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=34 POL: SCL. t- POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE, CHAPTER T INTRODUCTION Nain by aire. pocket aritatle A, Etymology oF Political Sfénee Political- from Greek word pals” means city or city-ssie, equivalent to soveréign sate wt present (e.g Philippines: US. China, ete.) Science. from Latih word “selre” means 10 know of to stidy. Politics arises whenever there is an association of men, wherein in ?hat organization confiket ovctrs ach they subject themselves tio same form of Power oF authority Political Selene — the systematic study of the state and politics Other Definitions: Political Seience—stidy of palities Batic knowledge and Understanding of state atid of principles and ideals which undertie te ovzanization and objectives > this concerts with the assaeiation of human beings ints’ "body politic” or » political community {one organized under a government ard law) > ik deals with those relations amone men and groups which are subject Co contro! by the state ‘elf, with the relations of men and groups to the state itself and with the reiations of state to other stmie. Functioas and Importance of Political Science 1. The function is to discover the principles that should be adhered to in public affsis and to stvav the Ge erations of governmont in otter to demonstrate what is go0d, to criticize what fs bad or ine*isient- and to suggest improvements 2. Its findings avid conctusions mayiae of immense practical use to constitution- makers, legisiatos, exe tives and judges who need model or norms that can be applied to immediate situations, They may ke of immense practical use to individuals who seek to understand the state in which they live 3, tt deals also with problems. of social welfare, governmental economic programs, internations| coopers- sees ee ge of cet mati oft inc ence ar AO Seas oe Goals of Political Science (Education for eltizenship ~ the primary objective of Political Sciente eurriculimm is education for citizen: ‘hip: secondary isthe task of equipping them to discharge the abligations of democratic citizensie +2 Essentiat parts of liberal education - mast Political Selence courses showld be viewed as essen parts of fiberat education, bearing no materialistic price tap and prombsing job security 5 Inteligent, cesponsible citizenship ean save democracy, ignorance and negligence can fase it 1B Eternal vigiiance is the price of likey. A \, | ee 3. Knowledge and understanding of government - 9 “good” citizen does not only vote regularly, but know the answers: how the government really operates, what his rights and obligations, etc. ‘Scope of Political Science 1, Political Theory deals with the entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form, behaviour and pur- poses ofthe state 7 2. Public Law — its study handles the following: 4. the organization of governments and the limitations upon governmental authority ', powers and duties of governmental offices and officers ¢: obligation of one stare to ancither 3. Public Admini = focuses tipon the methods and tectiniques. used in the actual management of 2 inistration state affairs by the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government Relationship of Political Science with Other Disciplines Political Science (state, politics ‘and government) History (chronological study of past events) History and Political Science (focuses on causal factors for the occurrence of social phenomenon the ond of Political Science anid History ts abvious that “History is Past Pollties, and Politics is Present Histon ‘0 use historical approach to interpret present and treat future phenomena, Political Science (government administration of peaples/state affairs) fegiiomics (allocation of state's scarce resources) Political Economy ( studies how government uses its power and authority in shaping the State's economy; vital in economic policy- making prescribe econamle conditions. ness, 5 use ecanomic approach to interpret rublic financial ‘economic conditions affect the organization, development and ath I policies and government regulation of busi- vithes of states which in turn modify or even Political Science (deals with public policies relating to social problems) Sociology (society and culture) Political ony ( deals with social structure/s and institutions; focuses on teciprocal “relationship between the ‘government and the citizens amed with origin and caltre of soclal control end government authority with intuene Hon lieve society and with the patterns of collecting human beheviou. ees of race and cul- Fe eee ee Political Science and Psycholozy/Political Pata scene eas wit|racolgy human behaviour [Behar deus wih pote! sive of Geers cuore ceed’ |sodetnes wymotvation anc) | police! acirs) z ‘other factors/stirmul) mobilizations) groups promos sues of mentale emotional processes’ motivating the poltoat beiviow. of indviduais and [Psychological approach handles public opinion, pressure grouns ond propaganda. Political Science (paliey- making for the state's territorial security ‘Geography (location, physical features, terrain and the physical environment of 2 state) ‘Geopolitics (studies how the physical environment of @ state affects its growth, development and survivald deals with the influences ofpassical factors ax population pressures, gongraply. domestielforéign poletes Relationships with Other Fields josophy of Locke, Plato, Aristotle ete. are the underlying forces in the framing of 1, Phifesophy ~ the phil constitution and laws ““Ethics"*~ the moral background of proposed changes in social legislation. 2. Statistics and Logic — used in gathering and evaluating data and In drawing conclusions; logical proce: dures for the analysis of reasoning. 3, Jurisprudence ~ (a system of body of law /dept. of aw) = analysis of existing legal system and also with the ethicel, historical, soriological and peychologica! foundations of law, Law and State are inseparable. STUDY GUIDE #1: 2 youth, 3. Filipino citizen. i | | } | |, Make erection on the significance of studying political science to you a: 8) L._Conétruct an ilustration (sketch or diagram) to explain what politics means. or ay lo x fayrteca | Posagel far Tae ¢ » Free —howm + Cbreon phe eh elt Mp breton, hom 5 fom

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