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Chapter One


This research aims to assess an individual’s experience of unemployment. It will mainly focus on the psychological impact with it has on an
individual’s self worth. It will also show the brief financial effectz. Discussed also here are the rationale and overview of the following
chapters by summarizing the content of each.


Insert international unemployment rate outside philippines with reference and year. Connect it to the Philippines unemployment rate
how it is similar or how it affects with ref an year.
The Philippines still has the highest unemployment rate in Asia despite posting a 6.9-percent growth in gross domestic product
according to an independent research group. At least 18 percent of unemployed in the country today are college graduates,
(reference and year). According to the National Statistics Office (NSO) (year) “The rate of unemployment is very high among college
graduates, which partly reflects a mismatch between what is produced by schools and what is required by the market. This also
shows that there is insufficient conversation between the schools and the firms,” Balisacan, who is also director general of the
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) (year) said Employment provides the basic means to an individual’s
livelihood and the absence of not having a job has been associated to various issues for the individual, families, communities and
society as a whole. Also in Philippines it is not just a basic means but also a status symbol. And not getting one has a huge impact
to one’s self worth that can lead to numerous mental illnesses.

Insert davao unemployment rate or desired location of the study :D.


The main rationale of undertaking this research is to understand the experiences of being unemployed as a college graduates in the
Philippines and the impact of which unemployment has on the individual self worth from a psychological perspective.

The discussion of unemployment and its growing rate is talked broadly in the media and other socioeconomic researches (references
and year). There is almost no research to date in the Philippines on the psychological effects of unemployment on the individual and
help them towards self-fulfilment. The researcher has chosen to study this particular research topic on unemployment specifically on
college graduates in an attempt to fully understand and make possible intervention on the psychological impact in which
unemployment has on an individual personal life and career perspective in the country.

The researcher hopes to develop the following research objectives:

-to look at the consequences of unemployment can have on the on an individual particular college graduates at any age
-To examine the importance of which work plays in an individual life
-to break down what are the key elements of unemployment that greatly affects the psychological aspect on the individual
-to investigate the changes in attitudes and experiences of unemployment
-To learn and know more insights how the individual cope up with the transition to being employed to unemployed

Purpose of the study

In search of the psychological effect of unemployment and understanding the underlying issues which individuals go through, it is
hoped that the data deduced will be use to utilize and develop an intervention which may help the unemployed college graduates deal
with unemployment and to work out their chances to get back to work or give them insights for more opportunities for them. Additionally
it may be reassuring and comforting for the individual who experience unemployment to understand that they are not the only ones
experiencing these feelings, emotions and issues. (reference and year, look for reference that have shared the same to your idea).
The study also may act as a catalyst to push them out of unemployment. The researcher believes that the psychological issues related
with unemployment are same value as the financial, relationship and societal issue given by unemployment and therefore deserve
the same focus and attention.

Research questions
It is hoped that this research will provide an answer to the following research questions:
- How does unemployment impact on an individual’s psychological well-being?
- How do the financial restrictions of unemployment impact on an individual’s quality of life and standard of living?
- What resources do individuals utilize in order to cope with unemployment and keep them motivated?

How does unemployment impact on an individual’s psychological well-being?

How do the financial restrictions of unemployment impact on an individual’s quality of life and standard of living?

What resources do individuals utilise in order to cope with unemployment and keep them motivated?

Theoretical framework
Eric ericskon psychosocial stages of development?

Significance of the study

For Future researchers,
Fresh graduates
Unemployed people

Definition of terms
Self worth
Well being
Psychological issues
Societal issues
Standard of living xD

Scope and limitations

Duration of the study

Limits only to the fresh grad and unemployed people?

Outline of study

Chapter two reviews the literature corresponding to this research topic. This chapter will discuss the current rate of unemployment in Phillippines
as well as the definitions of employment and unemployment.

Chapter two will review the literatures realting to this research. The current consensus of unemployment in the philippinees, definition of work,
employment and unemployment will be discussed.

It will analyze the role which work plays in an individual’s life. It will discuss the psychological impact of unemployment on the individual with
reference to past studies of unemployment.

The researcher will use past references of studies in unemployment that discuss the psychological impact of unemployment on the individual’s
self worth. It also hightligt the importance of work and analze the importance of it to individual’s life.

It will also present different models of unemployment developed by Jahoda (1982), Warr (1987) Fryer (1986) and present their analysis of
unemployment. In addition it will examine the impact which limited financial resources have on a person’s standard of living and hence their
psychological well-being.

Finally, how a person deals with the transition and copes with unemployment will be examine

Lastly, it will examine on how the individual deals with the changes and how they cope with unemployment

Chapter three will present the methodological approach undertaken in this research study.

Chapter three will present the what approach in method for this research studies. It will discuss the rationale of why the researcher chose this
study, the methods in collecting the data, the reasons of why the sample was chosen and how they are chosen, and also the analysis of the data
gathered. Finally, ethical consideration and process will be discussed also

It will discuss the aim of the research study, the data collection methods used, how and why the sample was selected and how the data was
analysed. It will also discuss the ethical considerations and finally, the limitations which this study posed.

Chapter four will present the findings obtained from the data collection and analysis.

Chapter four will mainly present the the findings such as the different themes that will emerged from the data that will be collected and that will
undergo data analysis.

The different themes which emerged through data analysis will be presented with supporting citations from the narratives.

Chapter five will put forward an interpretation of the findings obtained, why the findings are relevant to the research and the findings are related
to other research carried out. It will conclude with a brief summary of the complete research study along with a series of recommendations.

Chapter five will conclude the complete research summary briefly. It will give the full interpretation of the results and finding gathered, the
importance of the findings to the research and the relation of the findings to othere researches.
Chapter Two

Related Review of Literature



The aim of this chapter is to review the writing accessible on this research study of

unemployment. It will inspect the focal part which work contributes to an individual's life.

Moreover, it will look at the psychological and financial impacts of joblessness and present

diverse speculations created on the impacts of joblessness. At last, it will investigate how an

individual manages to deal unemployment and adapts to the progress.

Philippine current rate of unemployment and Definitions

Unemployment is a continuous issue in the Philippine society. The increasing and

decreasing growth of unemployment looks back to the year 2010. Joblessness has fallen in the

Philippine economic status late year 2010. However, advance has been uneven, and the

Philippines has one of the most elevated unemployment rate in the Asian region. As stated by

Trading Economics (2018) quoted "The unemployment rate in the Philippines in percentage

increased to 5.0 in the year of 2017 from 4.7 late year 2016. The unemployed individuals
increased by 148 thousand to 2.19 million while the number of employed fell by 134 thousand to

40.55 million. Meanwhile, the labor force participation rate decreased to 62.1 from 63.6 percent.

In light of the current Labor Force Survey that was released by the Philippine Statistics

Authority (2017) regions with lowest employment rates were Ilocos Region 89.6%, National

Capital Region (NCR) 92.8%, and Calabarzon 92.9%. The labor force participation rate in

year2017 was estimated at 61.4 percent given the labor force population of 69.6 million. Davao

Region recorded employment rate of 94.1 percent. Information assembled from PSA likewise

demonstrated that Davao Region's joblessness rate is at 5.9 percent while the underemployment

rate is at 14.6 percent.

One explanation behind this joblessness rate is that the quantity of individuals entering

the job market has been more prominent than the quantity of occupations made. Recently, work

creation has struggled to keep pace with a regularly extending populace. Regardless of fast

financial development in the Philippines joblessness remains a tireless issue for the sprawling

Southeast Asian country of more than 100 million individuals (CNBC, 2018).

Unemployment happens when an individual loses work. It is a typical component inside

any general public that there will dependably be some level of joblessness because of the

development of specialists, financial development or stagnation and the change in the free

market activity for them. Vandenberg (2010) described joblessness as an existence occasion in

which paid employment is automatically detracted from a person. A comparative clarification is

offered by OECD (2018) where the jobless are depicted as being without work yet searching for

work if there were occupations accessible to them. They are thought about piece of the

workforce and are distinguished from the economically inactive that pick not to work regardless

of whether an occupation was offered to them. Joblessness for some can be viewed as an
occasion which is predominantly undesirable, uncontrolled and unscheduled (Kruppe, Müller,

Wichert & Wilke; 2007). The effect of joblessness upon an individual is needy upon various

elements, for example, the assets and encouraging groups of people which a man has set up, their

money related circumstance and duties, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, the economy, nearby

levels of joblessness and individual contrasts (, 2006; Kerkhoff & Kirk,

2017; Pettersson, 2012; Buckley, 2015).

Rainer Winkelmann (2014) further elaborated that unemployment affects distinctive

people and demeanors to losing an occupation will shift impressively, from one viewpoint a few

people may have an inspirational state of mind towards joblessness and see it as far as a pick up,

while others may see a greater number of issues than circumstances and along these lines see the

change contrarily and as far as a misfortune. This will rely upon the qualities of the individual


The role of work

Employment according to Heathfield (2017) can be characterized as work under

contractual arrangements including material prizes. Business in this way regularly appears as a

legally binding connection between an individual and a business. Be that as it may, this

definition excludes work outside of paid business, for example, enlivening work, house work,

deliberate work and so on. Econ (2007) described that work takes many structures and these

occur inside business, joblessness and non-business. To a great extent be that as it may, while

portraying work and business we do consider that there are material rewards.

In the present society work can be regarded as a focal and key factor in one's social,

individual and local welfare. It guarantees access to a specific way of life and is viewed as an
essential to a person's prosperity. It can give results that can fulfill various individual needs

(Andersen, 2009; Johnson, Sage, and Mortimer, 2012).

Furthermore, Filip Van, Droogen broecka, Bram Spruyta and Christophe Van (2014)

contend that the significance of work depends on a social structure made up, to some extent, by

the assorted scope of people experienced at work. Something else, the relational progression that

unfurl between individuals at work make a vital setting in which work implications are made.

Additionally, work for some, people can be related with sentiments of indecision and can

include the two sentiments of commitment and decision, advantages and expenses. For a few

people, work gives them a feeling of character, wage, social connections and a social outlet, a

feeling of reason and structure which they want. While others may feel that their activity offers

them almost no other than a method for survival and a wellspring of pay (Mäkikanga and

Kinnunen, 2003).

Econ (2007) also attests the view that having paid work has not been recognized as all

around positive for the utilized person. It is clear that the quality and experience of the activity

has been recognized as assuming an imperative part in impacting the mental prosperity of the

utilized individual. Regularly, it will rely on the sort of employment which an individual has that

will decide how he/she feels about it. Also, there is developing proof that the jobless don't all

have comparative encounters of joblessness and are not all troubled with their joblessness state

(Johnson et. al., 2012). Rainer Winkelmann (2014) acknowledge that positive help and

fulfillment originates from being engaged with the workforce, getting a charge out of the status

of a laborer and this is regardless of the kind of employment or the fulfillments that can be gotten

from doing the activity.

Martyna Kobus and Marcin Jakubek (2015) proposed how it is vital for psychological

wellness to build up and accomplish reasonable objectives and it is somewhat through a vocation

that objectives might be characterized and accomplished These discoveries feature the

significance of different elements of work as opposed to only for monetary profit.

The psychological impact of unemployment

There have been various studies did on the effect of joblessness on the mental strength of

jobless individuals from the 1930s to the present. These investigations have reliably exhibited

that joblessness damagingly affects the mental wellbeing of the individual’s involved (Kobus and

Jakubek, 2015). Moreover, joblessness may force extra stressors on individuals, for instance,

vulnerability, stress, and budgetary and relationship troubles.

Winkelmann (2014) emphasized that people’s psychological health has deteriorated

when they move from employment to unemployment and recovered when they return to work.

The negative psychological effects of unemployment provided by researchers to date include;

depression, anxiety, hopelessness, apathy, low self-esteem and confidence, inability to cope with

problems, moodiness, alcoholism, and parasuicide (Johnson et. al, 2012; Petterson, 2012; Lucas,

Clark, Georgellis, & Diener, 2004).

Robin E. McGee and Nancy J. Thompson (2010) studied on the psychological

consequences of prolonged unemployment on an individual. Discovered that the connection

amongst joblessness and depression is critical among rising grown-ups. With high rates of

joblessness for this age gathering, this populace may profit by business and psychological well-

being engaged intercessions. The author's findings noted sentiments of acquiescence, aloofness,
sadness; discouragement and resignation which were exhibited as the results of joblessness for


A study conducted by Ed Diener and Marissa Diener (2009) the relationship of financial,

companion, and family fulfillments with life satisfaction and with self-esteem additionally

differed crosswise over countries. Financial satisfaction was a more grounded correspond of life

fulfillment in poorer nations. It was discovered that life fulfillment and confidence were plainly

discriminable develops. Satifaction ratings, aside from money related fulfillment, changed

between slightly positive and genuinely positive.

Moreover, unemployment does not only influence the socio-economic status of an

individual but also can increase the risk of having health problems. Halliday (2014)

demonstrated that poor local labor economic conditions are related with higher mortality risk for

working-aged men and suggested also that unemployment can pose health risks. Furthermore,

Ulla Kinnunen Jouko, NättiNele De Cuyper, Saija Mauno, Anne Mäkikangas, and Hans De

Witte (2016) showed that insecure employment and long-term unemployment relate to more

subjective complaints load and poorer health when compared to secure permanent employment.


Individuals have profound situated requirements for structuring their time use and

perspective, for amplifying their social horizon, for taking an interest in aggregate endeavors

where they can feel valuable, for knowing they have a recognized by the society and for being

dynamic. While other social organizations, for instance, family or religion authorize some of
these inactive needs, none do as such with as enticing a reason as earning one's living (Johnson

et. al., 2012).

Rainer (2014) also believes that unemployment leads to deprivation in both manifest and

latent functions; however, it is the loss of the latent functions that impacts the most negatively on

psychological well-being. Work is therefore essential to be psychologically healthy while

unemployed individuals are at risk of experiencing a loss in well-being. Also believes that any

job is better than the alternative of being unemployed.

In addition, a study carried by Miguel Martínez Lucio and Robert MacKenzie (2017) who

agreed that distinctions existed between the latent function of individuals who were utilized and

jobless, however differences were not recognized over each of the five inert functions. Shob

(2012) stated that the latent functions can likewise be given somehow through extra means other

than business, for instance, going to business related preparing or instructive establishments.

These investigations demonstrated that entrance to the latent arrangement of functions for jobless

individuals differs from employed individuals, and that those with better access will have better

psychological well-being (Rainer, 2012).

Joblessness is a status that should be a short-lived period in a person's life expectancy. It

is hard to decide when an individual will exit from being jobless, this thus makes a considerable

measure of vulnerability and uncertainty about the future and this weakness is at the focal point

of the jobless experience (Strandh, 2000). Work gives a critical component in the development

and support of a man's feeling of personality. Ronnie Schob (2012)) expressed that because of

the disintegration of numerous conventional types of character, there is currently a greater

amount of an accentuation on the significance of work and occupation as a wellspring of

personality. They contend previously, in little rustic groups individuals were recognized by their
family, interests and abilities. In any case, they stipulate as groups develop and turn out to be

more mind boggling, a man's close feeling of personality is lost, thusly connections have a

tendency to be brief and momentary, along these lines the activity a man has a tendency to accept

a more noteworthy importance in recognizing the sort of individual that he or she is.

To be denied of the chance to work can undermine the very fundamentals whereupon the

personality has being manufactured (Shob, 2012). Work likewise demonstrates a positive social

character which can be undermined by joblessness bringing about lost confidence and fluctuating

degrees of physical and mental sick impacts (Cassidy, 2001).

There are many impacts on character improvement including family impacts, social and

sexual orientation impacts and in addition the impact of joblessness. Specific expert role can

contribute in critical approaches to individual personality and self-observations (Pettersson,

2012). Jeylan Mortimer Mike Vuolo and Jeremy Staff (2016) expressed that you can't get a

genuine handle of who a man is until the point that you figure out what sort of work they do.

They additionally contended that when an individual has business automatically detracted from

them, they in this way lose some part of their very own character and this strongly affects their


Notwithstanding, Clemens Hetschko, Andreas Knabe, and Ronnie Schöb (2013) bring up

that when an individual ends up plainly jobless it isn't just an issue of the person who loses the

status of a working individual, however more critically he/she loses the methods by which the

respectability of the mental self-view is kept up. This absence of personality emerges on the

grounds that when people wind up plainly jobless, they are found as far as the gathering they

never again have a place with, not as a jobless individual. Mcgee and Thompson (2010) states
that with joblessness the individual loses his presence of mind of esteems, his status is lost in his

own perception and envisions, according to his companions.

In addition, the SOL article (2018) depicted work as a vital part for individuals as far as

individual's status and impact, building up pecking orders and groupings from which a feeling

that all is well with the world, acknowledgment, having a place and comprehension is

determined. Ronnie Schob (2012) likewise demonstrated how a man's character is characterized

by their work; this enables others to extend their own inclinations and presumptions with regards

to the sort of individual he is, for example, his instructive foundation, pay, way of life et cetera.

Work not just impacts the status that is credited to the laborer, however it can likewise impact the

status of their family.

Furthermore, Teresa Toguchi Swartz (2009) noted of that weight can exist inside the

family to keep up or enhance the social standing gave by business, and strife can emerge when

relatives are inconsistent with work status. For the family man this implies the family itself turns

into the fundamental wellspring of social contact and thusly the primary social setting inside

which the worries of joblessness are experienced and managed (Qian, 2012).

2.5 The financial impact of unemployment

MAIN Model 1: financial

Critic to model 1
Al-Marzooq (2013) explained in his research entitled “The Adaptation Concept, The Latent
Depravation and Agency Rescriction in the Employment Context” that well being can be
deprived of benefits if the individual once become unemployed. He used 3 important models of
unemployment in his studies to make a propostions. Under one of his propostion he stated their
the important of benefits to a persons wellbeing. There are two of sets of functions of benefits
that a person needs; first is the manifest benefits. Though employment one can accesss various
need like food, housing, medical care, clothing etc. the other benefits is the latent which
psychological need plays along, being employed give you time structure, social contact, common
goals with the crowd, social status and doing activities.

He also acknowleged the importantance of latent needs which he highlighted the termed coercive
poverty. He stated that Financial hardship enforces on unemployed individual has greater impact
on psychological wel being. The reason for this sis that pverty takes away the person’s access to
basic needs pr the possibility of attaining it.

In developing and maintaining self worth and identity, Al-Marzoqi (2013) say income or
financial resources give the individual a sense of control of their lives. It could proide them sense
of experiences, socializing etch which are essential of if.


One of the development of self worth and well being of an individual is knowing that a person
has autonomity of all possibilities to set goals or attain a good lifestyle in which unemployment
delimits that.

MAIN Critic of past researches

In local settings, it is widely neglected the study of the financial impact of unemployment. It was
not focus solely in financial stress to the individual.


Al- Marzoqi (2013) believes that financial strain of unemployment deduce their autonomy to
their life choices, which results not to attain their desired living standards.


Long term goals and planning becomes impossible due to financial constrain in individual’s life.


Happiness and satisfaction in self and life are greatly affected if your income is low, James
Lewis (2014)


Receing salary or income fruited from your labor is a main factor to well being.


Finacial gain is not the only reason why individuals go to work. Social interaction and time
structure are also evident to individual needs.


Income or financial gain did not only provide basic needs but also a sense of moral aspect in
societal roles. Morin (2015) stated in her study what your financial health project your mental
health and how you act in the society.


Individual with familes has higher impact that to single indiviuals in terms of financial stress of



Providers such as parents or guardian faces anxiety and doubts about their self worth is they can
provide for the basic means of the family. (Wiemers,2015)


Families of unemployed individual, due to financial constraint faces struggle.


Major source of mental distress is the uncertainty of income result of unemployment because it
lead to lower the living standards. (Simpsons, 2017)

George bangham (2017) acknowledges that Paid work or income becomes viewed more
important once the the struggles and pressure is felt due to unemployment by the individual. It
bcome to their senses that it’s the only lifestyle that is socially accepted.

2.6 Transition to unemployment


Employment to unemployment transition is one event that is life changing.

Definition with ref

The definition of transition from employment to unemployment is an event that can be positive
or negative or both to individual, VON,HILLMANN ,DRESDEN 2016


A major life events are seen in transitipn in relationship, schedules, plans, routines and roles
resulted from unemployment.

2.7 Coping resources of individuals

MAIN: Definition

Al- Marzooqi 2013 that coping resource of individual lessen the consequences ofunemlyment of

These coping resources consist of individual characteristics (internal) and environmental

conditions (external) that a person can utilise to cope with involuntary job loss.
2.8 Conclusion

The aim of this chapter is to discussed and review the literature of unemployment relations to
mental health and self worth in which it is widely dissected and discussed, the contribution of
work as a important role to the individual. It also review the financial impact of unemployment
and so does the ways and utilities used by the individual to cope with job loss.



Discuss in this chapter are the details and processes on how the study will be conducted.

This includes the research design, respondents, locale, research instrument, and procedure as

well as the process on how the data will be analyze.

Research Design

This study will adapt the qualitative design since it aims to generate data about live

experiences of an individual where treatments or manipulation of variables are not introduced.

This study involved in-depth interview with each participant with the same set questions to

enable the researchers to reach beyond initial responses and rationales needed for data analysis;

audio and written recordings were also secured after the process.

Role of the Researcher

In qualitative studies, the part crucial part of the researcher is all incuded to all stages and
process of the research from forming the concept, designing, interviewing, transcribing,
analyzing, verifying the data, categorizing the codes and themes.

The researcher prefer participants both who have job experience and are acquaintances to the

The participants will be contacted via text or call and email. Letter of confidentiality will be sent
to their address and also be sent to their emails containing details of the research.

A semi-structed interview will be conducted in a series of questionnaire in a form of interview


Additional questions are free to ask and explore in response to the participant which include
rapport and emphaty. RRL

In advance, the researcher will prepare ahead of time an interview schedule. It includes te
structure and flow of the interview.

A similar set of question will be presented to each particpants. The question will be relating to
their overall experiences of unemployment to their self worth and the impact which it had on
their lives.

Mainly, the questionnaire will have open ended questions. There will be also a few closed ended
question. These close ended question relates to the information such as age , length of
unemployment and so on.

A need of balance with the interview is needed because unemployment can be a very sensitive
topic for some participants. Thus, questions will not limit to the negative aspect of
unemployment but also highlight some positive aspect of it.

A process called pilot interview will be conducted before the actual research. It is where the
interviewee will express their insights, thoughts and feelings to the questionnaire.
This alsp will allow the researcher repharse difficulties in the structure,resolve any wording in
the questionnaire. This also will help identify questions that will make the participant feel

The data in this process will not be included in the analysis.

Data Analysis

The data that will be gathered will undergo a process; first it will be transcribe, it well be coded,
then analyzed, and interpreted. This process is called thematic analysis… according to….
RRL needed

In transcribing the data gathered in the interview,this will help the researcher gain more insights
and understanding of the participants from repetitious listening and rereading the data gathered
in the interview.

After transcription, the next process is coding, wherein codes become keywords. This then use to
categorized and it is one of the crucial part of a qualitative research.
Need RRL to support
The data which emerge through the coding process will be cluster into themes and further
subthemes; in clustering it will go into the process of analyzing, categorizing and organizing the

Accordinngly, codes will be assigned to the theme emerged

The next procedure is the interpretation of data. In interpreting the data, the researcher must
careful identify the reoccurring themes thoroughly. The similarities and the differences found
should be highlighted in this process.
The final procedure would be the verification according to ________ this process is one way to
check the validity of the data gathered through rechecking the transcribe data and codes. Through
the researher can verify and modifry the previous hypothesis


Trust Worthiness

All participants will sign a consent form stating that they are willing to participate in the
interview while also ensuring them confidentiality and anonymity throughout the process (see
appendix). Unemployment for many individuals can be a sensitive and difficult topic and while
preparing, researching and analyzing the subject and data, the researcher was sensitive of the
questions being asked in relation to the research and the possible vulnerability of the participants
involved. Note that people differ in their encounters of unemployment and in this manner the
researcher was especially mindful, that for a few participants it could be traumatic or irritating to
discuss being unemployed, which is the reason specific care was adopted in the researcher
strategy to the subject.

Ethical Consideration

Include UMREC whatever

An outline proposal will be submitted to the office of the Professional School in University of Mindanao.
It will be reviewed by the UMREC.
An ethical approval will be granted by the school before conducting the research.
The researcher at all time is aware of the consequences and the impact of their research to their
participants and therefore must act carefully at conducting any type of research.
Kumar (2005) acknowledges that it is unethical to accumulate information without the knowledge of
participants, and their expressed willingness and informed consent.rrl Therefore the researcher made it
clear to all participants that their participation was on a voluntary basis and that they were free to
withdraw from the study at any time.
Researcher must ensured informed consent from all the participants before conducting the research RRL
the participants are not obliged to answer anyquestion in which they are not comfortable with,

Prior to interview, participant will be given advance notice; these will be the outline of the topic to be
discussed, a required information required from the participants, the rationale of the reseach why it is
conducted and where will the information be used for.

Before conducting each interview the participant will be informed the possible amount of time involved
in the interview and the sufficient time for the participants to ask any question relating to the subject
before and after the interview.
A consent form will be given and should be signed informing the the participants are willing to cooperate
and participant. Though this we can ensure the condidentiality of any information and the anonymity of
the participant throughout the process.
Unemployment has a great impact to many individual and thus it is a very sensitive topic and sometimes
difficult because some participants might recall memories and traumas cause by it. As researcher, it must
be sensitive in preparing the question being asked. The vulnerability of the participants toward the topic
should be considered.
Participants have different experieces prior to unemployment thus the research must take note
and be aware of that to some of themr it could be traumatic and upsetting to talk abouy. Pilot
interview should be carried out before the commence of the research to ensure that questions
that are unsettling should be eliminated and the approach to the participants will be practice

Research Instrument/pilot

A tool that will allow the researcher to draw out the respondent’s ideas, insights, live experiences

and opinions from the participants involved. The instrument will go into careful validation and will

undergone pilot interview to ensure the validity of the questions. This will also help the researcher
eliminate unsettling questions that make the participant uncomfortable. Audio recorders and writing

materials will be used. This will obtain and record data from each participant’s interview.

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