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28698 Federal Register I Vol. 52, No.

448 / Monday, Aagus~ 3,1987 / Rules and Regulations

DATE: This rule becomes effective pickle liquor produced by any plant in
September 2, 1987. the iron and steel industry. LISTING OF HAZARDOUS WASTE
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: B. Effective Date 1. The authority citation for Part 261 is
For general information contact: the revised to read as follows:
RCRA Hotline at (800) 424—9346 toll-free RCRA section 3010(b) indicates that
or (202) 382—3000. For information on final regulations implementing the Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6905, 6912(a), 6921. and
specific aspects of this rule contact: requirements of Subtitle C take effect 6 6922.
Michael Petruska, Office of Solid Waste months from date of publication. The 2. Section 261.32 is amended by
Agency may waive this requirement
(WH—562B), U.S. Environmental revising the entry under the iron and
when it finds that the regulated steel industry for the hazardous waste
Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20460, (202) 475—6676. community does not need that time to listing K062 to read as follows:
conic into compliance. That is the case
SUPPLEMENTARY ~NFOPMAT~ON: here, since existing regulations already § 261.32 Hazardous wastes from specific
contain the same language as today’s sources.
A. Final Rule
rule, and, at the very least, EPA’s
In the May 6, 1987 proposed rules on consistent and longstanding
Industry and
boilers and industrial furnaces, EPA interpretation is that the scope of the Hazardous waste Hazardous
K062 listing applies to spent pickle hazardous
proposed to amend existing regulations waste No
to state with absolute clarity that the liquor produced by any iron and steel
scope of the listing of Hazardous Waste industry plant. For these reasons, the six
iron and steel:
K062 applies to pickle liquor from steel month effective date is unnecessary 5062 Spent pickle liquor qerreratod (CT)
finishing operations at facilities within here, by steel finishing operations
the iron and steel industry (SIC Codes ol Iselities within the iron
Regulatory Impacts and steel industry ISIC
331 and 332). When EPA first Codes 331 and 3321.
promulgated this amendment on May 28. A. Results of RegulatoryImpact Studies
1986, the Agency erroneously described I. Executive Order 12291
the scope of the listing as applying to [FR Doc. 87—17344 Filed 7—31—87; 8:45 am]
plants that actually produce iron and As defined by Executive Order 12291, EILUNG CODE 6560-51kM
steel. See 51 FR 19320. This error was today’s regulation is not a “major rule.”
inadvertent and obviously unintended Therefore, no Regulatory Impact
Analysis (RIA) is required. This rule will 40 CFR Part 799
given that EPA had never proposed such
a change, and in the relevant preambles, not have an annual impact on the
national economy greater than $100 LOPTS’-420878; FRL—3241-4]
the Agency repeatedly described its
action as applying to all plants in the million. In fact, EPA anticipates no
impact at all because existing 2-Ethylhexanol; Final Test Rule
iron and steel industry (See 50 FR 36966
(column 1), 36967 (column 1), 36967 requirements are identical. In addition, AGENCY: Environmental Protection
(column 2) (Sept. 10, 1985) and 51 FR this regulation will not significantly Agency (EPA).
19320 (column 2), 19321 (column 1) (May affect competition, employment, ACTION: Final rule.
28, 1986)). In addition, if the listing was productivity or innovation.
to apply only to facilities actually This rule was submitted to the Office SUMMARY: EPA is issuing a final test
producing iron and steel, then the listing of Management and Budget (0MB) for rule, under section 4 of the Toxic
would be narrower than the review under Executive Order 12291. Substances Control Act (TSCA),
accompanying exclusion from the requiring manufacturers and processors.
2. Regulatory Flexibility Act
subject listing i.e., waste pickle liquor of 2-ethylhexanol (EH; CAS No. 104—76.--
sludge generated by lime stabilization of We have determined that today’s rule 7) to conduct a 2-year oncogenicity
spent pickle liquor from the iron and will not have significant impact on a bioassay. This action follows EPA’s
steel industry (SIC Codes 331 and 332)’ substantital number of small businesses proposed rule of December 19. 1986 (51
(~261.3(c)(2)(ii))—a facial contradiction and, therefore, that no Regulatory FR 45487).
since one cannot exclude more than one Flexibility Analysis IRFA) is required DATES: In accordance with 40 CFR Part
under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. 23.5, this rule shall be promulgated for
has listed.
For these reasons, on September 22, 3. Paperwork Reduction Act purposes of judicial review at 1 p.m.
1986, EPA corrected the error by means eastern daylight time on August 17, 1957.
‘The requirements of the Paperwork
of a technical correction (see 51 FR ‘This rule shall become effective on
Reduction Act of 1960 (PRA), 44 U.S.C. September 16, 1987.
33612). One person questioned this 3501 et seq., were considered in
change arguing that it was in fact FOR FURThER INFORMATION CONTACT:
developing this regulation. We believe
substantive rulemaking requiring prior Edward A. Klein, Director, TSCA
that he rule imposes no new reporting Assistance Office (i’S—799), Office of
notice and comment. EPA does not and recordkeeping requirements.
agree, but proposed to amend the rule to ‘Toxic Substances, Rm. E—543, 401 M
remove any possible doubt. No List of Subjeqis in 40 CFR Part 261 SW., Washington, DC 20460, (202) 55..-
commenters seriously contended that 1.5)4
Hazardous material. Waste treatment
the listing should not apply to all pickle and disposal. Recycling. SUPPLEME1STARY INFORMATION: EPA Is
liquor generated by plants in the iron issuing a final test rule undet’ section
Dated: July 22 1927. 4(a) of TSCA to require health effects
and steel industry. Accordingly. Lot’ all
Lee M. Thomas, testing of El!.
of the reasons stated in the preamble to
the proposed rule, and in the earlier I, Test Rule Development Under ‘TSCA
Federal Register notices there cited, EPA For the reasons set out in the
has determined to adopt a final rule Preamble, Title 40 of the Code of Federal ‘this notice is part of the overall
stating that the listing aPpbes to spent Regulations is amended as follows: impiemen t~itiott4 sectIon 4 of ‘FSCA
Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 148 I Monday, August 3, 1987 / Rules and Regulations 28699
(Pub. 1,. 94—459, 90 Stat. 2003 ci seq., 15 response to the Panel’s comments. No 13. ‘l’e.~’tirtgP;’oi,’z’c;rit for Pero.t Th’OTTlO
U.S.C. 2601 et seq.), which contains other public comments were received by Pz’olif,’’ration
authority for EPA to require EPA.
development of data relevant to The Panel urges EPA to address
assessing the risks to health and the .4. 110(11th Effects testing needs for EU as part of a
environment posed by exposure to c:ontprehensive testing program for
The Panel commented that the struct urafly—rela ted compottncls with
particular chemical substances or available scientific evidence does not
mixtures (chemicals). peroxisorne-inclucing potential. As an
support the section 4(a)(1)(A) finding for alternative to requiring that an
Under section 4 ofTSCA, EPA must
carcinogenicity. The Panel contends that
tequit’e testing of a chemical to develop El-I is non-genotoxic and is a very weak oncogenicily bioassay be conducted on
health or environmental data if the Eli, the Panel proposed that testing
peroxisome proliferator. In addition, the should focus ctn obtaining a better
Administrator makes certain findings as
Panel contends there is growing
described in TSCA under section 4(a)(1) understanding of the relationship
(A) or (B). (15 U.S.C. 2503(a)(1) (A) and evidence that a threshold level of between perosisome proliferation of
exposure is necessary for peroxisonie-
(B)). A discussiot3 of the statutory rodent liver tumors and the itriplicalictrts
section 4 findings is provided in the related rodent liver tumors and that of these phenomena for human risk
Agency’s first and second pt’oposed test primates are markedly less susceptible t
~tsSesSnitiiit. The I anel f)t’os ideti EPA
rules published in the Federal Registers than rodents to peroxisome with information no peroxisorne
of July 18, 1980 (45 FR 48510) and Jtne 5, proliferation. proliferation in an attempt to suppot
1981 (46 FR 30300). EPA believes additional research is the Panel’s belief that peroxisome
needed to establish the specific pro]tferation is the mec;hanisrn of action
II. Regulatory History mechanism of action of Eli for potential Eli carcinogenicity, and
In the Federal Register of December carcinogenicity. Moreover, even if one that data on pet’oxisorne proliferation
19, 1986 (51 FR 45487), the Agency assumes that El-I is a very weak should be the basis for prioritizing
proposed to use the authority under peroxisome proliferator, further research itocogenicity testing.
section 4 of TSCA to require testing to is needed to establish the nature of the EPA believes the alternative tesli tig
obtain data needed to better assess the relationship between peroxisome program suggested by CMA is
oncogenic potential of FAt. As stated in proliferation and carcinogenicity. inappropriate (Refs. 21 and 22) and
the proposed rule, the Agency believes Because of the limitations of the would unnecessarily delay onccgerticity
that the 2-ethyihexyl moiety, which scientific data, EPA believes that it testing for El!. As stated in Unit III.A.
occurs in Eli and in other chemicals, cannot justify assuming a specific above, the Agenc:y believes additional
may he an active carcinogenic agent to mechanism of action for Eli research is needed to establish the
which people may be exposed. Refer to carcinogenicity at this time, including
the Eli proposed rule for additional nature of the relationship between
the presumption of a threshold. peroxisome proliferation and
discussion of EM’s chemical profile, EPA has reviewed readily available (:art;inogenieity. The Agency further
potential health hazard, exposure, and information on the genotoxicity of Eli;
environmental release (51 FR 45487; believes the ethyihexyl moiety nitty be
but, because the case for Eli the proximate carcinogenic agent and
December 19, 1986]. oncogenicity testing is compelling, the that there is inadequate scientific
To obtain oncogenicily test data on
Agency has decided to focus this rulc~00 justification to base the potential for Eli
El I as soon as possible, the Agency has oncogenicity testing only. A full
limited its analysis of testing needs to onc:ogenicity solely on peroxisonie
cincogenicity testing. Once oncogenicity evaluation of the genotoxicity of RH and proliferation. The Panel, however, is free
testing is underway, the Agency will the need for additional genotoxic:ity to conduct research on peroxisorne
evaluate available data including a testing may be completed after proliferatiort in conjunt:tictn with
recent section 8(e) submission (Ref. 24) oncogenicity testing is underway. hi any
case, evidence of no genotoxicity does completing the bioassay ort Elf.
to determine the need for additional C. [t~po.s’are
testing and, if necessary. initiate a not negate a substance’s carcinogenic:
separate rulemaking to require such potential, as there are non-genotoxic: ‘l’he Panel betievcs the ittfertntttittn
testing of EM. mechanisms of carcinogicity. used to evaluate exposure to Eli is
Interested parties were solicited by As stated in the RH proposed test rule, limited and largely out-of-date. ‘l’he
the Agency for development of a testing chemicals containing the ethylhexyl P&tnel plans to conduct a survey of El!
consent order for EU (51 FR 28886; moiety have been shown to have producers and users to obtain ctts’rent
August 12, 1986). Plans for adopting a carcinogenic potential. These chemicals use and exposure information The
consent order were terminated because are all expected to hydrolyze to El I; I’anel requested that the rule be deferred
mutually agreeable terms could not ite therefore, the Agency believes RI! may until the results of the survey are
reached. also be a carcinogenic agent. it vat Ia ble.
Peroxisome proliferation is an The l>anel was informed of the
HI. Response to Public Comments additional piece of evidence to support iul’ot’mation the Agency would use to
‘tite El! Panel of the Chemical this structure-activity based finding. evaluate exposure of RH in meetings
Manufacturers Association (the Panel) Therefore, because there is strong held with the Panel since July lB. 1980.
submitted comments on the proposed evidence that chemicals containing the Only at the close of the comment perhtd
test role (Ref. 11). The public comment RH moiety are carcinogenic in rodents in February 1987 did the Panel decide to
period for submitting written contnterrts and because there is an absence of data initittte a survey to collect more deluiled
on the proposed rule closed on Febrbtar%’ on the potential carcinogenicity of Eli, ttse and exposure information. The best
17, 1987. The Panel presenter] oral the Agency believes that oncogenicity and most current information aVal ltible
comments on the proposed test rule in a testing of EH is warranted and indeed to EPA indicates that production volume
public meeting held in Washington, DC, necessary to obtain data for determining (635 million pounds per year) and
on March 18, 1987 (Ref. 14). The if Eli presents an unreasonable risk of potential exposure (11,550 to 453)00
following is a discussion of the Agency’s cancer. workers) (Refs. 2, 3, 17, and 18) are
28700 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 148 / Monday, August 3, 1987 / Ru)es and Regulations

substantial. ‘rite Panel did not submit mouse appropriate for testing the ~ from the DEHA bioassay are not
any exposure information which potential cancer risk ofRH. appropriate fot’ assessing risk from
disputed these production or exposure As stated before, although the exposure to EM. Furthermore, EPA
figures. Moreover, even if this estimate proliferation of peroxisomes may add to believ~sthe use of structure-activity
is overstated, given its potential to be a the weight of the evidence that a relationship data is appropriate when no
carcinogen, the Agency’s concern for the chemical may present risks of cancer, other bioassay data is available or
potential hazard of EU is high When the studies on peroxisome proliferation attainable on a chemical However in
hazard potential is believed to be cannot provide data sufficient to the case of EH, the relevant bioassay
set ious even a relatively low exposure evaluate the oncogenicity of a data can be obtained because the
to Eli would wairant concern for testing substance Thus although there may he evidence supports section 4(a)(1) (A)
under section 4(a)(l)(A) of TSCA (see 45 more available data concerning and (B) findings and thus a requirement
FR 48528 (July 18 1980)) rherefoie EPA peroxisor-te proliferation in the rat these to conduct testing
believes that a survey developed by the data as stated in Unit Ill A above do
Panel would not alter the Agency s not negate the need for testing El’! in G Reporting Deadline
decision to finalize this rule Thus to two mammalian species i e the mouse The Panel commented that the 53
delay testing to oblain such information and the rat in accordance with the EPA month reporting requirement is
is not in the public interest test guideline at 40 CFR 798 3300(b) unrealistIc They believe that given the
D Species E Route of Adnmnstration nature of the studies proposed to
validate the bioavailabiIit~’of El-I
The Panel believes a bioassay on RH The Panel believes that administering administered by microencapsulation
should not be conducted in the BOC3FI EH via microencapsIilation as EPA and subsequent dietary incorpQration
mouse The Panel maintained that proposed is unlikely to yield reliable would require extensive preliminary
because the mouse has a high incidence and adequate data and that the Agency studies Based on the time required for
of spontaneous liver tumors the Panel should require preliminary studies to the additional testing as well as the
considers it a poor model for determine the advantages of dermal bioassay the Panel has estimated that
On( ogenicity testing for EM The Panel oral and inhalation methods of final test results cannot be renorted in
adds that there is a considerable body administering EH before selecting the less than 105 to 109 months
of data relating to peroxisome route for the chronic study
proliferation and tumor development i~ This final test rule does not preclude EPA believes that because the NFP is
the rat but very little data for the administration by gavage provided that completing vahdation studies on
mouse test sponsors validate the test microencapsulation ofRH and because
EPA believes based on National methodology according to the TSCA the Panel has completed studies of the
1 oxicology Program (NTP) bioassay Good Laboratory Practice Standards (40 stability of RH In dry feed validation
data for chemicals related to RH and on CFR Part 792) will have been initiated before the rule
a recently published position paper by This final rule requires an oral route becomes effective Therefore at this
the N FP there is a concern for liver of administration so that the data can be time the additional time requested by
tumor variability primarily in B6C3FI compared with other data for El-I and the Panel to perform the validation
males (Refs 4 through 8 19 and 20) with data on related chemicals like studies will not be necessary From
However in bioassays conducted on EHA DEHP DEHA TEH and El-IS experience with other bioassays and
di(2 ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) di(2 NTP is completing studios evaluating NTPs experience with
ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA), and tris (2- the use of the microencapsulation rnicroencapsulation, the Agency
ethylhexyl) phosphate (TEHP), upon methodology for administering RH. believes that 53 months provides
which EPA based its (4)(a)(1)(A) To evaluate reports that EM may not adequate time to conduct thastudy by
findings for EU, a statistically significant be stable in dry feed (Ref. 16), the Panel gavage and 56 months provides
increase in liver tumors occurred not initiated a detailed study using adequate time to conduct the study by
only in male mice but also in female radiolabeled EM and several extraction microencapsulation.
mice where the background incidence of techniques (Refs. 11, 12, and 13). The /L Economic Impact
liver tumors is low (Rèfs. 4 through 7). Panel has confirmed that EM is not
The Agency is aware that the male mice stable in dry feed (Ref. 23). Thus, EM The Panel believes the Agency
may have a variable rate ofbackground must be administered either by neglected to account for the cost of
liver tuthors, and this will be considered micrdoncapsulation or by gavage. preliminary pharmacokinetic studies
with other evidence in estimating . and additional dose groups needed to
potential human risk from EM. NTP F. Need for the EN Bioassay validate microencapsulation and
continually evaluates species used in ‘Fhe Panel believes that test data on interpret the bioassay results when
NTP oncogenicity studies and, in a DEHA are adequate to characterize the developing cost estimates for the
recent publication, NTP concluded that oncogenicity of EM since El-I is a bioassay.
at the present time, even with the principal metabolite of DEHA. The Agency believes that for industry
variable rate of background liver tumors EPA has several reasons for believing to repeat the preliminary studies being
in males, the B6C3F1 mouse is an that using DEHA oncogenicity data (Ref. completed by NTP to validate
acceptable species for oncogenicity 5) as a surrogate for data on EN is administration of EM by
studies (Ref. 19). Ethylhexyl-containing inadequate. The DElIA oncogenicity microencapsulation is unnecessary. In
chemicals (DEIIP, DEHA, TEHP, and data are insufficient to determine if the addition, $140,000 to $250,000 have been
sodium 2-ethylhexyl sulfate (EMS)) used response is due to the intact DEl-IA included in the Agency’s cost estimate
in structure-activity analysis for El-I molecule, DEHA partially metabolized to account for additional costs from
were tested in the B6C3FI mouse. More to the monoestor and EH, or EM itself. microencapsulation procedui’es (Ref. 2).
important, however, since the mouse DEHA was only positive in the mouse, ihe additional dose groups proposed by
appears more sensitive than the rat to but El-i could be positive in the mouse the Pane) may not be necessary because
these ethyihexyl-containing chemicals and the rat as was DEHP. Therefore, the the capsule material will represent a
(Refs. 4 through 8), EPA considers the Agency believes the dose-response data small part of the animal’s diet.
Federai Register / Vol. 3~,N~. i itt I titonday, August :t, 1987 / Mutes cutd Regulations Z870I

more, if industry chooses to pupiatirn e\posru’e (RIP 1, 25. 26, a )trurnul,rc:ture, l’t’ocessrng. dlislnitrrrti on,
conduct this testing by gavage, costs 27). liSt’ ttod~itrdi~posai~ determine 51; ho
slt~otdbe less. 5, tJnd~’rsections 4(ai)1) (A)(ii) ~tnd hears thin responsibility for testing.
Refer to Unit VI, in the propused Eli )It)rii), EPA firndt that there are Mnruulac’turers arc’ required to test it lie
rulO (51 FR 45490; December ‘19, 1980) iC5UHr~‘iC’,rt data and expel mace trout tiniliags are ‘teir;ed on rnanrrfrrrturing
mid to the economic impact analysis wh cli the potential rn rd nogenic etirirts (‘‘‘mtnrrrfrrctai’r’’’ is defined in son:tirirr ,r(;’)
(17e1. 2) fora more detailed discussion itt (if the manufacture, processing, ut ‘tSCA to include ‘import’).
the ecoaomic impart of this rule. distribu9on, usc’, tind disposal of Eli can Processors art: required to test if tIre
reusrraairiy be delernainecl or’ predicted. findings are basedl on processing. Ilotir
t trio, ‘afootw’ers 4. tinder sections 4(uJ( I) (A)(iiij arid nnanirrfnrctur-et’s and) p~oc:essors are
Atcolac was listed iii tbe proposed ElI (Fifiii), EPA finds that testing ElI for required to test if the exposut es g~i
ale as a manufacturer of Eli. Alcrdac oncogeritcity is necessary to develop the potcnitial risk occur during
informed the Agency that it does not such data. EPA believes that the data rise, distribution, or’ disposal.
manufacture or import El! and htts ndt r’esultitig from this test ruE: will Ire Iier;ausc EPA has found that e’osring
plans to do either in the future (Ref. 15). relevant to a dereiminatkin as to ilirtin tire randequate to assess the health
Thus, it would not be subject to this test whether’ the manuftictur e, distribittittu ot risks from the marrufacture, pu ocessi eg,
rule dinless it begins any such activities commerce, processing. use, and dlisposal drstrrbution, rise, and disposal of El!,
of Eli presents an unr’easo’rnrltle risk of EPA is requiring that personts ssho
IV, Final Test Rule for El! injure to human health, rnanufar:tntre or process, or intend to
-4. Findings II, &qwred Tr ,stin,g nnunafactore or process, El Intl any time
from tire effective date of this final test
EPA is basiiig its oncogenicity testing On the basis dif these find1ings~the rule to the end of the reimbursement
requirements for ELI on the authority of Agency is requiring oncogenicity testing
ser’tions 4(a)(l) (A) and (B) of TSCA. of Eli. Data from these bioassays in rats tteriod are subject to the oncognrnir;it~’
tesirng requirements contained in this
.1. Under section 4(a)(1)(A){i), EPA and mice will assist the Agency in final rule. While EPA has notidentified!
lindls that the manufacture, processing. conducting risk assessments for ElI and arty byproduct manufacturers of Eli.
distribution in commerce, use, and thus will be of critical importance in such persons ate covered by the
disposal of EH may present an deternrining whether RH presents an requirements of this rule. The end of the
unreasonable risk of injury to human unreasonable i’isk of cancer. reimbursement period will be 5 years
health because of its potential to cause The Agency is requiring the after’ the last final report is submitted for
carcinogenic effects. The finding for oncogenicity testing to be conducted! on
ELI, or an amount of time e(tLrai to that
potential carcinogenicity is based on RH in accordance with the TSCA test which was required to develop data. if
studies conducted on other chemicals guidelines for nocogenic~tyspecified in
more than 5 years, after the submission
containing the ethylliexyt moiety which 40 CFR 798.3300, published in the of the Inst final report required under
suggest that El! may possess a Federal Register of September 27. 1985
this test rule.
carcinogenic hazard. See Unit 11.13. of the (50 FP 39252) and modified in the Because TSCA contains provisions to
proposed rule for a more complete Federal Register of May 20. 1987 (52 FR
avoid dluphicative testing, not evet’y
discussion of carcinogenicity hazard 19056). EPA proposed these revisions to
the guidelines in the Federal Register of person subject to this rule must
potential. individually conduct testing. Section
In addition, data available to EPA january 14, 1986 (5! FR 1522). and 4(bfl3)(A) of TSCA provides that EPA
indicate that more than 035 million responded to comments on the proposed
revisions in the record for that may permit two or more manufacturers
pounds of RH is produced annually for or processors who are subject to the mile
intermediate uses and for merchant sale. rulemaking (Ref. 10).
The testing requtired in this final rule to designate one such person or a
and that an estimated 11.550 to 45,000 qualified third person to conduct the
workers are potentially exposed to EM shall be performed with the Fisher 344
rat and BOC3F’l mouse. These species tests rind submit data on their behalf,
during its manufacture, processing, Sec:tion 4(c) provides that any person
distribution, and use. Potential for andstrains have demonstrated
sensitivity to other ethylhexyl required to test may apply to EPA for air
consumer and general population exemption from the requirement. EPA
exposure also exists through use and compounds. The route of exposure shall
be oral. Based upon experience at NJTP pronnulgated procedures for applying for
dlisposal (Rels. 1, 2, 3, 17, and 18). TSCA section 4(c) exemptions in 40 CER
(Ref. 9p the ELI can be
2. Under section 4(’a)(l)(Bfi), EPA microencapsulated in the diet or Part 790.
finds that EU is produced in substantial administered he gavage. A subchronic Manufacturers (including importers)
quantities and that there is ni may be studly should be conducted using the subject to this rule are i equired to
substantial human exposure from its same exposure method as selected for submit either a letter of intent to
manufacture, processing. use, and the lifetime bioassay to determine dose perform testing or an exemption
disposal. As stated above, levels and characterize target organ application within 30 days trftei lie:
approximately 035 million poundis of El I effects for the bioassay. effective date of this final test title. ‘l’hn:
ate produced annually, and 11,550 to required procedures for submitting sur:h
45,000 workers in 62 occupations are (7 list cubstaizce letters and applications nrre described in
estimated to have actual exposure to Eli The test substance shall he 2- 40 CF’R Part 790.
or products containing Eli (Refs. 1, 2, 5, r’thyIF’exanoi (ELI; CAS t4o. 104—76—7) ul f roccrssors reirjec t to this rule, ur~hss
17, and 18). EU is used as tin sit least 99-percent purity, which is a they are also manufacturers. will nut be
intermediate for the manufacture of commercially available grade. required to submit letters of intent or
acrylates, phthalates, and the octyl ester exemption applications, on tn conclur’t
of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (Ref. 1), Parsons Required To That testing, airless ntanofnrcturers fnril to
2). 11 may also be used in sever at other Section 4(b)(3)(B) specifies that the submit notices of intent to test or later
iadlustrial processes and uses, trod then’ ircth tires for which the Arlmirtistrator f~itto sponsor the required tests The
is pot eritial for conscmer a ad general makes sei:tion 4(a) findings Agr’ric’v rr\pects that tim nia’irrf’rr ctot’era
28702 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 148 / Monday, August 3, 1987 / Rules and Regulations

will pass an appropriate portion of the exporter of EU must report to EPA the Violators of TSCA are subject to
costs of testing on to processors through first annual export or intended export of criminal and civil liability. Persons who
the pricing of their products or EU to each country. EPA will notify the submit materially misleading or false
reimbursement mechanisms. If foreign country concerning the test rule information in connection with the
manufacturers perform all the required for the chemical. Export of EU in any requirement of any provision of this rule
tests, processors will be granted amount or at any concentration, may be subject to penalties which may
exemptions automatically. If including as an impurity, if known to the be calculated as if they never submitted
manufacturers fail to submit notices of exporter, is subject to the section 12(b) their data. Under the penalty provisions
intent to test or fail to sponsor all the reporting requirement. of section 16 of TSCA, any person who
required tests, the Agency will publish a violates section 15 could be subject to a
separate notice in the Federal Register F. Enforcement Provisions
civil penalty of up to $25,000 for each
to notify processors to respond; this The Agency considers failure to violation with each day of operation in
procedure is described in 40 CFR Part comply with any aspect of a section 4 violation constituting a separate
790. rule to be a violation of section 15 of violation. This provision would be
EPA is not requiring the submission of TSCA. Section 15(1) of TSCA makes it applicable primarily to manufacturers
equivalence data as a condition for unlawful for any person to fail or refuse that fail to submit a letter of intent or an
exemption from the required testing for to comply with any rule or order issued exemption request and that continue
It~H.EPA is interested in evaluating the under section 4. Section 15(3) of TSCA manufacturing after the deadlines for
effects attributable to EU and, as noted makes it unlawful for any person to fail such submissions. This provision would
in Unit IV.C. above, has specified a or refuse to: (1) establish or maintain also apply to processors that fail to
relatively pure substance for testing. records; (2) submit reports, notices, or submit a letter of intent or an exemption
Manufacturers and processors who other information; or (3) permit access to application and continue processing
are subject to this test rule must comply or copying of records required by the after the Agency has notified them of
with the test rule development and Act or any regulation or rule issued their obligation to submit such
exemption procedures in 40 CFR Part under TSCA. documents (see 40 CFR 790.48(b)).
790 for single-phase rulemaking. Additionally, TSCA section 15(4) Knowing and willful violations could
E. Reporting Requirements makes it unlawful for any person to fail lead to the imposition ofcriminal
or refuse to permit entry or inspection as penalties of up to $25,000 for each day of
EPA is requiring that all data violation and imprisonment for up to I
developed under this rule be reported in required by section 11. Section 11
accordance with its TSCA Good applies to any establishment, facility, or year. In determining the amount of
other premises in which chemical penalty, EPA will take into account the
Laboratory Practice (GLP) standards,
which appear in 40 CFR Part 792. substances or mixtures are seriousness of the violation and the
In accordance with 40 CFR Part 790 manu~factured,processed, stored, or held degree of culpability of the violator, as
under single-phase rulemaking before or after their distribution in well as all the other factors listed in
procedures, test sponsors are required to commerce. The Agency considers a section 16. Other remedies are available
submit individual study plans within 45 testing facility to be a place where the to EPA under section 17 of TSCA, such
days before the start of each test. chemical is held or stored and, as seeking an injunction to restrain
EPA is required by TSCA section therefore, subject to inspection. violations of TSCA section 4.
4(b)(1)(C) to specify the time period Laboratory inspections and data audits Individuals, as well as corporations,
during which persons subject to a test will be conducted periodically in could be subject to enforcement actions.
rule must submit test data. The Agency accordance with the authority and Sections 15 and 16 of TSCA apply to
is requiring that the oncogenicity testing procedures outlined in TSCA section 11 “any person” who violates various
shall be completed and the final report by duly designated representatives of provisions of TSCA. EPA may, at its
submitted to EPA within 53 months of the EPA for the purpose of determining discretion, proceed against individuals,
the effective date of this test rule if EU compliance with this final rule for EH. as well as companies themselves. in
is administered by gavage. I-Iowever, if These inspections may be conducted for particular, this includes individuals who
RH is administered by purposes which include verification that report false information, or who cause it
microencapsulation, the final report is to testing has begun, schedules are being to be reported. In addition, the
be submitted within 56 months of the met, and reports accurately reflect the submission of false, fictitious, or
effective date of this rule. Progress underlying raw data, interpretations, fraudulent statements is a violation
reports are required at 6-month intervals and evaluations to determine under 18 U.S.C. 1001.
beginning 6 months from the effective compliance with TSCA GLP standards
and the test standards established in V. Economic Analysis
date of the rule.
TSCA section 14(b) governs Agency this rule. To assess the potential economic
disclosure of all test data submitted to EPA’s authority to inspect a testing impact of this rule, EPA has prepared an
section 4 of TSCA. Upon receipt of data facility also derives from section 4(b)(1) economic analysis (Ref. 2) that
required by this rule, the Agency will of TSCA, which directs EPA to evaluates the potential for significant
publish a notice of receipt in the Federal promulgate standards for the economic impact on the industry as a
Register as required by section 4(d). development of test data. These result of the required testing. ‘I’he
Persons who export a chemical standards are defined in section 3(12)j’B) economic analysis estimates the costs of
substat’nce or mixture which is subject to of TSCA to include those requirements conducting the red!uired testing and
a sectron 4 lest rule are subject to the necessary to ensure that data developed evaluates the potential for significant
export reporting requirements of section under testing rules are reliable and adverse economic impact as a result of
12(b) of TSCA. Final regulations adequate, and such other requin’ements these test costs by examining four
interpreting the requirements of section as are necessary to provide such market characteristics of El-I: price
12(b) are in 40 CFR Part 707 (45 FR assurance. The Agency maintains that sensitivity o,f demand industry cost
82844; December 16, 1980). In brief, as of laboratory inspections are necessary to charactei’istmcs, industry stn’ucture, and
the effective dnrte of this test rule, an provide this assurance. market expectations Becarise there was
Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 143 / Mondnrs, August 3, 1987 / Rules and Regulations 28703

no indication of adverse effect, no 420870). This record includes bntsic (3) USEPA. 2-Ethylhexanol Workre
funther economic analysis was information considered by the Agency in Exposume Analysis. Office of Pesticide’s
perfo~med;however, had the first t level developing this rule and nrpprnpr~ote and Toxic Substances, Washingtorr. DC
of n’n~.!\’sisindicated a potentia for Federal Register notices. (August 13, 1986).
significant economic impact, a more This record includes the fol’owing (4) U.S. Department of Health and
.onrprehensive and detailed analysis information: Human Services. Public llemrlth Service.
woukl have been conducted to more National Institutes of Health (USD111 IS:
precisely predict the magnitude andl /1. Supporting Docunx’nratioir
PUS; NIH). Carcinogenesis Bioassay of
distribution of the expected impact. (1) Federal Register notices pertaining Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (CAS No.
Total testing costs for the final rule to this rule consisting of: 117—81—7) in F344 Rats and B6C3FI Mice
are estimated to range from $881,000 to (a) Notice of final rule on EPA’s TSCA (Feeding Study). NTP Technica) Report
$1,198,200. To better evaluate the impact Good Laboratory Practice Standards (48 Series No. 217.
on financial decisionmaking of FR 53922; November 29, 1983). (5) IJSDHHS: PUS; NIH,
manufacturing firms, these costs have (b) Notice of interim final ride on Carcinogenesis Bioassay of Di (2-
been annualized, Annualized costs are procedures governing Testing Consent ethylhexyl) Adipate (CAS No. 103—23—i)
conipared with annual revenue as an Agreements and Test Rules and in F344 Rats and B6C3FI Mice (Feed
indication of potential impact. The Exemption Procedures (51 FR 23706; Study). NTP Technical Report Series No.
annualized costs represent equivalent June 30, 1986). 212.
constant costs which would have to be (c) Notice of final rule on data (6) USD111-IS; P1-IS; Nil-I.
recouped each year of the payback reimbursement policy and procedures Carcinogenesis Bioassay of Sodium 2
period in order to finance the testing (48 FR 31788; July 11, 1983). Ethylhexyl Sulfate (GAS No. 126—92—1)
expenditure in the first year. (d) Toxic Substances Control Act Test in F344/N Rats and B6C3FI Mice (Feed
The annualized costs range from
$96,700 to $131,600. In calculating these Guidelines; Final Rule, 40 CFR Parts 796, Study). Draft NTP Techntcal Report.
797, and 798, (50 FR 39252; September 27, Prepared for the Board of Scientific
annualized costs, EPA has utilized a 7
percent real (i.e., net of inflation) cost of 1985). Counselors. (September 2, 1982).
capital and a 15-year cost recovery (e) Revisions to the Toxic Substances (7) USDHHS; P1-IS; NIH. NTP
period. An analysis of publicly available Control Act Test Guidelines; Final Rule Technical Report on the Toxicity and
financial data on the chemical industry (52 FR 19056; May 20, 1987). Carcinogenicity of Tris (2-ethylhexyl)
has led EPA to the determination that 7 (f) Notice of Proposed Test Rule for 2- Phosphate (GAS No. 78—42—2) in F344/N
percent represents an appropriate Ethy!hexanoic Acid (50 FR 20678; May Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Gavage Study).
measure of the real, after-tax cost of 17, 1985). Draft NTP ‘Fechnical Report. (September
capital for this industry. (g) Notice of Proposed Test Rule for 2- 8, 1983).
Based on the 1984 production volume Ethylhexanol (51 FR 45487; December 19. (8) USDHHS; PHS; NIH. Memorandum
for EH of 635 million pounds, the unit 1986). with Attachment from W. Kiuwe to 12
test costs will be about 0.02 cent per (5) Notice of Final Rule for 2- Addressees. Attachment: Comparative
pound. In relation to the selling price of Ethylhexanoic Acid (51 FR 40318; Chronic Toxicities and Carcinogenic
32 cents per pound of EH, these costs November 6, 1986). Potentials of Four 2-Ethyhexyl-
am’e equivalent to 0.06 percent of price. (i) Notice of interim final rule on containing Compounds in Rats and Mice
Based on these costs, the economic single-phase test rule development and (December 19, 1983).
analysis indicates that the potential for exemption procedures (50 FR 20652; May (9) NTP, National Institute of
significant adverse economic impact as 17, 1985). Environmental and Health Sciences.
a result of this test rule is extremely low. (2) Communications concerning the Microencapsu!ation Report 2-Ethyl-I -
Refer to the economic analysis for a rule including contact reports of hexanol—Conformance of
complete discussion of test cost telephone conversations, and public Microencapsulated Chemical to
estimation and the potential for comments. Specifications. Midwest Research
economic impact resulting from these (3) U.S. Environmental Protection Institute. NIEHS Contract No. Nol—ES—
costs (Ref. 2). Agency (USEPA). Chemical Testing 45060. (July 3, 1986).
Industry Profile of Toxicological Testing. (10) USEPA. Response to Public
VI. Availability of Test Facilities and Development Planning and Research Comments, Proposed Revision of TSCA
Personnel Associates, Inc. and ICF Incorporated. Test Guidelines (51 FR 1522; January 14,
Section 4~b)(1)of TSCA requires EPA Contract number 68—01~-6064and Task 7, 1986), see the Federal Register of May
to consider “the reasonably foreseeable Contract No. 68—O1--6287. (October, 20. 1987 (52 FR 19056).
availability of the facilities and 1981). (11) Chemical Manufacturers
personnel needed to perform the testinrg Association (CMA). Comments of the 2-
B. Refrrences
required under the rule.” Therefore, EPA Ethyihexanol Panel of the Chemical
conducted a study to assess the (1) National Toxicology Program Manufacturers Association on EPA’s
availability of test facilities and (NTP). “Summary of Data for Chemical Proposed Test Rule for 2-Ethy!hexanol,
personnel to handle the additional Selection” prepared for The National Washington, DC (February 17, 1987).
demand for testing services created by Cancer Institute by SRI International. (12) CMA. Letter from Geraldine V.
section 4 test rules (Ref. A.(3j). On the Contract No. NOl—CP—95607 9/80 (Rev. Cox, Vice President-Technical Director,
basis of this study, the Agency believes April 1981). CMA, to Charles L. Elkins, Director,
that there will be available test facilities (2) U.S. Environmental Protection Office of Toxic Substances, USEPA,
and personnel to perform the testing in Agency (USEPA). Economic Impact Extension of Comment Period on 2-ELI
this rule. Analysis of Final Test Rule for 2- Test Rule Proposal. Washington, DC
Ethylhexanol. Mathtech, Inc. Contract (February 10, 1987).
VII. Rulemaking Record number 68—02—4235. Office of Pesticides (‘13) CMA. Letter from Geraldine V.
EPA has established a record for this and Toxic Substances. Washington, DC Cox, Vice President-Technical Director,
rulemaking (docket number OPTS— (March 20, 1987). CMA, to Gary E. Timm, Chief, Test
28704 Federal Register I Vol. 52, No. 148 / Monday, August 3, 1987 I Rules and Regulations

U.S.C. 350’! cc seq., and has assigned

Rules Development Branch, USEPA, re: Environmental Science aird Technology.
Issues for Discussion at 2-Ethyihexanol 17:329—34. (1983). them 0MB control number 2070—0033.
Public Meeting. Washington, DC (March (26) Sheldon, L.S. and l-iites, PA,
13, 1987). “Organic Compounds in the Delaware List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 799
(14) USEI~A.Transcript of Proceedings River.” Environmental Science and Testing, Environmental protection.
From the Public Meeting to Present Oral Technology. 12:1188—94. (1978). Hazardous substances, Chemicals,
Comments on 2-Ethylhexanol; Proposed (27) Yasuhara, A., Shiraishi, I-I., Tsuji, Recordkeeping and reporting
Test Rule. Washington, DC (March 19, M., and Okuno, T. “Analysis of organic requirements.
1987). substance in highly polluted water by Drtted: July 27, 19117.
(15) Alcolac. Letter from Daniel mass spectrometry.” Environmental
Victor J. Kimm,
Greenfield, Director: TSCA Compliance, Science and Technology. 15:570—3.
Alcolac, to tire TSCA Public Information Acting Assistant Administratorfor Pesticides
Office, USEPA, Washington, DC (April Confidential business information and Toxic Substances.
15, 1987). (CBI), while part of the record, is not Therefore, Chapter 1 of Title 40, Part
(16) NTP. National Institute of available for public review. A public 799, of the Code ofFederal Regulations
Envim’onmental and Health Sciences. version of the record, from which CBI is amended as follows:
Standard analysis new Report, Chemical has been deleted, is available for
Characterization and Dosage inspection in the OPTS Reading Rm., PART 799—~AMENDEDJ
Formulation Studies for 2-Ethylhexanol. NE—G004, 401 M St., SW., Washington,
1. The authority citation for Part 799
Midwest Research Institute. NIEHS DC, from 8 n.m. to 4 p.m., Monday continues to read as follows:
contract No. Nol—ES—45060. (October 4, through Friday, except legal holidays.
1985). Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2603, 2611, 2625.
VIII. Other Regulatory Requirements
(17) National Institute for 2. By adding new § 799.1645 to read as
Occupational Safety and Health A. Glassification of Rule
(NIOSH). National Occupational Hazard follows:
Under Executive Order 12291, EPA
Survey Data Base (NOHS), USDHHS, must judge whether a regulation is § 799.1645 2-Ethyihexanoi
Washington, DC. Computer printout. “major” and them’efore subject to the (a) Identification of test substance. (1)
(May 31, 1985). requirement of a Regulatory impact 2-Ethyihexanol (CAS No. 104—78—7) shall
(18) NIOSH. National Occupational Analysis. EPA has determined that this be tested in accordance with this
Exposure Survey Data Base (NOES). test rule is not major because it does not section.
USDHHS, Washington, DC. Computer meet any of the criteria set forth in (2) 2-Ethylhexanol of at least 99.0-
printout. (June 4, 1985). section 1(b) of the Order, i.e., it will not percent purity shall be used as the test
(19) NTP. Maronpot, R.R. “Liver have an annual effect on the economy of substance.
lesions in B6C3FI Mice: The National at least $100 million, will not cause a (b) Persons required to submit study
Toxicity Program, Experience and major increase in prices, and will not plans, conduct tests, and submit data.
Position.” Research Triangle Park, NC have a significant adverse effect on
(1987). All persons who manufacture or
competition or the ability of U.S. process, or intend to manufacture or
(20) NTP. I-Iaseman, J. K. enterprises to compete with foreign process 2-ethylhexanol, other than as an
“Comparative Results of 327 Chemical enterprises. impurity, from the effective date of this
Carcinogenicity Studies.” Research This regulation was submitted to the final rule to the end of the
Triangle Park, NC (May 30, 1987, in Office of Management and Budget reimbursement period shall’ submit
press). (0MB) for review as required by letters of intent to cOnduct testing,
(21) NTP. Letter from Ronald L. Executive Order 12291. Any written submit study plans, conduct tests, and
Melnid:k, to Frank Benenati, Office of comments from 0MB to EPA, and any
Toxic Substances, USEPA, Washington submit data or exemption applications
EPA response to those comments, are as specified in this section, Subpart A of
DC (October 3, 1986). included in the rulemaking record. this Part, and Parts 790 and 792 of this
(22) USEPA. Memorandum re: chapter for single-phase rulemaking.
Ethylhexanol test program, from Carl B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
Baetcke, Health and Environmental (c) I-Iealth effects—(1) Oncogenic
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act effects— (i) Required testing. (A)
Review Division, to Frank Benenati, (15 U.S.C. 601 et seq., Pub. L. 96—354,
Office of Toxic Substances, USEPA, Oncogenicity tests shall be conducted in
September 19, 1980), EPA is certifying Fisher 344 rats and B6C3FI mice by the
Washington, DC (October 3, 1986). that this test rule will not have a
(23) CMA. Letter from Geraldine V. oral route with 2-ethyihexanol in
significant impact on a substantial accordance with § 798.3300 of this
Cox, Vice Pi’esident-i’echnical Director, number of small businesses because: (1)
CMA, to John A. Moore, Assistant chapter, except for the provisions in
They will not perform testing § 798.3300(b)(6).
Administrator for Pesticides and Toxic themselves, or will not participate in the
Substances, USEPA, re: route of (B) For the purpose of this section, the
organization of the testing effort; (2) they
administration for 2-EU Bioassay. will experience only very minor costs in following provisions also apply to the
Washington, DC (June 2, 1987). securing exemption from testing oncogenicity tests: (1) Administration of
(24) Shell Oil Company. 1-lansen, RE., the test substance. 2-Ethylhexanol shall
requirements; and (3) they are unlikely
letter to the USE1~ARe: 2—Ethylhexanol— be administered either by
to be affecter! by reimbursement microencapsulation before adding it to
Tirratogenic Effects. (May 14, 1987). requi rèmentS.
(25) Srrmolloff, MR., Bell, J., Birkholz, the diet or li~igava~e,
D.A., Webster, G.R.B., Arnott, E.G., C. Paperwork Reduction Act (2) [Reserved)
Pnjlak. R., Madrid, A. ‘‘Combined 0MB has approved the informatnon (ii) Reporting reqrjii-emems. (A) The
bioassay-chemical fractionation scheme collection requirements contained in this study plan for the oncogenicity test shall
for the determination and ranking of final i~uleunder the provisions of the be submitted at least 45 days before the
toxic chemicals in sediments.’’ Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 44 initirrtion of testing.
Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 148 / Monday, August 3, 1987 / Roles and Regulations 28705

111) ‘the oncogenici ly testing shrill hr eta tote nih ich urea ted tire Connrnission, license of Station VVLGC—FM, Greennp
completed and final report submitted to 1 to specify the new charnnel at the
I uh. I,. 98—101. 97 Stat. 719. ‘i’he new
fbi A’’i’rrcv within 53 months of the
law, among other things, raised the reqinest of Greenop Counts
t’fl~i.tiv date of this final rule if 2- annual limits on individural and liroadcasting, Inc. A counterproposal to
it I:~ Ito’ ‘,anol is administer’ed by guvagu (‘0! ~t0rate co nt ri I)utrons to the allot the channel to Athens, Ohio is
or w: thin 50 months of the effective date ( ~oorcries on, The limit ott in tin a al denied. With tins action the prnceedmng
of this final rule if administered h~’ cnrnl ribut ions was raised from 825,000 to is ii’:’nninated.
an i urnor rica ps ula t ion. $250,000 ton individual donors and from EFFECTIVE DATE: September 4, 1937.
(C) Interim progress reports shall be 3100.000 to $1,000,000 for corporate and
submitted to EPA at 6-month inten’vals other business organization donors. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
beginning 6 months after the effective Pupei’worA’ Reduction Act.’ There are 1). David Weston, Mass Media Bureau
tlate of the final rule, until the final no infon’mmrtion collection requirements (202) 034—6530.
report is subnritted to EPA. subject to the Pa perwork Reduction Act SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ‘I’his is a
(2) [Reserved) of 1980. sunimary of the Commission’s Report
(d) Effective date. The effective date and Order, MM Docket No. 85—30,
of this final rule requiring oncogenicity List of Subjects in 45 CFR Part 2002
adopted July 9, 1987, and released July
testing of 2-ethylhexanol is September Donations, [1.8. Constitution 20, 1987. The full text of this Commission
16, ‘1987. Bicentennial. decision is available for inspection and
(tnitormation collection requirements are Issued in Washington, DC, on july 28, 1987. copying during nornial business hours in
appro’. ed by the Office of Management and Mark W. Cannon, the FCC Dockets Branch (Room 230),
Budget under control number 2070-0033.) Staff DIi’ector. 1919 M Street, NW., Washington, DC.
)FR floe. 87—17514 Filed 7—33—57: 8:45 amj The complete text of this decision may
BILUNG CODE 656O-5O-~M PART 2002—~AMENDEDI also be purchased from the
Commission’s copy contractors,
1. The authority citation for Part 2002
International Transcription Service,
is revised to read as follows: (202) 857—3800, 2100 M Street, NW.. Suite
OF THE UNITED STATES Authority: Section 5(h)(3) of Pub. L. 98—101; 140, Washington, DC 20037.
97 Stat. 719: as amended by Pub. L. 99—549,
CONSTITUTION List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73
100 Stat. 3063: 5 U.S.C. 552.
45 CFR Part 2002 § 2002.21 lAmended] Radio broadcasting.
2. Section 2002.21 is amended as PART 73—~AMENDED]
Regulations on Donations; Tethnleal
Amendments a. Paragraph (a) is amended by 1. The authority citation for Part 73
AGENCY: Commission on the inserting “as amended”, after “97 Stat. (:ofltinues to read as follows:
Bicentennial of the United States 721,”.
h. Paragraph (a)(1) is amended by Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303.
ACTION: Final rule. - -
striking “$25,000” and inserting in lieu § 73.202 [Amended]
thereof “$250,000”.
c. Paragraph (a)(2) is amended by 2. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM
SUMMARY: This notice announces
amendments made by the Commission striking “$100,000” and inserting in lieu Allotments is amended by substituting
on the Bicentennial of the United States thereof “$1,000,000”. Channel 289B1 for Channel 288A at the
Constitution to the Regulations on entry for Greenup Kentucky.
Donations which were published as an § 2002.22 [AmendedI Federal Communications Cornnmission.
Interim Rule on January 24, 1986 [51 FR 3. Section 2002.22 is amended as Bradley P. Holmes,
3173) and adopted as a Final Rule on follows: chief Policy and Ru/i’s Division Moss M’edio
August 7, 1986 [51 FR 28384). The a. Paragraph (b) is amended by
striking “$100,000” and inserting in lieu Bateau.
enactment of Pub. L. 99—549, 100 Stat. IFR Don:. 87—17550 Filn:d 7—31—87; 8:45 ann)
3063, signed by the President on October thereof “$1,000,000”.
27, 1986, requires these amendments in [FR Dune. 87—t7483 Filed 7—31--67: 8:45 am)
order to implement the actions of SILLING CODE 6340-O1-M
Congress and conform the Commission’s
existing regulations with the new DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
authority granted by Gongn’oss. The
48 CFR Parts 204, 215, 230, and 253
effect of these amendments is to raise COMMISSION
the contribution ceilings for individuals Department of Defense Federal
mud corporations. 47 CFR Part 73 Acquisition Regulation Supplement;
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 3, 1987. [MM Docket No. 86-29; RM-4941) DoD Profit Policy
Joseph B. McGrath, General Counsel, Radio Broadcasting Services; AGENCY: Department of Defense (DoD).
Commission an the Bicentennial of the Greenup, KY ACTION: Final rule.
United States Constitution, 736 Jackson AGENCY: Feclen’a I Communicatiorrs
Place, NW., Washington, DC 20503: SUMMA8Y: The Defense Acquisition
Corn oriss ion. Regulatory Council has approved
telephone: (202) 275—9178.
ACTION: Final rule. revisions to Subparts 204.6, 215.9, 230.70
mnmnenclrnents are required and appros ed SUMMARY: This document substitutes and 253.3 of the DoD FAR Supplement
in order to implement changes ermtdr’ by Channel 289B1 fur Channel 288A at with respect to profit policy.
Pint,, L. 911—549, 100 Stat. 30-3, to tim’ Griir’nnp. Kentmncky and modifies the EFFECTIVE DATE: August 1 1987.

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