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Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers


1113-1117 San Marcelino St., corner Gonzales
St., Ermita, Manila


An Undergraduate Research
Presented to
The Faculty of School of Nursing
Emilio Aguinaldo College
Manila, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Science in Nursing

Presented by:
Amoto, Ciryl P.
Isidro, Eldon Vince C.

Supervised by:
Ariel M. Ortuoste RN, MAN
March 2019
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers


Employee is the most important asset in a company One of the factors becoming the

benchmark for the development of a company is the performance of its employees The problem

which is frequently arises and ultimately hampers the performance of employee is the desire of

employees to retire from the company (turnover intention) The high level of turnover intention

would be a serious problem for many companies and could even frustrate the company when it

became clear that the recruitment process that has obtained qualified staff eventually turned out

to be useless because the recruited staff had chosen a job at another company (Toly, 2001) .
Turnover intention is characterized by various things concerning employee behavior, among

others: being lazy at work, increased absenteeism, starting to oppose or protest to superiors,

violating the work order, and the lack of seriousness in completing the responsibility (Harnoto,

2002: 2) Some empirical studies have found that dissatisfaction on compensation is a factor that

dominates employee turnover intention (Ghafoor et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2014; Cao et al., 2013) .
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers

Compensation can be interpreted as the overall remuneration received by employees for

performing their work, and then the company provides it in the form of money, allowances or

awards that aims to motivate employees to participate in the growth and development activities of

the company and also build employee commitment (Chen & Hsieh, 2006) .

The given compensation system should be fair and reasonable for employees Giving .
compensation felt by unfair employees hence many things that are not expected by the company

will happen, such as increasing the movement of labor (turnover intention) Compensation can

be in form of financial and non-financial remuneration.

Financial compensation consists of two forms: direct and indirect Direct financial

compensation is payments to employees that can be in the form of wages, salaries, bonuses and

commissions While the indirect financial compensation includes all moneys paid out to an

employee that are not included in direct compensation This form of compensation is often

understood as the portion of an employee’s contract that covers items such as temporary leaves of

absence, benefits and retirement plans Non-financial rewards can be in form of team leadership
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers

opportunities, praise, self-esteem, and recognition of achievements that employees have made A .
good compensation system can motivate employees, thereby reducing the intention of looking for

other jobs and turnover (Wanous, 1974; Shi, 1991) Zeffane (1994) argues that dissatisfaction on

compensation will lead to negative employee behavior such as absenteeism and lethargy These .

indications often grouped in resignation behavior or also referred to as the desire to stop working .
However, Chepchumba and Kimutai (2017) found that the basic components of compensation, ie

basic salaries and commissions, did not significantly influence turnover intention .

This result gap provides an opportunity for researcher to reexamine the effect of financial

and nonfinancial compensation but on different observational objects This study aims to examine

the effect of financial and nonfinancial compensation on employee turnover intention partially

and simultaneously .
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers

Purpose of the Study

This study aims to determine the perspective of nurse managers in relation to the turnover

of nurses from Hospital X.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perspective and understanding of nurse managers in relation to the
turnover of staff nurses. This study aims to seek the following question.

1. What is the importance of turnover of nurses?

2. Are the nurse managers aware of the turnover of nurses in the hospital?

3. What are the insights of nurse managers on turnover?

Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers


Nursing Managers This study is beneficial among nursing managers in selected hospital

in Metro Manila This study will able to help the nursing manager to identify the relationship

between the nurse and compensation to the intention turnover This study will help the nursing

manager in identifying the level of satisfaction of nursing manager in term of compensation they

received and the work scope as their basis for job exit .

Hospital Administration This study is beneficial among hospital administration in

selected hospital in Metro Manila This study will able to help the hospital administration to

identify the different factor that influence the nursing manager to leave their job This study will

serve as basis for the hospital administration in how to improve their compensation and benefit

packages to increase the retention and decrease the turnover intention of nursing manager in

hospital in Manila .
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers

. .
Researchers This study is beneficial among the researchers of this study The researcher

will able to understand job scope of nursing manager This study will able to help the researcher

to understand how the compensation contribute in the turnover intention of the nursing manager

in selected hospital in Manila This study will enlighten the researcher in the current situation of

nursing manager and recommend how to improve the compensation and salary grade of nursing

manager to reduce the turnover intention .

. .
Future Researchers This study is beneficial among the future The future researcher

will able to understand job scope of nursing manager and how the compensation contribute in the

turnover intention of the nursing manager in selected hospital in Manila .

This study will enlighten the researcher in the current situation of nursing manager and

recommend how to improve the compensation and salary grade of nursing manager to reduce the

turnover intention .
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers


Compensation Refers to the act of providing a person with money or other things of

economic value in exchange for their goods, labor, or to provide for the costs of injuries that they

have incurred .

Satisfaction Satisfaction is the act of fulfilling a need, desire, or appetite, or the feeling

gained from such fulfillment .

Turnover Intention Is a measurement of whether a business' or organization's employees

plan to leave their positions or whether that organization plans to remove employees from

positions Turnover intention, like turnover itself, can be either voluntary or involuntary.

Experience It is a practical contact with and observation of facts or events that

occurred Commented [e1]:

Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers




The research design will be used in this study is a qualitative design and phenomenological

method of research to be able to determine the perspectives of nurse managers and to describe and

analyze the collected data existing in real life situation regarding the perspective experiences of

nurse managers in the turnover of nurses in the hospital in Manila.

The research locale will be conducted outside the campus. The researchers will give a semi

structured interview question to the nurse managers. The data gathering will be conducted during

the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020.


The researchers selected the nurse managers of Hospital X to be the respondent of the

study. The researchers had decided to come up with X respondents from a Hospital in Manila.
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers

Purposive non-probability sampling will be used by the researchers as this technique that

focuses on sampling where the units that are investigated are based on the judgement of the

researchers. (Dudovskiy, 2011)


This study will cover the nursing managers from hospitals X The researchers will secure

transit letter with the signature of the thesis adviser and Dean of School of Nursing to send to the

Nursing Service Office for approval and schedule to conduct the research focus among the nursing

managers .

The researchers will prepare the semi structured interview questions and secure letter of

consent for the respondent proof of approval .

Research Instrument

This study will use a semi structured interview question as instrument in the study A .
questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers

gathering information from respondents Questionnaires can be thought of as a kind of

written interview They can be carried out face to face, by telephone, computer or post .

Questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large

amounts of information from a large sample of people .

Data can be collected relatively quickly because the researcher would not need to be

present when the questionnaires were completed This is useful for large populations when

interviews would be impractical Questionnaires can be an effective means of measuring

the behavior, attitudes, preferences, opinions and, intentions of relatively large numbers of

subjects more cheaply and quickly than other methods (McLeod, 2018) .
Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers


The statistical treatment data are the statistical formula used in the study This include

percentage, mean, weighted mean, and analysis variance .

1. Percentage - is calculated by taking the frequency in the category divided by the

total number of participants and multiplying by 100% .

2. Mean - which is also called the average – is the sum of all numbers divided by

the number of values in the list. Score, you would add up all of the numbers total score

then divide it by the number of values .

3. Weighted Mean – The weighted average formula is used to calculate the average

value of a set of number with different level of weight .

4. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) - Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection

of statistical models and their associated estimation procedures (such as the "variation"

among and between groups) used to analyze the differences among group means in a

sample. ANOVA was developed by statistician and evolutionary biologist Ronald

Turnover of Nurses Experiences Among Nurse Managers

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