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Worksheet – Reactivity Series Name: _______________________

Q1. Which metal does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid?
A. Iron B. Sodium C. Zinc D. Copper
a. Place the metals calcium, potassium and zinc in order of chemical reactivity towards water, from the most
reactive to the least reactive.
b. Write the balance chemical equation if any along with state symbols for the reactions in (a).
Q3. Draw diagrams of the structures of iron and steel to show their differences.
Q4. The following is an incomplete diagram which show the
reaction of magnesium with steam to from magnesium oxide and a
a. Name the gas formed during the reaction.
b. Complete the diagram to show how the gas can be
c. Describe a test for the gas and state the result you would
expect to obtain.
d. This experiment should not be carried our using potassium. Why?
Q5. Four metals, P, Q, R and S are tested with water, steam and dilute hydrochloric acid. The table shows the results
of the experiment.
a. Place metals P, Q, R and S in order of reactivity, from the most Reaction
reactive to the least reactive. Water Steam HCl (aq)
b. In which position should hydrogen be placed in the series in (a)? P   
c. Predict the method used for the extraction of metal R. Q   
R   
S   

Worksheet – Reactivity Series Name: _______________________

Q1. Which metal does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid?
A. Iron B. Sodium C. Zinc D. Copper
a. Place the metals calcium, potassium and zinc in order of chemical reactivity towards water, from the most
reactive to the least reactive.
b. Write the balance chemical equation if any along with state symbols for the reactions in (a).
Q3. Draw diagrams of the structures of iron and steel to show their differences.
Q4. The following is an incomplete diagram which show the
reaction of magnesium with steam to from magnesium oxide and a
a. Name the gas formed during the reaction.
b. Complete the diagram to show how the gas can be
c. Describe a test for the gas and state the result you would
expect to obtain.
d. This experiment should not be carried our using potassium. Why?
Q5. Four metals, P, Q, R and S are tested with water, steam and dilute hydrochloric acid. The table shows the results
of the experiment.
a. Place metals P, Q, R and S in order of reactivity, from the most Reaction
reactive to the least reactive. Water Steam HCl (aq)
b. In which position should hydrogen be placed in the series in (a)? P   
c. Predict the method used for the extraction of metal R. Q   
R   
S   

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