Social Life Helping Others To Connect With People

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Social Life: Helping others to connect with people

INTRODUCTION I. (Attention Getter)

What makes us happy as we go through life? Is it achieving your goals? Is it money? Yes! It
can be. But do you know that being kind to others is actually one of major sources of happiness?
When I just got in to middle school, there is a time where I’m addicted to Teh Poci. I had to
drink it at least 2 times a week or I’ll become moody to my parents. There is one time when
my mom actually refused to buy me one, because I had it too much, and I became moody and
talk shortly to her, eventually, she gave in and bought it. After we bought it, I saw a beggar
probably the same age as me looking straight to my Teh Poci. Looking at that, I was having a
war with myself, either to give the drink that I wanted all day or just ignored her. I was thinking
so hard, and so long, but eventually, I ran back to her and gave my drink. She was clearly happy,
she thanked me and I feel a warm feeling in my heart, my expression probably would mirror
hers. I ran back to my mom and I looked at her face and she has the biggest smile on her face,
she was also clearly happy with my action. And at that times I looked around and see people
around us was also smiling, they looked at how happy she was and how happy I am, and they
also feel the happiness, it’s a really meaningful moment. But just a few weeks ago, there is
another beggar in the station, I gave her my exchange money as I passed. I clearly did
something nice, but it doesn’t feel as happy as before. There is no smile on neither mine or hers
or people around us.
II. (Reveal your topic)
Kindness helps us connect with people.
III. (Establish Credibility)
Now that I’m looking back at that moment, the difference between those two experiences is
the connection.
IV. (Preview of Main Points)
1. Scientifically, human body react positively when they are being kind, and
2. Helping people as an act of kindness would feel more happier if you make it meaningful.
(TRANSITION: Let’s talk about it scientifically first)
BODY I. (First Main Point –A Complete sentence)
Have you ever heard about Endorphins? A wonderful brain chemical which often called
“feel-good” chemicals because they can act as a pain reliever and happiness booster.
(Internal Preview of SPs)
That chemical can be produced when you helping other. In this case, Endorphins usually
called Helper’s High which is a euphoria that happens when you do charitable deeds, it is
what you receive when you give from the heart a gracious act of kindness.
(Internal Summary of SPs)
The amount of positive response makes a lot of people actually state that human body is
actually made to help people in order to feel its best feeling.
(TRANSITION: But then, there’s the time where we do not feel as good as we expected. Let’s
see why and how it feels like that)
II. (Second Main Point–A Complete sentence)
Human is a social creature. We actually live to communicate and help each other. But helping
other now feels more like a moral obligation than something that sincerely done. That is why
sometimes you do not feel the Helper High as much as you expected.
A. (Subpoint)
Have you ever give your exchange money to a beggar when you are in public places? Or to
buskers? Do you feel that Helper’s high when you give them some help? Most of you would
say no.
1. (S-SP) People actually doesn’t really think that kind of thing as helping other, at least not
with their heart.
a. they would forget about the event the next second after doing it.
b. some people don’t even feel like they are helping someone.
2. (S-SP) Why is that? According to social psychologist Elizabeth Dunn, in order to feel the
Helper’s High, the giver should feel a real sense of connection with the one they are helping.
a. For example, there is a disaster happened in some area, and you can help them by two
way. The first one is by transferring your money to a charity company or volunteering
to go to the place yourself.
b. Which one do you think would make the giver feel the Helper’s High? (asking one of
the audiences) Yes!
c. The reason is because they can actually see what difference they made. They know how
the money they might transfer is actually used. These people won’t just seeing a few 0
reducing from their bank account.

I. (Summary of Main points)
Human naturally finds joy in giving, but you can’t expect the joy to happen automatically. To
feel that Helper’s High, try to be kind and help other not as a moral obligation but also your
own pleasure. Giving to others helps us connect with people and meets one of our basic
human needs that is relatedness. Because the act is contagious, giving to others can be a glue
which connects individual happiness with wider community and societal wellbeing.
TED. (2019, May 20). Elizabeth Dunn: Helping others makes us happier-but it matters how
we do it [Video file]. Retrieved from
Baltazzi, Maria (2018, September 13). Why Science Says Helping Others Makes Us
Happier. Retrieved from

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