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Chapter 3


This chapter includes the research design, the sample, the instruments, the

intervention (if research is experimental), the data collection procedure, and the plan for

data analysis.

Research Design

The descriptive method of research was used in this study. The researcher utilized a

self-made questionaire to gather data needed in the study. Observations, also

conducted to enrich the findings of the study. To provide valid interpretations of data,

weighted mean was the statistical tool used.

The Sample

The target population of the study are the senior high school students during the

second term of the academic year, 2018-2019 of ACTS computer college if Infanta

(ACI). These students belong to four different strands of the SHS program, namely.

Accountancy and Business Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Science

(HUMSS; Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics (STEM) and Generam

Academic Strands (GAS).

With a population size of 87, the researcher will consider a sample of 78

respondents determined using slovin's formula for computing sample size with a five

percent margin error. These samples shall ramdomly selected through stratified

ramdom sampling with the SHS Strands being used to determine the samples.

The Instrument(s)
The researcher design a self-made questionnaire checklist type for the data

gathering process to get quantitative data. The primary aim of the questionnaire is to

know the background of the difficulties on doing research paper of senior high school

students at ACTS computer college.

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher gather information about the topic and prepare a questionnaire for the

respondents, senior high school student of ACTS computer college. Once the

questionnaire, answered the researcher clarify all the information that collect, to avoid

getting the wrong data.

Plan for Data Analysis

The researcher would like to test and gain a good result about difficulties on doing

research paper of senior high school students at ACTS computer college of Infanta. The

researcher will analyze and evaluate the data and also researcher used a statistical tool

to collect and compute all data gathered.

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