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Good afternoon Carrie family friends loved ones teachers’ special guests especially our
Charles PLM 2014 graduates. It's my pleasure to first off say congratulations finally after
13 years we get to value our entire education thus far with a piece of paper and these
lovely geometric shape hats with a cat toy hanging off them. I know that ceremony is
long and I can tell you all the way to leave but I promise you that I'm going to try to be a
little more interesting than reading off four hundred-odd student sings I can also promise
you that while writing the speech I try to make it as cliché free as possible but
considering today is graduation day and the entire day is one big cliché it was pretty
difficult. And with that being said, I'm going to start off with a cliché in thing it's hard to
believe that this journey that we finished today started 13 years ago in 2001. What I see
is a movie from 2001. I'm still thinking that it was last year, and then I watch it and real
we've come a long way with our graphic since then and she thought someone was a lot
longer again it was in fact the year we all went to school for the very first time and put
our backpacks on the back of our chairs and celebrated when we had in your lunches.
We love a teacher like we love their mom and we're in absolute awe of everything that
she knew we thought that she / he knew everything. I want to know the world and we
thought that we did too and perhaps September as far as we ever work because we
need to question our environments and we need to not stop asking questions until we
figured out why things were the way they are, though everyone older does kind of
thought it was a little annoying we moved on to great 1283 where they all seem to be
the same we played with skip it Polly Pockets silly putty groovy girls beanie babies
Mighty Beanz, beyblade, Bakugan, new pets, tech decks, and rescue heroes. We didn't
kind of worry in the world we love to be outside riding bikes, scooters, becoming artists
with sidewalk chalk and playing in turtle shaped and boxes home park. It didn't even
exist we lived in a world where we thought we were everything and there was nothing to
do to it but fine grade 4 5 & 6 can be defined as the years of msn and tamagotchis. msn
with a lot of fun torturing smarter child and replacing every letter on her keyboard with
some random emoticon. We got confidential behind the screen and started asking our
crushes and telling them that we like them and if they said no or they didn't wake you
back; it was no big deal because you could just say it with somebody else. We love to
watch the weekenders, that’s the raven, recess, and zoey 101. Zoey 101 were
cancelled as we were all were devastated when jamie lynn spears became pregnant
and a friendly reminder that her daughter is now six years old. We Chuck things that
they were and the only responsibility we took into account was not taking care of our
pajama, Gucci and being the best team Kakashi owner we possibly could be like with
nothing but a fun game to us. Junior high came along with awkward middle school
dances and bad picnics on facebook. This is also on facebook became big and it's hard
to believe that was in 2008. A short four years later and our parents and relatives had
completely taken over Facebook and we're forced to move on to Twitter. What a funny
concept twitter is to think about anyways and how many times somebody older than me
has been are you twittering any thinking no it's obviously called tweeting as if they're
supposed to know that vocabulary word. I guess it's fair because before we even
entered high school smart phones and social media began to surround alive then you
write to CDA where we strive for excellence we're introduced to something called
annotating. Something I should be sure the all moan and groan annoyed with but
something I think we will take with us forever. We are encouraged to analyze and figure
stuff out for ourselves we have to have perseverance and a desire to understand. We
have to actually ask questions again things are no longer spoon-fed to us like they
happen before and thankfully, we got this opportunity before we got out into the real
world. It may have been a wake-up call for a lot of us and to say the least we struggle
through it but here we are today better than you have ever been before since primary,
but more than that academic plays. High school was an amazing time we have coffee
houses each year with amazing performers showcasing our schools incredible talents
we saw our bands play amazingly under mr. Bueller's conduction. We want banners and
Colin banners in various sporting events. We got to see so much talent in the musicals
at our school put on we got to see the successes of many math competitions we got to
watch as our fellow classmates walk down the red carpet at the fashion show. We
watched as the artist creates masterpieces hung up along the walls and not to forget the
cheetah mosaic. That's right, love the first staircase on the first floor we saw Busch all
classes at our school make us proud we got to see the gay-straight Alliance put on
incredible awareness days that I know. I personally went lots of them and it's your cpa
cup toes acts parade, and alongside 10 other schools and HRM acts parades, and other
fundraisers raised over ten thousand dollars for the season Luis foundation and finally
this year our graduating class got to make the big move from the old CPA to the new
and yes, at first it was tough we always taking laps in the quotations murals and other
various artwork on the walls not to mention the creepy girls bathroom on the first floor,
but we had an amazing chance this amazing opportunity to get into a brand-new school
with amazing technology that allowed us to unexplainable fire drills every other day. All
in all no matter what corner CPA you came from, we had very successful years. The
success that we saw is something you will bring with us wherever we go. We are in an
environment and in a generation where success is from the determination and the
ambition that we supply evidently from the past three years. We have this determination
otherwise we wouldn't be sitting here today, howeverit is my strongest belief that the
true source for the success is in the amount of questions we ask I truly believe the root
of our intelligence comes right back to primary where we question the world around us.
No one stopped, we simply cannot succeed in the top competition we're going to face
every day if we never questioned and wonder why things are the way they are. I know
that this graduating class is capable of so many wonderful amazing things, things that
everyone's going to accomplish in different ways and in different fields but what we're
successful will have in common is questioning. They will be the ones that continue to
question their environments every day of their lives. They will be the ones that never
take things that they wait as they are right away and they will wonder if analyze and
interpret the world around them. We are living in a generation that quite literally reaches
her start. I hope that all of you get a chance to do something crazy, do something like
changing or rural changing in your futures if in 20 years we're back at our high school
reunion and you truly believe the high school was the best time your life I will feel sorry
for you these past years are virtually nothing when you think of all the wonderful
amazing things you can and will do with your life. If you honestly think that writing
essays studying for tests working on history seminars you're going to parties is going to
be the highlight of your life. You need to go back to bigger and better dreams. Dreams
are meant to scare you the incredible dr. Seuss what set you brains in your head. You
have feet in your shoes you can steer yourself in any direction you choose you're on
your own, and you know what you know and you are the guy who will decide where to
go cpa graduating class of 2014. The very first class to come out of the brand new
building. I ask you take anything from today's ceremony take that asking too many
questions is never a bad thing, it will only lead you closer to your successes stay
humble with your successes and never forget to thank those who deserve thanks and
recognition. With that, I'm honored to thank on behalf of the entire graduating class the
following people to all the; teachers here at cpa with your dedication to us giving us
extra help and guidance whenever needed, especially to my science teachers who SAT
with me in the early mornings and all night. Long showers enjoyed by millions of
questions, thank you, without you we would not be where we are today. 12 of staff
advisors, liaisons, and chaperones, who committed their time to various clubs sports
and activities, are the goodness of their hearts, thank you without you and half our
successes and school would not have been possible To our parents, guardians
especially my own loving mom and dad, thank you for putting up with her tears of joy to
the stripes cries of sadness and cries extra and anything else we may have put you
through. Thank you and sorry, we don't you support their lives, we would not have been
able to been as successful as we are today. Finally, thank you to anyone else that has
made our ears in school as enjoyable as they happen. Thank you to all the families
friends coaches administrators and anybody else. I regretfully have forgotten we owe it
all to you to my fellow graduates. I genuinely wish you well from the bottom of my heart
and I hope to read about your successes someday. Thank you and enjoy the rest of
your afternoon.

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