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Feedback Survey from Teachers and Heads

on Appraisal Systems Pilot (Jan – Dec 2018)

During the 2018 appraisal cycle HR tested three new types of appraisal systems, along with the existing
“status quo” appraisal system. BSS would like feedback from teachers and managers to understand the
effect of each appraisal plan on teacher satisfaction, retention and productivity.

Why your honest feedback on the survey is important?

Through the survey, we want to take feedback on the benefits and drawbacks of each system. All plans
may have some pros and cons and therefore it is important to understand their effect on employee effort
and motivation by soliciting feedback from all individuals.

We encourage you to think carefully and respond to the questions as honestly as possible as BSS HR
and senior leadership will use information from your survey responses to inform policy, system changes
and important decisions for the appraisal system BSS uses in future years. You will be asked not only
about the appraisal system you received last year but also how you think your system compares
to the other systems. It is important you read about each system below to provide accurate

Sections of the Survey

Below are examples of the types of questions that will be asked.
- How satisfied you are with BSS overall?
- How satisfied you are with different aspects of the appraisal plan you were assigned to?
- In some sections, we will also ask what you think of other plans that you did not receive.
- How much time on different tasks should be allocated by teachers under each of the plans?
- What types of changes can teachers make to receive a higher appraisal score?
- Would you prefer the increment to vary a lot (low scoring individuals get a small increment and
high scoring individuals get a high increment) or to be similar across employees (everyone gets
around the same medium increment)?
- How much is your workload on average? How many hours a week do you spend on each task?
- How were classroom observations conducted in your branch last term?
- How do you view performance of peers at your school?
- Is there bias or favoritism in any part of the appraisal system?
- To understand how willing teachers are to work at other branches. We will be asking what school
you'd be willing to transfer to and which ones you would not want to work at. We will also ask
about the monetary incentive we would need to pay you in order to move to that branch.
- How do you rate your performance and how do you rate your peers performance?
- The manager survey will include questions on which appraisal system would you prefer for
different teachers at your branch? It will also have questions about the classroom observation tool

What is the “Appraisal Systems Pilot?’’

 Three new appraisal plans piloted by BSS HR from January 2018 till December 2018 in half of all branches.
Other half received the “status quo” appraisal system.

 The plans were designed based on responses of nearly 4,000 employees who participated in a survey in
October 2017 and gave their preferences for different aspects of the appraisal systems

 In each branch, teachers in every grade level were assigned to one of the three plans via a lottery

 The purpose of this pilot is to test which system works best in improving teacher satisfaction and productivity. HR
will then use results of this pilot to inform decisions and systems going forward

For any questions that you would like us to answer, please email us on
Feedback Survey from Teachers and Heads
on Appraisal Systems Pilot (Jan – Dec 2018)

The key features of how a teacher’s rating (and subsequent increment) will be determined under each plan is
described below:
Plan 1: Manager Plan 2: Student Test Plan 3: Status Quo: Current
Appraisal Growth Equal BSS Appraisal Format

What - Manager’s rating of - Based on students’ - Flat The existing BSS

determines a one objective: Effort in average test performance (increment appraisal structure is:
teacher’s improving student growth from the term end percentage - Line managers
increment academic performance assessments in June 2018 is the same evaluate their employees
- Effort will be broken with student results on a for all on core competencies
down into a narrow standardized test teachers) and objectives (form A &
number of components administered by the head B)
for each teacher office in January 2019 - The employees’
- Focus is on evaluating -Focus is on how much performance in these two
a teacher’s effort toward students improve during the areas generates a score
student outcomes term in that teacher’s class from 0-100 which
- Does not apply to early translates into a rating
years teachers (no end of
term exam for students)

Increment Up to 10% for highest Up to 10% for highest Approx. 5% Up to 10% for highest
(exact amounts performers, 0% for performers, 0% for lowest for all performers, 0% for
lowest performers performers lowest performers

Bell curve Same Same Flat Same

Manager’s Rate each assigned No role. Teachers receive No role Rate objectives, core
role in ‘criteria for effort’ on a appraisal rating based on competencies and
increment scale from 0 -100 students’ scores discuss with teacher

What are “Criteria of Effort?”

For Plan 1, all line managers assign each teacher “criteria of effort” for improving students’ academic
performance. The line manager communicates the criteria to each teacher. In some branches each
teacher had different criteria and in some all teachers received the same criteria. This system aims to
reward teachers for how hard they work. Some of the common effort criteria assigned include:
- Attendance and timeliness
- Assessment of student understanding in real time
- Differentiated lessons for varying learning styles
- Identification and correction of students’ misunderstandings

How will Student Growth in Test Performance be Calculated?

This system aims to reward teachers for how much students learn during the term; we only consider the
amount of GROWTH of students relative to where they started. To calculate student growth, we will look
at the average of student growth on June 2018 end of year exams and the standardized test conducted in
January 2019. Student growth is calculated as follows:
o Within each class and subject, students who had the same score in the previous year (2017) are
ranked relative to each other and their percentile is calculated
o For each teacher, we repeat this for all their students and take the average across all students
and across exams in June 2018 and January 2019
o Within each branch, teachers are then ranked and the top 10% are awarded BSS Star, next 25%
receive Achiever and so on, following the same bell curve as Plan 1 and status quo

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