checks, with legal interest from the time of
filing of the complaint on 16 March 1982 until full payment.22 Further,
considering that respondent’s motion for reconsideration was filed late, the
10 October 1991 Decision, which held respondent liable for the value of
the checks amounting to P1,447,920, had become final and executory.

19 Id., at p. 73.
Id., at p. 90.
620 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Same; Same; Same; When the holder’s indorsement is forged, all
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals parties prior to the forgery may raise the real defense of forgery against all
G.R. No. 107382. January 31, 1996.* parties subsequent thereto.—Where the instrument is payable to order at
ASSOCIATED BANK, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, the time of the forgery, such as the checks in this case, the signature of its
PROVINCE OF TARLAC and PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, rightful holder (here, the payee hospital) is essential to transfer title to the
respondents. same instrument. When the holder’s indorsement is forged, all parties prior
G.R. No. 107612. January 31, 1996.* to the forgery may raise the real defense of forgery against all parties
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, vs.HONORABLE COURT OF subsequent thereto.
APPEALS, PROVINCE OF TARLAC, and ASSOCIATED BANK, Same; Same; Same; Indorser cannot interpose the defense that
respondents. signatures prior to him are forged.—An indorser of an order instrument
Commercial Law; Negotiable Instruments Law; Forgery; A person warrants “that the instrument is genuine and in all respects what it purports
whose signature to an instrument was forged was never a party and never to be; that he has a good title to it; that all prior parties had capacity to
consented to the contract which allegedly gave rise to such instrument.— contract; and that the instrument is at the time of his indorsement valid and
A forged signature, whether it be that of the drawer or the payee, is wholly subsisting.” He cannot interpose the defense that signatures prior to him
inoperative and no one can gain title to the instrument through it. A person are forged.
whose signature to an instrument was forged was never a party and never Same; Same; Same; A collecting bank where a check is deposited
consented to the contract which allegedly gave rise to such instrument. and which indorses the check upon presentment with the drawee bank is
Section 23 does not avoid the instrument but only the forged signature. such an indorser.—A collecting bank where a check is deposited and which
Thus, a forged indorsement does not operate as the payee’s indorsement. indorses the check upon presentment with the drawee bank, is such an
Same; Same; Same; Parties who warrant or admit the genuineness indorser. So even if the indorsement on the check deposited by the bank’s
of the signature in question and those who, by their acts, silence or client is forged, the collecting bank is bound by his warranties as an
negligence are estopped from setting up the defense of forgery, are indorser and cannot set up the defense of forgery as against the drawee
precluded from using this defense.—The exception to the general rule in bank.
Section 23 is where “a party against whom it is sought to enforce a right is Same; Same; Same; Payment under a forged indorsement is not to
precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority.” Parties who the drawer’s order.—The bank on which a check is drawn, known as the
warrant or admit the genuineness of the signature in question and those drawee bank, is under strict liability to pay the check to the order of the
who, by their acts, silence or negligence are estopped from setting up the payee. The drawer’s instructions are reflected on the face and by the terms
defense of forgery, are precluded from using this defense. Indorsers, of the check. Payment under a forged indorsement is not to the drawer’s
persons negotiating by delivery and acceptors are warrantors of the order. When the drawee bank pays a person other than the payee, it does
genuineness of the signatures on the instrument. not comply with the terms of the check and violates its duty to charge its
Same; Same; Same; When the indorsement is a forgery, only the customer’s (the drawer) account only for properly payable items. Since the
person whose signature is forged can raise the defense of forgery against drawee bank did not pay a holder or other person entitled to receive
a holder in due course.—In bearer instruments, the signa- payment, it has no right to reimbursement from the drawer. The general
rule then is that the drawee bank may not debit the drawer’s account and
____________________________ is not
621 Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 621 entitled to indemnification from the drawer. The risk of loss must
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals perforce fall on the drawee bank.
ture of the payee or holder is unnecessary to pass title to the Same; Same; Same; Drawer is precluded from asserting forgery
instrument. Hence, when the indorsement is a forgery, only the person where the drawee bank can prove a failure by the customer/drawer to
whose signature is forged can raise the defense of forgery against a holder exercise ordinary care that substantially contributed to the making of the
in due course. forged signature.—However, if the drawee bank can prove a failure by the
customer/drawer to exercise ordinary care that substantially contributed to Same; Same; Same; Rule mandates that the checks be returned
the making of the forged signature, the drawer is precluded from asserting within twenty-four hours after discovery of the forgery but in no event
the forgery. beyond the period fixed by law for filing a legal action.—The rule mandates
Same; Same; Same; Drawee bank can seek reimbursement or a that the checks be returned within twenty-four hours after discovery of the
return of the amount it paid from the presentor bank or person.—In cases forgery but in no event beyond the period fixed by law for filing a legal
involving checks with forged indorsements, such as the present petition, action. The rationale of the rule is to give the collecting bank (which
the chain of liability does not end with the drawee bank. The drawee bank indorsed the check) adequate opportunity to proceed against the forger. If
may not debit the account of the drawer but may generally pass liability prompt notice is not given, the collecting bank may be prejudiced and lose
back through the collection chain to the party who took from the forger and, the opportunity to go after its depositor.
of course, to the forger himself, if available. In other words, the drawee
bank can seek reimbursement or a return of the amount it paid from the PETITIONS for review of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
presentor bank or person. Theoretically, the latter can demand
reimbursement from the person who indorsed the check to it and so on. The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
The loss falls on the party who took the check from the forger, or on the Jose A. Soluta, Jr. and Associates for Associated Bank.
forger himself. Santiago, Jr., Vidad, Corpus & Associates for Philippine National
Same; Same; Same; A collecting bank which indorses a check Bank.
bearing a forged indorsement and presents it to the drawee bank
guarantees all prior indorsements including the forged indorsement.— ROMERO, J.:
More importantly, by reason of the statutory warranty of a general indorser
in Section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, a collecting bank which Where thirty checks bearing forged endorsements are paid, who bears the
indorses a check bearing a forged indorsement and presents it to the loss, the drawer, the drawee bank or the collecting bank?
drawee bank guarantees all prior indorsements, including the forged This is the main issue in these consolidated petitions for review
indorsement. It warrants that the instrument is genuine, and that it is valid assailing the decision of the Court of Appeals in “Province of Tarlac v.
and subsisting at the time of his indorsement. Because the indorsement is Philippine National Bank v. Associated Bank v. Fausto Pangilinan, et al.”
a forgery, the collecting bank commits a breach of this warranty and will be (CA-G.R. No. CV No.
accountable to the drawee bank. 624
Same; Same; Same; Drawee banks not similarly situated as the 624 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
collecting bank.—The drawee bank is not similarly situated as the Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
collecting bank because the former makes no warranty as to the 17962).1
genuineness of any indorsement. The drawee bank’s duty is but to The facts of the case are as follows:
623 The Province of Tarlac maintains a current account with the Philippine
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 623 National Bank (PNB) Tarlac Branch where the provincial funds are
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals deposited. Checks issued by the Province are signed by the Provincial
verify the genuineness of the drawer’s signature and not of the Treasurer and countersigned by the Provincial Auditor or the Secretary of
indorsement because the drawer is its client. the Sangguniang Bayan.
Same; Same; Same; Drawee bank has the duty to promptly inform A portion of the funds of the province is allocated to the Concepcion
the presentor of the forgery upon discovery.—Hence, the drawee bank can Emergency Hospital.2 The allotment checks for said government hospital
recover the amount paid on the check bearing a forged indorsement from are drawn to the order of “Concepcion Emergency Hospital, Concepcion,
the collecting bank. However, a drawee bank has the duty to promptly Tarlac” or “The Chief, Concepcion Emergency Hospital, Concepcion,
inform the presentor of the forgery upon discovery. If the drawee bank Tarlac.” The checks are released by the Office of the Provincial Treasurer
delays in informing the presentor of the forgery, thereby depriving said and received for the hospital by its administrative officer and cashier.
presentor of the right to recover from the forger, the former is deemed In January 1981, the books of account of the Provincial Treasurer were
negligent and can no longer recover from the presentor. post-audited by the Provincial Auditor. It was
____________________________ The last check negotiated by Pangilinan was for P8,000.00 and dated
February 10, 1981.6 All the checks bore the stamp of Associated Bank
Penned by Justice Asaali S. Isnani, with Associate Justices Arturo S. which reads “All prior endorsements guaranteed ASSOCIATED BANK.”
Buena and Ricardo P. Galvez, concurring, dated September 30, 1992. Jesus David, the manager of Associated Bank testified that Pangilinan
Rollo, p. 22. made it appear that the checks were paid to him for certain projects with
2 Provincial aid was given irregularly. Hospital staff would often call the
the hospital.7 He did not find as
provincial treasurer’s office to inquire whether there was an allotment
check for the hospital. The hospital’s administrative officer and cashier ____________________________
would then go to the provincial treasurer’s office to pick up the check.
Checks received by the hospital are deposited in the account of the TSN, March 13, 1984, pp. 51-60.
National Treasury with the PNB. All income of the hospital in excess of the Check No. 530863 K, dated January 17, 1978 for P10,000.00.
amount which the National Government has directed it to raise, is excess Check No. 526788 K.
income. The latter is given back to the hospital after a supplemental budget Check No. 391351 L.
is prepared. When the latter is approved, an advice of allotment is made. 7 TSN, July 10, 1985, pp. 14-15.

Then the hospital requests a cash disbursement ceiling. When approved, 626
this is brought to the Ministry of Health. The regional office of said Ministry 626 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
then prepares a check for the hospital. The check will be deposited in the Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
hospital’s current account at the PNB. (Culled from the testimony of Dr. irregular the fact that the checks were not payable to Pangilinan but to the
Adena Canlas, TSN, October 17, 1983, pp. 8-11; December 6, 1983, pp. Concepcion Emergency Hospital. While he admitted that his wife and
43-44.) Pangilinan’s wife are first cousins, the manager denied having given
625 Pangilinan preferential treatment on this account.8
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 625 On February 26, 1981, the Provincial Treasurer wrote the manager of
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals the PNB seeking the restoration of the various amounts debited from the
then discovered that the hospital did not receive several allotment checks current account of the Province.9 In turn, the PNB manager demanded
drawn by the Province. reimbursement from the Associated Bank on May 15, 1981.10
On February 19, 1981, the Provincial Treasurer requested the manager As both banks resisted payment, the Province of Tarlac brought suit
of the PNB to return all of its cleared checks which were issued from 1977 against PNB which, in turn, impleaded Associated Bank as third-party
to 1980 in order to verify the regularity of their encashment. After the defendant. The latter then filed a fourth-party complaint against Adena
checks were examined, the Provincial Treasurer learned that 30 checks Canlas and Fausto Pangilinan.11
amounting to P203,300.00 were encashed by one Fausto Pangilinan, with After trial on the merits, the lower court rendered its decision on March
the Associated Bank acting as collecting bank. 21, 1988, disposing as follows:
It turned out that Fausto Pangilinan, who was the administrative officer “WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered:
and cashier of payee hospital until his retirement on February 28, 1978,
collected the questioned checks from the office of the Provincial Treasurer. 1. 1.On the basic complaint, in favor of plaintiff Province of Tarlac and
He claimed to be assisting or helping the hospital follow up the release of against defendant Philippine National Bank (PNB), ordering the
the checks and had official receipts.3 Pangilinan sought to encash the first latter to pay to the former, the sum of Two Hundred
check4 with Associated Bank. However, the manager of Associated Bank
refused and suggested that Pangilinan deposit the check in his personal ____________________________
savings account with the same bank. Pangilinan was able to withdraw the
money when the check was cleared and paid by the drawee bank, PNB. 8
TSN, July 10, 1985, pp. 20-21, 34-35; September 24, 1985.
After forging the signature of Dr. Adena Canlas who was chief of the 9
Exhibit FF for Province of Tarlac. On March 20, 1981, the Province of
payee hospital, Pangilinan followed the same procedure for the second Tarlac reiterated its request in another letter to PNB. Associated Bank was
check, in the amount of P5,000.00 and dated April 20, 1978,5 as well as allegedly furnished with a copy of this letter. (Records, pp. 246-247) PNB
for twenty-eight other checks of various amounts and on various dates. requested the Province to return the checks in a letter dated March 31,
1981. The checks were returned to PNB on April 22, 1981. (Exhibit GG) to petitioner bank, respondent appellate court should have directed
On April 24, 1981, PNB gave the checks to Associated Bank. (Exhibit 5) Associated Bank to pay the adjudged liability directly to the Province of
Associated Bank returned the checks to PNB on April 28, 1981, along with Tarlac to
a letter stating its refusal to return the money paid by PNB. (Exhibit 6)
Exhibit “MM” for Province of Tarlac. ____________________________
Civil Case No. 6227, “Province of Tarlac v. Philippine National Bank;
12 Penned by Judge Arturo U. Barias, Jr., Rollo, pp. 391-392.
Philippine National Bank v. Associated Bank; Associated Bank v. Fausto
Pangilinan and Adena G. Canlas,” Regional Trial Court Branch 64, Tarlac, 13
CA-G.R. CV No. 17962.
Tarlac. 628
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 627 Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals avoid circuity.14
Associated Bank, on the other hand, argues that the order of liability
1. Three Thousand Three Hundred (P203,300.00) Pesos with legal should be totally reversed, with the drawee bank (PNB) solely and
interest thereon from March 20, 1981 until fully paid; ultimately bearing the loss.
2. 2.On the third-party complaint, in favor of defendant/third-party Respondent court allegedly erred in applying Section 23 of the
plaintiff Philippine National Bank (PNB) and against third-party Philippine Clearing House Rules instead of Central Bank Circular No. 580,
defendant/fourth-party plaintiff Associated Bank ordering the which, being an administrative regulation issued pursuant to law, has the
latter to reimburse to the former the amount of Two Hundred force and effect of law.15 The PCHC Rules are merely contractual
Three Thousand Three Hundred (P203,300.00) Pesos with legal stipulations among and between member-banks. As such, they cannot
interests thereon from March 20, 1981 until fully paid; prevail over the aforesaid CB Circular.
3. 3.On the fourth-party complaint, the same is hereby ordered It likewise contends that PNB, the drawee bank, is estopped from
dismissed for lack of cause of action as against fourth-party asserting the defense of guarantee of prior indorsements against
defendant Adena Canlas and lack of jurisdiction over the person Associated Bank, the collecting bank. In stamping the guarantee (for all
of fourth-party defendant Fausto Pangilinan as against the latter. prior indorsements), it merely followed a mandatory requirement for
4. 4.On the counterclaims on the complaint, third-party complaint and clearing and had no choice but to place the stamp of guarantee; otherwise,
fourth-party complaint, the same are hereby ordered dismissed there would be no clearing. The bank will be in a “no-win” situation and will
for lack of merit. always bear the loss as against the drawee bank.16
Associated Bank also claims that since PNB already cleared and paid
SO ORDERED.”12 the value of the forged checks in question, it is now estopped from
PNB and Associated Bank appealed to the Court of asserting the defense that Associated Bank guaranteed prior
Appeals.13 Respondent court affirmed the trial court’s decision in toto on indorsements. The drawee bank allegedly has the primary duty to verify
September 30, 1992. the genuineness of payee’s indorsement before paying the check.17
Hence these consolidated petitions which seek a reversal of While both banks are innocent of the forgery, Associated Bank claims
respondent appellate court’s decision. that PNB was at fault and should solely bear the loss because it cleared
PNB assigned two errors. First, the bank contends that respondent and paid the forged checks.
court erred in exempting the Province of Tarlac from liability when, in fact, ***
the latter was negligent because it delivered and released the questioned The case at bench concerns checks payable to the order of Concepcion
checks to Fausto Pangilinan who was then already retired as the hospital’s Emergency Hospital or its Chief. They were prop-
cashier and administrative officer. PNB also maintains its innocence and
alleges that as between two innocent persons, the one whose act was the ____________________________
cause of the loss, in this case the Province of Tarlac, bears the loss. 14
Next, PNB asserts that it was error for the court to order it to pay the Petition, pp. 6-7; Rollo, pp. 13-14, G.R. No. 107612.
province and then seek reimbursement from Associated Bank. According
Citing Antique Sawmills, Inc. v. Zayco, 17 SCRA 316, et al., Petition, topped from setting up the defense of forgery, are precluded from using
p. 9, Rollo, p. 10. this defense. Indorsers, persons negotiating by delivery and acceptors are
Associated Bank’s Petition, p. 13. warrantors of the genuineness of the signatures on the instrument.20
Id., at 12. In bearer instruments, the signature of the payee or holder is
629 unnecessary to pass title to the instrument. Hence, when the indorsement
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 629 is a forgery, only the person whose signature is forged can raise the
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals defense of forgery against a holder in due course.21
erly issued and bear the genuine signatures of the drawer, the Province of The checks involved in this case are order instruments, hence, the
Tarlac. The infirmity in the questioned checks lies in the payee’s following discussion is made with reference to the effects of a forged
(Concepcion Emergency Hospital) indorsements which are forgeries. At indorsement on an instrument payable to order.
the time of their indorsement, the checks were order instruments. Where the instrument is payable to order at the time of the forgery, such
Checks having forged indorsements should be differentiated from as the checks in this case, the signature of its rightful holder (here, the
forged checks or checks bearing the forged signature of the drawer. payee hospital) is essential to transfer title to the same instrument. When
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL) provides: the holder’s indorsement is forged, all parties prior to the forgery may raise
Sec. 23. FORGED SIGNATURE, EFFECT OF.—When a signature is the real defense of forgery against all parties subsequent thereto.22
forged or made without authority of the person whose signature it purports An indorser of an order instrument warrants “that the instrument is
to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to genuine and in all respects what it purports to be; that he has a good title
give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party to it; that all prior parties had capacity to contract; and that the instrument
thereto, can be acquired through or under such signature unless the party is at the time of his indorsement valid and subsisting.”23 He cannot
against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting interpose the defense that signatures prior to him are forged.
up the forgery or want of authority. A collecting bank where a check is deposited and which indorses the
A forged signature, whether it be that of the drawer or the payee, is wholly check upon presentment with the drawee bank, is such an indorser. So
inoperative and no one can gain title to the instrument through it. A person even if the indorsement on the check deposited by the bank’s client is
whose signature to an instrument was forged was never a party and never forged, the collecting bank is
consented to the contract which allegedly gave rise to such
instrument.18 Section 23 does not avoid the instrument but only the forged ____________________________
signature.19 Thus, a forged indorsement does not operate as the payee’s
indorsement. Id., at 199.
The exception to the general rule in Section 23 is where “a party against J. VITUG, PANDECT OF COMMERCIAL LAW AND
whom it is sought to enforce a right is precluded from setting up the forgery JURISPRUDENCE 51-53 (Rev. ed., 1990).
22 Id.
or want of authority.” Parties who warrant or admit the genuineness of the
23 Section 66, Negotiable Instruments Law.
signature in question and those who, by their acts, silence or negligence
are es- 631
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 631
____________________________ Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
bound by his warranties as an indorser and cannot set up the defense of
J. CAMPOS & M. LOPEZ-CAMPOS, NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS forgery as against the drawee bank.
LAW, 227-230 (4th ed., 1990). The bank on which a check is drawn, known as the drawee bank, is
19 I A. AGBAYANI, COMMENTARIES AND JURISPRUDENCE ON under strict liability to pay the check to the order of the payee. The drawer’s
THE COMMERCIAL LAWS OF THE PHILIPPINES 198 (1989 ed.). instructions are reflected on the face and by the terms of the check.
630 Payment under a forged indorsement is not to the drawer’s order. When
630 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the drawee bank pays a person other than the payee, it does not comply
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals with the terms of the check and violates its duty to charge its customer’s
(the drawer) account only for properly payable items. Since the drawee
bank did not pay a holder or other person entitled to receive payment, it In this case, the checks were indorsed by the collecting bank
has no right to reimbursement from the drawer.24 The general rule then is (Associated Bank) to the drawee bank (PNB). The former will necessarily
that the drawee bank may not debit the drawer’s account and is not entitled be liable to the latter for the checks bearing forged indorsements. If the
to indemnification from the drawer.25 The risk of loss must perforce fall on forgery is that of the payee’s or holder’s indorsement, the collecting bank
the drawee bank. is held liable, without prejudice to the latter proceeding against the forger.
However, if the drawee bank can prove a failure by the Since a forged indorsement is inoperative, the collecting bank had no
customer/drawer to exercise ordinary care that substantially contributed to right to be paid by the drawee bank. The former must necessarily return
the making of the forged signature, the drawer is precluded from asserting the money paid by the latter because it was paid wrongfully.30
the forgery.
If at the same time the drawee bank was also negligent to the point of ____________________________
substantially contributing to the loss, then such loss from the forgery can
be apportioned between the negligent drawer and the negligent bank.26 Id.
In cases involving a forged check, where the drawer’s signature is 28
Id., at 216-235; VITUG, op. cit. note 21 at 53.
29 Banco de Oro v. Equitable Banking Corp., supra; Great Eastern Life
forged, the drawer can recover from the drawee
Insurance Co. v. HSBC, supra.
____________________________ 30
Article 2154 of the Civil Code provides: “If something is received
when there is no right to demand it, and it was unduly delivered through
S. NICKLES, NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS AND OTHER mistake, the obligation to return it arises.” Banco de Oro v. Equitable
RELATED COMMERCIAL PAPER 416 (2nd ed., 1993). Banking Corp., supra.
25 Great Eastern Life Insurance Co. v. Hongkong and Shanghai 633
Banking Corp., 43 Phil. 678; Banco de Oro Savings and Mortgage Bank v. VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 633
Equitable Banking Corporation, G.R. No. L-74917, January 20, 1988, 157 Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
SCRA 188; CAMPOS & LOPEZ-CAMPOS, op. cit. note 18 at 283, citing More importantly, by reason of the statutory warranty of a general indorser
La Fayette v. Merchants Bank, 73 Ark 561; Wills v. Barney, 22 Cal in Section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, a collecting bank which
240; Wellington National Bank v. Robbins, 71 Kan 748. indorses a check bearing a forged indorsement and presents it to the
drawee bank guarantees all prior indorsements, including the forged
LETTERS OF CREDIT 216 (1992). indorsement. It warrants that the instrument is genuine, and that it is valid
632 and subsisting at the time of his indorsement. Because the indorsement is
632 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED a forgery, the collecting bank commits a breach of this warranty and will be
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals accountable to the drawee bank. This liability scheme operates without
bank. No drawee bank has a right to pay a forged check. If it does, it shall regard to fault on the part of the collecting/presenting bank. Even if the
have to recredit the amount of the check to the account of the drawer. The latter bank was not negligent, it would still be liable to the drawee bank
liability chain ends with the drawee bank whose responsibility it is to know because of its indorsement.
the drawer’s signature since the latter is its customer.27 The Court has consistently ruled that “the collecting bank or last
In cases involving checks with forged indorsements, such as the endorser generally suffers the loss because it has the duty to ascertain the
present petition, the chain of liability does not end with the drawee bank. genuineness of all prior endorsements considering that the act of
The drawee bank may not debit the account of the drawer but may presenting the check for payment to the drawee is an assertion that the
generally pass liability back through the collection chain to the party who party making the presentment had done its duty to ascertain the
took from the forger and, of course, to the forger himself, if available.28 In genuineness of the endorsements.”31
other words, the drawee bank can seek reimbursement or a return of the The drawee bank is not similarly situated as the collecting bank
amount it paid from the presentor bank or person.29 Theoretically, the latter because the former makes no warranty as to the genuineness of any
can demand reimbursement from the person who indorsed the check to it indorsement.32 The drawee bank’s duty is but to verify the genuineness of
and so on. The loss falls on the party who took the check from the forger, the drawer’s signature and not of the indorsement because the drawer is
or on the forger himself. its client.
Moreover, the collecting bank is made liable because it is privy to the check (dated January 17, 1978), all the checks were issued and released
depositor who negotiated the check. The bank knows him, his address and after Pangilinan’s retirement on February 28, 1978. After nearly three
history because he is a client. It has taken a risk on his deposit. The bank
is also in a better position to detect forgery, fraud or irregularity in the ____________________________
33 JORDAN & WARREN, op. cit. note 26 at 217; CAMPOS & LOPEZ-
____________________________ CAMPOS, op. cit. note 18 at 283.
Bank of the Phil. Islands v. CA, G.R. No. 102383, November 26, VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 635
1992, 216 SCRA 51, 63 citing Banco de Oro v. Equitable Banking Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Corp., supra; Great Eastern Life Insurance Co. v. HSBC, supra. years, the Treasurer’s office was still releasing the checks to the retired
CAMPOS & LOPEZ-CAMPOS, op. cit. note 18 at 283 citing Inter- cashier. In addition, some of the aid allotment checks were released to
state Trust Co. v. U.S. National Bank, 185 Pac. 260; Hongkong and Pangilinan and the others to Elizabeth Juco, the new cashier. The fact that
Shanghai Banking Corp. v. People’s Bank and Trust Co., supra. there were now two persons collecting the checks for the hospital is an
634 unmistakable sign of an irregularity which should have alerted employees
634 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED in the Treasurer’s office of the fraud being committed. There is also
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals evidence indicating that the provincial employees were aware of
Hence, the drawee bank can recover the amount paid on the check bearing Pangilinan’s retirement and consequent dissociation from the hospital.
a forged indorsement from the collecting bank. However, a drawee bank Jose Meru, the Provincial Treasurer, testified:
has the duty to promptly inform the presentor of the forgery upon discovery. “ATTY. MORGA:
If the drawee bank delays in informing the presentor of the forgery, thereby Q Now, is it true that for a given month there were two releases of
depriving said presentor of the right to recover from the forger, the former : checks, one went to Mr. Pangilinan and one went to Miss Juco?
is deemed negligent and can no longer recover from the presentor.33 JOSE MERU:
Applying these rules to the case at bench, PNB, the drawee bank, A: Yes, sir.
cannot debit the current account of the Province of Tarlac because it paid Q Will you please tell us how at the time (sic) when the authorized
checks which bore forged indorsements. However, if the Province of Tarlac : representative of Concepcion Emergency Hospital is and was
as drawer was negligent to the point of substantially contributing to the supposed to be Miss Juco?
loss, then the drawee bank PNB can charge its account. If both drawee A: Well, as far as my investigation show (sic) the assistant cashier
bank-PNB and drawer-Province of Tarlac were negligent, the loss should told me that Pangilinan represented himself as also authorized to
be properly apportioned between them. help in the release of these checks and we were apparently misled
The loss incurred by drawee bank-PNB can be passed on to the because they accepted the representation of Pangilinan that he
collecting bank-Associated Bank which presented and indorsed the checks was helping them in the release of the checks and besides
to it. Associated Bank can, in turn, hold the forger, Fausto Pangilinan, according to them they were, Pangilinan, like the rest, was able to
liable. present an official receipt to acknowledge these receipts and
If PNB negligently delayed in informing Associated Bank of the forgery, according to them since this is a government check and believed
thus depriving the latter of the opportunity to recover from the forger, it that it will eventually go to the hospital following the standard
forfeits its right to reimbursement and will be made to bear the loss. procedure of negotiating government checks, they released the
After careful examination of the records, the Court finds that the checks to Pangilinan aside from Miss Juco.”34
Province of Tarlac was equally negligent and should, therefore, share the The failure of the Province of Tarlac to exercise due care contributed to a
burden of loss from the checks bearing a forged indorsement. significant degree to the loss tantamount to
The Province of Tarlac permitted Fausto Pangilinan to collect the
checks when the latter, having already retired from government service, ____________________________
was no longer connected with the hospital. With the exception of the first
TSN, June 19, 1984, pp. 10-11.
636 negligence on the part of the drawee bank (PNB) and will preclude it from
636 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED claiming reimbursement.
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals It is here that Associated Bank’s assignment of error concerning C.B.
negligence. Hence, the Province of Tarlac should be liable for part of the Circular No. 580 and Section 23 of the Philippine Clearing House
total amount paid on the questioned checks. Corporation Rules comes to fore. Under Section 4 (c) of CB Circular No.
The drawee bank PNB also breached its duty to pay only according to 580, items bearing a forged endorsement shall be returned within twenty-
the terms of the check. Hence, it cannot escape liability and should also four (24) hours after discovery of the forgery but in no event beyond the
bear part of the loss. period fixed or provided by law for filing of a legal action by the returning
As earlier stated, PNB can recover from the collecting bank. bank. Section 23 of the PCHC Rules deleted the requirement that items
In the case of Associated Bank v. CA,35 six crossed checks with forged bearing a forged endorsement should be returned within twenty-four hours.
indorsements were deposited in the forger’s account with the collecting Associated Bank now argues that the aforementioned Central Bank
bank and were later paid by four different drawee banks. The Court found Circular is applicable. Since PNB did not return the questioned checks
the collecting bank (Associated) to be negligent and held: within twenty-four hours, but several days later, Associated Bank alleges
“The Bank should have first verified his right to endorse the crossed that PNB should be considered negligent and not entitled to
checks, of which he was not the payee, and to deposit the proceeds of the reimbursement of the amount it paid on the checks.
checks to his own account. The Bank was by reason of the nature of the The Court deems it unnecessary to discuss Associated Bank’s
checks put upon notice that they were issued for deposit only to the private assertions that CB Circular No. 580 is an administrative regulation issued
respondent’s account. x x x” pursuant to law and as such, must prevail over the PCHC rule. The Central
The situation in the case at bench is analogous to the above case, for it Bank circular was in force for all banks until June 1980 when the Philippine
was not the payee who deposited the checks with the collecting bank. Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) was set up and commenced
Here, the checks were all payable to Concepcion Emergency Hospital but operations. Banks in Metro Manila were covered by the PCHC while banks
it was Fausto Pangilinan who deposited the checks in his personal savings located elsewhere still had to go through Central Bank Clearing. In any
account. event, the twenty-four-hour return rule was adopted by the PCHC until it
Although Associated Bank claims that the guarantee stamped on the was changed in 1982. The contending banks herein, which are both
checks (All prior and/or lack of endorsements guaranteed) is merely a branches in Tarlac province, are therefore not covered by PCHC Rules but
requirement forced upon it by clearing house rules, it cannot but remain by CB Circular No. 580. Clearly then, the CB circular was applicable when
liable. The stamp guaranteeing prior indorsements is not an empty rubric the forgery of the checks was discovered in 1981.
which a bank must fulfill for the sake of convenience. A bank is not required 638
to accept all the checks negotiated to it. It is within the bank’s discretion to 638 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
receive a check for no banking institution would consciously or deliberately Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
accept a check bearing a forged indorsement. When a check is deposited The rule mandates that the checks be returned within twenty-four hours
with the collecting bank, it takes a risk on its depositor. It is only logi- after discovery of the forgery but in no event beyond the period fixed by
law for filing a legal action. The rationale of the rule is to give the collecting
____________________________ bank (which indorsed the check) adequate opportunity to proceed against
the forger. If prompt notice is not given, the collecting bank may be
G.R. No. 89802, May 7, 1992, 208 SCRA 465. prejudiced and lose the opportunity to go after its depositor.
637 The Court finds that even if PNB did not return the questioned checks
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 637 to Associated Bank within twenty-four hours, as mandated by the rule, PNB
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals did not commit negligent delay. Under the circumstances, PNB gave
cal that this bank be held accountable for checks deposited by its prompt notice to Associated Bank and the latter bank was not prejudiced
customers. in going after Fausto Pangilinan. After the Province of Tarlac informed PNB
A delay in informing the collecting bank (Associated Bank) of the of the forgeries, PNB necessarily had to inspect the checks and conduct
forgery, which deprives it of the opportunity to go after the forger, signifies its own investigation. Thereafter, it requested the Provincial Treasurer’s
office on March 31, 1981 to return the checks for verification. The Province
of Tarlac returned the checks only on April 22, 1981. Two days later, stipulation. Normally, current accounts are likewise interest-bearing, by
Associated Bank received the checks from PNB.36 express contract, thus excluding them from the coverage of CB Circular
Associated Bank was also furnished a copy of the Province’s letter of No. 416. In this case, however, the actual interest rate, if any, for the
demand to PNB dated March 20, 1981, thus giving it notice of the forgeries. current account opened by the Province of Tarlac with PNB was not given
At this time, however, Pangilinan’s account with Associated had only in evidence. Hence, the Court deems it wise to affirm the trial court’s use
P24.63 in it.37 Had Associated Bank decided to debit Pangilinan’s account, of the legal interest rate, or six percent (6%) per annum. The interest rate
it could not have recovered the amounts paid on the questioned checks. In shall be com-
addition, while Associated Bank filed a fourth-party complaint against
Fausto Pangilinan, it did not present evidence against Pangilinan and even ____________________________
presented him as its rebuttal witness.38 Hence, Associated Bank was not
prejudiced by PNB’s failure to comply with the twenty-four-hour return rule. 39
San Carlos Milling Co. Ltd. v. BPI, 59 Phil. 59.
Next, Associated Bank contends that PNB is estopped from requiring Article 1980 of the Civil Code reads: Fixed, savings, and current
reimbursement because the latter paid and cleared deposits of money in banks and similar institutions shall be governed by
the provisions concerning simple loan.
____________________________ 640
See footnote 9. Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Exhibit “3-G” for Associated Bank. puted from the date of default, or the date of judicial or extrajudicial
38 TSN, January 8, 1987.
demand.41 The trial court did not err in granting legal interest from March
639 20, 1981, the date of extrajudicial demand.
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 639 The Court finds as reasonable, the proportionate sharing of fifty
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals percent—fifty percent (50%-50%). Due to the negligence of the Province
the checks. The Court finds this contention unmeritorious. Even if PNB of Tarlac in releasing the checks to an unauthorized person (Fausto
cleared and paid the checks, it can still recover from Associated Bank. This Pangilinan), in allowing the retired hospital cashier to receive the checks
is true even if the payee’s Chief Officer who was supposed to have for the payee hospital for a period close to three years and in not properly
indorsed the checks is also a customer of the drawee bank.39 PNB’s duty ascertaining why the retired hospital cashier was collecting checks for the
was to verify the genuineness of the drawer’s signature and not the payee hospital in addition to the hospital’s real cashier, respondent
genuineness of payee’s indorsement. Associated Bank, as the collecting Province contributed to the loss amounting to P203,300.00 and shall be
bank, is the entity with the duty to verify the genuineness of the payee’s liable to the PNB for fifty (50%) percent thereof. In effect, the Province of
indorsement. Tarlac can only recover fifty percent (50%) of P203,300.00 from PNB.
PNB also avers that respondent court erred in adjudging circuitous The collecting bank, Associated Bank, shall be liable to PNB for fifty
liability by directing PNB to return to the Province of Tarlac the amount of (50%) percent of P203,300.00. It is liable on its warranties as indorser of
the checks and then directing Associated Bank to reimburse PNB. The the checks which were deposited by Fausto Pangilinan, having guaranteed
Court finds nothing wrong with the mode of the award. The drawer, the genuineness of all prior indorsements, including that of the chief of the
Province of Tarlac, is a client or customer of the PNB, not of Associated payee hospital, Dr. Adena Canlas. Associated Bank was also remiss in its
Bank. There is no privity of contract between the drawer and the collecting duty to ascertain the genuineness of the payee’s indorsement.
bank. IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the petition for review filed by the
The trial court made PNB and Associated Bank liable with legal interest Philippine National Bank (G.R. No. 107612) is hereby PARTIALLY
from March 20, 1981, the date of extrajudicial demand made by the GRANTED. The petition for review filed by the Associated Bank (G.R. No.
Province of Tarlac on PNB. The payments to be made in this case stem 107382) is hereby DENIED. The decision of the trial court is MODIFIED.
from the deposits of the Province of Tarlac in its current account with the The Philippine National Bank shall pay fifty percent (50%) of P203,300.00
PNB. Bank deposits are considered under the law as loans.40 Central Bank to the Province of Tarlac, with legal interest from March 20, 1981 until the
Circular No. 416 prescribes a twelve percent (12%) interest per annum for payment thereof. Associated Bank shall pay fifty percent (50%) of
loans, forebearance of money, goods or credits in the absence of express P203,300.00 to the Philippine National
Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 97412, July 12,
1994, 234 SCRA 78.
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 641
Paredes, Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan, Second Division
Bank, likewise, with legal interest from March 20, 1981 until payment is
Regalado (Chairman), Puno and Mendoza, JJ.,concur.
Petition of PNB partially granted while that of Associated Bank denied.
Judgment of trial court modified.
Note.—Forgery cannot be presumed it must be proved by clear,
positive and convincing evidence. (Tenio-Obsequio vs. Court of
Appeals, 230 SCRA 550 [1994])
620 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Same; Same; Same; When the holder’s indorsement is forged, all
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals parties prior to the forgery may raise the real defense of forgery against all
G.R. No. 107382. January 31, 1996.* parties subsequent thereto.—Where the instrument is payable to order at
ASSOCIATED BANK, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, the time of the forgery, such as the checks in this case, the signature of its
PROVINCE OF TARLAC and PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, rightful holder (here, the payee hospital) is essential to transfer title to the
respondents. same instrument. When the holder’s indorsement is forged, all parties prior
G.R. No. 107612. January 31, 1996.* to the forgery may raise the real defense of forgery against all parties
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, vs.HONORABLE COURT OF subsequent thereto.
APPEALS, PROVINCE OF TARLAC, and ASSOCIATED BANK, Same; Same; Same; Indorser cannot interpose the defense that
respondents. signatures prior to him are forged.—An indorser of an order instrument
Commercial Law; Negotiable Instruments Law; Forgery; A person warrants “that the instrument is genuine and in all respects what it purports
whose signature to an instrument was forged was never a party and never to be; that he has a good title to it; that all prior parties had capacity to
consented to the contract which allegedly gave rise to such instrument.— contract; and that the instrument is at the time of his indorsement valid and
A forged signature, whether it be that of the drawer or the payee, is wholly subsisting.” He cannot interpose the defense that signatures prior to him
inoperative and no one can gain title to the instrument through it. A person are forged.
whose signature to an instrument was forged was never a party and never Same; Same; Same; A collecting bank where a check is deposited
consented to the contract which allegedly gave rise to such instrument. and which indorses the check upon presentment with the drawee bank is
Section 23 does not avoid the instrument but only the forged signature. such an indorser.—A collecting bank where a check is deposited and which
Thus, a forged indorsement does not operate as the payee’s indorsement. indorses the check upon presentment with the drawee bank, is such an
Same; Same; Same; Parties who warrant or admit the genuineness indorser. So even if the indorsement on the check deposited by the bank’s
of the signature in question and those who, by their acts, silence or client is forged, the collecting bank is bound by his warranties as an
negligence are estopped from setting up the defense of forgery, are indorser and cannot set up the defense of forgery as against the drawee
precluded from using this defense.—The exception to the general rule in bank.
Section 23 is where “a party against whom it is sought to enforce a right is Same; Same; Same; Payment under a forged indorsement is not to
precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority.” Parties who the drawer’s order.—The bank on which a check is drawn, known as the
warrant or admit the genuineness of the signature in question and those drawee bank, is under strict liability to pay the check to the order of the
who, by their acts, silence or negligence are estopped from setting up the payee. The drawer’s instructions are reflected on the face and by the terms
defense of forgery, are precluded from using this defense. Indorsers, of the check. Payment under a forged indorsement is not to the drawer’s
persons negotiating by delivery and acceptors are warrantors of the order. When the drawee bank pays a person other than the payee, it does
genuineness of the signatures on the instrument. not comply with the terms of the check and violates its duty to charge its
Same; Same; Same; When the indorsement is a forgery, only the customer’s (the drawer) account only for properly payable items. Since the
person whose signature is forged can raise the defense of forgery against drawee bank did not pay a holder or other person entitled to receive
a holder in due course.—In bearer instruments, the signa- payment, it has no right to reimbursement from the drawer. The general
rule then is that the drawee bank may not debit the drawer’s account and
____________________________ is not
621 Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 621 entitled to indemnification from the drawer. The risk of loss must
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals perforce fall on the drawee bank.
ture of the payee or holder is unnecessary to pass title to the Same; Same; Same; Drawer is precluded from asserting forgery
instrument. Hence, when the indorsement is a forgery, only the person where the drawee bank can prove a failure by the customer/drawer to
whose signature is forged can raise the defense of forgery against a holder exercise ordinary care that substantially contributed to the making of the
in due course. forged signature.—However, if the drawee bank can prove a failure by the
customer/drawer to exercise ordinary care that substantially contributed to Same; Same; Same; Rule mandates that the checks be returned
the making of the forged signature, the drawer is precluded from asserting within twenty-four hours after discovery of the forgery but in no event
the forgery. beyond the period fixed by law for filing a legal action.—The rule mandates
Same; Same; Same; Drawee bank can seek reimbursement or a that the checks be returned within twenty-four hours after discovery of the
return of the amount it paid from the presentor bank or person.—In cases forgery but in no event beyond the period fixed by law for filing a legal
involving checks with forged indorsements, such as the present petition, action. The rationale of the rule is to give the collecting bank (which
the chain of liability does not end with the drawee bank. The drawee bank indorsed the check) adequate opportunity to proceed against the forger. If
may not debit the account of the drawer but may generally pass liability prompt notice is not given, the collecting bank may be prejudiced and lose
back through the collection chain to the party who took from the forger and, the opportunity to go after its depositor.
of course, to the forger himself, if available. In other words, the drawee
bank can seek reimbursement or a return of the amount it paid from the PETITIONS for review of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
presentor bank or person. Theoretically, the latter can demand
reimbursement from the person who indorsed the check to it and so on. The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
The loss falls on the party who took the check from the forger, or on the Jose A. Soluta, Jr. and Associates for Associated Bank.
forger himself. Santiago, Jr., Vidad, Corpus & Associates for Philippine National
Same; Same; Same; A collecting bank which indorses a check Bank.
bearing a forged indorsement and presents it to the drawee bank
guarantees all prior indorsements including the forged indorsement.— ROMERO, J.:
More importantly, by reason of the statutory warranty of a general indorser
in Section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, a collecting bank which Where thirty checks bearing forged endorsements are paid, who bears the
indorses a check bearing a forged indorsement and presents it to the loss, the drawer, the drawee bank or the collecting bank?
drawee bank guarantees all prior indorsements, including the forged This is the main issue in these consolidated petitions for review
indorsement. It warrants that the instrument is genuine, and that it is valid assailing the decision of the Court of Appeals in “Province of Tarlac v.
and subsisting at the time of his indorsement. Because the indorsement is Philippine National Bank v. Associated Bank v. Fausto Pangilinan, et al.”
a forgery, the collecting bank commits a breach of this warranty and will be (CA-G.R. No. CV No.
accountable to the drawee bank. 624
Same; Same; Same; Drawee banks not similarly situated as the 624 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
collecting bank.—The drawee bank is not similarly situated as the Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
collecting bank because the former makes no warranty as to the 17962).1
genuineness of any indorsement. The drawee bank’s duty is but to The facts of the case are as follows:
623 The Province of Tarlac maintains a current account with the Philippine
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 623 National Bank (PNB) Tarlac Branch where the provincial funds are
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals deposited. Checks issued by the Province are signed by the Provincial
verify the genuineness of the drawer’s signature and not of the Treasurer and countersigned by the Provincial Auditor or the Secretary of
indorsement because the drawer is its client. the Sangguniang Bayan.
Same; Same; Same; Drawee bank has the duty to promptly inform A portion of the funds of the province is allocated to the Concepcion
the presentor of the forgery upon discovery.—Hence, the drawee bank can Emergency Hospital.2 The allotment checks for said government hospital
recover the amount paid on the check bearing a forged indorsement from are drawn to the order of “Concepcion Emergency Hospital, Concepcion,
the collecting bank. However, a drawee bank has the duty to promptly Tarlac” or “The Chief, Concepcion Emergency Hospital, Concepcion,
inform the presentor of the forgery upon discovery. If the drawee bank Tarlac.” The checks are released by the Office of the Provincial Treasurer
delays in informing the presentor of the forgery, thereby depriving said and received for the hospital by its administrative officer and cashier.
presentor of the right to recover from the forger, the former is deemed In January 1981, the books of account of the Provincial Treasurer were
negligent and can no longer recover from the presentor. post-audited by the Provincial Auditor. It was
____________________________ The last check negotiated by Pangilinan was for P8,000.00 and dated
February 10, 1981.6 All the checks bore the stamp of Associated Bank
Penned by Justice Asaali S. Isnani, with Associate Justices Arturo S. which reads “All prior endorsements guaranteed ASSOCIATED BANK.”
Buena and Ricardo P. Galvez, concurring, dated September 30, 1992. Jesus David, the manager of Associated Bank testified that Pangilinan
Rollo, p. 22. made it appear that the checks were paid to him for certain projects with
2 Provincial aid was given irregularly. Hospital staff would often call the
the hospital.7 He did not find as
provincial treasurer’s office to inquire whether there was an allotment
check for the hospital. The hospital’s administrative officer and cashier ____________________________
would then go to the provincial treasurer’s office to pick up the check.
Checks received by the hospital are deposited in the account of the TSN, March 13, 1984, pp. 51-60.
National Treasury with the PNB. All income of the hospital in excess of the Check No. 530863 K, dated January 17, 1978 for P10,000.00.
amount which the National Government has directed it to raise, is excess Check No. 526788 K.
income. The latter is given back to the hospital after a supplemental budget Check No. 391351 L.
is prepared. When the latter is approved, an advice of allotment is made. 7 TSN, July 10, 1985, pp. 14-15.

Then the hospital requests a cash disbursement ceiling. When approved, 626
this is brought to the Ministry of Health. The regional office of said Ministry 626 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
then prepares a check for the hospital. The check will be deposited in the Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
hospital’s current account at the PNB. (Culled from the testimony of Dr. irregular the fact that the checks were not payable to Pangilinan but to the
Adena Canlas, TSN, October 17, 1983, pp. 8-11; December 6, 1983, pp. Concepcion Emergency Hospital. While he admitted that his wife and
43-44.) Pangilinan’s wife are first cousins, the manager denied having given
625 Pangilinan preferential treatment on this account.8
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 625 On February 26, 1981, the Provincial Treasurer wrote the manager of
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals the PNB seeking the restoration of the various amounts debited from the
then discovered that the hospital did not receive several allotment checks current account of the Province.9 In turn, the PNB manager demanded
drawn by the Province. reimbursement from the Associated Bank on May 15, 1981.10
On February 19, 1981, the Provincial Treasurer requested the manager As both banks resisted payment, the Province of Tarlac brought suit
of the PNB to return all of its cleared checks which were issued from 1977 against PNB which, in turn, impleaded Associated Bank as third-party
to 1980 in order to verify the regularity of their encashment. After the defendant. The latter then filed a fourth-party complaint against Adena
checks were examined, the Provincial Treasurer learned that 30 checks Canlas and Fausto Pangilinan.11
amounting to P203,300.00 were encashed by one Fausto Pangilinan, with After trial on the merits, the lower court rendered its decision on March
the Associated Bank acting as collecting bank. 21, 1988, disposing as follows:
It turned out that Fausto Pangilinan, who was the administrative officer “WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered:
and cashier of payee hospital until his retirement on February 28, 1978,
collected the questioned checks from the office of the Provincial Treasurer. 1. 1.On the basic complaint, in favor of plaintiff Province of Tarlac and
He claimed to be assisting or helping the hospital follow up the release of against defendant Philippine National Bank (PNB), ordering the
the checks and had official receipts.3 Pangilinan sought to encash the first latter to pay to the former, the sum of Two Hundred
check4 with Associated Bank. However, the manager of Associated Bank
refused and suggested that Pangilinan deposit the check in his personal ____________________________
savings account with the same bank. Pangilinan was able to withdraw the
money when the check was cleared and paid by the drawee bank, PNB. 8
TSN, July 10, 1985, pp. 20-21, 34-35; September 24, 1985.
After forging the signature of Dr. Adena Canlas who was chief of the 9
Exhibit FF for Province of Tarlac. On March 20, 1981, the Province of
payee hospital, Pangilinan followed the same procedure for the second Tarlac reiterated its request in another letter to PNB. Associated Bank was
check, in the amount of P5,000.00 and dated April 20, 1978,5 as well as allegedly furnished with a copy of this letter. (Records, pp. 246-247) PNB
for twenty-eight other checks of various amounts and on various dates. requested the Province to return the checks in a letter dated March 31,
1981. The checks were returned to PNB on April 22, 1981. (Exhibit GG) to petitioner bank, respondent appellate court should have directed
On April 24, 1981, PNB gave the checks to Associated Bank. (Exhibit 5) Associated Bank to pay the adjudged liability directly to the Province of
Associated Bank returned the checks to PNB on April 28, 1981, along with Tarlac to
a letter stating its refusal to return the money paid by PNB. (Exhibit 6)
Exhibit “MM” for Province of Tarlac. ____________________________
Civil Case No. 6227, “Province of Tarlac v. Philippine National Bank;
12 Penned by Judge Arturo U. Barias, Jr., Rollo, pp. 391-392.
Philippine National Bank v. Associated Bank; Associated Bank v. Fausto
Pangilinan and Adena G. Canlas,” Regional Trial Court Branch 64, Tarlac, 13
CA-G.R. CV No. 17962.
Tarlac. 628
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 627 Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals avoid circuity.14
Associated Bank, on the other hand, argues that the order of liability
1. Three Thousand Three Hundred (P203,300.00) Pesos with legal should be totally reversed, with the drawee bank (PNB) solely and
interest thereon from March 20, 1981 until fully paid; ultimately bearing the loss.
2. 2.On the third-party complaint, in favor of defendant/third-party Respondent court allegedly erred in applying Section 23 of the
plaintiff Philippine National Bank (PNB) and against third-party Philippine Clearing House Rules instead of Central Bank Circular No. 580,
defendant/fourth-party plaintiff Associated Bank ordering the which, being an administrative regulation issued pursuant to law, has the
latter to reimburse to the former the amount of Two Hundred force and effect of law.15 The PCHC Rules are merely contractual
Three Thousand Three Hundred (P203,300.00) Pesos with legal stipulations among and between member-banks. As such, they cannot
interests thereon from March 20, 1981 until fully paid; prevail over the aforesaid CB Circular.
3. 3.On the fourth-party complaint, the same is hereby ordered It likewise contends that PNB, the drawee bank, is estopped from
dismissed for lack of cause of action as against fourth-party asserting the defense of guarantee of prior indorsements against
defendant Adena Canlas and lack of jurisdiction over the person Associated Bank, the collecting bank. In stamping the guarantee (for all
of fourth-party defendant Fausto Pangilinan as against the latter. prior indorsements), it merely followed a mandatory requirement for
4. 4.On the counterclaims on the complaint, third-party complaint and clearing and had no choice but to place the stamp of guarantee; otherwise,
fourth-party complaint, the same are hereby ordered dismissed there would be no clearing. The bank will be in a “no-win” situation and will
for lack of merit. always bear the loss as against the drawee bank.16
Associated Bank also claims that since PNB already cleared and paid
SO ORDERED.”12 the value of the forged checks in question, it is now estopped from
PNB and Associated Bank appealed to the Court of asserting the defense that Associated Bank guaranteed prior
Appeals.13 Respondent court affirmed the trial court’s decision in toto on indorsements. The drawee bank allegedly has the primary duty to verify
September 30, 1992. the genuineness of payee’s indorsement before paying the check.17
Hence these consolidated petitions which seek a reversal of While both banks are innocent of the forgery, Associated Bank claims
respondent appellate court’s decision. that PNB was at fault and should solely bear the loss because it cleared
PNB assigned two errors. First, the bank contends that respondent and paid the forged checks.
court erred in exempting the Province of Tarlac from liability when, in fact, ***
the latter was negligent because it delivered and released the questioned The case at bench concerns checks payable to the order of Concepcion
checks to Fausto Pangilinan who was then already retired as the hospital’s Emergency Hospital or its Chief. They were prop-
cashier and administrative officer. PNB also maintains its innocence and
alleges that as between two innocent persons, the one whose act was the ____________________________
cause of the loss, in this case the Province of Tarlac, bears the loss. 14
Next, PNB asserts that it was error for the court to order it to pay the Petition, pp. 6-7; Rollo, pp. 13-14, G.R. No. 107612.
province and then seek reimbursement from Associated Bank. According
Citing Antique Sawmills, Inc. v. Zayco, 17 SCRA 316, et al., Petition, topped from setting up the defense of forgery, are precluded from using
p. 9, Rollo, p. 10. this defense. Indorsers, persons negotiating by delivery and acceptors are
Associated Bank’s Petition, p. 13. warrantors of the genuineness of the signatures on the instrument.20
Id., at 12. In bearer instruments, the signature of the payee or holder is
629 unnecessary to pass title to the instrument. Hence, when the indorsement
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 629 is a forgery, only the person whose signature is forged can raise the
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals defense of forgery against a holder in due course.21
erly issued and bear the genuine signatures of the drawer, the Province of The checks involved in this case are order instruments, hence, the
Tarlac. The infirmity in the questioned checks lies in the payee’s following discussion is made with reference to the effects of a forged
(Concepcion Emergency Hospital) indorsements which are forgeries. At indorsement on an instrument payable to order.
the time of their indorsement, the checks were order instruments. Where the instrument is payable to order at the time of the forgery, such
Checks having forged indorsements should be differentiated from as the checks in this case, the signature of its rightful holder (here, the
forged checks or checks bearing the forged signature of the drawer. payee hospital) is essential to transfer title to the same instrument. When
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL) provides: the holder’s indorsement is forged, all parties prior to the forgery may raise
Sec. 23. FORGED SIGNATURE, EFFECT OF.—When a signature is the real defense of forgery against all parties subsequent thereto.22
forged or made without authority of the person whose signature it purports An indorser of an order instrument warrants “that the instrument is
to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to genuine and in all respects what it purports to be; that he has a good title
give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party to it; that all prior parties had capacity to contract; and that the instrument
thereto, can be acquired through or under such signature unless the party is at the time of his indorsement valid and subsisting.”23 He cannot
against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting interpose the defense that signatures prior to him are forged.
up the forgery or want of authority. A collecting bank where a check is deposited and which indorses the
A forged signature, whether it be that of the drawer or the payee, is wholly check upon presentment with the drawee bank, is such an indorser. So
inoperative and no one can gain title to the instrument through it. A person even if the indorsement on the check deposited by the bank’s client is
whose signature to an instrument was forged was never a party and never forged, the collecting bank is
consented to the contract which allegedly gave rise to such
instrument.18 Section 23 does not avoid the instrument but only the forged ____________________________
signature.19 Thus, a forged indorsement does not operate as the payee’s
indorsement. Id., at 199.
The exception to the general rule in Section 23 is where “a party against J. VITUG, PANDECT OF COMMERCIAL LAW AND
whom it is sought to enforce a right is precluded from setting up the forgery JURISPRUDENCE 51-53 (Rev. ed., 1990).
22 Id.
or want of authority.” Parties who warrant or admit the genuineness of the
23 Section 66, Negotiable Instruments Law.
signature in question and those who, by their acts, silence or negligence
are es- 631
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 631
____________________________ Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
bound by his warranties as an indorser and cannot set up the defense of
J. CAMPOS & M. LOPEZ-CAMPOS, NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS forgery as against the drawee bank.
LAW, 227-230 (4th ed., 1990). The bank on which a check is drawn, known as the drawee bank, is
19 I A. AGBAYANI, COMMENTARIES AND JURISPRUDENCE ON under strict liability to pay the check to the order of the payee. The drawer’s
THE COMMERCIAL LAWS OF THE PHILIPPINES 198 (1989 ed.). instructions are reflected on the face and by the terms of the check.
630 Payment under a forged indorsement is not to the drawer’s order. When
630 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the drawee bank pays a person other than the payee, it does not comply
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals with the terms of the check and violates its duty to charge its customer’s
(the drawer) account only for properly payable items. Since the drawee
bank did not pay a holder or other person entitled to receive payment, it In this case, the checks were indorsed by the collecting bank
has no right to reimbursement from the drawer.24 The general rule then is (Associated Bank) to the drawee bank (PNB). The former will necessarily
that the drawee bank may not debit the drawer’s account and is not entitled be liable to the latter for the checks bearing forged indorsements. If the
to indemnification from the drawer.25 The risk of loss must perforce fall on forgery is that of the payee’s or holder’s indorsement, the collecting bank
the drawee bank. is held liable, without prejudice to the latter proceeding against the forger.
However, if the drawee bank can prove a failure by the Since a forged indorsement is inoperative, the collecting bank had no
customer/drawer to exercise ordinary care that substantially contributed to right to be paid by the drawee bank. The former must necessarily return
the making of the forged signature, the drawer is precluded from asserting the money paid by the latter because it was paid wrongfully.30
the forgery.
If at the same time the drawee bank was also negligent to the point of ____________________________
substantially contributing to the loss, then such loss from the forgery can
be apportioned between the negligent drawer and the negligent bank.26 Id.
In cases involving a forged check, where the drawer’s signature is 28
Id., at 216-235; VITUG, op. cit. note 21 at 53.
29 Banco de Oro v. Equitable Banking Corp., supra; Great Eastern Life
forged, the drawer can recover from the drawee
Insurance Co. v. HSBC, supra.
____________________________ 30
Article 2154 of the Civil Code provides: “If something is received
when there is no right to demand it, and it was unduly delivered through
S. NICKLES, NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS AND OTHER mistake, the obligation to return it arises.” Banco de Oro v. Equitable
RELATED COMMERCIAL PAPER 416 (2nd ed., 1993). Banking Corp., supra.
25 Great Eastern Life Insurance Co. v. Hongkong and Shanghai 633
Banking Corp., 43 Phil. 678; Banco de Oro Savings and Mortgage Bank v. VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 633
Equitable Banking Corporation, G.R. No. L-74917, January 20, 1988, 157 Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
SCRA 188; CAMPOS & LOPEZ-CAMPOS, op. cit. note 18 at 283, citing More importantly, by reason of the statutory warranty of a general indorser
La Fayette v. Merchants Bank, 73 Ark 561; Wills v. Barney, 22 Cal in Section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, a collecting bank which
240; Wellington National Bank v. Robbins, 71 Kan 748. indorses a check bearing a forged indorsement and presents it to the
drawee bank guarantees all prior indorsements, including the forged
LETTERS OF CREDIT 216 (1992). indorsement. It warrants that the instrument is genuine, and that it is valid
632 and subsisting at the time of his indorsement. Because the indorsement is
632 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED a forgery, the collecting bank commits a breach of this warranty and will be
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals accountable to the drawee bank. This liability scheme operates without
bank. No drawee bank has a right to pay a forged check. If it does, it shall regard to fault on the part of the collecting/presenting bank. Even if the
have to recredit the amount of the check to the account of the drawer. The latter bank was not negligent, it would still be liable to the drawee bank
liability chain ends with the drawee bank whose responsibility it is to know because of its indorsement.
the drawer’s signature since the latter is its customer.27 The Court has consistently ruled that “the collecting bank or last
In cases involving checks with forged indorsements, such as the endorser generally suffers the loss because it has the duty to ascertain the
present petition, the chain of liability does not end with the drawee bank. genuineness of all prior endorsements considering that the act of
The drawee bank may not debit the account of the drawer but may presenting the check for payment to the drawee is an assertion that the
generally pass liability back through the collection chain to the party who party making the presentment had done its duty to ascertain the
took from the forger and, of course, to the forger himself, if available.28 In genuineness of the endorsements.”31
other words, the drawee bank can seek reimbursement or a return of the The drawee bank is not similarly situated as the collecting bank
amount it paid from the presentor bank or person.29 Theoretically, the latter because the former makes no warranty as to the genuineness of any
can demand reimbursement from the person who indorsed the check to it indorsement.32 The drawee bank’s duty is but to verify the genuineness of
and so on. The loss falls on the party who took the check from the forger, the drawer’s signature and not of the indorsement because the drawer is
or on the forger himself. its client.
Moreover, the collecting bank is made liable because it is privy to the check (dated January 17, 1978), all the checks were issued and released
depositor who negotiated the check. The bank knows him, his address and after Pangilinan’s retirement on February 28, 1978. After nearly three
history because he is a client. It has taken a risk on his deposit. The bank
is also in a better position to detect forgery, fraud or irregularity in the ____________________________
33 JORDAN & WARREN, op. cit. note 26 at 217; CAMPOS & LOPEZ-
____________________________ CAMPOS, op. cit. note 18 at 283.
Bank of the Phil. Islands v. CA, G.R. No. 102383, November 26, VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 635
1992, 216 SCRA 51, 63 citing Banco de Oro v. Equitable Banking Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Corp., supra; Great Eastern Life Insurance Co. v. HSBC, supra. years, the Treasurer’s office was still releasing the checks to the retired
CAMPOS & LOPEZ-CAMPOS, op. cit. note 18 at 283 citing Inter- cashier. In addition, some of the aid allotment checks were released to
state Trust Co. v. U.S. National Bank, 185 Pac. 260; Hongkong and Pangilinan and the others to Elizabeth Juco, the new cashier. The fact that
Shanghai Banking Corp. v. People’s Bank and Trust Co., supra. there were now two persons collecting the checks for the hospital is an
634 unmistakable sign of an irregularity which should have alerted employees
634 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED in the Treasurer’s office of the fraud being committed. There is also
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals evidence indicating that the provincial employees were aware of
Hence, the drawee bank can recover the amount paid on the check bearing Pangilinan’s retirement and consequent dissociation from the hospital.
a forged indorsement from the collecting bank. However, a drawee bank Jose Meru, the Provincial Treasurer, testified:
has the duty to promptly inform the presentor of the forgery upon discovery. “ATTY. MORGA:
If the drawee bank delays in informing the presentor of the forgery, thereby Q Now, is it true that for a given month there were two releases of
depriving said presentor of the right to recover from the forger, the former : checks, one went to Mr. Pangilinan and one went to Miss Juco?
is deemed negligent and can no longer recover from the presentor.33 JOSE MERU:
Applying these rules to the case at bench, PNB, the drawee bank, A: Yes, sir.
cannot debit the current account of the Province of Tarlac because it paid Q Will you please tell us how at the time (sic) when the authorized
checks which bore forged indorsements. However, if the Province of Tarlac : representative of Concepcion Emergency Hospital is and was
as drawer was negligent to the point of substantially contributing to the supposed to be Miss Juco?
loss, then the drawee bank PNB can charge its account. If both drawee A: Well, as far as my investigation show (sic) the assistant cashier
bank-PNB and drawer-Province of Tarlac were negligent, the loss should told me that Pangilinan represented himself as also authorized to
be properly apportioned between them. help in the release of these checks and we were apparently misled
The loss incurred by drawee bank-PNB can be passed on to the because they accepted the representation of Pangilinan that he
collecting bank-Associated Bank which presented and indorsed the checks was helping them in the release of the checks and besides
to it. Associated Bank can, in turn, hold the forger, Fausto Pangilinan, according to them they were, Pangilinan, like the rest, was able to
liable. present an official receipt to acknowledge these receipts and
If PNB negligently delayed in informing Associated Bank of the forgery, according to them since this is a government check and believed
thus depriving the latter of the opportunity to recover from the forger, it that it will eventually go to the hospital following the standard
forfeits its right to reimbursement and will be made to bear the loss. procedure of negotiating government checks, they released the
After careful examination of the records, the Court finds that the checks to Pangilinan aside from Miss Juco.”34
Province of Tarlac was equally negligent and should, therefore, share the The failure of the Province of Tarlac to exercise due care contributed to a
burden of loss from the checks bearing a forged indorsement. significant degree to the loss tantamount to
The Province of Tarlac permitted Fausto Pangilinan to collect the
checks when the latter, having already retired from government service, ____________________________
was no longer connected with the hospital. With the exception of the first
TSN, June 19, 1984, pp. 10-11.
636 negligence on the part of the drawee bank (PNB) and will preclude it from
636 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED claiming reimbursement.
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals It is here that Associated Bank’s assignment of error concerning C.B.
negligence. Hence, the Province of Tarlac should be liable for part of the Circular No. 580 and Section 23 of the Philippine Clearing House
total amount paid on the questioned checks. Corporation Rules comes to fore. Under Section 4 (c) of CB Circular No.
The drawee bank PNB also breached its duty to pay only according to 580, items bearing a forged endorsement shall be returned within twenty-
the terms of the check. Hence, it cannot escape liability and should also four (24) hours after discovery of the forgery but in no event beyond the
bear part of the loss. period fixed or provided by law for filing of a legal action by the returning
As earlier stated, PNB can recover from the collecting bank. bank. Section 23 of the PCHC Rules deleted the requirement that items
In the case of Associated Bank v. CA,35 six crossed checks with forged bearing a forged endorsement should be returned within twenty-four hours.
indorsements were deposited in the forger’s account with the collecting Associated Bank now argues that the aforementioned Central Bank
bank and were later paid by four different drawee banks. The Court found Circular is applicable. Since PNB did not return the questioned checks
the collecting bank (Associated) to be negligent and held: within twenty-four hours, but several days later, Associated Bank alleges
“The Bank should have first verified his right to endorse the crossed that PNB should be considered negligent and not entitled to
checks, of which he was not the payee, and to deposit the proceeds of the reimbursement of the amount it paid on the checks.
checks to his own account. The Bank was by reason of the nature of the The Court deems it unnecessary to discuss Associated Bank’s
checks put upon notice that they were issued for deposit only to the private assertions that CB Circular No. 580 is an administrative regulation issued
respondent’s account. x x x” pursuant to law and as such, must prevail over the PCHC rule. The Central
The situation in the case at bench is analogous to the above case, for it Bank circular was in force for all banks until June 1980 when the Philippine
was not the payee who deposited the checks with the collecting bank. Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) was set up and commenced
Here, the checks were all payable to Concepcion Emergency Hospital but operations. Banks in Metro Manila were covered by the PCHC while banks
it was Fausto Pangilinan who deposited the checks in his personal savings located elsewhere still had to go through Central Bank Clearing. In any
account. event, the twenty-four-hour return rule was adopted by the PCHC until it
Although Associated Bank claims that the guarantee stamped on the was changed in 1982. The contending banks herein, which are both
checks (All prior and/or lack of endorsements guaranteed) is merely a branches in Tarlac province, are therefore not covered by PCHC Rules but
requirement forced upon it by clearing house rules, it cannot but remain by CB Circular No. 580. Clearly then, the CB circular was applicable when
liable. The stamp guaranteeing prior indorsements is not an empty rubric the forgery of the checks was discovered in 1981.
which a bank must fulfill for the sake of convenience. A bank is not required 638
to accept all the checks negotiated to it. It is within the bank’s discretion to 638 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
receive a check for no banking institution would consciously or deliberately Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
accept a check bearing a forged indorsement. When a check is deposited The rule mandates that the checks be returned within twenty-four hours
with the collecting bank, it takes a risk on its depositor. It is only logi- after discovery of the forgery but in no event beyond the period fixed by
law for filing a legal action. The rationale of the rule is to give the collecting
____________________________ bank (which indorsed the check) adequate opportunity to proceed against
the forger. If prompt notice is not given, the collecting bank may be
G.R. No. 89802, May 7, 1992, 208 SCRA 465. prejudiced and lose the opportunity to go after its depositor.
637 The Court finds that even if PNB did not return the questioned checks
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 637 to Associated Bank within twenty-four hours, as mandated by the rule, PNB
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals did not commit negligent delay. Under the circumstances, PNB gave
cal that this bank be held accountable for checks deposited by its prompt notice to Associated Bank and the latter bank was not prejudiced
customers. in going after Fausto Pangilinan. After the Province of Tarlac informed PNB
A delay in informing the collecting bank (Associated Bank) of the of the forgeries, PNB necessarily had to inspect the checks and conduct
forgery, which deprives it of the opportunity to go after the forger, signifies its own investigation. Thereafter, it requested the Provincial Treasurer’s
office on March 31, 1981 to return the checks for verification. The Province
of Tarlac returned the checks only on April 22, 1981. Two days later, stipulation. Normally, current accounts are likewise interest-bearing, by
Associated Bank received the checks from PNB.36 express contract, thus excluding them from the coverage of CB Circular
Associated Bank was also furnished a copy of the Province’s letter of No. 416. In this case, however, the actual interest rate, if any, for the
demand to PNB dated March 20, 1981, thus giving it notice of the forgeries. current account opened by the Province of Tarlac with PNB was not given
At this time, however, Pangilinan’s account with Associated had only in evidence. Hence, the Court deems it wise to affirm the trial court’s use
P24.63 in it.37 Had Associated Bank decided to debit Pangilinan’s account, of the legal interest rate, or six percent (6%) per annum. The interest rate
it could not have recovered the amounts paid on the questioned checks. In shall be com-
addition, while Associated Bank filed a fourth-party complaint against
Fausto Pangilinan, it did not present evidence against Pangilinan and even ____________________________
presented him as its rebuttal witness.38 Hence, Associated Bank was not
prejudiced by PNB’s failure to comply with the twenty-four-hour return rule. 39
San Carlos Milling Co. Ltd. v. BPI, 59 Phil. 59.
Next, Associated Bank contends that PNB is estopped from requiring Article 1980 of the Civil Code reads: Fixed, savings, and current
reimbursement because the latter paid and cleared deposits of money in banks and similar institutions shall be governed by
the provisions concerning simple loan.
____________________________ 640
See footnote 9. Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Exhibit “3-G” for Associated Bank. puted from the date of default, or the date of judicial or extrajudicial
38 TSN, January 8, 1987.
demand.41 The trial court did not err in granting legal interest from March
639 20, 1981, the date of extrajudicial demand.
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 639 The Court finds as reasonable, the proportionate sharing of fifty
Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals percent—fifty percent (50%-50%). Due to the negligence of the Province
the checks. The Court finds this contention unmeritorious. Even if PNB of Tarlac in releasing the checks to an unauthorized person (Fausto
cleared and paid the checks, it can still recover from Associated Bank. This Pangilinan), in allowing the retired hospital cashier to receive the checks
is true even if the payee’s Chief Officer who was supposed to have for the payee hospital for a period close to three years and in not properly
indorsed the checks is also a customer of the drawee bank.39 PNB’s duty ascertaining why the retired hospital cashier was collecting checks for the
was to verify the genuineness of the drawer’s signature and not the payee hospital in addition to the hospital’s real cashier, respondent
genuineness of payee’s indorsement. Associated Bank, as the collecting Province contributed to the loss amounting to P203,300.00 and shall be
bank, is the entity with the duty to verify the genuineness of the payee’s liable to the PNB for fifty (50%) percent thereof. In effect, the Province of
indorsement. Tarlac can only recover fifty percent (50%) of P203,300.00 from PNB.
PNB also avers that respondent court erred in adjudging circuitous The collecting bank, Associated Bank, shall be liable to PNB for fifty
liability by directing PNB to return to the Province of Tarlac the amount of (50%) percent of P203,300.00. It is liable on its warranties as indorser of
the checks and then directing Associated Bank to reimburse PNB. The the checks which were deposited by Fausto Pangilinan, having guaranteed
Court finds nothing wrong with the mode of the award. The drawer, the genuineness of all prior indorsements, including that of the chief of the
Province of Tarlac, is a client or customer of the PNB, not of Associated payee hospital, Dr. Adena Canlas. Associated Bank was also remiss in its
Bank. There is no privity of contract between the drawer and the collecting duty to ascertain the genuineness of the payee’s indorsement.
bank. IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the petition for review filed by the
The trial court made PNB and Associated Bank liable with legal interest Philippine National Bank (G.R. No. 107612) is hereby PARTIALLY
from March 20, 1981, the date of extrajudicial demand made by the GRANTED. The petition for review filed by the Associated Bank (G.R. No.
Province of Tarlac on PNB. The payments to be made in this case stem 107382) is hereby DENIED. The decision of the trial court is MODIFIED.
from the deposits of the Province of Tarlac in its current account with the The Philippine National Bank shall pay fifty percent (50%) of P203,300.00
PNB. Bank deposits are considered under the law as loans.40 Central Bank to the Province of Tarlac, with legal interest from March 20, 1981 until the
Circular No. 416 prescribes a twelve percent (12%) interest per annum for payment thereof. Associated Bank shall pay fifty percent (50%) of
loans, forebearance of money, goods or credits in the absence of express P203,300.00 to the Philippine National
Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 97412, July 12,
1994, 234 SCRA 78.
VOL. 252, JANUARY 31, 1996 641
Paredes, Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan, Second Division
Bank, likewise, with legal interest from March 20, 1981 until payment is
Regalado (Chairman), Puno and Mendoza, JJ.,concur.
Petition of PNB partially granted while that of Associated Bank denied.
Judgment of trial court modified.
Note.—Forgery cannot be presumed it must be proved by clear,
positive and convincing evidence. (Tenio-Obsequio vs. Court of
Appeals, 230 SCRA 550 [1994])
VOL. 66, AUGUST 6, 1975 29 30
Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is. 30 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
No. L-29432. August 6, 1975.* Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is.
JAI-ALAI CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. BANK loss of the amounts which the respondent, as its collecting agent, had
OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, respondent. to reimburse to the drawee-banks.
Negotiable Instruments Law; Checks; Banks; Agency; Where check Same; Same; Same; Same; Lapse of 3 months after collecting bank
is deposited with a collecting bank relationship created is that of agency, obtained proceeds of checks from drawee-bank before it informed
not creditor-debtor. Same rule follows where after drawee-bank paid the depositor of fact checks were forged not material where collecting bank
collecting bank, it was found that signature of payee of checks was forged acted promptly upon being informed of forgery. Moreover, depositor of a
by one who previously encashed them.—When the petitioner deposited check as indorser warrants that it is genuine and in all respects what it
the checks with the respondent, the nature of the relationship created at purports to be.—We do not consider material for the purposes of the case
that stage was one of agency, that is, the bank was to collect from the at bar that more than three months had elapsed since the proceeds of the
drawee of the checks the corresponding proceeds. It is true that the checks in question were collected by respondent. The records shows that
respondent had already collected the proceeds of the checks when it the respondent had acted promptly after being informed that the
debited the petitioner’s account, so that following the rule in Gullas vs. indorsements on the checks were forged. Moreover having received the
Philippine National Bank it might be argued that the relationship between checks merely for collection and deposit, the respondent cannot be
the parties had become that of creditor and debtor as to preclude the expected to know or ascertain the genuineness of all prior indorsements
respondent from using the petitioner’s funds to make payments not on the said checks. Indeed, having itself indorsed them to the respondent
authorized by the latter. It is our view nonetheless that no creditor-debtor in accordance with the rules and practices of commercial banks, of which
relationship was created between the parties. x x x Since under the the Court takes due cognizance, the petitioner is deemed to have given the
foregoing provision of Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, a warranty prescribed in Section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments Law that
forged signature in a negotiable instrument is wholly inoperative and no every single one of those checks “is genuine and in all respects what it
right to discharge it or enforce its payment can be acquired through or purports to be.”
under the forged signature except against a party who cannot invoke the Same; Same; Same; Same; One who accepts and encashes a check
forgery, it stands to reason, upon the facts of record, that the respondent, from an individual knowing that the payee is a corporation does so at his
as a collecting bank which indorsed the checks to the drawee-banks for peril.—The petitioner was, moreover, grossly recreant in accepting the
clearing, should be liable to the latter for reimbursement, for, as found by checks in questions from Ramirez. It could not have escaped the attention
the court a quo and by the appellate court, the indorsements on the checks of the petitioner that the payee of all the checks was a corporation—the
had been forged prior to their delivery to the petitioner. In legal Inter-Island Gas Service, Inc. Yet, the petitioner cashed these checks, to a
contemplation, therefore, the payments made by the drawee-banks to the mere individual who was admittedly a habitue at its jai-alai games without
respondent on account of the said checks were ineffective; and, such being making any inquiry as to his authority to exchange checks belonging to the
the case, the relationship of creditor and debtor between petitioner and the payee-corporation. x x x Any person taking checks made payable to a
respondent had not been validly effected, the checks not having been corporation, which can act only by agents, does so at his peril, and must
properly and legitimately converted into cash. In Great Eastern Life Ins. abide by the consequences if the agent who indorses the same is without
Co. vs. Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, the Court rule that it is the obligation authority. It must be noted further that three of the checks in question are
of the collecting bank to reimburse the drawee-bank the value of the crossed checks, namely, exhs. 21, 25 and 27, which may only be
checks subsequently found to contain the forged indorsement of the deposited, but not encashed; yet, petitioner negligently accepted them for
payee. The reason is that the bank with which the check was deposited cash. That two of the crossed checks, namely, exhs. 21 and 25, are bearer
has, no right to pay the sum stated therein to the forger “or anyone else instruments would not, in our view, exculpate the petitioner from liability
upon a forged signature.” x x x The petitioner must in turn shoulder the with respect to them. The fact that they are bearer checks and at the same
time crossed checks should have aroused the petitioner’s suspicion as to
_______________ the title of Ramirez over them and his authority to cash them (apparently
to purchase jai-alai tickets from the petitioner), it appearing on their face
that a corporate entity—the Inter-Island Gas Service, Inc.—was the payee From April 2, 1959 to May 18, 1959, ten checks with a total face value
thereof. of P8,030.58 were deposited by the petitioner in its current account with
31 the respondent bank. The particulars of these checks are as follows:
VOL. 66, AUGUST 6, 1975 31 32
Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is. 32 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Same; One who indorses a bearer instrument incurs liability of Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is.
general indorser that instrument is genuine.—At all events, under Section
67 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, “Where a person places his 1. 1.Drawn by the Delta Engineering Service upon the Pacific
indorsement on an instrument negotiable by delivery he incurs all the Banking Corporation and payable to the Inter-Island Gas Service,
liability of an indorser,” and under Section 66 of the same statute a general Inc. or order:
indorser warrants that the instrument” is genuine and in all respects what
it purports to be.” Date Check Exhibit Amount
Same; Contracts; Banks; Checks; Provision in deposit slip that bank Deposited Number Number
reserves to itself right to charge back item to account of its depositor at any 4/2/59 B-352680 P 500.00 18
time before current funds actually received by Bank does not negate right 4/20/59 A-156907 372.32 19
of Bank to debit depositor’s account for value of forged checks after 4/24/59 A-156924 397.82 20
drawee-bank had paid the collecting bank because the transfer of funds 5/4/59 B-364764 250.00 23
from drawee-bank to collecting bank in such cases is ineffectual.—The 5/6/59 B-364775 250.00 24
provision in the deposit slip issued by the respondent which stipulates that 2. Drawn by the Enrique Cortiz & Co. upon the Pacific Banking Corporation
it “reserves to itself, the right to charge back the item to the account of its and payable to the Inter-Island Gas Service, Inc. or bearer:
depositor”, at any time before “current funds or solvent credits shall have 4/13/59 B-335063 P2108.70 21
been actually received by the Bank,” would not materially affect the 4/27/59 B-335072 P2210.94 22
conclusion we have reached. That stipulation prescribes that there must 3. Drawn by the Luzon Tinsmith & Company upon the China Banking
be an actual receipt by the bank of current funds or solvent credits; but as Corporation and payable to the Inter-Island Gas Service, Inc. or bearer:
we have earlier indicated the transfer by the drawee-banks of funds to the 5/18/59 VN430188 P 940.80 25
respondent on account of the checks in question was ineffectual because 4. Drawn by the Roxas Manufacturing, Inc. upon the Philippine National
made under the mistaken and valid assumption that the indorsements of Bank and payable to the Inter-Island Gas Service, Inc. or oder:
the payee thereon were genuine. x x x There was, therefore, in 5/14/59 1860160 P 500.00 26
contemplation of law, no valid payment of money made by the drawee- 5/18/59 1860660 P 500.00 27
banks to the respondent on account of the questioned checks. All the foreoing checks, which were acquired by the petitioner from one
Antonio J. Ramirez, a sales agent of the Inter-Island Gas and a regular
PETITION for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals. bettor at jai-alai games, were, upon deposit, temporarily credited to the
petitioner’s account in accordance with the clause printed on the deposit
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. slips issued by the respondent and which reads:
Bausa, Ampil & Suarez for petitioner. “Any credit allowed the depositor on the books of the Bank for checks or
Aviado & Aranda for respondent. drafts hereby received for deposit, is provisional only, until such time as
the proceeds thereof, in current funds or solvent credits, shall have been
CASTRO, J.: actually received by the Bank and the latter reserves to itself the right to
charge back the item to the account of its depositor, at any time before that
This is a petition by the Jai-Alai Corporation of the Philippines (hereinafter event, regardless of whether or not the item itself can be returned.”
referred to as the petitioner) for review of the decision of the Court of 33
Appeals in C.A.-G.R. 34042-R dated June 25, 1968 in favor of the Bank of VOL. 66, AUGUST 6, 1975 33
the Philippine Islands (hereinafter referred to as the respondent). Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is.
About the latter part of July 1959, after Ramirez had resigned from the The petitioner then filed a complaint against the respondent with the Court
Inter-Island Gas and after the checks had been submitted to inter-bank of First Instance of Manila, which was however dismissed by the trial court
clearing, the Inter-Island Gas discovered that all the indorsements made after due trial, and as well by the Court of Appeals, on appeal.
on the checks purportedly by its cashiers, Santiago Amplayo and Vicenta Hence, the present recourse.
Mucor (who were merely authorized to deposit checks issued payable to The issues posed by the petitioner in the instant petition may be briefly
the said company) as well as the rubber stamp impression thereon reading stated as follows:
“Inter-Island Gas Service, Inc.,” were forgeries. In due time, the Inter-Island
Gas advised the petitioner, the respondent, the drawers and the drawee- 1. (a)Whether the respondent had the right to debit the petitioner’s
banks of the said checks about the forgeries, and filed a criminal complaint current account in the amount corresponding to the total value of
against Ramirez with the Office of the City Fiscal of Manila.1 the checks in question after more than three months had elapsed
The respondent’s cashier, Ramon Sarthou, upon receipt of the latter of from the date their value was credited to the petitioner’s account:
Inter-Island Gas dated August 31, 1959, called up the petitioner’s cashier, 2. (b)Whether the respondent is estopped from claiming that the
Manuel Garcia, and advised the latter that in view of the circumstances he amount of P8,030.58, representing the total value of the checks
would debit the value of the checks against the petitioner’s account as soon with the forged indorsements, had not been properly credited to
as they were returned by the respective drawee-banks. the petitioner’s account, since the same had already been paid by
Meanwhile, the drawers of the checks, having been notified of the the drawee-banks and received in due course by the respondent;
forgeries, demanded reimbursement to their respective accounts from the and
drawee-banks, which in turn demanded from the respondent, as collecting 3. (c)On the assumption that the respondent had improperly debited
bank, the return of the amounts they had paid on account thereof. When the petitioner’s current account, whether the latter is entitled to
the drawee-banks returned the checks to the respondent, the latter paid damages.
their value which the former in turn paid to the Inter-Island Gas. The
respondent, for its part, debited the petitioner’s current account and These three issues interlock and will be resolved jointly.
forwarded to the latter the checks containing the forged indorsements, In our opinion, the respondent acted within legal bounds when it debited
which the petitioner, however, refused to accept. the petitioner’s account. When the petitioner deposited the checks with the
On October 8, 1959 the petitioner drew against its current account with respondent, the nature of the relationship created at that stage was one of
the respondent a check for P135,000 payable to the order of the Mariano agency, that is, the bank was to collect from the drawees of the checks the
Olondriz y Cia. in payment of certain shares of stock. The check was, corresponding proceeds. It is true that the respondent had already
however, dishonored by the respondent as its records showed that as of collected the proceeds of the checks when it debited the petitioner’s
October 8, 1959 the current account of the petitioner, after netting out the account, so that following the rule in Gullas vs. Philippine National Bank2 it
value of the checks P8,030.58) with the forged indorsements, had a might be argued that the relationship between the parties had become that
balance of only P128,257.65. of creditor and debtor as to preclude the respondent from using the
petitioner’s funds to make payments not authorized by the latter. It is our
_______________ view nonetheless that no creditor-debtor relationship was created between
the parties.
The City Fiscal dropped the charges on the ground that the Inter- Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (Act 2031) states that3—
Island Gas which was later reimbursed by the drawee-banks, was no
longer qualified to be regarded as an offended party which could properly _______________
file a complaint against Ramirez because it had not suffered any damage
at all. 2
62 Phil. 519 (1935).
34 3
A bank check is a negotiable instrument and is governed by the
34 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Negotiable Instruments Law (Ang Tiong vs. Ting, 22 SCRA 713).
Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is. 35
VOL. 66, AUGUST 6, 1975 35
Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is.
“When a signature is forged or made without the authority of the person record shows that the respondent had acted promptly after being informed
whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to that the indorsements on the checks were forged. Moreover, having
retain the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment received the checks merely for collection and deposit, the respondent
thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired through or under such cannot be expected to know or ascertain the genuineness of all prior
signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce such right indorsements on the said checks. Indeed, having itself indorsed them to
is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority.” the respondent in accordance with the rules and practices of commercial
Since under the foregoing provision, a forged signature in a negotiable banks, of which the Court takes due cognizance, the petitioner is deemed
instrument is wholly inoperative and no right to discharge it or enforce its to have given the warranty prescribed in Section 66 of the Negotiable
payment can be acquired through or under the forged signature except Instruments Law that every single one of those checks “is genuine and in
against a party who cannot invoke the forgery, it stands to reason, upon all respects what it purports to be.”
the facts of record, that the respondent, as a collecting bank which The petitioner was, moreover, grossly recreant in accepting the checks
indorsed the checks to the drawee-banks for clearing, should be liable to in question from Ramirez. It could not have escaped the attention of the
the latter for reimbursement, for, as found by the court a quo and by the petitioner that the payee of all the checks was a corporation—the Inter-
appellate court, the indorsements on the checks had been forged prior to Island Gas Service, Inc. Yet, the petitioner cashed these checks to a mere
their delivery to the petitioner. In legal contemplation, therefore, the individual who was admittedly a habitue at its jai-alai games without making
payments made by the draweebanks to the respondent on account of the any inquiry as to his authority to exchange checks belonging to the payee-
said checks were ineffective; and, such being the case, the relationship of corporation. In Insular Drug Co. vs. National6 the Court made the
creditor and debtor between the petitioner and the respondent had not pronouncement that
been validly effected, the checks not having been properly and legitimately “. . . The right of an agent to indorse commercial paper is a very responsible
converted into cash.4 power and will not be lightly inferred. A salesman with authority to collect
In Great Eastern Life Ins. Co. vs. Hongkong & Shanghai Bank,5 the money belonging to his principal does not have the implied authority to
Court ruled that it is the obligation of the collecting bank to reimburse the indorse checks received in payment. Any person taking checks made
drawee-bank the value of the checks subsequently found to contain the payable to a corporation, which can act only by agents, does so at his peril,
forged indorsement of the payee. The reason is that the bank with which and must abide by the consequences if the agent who indorses the same
the check was deposited has no right to pay the sum stated therein to the is without authority.” (underscoring supplied)
forger “or anyone else upon a forged signature.” “It was its duty to know,” It must be noted further that three of the checks in question are crossed
said the Court, “that [the payee’s] endorsement was genuine before checks, namely, exhs. 21, 25 and 27, which may only be deposited, but
cashing the check.” The petitioner must in turn shoulder the loss of the not encashed; yet, the petitioner negligently accepted them for cash. That
amounts which the respondent, as its collecting agent, had to reimburse to two of the crossed checks, namely, exhs. 21 and 25, are bearer
the drawee-banks. instruments would not, in our view, exculpate the petitioner from liability
We do not consider material for the purposes of the case at bar that with respect to them. The fact that they are bearer checks and at the same
more than three months had elapsed since the proceeds of the checks in time crossed checks should have aroused the petitioner’s suspicion as to
question were collected by the respondent. The the title of Ramirez over them and his authority to cash them (apparently
to purchase jai-alai tickets from the petitioner), it appearing on their face
_______________ that a corporate entity—the Inter-
The collecting bank may certainly set up as defense the socalled “24- _______________
hour clearing house rule” of the Central Bank. This rule is not, however,
invoked here. See Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. vs. People’s Bank 6
58 Phil. 685 (1933).
& Trust Co., 35 SCRA 141. 37
5 43 Phil. 678 (1922).
VOL. 66, AUGUST 6, 1975 37
36 Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is.
Jai-Alai Corp. of the Phil. vs. Bank of the Phil. Is.
Island Gas Service, Inc.—was the payee thereof and Ramirez delivered note has the right to hold any one or any two of the signers responsible for
the said checks to the petitioner ostensibly on the strength of the payee’s the payment of the amount of the said note. (Philippine National Bank vs.
cashiers’ indorsements. Concepcion Mining Co., Inc.,5 SCRA 745).
At all events, under Section 67 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, Section 63 of the Negotiable Instruments Law makes a person “placing
“Where a person places his indorsement on an instrument negotiable by his signature upon an instrument otherwise than that as maker, drawer or
delivery he incurs all the liability of an indorser,” and under Section 66 of acceptor” a general indorser “unless he clearly indicates by appropriate
the same statute a general indorser warrants that the instrument “is words his intention to be bound in some other capacity.” (Ang Tiong vs.
genuine and in all respects what it purports to be.” Considering that the Ting, 22 SCRA 713).
petitioner indorsed the said checks when it deposited them with the It is not a valid defense that the accommodation party did not receive
respondent, the petitioner as an indorser guaranteed the genuineness of any valuable consideration when he executed the instrument. It is not
all prior indorsements thereon. The respondent which relied upon the correct to say either that the holder for value is not a holder in due course
petitioner’s warranty should not be held liable for the resulting loss. This merely because at the time he acquired the instrument, he knew that the
conclusion applied similarly to exh. 22 which is an uncrossed bearer indorser was only an accommodation party. (Ibid.)
instrument, for under Section 65 of the Negotiable Instrument Law. “Every A promissory note payable “on demand” is immediately demandable
person negotiating an instrument by delivery. . . warrants (a) That the and action thereon prescribes within ten years. (Pay vs. vda. de
instrument is genuine and in all respects what it purports to be.” Under that Palanca, 57 SCRA 618).
same section this warranty “extends in favor of no holder other than the Postal money orders are not negotiable instruments. (Philippine
immediate transferee,” which, in the case at bar, would be the respondent. Education Co., Inc. vs. Soriano, 39 SCRA 587).
The provision in the deposit slip issued by the respondent which
stipulates that it “reserves to itself the right to charge back the item to the
account of its depositor,” at any time before “current funds or solvent
credits shall have been actually received by the Bank,” would not materially
affect the conclusion we have reached. That stipulation prescribes that
there must be an actual receipt by the bank of current funds or solvent
credits; but as we have earlier indicated the transfer by the drawee-banks
of funds to the respondent on account of the checks in question was
ineffectual because made under the mistaken and valid assumption that
the indorsements of the payee thereon were genuine. Under article 2154
of the New Civil Code “If something is received when there is no right to
demand it and it was unduly delivered through mistake, the obligation to
return it arises.” There was, therefore, in contemplation of law, no valid
payment of money made by the drawee-banks to the respondent on
account of the questioned checks.
ACCORDINGLY, the judgment of the Court of Appeals is affirmed, at
petitioner’s cost.
Makasiar, Esguerra, Muñoz Palma and Martin, JJ., concur.
Almeda vs. Villaluz
Teehankee, J., is on leave.
Judgment affirmed.
Notes.—Under Section 17(g) of the Negotiable Instruments Law and
Article 1216 of the new Civil Code, where a promissory note was executed
jointly and severally by two or more persons, the payee of the promissory
680 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Dominguez (Third-Party defendant and the Fourth-Party Plaintiff) who in
Republic Bank vs. Ebrada turn hand the amount to Justina Tinio on the same date would not exempt
No. L-40796. July 31, 1975.* her from liability because by doing so, she acted as an accommodation
REPUBLIC BANK, plaintiff-appellee, vs. MAURICIA T. EBRADA, party to the check for which she is also liable under Section 29 of the
defendant-appellant. Negotiable Instruments Law
Negotiable Instruments Law; Checks; It is only the negotiation
predicated on the forged indorsement that should be declared APPEAL from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila.
inoperative.—It can be safely concluded that it is only the negotiation Jarencio, J
predicated on the forged indorsement that should be declared inoperative.
This means that the negotiation of the check in question from Martin The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Lorenzo, the original payee, to Ramon R. Lorenzo the second indorser, Sabino de Leon, Jr. for plaintiff-appellee.
should be declared of no effect, but the negotiation of the aforementioned Julio Baldonado for defendant-appellant.
check from Ramon R. Lorenzo to Adeliada Dominguez, the third indorser,
and from Adelaida Dominguez to the defendant-appellant who did not MARTIN, J.:
know of the forgery, should be considered valid and enforceable, barring
any claim of forgery. Appeal on a question of law of the decision of the Court of First Instance
Same; Same; If the drawee-bank discovers that the signature of the of Manila, Branch XXIII in Civil Case No. 69288, entitled “Republic Bank
payee was forged after it has paid the amount of the check to the vs. Mauricia T. Ebrada.”
* FIRST DIVISION. On or about February 27, 1963 defendant Mauricia T. Ebrada,
681 encashed Back Pay Check No. 508060 dated January 15, 1963 for
VOL. 65, JULY 31, 1975 681 P1,246.08 at the main office of the plaintiff Republic Bank at
Republic Bank vs. Ebrada 682
holder thereof, it can recover the amount paid from the said holder.— 682 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
One who purchases a check or draft is bound to satisfy himself that the Republic Bank vs. Ebrada
paper is genuine and that by indorsing it or presenting it for payment or Escolta, Manila. The check was issued by the Bureau of Treasury.1 Plaintiff
putting it into circulation before presentation he impliedly asserts that he Bank was later advised by the said bureau that the alleged indorsement on
has performed his duty and the drawee who has paid the forged check, the reverse side of the aforesaid check by the payee, “Martin Lorenzo” was
without actual negligence on his part, may recover the money paid from a forgery2 since the latter had allegedly died as of July 14, 1952.3 Plaintiff
such negligent purchasers. In such cases the recovery is permitted Bank was then requested by the Bureau of Treasury to refund the amount
because although the drawee was in a way negligent in failing to detect of P1,246.08.4 To recover what it had refunded to the Bureau of Treasury,
the forgery, yet if the encasher of the check had performed his duty, the plaintiff Bank made verbal and formal demands upon defendant Ebrada to
forgery would in all probability, have been detected and the fraud defeated. account for the sum of P1,246.08, but said defendant refused to do so. So
x x x Similarly, in the case before us, the defendant-appellant, upon plaintiff Bank sued defendant Ebrada before the City Court of Manila.
receiving the check in question from Adelaida Dominguez, was duty-bound On July 11, 1966, defendant Ebrada filed her answer denying the
to ascertain whether the check in question was genuine before presenting material allegations of the complaint and as affirmative defenses alleged
it to plaintiff Bank for payment. Her failure to do so makes her liable for the that she was a holder in due course of the check in question, or at the very
loss and the plaintiff Bank may recover from her the money she received least, has acquired her rights from a holder in due course and therefore
for the check. entitled to the proceeds thereof. She also alleged that the plaintiff Bank has
Same; Same; Fact that the person who encashed the check wherein no cause of action against her; that it is in estoppel, or so negligent as not
the signature of the payee was forged turned over the proceeds to the one to be entitled to recover anything from her.5
who indorsed said check to the said holder would not exempt the encasher About the same day, July 11, 1966 defendant Ebrada filed a Third-Party
from liability as by doing so he acted as an accomodation party.—The fact complaint against Adelaida Dominguez who, in turn, filed on September
that immediately after receiving the cash proceeds of the check in question 14, 1966 a Fourth-Party complaint against Justina Tinio.
x x x defendant-appellant immediately turned over said amount to Adelaida
On March 21, 1967, the City Court of Manila rendered judgment for the 2. 5.That the signature of defendant MAURICIA T. EBRADA was
plaintiff Bank against defendant Ebrada; for Third-Party plaintiff against affixed on said check on February 27, 1963 when she encashed
Third-Party defendant, Adelaida Dominguez, and for Fourth-Party plaintiff it with the plaintiff Bank;
against Fourth-Party defendant, Justina Tinio. 3. 6.That immediately after defendant MAURICIA T. EBRADA
From the judgment of the City Court, defendant Ebrada took an appeal received the cash proceeds of said check in the sum of P1,246.08
to the Court of First Instance of Manila where the parties submitted a partial from the plaintiff Bank, she immediately turned over the said
stipulation of facts as follows: amount to the third-party defendant and fourth-party plaintiff
“COME NOW the undersigned counsel for the plaintiff, defendant, Third- ADELAIDA DOMINGUEZ, who in turn handed the said amount to
Party defendant and Fourth-Party plaintiff and unto this Honorable Court the fourth-party defendant JUSTINA TINIO on the same date, as
most respectfully submit the following: evidenced by the receipt signed by her which will be marked as
Exhibit “1-Dominguez”; and
PARTIAL STIPULATION OF FACTS 4. 7.That the parties hereto reserve the right to present evidence on
any other fact not covered by the foregoing stipulations. Manila,
1. 1.That they admit their respective capacities to sue and be sued; Philippines, June 6, 1969.”

_______________ Based on the foregoing stipulation of facts and the documentary evidence
presented, the trial court rendered a decision, the dispositive portion of
ROA, p. 2. which reads as follows:
2 ROA, p. 2. “WHEREFORE, the Court renders judgment ordering the defendant
3 ROA, p. 2. Mauricia T. Ebrada to pay the plaintiff the amount of ONE THOUSAND
4 Exhibit “F-1”. TWO FORTY-SIX 08/100 (P1,246.08), with interest at the legal rate from
5 ROA, p. 5. the filing of the complaint on June 16, 1966, until fully paid, plus the costs
683 in both instances against Mauricia T. Ebrada.
VOL. 65, JULY 31, 1975 683 The right of Mauricia T. Ebrada to file whatever claim she may have
Republic Bank vs. Ebrada against Adelaida Dominguez in connection with this case is hereby
reserved. The right of the estate of Dominguez to file the fourth-party
complaint against Justina Tinio is also reserved.
1. 2.That on January 15, 1963 the Treasury of the Philippines issued
its Check No. BP-508060, payable to the order of one MARTIN SO ORDERED.”
LORENZO, in the sum of P1,246.08, and drawn on the Republic In her appeal, defendant-appellant presses that the lower court erred:
Bank, plaintiff herein, which check will be marked as Exhibit “A” 684
2. 3.That the back side of aforementioned check bears the following Republic Bank vs. Ebrada
From the stipulation of facts it is admitted that the check in question
was delivered to defendant-appellant by Adelaida Dominguez for the
purpose of encashment and that her signature was affixed on said check
1. 4.That the aforementioned check was delivered to the defendant when she cashed it with the plaintiff Bank. Likewise it is admitted that
MAURICIA T. EBRADA by the Third-Party defendant and Fourth- defendant-appellant was the last indorser of the said check. As such
Party plaintiff ADELAIDA DOMINGUEZ, for the purpose of indorser, she was supposed to have warranted that she has good title to
encashment; said check; for under Section 65 of the Negotiable Instruments Law:6
“Every person negotiating an instrument by delivery or by qualified In the case of Beam vs. Farrel, 135 Iowa 670, 113 N.W. 590, where a
indorsement, warrants: check has several indorsements on it, it was held that it is only the
negotiation based on the forged or unauthorized signature which is
1. (a)That the instrument is genuine and in all respects what it inoperative. Applying this principle to the case before Us, it can be safely
purports to be. concluded that it is only the negotiation predicated on the forged
2. (b)That she has good title to it.” indorsement that should be declared inoperative. This means that the
3. x x x x x x negotiation of the check in question from Martin Lorenzo, the original
payee, to Ramon R. Lorenzo, the second indorser, should be declared of
and under Section 65 of the same Act: no effect, but the negotiation of the aforesaid check from Ramon R.
“Every indorser who indorses without qualification warrants to all Lorenzo to Adelaida Dominguez, the third indorser, and from Adelaida
subsequent holders in due course: Dominguez to the defendant-appellant who did not know of the forgery,
should be considered valid and enforceable, barring any claim of forgery.
What happens then, if, after the drawee bank has paid the amount of
1. (a)The matters and things mentioned in subdivisions (a), (b) and
the check to the holder thereof, it was discovered that the signature of the
(c) of the next preceding sections;
payee was forged? Can the drawee bank recover from the one who
2. (b)That the instrument is at the time of his indorsement valid and
encashed the check?
In the case of State v. Broadway Mut. Bank, 282 S.W. 196, 197, it was
held that the drawee of a check can recover from the holder the money
It turned out, however, that the signature of the original payee of the check, paid to him on a forged instrument. It is not supposed to be its duty to
Martin Lorenzo was a forgery because he was already dead7 almost 11 ascertain whether the signatures of the payee or indorsers are genuine or
years before the check in question was issued by the Bureau of Treasury. not. This is because the indorser is supposed to warrant to the drawee that
Under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (Act 2031): the signatures of the payee and previous indorsers are genuine, warranty
“When a signature is forged or made without the authority of the person not extending only to holders in due course. One who purchases a check
whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to or draft is bound to satisfy himself that the paper is genuine and that by
retain the instruments, or to give a discharge thereof against any party indorsing it or presenting it for payment or putting it into circulation before
thereto, can be acquired through or under such presentation he impliedly asserts that he has performed his duty and the
drawee who has paid the forged check, without actual negligence on his
_______________ part, may recover the money paid from such negligent purchasers. In such
cases the recovery is permitted because although the drawee was in a way
Act No. 2031. negligent in failing to
He died July 14, 1952 as shown by the Certificate of Death issued by 686
the Local Civil Registrar of the Municipality of Lubao Pampanga (Exhibit 686 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Republic Bank vs. Ebrada
detect the forgery, yet if the encasher of the check had performed his duty,
VOL. 65, JULY 31, 1975 685
the forgery would in all probability, have been detected and the fraud
Republic Bank vs. Ebrada defeated. The reason for allowing the drawee bank to recover from the
signature unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce such right encasher is:
is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority.” “Every one with even the least experience in business knows that no
It is clear from the provision that where the signature on a negotiable business man would accept a check in exchange for money or goods
instrument if forged, the negotiation of the check is without force or effect. unless he is satisfied that the check is genuine. He accepts it only because
But does this mean that the existence of one forged signature therein will he has proof that it is genuine, or because he has sufficient confidence in
render void all the other negotiations of the check with respect to the other the honesty and financial responsibility of the person who vouches for it. If
parties whose signatures are genuine? he is deceived he has suffered a loss of his cash or goods through his own
mistake. His own credulity or recklessness, or misplaced confidence was
the sole cause of the loss. Why should he be permitted to shift the loss due “Where a check is drawn payable to the order of one person and is
to his own fault in assuming the risk, upon the drawee, simply because of presented to a bank by another and purports upon its face to have been
the accidental circumstance that the drawee afterwards failed to detect the duly indorsed by the payee of the check, it is the duty of the bank to know
forgery when the check was presented?”8 that the check was duly indorsed by the original payee, and where the Bank
Similarly, in the case before Us, the defendant-appellant, upon receiving pays the amount of the check to a third person, who has forged the
the check in question from Adelaida Dominguez, was duty-bound to signature of the payee, the loss falls upon the bank who cashed the check,
ascertain whether the check in question was genuine before presenting it and its only remedy is against the person to whom it paid the money.”
to plaintiff Bank for payment. Her failure to do so makes her liable for the With the foregoing doctrine We are to concede that the plaintiff Bank
loss and the plaintiff Bank may recover from her the money she received should suffer the loss when it paid the amount of the check in question to
for the check. As reasoned out above, had she performed the duty of defendant-appellant, but it has the remedy to recover from the latter the
ascertaining the genuineness of the check, in all probability the forgery amount it paid to her. Although the defendant-appellant to whom the
would have been detected and the fraud defeated. plaintiff Bank paid the check was not proven to be the author of the
In our jurisdiction We have a case of similar import.9The Great Eastern supposed forgery, yet as last indorser of the check, she has warranted that
Life Insurance Company drew its check for P2000.00 on the Hongkong she has good title to it10 even if in fact she did not have it because the
and Shanghai Banking Corporation payable to the order of Lazaro Melicor. payee of the check was already dead 11 years before the check was
A certain E. M. Maasin issued. The fact that immediately after receiving the cash proceeds of the
check in question in the amount of P1,246.08 from the plaintiff Bank,
_______________ defendant-appellant immediately turned over said amount to Adelaida
Dominguez (Third-Party defendant and the Fourth-Party plaintiff) who in
8 Gloucester Bank v. Salem Bank, 17 Mass. 33; Bank of U. S. Bank of turn handed the amount to Justina Tinio on the same date would not
Georgia, 10 Wheat 333, 6 L. Ed. 334; Sional Bank of America v. Bangs, exempt her from liability because by doing so, she acted as an
196 Mass. 441, 8 Am. Rep. 349; First National Bank of Danvers v. First accommodation party in the check for which she is
National Bank of Salem, 151 Mass. 280, 24 N.E. 44, 21 Am. St. Rep.
450; First National Bank v. Ricker, 71 Ill. 439, 22 Am. Rep. 104; Rouvant _______________
v. Bank, 63 Tex. 610; Bank, 30 Il. 96 Am. Dec. 554; People’s Bank v.
Franklyn Bank, 88 Tenn. 299, 12 S.W. 716, 6 L.R.A. 724, 17 Am St. Rep. 10Sec. 65, par. (b). Negotiable Instruments Law (Act 2031). Every
884; Ellis & Morton v. Trust Co., 4 Ohio St. 682, 64 Am. Dec. 610; Bank v. person negotiating an instrument by delivery or by a qualified instrument
Bank, 58 Ohio St. 207, 50 N. E. 723; Bank v. Bingham, 30 wash. 484, 71 warrants:
Pac. 43, 60 L.R.A. 955.
9 Great Eastern Life insurance Company vs. Hongkong and Shanghai
1. (a)x x x x x x
Banking Corporation, 43 Phil. 678. 2. (b)That he has a good title to it.”
VOL. 65, JULY 31, 1975 687 688
fraudulently obtained the check and forged the signature of Melicor, as an Republic Bank vs. Ebrada
indorser, and then personally indorsed and presented the check to the also liable under Section 29 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (Act 2031),
Philippine National Bank where the amount of the check was placed to his thus:
(Maasin’s) credit. On the next day, the Philippine National Bank indorsed “An accommodation party is one who has signed the instrument as maker,
the check to the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation which paid drawer, acceptor, or indorser, without receiving value therefor, and for the
it and charged the amount of the check to the insurance company. The purpose of lending his name to some other person. Such a person is liable
Court held that the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was on the instrument to a holder for value, notwithstanding such holder at the
liable to the insurance company for the amount of the check and that the time of taking the instrument knew him to be only an accommodation
Philippine National Bank was in turn liable to the Hongkong and Shanghai party.”
Banking Corporation. Said the Court:
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the judgment appealed from is hereby
affirmed in toto with costs against defendant-appellant.
Makalintal, C.J., Castro, Makasiar and Esguerra, JJ., concur.
Decision affirmed.
Notes.—It is the obligation of a collecting bank to reimburse to the
drawee-bank the value of checks found to contain the forged indorsements
of the payee for the reason that the bank with which the check was
deposited has no right to pay the sum stated therein to the forger or anyone
else upon a forged signature. It was the collecting bank’s duty to know that
the endorsement was genuine before cashing the check. (Great Eastern
Life Ins. Co. vs. Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, 53 Phil. 678).
Any person taking checks made payable to a corporation which can act
only though its agents does so at its or his peril, and must abide by the
consequences if the agent who indorses the same is without authority.
(Insular Drug Co. vs. National, 58 Phil. 685).
The 24-hour regulation of the Central Bank relative to the clearing of
checks is valid (Republic vs. Equitable Banking Corp., L-15894, Jan. 30,
1964). Consequently, where a corporation draws a check on a bank and
thereafter said checks falls into the hands of a person who erases the
name of the payee, superimposes his own name and thereafter deposits
said check in his bank, the liability of the encashing bank on its
indorsement to the drawee-bank after the 24-hour period had elapsed
would cease. (Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. vs. People’s Bank &
Trust Co., 35 SCRA 143).
582 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED left his check book he took a check therefrom, filled it up for the amount of
Phil. National Bank vs. Quimpo P5,000.00, forged the signature of Gozon, and thereafter he encashed the
No. L-53194. March 14, 1988.* check in the bank on the same day. The account of Gozon was debited the
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, vs. HON. ROMULO S. said amount. Upon receipt of the statement of account from the bank,
QUIMPO, Presiding Judge, Court of First Instance of Rizal, Branch XIV, Gozon asked that the said amount of P5,000.00 should be returned to his
and FRANCISCO S. GOZON II, respondents. account as his signature on the check was forged but the bank refused.
Commercial Law; Banks; Checks; Duty of a bank to ascertain the Upon complaint of private respondent on February 1, 1974 Ernesto
genuineness of the signature of the drawer or depositor on the check being Santos was apprehended by the police authorities and upon investigation
encashed.—The prime duty of a bank is to ascertain the genuineness of he admitted that he stole the check of Gozon, forged his signature and
the signature of the drawer or the depositor on the check being encashed. encashed the same with the Bank.
It is expected to use reasonable business prudence in accepting and Hence Gozon filed the complaint for recovery of the amount of
cashing a check presented to it. P5,000.00, plus interest, damages, attorney's fees and costs against the
Same; Same; Same; Bank was negligent in encashing a forged bank in the Court of First Instance of Rizal. After the issues were joined
check without carefully examining the signature on the check from the and the trial on the merits ensued, a decision was rendered on February
genuine signature of respondent.—Obviously, petitioner was negligent in 4,1980, the dispositive part of which reads as follows:
encashing said forged check without carefully examining the signature "WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff. The
which shows marked variation from the genuine signature of private defendant is hereby condemned to return to plaintiff the amount of
respondent. P5,000.00 which it had unlawfully withheld from the latter, with interest at
Same; Same; Same; Where the private respondent's check was the legal rate from September 22, 1972 until the amount is fully delivered.
removed and stolen from his checkbook without his knowledge and The defendant is further condemned to pay plaintiff the sum of P2,000.00
consent, he cannot be considered negligent in this case.—Private as attorney's fees and to pay the costs of this suit."
respondent trusted Ernesto Santos as a classmate and a friend. He Not satisfied therewith, the bank now filed this petition for
brought him along in his car to the bank and he left his personal belongings 584
in the car. Santos however removed and stole a check from his check book 584 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
without the knowledge and consent of private respondent. No doubt Phil. National Bank vs. Quimpo
review on certiorari in this Court raising the sole legal issue that—
private respondent cannot be considered negligent under the 3201"
circumstances of the case. The petition is devoid of merit
PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Court of First Instance This Court reproduces with approval the disquisition of the court a
of Rizal, Br. XIV. Quimpo, J. quo as follows:
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. "A bank is bound to know the signatures of its customers; and if it pays a
forged check, it must be considered as making the payment out of its own
GANCAYCO, J.: funds, and cannot ordinarily change the amount so paid to the account of
the depositor whose name was forged' (San Carlos Milling Co, vs. Bank of
On July 3, 1973, Francisco S. Gozon II, who was a depositor of the the P.I., 59 Phil. 59).
Caloocan City Branch of the Philippine National Bank, went to the bank in This rule is absolutely necessary to the circulation of drafts and checks,
his car accompanied by his friend Ernesto Santos whom he left in the car and is based upon the presumed negligence of the drawee in failing to
while he transacted business in the bank. When Santos saw that Gozon meet its obligation to know the signature of its correspondent. x x x There
is nothing inequitable in such a rule. If the paper comes to the drawee in Obviously, petitioner was negligent in encashing said forged check
the regular course of business, and he, having the opportunity ascertaining without carefully examining the signature which shows marked variation
its character, pronounces it to be valid and pays it, it is not only a question from the genuine signature of private respondent.
of payment under mistake, but payment in neglect of duty which the In reference to the allegation of the petitioner that it is the negligence of
commercial law places upon him, and the result of his negligence must rest private respondent that is the cause of the loss which he suffered, the trial
upon him' (12 ALR, 1901, citing many cases found in I Agbayani, supra). court held:
Defendant, however, interposed the defense that it exercised diligence "The act of plaintiff in leaving his checkbook in the car while he went out
in accordance with the accepted norms of banking practice when it for a short while can not be considered negligence sufficient to excuse the
accepted and paid Exhibit 'A'. It presented evidence that the check had to defendant bank from its own negligence. It should be borne in mind that
pass scrutiny by a signature verifier as well as an officer of the bank. when defendant left his car, Ernesto Santos, a long time classmate and
A comparison of the signature (Exhibit 'A-1') on the forged check friend remained in the same. Defendant could not have been expected to
(Exhibit 'A') with plaintiffs exemplar signatures (Exhibits '5-A' and '5-B) know that the said Ernesto Santos would remove a check from his
found in the PNB Form 35-A would immediately show the negligence of checkbook. Defendant had trust in his classmate and
the employees of the defendant bank. Even a not too careful comparison
would immediately arrest one's attention and direct it to the graceful lines _____________
of plaintiff s exemplar signatures found in Exhibits '5-A' and '5-B'. The
formation of the first letter 'F' in the exemplars, which could be regarded as PNB vs. National City Bank, 63 Phil. 711, 742; Banco de Oro Savings
artistic, is completely different from the way the same letter is formed in & Mortgage Bank vs. Equitable Bank Corp., G.R. No. 74917, Jan. 20,1988.
2 See Decision; p. 59, Rollo.
Exhibit 'A-1'. That alone should have alerted a more careful and prudent
signature verifier." 586
VOL. 158, MARCH 14, 1988 585 People vs. Cayago
Phil. National Bank vs. Quimpo friend. He had no reason to suspect that the latter would breach that trust."
The prime duty of a bank is to ascertain the genuineness of the signature We agree.
of the drawer or the depositor on the check being encashed.1 It is expected Private respondent trustee Ernesto Santos as a classmate and a friend.
to use reasonable business prudence in accepting and cashing a check He brought him along in his car to the bank and he left his personal
presented to it. belongings in the car. Santos however removed and stole a check from his
In this case the findings of facts of the court a quo are conclusive. The check book without the knowledge and consent of private respondent. No
trial court found that a comparison of the signature on the forged check doubt private respondent cannot be considered negligent under the
and the sample signatures of private respondent show marked differences circumstances of the case.
as the graceful lines in the sample signature which is completely different WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit with costs
from those of the signature on the forged check. Indeed the NBI against petitioner.
handwriting expert Estelita Santiago Agnes whom the trial court SO ORDERED.
considered to be an "unbiased scientific expert" indicated the marked Teehankee (C.J.), Narvasa, Cruz and Griño-Aquino, JJ., concur.
differences between the signature of private respondent on the sample Petition dismissed.
signatures and the questioned signature. Notwithstanding the testimony of Note.—The evidence in this case fails to show that the petitioner use
Col. Fernandez, witness for petitioner, advancing the opinion that the the proceeds of the check he encash for his own use. On the contrary, the
questioned signature appears to be genuine, the trial court by merely evidence shows he used it for the operational expenses of the company of
examining the pictorial report presented by said witness, found a marked which he is President (Rañon vs. Court of Appeals, 135 SCRA 495.)
difference in the second "c" in Francisco as written on the questioned
signature as compared to the sample signatures, and the separation
between the "s" and the "c" in the questioned signature while they are
connected in the sample signatures.2
446 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED not have occurred.—Accordingly, we need to determine whether or
Philippine Commercial and International Bank vs. Court of Appeals not the action of Godofredo Rivera, Ford’s General Ledger Accountant,
G.R. No. 121413. January 29, 2001.* and/or Alexis Marindo, his assistant, was the proximate cause of the loss
PHILIPPINE COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (formerly INSULAR or damage. As defined, proximate cause is that which, in the natural and
BANK OF ASIA AND AMERICA), petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient, intervening cause
and FORD PHILIPPINES, INC. and CITIBANK, N.A., respondents. produces the injury, and without which the result would not have occurred.
G.R. No. 121479. January 29, 2001.* Banks and Banking; Negotiable Instruments; Checks; The mere fact
FORD PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and that the forgery was committed by a drawer-payor’s confidential employee
CITIBANK, N.A. and PHILIPPINE COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL or agent, who by virtue of his position had unusual facilities for perpetrating
BANK, respondents. the fraud and imposing the forged paper upon the bank, does not entitle
G.R. No. 128604. January 29, 2001.* the bank to shift the loss to the drawer-payor, in the absence of some
FORD PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner, vs. CITIBANK, N.A., PHILIPPINE circumstances raising estoppel against the drawer.—It appears that
COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK and THE COURT OF APPEALS, although the employees of Ford initiated the transactions attributable to an
respondents. organized syndicate, in our view, their actions were not the proximate
Negligence; Torts; Quasi-Delicts; The general rule is that if the cause of encashing the checks payable to the CIR. The degree of Ford’s
master is injured by the negligence of a third person and by the concurring negligence, if any, could not be characterized as the proximate cause of
contributory negligence of his own servant or agent, the latter’s negligence the injury to the parties. The Board of Directors of Ford, we note, did not
is imputed to his superior and will defeat the superior’s action against the confirm the request of Godofredo Rivera to recall Citibank Check No. SN-
third person, assuming, of course that the contributory negligence was the 04867. Rivera’s instruction to replace the said check with PCIBank’s
proximate cause of the injury of which complaint is made.—On this point, Manager’s Check was not in the ordinary course of business which could
jurisprudence regarding the imputed negligence of employer in a master- have prompted PCIBank to validate the same. As to the preparation of
servant relationship is instructive. Since a master may be held for his Citibank Checks Nos. SN-10597 and 16508, it was established that these
servant’s wrongful act, the law imputes to the master the act of the servant, checks were made payable to the CIR. Both were crossed checks. These
and if that act is negligent or wrongful and proximately results in injury to a checks were apparently turned around by Ford’s employees, who were
third person, the negligence or wrongful conduct is the negligence or acting on their own personal capacity. Given these circumstances, the
wrongful conduct of the master, for which he is liable. The general rule is mere fact that the forgery was committed by a drawer-payor’s confidential
that if the master is injured by the negligence of a third person and by the employee or agent, who by virtue of his position had unusual facilities for
concurring contributory negligence of his own servant or agent, the latter’s perpetrating the fraud and imposing the forged paper upon the bank, does
negligence is imputed to his superior and will defeat the superior’s action not entitle the bank to shift the loss to the drawer-payor, in the absence of
against the third person, assuming, of course that the contributory some circumstance raising estoppel against the drawer. This rule likewise
negligence was the proximate cause of the injury of which complaint is applies to the checks fraudulently negotiated or diverted by the confidential
made. employees who hold them in their possession.
Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; Proximate cause is that Same; Checks; Collecting Banks; Taxation; A bank authorized to
which, in the natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient, collect the payment of taxpayers in behalf of the Bureau of Internal
intervening cause, produces the injury, and without which the result would Revenue is duty bound to consult its principal regarding the unwarranted
instructions given by the pay or of its agent.—Citibank Check No. SN-
________________ 04867 was deposited at PCIBank through its Ermita Branch. It was coursed
through the ordinary banking transaction, sent to Central Clearing with the
*SECOND DIVISION. indorsement at the back “all prior indorsements and/or lack of
447 indorsements guaranteed,” and was presented to Citibank for payment.
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 447 Thereafter PCIBank, instead of remitting the proceeds to the CIR, prepared
Philippine Commercial and International Bank vs. Court of two of its
Appeals 448
Philippine Commercial and International Bank vs. Court of Same; Same; Same; A bank which cashes a check drawn upon
Appeals another bank, without requiring proof as to the identity of persons
Manager's checks and enabled the syndicate to encash the same. On presenting it, or making inquiries with regard to them, cannot hold the
record, PCIBank failed to verify the authority of Mr. Rivera to negotiate the proceeds against the drawee when the proceeds of the checks were
checks. The neglect of PCIBank employees to verify whether his letter afterwards diverted to the hands of a third party.—Banking business
requesting for the replacement of the Citibank Check No. SN-04867 was requires that the one who first cashes and negotiates the check must take
duly authorized, showed lack of care and prudence required in the some precautions to learn whether or not it is genuine. And if the one
circumstances. Furthermore, it was admitted that PCIBank is authorized to cashing the check through indifference or other circumstance assists the
collect the payment of taxpayers in behalf of the BIR. As an agent of BIR, forger in committing the fraud, he should not be permitted to retain the
PCIBank is duty bound to consult its principal regarding the unwarranted proceeds of the check from the drawee whose sole fault was that it did not
instructions given by the payor or its agent. discover the forgery or the defect in the title of the person negotiating the
Same; Same; Same; Negotiable Instruments; It is a well-settled rule instrument before paying the check. For this reason, a bank which cashes
that the relationship between the payee or holder of commercial paper and a check drawn upon another bank, without requiring proof as to the identity
the bank to which it is sent for collection is, in the absence of an agreement of persons presenting it, or making inquiries with regard to them, cannot
to the contrary, that of principal and agent.—It is a well-settled rule that the hold the proceeds against the drawee when the proceeds of the checks
relationship between the payee or holder of commercial paper and the were afterwards diverted to the hands of a third party. In such cases the
bank to which it is sent for collection is, in the absence of an agreement to drawee bank has a right to believe that the cashing bank (or the collecting
the contrary, that of principal and agent. A bank which receives such paper bank) had, by the usual proper investigation, satisfied itself of the
for collection is the agent of the payee or holder. authenticity of the negotiation of the checks. Thus, one who encashed a
Same; Same; Same; Even considering arguendo, that the diversion check which had been forged or diverted and in turn received payment
of the amount of a check payable to the collecting bank in behalf of the thereon from the drawee, is guilty of negligence which proximately
designated payee may be allowed, still such diversion must be properly contributed to the success of the fraud practiced on the drawee bank. The
authorized by the payor.—Even considering arguendo, that the diversion latter may recover from the holder the money paid on the check.
of the amount of a check payable to the collecting bank in behalf of the Same; Same; Torts; As a general rule, a banking corporation is liable
designated payee may be allowed, still such diversion must be properly for the wrongful or tortuous acts and declarations of its officers or agents
authorized by the payor. Otherwise stated, the diversion can be justified within the course and scope of their employment—it may be liable for the
only by proof of authority from the drawer, or that the drawer has clothed tortuous acts of its officers even as regards that species of tort of which
his agent with apparent authority to receive the proceeds of such check. malice is an essential element.—In this case, there was no evidence
Same; Same; Same; Crossed Checks; Words and Phrases; The presented confirming the conscious participation of PCIBank in the
crossing of the check with the phrase “Payee’s Account Only,” is a warning embezzlement. As a general rule, however, a banking corporation is liable
that the check should be deposited only in the account of the payee; It is for the wrongful or tortuous acts and declarations of its officers or agents
the collecting bank which is bound to scrutinize the check and to know its within the course and scope of their employment. A bank will be held liable
depositors before it could make the clearing indorsement “all prior for the negligence of its officers or agents when acting within the course
indorsements and lor lack ofindorsement guaranteed.”—Indeed, the and scope of their employment. It may be liable for the tortuous acts of its
crossing of the check with the phrase “Payee’s Account Only,” is a warning officers even as regards that species of tort of which malice is an essential
that the check should be deposited only in the account of the CIR. Thus, it element. In this case, we find a situation where the PCIBank appears also
is the duty of the collecting bank PCIBank to ascertain that the check be to be the victim of the scheme hatched by a syndicate in which its own
deposited in payee’s account only. Therefore, it is the collecting bank management employees had participated.
(PCIBank) which is bound to scrutinize the check and to know its Same; Same; Same; The general rule is that a bank is liable for the
depositors before it could make the clearing indorsement “all prior fraudulent acts or representations of an officer or agent acting within the
indorsements and/or lack of indorsement guaranteed.” course and apparent scope of his employment or authority.—A bank hold-
449 450
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
ing out its officers and agents as worthy of confidence will not be Same; Same; Same; Same; The banking business is so impressed
permit- ted to profit by the frauds these officers or agents were enabled to with public interest where the trust and confidence of the public in general
perpetrate in the apparent course of their employment; nor will it be is of paramount importance such that the appropriate standard of diligence
permitted to shirk its responsibility for such frauds, even though no benefit must be very high, if not the highest, degree of diligence.—Time and again,
may accrue to the bank therefrom. For the general rule is that a bank is we have stressed that banking business is so impressed with public
liable for the fraudulent acts or representations of an officer or agent acting interest where the trust and confidence of the public in general is of
within the course and apparent scope of his employment or authority. And paramount importance such that the appropriate standard of diligence
if an officer or employee of a bank, in his official capacity, receives money must be very high, if not the highest, degree of diligence. A bank’s liability
to satisfy an evidence of indebtedness lodged with his bank for collection, as obligor is not merely vicarious but primary, wherein the defense of
the bank is liable for his misappropriation of such sum. exercise of due diligence in the selection and supervision of its employees
Same; Same; Same; Negligence; As a business affected with public is of no moment.
interest and because of the nature of its functions, a bank is under Same; Same; Same; Same; Banks are expected to exercise the
obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors with meticulous care, highest degree of diligence in the selection and supervision of their
always having in mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship.—Citibank employees.—Banks handle daily transactions involving millions of pesos.
should have scrutinized Citibank Check Numbers SN-10597 and 16508 By the very nature of their work the degree of responsibility, care and
before paying the amount of the proceeds thereof to the collecting bank of trustworthiness expected of their employees and officials is far greater than
the BIR. One thing is clear from the record: the clearing stamps at the back those of ordinary clerks and employees. Banks are expected to exercise
of Citibank Check Nos. SN-10597 and 16508 do not bear any initials. the highest degree of diligence in the selection and supervision of their
Citibank failed to notice and verify the absence of the clearing stamps. Had employees.
this been duly examined, the switching of the worthless checks to Citibank Same; Same; Same; Prescription; The statute of limitations begins to
Check Nos. 10597 and 16508 would have been discovered in time. For run when the bank gives the depositor notice of the payment, and an action
this reason, Citibank had indeed failed to perform what was incumbent upon a check is ordinarily governed by the statutory period applicable to
upon it, which is to ensure that the amount of the checks should be paid instruments in writing; An action upon a written contract must be brought
only to its designated payee. The fact that the drawee bank did not discover within ten years from the time the right of action accrues.—The statute of
the irregularity seasonably, in our view, constitutes negligence in carrying limitations begins to run when the bank gives the depositor notice of the
out the bank’s duty to its depositors. The point is that as a business payment, which is ordinarily when the check is returned to the alleged
affected with public interest and because of the nature of its functions, the drawer as a voucher with a statement of his account, and an action upon
bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors with a check is ordinarily governed by the statutory period applicable to
meticulous care, always having in mind the fiduciary nature of their instruments in writing. Our laws on the matter provide that the action upon
relationship. a written contract must be brought within ten years from the time the right
Same; Same; Same; Same; Doctrine of Comparative of action accrues. Hence, the reckoning time for the prescriptive period
Negligence; Where both the collecting and drawee banks failed in their begins when the instrument was issued and the corresponding check was
respective obligations and both were negligent in the selection and returned by the bank to its depositor (normally a month thereafter).
supervision of their employees, both are equally liable for the loss of the Applying the same rule, the cause of action for the recovery of the
proceeds of checks fraudulently encashed.—Thus, invoking the doctrine proceeds of Citibank Check No. SN-04867 would normally be a month after
of comparative negligence, we are of the view that both PCIBank and December 19, 1977, when Citibank paid the face value of the check in the
Citibank failed in their respective obligations and both were negligent in the amount of P4,746,114.41. Since the original complaint for the cause of
selection and supervision of their employees resulting in the encashment action was filed on January 20, 1983, barely six years had lapsed. Thus,
of Citibank Check Nos. SN-10597 and 16508. Thus, we are constrained to we conclude that Ford’s cause of action to recover the amount of Citibank
hold them equally liable for the loss of the proceeds of said checks issued Check No. SN-04867 was seasonably filed within the period provided by
by Ford in favor of the CIR. law.
451 452
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Same; Same; Same; Negligence; Failure on the part of the depositor entitled “Ford Philippines, Inc. vs. Citibank, N.A. and Insular Bank of Asia
to examine its passbook, statements of account, and cancelled checks and and America (now Philippine Commercial International Bank), and the
to give notice within a reasonable time (or as required by statute) of any August 8, 1995 Resolution,2 ordering the collecting bank, Philippine
discrepancy which it may in the exercise of due care and diligence find Commercial International Bank, to pay the amount of Citibank Check No.
therein, serves to mitigate the banks’ liability by reducing the award of SN-04867.
interest from twelve percent (12%) to six percent (6%) per annum.—We In G.R. No. 128604, petitioner Ford Philippines assails the October 15,
also find that Ford is not completely blameless in its failure to detect the 1996 Decision3 of the Court of Appeals and its March 5, 1997
fraud. Failure on the part of the depositor to examine its passbook, Resolution4 in CA-G.R. No. 28430entitled “Ford Philippines, Inc. vs.
statements of account, and cancelled checks and to give notice within a Citibank, N.A. and Philippine Commercial International Bank,” affirming in
reasonable time (or as required by statute) of any discrepancy which it may toto the judgment of the trial court holding the defendant drawee bank,
in the exercise of due care and diligence find therein, serves to mitigate Citibank, N.A., solely liable to pay the amount of P12,163,298.10 as
the banks’ liability by reducing the award of interest from twelve percent damages for the misapplied proceeds of the plaintiff’s Citibank Check
(12%) to six percent (6%) per annum. As provided in Article 1172 of the Numbers SN-10597 and 16508.
Civil Code of the Philippines, responsibility arising from negligence in the I. G.R. Nos. 121413 and 121479
performance of every kind of obligation is also demandable, but such The stipulated facts submitted by the parties as accepted by the Court of
liability may be regulated by the courts, according to the circumstances. In Appeals are as follows:
quasi-delicts, the contributory negligence of the plaintiff shall reduce the “On October 19, 1977, the plaintiff Ford drew and issued its Citibank Check
damages that he may recover. No. SN-04867 in the amount of P4,746,114.41, in favor of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue as payment of plaintiff’s percentage or
PETITIONS for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals. manufacturer’s sales taxes for the third quarter of 1977.
The aforesaid check was deposited with the defendant IBAA (now
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. PCIBank) and was subsequently cleared at the Central Bank. Upon
Romulo, Mabanta, Buenaventura, Sayoc & Delos Angeles for Ford presentment with the defendant Citibank, the proceeds of the check was
Philippines, Inc. paid to IBAA as collecting or depository bank.
Agabin, Verzola, Hermoso, Layaoen and De Castro for private
respondent PCIB. __________________
Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala and Cruz for respondent
Citibank. Penned by Justice B. A. Adefuin-dela Cruz and concurred in by
Justices Jesus M. Elbinias and Lourdes K. Tayao-Jaguros, rollo, G.R. No.
QUISUMBING, J.: 121413, pp. 27-42.
2 Rollo, G.R. No. 121413, pp. 44-45.

These consolidated petitions involve several fraudulently negotiated 3 Penned by Justice Jose C. de la Rama and concurred in by Justices

checks. Emeterio C. Cui and Eduardo G. Montenegro, rollo, G.R. No. 128604, pp.
The original actions a quo were instituted by Ford Philippines to recover 45-60.
from the drawee bank, CITIBANK, N.A. (Citibank) and collecting bank, 4 Rollo, G.R. No. 128604, pp. 42-43.

Philippine Commercial International Bank (PCI-Bank) [formerly Insular 454

Bank of Asia and America], the value of several checks payable to the 454 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which were embezzled allegedly by an Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
organized syndicate. The proceeds of the same Citibank check of the plaintiff was never paid to
453 or received by the payee thereof, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 453 As a consequence, upon demand of the Bureau and/or Commissioner
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals of Internal Revenue, the plaintiff was compelled to make a second payment
G.R. Nos. 121413 and 121479 are twin petitions for review of the March to the Bureau of Internal Revenue of its percentage/manufacturers’ sales
27, 1995 Decision1 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 25017, taxes for the third quarter of 1977 and that said second payment of plaintiff
in the amount of P4,746,114.41 was duly received by the Bureau of Internal of the plaintiff’s lawyers, plaintiff on March 11, 1982, paid to the Bureau of
Revenue. Internal Revenue, the amount of P4,746,114.41, representing payment of
It is further admitted by defendant Citibank that during the time of the plaintiff’s percentage tax for the third quarter of 1977.
transactions in question, plaintiff had been maintaining a checking account As a consequence of defendant’s refusal to reimburse plaintiff of the
with defendant Citibank; that Citibank Check No. SN-04867 which was payment it had made for the second time to the BIR of its percentage taxes,
drawn and issued by the plaintiff in favor of the Commissioner of Internal plaintiff filed on January 20, 1983 its original complaint before this Court.
Revenue was a crossed check in that, on its face were two parallel lines On December 24, 1985, defendant IBAA was merged with the
and written in between said lines was the phrase “Payee’s Account Only”; Philippine Commercial International Bank (PCIBank) with the latter as the
and that defendant Citibank paid the full face value of the check in the surviving entity.
amount of P4,746,114.41 to the defendant IBAA. Defendant Citibank maintains that; the payment it made of plaintiffs
It has been duly established that for the payment of plaintiff’s Citibank Check No. SN-04867 in the amount of P4,746,114.41 “was in due
percentage tax for the last quarter of 1977, the Bureau of Internal Revenue course”; it merely relied on the clearing stamp of the depository/collecting
issued Revenue Tax Receipt No. 18747002, dated October 20, 1977, bank, the defendant IBAA that “all prior indorsements and/or lack of
designating therein in Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, as the authorized agent indorsements guaranteed”; and the proximate cause of plaintiff’s injury is
bank of Metrobank, Alabang Branch to receive the tax payment of the the gross negligence of defendant IBAA in indorsing the plaintiff’s Citibank
plaintiff. check in question.
On December 19, 1977, plaintiff’s Citibank Check No. SN-04867, It is admitted that on December 19, 1977 when the proceeds of
together with the Revenue Tax Receipt No. 18747002, was deposited with plaintiff’s Citibank Check No. SN-04867 was paid to defendant IBAA as
defendant IBAA, through its Ermita Branch. The latter accepted the check collecting bank, plaintiff was maintaining a checking account with
and sent it to the Central Clearing House for clearing on the same day, with defendant Citibank.”5
the indorsement at the back “all prior indorsements and/or lack of Although it was not among the stipulated facts, an investigation by the
indorsements guaranteed.” Thereafter, defendant IBAA presented the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) revealed that Citibank Check No.
check for payment to defendant Citibank on same date, December 19, SN-04867 was recalled by Godofredo Rivera, the General Ledger
1977, and the latter paid the face value of the check in the amount of Accountant of Ford. He purportedly needed to hold back the check
P4,746,114.41. Consequently, the amount of P4,746,114.41 was debited because there was an error in the computation of the tax due to the Bureau
in plaintiff’s account with the defendant Citibank and the check was of Internal Revenue (BIR). With Rivera’s instruction, PCIBank replaced the
returned to the plaintiff. check with two of its own Man-
Upon verification, plaintiff discovered that its Citibank Check No. SN-
04867 in the amount of P4,746,114.41 was not paid to the Commissioner __________________
of Internal Revenue. Hence, in separate letters dated October 26, 1979,
addressed to the defendants, the plaintiff notified the latter that in case it Supra, see note 1, pp. 32-34 (All citations omitted).
will be re-assessed by the BIR for the payment of the taxes covered by the 456
said checks, then plaintiff shall hold the defendants liable for reim- 456 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
455 Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 455 ager’s Checks (MCs). Alleged members of a syndicate later deposited the
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals two MCs with the Pacific Banking Corporation.
bursement of the face value of the same. Both defendants denied liability Ford, with leave of court, filed a third-party complaint before the trial
and refused to pay. court impleading Pacific Banking Corporation (PBC) and Godofredo
In a letter dated February 28, 1980 by the Acting Commissioner of Rivera, as third party defendants. But the court dismissed the complaint
Internal Revenue addressed to the plaintiff—supposed to be Exhibit “D,” against PBC for lack of cause of action. The court likewise dismissed the
the latter was officially informed, among others, that its check in the amount third-party complaint against Godofredo Rivera because he could not be
of P4,746,114.41 was not paid to the government or its authorized agent served with summons as the NBI declared him as a “fugitive from justice.”
and instead encashed by unauthorized persons, hence, plaintiff has to pay On June 15, 1989, the trial court rendered its decision, as follows:
the said amount within fifteen days from receipt of the letter. Upon advice “Premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
1. 1.Ordering the defendants Citibank and IBAA (now PCI Bank), PCIBank moved to reconsider the above-quoted decision of the Court of
jointly and severally, to pay the plaintiff the amount of Appeals, while Ford filed a “Motion for Partial Reconsideration.” Both
P4,746,114.41 representing the face value of plaintiff’s Citibank motions were denied for lack of merit.
Check No. SN-04867, with interest thereon at the legal rate Separately, PCIBank and Ford filed before this Court, petitions for
starting January 20, 1983, the date when the original complaint review by certiorari under Rule 45.
was filed until the amount is fully paid, plus costs; In G.R. No. 121413, PCIBank seeks the reversal of the decision and
2. 2.On defendant Citibank’s cross-claim: ordering the cross- resolution of the Twelfth Division of the Court of Appeals contending that it
defendant IBAA (now PCI BANK) to reimburse defendant merely acted on the instruction of Ford and such cause of action had
Citibank for whatever amount the latter has paid or may pay to already prescribed.
the plaintiff in accordance with the next preceding paragraph; PCIBank sets forth the following issues for consideration:
3. 3.The counterclaims asserted by the defendants against the
plaintiff, as well as that asserted by the cross-defendant against 1. I.Did the respondent court err when, after finding that the petitioner
the cross-claimant are dismissed, for lack of merits; and acted on the check drawn by respondent Ford on the said
4. 4.With costs against the defendants. respondent’s instructions, it nevertheless found the petitioner
liable to the said respondent for the full amount of the said check.
SO ORDERED.”6 2. II.Did the respondent court err when it did not find prescription in
Not satisfied with the said decision, both defendants, Citibank and favor of the petitioner.8
PCIBank, elevated their respective petitions for review on certiorari to the
Court of Appeals. On March 27, 1995, the appellate court issued its In a counter move, Ford filed its petition docketed as G.R. No. 121479,
judgment as follows: questioning the same decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals, and
“WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the court AFFIRMS the appealed praying for the reinstatement in toto of the decision
decision with modifications.
The court hereby renders judgment: _________________

_________________ 7 1d. at 41-42.

8 Id. at 18.
Rollo, G.R. No. 121413, pp. 131-132. 458
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 457 Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals of the trial court which found both PCIBank and Citibank jointly and
severally liable for the loss.
1. 1.Dismissing the complaint in Civil Case No. 49287 insofar as In G.R. No. 121479, appellant Ford presents the following propositions
defendant Citibank N.A. is concerned; for consideration:
2. 2.Ordering the defendant IBAA now PCI Bank to pay the plaintiff
the amount of P4,746,114.41 representing the face value of 1. I.Respondent Citibank is liable to petitioner Ford considering that:
plaintiff’s Citibank Check No. SN-04867, with interest thereon at
the legal rate starting January 20, 1983, the date when the original 1. 1.As drawee bank, respondent Citibank owes to petitioner Ford, as
complaint was filed until the amount is fully paid; the drawer of the subject check and a depositor of respondent
3. 3.Dismissing the counterclaims asserted by the defendants against Citibank, an absolute and contractual duty to pay the proceeds of
the plaintiff as well as that asserted by the cross-defendant the subject check only to the payee thereof, the Commissioner of
against the cross-claimant, for lack of merits. Internal Revenue.

Costs against the defendant IBAA (now PCI Bank).

2. 2.Respondent Citibank failed to observe its duty as banker with On April 20, 1979, Ford drew another Citibank Check No. SN-16508 in
respect to the subject check, which was crossed and payable to the amount of P6,311,591.73, representing the payment of percentage tax
“Payee’s Account Only.” for the first quarter of 1979 arid payable to the Commissioner of Internal
3. 3.Respondent Citibank raises an issue for the first time on appeal; Revenue. Again a BIR Revenue Tax Receipt No. A-1697160 was issued
thus the same should not be considered by the Honorable Court. for the said purpose.
4. 4.As correctly held by the trial court, there is no evidence of gross Both checks were “crossed checks” and contain two diagonal lines on
negligence on the part of petitioner Ford.9 its upper left corner between which were written the words “payable to the
payee’s account only.”
1. II.PCIBank is liable to petitioner Ford considering that: The checks never reached the payee, CIR. Thus, in a letter dated
February 28, 1980, the BIR, Region 4-B, demanded for the said tax
1. 1.There were no instructions from petitioner Ford to deliver the payments the corresponding periods above-mentioned.
proceeds of the subject check to a person other than the payee As far as the BIR is concerned, the said two BIR Revenue Tax Receipts
named therein, the Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal were considered “fake and spurious.” This anomaly was confirmed by the
Revenue; thus, PCIBank’s only obligation is to deliver the NBI upon the initiative of the BIR. The findings forced Ford to pay the BIR
proceeds to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal anew, while an action was filed against Citibank and PCIBank for the
Revenue.10 recovery of the amount of Citibank Check Numbers SN-10597 and 16508.
2. 2.PCIBank which affixed its indorsement on the subject check (“All The Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 57, which tried the case,
prior indorsement and/or lack of indorsement guaranteed”), is made its findings on the modus operandi of the syndicate, as follows:
liable as collecting bank.11 “A certain Mr. Godofredo Rivera was employed by the plaintiff FORD as its
3. 3.PCIBank is barred from raising issues of fact in the instant General Ledger Accountant. As such, he prepared the plaintiffs check
proceedings.12 marked Exh. ‘A’ [Citibank Check No. SN-10597] for payment to the BIR.
4. 4.Petitioner Ford’s cause of action had not prescribed.13 Instead, however, of delivering the same to the payee, he passed
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Rollo, G.R. No. 121479, pp. 162-163. on the check to a co-conspirator named Remberto Castro who was a
Id. at 181. promanager of the San Andres Branch of PCIB.** In connivance with one
11 Id. at 186. Winston Dulay, Castro himself subsequently opened a Checking Account
12 Id at 188. in the name of a fictitious person denominated as ‘Reynaldo Reyes’ in the
13 Id. at 192. Meralco Branch of PCIBank where Dulay works as Assistant Manager.
459 After an initial deposit of P100.00 to validate the account, Castro
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 459 deposited a worthless Bank of America Check in exactly the same amount
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals as the first FORD check (Exh. “A,” P5,851,706.37) while this worthless
check was coursed through PCIB’s main office enroute to the Central Bank
II. G.R. No. 128604
for clearing, replaced this worthless check with FORD’s Exhibit ‘A’ and
The same syndicate apparently embezzled the proceeds of checks
accordingly tampered the accompanying documents to cover the
intended, this time, to settle Ford’s percentage taxes appertaining to the
replacement. As a result, Exhibit ‘A’ was cleared by defendant CITIBANK,
second quarter of 1978 and the first quarter of 1979.
and the fictitious deposit account of ‘Reynaldo Reyes’ was credited at the
The facts as narrated by the Court of Appeals are as follows:
PCIB Meralco Branch with the total amount of the FORD check Exhibit ‘A.’
Ford drew Citibank Check No. SN-10597 on July 19, 1978 in the
The same method was again utilized by the syndicate in profiting from Exh.
amount of P5,851,706.37 representing the percentage tax due for the
‘B’ [Citibank Check No. SN-16508] which was subsequently pilfered by
second quarter of 1978 payable to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Alexis Marindo, Rivera’s Assistant at FORD.
A BIR Revenue Tax Receipt No. 28645385 was issued for the said
From this ‘Reynaldo Reyes’ account, Castro drew various checks
distributing the shares of the other participating conspirators namely (1)
CRISANTO BERNABE, the mastermind who formulated the method for the Both Ford and Citibank appealed to the Court of Appeals which affirmed, in
embezzlement; (2) RODOLFO R. DE LEON a customs broker who toto, the decision of the trial court. Hence, this petition.
negotiated the initial contact between Bernabe, FORD’s Godofredo Rivera Petitioner Ford prays that judgment be rendered setting aside the
and PCIB’s Remberto Castro; (3) JUAN CASTILLO who assisted de Leon portion of the Court of Appeals decision and its resolution dated March 5,
in the initial arrangements; (4) GODOFREDO RIVERA, FORD’s 1997, with respect to the dismissal of the complaint against PCIBank and
accountant who passed on the first check (Exhibit “A”) to Castro; (5) holding Citibank solely responsible for the proceeds of Citibank Check
REMBERTO CASTRO, PCIB’s pro-manager at San Andres who Numbers SN-10597 and 16508 fot P5,851,706.73 and P6,311,591.73
performed the switching of checks in the clearing process and opened the respectively.
fictitious Reynaldo Reyes account at the PCIB Meralco Branch; (6) Ford avers that the Court of Appeals erred in dismissing the complaint
WINSTON DULAY, PCIB’s Assistant Manager at its Meralco Branch, who against defendant PCIBank considering that:
assisted Castro in switching the checks in the clearing process and
facilitated the opening of the fictitious Reynaldo Reyes’ bank account; (7) 1. I.Defendant PCIBank was clearly negligent when it failed to
ALEXIS MARINDO, Rivera’s Assistant at FORD, who gave the second exercise the diligence required to be exercised by it as a banking
check (Exh. “B”) to Castro; (8) ELEUTERIO JIMENEZ, BIR Collection institution.
Agent who provided the fake and spurious revenue tax receipts to make it 2. II.Defendant PCIBank clearly failed to observe the diligence re-
appear that the BIR had received FORD’s tax payments. quired in the selection and supervision of its officers and
Several other persons and entities were utilized by the syndicate as employees.
conduits in the disbursements of the proceeds of the two checks, but like
the aforementioned participants in the conspiracy, have not been im- _________________
___________________ 14
Supra, see note 3, pp. 47-49.
Id. at 46.
Initials stand for Philippine Commercial International Bank, or 462
461 Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 461
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
1. III.Defendant PCIBank was, due to its negligence, clearly liable for
pleaded in the present case. The manner by which the said funds were
the loss or damage resulting to the plaintiff Ford as a
distributed among them are traceable from the record of checks drawn
consequence of the substitution of the check consistent with
against the original “Reynaldo Reyes” account and indubitably identify the
Section 5 of Central Bank Circular No. 580 series of 1977.
parties who illegally benefited therefrom and readily indicate in what
2. IV.Assuming arguendo that defendant PCIBank did not accept,
amounts they did so.”14
endorse or negotiate in due course the subject checks, it is liable,
On December 9, 1988, Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 57, held
under Article 2154 of the Civil Code, to return the money which it
drawee-bank, Citibank, liable for the value of the two checks while
admits having received, and which was credited to it in its Central
absolving PCIBank from any liability, disposing as follows:
Bank account.16
“WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered sentencing defendant
CITIBANK to reimburse plaintiff FORD the total amount of P12,163,298.10
prayed for in its complaint, with 6% interest thereon from date of first written The main issue presented for our consideration by these petitions could be
demand until full payment, plus P300,000.00 attorney’s fees and expenses simplified as follows: Has petitioner Ford the right to recover from the
of litigation, and to pay the defendant, PCIB (on its counterclaim to collecting bank (PCIBank) and the drawee bank (Citibank) the value of the
crossclaim) the sum of P300,000.00 as attorney’s fees and costs of checks intended as payment to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue? Or
litigation, and pay the costs. has Ford’s cause of action already prescribed?
SO ORDERED.”15 Note that in these cases, the checks were drawn against the drawee
bank, but the title of the person negotiating the same was allegedly
defective because the instrument was obtained by fraud and unlawful discovered the syndicate’s activities through the information given by the
means, and the proceeds of the checks were not remitted to the payee. It payee of the checks after an unreasonable period of time.
was established that instead of paying the checks to the CIR, for the PCIBank also blames Ford of negligence when it allegedly authorized
settlement of the appropriate quarterly percentage taxes of Ford, the Godofredo Rivera to divert the proceeds of Citibank Check No. SN-04867,
checks were diverted and encashed for the eventual distribution among instead of using it to pay the BIR. As to the subsequent run-around of funds
the members of the syndicate. As to the unlawful negotiation of the check of Citibank Check Nos. SN-10597 and 16508, PCIBank claims that the
the applicable law is Section 55 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL), proximate cause of the damage to Ford lies in its own officers and
which provides: employees who carried out the fraudulent schemes and the transactions.
“When title defective—The title of a person who negotiates an instrument These circumstances were not checked by other officers of the company,
is defective within the meaning of this Act when he obtained the instrument, including its comptroller or internal auditor. PCIBank contends that the
or any signature thereto, by fraud, duress, or force and fear, or other inaction of Ford despite the enormity of the amount involved was a sheer
unlawful means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he negotiates it in negligence and stated that, as between two innocent persons, one of
breach of faith or under such circumstances as amount to a fraud.” whom must suffer the consequences of a breach of trust, the
Pursuant to this provision, it is vital to show that the negotiation is made by 464
the perpetrator in breach of faith amounting to fraud. The person 464 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
negotiating the checks must have gone beyond Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
one who made it possible, by his act of negligence, must bear the loss.
__________________ For its part, Ford denies any negligence in the performance of its duties.
It avers that there was no evidence presented before the trial court showing
16 Id. at 24-25. lack of diligence on the part of Ford. And, citing the case of Gempesaw vs.
463 Court of Appeals,17 Ford argues that even if there was a finding therein that
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 463 the drawer was negligent, the drawee bank was still ordered to pay
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals damages.
the authority given by his principal. If the principal could prove that there Furthermore, Ford contends that Godofredo Rivera was not authorized
was no negligence in the performance of his duties, he may set up the to make any representation in its behalf, specifically, to divert the proceeds
personal defense to escape liability and recover from other parties who, of the checks. It adds that Citibank raised the issue of imputed negligence
through their own negligence, allowed the commission of the crime. against Ford for the first time on appeal. Thus, it should not be considered
In this case, we note that the direct perpetrators of the offense, namely by this Court.
the embezzlers belonging to a syndicate, are now fugitives from justice. On this point, jurisprudence regarding the imputed negligence of
They have, even if temporarily, escaped liability for the embezzlement of employer in a master-servant relationship is instructive. Since a master
millions of pesos. We are thus left only with the task of determining who of may be held for his servant’s wrongful act, the law imputes to the master
the present parties before us must bear the burden of loss of these millions. the act of the servant, and if that act is negligent or wrongful and
It all boils down to the question of liability based on the degree of proximately results in injury to a third person, the negligence or wrongful
negligence among the parties concerned. conduct is the negligence or wrongful conduct of the master, for which he
Foremost, we must resolve whether the injured party, Ford, is guilty of is liable.18 The general rule is that if the master is injured by the negligence
the “imputed contributory negligence” that would defeat its claim for of a third person and by the concurring contributory negligence of his own
reimbursement, bearing in mind that its employees, Godofredo Rivera and servant or agent, the latter’s negligence is imputed to his superior and will
Alexis Marindo, were among the members of the syndicate. defeat the superior’s action against the third person, assuming, of course
Citibank points out that Ford allowed its very own employee, Godofredo that the contributory negligence was the proximate cause of the injury of
Rivera, to negotiate the checks to his co-conspirators, instead of delivering which complaint is made.19
them to the designated authorized collecting bank (Metrobank-Alabang) of Accordingly, we need to determine whether or not the action of
the payee, CIR. Citibank bewails the fact that Ford was remiss in the Godofredo Rivera, Ford’s General Ledger Accountant, and/or Alexis
supervision and control of its own employees, inasmuch as it only Marindo, his assistant, was the proximate cause of the loss or damage. As
defined, proximate cause is that which, in the natural and continuous
sequence, unbroken by any efficient, intervening cause produces the ___________________
injury, and without which the result would not have occurred.20
Am Jur 2d, Volume 10, Banks, Section 604 (1963 Edition).
___________________ 466
17 218 SCRA 682 (1993). Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
18 Am Jur 2d, Volume 58, Negligence, Section 458. banking transaction, sent to Central Clearing with the indorsement at the
Am Jur 2d, Volume 58, Negligence, Section 464. back “all prior indorsements and/or lack of indorsements guaranteed,” and
Vda. de Bataclan, et al vs. Medina, 102 Phil. 181,186 (1957). was presented to Citibank for payment. Thereafter PCIBank, instead of
465 remitting the proceeds to the CIR, prepared two of its Manager’s checks
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 465 and enabled the syndicate to encash the same.
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals On record, PCIBank failed to verify the authority of Mr. Rivera to
It appears that although the employees of Ford initiated the transactions negotiate the checks. The neglect of PCIBank employees to verify whether
attributable to an organized syndicate, in our view, their actions were not his letter requesting for the replacement of the Citibank Check No. SN-
the proximate cause of encashing the checks payable to the CIR. The 04867 was duly authorized, showed lack of care and prudence required in
degree of Ford’s negligence, if any, could not be characterized as the the circumstances.
proximate cause of the injury to the parties. Furthermore, it was admitted that PCIBank is authorized to collect the
The Board of Directors of Ford, we note, did not confirm the request of payment of taxpayers in behalf of the BIR. As an agent of BIR, PCIBank is
Godofredo Rivera to recall Citibank Check No. SN-04867. Rivera’s duty bound to consult its principal regarding the unwarranted instructions
instruction to replace the said check with PCIBank’s Manager’s Check was given by the payor or its agent. As aptly stated by the trial court, to wit:
not in the ordinary course of business which could have prompted PCIBank “x x x. Since the questioned crossed check was deposited with IBAA [now
to validate the same. PCIBank], which claimed to be a depository/collecting bank of the BIR, it
As to the preparation of Citibank Checks Nos. SN-10597 and 16508, it has the responsibility to make sure that the check in question is deposited
was established that these checks were made payable to the CIR. Both in Payee’s account only.
were crossed checks. These checks were apparently turned around by xxx xxx xxx
Ford’s employees, who were acting on their own personal capacity. As agent of the BIR (the payee of the check), defendant IBAA should
Given these circumstances, the mere fact that the forgery was receive instructions only from its principal BIR and not from any other
committed by a drawer-payor’s confidential employee or agent, who by person especially so when that person is not known to the defendant. It is
virtue of his position had unusual facilities for perpetrating the fraud and very imprudent on the part of the defendant IBAA to just rely on the alleged
imposing the forged paper Upon the bank, does not entitle the bank to shift telephone call of one Godofredo Rivera and in his signature to the
the loss to the drawer-payor, in the absence of some circumstance raising authenticity of such signature considering that the plaintiff is not a client of
estoppel against the drawer.21 This rule likewise applies to the checks the defendant IBAA.”
fraudulently negotiated or diverted by the confidential employees who hold It is a well-settled rule that the relationship between the payee or holder of
them in their possession. commercial paper and the bank to which it is sent for collection is, in the
With respect to the negligence of PCIBank in the payment of the three absence of an agreement to the contrary, that of principal and agent.22 A
checks involved, separately, the trial courts found variations between the bank which receives such paper for collection is the agent of the payee or
negotiation of Citibank Check No. SN-04867 and the misapplication of total holder.23
proceeds of Checks SN-10597 and 16508. Therefore, we have to
scrutinize, separately, PCIBank’s share of negligence when the syndicate __________________
achieved its ultimate agenda of stealing the proceeds of these checks.
G.R. Nos. 121413 and 121479 Id. at Section 697.
Citibank Check No. SN-04867 was deposited at PCIBank through its Ibid.
Ermita Branch. It was coursed through the ordinary 467
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 467
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals defendant is liable for any damage arising out of the falsity of its
Even considering arguendo, that the diversion of the amount of a check representation.”25
payable to the collecting bank in behalf of the designated payee may be Lastly, banking business requires that the one who first cashes and
allowed, still such diversion must be properly authorized by the payor. negotiates the check must take some precautions to learn whether or not
Otherwise stated, the diversion can be justified only by proof of authority it is genuine. And if the one cashing the check through indifference or other
from the drawer, or that the drawer has clothed his agent with apparent circumstance assists the forger in committing the fraud, he should not be
authority to receive the proceeds of such check. permitted to retain the proceeds of the check from the drawee whose sole
Citibank further argues that PCI Bank’s clearing stamp appearing at the fault was that it did not discover the forgery or the defect in the title of the
back of the questioned checks stating that ALL PRIOR INDORSEMENTS person negotiating the instrument before paying the check. For this reason,
AND/OR LACK OF INDORSEMENTS GUARANTEED should render a bank which cashes a check drawn upon another bank, without requiring
PCIBank liable because it made it pass through the clearing house and proof as to the identity of persons presenting it, or making inquiries with
therefore Citibank had no other option but to pay it. Thus, Citibank asserts regard to them, cannot hold the proceeds against the drawee when the
that the proximate cause of Ford’s injury is the gross negligence of proceeds of the checks were afterwards diverted to the hands of a third
PCIBank. Since the questioned crossed check was deposited with party. In such cases the drawee bank has a right to believe that the cashing
PCIBank, which claimed to be a depository/collecting bank of the BIR, it bank (or the collecting bank) had, by the usual proper investigation,
had the responsibility to make sure that the check in question is deposited satisfied itself of the authenticity of the negotiation of the checks. Thus, one
in Payee’s account only. who encashed a check which had been forged or diverted and in turn
Indeed, the crossing of the check with the phrase “Payee’s Account received payment thereon from the drawee, is guilty of negligence which
Only,” is a warning that the check should be deposited only in the account proximately contributed to the success of the fraud practiced on the drawee
of the CIR. Thus, it is the duty of the collecting bank PCIBank to ascertain bank. The latter may recover from the holder the money paid on the
that the check be deposited in payee’s account only. Therefore, it is the check.26
collecting bank (PCIBank) which is bound to scrutinize the check and to Having established that the collecting bank’s negligence is the
know its depositors before it could make the clearing indorsement “all prior proximate cause of the loss, we conclude that PCIBank is liable in the
indorsements and/or lack of indorsement guaranteed.” amount corresponding to the proceeds of Citibank Check No SN-04867.
In Banco de Oro Savings and Mortgage Bank vs. Equitable Banking
Corporation,24 we ruled: __________________
“Anent petitioner’s liability on said instruments, this court is in full accord
with the ruling of the PCHC’s Board of Directors that: 25
Id. at 194.
‘In presenting the checks for clearing and for payment, the defendant 26
Supra note 20 at Section 611.
made an express guarantee on the validity of “all prior endorsements.” 469
Thus, stamped at the back of the checks are the defendant’s clear VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 469
warranty: ALL PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS AND/OR LACK OF EN- Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
G.R. No. 128604
_________________ The trial court and the Court of Appeals found that PCIBank had no official
act in the ordinary course of business that would attribute to it the case of
24157 SCRA 188 (1988). the embezzlement of Citibank Check Numbers SN-10597 and 16508,
468 because PCIBank did not actually receive nor hold the two Ford checks at
468 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED all. The trial court held, thus:
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals “Neither is there any proof that defendant PCIBank contributed any official
DORSEMENTS GUARANTEED. Without such warranty, plaintiff would not or conscious participation in the process of the embezzlement. This Court
have paid on the checks.’ is convinced that the switching operation (involving the checks while in
No amount of legal jargon can reverse the clear meaning of defendant’s transit for “clearing”) were the clandestine or hidden actuations performed
warranty. As the warranty has proven to be false and inaccurate, the by the members of the syndicate in their own personal, covert and private
capacity and done without the knowledge of the defendant PCIBank. . . .”27
In this case, there was no evidence presented confirming the conscious transit for clearing, shall be for the account of sending bank, which in this
participation of PCIBank in the embezzlement. As a general rule, however, case is PCIBank.
a banking corporation is liable for the wrongful or tortuous acts and But in this case, responsibility for negligence does not lie on PCIBank’s
declarations of its officers or agents within the course and scope of their shoulders alone.
employment.28 A bank will be held liable for the negligence of its officers or The evidence on record shows that Citibank as drawee bank was
agents when acting within the course and scope of their employment. It likewise negligent in the performance of its duties. Citibank failed to
may be liable for the tortuous acts of its officers even as regards that establish that its payment of Ford’s checks were made in due course and
species of tort of which malice is an essential element. In this case, we find legally in order. In its defense, Citibank claims the genuineness and due
a situation where the PCIBank appears also to be the victim of the scheme execution of said checks, considering that Citibank (1) has no knowledge
hatched by a syndicate in which its own management employees had of any infirmity in the issuance of the checks in question (2) coupled by the
participated. fact that said checks were sufficiently funded and (3) the endorsement of
The pro-manager of San Andres Branch of PCIBank, Remberto Castro, the Payee or lack
received Citibank Check Numbers SN-10597 and 16508. He passed the
checks to a co-conspirator, an Assistant Manager of PCIBank’s Meralco ___________________
Branch, who helped Castro open a Checking account of a fictitious person
named “Reynaldo Reyes.” Castro deposited a worthless Bank of America 29
Id. at Sec. 111.
Check in exactly the same amount of Ford checks. The syndicate Id. Sec. 113.
tampered with the checks Sec. 5. Loss of Clearing Items.—Any loss or damage arising from
theft, pilferage, or other causes affecting items in transit shall be for the
__________________ account of the sending bank/branch, institution or entity concerned.
Rollo, G.R. No. 128604, pp. 56-57. VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 471
Supra note 20 at Section 110. Philippine Commercial and International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
470 thereof was guaranteed by PCI Bank (formerly IBAA), thus, it has the
470 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED obligation to honor and pay the same.
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals For its part, Ford contends that Citibank as the drawee bank owes to
and succeeded in replacing the worthless checks and the eventual Ford an absolute and contractual duty to pay the proceeds of the subject
encashment of Citibank Check Nos, SN-10597 and 16508. The PCIBank check only to the payee thereof, the CIR. Citing Section 6232 of the
Pro-manager, Castro, and his co-conspirator Assistant Manager Negotiable Instruments Law, Ford argues that by accepting the instrument,
apparently performed their activities using facilities in their official capacity the acceptor which is Citibank engages that it will pay according to the
or authority but for their personal and private gain or benefit. tenor of its acceptance, and that it will pay only to the payee, (the CIR),
A bank holding out its officers and agents as worthy of confidence will considering the fact that here the check was crossed with annotation
not be permitted to profit by the frauds these officers or agents were “Payees Account Only.”
enabled to perpetrate in the apparent course of their employment; nor will As ruled by the Court of Appeals, Citibank must likewise answer for the
it be permitted to shirk its responsibility for such frauds, even though no damages incurred by Ford on Citibank Checks Numbers SN-10597 and
benefit may accrue to the bank therefrom. For the general rule is that a 16508, because of the contractual relationship existing between the two.
bank is liable for the fraudulent acts or representations of an officer or Citibank, as the drawee bank breached its contractual obligation with Ford
agent acting within the course and apparent scope of his employment or and such degree of culpability contributed to the damage caused to the
authority.29 And if an officer or employee of a bank, in his official capacity, latter. On this score, we agree with the respondent court’s ruling.
receives money to satisfy an evidence of indebtedness lodged with his Citibank should have scrutinized Citibank Check Numbers SN-10597
bank for collection, the bank is liable for his misappropriation of such sum.30 and 16508 before paying the amount of the proceeds thereof to the
Moreover, as correctly pointed out by Ford, Section 531 of Central Bank collecting bank of the BIR. One thing is clear from the record: the clearing
Circular No. 580, Series of 1977 provides that any theft affecting items in stamps at the back of Citibank Check Nos. SN-10597 and 16508 do not
bear any initials. Citibank failed to notice and verify the absence of the
clearing stamps. Had this been duly examined, the switching of the ______________________
worthless checks to Citibank Check Nos. SN-10597 and 16508 would have
been discovered in time. For this reason, Citibank had indeed failed to Simex International (Manila), Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 183 SCRA
perform what was incumbent upon it, which is to ensure that the amount of 360, 367 (1990).
the checks should be paid only to its designated payee. The fact that the Supra, see note 17, at p. 697.
35 Ibid.
drawee bank did not discover the irregularity seasonably, in our view,
constitutes negligence in carrying out the bank’s duty to its depositors. The 36
BPI vs. Court of Appeals, 216 SCRA 51, 71 (1992).
point is that as a business affected with public interest and because of the Ibid.
nature of its functions, the bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of Ibid.
its depositors with me- 473
VOL. 350, JANUARY 29, 2001 473
___________________ Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
is returned to the alleged drawer as a voucher with a statement of his
32 Sec. 62, Negotiable Instruments Law. account,39 and an action upon a check is ordinarily governed by the
472 statutory period applicable to instruments in writing.40
472 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Our laws on the matter provide that the action upon a written contract
Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals must be brought within ten years from the time the right of action
ticulous care, always having in mind the fiduciary nature of their accrues.41 Hence, the reckoning time for the prescriptive period begins
relationship.33 when the instrument was issued and the corresponding check was
Thus, invoking the doctrine of comparative negligence, we are of the returned by the bank to its depositor (normally a month thereafter).
view that both PCIBank and Citibank failed in their respective obligations Applying the same rule, the cause of action for the recovery of the
and both were negligent in the selection and supervision of their employees proceeds of Citibank Check No. SN-04867 would normally be a month after
resulting in the encashment of Citibank Check Nos. SN-10597 and 16508. December 19, 1977, when Citibank paid the face value of the check in the
Thus, we are constrained to hold them equally liable for the loss of the amount of P4,746,114.41. Since the original complaint for the cause of
proceeds of said checks issued by Ford in favor of the CIR. action was filed on January 20, 1983, barely six years had lapsed. Thus,
Time and again, we have stressed that banking business is so we conclude that Ford’s cause of action to recover the amount of Citibank
impressed with public interest where the trust and confidence of the public Check No. SN-04867 was seasonably filed within the period provided by
in general is of paramount importance such that the appropriate standard law.
of diligence must be very high, if not the highest, degree of diligence.34A Finally, we also find that Ford is not completely blameless in its failure
bank’s liability as obligor is not merely vicarious but primary, wherein the to detect the fraud. Failure on the part of the depositor to examine its
defense of exercise of due diligence in the selection and supervision of its passbook, statements of account, and cancelled checks and to give notice
employees is of no moment.35 within a reasonable time (or as required by statute) of any discrepancy
Banks handle daily transactions involving millions of pesos.36 By the which it may in the exercise of due care and diligence find therein, serves
very nature of their work the degree of responsibility, care and to mitigate the banks’ liability by reducing the award of interest from twelve
tnistworthiness expected of their employees and officials is far greater than percent (12%) to six percent (6%) per annum. As provided in Article 1172
those of ordinary clerks and employees.37 Banks are expected to exercise of the Civil Code of the Philippines, responsibility arising from negligence
the highest degree of diligence in the selection and supervision of their in the performance of every kind of obligation is also demandable, but such
employees.38 liability may be regulated by the courts, according to the circumstances. In,
On the issue of prescription, PCIBank claims that the action of Ford had quasi-delicts, the. contributory negligence of the plaintiff shall reduce the
prescribed because of its inability to seek judicial relief seasonably, damages that he may recover.42
considering that the alleged negligent act took place prior to December 19, WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court of
1977 but the relief was sought only in 1983, or seven years thereafter. Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 25017, are AFFIRMED. PCIBank, known
The statute of limitations begins to run when the bank gives the formerly as Insular Bank of Asia and America, is declared solely
depositor notice of the payment, which is ordinarily when the check responsible for the loss of the proceeds of Citibank
Supra note 20 at Section 605.
CIVIL CODE, Art. 1144.
42 CIVIL CODE, Art. 2214.

Philippine Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals
Check No. SN-04867 in the amount of P4,746,114.41, which shall be paid
together with six percent (6%) interest thereon to Ford Philippines, Inc.
from the date when the original complaint was filed until said amount is
fully paid.
However, the Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-
G.R. No. 28430 are MODIFIED as follows: PCIBank and Citibank are
adjudged liable for and must share the loss, (concerning the proceeds of
Citibank Check Numbers SN-10597 and 16508 totalling P12,163,298.10)
on a fifty-fifty ratio, and each bank is ORDERED to pay Ford Philippines,
Inc. P6,081,649.05, with six percent (6%) interest thereon, from the date
the complaint was filed until full payment of said amount.
Costs against Philippine Commercial International Bank and Citibank,
Bellosillo (Chairman), Mendoza, Buena and De Leon, Jr., JJ.,
Judgment in CA-G.R. CV No. 25017 affirmed, while in CA-G.R. No.
28430 modified.
Notes.—Issuing a crossed check imposes no legal obligation on the
drawee not to honor such a check. (Gempesaw vs. Court of Appeals, 218
SCRA 682 [19931)
There is no contractual relation created between a drawee bank and
the payee as a result of the payment by the former of the amount of the
check. (Security Bank and Trust Company vs. Court of Appeals, 291 SCRA
33 [1998])
20 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED twenty-three (23) checks in question could have been presented to the
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals petitioner’s signatories without their knowing that they were bogus checks.
No. L-62943. July 14, 1986.* Indeed, the cashier of the petitioner whose signatures were allegedly
METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM, forged was unable to tell the difference between the allegedly forged
petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS (Now INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE signature and his own genuine signature. On the other hand, the MWSS
COURT) and THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, respondents. officials admitted that these checks could easily be passed on as genuine.
Negotiable Instruments Law; Evidence; There is no clear evidence in The memorandum of Mr. A. T. Tolentino, Assistant Chief Accountant of the
this case that the signatures on the checks are forgeries. The NBI reports drawee Philippine National Bank to Mr. E. Villatuya, Executive Vice-
indicate that the anomalous encashment of the checks were an “inside job” President of the petitioner dated June 9, 1969 cites an instance where even
or due to negligence of MWSS.—We have carefully reviewed the the concerned NWSA officials could not tell the differences between the
documents cited by the petitioner. There is no express and categorical genuine checks and the alleged forged checks.
finding in these documents that the twenty-three (23) questioned checks Same; Where a depositor is using its own personalized checks, its
were indeed signed by persons other than the authorized MWSS failure to provide adequate security measures to prevent forgeries of its
signatories. On the contrary, the findings of the National Bureau of checks constitutes gross negligence and bars it from setting up the defense
Investigation in its Report dated November 2, 1970 show that the MWSS of forgery.—The records show that at the time the twenty-three (23) checks
fraud was an “inside job” were prepared, negotiated, and encashed, the petitioner was using its own
personalized checks, instead of the official
__________________ 22
* Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of
21 Appeals
VOL. 143, JULY 14, 1986 21 PNB Commercial blank checks. In the exercise of this special
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of privilege, however, the petitioner failed to provide the needed security
Appeals measures. That there was gross negligence in the printing of its
and that the petitioner’s delay in the reconciliation of bank statements personalized checks is shown by the following uncontroverted facts, to wit:
and the laxity and loose records control in the printing of its personalized (1) The petitioner failed to give its printer, Mesina Enterprises, specific
checks facilitated the fraud. Likewise, the questioned Documents Report instructions relative to the safekeeping and disposition of excess forms,
No, 159-1074 dated November 21, 1974 of the National Bureau of check vouchers, and safety papers; (2) The petitioner failed to retrieve from
Investigation does not declare or prove that the signatures appearing on its printer all spoiled check forms; (3) The petitioner failed to provide any
the questioned checks are forgeries. The report merely mentions the control regarding the paper used in the printing of said checks; x xxx.
alleged differences in the typeface, checkwriting, and printing Same; Failure of depositor to make prompt reconciliation of the
characteristics appearing in the standard or submitted models and the monthly bank statements furnished by the bank constitutes negligence for
questioned typewritings. The NBI Chemistry Report No. C-74-891 merely which the bank cannot be blamed in case depositor’s checks are forged.—
describes the inks and pens used in writing the alleged forged signatures. It is accepted banking procedure for the depository bank to furnish its
It is clear that these three (3) NBI Reports relied upon by the petitioner are depositors bank statements and debt and credit memos through the mail.
inadequate to sustain its allegations of forgery. These reports did not touch The records show that the petitioner requested the respondent drawee
on the inherent qualities of the signatures which are indispensable in the bank to discontinue the practice of mailing the bank statements, but instead
determination of the existence of forgery. There must be conclusive to deliver the same to a certain Mr. Emiliano Zaporteza. For reasons known
findings that there is a variance in the inherent characteristics of the only to Mr. Zaporteza however, he was unreasonably delayed in taking
signatures and that they were written by two or more different persons. prompt deliveries of the said bank statements and credit and debit memos.
Same; Same; MWSS officials admitted that the checks in question As a consequence, Mr. Zaporteza failed to reconcile the bank statements
can be easily passed on as genuine.—Considering the absence of with the petitioner’s records. If Mr. Zaporteza had not been remiss in his
sufficient security in the printing of the checks coupled with the very close duty of taking the bank statements and reconciling them with the
similarities between the genuine signatures and the alleged forgeries, the petitioner’s records, the fraudulent encashments of the first checks should
have been discovered, and further frauds prevented. This negligence was, signatures were submitted by the MWSS to and on file with the PNB. By
therefore, the proximate cause of the failure to discover the fraud. special arrangement with the PNB, the MWSS used personalized checks
Same; Depository bank cannot be blamed for not detecting fraudulent in drawing from this account. These checks were printed for MWSS by its
encashment of checks where depositor uses its own personalized printer, F. Mesina Enterprises, located at 1775 Rizal Extension, Caloocan
checks.—We cannot fault the respondent drawee Bank for not having City.
detected the fraudulent encashment of the checks because the printing of “During the months of March, April and May 1969, twenty-three (23)
the petitioner’s personalized checks was not done under the supervision checks were prepared, processed, issued and released by NWSA, all of
and control of the Bank. There is no evidence on record indicating that which were paid and cleared by PNB and debited by PNB against NWSA
because of this private printing, the petitioner furnished the respondent Account No. 6, to wit:
Bank with samples of checks, pens, and inks or took other precautionary 24
measures with the PNB to safeguard its interests. Under the 24 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
circumstances, therefore, the petitioner was in a better position to detect Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
and prevent the fraudulent encashment of its checks. Check No. Date Payee Amount Date Paid
23 By PNB
VOL. 143, JULY 14, 1986 23 1. 59546 8-21- Deogracias P3,187.79 4-2-69
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals 69 Estrella
2. 59548 3-31- Natividad 2,848.86 4-23-69
PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Intermediate 69 Rosario
Appellate Court. 3. 59547 3-31- Pangilinan 195.00 Unreleased
69 Enterprises
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court 4. 59549 3-31- Natividad 3,239.88 4-23-69
Juan J. Diaz and Cesar T. Basa for respondent PNB. 69 Rosario
San Juan, Africa, Gonzales & San Agustin Law Offices for 5. 59552 4-1-69 Villarama 987.59 5-6-69
respondent PC IB. &Sons
6. 59554 4-1-69 Gascom 6,057.60 4-16-69
GUTIERREZ, JR., J .: Engineering
7. 59558 4-2-69 The Evening 112.00 Unreleased
This petition for review asks us to set aside the October 29, 1982 decision News
of the respondent Court of Appeals, now Intermediate Appellate Court 8. 59544 3-27- Progressive 18,391.20 4-18-69
which reversed the decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch 69 Const.
XL, and dismissed the plaintiff’s complaint, the third party complaint, as 9. 59564 4-2-69 Ind. Insp. 594.06 4-18-69
well as the defendant’s counterclaim. Int. Inc.
The background facts which led to the filing of the instant petition are 10. 59568 4-7-69 Roberto 800.00 4-22-69
summarized in the decision of the respondent Court of Appeals: Marsan
“Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (hereinafter referred to 11. 59570 4-7-69 Paz Andres 200.00 4-22-69
as MWSS) is a government owned and controlled corporation created 12. 59574 4-8-69 Florentino 100,000.00 4-11-69
under Republic Act No. 6234 as the successor-in-interest of the defunct Santos
NWSA. The Philippine National Bank (PNB for short), on the other hand, 13. 59578 4-8-69 Mia. Daily 95.00 Unreleased
is the depository bank of MWSS and its predecessor-in-interest NWSA. Bulletin
Among the several accounts of NWSA with PNB is NWSA Account No. 6, 14. 59580 4-8-69 Phil. Herald 100.00 5-9-69
otherwise known as Account No. 381-777 and which is presently allocated 15. 59582 4-8-69 Galauran 7,729.09 5-6-69
No. 010-500281. The authorized signature for said Account No. 6 were &Pilar
those of MWSS treasurer Jose Sanchez, its auditor Pedro Aguilar, and its 16. 59581 4-8-69 Manila 110.00 5-12-69
acting General Manager Victor L. Recio. Their respective specimen Chronicle
17. 59588 4-8-69 Treago 21,583. 00 4-11-69 20. 59594 4-18-69 Arturo Sison 122,000.00 5-14-69
Tunnel 21. 59577 4 -14-69 Antonio Mendoza 260,000.00 5-16-69
18. 59587 4-8-69 Del fin 120,000.00 4-11-69 22. 59601 4-18-69 Arturo Sison 400,000.00 5-19-69
Santiago 23. 59595 4-28-69 Arturo Sison 190,800.00 5-21-69
19. 59589 4-10- Deogracias 1,257.49 4-16-69 P3,457,903.00
69 Estrella 26
20. 59594 4-14- Philam Ac 33.03 4-29-69 26 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
69 cident Inc. Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
21. 59577 4-8-69 Esla 9,429.78 4-29-69 “The foregoing checks were deposited by the payees Raul Dizon,
Arturo Sison and Antonio Mendoza in their respective current accounts
25 with the Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank (PCIB) and Philippine
VOL. 143, JULY 14, 1986 25 Bank of Commerce (PBC) in the months of March, April and May 1969.
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals Thru the Central Bank Clearing, these checks were presented for payment
22. 59601 4-16-69 by PBC and PCIB to the defendant PNB, and paid, also in the months of
Justine 20,000.00 4-18-69 March, April and May 1969. At the time of their presentation to PNB these
23. 59595 4-14-69 Torres checks bear the standard indorsement which reads ‘all prior indorsement
Neris Phil 4,274.00 5-20-69 and/or lack of endorsement guaranteed.’
Inc. “Subsequent investigation however, conducted by the NBI showed that
P320,636.26” Raul Dizon, Arturo Sison and Antonio Mendoza were all fictitious persons.
“During the same months of March, April and May 1969, twenty-three The respective balances in their current account with the PBC and/or PCIB
(23) checks bearing the same numbers as the aforementioned NWSA stood as follows: Raul Dizon P3,455.00 as of April 30, 1969; Antonio
checks were likewise paid and cleared by PNB and debited against NWSA Mendoza P18,182.00 as of May 23, 1969; and Arturo Sison P1,398.92 as
Account No. 6, to wit: of June 30, 1969.
“Check Date Payee Amount Date Paid “On June 11, 1969, NWSA addressed a letter to PNB requesting the
No. Issued By PNB immediate restoration to its Account No. 6, of the total sum of
1. 59546 3-6-69 Raul Dizon P 84,401.00 3-16-69 P3,457,903.00 corresponding to the total amount of these twenty-three
2. 59548 3-41-69 Raul Dizon 104,790.00 4-1-69 (23) checks claimed by NWSA to be forged and/or spurious checks.
3. 59547 3-14-69 Arturo Sison 56,903.00 4-11-69 “In view of the refusal of PNB to credit back to Account No. 6 the said
4. 59549 3-20-69 Arturo Sison 48,903.00 4-15-69 total sum of P3,457,903.00 MWSS filed the instant complaint on November
5. 59552 3-24-69 Arturo Sison 63,845.00 4-16-89 10, 1972 before the Court of First Instance of Manila and docketed thereat
6. 59544 3-26-69 Arturo Sison 98,450.00 4-17- 69 as Civil Case No. 88950.
7. 59558 3-28-89 Arturo Sison 114,840.00 4-21-69 “In its answer, PNB contended among others, that the checks in
8. 59544 3-16-69 Antonio Mendoza 38,490.00 4-22-69 question were regular on its face in all respects, including the genuineness
9. 59564 3-31-69 Arturo Sison 180,900.00 4-23-69 of the signatures of authorized NWSA signing officers and there was
10. 59568 4-2-69 Arturo Sison 134,940.00 4-25-69 nothing on its face that could have aroused any suspicion as to its
11. 59570 4-1-69 Arturo Sison 64,550.00 4-28-69 genuineness and due execution and; that NWSA was guilty of negligence
12. 59574 4-2-69 Arturo Sison 148,610.00 4-29-89 which was the proximate cause of the loss. “PNB also filed a third party
13. 59578 4-10-69 Antonio Mendoza 93,950.00 4-29-69 complaint against the negotiating banks PBC and PCIB on the ground that
14. 59580 4-8-69 Arturo Sison 160,000.00 5-2-69 they failed to ascertain the identity of the payees and their title to the
15. 59582 4-10-69 Arturo Sison 155,400.00 5-5-69 checks which were deposited in the respective new accounts of the payees
16. 59581 4-8-69 Antonio Mendoza 176,580.00 5-6-69 with them.”
17. 59588 4-16-69 Arturo Sison 176,000.00 5-8-69
18. 59587 4-16-69 Arturo Sison 300,000.00 5-12-69 xxx xxx
19. 59589 4-18-69 Arturo Sison 280,000.00 5-15 -6 9
On February 6, 1976, the Court of First Instance of Manila rendered Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
judgment in favor of the MWSS. The dispositive portion of the decision
VOL, 143, JULY 14, 1986 27 THE ALLEGED DRAWEE.
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
“WHEREFORE, on the COMPLAINT by a clear preponderance of The appellate court applied Section 24 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
evidence and in accordance with Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments which provides:
Law, the Court hereby renders judgment in favor of the plaintiff “Every negotiable instrument is deemed prima facie to have been issued
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) by ordering the for valuable consideration and every person whose signature appears
defendant Philippine National Bank (PNB) to restore the total sum of thereon to have become a party thereto for value.”
THREE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY SEVEN THOUSAND NINE The petitioner submits that the above provision does not apply to the facts
HUNDRED THREE PESOS (P3,457,903.00) to plaintiff’s Account No. 6, of the instant case because the questioned checks were not those of the
otherwise known as Account No. 010-50030-3, with legal interest thereon MWSS and neither were they drawn by its authorized signatories. The
computed from the date of the filing of the complaint and until restored in petitioner states that granting that Section 24 of the Negotiable Instruments
the said Account No. 6. Law is applicable, the same creates only a prima facie presumption which
“On the THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT, the Court, for lack of evidence, was overcome by the following documents, to wit: (1) the NBI Report of
hereby renders judgment in favor of the third party defendants Philippine November 2, 1970; (2) the NBI Report of November 21, 1974; (3) the NBI
Bank of Commerce (PBC) and Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank Chemistry Report No. C-74-891; (4) the Memorandum of Mr. Juan Dino,
(PCIB) by dismissing the Third Party Complaint. 3rd Assistant Auditor of the respondent drawee bank addressed to the
“The counterclaims of the third party defendants are likewise dismissed Chief Auditor of the petitioner; (5) the admission of the respondent bank’s
for lack of evidence. counsel in open court that the National Bureau of Investigation found the
“ N o pronouncement as to costs.” signature on the twenty-three (23) checks in question to be forgeries; and
As earlier stated, the respondent court reversed the decision of the Court (6) the admission of the respondent bank’s witness, Mr. Faustino Mesina,
of First Instance of Manila and rendered judgment in favor of the Jr. that the checks in question were not printed by his printing press. The
respondent Philippine National Bank. petitioner contends that since the signatures of the checks were forgeries,
A motion for reconsideration filed by the petitioner MWSS was denied the respondent drawee bank must bear the loss under the rulings of this
by the respondent court in a resolution dated January 3, 1983. Court.
The petitioner now raises the following assignments of errors for the “A bank is bound to know the signatures of its customers; and if it pays a
grant of this petition: forged check it must be considered as making the payment out of its own
funds, and cannot ordinarily charge the amount so paid to the account of
1. I.IN NOT HOLDING THAT AS THE SIGNATURES ON THE the depositor whose name was forged.”
FOR THE LOSS UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE NEGOTIABLE “The signatures to the checks being forged, under Section 23 of the
INSTRUMENTS LAW. Negotiable Instruments Law they are not a charge against plain-
THE OBVIOUS IRREGULARITY OF TWO SETS OF CHECKS Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
BEARING IDENTICAL NUMBER BEING ENCASHED WITHIN tiff nor are the checks of any value to the defendant.
DAYS OF EACH OTHER. “It must therefore be held that the proximate cause of loss was due to
3. III.IN NOT HOLDING THAT THE SIGNATURES OF the negligence of the Bank of the Philippine Islands in honoring and
cashing the two forged checks.” (San Carlos Milling Co. v. Bank of the P.
28 I., 59 Phil. 59)
“It is admitted that the Philippine National Bank cashed the check upon Considering the absence of sufficient security in the printing of the
a forged signature, and placed the money to the credit of Maasim, who was checks coupled with the very close similarities between the genuine
the forger. That the Philippine National Bank then endorsed the check and signatures and the alleged forgeries, the twenty-three (23) checks in
forwarded it to the Shanghai Bank by whom it was paid. The Philippine question could have been presented to the petitioner’s signatories without
National Bank had no license or authority to pay the money to Maasim or their knowing that they were bogus checks. Indeed, the cashier of the
anyone else upon a forged signature. It was its legal duty to know that petitioner whose signatures were allegedly forged was unable to tell the
Malicor’s endorsement was genuine before cashing the check. Its remedy difference between the allegedly forged signature and his own genuine
is against Maasim to whom it paid the money.” (Great Eastern Life Ins. Co. signature. On the other hand, the MWSS officials admitted that these
v. Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, 43 Phil. 678). checks could easily be passed on as genuine,
We have carefully reviewed the documents cited by the petitioner. There The memorandum of Mr. A. T. Tolentino, Assistant Chief Accountant of
is no express and categorical finding in these documents that the twenty- the drawee Philippine National Bank to Mr. E. Villatuya, Executive Vice-
three (23) questioned checks were indeed signed by persons other than President of the petitioner dated June 9, 1969 cites an instance where even
the authorized MWSS signatories. On the contrary, the findings of the the concerned NWSA officials could not tell the differences between the
National Bureau of Investigation in its Report dated November 2, 1970 genuine checks and the alleged forged checks.
show that the MWSS fraud was an “inside job” and that the petitioner’s “At about 12:00 o’clock on June 6, 1960, VP Maramag requested me to
delay in the reconciliation of bank statements and the laxity and loose see him in his office at the Cashier’s Dept. where Messrs. Jose M.
records control in the printing of its personalized checks facilitated the Sanchez, treasurer of NAWASA and Romeo Oliva of the same office were
fraud. Likewise, the questioned Documents Report No. 159-1074 dated present. Upon my arrival I observed the NAWASA officials questioning the
November 21, 1974 of the National Bureau of Investigation does not issue of the NAWASA checks
declare or prove that the signatures appearing on the questioned checks 31
are forgeries. The report merely mentions the alleged differences in the VOL, 143, JULY 14, 1988 31
typeface, checkwriting, and printing characteristics appearing in the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
standard or submitted models and the questioned typewritings. The NBI appearing in their own list, xerox copy attached.
Chemistry Report No. C-74-891 merely describes the inks and pens used “For verification purposes, therefore, the checks were taken from our
in writing the alleged forged signatures. file. To everybody there present namely VIP Maramag, the two
It is clear that these three (3) NBI Reports relied upon by the petitioner abovementioned NAWASA officials, AVP, Buhain, Asst. Cashier Castelo,
are inadequate to sustain its allegations of forgery. These reports did not Asst. Cashiet Tejada and Messrs. A. Lopez and L. Lechuga, both C/A
touch on the inherent qualities bookkeepers, no one was able to point out any difference on the signatures
30 of the NAWASA officials appearing on the checks compared to their official
30 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED signatures on file. In fact 3 checks, one of those under question, were
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals presented to the NAWASA treasurer for verification but he could not point
of the signatures which are indispensable in the determination of the out which was his genuine signature. After intent comparison, he pointed
existence of forgery. There must be conclusive findings that there is a on the questioned check as bearing his correct signature.”
variance in the inherent characteristics of the signatures and that they were xxx xxx xxx
written by two or more different persons. Moreover, the petitioner is barred from setting up the defense of forgery
Forgery cannot be presumed (Siasat, et al. v. Intermediate Appellate under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law which provides that:
Court, et al, 139 SCRA 238). It must be established by clear, positive, and “SEC. 23. FORGED SIGNATURE; EFFECT OF.—When the signature is
convincing evidence. This was not done in the present case. forged or made without authority of the person whose signature it purports
The cases of San Carlos Milling Co, Ltd. v. Bank of the Philippine to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to
Islands, et al. (59 Phil, 59) and Great Eastern Life Ins., Co. v. Hongkong give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party
and Shanghai Bank (43 Phil. 678) relied upon by the petitioner are thereto can be acquired through or under such signature unless the party
inapplicable in this case because the forgeries in those cases were either against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting
clearly established or admitted while in the instant case, the allegations of up the forgery or want of authority.”
forgery were not clearly established during trial.
because it was guilty of negligence not only before the questioned checks x xx xxx xx x
were negotiated but even after the same had already been negotiated. “20. Where did you buy this Hammermill Safety check paper?
(See Republic v. Equitable Banking Corporation. 10 SCRA 8) Q:
The records show that at the time the twenty-three (23) checks were A: From Tan Chiong, a paper dealer with store located at
prepared, negotiated, and encashed, the petitioner was using its own 33
personalized checks, instead of the official PNB Commercial blank checks. VOL. 143, JULY 14, 1986 33
In the exercise of this special privilege, however, the petitioner failed to Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
provide the needed security measures. That there was gross negligence Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. (In front of the Metropolitan
in the printing of its personalized checks is shown by the following Bank).
uncontroverted facts, to wit: xxx xxx xxx
32 “24. Q Were all these check vouchers printed by you submitted
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals A: Not all, sir. Because we have to make reservations or
allowances for spoilage.
1. (1)The petitioner failed to give its printer, Mesina Enterprises, “25. Q Out of these vouchers printed by you, how many were
specific instructions relative to the safekeeping and disposition of : spoiled and how many were the excess printed check
excess forms, check vouchers, and safety papers; vouchers?
2. (2)The petitioner failed to retrieve from its printer all spoiled check A: Approximately four hundred (400) sheets, sir. I cannot
forms; determine the proporti on of the excess and spoiled
3. (3)The petitioner failed to provide any control regarding the paper because the final act of perforating these check vouchers
used in the printing of said checks; has not yet been done and spoilage can only be
4. (4)The petitioner failed to furnish the respondent drawee bank with determined after this final act of printing.
samples of “typewriting, check writing, and print used by its printer “26. Q What did you do with these excess check vouchers?
in the printing of its checks and of the inks and pens used in :
signing the same; and A: I keep it under lock and key in my filing cabinet.
5. (5)The petitioner failed to send a representative to the printing xxx xxx xxx
office during the printing of said checks. This gross negligence of “28. Q Were you not instructed by the NAWASA authorities to
the petitioner is very evident from the sworn statement dated June : burn these excess check vouchers?
19, 1969 of Faustino Mesina, Jr., the owner of the printing press A: No, sir. I was not instructed.
which printed the petitioner’s personalized checks: “29. Q What do you intend to do with these excess printed
: check vouchers?
xxx xxx xxx A: I intend to use them for future orders from the NAWASA.
“7. Do you have any business transaction with the National xxx xxx xxx
Q: Waterworks and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA)? “32. Q In the process of printing the check vouchers ordered by
A: Yes, sir. I have a contract with the NAWASA in printing : the NAWASA, how many sheets were actually spoiled?
NAWASA Forms such as NAWASA Check Vouchers and A: I cannot approximate, sir. But there are spoilage in the
Office Forms. process of printing and perforating.
xxx xxx xxx “33. Q What did you do with these spoilages?
“15. Were you given any instruction by the NAWASA in connection :
Q: with the printing of these check vouchers? A: Spoiled printed materials are usually thrown out, in the
A: There is none, sir. No instruction whatsoever was given to me. garbage can.
“16. Were you not advised as to what kind of paper would be used “34. Q Was there any representative of the NAWASA to
Q: in the check vouchers? : supervise the printing or watch the printing of these
A: Only as per sample, sir. check vouchers?
A: None, sir. “When a person opens a checking account with a bank, he is given blank
xxx xxx xxx checks which he may fill out and use whenever he wishes. Each time he
“39. Q During the period of printing after the days work, what issues a check, he should also fill out the check stub to which the check is
: measures do you undertake to safeguard the mold and usually attached. This stub, if properly kept, will contain the number of the
other paraphernalia used in the printing of check, the date of its issue, the name of the payee and the amount thereof.
34 The drawer would therefore have a complete record of the checks he
34 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED issues. It is the custom of banks to send to its depositors a monthly
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals statement of the status of their accounts, together with all the cancelled
these particular orders of NAWASA? checks which have been cashed by their respective holders. If the
A: Inasmuch as I have an employee who sleeps in the printing shop depositor has filled out his check stubs properly, a comparison between
and at the same time do the guarding, we just leave the mold them and the cancelled checks will reveal any forged check not taken from
attached to the machine and the other finished or unfinished work his checkbook. It is the duty of a depositor to carefully examine the bank’s
check vouchers are left in the rack so that the work could be statement, his cancelled checks, his check stubs and other pertinent
continued thefollowing day.” records within a reasonable time, and to report any errors without
The National Bureau of Investigation Report dated November 2, 1970 is unreasonable delay. If his negligence should cause the bank to honor a
even more explicit, Thus— forged check or prevent it from recovering the amount it may have already
xxx xxx xxx paid on such check, he cannot later complain should the bank refuse to
“60. We observed also that there is some laxity and loose control in the recredit his account with the amount of such check. (First Nat. Bank of
printing of NAWASA checks. We gathered from MESINA ENTERPRISES, Richmond v. Richmond Electric Co., 106 Va. 347, 56 SE 152, 7 LRA, NS
the printing firm that undertook the printing of the check vouchers of 744 [1907]. See also Leather Manufacturers’ Bank v. Morgan, 117 US 96,
NAWASA that NAWASA had no representative at the printing press during 6 S. Ct. 657 [1886]; Deer Island Fish and Oyster Co. v. First Nat. Bank of
the process of the printing and no particular security measure instructions Biloxi, 166 Miss. 162, 146 So. 116 [1933]). Campos and Campos, Notes
adopted to safeguard the interest of the government in connection with and Selected Cases on Negotiable Instruments Law, 1971, pp. 267-268).
printing of this accountable form.” This failure of the petitioner to reconcile the bank statements with its
Another factor which facilitated the fraudulent encashment of the twenty- cancelled checks was noted by the National Bureau of Investigation in its
three (23) checks in question was the failure of the petitioner to reconcile report dated November 2, 1970:
the bank statements with its own records. “58. One factor which facilitated this fraud was the delay in the
It is accepted banking procedure for the depository bank to furnish its reconciliation of bank (PNB) statements with the NAWASA bank accounts,
depositors bank statements and debt and credit memos through the mail xxx. Had the NAWASA representative come to the PNB early for the
The records show that the petitioner requested the respondent drawee statements and had the bank been advised promptly of the reported bogus
bank to discontinue the practice of mailing the bank statements, but instead check, the negotiation of practically all of the remaining checks on May,
to deliver the same to a certain Mr. Emiliano Zaporteza. For reasons known 1969, totalling P2,224,736.00 could have been prevented.”
only to Mr. Zaporteza however, he was unreasonably delayed in taking 36
prompt deliveries of the said bank statements and credit and debit memos. 36 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
As a consequence, Mr. Zaporteza failed to reconcile the bank statements Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
with the petitioner’s records. If Mr. Zaporteza had not been remiss in his The records likewise show that the petitioner failed to provide appropriate
duty of taking the bank statements and reconciling them with the security measures over its own records thereby laying confidential records
petitioner’s records, the fraudulent encashments of the first checks should open to unauthorized persons. The petitioner’s own Fact Finding
have been discovered, and further frauds prevented. This negligence was, Committee, in its report submitted to their General Manager underscored
therefore, the proximate cause this laxity of records control. It observed that the “office of Mr. Ongtengco
35 (Cashier No. VI of the Treasury Department at the NAWASA) is quite open
VOL. 143, JULY 14, 1986 35 to any person known to him or his staff members and that the check writer
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals is merely on top of his table.”
of the failure to discover the fraud. Thus,
When confronted with this report at the Anti-Fraud Action Section of the assured that even though that everybody will get hurt, I will do
National Bureau of Investigation, Mr. Ongtengco could only state that: my best not to allow unauthorized persons to enter my office.
“A. Generally my order is not to allow anybody to enter my office. xxx xxx xxx
Only authorized persons are allowed to enter my office. There are “Q Is it not possible inasmuch as your office is in charge of the
some cases, however, where some pers ons enter my office . posting of check payments in your books that leakage of
because they are following up their checks. Maybe, these payments to the banks came from your office?
persons may have been authorizedby Mr. Pantig. Most of the “A. I am not aware of it but it only takes us a couple of minutes to
people entering my office are changing checks as allowed by the process the checks. And there are cases wherein every
Resolution of the Board of Directors of the NAWASA and the information about the checks may be obtained from the
Treasurer. The check writer was never placed on my table. There Accounting Department, Auditing Department, or the Office of
is a place for the checkwriter which is also under lock and key. the General Manager.”
“Q Is Mr. Pantig authorized to allow unauthorized persons to enter Relying on the foregoing statement of Mr. Ongtengco, the National Bureau
. your office? of Investigation concluded in its Report dated November 2, 1970 that the
“A. No, sir. fraudulent encashment of the twenty-three (23) checks in question was an
“Q Why are you tolerating Mr. Pantig admitting unauthorized persons “inside job”. Thus—
. in your office? “We have all the reasons to believe that this fraudulent act was an inside
“A, I do not want to embarrass Mr. Pantig. Most of the people job or one pulled with inside connivance at NAWASA. As pointed earlier in
following up checks are employees of the NAWASA. this report, the serial numbers of these checks in question conform with the
“Q Was the authority given by the Board of Directors and the numbers in current use of NAWASA, aside from the fact that these
. approval by the Treasurer for employees, and other persons to fraudulent checks were found to be of the same kind and design as that of
encash their checks carry with it their authority to enter your NAWASA’s own checks. While knowledge as to such facts may be
office? obtained through the possession of a NAWASA check of current issue, an
“A. No, sir. outsider without information from the inside can not possibly pinpoint which
xxx xxx xxx of NAWASA’s
“Q From the answers that you have given to us we observed that 38
. actually there is laxity and poor control on your part with regards 38 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
to the preparations of check payments in- Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
37 various accounts has sufficient balance to cover all these fraudulent
VOL. 143, JULY 14, 1986 37 checks. None of these checks, it should be noted, was dishonored for
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals insufficiency of funds. . .”
asmuch as you allow unauthorized persons to follow-up their Even if the twenty-three (23) checks in question are considered forgeries,
vouchers inside your office which may leakout confidential considering the petitioner’s gross negligence, it is barred from setting up
informations or your books of account. After being apprised of the defense of forgery under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law.
all the shortcomings in your office, as head of the Cashiers’ Nonetheless, the petitioner claims that it was the negligence of the
Office of the Treasury Department what remedial measures respondent Philippine National Bank that was the proximate cause of the
do you intend to undertake? loss. The petitioner relies on our ruling in Philippine National Bank v. Court
“A. Time and again the Treasurer has been calling our attention of Appeals (25 SCRA 693) that.
not to allow interested persons to hand carry their voucher “Thus, by not returning the check to the PCIB, by thereby indicating that
checks and we are trying our best and if I can do it to follow the PNB had found nothing wrong with the check and would honor the
the instructions to the letter, I will do it but unfortunately the same, and by actually paying its amount to the PCIB, the PNB induced the
persons who are allowed to enter my office are my co- latter, not only to believe that the check was genuine and good in every
employees and persons who have connections with our respect, but, also, to pay its amount to Augusto Lim. In other words, the
higher ups and I can not possibly antagonize them. Rest PNB was the primary or proximate cause of the loss, and, hence, may not
recover from the PCIB.”
The argument has no merit. The records show that th e respondent drawee Under the circumstances, therefore, the petitioner was in a better
bank, had taken the necessary measures in the detection of forged checks position to detect and prevent the fraudulent encashment of its checks.
and the prevention of their fraudulent encashment. In fact, long before the WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is hereby
encashment of the twenty-three (23) checks in question, the respondent DISMISSED for lack of merit. The decision of the respondent Court of
Bank had issued constant reminders to all Current Account Bookkeepers Appeals dated October 29, 1982 is AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to
informing them of the activities of forgery syndicates. The Memorandum of costs.
the Assistant Vice-President and Chief Accountant of the Philippine 40
National Bank dated February 17, 1966 reads in part: 40 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
“SUBJECT: ACTIVITIES OF FORGERY SYNDICATE Arsenal vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
“From reliable information we have gathered that personalized checks of SO ORDERED.
current account depositors are now the target of the forgery syndicate. To Feria (Chairman), Fernan, Alampay and Cruz, JJ.,concur.
protect the interest of the bank, you are hereby enjoined to be more careful Paras **, J., took no part.
in examining said checks especially those Petition dismissed Decision affirmed.
VOL. 143, JULY 14, 1986 39
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System vs. Court of Appeals
coming from the clearing, mails and window transactions. As a reminder
please be guided with the following:

1. “1.Signatures of drawers should be properly scrutinized and

compared with those we have on file.
2. “2.The serial numbers of the checks should be compared with the
serial numbers registered with the Cashier’s Dept.
3. “3.The texture of the paper used and the printing of the checks
should be compared with the sample we have on file with the
Cashier’s Dept.
4. “4.Checks bearing several indorsements should be given special
5. “5.Alteration in amount both in figures and words should be
carefully examined even if signed by the drawer.
6. “6.Checks issued in substantial amounts particularly by depositors
who do not usually issue checks in big amounts should be brought
to the attention of the drawer by telephone or any fastest means
of communication for purposes of confirmation.

and your attention is also invited to keep abreast of previous circulars

and memo instructions issued to bookkeepers.”
We cannot fault the respondent drawee Bank for not having detected the
fraudulent encashment of the checks because the printing of the
petitioner’s personalized checks was not done under the supervision and
control of the Bank. There is no evidence on record indicating that because
of this private printing, the petitioner furnished the respondent Bank with
samples of checks, pens, and inks or took other precautionary measures
with the PNB to safeguard its interests.
VOL. 393, NOVEMBER 27, 2002 89 Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals
Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals be remiss in its duty of sending monthly bank statements to petitioner
G.R. No. 139130. November 27, 2002.* so that any error or discrepancy in the entries therein could be brought to
RAMON K. ILUSORIO, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, and the bank’s attention at the earliest opportunity. But, petitioner failed to
THE MANILA BANKING CORPORATION, respondents. examine these bank statements not because he was prevented by some
Civil Law; Damages; Negligence; To be entitled to damages, cause in not doing so, but because he did not pay sufficient attention to the
petitioner has the burden of proving negligence on the part of the bank for matter. Had he done so, he could have been alerted to any anomaly
failure to detect the discrepancy in the signatures on the checks.—On committed against him.
the first issue, we find that petitioner has no cause of action against Manila Same; Criminal Law; Forgery; When a signature is forged or made
Bank. To be entitled to damages, petitioner has the burden of proving without the authority of the person whose signature it purports to be, the
negligence on the part of the bank for failure to detect the discrepancy in check is wholly inoperative unless the party against whom it is sought to
the signatures on the checks. It is incumbent upon petitioner to establish enforce such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of
the fact of forgery, i.e., by submitting his specimen signatures and authority.—True, it is a rule that when a signature is forged or made without
comparing them with those on the questioned checks. Curiously though, the authority of the person whose signature it purports to be, the check is
petitioner failed to submit additional specimen signatures as requested by wholly inoperative. No right to retain the instrument, or to give a discharge
the National Bureau of Investigation from which to draw a conclusive therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party, can be acquired
finding regarding forgery. The Court of Appeals found that petitioner, by his through or under such signature. However, the rule does provide for an
own inaction, was precluded from setting up forgery. exception, namely: “unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce
Same; Same; Same; Negligence is the omission to do something such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority.” In
which a reasonable man, guided by those considerations which ordinarily the instant case, it is the exception that applies. In our view, petitioner is
regulate the conduct of human affairs would do, or the doing of something precluded from setting up the forgery, assuming there is forgery, due to his
which a prudent and reasonable man would do.—As borne by the records, own negligence in entrusting to his secretary his credit cards and
it was petitioner, not the bank, who was negligent. Negligence is the checkbook including the verification of his statements of account.
omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided by those Same; Estoppel; Petitioner cannot hold private respondent in
considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, estoppel for the latter is not the actual party to the criminal action.—On the
would do, or the doing of something which a prudent and reasonable man second issue, the fact that Manila Bank had filed a case for estafa against
would do.In the present case, it appears that petitioner accorded his Eugenio would not estop it from asserting the fact that forgery has not been
secretary unusual degree of trust and unrestricted access to his credit clearly established. Petitioner cannot hold private respondent in estoppel
cards, passbooks, check books, bank statements, including custody and for the latter is not the actual party to the criminal action. In a criminal
possession of cancelled checks and reconciliation of accounts. action, the State is the plaintiff, for the commission of a felony is an offense
Same; Same; Same; Petitioner’s failure to examine his bank against the State. Thus, under Section 2, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court
statements appears as the proximate cause of his own damage; Proximate the complaint or information filed in court is required to be brought in the
Cause Defined.—Petitioner’s failure to examine his bank statements name of the “People of the Philippines.”
appears as the proximate cause of his own damage. Proximate cause is
that cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
efficient intervening cause, produces the injury, and without which the
result would not have occurred. In the instant case, the bank was not The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
shown to People’s Law Office for petitioner.
_______________ VOL. 393, NOVEMBER 27, 2002 91
Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals
SECOND DIVISION. Puyat, Jacinto & Santos and Asedillo and Associates for private
90 respondent.
QUISUMBING, J.: of Mr. Ramon K. Ilusorio which we have on file at our said office on such
This petition for review seeks to reverse the decision1promulgated on xxx
January 28, 1999 by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 47942, That the aforementioned checks were among those issued by
affirming the decision of the then Court of First Instance of Rizal, Branch Manilabank in favor of its client MR. RAMON K. ILUSORIO, . . .
XV (now the Regional Trial Court of Ma-kati, Branch 138) dismissing Civil That the same were personally encashed by KATHERINE E.
Case No. 43907, for damages. ESTEBAN, an executive secretary of MR. RAMON K. ILUSORIO in said
The facts as summarized by the Court of Appeals are as follows: Investment Corporation;
Petitioner is a prominent businessman who, at the time material to this That I have met and known her as KATHERINE E. ESTEBAN the
case, was the Managing Director of Multinational Investment attending verifier when she personally encashed the above-mentioned
Bancorporation and the Chairman and/or President of several other checks at our said office;
corporations. He was a depositor in good standing of respondent bank, the That MR. RAMON K. ILUSORIO executed an affidavit expressly
Manila Banking Corporation, under current Checking Account No. disowning his signature appearing on the checks further alleged to have
0609037-0. As he was then running about 20 corporations, and was going not authorized the issuance and encashment of the same . . . .5
out of the country a number of times, petitioner entrusted to his secretary, Petitioner then requested the respondent bank to credit back and restore
Katherine2 E. Eugenio, his credit cards and his checkbook with blank to its account the value of the checks which were wrongfully encashed but
checks. It was also Eugenio who verified and reconciled the statements of respondent bank refused. Hence, petitioner filed the instant case.6
said checking account.3 At the trial, petitioner testified on his own behalf, attesting to the truth of
Between the dates September 5, 1980 and January 23, 1981, Eugenio the circumstances as narrated above, and how he discovered the alleged
was able to encash and deposit to her personal account about seventeen forgeries. Several employees of Manila Bank were also called to the
(17) checks drawn against the account of the petitioner at the respondent witness stand as hostile witnesses. They testified that it is the bank’s
bank, with an aggregate amount of P119,634.34. Petitioner did not bother standard operating procedure that whenever a check is presented for
to check his statement of account until a business partner apprised him encashment or clearing, the signature on the check is first verified against
that he saw Eugenio use his credit cards. Petitioner fired Eugenio the specimen signature cards on file with the bank.
immediately, and instituted a criminal action against her for estafa thru Manila Bank also sought the expertise of the National Bureau of
falsification before the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal. Private Investigation (NBI) in determining the genuineness of the signa-
respondent, through an affidavit executed by its employee, Mr. Dante
Razon, also lodged a complaint for estafa thru falsification of commercial _______________
documents against Eugenio on the basis of petitioner’s
TSN, October 6, 1983, p. 58.
_______________ Rollo, pp. 108-109.
6 Id., at p. 27.
Rollo, pp. 26-30. 93
Also spelled as “Catherine” in some parts of the record. VOL. 393, NOVEMBER 27, 2002 93
3 Rollo, p. 26.
Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals
92 tures appearing on the checks. However, in a letter dated March 25, 1987,
92 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED the NBI informed the trial court that they could not conduct the desired
Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals examination for the reason that the standard specimens submitted were
statement that his signatures in the checks were forged.4Mr. Razon’s not sufficient for purposes of rendering a definitive opinion. The NBI then
affidavit states: suggested that petitioner be asked to submit seven (7) or more additional
That I have examined and scrutinized the following checks in accordance standard signatures executed before or about, and immediately after the
with prescribed verification procedures with utmost care and diligence by dates of the questioned checks. Petitioner, however, failed to comply with
comparing the signatures affixed thereat against the specimen signatures this request.
After evaluating the evidence on both sides, the court a quo rendered 4. D.THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT
judgment on May 12, 1994 with the following dispositive portion: RESPONDENT BANK SHOULD BEAR THE LOSS, AND
“WHEREFORE, finding no sufficient basis for plaintiff’s cause herein SHOULD BE MADE TO PAY PETITIONER, WITH RECOURSE
against defendant bank, in the light of the foregoing considerations and AGAINST KATHERINE EUGENIO ESTEBAN.12
established facts, this case would have to be, as it is hereby DISMISSED.
Defendant’s counterclaim is likewise DISMISSED for lack of sufficient Essentially the issues in this case are: (1) whether or not petitioner has a
basis. cause of action against private respondent; and (2) whether or not -private
SO ORDERED.”7 respondent, in filing an estafa case against petitioner’s secretary, is barred
Aggrieved, petitioner elevated the case to the Court of Appeals by way of from raising the defense that the fact of forgery was not established.
a petition for review but without success. The appellate court held that Petitioner contends that Manila Bank is liable for damages for its
petitioner’s own negligence was the proximate cause of his loss. The negligence in failing to detect the discrepant checks. He adds that as a
appellate court disposed as follows: general rule a bank which has obtained possession of a check upon an
“WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is AFFIRMED. Costs against unauthorized or forged endorsement of the payee’s signature and which
the appellant. collects the amount of the check from the drawee is liable for the proceeds
SO ORDERED.”8 thereof to the payee. Petitioner invokes the doctrine of estoppel, saying
Before us, petitioner ascribes the following errors to the Court of Appeals: that having itself instituted a forgery case against Eugenio, Manila Bank is
now estopped from asserting that the fact of forgery was never proven.
1. A.THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT For its part, Manila Bank contends that respondent appellate court did
THE RESPONDENT BANK IS ESTOPPED FROM RAISING THE not depart from the accepted and usual course of judicial
Id., at p. 10.
10 Id., at p. 14.
11 Id., at p. 15.

7 12 Id., at p. 17.
Id., at p. 30. 95
94 VOL. 393, NOVEMBER 27, 2002 95
94 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals
Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals proceedings, hence there is no reason for the reversal of its ruling. Manila
Bank additionally points out that Section 2313 of the Negotiable Instruments
1. FILED A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT FOR ESTAFATHRU Law is inapplicable, considering that the fact of forgery was never proven.
FALSIFICATION OF COMMERCIAL DOCUMENTS AGAINST Lastly, the bank negates petitioner’s claim of estoppel.14
KATHERINE EUGENIO USING THE AFFIDAVIT OF On the first issue, we find that petitioner has no cause of action against
PETITIONER STATING THAT HIS SIGNATURES WERE Manila Bank. To be entitled to damages, petitioner has the burden of
FORGED AS PART OF THE AFFIDAVITCOMPLAINT.9 proving negligence on the part of the bank for failure to detect the
2. B.THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT APPLYING SEC. discrepancy in the signatures on the checks. It is incumbent upon petitioner
23, NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW.10 to establish the fact of forgery, i.e., by submitting his specimen signatures
3. C.THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THE and comparing them with those on the questioned checks. Curiously
BURDEN OF PROOF IS WITH THE RESPONDENT BANK TO though, petitioner failed to submit additional specimen signatures as
PROVE THE DUE DILIGENCE TO PREVENT DAMAGE, TO requested by the National Bureau of Investigation from which to draw a
THE PETITIONER, AND THAT IT WAS NOT NEGLIGENT IN conclusive finding regarding forgery. The Court of Appeals found that
THE SELECTION AND SUPERVISION OF ITS EMPLOYEES.11 petitioner, by his own inaction, was precluded from setting up forgery. Said
the appellate court:
We cannot fault the court a quo for such declaration, considering that the experienced verifier for further verification. In some instances the verifier
plaintiff’s evidence on the alleged forgery is not convincing enough. The made a confirmation by calling the depositor by phone. It is only after taking
burden to prove forgery was upon the plaintiff, which burden he failed to such precautionary measures that the subject checks were given to the
discharge. Aside from his own testimony, the appellant presented no other teller for payment.
evidence to prove the fact of forgery. He did not even submit his own Of course it is possible that the verifiers of TMBC might have made a
specimen signatures, taken on or about the date of the questioned checks, mistake in failing to detect any forgery—if indeed there was. However, a
for examination and comparison with those of the subject checks. On the mistake is not equivalent to negligence if they were honest mistakes. In the
other hand, the appellee presented specimen signature cards of the instant case, we believe and so hold that if there were mistakes, the same
appellant, taken at various years, namely, in 1976, 1979 and 1981 (Exhibits were not deliberate, since the bank took all the precautions.16
“1”, “2”, “3” and “7”), showing variances in the appellant’s unquestioned As borne by the records, it was petitioner, not the bank, who was negligent.
signatures. The evidence further shows that the appellee, as soon as it Negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable man,
was informed by the appellant about his questioned signatures, sought to guided by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of
borrow the questioned checks from the appellant for purposes of human affairs, would do, or the doing of something which a prudent and
reasonable man would do.17 In the
Sec. 23. Forged signature, effect of.—When a signature is forged or
made without the authority of the person whose signature it purports to be, Id., at p. 28.
it is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to give a 16 Id., at p. 29.
discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party 17 Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Court of Appeals, 326 SCRA 641,

thereto, can be acquired through or under such signature, unless the party 657 (2000).
against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting 97
up the forgery or want of authority. VOL. 393, NOVEMBER 27, 2002 97
Rollo, p. 49. Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals
96 present case, it appears that petitioner accorded his secretary unusual
96 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED degree of trust and unrestricted access to his credit cards, passbooks,
Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals check books, bank statements, including custody and possession of
analysis and examination (Exhibit “9”), but the same was denied by the cancelled checks and reconciliation of accounts. Said the Court of Appeals
appellant. It was also the former which sought the assistance of the NBI on this matter:
for an expert analysis of the signatures on the questioned checks, but the Moreover, the appellant had introduced his secretary to the bank for
same was unsuccessful for lack of sufficient specimen signatures.15 purposes of reconciliation of his account, through a letter dated July 14,
Moreover, petitioner’s contention that Manila Bank was remiss in the 1980 (Exhibit “8”). Thus, the said secretary became a familiar figure in the
exercise of its duty as drawee lacks factual basis. Consistently, the CA and bank. What is worse, whenever the bank verifiers call the office of the
the RTC found that Manila Bank employees exercised due diligence in appellant, it is the same secretary who answers and confirms the checks.
cashing the checks. The bank’s employees in the present case did not The trouble is, the appellant had put so much trust and confidence in
have a hint as to Eugenio’s modus operandi because she was a regular the said secretary, by entrusting not only his credit cards with her but also
customer of the bank, having been designated by petitioner himself to his checkbook with blank checks. He also entrusted to her the verification
transact in his behalf. According to the appellate court, the employees of and reconciliation of his account. Further adding to his injury was the fact
the bank exercised due diligence in the performance of their duties. Thus, that while the bank was sending him the monthly Statements of Accounts,
it found that: he was not personally checking the same. His testimony did not indicate
The evidence on both sides indicates that TMBC’s employees exercised that he was out of the country during the period covered by the checks.
due diligence before encashing the checks. Its verifiers first verified the Thus, he had all the opportunities to verify his account as well as the
drawer’s signatures thereon as against his specimen signature cards, and cancelled checks issued thereunder—month after month. But he did not,
when in doubt, the verifier went further, such as by referring to a more until his partner asked him whether he had entrusted his credit card to his
secretary because the said partner had seen her use the same. It was only is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority.”In the instant
then that he was minded to verify the records of his account.18 case, it is the exception that applies. In our view, petitioner is precluded
The abovecited findings are binding upon the reviewing court. We stress from setting up the forgery, assuming there is forgery, due to his own
the rule that the factual findings of a trial court, especially when affirmed negligence in entrusting to his secretary his credit cards and checkbook
by the appellate court, are binding upon us19 and entitled to utmost including the verification of his statements of account.
respect20 and even finality. We find no palpable error that would warrant a Petitioner’s reliance on Associated Bank vs. Court of
reversal of the appellate court’s assessment of facts anchored upon the Appeals23 and Philippine Bank of Commerce vs. CA24 to buttress his
evidence on record. contention that respondent Manila Bank as the collecting or last endorser
Petitioner’s failure to examine his bank statements appears as the generally suffers the loss because it has the duty to ascertain the
proximate cause of his own damage. Proximate cause is that cause, which,
in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening _______________
cause, produces the injury, and without which the result would not have
occurred.21 In the instant case, the 22
Art. 2179. When the plaintiff’s own negligence was the immediate
and proximate cause of his injury, he cannot recover damages. . .
23 252 SCRA 620, 633 (1996).
269 SCRA 695, 703-710 (1997).
Supra, note 16. 99
Lorenzana vs. People, 353 SCRA 396, 403 (2001). VOL. 393, NOVEMBER 27, 2002 99
20 Ong vs. CA, 272 SCRA 725, 730 (1997).
Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals
21 Supra, note 17 at 659.
genuineness of all prior endorsements is misplaced. In the cited cases, the
98 fact of forgery was not in issue. In the present case, the fact of forgery was
98 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED not established with certainty. In those cited cases, the collecting banks
Ilusorio vs. Court of Appeals were held to be negligent for failing to observe precautionary measures to
bank was not shown to be remiss in its duty of sending monthly bank detect the forgery. In the case before us, both courts below uniformly found
statements to petitioner so that any error or discrepancy in the entries that Manila Bank’s personnel diligently performed their duties, having
therein could be brought to the bank’s attention at the earliest opportunity. compared the signature in the checks from the specimen signatures on
But, petitioner failed to examine these bank statements not because he record and satisfied themselves that it was petitioner’s.
was prevented by some cause in not doing so, but because he did not pay On the second issue, the fact that Manila Bank had filed a case
sufficient attention to the matter. Had he done so, he could have been for estafa against Eugenio would not estop it from asserting the fact that
alerted to any anomaly committed against him. In other words, petitioner forgery has not been clearly established. Petitioner cannot hold private
has sufficient opportunity to prevent or detect any misappropriation by his respondent in estoppel for the latter is not the actual party to the criminal
secretary had he only reviewed the status of his accounts based on the action. In a criminal action, the State is the plaintiff, for the commission of
bank statements sent to him regularly. In view of Article 2179 of the New a felony is an offense against the State.25 Thus, under Section 2, Rule 110
Civil Code,22 when the plaintiff’s own negligence was the immediate and of the Rules of Court the complaint or information filed in court is required
proximate cause of his injury, no recovery could be had for damages. to be brought in the name of the “People of the Philippines.”26
Petitioner further contends that under Section 23 of the Negotiable Further, as petitioner himself stated in his petition, respondent bank
Instruments Law a forged check is inoperative, and that Manila Bank had filed the estafa case against Eugenio on the basis of petitioner’s own
no authority to pay the forged checks. True, it is a rule that when a affidavit,27 but without admitting that he had any personal knowledge of the
signature is forged or made without the authority of the person whose alleged forgery. It is, therefore, easy to understand that the filing of
signature it purports to be, the check is wholly inoperative. No right to retain the estafa case by respondent bank was a last ditch effort to salvage its
the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment ties with the petitioner as a valuable client, by bolstering the estafa case
thereof against any party, can be acquired through or under such which he filed against his secretary.
signature. However, the rule does provide for an exception, All told, we find no reversible error that can be ascribed to the Court of
namely: “unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce such right Appeals.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The
assailed decision of the Court of Appeals dated January 28, 1999 in CA-
G.R. CV No. 47942, is AFFIRMED.

25 Binay vs. Sandiganbayan, 316 SCRA 65, 100 (1999).
SEC. 2. The complaint or information.—The complaint or information
shall be in writing, in the name of the People of the Philippines and against
all persons who appear to be responsible for the offense involved.
Rollo, p. 9.
People vs. Solmoro, Jr.
Costs against petitioner.
Bellosillo (Actg. C.J., Chairman), Mendoza, Austria-
Martinez and Callejo, Sr., JJ., concur.
Petition denied, judgment affirmed.
Note.—Negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable
man, guided by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct
of human affairs would do or the doing of something which a prudent and
reasonable man would not do. (Jarco Marketing Corporation vs. Court of
Appeals, 321 SCRA 375 [1999])
402 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Same; Same; Same; A document formally presented is presumed to
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank be genuine until it is proved to be fraudulent.—Thus, the first matter of
and Trust Company inquiry is into whether the check was indeed forged. A document formally
G.R. No. 129015. August 13, 2004.* presented is presumed to be genuine until it is proved to be fraudulent. In
SAMSUNG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHILIPPINES, INC., a forgery trial, this presumption must be overcome but this can only be
petitioner, vs. FAR EAST BANK AND TRUST COMPANY AND COURT done by convincing testimony and effective illustrations.
OF APPEALS, respondents. Same; Same; Same; Bare fact that the forgery was committed by an
Negotiable Instruments Law; Checks; A forged signature is “wholly employee of the party whose signature was forged cannot necessarily
inoperative” and payment made “through or under such signature” is imply that such party’s negligence was the cause for the forgery.—The
ineffectual or does not discharge the instrument.—The general rule is to bare fact that the forgery was committed by an employee of the party
the effect that a forged signature is “wholly inoperative,” and payment whose signature was forged cannot necessarily imply that such party’s
made “through or under such signature” is ineffectual or does not discharge negligence was the cause for the forgery. Employers do not possess the
the instrument. If payment is made, the drawee cannot charge it to the preternatural gift of cognition as to the evil that may lurk within the hearts
drawer’s account. The traditional justification for the result is that the and minds of their employees.
drawee is in a superior position to detect a forgery because he has the Same; Same; Same; If a bank pays a forged check, it must be
maker’s signature and is expected to know and compare it. The rule has a considered as paying out of its funds and cannot charge the amount so
healthy cautionary effect on banks by encouraging care in the comparison paid to the account of the depositor.—Still, even if the bank performed with
of the signatures against those on the signature cards they have on file. utmost diligence, the drawer whose signature was forged may still recover
Moreover, the very opportunity of the drawee to insure and to distribute the from the bank as long as he or she is not precluded from setting up the
cost among its customers who use checks makes the drawee an ideal defense of forgery. After all, Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
party to spread the risk to insurance. plainly states that no right to enforce the payment of a check can arise out
of a forged signature. Since the drawer, Samsung Construction, is not
_______________ precluded by negligence from setting up the forgery, the general rule
should apply. Consequently, if a bank pays a forged check, it must be
SECOND DIVISION. considered as paying out of its funds and cannot charge the amount so
403 paid to the account of the depositor. A bank is liable, irrespective of its good
VOL. 436, AUGUST 13, 2004 403 faith, in paying a forged check.
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank Same; Same; Same; Negligence; The presumption remains that
and Trust Company every person takes ordinary care of his concerns, and that the ordinary
course of business has been followed; Negligence is not presumed but
must be proven
Same; Same; Forgery; Forgery is a real or absolute defense by the 404
party whose signature is forged.—Under Section 23 of the Negotiable
Instruments Law, forgery is a real or absolute defense by the party whose 404 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
signature is forged. On the premise that Jong’s signature was indeed Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
forged, FEBTC is liable for the loss since it authorized the discharge of the and Trust Company
forged check. Such liability attaches even if the bank exerts due diligence by him who alleges it.—Still, in the absence of evidence to the
and care in preventing such faulty discharge. Forgeries often deceive the contrary, we can conclude that there was no negligence on Samsung
eye of the most cautious experts; and when a bank has been so deceived, Construction’s part. The presumption remains that every person takes
it is a harsh rule which compels it to suffer although no one has suffered ordinary care of his concerns, and that the ordinary course of business has
by its being deceived. The forgery may be so near like the genuine as to been followed. Negligence is not presumed, but must be proven by him
defy detection by the depositor himself, and yet the bank is liable to the who alleges it. While the complaint was lodged at the instance of Samsung
depositor if it pays the check. Construction, the matter it had to prove was the claim it had alleged—
whether the check was forged. It cannot be required as well to prove that
it was not negligent, because the legal presumption remains that ordinary Hundred Pesos (P999,500.00). The bank teller, Cleofe Justiani, first
care was employed. checked the balance of Samsung Construction’s account. After
ascertaining there were enough funds to cover the check,5 she compared
PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals. the signature appearing on the check with the specimen signature of Jong
as contained in the specimen signature card with the bank. After comparing
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. the two signatures, Justiani was satisfied as to the authenticity of the
Alan A. Leynes for petitioner. signature appearing on the check. She then asked Gonzaga to submit
Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala & Cruz for respondent. proof of his identity, and the latter presented three (3) identification cards.6
At the same time, Justiani forwarded the check to the branch Senior
Assistant Cashier Gemma Velez, as it was bank policy that two bank
branch officers approve checks exceeding One Hundred Thousand Pesos,
TINGA, J.: for payment or encashment. Velez likewise counterchecked the signature
on the check as against that on the signature card. He too concluded that
the check was indeed signed by Jong. Velez then forwarded the check and
Called to fore in the present petition is a classic textbook question—if a signature card to Shirley Syfu, another bank officer, for approval. Syfu then
bank pays out on a forged check, is it liable to reimburse the drawer from noticed that Jose Sempio III (“Sempio”), the assistant accountant of
whose account the funds were paid out? The Court of Appeals, in reversing Samsung Construction, was also in the bank. Sempio was well-known to
a trial court decision adverse to the bank, invoked tenuous reasoning to Syfu and the other bank officers, he being the assistant accountant of
acquit the bank of liability. We reverse, applying time-honored principles of Samsung Construction. Syfu showed the check to Sempio, who vouched
law. for the genuineness of Jong’s signature. Confirming the identity of
The salient facts follow. Gonzaga, Sempio said that the check was for the purchase of equipment
Plaintiff Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. (“Samsung for Samsung Construction. Satisfied with the genuineness of the signature
Construction”), while based in Biñan, Laguna, maintained a current of Jong, Syfu authorized the bank’s encashment of the check to Gonzaga.
account with defendant Far East Bank and Trust Company1 (“FEBTC”) at The following day, the accountant of Samsung Construction, Kyu,
the latter’s Bel-Air, Makati branch.2 The sole signatory to Samsung examined the balance of the bank account and discovered that a check in
Construction’s account was Jong Kyu Lee (“Jong”), its Project the amount of Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Five Hundred Pesos
Manager,3 while the checks remained in the custody of the company’s (P999,500.00) had been encashed. Aware that he had not prepared such
accountant, Kyu Yong Lee (“Kyu”).4 a check for Jong’s signature, Kyu perused the checkbook and found that
the last blank check was
Later acquired by or merged with the Bank of the Philippine Islands.
2 Rollo, p. 35. 5
3 Ibid. 6 Ibid.
4 Id., at p. 28.
VOL. 436, AUGUST 13, 2004 405 Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank and Trust Company
and Trust Company missing.7 He reported the matter to Jong, who then proceeded to the bank.
Jong learned of the encashment of the check, and realized that his
On 19 March 1992, a certain Roberto Gonzaga presented for payment signature had been forged. The Bank Manager reputedly told Jong that he
FEBTC Check No. 432100 to the bank’s branch in BelAir, Makati. The would be reimbursed for the amount of the check.8 Jong proceeded to the
check, payable to cash and drawn against Samsung Construction’s current police station and consulted with his lawyers.9Subsequently, a criminal
account, was in the amount of Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Five case for qualified theft was filed against Sempio before the Laguna court.10
In a letter dated 6 May 1992, Samsung Construction, through counsel, (P15,000.00). FEBTC timely appealed to the Court of Appeals. On 28
demanded that FEBTC credit to it the amount of Nine Hundred Ninety Nine November 1996, the Special Fourteenth Division of the Court of Appeals
Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P999,500.00), with interest.11 In rendered a Decision,16reversing the RTC Decision and absolving
response, FEBTC said that it was still conducting an investigation on the FEBTC from any liability. The Court of Appeals held that the
matter. Unsatisfied, Samsung Construction filed a Complaint on 10 June contradictory findings of the NBI and the PNP created doubt as to whether
1992 for violation of Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, and there was forgery.17 Moreover, the appellate court also held that assuming
prayed for the payment of the amount debited as a result of the questioned there was forgery, it occurred due to the negligence of Samsung
check plus interest, and attorney’s fees.12 The case was docketed as Civil Construction, imputing blame on the accountant Kyu for lack of care and
Case No. 92-61506 before the Regional Trial Court (“RTC”) of Manila, prudence in keeping the checks, which if observed would have prevented
Branch 9.13 Sempio from gaining access thereto.18 The Court of Appeals invoked the
During the trial, both sides presented their respective expert witnesses ruling in PNB v. National City Bank of New York19 that, if a loss, which must
to testify on the claim that Jong’s signature was forged. Samsung be borne by one or two innocent persons, can be traced to the neglect or
Corporation, which had referred the check for investigation to the NBI, fault of either, such loss would be borne by the negligent party, even if
presented Senior NBI Document Examiner Roda B. Flores. She testified innocent of intentional fraud.20
that based on her examination, she concluded that Jong’s signature had Samsung Construction now argues that the Court of Appeals had
been forged on the check. On the other hand, FEBTC, which had sought seriously misapprehended the facts when it overturned the RTC’s finding
the assistance of the Philippine National Police (PNP),14 presented of forgery. It also contends that the appellate court erred in finding that it
Rosario C. Perez, a document examiner from the PNP Crime Laboratory. had been negligent in safekeeping the check, and in applying the equity
She testified that her findings showed that Jong’s signature on the check principle enunciated in PNB v. National City Bank of New York.
was genuine.15 Since the trial court and the Court of Appeals arrived at contrary
findings on questions of fact, the Court is obliged to examine the record to
_______________ draw out the correct conclusions. Upon examination of the record, and
based on the applicable laws and jurisprudence, we reverse the Court of
Rollo, p. 35. Appeals.
8 See TSN dated 25 June 1993, p. 10.
9 Id., at p. 9.
10 See TSN dated 15 June 1993, p. 26.
11 Ibid. 16
Penned by Justice S. Montoya, concurred in by Justices G. Jacinto
12 Act No. 2031.
and A. Tuquero.
13 Presided 17 Rollo, p. 38.
by Judge E.G. Sandoval, now Justice of the
18 Ibid.
14 TSN dated 8 October 1993, p. 8. 19 63 Phil. 711 (1936).
15 Rollo, p. 24. 20 Rollo, p. 38.

407 408
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
and Trust Company and Trust Company
Confronted with conflicting expert testimony, the RTC chose to believe the
findings of the NBI expert. In a Decision dated 25 April 1994, the RTC held Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law states:
that Jong’s signature on the check was forged and accordingly directed the When a signature is forged or made without the authority of the person
bank to pay or credit back to Samsung Construction’s account the amount whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to
of Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Five Hundred Pesos retain the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment
(P999,500.00), together with interest tolled from the time the complaint was thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired through or under
filed, and attorney’s fees in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Pesos such signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce such
right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority. The fact that the forgery is a clever one is immaterial. The forged
(Emphasis supplied) signature may so closely resemble the genuine as to defy detection by the
depositor himself. And yet, if a bank pays the check, it is paying out its own
The general rule is to the effect that a forged signature is “wholly money and not the depositor’s.
inoperative,” and payment made “through or under such signature” is The forgery may be committed by a trusted employee or confidential
ineffectual or does not discharge the instrument.21 If payment is made, the agent. The bank still must bear the loss. Even in a case where the forged
drawee cannot charge it to the drawer’s account. The traditional check was drawn by the depositor’s partner, the loss was placed upon the
justification for the result is that the drawee is in a superior position to bank. The case referred to is Robinson v. Security Bank, Ark., 216 S. W.
detect a forgery because he has the maker’s signature and is expected to Rep. 717. In this case, the plaintiff brought suit against the defendant bank
know and compare it.22 The rule has a healthy cautionary effect on banks for money which had been deposited to the plaintiff’s credit and which the
by encouraging care in the comparison of the signatures against those on bank had paid out on checks bearing forgeries of the plaintiff’s signature.
the signature cards they have on file. Moreover, the very opportunity of the xxx
drawee to insure and to distribute the cost among its customers who use It was held that the bank was liable. It was further held that the fact that
checks makes the drawee an ideal party to spread the risk to insurance.23 the plaintiff waited eight or nine months after discovering the forgery,
Brady, in his treatise The Law of Forged and Altered Checks, before notifying the bank, did not, as a matter of law, constitute a ratification
elucidates: of the payment, so as to preclude the plaintiff from holding the bank liable.
When a person deposits money in a general account in a bank, against xxx
which he has the privilege of drawing checks in the ordinary course of This rule of liability can be stated briefly in these words: “A bank is
business, the relationship between the bank and the depositor is that of bound to know its depositors’ signature.” The rule is variously expressed
debtor and creditor. So far as the legal relationship between the two is in the many decisions in which the question has been considered. But they
concerned, the situation is the same as though the bank had borrowed all sum up to the proposition that a bank must know the signatures of those
money from the depositor, agreeing to repay it on demand, or had bought whose general deposits it carries.24
goods from the depositor, agreeing to pay for them on demand. The bank
owes the depositor money in the same sense that any debtor owes money By no means is the principle rendered obsolete with the advent of
to his creditor. Added to this, in the case of bank and depositor, there is, of modern commercial transactions. Contemporary texts still affirm this well-
course, the bank’s obligation to pay checks drawn by the depositor in entrenched standard. Nickles, in his book Negotiable Instruments and
proper form and presented in due course. When the bank re- Other Related Commercial Paper wrote, thus:
The deposit contract between a payor bank and its customer
_______________ determines who can draw against the customer’s account by specifying
whose signature is necessary on checks that are chargeable against the
21 Bank of Philippine Islands v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 102383, 26
customer’s account. Therefore, a check drawn against the account of an
November 1992, 216 SCRA 51, 65. individual customer that is signed by someone other than the customer,
and without authority from her, is not properly payable and is not
Materials, 2nd ed. (1959), at p. 173. chargeable to the customer’s account, inasmuch as any “unauthorized
23 Id., at p. 174.
signature on an
VOL. 436, AUGUST 13, 2004 409 _______________
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
and Trust Company Brady, J.E., The Law of Forged and Altered Checks (1925), at pp. 6-
ceives the deposit, it impliedly agrees to pay only upon the depositor’s 7. Case citations omitted.
order. When the bank pays a check, on which the depositor’s signature is 410
a forgery, it has failed to comply with its contract in this respect. Therefore, 410 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
the bank is held liable. Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
and Trust Company
instrument is ineffective” as the signature of the person whose name is SCRA 550, the Supreme Court held that forgery cannot be presumed; it
signed.25 must be proved by clear, positive and convincing evidence.

Under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, forgery is a real This reasoning is pure sophistry. Any litigator worth his or her salt would
or absolute defense by the party whose signature is forged.26 On the never allow an opponent’s expert witness to stand uncontradicted, thus the
premise that Jong’s signature was indeed forged, FEBTC is liable for the spectacle of competing expert witnesses is not unusual. The trier of fact
loss since it authorized the discharge of the forged check. Such liability will have to decide which version to believe, and explain why or why not
attaches even if the bank exerts due diligence and care in preventing such such version is more credible than the other. Reliance therefore cannot be
faulty discharge. Forgeries often deceive the eye of the most cautious placed merely on the fact that there are colliding opinions of two experts,
experts; and when a bank has been so deceived, it is a harsh rule which both clothed with the presumption of official duty, in order to draw a
compels it to suffer although no one has suffered by its being conclusion, especially one which is extremely crucial. Doing so is
deceived.27The forgery may be so near like the genuine as to defy tantamount to a jurisprudential cop-out.
detection by the depositor himself, and yet the bank is liable to the Much is expected from the Court of Appeals as it occupies the
depositor if it pays the check.28 penultimate tier in the judicial hierarchy. This Court has long deferred to
Thus, the first matter of inquiry is into whether the check was indeed the appellate court as to its findings of fact in the understanding that it has
forged. A document formally presented is presumed to be genuine until it the appropriate skill and competence to plough through the minutiae that
is proved to be fraudulent. In a forgery trial, this presumption must be scatters the factual field. In failing to thoroughly evaluate the evidence
overcome but this can only be done by convincing testimony and effective before it, and relying instead on presumptions haphazardly drawn, the
illustrations.29 Court of Appeals was sadly remiss. Of course, courts, like humans, are
In ruling that forgery was not duly proven, the Court of Appeals held: fallible, and not every error deserves a stern rebuke. Yet, the appellate
[There] is ground to doubt the findings of the trial court sustaining the court’s error in this case warrants special attention, as it is absurd and even
alleged forgery in view of the conflicting conclusions made by handwriting dangerous as a precedent. If this rationale were adopted as a governing
experts from the NBI and the PNP, both agencies of the government. standard by every court in the land, barely any actionable claim would
xxx prosper, defeated as it would be by the mere invocation of the existence of
These contradictory findings create doubt on whether there was indeed a contrary “expert” opinion.
a forgery. In the case of Tenio-Obsequio v. Court of Appeals, 230 On the other hand, the RTC did adjudge the testimony of the NBI expert
as more credible than that of the PNP, and explained its reason behind the
_______________ conclusion:
After subjecting the evidence of both parties to a crucible of analysis,
25 Nickles,
S.H., Negotiable Instruments and Other Related the court arrived at the conclusion that the testimony of the NBI document
Commercial Paper, 2nd ed. (1993), at p. 415. examiner is more credible because the testimony of the PNP Crime
26 Gempesaw v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 92244, 9 February
Laboratory Services document examiner reveals that there are a lot of
1993, 218 SCRA 682, 689. differences in the questioned signature as compared to the standard
27 Philippine National Bank v. National City Bank of New York, 63 Phil.
specimen signature. Furthermore, as testified to by Ms. Rhoda Flores, NBI
711, 743-744 (1936); citing 17 A. L. R., 891; 5 R. C. L., 559. expert, the manner of execution of the standard signatures used reveals
28 BRADY, H.J., BRADY ON BANK CHECKS, 3rd ed. (1962), at p. 475;
that it is a free rapid continuous execution or stroke as shown by the
citing Hardy v. Chesapeake Bank (1879) 51Md. 562, 34 Am. Rep. 325. tampering terminal stroke of the signatures whereas the questioned
signature is a hesitating slow drawn execution stroke. Clearly, the person
(1946), at pp. 181-182. who exe-
411 412
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
and Trust Company and Trust Company
cuted the questioned signature was hesitant when the signature was Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
made.30 and Trust Company
forms a severe forty-five degree (45°) with the previous stroke. The
During the testimony of PNP expert Rosario Perez, the RTC bluntly difference is glaring, and indeed, the PNP examiner was confronted with
noted that “apparently, there [are] differences on that questioned signature the inconsistency in point no. 6.
and the standard signatures.”31 This Court, in examining the signatures, Q Now, in this questioned document point no. 6, the “s” stroke is
makes a similar finding. The PNP expert excused the noted “differences” : directly upwards.
by asserting that they were mere “variations,” which are normal deviations A: Yes, sir.
found in writing.32 Yet the RTC, which had the opportunity to examine the Q Now, can you look at all these standard signature (sic) were (sic)
relevant documents and to personally observe the expert witness, clearly : point 6 is repeated or the last stroke “s” is pointing directly upwards?
disbelieved the PNP expert. The Court similarly finds the testimony of the A: There is none in the standard signature, sir.37
PNP expert as unconvincing. During the trial, she was confronted several
times with apparent differences between strokes in the questioned Again, the PNP examiner downplayed the uniqueness of the final stroke
signature and the genuine samples. Each time, she would just blandly in the questioned signature as a mere variation,38 the same excuse she
assert that these differences were just “variations,”33 as if the mere proffered for the other marked differences noted by the Court and the
conjuration of the word would sufficiently disquiet whatever doubts about counsel for petitioner.39
the deviations. Such conclusion, standing alone, would be of little or no There is no reason to doubt why the RTC gave credence to the
value unless supported by sufficiently cogent reasons which might amount testimony of the NBI examiner, and not the PNP expert’s. The NBI expert,
almost to a demonstration.34 Rhoda Flores, clearly qualifies as an expert witness. A document examiner
The most telling difference between the questioned and genuine for fifteen years, she had been promoted to the rank of Senior Document
signatures examined by the PNP is in the final upward stroke in the Examiner with the NBI, and had held that rank for twelve years prior to her
signature, or “the point to the short stroke of the terminal in the capital letter testimony. She had placed among the top five examinees in the
‘L,’ ” as referred to by the PNP examiner who had marked it in her Competitive Seminar in Question Document Examination, conducted by
comparison chart as “point no. 6.” To the plain eye, such upward final the NBI Academy, which qualified her as a document examiner.40 She had
stroke consists of a vertical line which forms a ninety degree (90°) angle trained with the Royal Hongkong Police Laboratory and is a member of the
with the previous stroke. Of the twenty one (21) other genuine samples International Association for Identification.41 As of the time she testified,
examined by the PNP, at least nine (9) ended with an upward she had examined more than fifty to fifty-five thousand questioned
stroke.35However, unlike the questioned signature, the upward strokes of documents, on an average of fifteen to twenty documents a day.42 In
eight (8) of these signatures are looped, while the upward stroke of the comparison, PNP document examiner Perez admitted to having examined
seventh36 only around five hundred documents as of her testimony.43

_______________ _______________
30 Rollo, p. 31. 37 TSN dated 8 October 1993, p. 35.
31 38
TSN dated 8 October 1993, p. 15. Id., at pp. 19 and 36.
32 Id., at pp. 15 and 19. 39 Supra, note 26.
33 See TSN dated 8 October 1993, pp. 15, 17, 19, 34, 36 and 38. 40 TSN dated 27 April 1993, p. 5.
34 Venuto v. Lizzo, 148 App. Div. 164, 132 N.Y. Supp. 1066 (1911), 41 Id., at p. 7.

as cited in A. Osborn, supra, note 29. 42 Id., at pp. 7-8.

35 Defendant’s Exhibits Nos. “S-1”, “S-7”, “S-8”, “S-9”, “S-10”, “S-12”, 43 TSN dated 8 October 1993, p. 4.

“S-14”, “S-15”, and “S-16”. 414

36 Defendant’s Exhibit No. “S-9”.
413 Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
VOL. 436, AUGUST 13, 2004 413 and Trust Company
At the same time, the Court of Appeals failed to assess the effect of
In analyzing the signatures, NBI Examiner Flores utilized the scientific Jong’s testimony that the signature on the check was not his.47 The
comparative examination method consisting of analysis, recognition, assertion may seem self-serving at first blush, yet it cannot be ignored that
comparison and evaluation of the writing habits with the use of instruments Jong was in the best position to know whether or not the signature on the
such as a magnifying lense, a stereoscopic microscope, and varied lighting check was his. While his claim should not be taken at face value, any
substances. She also prepared enlarged photographs of the signatures in averments he would have on the matter, if adjudged as truthful, deserve
order to facilitate the necessary comparisons.44 She compared the primacy in consideration. Jong’s testimony is supported by the findings of
questioned signature as against ten (10) other sample signatures of Jong. the NBI examiner. They are also backed by factual circumstances that
Five of these signatures were executed on checks previously issued by support the conclusion that the assailed check was indeed forged. Judicial
Jong, while the other five contained in business letters Jong had notice can be taken that is highly unusual in practice for a business
signed.45 The NBI found that there were significant differences in the establishment to draw a check for close to a million pesos and make it
handwriting characteristics existing between the questioned and the payable to cash or bearer, and not to order. Jong immediately reported the
sample signatures, as to manner of execution, link/connecting strokes, forgery upon its discovery. He filed the appropriate criminal charges
proportion characteristics, and other identifying details.46 against Sempio, the putative forger.48
The RTC was sufficiently convinced by the NBI examiner’s testimony, Now for determination is whether Samsung Construction was
and explained her reasons in its Decisions. While the Court of Appeals precluded from setting up the defense of forgery under Section 23 of the
disagreed and upheld the findings of the PNP, it failed to convincingly Negotiable Instruments Law. The Court of Appeals concluded that
demonstrate why such findings were more credible than those of the NBI Samsung Construction was negligent, and invoked the doctrines that
expert. As a throwaway, the assailed Decision noted that the PNP, not the “where a loss must be borne by one of two innocent person, can be traced
NBI, had the opportunity to examine the specimen signature card signed to the neglect or fault of either, it is reasonable that it would be borne by
by Jong, which was relied upon by the employees of FEBTC in him, even if innocent of any intentional fraud, through whose means it has
authenticating Jong’s signature. The distinction is irrelevant in establishing succeeded49 or who put into the power of the third person to perpetuate
forgery. Forgery can be established comparing the contested signatures the wrong.”50 Applying these rules, the Court of Appeals determined that it
as against those of any sample signature duly established as that of the was the negligence of Samsung Construction that allowed the encashment
persons whose signature was forged. of the forged check.
FEBTC lays undue emphasis on the fact that the PNP examiner did In the case at bar, the forgery appears to have been made possible
compare the questioned signature against the bank signature cards. The through the acts of one Jose Sempio III, an assistant accountant employed
crucial fact in question is whether or not the check was forged, not whether by the plaintiff Samsung [Construction] Co. Philippines, Inc. who suppos-
the bank could have detected the forgery. The latter issue becomes
relevant only if there is need to weigh the comparative negligence between _______________
the bank and the party whose signature was forged.
See TSN dated 25 January 1993, p. 7.
_______________ See note 10.
49 Rollo, p. 38, citing PNB v. National City Bank of New York, 63 Phil.
TSN dated 27 April 1993, pp. 18-19. 711, 733 (1936), which in turn cites Gloucester Bank v. Salem Bank, 17
Id., at p. 14. Mass., 33; First Nat. Bank of Danvers vs. First National Bank of Salem,
46 Per NBI Questioned Documents Report No. 244-492, Plaintiff’s
151 Mass., 280; and B.B. Ford & Co. v. People’s Bank of Orangeburg, 74
Exhibit “D”. S.C., 180.
50 Ibid., citing PNB v. Court of Appeals, 134 Phil. 829, 834; 25 SCRA
VOL. 436, AUGUST 13, 2004 415 693, 699 (1968), which in turn cites Blondeau v. Nano, 61 Phil. 625, 631,
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank 632 (1935).
and Trust Company 416
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank 417
and Trust Company VOL. 436, AUGUST 13, 2004 417
edly stole the blank check and who presumably is responsible for its Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
encashment through a forged signature of Jong Kyu Lee. Sempio was and Trust Company
assistant to the Korean accountant who was in possession of the blank Jong did testify that his accountant, Kyu, kept the checks inside a “safety
checks and who through negligence, enabled Sempio to have access to box,”55 and no contrary version was presented by FEBTC. However, such
the same. Had the Korean accountant been more careful and prudent in testimony cannot prove that the checks were indeed kept in a safety box,
keeping the blank checks Sempio would not have had the chance to steal as Jong’s testimony on that point is hearsay, since Kyu, and not Jong,
a page thereof and to effect the forgery. Besides, Sempio was an employee would have the personal knowledge as to how the checks were kept.
who appears to have had dealings with the defendant Bank in behalf of the Still, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, we can conclude that
plaintiff corporation and on the date the check was encashed, he was there there was no negligence on Samsung Construction’s part. The
to certify that it was a genuine check issued to purchase equipment for the presumption remains that every person takes ordinary care of his
company.51 concerns,56 and that the ordinary course of business has been
followed.57 Negligence is not presumed, but must be proven by him who
We recognize that Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law bars alleges it.58 While the complaint was lodged at the instance of Samsung
a party from setting up the defense of forgery if it is guilty of Construction, the matter it had to prove was the claim it had alleged—
negligence.52 Yet, we are unable to conclude that Samsung Construction whether the check was forged. It cannot be required as well to prove that
was guilty of negligence in this case. The appellate court failed to explain it was not negligent, because the legal presumption remains that ordinary
precisely how the Korean accountant was negligent or how more care and care was employed.
prudence on his part would have prevented the forgery. We cannot sustain Thus, it was incumbent upon FEBTC, in defense, to prove the negative
this “tar and feathering” resorted to without any basis. fact that Samsung Construction was negligent. While the payee, as in this
The bare fact that the forgery was committed by an employee of the case, may not have the personal knowledge as to the standard procedures
party whose signature was forged cannot necessarily imply that such observed by the drawer, it well has the means of disputing the presumption
party’s negligence was the cause for the forgery. Employers do not of regularity. Proving a negative fact may be “a difficult office,”59 but
possess the preternatural gift of cognition as to the evil that may lurk within necessarily so, as it seeks to overcome a presumption in law. FEBTC was
the hearts and minds of their employees. The Court’s pronouncement unable to dispute the presumption of ordinary care exercised by Samsung
in PCI Bank v. Court of Appeals53applies in this case, to wit: Construction, hence we cannot agree with the Court of Appeals’ finding of
[T]he mere fact that the forgery was committed by a drawer-payor’s negligence.
confidential employee or agent, who by virtue of his position had unusual The assailed Decision replicated the extensive efforts which FEBTC
facilities for perpetrating the fraud and imposing the forged paper upon the devoted to establish that there was no negligence on the part of the bank
bank, does not entitle the bank to shift the loss to the drawer-payor, in the in its acceptance and payment of the forged check. However, the degree
absence of some circumstance raising estoppel against the drawer.54 of diligence exercised by the bank would be irrelevant if the drawer is not
precluded from setting up the defense of forgery under Section 23 by his
Admittedly, the record does not clearly establish what measures own negligence. The rule of
Samsung Construction employed to safeguard its blank checks.
55 TSN dated 25 January 1993, pp. 19, 31.
51 56
Rollo, p. 38. See Section 3(d), Rule 131, Rules of Court.
52 MWSS v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-62943, 14 July 1986, 143 57 See Section 3(q), Rule 131, Rules of Court.

SCRA 20, 31. 58 Taylor

v. Manila Electric Railroad, 16 Phil. 8, 28
53 G.R. Nos. 121413, 121479 and 128604, 29 January 2001, 350
(1910), citingScaevola, Jurisprudencia del Codigo Civil, vol. 6, 551, 552.
SCRA 446. 59 US v. Tria, 17 Phil. 303, 307 (1910).
54 Ibid., at p. 465.
418 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED escape liability where the depositor’s negligence consists of failure to
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank properly examine his bank statements and cancelled checks and failure to
and Trust Company notify
equity enunciated in PNB v. National City Bank of New York, 60 as relied 419
upon by the Court of Appeals, deserves careful examination. VOL. 436, AUGUST 13, 2004 419
The point in issue has sometimes been said to be that of Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
negligence. The drawee who has paid upon the forged signature is and Trust Company
held to bear the loss, because he has been negligent in failing to
recognize that the handwriting is not that of his customer. But it It is also worth noting that the forged signatures in PNB v. National City
follows obviously that if the payee, holder, or presenter of the forged paper Bank of New York were not of the drawer, but of indorsers. The same
has himself been in default, if he has himself been guilty of a negligence circumstance attends PNB v. Court of Appeals,64 which was also cited by
prior to that of the banker, or if by any act of his own he has at all the Court of Appeals. It is accepted that a forged signature of the drawer
contributed to induce the banker’s negligence, then he may lose his right differs in treatment than a forged signature of the indorser.
to cast the loss upon the banker.61 (Emphasis supplied) The justification for the distinction between forgery of the signature of
the drawer and forgery of an indorsement is that the drawee is in a position
Quite palpably, the general rule remains that the drawee who has paid to verify the drawer’s signature by comparison with one in his hands, but
upon the forged signature bears the loss. The exception to this rule arises has ordinarily no opportunity to verify an indorsement.65
only when negligence can be traced on the part of the drawer whose Thus, a drawee bank is generally liable to its depositor in paying a
signature was forged, and the need arises to weigh the comparative check which bears either a forgery of the drawer’s signature or a forged
negligence between the drawer and the drawee to determine who should indorsement. But the bank may, as a general rule, recover back the money
bear the burden of loss. The Court finds no basis to conclude that Samsung which it has paid on a check bearing a forged indorsement, whereas it has
Construction was negligent in the safekeeping of its checks. For one, the not this right to the same extent with reference to a check bearing a forgery
settled rule is that the mere fact that the depositor leaves his check book of the drawer’s signature.66
lying around does not constitute such negligence as will free the bank from
liability to him, where a clerk of the depositor or other persons, taking The general rule imputing liability on the drawee who paid out on the
advantage of the opportunity, abstract some of the check blanks, forges forgery holds in this case.
the depositor’s signature and collect on the checks from the bank.62 And Since FEBTC puts into issue the degree of care it exercised before
for another, in point of fact Samsung Construction was not negligent at all paying out on the forged check, we might as well comment on the bank’s
since it reported the forgery almost immediately upon discovery.63 performance of its duty. It might be so that the bank complied with its own
internal rules prior to paying out on the questionable check. Yet, there are
_______________ several troubling circumstances that lead us to believe that the bank itself
was remiss in its duty.
63 Phil. 711 (1936). The fact that the check was made out in the amount of nearly one
Id., at p. 740; citing 2 Morse on Banks and Banking, 5th ed., secs. million pesos is unusual enough to require a higher degree of caution on
464 and 466, pp. 82-85 and 86, 87. the part of the bank. Indeed, FEBTC confirms this through its own internal
J.E., THE LAW OF FORGED AND ALTERED procedures. Checks below twenty-five thousand pesos require only the
CHECKS, supra, note 24, at 24-27; citing MacIntosh v. Bank, 123 Mass. approval of the teller; those between twenty-five thousand to one hundred
393; East St. Louis Cotton Oil Co. v. Bank of Steele, Mo., 205 S.W. Rep. thousand pesos necessitate the approval of one bank officer; and should
96. the amount exceed one hundred thousand pesos, the concurrence of two
63 “For his failure or negligence either to discover or to report promptly
bank officers is required.67
the fact of such forgery to the drawee, the drawer loses his right against
the drawee who has debited his account under the forged indorse- _______________
ment.” Gempesaw v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 92244, 9 February
1993, 218 SCRA 682, 690; citing American jurisprudence. “A bank may
the bank of forgery within a reasonable time.” H. Bailey, supra, note 28, that payment is not limited to a particular person. See Nickles, S.H.,
at p. 477. But see note 24. Matheson, J.H., and Adams, E.S., Modern Commercial Paper: The New
G.R. No. L-26001, 29 October 1968, 25 SCRA 693. Law of Negotiable Instruments and Related Commercial Paper (1994), at
Farnsworth, E.A., supra note 22, at p. 173. p. 61.
66 69
Brady, J.E., supra, note 24, at p. 5. See TSN dated 26 July 1993, p. 18.
67 70
See TSN dated 12 July 1993, p. 8. See TSN dated 12 July 1993, p. 11.
420 Ibid.
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank VOL. 436, AUGUST 13, 2004 421
and Trust Company Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
and Trust Company
In this case, not only did the amount in the check nearly total one million
pesos, it was also payable to cash. That latter circumstance should have FEBTC alleges that Sempio was well-known to the bank officers, as he
aroused the suspicion of the bank, as it is not ordinary business practice had regularly transacted with the bank in behalf of Samsung Construction.
for a check for such large amount to be made payable to cash or to bearer, It was even claimed that everytime FEBTC would contact Jong about
instead of to the order of a specified person.68Moreover, the check was problems with his account, Jong would hand the phone over to
presented for payment by one Roberto Gonzaga, who was not designated Sempio.72However, the only proof of such allegations is the testimony of
as the payee of the check, and who did not carry with him any written proof Gemma Velez, who also testified that she did not know Sempio
that he was authorized by Samsung Construction to encash the check. personally,73 and had met Sempio for the first time only on the day the
Gonzaga, a stranger to FEBTC, was not even an employee of Samsung check was encashed.74 In fact, Velez had to inquire with the other officers
Construction.69 These circumstances are already suspicious if taken of the bank as to whether Sempio was actually known to the employees of
independently, much more so if they are evaluated in concurrence. Given the bank.75Obviously, Velez had no personal knowledge as to the past
the shadiness attending Gonzaga’s presentment of the check, it was not relationship between FEBTC and Sempio, and any averments of her to
sufficient for FEBTC to have merely complied with its internal procedures, that effect should be deemed hearsay evidence. Interestingly, FEBTC did
but mandatory that all earnest efforts be undertaken to ensure the validity not present as a witness any other employee of their Bel-Air branch,
of the check, and of the authority of Gonzaga to collect payment therefor. including those who supposedly had transacted with Sempio before.
According to FEBTC Senior Assistant Cashier Gemma Velez, the bank Even assuming that FEBTC had a standing habit of dealing with
tried, but failed, to contact Jong over the phone to verify the check.70 She Sempio, acting in behalf of Samsung Construction, the irregular
added that calling the issuer or drawer of the check to verify the same was circumstances attending the presentment of the forged check should have
not part of the standard procedure of the bank, but an “extra effort.”71 Even put the bank on the highest degree of alert. The Court recently emphasized
assuming that such personal verification is tantamount to extraordinary that the highest degree of care and diligence is required of banks.
diligence, it cannot be denied that FEBTC still paid out the check despite Banks are engaged in a business impressed with public interest, and it
the absence of any proof of verification from the drawer. Instead, the bank is their duty to protect in return their many clients and depositors who
seems to have relied heavily on the say-so of Sempio, who was present at transact business with them. They have the obligation to treat their client’s
the bank at the time the check was presented. account meticulously and with the highest degree of care, considering the
fiduciary nature of their relationship. The diligence required of banks,
_______________ therefore, is more than that of a good father of a family.76
68 “When the instrument is payable to order the payee must be named Given the circumstances, extraordinary diligence dictates that FEBTC
or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.” Sec. 8, Act No. should have ascertained from Jong personally that the signature in the
2031 (Negotiable Instruments Law). Worthy of note is the fact that a check questionable check was his.
payable to bearer is more likely to be forged than one that is payable to
order. The unofficial essence of bearer check is that anyone who _______________
possesses or holds it can indorse or receive payment for it which implies
Id., at p. 17.
73 Id., at p. 18.
TSN dated 26 July 1993, p. 3.
Id., at p. 6.
Westmont Bank v. Ong, G.R. No. 132560, 30 January 2002, 375
SCRA 212, 220-221.
Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. vs. Far East Bank
and Trust Company

Still, even if the bank performed with utmost diligence, the drawer
whose signature was forged may still recover from the bank as long as he
or she is not precluded from setting up the defense of forgery. After all,
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law plainly states that no right to
enforce the payment of a check can arise out of a forged signature. Since
the drawer, Samsung Construction, is not precluded by negligence from
setting up the forgery, the general rule should apply. Consequently, if a
bank pays a forged check, it must be considered as paying out of its funds
and cannot charge the amount so paid to the account of the depositor.77 A
bank is liable, irrespective of its good faith, in paying a forged check.78
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The Decisionof the Court of
Appeals dated 28 November 1996 is REVERSED, and the Decision of the
Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 9, dated 25 April 1994 is
REINSTATED. Costs against respondent.
Puno (Chairman), Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr. and Chico-Nazario,
JJ., concur.
Petition granted, judgment reversed. That of the court a quo reinstated.

Note.—Issue of whether a party is negligent is a question of fact.

(Thermochem Incorporated vs. Naval, 344 SCRA 76 [2000])


Traders Royal Bank v. Radio Philippines Network, Inc., G.R. No.
138510, 10 October 2002, 390 SCRA 608, 614.
78 Bailey, H.J., supra, note 28 at p. 474.
the face and by the terms of the check. Payment made under materially
VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 259 altered instrument is not payment done in accordance with the instruction
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo of the drawer. When the drawee bank pays a materially altered check, it
G.R. No. 154469. December 6, 2006.* violates the terms of the check, as well as its duty to charge its client’s
METROPOLITAN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, account only for bona fide disbursements he had made. Since the drawee
petitioner, vs. RENATO D. CABILZO, respondent. bank, in the instant case, did not pay according to the original tenor of the
Equitable Estoppel; The doctrine of equitable estoppel states that instrument, as directed by the drawer, then it has no right to claim
when one of the two innocent persons, each guiltless of any intentional or reimbursement from the drawer, much less, the right to deduct the
moral wrong, must suffer a loss, it must be borne by the one whose erroneous payment it made from the drawer’s account which it was
erroneous conduct, either by omission or commission, was the cause of expected to treat with utmost fidelity.
injury.—Metrobank cannot lightly impute that Cabilzo was negligent and is Same; It owes the highest degree fidelity to its client and should not
therefore prevented from asserting his rights under the doctrine of therefore lightly rely on the judgment of other banks on occasions where
equitable estoppel when the facts on record are bare of evidence to its clients money were involve, no matter how small or substantial the
support such conclusion. The doctrine of equitable estoppel states that amount at stake.—The reliance made by Metrobank on Westmont Bank’s
when one of the two innocent persons, each guiltless of any intentional or indorsement is clearly inconsistent, if not totally offensive to the dictum that
moral wrong, must suffer a loss, it must be borne by the one whose being impressed with public interest, banks should exercise the highest
erroneous conduct, either by omission or commission, was the cause of degree of diligence, if not utmost diligence in dealing with the accounts of
injury. Metrobank’s reliance on this dictum, is misplaced. For one, its own clients. It owes the highest degree fidelity to its clients and should
Metrobank’s representation that it is an innocent party is flimsy and not therefore lightly rely on the judgment of other banks on occasions
evidently, misleading. At the same time, Metrobank cannot asseverate that where its clients money were involve, no matter how small or substantial
Cabilzo was negligent and this negligence was the proximate cause of the the amount at stake.
loss in the absence of even a scintilla proof to buttress such claim.
Negligence is not presumed but must be proven by the one who alleges it. PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of the
Banks and Banking; The point is that as a business affected with Court of Appeals.
public interest and because of the nature of its functions, the bank is under
obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors with meticulous care, The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
always having in mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship.—The point Sedigo, Sison & Associates for petitioner.
is that as a business affected with public interest and because of the nature Jose A. Suing for respondent.
of its functions, the bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of its
depositors with meticulous care, always having in mind the fiduciary nature CHICO-NAZARIO, J.:
of their relationship. The appropriate degree of diligence required of a bank
must be a high degree of diligence, if not the utmost diligence. Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari, filed by petitioner
Negotiable Instruments; Checks; Payment made under materially Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
altered instrument is not payment done in accordance with the instruction 261
of the drawer.—The bank on which the check is drawn, VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 261
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo
_______________ (Metrobank) seeking to reverse and set aside the Decision1of the Court of
Appeals dated 8 March 2002 and its Resolution dated 26 July 2002
* FIRST DIVISION. affirming the Decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch
260 13 dated 4 September 1998. The dispositive portion of the Court of
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo “WHEREFORE, the assailed decision dated September 4, 1998 is
known as the drawee bank, is under strict liability to pay to the order AFFIRMED with modifications (sic) that the awards for exemplary
of the payee in accordance with the drawer’s instructions as reflected on damages and attorney’s fees are hereby deleted.”
Petitioner Metrobank is a banking institution duly organized and existing as Repeated verbal demands followed but Metrobank still failed to re-credit
such under Philippine laws.2 the amount of P91,000.00 to Cabilzo’s account.7
Respondent Renato D. Cabilzo (Cabilzo) was one of Metrobank’s On 30 June 1995, Cabilzo, thru counsel, finally sent a letter-demand8 to
clients who maintained a current account with Metrobank Pasong Tamo Metrobank for the payment of P90,000.00, after deducting the original
Branch.3 value of the check in the amount of P1,000.00. Such written demand
On 12 November 1994, Cabilzo issued a Metrobank Check No. notwithstanding, Metrobank still failed or refused to comply with its
985988, payable to “CASH” and postdated on 24 November 1994 in the obligation.
amount of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00). The check was drawn Consequently, Cabilzo instituted a civil action for damages against
against Cabilzo’s Account with Metrobank Pasong Tamo Branch under Metrobank before the RTC of Manila, Branch 13. In his Complaint docketed
Current Account No. 618044873-3 and was paid by Cabilzo to a certain as Civil Case No. 95-75651, Renato D. Cabilzo v. Metropolitan Bank and
Mr. Marquez, as his sales commission.4 Trust Company, Cabilzo prayed that in addition to his claim for
Subsequently, the check was presented to Westmont Bank for reimbursement, actual
payment. Westmont Bank, in turn, indorsed the check to Metrobank for
appropriate clearing. After the entries thereon were examined, including _______________
the availability of funds and the authenticity of the signature of the drawer,
Metrobank cleared the check for encashment in accordance with the Id.
Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) Rules. Id., at pp. 2-3.
Id., at p. 3.
_______________ 8 Id., at p. 11.

Penned by Associate Justice Delilah Vidallon-Magtolis with Associate VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 263
Justices Candido V. Rivera and Juan Q. Enriquez, Jr., concurring, CA-G.R. Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo
CV No. 66384. Rollo, pp. 18-25. and moral damages plus costs of the suit be awarded in his favor.9
Records, p. 1. For its part, Metrobank countered that upon the receipt of the said
3 Id.
check through the PCHC on 14 November 1994, it examined the
4 Id., at p. 2.
genuineness and the authenticity of the drawer’s signature appearing
262 thereon and the technical entries on the check including the amount in
262 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED figures and in words to determine if there were alterations, erasures,
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo superimpositions or intercalations thereon, but none was noted. After
On 16 November 1994, Cabilzo’s representative was at Metrobank Pasong verifying the authenticity and propriety of the aforesaid entries, including
Tamo Branch to make some transaction when he was asked by a bank the indorsement of the collecting bank located at the dorsal side of the
personnel if Cabilzo had issued a check in the amount of P91,000.00 to check which stated that, “all prior indorsements and lack of indorsement
which the former replied in the negative. On the afternoon of the same guaranteed,” Metrobank cleared the check.10
date, Cabilzo himself called Metrobank to reiterate that he did not issue a Anent thereto, Metrobank claimed that as a collecting bank and the last
check in the amount of P91,000.00 and requested that the questioned indorser, Westmont Bank should be held liable for the value of the check.
check be returned to him for verification, to which Metrobank complied.5 Westmont Bank indorsed the check as the an unqualified indorser, by
Upon receipt of the check, Cabilzo discovered that Metrobank Check virtue of which it assumed the liability of a general indorser, and thus,
No. 985988 which he issued on 12 November 1994 in the amount among others, warranted that the instrument is genuine and in all respect
of P1,000.00 was altered to P91,000.00 and the date 24 November what it purports to be.
1994 was changed to 14 November 1994.6 In addition, Metrobank, in turn, claimed that Cabilzo was partly
Hence, Cabilzo demanded that Metrobank re-credit the amount of responsible in leaving spaces on the check, which, made the fraudulent
P91,000.00 to his account. Metrobank, however, refused reasoning that it insertion of the amount and figures thereon, possible. On account of his
has to refer the matter first to its Legal Division for appropriate action. negligence in the preparation and issuance of the check, which according
to Metrobank, was the proximate cause of the loss, Cabilzo cannot 265
thereafter claim indemnity by virtue of the doctrine of equitable estoppel. VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 265
Thus, Metrobank demanded from Cabilzo, for payment in the amount Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo
of P100,000.00 which represents the cost of litiga- November 16, 1994 until payment is made plus P20,000 attorney’s fees,
exemplary damages of P50,000, and costs of the suit.”16
_______________ Aggrieved, Metrobank appealed the adverse decision to the Court of
Appeals reiterating its previous argument that as the last indorser,
Id., at pp. 1-6. Westmont Bank shall bear the loss occasioned by the fraudulent alteration
Id., at pp. 19-20. of the check. Elaborating, Metrobank maintained that by reason of its
264 unqualified indorsement, Westmont Bank warranted that the check in
264 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED question is genuine, valid and subsisting and that upon presentment the
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo check shall be accepted according to its tenor.
tion and attorney’s fees, for allegedly bringing a frivolous and baseless Even more, Metrobank argued that in clearing the check, it was not
suit.11 remiss in the performance of its duty as the drawee bank, but rather, it
On 19 April 1996, Metrobank filed a Third-Party Complaint12 against exercised the highest degree of diligence in accordance with the generally
Westmont Bank on account of its unqualified indorsement stamped at the accepted banking practice. It further insisted that the entries in the check
dorsal side of the check which the former relied upon in clearing what were regular and authentic and alteration could not be determined even
turned out to be a materially altered check. upon close examination.
Subsequently, a Motion to Dismiss13 the Third-Party Complaint was In a Decision17 dated 8 March 2002, the Court of Appeals affirmed with
then filed by Westmont bank because another case involving the same modification the Decision of the court a quo,similarly finding Metrobank
cause of action was pending before a different court. The said case arose liable for the amount of the check, without prejudice, however, to the
from an action for reimbursement filed by Metrobank before the Arbitration outcome of the case between Metrobank and Westmont Bank which was
Committee of the PCHC against Westmont Bank, and now the subject of pending before another tribunal. The decretal portion of the Decision
a Petition for Review before the RTC of Manila, Branch 19. reads:
In an Order14 dated 4 February 1997, the trial court granted the Motion “WHEREFORE, the assailed decision dated September 4, 1998 is
to Dismiss the Third-Party Complaint on the ground of litis pendentia. AFFIRMED with the modifications (sic) that the awards for exemplary
On 4 September 1998, the RTC rendered a Decision15 in favor of damages and attorney’s fees are hereby deleted.”18
Cabilzo and thereby ordered Metrobank to pay the sum of P90,000.00, the Similarly ill-fated was Metrobank’s Motion for Reconsideration which was
amount of the check. In stressing the fiduciary nature of the relationship also denied by the appellate court in its Resolution19 issued on 26 July
between the bank and its clients and the negligence of the drawee bank in 2002, for lack of merit.
failing to detect an apparent alteration on the check, the trial court ordered
for the payment of exemplary damages, attorney’s fees and cost of _______________
litigation. The dispositive portion of the Decision reads:
“WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered ordering defendant Metropolitan 16
Id., at p. 196.
Bank and Trust Company to pay plaintiff Renato Cabilzo the sum of 17 CA Rollo, pp. 45-52.
18 Id., at p. 52.
P90,000 with legal interest of 6 percent per annum from
19 Id., at p. 95.

_______________ 266
11 Id., at pp. 18-22. Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo
Id., at pp. 38-43. Metrobank now poses before this Court this sole issue:
13 Id., at pp. 70-76.
14 Id., at pp. 94-95.
15 Id., at pp. 193-196.
ALTERATIONS ON THE SUBJECT CHECK BEARING THE AUTHENTIC Or which adds a place of payment where no place of payment is
SIGNATURE OF THE DRAWER THEREOF. specified, or any other change or addition which alters the effect of the
We resolve to deny the petition. instrument in any respect is a material alteration.”
An alteration is said to be material if it changes the effect of the In the case at bar, the check was altered so that the amount was increased
instrument. It means that an unauthorized change in an instrument that from P1,000.00 to P91,000.00 and the date was changed from 24
purports to modify in any respect the obligation of a party or an November 1994 to 14 November 1994. Apparently, since the entries
unauthorized addition of words or numbers or other change to an altered were among those enumerated under Section 1 and 125, namely,
incomplete instrument relating to the obligation of a party.20 In other words, the sum of money payable and the date of the check, the instant
a material alteration is one which changes the items which are required to controversy therefore squarely falls within the purview of material
be stated under Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law. alteration.
Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides: Now, having laid the premise that the present petition is a case of
“Section 1. Form of negotiable instruments.—An instrument to be material alteration, it is now necessary for us to determine the effect of a
negotiable must conform to the following requirements: materially altered instrument, as well as the rights and obligations of the
parties thereunder. The following provision of the Negotiable Instrument
1. (a)It must be in writing and signed by the maker or drawer; Law will shed us some light in threshing out this issue:
2. (b)Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum “Section 124. Alteration of instrument; effect of.—Where a negotiable
certain in money; instrument is materially altered without the assent of all parties liable
3. (c)Must be payable on demand or at a fixed determinable future thereon, it is avoided, except as against a party who has himself made,
time; authorized, and assented to the alteration and subsequent indorsers.
4. (d)Must be payable to order or to bearer; and But when the instrument has been materially altered and is in the hands
5. (e)Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be of a holder in due course not a party to the alteration, he may enforce the
named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty.” payment thereof according to its original tenor.” (Emphasis ours.)
Also pertinent is the following provision in the Negotiable Instrument Law 268 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
which states: Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo
Indubitably, Cabilzo was not the one who made nor authorized the
_______________ alteration. Neither did he assent to the alteration by his express or implied
acts. There is no showing that he failed to exercise such reasonable
Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 326 Phil. 504, 511; 256 degree of diligence required of a prudent man which could have otherwise
SCRA 491, 497 (1996). prevented the loss. As correctly ruled by the appellate court, Cabilzo was
267 never remiss in the preparation and issuance of the check, and there were
VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 267 no indicia of evidence that would prove otherwise. Indeed, Cabilzo placed
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo asterisks before and after the amount in words and figures in order to
“Section 125. What constitutes material alteration.—Any alteration which forewarn the subsequent holders that nothing follows before and after the
changes: amount indicated other than the one specified between the asterisks.
The degree of diligence required of a reasonable man in the exercise
of his tasks and the performance of his duties has been faithfully complied
1. (a)The date;
with by Cabilzo. In fact, he was wary enough that he filled with asterisks
2. (b)The sum payable, either for principal or interest;
the spaces between and after the amounts, not only those stated in words,
3. (c)The time or place of payment;
but also those in numerical figures, in order to prevent any fraudulent
4. (d)The number or the relation of the parties;
insertion, but unfortunately, the check was still successfully altered,
5. (e)The medium or currency in which payment is to be made;
indorsed by the collecting bank, and cleared by the drawee bank, and
encashed by the perpetrator of the fraud, to the damage and prejudice of
Verily, Metrobank cannot lightly impute that Cabilzo was negligent and Proximate cause is that cause, which, in natural and continuous
is therefore prevented from asserting his rights under the doctrine of sequence, unbroken by any efficient and intervening cause, produces the
equitable estoppel when the facts on record are bare of evidence to injury, and without which the result would not have occurred. Vda de
support such conclusion. The doctrine of equitable estoppel states that Bataclan v. Medina, 102 Phil. 181, 186 (1957).
when one of the two innocent persons, each guiltless of any intentional or Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. v. Far East Bank
moral wrong, must suffer a loss, it must be borne by the one whose and Trust Company, G.R. No. 129015, 13 August 2004, 436 SCRA 402,
erroneous conduct, either by omission or commission, was the cause of 417.
injury.21Metrobank’s reliance on this dictum, is misplaced. For one, 24
Simex v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 88013, 19 March 1990, 183
Metrobank’s representation that it is an innocent party is flimsy and SCRA 360, 361, 366-367.
evidently, misleading. At the same 270
_______________ Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo
ment of ordinary expenses. As for a businessman like the respondent, the
21 Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System v. Court of bank is a trusted and active associate that can help in the running of his
Appeals, G.R. No. L-62943, 14 July 1986, 143 SCRA 20. affairs, not only in the form of loans when needed but more often in the
269 conduct of their dayto-day transactions like the issuance or encashment of
VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 269 checks.25
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo In every case, the depositor expects the bank to treat his account with
time, Metrobank cannot asseverate that Cabilzo was negligent and this the utmost fidelity, whether such account consists only of a few hundred
negligence was the proximate cause22 of the loss in the absence of even pesos or of millions. The bank must record every single transaction
a scintilla proof to buttress such claim. Negligence is not presumed but accurately, down to the last centavo, and as promptly as possible. This has
must be proven by the one who alleges it.23 to be done if the account is to reflect at any given time the amount of money
Undoubtedly, Cabilzo was an innocent party in this instant controversy. the depositor can dispose of as he sees fit, confident that the bank will
He was just an ordinary businessman who, in order to facilitate his deliver it as and to whomever he directs.26
business transactions, entrusted his money with a bank, not knowing that The point is that as a business affected with public interest and because
the latter would yield a substantial amount of his deposit to fraud, for which of the nature of its functions, the bank is under obligation to treat the
Cabilzo can never be faulted. accounts of its depositors with meticulous care, always having in mind the
We never fail to stress the remarkable significance of a banking fiduciary nature of their relationship. The appropriate degree of diligence
institution to commercial transactions, in particular, and to the country’s required of a bank must be a high degree of diligence, if not the utmost
economy in general. The banking system is an indispensable institution in diligence.27
the modern world and plays a vital role in the economic life of every civilized In the present case, it is obvious that Metrobank was remiss in that duty
nation. Whether as mere passive entities for the safekeeping and saving and violated that relationship. As observed by the Court of Appeals, there
of money or as active instruments of business and commerce, banks have are material alterations on the check that are visible to the naked eye.
become an ubiquitous presence among the people, who have come to Thus:
regard them with respect and even gratitude and, most of all, confidence.24 “x x x The number “1” in the date is clearly imposed on a white figure in the
Thus, even the humble wage-earner does not hesitate to entrust his shape of the number “2.” The appellant’s employees who examined the
life’s savings to the bank of his choice, knowing that they will be safe in its said check should have likewise been put on guard as to why at the end of
custody and will even earn some interest for him. The ordinary person, with the amount in words, i.e., after the word “ONLY”, there are 4 asterisks,
equal faith, usually maintains a modest checking account for security and while at the beginning of the line or before said phrase, there is none, even
convenience in the settling of his monthly bills and the pay- as 4 asterisks have been placed before and after the word “CASH” in the
space for payee. In addition, the 4 asterisks before the words “ONE
_______________ THOUSAND PE

Id. In addition, the bank on which the check is drawn, known as the drawee
26 Id. bank, is under strict liability to pay to the order of the payee in accordance
Id. with the drawer’s instructions as reflected on the face and by the terms of
271 the check. Payment made under materially altered instrument is not
VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 271 payment done in accordance with the instruction of the drawer.
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo When the drawee bank pays a materially altered check, it violates the
SOS ONLY” have noticeably been erased with typing correction paper, terms of the check, as well as its duty to charge its client’s account only
leaving white marks, over which the word “NINETY” was superimposed. for bona fide disbursements he had made. Since the drawee bank, in the
The same can be said of the numeral “9” in the amount “91,000,” which is instant case, did not pay according to the original tenor of the instrument,
superimposed over a whitish mark, obviously an erasure, in lieu of the as directed by the drawer, then it has no right to claim reimbursement from
asterisk which was deleted to insert the said figure. The appellant’s the drawer, much less, the right to deduct the erroneous payment it made
employees should have again noticed why only 2 asterisks were placed from the drawer’s account which it was expected to treat with utmost
before the amount in figures, while 3 asterisks were placed after such fidelity.
amount. The word “NINETY” is also typed differently and with a lighter ink, Metrobank vigorously asserts that the entries in the check were
when compared with the words “ONE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY.” The carefully examined: The date of the instrument, the amount in words and
letters of the word “NINETY” are likewise a little bigger when compared figures, as well as the drawer’s signature, which after verification, were
with the letters of the words “ONE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY.”28 found to be proper and authentic and was thus cleared. We are not
Surprisingly, however, Metrobank failed to detect the above alterations persuaded. Metrobank’s negligence consisted in the omission of that
which could not escape the attention of even an ordinary person. This degree of diligence required of a bank owing to the fiduciary nature of its
negligence was exacerbated by the fact that, as found by the trial court, relationship with its client. Article 1173 of the Civil Code provides:
the check in question was examined by the cash custodian whose “The fault or negligence of the obligor consists in the omission of that
functions do not include the examinations of checks indorsed for payment diligence which is required by the nature of the obligation and corresponds
against drawer’s accounts.29Obviously, the employee allowed by with the circumstances of the persons, of the time and of the place. x x x.”
Metrobank to examine the check was not versed and competent to handle Beyond question, Metrobank failed to comply with the degree required by
such duty. These factual findings of the trial court are conclusive upon this the nature of its business as provided by law and jurisprudence. If indeed
court especially when such findings were affirmed the appellate court.30 it was not remiss in its obligation, then it would be inconceivable for it not
Apropos thereto, we need to reiterate that by the very nature of their to detect an evident alteration considering its vast knowledge and technical
work the degree of responsibility, care and trustworthiness expected of expertise in the intricacies of the banking business. This Court is not
their employees and officials is far better than those of ordinary clerks and completely unaware of banks’ practices of em-
employees. Banks are expected to exercise the highest degree of diligence 273
in the selection and supervision of their employees.31 VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 273
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo
_______________ ploying devices and techniques in order to detect forgeries, insertions,
intercalations, superimpositions and alterations in checks and other
28 Rollo, p. 22. negotiable instruments so as to safeguard their authenticity and
Records, p. 195. negotiability. Metrobank cannot now feign ignorance nor claim diligence;
30 Samahan ng Magsasaka sa San Josep v. Valisno, G.R. No. 158314,
neither can it point its finger at the collecting bank, in order to evade liability.
3 June 2004, 430 SCRA 629, 635. Metrobank argues that Westmont Bank, as the collecting bank and the
31 Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
last indorser, shall bear the loss. Without ruling on the matter between the
No. 121413, 29 January 2001, 350 SCRA 446, 472. drawee bank and the collecting bank, which is already under the
272 jurisdiction of another tribunal, we find that Metrobank cannot rely on such
272 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED indorsement, in clearing the questioned check. The corollary liability of
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo such indorsement, if any, is separate and independent from the liability of
Metrobank to Cabilzo.
The reliance made by Metrobank on Westmont Bank’s indorsement is account of the depositor. (Traders Royal Bank vs. Radio Philippines
clearly inconsistent, if not totally offensive to the dictum that being Network, Inc., 390 SCRA 608 [2002])
impressed with public interest, banks should exercise the highest degree As a business affected with public interest and because of the nature
of diligence, if not utmost diligence in dealing with the accounts of its own of its functions, a bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of its
clients. It owes the highest degree fidelity to its clients and should not depositors with meticulous care, always
therefore lightly rely on the judgment of other banks on occasions where
its clients money were involve, no matter how small or substantial the _______________
amount at stake.
Metrobank’s contention that it relied on the strength of collecting bank’s 32
indorsement may be merely a lame excuse to evade liability, or may be 275
indeed an actual banking practice. In either case, such act constitutes a VOL. 510, DECEMBER 6, 2006 275
deplorable banking practice and could not be allowed by this Court bearing Villanueva vs. Philippine National Bank
in mind that the confidence of public in general is of paramount importance having in mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship. (Philippine
in banking business. Commercial International Bank vs. Court of Appeals, 350 SCRA
What is even more deplorable is that, having been informed of the 446 [2001])
alteration, Metrobank did not immediately recredit the amount that was
erroneously debited from Cabilzo’s account but permitted a full blown
litigation to push through, to the prejudice of its client. Anyway, Metrobank
is not left with no recourse for it can still run after the one who made
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company vs. Cabilzo
the alteration or with the collecting bank, which it had already done. It bears
repeating that the records are bare of evidence to prove that Cabilzo was
negligent. We find no justifiable reason therefore why Metrobank did not
immediately reimburse his account. Such ineptness comes within the
concept of wanton manner contemplated under the Civil Code which
warrants the imposition of exemplary damages, “by way of example or
correction for the public good,” in the words of the law. It is expected that
this ruling will serve as a stern warning in order to deter the repetition of
similar acts of negligence, lest the confidence of the public in the banking
system be further eroded.32
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Petition is DENIED.
The Decision dated 8 March 2002 and the Resolution dated 26 July 2002
of the Court of Appeals are AFFIRMED with modification that exemplary
damages in the amount of P50,000.00 be awarded. Costs against the
Panganiban (C.J., Chairperson), Ynares-Santiago, Austria-
Martinez and Callejo, Sr., JJ., concur.
Petition denied, judgment and resolution affirmed with modification.
Notes.—When a bank pays a forged check it must be considered as
paying out of its funds and cannot charge the amount so paid to the
G.R. No. 150228. July 30, 2009.* many clients and depositors who transact business with them.—It is well-
BANK OF AMERICA NT & SA, petitioner, vs. PHILIPPINE RACING CLUB, settled that banks are engaged in a business impressed with public
respondent. interest, and it is their duty to protect in return their many clients and
Banks and Banking; Negotiable Instruments Law; If the signatures depositors who transact business with them. They have the obligation to
are genuine, the bank has the unavoidable legal and contractual duty to treat their client’s account meticulously and with the highest degree of care,
pay.—Petitioner insists that it merely fulfilled its obligation under law and considering the fiduciary nature of their relationship. The diligence required
contract when it encashed the aforesaid checks. Invoking Sections 126 of banks, therefore, is more than that of a good father of a family.
and 185 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL), petitioner claims that its Same; Every client should be treated equally by a banking institution
duty as a drawee bank to a drawer-client maintaining a checking account regardless of the amount of his deposits and each client has the right to
with it is to pay orders for checks bearing the drawer-client’s genuine expect that every centavo he entrusts to a bank would be handled with the
signatures. The genuine signatures of the client’s duly authorized same degree of care as the accounts of other clients.—Taking this with the
signatories affixed on the checks signify the order for payment. Thus, testimony of petitioner’s operations manager that in case of an irregularity
pursuant to the said obligation, the drawee bank has the duty to determine on the face of the check (such as when blanks were not properly filled out)
whether the signatures appearing on the check are the drawer-client’s or the bank may or may not call the client depending on how busy the bank
its duly authorized signatories. If the signatures are genuine, the bank has is on a particular day, we are even more convinced that petitioner’s
the unavoidable legal and contractual duty to pay. If the signatures are safeguards to protect clients from check fraud are arbitrary and subjective.
forged and falsified, the drawee bank has the corollary, but equally Every client should be treated equally by a banking institution regardless
unavoidable legal and contractual, duty not to pay. of the amount of his deposits and each client has the right to expect that
Same; Same; A material alteration is defined in Section 125 of the every centavo he entrusts to a bank would be handled with the same
Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL) to be one which changes the date, the degree of care as the accounts of other clients. Perforce, we find that
sum payable, the time or place of payment, the number or relations of the petitioner plainly failed to adhere to the high standard of diligence expected
parties, the currency in which payment is to be made or one which adds a of it as a banking institution.
place of payment where no place of payment is specified, or any change Same; Doctrine of Last Clear Chance; In instances where both parties
or addition which alters the effect of the instrument in any respect.— are at fault, this Court has consistently applied the doctrine of last clear
Petitioner maintains that there exists a duty on the drawee bank to inquire chance in order to assign liability.—Even if we assume that both parties
from the drawer before encashing a check only when the check bears a were guilty of negligent acts that led to the loss, petitioner will still emerge
material alteration. A material alteration is defined in Section 125 of the NIL as the party foremost liable in this case. In instances where both parties
to be one which changes the date, the sum payable, the time or place of are at fault, this Court has consistently applied the doctrine of last clear
payment, the number or relations of the parties, the currency in which chance in order to assign liability. In Westmont Bank v. Ong, 375 SCRA
payment is to be made or one which adds a place of payment where no 212 (2002), we ruled: …[I]t is petitioner [bank] which had the last clear
place of payment is specified, or any other change or addition which alters chance to stop the fraudulent encashment of the subject checks had it
the effect of the instrument in any respect. With respect to the checks at exercised due diligence
issue, petitioner points out that they do not contain 303
VOL. 594, JULY 30, 2009 303
_______________ Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
and followed the proper and regular banking procedures in clearing
* FIRST DIVISION. checks. As we had earlier ruled, the one who had a last clear
302 opportunity to avoid the impending harm but failed to do so is
302 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED chargeable with the consequences thereof.
Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club Damages; Following established jurisprudential precedents, we
any material alteration. This is a fact which was affirmed by the trial believe the allocation of sixty percent (60%) of the actual damages,
court itself. involved in this case (represented by the amount of the checks with legal
Same; It is well-settled that banks are engaged in a business interest) to petitioner is proper under the premises.—Following established
impressed with public interest, and it is their duty to protect in return their jurisprudential precedents, we believe the allocation of sixty percent (60%)
of the actual damages involved in this case (represented by the amount of country in connection with the corporation’s business. In order not to
the checks with legal interest) to petitioner is proper under the premises. disrupt operations in their absence, they pre-signed several checks relating
Respondent should, in light of its contributory negligence, bear forty to Current Account No. 58891-012. The intention was to insure continuity
percent (40%) of its own loss. of plaintiff-appellee’s operations by making available cash/money
Attorney’s Fees; An adverse decision does not ipso facto justify an especially to settle obligations that might become due. These checks were
award of attorney’s fees to the winning party.—We find that the awards of entrusted to the accountant with instruction to make use of the same as
attorney’s fees and litigation expenses in favor of respondent are not the need arose. The internal arrangement was, in the event there was need
justified under the circumstances and, thus, must be deleted. The power to make use of the checks, the accountant would prepare the
of the court to award attorney’s fees and litigation expenses under Article corresponding voucher and thereafter complete the entries on the pre-
2208 of the NCC demands factual, legal, and equitable justification. An signed checks.
adverse decision does not ipso facto justify an award of attorney’s fees to
the winning party. Even when a claimant is compelled to litigate with third _______________
persons or to incur expenses to protect his rights, still attorney’s fees may
not be awarded where no sufficient showing of bad faith could be reflected 1 Rollo, pp. 80-87.
in a party’s persistence in a case other than an erroneous conviction of the 2 Id., at pp. 122-126.
righteousness of his cause. 3 Id., at p. 89.
PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of the 305
Court of Appeals. VOL. 594, JULY 30, 2009 305
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
Sycip, Salazar, Hernandez & Gatmaitan for petitioner. It turned out that on December 16, 1988, a John Doe presented to
Reyno, Tiu, Domingo & Santos for respondent. defendant-appellant bank for encashment a couple of plaintiff-appellee
304 corporation’s checks (Nos. 401116 and 401117) with the indicated value
304 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED of P110,000.00 each. It is admitted that these 2 checks were among those
Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club presigned by plaintiff-appellee corporation’s authorized signatories.
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: The two (2) checks had similar entries with similar infirmities and
This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of irregularities. On the space where the name of the payee should be
Court from the Decision1 promulgated on July 16, 2001 by the former indicated (Pay To The Order Of) the following 2-line entries were instead
Second Division of the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. CV No. typewritten: on the upper line was the word “CASH” while the lower line
45371 entitled “Philippine Racing Club, Inc. v. Bank of America NT & SA,” had the following typewritten words, viz: “ONE HUNDRED TEN
affirming the Decision2 dated March 17, 1994 of the Regional Trial Court THOUSAND PESOS ONLY.” Despite the highly irregular entries on the
(RTC) of Makati, Branch 135 in Civil Case No. 89-5650, in favor of the face of the checks, defendant-appellant bank, without as much as verifying
respondent. Likewise, the present petition assails the and/or confirming the legitimacy of the checks considering the substantial
Resolution3 promulgated on September 28, 2001, denying the Motion for amount involved and the obvious infirmity/defect of the checks on their
Reconsideration of the CA Decision. faces, encashed said checks. A verification process, even by was of a
The facts of this case as narrated in the assailed CA Decision are as telephone call to PRCI office, would have taken less than ten (10) minutes.
follows: But this was not done by BA. Investigation conducted by plaintiff-appellee
“Plaintiff-appellee PRCI is a domestic corporation which maintains corporation yielded the fact that there was no transaction involving PRCI
several accounts with different banks in the Metro Manila area. Among the that call for the payment of P220,000.00 to anyone. The checks appeared
accounts maintained was Current Account No. 58891-012 with defendant- to have come into the hands of an employee of PRCI (one Clarita Mesina
appellant BA (Paseo de Roxas Branch). The authorized joint signatories who was subsequently criminally charged for qualified theft) who
with respect to said Current Account were plaintiff-appellee’s President eventually completed without authority the entries on the pre-signed
(Antonia Reyes) and Vice President for Finance (Gregorio Reyes). checks. PRCI’s demand for defendant-appellant to pay fell on deaf ears.
On or about the 2nd week of December 1988, the President and Vice Hence, the complaint.”4
President of plaintiff-appellee corporation were scheduled to go out of the
After due proceedings, the trial court rendered a Decision in favor of _______________
respondent, the dispositive portion of which reads:
“PREMISES CONSIDERED, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of 5 Id., at p. 126.
plaintiff and against the defendant, and the latter is ordered to pay plaintiff: 307
(1) The sum of Two Hundred Twenty Thousand (P220,000.00) VOL. 594, JULY 30, 2009 307
Pesos, with legal interest to be computed from date of the filing of the Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
herein complaint; IV. The Court of Appeals gravely erred in not awarding attorney’s fees,
(2) The sum of Twenty Thousand (P20,000.00) Pesos by way of moral and exemplary damages, and costs of suit in favor of petitioner,
attorney’s fees; who clearly deserves them.6
From the discussions of both parties in their pleadings, the key issue to
_______________ be resolved in the present case is whether the proximate cause of the
wrongful encashment of the checks in question was due to (a) petitioner’s
4 Id., at pp. 81-82. failure to make a verification regarding the said checks with the respondent
306 in view of the misplacement of entries on the face of the checks or (b) the
306 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED practice of the respondent of pre-signing blank checks and leaving the
Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club same with its employees.
(3) The sum of Ten Thousand (P10,000.00) Pesos for litigation Petitioner insists that it merely fulfilled its obligation under law and
expenses, and contract when it encashed the aforesaid checks. Invoking Sections
To pay the costs of suit. 1267 and 1858 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL), petitioner claims
SO ORDERED.”5 that its duty as a drawee bank to a drawer-client maintaining a checking
Petitioner appealed the aforesaid trial court Decision to the CA which, account with it is to pay orders for checks bearing the drawer-client’s
however, affirmed said decision in toto in its July 16, 2001 genuine signatures. The genuine signatures of the client’s duly authorized
Decision. Petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration of the CA Decision was signatories affixed on the checks signify the order for payment. Thus,
subsequently denied on September 28, 2001. pursuant to the said obligation, the drawee bank has the duty to determine
Petitioner now comes before this Court arguing that: whether the signatures appearing on the check are the drawer-client’s or
I. The Court of Appeals gravely erred in holding that the proximate cause its duly authorized signatories. If the signatures are genuine, the bank has
of respondent’s loss was petitioner’s encashment of the checks. the unavoidable legal and contractual duty to pay. If the signatures are
A. The Court of Appeals gravely erred in holding that petitioner forged and falsified, the drawee bank has
was liable for the amount of the checks despite the fact that
petitioner was merely fulfilling its obligation under law and _______________
B. The Court of Appeals gravely erred in holding that petitioner 6 Id., at pp. 55-56.
had a duty to verify the encashment, despite the absence of 7 Sec. 126. Bill of exchange defined.—A bill of exchange is an
any obligation to do so. unconditional order in writing addressed by one person to another, signed
C. The Court of Appeals gravely erred in not applying Section by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay
14 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, despite its clear on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money
applicability to this case; to order or to bearer.
II. The Court of Appeals gravely erred in not holding that the proximate 8 Sec. 185. Check defined.—A check is a bill of exchange drawn on
cause of respondent’s loss was its own grossly negligent practice of a bank payable on demand. Except as herein otherwise provided, the
pre-signing checks without payees and amounts and delivering these provisions of this act applicable to a bill of exchange payable on demand
pre-signed checks to its employees (other than their signatories). apply to a check.
III. The Court of Appeals gravely erred in affirming the trial court’s award 308
of attorney’s fees despite the absence of any applicable ground under 308 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Article 2208 of the Civil Code. Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
the corollary, but equally unavoidable legal and contractual, duty not to Petitioner asserts that it was not duty-bound to verify with the
pay.9 respondent since the amount below the typewritten word “CASH,”
Furthermore, petitioner maintains that there exists a duty on the drawee expressed in words, is the very same amount indicated in figures by means
bank to inquire from the drawer before encashing a check only when the of a check writer on the amount portion of the check. The amount stated in
check bears a material alteration. A material alteration is defined in Section words is, therefore, a mere reiteration of the amount stated in figures.
125 of the NIL to be one which changes the date, the sum payable, the Petitioner emphasizes that a reiteration of the amount in words is merely a
time or place of payment, the number or relations of the parties, the repetition and that a repetition is not an alteration which if present and
currency in which payment is to be made or one which adds a place of material would have enjoined it to commence verification with
payment where no place of payment is specified, or any other change or respondent.13
addition which alters the effect of the instrument in any respect. With We do not agree with petitioner’s myopic view and carefully crafted
respect to the checks at issue, petitioner points out that they do not contain defense. Although not in the strict sense “material alterations,” the
any material alteration.10 This is a fact which was affirmed by the trial court misplacement of the typewritten entries for the payee and the amount on
itself.11 the same blank and the repetition of the amount using a check writer were
There is no dispute that the signatures appearing on the subject checks glaringly obvious irregularities on the face of the check. Clearly, someone
were genuine signatures of the respondent’s authorized joint signatories; made a mistake in filling up the checks and the repetition of the entries was
namely, Antonia Reyes and Gregorio Reyes who were respondent’s possibly an attempt to rectify the mistake. Also, if the check had been filled
President and Vice President for Finance, respectively. Both pre-signed up by the person who customarily accomplishes the checks of respondent,
the said checks since they were both scheduled to go abroad and it was it should
apparently their practice to leave with the company accountant checks
signed in black to answer for company obligations that might fall due during _______________
the signatories’ absence. It is likewise admitted that neither of the subject
checks contains any material alteration or erasure. 12 Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. v. Far East Bank
However, on the blank space of each check reserved for the payee, the and Trust Company, Inc., G.R. No. 129015, August 13, 2004, 436 SCRA
following typewritten words appear: “ONE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND 402, 421.
PESOS ONLY.” Above the same is the typewritten word, “CASH.” On the 13 Id., at p. 299.
blank reserved for the amount, the same amount of One Hundred Ten 310
Thousand Pesos was indicated with the use of a check writer. The pres- 310 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
_______________ have occurred to petitioner’s employees that it would be unlikely such
mistakes would be made. All these circumstances should have alerted the
9 Rollo, pp. 296-297. bank to the possibility that the holder or the person who is attempting to
10 Id., at p. 298. encash the checks did not have proper title to the checks or did not have
11 Id., at p. 125. authority to fill up and encash the same. As noted by the CA, petitioner
309 could have made a simple phone call to its client to clarify the irregularities
VOL. 594, JULY 30, 2009 309 and the loss to respondent due to the encashment of the stolen checks
Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club would have been prevented.
ence of these irregularities in each check should have alerted the petitioner In the case at bar, extraordinary diligence demands that petitioner
to be cautious before proceeding to encash them which it did not do. should have ascertained from respondent the authenticity of the subject
It is well-settled that banks are engaged in a business impressed with checks or the accuracy of the entries therein not only because of the
public interest, and it is their duty to protect in return their many clients and presence of highly irregular entries on the face of the checks but also of
depositors who transact business with them. They have the obligation to the decidedly unusual circumstances surrounding their encashment.
treat their client’s account meticulously and with the highest degree of care, Respondent’s witness testified that for checks in amounts greater than
considering the fiduciary nature of their relationship. The diligence required Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00) it is the company’s practice to
of banks, therefore, is more than that of a good father of a family.12 ensure that the payee is indicated by name in the check.14 This was not
rebutted by petitioner. Indeed, it is highly uncommon for a corporation to completion, it must be filled up strictly in accordance with the authority
make out checks payable to “CASH” for substantial amounts such as in given and within a reasonable time. But if any such instrument, after
this case. If each irregular circumstance in this case were taken singly or completion, is negotiated to a holder in due course, it is valid and effectual
isolated, the bank’s employees might have been justified in ignoring them. for all purposes in his hands, and he may enforce it as if it had been filled
However, the confluence of the irregularities on the face of the checks and up strictly in accordance with the authority given and within a reasonable
circumstances that depart from the usual banking practice of respondent time.
should have put petitioner’s employees on guard that the checks were 17 Sec. 16. Delivery; when effectual; when presumed.—Every
possibly not issued by the respondent in due course of its business. contract on a negotiable instrument is incomplete and revocable until
Petitioner’s subtle sophistry cannot exculpate it from behavior that fell delivery of the instrument for the purpose of giving effect thereto. As
extremely short of the highest degree of care and diligence required of it between immediate parties, and as regards a remote party other than a
as a banking institution. holder in due course, the delivery in order to be effectual, must be made
Indeed, taking this with the testimony of petitioner’s operations either by or under the authority of the party making, drawing, accepting, or
manager that in case of an irregularity on the face of indorsing as the case may be; and in such case the delivery may be shown
to have been conditional, or for
_______________ 312
14 TSN, testimony of Carlos H. Reyes, October 1, 1991, p. 3. Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
311 NIL, it could validly presume, upon presentation of the checks, that the
VOL. 594, JULY 30, 2009 311 party who filled up the blanks had authority and that a valid and intentional
Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club delivery to the party presenting the checks had taken place. Thus, in
the check (such as when blanks were not properly filled out) the bank may petitioner’s view, the sole blame for this debacle should be shifted to
or may not call the client depending on how busy the bank is on a particular respondent for having its signatories pre-sign and deliver the subject
day,15 we are even more convinced that petitioner’s safeguards to protect checks.18 Petitioner argues that there was indeed delivery in this case
clients from check fraud are arbitrary and subjective. Every client should because, following American jurisprudence, the gross negligence of
be treated equally by a banking institution regardless of the amount of his respondent’s accountant in safekeeping the subject checks which resulted
deposits and each client has the right to expect that every centavo he in their theft should be treated as a voluntary delivery by the maker who is
entrusts to a bank would be handled with the same degree of care as the estopped from claiming non-delivery of the instrument.19
accounts of other clients. Perforce, we find that petitioner plainly failed to Petitioner’s contention would have been correct if the subject checks
adhere to the high standard of diligence expected of it as a banking were correctly and properly filled out by the thief and presented to the bank
institution. in good order. In that instance, there would be nothing to give notice to the
In defense of its cashier/teller’s questionable action, petitioner insists bank of any infirmity in the title of the holder of the checks and it could
that pursuant to Sections 1416 and 1617 of the validly presume that there was proper delivery to the holder. The bank
could not be faulted if it encashed the checks under those circumstances.
_______________ However, the undisputed facts plainly show that there were circumstances
that should have alerted the bank to the likelihood that the checks were not
15 TSN, testimony of Rose Acuban, August 20, 1991, pp. 8-9. properly delivered to the person who encashed the same. In all, we see no
16 Sec. 14. Blanks, when may be filled.—Where the instrument is reason to depart from the finding in the assailed CA Decision that the
wanting in any material particular, the person in possession thereof has subject checks are properly characterized as
a prima facie authority to complete it by filling up the blanks therein. And a
signature on a blank paper delivered by the person making the signature _______________
in order that the paper may be converted into a negotiable instrument
operates as a prima facie authority to fill it up as such for any amount. In a special purpose only, and not for the purpose of transferring the property
order, however, that any such instrument when completed may be in the instrument. But where the instrument is in the hands of a holder of a
enforced against any person who became a party thereto prior to its due course, a valid delivery thereof by all parties prior to him so as to make
them liable to him is conclusively presumed. And where the instrument is 314
no longer in the possession of a party whose signature appears thereon, a 314 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
valid and intentional delivery by him is presumed until the contrary is Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
proved. dent because, even if we concur that the latter was indeed negligent in pre-
signing blank checks, the former had the last clear chance to avoid the
18 Rollo, p. 304. loss. To reiterate, petitioner’s own operations manager admitted that they
19 Id., at p. 306. could have called up the client for verification or confirmation before
313 honoring the dubious checks. Verily, petitioner had the final opportunity to
VOL. 594, JULY 30, 2009 313 avert the injury that befell the respondent. Failing to make the necessary
Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club verification due to the volume of banking transactions on that particular day
incomplete and undelivered instruments thus making Section 1520 of the is a flimsy and unacceptable excuse, considering that the “banking
NIL applicable in this case. business is so impressed with public interest where the trust and
However, we do agree with petitioner that respondent’s officers’ confidence of the public in general is of paramount importance such that
practice of pre-signing of blank checks should be deemed seriously the appropriate standard of diligence must be a high degree of diligence, if
negligent behavior and a highly risky means of purportedly ensuring the not the utmost diligence.”23 Petitioner’s negligence has been undoubtedly
efficient operation of businesses. It should have occurred to respondent’s established and, thus, pursuant to Art. 1170 of the NCC,24 it must suffer
officers and managers that the pre-signed blank checks could fall into the the consequence of said negligence.
wrong hands as they did in this case where the said checks were stolen In the interest of fairness, however, we believe it is proper to consider
from the company accountant to whom the checks were entrusted. respondent’s own negligence to mitigate petitioner’s liability. Article 2179
Nevertheless, even if we assume that both parties were guilty of of the Civil Code provides:
negligent acts that led to the loss, petitioner will still emerge as the party “Art. 2179. When the plaintiff’s own negligence was the immediate
foremost liable in this case. In instances where both parties are at fault, and proximate cause of his injury, he cannot recover damages. But if his
this Court has consistently applied the doctrine of last clear chance in order negligence was only contributory, the immediate and proximate cause of
to assign liability. the injury being the defendant’s lack of due care, the plaintiff may recover
In Westmont Bank v. Ong,21 we ruled: damages, but the courts shall mitigate the damages to be awarded.”
“…[I]t is petitioner [bank] which had the last clear chance to stop the Explaining this provision in Lambert v. Heirs of Ray Castillon,25 the
fraudulent encashment of the subject checks had it exercised due diligence Court held:
and followed the proper and regular banking procedures in clearing
checks. As we had earlier ruled, the one who had a last clear _______________
opportunity to avoid the impending harm but failed to do so is
chargeable with the consequences thereof.”22 (emphasis ours) 23 Gempesaw v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 92244, February 9, 1993,
In the case at bar, petitioner cannot evade responsibility for the loss by 218 SCRA 682, 697.
attributing negligence on the part of respon- 24 Art. 1170. Those who in the performance of their obligations are
guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay, and those who in any manner
_______________ contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages.
25 G.R. No. 160709, February 23, 2005, 452 SCRA 285, 293.
20 Sec. 15. Incomplete instrument not delivered.—Where an 315
incomplete instrument has not been delivered it will not, if completed and VOL. 594, JULY 30, 2009 315
negotiated, without authority, be a valid contract in the hands of any holder, Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
as against any person whose signature was placed thereon before “The underlying precept on contributory negligence is that a plaintiff
delivery. who is partly responsible for his own injury should not be entitled to recover
21 G.R. No. 132560, January 30, 2002, 375 SCRA 212. damages in full but must bear the consequences of his own negligence.
22 Id., at p. 223, citing Philippine Bank of Commerce v. Court of The defendant must thus be held liable only for the damages actually
Appeals, G.R. No. 97626, 269 SCRA 695, 707-708. caused by his negligence. xxx xxx xxx”
As we previously stated, respondent’s practice of signing checks in 27 Philippine Bank of Commerce v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 97626,
blank whenever its authorized bank signatories would travel abroad was a March 14, 1997, 269 SCRA 695; Consolidated Bank and Trust Corporation
dangerous policy, especially considering the lack of evidence on record v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 138569, September 11, 2003, 410 SCRA
that respondent had appropriate safeguards or internal controls to prevent 562.
the pre-signed blank checks from falling into the hands of unscrupulous 28 Art. 2208. In the absence of stipulation, attorney’s fees and
individuals and being used to commit a fraud against the company. We expenses of litigation, other than judicial costs, cannot be recovered,
cannot believe that there was no other secure and reasonable way to except:
guarantee the non-disruption of respondent’s business. As testified to by (1) When exemplary damages are awarded;
petitioner’s expert witness, other corporations would ordinarily have (2) When the defendant’s act or omission has compelled
another set of authorized bank signatories who would be able to sign the plaintiff to litigate with third persons or to incur
checks in the absence of the preferred signatories.26 Indeed, if not for the expenses to protect his interest;
fortunate happenstance that the thief failed to properly fill up the subject (3) In criminal cases of malicious prosecution against the
checks, respondent would expectedly take the blame for the entire loss plaintiff;
since the defense of forgery of a drawer’s signature(s) would be (4) In case of a clearly unfounded civil action or proceeding
unavailable to it. Considering that respondent knowingly took the risk that against the plaintiff;
the pre-signed blank checks might fall into the hands of wrongdoers, it is (5) Where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad
but just that respondent shares in the responsibility for the loss. faith in refusing to satisfy the plaintiff’s plainly valid,
We also cannot ignore the fact that the person who stole the pre-signed just and demandable claim;
checks subject of this case from respondent’s accountant turned out to be (6) In actions for legal support;
another employee, purportedly a clerk in respondent’s accounting (7) In actions for the recovery of wages of household
department. As the employer of the “thief,” respondent supposedly had helpers, laborers and skilled workers;
control and supervi- 317
VOL. 594, JULY 30, 2009 317
_______________ Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club
An adverse decision does not ipso facto justify an award of attorney’s
26 TSN, testimony of Gerardo Martin, a certified public fees to the winning party.29 Even when a claimant is compelled to litigate
accountant/auditor from Sycip Gorres & Velayo, February 25, 1992, p. 6. with third persons or to incur expenses to protect his rights, still attorney’s
316 fees may not be awarded where no sufficient showing of bad faith could be
316 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED reflected in a party’s persistence in a case other than an erroneous
Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club conviction of the righteousness of his cause.30
sion over its own employee. This gives the Court more reason to allocate WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated July 16,
part of the loss to respondent. 2001 and its Resolution dated September 28, 2001 are AFFIRMED with
Following established jurisprudential precedents,27 we believe the the following MODIFICATIONS: (a) petitioner Bank of America NT & SA
allocation of sixty percent (60%) of the actual damages involved in this shall pay to respondent Philippine Racing Club sixty percent (60%) of the
case (represented by the amount of the checks with legal interest) to sum of Two Hundred Twenty Thousand Pesos (P220,000.00) with legal
petitioner is proper under the premises. Respondent should, in light of its interest as awarded by the trial court and (b) the awards of attorney’s fees
contributory negligence, bear forty percent (40%) of its own loss. and litigation expenses in favor of respondent are deleted.
Finally, we find that the awards of attorney’s fees and litigation Proportionate costs.
expenses in favor of respondent are not justified under the circumstances SO ORDERED.
and, thus, must be deleted. The power of the court to award attorney’s fees Puno (C.J., Chairperson), Carpio, Corona andBersamin, JJ., concur.
and litigation expenses under Article 2208 of the NCC28 demands factual,
legal, and equitable justification. _______________

(8) In actions for indemnity under workmen’s
compensation and employer’s liability laws;
(9) In a separate civil action to recover civil liability
arising from a crime;
(10) When at least double judicial costs are awarded;
(11) In any other case where the court deems it just and
equitable that attorney’s fees and expenses of
litigation should be recovered.
In all cases, the attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation must be
29 “J” Marketing Corp. v. Sia, Jr., G.R. No. 127823, January 29, 1998,
285 SCRA 580, 584.
30 Felsan Realty & Development Corporation v. Commonwealth of
Australia, G.R. No. 169656, October 11, 2007, 535 SCRA 618, 632.

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