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Diwa, Angela Marie M. CAS-B4A Prof.

Luvimin Evangelio
Biotechnology (TF- 1:00 – 2:30 PM) February 6, 2018


Application of Sterility Insect Technique (SIT) by Gamma Irradiation in the Philippines

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors that serve as a foundation to maintain the
economic condition or stability of a country like Philippines. It plays a vital role in the everyday living
of most Filipinos because it is their primary source of livelihood. However, gradual decline in the
productivity of crops and raw materials were being observed for the past few years. Various
investigations were conducted and it was found out that insect pests were the main culprit of this
phenomenon. This problem gave rise to the first ever launching of Sterility Insect Technique (SIT) in
the country at the province of Guimaras. This technique is a biologically-based method for the
management of key insect pests of agricultural and medical/veterinary importance

In my perspective, this technique is one of the most beneficial modern technologies that we
have now today and it is a remedy to the worsening condition of agriculture due to pest infestation.
Genetic engineering or applications of gamma irradiation are the preference mediums to materialize
this strategy which will lead to a greater crop productivity and quality. It will also reduce any
significant harm to human health as well as the environment. I admit that this procedure needs a
sufficient funds and greater effort in order to make this thing work that is why I am really hoping that
the government will pay attention for this significant matter. Another thing, we are not lack of experts
or professionals that will spearhead and manipulate this project because they are truly well-trained and
properly oriented. It may seem expensive in the beginning but I am rest assured that this will bring a
great development and return of investment in our economy. Various counties from the West already
proved and witnessed its efficiency – so we should not let ourselves be left behind.
Enzyme Technology Production, Immobilized Enzymes

Enzymes are the biocatalysts synthesized by living cells. They are complex protein molecules
that bring about chemical reactions concerned with life. It really plays a vital role for the normal
growth and development of an individual. Due to this reasons, enzymes are being applied for the
betterment of industrial purposes. In the field of biotechnology there are many industrial applications
with the used of enzymes that result in biotech products that we use every day at home.

Utilization of enzymes is really advantageous in the field of biotechnology, it makes the

production of various products that we have now today more possible in a more practical manner. This
aspect of enzyme application has been revolutionized when immobilized enzyme came into picture
through the process of immobilization which is defined as the imprisonment of a biocatalyst in a
distinct phase that allows exchange with, but is separated from, bulk phase in which substrate; effector
or inhibitor molecules are dispersed and monitored. I am very amazed to the wonder of this enzyme
because it really accelerates the efficiency of enzyme processes without compromising the quality of
product being produced. Another thing, it is a great opportunity for industries to create greater quantity
of products using a smaller amount of money as a capital- it is due to the fact that enzymes can be

Indeed, I am very amazed to the wonders and versatility that enzymes can offer to humans.
However, we, humans must always be reminded of about its wise usage because we can’t leave the fact
that they have also it limitations. Therefore, I can say that enzymes are inevitable and they are already
part of our everyday living.

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