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J-Component Report

FALL semester 2018-2019


Submitted by:


Name: V.AKHIL BABU, Reg. no: 17BEC0137

Name: SURYA, Reg. no: 17BEC0474

Date of submission: 22-10-18

Submitted to:


Are you afraid that your loved one, who has the habit of sleepwalking, starts
roaming around in dangerous and hazardous territories?
Are you afraid of rodents spoiling your items in your house?
Are you afraid of thieves trying to rob something valuable of yours?


Presenting to you, the INTRUDER DETECTION SYSTEM, using the state of
the art technology!

It can help you be aware of the intruders around you, avoid the pets to not lurk
around in places they don’t belong in.
It is also a safe way of informing you whether your infant is straying in
dangerous areas of the house or outside.
The “laser INTRUDER DETECTOR ” can link into most burglar alarm
systems to alert a deaf person when the alarm is activated.
It is also possible to attach the monitor to a car alarm if required and also
reduces the accidents of baby falling from steps.

Finally gives relief to the trekking people from Wild Animals.

It is "cheap" and easy to make and use.

1. Breadboard
2. Resistor (100 ohm)
3. LDR
4. LED
5. Transistor(BC548)
6. Buzzer
7. Switch
8. DC Socket
9. Adaptor(5V)
10.Battery Holder


• Have you ever thought about implementing your own home security
alarm systems? It’s one of the simplest and interesting circuits for
electronic beginners.
• Our new home security equipment uses a LDR (Light Depended
Resistor) to detect security problems.
• Theft attempt and other security threats can be controlled by using this
simple circuit to improve your security systems. This is also best suited
for school students for their high school science projects.
• To implement this alarm system for home, you have to provide an optical
path (with LASER beams) around your home.

• The LASER path is made possible with one LASER torch which
encloses the whole area.

• Security is the most important factor today. Technology develops day by

day in the world.
• The crime gang also improves their technology to perform their
• So technology of security should modern with time to protect the crime
• We decided to make a security. In this project we have used the laser
light to cover a large area.
• We know laser light goes through long distance without scattering effect.
• It’s also visible at source and at incident point, otherwise invisible.
• These two properties help us to build up a modern security system, which
may name as “laser security”.
• When any person or object or cross over the laser line the security alarm
will ring and also the focus light will “on” to focus the entrance of an
unauthorized person.
• We can make a security boundary of single laser light by using mirror at
every corner for reflection.
• Security is a most important factor today.
• Technology develops day by day in the world.
• The crime gang also improves their technology to perform their
• So technology of security should be modern with time to protect the
crime works.
• We decide to make a security project as our project.
• In this project, we have used laser light to cover a large area.
• We know laser light goes through long distance without scattering effect.
It’s also visible only at source and incident point, otherwise invisible.
• These two properties help us to build up a modern security system, which
may name as “laser security”.
• When any person or object crosses over the laser line in the security
alarm will ring and also the LED Light switches off on passing through
the laser.
• We can make a security boundary of single laser light by using a mirror at
every corner for reflection.


• The word LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of

• These are available in different types like semiconductor, infrared, GaAs
laser diode.
• This has an energy wavelength of approximately 900 nanometers with a
beam divergence of 3 million radians i.e. equal to a beam width
small beam width.
• Laser technology products will calculate distance by measuring the time of
flight of very short pulses of infrared light.
• It is different from the traditional surveying instrument method of
measuring phase shifts by comparing the incoming wavelength with the
phase of the outgoing light pulse.
• Solid objects will reflect back a certain percentage of the emitted
light energy.
• It only needs to be a small percentage for our sensitive detector to pick it.
• We can measure the time it takes for a laser pulse to travel to the target and
back with a reflection.
• By knowing the constant speed of light we can calculate the
distance traveled.
• To get increased accuracy our laser process as many as sixty pulses in a
single measurement period.
• Target acquisition times range will be half second.
• Sophisticated accuracy validation algorithms are in place to ensure a
reliable reading.
• LTI lasers are completely eye safe and meet FDA Class 1.
• The radiated light power of our lasers is on the order of 50 micro watts. i.e.
approximately one twentieth the light power of a typical TV remote control.
• The Laser security systems are high tech innovations that have
gained popularity in home and office security systems.
• These are used to be expensive solutions for security needs.
• Depending on cost and fast technological advancements laser
security systems becoming more adoptable.
• The features and specifications of the laser security system can be had in
detail from the security system dealers who provide high end
solutions based on requirement.

1. Breadboard: A breadboard also known as protoboard is a type of solder
less electronic circuit building. You can build a electronic circuit on the
breadboard without any soldering! Best of all it is reusable.

2. LDR: A photo resistor is also called light dependent resistor or photocell

is a light controlled variable resistor. The resistance of a photo resistor
decreases with increasing incident light intensity in other words, it
exhibits photoconductivity.

3. Resistor: A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the

flow of electrical current in an electric circuit. Resistors can also be used to
provide a specific voltage for an active device such as an transistor.

4. NPN Transistor: NPN is one of the two types of bipolar transistor

consisting of a layer of P-doped semiconductor (the “base”) between two
N-doped layers. A small current entering the base is amplified to produce
a large collector and emitter current.

5. Laser Pointer: A laser pointer or laser pen is a small handheld device

with a power source and a laser diode emitting a very narrow coherent
low powered laser beam of visible light.

6. LED: A light emitting device emits visible light through it.

7. Battery: A container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical

energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power.

8. Wire: Metal drawn out into the form of a thin flexible thread or rod.

9. Buzzer: An electrical device that makes a buzzing noise and is used for

10. Battery clip: It is used to connect the battery terminals.

11. Capacitor: A device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or

more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.

The BC547 Transistor has 3 pins. When the flat side is facing you that time the
1st pin is called the collector, the 2nd pin is called the base and the 3rd pin is
called the emitter.

Now let’s get started;

1. Place the BC547 Transistor on the breadboard.

2. Then connect the LDR from the base and emitter of the BC547

3. Now connect one end of the 330/100 ohm resistor to the base of the
BC547 Transistor and the other end of the resistor to a blank space on the

4. Connect the anode of the L.E.D to the resistor and the cathode of the
L.E.D to the collector.

5. Connect the buzzer in the same way you connected the L.E.D.

6. Now connect the Battery; positive side of the battery to the

resistor and negative part of the battery to one side of the LDR.

7. As soon as you connect the battery the L.E.D and buzzer will come "ON"
(if you're in a dark room).

8. Focus the Laser diode/light on the LDR and you will see the L.E.D and
Buzzer going "OFF".

9. If you interrupt the laser light focusing on the LDR the circuit will trigger
and the alarm will ring!
1. Laser Security System Locks Working: Laser door alarm is based on
the interruption of Laser beam. The laser pointer is used as the source
of light beam. If somebody tries to break the laser path, then an
alarm will be generated in a few seconds. Normally laser door alarm
circuit will have two sections. First one, laser transmitter is a laser
pointer readily available. This is powered with 3 volt DC supply and
fixed on one side of the door frame. The receiver will have a Photo
transistor at the front end. We use 2N7000 NPN Darlington photo
transistor as a laser sensor. Here IC1 is used as a voltage comparator
with its inverting input tied to a potential divider R2-R3. We use the
inverting input to keep at half supply voltage.
2. Laser System: Laser technology products will calculate distance by
measuring the time of flight of very short pulses of infrared light. It is
different from the traditional surveying instrument method of
measuring phase shifts by comparing the incoming wavelength with
the phase of the outgoing light pulse. Solid objects will reflect back a
certain percentage of the emitted light energy. It only needs to be a
small percentage for our sensitive detector to pick it. We can measure
the time it takes for a laser pulse to travel to the target and back with a
reflection. By knowing the constant speed of light we can calculate the
distance traveled. It calculates accurate area of house and protects it
from thieves.
3. Theft Detection by Laser System: It can be designed as a simple
electronic project for demonstration in science exhibitions. It can also
be made as a mini or major project for electrical or electronic students.
When making this laser security system one can know all about laser
beams and their installation. While preparing a laser security system,
we need to concentrate on the microcontroller program and installed
with the laser beam device. When using traditional photo resistors for
preparing security systems one has to consider the natural light
phenomena. Lasers are strong in beam width and can be focused on
the perfect target. By using laser security system one can be safe in
the case of harmful effects to the body. As the beam width used in the
laser security systems are not strong beam widths which are used in
the cutting devices.
4. Other Uses of Laser Security Systems: The Laser security systems
are high tech innovations that have gained popularity in home and
office security systems. These are used to be expensive solutions for
security needs. Depending on cost and fast technological
advancements laser security systems becoming more adoptable.
• These are easy to install and work at both within as well as
outside houses.
• These are very effective perimeter alarm systems around properties.
• In indoor systems can utilize the normal power outlets and jacks making
them inconspicuous.
• At outside these can be easily be hidden behind the bushes or
plants without causing any damage.
• They consume less power when compared to the laser system as
the whole, which is expensive.
• These laser systems can be installed in homes either by self or by hiring a
technical person.
• By technological innovations cost of the security systems has been cut to a
large extent.
• So, making laser systems one among affordable security system options
can be very safe.
• It can be designed as a simple electronic project for demonstration in
science exhibitions.
• It can also be made as a mini or major project for electrical or electronic
• When making this laser security system one can know all about
laser beams and their installation.
• While preparing a laser security system, we need to concentrate on
the microcontroller program and installed with the laser beam device.
• When using traditional photo resistors for preparing security systems one
has to consider the natural light phenomena.
• Lasers are strong in beam width and can be focused on the perfect target.
• By using laser security system one can be safe in the case of
harmful effects to the body.
• As the beam width used in the laser security systems are not strong beam
widths which are used in the cutting devices.

• Home security is rapidly growing field and there are new &
improved burglar alarms popping up every day.

• With rapid advancement of technology the filled is turning out to

be an area full of scope and new changes can be made to make it’s
more efficient.

• It has years to come, because security is of prime importance to one

and all.



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