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Operations management involves planning, organizing, and supervising processes,

and make necessary improvements for higher profitability. The adjustments in the everyday
operations have to support the company’s strategic goals, so they are preceded by deep analysis
and measurement of the current processes.

Operations management was previously called production management, clearly showing its
origins in manufacturing. Historically, it all began with the division of production, starting as
early as the times of ancient craftsmen, but spreading more widely only by adding the concept
of interchangeability of parts in the eighteenth century, ultimately sparking the industrial

Supply Chain Management:

Supply chain management is the handling of the entire production flow of a good or
service — starting from the raw components all the way to delivering the final product to the
consumer. To accomplish this task, a company will create a network of suppliers (the “links” in
the chain) that move the product along from the suppliers of raw materials to the organizations
who deal directly with users.
According to CIO, there are six components of traditional supply chain
 Planning – Plan and manage all resources required to meet customer demand for a company’s
product or service.
 Sourcing – Choose suppliers to provide the goods and services needed to create the product.
 Making – Organize the activities required to accept raw materials, manufacture the product, test
for quality, package for shipping and schedule for delivery.
 Delivering (or logistics) – Coordinating customer orders, scheduling delivery, dispatching loads,
invoicing customers and receiving payments.
 Returning – Create a network or process to take back defective, excess or unwanted products.
 Enabling – Establish support processes to monitor information throughout the supply chain and
assure compliance with all regulations.
Project management:
Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling,
and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the
specified time.The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals
within the given constraints.
Operation Management

Mr. Zain ul Abiddin

M. Irfan

Roll No# 03

Class: BBA 7th (M)


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