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Name : Aisyah Nurfa Sriandini

Class : X MIPA 3

11. Write the expressions of compliment and the responses to the following

See the example.

Situation Compliments Responses
1.Your friend is singing That’s a lovely voice. Do you really think so?
2.Anita is very dressed up You look nice in that Thank you very much.
and looks very nice. dress.
3.A friend is showing you That’s a nice house. Thank you,I made the
a photograph of this new design by myself.
4.Your sister has a What a beautiful baby Thank you.
beautiful baby daughter. you have.
5.You admire your What a lovely garden! Do you think so?
neighbour’s garden.
6.Your team’s project is Well done! Thanks a lot.
7.A friend has rescued You’re doing great. Thanks.
someone from a house

12.Complete these dialogues with compliments and the responses.

a).A young man and a girl are in a restaurant on their first date.
Girl : This food is delicious , I like it.

Young man : Do you think so? A friend recommended it to me last

Week. He says that the atmosphere is very romantic.

Girl : You friend is right. I must admit that. This restaurant is


Young man : Very well.

b). An old woman is asking for help from a young girl

Old woman : Excuse me,young lady,but could you help me fill in this

form,please? I forgot to bring my glasses.

Girl : Of course,ma’am. Let me fill it in for you. What’s your


Old woman : Gretta Jones. Your handwriting is very neat.

Girl : Oh,thank you ma’am.

c). A group of friends are having a rest after a basket ball game.

Freddy : Hey,guys,can you believe it? Our team won the at last.

John : Really? Hey, Jim did the work.

Jack : Yeah,Jim,you deserve the praises.

Jim : Okay,okay,guys but I cant’t take all the credit. You guys did

most of the work.

John : Yeah,but you controlled the ball so well from the beginning.

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