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LO1 – Know the factors that are involved in human resource planning in


Describe three internal factors to consider when planning the human resource requirements of
an organisation

Name and Organizational structure

The requirement of human resource is depended on the structure the
Factor 1 organization follows. COOK is a British frozen food organization that
follows functional organizational structure(Armstrong, 2012). In this type of
organizational structure COOK requires lower level employees as well as
manager in each functional department. That means it must consider the
number of human resources by analyzing the organization structure.

Name and Budget

The organizational budget is vital internal factor for making human resource
Factor 2 plan. The organization like COOK needs to make human resource plan by
analyzing the budget it has on developing and maintaining human resource.
COOK has sufficient budget for hiring quality employees. When
organization puts few money on human resource it must focus on the low
salaried employees.
Name and Business growth
COOK is highly growing organization that has planned to expand its
Factor 3 business across the UK. In this regard it needs more employees running the
business operation(Bramham, 2012). The Human Resource department of
COOK needs to consider the growth rate of the organization. It requires both
employees in the production and sales because high sales increase higher

Describe three external factors to consider when planning the human resource
requirements of an organisation
Name and Employment
The market condition of employment of the specific area must be
Factor 1 considered. If the employment rate is higher it will be difficult to find
employee with lower cost and required quality(Bratton, 2017). COOK
requires both production workers and sales workers. The employment of UK
is satisfactory. Therefore COOK will have to bear higher cost for attracting
qualified employees.
Name and Technology
The technology has been changed to a great extent from the last 30 years.
Factor 2 Now the business organization runs their production and sales operation with
different types of technologies. So the demand for employees with various
technological skills has increased. COOK uses heavy machine for production
of frozen foods and online transaction and computer monitoring are used in
the organization. So it needs to consider the recruitment of such types of
employees that may incur high employment cost.
Name and Demographic changes
The demographical changes in the market must be analyzed for recruiting
Factor 3 right employees with minimum cost. The manager of COOK must analyze
what types of employees are available in the market. The analysis can be
done by considering age, religion, ethnicity, gender. The age of employees
will help planning future employees(Campbell, 2014). The UK market is now
packed with young and fresh employees. So COOK can expect the skilled
and experienced employees in future.


Describe how the skills that The skills an organization requires depends on the
employees require to carry
activities it performs in its daily business operation. COOK
out jobs in an organisation
are identified operates both production and sales activities so it requires
both employees with production and sales skills. The skills
COOK requires to carry out the jobs are described below:-
Personal skills
The personal skills include honesty of the employees. The
employees of COOK must be honest with the customers as
well as supervisor. The sales representative as well as
production workers of COOK requires patience as the
customers have various ideologies and the production
house is full of pressure(Falcone, 2014). The COOK has
the culture of working with team. So employees must
have the capability to work with others. The employees
must be able to be self-motivated. It will help achieve the
target of the organization and overcome the work life
Hard skills and competence
The employees will be capable of achieving the assigned
target if they have industry specific skills and knowledge.
The employees of COOK need to operate the production.
So job experience will enhance the performance. The
qualification of employees of COOK must have both IT
knowledge as well as knowledge about the business. The
employees must have business and engineering degrees
respectively. The operation of COOK is highly
computerized therefore IT related knowledge is
prerequisite in this regard.
Transferable skills
Transferable skills are those skills that can be transferred
from one organization to another for example
communication skill. The employees of COOK require
communication skills for communicating with the
customers as well as the internal employees(Gallie, 2013).
In this listening skills as well as learning new product
skills will help employees communicate with respective
bodies effectively. The employees should be overseen to
keep turnover minimum as they can shift to other
What is a skills audit? Skills Audit is the procedure of knowing the skills gap in
the organization. The organization sometimes lacks the
skill it demands with the skills it gets from the employees
of the market(Garrick, 2014). The gap between the
expected skills and actual skills can be identified through
the skills audit. COOK uses various tools for this purpose.

The assessment by subject matter expert is a method of

identifying skills gap used by COOK where the skills of
specific subject are assessed by the expert of that area who
is hired by the organization for this purpose. The 360-
degree review is also used by the organization where the
assessment of skills of specific employees is done by
feedback from internal and external bodies. In some cases
the organization also uses focus group method for
identifying skills gap.

Explain the benefits to using The organization like COOK will bring some benefits
a skills audit for human
from the skill audit. The skill audit helps organization
resource planning
identify the skill shortage of employee and the required
training program can be taken into the human resource
The skill audit identifies the employees with their skills and
human resource planning can use the employees in the
appropriate position(John, 2016).

The communication can be effective when the top-level

employees have the information of skills of every
Evaluate the steps an The organization follows several steps for improving the
organisation can take to
skills of employees it hires. The steps are evaluated below:-
improve the skills of its
employees Education
COOK can educate the employees regarding the skills it
Use a real life example if
possible wants to develop. It can be clarified with real life example
of Microsoft corporation that provided a book of Stephen
Covey for developing highly effective hobbies for every
manager. The good side of this step is that it is an effective
way of getting proper knowledge about skill development
but the disadvantage of this step is that some employees of
COOK are not well educated to learn the skills from books
for example security guards.
Goal setting
Through the setting personal goals of developing skills can
be helpful in this regard. The main advantage is that it can
be achieved easily as it is structured but all the employees
don’t have the ability to set goals properly(Mankin, 2012).
A real life example of goal setting for skill development
is that the employees of Google set goals for developing
specific skill through the specific project.

The employees can develop any skill through practice in
their daily activities. The main benefit of this step is that it
is effective and long lasting but the bad side of this step is
that it takes long time and it is costly as failure rate is
higher. For example Apple offers its employees to practice
in the daily operation to develop the skills where mistakes
are not taken into account.

LO2 – Know how organisations motivate employees


What is the Motivation is defined as the specific reasons for behaving or acting in a
definition of
certain way. The motivation can also be defined as the general desire
for achieving something or to do something.
Give 5 methods an 1. Incentive: Company uses incentive as the main motivational tool. It
organisation can
offers handsome salaries to the employees regularly at the end of each
use to motivate its
employees month usually.

2. Profit sharing: The organization promises to its employees to give a

portion of the profit if the profit crosses a certain amount each
year(Ober, 2013). The employees also get share of as alternative to
3. Promotion: Employees have opportunity to get promotion if they
can meet certain criterion in most of the organziations. The employees
who are loyal and well performers are frequently get promotion that
increases both incentives and power.

4. Bonus: The employees of an organziation get bonuses in every year

if organization earns desired profit. The festival bonuses like Christmas
bonus, new year bonus, Eid bonus for Muslim etc are given properly.

5. Employee of the month award: The employees are assigned

different targets and the best performer is identified in every month and
rewarded that works as motivational tool.

Select three of the methods you have outlined above. Explain the advantages and disadvantages
of using these methods to motivate employees

Name method 1 Bonus

Explain the The advantages of Bonus

advantages of
 The well performers get bonus so it reminds as the appreciation
method 1
to the employees.
 The bonus keep employee turnover lower.

Explain the The disadvantages of Bonus

disadvantages of
 This is very costly for the organization.
method 1
 The unfair competition and jealousy may be increased among
the employees.
Name method 2 Profit Sharing

Explain the The advantages of profit sharing

advantages of
 It increases the organizational growth
method 2
 The productivity and performance of employees will increase.
 Target can be achieved easily.
Explain the The disadvantages of profit sharing
disadvantages of  The profitability of organization will reduce.
method 2
 The employees can participate in the unfair competition for
achieving the targets(Wils, 2012).
Name method 3 Employee of the month award

Explain the The advantages of Employee of the Month award

advantages of
 The employee become highly motivated for achieving target as
method 3
it gives special recognition among the employees.
 New target can be set in each month and productivity and
performance enhance in every month.
Explain the The disadvantages of Employee of the Month award
disadvantages of
 Awarding every month is expensive for any organization.
method 3
 The other employees who also achieve target can be
 The unfair and illegal competition can be taken place for
becoming best performer.


You need to research and select an organisation of your choice and make recommendations
on how it could improve its employee motivation
Organisation Name Dishoom

Explain the The organization uses four different methods for motivating employees.
The main method is lucrative salary for the employees that keep
current methods
of employee employees in the organization.
Organization has various bonus arrangements for the employee to keep
them motivated and productive. The bonuses are provided both for
festival and excellent performance.
Profit sharing is another motivational tool used by the organization. The
employees who attain the assigned targets given by managers are given
promised percentage from the profit.
Work life balance is offered in the organization where the employees
have the opportunity to shift their working hour and they can also from
the home(Yorks, 2012). The employee can maintain their personal life
and working life in a better way.

How effective are The employees always have the expectation of having handsome salary
these methods in
from the organization. The organization provides lucrative salary that
motivating its
employees focuses them on the tasks and organization can keep employee turnover
Bonus increases the satisfaction of the employees as the hardworking of
the employees is recognized through the bonus. But it doesn’t work for
increasing committeemen on the works as maximum bonuses are given
for the festivals.
The profit sharing increases employees’ performance as they become
highly motivated for obtaining assigned target. The productivity of the
employees also increases though it can increase unfairness among
The work-life balance give flexibility to the employees that decreases
work pressure and thus employee can improve the quality of
performance. The employees become satisfied as they can give time to
their family. Though organization requires to bear more costs for
recruiting extra employees this tool is effective
What methods The organization has few non-financial methods for motivating
could you
employees. In this regard it needs to launch training and job security
recommend this
organisation can be used for motivating employees to a great extent.
implement to
The implementation of these two methods are discussed below:-
improve its
employee The training can be arranged for the employees who need special skill
development as well as new employees. In this regard first of the
How can they be strength and weakness of the employees must be identified and they
should be provided training accordingly(Armstrong, 2012). Some
Why do you employees may get three-month training while some may get one-month
think they would
make an
The job security can be ensured if the organization confirms its
employees at the very beginning that they will not be fired for any trivial
mistakes or non-performance for any critical reasons.
These two methods will make an improvement in the performance and
motivation of employees as the employees will be able to learn skills
from the training and they can apply those skills in the workplace.
Without proper skills development employees will not be able to perform
The job security will lessen the pressure of firing and increases the
productivity and performance of the employees. It is also less expensive
than other motivational tool.

LO3 – Understand how to gain committed employee cooperation


Explain how The organizations achieve their goals and objective through the
organisations obtain the
cooperation from the employees. The organizations have some
cooperation of their
employees practice and regulation for achieving cooperation of employees. The
practices and regulations are given below:-

Organizational Attitude

The organization like Dishoom strictly follows the fairness in the

recruitment process as well as in the daily operation. The
discrimination is entirely discouraged(Bramham, 2012). Everyone is
treated equally. The organization practice openness where everyone
can share his ideas and innovation. The employees and employers
have well communication that helps understand each other.

Employee involvement

The employees have the opportunity to take part into the business
decision making process through sending information and ideas to
the manager. The employees also can gather in different
socialization club of Dishoom where mutual understanding

Organizational culture

The organization has the culture of sharing organizational values

and beliefs especially in the orientation of the employees. This
helps know the objectives of the organization. In the monthly
meeting the successful stories are discussed among the employees
to motivate them for accomplishing the assigned task and creating
positive mindset(Bratton, 2017). The employees are properly
empowered so that they can take right decision for the organization.
Thus the organization like Dishoom obtains cooperation from the

LO4 – Understand the importance of managing employee performance at


Explain three employee performance management techniques and analyse the advantages and

Name and explain 360-degree appraisal

technique 1
This is the appraisal technique through which the appraisal of
performance of any specific employee is accomplished from the
feedbacks of all classes of employees(Campbell, 2014). The
employees provide feedback secretly.

Analyse the The advantages of 360-degree appraisal technique

advantages of
technique 1  It is more reliable as it is made through the every class of
 The assessment is effective and less chance of misconduct as
the information is kept secret.
 The communication is increased with this method.

Analyse the The disadvantages of 360-degree method

disadvantages of
 The assessment process is very complex and it takes long
technique 1
time for final assessment.
 The employees with illegal motive can provide negative
Name and explain Self- appraisal
technique 2
It is the method where the employee himself assesses his own
Analyse the The advantages of self-appraisal
advantages of
 This method is less costly and less time-consuming.
technique 2
 The appraisal actions can be taken at any time.
 The employees feel empowered in this appraisal method.
Analyse the The disadvantages of Self-appraisal method
disadvantages of
 The unfair actions can be happened as employee himself
technique 2
assesses his own activities.
 Every employee doesn’t have the assessment capability.
 The result of this assessment has less credibility.
Name and explain Grading method
technique 3
In this method the performance of the employees is determined
earlier and expressed in the categories such as the outstanding
performers will be given A, the good performers will get B and the
poor performers will be given C grades(Falcone, 2014).
Analyse the The advantages of Grading method
advantages of
 The top performers can easily be identified.
technique 3
 The productivity and profitability can be increased by
eliminating poor performers.
Analyse the The disadvantages of Grading method
disadvantages of
 The teamwork is demolished as everyone is busy with the
technique 3
personal achievement.
 The morality of the employees decreases and high employee
turnover is experienced.

 Armstrong, S. (2012). Stress-free performance appraisals. 1st ed. Franklin Lakes,

N.J.: Career Press.
 Bramham, J. (2012). Human resource planning. 1st ed. London: Institute of Personnel
and Development.
 Bratton, J. (2017). Human resource management. 1st ed. London: Palgrave
 Campbell, C. (2014). Training for performance. 1st ed. Alexandria, Va.: U.S. Army
Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.
 Falcone, P. (2014). Productive performance appraisals. 1st ed. New York:
AMACOM, American Management Association.
 Gallie, D. (2013). Employee commitment and the skills revolution. 1st ed. London:
Policy Studies Institute.
 Garrick, J. (2014). Informal learning in the workplace. 1st ed. London: Routledge.
 John, L. (2016). Performance evaluation and benchmarking. 1st ed. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press.
 Mankin, D. (2012). Human resource development.. 1st ed. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
 Ober, S. (2013). Contemporary business communication. 1st ed. Boston: Houghton
 Wils, T. (2012). Business strategy and human resource strategy. 1st ed. Ann Arbor,
Mich: University Microfilms International.
 Yorks, L. (2012). Strategic human resource development. 1st ed. Mason, Ohio:
South-Western, Thompson.
For Assessor To Complete


Feedback #1
Feedback #1

Well done on the work you have produced for this unit
Well done for achieving all the assessment criteria except P5, for Unit 5:Business
Communication. Y

Please see below a summary of your overall achievement:

P1 Met the Criteria; you have described the internal and external factors to consider when
planning the human resources requirements of an organisation

It could have been better if you add demographic changes or legislation

P2, Met the Criteria, you have described how the skills that employees require to carry out
jobs in an organisation are identified
P3 met the criteria, you have outline how an organisation motivates its employees
You have achieved M2, you have analysed different methods of motivating employees in an
You have achieved D2 as you have recommended the ways for a specific organisation to
improve employee motivation
P4 Met the Criteria, you need explained how organisations obtain the cooperation of their
It could have been better if you explain how organisational culture (e.g. shared values and
beliefs, stories told inside and outside the organisation, power and control structures)
P5 Not Met the criteria, you have not explained how employee performance is measured
and managed
you did not analyse the advantages and disadvantages, to examine the nature or structure of
something, especially by separating it into its parts, in order to understand or explain it.
Good points:
You have written all the assessment criteria
Areas of Improvement
Based on the evidence you have provided, I want to encourage you that you have the
potential to achieve a distinction. To achieve a distinction grade in the next assignments,
please ensure you read assignment brief properly and pay attention to the assessment
criteria you are required to meet. It is also recommended that you ask questions so that you
are very clear about what you are attempting.

Name: Mohammad Masud

Grade: RF
Dare: 18/06/2017

Feedback #
Feedback #

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