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Angela P.

Neri Group C BSN 121Sec 11

Client: Shella Mae C. Nuestro


MUSCLES, BONES, & JOINTS Normal findings Actual findings Interpretation

1. Inspect the muscles for size.
Compare each muscle on one Equal size on both sides The client has an equal size in
side of the body to the same of the body both sides of her body
muscle on the other side
2. Inspect the muscles and No contractures The client has no contractures Normal
tendons for contractures
No fasciculation or The client has no
3. Inspect the muscles for tremors tremors fasciculation or tremors
4. Palpate muscles at rest to The client has a normally
Normally firm Normal
determine muscle tonicity firm muscle tonicity
5. Palpate muscles while the
client is active and passive for Smooth coordinated The client has a smooth
flaccidity, spasticity, and movements coordinated movements
smoothness of movement
The client has a an equal
Equal strength on each
6. Test muscle strength of upper strength on each both side normal
both side
extremities with grade of 5
The strength of the client on
Equal strength on each
7. Test muscle strength of lower each both side is equal and in Normal
both side
extremities grade 5
8. Inspect the skeleton for normal No deformities The client has no deformities Normal
structure and deformities
9. Palpate the bones to locate any No edema, tenderness or The client has no edema,
areas of edema or tenderness swelling tenderness or swelling
No swelling, no The client has no swelling,
tenderness, crepitation, or tenderness, crepitation or Normal
10. Inspect the joint for swelling nodules nodules
11. Palpate each joint for
tenderness, smoothness of No swelling, no The client upon palpation has
movement, swelling, tenderness, crepitation, or no swelling, tenderness, Normal
crepitation, and presence of nodules crepitation or nodules
The client has a full range of
Varies to some degree in
motion. With neck- pivot
accordance with person’s
joint or head in:
genetic makeup and
Flexion - 45° Normal
degree of physical
Extension - 55°
activity. Full range of
12. Assess joint range of motion of Lateral Flexion - 40°
the head Rotation - 70°
The client has full range of
Varies to some degree in
motion. With the trunk-
accordance with person’s
gliding joint being in:
genetic makeup and
Flexion - 90° Normal
degree of physical
Hyperextension – 30°
activity. Full range of
13. Assess joint range motion of Lateral flexion – 35°
body trunk Rotation - 30°
The client has full range of
motion. With shoulder-ball-
and-socket joint being in:
Flexion – 180°
Hyperextension - 50°
Abduction - 180°
Adduction – 50°
Circumduction – full range
Varies to some degree in Rotation (External &
accordance with person’s Internal) - 90°
genetic makeup and
degree of physical Elbow-hinge joint:
activity. Full range of Flexion - 160°
motion. Supination, pronation - 90°

Wrist- condyloid joint:

Flexion - 90°
Hyperextension - 70°
Abduction - 20°
Adduction - 55°
14. Assess joint range of motion of Finger flexion - 90°
upper extremities Finger hyperextension - 30°
The client has full range of
Varies to some degree in Hip flexion with knee straight
accordance with person’s - 90°
genetic makeup and Hip flexion with knee flexed
degree of physical - 120°
activity. Full range of Hip hyperextension with knee
motion. straight - 15°
15. Assess joint range of motion of Abduction - 45°
lower extremities Adduction -30°

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