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They can use the concept learnt

As this is my first time to teach Their previous unit is about about food processing by
this unit to students and journeys under TD Theme sharing an awareness to their
having initially seen the central ‘Where we are in place and schoolmates about consuming
idea and lines of inquiry, I time’. This connects on their foods properly. This starts from
thought of having students current unit now on how their house and school during
inquiring of digestive system as people are involved in food snacks and lunch. This will be
it connects on the C.I on supply chain by using ongoing task for them as it is
changes of food. transportation. timely and relevant to the school
now on food wastage.

Since the big concept of this Students have inquired The next unit is all about signs
unit focuses on food, I have previously about purposes of and symbols under TD Theme:
thought of talking about journeys. Students will make How We Express Ourselves.
healthy eathing habits. connection about food Students can make connection
exportation such as spices, on their recent unit by making
rice etc as one of the main signs and symbols rekated to
easons why people foods. For example, what is the
migrate/travel around the logo/symbol used for No wasting
world. food, logos for McDonalds, KFC
or other brand of foods.

I was thinking of having a

cooking session with kids
showing them the procedure
of making foods. As, we have
reached the middle of the
unit, I have thought that at
early age, it’d be risky for
students to engage them
using cooking tools and
equipments. As an alternative,
I have shown the videos and
our school kicthen and chef
showed the kids the process of
making foods.
Teachers and colleagues-
Pre- Assesment- Teacher can
regular staff meetings, PD
assess them on their prior
Saturdays, Peer meontoring
knowledge on what they think
and Peer coaching, use of Student-Led Conference
the unit will be. The central
technology to facilitate
idea will be highlighted for
communication and
them to unlock the big words.

School and Parents-

Parent involvement/guest
speaker, home-school
Concept Map- brainstorming communication
session (almanac/class dojo), learning
celebrations, informal
discussions, student-led
conerence and reports.

K-W-L chart- Students will be

Parent’s feedback during PTM
asked what they know, want Summative Assessments
and SLC.
to know and learned.

School events such as Literacy

Pedagogical Team Day, Numeracy Day, Color of the
month, country of the month etc.
By engaging students in relevant and real-world learning by taking them to fieldtrips, use of
real-objects or hands-on learning activities to make meaningful learning.

Students should make connections about what they’re learning and how it serves a pupose
on their daily lives.

Agentic Learning- Student’s choice, voice and ownership. An example is conducting a

differntiated tasks for students.

Group effort required, learners accountable to each other, helping and sharing each other.
Before the academic session starts, teachers and the pedagogical team frame the
central idea by considering the trans disciplinary theme, chosen concepts and attributes
of the learner profile, and read curriculum outcomes that must be achieved. We then
work in groups to construct a rich central idea, which is shared with the group. One
central idea is chosen, or a new central idea that uses language from many is settled

As we reached on finalizing the central idea, teachers and the pedagogical team thinks
if the central idea will be: accessible to children’s language, it connect to other concepts
within future units, relevant to the trans disciplinary theme, globally significant and written
in one sentence that expresses concisely an enduring understanding.

People use signs and symbols to communicate.

Form Pattern

Function Interpretation

Forms of signs and symbols How do we know it is a sign? Why are signs and symbols

Understanding the difference How do we know it is a Do we need signs and symbols?

between signs and symbols symbol?

Interpreting signs and symbols Where can we find signs and How can we use symbols to
locally and globally symbols? express our ideas?

What if there are no signs and


How are symbols created?

 PE- Signs (safety precautions) used during swimming class. Teacher will also introduce signs and symbols
used while playing soccer, gymnastics and adventure challenge.
 Hindi- Hinduism symbols
 Tamil- Introducing signs and symbols using calendar. They will enhance their speaking, reading and
writing skills to communicate their feelings and thoughts using these symbols.
 ICT- Students exploring the keys for signs and symbols. They will use the symbols for shortcut keys.
 Arts-Students will create art using line, colour and shape and what symbolizes this piece of art.
 Students

 Students
 Jh
 Jj
 jj

 Students used Internet sources to find the meaning of different flag symbols,
religion and culture from different countries.
 Students were asked to find information how people communicate from before
and after. Venn Diagram will be given to them to document the information
 Students
 Students planted banana in the farm during their fieldtrip. Afterwards, they will harvest and consume
the food.
 Students made a pledge on how to consume food properly and how will they help save food wastage
in school.
 Students have written a letter to farmers from the farm they have visited as appreciation to them who
are the reason of having foods on our tables.
 Students ensure that there is no wastage of food during snacks and lunch in the school.
 Students were given a concept map to brainstorm their initial thoughts about
the central idea: People use signs and symbols to communicate. They have
written what they know about signs and symbols and how it is used for

Students should know their learning When we started the unit, I shared Monitoring- Students should be
goals and areas for improvement. the central idea with the students able to observe, ask and reflect on
This has been documented on their ‘Some food goes through a the learning goals and success
portfolio and shared with their process of change before it is criteria. They are expected to
parents during SLC and PTM. consumed’. I asked the students share it thorugh their oral and
what they think they should know assessments and portfolios.
in order to be able to fully
understand the central idea by the
end of the unit. Each student
made brainstorming list and shared
it in the class. In this, it allows 5
students and 1 teacher to all have
their voices and perspectives
heard. In the process of deciding
what is to be known and
understood at the end of the unit.

At the end of the unit, students will Before reaching the end of the Documenting- Students should be
be assessed during their unit end unit, we have decided as a class, able to plan and identify their
assessments and the conceptual what success criteria will be goals in their portfolios. They should
understanding should be visible. included in the rubric depending also design their own checklist to
This will be assessed through on the presentation they will be have their own evidence of
checklists and rubrics, which will be doing. The rubric was finalized with learning.
shared on Students Portfolio and the help of students on what
E-portfolio (Class Dojo). criteria should be assessed and
how will they present it.

In this unit, thinking and research Measuring- Students should be

skills should be assessed during their able to use different tools and
ongoing assessments. strategies to measure if they
learned the concept or not. Some
of these tools at tehir young age
they can explore can be: checklist,
feedback from parents and
teachers and daily reflection on
their jorunal book or almanac
which is acknowledged by parents
by signing their almanac.

Student should know the purpose

of the assessments they are taking.
What is the purpose of this? Why
are we learning it? IS it helpful?
Identify the learning goal for the
skill as linked to the overall
expectations in the curriculum.

Strategy: What I see-What I think-What I Wonder

Teacher to set-up food centres including raw and similarly cooked food items. Students to observe the
food centres and make connection. Students will get into pairs and complete a “What I SEE, What I
THINK, What I WONDER” inquiry activity about some photos and real foods teacher displays of the
different types of food.

Prior knowledge assessment:

Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Students will be asked what they already know about a food (K) or what they think they know about it.
Next, they will be asked what they want to know (W). Then, the teacher will give them lesson and ask
them what they learned (L). Teacher can also add an H—How Can We Learn This to create a K-W-H-L
organizer, which shifts ownership of learning to students.
Tuning In:

Strategy: Brainstorming and Group Discussion

Students to brainstorm and list down different types of food such as cupcakes, smoothie, vegetables,
fruits, fish, eggs etc. on chart paper and identify how are they made cook or prepared?

Strategy: Food Diagram

Depending on the level of the students, they can work individually, in pairs or in small groups and
explore the supply chain of one food item that they all like. The teacher can ask a set of general guidin
g questions, such as:
- Where does your food come from?
- How is it made?
- How does it get to you?
- Who is involved?

Strategy: Think-Pair-Share
Teacher will post a question on the board: How will your food end up on your table? What was the
process? To learn how foods go through a process, students will make egg salad or any food (student’s
choice) from scratch.

Finding Out:

Strategy: Group Discussion

Ask the students what they had for lunch today. Write the foods on the board. Ask the students where
their foods came from. See what kind of answers you get. Show the computer presentation: and
discuss it as students view.
Strategy: Draw-It
Draw a picture of your favourite food and write a sentence telling where it came from.

Strategy: Observation and Recording

Students to observe how Master prepares the food in the kitchen and record their observation on their
Guide Questions:
- Which type of food was prepared?
- What are the ingredients?
- How was it prepared?
- What was the final product?
- What are your thoughts?

Sorting Out:

Strategy: Sorting Categories

Students to sort out food, which comes from farm, confinements, orchards, rivers/seas etc. They may list
of foods as much as they can and categorize them in four columns. They may use iPad with the help of
the teacher to inquire and gather more information.

Strategy: Discussion
Students will see what goes into making the dishes different and tasty from one another.
Teacher says: We can achieve varied effects in the foods by performing different activities on them. For
example, a washed carrot or cucumber is tasty to eat, but a washed, peeled and sliced carrot or
cucumber sprinkled with salt-lemon will taste even better. You can cook potatoes whole, with their skin
on or after peeling and cutting them into pieces. Here, the activities like washing, peeling, slicing are
examples of pre-preparation.
Teacher’s resource:
Strategy: A-H-A Moment
Teacher will show them a video about the process or stages of food chain. Students will understand
food chain processes which includes production, processing, distribution, consumption and disposal.
Students will categorise them into 5 and write how people are involved in these processes or stages of
food chain. Teacher needs to guide them as some terminologies will be a bit difficult for them.

Going Further:

Strategy: Flow chart

Students will be shown a video about rice production and they will be recording their observation
through flow chart. They can make the flow chart through paint application, session in ICT class.

Strategy: Plus-Minus-Interesting (P-M-I)

As they finished the unit, students need to reflect on the positive, negative and interesting points they
had done during this unit.

Strategy: Pledge
Students will be making a pledge on what are do’s and don’ts on using foods.

Making Connection:

Strategy: Putting You In the Picture

Students will be shown a video about rice production and they will be recording their observation
through flow chart. They can make the flow chart through paint application, session in ICT class.
Strategy: Oral Presentation
Hindi- Students develop their listening and speaking skills by communicating the origin of food in Hindi
language. They will compose a sentence and share it amongst their peers.

Strategy: Discussion
PE- Students will be taught on healthy eating habits.

Taking Action:

Strategy: Fieldtrip (Visit to a Farm)

Students will be taken to a farm and observe where does our food come from and how it ends up on
our tables. This also helps them to understand how people are involved in food supply chain. They will
also experience banana planting as to show responsibility and connection in their real-life. They will visit
their plants in few months. Afterwards, students will reflect on their book about their field visit.

Strategy: Letter Writing

Students will write a letter to farmers from the farms who were the reasons of having healthy vegetables
and other foods from the market and grocery stores.
English books: Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle

How does rice grow?

Where does food come from?

This unit explores how our food—from plants to animal products to seafood—is grown, harvested,
processed, and distributed.

Edhelper- Food Preparation reading passage -

What is a Food Chain?

Year 2 Google Drive (Teacher Made-access to all resources)

BrainPop videos

Edhelper- Teacher’s access to resources

Display of their reflection on their journey of their farm visit, kitchen tour and guest speaker.

Inquiry board

Student’s Portfolios which includes the unit assessments (formative and summative).

Choice- This unit, students were given choice boards on their learning. Some examples are: Tic-Tac-Toe,
summative tasks options to choose how they will perform, and open-ended tasks.

Voice- Students made some decisions as a member of the classroom community such as: assigning line
leader, bookkeeper, discipline in the class. Also, I asked them for some ideas for the classroom layout
which things goes where.

Ownership- Students were responsible with their own learning such as: they know their class timetable,
their daily schedule, the information they receive such as circulars and dojo updates, homework to be
finished, summative task in UOI choices they choose to take, etc.
Monitoring- I check the progress of students with strategies such as: observation, questioning, reflection,
discussing learning with peers and teachers and giving feedback. Some tools used are: written and oral
assessments and their portfolio.

Documenting- I compile the evidence of learning through a variety of media forms such as: learning
journals/stories. Some tools used are: checklists, rubrics and portfolios.

Measuring- I have checked what a student had learned to inform learning and teaching using
assessment strategies and tools.

The strategies I use are formal and informal feedback: using Class Dojo to record student learning as a
part of their e-portfolios and learning journey. I post daily written, video, points, and other learning
engagements regularly which helps them to stay on task. I also the attributes of learner profile and skills
from the approaches to learning to help students make stronger connections. I also give constructive
feedback on their notebooks on what areas are to improve in the future.
Since students were very young, Students had the opportunity to visit
they didn’t had that much of the farm and experience on hand,
opportunity to cook foods and do how to plant bananas and harvest
actual food processing such as vegetables. They also fed the animals
cooking. Though, actual viewing such as chickens and cows reflecting
was done through our school chef. on the roles of farmers.

Students need more time to inquire Students inquired on how people from
more about food preservations different places in India export foods
and food exports in different to other countries. They researched
countries, as this is very vast some news articles online and
concept to inquire with at their documented it and shared with their
young age. This can be done with peers.
the help of teacher and parents.
Students had the opportunity to experience on hand how to plant fruits, feed animals
and see actual things on what do farmers do to plant vegetables and fruits in the farm.

Students reflected on their learning experiences such as kitchen tour, where they were
able to witness how foods are processed before it ends up on our tables. They
understood that there is a certain process and changes of food before it’s being

Students were given open-ended questions sharing their thoughts and views about
their current unit. They given opportunity to wonder, explore, discover and reflect,
which leads them to thinking and pursuing their curiosity about the food process.

Students were given group tasks and pair activities on their inquiries such as research
work, observation and presentations during their assembly, fieldtrip, kitchen tour and
other learning engagements. Home connection is also effective as children and
parents were involved in some collaborative work in cooking food through observation
and food processing.
Exemplars, anecdotal Formative and Students had the Students made
records, rubrics and Summative Assessments opportunity to connect connection on
checklist helped me a lot with the farmers and researching various
in assessing my students’ identify their roles and information online about
understanding of the how they help us to food exportation and
concept. produce food and how it food preservations.
ends up on our tables.
They realized that they
have huge impact to the
lives of people. Sending
letter to the farmers as an
appreciation for them is a
great initiative from

Weekly lesson plans Portfolios Students had the As thinkers and inquirers,
helped me prepare the opportunity to find out students developed their
materials and resources in different people who are curiosity and asked
advance for a smooth involved in food supply queries to other members
process of teaching and chain. of the school community
learning. such as school chef,
parents and other
teachers about their unit
of food process.

Collaborative meetings Observations and I have found out famous One of their actions,
with subject specialists feedbacks from the food products in Tamil which was taken outside
helped us to ensure teacher, subjects Nadu, which are the school, which made
implementation and specialists and PYP exported to different a huge impact to the
integration of the unit of Coordinator countries. students. They were so
inquiry to other subject eager and excited to
areas. harvest their banana in
the coming few months.

Parent-Teacher Meeting Parent’s Feedback during I have found out different As a teacher, I can say
and Student-Led SLC and PTM. ways on how people from that students started
conferences helped me different countries do developing their skills in
to know the progress and food preservation as researching information
achievement of the different places have from friendly websites and
students’ learning. their own ways of started developing their
preserving foods. curiosity in finding
connections on their real
lives. What is the purpose
of why they’re learning it?
How can this help them in
the future?
I realized that at a young age, Collaboration. I find it so essential Students to practice more in their
students should be more involved to strengthen trans disciplinary confidence in sharing their
in open-ended tasks s it helps them connections. I continue thoughts and ideas.
to develop agentic learning- collaborating with other subject
students’ choice, voice and specialists for the current and
ownership. upcoming unit on how we can
integrate their specialty to ensure
transdisciplinary learning.

I realized that more involvement Students should be more involved More exposure with hands-on
and hands-on learning in real-life experiences such as field learning, exposing them to the
experiences would help them to visits, parent involvement/guest real-world.
become more responsible and speaker in classroom or interviews
independent learners. with experts. This helps them with
authentic learning.

I discovered that students should Proper planning of the lesson I will try to use other tools and
be more exposed with UOI which includes teaching methods, strategies in assessing students
terminologies so they can connect skills, actions, concepts and the TD (formative tasks).
and use it on their daily lives. theme which should be visible in
teaching and learning.

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