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Over the decades, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has now become

the worst pandemic in human history. It is a chronic and dangerous life-threatening

condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV is a Sexually

Transmitted Infection (STI) that slowly destroys the immune system of a person. It can be

passed on through penetrative sex, oral sex, and sharing used needles when injecting drugs

or in hospitals. HIV/AIDS cannot be passed on through kissing, coughing, mosquito bites or

touching. Without proper medication, HIV will lead to AIDS, the final stage of HIV infection.

The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) comes from HIV. HIV is a virus

that spread throughout your body that can destroy or can affect in your immune system.

The growing incidence of HIV infection and AIDS gave panic, fear, anxiety, and negative

conceptions to the public. There are so many myths and misconceptions that have been

created due to lack of knowledge or information of people about HIV and AIDS. These

wrong information and stigma affect the health and wellbeing of a person living with HIV.

They are often scared about telling others that they have HIV due to negative attitude and

prejudice of others to people with HIV or AIDS.

According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), the

Philippines is one of the seven countries in the world that has increasing rate in HIV


The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) reported that there were five blood donors who are

college students found out to be positive of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in 2019.
In the Philippines, more than 50,000 people were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, and it is

starting to increase continuously.

One of the primary objectives of the study is to gather information from Manila

Tytana Colleges’ Grade 11 – STEM students’ concept and knowledge about Acquired

Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

The researchers want to know the myths and facts about AIDS based on the response of the


Statement of the problem

The study aims to give answers to the questions stated below as they reflect to the

main objective of the research.

1.) What do the Grade 11 – STEM Students mostly have a concept of HIV/AIDS?

a. Fact

b. Fallacy

2.) On what source did the students based their concepts on HIV/AIDS?

a. School

b. Social Media

3.) When filtered, what are the verities of AIDS often commented about?

4.) How will grade 11 STEM students treat people with HIV/AIDS based on their


a. Isolate them

b. Normally but with precaution

5.) How can deceptive information affect an individual’s stance on the disease?
Significance of the Study

The study gives relevant details and information about the perception of students

about Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It can also be a source of

understanding them whether it is a Fact or a Fallacy. People will be more aware of the true

concept of AIDS. The study will also will be helpful to the following to the following


Students. They will gain more knowledge about AIDS. This study will also help them

develop proper understanding about HIV/AIDS.

Teachers. Teachers can use this research for teaching purposes. Also, they can help

spread awareness to students about the truths and misconceptions about AIDS.

Family. Family would be aware how the disease can be transfer and focus more on

family planning and family health care.

People with HIV/AIDS. Due to their new found knowledge about the facts and

fallacies of having HIV/AIDS, they can now speak for themselves in order to remove the

wrong concept of people towards them.

Community. Because of their awareness, they will no longer have to isolate the

infected people and instead help them to recover by administrating groups of people who

are willing to help.

Health Institutions. They will increase their propagandas and seminars for

students and people alike for the HIV/AIDS awareness to decrease the rates of infection in

the future.

Researchers. Other/future researchers can use this as their reference or basis in

the future studies about the evolving status of HIV/AIDS.

Scope and Delimitation

The study conducted is narrative in nature, and intends to grasp the knowledge of

grade 11 STEM students in Manila Tytana Colleges concerning Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome. This study will mainly identify and assess the recurrent factors that may or may

not contribute to the transmission of AIDS. The primary data gathering method used was

interview to discover the participants’ outlook based on their own understanding and beliefs.

The study is on purpose to be limited to one person each section to be the active

representative without being coached prior by their classmates and friends among grade 11

STEM students.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are defined in order in order to understand the used

words in the research:

Prejudice. It refers to one’s opinionated answers on the given topic.

Stigma. It refers to the unacceptability of other people due to some circumstances

attached to the person.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It refers to the virus that comes before

one can have AIDS.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It refers to the life-threatening

condition caused by HIV.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STI). It refers to the process of passing a

contagious disease through the process of intercourse.

Verities. It refers to the true statement.

Fallacies. It refers to the false statement.

Isolate. It refers to the separation of someone from the common group of people.

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