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Author: Huang Zuli

Academic Manager: Lihi Yariv-Laor

Academic Advisor: Aviya Feldman-Liu

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Dear Students,

Congratulations on joining this course.

When writing this course we chose various subjects that would

be both interesting and relevant to you, in order to help you
achieve your goal of learning Chinese in the most enjoyable
way possible.

You will be working with this workbook throughout the

lessons that make up your Chinese course. Each lesson comes
with a glossary of new terms, selected slides for the lesson and
your homework exercises.
Huang Zuli
The reason we provide you with selected slides is to help you
Author of the Course adapt to the world of on-line learning. The slides in the
workbook are identical to the slides in the on-line course, so
you can take written notes directly in your workbook. This
also allows the teacher to offer exercises that can be completed
over the Internet as well as in writing.

At the end of each section you will find your homework

assignment. Answers for the homework exercises can be
found in your file located in your “Student Locker” on

Wishing you a productive and enjoyable learning experience,

Huang Zuli

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Table of Contents
Lessons 1-15
No. Lesson Name Lesson Description Page
1 Hello In this first lesson we will learn Chinese greetings, how 1
to introduce yourself, the two types of sentences and
questions ending with “ma”. We will also learn the four
basic tones needed for spoken Chinese.
2 Are you Chinese? This time we will learn about the country and 11
nationality. We will learn how to use the verb “to be”
and its negative form and build simple sentences. At
the end of this lesson, you will be able to have a basic
conversation with what you have studied up to now in
3 What is your In this lesson we will continue studying commonly 21
nationality? used phrases, like: “May I ask…”? “Thank you”, “You
are welcome”, “Sorry”, “It doesn’t matter” and the
adverb “all” and where to put it. By the end of the
lesson you will be able to ask people what is their
nationality and conduct a simple conversation.
4 Can you speak Let’s learn about languages. In this lesson we will talk 29
Chinese? about “be able to” and its negative form. We will learn
how to use the verbs “to want” and “to speak” and
particle “ne”-“what about…?”. By the end of the lesson
you will be able to chat in Chinese about Chinese.
5 What’s this? This lesson will expand our vocabulary with many 37
commonly used nouns; we will learn adjectives like
“big”, “small” and “expensive”. We will also learn a
new question form.
6 Who are you? In this lesson we will learn the verb “to have” which 45
enables you to tell what you have, what you don’t have
and if you have a lot or a few. We will also learn a new
and important question word: “who” and some
commonly used verbs: “to look, to read, to watch”, “to
study” and “to write”.
7 How many books Let’s count. We will learn numbers from 0-10, which 53
does he have? are very important because other numbers are based on
We will also learn measure words (classifiers) which
are inserted between the number and the item we are
counting. Different types of items have different
measure words.
8 How much is one Let’s count some more. You will see how easy it is to 61
book? learn numbers from 11-99! We will also learn how to
buy things in Chinese. “How many?” / “How
much…?”, the adjective “cheap” and the final particle
No. Lesson Name Lesson Description Page
9 How much Still counting. In this lesson we will learn numbers 69
altogether? from 100-1000. We will also learn the verbs “to think”,
“to intend to”, “to like”, the adverbs “still / in
addition”, “but / however”, “altogether / total”, “in
sum”. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to talk
about your hobbies and what you like to do.
10 This dog is really How to describe things in Chinese: In this lesson we 77
big! will learn how to describe many items and situations,
using a variety of adjectives: “interesting”, “new”,
“good-looking”, “thick”, “lovely” and “strange”; the
difference between this/that/which and the things we
want to describe, remembering to put in the measure
words. We will also continue expanding our
11 What about your In this lesson we will learn the subordinating particle 85
son? “de” to express possession, like “my”, “his”, “her”…
(family member). By the end of the lesson, you will be
able to introduce your family members and say how
they are doing.
12 What color is this This will be a colorful lesson. We will learn about 93
table? colors, and how to describe things with colors. We will
also learn “or” questions and the difference between
yidiar (a little) and you yidiar ((have) a little).
13 Where are you? This time we will learn how to say where you are - 101
“to be at”. We will learn place words: “school”,
“office”, “cities” and “restaurant”, the question word:
“where” and the verbs: “to do”, “to work”, “to eat”, “to
study” and “to travel”.
14 Where will you be Here we will learn how to read the clock and use it in 111
tomorrow evening our daily activities.
at 8?
15 What is the date When is your birthday? In this lesson we will learn the 119
today? calendar. We will also learn the verbs “to go there” and
“to come here”.
dì yí kè


Lesson 1

nǐ hǎo
你 好!
Lesson Description:
In this first lesson we will learn Chinese greetings, how to introduce yourself, the two types of
sentences and questions ending with “ma”. We will also learn the four basic tones needed for
spoken Chinese.

New Words in this Lesson 18 běn kè shēngcí

本 课 生词
Total New Words 18 lěijì shēngcí

Lesson 1
Word English Part of Speech
nǐ you pronoun

hǎo good, to be well stative verb

nǐ hǎo Hello pronoun + SV (stative verb)

你 好

wǒ I / me pronoun

jiào be called verb

Huáng Zǔlì a Chinese name name of a person

黄 祖莉 noun

nǐ you pronoun

tā he / him pronoun

tā she / her pronoun

Dà Wèi David name of a person

大 卫 noun

Lesson 1
Word English Part of Speech
Zhāng Bō a Chinese name name of a person
张 波 noun

ma used at the end of a particle

吗 declarative sentence to
transform it into a question

hěn hǎo very well/very good adverb +SV (stative verb)

很 好

máng to be busy SV (stative verb)

lèi to be tired SV (stative verb)

zàijiàn good-bye verb


wèntí question, problem noun


zuòyè homework noun


Lesson 1
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 1
Lesson 1
The sounds of the common Chinese language (putonghua)
Chinese is traditionally written with characters, not with an alphabet. In order to
represent Chinese speech and to help studying the right pronunciation, an
alphabetic system, called pinyin 'spelling' is used. The sounds represented here are
the sounds of the common language (putonghua) spoken in China.

Syllable Structure
The syllable in Chinese is made up of three parts: an initial, a final and a tone. For
example, in mǎ the m represents the initial, a is the final, and ǎ represents the

The tone is an integral part of a syllable, and distinguishes between different
meanings, in much the same way as different initials or finals distinguish between
meanings. Thus mā means 'mother' while mà means 'to scold'. There are four basic
tones in the common Chinese language.
The four tones are represented by the following marks:
1. First tone, high level: mā 'mother'
2. Second tone, high rising: má 'hemp'
3. Third tone, low dipping: mǎ 'horse'
4. Fourth tone, high falling: mà 'scold'

The following are initials of Chinese syllables:

b like the p in the English 'spaghetti'

p like the p in 'pie', but with much stronger aspiration
m as in 'mother'
f as in 'father'

d like the t in 'stay'

t as in 'tie', but with much stronger aspiration
n as in 'nine'
l as in 'light'

z like the dds in 'adds', with the tongue forward

c like the t's h in 'it's him', with the tongue forward
s as in 'soon', with the tongue forward

Lesson 1
j like the tch in 'itching', made by pressing the flat part of the tongue against the
q like the ch in 'cheap', but with much more breath, pressing the flat part of the
tongue against the palate
x between the s in 'see' and the sh in 'she', pressing the flat part of the tongue
against the palate

zh like the ch in 'chew', but unaspirated and with the tongue tip curled far back
ch like the zh, but aspirated, as the ch-h in 'teach history'
sh like the sh in 'show', but with the tongue tip curled far back
r like the r in 'crew', but with the tongue tip curled far back

g like the k in 'sky'

k as in 'kite', but with much stronger aspiration
h like the ch in German 'nach', not like the English h!

Grammatical Remarks
1. Chinese has parts of speech such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, etc.
These do not always have the same characteristics as the English parts of
speech with the same names.

2. Chinese pronouns, unlike those of English, are not inflected for case or
gender. Thus wǒ can mean "I" or "me"; tā can mean "he" or "him" - according
to the place it occupies in the sentence.

3. Chinese verbs, unlike English verbs, are not inflected for person, number,
tense, or mood. Verbs are of two main kinds:
a. Stative verbs – that describe a state of being and thus in meaning
resemble adjectives in English: hǎo "to be good", "to be well".
b. Verbs that denote action: jiào "to call", "to be called"; xièxie "to thank",
wèn "to ask", etc.

4. Adverbs in Chinese are words which can stand only before a verb or another
adverb. hěn "very" is an adverb.

Lesson 1
5. There are two basic types of sentences in Chinese:

a. Nominal Expression + STATIVE VERB

nǐ hǎo
"you are well" = "hello"
Wǒ hěn máng
"I am busy"
The sentence nǐ hǎo serves as a greeting. However, in other sentences of
this type, an adverb such as hěn "very" usually comes before the verb. In
this function hěn just increases the number of syllables, and does not
mean "very". Thus wǒ hěn lèi means "I am tired".

b. Nominal Expression + VERB + Nominal Expression

Wǒ jiào Huáng Zǔlì
"I am called Huáng Zǔlì "= my name is Huáng Zǔlì.

6. Chinese surnames generally consist of one syllable, as Huáng or Zhāng. The

surname in Chinese comes first and is followed by the first name, which
usually consists of two syllables (for example Zǔ lì) but may also consist of a
single syllable.

7. By adding the question word ma at the end of a sentence (without any change
in word order) the sentence is turned into a question that can be answered by
'yes' or 'no'.
nǐ máng ma? "Are you busy?"
nǐ jiào Zǔlì ma? "Are you called Zǔlì?"

Lesson 1
1. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.
请 完 成 对 话。
Please complete the dialogue below.

A: nǐ hǎo!
你 好!

B: !

A: nǐ hǎo mā?
你 好 吗?

B: 。

A: nǐ máng ma?
你 忙 吗?

B: 。

A: nǐ lèi ma?
你 累 吗?

B: 。

A: zàijiàn!

B: !

Lesson 1
2. qǐng lǎngdú.
请 朗 读。
Please read aloud.
mā má mǎ mà wō wó wǒ wò

tā tá tǎ tà zāi zái zǎi zài

jiān jián jiǎn jiàn

3. qǐng huídá wèntí.

请 回 答 问题。
Please answer the questions below.
a. nǐ lèi ma?
你 累 吗?

b. tā máng ma?
他 忙 吗?

c. nǐ hǎo ma?
你 好 吗?

Lesson 1
dì èr kè

第 二 课

Lesson 2

nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén ma?

你是 中 国 人 吗?
Are you Chinese?
Lesson Description:
This time we will learn about the country and nationality. We will learn how to use the verb “to
be” and its negative form and build simple sentences. At the end of this lesson, you will be able
to have a basic conversation with what you have studied up to now in Chinese.

New Words in this Lesson 17 běn kè shēngcí

本 课 生词
Total New Words 35 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生词

Lesson 2
Word English Part of Speech
Zhōngguó China noun

Měiguó America noun


Yīngguó England noun


Fǎguó France noun


Déguó Germany noun


Yìdàlì Italy noun


rén person, people noun

shì to be verb

bú shì not to be verb


wǒmen we / us pronoun

nǐmen you (plural) pronoun


Lesson 2
Word English Part of Speech
tāmen they (M) / them pronoun

tāmen they (F) / them pronoun


Bǐ De Peter name of a person

彼得 noun

yě also adverb

xièxie to thank, thanks verb


bú kèqi you are welcome IE (Idiomatic Expression)

不 客气

Lesson 2
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Grammatical Remarks
1. Chinese personal pronouns are made plural by adding the suffix men:
wǒ "I,", "me" wǒmen "we", "us"
nǐ "you" (singular) nǐmen "you" (plural)
tā "he", "him", "she", "her" tāmen "they", "them"

2. Chinese names of countries are formed most often, though not always, with
the syllable guó 'country'. Zhōngguó 'China' is made up of the two syllables
Zhōng 'middle' and guó 'country', i.e. 'central, middle country'. In Měiguó
'America', the syllable měi, which means 'beautiful', is a representation of the
sound included in America.

3. The verb shì 'to be' is used in sentences of the type

Nominal Expression + VERB + Nominal Expression
tā shì Zhōngguó rén
He is Chinese
Unlike the English verb 'to be' which can come before adjectives, the Chinese
verb shì exclusively connects two nominal expressions.

4. The negation word bù "no, not" is an adverb, and therefore comes before
the verb in the sentence. bù is usually pronounced in the 4th tone. When it is
followed by another 4th tone, bú is pronounced in the 2nd tone.

5. In addition to the questions formed by adding the particle ma (see lesson 1

note 7), a question that is answered by 'yes' or 'no' may be formed by stating
the affirmative and negative forms of a verb in succession. tā shì bú shì
Zhōngguó rén? 'Is he Chinese?'; tā jiào bú jiào Zǔlì? "Is she called Zǔlì?"
"I am called Huáng Zǔlì "= my name is Huáng Zǔlì.

6. yě "too, also" is an adverb. It precedes the verb or another adverb in the

sentence: tāmen yě bú shì Zhōngguó rén "they too are not Chinese".

Lesson 2
1. qǐng bǎ xiàmiàn de jùzi gǎi chéng fǒudìng jù.
请 把 下 面 的 句子 改 成 否 定 句。
Please change the positive sentences below into negative
a. wǒ shì Zhōngguó rén. b. tā jiào Dà Wèi.
我 是 中国 人。 他 叫 大 卫。

. .

c. wǒmen shì Yìdàlì rén. d. tāmen shì Měiguó rén.

我 们 是 意大利人。 他 们 是 美 国 人。

. .

e. tā jiào Zhāng Bō. f. wǒmen máng.

她 叫 张 波。 我 们 忙。

. .

g. tāmen hǎo.
他 们 好。

Lesson 2
2. qǐng yòng “ yě ” gǎixiě xiàliè jùzi.
请 用 “ 也 ” 改 写 下 列 句子。
Please rewrite the sentences below using “yě”.

a. tā shì Déguó rén. b. tāmen shì Yīngguó rén.

他 是 德 国 人。 他 们 是 英 国 人。
tāmen wǒmen
. (他 们 ) . (我们)

c. wǒ jiào Mǎ Lì. d. tā máng.

我 叫 马 莉。 她 忙。
tā wǒ
. ( 她) . (我)

e. tā lèi
他 累。

. (你)

3. qǐng huídá wèntí.

请 回 答 问题。
Please answer the questions below.
a. nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén ma?
你是 中国 人 吗?

b. tā xièxie nǐ ma?
他 谢谢 你 吗?

c. tāmen yě shì Fǎguó rén ma?

他 们 也 是 法 国 人 吗?

d. nǐ shì Měiguó rén ma?

你 是 美 国 人 吗?

Lesson 2
dì sān kè

第 三 课

Lesson 3

nǐ shì něi guó rén?

你 是 哪 国 人?
What is your nationality?
Lesson Description:
In this lesson we will continue studying commonly used phrases, like: “May I ask…”? “Thank
you”, “You are welcome”, “Sorry”, “It doesn’t matter” and the adverb “all” and where to put it.
By the end of the lesson you will be able to ask people what is their nationality and conduct a
simple conversation.

New Words in this Lesson 8 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 43 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 3
Word English Part of Speech
qǐng to invite, please verb

wèn to ask verb

qǐngwèn excuse me, may I ask? verb


dōu all adverb

duìbuqǐ I’m sorry, excuse me IE (Idiomatic Expression)


méi guānxi it doesn’t matter, no problem. IE (Idiomatic Expression)

没 关系 never mind

něi / nǎ which QW (question word)

něi / nǎ guó which country? QW + Noun

哪 国

Lesson 3
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Grammatical Remarks
1. něi (or nǎ) is a question word meaning "which?". Question words (meaning
which?, who?, what?, where, etc.) occupy the same position in the sentence as
the word which replaces them in the answer.
If the answer is: wǒ shì Měi guó rén, "I am American"
the question is: nǐ shì něi guó rén? "You are a person of which country?"

2. dōu "all" is an adverb, and therefore precedes the verb or another adverb in the

3. To questions that may be answered by 'yes' or 'no', Chinese does not answer
with a single word meaning 'yes' or 'no'. Instead, it answers with the
affirmative or negative form of the verb used in the question:
nǐ máng ma? hěn máng. "Are you busy?- busy ( = yes)".

Lesson 3
1. qǐng huídá wèntí.
请 回 答 问题。
Please answer the questions below.
a. Dà Wèi shì něi guó rén ? b. Zhāng Bō shì něi guó rén?
大 卫 是 哪 国 人? 张 波 是 哪 国 人?

. .

c. Mǎ Lì yě shì Měiguó rén ma? d. nǐ shì něi guó rén?

马 莉 也 是 美 国 人 吗? 你 是 哪 国 人?

. .

2. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.

请 完成 对话。
Please complete the dialogue below.
A: ?

B: bú shì, wǒ bú shì Zhōngguó rén.

不 是, 我 不 是 中 国 人。

A: ?

B: wǒ shì Měiguó rén.

我 是 美 国 人。

A: .

B: bú kèqi.
不 客气。

Lesson 3
A: nǐ jiào Dà Wèi ma?
你 叫 大 卫 吗?

B: bú jiào.
不 叫。

A: duìbuqǐ
对 不 起。

B: .

3. qǐng zài jùzi zhōng jiā “yě” huòzhě “dōu”.

请 在 句子 中 加 “也” 或 者 “都”。
Please complete the sentences below using “yě” or “dōu”.

a. wǒ shì Zhōngguó rén. yě b. tā jiào Mǎ Lì. yě

我 是 中 国 人。 (也) 她 叫 马 莉。 (也)

. .

c. tā bú shì Měiguó rén. yě d. wǒmen shì Měiguó rén. dōu

他 不 是 美 国 人。(也) 我 们 是 美 国 人。 (都)

. .

e. tāmen jiào Dà Wèi. dōu f. wǒmen bú shì Měiguó rén. yě

他 们 叫 大 卫。 (都) 我 们 不 是 美 国 人。(也)

. .

g. tāmen bú shì Déguó rén. dōu

他们 不 是 德 国 人。 (都)

Lesson 3
dì sì kè

第 四 课

Lesson 4

nǐ huì shuō Zhōngwén ma?

你 会 说 中 文 吗?
Can you speak Chinese?
Lesson Description:
Let’s learn about languages. In this lesson we will talk about “be able to” and its negative form.
We will learn how to use the verbs “to want” and “to speak” and particle “ne”-“what about…?”.
By the end of the lesson you will be able to chat in Chinese about Chinese.

New Words in this Lesson 13 běn kè shēngcí

本 课 生词
Total New Words 56 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生词

Lesson 4
Word English Part of Speech
Zhōngwén Chinese language noun

Yīngwén English language noun


Fǎwén French language noun


Déwén German language noun


Yìdàlìwén Italian language noun


shuō to speak, to say verb

huì be able to, can, know how to AV (auxiliary verb)

bú huì cannot, unable to negative form of AV

不 会 (auxiliary verb)

zhǐ only adverb

yào to want Verb/ AV (auxiliary verb)

yìdiǎr a little, a bit NU-M (number-measure)


ne a question particle 1. a question particle

呢 2. a particle indicating the
situation or state of affairs
is being sustain
Xī Meng Simon name of a person
西蒙 noun

Lesson 4
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Grammatical Remarks
1. The question particle ne makes questions from portions of speech which are
less than a full sentence: nǐ ne? "and you?"; tāmen ne? "and they?" as a return
question. tā huì shuō Yīngwén, ni ne? "he can speak English, and you?"

2. huì "to be able to" and yào "to want" are auxiliary verbs. In Chinese, as in
English, the auxiliary verb precedes the main verb: tā huì shuō Yīngwén "He
can speak English". wǒ yào shuō Hànyǔ "I want to speak Chinese".

Lesson 4
1. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.
请 完 成 对 话.
Please complete the dialogue below.
A: nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén ma?
你是 中国 人 吗?

B: , wǒ shì Měiguó rén.

, 我 是 美 国 人。

A: nǐ huì shuō Zhōngwén ma?

你会 说 中 文 吗?

B: wǒ huì shuō Zhōngwén.

我 会 说 中 文。

A: nǐ yào shuō Yīngwén ma?

你 要 说 英文 吗?

B: bù, wǒ yào shuō Zhōngwén.

不, 我 要 说 中 文。

2. dú duǎnwén, huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题。
Read the paragraph below and answer the questions.
Dà Wèi bú shì Yīngguó rén, tā shì Měiguó rén.
大 卫 不 是 英 国 人, 他 是 美 国 人。

tā huì shuō Yīngwén, yě huì shuō yìdiǎr Zhōngwén.

他会 说 英 文, 也 会 说 一 点儿 中 文。

Mǎ Lì yě shì Měiguó rén, tā yě huì shuō yìdiǎr Zhōngwén.

马 莉 也 是 美 国 人, 她 也 会 说 一 点 儿 中 文。

Lesson 4
Dà Wèi yào shuō Zhōngwén, Mǎ Lì yě yào shuō Zhōngwén.
大卫 要 说 中 文, 马莉 也 要 说 中 文。

tāmen zhǐ yào shuō Zhōngwén.

他 们 只 要 说 中 文。

a. Dà Wèi shì Yīngguó rén ma? tā shì něi guó rén?
大 卫 是 英 国 人 吗? 他 是 哪 国 人?

b. Mǎ Lì yě shì Měiguó rén ma?

马 莉 也 是 美 国 人 吗?

c. tāmen dōu huì shuō Zhōngwén ma?

他们 都 会 说 中文 吗?

d. tāmen dōu zhǐ yào shuō Yīngwén ma?

他 们 都 只 要 说 英 文 吗?

Lesson 4
dì wǔ kè

第 五 课

Lesson 5

zhè shì shénme?

这 是 什么?
What's this?
Lesson Description:
This lesson will expand our vocabulary with many commonly used nouns; we will learn
adjectives like “big”, “small” and “expensive”. We will also learn a new question form.

New Words in this Lesson 11 běn kè shēngcí

本 课 生词
Total New Words 67 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生词

Lesson 5
Word English Part of Speech
zhè this DEM (demonstrative
这 pronoun)

fēijī airplane noun


shū book noun

mǎ horse noun

nà that DEM (demonstrative

那 pronoun)

diànhuà telephone noun

电 话

diànnǎo computer noun

电 脑

huǒchē train noun

火 车

shénme what QW (question word)

什 么

dà to be big SV

xiǎo to be small SV

Lesson 5
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 5
Lesson 5
Lesson 5
Grammatical Remarks
1. zhè "this" and nà "that" are demonstrative pronouns. Their position in the
sentence is that of a nominal expression: zhè shì shū "this is a book", nà shi
diànnǎo "that is a computer".

2. The question word shénme "what" is placed in the same position where the
answer is expected: zhè shì diànhuà. "This is a telephone" might serve as the
answer to the question: zhè shì shénme? "What is this? (= this is what?").

Lesson 5
1. gēnjù lìzi gǎixiě xiàliè wèntí.
根 据 例子 改 写 下 列 问 题。
Please change the questions below into Verb-not-Verb questions.

nǐ hǎo ma?

nǐ hǎo bù hǎo?
你 好 不 好?

a. tā máng ma? b. tā lèi ma?

他 忙 吗? 她 累 吗?
? ?

c. Zhōngguó dà ma? d. Měiguó xiǎo ma?

中 国 大 吗? 美 国 小 吗?
? ?

e. diànnǎo guì ma? f. nǐ jiào Dà Wèi ma?

电 脑 贵 吗? 你叫 大 卫 吗?
? ?

g. tā huì shuō Zhōngwén ma? h. nǐ yào shuō Yīngwén ma?

她 会 说 中 文 吗? 你 要 说 英 文 吗?
? ?

Lesson 5
2. dú duǎnwén, huídá wèntí.
读 短 文, 回 答 问 题。
Read the paragraph below and answer the questions.
Zhāng Bō shì Zhōngguó rén, tā bú huì shuō Yīngwén,
张 波 是 中 国 人, 她 不 会 说 英 文,
tā yào shuō Yīngwén.
她要 说 英 文。
Dà Wèi shì Měiguó rén , tā huì shuō Yīngwén ,
大卫 是 美 国 人, 他 会 说 英 文,
tā bú huì shuō Zhōngwén, tā yào shuō Zhōngwén.
他不 会 说 中 文,他 要 说 中 文。

Mǎ Lì shì Yīngguó rén, tā huì shuō Yīngwén,

马 莉 是 英 国 人, 她 会 说 英 文,
bú huì shuō Zhōngwén, tā yě yào shuō Zhōngwén.
不 会 说 中 文, 她 也 要 说 中 文。
问 题
a. Zhāng Bō shì něi guó rén?
张 波 是 哪 国 人?
b. Zhāng Bō huì bú huì shuō Yīngwén?
张 波 会 不 会 说 英 文?
c. Zhāng Bō yào bú yào shuō Yīngwén?
张 波要 不 要 说 英 文?
d. Dà Wèi shì něi guó rén?
大 卫 是 哪 国 人?
e. Dà Wèi yào bú yào shuō Zhōngwén?
大卫 要 不 要 说 中 文?
f. Mǎ Lì yě yào shuō Zhōngwén ma?
马 莉也 要 说 中 文 吗?

Lesson 5
dì liù kè

第 六 课

Lesson 6

nǐ shì shéi?
你 是 谁?
Who are you?
Lesson Description:
In this lesson we will learn the verb “to have” which enables you to tell what you have, what you
don’t have and if you have a lot or a few. We will also learn a new and important question word:
“who” and some commonly used verbs: “to look, to read, to watch”, “to study” and “to write”.

New Words in this Lesson 14 běn kè shēngcí

本 课 生词
Total New Words 70 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生词

Lesson 6
Word English Part of Speech
yǒu to have, there is verb

méiyǒu not have, there is not adverb (negative) + verb

没 有

xìng family name, noun, verb

姓 to have the surname

guì xìng what is your surname ? IE (Idiomatic Expression)

贵 姓

Lǐ a Chinese noun
李 family name

shéi who, whom QW (question word)

kàn to read, verb

看 to look,
to watch
bàozhǐ newspaper noun
报 纸

hěn duō many, adverb + SV (stative verb)

很 多 a lot

hěn shǎo a few, adverb + SV (stative verb)

很 少 a little

xué to study verb

xiě to write verb

hé and conjunction

Hànzì Chinese character noun


Lesson 6
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Grammatical Remarks
1. The question word shéi "who" is placed in the sentence in the same slot
allotted for the answer: shéi xièxie ni? "Who thanks you?" nǐ xièxie shéi?
"Whom do you thank?" nǐ shì shéi? "Who are you?".

2. The verb yǒu means "there is", "to have": yǒu rén… "There are people…" tā
yǒu shū "He has books".

3. The verb yǒu is negated by the special negative prefix méi (and not by bù):
wǒmen méiyǒu diànnǎo "we don't have computers" tā yǒu méiyǒu shū? "Does
he have books?"

4. duō is a stative verb, meaning "much", "many", it is preceded by hěn: rén

hěn duō (lit.'the people are many') = "there are many people", tā yǒu hěn duō
shū "He has many books". shǎo "few", "little", is also preceded by hěn: fēi jī
hěn shǎo"there are few plane

Lesson 6
1. jiāng xiàliè jùzi gǎi wéi fǒudìng jù.
将 下 列 句子 改 为 否 定 句。
Please change the positive sentences below into negative

a. wǒ yǒu fēijī. b. tā yǒu shū.

我 有 飞 机。 他 有 书。
。 。

c. wǒ jiào Zhāng Bō. d. wǒ shì Měiguó rén.

我 叫 张 波。 我 是 美 国 人。
。 。

e. wǒmen huì shuō Zhōngwén. f. tāmen yào shuō Zhōngwén.

我 们 会 说 中 文。 他们 要 说 中 文。
。 。

2. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà .

请 完 成 对 话。
Please complete the dialogue below.

A: nǐ guì xìng? A: nǐ xué shénme?

你 贵 姓? 你 学 什 么?

B: 。 B: 。

A: nǐ kàn shénme? A: Zhōngguó rén duō ma?

你 看 什 么? 中 国 人 多 吗?

B: 。 B: 。

Lesson 6
3. duì huàxiàn bùfèn tíwèn.
对 划 线 部份 提 问
Please make up an appropriate question for the part of the
sentence which is underlined.

a. tā xìng xiè.
他 姓 谢。

b. tā jiào Dà Wèi.
他 叫 大 卫。

c. tā shì Zhōngguó rén.

他 是 中 国 人。

d. tāmen dōu xué Yīngwén.

他 们 都 学 英 文。

e. Mǎ Lì yǒu hěn duō shū.

马 莉 有 很 多 书。

Lesson 6
dì qī kè

第 七 课

Lesson 7

tā yǒu jǐ běn shū?

他 有 几 本 书?
How many books does he have?
Lesson Description:
Let’s count. We will learn numbers from 0-10, which are very important because other numbers
are based on them. We will also learn measure words (classifiers) which are inserted between the
number and the item we are counting. Different types of items have different measure words.

New Words in this Lesson 22 běn kè shēngcí

本 课 生词
Total New Words 92 lě jì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 7
Word English Part of Speech
yī one numeral

èr two numeral

sān three numeral

sì four numeral

wǔ five numeral

liù six numeral

qī seven numeral

bā eight numeral

jiǔ nine numeral

shí ten numeral

líng zero numeral

Lesson 7
Word English Part of Speech
liǎng two numeral

běn measure word for books, measure word

本 dictionaries, etc.

zìdiǎn dictionary noun


hùzhào passport noun


ge measure word for objects measure word

个 without special measure words
of their own:
people, friends, apples,
questions etc.
péngyou friend noun
朋 友

píngguǒ apple noun

苹 果

bù measure word for small measure word

部 machines, films and vehicles

jǐ how many numeral /

几 a few, several QW (question word)

zhī measure word for measure word

只 animals and for one of certain
paired things

māo cat noun

Lesson 7
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Grammatical Remarks
1. Unlike English, in which a number followed by a noun (e. g. 'three books',
'four questions') are used to count an object, in Chinese a noun cannot precede
a noun directly. A measure word must always intervene between the number
and the noun: sān běn shū "three books", sì ge wèntí "four questions".

2. Specific measure words are used with certain nouns, for example běn is the
measure word used for books and book-like objects as dictionary, passport,
magazine etc; bù is the measure word used for "small machines" like
telephone and computer; zhī is the measure word used for animals as cat, dog
etc. ge is a general measure word used for people and for nouns that do not
have a specific measure word: wǔ ge rén "five people", wǔ ge píngguǒ "five
apples", wǔ ge wèntí "five questions".

3. The number for "two" before a measure word is liǎng (and not èr).

4. The interrogative number, i.e. the question word meaning "how many?" (for
an estimated small number) is jǐ. This question word is placed in the same
place where the answer is expected: tā yǒu jǐ běn shū ? "How many books
does he have?", tā yǒu sān běn shū. "He has three books."

Lesson 7
1. qǐng yòng Zhōngwén shuō chū xiàliè shùzì.
请 用 中 文 说 出 下列 数 字。
Please read aloud the numbers below.

00862885766205 1997

00861398524675 2008

119 110

888 513

2. qǐng yòng liàngcí tiánkòng.

请 用 量 词 填 空。
Please fill in the blanks with the correct measure words.

ge, běn, bēi, bù

(个, 本, 杯, 部)

yì shū yí rén liǎng hùzhào

一 书 一 人 两 护 照

sān wèntí sì píngguǒ wǔ péngyou

三 问 题 四 苹 果 五 朋 友

sān diànhuà liǎng diànnǎo liù Zhōngguó chá

三 电 话 两 电 脑 六 中 国 茶

Lesson 7
dì bā kè

第 八课

Lesson 8

yì běn shū duōshǎo qián?

一 本 书 多 少 钱?
How much is one book?
Lesson Description:
Let’s count some more. You will see how easy it is to learn numbers from 11-99! We will also
learn how to buy things in Chinese. “How many?” / “How much….?”, the adjective “cheap” and
the final particle “ba”.

New Words in this Lesson 12 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 104 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 8
Word English Part of Speech
èrshí twenty numeral

èrshíyī twenty one numeral


liùshíyī sixty one numeral


mǎi to buy verb

kuài measure word for measure word

块 money, a piece or lump

duōshǎo how much, how many numeral / QW (question word)

多 少

qián money noun

yì bēi chá a cup of tea number + measure word +

一 杯 茶 noun

piányì to be cheap SV (stative verb)

便 宜

lǎobǎn shopkeeper, noun

老 板 boss

ba I assume that 1. question particle, implying

吧 let’s… probability
2. sentence suffix, indicating
a request
duì to be correct SV (stative verb)

Lesson 8
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 8
Lesson 8
Lesson 8
Grammatical Remarks
1. The question word duōshǎo "how many?", "how much?" refers to any
amount, while jǐ "how many?" assumes a small number in the answer (see
lesson 7 note 1). While jǐ requires a measure word before the noun, duōshǎo
does not require a measure word before the noun and can precede the noun
directly: tā yào duōshǎo qián? "How much money does he want?".

2. kuài "lump", "piece" is the regular measure word used for qián "money". sān
kuài qián "three dollars" [lit. three lumps money].

3. The sentence final particle ba changes a statement to a request or suggestion,

or adds a note of compliance or supposition (according to the context): tā shì
Měiguó rén ba. "I suppose he's an American". wǒmen shuō Zhōngwén ba .
"Let's talk Chinese". hǎo ba "It's all right (with me)". "Fine!"

Lesson 8
1. qǐng yòng Zhōngwén shuō chū xiàliè shùzì.
请 用 中 文 说 出 下 列 数 字。
Please read aloud the numbers below.

20 25 29 30 45 48 52 63
66 69 71 75 78 80 83 89
99 90 96 69 71 38 41 55

2. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà .

请 完 成 对 话。
Please complete the dialogue below.

A: ?

B: wǒ yào mǎi yì shū.

我 要 买一 书。

Yì běn shū qián?

一本 书 钱?

A: yì běn shū bāshíbā kuài qián.

一 本 书 八 十 八 块 钱。

B: hěn guì.
很 贵。

A: bú guì, hěn .
不 贵, 很 。

B: wǒ méiyǒu hěn duō qián, wǒ bù .

我 没 有 很 多 钱, 我 不 。

3. qǐng xiě chū xiàliè cíyǔ de fǎnyìcí.

请 写 出 下 列 词 语 的 反义词。
Please fill in the blanks with the correct antonyms.

dà guì duō
大 贵 多

Lesson 8
4. qǐng yòng “ jǐ ” hé “ duōshǎo ” duì xiàmiàn de jùzi tíwèn.
请 用 “几” 和 “多 少” 对 下 面 的 句子 提 问。
Please make appropriate questions which will lead to the answers
4.1. yòng “jǐ”
用 “几”
(use “ jǐ ”)
a. yì bēi chá jiǔ kuài qián.
一 杯 茶 九 块 钱。
b. wǒ yào mǎi qī ge píngguǒ.
我 要 买 七 个 苹 果。
c. Yīngwén bàozhǐ wǔ kuài qián.
英 文 报 纸 五 块 钱。
d. tā huì xiě shí ge Hànzì.
她 会 写 十 个 汉 字。
e. tā yǒu liǎng ge Yìdàlì péngyou.
他 有 两 个 意大利 朋 友。
4.2. yòng “duōshǎo”
用 “多 少”
(use “duōshǎo”)
a. tā mǎi liùshí běn shū.
他 买 六 十 本 书。
b. tā yǒu jiǔshísì kuài qián.
他 有 九十 四 块 钱。

c. wǒ men yào mǎi sānshíwǔ ge píngguǒ.

我 们 要 买 三 十 五 个 苹 果。
d. tā huì xiě bāshí ge Hànzì.
她 会 写 八 十 个 汉 字。
e. tā yǒu èrshí ge péngyou.
他 有 二 十 个 朋 友。

Lesson 8
dì jiǔ kè

第 九 课

Lesson 9

yígòng duōshǎo qián?

一 共 多 少 钱?
How much altogether?
Lesson Description:
Still counting. In this lesson we will learn numbers from 100-1000. We will also learn the verbs
“to think”, “to intend to”, “to like”, the adverbs “still / in addition”, “but / however”, “altogether
/ total”, “in sum”. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to talk about your hobbies and what
you like to do.

New Words in this Lesson 11 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 115 lěijì shēng cí
累计 生 词

Lesson 9
Word English Part of Speech
yì bǎi one hundred numeral
一 百

yì qiān one thousand numeral

一 千

yìbǎi líng yī one hundred and one numeral

一百 零 一

yìbǎi yìshíyī one hundred and eleven numeral


xiǎng to think, verb / AV (auxiliary verb)

想 to intend,
to want, to plan, to miss
diànyǐng movie noun
电 影

xǐhuān to like verb / AV (auxiliary verb)


gǒu dog noun

hái in addition, adverb

还 still, yet

kěshì but, adverb

可是 however

yígòng in sum, total, adverb

一共 altogether

Lesson 9
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 9
Lesson 9
Lesson 9
Grammatical Remarks
1. Chinese sentences that denote the price occur without a verb: sān běn shū liù
kuài qián "three books (are) six dollars".

2. yígòng "altogether", "in all" is an adverb. In case that there is no verb in the
sentence, it is placed before the number: xiǎo māo hé xiǎo gǒu yígòng duōshǎo
qián ? "How much altogether are the small cat and small dog?" - xiǎo māo hé
xiǎo gǒu yígòng sān bǎi wǔ shí kuài qián. "The small cat and small dog (are)
altogether three hundred and fifty dollars.

Lesson 9
1. qǐng yòng Zhōngwén shuō chū xiàliè shùzì.
请 用 中 文 说 出 下 列 数 字。
Please read aloud the numbers below.

100 102 109 119 120 128 209 250

398 460 556 678 709 892 991 999

2. qǐng yòng xiàmiàn de cíyǔ tiánkòng.

请 用 下 面 的 词 语 填 空。
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.

xǐhuān xiǎng hái kěshì yígòng

喜欢 想 还 可是 一共

a. nǐ yào mǎi diànnǎo, nǐ yě yào mǎi diànhuà,

你 要 买 电 脑,你 也 要 买 电 话,

nǐ yào mǎi shénme?

你 要 买 什 么?

b. tā yào mǎi yì běn Zhōngwén shū, tā méiyǒu qián.

他要 买 一本 中 文 书, 他 没 有 钱。

c. Mǎ Lì yǒu shíwǔ zhī māo, tā hěn tāmen.

马莉 有 十 五 只 猫, 她 很 它 们。

d. wǒ tā bú huì shuō Zhōngwén ba.

我 他不 会 说 中 文 吧。

Lesson 9
3. qǐng huídá xiàliè wèntí.
请 回 答 下 列 问 题。
Please answer the questions below.

a. tā yǒu liùshísān běn Yīng wén shū hé shíjiǔ běn Zhōngwén shū,
他 有 六十 三 本 英 文 书 和 十九 本 中文 书,

tā yígòng yǒu duōshǎo shū?

他一共 有 多 少 书?

b. wǒ yǒu sìbǎi qīshí kuài qián, tā yǒu liǎngbǎi líng bā kuài qián,
我 有 四 百 七十 块 钱, 他 有 两 百 零 八 块 钱。

wǒmen yígòng yǒu duōshǎo qián?

我 们 一 共 有 多 少 钱?

c. wǒ huì xiě sānbǎi liùshí’èr ge Hànzì, tā huì xiě yìqiān sānbǎi

我 会 写 三 百 六 十 二 个 汉 字, 他 会 写 一 千 三 百

jiǔshí ge Hànzì, wǒmen yígòng huì xiě duōshǎo Hànzì?

九 十 个 汉 字,我 们 一 共 会 写 多 少 汉 字?

Lesson 9
dì shí kè


Lesson 10

zhè zhī gǒu zhēn dà !

这 只 狗 真 大!
This dog is really big!
Lesson Description:
How to describe things in Chinese: In this lesson we will learn how to describe many items and
situations, using a variety of adjectives: “interesting”, “new”, “good-looking”, “thick”, “lovely”
and “strange”; the difference between this/that/which and the things we want to describe
remembering to put in the measure words. We will also continue expanding our vocabulary.

New Words in this Lesson 13 běn kè shēngcí

本 课 生词
Total New Words 128 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 10
Word English Part of Speech
yǒuyìsi to be meaningful SV (stative verb)
有 意思 to be interesting

hǎokàn to be good looking, nice SV (stative verb)

好 看

qíguài to be strange, SV (stative verb)

奇怪 weird

kě’ài to be lovable, SV (stative verb)

可 爱 cute

zhēn really adverb

xuésheng student noun

学 生

měi every, DEM

每 each (demonstrative pronoun)

qiānzhèng visa noun

签 证

kāfēi coffee noun


táng sugar noun

lǎoshī teacher noun

老 师

Lesson 10
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 10
Lesson 10
Lesson 10
Grammatical Remarks
1. As in English, the words meaning "this" zhè and "that" nà, besides acting
independently (see lesson 5 note 1) in sentences like "this is a book" zhè shì
shū, can also precede a noun to express "this book", "that dog", etc. In this
function, zhè or nà must be followed by the specific measure word of the
noun: zhè ge rén "this person", zhè běn shū "this book", nà zhī gǒu "that dog"

2. When counting several objects, zhè or nà precede the number: zhè sān běn
hùzhào "these three passports", nà sì bù diànnǎo "those four computers". As
these expressions are nominal expressions, they figure in the places reserved to
nominal expressions in the Chinese sentence (see lesson 1, note 5), for
example: zhè wǔ gè rén hěn lèi "These five people are tired"; nà liù bù
diànnǎo bù hǎo "those six computers are not good", tā mǎi zhè sì běn shū "He
buys these four books".

3. The question word corresponding to zhè and nà is něi or nǎ (in the 3rd tone). It
occupies the same place in the sentence as zhè and nà: něi běn shū shì
Zhōngwén shū? "Which book is a Chinese book?", něi wǔ gè rén xué
Yīngwén? "Which five people study English?", něi liǎng ge péngyou shuō
Yìdàlìwén? "Which two friends speak Italian?".

4. Měi "each", "every", is a word that requires a measure word or a measure word
and a number following it: měi běn zìdiǎn dōu hěn guì "Each dictionary is
expensive", měi sān ge rén dōu wèn zhè ge wèntí "Every three people ask this

Lesson 10
1. qǐng liánxiàn.
请 连 线。
Please draw a line to connect the parts of each sentence.

zhè ge xuésheng yǒu táng

这 个 学 生 有 糖
nà zhī māo hǎokàn
那 只 猫 好 看
zhè bēi kāfēi zhēn kě’ài
这 杯咖啡 真 可爱
zhè běn Yīngwén shū zhēn qíguài
这 本 英 文 书 真 奇怪
zhè zhī jī hěn yǒuyìsi
这 只 鸡 很 有 意思

2. qǐng yòng liàngcí tiánkòng.

请 用 量 词 填 空。
Please fill in the blanks with the correct measure words.

a. něi māo hěn kě’ài?

哪 猫 很 可 爱?
b. zhè liǎng shū hěn guì.
这 两 书 很 贵。
c. tā yào mǎi sān diànhuà.
他要 买 三 电 话。
d. yí píngguǒ duōshǎo qián?
一 苹 果 多 少 钱?
e. Mǎ Lì yǒu sān Zhōngguó péngyou.
马 莉 有 三 中 国 朋 友。

f. zhè kāfēi méiyǒu táng.

这 咖 啡 没 有 糖。

Lesson 10
dì shíyī kè


Lesson 11

nǐ de érzi ne?
你 的儿子 呢?
What about your son?
Lesson Description:
In this lesson we will learn the subordinating particle “de” to express possession, like “my”,
“his”, “her”… (family member). By the end of the lesson, you will be able to introduce your
family members and say how they are doing.

New Words in this Lesson 12 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 140 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 11
Word English Part of Speech
de possessive or modifying particle
的 particle

zhuōzi table noun

桌 子

bàba dad noun


māma mom noun


nǚ’er daughter noun


jiějie elder sister noun


mèimei younger sister noun

妹 妹

gēge elder brother noun


dìdi younger brother noun


jiā family, noun

家 home

kǒu mouth, measure word for noun ,measure word

口 family member

ài love, to love noun, verb, AV

爱 (auxiliary verb)

Lesson 11
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 11
Lesson 11
Lesson 11
Grammatical Remarks
1. A general principle of word order in Chinese is that modifiers precede what
they modify, for example in Měiguó- rén "an American (person)", [lit.
America man], the word Měiguó "America" describes the word rén "man"
and is subordinate to rén.

2. Another construction of subordination is formed with the particle de. A noun

may be modified by elements such as pronoun, another noun, a time word, a
stative verb, etc. When the particle de is inserted following a personal
pronoun and preceding a noun, the whole expression signifies possession: wǒ
de shū "my book", nǐ de māo "your cat", tā de zhuōzi "his table", wǒmen de
diànhuà "our telephone".

3. However, when the noun which is preceded by a personal pronoun expresses a

personal relationship (as family relation), the particle de is no longer a must
and may be omitted: nǐ (de) māma "your mom", wǒ (de) jiā "my family", "my

4. A stative verb might precede a noun and thus describe it. The stative verb then
acts as an adjective. For example: hǎo shū "good book(s)". If the stative verb
preceding the noun consists of one syllable, the particle de is optional, and
usually does not figure in the expression: guì zhuōzi "expensive table(s)", xīn
diànnǎo "new computer(s)". If, however, the stative verb that precedes a noun
consists of an expression that has more than one syllable (as bù hǎo "not
good"), the particle de must be used before the noun: hěn hǎo de shū "very
good book(s)", bù guì de zhuōzi "tables that are not expensive".

Lesson 11
1. dú duǎnwén, huídá wèntí.
读 短 文, 回 答 问 题。
Read the text below and answer the questions.

wǒ ài wǒ jiā
我 爱 我 家

wǒ de jiā bú dà yě bù xiǎo, wǒmen jiā yígòng yǒu sì kǒu rén

我 的 家 不 大 也 不 小, 我 们 家 一 共 有 四 口 人

hé yì zhī kě’ài de māo. wǒ de bàba shì Yīngwén lǎoshī, wǒ de

和 一 只 可 爱 的 猫。 我 的 爸 爸 是 英 文 老 师,我 的

māma shì Zhōngwén lǎoshī, tāmen dōu shì hěn hǎo de lǎoshī.
妈 妈 是 中 文 老 师, 他 们 都 是 很 好 的 老 师。

wǒ yǒu yí ge gēge, tā jiào Zhāng Wén, tā shì xuésheng.

我 有 一 个哥 哥,他 叫 张 文, 他 是 学 生。

wǒ jiào Zhāng Yīng, wǒ yě shì xuésheng. wǒ ài wǒ de bàba,

我 叫 张 英, 我 也 是 学 生。 我 爱 我 的 爸 爸,

māma hé gēge, wǒ yě ài wǒ de māo.

妈 妈 和 哥 哥,我 也 爱 我 的 猫。

问 题
a. wǒ de jiā dà bú dà?
我 的 家 大 不 大?

b. wǒmen jiā yígòng yǒu jǐ kǒu rén?

我 们 家 一 共 有 几 口 人?

c. wǒ de bàba, māma dōu shì Zhōngwén lǎoshī ma?

我 的 爸 爸, 妈 妈 都 是 中 文 老 师 吗?

Lesson 11
d. wǒ yǒu méiyǒu mèimei?
我 有 没 有 妹 妹?

e. wǒ gēge jiào shénme míngzì?

我 哥 哥 叫 什 么 名 字?

f. wǒ hé wǒ gēge dōu shì xuésheng ma?

我 和 我 哥哥 都 是 学 生 吗?

Lesson 11
dì shí’èr kè


Lesson 12

zhè zhāng zhuōzi shì shénme yánsè de?

What color is this table?
Lesson Description:
This will be a colorful lesson. We will learn about colors, and how to describe things with
colors. We will also learn “or” questions and the difference between yidiar (a little) and you
yidiar ((have) a little).

New Words in this Lesson 13 běn kè shēngcí

本 课 生词
Total New Words 153 lěijì shēngcí

Lesson 12
Word English Part of Speech
hóng red / to be red noun / SV (stative verb)

huáng yellow / to be yellow noun / SV (stative verb)

lán blue/ to be blue noun / SV (stative verb)

hēi black/ to be black , to be dark noun / SV (stative verb)

bái white/ to be white noun / SV (stative verb)

lǜ green/ to be green noun / SV (stative verb)


yánsè color noun


háishì or, used in conjunction

还 是 disjunctive question

nǚ rén woman noun

女 人

xiānsheng Mr., husband noun

先 生

tàitai Mrs., wife noun


bēizi cup noun


yǒu yìdiǎr (have) a little adverb

有一 点 儿

Lesson 12
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 12
Lesson 12
Lesson 12
Grammatical Remarks
1. To indicate the color of some object, the regular pattern involves the word
(yán)sè"color" that is preceded by the name of the color: lán (yán)sè "blue
color", bái (yán)sè "white color". zhè shì hóng (yán) sè means "this is red
color zhè běn shū shì hóng (yán)sè de. means "this book is red colored = this
book is red".

2. hái shì "or" is a question word for disjunctive questions: tā shì Yīngguó rén
háishì Měiguó rén ? "Is he an Englishman or an American?, nǐ yào mǎi shū
háishì kànshū? "Do you want to buy books or to read books?". Since háishì
itself is a question word, no other question word is used in the sentence.

3. The expression yǒu yìdiǎr is used in the meaning "somewhat", "a little" before
verbs: tā yǒu yìdiǎr máng "he is somewhat busy", tāmen dōu yǒu yìdiǎr lèi
"All of them are a bit tired".

Lesson 12
1. dú duǎnwén, huídá wèntí.
读 短 文, 回 答 问 题。
Read the text below and answer the questions.

wǒ xǐhuān hěn duō yánsè, huáng sè, bái sè, hēi sè, lán sè
我 喜 欢 很 多 颜 色, 黄 色, 白 色,黑 色,蓝 色

hé lǜ sè. kěshì wǒ bù xǐhuān hóng sè. wǒ de zhuōzi shì

和 绿 色。可 是 我 不 喜 欢 红 色。我 的 桌 子 是

lán de, wǒ de yǐzi yě shì lán de. wǒ de diànnǎo hé diànhuà

蓝 的, 我 的 椅子 也 是 蓝 的。我 的 电 脑 和 电 话

dōu shì bái de. wǒ xǐhuān huáng sè de píngguǒ hé lǜ sè de

都 是 白 的。 我 喜欢 黄 色 的 苹 果 和 绿 色 的

bēizi. péngyou men, nǐmen xǐhuān shénme yánsè ne?

杯 子。 朋 友 们, 你 们 喜 欢 什 么 颜 色 呢?

hēi sè háishì bái sè? lǜ sè háishì lán sè? hóng sè háishì

黑 色 还 是 白 色? 绿 色 还 是 蓝 色? 红 色 还是

huáng sè?
黄 色?

问 题
a. wǒ xǐhuān shénme yánsè? bù xǐhuān shénme yánsè ?
我 喜 欢 什 么 颜 色?不 喜 欢 什 么 颜 色?

b. wǒ de zhuōzi hé yǐzi shì shénme yánsè de?

我 的 桌 子 和 椅子是 什 么 颜 色 的?

c. wǒ de diànnǎo hé diànhuà ne?

我 的 电 脑 和 电 话 呢?

d. nǐ xǐhuān shénme yánsè?

你 喜 欢 什 么 颜 色?

Lesson 12
dì shísān kè


Lesson 13

nǐ zài nǎlǐ ?

你 在 哪里?
Where are you?
Lesson Description:
This time we will learn how to say where you are -“to be at”. We will learn place words:
“school”, “office”, “cities” and “restaurant”, the question word: “where”, and the verbs: “to do”,
“to work”, “to eat”, “to study” and “to travel”.

New Words in this Lesson 17 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 170 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生词

Lesson 13
Word English Part of Speech
zài to be at (in, on etc.) verb, preposition

xuéxiào school noun

学 校

bàngōngshì office noun

办 公 室

Běijīng name of the city, noun

北京 capital city of China

Niǔyuē New York noun

纽 约

Guìlín name of the city in China noun


měi to be beautiful, SV (stative verb)

美 pretty

jíle extremely, utmost BF (bound form)


fànguǎn restaurant noun

饭 馆

nǎlǐ where QW (question word)


diànshì television noun

电 视

zuò to do, to make verb

Lesson 13
Word English Part of Speech
chīfàn to eat, to have a verb
吃饭 meal

xuéxí to study verb

学 习

gōngzuò to work, verb / noun

工 作 work, job

lǚxíng to travel, to take a trip verb


nán péngyou boy friend noun

男 朋 友

Lesson 13
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 13
Lesson 13
Lesson 13
Grammatical Remarks
1. zài "to be at… " is the verb in a sentence of type b (lesson 1 note 5). Location
at a place is thus expressed in Chinese by the construction: Nominal
expression + zài + Place word. For example tā zài Zhōngguó "He is in
China", shū zài jiā "The book is at home".

2. When zài is not the only verb in the sentence, it acts as a coverb (preposition)
meaning "at, in, on". zài and the place word following it are then placed
before the main verb of the sentence: tā zài Zhōngguó gōngzuò "He works in
China", wǒmen zài jiā chīfàn "we eat at home".

3. jíle "extremely" follows the stative verb in a sentence of type a (lesson 1

note 5). zhè běn shū guì jíle "This book is extremely expensive".

Lesson 13
1. tián kòng.
填 空。
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.

Zhōngguó Měiguó Zhōngguó fànguǎn

中 国 美 国 中 国 饭 馆
jiā xuéxiào bàngōngshì
家 学 校 办 公 室
a. mìshū zài .
秘书 在 。

b. dìdi, mèimei dōu zài kàn diànshì.

弟 弟, 妹 妹 都 在 看 电 视。

c. Běijīng zài .
北 京 在 。

d. Guìlín yě zài .
桂 林 也在 。

e. Niǔyuē zài .
纽 约 在 。

f. xuésheng hé lǎoshī dōu zài .

学 生 和 老 师 都 在 。

g. tāmen zài chīfàn.

他们 在 吃 饭。

2. dú duǎnwén, huídá wèntí .

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题。
Read the text below and answer the questions.

Zhāng Bō de jiā zài Běijīng, tā de jiā zhǐ yǒu sān ge rén,

张 波 的 家 在 北 京, 她 的 家 只 有 三 个 人,

Lesson 13
bàba, māma hé Zhāng Bō. Zhāng Bō de bàba bú zài jiā,
爸 爸, 妈 妈 和 张 波。 张 波 的 爸 爸 不 在 家,

tā zài Měiguó gōngzuò. Zhāng Bō de māma shì mìshū, zài

他 在 美 国 工 作。 张 波 的 妈 妈 是 秘 书,在

Běijīng de yí ge xuéxiào gōngzuò. Zhāng Bō hái shì yí ge

北 京 的 一 个 学 校 工 作。 张 波 还 是 一 个

xuésheng, kěshì, xiànzài(now) tā bú zài xuéxiào, tā hé tā de

学 生, 可 是, 现 在 她 不 在 学 校, 她 和 她 的

nán péngyou zài Guìlín lǚxíng.

男 朋 友 在 桂 林 旅 行。

问 题
a. Zhāng Bō de jiā yǒu jǐ ge rén?
张 波 的 家 有 几 个 人?

b. Zhāng Bō de bàba zài nǎlǐ gōngzuò?

张 波 的 爸 爸 在 哪 里 工 作?

c. Zhāng Bō de māma ne?

张 波 的 妈 妈 呢?

d. Zhāng Bō shì bú shì xuésheng?

张 波 是 不 是 学 生?

e. xiànzài tā zài xuéxiào xuéxí ma?

现 在 她 在 学 校 学 习 吗?

f. tā hé tā de nán péngyou zài Guìlín zuò shénme?

她和 她 的 男 朋 友 在 桂 林 做 什 么?

Lesson 13
dì shísì kè


Lesson 14

míngtiān wǎnshàng bā diǎn nǐ zài nǎr?

明 天 晚上八点 你 在哪儿?
Where will you be tomorrow evening at 8?
Lesson Description:
Here we will learn how to read the clock and use it in our daily activities.

New Words in this Lesson 14 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 184 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 14
Word English Part of Speech
zhōng clock noun

shǒubiǎo wrist watch noun

手 表

xiànzài now, right now noun , movable adverb

现 在

diǎn o’clock, measure word

点 a measure word for time

fēn minute measure word

kè a quarter of an hour measure word

bàn half number

zǎoshàng morning noun (time word) / movable

早 上 adverb

shàngwǔ before noon noun (time word) / movable

上 午 adverb

zhōngwǔ noon noun (time word) / movable

中 午 adverb

xiàwǔ afternoon noun (time word) / movable

下午 adverb

wǎnshàng evening noun (time word) / movable

晚 上 adverb

nǎr where QW (question word)


míngtiān tomorrow noun (time word) / movable

明 天 adverb

Lesson 14
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 14
Lesson 14
Lesson 14
Grammatical Remarks
1. The clock hours are expressed by the numbers one through twelve followed
by the measure word diǎn and the noun zhōng "hour": yì diǎn zhōng "one
o'clock", liǎng diǎn zhōng "two o'clock", shí’ èr diǎn zhōng "twelve

2. In time expressions, larger units precede smaller units: míngtiān zǎoshàng bā

diǎn zhōng wǒ zài jiā . "I'll be at home tomorrow morning at eight o'clock".

3. Time expressions are placed either at the beginning of the sentence or before
the verb part: qī diǎn bàn wǒ chīfàn or wǒ qī diǎn bàn chīfàn "I eat at half
past seven".

Lesson 14
1. qǐng yòng Zhōngwén shuō chū xiàliè shíjiān.
请 用 中 文 说 出 下 列 时 间。
Read the time expressions below in Chinese.

1:00 2:10 3:20 4:25 5:30 6:35

7:45 8:50 9:55 10:10 10:30 11:20
11:30 11:45 12:00 12:40 7:00 7:30
12:00 13:20 14:30 15:00 17:00 17:15
18:30 19:00 20:00 21:30

2. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.

请 完 成 对 话。
Please complete the dialogue below.

A: qǐngwèn, ?
请 问, ?
B: xiànzài wǎnshàng jiǔ diǎn.
现 在 晚 上 九 点。
A: míngtiān zǎoshàng bā diǎn nǐ zài ?
明 天 早 上 八 点 你在 ?
B: wǒ zài jiā
我 在 家。
A: míngtiān zhōngwǔ shí’èr diǎn ?
明 天 中 午 十 二 点 ?
B: wǒ zài jiā.
我 在 家。
A: míngtiān wǎnshàng bā diǎn ?
明 天 晚 上 八 点 ?
B: wǒ zài jiā.
我 在 家。

Lesson 14
dì shíwǔ kè


Lesson 15

jīntiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?

今天 是几月几号?
What date is today?
Lesson Description:
When is your birthday? In this lesson we will learn the calendar. We will also learn the verbs “to
go there” and “to come here”.

New Words in this Lesson 14 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 198 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 15
Word English Part of Speech
yuè month noun

hào date, number noun

jīntiān today noun (time word),

今天 movable adverb

zuótiān yesterday noun (time word),

昨天 movable adverb

shēngrì birthday noun

生 日

nián year noun / measure word

jīnnián this year noun (time word),

今年 movable adverb

qùnián last year noun (time word),

去年 movable adverb

míngnián next year noun (time word),

明 年 movable adverb

qù to go (to) verb

nàr there noun (place word)


lái to come verb

zhèr here noun (place word)


Běijīng kǎoyā Beijing Duck noun

北京 烤 鸭

Lesson 15
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 15
Lesson 15
Lesson 15
Grammatical Remarks
1. Larger units always precede smaller units in time expressions: míngnián
sānyuè wǔ hào wǎnshàng liù diǎn sānshíwǔ fēn "next year, March fifth,
evening, six thirty".

2. To express motion to a place, either the verb lái "to come" or qù "to go" is
used, depending on the speaker's location: when the movement is toward the
speaker, the verb lái is used tā lái zhèr "he comes here", tā lái Měiguó "He
comes to America" (the speaker is in America); when the movement is from
the speaker away - the verb qù is employed tā qù nàr "He goes there", tā qù
Zhōngguó "He goes to China" (the speaker is not in China).

Lesson 15
1. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.
请 完 成 对 话。
Please complete the dialogue below.

A: jīntiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?

今 天 是 几 月 几 号?

B: 。

A: zuótiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?

昨 天 是 几 月 几 号?

B: 。

A: míngtiān ne?
明 天 呢?

B: 。

A: nǐ de shēngrì ne?
你 的 生 日 呢?

B: 。

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题。
Read the text below and answer the questions.

jīntiān shì èrlínglíngqīnián sìyuè qī hào. qùnián de jīntiān,

今 天 是 二 零 零 七 年 四 月 七 号。 去 年 的 今 天,

wǒ hé wǒ de bàba māma zài Běijīng lǚxíng. jīnnián bāyuè

我 和 我 的 爸爸 妈 妈 在 北 京 旅 行。 今 年 八 月

Lesson 15
wǒmen hái yào qù Zhōngguó. māma shuō tā yào qù Shànghǎi,
我 们 还 要 去 中 国。 妈 妈 说 她 要 去 上 海,

bàba shuō tā yào qù Guìlín, wǒ Shànghǎi hé Guìlín dōu xiǎng

爸 爸 说 他 要 去 桂 林, 我 上 海 和 桂 林 都 想

qù. bàba shuō: "wǒmen qù Shànghǎi, yě qù Guìlín." wǒ hé māma

去。爸 爸 说 : “我 们 去 上 海,也 去 桂 林。” 我 和 妈 妈

dōu shuō: "hǎo jíle!"

都 说: “ 好 极了!”

问 题

a. qùnián de jīntiān, wǒmen zài nǎlǐ lǚxíng?

去 年 的 今 天, 我 们 在 哪里 旅 行?

b. jīnnián jǐ yuè wǒmen hái yào qù Zhōngguó?

今 年几月 我 们 还 要 去 中 国?

c. bàba, māma hé wǒ yào qù nǎr?

爸 爸, 妈 妈 和 我 要 去 哪 儿?

d. bàba shuō, wǒmen zhǐ qù Guìlín ma?

爸 爸 说, 我 们 只 去 桂 林 吗?

Lesson 15

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