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Topic vocabulary: Quantity

abundant /əˈbʌndənt/ ~ plentiful

 (adj) existing in large quantities; more than enough
 Wind power is abundant, clean and safe
 Fish are abundant in the lake
ample /ˈæmpl/
 (adj) enough or more than enough
 There will be ample opportunity for everyone here to speak.
 They had ample money for the trip.
area /ˈeəriə/
 (n) a place on the surface of something such as a part of your body
 Be sure to apply sunblock to sensitive areas of your skin.
 This area of the brain is called the cerebral cortex.
 (n) the extent or size of a flat surface
 The garden is 30 square yards in area.
 The room is 12 square metres in area.
average /ˈævərɪdʒ/
 (adj) [only before noun] calculated by adding several amounts together,
finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts (trung bình
 The average height of students in Mrs. Kelly's class is 142.5 cm.
 (adj) typical or normal
 The food was fairly average
 What is the average life span in Japan?
 (adj) ordinary; not special
 I was just an average sort of student.
 It's an average day at work.
 (n) the result of adding several amounts together, finding a total, and
dividing the total by the number of amounts
 The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.
 She earns on average ten pounds a week.

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 (n) a level which is usual
 The national average is just over two children per family.
 The temperature is above average this winter.
 (v) to reach a particular amount as an average: (đạt trung bình)
 People average 8 hour's work a day.
 The shop averages about 500 customers a week.

batch /bætʃ/
 (n) a group of things or people dealt with at the same time or considered
similar in type:
 The letters were sent out in batches.
 The university's first batch of students is going to graduate in March
 (v) (something) to put things into groups in order to deal with them
 Several orders are batched together.
 All of our final formulas are batched up.
bulk /bʌlk/
 (n) the main part of something; most of something
 Advertising provides the bulk of the company’s revenue.
 The bulk of the population lives in cities.
 (n) the (large) size or quantity of something
 She buy clothes in bulk in order to receive an additional 30% discount.
 I buy canned goods in bulk.
 (n) the weight or shape of somebody/something large
 He moved quickly in spite of his bulk.
 She eased her large bulk out of the chair.
considerable /kənˈsɪdərəbl/
 (adj) great in amount, size, importance, etc.
 She's a woman of considerable abilities.
 A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into this exhibition.
countless /ˈkaʊntləs/ ~ numberless
 (adj) very many, or too many to be counted
 She'd apologized countless times before.
 I have already answered countless questions on this subject.
dimension (n)

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 /daɪˈmenʃn/
 /dɪˈmenʃn/
 a measurement in space, for example the height, width or length of
 The dimensions of the room are 26 feet by 15 feet.
 The drawing must be precise in dimension.
 an aspect, or way of looking at or thinking about something
 Her job added a new dimension to her life.
 In the health service there is also a moral dimension.
diminish /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ (v)
 diminish (something) to become or to make something become smaller,
weaker, etc.
 The pain will gradually diminish.
 His influence has diminished with time.
Synonym: Decrease
 diminish somebody/something to make somebody/something seem less
important than they really are
 I don't want to diminish her achievements, but she did have a lot of help.
 I don't wish to diminish the importance of their contribution.
Synonym: belittle
equation /ɪˈkweɪʒn/ (n)
 (mathematics) a statement showing that two amounts or values are equal
(Phương trình)
 In the equation 3x - 3 = 15, x = 6.
 Solve the equation 5x – 3 = 27
 chemical equation a statement containing chemical symbols, used to show
the changes that happen during a particular chemical reaction
 The chemical equations for some reactions may have a lone reactant (một
chất phản ứng) or a single product.
 the act of making something equal or considering something as equal (= of
equating them)
 There is a tendency in movies to make the equation between violence and

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 a problem or situation in which several things must be considered and dealt
 When you're starting your own business, difficulties and frustrations are
part of the equation.
equidistant /ˌiːkwɪˈdɪstənt/
 (adj) [not before noun] equidistant (from something) equally far from two or
more places
 All points on a circle are equidistant from the center.
 Mi Be and Thao will meet for lunch at a restaurant that is equidistant
from their homes.
expand /ɪkˈspænd/
 (v) to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something
increase in this way:
 Student numbers are expanding rapidly.
 We can expand our vocabulary through reading.
extent /ɪkˈstɛnt/
 (n) the area, length, or size of something
 We can see the full extent of the beach from here.
 Wind energy has been used to some extent in many countries.
 (n) the degree or limit of something; how great or severe something is
 To what extent do you agree or disagree?
 She was exaggerating the true extent of the problem.
finite /ˈfaɪnaɪt/
 (adj) having a definite limit or fixed size
 We have only a finite amount of time to complete this project.
force /fɔːs/
 (n) physical, especially violent, strength, or power:
 The army took control of the region by force.
 Teachers aren't allowed to use force in the classroom.
 (n) (a person or thing with a lot of) influence and energy
 The sheer force of her words kept the audience glued to their seats.
 For years he was a dominant force in politics.
 (n) (scientific effect) an effect that causes things to move in a particular way

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 The sun exerts a force on the earth.
 The force that causes a glass you drop to fall to the floor is the force of
 (n) a group of people doing military or police work
 He joined the police force right after graduating.
 (n) a group of people who have been organized for a particular purpose
 A large proportion of the labour force is unskilled.
 (v) [often passive] to make somebody do something that they do not want to
 He didn't force me—I wanted to go.
 Despite the pain, she forced herself to get out of bed.
 (v) to use physical strength or effort to make something move or open
 I forgot my key, so I had to force a window.
 The police had forced open the door because nobody had answered.
fraction /ˈfrækʃn/
 (n) a small part or amount of something
 Cam often hear only a fraction of the story.
 It's only a fraction of the amount of money necessary to attend most
private schools.
 (n) a division of a number (Phân số)
 0.25 can also be written as a fraction: ¼
 How do you express 25% as a fraction?
heap /hiːp/
 (n) an untidy pile of something
 her clothes lay in a heap on the floor.
 She left the old newspapers lying in a heap.
 (v) to put things into a large or untidy pile
 Books were heaped in the corner of the room.
 She left the old newspapers lying in a heap.
imbalance /ɪmˈbæləns/
 (n) a situation in which two or more things are not the same size or are not
treated the same, in a way that is unfair or causes problems
 There is a significant imbalance in our trade.
 Tension is generated by the imbalance of power.

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immense /ɪˈmens/
 (adj) extremely large or great
 They’ve bought an immense house in the country.
 The pressure on students during exam time can be immense.
intensity /ɪnˈtensəti/
 (n) the strength of something
 He was surprised by the intensity of her emotions.
 His unfortunate attitude was no doubt due to uncontrolled intensity of
magnitude /ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd/
 (n) the large size or importance of something
 This is an event of first magnitude.
 We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.
major /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/
 (adj) very large or important
 He played a major role in setting up the system.
 Sugar is a major cause of tooth decay.
mass /mæs/
 (n) a large amount or quantity
 The mass of the people support the reforms.
 Her little girl has a mass of blonde curls.
 (n) (Chemistry) the amount of matter that something contains (Khối lượng)
 How can we calculate the mass of a planet?
 This gold bar has a mass of 1 kilogram.
 (n) a large amount of something that does not have a definite shape or form
 She was disappointed to see her essay returned with a mass of corrections
in red ink.
meagre /ˈmiːɡə(r)/
 (adj) small in quantity and poor in quality
 It was difficult to live on his meager earnings.
 The pay is meager.
minor /ˈmaɪnə(r)/
 (adj) having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when
compared with other things of the same type:

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 Both the driver and the passenger suffered minor injuries.
 The damage here was only minor.
minute /ˈmɪnɪt/
 (adj) extremely small
 The chances of success were minute.
 Her hands are minute.
multiple /ˈmʌltɪpl/
 (adj) [only before noun] many in number; involving many different people
or things
 My teacher gave me some advice on how to pass multiple-choice tests.
 She was taken to hospital with multiple injuries.
 (n) a number that can be divided by a smaller number an exact number of
times (Bội số)
 4, 21 and 28 are all multiples of 7.
 18 is the lowest common multiple of 6 and 9.
proportion /prəˈpɔːʃn/
 (n) a part or share of a whole
 The proportion of regular smokers increases with age.
 Robert got a small proportion of the profit.
 (n) the relationship of one thing to another in size, amount, etc.
 The proportion of trucks to cars on the roads has changed dramatically.
 He might be small but he's perfectly in proportion.
quantify /ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ/
 (v) to measure or judge the size or amount of something
 It is impossible to quantify the number of people involved.
 it's very hard to quantify the total cost.
rate /reɪt/
 (n) the speed at which something happens or changes; or the amount or
number of times it happens or changes in a particular period:
 The rate of inflation is slowing down.
 The birth rate and death rate were nearly equal.
 (n) an amount or level of payment
 I refuse to pay more than standard rates.
 Interest rates (Lãi suất) may rise soon.

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 (v) to consider that somebody/something has a particular level of quality,
value, etc.
 It is rated as one of the city’s best hotels.
 How did you rate her speech?
ratio /ˈreɪʃiəʊ/
 (n) the relationship between two groups or amounts that expresses how
much bigger one is than the other
 The ratio of boys to girls in the classroom was much higher than last
 If the bike-to-car ratio continues to improve in the city, pollution
percentages may decrease.
ration /ˈræʃn/
 (n) a limited amount of something (especially food) that one person is
allowed to have, especially when there is not much of it available
 I gave him my butter ration at breakfast one morning.
 During the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food,
clothing and fuel.
 (v) to limit the amount of a particular thing that someone is allowed to have
 The government rationed meat during the war.
 There was a small amount of fruit and a lot of people who wanted fruit;
so, each person was rationed one piece of fruit.
shrink /ʃrɪŋk/
 (v) to become or to make something smaller in size or amount
 Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.
 People shrink as they get older.
sufficient / səˈfɪʃnt/
 (adj) enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need
 Did you have sufficient time to do the housework?
 There is now sufficient evidence to prove his claims.
sum /sʌm/
 (n) an amount of money
 We already spend large sums of money on advertising.
 He sold the house for a large sum.

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 (n) a calculation, especially a simple one, using such processes as adding,
taking away, multiplying, or dividing:
 I remember how much I hated doing sums when I was at school.
 I was good at sums at school.
 (n) the whole number or amount when two or more numbers or amounts
have been added together
 The sum of 13 and 8 is 21.
 The total sum lost is believed to be around £2 million.
uneven /ʌnˈiːvn/
 (adj) not regular in terms of size, length, quality or quantity
 The world's distribution of animal and plant species is uneven .
 Her fingernails were short and uneven.
vast /vɑːst/
 (adj) extremely large in area, size, amount, etc.
 There is a vast amount of information available online.
 Your help made a vast difference.
volume /ˈvɒljuːm/
 (n) the amount of something
 Some students cannot cope with the huge volume of homework.
 The volume of traffic on the roads has increased dramatically in recent
 (n) the amount of space something fills, or the amount of space in a
 What is the volume of the water tank?
 The volume of the container measures 10,000 cubic metres (mét khối)
widespread /ˈwaɪdspred/
 (adj) existing or happening over a large area or among many people
 The storm caused widespread damage.
 The campaign has received widespread support.

Topic vocabulary: Money

benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/

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 (n) money provided by the government to people who need financial help
because they are unemployed, ill/sick, etc.
 The aim is to help people who are receiving benefitsto find jobs.
 We can help you find out if you qualify for any benefits.
 (n) an advantage that something gives you; a helpful and useful effect that
something has
 I can see the benefits that such games give children.
 She studied every evening and reaped the benefit at exam time.
 (n) something such as a pension or health insurance that an employee
receives in addition to their salary
 Benefits include a company pension and free health insurance.
 His wife will receive his full benefits when he dies.
 (v) to be helped by something or to help someone
 These changes will benefit the whole company.
 The film benefited from the excellent acting by its stars.
compensation /ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn/
 (n) something, especially money, that somebody gives you because they
have hurt you, or damaged something that you own; the act of giving this to
 She received £7 000 as compensation for her injuries.
 The money was small compensation for unfair dismissal.
damages /ˈdæmɪdʒɪz/
 (n) money that is paid to someone by a person or organization who was
responsible for causing some injury or loss
 The jury awarded damages of over $9 million to the victims.
 He was ordered to pay damages totalling £30 000.
debt /det/
 (n) a sum of money that somebody owes
 Tom didn't want anyone to know that he was deeply in debt.
 His debt came to 100 dollars.
deduct /dɪˈdʌkt/
 (v) to take away (remove) an amount or part from a total
 This amount will be automatically deducted from your salary.
 Ten points will be deducted for a wrong answer.

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deposit / dɪˈpɒzɪt/
 (n) a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment
 You have to pay a deposit of $1 200 as well as two months’ rent.
 (n) an amount of money that you pay when you rent something, and is
returned to you when you return the thing you have rented
 You pay a deposit on the bottle, which you get back when you return the
empty bottle.
 You’ll get back your deposit once we’ve checked the bikes are all right.
 (n) a sum of money that is paid into a bank account
 He made a large deposit.
 Using the cash machine I can make a deposit at any time of the day
 (v) to put money into a bank account
 I deposited $500 in my savings account last week.
 He deposited the prize money in the bank.
 (v) to pay a sum of money as the first part of a larger payment; to pay a sum
of money that you will get back if you return in good condition something
that you have rented.
 You deposit 20 percent now and pay the rest when the car is delivered.
 When we moved in, we had to deposit $1,000 with the landlord in case
we broke any of his things.
direct debit /dəˌrekt ˈdebɪt/; /daɪˌrekt ˈdebɪt/
 (n phr) an instruction to your bank to allow somebody else to take an amount
of money from your account on a particular date, especially to pay bills (Ghi
nợ trực tiếp)
 We pay all our bills by direct debit.
 Don't forget to cancel the direct debit if you want to stop subscribing to
the magazine.
dividend / ˈdɪvɪdend/
 (n) an amount of the profits that a company pays to people who own shares
(Cổ phần) in the company (Tiền lãi cổ phần, cổ tức)
 The company has not yet declared its dividends for this year.
down payment /ˌdaʊn ˈpeɪmənt/
 (n phr) a first payment that you make when you are buying something and
are going to pay the rest later

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 He proposes to pay a down payment of £500 and the remainder the next
 You have to pay a 25 % down payment for the house first.
finance /ˈfaɪnæns/, /faɪˈnæns/, /fəˈnæns/
 (n) (especially British English) (North American English usually financing)
[uncountable] finance (for something) money used to run a business, an
activity or a project
 We are now trying to raise finance for more research projects.
 It is not clear where finance for the project will come from.
 (n) the activity of managing money, especially by a government or
commercial organization
 The finance director reported a 3% rise in sales.
 She’s got a diploma in banking and finance.
 (n) [plural] the money available to a person, an organization or a country;
the way this money is managed
 We keep a tight control on the organization's finances.
 Many customers use online banking services to manage their finances.
 (v) to provide the money needed for something to happen
 The new roads will be financed privately.
 The city council has refused to finance the project.
insurance /ɪnˈʃʊərəns/, /ɪnˈʃɔːrəns/
 (n) an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your
costs if you have an accident, injury
 She was so thankful that she had taken out (=get) insurance, when she
was involved in an accident on holiday.
 Do you have insurance for the house yet?
interest /ˈɪntrəst/
 (n) money that is charged by a bank or other financial organization for
borrowing money
 Interest rates have risen by 1%.
 How much interest are you paying on the loan?
 (n) money that you earn from keeping your money in an account in a bank or
other financial organization

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 We can show you how you can earn a higher rate of interest on your
 You should put the money in a savings account where it will earn
investment /ɪnˈvestmənt/
 (n) the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a
profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time, etc. used to do this:
 The minimum investment for this fund is $1000.
 I’m hoping for a good return on my investment.
lump sum /ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm/
 (n ph) an amount of money that is paid at one time and not on separate
 The money can be paid to the winner in a lump sum or in yearly
 Tom paid for it in a lump sum.
mortgage /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/
 (n) a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you
money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular
number of years
 They were forced to give up their home because they couldn't pay the
 He didn’t earn enough to support his family and pay the mortgage.
overdraft /ˈəʊvədrɑːft/
 (n) the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more
money than is in your bank account; an arrangement that allows you to do
this (Số tiền chi trội; số tiền rút quá số tiền gửi trong một tài khoản (ngân
hàng, thấu chi)
 Interest charges on an overdraft are usually quite high.
pension /ˈpenʃn/
 (n) a sum of money paid regularly to a person who has retired (= stopped
working because of having reached a certain age)
 The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.
 He retired on a generous pension from the company.
share /ʃeə(r)/

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 (n) one of the equal parts that the ownership of a company is divided into,
and that can be bought by members of the public (Cổ phần)
 Share prices have gone up for three weeks.
 We own shares in a number of companies.
speculate /ˈspekjuleɪt/
 (v) (in/on something) to buy goods, property, shares, etc., hoping to make a
profit when you sell them, but with the risk of losing money (đầu cơ)
 He speculated in stocks.
 Terry speculated heavily in mining shares and lost a lot of money.
withdraw /wɪðˈdrɔː/, /wɪθˈdrɔː/
 (v) (from something) to take money out of a bank account
 This account allows you to withdraw a maximum daily amount of $500.
 I will withdraw £250 to pay back my loans.

Phrasal verbs
add up to
 if separate amounts add up to a total amount, together they form that total
(đạt đến một số lượng cụ thể hoặc tất cả số lượng được cộng vào cùng nhau)
 The total costs ADD UP TO several million euros.
 to lead to a particular result; to show something (Dẫn tới kết quả cụ thể, cho
thấy cái gì)
 Their proposals do not add up to any real help for the poor.
break down
 to divide something such as a total amount into separate parts (Phân chia
một cái gì đó ra thành nhiều phần nhỏ hơn)
 The amount doesn’t seem quite so bad when you break it down into
monthly payments.
build up
 to increase, or to make something increase
 We tried to build his confidence up.
 to develop something
 Many popular writers built up their reputations during the war.

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 build somebody/something up to talk about someone or something in a very
positive way so that people are impressed with them (nói về một ai hay một
thứ gì đó một cách tích cực, thường thì là tâng bốc)
 The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very
 to make someone bigger, healthier, and stronger, especially by making them
eat more
 You need lots of fresh fruit to help build you up.
buy off
 to pay someone so that they do not cause you any trouble (Đút lót)
 Efforts to buy her off have failed.
buy out
 to pay money to your business partner so that you can control all of a
business you previously owned together (Mua cổ phần của ai đó)
 His business partners BOUGHT him OUT to get rid of him. (Các đối tác
kinh doanh đã mua cổ phần của anh ta để loại bỏ anh ta)
buy up
 to buy large amounts of something or all of it that is available
 We bought up all the shop had before the price went up.
carry over
 to take something that you earn or are given in one year or period of time
into the next one (Kéo dài sang đoạn thời gian hoặc địa điểm khác)
 The match had to be carried over until Sunday.
clock up
 reach a particular number or amount (đạt một số lượng cụ thể)
 On the trip we clocked up over 1 800 miles.
club together
 if people club together, each of them gives some money so that all the
money collected can be used to buy something (Chung tiền nhau để mua cái
 We clubbed together to buy them a new television.
drum up
 to try to make people support you or buy something from you (Để được hỗ
trợ, quan tâm, kinh doanh, v.v … bằng nỗ lực)

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 Retailers are trying to drum up sales with price cuts.
mount up
 to get much larger
 The costs are beginning to mount up.
pay back ~ repay
 to return money that you borrowed from somebody
 I’ll be able to pay you back next week.
pay out
 to spend or pay money, especially a lot of money
 I had to pay out £500 to get my car repaired.
 to provide money from an amount invested over a period of time (Cung cấp
tiền từ số tiền được đầu tư)
 It’ll be a few years before our investments start paying out.
size up
 to think carefully and form an opinion about a person or a situation (Đánh
giá một tình huống hoặc người cẩn thận)
 Voters are still sizing up the candidates.
take away
 remover one number of quantity from another number or quantity
 What do you get if you take seven from twelve?
weigh down
 to make someone heavy and unable to move easily (làm ai đó khó di chuyển)
 If you weigh yourself down you’ll get very tired.
 to cause problems for someone or something, or to make someone worried
(gây ra sự lo lắng cho ai)
 I thought she looked somehow older, weighed down by all her new

Phrases, patterns and collocations

 make a big thing out of sth: to make something seem more important than
it really is
 Don’t make such a big thing out of it. It’s only a few days late.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 16

 make it big: to be very successful
 He hopes to make it big on TV.
 be big on sth: to be very interested in something, or enjoy something a lot
 I’m not very big on classical music.
 big of somebody (to do): If an action is big of someone, it is kind, good, or
helpful. This phrase is usually used humorously or angrily to mean the
 You can spare me an hour next week? That's really big of you!
 great big: (=very big)
 At the end of the lane was a great big house.
 big business:
o large companies that have a lot of power, considered as a group
 Organized science had allied itself with big business and government.
o something that has become important because people are willing to
spend a lot of money on it
 Herbal remedies are becoming big business.
 big-headed: having a very high opinion of how important and clever you
are; too proud
 He is so big-headed. He always seems to say 'Look at me.'
 big-hearted: very kind; generous
 It was big-hearted of you to lend me money.
 Big Bang: the large explosion that many scientists believe created the
 big name: a famous or important person:
 Are there any big names in the movie?
 big money: a large amount of money:
 You’ll never make big money unless you’re prepared to take risks.
 big game: large wild animals that are hunted and shot for sport (môn
săn bắn những loại thú lớn)
 He hunts big game in Africa
 deal in sth: to buy and sell particular goods as a business (Buôn bán, kinh

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 The company deals in computer software.
 deal with sb/sth1: to solve a problem
 He's good at dealing with pressure.
 deal with2: to do business with a person or company
 We have dealt with the company for years.
 deal with3: to be concerned with (đề cập đến)
 The film deals with alienation in modern life.
 deal a blow to sb/sth1: to be very shocking or harmful to
 Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country.
 make a big deal (out) of sth ~ make a big thing out of sth: make
something seem more important than it is
 I know I’m probably making a big deal out of nothing, but I’m worried
about you.
 cut/make/reach/strike a deal (with sb): to reach or make an agreement
(đạt được một thỏa thuận):
 Do you think the government should try to strike a deal with the
 He wants to buy your house and he can make a deal with you.
 get/have a good deal (on sth): get it at a low price (giá hời)
 I got a really good deal on my new computer.
 big deal1: said when you do not think that what someone has said or done is
important or special (Làm như ghê gớm lắm)
 So she got a part in the school play? Big deal!
 big deal2: something important
 Going to college is still a big deal.
 a good/great deal of sth (singular nouns): a large amount or quantity of
 She spent a good deal of time on the project.
 in depth1: in a serious and detailed way
 I'd like to look at this question in some depth.

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 in depth2: in the distance from the front to the back of something (Chiều
 Bookshelves should be at least nine inches in depth.
 to/at a depth of sth: to/at the distance from the top to the bottom of
something (đến/ở một độ sâu của cái gì)
 Pour oil into a pan to a depth of 1 inch.
 hidden depths: interesting qualities or ideas that are not immediately
obvious (Những phẩm chất thú vị không nhìn thấy rõ ràng lập tức)
 She obviously had hidden depths of talent.
 the depths of sth1: a place that is very far away or very far inside an area
 She lived in a village in the depths of the forest
 the depths of sth2: the most severe part of an unpleasant time, feeling, or
 She was in the depths of despair.
 out of your depth1: in water that is so deep that it goes over your head
when you are standing:
 I'm not a strong swimmer, so I prefer not to go out of my depth.
 out of your depth2: to be unable to understand something because it is too
difficult; to be in a situation that you cannot control
 She was out of her depth in the advanced class, so they moved her to the
intermediate class.
 go to great/any/etc lengths: to use a lot of effort to get or achieve
 He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.
 They have gone to great lengths to make us feel welcome.
 run the length (and breadth) of somewhere: go to every part of a place
 She ran the length and breadth of the city looking for her missing
 in length: về độ dài
 The rear garden is nearly 30 metres in length.
 of (un)equal length: equal in length
 Two pieces of wood are of equal length.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 19

 (for any) length of time: for a long period of time
 She got a headache if she had to read for any length of time
 at (some/great) length: for a long time and with a lot of detail
 The distinctions between kinds of complex idea are considered at some
length in the Essay.
 load sth with/into sth: to put something into a piece of equipment so that it
is ready to use
 He loaded the DVD into the player.
 My camera is loaded with a colour film.
 load sth with/into sth: to put a load onto or into something such as a
vehicle or container
 Men were loading up a truck with timber.
 Sacks were being loaded onto the truck.
 take a load off (your feet): to sit down and relax
 Do you mind if I sit down for a moment? I need to take a load off my feet.
 a (whole) load of: a lot of something
 You’re getting yourself into a whole load of trouble.
 loads of ~ a (whole) load of: a lot of something
 There were loads of people standing around a TV set in the store.
 a heavy load to bear/carry: a difficult or unpleasant problem,
responsibility, or worry that you have to deal with
 Leadership is a heavy load to carry.
 take a long hard look at: to think about a problem or issue very carefully in
order to find out what is wrong or to find a better way of dealing with it
(Xem xét cái gì thật kỹ lưỡng)
 You should take a long hard look at the issues before committing
 at (long) last: after a long time, finally
 At long last his prayers had been answered.
 long way: covering a great length
 It's a long way away.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 20

 go a long way: will be very successful
 It was clear from a very young age that Taylor would go a long way.
 by a long way: by a great amount
 This has been our most successful product by a long way.
 come a long way: to improve a lot, or to make a lot of progress
 We've come a long way since the early days of the project.
 in the long run/term: concerning a longer period in the future
 All our hard work will be worth it in the long run.
 long time no see: used to say hello to somebody you have not seen for a
long time
 Hey, Al, long time no see! How have you been?
 as/so long as: used before saying the conditions that will make something
else happen or be true
 You can use my car as/so long as you drive carefully.
 long-distance (adj): travelling a long way, or separated by a long distance
 Long-distance relationship won’t last.
 all day/week/etc long: for the whole day /week etc
 I don’t think I could look after children all day long.
 that’s your lot: used for telling someone that they have had all of something
and there will be no more
 It’s time you studied. That’s your lot.
 have a lot on: to be very busy
 I can’t help you now – I’ve got a lot on.
 lots of = a lot of: a large number or amount of somebody/something
 A lot of effort is needed to finish this project on time.
 Lots of information has been revealed.
 an awful lot: a very large amount:
 I still have an awful lot to learn.
 a lot on your mind: to have a lot of problems that you are worried about
 Paul has a lot on his mind at the moment.
 the lot: the whole number or amount of people or things
 I offered him half, but he got greedy and wanted the lot.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 21

 sb’s lot (in life): someone’s general situation in life, especially when this is
not very good
 She was feeling dissatisfied with her lot in life.
 make/earn money/ spend money (on something) /cost (somebody)
money: làm ra tiền/ kiếm được tiền/tiêu tiền/ tốn phí
 The business has made more money this year.
 We’ve spent a lot of money on this house.
 It would have cost us a lot of money to cancel the event.
 get your money’s worth: to feel that something you have got is worth the
amount you paid for it
 Let’s spend all day there and really get our money’s worth.
 put your money where your mouth is: to support what you say by doing
something practical; to show by your actions that you really mean
something ( chứng minh lời nói (thường là lời huênh hoang) của mình là
 It's time for the governor to put his money where his mouth is.
 pay good money for something: used to emphasize that something cost(s) a
lot of money, especially if the money is wasted.
 I paid good money for those shoes, and you’ve only worn them twice.
 be made of money: to be very rich
 No, you can't have a new computer game. I'm not made of money.
 for my money: in my money
 For my money, Quang Hai is the best player in football today.
 pay dearly for sth: suffer a lot because of something (Trả giá đắt)
 We had to pay dear/dearly for our mistakes.
 pay somebody a compliment: to say something nice about someone or to
 I gave a presentation on Donald Trump and my teacher paid me a
 pay somebody’s way: to pay for everything yourself without having to rely
on anyone else’s money

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 22

 Sofia worked to pay her way through college.
 pay your last respects to somebody: to go to someone’s funeral.
 Thousands of people pay their last respects to their great leader.
 pay the penalty (for something/for doing something), pay a/the price
(for something/for doing something): to have to deal with the bad effects
of something that you have done
 One day you will all pay the price for your thoughtless behaviour.
 it pays to do something/it pays sb to do sth: to result in some advantage or
profit for somebody
 It pays to keep up to date with your work.
 It would pay you to get it properly checked.
 pay rise (noun): an increase in the amount of money you earn for doing
your job
 The union is asking for a pay rise of just above 2%.
 pay and display (noun): a system of car parking in which you buy a ticket
from a machine for a period of time and put it in the window of the car
 Pay and display machines can accept a wider variety of coins, and many
even accept credit cards.
 pay freeze: a situation in which a company stops increasing employees' pay
because of financial difficulties (Hãm tăng lương)
 The company plans to impose a pay freeze for its remaining 1,400
 take-home pay: the amount of money that you earn after you have paid tax,
etc. (Tiền lương còn lại sau khi đã khấu trừ các khoản (thuế..)
 He was earning £215 a week before tax: take-home pay, £170.
 (come a) poor second: to finish a long way behind the winner in a race,
competition, etc.
 McLean won easily, and Benson was a poor second.
 poor loser: someone who gets angry when they lose
 Be a good loser.Don’t be a sore loser
 poor girl/boy/etc: used for showing that you feel sorry for someone
 The poor child had lost both his parents.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 23

 poor relation: something or someone similar to but less important than
another thing or person, and that people do not consider equally valuable
(người, vật ít quyền lực, uy tín, ít được kính nể)
 Theatre musicians tend to be the poor relations of the musical profession.
 a poor man’s th: a person or thing that is similar to but of a lower quality
than a particular famous person or thing
 Herring is the poor man’s salmon.
 get/grow fat (on) sth: to become rich as a result of something, especially in
a way that does not seem fair to other people
 These stock brokers grow fat on other people's money.
 (a) fat chance (of something/doing something): used for saying that you
do not believe something is likely to happen
 ‘You can go to bed now without having to complete your assignment.’
‘Fat chance of that!’
 a fat lot of good/help/use: not at all good or useful
 A fat lot of use you are in the kitchen.
 look/search high and low: to try to find someone or something by looking
 We looked high and low for Dung Nghia but couldn’t find her.
 high risk of sth: the high possibility of something bad happening
 There's a high risk of another accident happening in this fog.
 high priority: of great importance
 We assign a high priority to research and development.
 in high spirits: Someone who is in high spirits is extremely happy and
enjoying the situation
 It was a bright sunny day and we set off in high spirits.
 high finance: financial activities involving very large amounts of money, for
example with governments or large companies
 Their influence has spread as they have moved into the corridors of high
finance and big business.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 24

 It’s high time: used to say that you think somebody should do something
 It’s high time you went to bed.
 on a high: have a feeling of great happiness or excitement
 The kids are on a high for days when the exams are over.
 a new/all-time/record high: the highest level ever
 The price of oil reached a record high this week.
 high tech (adj): using the most modern methods and machines, especially
electronic ones
 It's the first time the committee has applied such a high-tech security
 high street: the main street of a town, where most shops/stores, banks, etc.
are (Đại lộ)
 The best shops are on the high street.
 (as) large as life: used to show surprise at seeing somebody/something
 I hadn’t seen her for fifteen years and then there she was, (as) large as
 at-large1: (used after nouns) as a whole; in general
 This group is not representative of the population at large.
 at large2: (of a dangerous person or animal) not captured; free (được tự do)
 Despite the efforts of the police, the escaped prisoner is still at large.
 in large measure/part: to a great extent, mainly
 It made clear the failures were due in large part to the system under
which they work.
 larger than life: looking or behaving in a way that is more interesting or
exciting than other people, and so is likely to attract attention ~ unique and
 My brother becomes friends with everyone he meets because his
personality is larger than life!
 large-scale (adj)1 : nvolving many people or things, especially over a wide
area (Có quy mô lớn),
 We must improve our response to large-scale natural disasters.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 25

 large-scale2 (of a map, model, etc.) drawn or made to a scale that shows a
small area of land or a building in great detail (Tỉ lệ lớn)
 A specific feature, like a building or town, will appear larger on a large
scale map compared to a small scale map.
 rich in sth: containing or providing a large supply of something (often good
or useful)
 The English language is rich in vocabulary.
 filthy/stinking rich: extremely rich
 His parents are filthy/stinking rich, so he gets everything he wants.
 rich and famous: giàu có và nổi tiếng
 Even when she became rich and famous, she never forgot her humble
 (the) rich and (the) poor: The people who are rich and the one who are
 The gap between the rich and the poor is increasing.
 share sth with sb: to have or use something at the same time as someone
 Sue shares a house with three other students.
 share something among/between somebody: to divide something between
two or more people
 We shared the pizza between the four of us.
 We shared the pizza between the four of us.
 share and share alike: used to say that everyone should share things
equally and in a fair way
 Don't keep all those chocolates to yourself - share and share alike.
 share in/of something: one part of something that is divided between two or
more people
 He has no right to a share in profits.
 share in: one of the equal parts of a company that you can buy as a way of
investing money
 We have some shares in Apple.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 26

 share of: a part of the total amount of work or responsibility of several
 He does his share of the cooking.
 shareholder: an owner of shares in a company or business (Cổ đông)
 The government is still a majority shareholder in the industry.
 share index: a list that shows the current value of shares on the stock
market, based on the prices of shares of particular companies (Chỉ số cổ
 The main share index was down 350 points.
 share option: a right given to employees to buy shares in their company at a
fixed price (Quyền mua cổ phiếu)
 In addition to his salary, the new Chief Executive will receive a €10
million share option package.
 share-out: an act of dividing something between two or more people; the
amount of something that one person receives when it is divided
 I’m still waiting for my share-out from the profits.
 (run) short of sth: used for saying that you have used almost all of a
particular thing and there is not much left.
 We’re running short of coffee again.
 (have a) short temper/fuse: to become angry or upset very easily
 You may find your temper on a short fuse when confronting your
 draw/get the short straw: to be the person in a group who is chosen or
forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task
 I drew the short straw and had to clean the toilets.
 make short work of sb/sth: to defeat, deal with something/somebody
 You made short work of that sandwich!
 a short while/period/spell: a period of time that is short does not last very
long or seems to pass quickly
 After a short period living in Hanoi, she moved back to Ho Chi Minh.

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 at short notice: not long in advance; without warning or time for
 Occasionally tours may be cancelled at short notice owing to
circumstances beyond our control.
 short and sweet: pleasant but not lasting a long time
 We haven't much time so I'll keep it short and sweet.
 shortlist (n): a small number of candidates for a job, etc., who have been
chosen from all the people who applied
 They will choose from a shortlist of seven candidates.
 that’s about the size of it: used to agree that someone’s description of a
situation is correct (đầu đuôi câu chuyện đúng là như thế)
 "So you mean you won't come to the party with me?" "Yes, that's about
the size of it."
 cut sth to size: cut sth to the exact measurements
 Every piece of timber was planed, cut to size
 in size: Về kích thước
 The field was about ten acres in size.
 full size: not made smaller; of the usual size, as large as something will ever
 The plants should reach full size in about four years.
 size of: how large or small of something, the large amount or extent of
 We were shocked at the size of his debts.
 downsize sth: to reduce the number of people who work in a company,
business, etc. in order to reduce costs
 If your company downsizes and you are over 50, your working life may
be over
 feel/look small: to feel or look ashamed or unimportant, especially because
of something that someone has said or done (Tủi hổ, cảm thấy nhục nhã)
 I felt really small when I realized how much time he’d spent on it.

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 28

 (it’s a) small world: used to express your surprise when you meet somebody
you know in an unexpected place, or when you are talking to somebody and
find out that you both know the same person (Đúng là trái đất tròn mà)
 I just met Jane at the event last night. It's a small world, right!
 in a/some small way: to a limited degree
 Many people are investing in a small way in the share market.
 in no small way: to a great degree
 Our success is due in no small way to the company’s founder.
 with a small ‘c’/etc: not written or printed as capitals; used for saying that
you are talking about someone’s general principles and not saying that they
belong to a specific political party, religious organization etc (được sử dụng
để mô tả các trường hợp tổng quát hơn hoặc ít cực đoan hơn)
 She is deeply conservative with a small "c".
 small change1: coins of low value
 Have you got any small change for the phone?
 small change2: something that is of little value when compared with
something else
 He spent $10 million on a race horse, but that's just small change to him.
 small hours: the time when it is very early in the morning, soon after
midnight (những giờ rất sớm của buổi sáng)
 She was up until the small hours of the morning trying to finish her
 small screen: television, especially when it is considered in relation to the
 Her new detective series will be her debut on the small screen.
 small talk: polite conversation about ordinary or unimportant subjects,
especially at social occasions (Cuộc xã giao, hội thoại ngắn)
 She was good at making small talk with her guests.
 have a thin skin: to be very sensitive to criticism or insults
 You shouldn’t be in politics if you have such a thin skin.
 skating on thin ice: to be doing something that is dangerous or involves

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 29

 He’s having a secret relationship with a married woman: I’ve told him
that he’s skating on thin ice, but he won’t listen to me.
 out of thin air: if someone or something appears out of thin air, they appear
in a sudden and mysterious way; from nowhere or nothing, as if by magic
 I can't come up with €10,000 out of thin air.
 from thin air: if someone or something appears from thin air, it appears
suddenly in a mysterious way
 Thirteen years ago, with her children almost grown up, she found herself
having to conjure a career from thin air.
 into thin air: if someone or something disappears into thin air, it
disappears suddenly in a mysterious way
 Victor and his kidnappers had vanished into thin air.
 thin on the ground: to exist only in small numbers or amounts
 Even now, as in the beginning, women are thin on the ground in the
 thin on top: without much hair on the head, losing your hair
 Dad is starting to look a little thin on top.
 weak at the knees: unable to do anything because of emotion, fear, illness,
etc.(bủn rủn tay chân vì xúc động, sợ hãi,…)
 His smile made her go weak at the knees.
 weak on: bad in quality on
 The report was criticized for being weak on detail.
 on weak ground: likely to fail, not certain, might be defeated, etc
 They were on weak ground, with no precedents for their action.
 weak argument: one that fails to provide probable support for its
conclusion, not likely to be accepted or persuaded by
 This is a weak argument because it is based on very little real evidence.
 weak point/spot: the part of something that can easily be attacked or
 Her weak point is the back of her knee.
 weak-willed ~ spineless not having the determination that is needed to
continue with a difficult course of action (Thiếu quyết tâm)

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 30

 He is so weak-willed and indecisive that he couldn’t achive success.

 a drop in the ocean: a very small amount that will not have much effect (giọt
nước trong đại dương, không thấm tháp gì, không ảnh hưởng gì nhiều)
 Ten participants are just a drop in the ocean compared to the number of
people we need for the event.
 break even: if a person or business breaks even, they neither make a profit
nor lose money (Hòa vốn)
 We barely break even. There is no fame in it.
 fall short (of sth) : to not reach a particular level or to fail to achieve
something that you were trying to do (Không đạt tới tiêu chuẩn, không thực
hiện được điều gì)
 He would sack any of his staff who fell short of his high standards.
 fifty-fifty: equal, or into two equal parts (Thành hai phần bằng nhau, chia
 The companies split the profits fifty-fifty.
 go halves: to share the cost of something with someone so that you each pay
50% (chia đều chi phí)
 We go halves on all the bills.
 it’s as broad as it’s long: used for saying that you cannot choose between
two things or actions because they are equal (Không có sự khác nhau nào
quá lớn dù chọn phương án A hay B)
 Take the high-speed train, or fly and take a taxi? It’s as broad as it’s
 keep up with the Joneses: to try to be as rich, successful etc as your
neighbours (Luôn muốn mình theo kịp người khác, có được những thứ người
khác có, thành công ở mức như người khác.)
 She bought the same car as Tom, the same shoes as Lisa, the same bag as
Hari. She's really keeping up with the Joneses.
 knee-high to a grasshopper: very small, because you were very young
 When I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I really wanted to be a princess.
 line your pocket(s): to obtain money, especially by acting dishonestly

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 31

 He accused executives of trying to line their own pockets.
 lock, stock and barrel: including every part of a particular thing, situation,
place etc (Toàn bộ, cả thảy)
 The firemen did their best but the house burned right down to the ground,
lock, stock and barrel.
 six of one (and) half a dozen of the other: used for saying that two things
are equally good or bad (Kẻ tám lạng người nửa cân, không khác gì nhau
 He can’t decide if he wants to attend a public or a private high school.
To him it’s six of one and half of a dozen of the other.
 tidy sum/amount: large sum/amount
 He has sold no less than five cars, each one at a tidy profit.

Word formation:
add: (v) to put something together with something else so as to increase the size,
number, amount, etc.
1. addition: (n) /əˈdɪʃn/
 the process of adding two or more numbers together to find their total
 (to something) a thing that is added to something else
2. addendum: (n) /əˈdendəm/
 a section of extra information that is added to something, especially to a
book (Phụ lục)
3. addenda: (n) /əˈdendə/ plural of addendum
4. additive: (n) /ˈædətɪv/
 a substance that is added in small amounts to something, especially food,
in order to improve it, give it colour, make it last longer, etc. (Phụ gia)
5. additional: (adj) /əˈdɪʃənl/ ~ extra
 more than was first mentioned or is usual
6. additionally: (adv) /əˈdɪʃənəli/ ~ in addition (to somebody/something)
 in a way that is more than was first mentioned or is usual
benefit: (n) an advantage that something gives you; a helpful and useful effect that
something has
1. beneficiary: (n) /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəri/

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 32

 (of something) a person or group who receives money, advantages, etc.
as a result of something else (Người hưởng lợi, người thụ hưởng)
2. beneficial: (adj) /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/
 (to something/somebody) improving a situation; having a helpful or
useful effect
3. beneficially: (adv) /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəli/ ~ advantageously, favourably
 in a way that improves a situation or has a helpful or useful effect
brief: - (adj) lasting only a short time; short
- (adj) using few words
- (n) short form, very few details
- (n) a set of instructions or information
1. debrief: (v) /ˌdiːˈbriːf/ (Phỏng vấn, thẩm vấn)
 to get information from someone who has just finished an important job,
especially for the armed forces or the government
2. debriefing: (n) /ˌdiːˈbriːfɪŋ/
 the activity of asking somebody questions officially, in order to get
information about the task that they have just completed
3. briefing: (n) /ˈbriːfɪŋ/
 a meeting or document in which people receive information or
4. brevity: (n) /ˈbrevəti/
 the use of only a few words (Tính khúc chiết; sự vắn tắt, sự ngắn gọn)
 lasting only a short time:
5. briefs: (n) /briːfs/
 underwear worn by men and women which covers the area between the
waist and the tops of the legs
6. briefly: (adv) /ˈbriːfli/
 for a short time
 using few words or without giving a lot of details
broad: (adj) very wide
1. broaden: (v) /ˈbrɔːdn/
 to become wider
 (something) to affect or make something affect more people or things

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 something to increase your experience, knowledge, etc.
2. breadth: (n) /bredθ/
 the distance from one side of an object to the other (Bề rộng, bề ngang)
 the fact that something includes a wide range of different things or ideas
(Sự rộng rãi (quan điểm, tư tưởng...)
3. broadly: (adv) /ˈbrɔːdli/
 generally, without considering details (Nhìn chung)
 if you smile broadly, you smile with your mouth stretched very wide
because you are very pleased or amused (Cười toe)
consider: (v) think about something carefully, especially in order to make a
1. consideration: (n) /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃn/
 careful thought before making a decision or judgment about something
 (for somebody/something) the quality of being sensitive towards others
and thinking about their wishes and feelings
 (formal) a reward or payment for a service
2. considered: (adj) /kənˈsɪdə(r)d/
 carefully thought about
3. considering: /kənˈsɪdərɪŋ/ (preposition, conjunction, adverb)
Considering can be used in the following ways:
as a preposition (followed by a noun):Considering her lack of experience, it is
surprising she has achieved so much.
before words such as that, what, or how to form a conjunction. The word ‘that’
is sometimes left out:Considering (that) he’s 82, he does very well.He does very
well, considering how old he is.
in spoken English, as a sentence adverb at the end of a sentence:He does very
well, considering.

 used to show that you are thinking about a particular fact, and are
influenced by it, when you make a statement about something

4. (in)considerable: (adj) /kənˈsɪdərəbl/

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 34

 (small) great in amount, size, importance, etc.
5. considerably: (adv) /kənˈsɪdərəbli/ ~significantly
 much; a lot
1. deepen: (v) /ˈdiːpən/
 (something) (into something) if an emotion or a feeling deepens, or if
something deepens it, it becomes stronger
 (something) to become worse; to make something worse
 to become deeper; to make something deeper
 to improve your knowledge or understanding of something
 if colour or light deepens or if something deepens it, it becomes darker
 if a sound or voice deepens or if you deepen it, it becomes lower or you
make it lower
 if your breathing deepens, you breathe more deeply than usual
2. depth: (n) /depθ/
 the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something
 the distance from the front to the back of something
 the strength and power of feelings
 the quality of having a low sound
 the fact of something, especially a colour, having the quality of being
dark and strong:
3. deeply: (adv) /ˈdiːpli/
 extremely or strongly:
1. distance: (n) /ˈdɪstəns/
 the amount of space between two places
 behaviour that shows little interest or friendliness: (Thái độ cách biệt, sự
xa cách)
2. equidistance: (n) /ˌiːkwɪˈdɪstənce/
 equal distance
3. equidistant: (adj) /ˌiːkwɪˈdɪstənt/
 [not before noun] equally far from two or more places (Cách đều)
4. distantly: (adv) /ˈdɪstəntli/

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 far away
5. equidistantly: (adv) /ˌiːkwɪˈdɪstəntli/
 equally distant

1. withdraw: (v) /wɪðˈdrɔː/, /wɪθˈdrɔː/
 (from something) to take money out of a bank account
2. withdrew: (v) /wɪðˈdru/
 the past tense of withdraw
3. drew: (v) /druː/
 the past tense of draw (to make pictures, or a picture of something, with a
pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint)
4. drawn: (adj) /drɔːn/
 (of a person or their face) looking pale and thin because the person is
ill/sick, tired or worried (Buồn rầu, u sầu)
5. withdrawal: (n) /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/, /wɪθˈdrɔːəl/
 the act of taking an amount of money out of your bank account
6. drawing: (n) /ˈdrɔːɪŋ/
 a picture made using a pencil or pen rather than paint
 the activity or skill of making pictures with a pen or pencil
7. overdraft: (n) /ˈəʊvədrɑːft/
 the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more
money than is in your bank account; an arrangement that allows you to
do this (Thấu chi, số tiền chi trội, số tiền rút quá số tiền gửi trong một tài
khoản (ngân hàng))
8. overdrawn: (adj) /ˌəʊvəˈdrɔːn/
 having taken more money out of your bank account than the account
contained, or (of a bank account) having had more money taken from it
than was originally in it
9. withdrawn: (adj) /wɪðˈdrɔːn/
 not wanting to talk to other people; extremely quiet and shy (lãnh đạm,
khép kín, thu mình)
extent: (n) how large, important, serious, etc. something is
1. extent: (n) /ɪkˈstent/

Tran Truong Ngoc Han 36

 the physical size of an area (Phạm vi, quy mô)
 the degree or limit of something; how great or severe something is (mức
2. extention: (n) /ɪkˈstenʃn/
 the act of making something longer or larger; the thing that is made
longer and larger (Sự mở rộng, Phần nối dài)
 an increase in the period of time during which something is effective (Sự
gia hạn)
 a telephone that operates on the same line as another (Máy nhánh)
 the last part of the name of a computer file that are placed after a dot at
the end of the name of a file and that show what type of file it is (Phần mở
3. (un)extended: (adj) /ɪkˈstendɪd/
 (not) long or (not) longer than usual or expected
4. extensive: (adj) /ɪkˈstensɪv/
 covering a large area; great in amount
 including a wide range of information
5. extensively: (adv) /ɪkˈstensɪvli/
 in a way that covers a large area
 in a way that includes a wide range of information
 to a large degree; a great amount
finite: (adj) having a definite limit or fixed size
1. infinity: (n) /ɪnˈfɪnəti/
 the state of having no end or limit
 a point far away that can never be reached
 [Math] a number larger than any other (Vô cực)
 a large amount that is impossible to count
2. infinitive: (n) /ɪnˈfɪnətɪv/ (Nguyên thể)
 the basic form of a verb, this form of the verb together with the word ‘to’
in front of it is usually called a to-infinitive, and the verb form on its own
is usually called a bare infinitive.
3. infinite: (adj) /ˈɪnfɪnət/ ~ boundless
 very great; impossible to measure

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 without limits; without end
4. infinitely: (adv) /ˈɪnfɪnətli/
 (used especially in comparisons) very much
 extremely; with no limit
5. infinitesimal: (adj) /ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtesɪml/
 extremely small
6. infinitesimally: (adv) /ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtesɪməli/
 to an extremely small degree
1. heighten: (v) /ˈhaɪtn/
 becomes stronger or increases
2. highlight: (v) /ˈhaɪlaɪt/
 emphasize something, especially so that people give it more attention
3. height (n) /haɪt/
 the distance from the top to the bottom of something, or the quality of
being tall
 the point when something is at its best or strongest
4. Highness (n) /ˈhaɪnəs/
 a title of respect used when talking to or about a member of the royal
family (hoàng tử; công chúa)
 the state or quality of being high (Sự cao quý)
5. heightened /ˈhaɪtnd/
 (v) the past tense of heighten
 (adj) increasing in strength or degree
6. highbrow (adj) /ˈhaɪbraʊ/
 (of books, plays, etc.) involving serious and complicated or artistic ideas,
or (of people) interested in serious and complicated subjects
7. highly (adv) /ˈhaɪli/
 very, to a large degree, or at a high level
 in an important or influential (= having a lot of influence) position
 with admiration or praise
1. enlarge: (v) /ɪnˈlɑːdʒ/

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 to make something bigger; to become bigger
 to make a bigger copy of a photograph or document
2. enlargement: (n) /ɪnˈlɑːdʒmənt/
 the process or result of something becoming or being made larger
 something that has been made larger, especially a photograph
3. largely: (adv) /ˈlɑːdʒli/
 to a great extent; mostly or mainly
1. prolong: (v) /prəˈlɒŋ/
 to make something last longer
2. lengthen: (v) /ˈleŋθən/
 to become longer; to make something longer
3. length: (n) /leŋθ/
 the measurement of something from end to end or along its longest side
 the amount of time something lasts:
4. longevity: (n) /lɔːnˈdʒevəti/
 long life; the fact of lasting a long time
5. longhand: (n) /ˈlɒŋhænd/
 ordinary writing by hand
6. longing: (adj) /ˈlɒŋɪŋ/
 feeling or showing that you want something very much
7. longingly: (adv) /ˈlɒŋɪŋli/
 in a way that shows you want something very much
8. longwinded: (adj) /ˌlɒŋ ˈwɪndɪd/
 A long-winded speech, letter, article, etc. is too long, or uses too many
9. lengthy: (adj) /ˈleŋθi/
 very long, and often too long, in time or size
10. prolonged: (adj) /prəˈlɒŋd/
 continuing for a long time
11. lengthways: (adv) /ˈleŋθweɪz/
 in the direction of the longest side
12.lengthwise = lengthways

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1. allot: (v) /əˈlɒt/
 to give something, especially a share of something available, for a
particular purpose (Phân công, giao việc)
2. allotment: (n) /əˈlɒtmənt/
 a small area of land in a town which a person can rent in order to grow
fruit and vegetables on it (mảnh đất được phân phối để cày cấy)
 an amount of something that somebody is given or allowed to have; the
process of giving something to somebody
magnify: (v) to make something look bigger than it really is
1. magnificence: (n) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsns/
 the quality of being extremely attractive and impressive
2. magnification: (n) /ˌmæɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/
 the act of making something look larger than it is, or the degree to which
it does look larger (Hành động phóng đại, độ phóng đại)
3. magnificent: (adj) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/
 extremely attractive and impressive; deserving praise
4. magnificently: (adv) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsntli/
 in a way that is extremely attractive and impressive; in a way that
deserves praise
5. magnifying: (adj) / ˈmæɡnɪfaɪɪŋ/
 being made larger than they are
1. majority: (n) /məˈdʒɒrəti/
 the largest part of a group of people or things
2. majorette: (n) /ˌmeɪdʒəˈret/
 a girl in special brightly coloured clothes who walks in front of a
marching band, spinning, throwing and catching a long stick (Cô gái đi
đầu trong một ban nhạc diễu hành)
minority: (n) /maɪˈnɒrəti/
 a smaller number or part

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 a small group within a community or country that is different because of
race, religion, language, etc.
1. overpay: (v) /ˌəʊvəˈpeɪ/
 pay somebody too much; to pay somebody more than their work is worth
2. underpay: (v) /ˌʌndəˈpeɪ/
 pay somebody too little money, especially for their work
3. repay: (v) /rɪˈpeɪ/
 pay back the money that you have borrowed from somebody
4. overpayment: (n) /ˌəʊvəˈpeɪmənt/
 the act of paying somebody too much; an amount paid that is too much
5. underpayment: (n) /ˌʌndəˈpeɪmənt/
 the fact of paying somebody too little money, especially for their work;
the amount by which somebody is paid too little
6. repayment: (n) /rɪˈpeɪmənt/
 the act of paying back money that you have borrowed from a bank, etc.
7. payback: (n) /ˈpeɪbæk/
 the money that you receive back on money that you have invested
8. payee: (n) /ˌpeɪˈiː/
 a person that money or a cheque is paid to
9. payer: (n) /ˈpeɪə(r)/
 a person who pays or who has to pay for something
10. payload: (n) /ˈpeɪləʊd/
 the amount of goods or people that a vehicle, such as a truck or aircraft,
can carry
11. payoff: (n) /ˈpeɪ ɒf/
 a payment of money to somebody so that they will not cause you any
trouble or to make them keep a secret
 a payment of money to somebody to persuade them to leave their job
 an advantage or a reward from something you have done
12. payout: (n) /ˈpeɪaʊt/
 a large amount of money that is given to somebody
13. payroll: (n) /ˈpeɪrəʊl/

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 a list of the people employed by a company showing how much each one
 the total amount paid in wages by a company
14. payslip: (n) /ˈpeɪslɪp/
 a piece of paper given to someone who is employed to show how much
money they have earned and how much tax has been taken off
15. overpaid: (adj) /ˌoʊvɚˈpeɪd/
 paid too much or more than usual
16. underpaid: (adj) /ˌʌndəˈpeɪd/
 not paid enough for the work you do
17. payable: (adj) /ˈpeɪəbl/
 that must be paid or can be paid
 when a cheque, etc. is made payable to somebody, their name is written
on it and they can then pay it into their bank account (ghi tên người này
lên tấm séc và họ có thể cầm tấm séc này đến ngân hàng để lấy tiền)
portion: (n) one part of something larger
apportion: (n) /əˈpɔːʃn/
 to divide something among people; to give a share of something to
1. weight: (n) /weɪt/
 the amount that something or someone weighs
2. weightlifter: (n) /ˈweɪtlɪftə(r)/
 a person who takes part in the sport or activity of lifting heavy weights
3. weightlifting: (n) /ˈweɪtlɪftɪŋ/
 the sport or activity of lifting heavy weights
4. weighting: (n) /ˈweɪtɪŋ/
 extra money that you get paid for working in a particular area because it
is expensive to live there (Tiền trợ cấp, tiền lương thêm)
 a value that you give to each of a number of things to show how
important it is compared with the others
5. overweight: (adj) /ˌəʊvəˈweɪt/
 (of people) too heavy and fat

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6. underweight: (adj) /ˌʌndəˈweɪt/
 (especially of a person) weighing less than the normal or expected weight
7. weighted: (adj) /ˈweɪtɪd/
 prepared and arranged in a way that is likely to produce a particular
effect, usually an advantage, rather than any other
8. weightless: (adj) /ˈweɪtləs/
 having no weight or appearing to have no weight
9. weighty: (adj) /ˈweɪti/
 important and serious
 heavy

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