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Author: Huang Zuli

Academic Manager: Dr. Lihi Yariv-Laor

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Dear Students,

Welcome to Part Two of Course A.

When writing this course we chose various subjects that would

be both interesting and relevant to you, in order to help you
achieve your goal of learning Chinese in the most enjoyable
way possible.

As in part one you will be working with this workbook

throughout the lessons that make up your Chinese course.
Each lesson comes with a glossary of new terms, selected
slides for the lesson and your homework exercises.
Huang Zuli
The reason we provide you with selected slides is to help you
Author of the Course adapt to the world of on-line learning. The slides in the
workbook are identical to the slides in the on-line course, so
you can take written notes directly in your workbook. This
also allows the teacher to offer exercises that can be completed
over the Internet as well as in writing.

At the end of each section you will find your homework

assignment. Answers for the homework exercises can be
found in your file located in your “Student Locker” on

Wishing you a productive and enjoyable learning experience,

Huang Zuli

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Table of contents 16-30
No. Lesson Name Lesson Description Page
16 Do you know how Using chopsticks and making phone calls are two 1
to use chopsticks? important skills in China. We are going to learn how to
do both in this lesson.
17 Why aren’t you Hamburger and green tea: have you ever tried it? Why 9
coming? not? You really should – it's great!
In this lesson we will learn the question "why" and it's
18 On what day do Do you want to make an appointment during the week? 17
you have free Let’s learn the days of the week – Sunday, Monday,
time? Tuesday…. and the question “when?”
19 These two cats are Up and down, inside and outside, left and right, front 25
in the house. and back: after this lesson you will find that you can
describe locations.
20 How far is it from Do you want to go to China? You know it is very far, 33
Beijing to Guilin? but exactly how far? One hour by plane? Ten hours?
Ask your teacher in Chinese: How far is it from the
U.S. to China by airplane?
21 What are you You are sitting at home and can't find your book? Let’s 41
looking for? look for it together. Perhaps you left it on your bed, or
maybe it's under the sofa, or in the cupboard?
22 May I use your In Chinese, there are three words which translate as 49
computer? “can”. What is the right way of using each? When do
you use them? What's the difference between them?
Let’s get that straight.
23 Do you know how In this lesson we are going to review most of the 57
to drive? words, and all the grammar we have learned in lessons
24 Where do you Where were you born? Where do you live? Where did 65
live? you put the book? Where should I sit?
In this lesson we are going to learn the verbs that come
before the adverbs that describe location.
25 Why hasn’t she We learned “when”, “where”, “who” and “whose”, so 73
come yet? why haven't we learned “how”? Let’s do it now.
26 Where do you We know you are not from China… so where are you 81
come from? from? In this lesson we will learn definite articles like:
these, those, which (plural) etc.
27 How do I get to Are you lost in the streets of Beijing? All you need to 89
the cinema from do is ask how to get to get to the nearest hospital / mall
here? / post office/ school.
No. Lesson Name Lesson Description Page
28 How did you come In this lesson we will learn the emphasis form of past 97
here? sentences. We will also learn new expressions like:
Long time no see! Not bad (in a positive sense).
29 How is the Find a Chinese person with whom to discuss the 105
weather today? weather in China and in your country. Who knows?
Perhaps the weather in the two countries is totally
30 Now I already In this lesson we are going to review lessons 24-29. 113
know! Maybe you have already forgotten some of them, but
don’t worry, everything will come back!
dì shíliù kè


Lesson 16

nǐ huì yòng kuàizi ma?

你 会 用 筷 子 吗?
Do you know how to use chopsticks?

Lesson Description:
Using chopsticks and making phone calls are two important skills in China. We are going to
learn how to do both in this lesson.

New Words in this Lesson 14 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 212 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 16
Word English Part of Speech
shuāng pair, for 2 things of the same measure word
双 kind to be used together

kuàizi chopsticks noun

筷 子

dāozi knife noun


chāzi fork noun


dāochā knife and fork noun

刀 叉

fù measure word for a set of measure word

副 things

yòng to use, with verb, preposition

gěi to give, to verb, preposition

língqián small change noun

零 钱

dǎ diànhuà to make a phone call verb

打电 话

xìn letter noun

yīmèir email noun


hàomǎ number noun

号 码

hē to drink verb

Lesson 16
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 16
Lesson 16
Lesson 16
Grammatical Remarks
1. yòng "to use" is a verb in a sentence of type b (NOUN + VERB+ NOUN, see
lesson 1 note 5). tā yòng kuàizi. "He uses chopsticks"; wǒ yě huì yòng kuàizi.
"I too can use chopsticks".

2. When followed by another verb, yòng functions in the sentence as a co-verb

(preposition) meaning "by, with, using, by means of": tā yòng kuàizi chī fàn.
"He eats with chopsticks"; nǐ yòng diànnǎo gōngzuò. "You work using a

3. The verb gěi "to give" is similar to its English equivalent in that it takes both
direct and indirect objects: tā gěi wǒ yì běn shū. "He gave me a book".

4. When gěi is not the only verb in the sentence, but is followed by another verb,
it is used as a coverb meaning "to" or "for": wǒ gěi tā xiě xìn. "I write him a
letter"; wǒ gěi tā dǎ diànhuà. "I call him; I give him a telephone call".

5. Negation words and other adverbs are placed before the co-verb: wǒ bù gěi tā
xiě xìn. "I don't write him a letter"; tā yě yòng diànnǎo gōngzuò. "He also
works using a computer".

Lesson 16
1. qǐng fānyì xiàmiàn de jùzi.
请 翻译 下 面 的 句子.
Please translate the sentences below into English.

a. wǒ bú huì yòng kuàizi.

我 不 会 用 筷 子.

b. wǒ zhǐ huì yòng dāochā.

我 只 会 用 刀 叉.

c. wǒ yòng kuàizi chī fàn.

我 用 筷 子 吃 饭.

d. wǒ māma yòng diànnǎo gōngzuò.

我 妈 妈 用 电 脑 工 作.

e. duìbuqǐ, wǒ méiyǒu língqián.

对 不 起,我 没 有 零 钱.

f. qǐng gěi Dà Wèi dǎ diànhuà.

请 给 大 卫 打 电 话.

g. nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì duōshǎo?

你 的 电 话 号 码 是 多 少?

h. Mǎ Lì měi tiān dōu gěi tā de māma xiě yīmèir.

马 莉 每 天 都 给 她 的 妈 妈 写 伊妹儿.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.

Mǎ Lì yǒu yí ge mèimei jiào Mǎ Wén, Mǎ Wén bú huì yòng

马 莉 有 一 个 妹 妹 叫 马 文, 马 文 不 会 用

Lesson 16
kuàizi chī fàn, tā zhǐ huì yòng dāochā. xiànzài, Mǎ Lì
筷 子 吃 饭,她 只 会 用 刀 叉. 现 在, 马 莉

zài Zhōngguó, tā de mèimei zài Měiguó. Mǎ Lì gěi

在 中 国,她 的 妹 妹 在 美 国. 马 莉 给

mèimei dǎ diànhuà shuō: “ bāyuè nǐ lái Běijīng, xiànzài

妹 妹 打 电 话 说: “ 八 月 你 来 北 京, 现 在

nǐ xuéxí yòng kuàizi chī fàn ma?” Mǎ Wén shuō: “ jiějie,

你 学 习 用 筷 子 吃 饭 吗?” 马 文 说: “姐姐,

zài Zhōngguó méiyǒu dāochā ma?”

在 中 国 没 有 刀 叉 吗?”

问 题
a. Mǎ Lì de mèimei jiào shénme míngzì?
马 莉 的 妹 妹 叫 什 么 名 字?

b. Mǎ Wén zài nǎr ? tā huì bú huì yòng kuàizi chī fàn?

马 文 在 哪 儿? 她 会 不 会 用 筷 子 吃 饭?

c. Mǎ Wén jǐ yuè qù Běijīng?

马 文 几 月 去 北 京?

d. Mǎ Wén xiǎng, zài Zhōngguó zhǐ yǒu kuàizi ma?

马 文 想, 在 中 国 只 有 筷 子 吗?

e. Měiguó rén yòng shénme chī fàn?

美 国 人 用 什 么 吃 饭?

Lesson 16
dì shíqī kè

第十七 课

Lesson 17

wèishénme nǐ bù lái?

为 什 么 你 不 来?
Why aren’t you coming?
Lesson Description:
Hamburger and green tea: have you ever tried it? Why not? You really should – it's great! In this
lesson we will learn the question “why” and it's answers.

New Words in this Lesson 9 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 221 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 17
Word English Part of Speech
hànbǎobāo hamburger noun
汉 堡包

bāozi steamed stuffed bun noun


duì correct (yes), treat, to, toward, SV (Stative Verb), preposition

对 pair (measure word).

lǜ chá green tea noun


bié don’t adverb

shuōhuà to speak verb

说 话

wèishénme why QW (Question Word)

为 什 么

yīnwèi because conjunction


suǒyǐ therefore, so conjunction


Lesson 17
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Grammatical Remarks
1. The word duì can be used as a stative verb meaning "to be right, correct": nǐ
hěn duì. "You are right" ; duì bú duì? "Is that right?"

2. duì can also be used as a co-verb (preposition) in a sentence. In this function it

most often corresponds to English "towards" or "to": tā duì wǒ shuō [lit. "said
to me"] tā xiǎng qù Zhōngguó. "He told me that he intends going to China".

3. bié "don't" is the negative adverb used for the imperative. A verb preceded by
bié (or by búyào) means "don't…": bié mǎi píngguǒ! "don't buy apples!" qǐng
bié shuō huà! (or, qǐng bú yào shuō huà!) "Please don't talk!"

Lesson 17
1. qǐng yòng xiàmiàn de cí tiánkòng.
请 用 下 面 的 词 填 空.
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.

yīnwèi, suǒyǐ, wèishénme, duì, bié

因 为, 所 以, 为 什 么, 对, 别

a. māma duì érzi shuō: “ kàn diànshì, kàn shū ba!”

妈 妈 对 儿子 说: “ 看 电 视, 看 书 吧 ! ”

b. wèishénme nǐ bù chī bāozi?

为 什 么 你 不 吃 包 子?

wǒ xǐhuān chī hànbǎobāo.

我 喜 欢 吃 汉 堡 包.

c. yīnwèi wǒ hěn lèi, wǒ bù xiǎng qù gōngzuò.

因 为 我 很 累, 我 不 想 去 工 作.

d. nǐ bù lái?
你 不 来?

yīnwèi wǒ máng jíle.

因 为 我 忙 极了.

e. Dà Wèi Mǎ Lì shuō: “qǐng gěi wǒ gēge dǎ diànhuà!”

大 卫 马 莉 说 : “ 请 给 我 哥 哥 打 电 话! ”

2. dú duǎnwén, huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Bǐ De jīnnián bāyuè yào qù Zhōngguó, tā wèn wǒ qù nǎr hǎo?
彼得 今年 八月 要 去 中 国, 他 问 我 去 哪 儿 好?

wǒ shuō: “ bié qù Běijīng, qù Guìlín ba! ”

我 说: “ 别 去 北 京, 去 桂 林 吧! ”

Lesson 17
“wèishénme?” Bǐ De wèn wǒ.
“为 什 么?” 彼 得 问 我.

wǒ shuō: “yīnwèi bāyuè qù Běijīng de rén duō jíle!”

我 说: “ 因 为 八 月 去 北 京 的 人 多 极了!”

Bǐ De shuō: “ méi guānxi, yīnwèi wǒ xǐhuān hěn duō rén, suǒyǐ

彼 得 说: “没 关 系,因 为 我 喜 欢 很 多 人, 所以

wǒ yào qù Běijīng. ”
我 要 去 北 京.”

问 题
a. jīnnián bāyuè shéi yào qù Zhōngguó?
今 年 八 月 谁 要 去 中 国?

b. wǒ duì Bǐ De shuō: “bié qù Běijīng.” wèishénme?

我 对 彼 得 说 : “别 去 北 京.” 为 什 么?

c. Bǐ De yào qù Běijīng, wèishénme?

彼 得 要 去 北 京, 为 什 么?

Lesson 17
dì shíbā kè


Lesson 18

nǐ xīngqī jǐ yǒu kòngr?

On what day do you have free time?
Lesson Description:
Do you want to make an appointment during the week? Let’s learn the days of the week –
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…. and the question “when?”

New Words in this Lesson 12 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 233 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 18
Word English Part of Speech
xīngqī week noun
星 期

xīngqī yī Monday noun (time word),

星 期 一 movable adverb

xīngqī èr Tuesday noun (time word),

星 期 二 movable adverb

xīngqī sān Wednesday noun (time word),

星 期 三 movable adverb

xīngqī sì Thursday noun (time word),

星 期 四 movable adverb

xīnqī wǔ Friday noun (time word),

星期 五 movable adverb

xīngqī liù Saturday noun (time word),

星 期 六 movable adverb

xīngqī tiān Sunday noun (time word),

星 期 天 movable adverb

yǒu kòngr to have free time, verb

有 空 儿 to be free

yǒu shìr have affair, to be busy, verb

有 事儿 to be occupied

shénme shíhòu when QW (Question Word)

什 么 时候

jiàn to see, to meet verb

Lesson 18
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 18
Lesson 18
Lesson 18
Grammatical Remarks
1. In time expressions, larger units precede smaller units. The days of the week
thus precede the hour xīngqī yī wǎnshàng bā diǎn bàn "half past eight,
Monday evening."

2. shénme shíhòu ? "What time? When?" is the general question asking about
time. This question is placed, as any other time expression, either before the
verb part or at the beginning of the sentence: nǐ dìdi shénme shíhòu chī fàn?
Or, shénme shíhòu nǐ dìdi chī fàn? "When does your younger brother eat?"

Lesson 18
1. tiánkòng.
填 空.
Please fill in the blanks.
yí ge xīngqī yǒu tiān, tāmen shì xīngqī yī, , xīngqī sān,
一个 星期 有 天, 它 们 是 星 期 一, ,星 期 三,

, xīngqī wǔ, xīngqī liù hé .

,星 期 五, 星 期 六 和 .

jīntiān xīngqī ? jīntiān xīngqī .

今天 星 期 ? 今天 星 期 .

2. dú duǎnwén, huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Mǎ Lì měitiān dōu hěn máng, xīngqī yī, xīngqī sān hé xīngqī wǔ
马 莉 每 天 都 很 忙, 星 期 一, 星 期 三 和 星 期 五

tā zài xuéxiào xuéxí Zhōngwén. xīngqī èr hé xīngqī sì tā zài

她在 学 校 学习 中 文. 星 期 二 和 星 期 四 她 在

Yīngwén xuéxiào jiāo(to teach) Yīngwén. xīngqī liù hé xīngqī tiān

英 文 学 校 教 英 文. 星 期 六 和 星 期 天

tā hé tā de péngyoumen yìqǐ zài Běijīng lǚxíng. suǒyǐ Mǎ Lì méiyǒu

她和 她 的 朋 友 们 一 起 在 北 京 旅 行. 所 以 马 莉 没 有

kòngr gěi māma dǎ diànhuà. māma gěi tā dǎ diànhuà wèn tā:

空 儿 给 妈 妈 打 电 话. 妈 妈 给 她 打 电 话 问 她:

“nǐ shénme shíhòu méiyǒu shìr?”

“你 什 么 时 候 没 有 事 儿?”

Mǎ Lì shuō: “ wǒ zhēnde měitiān dōu yǒu shìr.”

马 莉 说: “ 我 真 的 每 天 都 有 事 儿.”

Lesson 18
问 题
a. Mǎ Lì xīngqī jǐ xué Zhōngwén?
马 莉 星 期 几 学 中 文?

b. tā de gōngzuò shì shénme?

她 的 工 作 是 什 么?

c. tā yǒu méiyǒu kòngr gěi māma dǎ diànhuà?

她 有 没 有 空 儿 给 妈 妈 打 电 话?

d. tā hé shéi yìqǐ lǚxíng?

她 和 谁 一 起 旅 行?

Lesson 18
dì shíjiǔ kè


Lesson 19

zhè liǎng zhī māo zài fángzi lǐ (miàn).

这 两 只 猫 在房子里(面).
These two cats are in the house.
Lesson Description:
Up and down, inside and outside, left and right, front and back: after this lesson you will find
that you can describe locations.

New Words in this Lesson 12 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 245 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 19
Word English Part of Speech
shàngmiàn on, above, on the top of noun
上 面

xiàmiàn under, below noun

下 面

zuò measure word for buildings, measure word

座 park, etc.

fángzi house, apartment noun

房 子

gōngyuán park noun

公 园

shān mountain noun

lǐmiàn inside noun


wàimiàn outside noun

外 面

zuǒbiān left side noun

左 边

yòubiān right side noun

右 边

qiánmiàn front, in front, the front noun

前 面

hòumiàn back, behind noun

后 面

Lesson 19
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 19
Lesson 19
Lesson 19
Grammatical Remarks
1. The place words shàngmiàn or shàngbiān "above, on", xiàmiàn or xiàbiān
"beneath, under", yòubiān "right side" etc. are nouns. Thus, they can occupy
the position reserved to nouns in the sentence. Place words mostly occur in
two sentence structures:
(a) Noun + zài + Place word
shū zài wàibiān. "The books are outside." (like shū zài jiā. "The books are at
home."), gǒu zài xiàmiàn. "The dog is underneath."
(b) Place word + yǒu + Noun
wàibiān yǒu shū. "There are books outside."
xiàmiàn yǒu liǎng zhī gǒu. "There are two dogs underneath."

2. Place words can form longer expressions with other nouns: zhuōzi
shàng(miàn) "on the table", diànnǎo lǐmiàn "in the computer": shū zài zhuōzi
shàng(miàn). "The books are on the table"; diànnǎo lǐmiàn yǒu shénme?
"What is there inside the computer?"

Lesson 19
1. qǐng yòng xiàmiàn de cíyǔ tiánkòng.
请 用 下 面 的 词 语 填 空.
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.

wàimiàn yòubiān xiàmiàn hòumiàn

外面 右边 下面 后 面

a. zhuōzi shàngmiàn yǒu shū, yǒu māo.

桌 子 上 面 有 书, 有 猫.

b. fángzi qiánmiàn shì yí zuò shān, shì gōngyuán.

房 子 前 面 是 一 座 山, 是公 园.

c. nǐ de gǒu bú zài fángzi lǐmiàn, zài .

你 的 狗 不 在 房 子 里 面, 在 .

d. wǒ jiā de zuǒbiān yǒu Zhōngguó fànguǎn,

我 家 的 左 边 有 中 国 饭 馆,

yǒu Yìdàlì fànguǎn.

有 意 大利 饭 馆.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Zhāng Bō de jiā zài Běijīng chéng(city) lǐmiàn,
张 波 的家在 北京 城 里 面,

tā jiā de hòumiàn yǒu hěn duō fángzi,

她家 的 后 面 有 很 多 房 子,

qiánmiàn yǒu yí zuò hěn dà de gōngyuán,

前 面 有 一 座 很 大 的 公 园,

Lesson 19
měi tiān gōngyuán lǐ dōu yǒu hěn duō rén.
每 天 公 园 里 都 有 很 多 人.

zuǒbiān shì yì jiā shūdiàn, tā chángcháng

左 边 是 一 家 书 店, 她 常 常

qù nàr mǎi tā xǐhuān de shū. yòubiān shì yí ge fànguǎn,

去 那儿买 她 喜 欢 的 书. 右 边 是 一 个 饭 馆,

fànguǎn bú dà, kěshì fànguǎn de fàn hěn hǎochī.

饭 馆 不 大,可 是 饭 馆 的 饭 很 好 吃.

问 题
a. Zhāng Bō de jiā zài nǎlǐ?
张 波 的 家 在 哪里?

b. tā chángcháng qù nǎr mǎi shū?

她 常 常 去 哪儿 买 书?

c. měi tiān gōngyuán lǐ dōu yǒu hěn duō rén ma?

每 天 公 园 里 都 有 很 多 人 吗?

d. fànguǎn de fàn zěnmeyàng?

饭 馆 的 饭 怎 么 样?

Lesson 19
dì èrshí kè


Lesson 20

Běijīng lí Guìlín yǒu duō yuǎn?

北京离桂林 有 多 远?
How far is it from Beijing to Guilin?
Lesson Description:
Do you want to go to China? You know it is very far, but exactly how far? One hour by plane?
Ten hours? Ask your teacher in Chinese: How far is it from the U.S. to China by airplane?

New Words in this Lesson 15 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 260 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 20
Word English Part of Speech
běibiān north side, northern part noun
北 边
nánbiān south side noun
南 边
xībiān west side noun
西 边
dōngbiān east side noun
东 边
chéng (shì) city noun
城 (市)
lǐtou / biān inside noun
里头 / 边
wàitou / biān outside noun
外 头/ 边
lí apart from, distant preposition

yuǎn to be far from SV (Stative Verb)

jìn to be close to, near SV (Stative Verb)

duō yuǎn how far QW (Question Word)
多 远
kāi chē to drive verb
开 车
xiǎoshí hour noun
小 时
zuò to sit, to travel by verb
坐 plane, train, bus etc.
gōnggòng qìchē bus noun
公 共 汽车

Lesson 20
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 20
Lesson 20
Lesson 20
Grammatical Remarks
1. Distance from one place to another is expressed with the coverb lí "(separated)
from" in sentences of this pattern: Place1 lí Place2 yuǎn "Place1 is far from
Place2.", Place1 lí Place2 jìn "Place1 is near Place2."
Zhōngguó lí Yìdàlì hěn yuǎn. "China is far from Italy."
Zhōngguó lí Yìdàlì yuǎn bù yuǎn? "Is China far from Italy?"
shūdiàn lí nǐ jiā hěn jìn. "The bookstore is near your home."

2. Distance from one point of time to another is also expressed by the co-verb lí:
xīngqī tiān lí tā de shēngrì zhǐ yǒu liǎng tiān. "There are only two days from
Sunday to his birthday."

Lesson 20
1. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.
请 完 成 对 话.
Please complete the following dialogue.
A: ?

B: wǒ de jiā zài chéng dōngbiān.

我 的家 在 城 东 边.

A: ?

B: lí wǒ de xuéxiào hěn yuǎn.

离 我 的 学 校 很 远.

A: ?

B: kāi chē yào yí ge xiǎoshí.

开 车 要 一 个 小 时.

A: ?

B: zuò gōnggòng qìchē yào yí ge bàn xiǎoshí.

坐 公 共 汽 车 要 一 个 半 小 时.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
xiànzài zài Běijīng yǒu hěn duō qìchē, hěn duō rén kāi chē
现 在 在 北 京 有 很 多 汽 车,很 多 人 开 车

qù gōngzuò, yīnwèi qìchē tài duō, suǒyǐ cóng chéng dōngbiān dào
去 工 作,因 为 汽 车 太 多, 所 以 从 城 东 边 到

chéng xībiān yào yì liǎng ge xiǎoshí. zuò gōnggòng qìchē de rén

城 西 边 要 一 两 个 小 时. 坐 公 共 汽 车 的 人

Lesson 20
yě bù shǎo. yàoshì(if) nǐ bù xǐhuān hěn duō chē, hěn duō rén,
也 不 少. 要 是 你 不 喜 欢 很 多 车, 很 多 人,

nǐ kěyǐ zuò dìtiě (subway). Běijīng de dìtiě kěyǐ dào dōng nán xī běi,
你可以 坐 地 铁. 北 京 的 地铁 可以 到 东 南 西 北,

hěn fāngbiàn (convenient).

很 方 便.

问 题
a. Běijīng rén zuò shénme qù gōngzuò?
北 京 人 坐 什 么 去 工 作?

b. xiànzài qìchē tài duō, yǒu shénme xīn de wèntí?

现 在 汽 车 太 多, 有 什 么 新 的 问 题?

c. zuò dìtiě fāngbiàn ma?

坐 地铁 方 便 吗?

Lesson 20
dì èrshíyī kè


Lesson 21

nǐ zhǎo shénme ?

你 找 什么?
What are you looking for?
Lesson Description:
You are sitting at home and can't find your book? Let’s look for it together. Perhaps you left it
on your bed, or maybe it's under the sofa, or in the cupboard?

New Words in this Lesson 11 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 271 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 21
Word English Part of Speech
shāfā sofa noun

shūfú to be comfortable SV (Stative Verb)


chuáng bed noun

guìzi cabinet, cupboard noun


yīfú clothes noun


tīng to listen to, to hear verb

yīnyuè music noun

音 乐

zhǎo to look for, to give change verb

zhīdào to know verb

zhōumò weekend noun

周 末

zhè shíhòu at this moment time word

这 时候

Lesson 21
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 21
Lesson 21
Lesson 21
Grammatical Remarks
1. The verb zhǎo has two different meanings: 1) "to look for": nǐ zhǎo shéi?
"Who do you look for?" 2) "To give change": tā zhǎo gěi wǒ yí kuài qián.
"He gave me one yuán change."

Lesson 21
1. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.
请 完 成 对 话.
Please complete the following dialogue.
A: wèi, nǐ hǎo, nǐ zhǎo shéi?
喂,你 好,你 找 谁?

B: wǒ Dà Wèi.
我 大 卫.

A: Dà Wèi xiànzài bú zài bàngōngshì.

大 卫 现 在 不 在 办 公 室.

B: nǐ tā zài nǎr?
你 他 在 哪儿?

A: duìbuqǐ, wǒ bù .
对不 起,我 不 .

B: méi guānxi, xièxie nǐ.

没 关 系,谢 谢 你.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
zhōumò, Bǐ De bú yòng xuéxí, yě bú yòng gōngzuò.
周 末, 彼 得 不 用 学 习,也 不 用 工 作,

zǎoshàng tā zài chuáng shàng kàn shū, tīng yīnyuè.

早 上 他 在 床 上 看 书, 听 音 乐.

zhōngwǔ tā zuò zài shāfā shàng kàn diànshì.

中 午 他坐 在 沙发 上 看 电 视.

wǎnshàng tā de hǎo péngyou Dà Wèi lái zhǎo tā,

晚 上 他 的 好 朋 友 大 卫 来 找 他,

Lesson 21
wèn tā yào bú yào yìqǐ qù mǎi xīn yīfú.
问 他 要 不 要 一 起 去 买 新 衣 服.

Bǐ De wèn Dà Wèi: “wèishénme yào mǎi xīn yīfú?”

彼 得 问 大 卫: “ 为 什 么 要 买 新 衣服?”

Dà Wèi shuō: “nǐ bù zhīdào ma?

大 卫 说: “你 不 知 道 吗?

míngtiān shì Zhāng Bō de shēngrì,

明 天 是 张 波 的 生 日,

tā qǐng wǒmen qù tā de jiā, suǒyǐ wǒmen yào mǎi xīn yīfú.”

她 请 我 们 去 她 的 家, 所 以 我 们 要 买 新 衣 服.”

Bǐ De shuō: “chuān jiù yīfú yě kěyǐ qù a! ”

彼 得 说: “ 穿 旧 衣 服 也 可 以 去 啊!”

Dà Wèi shuō: “ kěshì wǒmen shì qù Zhāng Bō de jiā!”

大 卫 说: “ 可 是 我 们 是 去 张 波 的 家!”

Bǐ De shuō: “a, wǒ zhīdào le, nǐ shì bú shì yǒudiǎr

彼 得 说 : “ 啊,我 知 道 了,你 是 不 是 有点 儿

xǐhuān Zhāng Bō?”

喜欢 张 波?”

问 题
a. zhōumò Bǐ De gōngzuò ma?
周 末 彼 得 工 作 吗?
b. wǎnshàng shéi lái zhǎo tā?
晚 上 谁 来 找 他?
c. wéishénme Dà Wèi yào mǎi xīn yīfú?
为 什 么 大 卫 要 买 新 衣 服?
d. nǐ xiǎng Dà Wèi shì bú shì zhēnde yǒudiǎnr xǐhuān Zhāng Bō?
你 想 大 卫 是 不 是 真 的 有点儿 喜欢 张 波?

Lesson 21
dì èrshíèr kè


Lesson 22

wǒ kěyǐ yòng nǐ de diànnǎo ma ?

我可以用 你的电 脑 吗?
May I use your computer?
Lesson Description:
In Chinese, there are three words which translate as “can”. What is the right way of using each?
When do you use them? What's the difference between them? Let’s get that straight.

New Words in this Lesson 9 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 280 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 22
Word English Part of Speech
néng can, possibility provided by AV (Auxiliary Verb)
能 circumstances or reason

jiāo to teach verb

kěyǐ can, be able to, may AV (Auxiliary Verb)


róngyì to be easy SV (Stative Verb)

容 易

nán to be difficult SV (Stative Verb)

fùzá to be complicated SV (Stative Verb)


jiǎndān to be simple SV (Stative Verb)

简 单

hǎochī to be tasty SV (Stative Verb)

好 吃

Gōng Bǎo Jī Dīng stir fried chicken with chili noun

宫 保 鸡丁 and peanuts

Lesson 22
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 22
Lesson 22
Lesson 22
Grammatical Remarks
1. Three different auxiliary verbs huì , néng, and kěyǐ all mean "can", though
sometimes in various senses, as follows:
(a) huì refers to an acquired ability and might therefore be translated as
"know how to": tā huì kāi chē. "He knows how to drive."; tā huì shuō
yīngyǔ. "He can speak English."
(b) néng refers to a physical ability and might therefore be used in the
sense of "be able to" or "strong enough to": tā néng zhǎo wǒmen de
péngyǒu. "He is able to look for our friend."
(c) kěyǐ asks for or grants permission, like "may": wǒ kěyǐ chōuyān ma?
"May I smoke?"

2. The distinctions between the three verbs huì, néng, and kěyǐ are by no means
rigidly adhered to, just as "can" and "may" are often used interchangeably in

3. When the stative verb hǎo precedes the verbs chī "eat", kàn "look" or tīng
"hear" – a compound stative verb is formed: hǎochī "good to eat, tasty";
hǎokàn "good to look at, nice looking"; hǎotīng "good to listen, nice hearing".

4. róngyì "easy" and nán "difficult" can precede verbs to express "easy to…" or
difficult to…". róngyì xiě means "easy to write", nán xiě means "difficult to
write": Hànzì nán xiě. "Chinese characters are hard to write."

Lesson 22
1. qǐng yòng xiàmiàn de cíyǔ tiánkòng.
请 用 下 面 的 词 语 填 空.
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.

Néng, huì, kěyǐ, róngyì, nán, fùzá ,hǎochī

能, 会, 可 以, 容 易, 难 , 复 杂, 好 吃

a. Zhōngguó cài yě hǎo zuò.

中 国 菜 也 好 做.

b. xiě Hànzì hěn , kěshì xiě Yīngwén yě bù .

写 汉 字 很 ,可 是 写 英 文 也 不 .

c. zhè ge wèntí hěn , nǐ wèn lǎoshī ba!

这 个 问题 很 ,你 问 老 师 吧!

d. wǒ kànkan nǐ de xīn shū ma?

我 看 看 你 的 新 书 吗?

e. tā kāi chē, kěshì xiànzài tā hěn lèi, suǒyǐ bù kāi chē.

他 开 车, 可是 现 在 他 很 累, 所以 不 开 车.

2. Qǐng liánjiē fǎnyì cí.

请 连 接 反义 词.
Please draw a line to connect the antonyms of each side.
róngyì fùzá
容 易 复杂

jiǎndān nán
简 单 难

jiāo nán chī

教 难 吃

hǎochī xué
好 吃 学

Lesson 22
dì èrshísān kè


Lesson 23

nǐ huì kāi chē ma?

你会 开 车 吗?
Do you know how to drive?
Lesson Description:
In this lesson we are going to review most of the words, and all the grammar we have learned in
lessons 16-22.

New Words in this Lesson 25 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 280 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 23
Word English Part of Speech
zuò to sit, to travel by plane, train, bus etc. verb

zhǎo to look for verb

zhīdào to know verb


guò to pass, to celebrate verb

hē to drink verb

jiàn to see, to meet verb

jiāo to teach verb

róngyì to be easy SV (Stative Verb)


fùzá to be complicated SV (Stative Verb)


hǎochī to be tasty SV (Stative Verb)


shūfú to be comfortable SV (Stative Verb)


wèishénme why QW (Question Word)

为 什么

yīnwèi because conjunction


suǒyǐ therefore, so conjunction


Lesson 23
Word English Part of Speech
shénme shíhòu when QW (Question Word)
什 么 时候

duō yuǎn how far QW (Question Word)

多 远

yòng to use, with verb, preposition

duì right, to, toward QW (Question Word),

对 preposition

gěi to give, to verb, preposition

lí apart from, distant preposition

yǒu kòngr to have free time, verb

有 空 儿 to be free

yǒu shìr have affair, to be busy, verb

有 事儿 to be occupied

huì can, know how AV (Auxiliary Verb)

néng can, possibility provided by AV (Auxiliary Verb)

能 circumstances or reason

kěyǐ can, be able to, may AV (Auxiliary Verb)


Lesson 23
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 23
Lesson 23
1. qǐng bǎ xiàmiàn de duǎnwén fānyì chéng nǐ zìjǐ de yǔyán.
请 把 下 面 的 短 文 翻 译 成 你自己的 语 言.
Please translate the short story below into your own language.
xīngqī tiān zǎoshàng, Zhāng Bō zuò zài jiā lǐ
星 期 天 早 上, 张 波 坐 在家里

bù zhīdào zuò shénme. tā xiǎng zhǎo Dà Wèi qù hē kāfēi,

不 知 道 做 什 么. 她 想 找 大 卫 去 喝 咖 啡,

kěshì tā méiyǒu Dà wèi de diànhuà hàomǎ.

可 是 她 没 有 大 卫 的 电 话 号 码.

xīngqī yī jiù shì Dà Wèi de shēngrì, suǒyǐ Mǎ Lì

星 期 一 就 是 大 卫 的 生 日,所 以 马 莉

xiǎng wènwen tā xǐhuān shénme.

想 问 问 他 喜 欢 什 么.

zhè shíhòu wàimiàn yǒu rén lái, tā jiù shì Dà Wèi.

这 时 候 外 面 有 人 来, 他 就 是 大 卫.

Dà Wèi duì Mǎ Lì shuō: “shēngrì nà tiān wǒ bú yào shénme,

大 卫 对 马 莉 说: “生 日 那 天 我 不 要 什 么,

wǒ yào gēn péngyoumen qù hē chá.”

我 要 跟 朋 友 们 去 喝 茶.”

Mǎ Lì shuō: “wèishénme hē chá bù hē kāfēi?”

马 莉 说: “为 什 么 喝 茶 不 喝 咖 啡?”

Dà Wèi shuō: “zhè ge wèntí tài fùzá.

大 卫 说 : “这 个 问 题 太 复 杂.

yī, wǒ juéde Zhōngguó de kāfēi bù hǎohē,

一, 我 觉 得 中 国 的 咖啡 不 好 喝,

Lesson 23
Zhōngguó de chá hǎohē jíle.
中 国 的 茶 好 喝 极了.

èr, zuò zài Zhōngguó de cháguǎn lǐ zhēn de hěn shūfú.”

二, 坐 在 中 国 的 茶 馆 里 真 的 很 舒 服.”

Mǎ Lì shuō: “zuò zài kāfēiguǎn yě shūfú!

马 莉 说: “坐 在 咖 啡 馆 也 舒服!

kěshì yàoshì nǐ xǐhuān hē chá, wǒmen jiù qù hē chá ba.

可 是 要 是 你 喜 欢 喝 茶, 我 们 就 去 喝 茶 吧.

wǒ zhīdào lí zhèr bù yuǎn yǒu yí ge cháguǎn,

我 知 道 离 这儿 不 远 有 一 个 茶 馆,

wǒmen kěyǐ qù nàr!”

我 们 可以去那儿! ”

Dà Wèi shuō: “nà tài hǎo le, wǒmen míngtiān jiàn!”

大 卫 说: “ 那 太 好 了, 我 们 明 天 见! ”

Lesson 23
dì èrshísì kè


Lesson 24

nǐ zhù zài nǎr?

你住 在 哪儿?
Where do you live?
Lesson Description:
Where were you born? Where do you live? Where did you put the book? Where should I sit? In
this lesson we are going to learn the verbs that come before the adverbs that describe location.

New Words in this Lesson 11 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 291 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 24
Word English Part of Speech
zhàn to stand, station verb, noun

zhù to live verb

shēng to be born, to give birth to, verb, adjective

生 raw/uncooked, living, alive,

fàng to put verb

dōngxī thing, stuff noun

东 西

gēn and, with conjunction

yǒu rén there is somebody IE (Idiomatic Expression)

有 人

biéde other, another adjective


děng to wait for verb

fēijīchǎng airport noun


dìtiě subway noun


Lesson 24
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 24
Lesson 24
Grammatical Remarks
1. With the verbs zhù "to live", zhàn "to stand", zuò "to sit", shēng "to be born",
fàng "to put", děng "to wait" (and a few more verbs designating positing in a
certain place) tend to require that zài will follow the verb (instead of
preceding it: tā zhù zài Běijīng. "He lives in Beijing."; tā děng zài nàr. "He
waits there."

2. When an object follows the verb, zài with the complement of place precede the
verb: wǒ zài huǒchē zhàn děng lǎoshī. "I wait for the teacher at the railway

3. The co-verb gēn means "with": wǒmen gēn Dà Wèi qù mǎi dōngxī. "We go
with David to buy things."; Dà Wèi gēn Zhāng Bō dōu zhù zài Niǔyuē. "Both
David and Zhang Bo live in New York."

Lesson 24
1. qǐng yòng xiàmiàn de cíyǔ tiánkòng.
请 用 下 面 的 词 语 填 空.
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.

zhù, shēng, zhàn, fàng, děng, biéde, fēijīchǎng

住, 生, 站, 放 , 等 , 别 的, 飞 机 场

a. wǒ zài Sìchuān, kěshì xiànzài wǒ zài Niǔyuē.

我 在 四 川, 可 是 现 在 我 在 纽 约.

b. māma shuō: “ bié zài yǐzi shàng. ”

妈 妈 说: “ 别 在 椅子 上.”

c. wǒ kěyǐ zài nǐ de shūguì lǐ ma?

我 可以 在 你 的 书 柜 里 吗?

d. nǐmen hái yǒu wèntí ma?

你们 还 有 问 题 吗?

e. lǐ yǒu hěn duō rén fēijī.

里有 很 多 人 飞 机.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Běijīng de fēijīchǎng hěn dà, yǒu hěn duō rén zuò zài
北 京 的 飞 机 场 很 大,有 很 多 人 坐 在

nàr děng fēijī, yě yǒu rén zhàn zài nàr děng rén.
那儿 等 飞 机, 也 有 人 站 在 那儿 等 人.

zài fēijīchǎng lǐ, nǐ kěyǐ mǎi dōngxī, yě kěyǐ chī fàn,

在 飞 机 场 里,你可以 买 东 西, 也可以 吃 饭,

Lesson 24
hē chá, hái kěyǐ kàn shū, kàn bàozhǐ.
喝 茶,还 可 以 看 书, 看 报 纸.

qùnián wǒ zuò fēijī qù Niǔyuē, zài Běijīng de fēijīchǎng děng

去 年 我 坐 飞机 去 纽 约, 在 北 京 的 飞 机 场 等

shí duō ge xiǎoshí, méiyǒu bié de shìr kěyǐ zuò,

十 多 个 小 时, 没 有 别 的 事 儿可以 做,

wǒ jiù zuò zài yǐzi shàng kàn Zhōngwén shū.

我 就 坐 在 椅子 上 看 中 文 书.

问 题
a. Běijīng de fēijīchǎng dà bú dà?
北 京 的 飞 机 场 大 不 大?

b. fēijīchǎng lǐ de rén zuò shénme?

飞 机 场 里 的 人 做 什 么?

c. zài fēijīchǎng lǐ kěyǐ kàn bàozhǐ ma?

在 飞 机 场 里 可以 看 报 纸 吗?

d. qùnián wǒ zài nàr děng duōjiǔ?

去 年 我 在 那儿 等 多 久?

Lesson 24
dì èrshíwǔ kè


Lesson 25

tā zěnme hái bù lái?

Why hasn’t she come yet?
Lesson Description:
We learned “when”, “where”, “who” and “whose”, so why haven’t we learned “how”? Let’s do
it now.

New Words in this Lesson 16 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 307 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 25
Word English Part of Speech
jiù only, exactly, adverb
就 just, then, right away
máobǐ writing brush noun
毛 笔
lǎo to be old SV (Stative Verb)

yìqǐ together adverb
tīngshuō hear / understand that verb
听 说
yīngxióng hero noun
英 雄
yíkuàr together adverb
chàng to sing verb

gē song noun

shìjiè world noun
qiānbǐ pencil noun
铅 笔
gāngbǐ fountain-pen noun
钢 笔
yuánzhūbǐ ball pen noun
圆 珠笔
bǐ pen noun

zěnme how, how come QW (Question Word)
diànyǐngyuàn cinema noun
电 影 院

Lesson 25
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 25
Lesson 25
Grammatical Remarks
1. The adverbs yìqǐ, yíkuàir, and zài yìqǐ, zài yíkuàir mean "together": wǒmen
měi ge xīngqī dōu yìqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng. "Every week we go together to see a
movie."; tāmen zài yíkuàir chàng zhōngguó gēr. "They sing Chinese songs

2. The adverb jiù has several possible meanings. It could mean "only" or
"exactly" or "then".

3. The question word zěnme means "how?": nǐ māma zěnme zuò zhè ge cài?
zěnme also means "how come (that…)? " tā zěnme hái bú huì yòng kuàizi chī
fàn? "How come he still doesn't know how to eat with chopsticks? nǐ zěnme
zhǐ yòng máobǐ xiě xìn? "How come you only use brush to write letters?"

Lesson 25
1. qǐng yòng xiàmiàn de cíyǔ tiánkòng.
请 用 下 面 的 词 语 填 空.
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.
jiù, yìqǐ, tīngshuō, zěnme
就, 一 起, 听 说 , 怎 么

a. duìbuqǐ, wǒ bù zhīdào qù diànyǐngyuàn.

对 不 起, 我 不 知 道 去 电 影 院.

b. Dà Wèi chángcháng gēn Bǐ De qù kàn Zhōngguó diànyǐng.

大 卫 常 常 跟 彼得 去 看 中 国 电 影.

c. wǒ tā de Zhōngwén hěn hǎo.

我 他 的 中 文 很 好.

d. wǒ méiyǒu hěn duō Zhōngwén shū, yǒu yì běn.

我 没 有 很 多 中 文 书, 有 一 本.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Dà Wèi hěn xǐhuān zhù zài Zhōngguó, yīnwèi měitiān
大 卫 很 喜 欢 住 在 中 国, 因 为 每 天

tā bù zhǐ xuéxí Zhōngwén, tā hái chángcháng gēn

他不只 学习 中 文, 他 还 常 常 跟

péngyǒu yíkuàr qù chàng kǎlā OK. xiànzài,

朋 友 一块儿 去 唱 卡 拉OK (karaoke). 现 在,

Dà Wèi yě huì chàng hěn duō Zhōngwén gē le.

大 卫 也 会 唱 很 多 中 文 歌 了.

Lesson 25
shàng ge xīngqī tā tīngshuō yǒu xīn diànyǐng,
上 个 星 期 他 听 说 有 新 电 影,

suǒyǐ tā qǐng Bǐ De gēn tā yìqǐ qù kàn,

所 以 他 请 彼 得 跟 他 一 起 去 看,

kěshì Bǐ De shuō tā bù zhīdào

可是彼得 说 他 不 知道

zěnme qù zhè ge diànyǐngyuàn.

怎 么 去 这 个 电 影 院.

Dà Wèi shuō: “ méi wèntí,

大 卫 说: “ 没 问 题,

wǒ lái nǐ de jiā, wǒmen yíkuàir qù.”

我 来 你 的 家, 我 们 一 块 儿 去.”

问 题
a. Dà Wèi wèishénme xǐhuān zhù zài Zhōngguó?
大 卫 为 什 么 喜欢 住 在 中 国?

b. xiànzài Dà Wèi huì bú huì chàng Zhōngwén gē?

现 在 大 卫 会 不 会 唱 中 文 歌?

c. shàng ge xīngqī Dà Wèi gēn shéi yìqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng?

上 个 星 期 大 卫 跟 谁 一 起 去 看 电 影?

Lesson 25
dì èrshíliù kè


Lesson 26

nǐ cóng nǎlǐ lái?

你 从 哪里来?
Where do you come from?
Lesson Description:
We know you are not from China… so where are you from? In this lesson we will learn definite
articles like: these, those, which (plural) etc.

New Words in this Lesson 14 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 321 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 26
Word English Part of Speech
bān class noun

cóng from cov. (co-verb)

Hánguó South Korea noun

韩 国

nà xiē those adjective, pronoun


zhè xiē these adjective, pronoun

这 些

nǎ xiē which, plural QW (Question Word)


dào to arrive, to verb, cov. (co-verb)

liàng measure word for vehicles, measure word

辆 like car, bike, etc.

Yìdàlì miàn spaghetti noun

意大利 面

bǐsàbǐng pizza noun


Xiānggǎng Hong Kong noun (city name)

香 港

fàndiàn hotel noun

饭 店

gāoxìng to be happy SV (Stative Verb)

高 兴

dàhǎi ocean noun


Lesson 26
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 26
Lesson 26
Grammatical Remarks
1. Motion from a place is expressed by the co-verb cóng "from" with the verbs
lái "come" or qù "go": tā míngtiān cóng Yīngguó lái. "He will come from
England tomorrow."; nà xiē Měiguó rén dōu cóng Niǔyuē lái ma? "Do all
those Americans come from New York?"

2. Motion to an intended destination is expressed by the co-verb dào "to" with

the verbs lái "come" or qù "go": tā dào zhèr lái. "He comes here."; tā xiǎng
dào Yìdàlì qù. "He intends going to Italy."

3. When the sentence contains no other verb, dào does not function as a co-verb,
but as a verb meaning "to arrive": tā shénme shíhòu dào? "When does he

4. cóng and dào often occur in one sentence: cóng + (a place/point of time) …
dào + (a place/a point of time) "from (a place/point of time) to (a place/point
of time)". tāmen měi tiān zǎoshàng cóng tā jiā dào bàngōngshì qù. "Every
morning they go from his home to the office."; wǒ cóng jiǔ diǎn dào shí’èr
diǎn gōngzuò. "I work from nine o'clock to twelve o'clock." Please note the
difference between these sentences that express motion from one point (place
or time) to another, and the sentences with lí (lesson 20) that express static
distance from one point to another.

5. There are two possibilities to express motion to a place: 1) by the verb qù

preceding the place word, without the co-verb dào (see lesson 15): zhè xiē
lǎoshī dōu qù dàxué jiào shū. 2) By the co-verb dào and the place word
preceding the verb qù: zhè xiē lǎoshī dōu dào dàxué qù jiào shū.

6. gēn … yìqǐ/yíkuàir + verb means "to (verb) together with…": wǒmen gēn
tāmen yìqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng. "We go together with them to see a movie."

Lesson 26

1. qǐng yòng xiàmiàn de cíyǔ tiánkòng.

请 用 下 面 的 词 语 填 空.
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.

gāoxìng, cóng, bān

高 兴, 从, 班

wǒ zài xuéxiào xuéxí Zhōngwén, wǒmen yǒu

我在 学 校 学习 中 文, 我 们 有

shíwǔ ge xuéshēng. yǒu hěn duō xuéshēng shì Hánguó

十 五 个 学 生. 有 很 多 学 生 是 韩 国

lái de. qīyuè hé bāyuè wǒmen dōu hěn ,

来 的. 七月 和 八 月 我 们 都 很 ,

yīnwèi wǒmen bù xuéxí,

因 为 我 们 不 学习,

wǒ gēn Hánguó xuéshēng yìqǐ lǚyóu,

我 跟 韩 国 学 生 一 起 旅 游 (to travel),

wǒmen chángcháng qù chéng wàitóu, yīnwèi nà xiē

我 们 常 常 去 城 外 头, 因 为 那 些

dìfāng hěn piàoliàng.

地 方 很 漂 亮.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
wǒ de māma shì lǎoshī, bàba shì lǎobǎn, wǒ shì xuéshēng.
我 的 妈 妈 是 老 师,爸 爸 是 老 板,我 是 学 生.

Lesson 26
qùnián bāyuè wǒmen yì jiā dōu zuò fēijī qù Yìdàlì lǚxíng,
去 年 八 月 我 们 一家 都 坐 飞 机去意大利 旅 行,

zài nàr, wǒmen chī hěn duō Yìdàlì miàn hé bǐsàbǐng.

在 那儿, 我 们 吃 很 多 意大利 面 和 比 萨 饼.

Yìdàlì fàn hǎokàn, yě hǎochī.

意大利饭 好 看, 也 好 吃.

wǒmen de fàndiàn yě hěn shūfú,

我 们 的 饭 店 也 很 舒 服,

qiánmiàn jiù shì lán sè de dàhǎi.

前 面 就 是 蓝 色 的 大 海.

měitiān wǒmen dōu zuò chūzūchē (taxi)

每 天 我们 都 坐 出租车

qù hěn duō dìfāng lǚxíng, yì jiā rén dōu gāoxìng jíle.

去 很 多 地 方 旅 行, 一 家 人 都 高 兴 极了.

问 题
a. māma hé bàba zuò shénme gōngzuò?
妈 妈 和 爸 爸 做 什 么 工 作?

b. qùnián bāyuè wǒmen qù shénme dìfāng lǚxíng?

去 年 八 月 我 们 去 什 么 地方 旅 行?

c. zài Yìdàlì wǒmen chī shénme?

在 意大 利 我 们 吃 什 么?

d. wǒmen měitiān zuò shénme qù lǚxíng?

我 们 每 天 坐 什 么 去 旅 行?

Lesson 26
dì èrshíqī kè


Lesson 27

cóng zhèr dào diànyǐngyuàn zěnme zǒu?

从 这儿 到 电 影 院 怎么 走?
How do I get to the cinema from here?
Lesson Description:
Are you lost in the streets of Beijing? All you need to do is ask how to get to the nearest hospital
/ mall / post office / school.

New Words in this Lesson 17 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 338 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 27
Word English Part of Speech
bǎihuòshāndiàn mall noun
百货 商 店
yóujú post office noun
yīyuàn hospital noun
zǒu to walk verb

zěnme zǒu how to get to QW (Question Word)
怎么 走
dìtú map noun
Yuē Hàn John name
约 翰
chūzūchē taxi noun
出 租车
gōngsī company, corporation noun
公 司
yàoshì if conjunction
要 是
rúguǒ if conjunction
yìzhí all along, straight adverb
ránhòu then, after that adverb
然 后
shízìlùkǒu junction noun
zhuǎn to turn verb

zuǒyòu around, about adverb
左 右
lù road, way, line, route of bus etc. noun

Lesson 27
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 27
Lesson 27
Lesson 27
Grammatical Remarks
1. The question zěnme zǒu? means "how to get to (a place)?" qǐngwèn, cóng zhèr
dào diànyǐngyuàn zěnme zǒu? "Excuse me, how do I get from here to the

2. The verb zuò which is used as a main verb in sentences meaning "sit" (see
lesson 23, for example, tā zuò zài zhèr "he sits here."), may also be used to
mean "ride in a vehicle": wǒ bù xǐhuān zuò huǒchē. "I don't like to go by

3. When zuò is followed by a name of a specific vehicle (a bus, a train, a boat

etc.) and followed by the verb qù "go" or by the verb lái "come" - it functions
in the sentence as a co-verb introducing the means of transportation: tā zuò
huǒchē. "He goes by train."

4. zuò and its complement (i.e. the means of transportation) are placed following
the co-verb cóng and its complement: wǒ cóng gōngyuán zuò qìchē qù. "I'm
taking a car from the park."; wǒ cóng Zhāng jiā zuò gōnggòng qìchē dào
bàngōngshì qù. "I'm going from the Zhang home to the office by bus."

5. rúguǒ "if" or yàoshì "if" may figure in the first part of a sentence to express
condition. The adverb jiù "then" comes before the verb in the second part of
the sentence: rúguǒ wǒ yǒu qián, jiù qù Yìdàlì. "If I have money, I go to Italy."
Note that a condition may also be expressed in Chinese without the words
rúguǒ or yàoshì: wǒ yǒu qián, jiù qù Yìdàlì.

Lesson 27
1. qǐng yòng xiàmiàn de cíyǔ tiánkòng.
请 用 下 面 的 词 语 填 空.
Please fill in the blanks using the words below.
yàoshì… jiù, zěnme zǒu, ránhòu, rúguǒ
要 是 … 就, 怎 么 走, 然 后, 如 果

a. nǐ bú huì, wǒ kěyǐ jiāo nǐ.

你 不 会, 我 可以 教 你.

b. wǒ bù zhīdào qù yóujú ?
我 不 知道 去邮局 ?

c. nǐ yìzhí zǒu, zài shízìlùkǒu zuǒ zhuǎn.

你 一 直 走, 在 十字 路口 左 转.

d. nǐ gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà, wǒ gàosù nǐ.

你 给 我 打 电 话, 我 告 诉 你.

2. qǐng fānyì xiàmiàn de jùzi.

请 翻 译 下 面 的 句 子.
Please translate the sentences below into English.
a. qǐngwèn, bǎihuòshāngdiàn zěnme zǒu?
请 问, 百 货 商 店 怎 么 走?

b. nǐ yǒu dìtú ma?

你 有 地 图 吗?

c. nǐ zuò chūzūchē háishì gōnggòng qìchē?

你 坐 出 租 车 还 是 公 共 汽 车?

d. yìzhí zǒu, ránhòu zài shízìlùkǒu yòu zhuǎn.

一 直 走, 然 后 在 十 字 路 口 右 转.

e. yàoshì nǐ yǒu wèntí, qǐng gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.

要 是 你 有 问 题, 请 给 我 打 电 话.

Lesson 27
dì èrshíbā kè


Lesson 28

nǐ shì zěnme lái de?

你 是 怎么来的?
How did you come here?
Lesson Description:
In this lesson we will learn the emphasis form of past sentences. We will also learn new
expressions like: Long time no see! Not bad (in a positive sense).

New Words in this Lesson 10 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 348 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 28
Word English Part of Speech
hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn long time no see IE (Idiomatic Expression)
好 久 不 见

bú cuò not bad, pretty good IE (Idiomatic Expression)


cháng(cháng) often adverb

常 (常)

líkāi to leave verb


xīwàng to hope, hope verb


dìfāng place noun


xīnán south west noun


āyí aunt, any women in mother’s noun

阿姨 age, auntie

huí to return, to go or verb

回 come back

jiārén family member noun


Lesson 28
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 28
Lesson 28
Lesson 28
Grammatical Remarks
1. When a sentence emphasizes the circumstances of a past occurrence (for
example the time, the place, the means of transportation etc.) rather than the
occurrence itself, the structure shì…de is used: shì is inserted before the
emphasized element and de comes at the end of the sentence. wǒ shì zuótiān
lái de. "It was yesterday that I came."; tā shì zuò fēijī lái de. "It was by plane
that he came."

2. cháng or chángcháng "often" is an adverb and therefore has to come before

the verb (or the co-verb) in the sentence: tā chángcháng gēn wǒ yìqǐ qù
túshūguǎn kàn shū. "He often goes together with me to the library to read."

Lesson 28
1. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.
请 完 成 对 话.
Please complete the following dialogue.

A: hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn!

好 久 不 见!

B: !

A: ?

B: hái bú cuò.
还 不 错.

A: ?

B: duì, wǒ chángcháng qù Zhōngguó lǚxíng.

对, 我 常 常 去 中 国 旅 行.

A: ?

B: wǒ hái xīwàng néng qù Yìdàlì.

我 还 希 望 能 去 意大利.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Dà Wèi shì zài Niǔyuē chūshēng de. tā shì liǎng nián qián
大 卫 是 在 纽 约 出 生 的. 他 是 两 年 前

lái Zhōngguó de. tā xīwàng tā kěyǐ zài Zhōngguó xué Zhōngwén.

来 中 国 的. 他 希 望 他 可以 在 中 国 学 中 文.

Lesson 28
tā chángcháng gěi jiārén dǎ diànhuà shuō:
他 常 常 给 家 人 打 电 话 说:

“wǒ zài Zhōngguó hěn bú cuò. xiànzài bù xiǎng líkāi le.”

“我 在 中 国 很 不 错. 现 在 不 想 离开 了.”

tā de jiārén wèn tā: “kěshì wǒmen hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn,

他 的 家人 问 他: “ 可 是 我 们 好 久 不 见,

nǐ bù xiǎng wǒmen ma?”

你 不 想 我 们 吗?”

问 题
a. Dà Wèi shì zài nǎlǐ chūshēng de?
大 卫 是 在 哪里 出 生 的?

b. tā shì shénme shíhòu lái Zhōngguó de?

他 是 什 么 时 候 来 中 国 的?

c. tā zài Zhōngguó zěnmeyàng?

他 在 中 国 怎 么 样?

d. Dà Wèi de jiārén xiǎng tā ma?

大 卫 的 家 人 想 他 吗?

Lesson 28
dì èrshíjiǔ kè

第二 十 九课

Lesson 29

jīntiān tiānqì zěnmeyàng?

今天 天气怎么样?
How is the weather today?
Lesson Description:
Find a Chinese person with whom to discuss the weather in China and in your country. Who
knows? Perhaps the weather in the two countries is totally different!

New Words in this Lesson 16 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 364 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 29
Word English Part of Speech
tiānqì weather noun
rè to be hot SV (Stative Verb)

le final particle signifying new auxiliary word
了 situation, indicating completed
lěng to be cold SV (Stative Verb)

bìng le to be sick SV (Stative Verb)
病 了
yǐqián before, ago, previously noun, time word
suì year (of age) noun

sì jì four seasons noun
yíyàng to be the same, alike SV (Stative Verb)
nuǎnhuo to be warm SV (Stative Verb)
暖 和
chūshēng to be born verb
出 生
zhù to offer good wishes verb

kuàilè to be happy SV (Stative Verb)
chángshòu long life, longevity noun
长 寿
dàngāo cake noun
蛋 糕
guò to pass, to celebrate verb

Lesson 29
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 29
Lesson 29
Grammatical Remarks
1. The particle le that is introduced in this lesson figures at the end of the
sentence and is thus a sentence final particle (another function of le will be
introduced in a later stage). Referring to the sentence, this le signifies a change
of state of some sort. For example, the sentence tiānqì bú rè means "the
weather isn't hot", but with the sentence final particle le added to the sentence:
tiānqì bú rè le, its meaning is "the weather is no longer hot"; wǒ xǐhuān chī
píngguǒ le. "I like eating apples now"; tā hǎo le. "He feels better now."
(compared to how he felt before); zhè xiē diànnǎo guì le. "These computers
are expensive now, have become expensive"; Dà Wèi méiyǒu qián le. "David
has no money now."

2. suì "year (of age)" is used to signify a person's age. Sentences denoting the
years of age may be built without a verb: tā èrshíwǔ suì. "He is twenty five
years old." When the sentence final particle le is added to this kind of a
sentence it implies the change (of age) that has occurred: tā èrshíwǔ suì le.
"He is already twenty five years old.", "He has become twenty five now."

Lesson 29
1. qǐng wánchéng duìhuà.
请 完 成 对 话.
Please complete the dialogue below.
A: .

B: jīntiān tiānqì hěn hǎo.

今 天 天 气 很 好.

A: .

B: míngtiān hěn rè.

明 天 很 热.

A: Běijīng yì nián sìjì de tiānqì dōu yíyàng ma?

北 京 一 年 四 季 的 天 气 都 一 样 吗?

B: .

A: ?

B: bāyuè hěn rè, yīyuè hěn lěng.

八 月 很 热, 一 月 很 冷.

2. dú duǎnwén , huídá wèntí.

读 短 文, 回 答 问 题.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
míngtiān shì shíyīyuè shíwǔ hào, shì wǒ de dà érzi A Dì de shēngrì.
明 天 是 十 一 月 十 五 号, 是 我 的 大 儿子阿弟 的 生 日.

A Dì jīnnián sì suì le, tā shì zài Měiguó chūshēng de.

阿弟 今年 四 岁 了,他 是 在 美 国 出 生 的.

Lesson 29
tā xīwàng yǒu hěn duō rén lái wǒmen jiā
他希 望 有 很 多 人 来 我 们 家

gēn tā yíkuàr guò shēngrì,

跟 他 一块儿 过 生 日,

tā yě xīwàng wǒ néng gěi tā zuò yí ge dà dàngāo.

他 也 希 望 我 能 给 他 做 一 个 大 蛋 糕.

yīnwèi wǒ shì Zhōngguó rén, zhǐ huì zuò chángshòumiàn,

因 为 我 是 中 国 人, 只 会 做 长 寿 面,

bù zhīdào zěnme zuò dàngāo. suǒyǐ wǒ xué zuò dàngāo.

不 知 道 怎 么 做 蛋 糕. 所 以 我 学 做 蛋 糕.

wǒ yào zuò yí ge hǎokàn, hǎochī de dàngāo,

我 要 做 一 个 好 看, 好 吃 的 蛋 糕,

zhù wǒ de érzi shēngrì kuàilè.

祝 我 的 儿子 生 日 快 乐.

问 题
a. míngtiān shì shéi de shēngrì?
明 天 是 谁 的 生 日?

b. A Dì jǐ suì le?

c. tā yǒu shénme xīwàng?

他 有 什 么 希 望?

d. Zhōngguó rén guò shēngrì chī shénme?

中 国 人 过 生 日 吃 什 么?

Lesson 29
dì sānshí kè


Lesson 30

xiànzài wǒ huì le!

现在 我 会了!
Now I already know!
Lesson Description:
In this lesson we are going to review lessons 24-29. Maybe you have already forgotten some of
them, but don’t worry, everything will come back!

Vocabulary of this Lesson 24 běn kè shēngcí

本 课生词
Total New Words 364 lěijì shēngcí
累计 生 词

Lesson 30
Word English Part of Speech
zhàn to stand, station verb

zhù to live verb

chūshēng to be born verb

出 生

fàng to put verb

zhuǎn to turn verb

děng to wait for verb

dào to arrive, to verb

xīwàng to hope, hope verb, noun


líkāi to leave verb


huí to return, to go or come back verb

tīngshuō hear / understand that verb

听 说

chàng gē to sing verb

唱 歌

bié de other, another adjective

别 的

cóng from preposition

Lesson 30
Word English Part of Speech
zěnme zǒu how to get to QW (Question Word)
怎 么 走

yìqǐ together adverb


zuǒyòu around, about adverb

左 右

bú cuò not bad, pretty good IE (Idiomatic Expression)


le final particle signifying new auxiliary word

了 situation

yǐqián before, ago, previously adverb


nuǎnhuo to be warm SV (Stative Verb)

暖 和

gāoxìng to be happy SV (Stative Verb)

高 兴

rè to be hot SV (Stative Verb)

lěng to be cold SV (Stative Verb)

Lesson 30
Slides from the Lesson

Lesson 30
Lesson 30
1. qǐng bǎ xiàmiàn de duǎnwén fānyì chéng nǐ zìjǐ de yǔyán.
请 把 下 面 的 短 文 翻 译 成 你 自己的 语 言.
Please translate the short story below into your own language.

Mǎ Lì zhù zài Měiguó, zài Měiguó xuéxí Zhōngwén,

马 莉 住 在 美 国, 在 美 国 学 习 中 文,

tā xīwàng jīnnián néng qù Zhōngguó lǚxíng yí ge yuè,

她 希 望 今 年 能 去 中 国 旅行 一 个 月,

xuéxí Zhōngwén sān ge yuè. kěshì xiànzài

学 习 中 文 三 个 月. 可是 现 在

yǒu yí ge hěn dà de wèntí: Mǎ Lì de nán péngyou

有 一 个 很 大 的 问 题: 马 莉 的 男 朋 友

bú huì Zhōngwén, yě bú yào gēn Mǎ Lì yìqǐ qù Zhōngguó.

不 会 中 文, 也 不 要 跟 马 莉 一起 去 中 国.

yí ge yuè yǐqián, tā líkāi tā de gōngzuò,

一 个 月 以 前, 他 离开他 的 工 作,

xiànzài yě yào líkāi tā de xuéxí, yīnwèi tā bú tài

现 在 也 要 离开他 的 学 习, 因 为 他 不 太

xǐhuān tā xué de dōngxī. tā tīngshuō Mǎ Lì yígòng

喜 欢 他 学 的 东 西. 他 听 说 马 莉 一共

yào qù sì ge yuè, suǒyǐ tā wèn Mǎ Lì:

要 去 四 个 月, 所 以 他 问 马 莉:

“nà wǒ yí ge rén zài zhèr zuò shénme?”

“那 我 一 个 人 在 这 儿 做 什 么? ”

Mǎ Lì shuō: “wǒ bú yào duì nǐ shuō zěnme zuò!

马 莉 说: “ 我 不 要 对 你 说 怎 么 做!

Lesson 30
kěshì wǒ xīwàng nǐ néng gēn wǒ yíkuàr qù,
可 是 我 希 望 你 能 跟 我 一块儿 去,

nǐ kěyǐ zài Běijīng jiāo Yīngwén,

你 可以 在 北 京 教 英 文,

yě kěyǐ kànkan xiànzài de Zhōngguó.

也 可以 看 看 现 在 的 中 国.

yàoshì nǐ bù xǐhuān, nǐ kěyǐ huí Měiguó.”

要 是 你 不 喜 欢, 你 可以回 美 国.”

Dà Wèi shuō: “ kěshì wèntí shì wǒ

大 卫 说: “ 可 是 问 题 是 我

méiyǒu hěn duō qián, wǒ zěnme qù? ”

没 有 很 多 钱, 我 怎 么 去? ”

Lesson 30

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