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Abrar Hadi Sahputera


UNI 1208

Senin 103

21 November 2016



1. Marketing mix is the combination of the four P’s (Product, Price, Placement, Promotion)

2. The elements of the marketing mix focus on the consumer.

3. The group of the customers who will probably buy the product is known as the target market.

4. The consumers who make up the target market a product referred to as “potential” customers

because the consumers have determined to be the buyers from the products by the company.

5. A successful marketing mix depend on the knowledge about consumers and their buying habits

gained through market research as well as correct identification of the target market.
9. The other places could be used to sell blue jeans for middle class teenagers are clothing shop or

online shop.

10. If the target marke for blue jeans were factory workers, the marketing mix will be :

Product : Blue jeans

Price : With the market

Placement : Market

Promotion : Direct sell


1. Knowledge about consumer buying habits is essential in developing a successful marketing

mix. TRUE

2. The company focuses on production in its marketing strategy. FALSE

3. Product and promotion combine to form the complete marketing mix. FALSE

4. The company directs its marketing efforts toward the tar get market. TRUE


1. Market researches determine possible customers for a product those consumers whom they

think will buy it. POTENTIAL

2. A successful company relies on good promotion to communicate with customers.


3. Today television comes into the homes of thousands of people every day. REACHES

4. The elements of the marketing mix concentrate on the consumer. FOCUS ON

5. Companies try to meet the needs and desires of the individuals who ultimately buy and use

their products. ATTEMPT

6. A successful marketing operation puts together the product with customer needs or desires.


7. Marketing plans of action are developed after through research into each of the four P’s.


8. A company engages in market research to develop the most appropriate marketing mix.


1 Isolation Isolate

2 Direction Direct

3 Combination Combine

4 Determination Determine

5 Identification Identify

6 Insurance Insure

7 Promotion Promote

8 Satisfaction Satisfy

9 Competitor Compete

10 Achievement Achieve


1. Identify

a. Market researches identify the target market for a particular product.

b. When an employee joins a large company, he or she is give an identification card.

2. Promote

a. Advertising agencies are corcerned with promotion of product.

b. Las week boss promoted John because of his outstanding work in the accounting
3. Compete

a. In the marketplace, business compete with each other.

b. Sony is a major competitor of General Electric.

4. Determine

a. The combination of the four P’s determine the marketing mix.

b. An account makes an accurate determination of the expenses of company.

5. Isolate

a. Strategies of product, price, placement, and promotion are planned in isolation.

b. The company doctor isolates the sick employee in the room at the end of the hall.


1. Television and magazine are the types of promotion appeal to me the most.

2. In my book, promotion really really influence the buying habits of consumers. Consumers
can buy the products or not it depends how the company promote their products, If the
company give interesting promotion so consumers will buy its product.

3. I think for a Rolls Royce, the target is people who have lots money or we can call them
the billionaire with high disposable income.
I think for microwave ovens, the target are housewife, woman or man who loving to cook.
I think for tennis shoes, the target is tennis athlete.

4. The factors that make the market price of product depends on are:
a. The demand of the products
b. The cost of production the products
c. Taste from the consumers
d. The suppy of the products
e. Brand of the products
f. Capability of the consumers to buy the products
g. The quality of the products

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