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Saponification is a chemical reaction between an acid and a base to form a salt.

For material flowing through a volume, the residence time is a measure of how much time
the matter spends in it. The experiment was conducted by setting up the flow rate of both NaOH
and Et(Ac) into 0.10 L/min, followed by 0.15 L/min, 0.20 L/min, 0.25 L/min and 0.30 L/min at
each run of experiment. By referring the data from Table 7.2, the residence time are 50.00 min,
33.33 min, 25 min, 20 min and 16.67 min respectively. When the flow rates of the reactant in the
reactor become slower, the residence time tends to increase. Therefore, the flow rates of the
reactant in the reactor is inversely proportional to residence time.

Conversion is a direct function of the time spent for reaction. Theoretically, residence time
is directly proportional with the conversion in order to allow the reactant to stay in the reactor and
completely react. However, based on Table 7.2 and Table 7.3, the conversion remains constant
throughout the experiment which is 84.4%. There was slightly increase to 84.8% when the
residence time is 33.33 min.

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