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This study aims to present the effect of technology (Gadgets) to the students especially
Senior high School in Liceo de Masbate.

A. Background of the study.

Technology (gadgets) is mostly used by the students nowadays unlike the old years and
some Students they use technology (gadgets) as a materials such as library notes, books,, and
solve a mathematical equations. Technology use allow many more Students to be actively
thinking about information, making choice, and exciting skills than is typical in teacher-led
lessons. Then other Students they use technology (gadgets) to search ideas from the internet to
have a creative works. While to the students using technology (gadgets) in a wrong ways even
the Teacher are talking in front then other students they use cellphone or gadgets to play online
or offline games and to capture a funny moves of faces of a Teacher and Students and they post
it in social media to become trending .

to a study of IT Trade Association CompTIA just related this month, around 75% of
educators think that technology has a positive impact in the education process. Educators also
recognize the importance of developing these technological skill in Students so they will be
prepared to enter the workforce one they complete their schooling.

The impact that technology has had today’s school has been quite significance. This
widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how Teacher teach and Students
learn. Teacher are learning how to teach with emerging technologies(tablets/ipads) smart
Boards, digital camera, computer. While Students are using advanced technoogly to shape how
they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the classroom we are a few benefits of
using it. The pro and cons of technology Amanda, R.(2017)

Using technology in classroom is one of those issues that make it easy to be a fence
sitter. It’s difficult to be 100% for the use of educational, technology all of them when there are
so may convincing arguments against it. Most Teacher find a happy medium with technology it’s
useful in some situations, but a distraction in others.


This study aims to describe the effect of technology (gadgets) to the Senior high school
Students in Liceo de Masbate. It also explain the effect of technology(gadgets) to the
performance of the Students in their class. This also aims to describe how students see
technology (gadgets) as part of their school life.

The effect of technology (gadgets) to the Senior high school Students in liceo de Masbate.


1. What are the influence of technology(gadgets) to the Students?

2. What are the effect of technology (gadgets) to the performance of the Senior high school
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology(gadgets) to the Students?


The main focus of this study is to describe the effect of technology (gadgets) to the
Senior high school Students in Liceo de Masbate. The study is focuses the cause and effect of
technology(gadgets) to the Senior high school Students. this study determine on how Students
can manage by using technology(gadgets). This study carried out in Liceo de Masbate S.Y 2018-


This study was held on Liceo de Masbate we will focus to the Senior high school
Students. It is located between St. Anthony de Padua Cathedral and Magallanes coliseum along
Quezon st. Masbate city. And to seek answer about the cause and effect of technology(gadgets)
to the Senior high school Students in Liceo de Masbate.


This study is to give the awareness about the effect of technology (gadgets) to the
Senior high school Students and its academic performance. In this study also, it can contributes
to the society about the advantages and disadvantages of using technology (gadgets) especially
to the Senior high school students, not only for the students it also to the school administration,
Teacher, parents and fellow researcher. And also it helps to the Respondents especially to the
Senior high school students in Liceo de Masbate to understand or to know the proper use of
technology (gadgets) in everyday life.

The beneficiaries of this research are the following.

•STUDENTS – the Students will be inform of what are the use of technology(gadgets) in
their studies or school life.
•PARENTS – it is beneficiaries to those parents for them to know what are the effect of
technology (gadgets) to their children. And to manage their children to have a proper time to
use the technology (gadgets).

•FELLOW RESEARCH – it will be beneficiaries to fellow research because it can be as

reference or guidelines to formulate new ideas.

•COMMUNITY - ??????


TECHNOLOGY- the branch of knowledge that leads with the creation and use of technical means
and their interrelation with life, society and the environment, drawing upon such subject as
industrial arts, engineering applied science and pose science.

STUDENTS – a person formally engaged in learning especially one enrolled in a school or college.

PERFORMANCE – the execution of an action or something accomplished presentation.

SCHOOL LIFE – is the best period of human life. People are learning from his childhood in the
school, and also a school built the character of a man.

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