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'Protecting Bayside's coast, natural and cultural heritage'.

SFA Newsletter August 2019


Patrons of SFA:
Professor Tim Flannery
former resident of Sandringham and Australian of the Year 2007
Professor John Long
Professor of Palaeontology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Flinders University

SFA is free to join. Donations are appreciated for Bayside Fossil research
directly to Museums Victoria The Lost World of Bayside Fossils using this link:
Museums Victoria Bayside Fossil Fundraiser
(100% tax deductible donation).

"We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the waters and lands on which we live
and work, and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present”

From the president of SFA, Dr Vicki Karalis AM

Dear Friends and Members of the SFA,

It is wonderful the weather is warming and there are
now early signs that Spring is on its way.

We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter which

• Details of another exciting free fossil event [gold
coin donations] held by the BESS and MESAC.
• Photos of the new public signage placed by
Council at the Beaumaris Bay fossil site.
Unfortunately the Beaumaris Bay Fossil site was
not shortlisted for National Heritage Listing by
the Heritage Department this year. The
nomination application will be resubmitted next
year as the site is still considered to be of
international significance by experts,
palaeontologists, peak expert bodies, and the
wider community.
• SFA's submission response to the DELWPs draft
marine and coastal policy with acknowledgements to
Hazel Stanworth, Beth Jensen of Marine Care Ricketts
Point and Beach Patrol 3193 who were instrumental in
helping us write the report.
• Proposal for further development of the Ricketts Point
Teahouse -you can provide a response to Council using
their link below.
• More historical photos of Bayside beaches. Do you
have any historical or old photos you can share with us
of Bayside beaches? Please email your images directly

I personally have been quite busy lately writing a

number of submissions and articles for medical doctors
on air pollution in Australia. Anyone interested can hear
me on National ABC radio Life Matters:

Please let us know what you think of the new SFA logo
designed by Alison Horton, Vice President of SFA:

New signage by Bayside City Council at Beaumaris Bay highlighting the sort of fossils
found at the site and warnings that any damage to the cliffs and sea floor is prohibited
and an offense.
Annual BESSI and MESAC Fossil Expo
Bayside Earth Sciences Society Inc &
Marine Education Science and Community Centre

The 2019 Bayside Fossil expo will be held on Saturday, September 14 between 10
am and 2.30 pm
-see advertisement below.

The venue for this event will be the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron, in the heart
of the Beaumaris Fossil Site. Car parking will be available in the BMYS car park.

Everyone is welcome so please pass on details of the event to anyone you know
who might be interested. Entry is free for BESS members and by gold coin
donation for non-members.

Professional palaeontologists will be in attendance to give presentations and will

help with any fossils brought in for display or identification. If you have any
interesting specimens in your collections, especially any specimens not previously
made known to the palaeontologists, take them along to the event for identification.

Speakers include Ben Francischelli, a Vertebrate Palaeontology Laboratory and

Field Preparator with Museums Victoria. See his social media pages found here:
Facebook group:
SFA would like to thank Hazel Stanworth, Beth Jensen of Marine Care
Ricketts Point and Beach Patrol 3193 who were instrumental in helping to
write this report.


Thank you for the opportunity to comment on DELWP’s draft Marine and Coastal

We are pleased to see that the draft policy covers key marine and coastal values,
threats and management issues and places importance on a healthy coast and
marine environment. It is positive to see the acknowledgement to better manage
and approach the issues around climate change.

We are a voluntary organisation that aims to help protect and conserve the
foreshore in the Bayside municipality of Port Phillip Bay, so our interest will be
focused on the development and implementation of the future Marine and Coastal
Strategy, and the practical outcomes from that Strategy. We hope this policy
improves communication between the community, stakeholders, environmental
groups and managers to discuss all options available to manage areas under
threat that the community value for their amenities.

We are keen to be involved and understand how the Victorian Government will
support and improve effective actions under these policy areas. Our key interest
areas are collaboration between government, industry, community and Traditional
Owners, and the funding/resources arrangements to implement actions.

Our specific comments on the Draft Policy

The Planning and Decision Pathway

Chapter 13 describes community participation/stewardship in managing and
protecting marine and coastal values but there is not so much emphasis of the
social values, which are important to all Victorian communities. We would like to
see social values incorporated into step 2 (protect and enhance environmental and
cultural values). We would also like to see this better represented in chapter 5
policy, identifying the community as a user.

Chapter 1 Traditional Owners Rights, Aspirations and Knowledge

It's positive to see policies specifically focused on Traditional Owner's rights and
involvement. We would like to see a stronger partnership built between Traditional
Owners, other environmental volunteer groups and the community.

Chapter 2 Ecosystems and Habitats

There is no mention of the role/importance of Victoria's Marine Protected Areas or
linking to the relevant legislation.
We think this is a very important area for inclusion, particularly in Marine Protected
areas such as Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary, which has significant challenges
as a small Sanctuary in a highly populated area and, in some places, densely used
foreshore, which impact on the Sanctuary.
We recommend there should also be recognition that there needs to be better
management outside of marine protected areas.
We are pleased that the Policy addresses the issue of water quality, given that
over 95% of pollution in the Bay comes from the rivers, creeks and stormwater
drains flowing into Port Phillip Bay. We will be interested to see what Strategies
are proposed in this area.

Marine Spatial Planning

This is a promising process to ensure all threats and activities to marine and
coastal environments are incorporated in assessing impacts and an evidence-
based approach is used towards decision-making.
Inclusion of groups like ours should be better reflected in this section identifying
stakeholders; include established marine and coastal environmental groups.

We would be happy to be further involved in the future.


Personal Watercraft (PWC) Regulatory Reform

There is a new consultation for comment live on Engage Victoria.
Have your say on a proposed waterway rule governing the operation of personal
watercraft (PWCs), such as jet skis in Shared Zones around Port Phillip Bay.
Have Your Say - Bayside City Council
Ricketts Point Teahouse

A new consultation is available to "have your say" on the link below.

Ricketts Point Teahouse on the Beaumaris foreshore is a much loved local venue
for a daytime meal in a wonderful coastal setting.

BCC are seeking your feedback on a proposal to refurbish the Teahouse interior
and extension of opening hours to allow for a dinner service involving extending
opening and liquor licence hours into the evening.

The interior refurbishment would be funded by the long term tenant of the
Teahouse in exchange for a long term lease (21 years) on crown land.

Consultation closes Midnight Sunday 25 August 2019.

N.B. The community groups who care for Ricketts Point and the surrounding area
do have some concern in regards to the impact the late night closing will have
on the native wildlife and marine sanctuary.
Marine Pest Cards
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