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ISBN 978-0-230-03212-5
Text © Stephen Thompson and Terry Cook 2013
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Page 4 ...............................................................................................Test 1 (Units 1 -2 )

Page 1 4 ...............................................................................................Test 2 (Units 3 -4 )

Page 2 4 ...............................................................................................Test 3 (Units 5 -6 )

Page 3 4 ...............................................................................................Test 4 (Units 1 -6 )

Page 4 4 ...............................................................................................Test 5 (Units 7-8)

Page 5 4 ...............................................................................................Test 6 (Units 9 -1 0 )

Page 6 4 ...............................................................................................Test 7 (Units 1 -1 0 )

Page 7 4 ............................................................................................... Study and Test Tips

Page 76 ............................................................................................... Progress C harts

Test 1
G ram m ar and Vocabulary
I Complete each gap in the text using one appropriate word, as in the example.
Hi John,

How are you? i've got some fantastic news for you. Do you remember that music competition?

The (1 )----------------------- that I did a few weeks ago? Well, I answered all the questions correctly and

won (2) ______________________ first prize. I got the news in an email last night. And you’ll never guess

(3) ----------------------- the prize is, it’s four tickets for The Concert in the Park in the summer. That’s right,

not one (4 )______________________ four tickets. Anyway, I’ve already contacted George and he’s coming with me.

(5 )------------------- -— is Melita. She was so excited when I told her the news, she started screaming into

the phone! I was wondering ( 6 ) __________________ _ _ _ you'd like to come too, John. The Spiders are one of your

favourite groups, aren’t (7 )______________________ ? Well, The Spiders are going to perform at the concert so I’m

sure you d love to be there too. Let me know as ( 8 ) _______________ _______ as you can because if you don’t want

to come, I’ll have to find someone else (9 ) ______________________ does want to. Oh and John, don’t speak to

anyone else (1 0 )----------------------- this yet. They might get jealous. Let’s keep it a secret for a while and

then tell everyone later.

2 Read the sentences. Complete the second sentence to give it the same meaning as the first
sentence. Use between three to six words in each sentence. There is one example.

It is possible that the school will organise a classical music concert.

A classical music concert might be organised by the school.

1 It is absolutely essential to tell the parents about the possible problems.

The parents___________________________________ about the possible problems.

2 “ Have there been any pop concerts here before?” asked Gustav.

Gustav a sked ______________________________ _ _ any pop concerts here before.

3 “What can we do about the destruction of the rainforest?” Ivan is asking Stefan.

Ivan is asking Stefan___________________________________about the destruction of the rainforest.

4 The government ought to do something about it immediately.

Something __________________________________ about it immediately.

5 “How many concerts have been held in the school hall?” asked Rudi.

Rudi asked _________________________________ in the school hall.

4 Test 1: Units 1-2

Units 1-2

3 Complete each gap in the text with the correct form of the word(s), as in the example.

Environment Awareness Day


As usual this summer, next month in fact, we are planning to have Environment Awareness Day in PLAN
the school grounds once again. We (1) this for ten anH tw« HOLD

summer’s event is likely to be the biggest and most successful yet. It really (2) CATCH ON
in a big way since the first time it (3)

Last summer was unbelievable. Around the school, there were six different presentations, all written

by our students, which over 200 people (4) ; a fantastic n n m h e r nf penplp ATTEND

for our small school. And while the presentations (5) . other students were TAKE PLACE
collecting money for the various charities we (6) everv vear Rv the end of SUPPORT
the day an amazing £500 (7) . Let’s hope that this vear wp r a n attract m w n
more people and raise even more money.

Of course, if the event is going to be a success, a lot of volunteers (8) NEED

At a meeting earlier in the year, many of you said you (9) M rs C.repn

would like to see everyone interested in taking part after school on Tuesday in the main hall. She

(10) there from 3.30pm to 4 30pm BE

Vice Principal A S Smith

Test 1: Units 1-2 5

Test 1
4 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D
in each gap. There is one example.
The seas and oceans of the world are facing many

problems and the human D of the world is A people B society C country D population

certain to suffer as a result.

Perhaps the biggest threat we will have to protect

ourselves against in the near future is the rise in

sea level, which is slowly happening all around

the world even now. Because of (1) gases, A cloud B air C greenhouse D storehouse

temperatures are rising and ice is melting. Places

where people now live will soon be under water.

Already, (2 ) _______ in low-lying parts of the world A fires B floods C accidents D rivers

are having a dramatic effect on the people who

live there; their homes and possessions are often

completely destroyed by the water. In the future,

such events will certainly spread around the world

and become a ( 3 ) _______ concern. A global B local C national D cultural

Overfishing is another problem. Fish is a (4 )_______ A interesting B crucial C dangerous D delicious

part of many people's diets. Without it, they do

not get what they need to stay healthy. However,

this food source is now at risk because of the

(5 )_______ high demand for fish and improved fishing A now B future C before D current

techniques. Many (6 )_______ of fish have been A species B numbers C packets D tins

decreasing in number, the ( 7 ) _______ of the sea has A weather B biodiversity C level D difference

been affected and some kinds offish and even sea

mammals are now threatened with ( 8 )_______ . A diversity B conservation C extinction D fishermen

It is in all of our interests to protect the sea

environment because all of us ( 9 ) _______ on the A thrive B rely C swim D fish

sea to some extent. If we do nothing now, future

generations will have fewer food (1 0 )_______ and A sea B access C shops D resources

will wonder why their parents and grandparents

allowed such a thing to happen.

6 Test 1: Units 1-2

Units 1-2

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. There is one example. There is
one extra word.

superior exceptionally emphasis risk appreciate reliable

repertoire standard talented absolutely reputation listen

Exam ple

The standard of programmes on television these days is very low.

1 The of having an accident is higher if ym i ririyo tnn fast

2 She’s one of the most actresses I’ve ever seen

3 It is better in every way. It's to everything else.

4 That’s a great point. 1 agree with vou.

5 The company’s was badlv affected by an article in the newspaper

6 The music 1 most is pop.

7 That guitarist has a very wide . He can olav almost everything

8 She’s an good dancer, everyone enjoys watching her.

9 There should be more on aualitv and less on cost

10 He’s not a very person. You can’t depend on him at all.

6 Write these words next to the correct definition. There is one example. There is one extra word.
merit quunuL greennouse dependability orang-utan storehouse
interview hectare deforestation genre shelter interlude

Exam ple

a place for growing plants in cold weather greenhouse

1 cutting down many trees in a large area

2 a musical group with four people in it

3 a short break in a live concert

4 an area of land

5 a kind of music or other art form

6 a place for keeping things in

7 an advantage or good point

8 the quality of being reliable

9 a place for protection against the weather

10 an animal that is related to humans

Test 1: Units 1-2 7

Test 1
I Read Eva’s letter to her grandparents. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B, C or D.
There is one example.

Hi Grandma and Grandpa. As I said before, this school is so different from my old
one but most of the rules are similar. For example, girls are
Well, I've been at my new school for a month now and I'm
not allowed to wear make up and boys have to have their
slowly getting used to it The first week was difficult but
hair short The only thing I couldn’t believe was that the
it’s not so bad now. They say the first two months are the
students have to clean the classrooms every day after
hardest and that after one year you never want to leave.
school. Oh yes, one other difference is that you don’t have
As you know, this school is an international school so it's to wear a uniform here. That wasn't really a surprise for me
different from my old school. There are students from all though. I knew that before I arrived.
over the world and in the playground you can hear all sorts
I've got lots of interesting things to look forward to in the
of languages - Chinese. Arabic, German - there are so many.
next few months. I'm meeting my friend Alex next month in the
I can only speak English at the moment (well I am Australian)
spring holiday and in the summer there’s a school trip. We’re
but I'm going to learn some foreign languages while I'm here.
going to sleep in tents by the river for a week. Can you
In fact I have to choose two for the first year. I can choose
imagine it? A week at a river will make a nice change. When
from Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. Also, next year I
we have a family holiday, we always go to the beach and sit
have to choose another one so that's three altogether.
around in the sun. Anybody would rather go camping than
Anyway, I really like ray new school. The teachers are good sit on a beach, wouldn't they?
and the students are friendly. I've made lots of new friends.
Well, I can’t think of anything else to write at the moment
But to be frank, I didn't like it very much when I first arrived.
so I ’ll finish this letter now. I ’ll write again soon. I ’d like to
I thought the students were cleverer than me, although the
promise to write every week or two but I'll be busy with
lessons weren't that difficult and I felt that I was the only
homework so is once a month OK? When I see you at the
one with no friends, but that soon changed.
family party in two months. I'll show you some photos of my
I miss some things about my old school though. My old new school.
friends are always in contact with me by email so I don’t
miss them, but I do miss school clubs. You know, the swimming Love, Eva
club and the music club. And more than anything else I miss
the teachers, especially my old history teacher.

How long has Eva been at her new school?
A one week (§)o n e month C two monthsDoneyear

1 How many foreign languages is Eva expected to study in her first year?
A one B two C three D four

2 What was Eva’s first impression of her new school?

A The lessons were B She liked the school. C The people were friendly. D She disliked the
difficult. school.

3 What has Eva been missing most about her old school?
A her history teacher B her friends C the swimming club D the music club

4 What school rule has Eva been surprised about?

A Boys have to have B Girls can’t wear make up. C Students clean the D There is no school
short hair. classrooms. uniform.

5 What is Eva looking forward to in the summer?

A a camping trip B meeting her friend Alex C a beach holiday D a family holiday

6 How often did Eva say she would write to her grandparents?
A every week B every two weeks C every month D every two months

8 Test 1: Units 1-2

Units 1-2

2 Read the letter from Mr Roberts to aTV channel and complete itby puttingthe letter A-l
of the correct sentence in the correct part of the text.There is oneexample. There is one
extra phrase.
A For example, it could be shown in the evening
B Another negative effect is on the children themselves.
C Secondly, the toys and games are not very good value.
D as I believe this is a major social issue
E which are shown during children’s programmes
F However, this also happens in families which cannot afford it.
G This, in turn, can lead to family relationship problems.
H Firstly, it puts a lot of pressure on parents.
I Regarding a solution to this problem

Dear Sir,
I am writing to complain about the number of advertisements for young children’s toys and games,__ E___ on
your channel.

I have noticed a steady increase in these in recent months and think it is time you considered the negative

effects, of which there are many. (1 )______________________________ When children want a new toy or

something else advertised on television, many parents, especially if they have the money, feel an obligation to

buy it for them. This is not because they are weak parents but because they want their children to be happy.

(2) ______________________________ If these families spend all their money on children’s toys and games, then
they won’t be able to buy the important things in life such as food and clothing.

(3) ______________________________ Young children may grow up not knowing the real value of money and

they may not understand why a parent sometimes has to say ‘no’. They may feel that their parents are just being

horrible to them. (4 )______________________________ Parents and children can be constantly arguing, even over
small things, and in extreme cases families may even break up.

(5]_______________________________, I think it would be much better if advertising of children’s products took

place after a certain time. (6 )_______________________________, after most young children have gone to bed.

Parents could then see the products for themselves and decide if they are appropriate for their children or not.

I hope you will take my comments seriously, (7 )______________________________ . The problem needs to be

faced now before we have a generation of children who want everything.

Yours faithfully,

D Roberts

Test 1: Units 1-2 9

Test 1
3 Read the headings A-H and the paragraphs I-8 from a magazine article. Choose the letter for the
correct heading to match each paragraph and write it in the gaps in the table. There is one example.

Exam ple
Paragraph 1 goes with heading D Paragraph 2 goes with heading
Paragraph 3 goes with heading Paragraph 4 goes with heading
Paragraph 5 goes with heading Paragraph 6 goes with heading
Paragraph 7 goes with heading Paragraph 8 goes with heading

A Reasons to be hopeful B Action must be taken now
C Nature also plays a part D The reality of global warming
E Man’s influence on the climate F The effects of a warming planet
G Taking global responsibility H The role of the individual

A Global Problem
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
Although not everybody agrees on the reasons for Most of us do not notice the way global warming
global warming, there is a general acceptance of is changing our planet. However, there is scientific
the idea that our planet is gradually getting warmer. evidence that sea levels are rising and that there
Because of modern technology, which can measure is no longer as much ice in polar regions as there
very small changes in temperature over long periods used to be. Moreover, as average temperatures rise,
of time, and of course, because of what has been numerous species of plants and animals are falling
observed in various communities around the world, into the danger of extinction.
this seem s to be beyond doubt.
Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4
The number of humans on the Earth and the recent Certainly, man’s influence on the climate is limited.
rate of technological development and human Over millions of years, there have been many natural
scientific achievement have played a crucial role in changes in the earth’s temperature with ice ages and
the warming of the planet. G ases from factories, long periods of higher temperatures than now. Even
em issions from motor vehicles and the destruction in the present day, volcanoes put many greenhouse
of massive areas of oxygen-producing forests have gases into the atmosphere, as do forest fires, which
all had an effect. are a natural part of life in many countries. Grass
eating animals also play a role.
Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6
However, if we want to continue our way of life into Of course, everybody has a responsibility to care
the future, we will have to do something about global for the planet. Each person can do something, such
warming now. If we wait for the next generation to do a s recycle materials, reduce their use of valuable
something, it may be too late. Although some steps resources, and very importantly, encourage other
have been taken, much more needs to be done. people, especially children to do the same.
If everybody did something, there would be
significant results.
Paragraph 7 Paragraph 8
It is true however, that individuals cannot do People are now more aware than ever before of
everything. It is the governments around the world the effects of global warming and what they can do
that need to do what they can to minimise the to reduce them. There are education programmes
effects of global warming. They also need to work helping people to understand the problem and
together so that all world governments are trying to modern technology is helping us to predict potential
do the same thing. All countries need to co-operate. problems. All of this means we can look forward to
the future in a positive way.

10 Test 1: Units 1-2

Units 1-2

I LM l Listen to these people discussing environmental issues. Choose the correct phrase from
phrases A-H to match the conversations I-8. There is one example.
Conversations 1-8:
1 B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A That’s staying power B What a brilliant idea!
C Steps must be taken immediately D We’re spoiled for choice
E It’s caught on in a big way F Who’s going to sort it out?
G Better late than never H I have no doubt whatsoever

2 f iB l Listen to two students and fill in the missing information with four words or fewer in each
numbered space in the notes. There is one example.

Notes for Essay on Advertisements

Rudi advantages: theu can be useful Example (1) find out about

Lucie advantages: (2) some are (3) help you decide

Rudi disadvantages: (4) they persuade people to buy (5) too many advertisements

Lucie disadvantages: (6) they don’t always (7) old people can

3 LEU Listen toTasha and Todd discussing a problem for the festival. For each question, circle the
correct answer A, B or C. There is one example.
What is Tasha doing when Todd calls her?
A sleeping B watching television © doing homework

1 Who has dropped out of the festival?

A a ballet dancer B a pop singer C an opera singer

2 Where did Todd first hear about Rollo?

A from a friend B on the internet C in an advertisement

3 How long has Rollo been working in the entertainment industry?

A 10 years B 20 years C 30 years

4 What does Tasha want Rollo to do at the festival?

A sing B juggle C dance

5 If Rollo performs at the festival, what time will he have to finish by?
A 3.30pm B 4.15pm c 7pm

6 Who needs to be contacted as soon as possible?

A a classical dancer B a violinist C a circus performer

Test 1: Units 1-2 11

Test 1
1 Role Play
Student 1: You have one minute to read Task 1 card A which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 2.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to read Task 1 card B which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 1.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

2 Presentation
Student 1: You have one minute to look at picture A and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card A.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to look at picture B and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card B.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.
Units 1-2

W riting
I Write an advertisement to persuade teenagers to buy a new mobile phone, a new computer
game or a new bike. Write 140-160 words.
In your advertisement:
► describe the product and explain why it is the best available;
► say how it will improve the lives of the people who buy it;
► explain how easy and inexpensive it is to buy.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

2 Write an essay explaining why your school needs to do more to help the environment.
Write 140-160 words.
In your essay:
► give reasons why you think the school is not doing enough;
► explain what it could do to be more environmentally friendly;
► say what you think might happen if the situation doesn't improve.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

Test 1: Units 1-2 1

Test 2
--------- -------------

Gram m ar and Vocabulary

I Complete each gap in the sentences with the correct form of the words, as in the example.

The film must have been produced by Andy Brock, a leading film maker from the USA. LEAD

1 The computer we have now is getting old so we’ll need a _______________________for it REPLACE

quite soon.

2 Rudi, who gave a fantastic talk on animal experiments, had a lot of good arguments but

not everyone w a s ______________________ . CONVINCE

3 Losing______________________ while he was planning the timetable for the Open Day, CONCENTRATE

Todd wrote the wrong information.

4 The programme showed a lot o f______________________ images and I was really shocked. DISTURB

5 Thinking he didn’t have enough money, it was a great______________________ for Abdul RELIEVE

when he found some in his jacket pocket.

6 Ramon, who w a s ______________________ to the idea, became quite angry during the OPPOSE

discussion on deforestation.

7 Carried out by an eminent scientist, the research focused on th e ______________________ RELATE

between a child and his parents.

8 Discussing only one side of the argument, the programme wasn’t as

as it could have been. BALANCE

9 Having written to the event manager at least two months ago, I’m still waiting for a

to my letter. RESPOND

10 We should have asked a lot more people to g e t_______________________ - then it would INVOLVE

have been a better project.

14 Test 2: Units 3-4

2 Read the sentences. Complete the second sentence to give it the same meaning as the first
sentence. Use three or four words in each sentence.There is one example.
Exam ple

I didn’t enjoy it much because the weather was bad.

If the weather hadn’t been bad. I would have enjoyed it more.

1 The programme was broadcast late so I didn’t watch it.

If the programme___________________________________ earlier, I would have watched it.

2 It was a possibility for me to go with a friend.

I ___________________________________ with a friend.

3 When I saw the wallabies, I felt so excited.

O n___________________________________ , I felt so excited.

4 The castle had been destroyed many years earlier and was in a terrible state.

many years earlier, the castle was in a terrible state.

5 The presenter of the programme was a very entertaining scientist.

The presenter of the programme,___________________________________ , was very entertaining.

3 Read Rudi’s email to Todd. Complete each gap in the email with the correct form of the words,
as in the example.

Hi Rudi
Exam ple

I am sending this email from mv aunt’s house, vou know, the one who alwavs asks me to work for her. SEND

She always (1) me when she has a problem. RECRUIT

I think I told you that her fence (2) in last week’s heavy rain. It’s in a terrible DAMAGE

condition. I (3) her with it since nine this morning. But she’s right that it needs to HELP

be done immediately - that (4) even more damage happening. PREVENT

Anyway, don’t forget I ’m on television tonight, in that documentary about the day I found an old

gold ring while I (5) seeds in my garden. It looked important so I took it to the PLANT

museum, where they (6) it and told me how valuable it was. Thev even gave EXAMINE

me a little money, which I (7) with my brother after tonight’s programme. SHARE

My brother said I (8) the ring but I didn’t think that was right. Anvwav. if I KEEP

(9) the ring to the museum, I wouldn’t have got the chance to be on television. GIVE

In the programme, you can see me with the ring, (10) for a photograph. POSE

Don’t forget. It’s at 8 o’clock, OK?

Test 2
4 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D
in each gap. There is one example.
Let’s Go Somewhere Different is the first in a

series of three travel documentaries which

Channel 6 is C this month. A starting B relating C broadcasting D posing

Tonight, Dr Howard Yates, who is a (1) A disturbing B faint C leading D glad

expert in the effect of tourism on wildlife, is in

Africa where he has spent many years of his life.

In this (2) he looks at the effect of tourism A episode B air C replacement D time

on some of the endangered species there. He

(3) mainly on the elephant and succeeds A prays B concentrates C speaks D opposes

in showing us how much the (4) between A relationship B distance C refinement D procedure

these wonderful animals and humans has been

changing in recent years. Elephants have been

and still are hunted for their (5) , not as A mascara B meat C horn D ivory

a food source (though some local people have

eaten elephant meat in the past), and this has

resulted in a large (6) in their numbers. In A increase B supply C reduction D response

some places they have even disappeared. Now,

thanks to a new kind of tourist, a tourist who only

wants to look at the elephants and take pictures

of them, their numbers are (7) once again. A rising B regulating C falling D counting

With a small group of elephant-friendly tourists,

in today’s programme, Dr Yates travels many

(8) into the African countryside far from A places B beacons C highways D miles

any towns or villages. As well as being bitten

by insects almost all the time, they have to

(9) very high temperatures during the A share B endure C relieve D bully

day and sleep in tents with dangerous animals

all around them at night. But to (10) the A prefer B involve C blink D prevent

hunting of elephants and to see these animals in

the wild, they are more than happy to do this. The

programme starts at 7pm.

16 Test 2: Units 3-4

Units 3-4

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. There is one example. There is
one extra word.

pretty plant apparently distressed balanced eminent

WL l m I/
stress U l l l IK column relieve pole binoculars


It moves so fast that you won’t see it if you blink.

1 She felt very______________________ when she saw the terrible situation of the animals.

2 We would have had a better view if we had taken our_______________________.

3 Instead of cutting down all the trees, we should ______________________more of them.

4 We knew it was a fire because we could see a _______________________of smoke rising in the distance.

5 It was hot and I w a s _______________________thirsty so I stopped for a drink.

6 The speaker gave a _______________________view of the issue, discussing both sides of the argument.

7 Suffering from _______________________, she took a week off work to recover.

8 The woman w a s ______________________ very tired as she fell asleep during the programme.

9 An ______________________scientist was interviewed about his latest discovery.

10 The man had a headache and took some pills to _______________________ his pain.

6 Write these words next to the correct definition. There is one example. There is one extra word.
lamp wallaby couple refinement code mascara
ballpoint response truck woods drug highway

two of something

1 a place where there are lots of trees

2 make up which is usually used on eyelashes

3 a large vehicle used for transporting goods

4 something we use to give us light

5 a set of rules that should be followed

6 a kind of road for vehicles to drive on

7 an animal related to the kangaroo

8 the process of making something better

9 an answer to a question

10 something we use to fight against illness

Test 2: Units 3-4 17 U

Test 2
I Read the opening of a short story. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B, C or D.
There is one example.

It was the day after Alexei’s fifteenth birthday and his plan for the evening. After school, Alexei went
it had happened again. This was now the third time home to get changed. But before that he went to the
that he had had a dream in which a boy called Jason school library to borrow a map of the small wood
appeared and when Jason appeared in a dream, it just outside town. This was where he was going this
always came true. This had started happening the day evening. He had been there many times as a young
after Alexei’s twelfth birthday and then it happened child for family picnics but hadn’t been there by
again a year later. himself for years. And he had only been once. He
In the first dream, he and Jason went to an had got lost and decided never to go there again. But
international football match which was won 4-1 by after the dream he knew he had to go there one more
Alexei’s country. This was a big surprise because time because Jason had been in the dream and this
Alexei’s country did not have a good team. However, might be an adventure.
when the match was actually played a month later, Before setting out for the wood, Alexei looked
this is exactly what happened: Alexei’s country won carefully at the map. There it was, the old house
4-1. Alexei told no one about this except a school where no one had lived for over fifty years. In the
friend called Robert. He didn’t even tell his mum and dream, he and Jason had entered the house and
if he had told his dad, he would have laughed. walked to the desk in the comer. On it there was a
The second time was when he dreamt that his key, which they used to open the drawer where they
uncle Nikolai, who had been living in America for found a small box. It was impossible to say what
years, came on a surprise visit. After the dream, might be in the box, perhaps money or gold. Just as
nothing happened for a week. But ten days later, they were opening the box, Alexei had woken up.
Alexei’s mum excitedly told the family that she had Alexei now entered the house alone. He walked to
had a phone call and that Nikolai was going to visit the desk, which was exactly where he expected it to
them the next month for two weeks. O f course, Jason be, and opened the drawer. There was the box. As he
had appeared in that dream too. put his hand into the drawer, he heard a noise behind
This time the dream was much more exciting. him and turned around. He saw the dark shadow of
That day Alexei went to school as usual but a tall man or was it an animal of some kind? Alexei
couldn’t concentrate. All he could think of was was afraid, very afraid ...
2 3

How old was Alexei when his first dream came true?
A three ® 12 C 13 D 15

1 Who did Alexei tell about the football match?

A no one B his mum C his dad D his friend

2 How long after the second dream did Alexei’s family get the phone call from Nikolai?
A a week B ten days C two weeks D a month

3 What was the first thing Alexei did after school?

A went home B bought a book C went to a library D got changed

4 How manytimes had Alexei been in thewood by himself before?

A once B twice C many times D never

5 What was Alexei expecting to find in the drawer?

A a box B a key C money D gold

6 Why did Alexei turn around?

A He saw a man. B He saw an animal. C He heard a noise. D He was afraid.

18 Test 2: Units 3-4

2 Read the review of a film. Complete it by putting the letter A-l of the correct phrase in the
correct part of the text. There is one example. There is one extra phrase.
A But it doesn’t happen B which will show the Kerosians in their new home
C Having so little time, they need to find a new home. 0--"focusing on the planet Keros
E Played by Danny Nacho, F It should have been their new home
G different in a very important way H This new home, however, is Earth.
1 when they get into trouble


Leaving Keros is the latest in a series of science-fiction films D the home of a human-like species called

the Kerosians. Keros is a planet like Earth but (1 )_______________________________. After years of pollution, it is

a dying planet and the Kerosians now have less than a hundred years before the planet is completely destroyed.

(2 )_______________________________Fortunately, the level of technology on Keros is high enough for them to

explore the universe to look for one.

This film is the story of their journey to a distant part of the universe, where they finally find a place to live, a
planet not so different from Keros. (3 )_______________________________

As they get closer to the planet, the audience expects a battle to take place between the Kerosians and the

people on Earth. (4 )______________________________ because the visitors from Keros arrive on Earth fifty
thousand years before modern times, on a planet with a very small human population. Obviously, these people
could not have fought against the Kerosians.

(5 )_______________________________the main character is Rexos, a true hero, often risking his life to help his
fellow explorers (6]_______________________________. If he hadn’t been on the journey, the Kerosians would
have had a much harder time. Clearly, he will lead the Kerosians in their new home.

All fans of the Keros films will look forward to the next one, [7]______________________________ . We will find

out if the Kerosians manage to survive on Earth and how they get on with the people already living there.
3 Read the headings A-H and the paragraphs 1-8 from the article T h e L ife o f a C h a r ity W o rk e r.
Choose the letter for the correct heading to match each paragraph and write it in the gaps in
the table. There is one example.

Exam ple
Paragraph 1 goes with heading D Paragraph 2 goes with heading
Paragraph 3 goes with heading Paragraph 4 goes with heading
Paragraph 5 goes with heading Paragraph 6 goes with heading
Paragraph 7 goes with heading Paragraph 8 goes with heading

A A change of direction B The need for a balanced life
C A disturbing experience D A childhood in the outback
E Misleading advice F An early life of travel
G Carrying on into the future H Working to help others

| Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3

1grew up on a sheep farm in 1had parents who loved visiting It was during one of these childhood
Australia. It was a long way from any different places and every school trips that 1saw something that
cities and even from the nearest holiday we used to go somewhere, really affected me. We were
town. We had to drive an hour sometimes in Australia and travelling in a poor country and 1
just to buy food. But as a child, sometimes abroad. 1think these knew about poverty, but this was
growing up so close to nature was trips influenced my later life as an worse than anything 1 had ever
wonderful; kangaroos and wallabies adult. 1 have always had an interest seen before. Asking people for
were part of my life. in other places and other people. money, a young girl of about five
was pulling herself along the road
on a skateboard. She had no legs
and only one arm. Why was no one
looking after her?
1 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5
1finished school and had to decide Becoming more and more
what to do with my life. 1didn’t uninterested, 1 needed to do
have any ideas so when my maths something different so 1dropped
teacher, Mr Jacobs, said 1should out. 1 had had enough of university
study maths at university, 1did. He and 1had also met Jane, who
said it would be interesting and worked for an international charity.
useful but he couldn’t have been If 1 hadn’t met her, 1would probably
more wrong. It was boring and too have stayed at university and done
difficult. It wasn’t for me. 1should nothing with my life.
have done something else.
| Paragraph 6 Paragraph 7 Paragraph 8
Jane organised an interview for me We worked really hard for many Saying that, of course we will
with her charity and 1was given a years and this was affecting my continue our work - it’s important.
job. Together, for the next ten years, health. Jane and 1were married now It’s crucial that the poorer parts
we travelled around the poorer but we were both working seven days of the world can improve their
parts of the world. It was our job to a week and had no free time. We situations. Our next job will take us
give advice to local people about never went on holiday. Discussing to central Asia. A new school needs
education. Our job also involved this with our doctor, we decided to to be built. And after that, who
helping to build new schools for reduce our work hours and lead knows?
children in remote areas. more normal lives with time to enjoy
ourselves as well as work.

20 Test 2: Units 3-4


I ED Listen to these people discussing plans for a school open day. Choose the correct phrase
from phrases A—H to match the conversations 1—8. There is one example.
Conversations 1-8:
1 c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A A tricky question B We should have thought about that before
€ He must have forgottenabout it D Your argument doesn’t hold water
E Put me down for that F It’s a total mystery
G I couldn’t agree more H Coming up with new ideas isn’t easy

2 HI Listen to an interviewwith Brendan Cox about his job and fill in the missing information
with three words or fewer. There is one example.

Notes on Brendan Cox’s interview


Brendan Cox works as a book reviewer.

1 His first reviewing job was with a

2 At a very young age he wrote
3 Brendan was taught how to read by
4 Listening to stories, his brother usually
5 For a ten-minute story he got at least £
6 He started writing reviews because he
7 His next book is about a

3 Listen to Lucie and Rudi discussing a TV programme. For each question, circle the correct
answer A, B or C. There is one example.

Who has Rudi just been with in town?

(A) Todd B Ramon C Millie

1 Why is Lucie watching The Travel Show series?

A She loves travelling. B She wants holiday ideas. C It helps her to do her homework.
2 What is preventing Rudi from watching The Travel Show tonight?
A He’s going out with his friend. B He’s going to his friend’s restaurant. C He has to take his friend to work.
3 How many times has The Travel Show been on so far?
A two B six C eight
4 Who will tonight’s show be of most interest to?
A history students B tourists C sailing fans
5 What would Rudi have done if he had known about tonight’s programme?
A invited Tom over B changed the time for meeting Tom C suggested going to a
6 What is Lucie going to do to help Rudi? football match
A take notes for him B tell him about the show later C record the show
Test 2
1 Role Play
Student 1: You have one minute to read Task 1 card A which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 2.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to read Task 1 card B which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 1.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

2 Presentation
Student 1: You have one minute to look at picture A and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card A.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to look at picture B and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card B.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.
Units 3-4

W riting
1 Write the opening to a story, in which a young person had an incredible piece of luck on a
particular day. Write 140-160 words.
In your opening:
► introduce the young person and his/her usual situation;
► describe the events on the day he/she had the piece of luck;
► finish the opening by saying what happened on this day that was lucky.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

2 Write a review of a book or film you have read or seen recently. Write 140-160 words.
In your review:
► provide some background information about the book or film;
► say what the book or film is about;
► give your opinion of the book or film saying what you like and dislike.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

Test 2: Units 3-4

Test 3 ■
Gram m ar and Vocabulary
I Complete each gap in the sentences with the correct form of the words, as in the example.

By the time he leaves school, he’ll be one of the most talented sportsmen in the area. TALENT

1 The locker rooms a re ____ on the ground floor next to the gym. LOCATE
2 Tasha, we need t o _______ these plans because we only have another FINAL

two weeks.

3 Lucie, who collects so much money for charity, is a real for me. INSPIRE

4 There has been so m uch_____in his ability since he started doing IMPROVE
more exercise.

5 We were______________________ when we heard the news that Ivan had decided to leave DEVASTATE
and go back to Russia.

6 The whole town centre should be a zone to reduce the number PEDESTRIAN
of accidents.

7 I really think it’s time for th e _______ to do something about deforestation. GOVERN
8 It was a piece of music, which he played beautifully. SPLENDOUR
9 Without my parents'______ ____________ I would never have been able to do as well as ENCOURAGE
I did.

10 I have never suffered from as much as I did during that terrible BORE

piano recital.

2 Read the sentences. Complete the second sentence to give it the same meaning as the first
sentence. Use three or four words in each sentence. There is one example.

I will be on board the bus at five this afternoon.

By five this afternoon I will have boarded the bus.

1 At the age of five she could read very well.

When she was five she was . very well.

2 Their arrival time is just before ten o’clock tonight.

By ten o’clock tonight they__________________________

3 “ Must we pay the entertainers before the day of the festival?” she asked.

She asked if they___________________________________ the entertainers before the day of the festival.

4 The man with the red car is going to run in the big race tomorrow.

The m an,___________________________________ , is going to run in the big race tomorrow.

5 “May I invite some of my friends?” she asked.

She asked i f ___________________________________ some of her friends.

2 4 Test 3: Units 5-6

3 Read Lucie’s email to Gustav. Complete each gap in the email with the correct form of the
words, as in the example.

Hi Gustav
Exam ple

It’s good to hear that vou have started jogging again. It will be pood for you. START

As you know, 1(1) since the beginning of the year. It can be very difficult JOG

to motivate myself sometimes but I (2) always by my parents and ENCOURAGE

friends. In the last three months I (3) so much confidence because I now look GAIN

great and feel really healthy. By the end of this month, I (4) more than five LOSE

kilograms. Can you believe it?

Anyway, I ’ve got some advice for you. Make sure you know what you (5) AIM

for. It is extremely important for you to (6) exactly what you want ESTABLISH

to achieve. Also, don’t try to do too much at the beginning. When I started, I thought it

(7) a good idea to run every day. It isn’t! I got so tired that I nearly gave up. BE

So don’t do that because you (8) much more quickly if you run just two or three IMPROVE

times a week at first. If I (9) that, I wouldn’t have felt so tired all the time. DO

Well, 1(10) my homework now. Perhaps we can run together some time? FINISH


Test 3: Units 5-6 25 J S flH

Test 3
4 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D
in each gap. There is one example.

Rafael Delarte is an artist, whose home is in

the beautiful village of Roxby, where he has
been a B all his life. A cheat B resident C pedestrian D favour
He grew up with art all around him. His
parents were (1) of art and had A interesting B uplifting C fond D talented
paintings all over the house. His mother
painted well and although his father was
not artistic, he knew manv (2) artists A frequent B prominent C shocked D crucial
and Rafael was introduced to them at a
young age.

As a voung man Rafael had great (3) A aspirations B outlooks C brands D careers
He wanted to show the world his vision of
life through his art. He travelled to many
places studying art and seeing the beauty
of nature and the (4) of buildings in A ambition B oasis C passion D splendour
different countries. He met and talked to
artists about their work and (5) a lot A conquered B soared C rose D gained
of experience. A few months after returning
from one such trip, he painted a (6) A glad B stunning C visual D faint-hearted
portrait of Leila, who later became his wife.
It is one of the most beautiful paintings 1
have ever seen. An interesting (7) of A locker B reputation C aspect D packet
his art is his use of colour. In some of his
later paintings, the colours are so (8) A global B vibrant C appropriate D leading
that the person looking at the picture almost
has to look away.
My favourite painting of his is a bridge, which
(9) a small river in a wood. 1 like it A spans B links C descends D besieges
so much that 1have now bought it. It was
money well spent. If it were lost or stolen,
it would be (10) . There is no other A irreplaceable B superior C clumsy D current
painting like it for me.

2 6 Test 3: Units 5-6

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. There is one example. There is
one extra word.

reputation outlook irresistible shame splendour aware

clumsy financial career uplifting passion frequent


Aware of the whole situation, Rudi is an important member of the team.

1 It was a _______________________that he lost the final after playing so well.

2 T h e ______________________ bus service to the airport runs every ten minutes.

3 She had a ______________________ for being jealous.

4 The restaurant was outstanding and the food was completely________________________.

5 Gustav has a great_______________ for the arts - he has loved them all his life.

6 Dropping things and breaking them all the time, he was a really_______________________person.

7 Kevin’s sporting__________________________ended when he was caught cheating.

8 The soft music we heard at the concert was s o ______________________ that everybody in the audience felt

great after hearing it.

9 Her positive_______________________on life hasn’t changed in all the time I’ve known her.

10 They had a number o f_______________________ problems as they had spent almost all of the money.

6 Write these words next to the correct definition. There is one example. There is one extra word.

oasis population brand cheat fortress ambition

dome locker wealth resident pedestrian commuter


a kind of something ________ brand

1 a place in a school or gym which you can keep things safe in _________________

2 a strong building to protect people in a war _________________

3 a person who walks rather than uses a vehicle _________________

4 a green place with water in a desert _________________

5 money and riches _________________

6 wanting to succeed in the future _________________

7 a person who does not play games by the rules _________________

8 the number of people in a town, city or country _________________

9 a person who travels quite a long distance to work every day _________________

10 a person who lives in a particular building or town _________________

Test 3: Units 5-6 27

I Read Gina’s letter to her grandma. Is the information in each sentence about the letter true, false
or not stated in the letter? For each sentence, circle the correct answer.There is one example.

Hi Grandma,
As I promised, here's a letter from Kenya. If you had a computer, we would have emailed you a long time ago to tell
you our news. You really should get one. We could have sent you lots of photos of the beautiful places here too. I
have printed some photos for you though and put them in with the letter. I hope you like them.
I don't know when you’ll receive the letter but today is the 3rd January so we’ll see how long it takes. One of our
friends over here has said it might take up to six weeks. Let’s hope not. We’ll be home by then. Hopefully, you'll have
received it by the time we get back!
When we last saw you a t your house, you told us about the time when you lived here. Do you remember? You
showed us some of your photos and wrote down a list of places you thought we should visit. I think Kenya has
changed a lot since the year you spent here. In your photos, it didn't look very modern but it is now. I know that
was forty years ago but I would never have thought a place could have changed so much.
Anyway, we've been following your advice and we've been able to go to most of the places on your list. The first
week of our trip was spent in Nairobi, the capital, and we did as you told us and contacted your friend Mary. We
stayed a t her house, which was great. Mary had lots of interesting stories to tell us and we didn't have to spend
lots of money on hotels. That meant we had more money for the important things.
When we left Nairobi, we travelled to Mombasa, which is located on the coast. You’re right when you say the
beaches in Kenya are beautiful - that hasn't changed a t all. We had planned to spend some time in Malindi, to the
north, but Nina wasn’t feeling well so we decided to stay where we were. When Nina felt better we went to Lamu
Island where you spent Christmas once.
We’ve met lots of lovely people here. John, our Canadian friend, whose parents live in Kenya, has invited us to stay
on their farm for a week a t the end of the month just before we come home. I don't think we'll be able to stay that
long but it would be great if we could. If we have time, we’ll do that but if not, a few days will be OK.
The best thing about the trip has been the national parks. We’ve been to two so far and we’re going to another
one next week. The animals are incredible. Seeing animals in their natural environment has made me aware of how
important it is to look after the planet I really should have thought about it before.
Anyway, Grandma, I'll see you when we get home.
Lots of love,


Grandma has got a computer. True (^ F a jse ) Not Stated

1 Grandma will have received the letter by the time they get home. True False Not Stated

2 Grandma lived in Kenya for a year. True False Not Stated

3 In Nairobi Gina and Nina saved money by staying with their friend. True False Not Stated

4 Gina and Nina went to Malindi, where Nina didn’t feel well. True False Not Stated

5 Gina and Nina will spend some time on a farm before they come home. True False Not Stated

6 Spending time in the national parks, Gina has just started thinking about True False Not Stated
the environment.

2 8 Test 3: Units 5-6

Units 5-6

2 Read the scene from a play and complete it by putting the letter A-l of the correct sentence in
the correct part of the text. There is one example. There is one extra sentence.
A Is that what you’ve been studying for? B- No, it’s much-more important than that.
C No, I don’t think that’s what he’s thinking. D You should have gone to university.
E I’ve already decided. I’ve had enough of education. F I can’t believe what I’m hearing.
G Well, you could have tried to listen. H You won’t be able to get a job without a university
I How much do you think you’ll have saved by the education, you know.
end of the summer?

Characters: David, the father, Val, the mother, Nick, an 18-year-old boy

Scene: At home in the kitchen, David and Val are sitting at a table drinking coffee.

Val Has Nick spoken to you yet, David?

David No, does he need some money again?

Val B He’s decided not to go to university. Exam ple
David He’s what?!
Val He’s decided he wants to get a job instead.

David You mean, have a job for a year, save some money and then go to university.

Val (1)
[Enter Nick]

Nick Hi Mum, hi Dad. [there’s no response] Mum, Dad, is there something .. . ?

David [interrupting] Nick, Mum has just told me that you’re thinking of not going to university.

Nick I’m not thinkina about it Dad - (2) I’m aoina to aet a job.

David [incredulous and starting to get angry] Nick - that is not going to happen! You’ve just passed
all your exams. You’d be crazy not to go to university. (3)
Nick Actually, I’ve already found one. I’m starting next week.

Val [disappointed] You could have told me, Nick. What job?

Nick I’m going to be a waiter in an Italian restaurant.

David fstill incredulous] (4) To work as a waiter?

Nick No, Dad. I’m only going to do it for the summer, save some money and then travel to get some
life experience. There’s more to life than studying.

David: (5)

Nick: Enough to spend six months travelling. And if I haven’t got enough, then I’ll have to work a bit
longer, won’t I?

David [frustrated] (6) An intelliaent boy. whose place at university is secure, savina he wants
to be a waiter!

Nick: Dad! Why can’t you let me live my own life? You’ve always said I should think for myself and
have aspirations. That’s what I’m doing! [Nick leaves the room angrily.]

David [confused] What? What did I say?

Val (7) Nick deserves that. David.

Test 3: Units 5-6 2 9

3 Read the headings A-H and the articles 1-8 about a book festival. Choose the letter for the
correct heading to match each paragraph and write it in the gaps in the table, as in the example.

Article 1 goes with heading G Article 2 goes with heading
Article 3 goes with heading Article 4 goes with heading
Article 5 goes with heading Article 6 goes with heading
Article 7 goes with heading Article 8 goes with heading

A Can you lend a hand? B A chance to meet the public
C Difficult background behind a writer’s work D Long wait after writer’s presentation
E Not ready but on its way F Unhappiness at parking ban
G Not just books and writers H Festival committee: “Good outlook for festival”

Festival News
Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
A new aspect of the festival this Local residents have complained The festival committee of the third
year is the inclusion of music and about the decision to turn some annual Grantown Book Festival is
visual arts. By the time the festival streets into pedestrianised areas asking local residents if they will
comes to an end, visitors will have during the festival. A police officer be able to spare time to help with
been able to hear and see the explained that it was necessary to the festival which will take place in
vibrant work of young local artists close a few roads to cars for safety two months time from 14th to 18th
and musicians. reasons. March.
Article 4 Article 5
In an interview with local radio, Visitors who drove to a festival
Amanda Bridges, secretary of the talk which was presented on Friday
festival committee, has reported evening by detective writer Jan
that the number of visitors to the Hutton, were shocked to discover
book festival increased again this that the car park gates were locked
year. Because of this, the festival and they were unable to get their
next year should be even bigger and cars out for two hours.
better than this year.
Article 6 Article 7 Article 8
Grantown Book Festival gives Prominent children’s writer Penelope During an interesting presentation,
younger writers, and those who Evans made a promise to a crowded the writer Paul Davies talked
have ambitions to write, a fantastic festival audience of fans, parents about his new biography of
opportunity to read their work and and children at an afternoon Charles Dickens. Paul wondered
meet ordinary readers. A number question and answer session. She if most people knew how poor
of new writers have been able said that she will have finished the Dickens’ family had been during
to launch successful careers in next book in her stunning adventure his childhood and how devastated
this way. series The Fortress of Splendour Dickens was by conditions in some
before the beginning of next year. of the places where he had had to
At the end of the session Penelope work as a boy. Paul added that the
was besieged by readers who things that Dickens had experienced
wanted her to sign copies of her as a boy were the inspiration for
books and ask her questions. some of his most famous novels.
I (HU! Listen to these people talking. Choose the correct phrase from phrases A-H to match the
conversations 1-8. There is one example.
Conversations 1-8:
1 D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Exam ple
A What do I have to remember? B Nearly time to get on the plane
C Something I won’t be able to forget easily D I’m used to hot climates
E It sounded good initially F It’s OK. I can manage myself.
G I didn’t pay enough attention H It's very kind of you to offer. Thanks

2 f H Eddie and Lisa are talking about two towns in the north-west of England. Listen to
the conversation and fill in the missing information with three words or fewer in each
numbered space. There is one example.

Two towns in the north-west of England

Manchester Liverpool
Population: ¥90,000 Exam ple (1) than Manchester’s
(2) : 290 kilometres 280 kilometres
Early history: There was a (3) in grew into a town by the thirteenth century
Manchester in the first century. and became a city in 1880
19th century great centre for the cotton industry and important port for machines and industrial
expansion: for making (4) of goods and people who left to
textiles (5)
Football: Teams: Manchester City and Teams: Everton and Liverpool which has
Manchester United which has been won the English football championship
(6) 19 times. (7)

3 fill • Listen to this scene from a play. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B or C.
There is one example.
Exam ple

How does Megan feel about her test?

A She’s worried about the exam. (B )S h e thinks that she did OK. C She thinks that she got a good mark.

What is Megan worried about?

A something she saw B getting into university C someone she saw
Where was Max sitting?
A behind Megan B to Megan’s left C to Megan’s right
What was Laura doing?
A eating an ice cream B watching TV C cheating in the test
Why doesn’t Max believe Megan?
A Laura is clever. B Laura is crazy. C Laura is serious.
What has Laura just been doing?
A having something to eat B singing and dancing C sitting outside
What is Megan going to do about Laura?
A She isn’t sure what she’s B She’s going to discuss the C She’s going to tell her teachers.
going to do. situation with her friends.
Test 3: Units 5-6 31
Test 3
I Role Play
Student 1: You have one minute to read Task 1 card A which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 2.
Your teacher will teli you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to read Task 1 card B which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 1.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

2 Presentation
Student 1: You have one minute to look at picture A and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card A.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to look at picture B and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card B
below. Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

K : 3 2 Test 3: Units 5-6

Units 5-6

W riting
I Write a short scene from a play. Max has seen Julie, one of his friends, steal money from the bag
of another friend, Sabina. Max and Sabina talk to Julie about what she has done and why she did
it. Write 140-160 words.
In your scene:
► use the correct layout and give stage directions;
► show each person’s character and their attitude to the situation;
► finish the scene by getting Sabina to say what she is going to do about the theft.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

2 Write a personal account of someone who you know well. Write 140-160 words.
In your personal account:
► name the person and explain the nature of your relationship to him or her;
► give a description of and information about this person;
► express and explain your opinion of him or her.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

Test 3: Units 5-6

Gram m ar and Vocabulary
1 Complete each gap in the sentences with the correct form of the words, as in the example.

She was apparently very rich as she was driving a very expensive car. APPARENT

1 An eminent_______________________is going to visit the school to talk to the students. BIOLOGY

2 When Rudi was chosen to lead the next meeting, he w a s ________________________ nervous. JUSTIFY

3 When the lights went out, th e _______________________made it impossible to see anything. DARK

4 She’s a very_______________________woman, whose paintings and sculptures can be seen in ARTIST

galleries everywhere.

5 _______________________is not one of his strengths - he’s very unreliable. DEPEND

6 Paul’s _______________________, whose best time was under two minutes, was a very OPPOSE

fast runner.

7 Although the city was a great place to visit during the day, it w a s _______________________ NOTORIOUS

dangerous after dark.

8 Being a ______________________ of a famous explorer, he was interested in travelling and had DESCEND

visited many places around the world.

9 Her talent w a s ________________________ and music lovers everywhere wanted to attend her EXCEPT

piano recitals.

10 His most well known sporting________________________is swimming from England to France. ACHIEVE

2 Read the sentences. Complete the second sentence to give it the same meaning as the first
sentence. Use between one to three words in each sentence. There is one example.

I last posed for a photo two months ago.

I haven’t posed for a photo for two months.

1 We must report cheats to the head teacher.

C heats___________________________________ to the head teacher.

2 “ Did you see the programme about Istanbul on TV last night, Jane?” he asked.

He asked Jane if s h e _____________________________________ the programme about Istanbul on TV last night.

3 It’s possible that he hada reason for cheating.

H e ________________________________ a reason for cheating, couldn’t he?

4 The advertisement persuadedhim to buy a new car.

___________________________________ by the advertisement, he bought a new car.

34 Test 4: Units 1 -6
Units 1-6

5 The last time it was possible for us to meet was in January.

W e___________________________________ to meet since January.

6 We won’t decide to protect the rainforest until most of it has disappeared.

By the time we decide to protect the rainforest, most of i t __________________

7 “ Must we include pop music in the concert?” asked Gustav.

Gustav asked if they___________________________________ include pop music in the concert.

8 Alex Robbins has written many novels. His first is considered to be his best.

Alex Robbins,____________________________ is considered to be his best, has written many novels.

9 I didn’t snitch because the director wasn’t at work that day.

If the director____________________________________________ at work that day, I would have snitched.

10 “Can anything be done to prevent further financial problems?" asked Lucie.

Lucie asked if anything___________________________________ to prevent further financial problems.

3 Complete each gap in the text with the correct form of the word(s), as in the example.

The beautiful town of Moresby is catching on as a tourist destination. With its natural setting, it
(1)____________________to people who enjoy walking but it also has a rich history.
Nobody knows exactly how old Moresby is but it is possible that it (2)____________________ by the

Romans about two thousand years ago.

In the nineteenth century only a few tourists (3) to Moresby because there
was little to see and do. At that time, the bridge that (4) the river since

King Brian’s time, was the only thing to see. That bridge is no longer there. However, things
(5) ____________________in recent years. The old fortress is now open and there is a new museum.
(6) ____________________from the year 854, the fortress is exceptionally interesting but visiting the
museum, you (7)____________________disappointed. It has wonderful things to see from Moresby’s
rich past. Also, next year the local government (8)____________________a new bridge over the river

making Moresby even more attractive.

The number of tourists (9)__________ very sharply since these changes and by the end
of this year, around fifty thousand people (10) the town and its wonderful


Test 4: Units 1-6 35

Test 4
4 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D
in each gap. There is one example.

One of the most C events I took part in at A terrestrial B talented C memorable D clumsy

school was the ten kilometre run. At first I didn’t

want to run because a boy called Hector, who had a

(11 for doing bad things, was in the race too. A career B forum C reputation D shame

He often won races and other games but we all

knew he was a (2) A resident B cheat C brand D supply

Anyway, 1spoke to my dad and he was able to

(3) me to run. He said 1 had a good chance A convince B relieve C conquer D regulate

of winning and that 1shouldn’t (4) iust A catch on B drop out C slap D dazzle

because of one boy.

Before the race, 1thought about Kevin Bradley, a

runner in the Olvmpics. who was an (51 to A oasis B aspect C aspiration D inspiration

me. The race started and we all set off.

To make sure that we kept to the route properly,

the teachers were looking at us through (6) A genres B codes C binoculars D outlooks

Unfortunately, one place was out of their sight and

that was where Hector disappeared.

Soon it started raining and most of the boys

looked for (7) under some trees. But with A shelter B cafeteria C greenhouse D woods

mv passion for running. 1decided to (8) the A descend B besiege C clog D endure

conditions and found that 1was soon leading ' t '- Z ; ■

the race.

1was feeling great but near the end of the race,

when 1entered the (9) zone of the town. 1 A global B balanced C pedestrianised D disturbing

saw Hector getting out of a car fifty metres in front

of me. 1was reallv (10) but then something A leading B uplifting C superior D shocked

fantastic happened. A dog ran in front of Hector,

who fell over. 1saw my chance and two minutes

later 1won the race.

3 6 Test 4: Units 1-6

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. There is one example. There is
one extra word.

bustling essential procedure faint frankly faint-hearted

donate potentially current superiority besiege plenty


She was potentially a good student but she didn't study hard enough.

1 There’s a ______________________ which must be followed in a situation like this.

2 Having some disturbing scenes, this film is not fo r______________________ people.

3 By the end of July, he’ll have saved______________________ of money.

4 This city is a ______________________ place. The market is very busy and there are crowds of

people everywhere.

5 We need it today. It’s absolutely______________________ .

6 He could have spoken more______________________ about the problems of the committee.

7 According to the latest figures, th e _______________________population is 30 million.

8 H er______________________ was clear for all to see. She was by far the most talented player.

9 The army were able t o ______________________ the town for three months.

10 The parents of the students could________________________more books to put in the school library.

6 Write the words next to the correct definition. There is one example. There is one extra word.

chamber horn wood emission extinction mile

passion can cafeteria flame outlook ballpoint


a place with many trees ________wood

1 the dying out of a species

2 a way of seeing life

3 a place which sells snacks and drinks

4 a very strong love of something

5 a small object we often drink from

6 waste gas produced by cars

7 a kind of pen

8 a distance measured especially in the USA and Britain

9 part of a fire

10 part of a car used to warn other people

Test 4: Units 1-6

Test 4
I Read the text about London. Is the information in each sentence about the text true, false or not
stated in the text? For each sentence, circle the correct answer. There is one example.

When the Romans came to Britain around two owned by Thomas Farynor, who made bread
thousand years ago, they sailed west along the there. It is not known if the fire was started on
River Thames (as we know it today) and stopped purpose or not.
at a place we now call London. They founded London is famous for its many bridges, which
the first town there and called it Londinium. span the river from Tower Bridge in the east to
Although there may have been small groups of Hampton Court Bridge in the west. Probably,
people living in the area before the arrival of the the most famous are London Bridge and Tower
Romans, nothing has been found which could Bridge. London Bridge has been destroyed a
have been considered a town. number of times in its history, for example in
Located on an important river, London has 1091. And in 1967 problems were found in the
been an important place since those early Roman bridge’s structure and so a decision was made to
times. It became the capital early on and was rebuild it. This work was finished in 1973, when
the capital in 1042 when Edward the Confessor the new London Bridge was opened.
was king. However, for a short time after that There is a story that a wealthy American
the capital moved to Winchester, which some of bought the old London Bridge because he
the later kings preferred. These were Norman thought it was Tower Bridge, the first bridge over
kings of England, who wanted to be able to return the river Thames in London. Tower Bridge would
to France quickly. definitely have looked very interesting, and
The population of London, nowjustunder eight perhaps strange without a river, in the United
million, has been growing since Roman times. States, but this is only a story and Tower Bridge
And it was only around 1800 that the population is still in London. However, the old London
reached one million. In earlier times it was Bridge, rather than Tower Bridge, was sold to the
much less. From 1300 to 1350 the population American and is now located in California, where
was thought to be somewhere between 25,000 you can see it today.
and 50,000 but figures for these years are not These days London is visited by many tourists,
known exactly. who do come to see the bridges but also to see
Among the more well-known events in London’s many other things. Tourists find London’s history
history is the Great Fire of London, which fascinating and want to be photographed outside
happened in 1666. Very few people were killed Buckingham Palace. They are also attracted by
in the fire according to the records, which was the museums and the many parks, which are
lucky because the fire lasted for three days and found all over the city. London will probably
destroyed many buildings. The fire started in remain a popular tourist destination for many
Pudding Lane near London Bridge in a shop years to come.


The town of London was established by the Romans.

C*uT) False Not Stated

1 London has always been the capital of England since 1042. True False Not Stated

2 The population was higher in 1350 than in 1300. True False Not Stated

3 The Great Fire of London started in Thomas Farynor’s bakery. True False Not Stated

4 It was decided to replace London Bridge in 1967. True False Not Stated

5 Tower Bridge was sold to someone in the USA. True False Not Stated

6 Most tourists come to London because of its history. True False Not Stated

3 8 Test 4: Units 1-6

2 Read the text and complete it by putting the letter A -l of the correct phrase in the correct part
of the text.There is one exam ple.There is one extra phrase.
A a ship which was sailing across the Atlantic Ocean,
B Others believe that they could have been taken to another planet by aliens.
6- Even though thi3 may appear to us to be strange
D whose knowledge may have been greater than ours
E Despite this knowledge, many things happened in the past,
F Moreover, it was also said
G For example, the pyramids are not easy to explain
H the people on board had all disappeared
I and we don’t know why this was done

Exam ple
We live in a world full of mystery and people have always tried to understand it. In the distant past,
it was thought that the Earth was flat. C . it is easy to understand why they might have
believed that as they did not have the knowledge of science we have today. (1 )______ which are

still not understood well today. In Britain and other parts of Europe, huge stones were moved

across huge distances to make magnificent stone structures ( 2 ) ______ . It remains a mystery to
us after years of trying to find out. But we do know one thing, the ancient people of that time,

(3]----- , must have had their reasons. People do not transport huge stones miles across the
countryside with no purpose.

One of the most interesting mysteries from the nineteenth century is that of the Mary Celeste.

The Mary Celeste, ( 4 ) ________ , was on its way from the United States to Italy when something very
strange happened. Nobody knows what this was but when the Mary Celeste was seen near Spain,

----- ■Those who discovered the ship said it had been in good condition and there was
apparently no reason why the people should have left but there was nobody there. (6 )______ that
there was food and drink on the tables, not eaten or drunk. Some people think the Mary Celeste
might have run into bad weather, and everybody panicked and left the ship. ( 7 ) ______ There are
many incredible opinions about this but so far the truth has not been discovered.

Test 4: Units 1-6 3 9

3 Read the headings A -H and the paragraphs 1-8 from a report about traffic problems. Choose
the letter for the correct heading to match each paragraph and write it in the gaps in the table.
There is one example.

Exam ple
Paragraph 1 goes with heading D Paragraph 2 goes with heading
Paragraph 3 goes with heading Paragraph 4 goes with heading
Paragraph 5 goes with heading Paragraph 6 goes with heading
Paragraph 7 goes with heading Paragraph 8 goes with heading

A The effect on society B Changing attitudes
C Local solutions D A global problem
E Reducing emissions F City design
G Growing wealth H A better future?

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3

Pollution is affecting the whole In the past, cities were built for a However, design of cities is not
world and one of the most different transport system. That’s the only reason why roads are
important reasons for this is the why many older cities have the clogged. The fact that people are
growing number of cars and trucks worst traffic problems. Roads are becoming richer has had a huge
on the roads. It is not only in the often not wide enough and they effect. There are now more cars on
wealthier countries of the world, often lead through areas where the roads than at any other time in
where traffic is a huge problem. people use the streets for other history. The wealthier we are, the
It has spread to every part of the purposes. For example, there worse the pollution becomes. This
planet and affects residents of all may be markets in the streets or increase in wealth has also led to
large cities. children playing. Modern designers people travelling more, which in turn
appreciate how people live now and increases traffic.
that’s why new cities are designed
in a different way.
Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5
People suffer as iridividuals but Not happy with the} current situation,
social problems aire caused too. people are beginn ing to think
As individuals, pec>ple find that they differently. People are becoming
need more time tc>go from A to more aware of the problems caused
B. Society suffers because public by traffic and are c:hanging their
health is affected, People breathe behaviour. People’:s attitudes toward
in dangerous gaseis and become ill, health are changirig at the same
and this puts pres sure on hospitals, time, which shoulc1also help.
costing a lot of me>ney.
Paragraph 6 Paragraph 7 Paragraph 8
In some larger cities and towns, Car designers and firms which Some improvements have been
laws have been introduced to produce cars and other vehicles made but it is not enough. Unless
reduce traffic. In some cities it have an important role to play. something more is done, the
is now against the law to drive in Already cars are being made which situation can only get worse. There
city centres whereas in others you pollute less. There are even electric will be more traffic and less to be
may have to pay to drive in cities. cars, which are far better for the happy about. We should expect
Many towns encourage drivers to planet than traditional vehicles. But governments to act. If they don’t,
take a bus into town centres by this move towards cleaner transport we will live in cities where it takes
providing buses, which run from car needs to continue. Emissions also hours to travel short distances and
parks outside the towns. This has need to be reduced by encouraging our health will continue to suffer
improved the situation up to a point. drivers to drive less. due to traffic emissions.

4 0 Test 4: Units 1-6

Units 1-6

i D Listen to these conversations. Choose the correct phrase from phrases A -H to match the
conversations I-8. There is one example.
Conversations 1-8:
1 c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Exam ple
A I’m not convinced B If only he had tried harder
6—You’ll never match this offer D Is there anything I can do?
E There’s no doubt whatsoever F I couldn’t agree more
G She must have lost her way H I agree with you up to a point

2 f S f l Marsha Hall is a travel w riter and she is organising a trip with her travel agent. Listen to
the conversation and fill in the missing information with three words or fewer in each
sentence. There is one example.

Trip Information
Exam ple

Marsha is travelling to Mexico Citu.

1 Marsha’s last trip for work was

2 The latest date she can leave for this trip is
3 She’s not going to need a
4 She’d be able to save if she travelled on Monday.
5 Travelling on the 19th, she would have to have in a hotel.
6 Arriving in New York, Marsha will have a wait.
7 Marsha definitely wants in her hotel room.

Listen toTasha and Rudi talking about a new boy at school. For each question, circle the
correct answer A, B or C . There is one example.

Exam ple

Where has Tasha been?

(A)library B art gallery C cafeteria

1 Who is not able to help with the story-telling?

A Nadia B Todd C Ramon
2 What was Robin doing when Tasha saw him?
A doing homework B going to the library c writing poetry
3 Who might Robin be a replacement for on the committee?
A Alex B Zoe c Todd
4 How long ago did Robin start at Tasha and Rudi’s school?
A two months B six months c two years
5 If Robin could choose, what would he be involved in?
A poetry competition B sculpture c sport
6 Where are Tasha and Rudi going to meet Robin?
A in town B in the library c at Robin’s home

Test 4: Units 1-6 41

Test 4

I Role Play

Student 1: You have one minute to read Task 1 card A which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 2.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to read Task 1 card B which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 1.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

2 Presentation

Student 1: You have one minute to look at picture A and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card A.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to look at picture B and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card B.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

W fa - 4 2 Test 4: Units 1-6


I W rite a personal account of a short trip you have made. W rite 140-160 words.
In your personal account:
► provide some background information about the trip;
► describe what you did on the trip;
► give advice to someone who is going to make the same trip.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

2 Write an essay about the good and bad aspects of advertising. Write 140-160 words.
In your essay:
► explain ways in which advertising is useful;
► provide an example of how advertising can be misleading;
► give your general opinion on advertising.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

Test 4: Units 1-6 4 3 ■

Test 5 l|8 ;

Gram m ar and Vocabulary

1 Read the sentences. Com plete the second sentence to give it the same meaning as the first
sentence. Use between two to four words in each sentence.There is one example.

Exam ple

“One of my brothers is in China at the moment,” Lena told us.

Lena told us that a brother of hers was in China at the moment.

1 Nadia passed Lena a bowl of hot soup.

____________________________________ a bowl of hot soup by Nadia.

2 Lena was handed a piece of bread by Nadia, too.

___________________________________ a piece of bread, too.

3 Nadia’s aunt will send Nadia an email saying where to meet.

___________________________________ an email by her aunt saying where to meet.

4 “Those cases don’t belong to us,” Lena and Nadia said, pointing to them.

"Those cases a re _____________________________ Lena and Nadia said, pointing to them.

5 “When we get back, technical services will have checked our computers,” Lena said.

“Our computers___________________________________ by technical services when we get back,” Lena said.

2 Com plete each gap in the text with the correct form of the word(s), as in the example.

After the space shuttle

by science reporter, Jane Sharp
Exam ple

On 12 April 1981 the shuttle Columbia took off for the first time. Shuttle flights TAKE OFF

(1)______________________________ for another 30 years until 8 July 2011 when the shuttle CONTINUE

Atlantis (2)______________________________ for the final time. At the present time several LAUNCH

companies (3)______________________________ in designing the next generation of spacecraft INVOLVE

to (4)__________________________ . from the shuttle and our science reporter, Jane Sharp, TAKE OVER

recently (5)________________________ ___ Jeff Manson. Jeff is a designer who works for Space X, INTERVIEW

a space company. He (6)_______________________

______________ a new rocket for the past five years. DEVELOP

JANE: (7)_______________ the new spacecraft ___________ Dragon? CALL

JEFF: Yes, that’s right. The first flight(8)________ just ___ _________________________ and by COMPLETE

the end of next year about twelve more flights (9) MAKE

JANE: The Dragon spacecraft (10)___________________ . by a private company up DESIGN

until now. Do you think ,

4 4 Test 5: Units 7-8

Units 7-8

3 Com plete the text with an appropriate subject, object, possessive pronoun or possessive
adjective. Use only one word in each space. There is one example.

Exam ple

Kitty: Sonia, where’s ray hairbrush? I saw you take it ages ago. Have you still got it?

Sonia: No, and I’ve no idea where it is now. This one isn’t (1 ) _______ , Kitty. I put your hairbrush back on your

dressing table when I found (2 )_______ in Natalia’s bedroom where she had been using (3 )________ .

Kitty: Well, where’s (4 ) _________hairbrush then? I need it.

Sonia: Like I said, I’ve no idea. Look, go and ask Natalia. (5 ) ________ might have your hairbrush because she

couldn’t find (6 ) _______ own.

Kitty: Here’s Mum. Maybe she’ll know. Mum, have (7 )_______ seen my hairbrush?

Mother: No, of course not. Forget about it. Listen, we all need to hurry up or we’re going to miss (8 ) _______

train. It leaves in 30 minutes. And if we miss the train, you know your father will be cross with

(9 ) _______ and say it’s my fault, not (1 0 )________ .

Kitty: Yes, Mum, but I can't go until I find my hairbrush.

4 Rewrite these words with the prefix re- or the suffix -ic. Then complete the sentences with the
correct words. There is one example.

Exam ple

artist a ignite b diplomat

artistic ________________________ ________________________

c emerge d combine e athlete

Exam ple

Maria Schartz is the artistic director of next year’s international arts festival in Hanover.

1 Max has always been______________________ and is good at several sports.

2 Scientists want to take out parts from different plants a n d ______________________ them to improve how

they grow.

3 Mimi is very polite an d ______________________ when she speaks to other people.

4 The fuel in one of the spacecraft’s engines went out so experts tried t o ______________________ it.

5 A fault was fixed in the spacecraft’s first computer and we hope it will not______________________ in the

second computer.

Test 5: Units 7-8 45 - .ilf lj|

Test 5
5 W rite the words under the correct picture. There is one example. You do not need all
the words.

ribbon nozzle groom carriage mansion

livery satellite petticoat hem fat tortoise

Exam ple


4 6 Test 5: Units 7-8

Units 7-8

6 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. W rite the correct letter, A, B, C or D
in each gap. There is one example.

Exam ple

Evan Martens had always wanted to B A scurry B design C achieve D clutch

clothes. From an early age he visited clothes

shops and read (1) fashion magazines. A numerous B sufficient C main D solid

He usually kept his (2) to become a A thrust B diplomat C clatter D aim

clothes designer secret because he often got

strange (3) from DeoDle when he A humans B missions C porches D reactions

told them.

But Evan was (4) to be a clothes A critical B determined C cautious D hasty

designer and the first (5) in his career A tone B mission C stage D box

was to study fashion at art college. When he

finished, he wrote to a (6) of fashion A mansion B succession C system D chamber

companies trying to get a job.

Evan always kept a positive (7) even A programme B probe C attitude D scale

though it took two years to find a job. This was

not his (8) . Jobs are difficult to find in A fault B fuel C scale D orbit

the fashion industry.

Last year Evan had his first show of

(9) which he designed. That night he A chemicals B sequences C plumes D garments

felt very proud of his (10) as a A succession B achievement C satellite D rate

clothes designer.

Test 5: Units 7-8

Test 5
I Read this adapted scene from the novel Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. Is the information
in the sentences about the scene true, false or not stated in the text? For each sentence, circle
the correct answer. There is one example.

The duke’s mansion was a modem building in the After the meal, the ladies went to their rooms
Italian style located in a large park. There was a to prepare for the ball. Emma got ready with the
huge field in front of the house where cows were care and patience of an actress who is going on
eating grass among groups of large trees. A river stage for the first time. She did her hair according
flowed under a bridge; in the distance one could to the directions of the hairdresser, and put on the
see a coach house and an old castle. petticoat and pale yellow gown which were spread
Charles Bovary’s carriage stopped in front of out upon the bed. Charles was silent until at last
the flight of steps; servants in livery appeared; the he asked, “Aren’t you ever going to be ready?”
Duke came forward, and, offering his arm to the Emma was silent. Her black eyes seemed blacker
doctor’s wife, showed her to the entrance hall. The than ever. To fill in the time, Charles walked up
Duke then opened the sitting room door. One of and down, waiting for Emma to dress.
the ladies, the Duke’s wife, came to meet Emma At last Charles and Emma went downstairs.
Bovary. She made Emma sit down by her and Emma had to stop herself from running to the
began talking to her as if she had known her a long ballroom in a fever of emotion when the music
time. She was a woman of about forty, with fine played. When they arrived, the dancing started
shoulders, and on this evening she wore over her immediately and a man invited Emma to dance.
brown hair a simple piece of tulle that fell in a point Her heart beat at a faster rate when she took her
at the back. Nearby, gentlemen with flowers in their place with the dancers and waited for the music.
buttonholes were talking to ladies round the fire. Then she blushed shyly when her partner took
Dinner was served at seven. Emma, on entering her by the hand. But her emotion soon altered,
the room, was met by a warm smell; a mixture of and, swaying to the orchestra, she danced with
the perfume of flowers, of the fine garments, of the dainty movements. A smile rose to her lips as
fire that blazed in the comer and of food. The men feet beat time, skirts, hems, feet and ribbons rose
sat down at the first table in the entrance hall; the and fell with the music and the same eyes met
ladies at the second in the dining room with the hers again.
Duke and his wife.

Exam ple

The Duke’s house was built in the middle of a town. True (^False^) Not Stated
1 Charles was invited to the ball because he was a doctor. True False Not Stated
2 Emma had known the duke’s wife for a long time. True False Not Stated

3 The duke’s wife was wearing an expensive gown. True False Not Stated
4 During the meal Emma ate at the same table as the duke. True False Not Stated
5 Charles waited patiently for Emma to dress. True False Not Stated
6 Emma was very excited when it was time for the ball. True False Not Stated
7 Emma danced with her partner for a long time. True False Not Stated

4 8 Test 5: Units 7-8

2 Read the text about engines and complete it by putting the letter A-J of the correct phrase in
the correct part of the text, as in the exam ple.There is one extra phrase.
A This combustion produces a hot, high-energy flow of gases
B Air is taken into the front of the engine through a fan.
C there is an equal and opposite reaction
D to drive the fan at the front of the engine and the compressor in the middle
E planes which are powered by jet engines
F It moves the engine and the plane forward.
G This cooler air helps to reduce engine noise
I The other part of air which has been taken in by the fan
J Air is used to propel the engine

Exam ple

In the 18th century, the scientist Isaac Newton discovered that for every action _C . This is
the idea behind one of the most popular forms of transportation in the last fifty years:
( 1 )_______. All jet engines work through action and reaction. They move a plane forward
because of the thrust that is produced by the burning gases in the engine. This thrust causes the
plane to move forward very fast.

This is how a jet engine works. ( 2 ) _______ Most blades of the fan are made of a very strong
metal. The fan speeds up this air and divides it into two parts. One part continues around the
centre of the engine through a pipe to the back of the engine. ( 3 )_______as well as add thrust to
the engine.

(4 ) _______is sent to a machine called a compressor where the pressure of the air is increased.
The compressor contains more spinning fans with many blades. As the air enters, the blades
push it into smaller and smaller spaces and in this way increase its pressure. This heats the air
which is then sent to a combustion chamber where there can be as many as 20 nozzles to push
fuel into the air. The mixture of air and fuel ignites and burns. ( 5 )_______in which temperatures
can reach 1000°C. The high-energy burning gases expand and emerge out of the combustion
chamber and move through the turbine, causing the turbine blades to spin thousands of times.
This takes some energy from the flow of hot gases and is used ( 6 )_______. The turbines of the
jet spin around and shoot the hot gases through the nozzle at the back of the engine. This is the
part of the engine which produces the thrust for the plane when the gases emerge. ( 7 )_______
3 Read this information about Joseph Conrad. Choose the correct headings A -H to match
the paragraphs 1-7 and write them in the gaps in the table, as in the exam ple.There is one

Exam ple
Paragraph 1 goes with heading D_ Paragraph 2 goes with heading
Paragraph 3 goes with heading Paragraph 4 goes with heading
Paragraph 5 goes with heading
Paragraph 6 goes with heading
Paragraph 7 goes with heading

A The beginning of a life abroad
B Educated but not very rich
C Sailing to distant countries
£ Unusual background for a writer in English
E Experiences which were useful later on F Developing happiness and career
G New starts in numerous ways H Disasters in quick succession

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
Some famous classics in the Conrad’s parents, Apollo and
nineteenth century were written by Eva, did not have a lot of money
Dickens but one of the main writers but they were both intelligent.
in English in the late nineteenth and Apollo had attended St Petersburg
early twentieth centuries, Joseph University for six years. A year after
Conrad, was originally named his parents’ marriage in 1857,
Konrad Korzeniowski. He grew up Joseph was born. His family made
in the Ukraine but left at the age a succession of moves and Joseph
of sixteen. never made close friends.
Paragraph 3

Soon after this, Eva developed The young boy was now brought up The author made a wide circle
tuberculosis, a serious illness, and in Krakow by his uncle, who loved of friends: grandees, writers,
she died in 1865. The seven-year- him dearly. Joseph stayed there artists and ordinary people. He
old Joseph, who saw all the stages until he left Poland as a teenager was introduced to drama, opera,
of her illness, was very unhappy. in 1874. He went to France and and theatre. At the same time his
Worse was to come. In 1869 his his stay there ensured he learned knowledge of the sea was growing,
father Apollo became ill, and he a second language. He also began he became an observer on a
died when Joseph was eleven. his career in sailing. pilot boat. The workers he met,
together with the experiences that
were recounted to him, formed the

I Paragraph 6 Paragraph 7
By 1878, Joseph had made his 1894 was a year of solid
way to England with the plan of achievement for Conrad. His first
becoming an officer on a British book was published. It was the
ship. He embraced life at sea start of a productive period when
and spent 20 years travelling the he wrote seven important novels;
world. Between long stages at sea he met Edward Garnett, who would
he spent his time on land writing become a lifelong friend; and he
letters or writing in journals. In the met Jessie George, his future wife
summer of 1889, Conrad altered whom he married in 1896.
his life by starting his first novel. He
wrote in English, his third language.

5 0 Test 5: Units 7-8

i m Listen to these people talking. Choose the correct phrase from phrases A -H to match the
conversations 1-8. There is one example.

Conversations 1-8:

Exa m p le
A Lots of people to contact B Transportation planning
C Numerous suggestions D Can’t get on with the task
E Possibly, but I’ll need help F—News you don’t want to hear
G An unhelpful reaction H Don’t be so hasty

ESSTwo friends are talking about their evenings out. Listen to the conversation and fill in
the missing information with three words or fewer in each numbered space in the notes.
There is one example.

Evenings out
Jake Molly

Going to: a play in the village hall Exam ple a dance (1)

Wants to borrow: (2) belt with big buckle

Wearing: blue trousers, white shirt and dark a long green (4)

(3) tie shawl

Leaving his/her house: (5) (6)

Coming home by: mother’s car (7)

3 f j j I Listen to the information about the history of flight. For each question, circle the correct
answer A , B or C . There is one example.
Exa m p le

How many legends of human flight from Greek literature are described in the text?
A two ( b ) three C four

1 What reason is given to explain why humans can't fly like birds?
A They don’t have wings. B Their arms are weak. C They diedor injured themselves.

2 In the section about kites, which of these sentences is true?

A People flew kites for fun. B Kites were made of wood. C Kites were natural objects.

3 How long did the flight with a sheep in it last?

A eight minutes B 10 minutes C 25 minutes

4 During the 19th century, what did engineers want to do?

A study how birds fly B test steam engines C fly, not float in air

5 Which of these sentences best describes the Wright brothers’ methods?

A They were very hasty. B They did a lot ofresearch. C They didn’t use ideas from others.

6 Who was the pilot when the first plane flew?

A Wilbur Wright B Orville Wright C The brothers took turns.

Test 5: Units 7-8 51

Test 5

I Role Play

Student 1: You have one minute to read Task 1 card A which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 2.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to read Task 1 card B which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 1.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

2 Presentation

Student 1: You have one minute to look at picture A and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card A.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to look at picture B and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card B.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

■ 1 52 Test 5: Units 7-8

I The student council at your school wants to ask a successful past student to speak to the
students of the school. W rite a formal letter of invitation to this person. W rite 140-160 words.

In your formal letter:

► explain why you are writing;
► give details of when and where the speech will take place;
► suggest a topic for the person to speak about;
► say you will give more information or details and offer to answer any questions.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

2 W rite a short passage to inform and explain to a reader how something works or happens.
Choose a process or activity that you know well from geography, science or sport.
W rite 140-160 words.

In your writing:
► introduce the process or activity;
► inform and explain how it happens or works;
► say how you think it will change and develop in future.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

Test 5: Units 7-8 5 3

G ram m ar and Vocabulary
1 R ead th e se n te n c e s. C o m p le te th e second s e n te n c e to give it th e sa m e m e a n in g as th e firs t
s e n te n c e . U se b e tw e e n tw o to fo u r w o rd s in each s e n te n c e .T h e re is one e x a m p le .

Exam ple

During his childhood, Hamdy spent a lot of time making models.

Hamdy would spend long periods making models when he was a boy.

1 Hamdy asked Hala to help him with his essay.

Hamdy had___________________________________ him write his essay.

2 Hala's gown was made by a talented new dressmaker.

H ala___________________________________ made by a talented new dressmaker.

3 Hamdy told Hala: "I sent you the email yesterday.”

Hamdy told Hala that h e ___________________________________ the email the previous day.

4 Hala’s aunt lived in Jordan but she used to stay in Paris during the summer.

During the summer___________________________________ in Paris, although she lived in Jordan for the rest of the year.

5 Hamdy’s mother asked Hamdy if he could tidy his room the following day.

“___________________________________ room tomorrow?” Hamdy’s mother asked Hamdy.

2 C o m p le te each gap in th e t e x t w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e w o rd (s ), as in th e e x a m p le .

Exam ple

For a number of years my husband and I would take our holidays in the French TAKE

countryside. There, we (1 )_______________________a small, remote farmhouse from a HIRE

sad-looking, local farmer, Monsieur Richard. Every year when we went back, Monsieur

Richard ( 2 ) _______________________always ________________________ about the same thing: COMPLAIN

that the money farmers earned (3 )_______________________them for all their hard work, how NOT COMPENSATE

expensive prices (4 )_______________________and how pointless it was to farm. Monsieur BE

Richard always pretended that that year he (5 )_______________________farming but he never STOP

did. And his car was always newer than ours.

One year when we (6 )_______________________at his farmhouse, he was more sad-looking ARRIVE

than usual. “Come here please, Mrs Jones,” he (7 )_______________________and he pointed SAY

at the wall. “ I have had it (8 )_______________________. Then he took me outside and pointed REPAINT

at the roof: “I (9 )_______________________a new roof put on.” Then he walked away, saying JUST HAVE

that it was pointless to be a farmer, because you were so poor. His even newer car

(1 0 )__________________this statement. CONTRADICT

54 Test 6: Units 9-10

Units 9-10

3 Put the adjectives in front of the nouns in the correct order. If necessary, change a to an.
Th ere is one example.

Exam ple

a footballer (Spanish / skilful) a skilful. Spanish footballer

1 a door (old-fashioned / wooden / large)

2 a chef (American / white-haired / energetic)

3 a building (company / modern / concrete / tall)

4 shoes (running / expensive / leather / new)

5 a fountain (metal / drinking / round / old / pointless)

4 Com plete the sentences with the correct words from the box. T h ere is one example.

brisk catastrophe campaigner cunning petrol impact

increase mock obesity remote straightforward

Exam ple

It was a hot night but Ainsley walked at a brisk speed to get to the station on time.

1 Exhaust from _______________________and other fuels is causing serious pollution.

2 Pavel bought a better car after he got an _______________________in what he earned.

3 Scientists are worried that climate change will cause an environmental_______________________.

4 Education can have a big_______________________on changing the lives of poorer people.

5 Olga comes from a _______________________village 1,500km from the capital.

6 Sonya has always been a _______________________person who doesn’t hide her emotions or opinions.

7 Roman wasn’t an excellent chess player but he played in a very_______________________way.

8 When my sister was at school some students would her red hair.

9 Doctors are worried because the rate o f__________ . in children is going up.

10 Martin Luther King was a famous American ___ who wanted to improve the conditions of

African American people in the USA.

Test 6: Units 9-10 5 5

5 W rite these words next to the correct definitions. There is one exam ple.There is one
extra word.

address bar congestion decrease diabetes exhaust

guy hardship luxury mist swallow

Exam ple

great comfort, expensive surroundings and an easy life ________ foxoru

1 an informal word to refer to a person, usually a man ________________

2 a crowded situation in which cars or people can only move slowly ________________

3 the waste gases which are left after burning fuel ________________

4 talk or communicate with someone face to face ________________

5 an illness in which the body cannot deal with sugar in the blood ________________

6 move from your mouth down to your stomach ________________

7 prevent someone from doing something ________________

8 a thin, white cloud on the ground that makes visibility poor ________________

9 an action in which a number or quantity gets smaller ________________

10 problems and difficulties which are caused by a lack of money ________________

5 6 Test 6: Units 9-10

Units 9-10

6 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. W rite the correct letter, A , B, C or D
in each gap. There is one example.

Exam ple

These days one often reads about A that have A kids B automobiles C mists D hardships

a (1) time at school. These voung people A tough B respiratory C brisk D beneficial

can be (2) of bullving everv dav and have A diabetes B luxuries C options D victims

to (3) individuals or groups who tease and A bar B deal with C estimate D swallow

(4) them because thev are “different". A mock B compensate C increase D address

As a black student in a small (5) secondary A casual B sensitive C rural D pointless

school, 1was “different” too, but almost nobody

tried to (6) me or oush me around. In my A estimate B tremble C bother D invade

opinion, the good (7) at the school was A contributor B atmosphere C guy D defiance

because of the head, Mrs Adams. Mrs Adams

dressed in (8) clothes but she was vounp A efficient B old-fashioned C energetic D brisk

at heart and was very (9) . She knew the A premature B derisive C pointless D imposing

names of all the students and she had their

(10) , too. 1do not know how she achieved A hardship B situation C respect D exhaust

this so casually, but she did.

Test 6: Units 9-10

I Read this adapted scene from the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Is the information in
the sentences about the scene true, false or not stated in the text? For each sentence, circle the
correct answer. Th ere is one example.

My name is Jane Eyre and I recently started at I was at the back of the room, and held my book
Lowood School. My first weeks there seemed to to try and hide my face. I nearly escaped notice but
last an age; and not a golden age, either. Every day unfortunately the book fell out of my hand. There
I would try hard to learn the new rules of the school was a loud crash. Every eye in the room turned to
and every day it was difficult. The lack of enough look. I waited for the worst. It came.
to eat was terrible for growing children and worst “A careless girl!” said Mr Brocklehurst. “Let the
for the younger pupils. The bigger girls would bully child who dropped her book come forward!” When
or threaten the little ones and get them to share he saw that the girl was me, he said that he had
their food. something to tell the school about me.
During January, February, and part of March, “It is the new pupil, I see. Bring that chair,” said
there was deep snow but we still had to spend an Mr Brocklehurst, pointing to a very high one. “Place
hour every day in the open air. Our clothing was not the child upon it.” I was placed there, by whom I
warm and would not protect us from the severe cold. don’t know. I was only aware that they had lifted
We didn’t have boots and the snqw would get into me up on the chair and I now stood to the height
our shoes and melt there. Sundays were especially of Mr Brocklehurst’s nose. He stood a metre away
hard days in that wintry season. We had to walk two from me.
miles to the church. We would set out cold and we “Teachers, and children, you all see this girl? You
would arrive at the church colder. We would return see that she is still young. But I am sad to say I must
in the afternoon on a remote road where the wind warn you that this girl tells lies! Leave her to stand
blew from the north. for half an hour on that chair. No one must talk to
One afternoon after I had been at Lowood for her for the rest of the day.”
some time, I was sitting with a book in my hand. There I was, then, standing on my feet on a chair
Suddenly a figure that I hated passed the window. in the middle of the room. Everyone was looking at
It was Mr Brocklehurst. Two minutes later, all the me but nobody could speak to me. And no language
school, teachers included, stood up for him. can describe how I felt.

Exam ple

Jane Eyre went to a school that was called Lowood. (jh jt P ) False Not Stated

1 Time passed quickly when Jane Eyre first arrived at the school. True False Not Stated

2 Big girls at Lowood used to take Jane Eyre’s food from her. True False Not Stated

3 The girls at the school had shoes that weren’t very strong. True False Not Stated

4 Jane Eyre was pleased when Mr Brocklehurst arrived. True False Not Stated

5 Mr Brocklehurst recognised Jane Eyre when he saw her. True False Not Stated

6 Mr Brocklehurst had a good opinion of Jane Eyre. True False Not Stated

7 Jane Eyre didn’t like being on the chair in front of the others. True False Not Stated

5 8 Test 6: Units 9-10

Units 9-10

2 Read this text about being overweight and complete it by putting the letter A -l of the correct
phrase in the correct part of the text, as in the example.

A One way to do this is to have an operation on B that they have previously lost
the stomach. D such as diabetes, respiratory illness and
C they also produce changes in the waywe think heart disease
E were twenty or thirty years ago. F it may be all these things
G their brain would show a pleased and H They are also aware of the advantages of taking
interested response more exercise.

s _______ _ Exam ple

People in many countries are heavier now than their parents and grandparents__ E___. The reasons for this

change are not straightforward. One reason might be because we have increased the quantity of food that we eat;

another may be because we eat food with too much fat and sugar in it; it may be because we go everywhere by
car and we do not do enough exercise; (1 )______ .

Adults and children who are overweight sometimes face a lack of respect and are often mocked and jeered by

others. Also, doctors are very concerned about this increase in weight because extreme weight, or obesity as it is
called, can have very serious effects on a person’s health. It can cause problems (2 )______ .

Many overweight people have had difficulty in controlling their weight since their childhood. They know

that they have to change their eating habits. Doctors tell them about the beneficial results which come from
decreasing high-fat and high sugar foods in their diet. (3 )______

Individuals try hard to follow this advice and many are successful in the short term. Unfortunately many

people who have health problems because of obesity often regain weight (4 )______ . It is difficult to lose
weight permanently.

(53----- Surgeons now operate on very overweight individuals. In the United States, which has a rate of

obesity of 36%, 200,000 people each year are now having a gastric bypass, an operation to decrease the size of

an individual’s stomach. When these operations are carried out, an individual’s stomach cannot absorb so much
food, so it helps the person to control his or her weight in the long term.

Doctors are now doing research into individuals who have had a gastric bypass. When overweight individuals

were shown photos of their favourite food before a gastric bypass, (6]______ . When the same individuals

were shown the same photos after the operation, they were no longer interested in them. In other words, these
operations not only change the size of the stomach, (7 )______ .

Test 6: Units 9-10

3 Read the paragraphs A -G which are adapted from a famous novel set in 1920s England.
Put the pararaphs in the correct order.There is one example.

1 E 2 3 4 5 6 7
Exa m p le

The Village School

Over the months, this tiny Infants’ Laurie soon started to feel more
Room with its friendships, fights comfortable at school. The Infant
and warm atmosphere was a Room was full of toys he had never
second home for Laurie. He would seen: dolls, soldiers, animals,
play, break things, laugh, cry, fall coloured wooden shapes, model
asleep and make cheeky jokes men to paint. He grew as tough as
about the teacher. He gradually the other children. When another
learned how to get along with other child stole the food his mother had
people, people who were not from given him for lunch, he would
his family. not hesitate to steal someone
else’s apple.

This happy period of play and fun Laurie was a natural infant, happy to The village to which the family had
did not last forever. The first big do nothing, to sit doing nothing but come was a collection of twenty
change was when it was decided his dream, to cut out men from paper or thirty houses on the side of a
brother Jack, who was with Laurie in or draw pictures in a book. But his hill. The rural school where Laurie
Infants, was too clever to stay there time, too, was coming to an end. would in time go to study, was a
anymore. Jack was so bright that he Suddenly he found he was able to small, narrow, stone building that
would make the rest of the children count to a hundred, he could write was divided into two classrooms by
uncomfortable by studying quietly his name in large and small letters a thin, wooden wall. Small children
and asking the teacher to bring him and he could take one number away would enter through the door
another book. from another. Then the call came marked ‘Infants’. Gradually they
for him. Infant no longer, Laurie was would move through the school
moved up. He was ready for the and emerge a few years later with
Big Room. all the education most of them
would need.

Laurie spent the rest of the day, The morning came one day when
sitting at a desk, making holes Laurie’s sisters said it was the
in paper. When he got home, his day for him to start school. He
mother asked him about his first told them he wasn’t going but
day. He replied angrily, “They never they ignored his protests and they
gave me my present.” carried him kicking and screaming
to the playground. He arrived at
Laurie’s mother replied that she
school and everyone immediately
was surprised that someone had
crowded round this new victim. The
promised him a present.
other kids pushed him around and
"Yes, they did” Laurie continued. pulled at him and everyone was
"They said, ‘Sit here for the laughing and shouting. Laurie was
present,’ but no one gave me rescued by the sixteen-year-old
one.” He felt humiliated when his teacher’s helper who took him into
mother and sisters laughed at his the classroom and dried his eyes.
confusion between two meanings
of ‘present’.
I Listen to these people talking. Choose the correct phrase from phrases A -H to match the
conversations 1-8. Th ere is one example.
Conversations 1-8:
1 G 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Exam ple
A We didn’t know about climate change then B A campaigner for cars
C No alternative to a car D Happy to take public transport
E No thought for other road users F Beneficial effects after a time
G Better than it usually looks H Not too concerned by the problem

Kelly and Josh are talking about their childhood mem ories. Listen to the conversation and
fill in the missing information with three words or fewer in each numbered space in the
notes. There is one example.

Childhood Memories
Josh Haslam Kelly Wright
Present job: jazz pianist Exam ple (1)
Family background: large family - father with (2) single child
Grew up in: industrial town with a (3) small village in a (4)
Education: 1enjoyed school; popular and didn’t enjoy school; girls would tease
(5) me; (6) because 1
was very tall
School holidays: would stav (7) and play spent a lot of time alone; started
the piano / writing stories

3 f f f f Listen to this interview with a film star. For each question, circle the correct answer A , B or C .
Exam ple

Where is Stella’s new house?

A Paris (S)New York C London

1 Why did Stella move to America?

A She travels a lot. B She loves America. C to save time
2 What did Stella have installed in her garden?
A a metal sculpture B a white fountain C tall trees
3 Why did Stella have flowers planted in her garden?
A Stella likes the smell of flowers. B Stella’s mother likes flowers. C Stella didn’t have a garden when
she was a child.
4 Why did Stella have a new swimming pool installed?
A Because the previous pool was B So guests could get C Because the previous pool was
quite old. more exercise. the wrong shape.
5 What colour are the doors in the dining room now that Stella has had the room repainted?
A gold B white C blue
6 Which of these three is Stella’s favourite object?
A a woollen shawl B an old painting C gold jewellery

Test 6: Units 9-10 61 |

1 Role Play

Student 1: You have one minute to read Task 1 card A which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 2.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to read Task 1 card B which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 1.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

2 Presentation
Student 1: You have one minute to look at picture A and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card A.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to look at picture B and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card B.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.


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6 2 Test 6: Units 9-10

Units 9-10

I Your school is having an essay writing com petition.The essay title is: Stop driving your car and
start riding a bike. W rite 140-160 words.

In your essay:
► give three arguments to support the point of view given in the essay title;
► give three arguments to support the opposite point of view to the essay title;
► give your own point of view on the topic with two reasons to support it.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

2 W rite an autobiographical extract about someone you know personally who you had a bad
opinion of originally but now you have a better opinion of. W rite 140-160 words.

In your extract:
► introduce and describe the person who you are writing about;
► explain why you originally had a bad opinion of that person;
► say what happened to make you revise your original opinion.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

Test 6: Units 9-10 6 3 :

Gram m ar and Vocabulary
I Com plete the second sentence to give it the same meaning as the first sentence. Use between
two to four words in each sentence.There is one example.

Exam ple

“One of these plates is broken,” Adam told us.

Adam told us that one of those plates was broken.

1 That box is Chinese. It's made of wood and it’s old and expensive.

It’s a n ___________________________________ Chinese box.

2 “You must be quiet during the test,” the head teacher told us.

The head teacher told us that w e ___________________________________ quiet during the test.

3 Before she bought the car, Sarah inspected the engine.

Sarah inspected the engine___________________________________ .

4 The noise from the accident disturbed Brian and he woke up.

___________________________________ the noise from the accident, Brian woke up.

5 “You should finish the experiment before break time,” the teacher said.

The teacher said that the experiment___________________________________ before break time.

6 Shakespeare wrote most of his plays when he was in London.

Most of Shakespeare’s plays___________________________________ he was in London.

7 The satellite was launched three days ago. It contains a space telescope.

___________________________________ , the satellite contains a space telescope.

8 By next year, volunteers will have donated thousands of old books.

Thousands of old books___________________________________ by volunteers by next year.

9 Julie’s parents were poor. They didn’t take Julie abroad.

If Julie’s parents___________________________________ more money, they would have taken Julie abroad.

10 “Mimi, did you finalise the arrangements for the festival last night?” Lucie asked.

Lucie asked Mimi__________________________________ the arrangements for the festival the previous night.

6 4 Test 7: Units 1-10

Units 1-10

2 Com plete each gap in the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets, as in
the example.

Exam ple

Sonya suffered from respiratory problems when she was a small girl, (suffer)

1 “ Diabetes affects a lot of people, it?" Sarah asked, (do)

2 By the time you wake up, Doug in China for at least an hour, (be)

3 If Emad hadn’t been so busy, he the course, (complete)

4 Eva warned her brother: “Be careful. I’ve just had the room (paint)

5 Maxine, who was from a poor family, quite rich by the age of 30. (become)

6 Tom’s new radio didn’t work. He should it before he bought it. (check)

7 Boris told us we to go climbing because of the strong winds, (not ahle^

8 Hala forgot to lock the door to her house when to work, (hurry)

9 The police officer asked Manuel how long he his motorbike, (own)

10 It’s predicted that the Earth’s population six billion by the year 2030. (reach)

3 Com plete each gap in the sentences with the correct form of the words, as in the example.
Exam ple

Charles Dickens was a leading nineteenth-century writer. LEAD

1 Melanie is small but she is an woman-. ASSERT

2 When Jane lost her mobile phone she went straight to a phone store to buy


3 Mario is a to TV and radio orogrammes covering films CONTRIBUTE

and music.

4 Pavel has an excellent with his grandfather. RELATE

5 The runner could not carry on because he felt due to the EXHAUST
heat and the distance.

6 There are manv examples of achievements in SDort. HERO

exploration and medicine.

7 Although Stan was better at playing the guitar, Alex didn’t like admitting to his

friend’s SUPERIOR

8 After the fire was out, the firemen put water on it because they didn’t want

it to IGNITE

9 After their first hit in the early 1960s, The Beatles wrote a of SUCCEED
excellent songs.

10 The actress wore a dress made of satin. STUN

| ■

Test 7: Units 1-10 65

Test 7
4 W rite these words next to the correct definition. There is one example. There is one extra word.

grand donate pause blaze ridge link

slipper orbit prevent catastrophe jeer

Exam ple

run at a slow speed as a way to exercise _________Jog_________

1 laugh or make a noise in a cruel way at someone _______________________

2 connect people, places or things together _______________________

3 give money or other things to a person, group or organisation _______________________

4 stop something from happening or someone from doing an action _______________________

5 an awful event or disaster like a flood or serious crash _______________________

6 large and impressive _______________________

7 the movement of a planet around a star _______________________

8 the long narrow top of a mountain or mountain range _______________________

9 stop doing something for a short time before starting again _______________________

10 a comfortable kind of footwear to use inside a house _______________________

5 Write one word under each picture. There is one example. You do not need all the words.

fortress mist petrol orang-utan exhaust truck

lamp garment can porch wallaby horn

Exam ple

I H E 6 6 Test 7: Units 1-10

6 For each sentence, choose the correct word for each space. W rite the correct letter, A, B, C or D
in each gap. There is one example.

Exam ple

This street is D .No cars, buses or taxis are A shocked B premature C main D pedestrianised
allowed in it.

1 Julia is verv and takes part in lots of A external B eminent C energetic D essential

different sports and activities.

2 She also likes knowing about different things

and asks her teachers Questions. A numerous B following C faint-hearted D favourable

3 Maurice waited patiently and smiled A potentially B shyly C absolutely D basically

when his mother took the first photo.

4 Then he became impatient while his mother

talked to her friends. A artificial B external C innumerable D irreversible

5 Burning fuels like coal has a harmful A inspiration B increase C issue D impact

on the world’s climate.

6 We should try to decrease of A experiments B emissions C extinctions D exhausts

greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

7 Mobile phones were only just beginning to

when Malik was a child. A catch on B take over C drop out D build up

8 Now he relies on a mobile and he would be

if he lost his. A devastated B desirable C determined D disturbing

9 The city is famous for its kind and well-

educated A replacements B residents C relationships D reputations

10 It is also famous for its castle at the A unreliable B orbital C efficient D imposing

centre of the old town.

Test 7: Units 1-10 67

Test 7
I Read this adapted passage from the book Am erican N otes F o r General Circulation by Charles
Dickens. Is the information in the sentences about the text true, false or not stated in the text?
For each sentence circle the correct answer. There is one example.

My name is Charles Dickens. This was the someone always tells you that behind that
first time that I had used an American railroad. particular hill in front of you, there is a grand
There are no first and second class carriages as town in a smart location, which he expects that
with us in England; but there is a gentlemen’s you have decided to visit. W hen you say ‘n o ’,
car and a ladies’ car: the main distinction you learn that you can’t go where you want to
between which is that in the first, everybody go without huge difficulty and terrible risks.
smokes and in the second, nobody does. The The character of the countryside in this rural
cars are like buses and hold thirty, forty or even part of America is not inspiring. Kilometre after
fifty people. There is a long row of seats on each kilometre of trees follow each other. Now and
side of the carriage, a narrow passage up the then you emerge for a few brief minutes into
middle, and doors at both ends. an open country, glittering with bright lakes or
In the ladies’ car, there are a great many pools. You quickly glimpse a distant town, with
gentlemen who have ladies with them. If a lady its clean white houses and neat New England
wants to sit in a seat that a male passenger is church and schoolhouse.
in, the gentleman who is with her lets the man The train calls at stations in the woods, where
know, and he immediately gives it up with great there seems absolutely no reason for anyone to
politeness. There are also a great many ladies want to get off or get on. Then it pulls out and
who have nobody with them: for any lady may increases speed, diving through the woods again,
travel alone, from one end of the United States emerging into the light, its noise disturbing the
to the other, and be certain of the most polite main street of a large town where people look
treatment everywhere. up at its arrival. The mad dragon of an engine
O n the train everybody talks to you, or to then races on until it stops at last for a drink
anybody else. If you look out of the window, and a rest in the city I am visiting.

Exam ple

At that time Dickens had made frequent trips by train in America. True (^Faise^) Not Stated

1 American trains have first class carriages. True False Not Stated

2 People could smoke on trains in America in Dickens’ time. True False Not Stated

3 Men were not allowed in ladies’ carriages. True False Not Stated

4 Many American women travelled long distances at that time. True False Not Stated

5 Train passengers told Dickens about towns that he should visit. True False Not Stated

6 Buildings in towns in New England are made of wood. True False Not Stated

7 Dickens’ train stopped at small and remote rural stations. True False Not Stated

6 8 Test 7: Units 1-10

Units 1-10

2 Read this text about city centres and complete it by putting the letter A -l of the correct phrase
in the correct part of the text, as in the example.

A we find the same cars and the same traffic B We may live in cities in remote countries far from
congestion in Madrid or Moscow each other,
C which a tourist had not come across before D and they would probably speak a different language,
E How people worked, what people ate and how F where we come from
things were done H Half a century later, the world has changed.
G there was a feeling of being somewhere different

Exam ple
Fifty or sixty years ago, if travellers or tourists went to a city overseas or even sometimes to a city in another

part of their own country, _ G__. Travellers would have been aware of the differences between the place where

they themselves lived and the place they were visiting. This diversity might be related to the language, culture or

nationality that the visitor was experiencing for the first time or to differences of religion, perhaps, or of history,

habits and traditions (1 )______ . Places looked, felt, sounded and even smelled foreign. In other words, to go

somewhere overseas was to go somewhere new and exciting. Buildings were built with different materials and

were decorated and designed in different ways. Shops sold products which weren’t available in your country.

People did things in a different way. (2]______ varied from place to place and country to country.

(3]______ While there are still many differences between our governments, culture, traditions and religions, the
things which we look at in the environment, the places where we shop and the goods which we find on sale are

more and more alike in the centres of big cities-around the world. It starts when our plane lands. An airport in

Beijing is very like an airport in Canada. When we leave the airport to go to our hotel, (4 )______ .

If, by magic, we woke up in a hotel in a new country, and didn’t know where we were, the furniture, decoration
and style of the room or the view from the window would probably not help us to work out where we were.

Imagine we left the hotel and went for a walk to the city centre. The people who we saw in the street might

look different to the people in our country (5 )______ but a lot of them might be dressed in the same way.

Looking around, the buildings might be designed in a way that is familiar and the advertisements on the sides

of the buildings might try to convince us to buy the same products as the ones we have back home. Fast food
restaurants will probably sell the same brands of burgers, pizza, chicken and soft drinks as the ones that are sold

in fast food restaurants (6 )______ .

The global market for advertisements, products, foods and services has affected the lives of many people around

the world. (7 )______ but how we live and what we see and experience in those cities is increasingly the same.

Test 7: Units 1-10

3 Read this information about Angkor. Choose the letter for the correct heading A —H to match
each paragraph and write it in the gaps in the table, as in the example. There is one extra

Exam ple
Paragraph 1 goes with heading C Paragraph 2 goes with heading
Paragraph 3 goes with heading Paragraph 4 goes with heading
Paragraph 5 goes with heading Paragraph 6 goes with heading
Paragraph 7 goes with heading

A A common misunderstanding about Mouhot B Aspirations for a new direction in life
6—A place in Cambodia linked to-a Frenchman D A contributor of samples
E A long journey by boat F An early career in education
G A succession of hardships H A place with strong historical connections

The City of Angkor

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
The ancient city of Angkor in the During the 1840s and 1850s
south-east Asian country now Mouhot worked in Russia where
known in English as Cambodia is he taught for ten years. He was a
closely connected to Henri Mouhot, professor of philology, the study
a French explorer and man of and history of language. He also
science who was born in France in travelled around Europe with his
1825 and died in Asia in 1861. brother, studying techniques of
Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5
In 1857, Mouhot decided to travel Starting in 1858, Mouhot made On his first journey, Mouhot visited
to south-east Asia to search for a sequence of four journeys from Ayutthaya, the former capital of
new species of plants. His mission Bangkok into remote areas of Thailand. There he collected a
was supported by The Royal south-east Asia. Over a period of broad range of rare or unknown
Geographical Society of London. three years before his death, he animal, plant and insect samples
He sailed to Singapore and then endured attacks from wild animals which he then had transported back
travelled to Bangkok, the Thai and extreme conditions of heat and to The Royal Geographical Society
capital. disease to explore jungle areas in England.
unknown to Europeans.
Paragraph 6 Paragraph 7
In January 1860, at the end of his Mouhot wrote about Angkor in a
second and longest journey, Mouhot travel book. Published in 1863,
came upon Angkor, a huge ancient his descriptions of Angkor made
city of canals, lakes, palaces and a great impact on their readers,
temples, the most famous of which and Mouhot began to be wrongly
is Angkor Wat. From 800 to about described as the “discoverer” of
1300 Angkor had been the capital Angkor as if he had found a city
of Cambodia and the Khmers, the lost in the middle of the jungle. But
people who live in Cambodia, had a Angkor had never been "lost". Its
large empire in south-east Asia. location was always known to the
people of Cambodia.

7 0 Test 7: Units 1-10

I F l f l Listen to these people talking. Choose the correct phrase from phrases A -H to match the
conversations 1-8. There is one example.
Conversations 1-8:
1 c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Exam ple
A Differences over details B Following an example from the past
C Numerous suggestions D Surveying the atmosphere and the events
E Strong views on what is appropriate F A success at this stage
G Helping each other out H Suggestion for an alternative activity

art Two radio presenters are talking about ancient cave paintings. Listen to the conversation
and fill in the missing information with three words or fewer in each numbered space.
There is one example.

H S lliif M Ancient Paintings

First set of paintings Second set of paintings
Name of cave: Lascaox Cave Exam ple (1) Cave
(2) : Dordogne area, near the village of in the Ardeche region to the south of
Montignac, in south-west France the centre of France
Date of discovery: (3) (4)
Date of the paintings: paintings are 17 or 18,000 years old pictures were painted between
(5) vears ago
Other information: caves were opened in 1948, by 1955 1,200 clan to build an (7)
people a dav were (6) of the original cave

Listen to the information about the history of television. For each question, circle the
correct answer A, B or C . There is one example.
Exam ple

When were television pictures first shown to the public?

A 100 years ago (§ )in the 1920s C in the 1950s

1 What was the nationality of the person who first used the word ‘television’?
A Russian B French C Greek
2 Which of these sentences about the invention of television is true?
A Television was developed by B Televisions were first made C Boris Rosing made television
different people. in the early 20th century. equipment.
3 In which year did John Logie Baird send pictures between two capitals?
A 1926 B 1927 C 1928
4 For how long in the 1930s did the BBC produce four hours of programmes five days a week?
A one year B three years C six years
5 What information is given about what happened in America between 1945 and 1962?
A American TVs were cheaper B Millions of people bought C The populationof America grew
than those in other countries. TV sets. very quickly.
6 Which of these sentences best describes the history of TV since the 1950s?
A Live sports events are sent B The internet and mobiles are C TV services and channels
regularly by satellite. used to receive TV programmes. continue to alter and develop.

Test 7: Units 1-10

Test 7 v:

1 Role Play

Student 1: You have one minute to read Task 1 card A which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 2.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to read Task 1 card B which your teacher will give you.
Prepare for a role play which you will perform with Student 1.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

2 Presentation

Student 1: You have one minute to look at picture A and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card A.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

Student 2: You have one minute to look at picture B and prepare the presentation as shown on Task 2 card B.
Your teacher will tell you when to start and stop.

In store today, tw o bags for the price of one.

! ■ £ ' 72 Test 7: Units 1-10

I You have been working as a youth volunteer at an international arts festival where you heard
an inspiring talk by a children’s w riter on the importance of reading for young people. W rite a
formal letter of thanks to this person. W rite 140-160 words.

In your formal letter:

► give details of when and where the talk took place;
► say why you enjoyed the writer’s talk;
► thank the writer for coming and invite the writer to come again next year.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

2 You have been working as a youth volunteer at an international arts festival. W rite a short essay
to inform and explain to readers the importance of being a volunteer. W rite 140-160 words.

In your writing:
► say what you did as a volunteer;
► say what you learned and how you felt as a volunteer;
► say why you think being a volunteer is useful and important.

Write your answer here.

If you need more space, use another piece of paper.

Study and Test Tips
Study Tips
• Study and practise English all year. Don’t study and practise just for the exam. You cannot do well in a test by
trying to do everything at the last minute.
• Make a plan of how to revise, for example decide which pages you are going to study.
• Make a timetable so you know what and when you are going to revise.
• Begin your revision some time before your test.
• Do a little revision regularly for a longer time, not a lot of revision just before the test.
• Work and revise with a friend. Two heads are better than one! You can also practise together for your
speaking test.
• Take breaks. Don’t study for longer than an hour at one time.
• Study, prepare and practise. This will make you confident that you can do well.
• Learn what sections and exercises you will find in your test.
• The ‘Comments by Section’ will help you know which sections are not so good. Concentrate on the
weak sections.
• Use the Start-up, Self-Assessment and Revision sections in your books to help your revision.
• Use the summary materials at the back of the books to help you with your revision.
• Different people learn in different ways. Listen, look and try out language. Revising in different ways will help you
to remember more.
• Don’t work late the night before a test. Go to bed at a sensible time.

Test Tips
• Start by having a quick look at all parts of the test, so you know what is coming.
• Start with the section you think you are best at. Leave the section you find most difficult till last.
• Don’t spend too much time on one section of the test and then run out of time for another section of the test.
Divide your time equally between the different parts of the test.
• Make sure you read the questions and instructions for each section carefully. If you understand the question but
answer it in the wrong way, you could lose all your marks.
• In multiple-choice questions (when you have A, B and C answers), if a word is in the question, it does not mean
this will always be the correct answer.
• Always check your answers after you have finished a section.

• In multiple-choice questions, if you don’t know an answer, make an intelligent guess. Your passive knowledge of
the language may be better than you think.
• In multiple-choice questions eliminate the answers you know are wrong. This will help you to focus on what might
be correct.
• When you have to choose the correct tense of a verb, try not to translate as tenses in your language may be
used very differently from those in English. Try to remember examples from your text book.
• When you have to write a word in a gap or choose a word from a box for a gap, make sure you readaround the
gap so that you know what part of speech is needed there. This will help you to choose.

7 4 Study and Test Tips

Study and Test Tips

• In reading exercises look carefully at the question words (how many, when, what, etc.) to make sure you answer
with the right kind of information.
• In the reading tasks where you have to match headings to texts, read all the texts first before doing the exercise.
• In reading matching tasks, remember you need to understand what the whole text is about in a general way.
Matching individual words you see in a text with individual words in the titles, will probably not give you a
correct answer.
• In the reading task where you have to put sentences and phrases in the correct place in the text, make sure the
whole text makes sense with your answer. It is not enough just to be grammatically correct - the text needs to
make logical sense. A sentence can be grammatically correct without it being the correct answer.

• Remember, you have two chances to listen.
• Use the questions and sentences in the listening test to try to guess what information you will hear.
• You don’t have to write a long answer or a complete sentence when you answer.
• In listening exercises look carefully at the question words (how many, when, what, etc.) to make sure you answer
with the right kind of information.
• In the listening matching phrases and conversations, it is important that you listen to understand what the
conversation is about in general. Don’t worry too much about detail.
• In the listening, when you write short answers keep to the number of words in the question. If it says, in four or
less words, this means that the correct answer will be four or less words. If you need to write a lot, it probably
isn’t the right answer.
• When you have to complete notes or sentences, make sure you read before and after the missing information so
that you have some idea of what information is missing.
• In multiple choice listening tasks anticipate possible answers. Think about the context of the task.
• In the listening exercises you hear the text twice. Don’t worry if you can’t answer all the questions after the
first listening.

• Read the instructions carefully before you start speaking in your speaking test.
• Always speak in the speaking test. You cannot get marks if you don’t.
• In the role play don’t speak too much and don’t speak too little. Make sure you do as required on the cardbut
don’t do all the talking yourself and don’t expect the other student to do it all either.
• In the presentation, remember that it is not just you speaking. Try to make it more natural by asking the other
student questions at the end of it.

• In writing tasks try to use the language that you have been studying in your text book.
• In writing tasks make sure you keep to the word limits. This is important in most international exams butis also
an important skill to develop in your own language.
• In writing tasks make sure you write something about every point in the question. Answer all parts of the
question - don't write about the general topic.
• Try to find time to proofread your answer when it is complete.

Study and Test Tips

Progress Charts :

Unit Test I English W orld 9 Units 1-2

Section Test Score Out of Total Score Comment
Grammar and Vocabulary 30 0-35 Very Weak
Reading 20 36-55 Weak
Listening 20 56-75 Pass
Speaking 15 76-89 Merit
Writing 15 90-100 Distinction
Total Score 100

Unit Test 2 English W orld 9 Units 3-4

Section Test Score Out of Total Score Comment
Grammar and Vocabulary 30 0-35 Very Weak
Reading 20 36-55 Weak
Listening 20 56-75 Pass
Speaking 15 76-89 Merit
Writing 15 90-100 Distinction
Total Score 100

Unit Test 3 English W orld 9 Units 5-6

Section Test Score Out of Total Score Comment
Grammar and Vocabulary 30 0-35 Very Weak
Reading 20 36-55 Weak
Listening 20 56-75 Pass
Speaking 15 76-89 Merit
Writing 15 90-100 Distinction
Total Score 100

7 6 Progress Charts
Term Test 4 English W orld 9 Units 1-6
Section Test Score Out of Total Score Comment
Grammar and Vocabulary 30 0-35 Very Weak
Reading 20 36-55 Weak
Listening 20 56-75 Pass
Speaking 15 76-89 Merit
Writing 15 90-100 Distinction
Total Score 100

Com m ents by section

Section Scores 15 20 30
Very Weak 0-5 0-7 0-9
Weak 6-7 8-10 10-16
Pass 8-11 11-14 17-21
Merit 12-13 15-17 22-26
Distinction 14-15 18-20 27-30

Unit Test 5 English W orld 9 Units 7-8

Section Test Score Out of Total Score Comment
Grammar and Vocabulary 30 0-35 Very Weak
Reading 20 36-55 Weak
Listening 20 56-75 Pass
Speaking 15 76-89 Merit
Writing 15 90-100 Distinction
Total Score 100

Unit Test 6 English W orld 9 Units 9-10

Section Test Score Out of Total Score Comment
Grammar and Vocabulary 30 0-35 Very Weak
Reading 20 36-55 Weak
Listening 20 56-75 Pass
Speaking 15 76-89 Merit
Writing 15 90-100 Distinction
Total Score 100

Progress Charts 77
Progress Charts

Term Test 7 English W orld 9 Units I —10

Section Test Score Out of Total Score Comment
Grammar and Vocabulary 30 0-35 Very Weak
Reading 20 36-55 Weak
Listening 20 56-75 Pass
Speaking 15 76-89 Merit
Writing 15 90-100 Distinction
Total Score 100

Com m ents by section

Section Scores 15 20 30
Very Weak 0-5 0-7 0-9
Weak 6-7 8-10 10-16
Pass 8-11 11-14 17-21
Merit 12-13 15-17 22-26
Distinction 14-15 18-20 27-30

78 Progress Charts

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