Ujjawal Mittal: Profile

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Ujjawal Mittal

2-26-4-302, Takashimadaira,
Itabashi-Ku, Tokyo


Building in house web systems for cost reduction and process automations.

Web Systems, Full stack Development, Data Analysis, System Automations.


Year Degree/Exam Passed Institution CGPA/%

2016 Bachelor of Technology Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee 7.711/10

2012 CBSE (Class 12) Rosary Senior Secondary School, Delhi 96%

2010 CBSE (Class 10) Rosary Senior Secondary School, Delhi 9.2/10


• All India Rank 1,099 (99.78 percentile) among 480,000 candidates in IIT- Joint Entrance Exam(JEE), 2012.
• All India Rank 605 (99.95 percentile) among 1,200,000 candidates in All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE), 2012.
• Qualified NSEC (National Sciences Examination in Chemistry), 2012 (among 200 students selected in India).
• Awarded Certificate of Merit for being placed in top 1% (one) in NSEP (National Standard Examination in Physics) at national level.


Medaino, MAKERS GARAGE Inc. (May-June 2015, Delhi)

• Measured vital body signs like Heart rate, BP, Blood Oxygen level using PPG signal, non invasively, for a wearable medical device.
Also, made architecture and implemented noise reduction and data cleaning using adaptive filters.
• Technologies used: Python, Matlab, Adaptive filters.

Siemens Pt. Ltd. India (May-June 2014, Mumbai)

• Optimised testing procedure for switchboard panels and LVDS, which led to cost reduction and process optimisation.


Image Enhancement Using FPGA (Nov 2014-March 2015, IIT Roorkee)

• Developed algorithms to enhance an image i.e. controlled brightness, contrast and applied Laplacian and Gaussian Filter, and
implemented it on an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) board.

Estimation of parameters of Transformer Winding (Oct 2013-April 2014, IIT Roorkee)

• Estimated the parameters of a lumped equivalent network of transformer winding from frequency response data. Use them to make
corrections to defected winding and maintain the standards of voltage distribution during electromagnetic transients.
• Technologies used: Maximum Likelihood estimation, Matlab, Matrices, Sci Lab Modelling, Error minimisation.

Business Technology Associate, Hikari Tsushin, Tokyo (October 2016 - present)

Development of full stack web applications using Django Python Framework. Cost reduction and manual labour hours reduction by
developing internal web systems and process automations.


Market Analysis tool for Japan (NIKKEI) and US(NASDAQ) (Oct 2016-March 2017)
Developed a Bloomberg like market analysis tool for Japan and US stock markets. Process included collection of data from apis, parsing of
xml and financial documents, database management, and web system development.

Bonus system process optimisation (April-June 2017)

Automated the bonus allocation process of the company. Optimised time and labor by developing web tool for the same and reducing
departments involved.

Questionnaire web application (May 2017)

Developed a user interface enabling manager above people to interact with their team, take monthly feedback, and answer to their
problems if any.

SG&A Cost analysis web app ( August-Oct 2017)

Digitalised Balance Sheet of the company. Developed a web app in Django framework to present company financial data at different levels
of user controls. This system helped reduce SG&A cost by analysing the cost transactions of the company. Later whole balance sheet was
converted to a digital web system.

Zangyou(Overtime) System (Oct 2017*)

A form page for employees overtime management. Also developing an interface for labor department to review and confirm/reject the
applications. Also integrating mailing service using SMTP in Django. (*current project) 


• Web Application- Python Django Framework (MVC), CSS, Javascript, HTML, RESTful apis, SMTP(e-mail).
• Programming Languages: Python, C++. (Can review code (and point out improvements)).
• OS: Windows, LINUX, MAC.
• Database: MySQL- queries and interaction with pandas and python.
• Platforms/ Utilities: MATLAB, Google charts, Octave, pandas(python lib), Datatables(Javascript Library), SPHINX(for documentation
of projects), GitHUB(starter level).


• Presented the idea of ‘Smart Specs’ in inter IIT Tech-Meet held at IIT Kharagpur. Ours was the only team selected from campus for this
meet, 2015, IIT Kharagpur.
• Volunteered in ‘Mass Awareness Campaign’ against “Cancer / HEPATITIS-B”, 2009, Delhi.
• Got selected in vacation program for Environmental Resources organised by Department of Environment, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
(among 45 students selected at state level). Organised awareness campaigns in Delhi and received training and seminars on clean
environment and sustainable development, 2007-08, Delhi.
• 3 time consecutive intra hostel badminton champion, 2012-2015, IIT-Roorkee.

Executive Committee member ,THOMSO, IIT-Roorkee- Annual Cultural Festival (July-Oct 2013, IIT Roorkee)
• Responsible for bringing sponsorship, including money in hand for the fest.
• Managed events and sponsors and responsible for money movement and event schedule organiser for the duration of the fest.

NSS (National Service Scheme, IIT (July 2012 – April 2013, IIT Roorkee)
• Organised Cloth Distribution Drives for nearby slums and Blood Donation Camp in the campus.
• Responsible for managing and promotion of all NSS events in and around the campus. 

References and further details will be provided if required.

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