Trinity: Student: Shireen Aggarwal, Grade 1-C Author: Thomas Taylor

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Story : The Loudest Roar

Student: Shireen Aggarwal, Grade 1-C Author: Thomas Taylor

Today, I am going to tell you a story about my friend “Clovis”. Clovis is small but
the loudest and the roaringest tiger. Co-incidentally Clovis happens to be the
favorite of famous story teller Thomas Taylor also.

Clovis used to live in a very peaceful jungle, where everyone was quiet and
calm, but Clovis. Clovis knew that although he is small , he is the fiercest and the
most roaringest tiger in the world. And he wanted everyone else to know it too.

One day, he saw some muddy wildebeest wallowing happily in their slimy
swamp. Clovis very cleverly and quietly went very near them without being
noticed and suddenly he roared in his loudest voice. The wildebeest got scared
and ran away. Clovis did same with everyone in the jungle. Be it mighty
elephants, chatterboxes of jungle; the monkeys, flock of chirpy birds and
parrots, big mouth monsters; the crocodiles, the speedy guns; deer’s and
everyone else.

Everyone got very irritated with Clovis and wanted to teach him a lesson. One
day, the most cunning monkey came up with an idea. He gathered everyone in
the jungle when Clovis was sleeping. All animals creeped outside the cave of
Clovis. And at the count of three, everyone blew their vocal chords to the

Clovis got very scrared and was surprised to hear the loudest roar he had ever
heard. On that day Clovis ptromised everyone not to roar at them again. The

jungle became peaceful and happy place to live in again. Well most of the time!
(wink of an eye)

Poem: Moving through the jungle

Running through the jungle, I hear a noise; “roar! roar! roar! roar!”

Crawling through the jungle I hear a noise; “Sssss! Sssss! Sssss! Sssss!”

Stamping through the jungle I hear a noise; “ Neeah! Neeah! Neeah! Neeah!”

Leaping through the jungle I hear a noise; “Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!”

Swinging through the jungle I hear a noise; “ Oo! Oo! Oo! Aa! Aa! Aa!”

Mommy asked me who was the loudest when I came?

I thought it was Clovis, the tiger!!!!!!!!

Naaa!!!! It were all animal together who scored in this noisiest game.


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