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Moth-flame optimization algorithm to

determine optimal machining parameters in
manufacturing processes

Article in Materialprufung · May 2017

DOI: 10.3139/120.111024


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2 authors, including:

Ali R. Yildiz
Uludag University


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Moth-flame optimization
algorithm to determine optimal
machining parameters in
manufacturing processes
Betül Sultan Yıldız and Ali Rıza Yıldız, In this research, a newly developed moth-flame optimiza-
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Bursa, Turkey tion algorithm (MFO) is presented for solving optimization

Article Information problems in manufacturing industry. A well-known milling
Correspondence Address optimization problem is solved to emphasize the effective-
Prof. Dr. Ali Riza Yildiz ness of the MFO in the optimization of manufacturing
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bursa Technical University,
problems. In the optimization problem solved in this paper,
Bursa, Turkey the main aim is to maximize the profit rate for multi-tool
E-mail:, milling operations considering difficult constraints. The
For personal use only.

results demonstrate that the MFO is an effective optimiza-

Moth-flame algorithm, optimization, tion method for the solution of manufacturing optimization
milling operation, manufacturing problems.

Milling and turning are two commonly In this publication, the moth-flame opti- tioned parameters is related to the work-
used machining operations in manufactur- mization algorithm (MFO) is used to opti- piece geometry and process sequence. It is
ing industry. Milling is a process of remov- mize cutting parameters in milling opera- recommended to machine the features in a
ing chips from a fixed workpiece using a tions. The MFO is applied to a well-known single pass at the desired depth to keep
cutter that rotates about its axis. Determi- case study [15] to optimize the machining machining time and cost low. For this rea-
nation of the optimum manufacturing pa- parameters in milling operations. The re- son, the problem of determining machining
rameters is very important in order to de- sults show that the MFO is more effective parameters is reduced in order to achieve
velop the quality of the products and to than cuckoo search algorithm [2], ant col- the appropriate combination of cutting
enhance the total profit rate in manufactur- ony algorithm [7], handbook recommenda- speed and feed rate [15]. In this research, a
ing industry. tions [13], feasible direction method [15], mathematical model developed by Rad and
When the research works in the litera- hybrid particle swarm [22], genetic algo- Bidhendi [15] is considered for optimiza-
ture are examined in detail, it is seen that rithm [26] and hybrid immune algorithm tion of milling problems.
the first study on optimal cutting parame- [26] to optimize the cutting parameters for A case study related to milling operation
ters was carried out in the 1900 s [1]. After milling operations. is presented in this paper. The aim of the
that, different optimization techniques [1- case study is to maximize the total profit rate
10] have been preferred for defining opti- Optimization model of considering unit production time and unit
mum machining parameters in literature. multi-tool milling operations production cost. The unit cost used in this
When these optimization techniques are problem is the sum of material cost, setup
used, they usually either get caught in the Three parameters which are depth of cut, cost, machining cost and tool changing cost.
local minimum or take a long time to find feed rate and cutting speed have the big- The unit cost is defined as follows [15]:
an optimal result [11]. gest influence on the productivity of a cut-
It is seen that population-based methods ting operation and cost. First of the men- see Equation 1 (1)
are used in many applications instead of tra-
ditional techniques in recent years [14-36].
m m
Tolouei-Rad and Bidhendi [15] have pre- Cu = cmat + (cl + c0 )t s + ∑ i=1(cl + c0 )K1i Vi−1fi−1 + ∑ cti K3 i Vi(1/n)−1fi[(w+g)/n]−1 + ∑ (cl + c0 )

sented an important research effort on the i=1 i=1

optimization of multi-tool milling operations. Equation 1

59 (2017) 5  © Carl Hanser Verlag, München  Materials Testing


⎡ F F2,1 … … F1,d ⎤
The unit time is calculated as follows: The surface finish limitation for end mill- ⎢ 1,1 ⎥
m m ing should be defined as: ⎢ F F2,2 … … F2,d ⎥
Tu t s + ∑ K1i Vi−1fi−1 + ∑ t ci M = ⎢ 2,1 ⎥ (15)
(2) ⎢ ! ! ! ! ! ⎥
i=1 i=1 C6 f2 ≤ 1 (8) ⎢ F Fn,2 … … Fn,d ⎥
⎢⎣ n,1 ⎥⎦
The total profit rate is calculated as follows: with
318(4d)−1 It is also assumed that there is an array for
S p − Cu C6 =
Pr = (3) storing the corresponding fitness values as
R a(at)
Tu (9) follows:

Maximum machine power, surface finish and for face milling ⎡ OF ⎤

⎢ 1 ⎥
requirement and maximum cutting force ⎢ OF ⎥
are important constraints considered in C7 f ≤ 1 (10) OF = ⎢ 2
⎥ (16)
this paper [15]. ⎢ ! ⎥
⎢ OF ⎥
The limitations related to required ma- with ⎣ n ⎦

chining should be defined as:

318[tan(la) + cot(ca)]−1 with: number of flames.
C7 (11)
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C5 Vf0.8 ≤ 1 (4) R a(at) In the MFO, both moths and flames are
the solution. The moths are the real search
with The cutting force constraint can be defined as: agents who move around the search area,
while the flames represent the best posi-
0.78K p Wzarada
C5 = (5) C8 Fc ≤ 1 (12) tion of the moths obtained so far. In other
60πdePm words, flames can be seen as flags or pins
Moth-flame thrown by moths when looking for a search
The surface finish value for both plain mill- optimization algorithm space. For this reason, each moth searches
ing and end milling operations should be around a flag (flame) and updates it to find
defined as: Moth-flame optimizer is a newly developed a better solution. With this mechanism, a
For personal use only.

optimization method. It is first introduced moth keeps the best solution [36].
f2 by Mirjalili in 2015 [36]. In the MFO algo- More detailed information about MFO al-
R a = 318 (6)
4d rithm, candidate solutions are assumed to gorithm can be found in [36].
be moths and variables of a problem are as-
and for face milling sumed to be positions of moths in the search A case study for
space. For this reason, they can fly in a 1-di- milling operation
f mensional, 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional or
R a = 318 (7)
tan(la) + cot(ca) hyperdimensional area by changing the po- In this case study, a component shown in
sition vectors. The MFO algorithm is a popu- Figure 1 is produced using CNC milling.
lation-based algorithm. Therefore, the set of The aim of this process is to obtain the op-
moths is represented in a matrix as follows: timum machining parameters for maximiz-
ing the profit rate. Basic features of ma-
⎡ m m2,1 … … m1,d ⎤ chine, material and constants are given
⎢ 1,1 ⎥
⎢ m m2,2 … … m2,d ⎥ below [15]:
M = ⎢ 2,1 ⎥ (13)
⎢ ! ! ! ! ! ⎥
⎢ m Sp = $ 25
mn,2 … … mn,d ⎥ cmat = $ 0.50
⎢⎣ n,1 ⎥⎦
co = $ 1.45 per min
with: number of moths and d: number of cl = $ 0.45 per min
design variables. ts = 2 min
For all the moths, it is assumed that tct = 0.5 min
there is a set of proper fitness values ​​stored C = 33.98 for HSS tools
as follows: w = 0.28
C = 100.05 for carbide tool
⎡ OM ⎤ Kp = 2.24
⎢ 1 ⎥
⎢ OM ⎥ W = 1.1
OM = ⎢ 2
⎥ (14) n = 0.15 for HSS tools
⎢ ! ⎥ n = 0.3 for carbide tool
⎢ OM ⎥
⎣ n ⎦ g = 0.14

with: number of moths. Machine tool data:

The flames are another important com-
ponent of the MFO. A matrix for the flames Type: Vertical CNC milling machine
Figure 1: A workpiece as case study is ​​considered as: Pm = 8.5 kW, e = 95 %

59 (2017) 5

Material data: The results show that the MFO is more operation problem. The results of moth-
effective than cuckoo search algorithm flame algorithm, cuckoo search algo-
Quality: 10L50 leaded steel [2], ant colony algorithm [7], handbook rithm, hybrid immune algorithm, ant col-
Hardness = 225 BHN recommendations [13], feasible direction ony algorithm, genetic algorithm, feasible
method [15], hybrid particle swarm [22], direction method and handbook recom-
The speed and feed rate limits for five op- genetic algorithm [26] and hybrid im- mendations are compared. The results
eration types in the case study are listed in mune algorithm [26] in milling opera- show that the MFO is an important alter-
Table 1. tions. native in the optimization of manufactur-
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machining features which are step, pocket Conclusions
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59 (2017) 5

zation, structural optimization methods and Abstract

meta-heuristic optimization algorithms as well as
applications to industrial problems.
Ali Rıza Yıldız is Professor in the Department Moth-Flame-Algorithmus zur Bestimmung optimaler Maschinenpara-
of Mechanical Engineering, Bursa Technical Uni- meter in Bearbeitungsprozessen. In der diesem Beitrag zugrunde lie-
versity (BTU), Bursa, Turkey. In 2015, he was a
winner of TÜBA-GEBİP Young Scientist Outstand-
genden Forschungsarbeit wurde ein neuentwickelter Moth-Flame-Opti-
ing Achievement Award given by the Turkish mierungsalgorithmus (MFO) zur Lösung von Optimierungsaufgaben in
Academy of Sciences (TÜBA). He has served as der Fertigungsindustrie eingesetzt. Hierzu wurde eine wohlbekannte
Associate Editor of Elsevier’s Information Sci-
ences Journal and as Associate Editor of Spring- Optimierungsaufgabe beim Fräsen gelöst, um die Effektivität des MFO
er’s Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. His re- in der Optimierung von Bearbeitungsprozessen herauszustellen. Bei die-
search interests are vehicle design, vehicle crash-
worthiness, shape, topology, topography
ser Aufgabe bestand das Hauptziel darin, die Profitrate für Multi-Werk-
optimisation of vehicle components, optimization zeug-Fräsoperationen unter Berücksichtigung schwieriger Bedingungen
algorithms and sheet metal forming. zu maximieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der MFO ein effektives Op-
timierungsverfahren für die Lösung von Optimierungsaufgaben in der
Fertigung darstellt.
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59 (2017) 5

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