An Analysis of The 2013 Curriculum English Coursebook For The 11th Graders

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October 2016


Sri Meiweni Basra
English Education Program
Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, Indonesia

Problems in using a coursebook (some coursebooks offer the activity which do not suit the
learners‘ level and are not flexible to be used due to the presence of too much exposure of the
target language culture) arose from the effect of selecting the wrong coursebook. The purpose of
the research is to find out how the 2013 curriculum English coursebook for the 11th graders meet
criteria of a good coursebook based on a checklist and to find out whether it is categorized into a
good coursebook. This research is categorized into descriptive qualitative research design. The
main object of the data was the content of the coursebook. Eclectic Checklist for ELT Coursebook
was used as the instrument to identify coursebook quality after the researcher overviews its
content. The findings of the research described that the coursebook needs improvement in terms of
the content. The study concluded that coursebook evaluation is needed to be conducted before
choosing a coursebook. Hopefully it is recommended for the practitioners to be aware of it and
make improvement toward the coursebook and it is hoped for teachers to be more selective to
choose a coursebook to be used in the teaching and learning process.

Keywords - Coursebook, the 2013 Curriculum, evaluation

Introduction to adapt the material. Cunningsworth in

Teaching and learning process requires a Tsiplakides (2011) also points out that
number of components. According to the Coursebook is considered important to be
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Dan used in the teaching and learning process
Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No 65 because they play prominent roles in the
Tahun 2013 Tentang Standar Proses teaching and learning process, some of the
Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah, in chapter roles are; coursebooks becomes a source for
four, it is stated that there are three learners to practice and communicate and
requirements needed to conduct the teaching self-access work, serves syllabus, and
and learning process. One of them is the use become a support for less experience
of coursebooks. Sheldon (1987) points out teachers.
that a coursebook is a book which
intentionally designed and published to be In implementing the 2013 curriculum, before
used in the classroom teaching and learning its suspension in 2014, the Ministry of
process to ensure the improvement of Education and Culture provided new changes
students‘ knowledge and communicative to the teaching and learning process
ability. O‘Neill (1982) states reasons why including the provision of coursebooks.
coursebooks are considered important and Therefore, coursebooks published by the
suitable to be used. They have a great deal of Ministry of Education and Culture play a
material, make it possible for learners to prominent role to guide the teaching and
review the previous lesson and check out the learning process.
next ones, and make it possible for teachers

636 ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9

October 2016

However, there are problems regarding the curriculum coursebook for the 11th graders.
use of English coursebooks in teaching and Therefore, by knowing the drawbacks and
learning process. Based on the result of the excellence of the book, teachers know
interviewing three English teachers, different how to deal with it. Furthermore, the study
issues about using coursebooks in the also intends to share ideas and information
teaching and learning process came up. First, about the criteria of a good English
the coursebooks used sometimes do not give coursebook which will be useful for the
balance exposure to the four language skills ministry of education in Indonesia in the
(speaking, listening, reading and writing). attempt to revise the 2013 curriculum
Second, coursebooks sometimes do not cover English coursebooks.
a complete lesson for the whole semester or
year. It requires teachers to spare more time Methodology
to develop material such as handout. The 2.1 Research Design. Since the study was aimed
third one is that the coursebooks sometimes at finding out how the coursebook analyzed
do not give balance exposure toward the meets criteria of a good coursebook and whether
target and local culture learning. the 2013 curriculum English coursebook is
categorized into a good coursebook, this research
Since the 2013 curriculum is going to be was categorized as descriptive qualitative
implemented again after the revision of its research design. Richards (2003) states that this
elements (said Mr. Anies Baswedan in Press type of research is conducted to make sense of
Confrence in Jakarta 5 December 2014), the phenomena in a natural setting (not artificial)
2013 curriculum coursebooks are also going
based on how people perceive or make meaning
to be used again in classrooms. Therefore,
about the phenomena. Deeper understanding and
the purpose of this study is to find out
rich description were gathered, recorded and
whether the 2013 curriculum English
written in conducting this qualitative research. In
coursebook for the 11th graders meets the
criteria of a good coursebook suggested by other words, documents are interpreted to give
ELT experts by using an eclectic checklist, meaning about a topic of the research.
investigates its strength and weakness and to
2.2 Data Source. The main object or source
define whether the 2013 curriculum English
of the data is the content of the 2013
coursebook is categorized into a good
curriculum English coursebook for the 11th
coursebook to be used in the learning process
grade. The coursebook is published by Pusat
using a checklist. Therefore, based on the
Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang,
background, this study addresses the
Kemendikbud. The coursebook is intended to
following questions:
be used for the 11th graders at the first
1. ―How does the 2013 curriculum English
semester. The coursebook consists of 111
coursebook for the 11th graders meet the
pages which is divided into five chapters.
criteria of a good coursebook proposed
The data (the coursebook) is collected by
by the checklist?‖
downloading it from
2. ―Does 2013 curriculum English
coursebook for the 11th graders meet the
criteria of a perfect coursebook proposed
2.3 Instrument. The instrument of the study is
Demir and Ertas‘ (2014) research
called Eclectic Checklist for ELT Coursebook
published in The Reading Matrix
adapted from Demir and Ertas‘ (2014)
Volume 4 Number 2, September 2014?‖
research published in The Reading Matrix
This study is hopefully expected to give
Volume 4 Number 2, September 2014
enlightenment to the teachers about the
consisting of four major analyses (Subject
weakness and the strength of the 2013
and Contents, Sub-skills and Skills, Layout

ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9 637

October 2016

and Phisical Make-up, and Practical variety culturally and geographically

Consideration). There are 46 questions in the audiences. It means that Gebhart agrees that
checklist. There are three conditions defined a coursebook should contain local culture
after conducting the checklist, first, if the learning. This 2013 English curriculum
YES answer is more then 80% of the coursebook varies the content. Although the
checklist, it means the book is considered a most portion is about local culture learning,
perfect one. Second, if the YES answer this coursebook also serve target culture
ranges from 60% to 80%, it means that the learning. Beside that, Harmer (2007) also
coursebook can be used but needs adaptation. states that insensitive text about religion,
Third, if the YES answer is below 60% the racism, or politics should not be presented as
book is not suitable to be used in the teaching the content of a coursebook. The 2013
and learning process. curriculum English coursebook for the 11th
graders does not contain such insensitive
2.4 Data Analysis. After over-viewing the topics or text.
coursebook, the analysis focused on using the
eclectic checklist to identify and check the A drawback of the coursebook in terms of
quality of the 2013 curriculum English subject and contents is that there are less
coursebook for the 11th graders. In analyzing variety of the activities. Most of the activities
the data collected, first the coursebook is are about filling the blanks or taking notes.
evaluated by matching its content to every There are no games or songs to attract and
question in the checklist in the form of YES motivate students to learn while Litz (2005)
or No answer. After that, the percentage of acknowledges that variety of activity helps
the requirements met by the coursebook students learn better. There are very few
analyzed is counted. At the end, the vocabulary of the target language in the
interpretation about the findings is book.
descriptively described.
The subject and content of the book is
Finding and Discussion interesting. It does not bore students with
This study was conducted under the many monologue text. The topics of the
following research questions: ―How does the content are closely related to students‘ daily
2013 curriculum English coursebook for the life. Gap filling activities provided with
11th graders meet the criteria of a good colorful pictures can attract students more to
coursebook proposed by the checklist?‖ and study. Every activity guides the students to
―Does 2013 curriculum English coursebook do well on learning.
for the 11th graders meet the criteria of a
perfect coursebook proposed Demir and The content is not challenging enough and
Ertas‘ (2014) research published in The motivating. There is no listening activities,
Reading Matrix Volume 4 Number 2, there is only a few speaking activities.
September 2014?‖. Therefore, the communicative competence is
not emphasized by this coursebook. The
3.1 The first research question: ―How does challenging content in the coursebook is in
the 2013 curriculum English coursebook for terms of memorizing technical vocabulary
the 11th graders meet the criteria of a good presented in some texts.
coursebook proposed by the checklist?‖
Subject and Content The coursebook does not offer variety of
Gebhart (2000) explains that one of the activities. Every chapter has the same
disadvantages of a coursebook is that it is not activities putting on the same sequence, only
flexible because it is designed for a wide the topics which are different. The theme is

638 ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9

October 2016

culturally appropriate because the topics in It looks interesting because there are many
the activities are all general topics. There is a pictures, colorful and very tidy explanation
relationship between the content of the because explanation is placed in boxes. There
coursebook with real life situation. is no drawback for the layout and physical
make-up of this book.
Sub-skills and skills
There are good points that this coursebook Practical Consideration
offers. Some of them are, first, reading Harmer (2007) acknowledges there are other
sections are always presented in every thing that should be consider of choosing a
chapter. Reading activities also challenging coursebook. The first is availability. The
because it is integrated with writing and, 2013 curriculum English coursebook for the
sometimes, speaking. According to Ramzjoo 11th graders is available as the government
(2010) appropriate reading exercise are publishes them and distributes them to
needed to improve students‘ learning skills. schools. The second is about add-on and
Second, writing skill is also emphasized. It is extra. Unfortunately, this coursebook does
proven by the presence of personal journal not offer extra materials such as posters,
writing in every chapter. Third, grammar online learning site or free self-study CD
aspect is explained briefly and in a simple while extras will support students‘ learning.
way so it is understandable. Tok (2010)
acknowledges that the explanation of the Communicative language teaching is not
structure of grammar is understood by emphasized in the book. The book seems to
learners if it is brief, clear and simple. There focus on reading skills, writing skills, and
are many transactional and interpersonal text transactional and interpersonal text in which
provided. they are not acted out. Students are only
given the knowledge to construct a sentence
However, this coursebook does not help and given less chances to speak. Meanwhile,
students to achieve communicative the real objective in learning a language is
competence. Speaking and listening skills are for communication. Furthermore, self
not emphasized in the book. There is only assessment part is given at the end of every
very few activities to conduct speaking skills chapter. It eases the teacher to determine
while Demir and Ertas (2014) argue that the whether students have understood the lesson.
adequate activities in speaking is vital .
learning a language. There is no activity for 3.2 The second research question: ―Does
listening. The two skills are the primary 2013 curriculum English coursebook for the
skills in doing communication. 11th graders meet the criteria of a perfect
Layout and physical make-up coursebook proposed Demir and Ertas‘
(2014) research published in The Reading
Harmer (2007) agrees that layout and Matrix Volume 4 Number 2, September
physical appearance should be taken into 2014?‖
account in choosing a coursebook. He also The checklist yields 29 YES answers out
adds that one of the stages in choosing a of 46 criteria and 17 NO answers out of 46
coursebook is by finding out students‘ criteria.
preferences. Books filled with lots of pictures The total of YES/NO answer
in it and colorful and attractive layout is X 100%= Result
preferred by students because they help The whole criteria
students understand the lesson better.
Physically, the layout of the book is Therefore the percentage of YES question is
attractive. The quality of the picture is good. 63.04% .

ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9 639

October 2016

The 2013 curriculum English coursebook for After analyzing the content of the
the 11th graders meets 29 criteria out of 46 coursebook, it was found that the criteria met
criteria of the eclectic checklist. In short, by the coursebook are only 63,04%. The
based on the requirements of result of the percentage draws the conclusion that teachers
checklist, the finding of the study falls into can still use the book under adaptation. It
the second category; 60% to 80%, as the means the book needs improvement.
finding yields only 63,04%. It means the
coursebook is allowed to be used but needs Analyzing the coursebook whether the
adaptation. content meet the criteria of a good
coursebook before selecting one is necessary
Conclusion and Recommendation and brings advantages for both teachers and
Selecting a good coursebook needs careful students. One example is that if the
consideration. As Harmer(2007) states, he coursebook meets criteria of the exposure of
states that choosing a good coursebook the four English skills, then the learning
should consider four stages. The first one is becomes meaningful. Therefore, selecting a
analyzing, consulting friends, consulting coursebook affects both teachers and
students and piloting it. The analysis can take students.
much effort to match the content of the
coursebook with a number of criteria. This References
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Razmjoo, S. A. 2010. Developing a Textbook
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ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9 641

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