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Main Article 1

Left and Right

There were once two planets who considered each other as friends, the little grey
planet who was very unhappy and the tiny green planet who was very joyful.

Both planets are equipped to support life on them. The planets are alike when it
comes to their temperature, both of them are located within the right distance from the
Sun. They also possess an ozone layer that block harmful rays from sunlight and prevent
the planets from becoming too hot or too cold. With such characteristics, the grey and
the green planet was able to sustain life for hundreds of years already.

With such similarities, they can already be identified as twin planets.

Unfortunately, the people living in them differs in a lot of ways. The tiny green planet
would proudly share how his people protects the endangered species living on it. Its
human beings does it by cleaning lakes or oceans, recycling waste, growing plants or
vegetables and even by preserving their ecosystem. In contrast, the grey planet would
always express his disappointment about the individuals staying on his sphere. The
beings, despite them having all the innovations that they could ever need to protect
their home, had contaminated the whole place with rubbish and pollution that there were
no plants or animals left.

One day, the tiny green planet decided to help little grey planet. He sent one of his
responsible human beings to planet grey. The human being was asked to teach and
inform the grey planet’s inhabitants about the negative effects of their doings. As this
human being walked on planet grey, he noticed how drastically destroyed the planet is.
He tried his best to talk to its citizens, unfortunately they won’t listen to him. They all
thought that the human from the green planet was a lunatic, who is trying to spread fake
news. They shrugged off the idea that they were the ones destroying their planet, aside
from that they also mentioned that developments and innovations are much more
important than the environment.

People from the grey planet pushed him away and told him to return to his planet.
With a heavy heart, the human from the green planet agreed and started to prepare for
his journey going back to his own world.

On his way to his spaceship, he noticed something familiar yet unusual, a flower.
“Unbelievable!” the human uttered. Puzzled and amazed, he came closer to the flower
and saw that it was almost dying. He carefully dug up the flower together with its other
parts. Then, he started looking for a space where it could survive. He turned to the left
and to the right, everything is contaminated. Then he looked up to the stars and
remembered his home, the green planet.

So the human being put on his astronaut suit, and ascended into his
spacecraft. Together with the flower, they both went off to the green planet, far away
from all the pollution and contamination of the grey planet. “I feel sad for them. They
won’t have the chance to see this beautiful flower grow.”
New Words to Learn

 contamination (noun)- the action or state of making or being made impure by

polluting or poisoning.
 drastically (adverb) - in a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect.
 inhabitants (noun) - a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place.
 sustain (verb) - to give support or relief
 possess (verb)- to have and hold as property

Guide Questions
1. Based from the text, which is a better planet to live in? Support your answer.
2. Why did the Green planet send someone to the Grey planet?
3. How did the inhabitants of the Grey planet welcome their visitor from the Green
4. What does the last line say about the future of the people in Grey planet?
5. What are the possible things that the people from the Grey planet may do to save
their planet?

Did You Know?

 Our planet Earth is about 4.54 billion years old.

 Earth is covered in seas. 70 percent of Earth's surface are oceans, yet human
beings have only discovered about 5 percent, meaning 95 percent of the planet's
vast seas have never been revealed.
 The Earth is about 150 million kilometers from the sun. It means that it only takes
about 8 minutes and 19 seconds for sunlight to reach our planet.

Kid’s Corner

Write a letter of appeal to the inhabitants of the grey planet. Persuade them to save their
planet from pollution and contamination and give them advices on how to prevent their
home from dying.


Meriam-Webster Inc., 2019.

KidSAFE, 2018.

National Geographic, 2019.


Know the Word

Comparing ideas is one of our first and most natural forms of thought. Even at a
young age, as infants, we were able to identify the difference between our mother and
other people. Learning will be impossible without the capability to compare one object or
idea to another or to spot their similarities and differences.

Comparing and contrasting are methods of analyzing the similarities and

differences between two things. In simpler terms, comparing is showing the similarities,
and contrasting is showing differences between two things that are related in some way.

 Compare means to estimate or to examine the characteristics or qualities of

things in order to discover resemblances or differences.

 Contrast means to compare or appraise in respect to the differences of


The inhabitants from the Green Planet and the Grey Planet are both protected from
harmful rays from sunlight because of their ozone layer.

People from the tiny Green Planet knows how to protect their surroundings while the
human beings from the small Grey Planet consciously destroys their environment.


Using the Venn diagram below compare and contrast the two planets from Main Article 1.

Green Planet Grey Planet

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