Dr. Vibhute ABs Liver Transplant

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L I V E R TR A N S P L A N T –

The Challenge The Path to the Liver Transplant

I was your ordinary John Doe enjoying life with We had an appointment at 1600hrs and were
whatever I had. A Loving Family - A fantastic there well before time, however had to sit in
job, A prestigious Senior Management position, waiting until about 1700hrs. In the family
International travel. huddle outside, my wife found the wait
‘annoying’, while I felt it ‘reassuring’. I knew in
Socializing… Partying hard… Dancing harder one of those cabins is a doctor who talks to a
was my lifeline. patient and not the clock on the wall. I could
sense that I would get the same amount of time
Two years back I started to experience
to clarify all doubts and understand a
abdominal pain and discomfort, I consulted
procedure of something we had no clue of.
with my family doctor who after some general
That is exactly what happened.
medication, later admitted me into a hospital.
From a series of tests, it was concluded, I was Before we met, I had a mind map of an old
suffering from Hepatitis. A high LFT count and doctor all grey who while looking at the clock
a swelling of the liver. From there, I recovered with a poker face would start of the
and was discharged quickly. But equally quick conversation with ‚ Good Evening have a seat
I began experiencing a strange collection of whats your complaint‛ I was surprised to see a
symptoms - Fever, Dark urine, Low appetite, handsome young doctor who with a smile on
Lack of energy, Joint pains and Swelling of the his face simply said ‚Hi‛
During the entire consultation, faced with a
Over the next few months, my energy was barrage of questions from my ignorant family,
sapping, I had to give up my job. What was Dr. Bipin sat there answering the questions
once my lifeline had now began to dwindle. As patiently. I found myself in the midst of a
a last straw, we decided to go for one more person driven by values of humbleness and yet
round of tests and it was revealed I was uprightness - a quality rarely found together.
suffering from Liver Cirrhosis with more than By the time we left, we were convinced of the
70% of my liver already damaged. The doctor and hospital care. It was now a wait and
Hepatitis had been quietly destroying my liver. watch game for fundraising and the entry of
my life saving hero – A cadaver whose liver
With no recourse, I was recommended to a Dr.
could replace mine. Over the next few weeks,
Bipin Vibhute at the Sahyadri Hospital for a
Dr. Bipin and his team ran some more tests and
liver transplant. With all of our savings and
then on the list for a liver transplant put my
social security drained out by now; panic
engulfed my entire family. We knew it was a
choice - a gamble that would involve a large As days and weeks went by, we met with the
sum of money and attached the high risk of entire team of doctors that would be associated
death. Over and above that… Dr. Bipin - with my transplant. My family who was a
WHO??? Sayadri Hospital – Eh!!! - We had not bundle of nerves initially, felt extremely
heard of either. My wife and daughter quickly comforted by the doctors. Often during
scrambled on social media and friends and waiting, we played a game of nickname the doc
were back with all positive reviews. – There was ‚Big B‛ Bipin, ‚Hasmukh Bhai‛
Shah, ‚Mysterious‛ Manish, ‚Hollywood
It was time we made our first appointment to Hunk‛ Anirudh ‚Smokin Daddy‛ Manoj, ‚CT
see, meet and believe. Scan‛ Chetan… and the list went on. I even
had one of my own given by the nursing team – allowing them to receive a transplant sooner. A
‚AK47‛ … So much was the bonding created. living donor is safer.

We were given information about the living

donor program, and that’s when my daughter
only of 21 years, stood up and decided she
would go and get tested. It never was part of
my plan to have to ask anyone to make such a
sacrifice. I said no. I couldn’t imagine asking a
family member to go through surgery and
recovery for me. In fact, I was hesitant to search
Interacting with the team, each specializing in for a living donor at all.
his own field. I got the vibe that this was a
group of experts who stood tall on the
shoulders of their mentors; their gurus from
whom they would have learnt their skill and
went on to master it.

I have to congratulate Dr. Bipin for putting

such a great team together, that makes a patient
feel positive and comforted before the surgery.
The entire team was young at heart and
camouflaged the routine stress of a being a
doctor and a human, with their little banter, Dr. Vibhute, sat down the entire family and
jibes and jokes. This sure was a breath of fresh explained the entire process, risks and benefits
air coming after the grim places and faces I had involved. I was not convinced yet for having
experienced before. Tomorrows genre of my daughter do this to save my life.. It was my
doctors. As mentors, they will ignite and wife who really encouraged me to pursue the
inspire the same spark in the next genre of living donor. Even before we approached
doctors to come. anyone else, my daughter volunteered to be
As days and weeks went by, my discomfort evaluated first. She reassured me and said
grew. The swelling and pain in the legs too was ‚Dad don’t worry; I have total confidence in
immense, and a walk to the toilet felt like a Dr. Vibhute, he will give you back to us…and
cross country marathon. Soon I was barely we need you‛ ‚As for me, I will be normal
capable of getting myself in and out of bed on before you, and the scar, I will hide it later with
my own. Further investigations by the team of a nice tattoo.‛ She did not mean the last bit, but
doctors revealed that I was also suffering from it echoed a laugh in the room and I agreed.
damage to both my hips which needed a Total
Hip Replacement done. The doctors had gone THE SOLUTION
out of their way to diagnose this other problem My daughter went through the extensive
I was faced with. evaluation process and found out she was a
suitable donor. There wasn’t a doubt in her
mind that she would donate a portion of her
On one meeting with Dr. Vibhute, he was liver to her dad. Even to date, when others ask,
upright and didn’t pull any punches. He was she firmly replies ‚I just felt like, this is it. It’s
worried I would have major problems from a either this or he dies. There was no other option
diseased liver and the hip situation could not at that point.‛ Others raised concerns of her
be attended until the liver transplant. finding a suitable boy because of the scare – We
Something needed to be done and done fast. I have only one answer ‚Such a man is not MAN
was afraid of not having my earlier normal life enough anyways‛
again. I was afraid I was going to die. The wait
for a liver cadaver can take months or even The evening before Jul. 2, 2019, we arrived at
years. However, a living donor transplant the hospital for our living-donor liver
offers hope to patients on the waiting list by transplant. The entire family sat silently with us
in the waiting room, anxiously preparing college students, helping them get through
themselves for hours of waiting. It was a long their academics and prepare them for the
night. In the wee hours of the morning, my corporate world. Socializing is back but with
daughter and I said our goodbyes just before restrictions. Its usually with the family and
the surgery. But I think it was harder on dancing with my hero – my daughter.
everybody else around us.

Before the anesthesia, I passed a glance around

the operation room and noticed the full team
there. I sighed, shut my eyes and surrendered
myself to the able hands of the doctors.

That day, we underwent a successful Back home, the family bond is closer and we
transplant. are now a family that prays together and stays
together. The Sayadhri team is still a part of our
THE RESULTS dinner table conversations, and we thank God
each day for guiding us to them.
Post-op, I was kept in an ICU separate from my
daughter to avoid infections. When I came to IN CONCLUSION
my senses, the Nursing staff were a delight to
have around. They had a bigger challenge at Post an organ transplant, many have the
hand. Unlike the known killer Liver Cirrhosis, misconception of the recipient and/or the donor
they now had to keep me safe from any being disabled. But that is not true. Post op care
unknown unseen predators – Infection. They from doctors and my ‚impossible is nothing‛
fought, wearing an assuring smile at all times. attitude, I consider myself only differently
abled. All of this is restrictive, and I may not be
The doctor would visit me each day and a 100% and still have the hip replacements to be
explain my progress. Sunday visit was the done. But overall, life is good. I am grateful to
best, when they were in a completely different the entire Liver transplant team for Inspiring,
avatar. The doctors white coats made room for Nurturing and Caring for me.
Tee’s and Jeans. Strangely, leaving some fond
memories behind I was discharged on My experience overcame my fears & I
Monday, just 5 days after surgery. encourage people suffering to have it. And to
the fortunate healthy, I Champion the
Today as I write, its been a little over two message…
months since my discharge. I’m not tired any
more. The swelling on my legs have gone, I “Its only Our Souls,
have a lot more energy. Like all transplant
That GOD needs in heaven.
patients, I am and will be on antirejection drugs
for the rest of my life. I continue to go to
The rest can be reincarnated into a new body”
the Center for Liver Transplant, periodically.
Even when I am not there physically, I have the BE A DONOR SAVE A LIFE
presence of Dr. Vibhute and his team virtually
24*7 and to this day they have not missed a
single date to check on me and update any
change in medications and progress.

The doctors at Sahyadri, not only gave me a

new life, but transformed my life. I am now
more spiritual and less materialistic in my
approach. To show my gratitude for what the
doctors did for me, I decided to touch other’s
lives in return. I moved on to find work that is
more soulfully rewarding and meaningful. I
started a new business venture mentoring

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