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No knowledge can be produced by a single way of knowing.

I agree with this statement. On top of all, there are certain ways of knowing to gain knowledge, by
reading, observation, experiments and by memory.

By reading: We can gain knowledge from reading textbooks, students are the perfect example to
demonstrate it. Generations and generations, every student in the world learns to read and gains
knowledge at school. Almost every subject taught in school has its own textbook, which students read to
do their revisions. Students gain knowledge not only through teachers and lessons, they also learn from
reading. Besides from textbook, some extracurricular reading materials like novels contribute in their
learning processes. Therefore, everyone can gain new knowledge by just walking down the street or
watching TV advertisements in which you can learn new words that you have never seen before.

By observation: Nowadays, because of the advanced technology, the Internet is very convenient for
people to learn new things, for example, cooking. There are various kinds of cooking videos on the
Internet these days, in which these videos allow us to learn cooking through observing them. Origami is
another example, we can learn the skills by observing. Watching other players playing video games
allows you to learn how to play the game. Last but not least, learning a new language by observing
others speaking it is also quite useful as you can directly hear the correct pronunciation of the words of
that language, which makes your learning process more precise and accurate.

By experiments: Doing trials is an effective and memorable learning method. If we experiment

something by ourselves, the impression of the results will be much deeper. For instance, we want to find
out which brand of washing powder is the most effective one and we can carry out experiments to test
it, using different methods. We will then know whether it is a good method or not and we will be able to
find out the strengths and weaknesses of the subject tested. Knowledge is gained from the course of

By memory: We are being taught every day, by people, by consequences or by experiences. Like young
children may not know you can easily get slipped if you run during rainy days, they will not know until
they have tried. The most common example is being taught at school. I was taught about the multiplier
table when I was in primary school and I have been recalling and applying what I learnt to my
mathematics lessons in these years. I use the multiplier table to learn another new mathematic

Indeed, no knowledge can be gained by a single way of knowing. As mentioned above, cooking can be
'learnt' through the Internet, by observing videos. But even if you can memorize every step of the
recipe, know why does seasoning is so important to a stunning dish, you are still not able to cook.
Cooking requires large amount of practicing, it needs to be done by your own hands instead of just
observing other people cooking. You have to try by yourself, hold the frying pan and experiment on it. If
you only watch others cooking but not really doing it by yourself, you will never know how to cook
properly, you will never be able to gain this knowledge. Because all you do is sit and watch, everything
you learn from the videos is just theory work unless you really try it out. On the other hand, if you try to
cook without any guiding, the same case, you are only wasting your time as there is no order in your
'cooking'. Observation and experiment have to be carried out together in order to really produce a
knowledge, gaining knowledge by a single way of knowing does not work.

Another example is cutting an ox eye in biology lessons. You can learn about the structures inside the
ox eye and their functions from textbook and diagrams. You can even write an essay on this topic based
on the book. However, you can never fully understand the ox eye if you only read and 'learn' it from
words. Experiments of cutting it has to be done so that students will feel more realistic with an actual
eye in their hands. They will leave a much deeper impression about it.

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