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June 24, 2017

Teacher: Good Morning Class!

Students : Good morning Ma’am

Teacher : So as I mention your name , say present ok?

Teacher : Last time we studied the subject –verb agreement, Today we will discuss COMMUNICATION and its element,
ok class please behave and understand well this video that I prepared , and later I will ask you some questions?

(Video Clip)
1.So Class , what do you think is lacking between the two characters?


Additional: See class , how important the role of Communication is // in our daily life, imagine when the architect
changes his mind, without informing the engineer, look what happened the building they built collapse,, that is all
because they lack communication . Anymore observation class?

2. Why is that the worker were not able to put up the designed plan? Anybody?

Additional answer:

When the architect changes his plan for the building, he did not inform the worker, that’s why they were not able to put
up the designed plan, the worker do not have any idea in the changes that the architect made. (MISCOMMUNICATION)

Ok class so please read the meaning of communication? (Class reads powerpoint)

So communication is a process by which one expresses his or her opinion, thoughts, motives.,As the saying goes “No
Man is an island” We all need to inter-act or communicate with others.

It occurs anywhere and at all times between two or more people through different can be

a)face to face conversation or actual conversation example : job interviews (give me more example class)

b)a phone conversation example ; calls or text messages,skype , video chatting (give examples class)

c) group discussion , for example , demo teaching or in a classroom discussion

d) a meeting or an interview for example , campaigning, meeting de avance etc.

e) a letter correspondence- Class this is another way of communication , examples are telegrams, love letters etc.

Spoken words however, is commonly used, this is our day to day conversation with one another day in and day out.

Sign language and Gestures is another way of communication for example :

Nature of Communication

Communication is a process, A s I mentioned earlier It occurs between two or more people, the speaker and the
receiver (example//// in this class who is the speaker? Answer? Who is the receiver? Answer? It can be both the
teacher and the students act as speaker and receiver, do you agree class?

It can also be expressed through written or spoken words,actions (nonverval) or both spoken words and non-verbal
actions at the same time.

Communication is divided into its elements which help us better understand its mechanics or process. These
elements are:

a. Speaker – the source of information, it is someone who speaks or talks about something to people or group of
b. Receiver- the recipient of the message or someone who decodes the message.
c. Message- is the information, ideas or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words and in action
d. Channel-the medium of the means, such as personal or non personal, verbal or non-verbal in which the encoded
message is conveyed
e. Encoding- it is the process of converting the message into words actions or other forms that the speaker
f. Decoding –the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver
g. Feedback- reactions, responses or information provided by the receiver
h. Context-the environment where communication takes place,it’s a condition that exist when and where
something happens
i. Barrier- the factors that affect the flow of communication, it makes difficult for people to understand each other




Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to another within and
across channels, context, media and cultures.


FEEDBACK 1. The reactions, responses or information provided by the receiver

CONTEXT 2.The environment where the communication takes place

MESSAGE 3.The information, ideas or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in action

BARRIERS 4. The factors that affect the flow of communication

ENCODING 5. The process of converting the message into words, actions or other forms that the speaker understand

DECODING 6. The process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver

SPEAKER 7. The source of information or message

RECEIVER 8. The recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message

CHANNEL 9. The medium or the means such as personal or non-personal, verbal or non-verbal in which the encoded
message is conveyed

COMMUNICATION 10. A process which occurs between two persons.


Ok class for your assignment///////// Read/ research on the process of communication.

Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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