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Introduction on how different colours have spiritual effect on us

We all make choices on a daily basis with regard to colour. An example is choosing the colour of
the clothes that we will wear for the day. From time to time we may need to choose the colour of
the next set of bed linen that we purchase. Sometimes we have to choose the colour of paint for
the walls in our home.

Through spiritual research, we have found that depending on the colour we choose (be it clothes or
our surroundings), we will be affected accordingly at a spiritual level. In this article, we share some
of our spiritual research on the many ways colours affect us so that our readers are better
equipped to make decisions that will enhance their lives.

2. How different colours affect us spiritually?

The entire Universe, at a subtle intangible level, is made up of three subtle-components

of Sattva, Raja and Tama. We have explained this in detail on our website and urge you to
familiarise yourself with this concept, so as to gain a better understanding of this article.

Colours are also categorised as sāttvik, rājasik or tāmasikdepending on their predominant subtle-
components. Sattva stands for ‘spiritual purity’ while Raja and Tama stand for ‘action’ and ‘spiritual
ignorance’ respectively. When we wear clothes that are of sattvik colours, it helps us with our
spiritual practice, while colours that are Raja-Tama in nature are detrimental towards making
spiritual progress. Wearing clothes that have a Raja-Tamapredominance increases the negative
spiritual vibrations around us. Hence we are also more likely to attract negative energies as they
too are Raja-Tama predominant.

The following is a list of colours and their effect on our spiritual state. When a colour is described
as being ‘Helpful’, as mentioned in the chart below, it means that the colour helps to attract
spiritually positive vibrations and repel negative vibrations. ‘Harmful’ indicates the ability to attract
negative vibrations whilst simultaneously alienating us from spiritually positive vibrations.
As you can see from the chart above, colours such as white, yellow and blue assist in increasing
the spiritual purity around us. The colour black on the other hand, has harmful vibrations which not
only attract negative energies but repel any positive spiritual energy.

The two drawings based on subtle-knowledge below show the difference in spiritual vibrations
between the colours white and black, when worn. In particular, the drawings based on subtle-
knowledge focus on the energies that the colours attract/repel and their effect on the person
wearing the colours. The drawings based on subtle-knowledge have been drawn by Ms. Priyanka
Lotlikar, a seeker with an advanced sixth sense of vision. The drawings based on subtle-
knowledge have been authenticated and verified by His Holiness Dr. Athavale. Through spiritual
research, both the drawings, depicting the spiritual vibrations of black and white were found to be
80% accurate.
Both drawings based on subtle-knowledge show, in isolation, the subtle-vibrations attracted and
emitted by the colours black and white. The final vibrations emitted or attracted by a person is the
sum of myriad factors such as spiritual level, personality defects, state of mind at that time,
whether negative energies are affecting him, the type and colour of clothes, etc.

3. Reasons why we like certain colours

At a physical level: A person generally likes a certain colour because it matches his skin tone.

At a psychological level: An individual’s taste or distaste for a certain colour can change with his
mood. These mood changes are often situation-based, for example:

According to event: People prefer to wear vibrant colours while going on outings.
According to the event and culture: During a funeral in some cultures, black is worn, while
in others, people dress in white. Refer to the article on what colour should one wear for a
According to tradition: Lawyers in some countries wear black because it is a tradition to do
According to age: People in their teens and early adulthood may have a passion for pink.
With advancing age the interest in this colour can wane.
As the colour stands for something:
The colour and style of clothing worn by a celebrity most often can influence the choice
of attire of his fan following.
It is in fashion
People may dislike a colour by its association to a certain section of society that they

At a spiritual level:

Due to basic nature: The most pertinent factor in why a person likes a certain colour is
because it closely matches his basic nature. A sattvik person would prefer sattvik colours
such as white or light blue. If the basic nature of a person is tamasik, they would prefer
more tamasik colours such as black.

Due to the effect of negative energies: A person under the control of negative energies
usually perceives good vibrations even from the colour black. All the four bodies namely
physical, mental, intellectual and the subtle-ego can be spiritually impaired when an
individual is possessed by negative energies. If the distress persists for a long time, the
person slowly begins to lose his own identity. The character of the possessing entity comes
to the fore and plays a dominant role in exercising its likes and dislikes which are reflected in
the person’s behaviour. This means that the person’s consciousness gets completely
controlled by the negative energy possessing him. Since the negative energy is Tama-
predominant, the person also takes a liking to Tama-predominant objects such as black

Key finding through spiritual research: The trend to wear black formal wear or to wear black
in our day-to-day lives has been largely instigated by negative energies which have been and
continue to insidiously and subtly influence the minds of people.

Refer to the article – What percentage of the world’s population is possessed?

The wearing of the colour black affects people in the immediate vicinity too. If two people are
affected by negative energies and they wear black, this only assists in the exchange of subtle black
energy between the two negative energies. However if there is a person who is honestly trying to
make efforts in his spiritual practice in the area, he too is prone to be adversely affected by the
increase in the Tama component due to another person wearing black. This is because negative
energies focus their efforts on trying to dissuade people from doing serious and intense spiritual

Due to past life impressions: If an individual was harmed by a person who was wearing
green clothes in a previous birth, the individual will most likely have an aversion to the colour
green in the next birth by subtle-association.

Change due to the level of spiritual practice: A seeker who experiences a sustained state
of spiritual emotion (bhāv) may prefer the colour blue. This is because in the spiritual
dimension, the subtle-colour of spiritual emotion is blue.

4. General spiritual perspective while choosing colours for clothes

The colour of clothes should be sattvik: Select sattvik colours such as white, yellow, blue and
shades of these colours. There is a 1/1000 part effect of colours on an average person. This
seemingly small proportion will in most cases significantly affect a person’s physical and
psychological state. Notwithstanding this small proportion, wearing Sattva-Raja predominant
clothes benefits a person by either:

complementing his Sattva-Raja personality or

lessening the Raja-Tama predominance in him

If a person likes wearing black, he may look for reasons or excuses to continue wearing black even
after reading this article. It is strongly recommended that the use of one’s intellect in this instance
will only be detrimental. This is because there is no spiritual upside to wearing black and it can only
adversely affect one’s well-being.

Colour of clothes should not be gaudy: Gaudy colours have a greater predominance of the
subtle Tama component. An individual wearing clothes with gaudy colours also becomes Tama-
predominant over a period of time.

Clothes should be uniform in colour: Clothes with a plain, single spiritual colour, without any
print or design are indicative of transparency and hence, are considered more sāttvik from a
spiritual viewpoint.

Colours of clothes should be complementary to each other: If a top and a bottom with different
colours are to be worn, then the colours should complement each other, that is, they should be
compatible with each other to an extent of at least 20 percent. For example, a combination of
two sattvik colours is spiritually more appropriate. Below are some examples of sattvik colour pairs:

White and pale blue

Pale blue and dark blue

There should not be too much of a contrast in the two colours of clothes: If two contrasting
shades of colours are put together, they generate negative vibrations. Therefore there should not
be too much of a contrast between the two colours. For example, avoid a combination of yellow
(a sattvik colour) and green (a rajasik colour). However, a shade of green that blends well with
yellow will do. This is because it has more yellow in it and hence is more sattvik.

At many formal functions we see people wearing a black and white combination such as a tuxedo.
The world sees this type of formal wear as the epitome of elegance and social grace. However at a
spiritual level the story is very different. The subtle-vibrations from a very sattvik colour such as
white and a very tamasik colour such as black actually
fight each other. This fight leads to the creation of
distressing vibrations which only increases the
possibility of being affected by negative energies.
From a spiritual perspective it is therefore not
recommended to wear clothes, such as a tuxedo, with
a black and white combination.

Proportion of sattvik and rajasik colours in

fabric: If the proportion of sattvik and rajasik colours
in a cloth is such that the proportion of
the rajasik colour used is much less, then the spiritual
vibrations from the cloth are better. If a white cloth has
a red floral design, then good vibrations are
experienced from the cloth. It means that when the percentage of the sattvik colour in the cloth is
more than that of the rajasik colour, the effectiveness of the rajasikcolour reduces. In short, the
vibrations from the colours in a cloth depend on what percentage of sattvik and rajasik colours
have been used in the cloth.

As a result of a person’s spiritual practice and after attaining a spiritual level of above 60 %, the
effect of colours on his mind and intellect is minimal. This effect diminishes as a person’s spiritual
level increases. However it can still affect him physically as the body is gross (tangible) and higher
level negative energies can easily affect something that is in the physical realm.

5. In summary

We hope this article has provided you with an insight at a practical level to the spiritual effect of
colours on your life. The basic rule of thumb to keep in mind is to increase the Sattva component in
your life and reduce the Raja-Tama subtle-component in your life. By understanding and putting
this spiritual principle into practice and not being swayed by any tamasik trend however popular it
may be, will only add a higher level of well-being in your life.

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